HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/12/1956 - Regular MeetingAYES, COUNCILMEN. Wilder, Higbie, Ridderhof, MacKay, Stoddard, Hill Councilman Bennett passed his vote NOES, COUNCILMEN. None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None ' The City Attorney presented Resolution No. 4452, being a resolution establishing the salary of the City Manager pro tempore at $949.00 per month during the time Mr. J. B. Webb serves as City Manager. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Resolution No. 4452 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None The City Attorney presented Resolution No. 4453, being a resolution consenting to the commencement of annexation proceedings for that certain inhabited territory known as "Tustin Avenue and 22nd Street Annex ". On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Resolution No. 4453 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Ordinance No. 776, being AN ORDINANCE ADDING THE TERRITORY REFERRED TO AS "SEAQUIST ANNEX" TO THE FOURTH DISTRICT, was presented by the City Attorney. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the first reading of Ordinance No. 776 was waived. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, Ordinance No. 776 was passed to second reading by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN. None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN. None On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the meeting was adjourned, sine die. ATTEST: City Clerk G N �W March 12, 1956 The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular session in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at the hour of 7:30 P.M. The roll was called, the following members being present: Councilmen Bennett, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof and Hilly Councilmen Wilder and MacKay being absent. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof . and carried, the reading of the minutes of February 24, 1956, was waived and they were approved as written and ordered filed. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, the reading of the minutes of February 27, 1956, was waived and they were approved as written and ordered filed. Councilman Stoddard brought to the attention of the meeting that a deletion and correction would have to be made in the minutes of the meeting of February 20, 1956, in the paragraph regarding the Union Oil Company's application for a permit to extend an existing float installation located easterly of Agate Avenue on South Bay Front, Balboa Island. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, said paragraph was amended to read as follows. "The application of the Union Oil Company for a permit to extend the existing float installation located easterly of Agate Avenue on South Bay Front, Balboa Island, having been referred to the City Engineer, was presented by him with the recommendation. that the pier regulations be amended to include conditions as follows: Float installations will be permitted to extend to a line bayward of the U. S. project line between an angle point in the U. S. Pierhead Station 556 and a point 14 feet southwesterly of the project line in the southwestern prolongation of the center line of Agate Avenue and between said point and an angle point in the U. S. project line opposite U. S. Pierhead Station 558." R -44 2. Establishin salary of City Manager APO temnore. R -445. "Tustin Avenue and 22nd Street Annex''. Ordinance No,__776 "Seaauist Annex ". Passed to second readingo AdSournment. Sine die. Regular session. Roll call. Approval of minutes. i Vie' ". Openina of bids as The Mayor announced that this was the time and place fixed for contained in the opening of bids for the construction of certain paving, sidewalks, Resolution of curbs, gutters, sanitary sewers, drainage structures, water service Intention No. 4421. connections and an ornamental lighting system in 31st Street and of groins at other streets and rights of way in the City of Newport Beach, 4421. Newport Beach.Trailbr Park. California, as described in Resolution of Intention No. Opening of bids. The Clerk announced that she had received three bids. Whereupon, all bids were publicly opened, examined and declared, Whereupon5 all bids were publicly opened, examined and declared, from the following bidders, to wit: from the following bidders, to wit: Trautwein Brothers $45680.00 Bidders. Cox Brothers Construction Company $1229411.58 A discussion was had, and on motion of Councilman Bennett, Sully- Miller Contracting Company 101,873.915 Trautwein Brothers. R. J. Noble Company 1369891.02 Bids referred to On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Engineer for Ridderhof and unanimously carried, the bids were referred to the checking. Engineer for checking and report back to the Council as to the lowest regular responsible bid. Opening of bids fob The Mayor announced that this was the time and place fixed reconstruction of for the opening of bids for the reconstruction of sanitary sewer sanitary sewer mains mains on 13th Street between Balboa Boulevard and Bay Avenue, and on 13th Street and in the first alley southwesterly of Lake Avenue between 36th 1st alley. Street and 38th Street. Opening of bids. The Clerk announced that she had received two bids. Whereupon, all bids were publicly opened9 examined and declared, from the following bidders, to wit: Bidders. Castillo & Thibodo $119845.00 Edwin L. Barkley 119219.00 Bids referred to City On motion of Councilman Bennett9 seconded by Councilman Engineer for Ridderhof and carried, the bids were referred to the City checking. Engineer for checking and report back to the Council as to the lowest regular responsible bid. Bids for dredging at The Mayor announced that this was the time and place fixed Newport Beach for the opening of bids for the dredging at the Newport Beach Trailer Park. Trailer Park. Opening of bids, The Clerk announced that she had received two bids. Whereupon, all bids were publicly opened, examined and declared9 from the following bidders, to wit: Bidders. Shellmaker, Inc. $79980.00 Trautwein Brothers 95030.00 R ®4456, Awarding A discussion was had, and on motion of Councilman Bennett5 contract for dredg_ina_ seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, Resolution No. 4456, at Newport Beach being a resolution awarding the contract for dredging at the Trailer Park to Newport Beach Trailer Park, in the amount of $79980.009 to Shellmaker, Inc. Shellmaker, Inc., was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: Public hearing on the The Mayor announced that this was the time and place fixed for Ebell Club Use Permit the public hearing on the Ebell Club Use Permit No. 221. The Clerk No. 221. read a letter from the Ebell Club, dated March 6, 1956, setting forth its reasons for requesting the granting of this Use Permit without the restriction imposed by the Planning Commission. The Clerk also read the findings of the Planning Commission in regard to this matter. C d AYES9 COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENTS COUNCILMEN: Wilder, MacKay Bids on construction The Mayor announced that this was the time and place fixed of groins at for the opening of bids for the construction of groins at the Newport Beach Newport Beach.Trailbr Park. Trailer Park. The Clerk announced that she had received two bids. Opening of bids. Whereupon, all bids were publicly opened, examined and declared, from the following bidders, to wit: Bidders Trautwein Brothers $45680.00 Croft & Neville, Inc. 45808.00 R -4457. Awarding_ A discussion was had, and on motion of Councilman Bennett, contract to seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried, Resolution No. 44575 Trautwein Brothers. being a resolution awarding the contract for the construction of groins at the Newport Beach Trailer Park, in the amount of $4,680.00, to Trautwein Brothers, was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES9 COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES9 COUNCILMENs None ABSENTS COUNCILMEN: Wilder, MacKay Councilman Wilder joined the meeting at this time. Public hearing on the The Mayor announced that this was the time and place fixed for Ebell Club Use Permit the public hearing on the Ebell Club Use Permit No. 221. The Clerk No. 221. read a letter from the Ebell Club, dated March 6, 1956, setting forth its reasons for requesting the granting of this Use Permit without the restriction imposed by the Planning Commission. The Clerk also read the findings of the Planning Commission in regard to this matter. C d A discussion was had, Mrs. Ruth Vedder, Mrs. Freeman Fisher, and Mr. N. P. Brettner, speaking from the floor on behalf of the Ebell Club. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, the Council agreed to uphold the Planning Commission's decision to grant Use Permit No. 221 with offstreet parking restrictions, by the following roll call vote, to wits ' AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: Wilder ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: MacKay The Mayor announced that this was the time and place fixed for the public hearing on Resolution No. 4442, being a Resolution of Intention to approve Amendment to Contract providing for participation in State Employees Retirement System. No one in the audience spoke in regard to this matter and Mayor Hill declared the hearing closed. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, Resolution No. 4455, being a resolution authorizing an Amendment to the Contract providing for participation in State Employees Retirement System, making the employees members of said system, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said amendment for and on behalf of the City of Newport Beach, was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wits AYES, COUNCILMEN*. Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN. MacKay COMMUNICATIONS A letter from William Low reminding the Council that Holy Week precedes Easter and Easter Week succeeds Easter, was presented. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, said letter was ordered filed. A letter from William J. O'Rourke requesting permission to put a Mississippi River Boat in Newport Bay, for dancing, entertainment, snacks, et cetera, was presented. A discussion was had, and on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried, said request was denied and the Clerk was instructed to inform the applicant that this operation cannot be licensed in Newport Beach. The Clerk announced that a list of fifty -three books and a complete set of Harvard Classics, donated to the Library by Robert A. Hill, had been received. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the gift was accepted and the Clerk was instructed to thank Mr. Hill for his generous donation. The Clerk presented the Minutes of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, stating that the Notice of Helipot Annex had been received and ordered filed. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, this communication was ordered filed as the matter was to be taken up later in the meeting. The Clerk presented copies of six Applications for Alcoholic Beverage Licenses Vincent F. Foerstel, Vince's Cafe, 630 East 31st Street, Newport Beach; Homer M. Smith, Balboa Market, 608 East Balboa Boulevard, Balboa; Andrew E. Bird, Sport Fishing Boat "Music ", 611 East 31st Street, Newport Beach; Naomi B. Shipley, Naomi's, 7202 Coast Highway, Newport Beach; Clyde T. Kuran and Mildred Ann Kuran, Clyde's Cafe, 2614 Newport Boulevard- and Bob Dalton, Inc., 3450 Via Oporto, Newport Beach. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Lgilder and carried, said communications were cr dered filed. The Clerk read a letter from the Acting City Manager, requesting authorization to hire Mr. Raymond Durston as Groundsman Gardener I on the second step of Salary Range 8 ($275). On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, said request was authorized by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: MacKay The Clerk read a letter from the Acting City Manager, requesting that a new position entitled "Supervisor of Recreation," Class Grade 14, be created. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, this matter was tabled pending further investigation. The Clerk read a letter from the Department of Public Health, State of California, confirming the acceptance by said Department of the Newport Beach rabies control program as a substitute for the area rabies quarantine. Said letter also extends to the Council, congratulations for the part the City of Newport Beach has played in the unanimity of action displayed in the Orange County control of rabies. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, said letter was ordered filed. Counci_I a reed to uphold P_lannin_ A Commission's decision to rg_ant Use Permit No.221. Public hearing on RR-+ 2. Iear_,_inR declared closed. R -4. Re State Employees Retirement System= AA oj2ted. Letter from William Low re Easter Week. William J. O'Rourke re Mississippi River Boat. Denied. Book donation to Library by Robert A. Hill. Re Heli Dot Annex. Applications for Alcoholic Beverage License. A_u_thorizationato hire Raymond Durston as Groundsman hardener I. Re creatine position of "Supervisor of Recreation", pro &ram. #) '`N Re sending three The Clerk read a letter from the Acting City Manager, requesting employees to the appropriation of $1CC.00 from Council Contingencies for the General Motors purpose of sending three employees for a period of two weeks to the School. General Motors School in Burbank. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said appropriation was authorized by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN. MacKay A letter from the Acting City Manager, requesting that Mr. Hugh McMillan be appointed as Press Public Relations Representative during Easter Week and that he be given additional compensation in the amount of $50.CO, was read. Said letter further requests that the Fire Chief be authorized to employ additional help during Mr. McMillan's absence in an amount not to exceed $100.00. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried, said requests were authorized to be appropriated from Council Contingencies by the following roll call vote, to wits AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN-. None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Recuest of Bruce A letter from Bruce Delaney, addressed to the City Engineer, Delaney for an requesting permission to install an advertising sign at 28th Street advertising sign. and Newport Boulevard, was read. On motion of Councilman Bennett, Referred to Planning seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said matter was referred Commission. to the Planning Commission for a Use Permit. Be ollin dace for The City Clerk read six letters from residents in Corona del A1�ri1 100 195 . Mar, requesting that the polling place for.the April 10, 1956, election in Precinct. election be changed to a more convenient location in Precinct 23 ,Z3-- from the one assigned in Shore Cliffs. A discussion was had, Colonel Andrew W. Smith, speaking from the floor, stating that the City Clerk was inconveniencing a great number of voters. The City Attorney explained that since publication had been made and the polling place assigned was still available, the polling place should not be changed at this time. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, said letters were ordered filed. LICENSES Re Dick Leubbert - The Application for License of Golden West Amusement, Dick 1 Shuffle Al1ev at Leubbert, for a 1 Shuffle Alley at Finney's Cafe, 2200 West Finney's Cafe. Ocean Front, was presented, and on motion of Councilman Bennett, Approved. seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, was approved. Re Dick Leubbert - The Application for License of Golden West Amusement, Dick Tel -A -Quiz at Vaux Leubbert, for one Tel -A -Quiz at Vaux Cafe, question and answer Cafe. game, was presented. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, said application was referred to the City Manager and the City Attorney for investigation and report back to the Council. Re Paul Burnside, The Application for License of Paul Burnside, Marine Dock Marine Dock and and Service Station at 227 - 20th Street, for the sale of Service Station, gasoline, oil and accessories, (being a change of ownership) Approved, was presented, and on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, was approved. Re R, J. Calhoun. The Application for License of R. J. Calhoun, for a food Food concession at concession at 1010 Shore Avenue, West half of the building, 1010 Shore Avenue. (being a change of ownership) was presented, and approved subject to the approval of the Health Department, on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried. Re Marion E. The Application for License of Marion E. Daugherty, for a Daugherty. Food food concession at 1010 Shore Avenue, being a transfer of concession at 1010 location from the West half of the building to the East half Shore Avenue. of the building, was presented, and approved subject to the approval of the Health Department on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried. Re Floyd E. Mock for new Trailer Park at 7000 West Coast Highway. (Use Permit No. 198,) The Application for License of Floyd E. Mock, for a new Trailer Park at 7000 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach, dba as Falmingo Park, 14 spaces (granted by Planning Commission Use Permit No. 198), was presented. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, said license was approved. 1 ADDITIONAL BUSINESS The City Clerk presented the Oaths of Office of the following Oaths of Office for Regular Police Officers: Gerald D. King, John H. Burns, Gary for Regular Polk : = C. Chung, Wallace Kerr, and Ray B. Cook. On motion of Councilman Officers. Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said Oaths of Office were approved. ' Ordinance No. 776, being Ordinance No. 776__ Adding "Seaouist AN ORDINANCE ADDING THE TERRITORY REFERRED TO AS Annex to Fourth "SEAQUIST ANNEX" TO THE FOURTH DISTRICT District. was presented. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Adopted. Councilman Wilder and carried, the second reading of Ordinance No. 776 was waived. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Ordinance No. 776 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENTS COUNCILMEN: MacKay Ordinance No. 773, being Ordinance No. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING Amending Sections SECTIONS 9255.24 AND 9255.28 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE Eff. d AND ADDING SECTION 9255.28 (a) TO THE MUNICIPAL 2 5.23 and erldir_; CODE Section 92 .2U(a: in connection with Planning Commission Amendment No. 17, was presented for second reading and public hearing. The three sections ' referred to above are respectively entitled Sidewalks, Street Lighting, and Underground Utilities. Notice of said hearing having been duly published, the Mayor declared the meeting open for protests. No protests were made and the hearing was declared closed. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the second reading of Ordinance No. 773 was waived. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Ordinance No. 773 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: MacKay Ordinance No. 774, being AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN CITY - OWNED PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH in connection with Planning Commission Amendment No. 18, was presented for second reading and public hearing. Said Ordinance amends zoning from an R -3 District to an R -4 District as to the following described real property: Lots 11, 129 135 149 15, and 169 of Block 117, Section B, Newport Beach. Notice of said hearing having been duly published, the Mayor declared the meeting open for protests. No protests were made and the hearing was declared closed. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, the second reading of Ordinance No. 774 was waived. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, Ordinance No. 774 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: NOES, COUNCILMEN: ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Ridderhof, Hill None MacKay Ordinance No. 775, being Stoddard, Higbie, AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH in connection with Planning Commission Amendment No. 20, was presented for second reading and public hearing. Said Ordinance amends zoning from a C -1 District to a C -1 -H District as to the following described real property: Lots 4, and 5, Block H, of Tract 323. Notice of said hearing having been duly published, the Mayor declared the meeting open for protests. No protests were made and the hearing was declared closed. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, the second reading of Ordinance No. 775 was waived. On motion of Councilman Wilder seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, Ordinance No. 77� was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: NOES, COUNCILMEN: ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Ridderhof, Hill None MacKay Stoddard, Higbie, Ordinance No. 774 Changing zoning. Public hearing in re Planning Commission Am _ endment No. 18. No protests_- Adopted. Ordinance No. 775 Zoning. MINI The City Clerk presented an Affidavit of Publication of a Notice of Intention to Circulate a Petition relating to the annexation of "Tustin Avenue and 22nd Street Annex ". On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, Resolution No. 4458, being a resolution acknowledging the receipt of said affidavit and approving the circulation of said petition, was adopted by the follow- ing roll call vote, to wits emergency. Adopted. The request of the Newport Beach Elementary School Board for police and fire protection in the event of an emergency at the Newport Heights Elementary School at 15th and Santa Ana, Costa Mesa, was brought to the attention of the meeting. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Resolution No. 4459, being a resolution establishing the policy of the City of Newport Beach to extend fire and police protection to the Newport Heights Elementary School in an emergency, was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wits AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: MacKay R -4454. Weed Resolution No. 44547 being a resolution declaring certain abatement control. weeds noxious and directing the Street Superintendent to post Adopted notices to destroy said weeds as required by law, and setting April 9, 1956, as the date for hearing all objections or protests, and directing the abatement in accord with the Municipal Code, was adopted on motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, by the following roll call vote, to wit: Five minute recess. Re 24,, Rensselaer Valve for Irvine water main to be purchased ._mgaas from Water Fun . AYES, COUNCILMEN: NOES9 COUNCILMEN: ABSENTS COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Ridderhof, Hill None MacKay Stoddard, Higbie, Mayor Hill declared a five minute recess at this time. In connection with the 1116th Street Annex," the City Engineer presented Resolution No. 4460, being a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a proposal for determining the definiteness and certainty of the boundaries of the proposed 1116th Street Annex" to be submitted to the County Boundary Commission of Orange County. Councilman Ridderhof moved the adoption of Resolution No. 4460, and Councilman Bennett seconded the motion. A discussion was had, and it was the consensus of opinion that if the property owners in the proposed annexation area did not wish to accept their share of the outstanding bonded indebtedness of the City of Newport Beach, the annexation matter should be dropped. The above motion was carried and Resolution No. 4460 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: NOES9 COUNCILMEN: ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Stoddard9 Ridderhof, Hill Councilman Wilder None MacKay Higbie, passed his vote The City Engineer recommended the purchase of a 24" Rensselaer Valve at $1,476.55, for the Irvine water main. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, the purchase of said valve was authorized, the funds for which are to be obtained from the Water Fund, by the following roll call vote, to wits AYES9 COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOESS COUNCILMEN: None ABSENTS COUNCILMEN: MacKay I� AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES9 COUNCILMENa None ABSENTS COUNCILMEN: MacKay Re interpretation A letter from Karl L. Davis, dated March 3, 19569 of City addressed to the City Council, regarding the interpretation -Charter and Education Code of the City Charter and the Education Code as to the as to City administration and control of the City Library, was pre - Librarv. sented. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said letter was ordered filed. Minute resolution The City Clerk presented the report and letter of A. Sandy expressing appreciation Steiner, the representative of the City of Newport Beach on the for Mr. A. Sandy Board of Trustees of the Orange County Mosquito Abatement Steiner °s report District. Mr. Steiner spoke from the floor. On motion of and service. Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, a minute resolution, expressing appreciation for Mr. Steiner's comprehensive report and excellent service on said Board was ordered. On motion of Councilman Wilder9 seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, said letter and report were ordered filed. emergency. Adopted. The request of the Newport Beach Elementary School Board for police and fire protection in the event of an emergency at the Newport Heights Elementary School at 15th and Santa Ana, Costa Mesa, was brought to the attention of the meeting. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Resolution No. 4459, being a resolution establishing the policy of the City of Newport Beach to extend fire and police protection to the Newport Heights Elementary School in an emergency, was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wits AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: MacKay R -4454. Weed Resolution No. 44547 being a resolution declaring certain abatement control. weeds noxious and directing the Street Superintendent to post Adopted notices to destroy said weeds as required by law, and setting April 9, 1956, as the date for hearing all objections or protests, and directing the abatement in accord with the Municipal Code, was adopted on motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, by the following roll call vote, to wit: Five minute recess. Re 24,, Rensselaer Valve for Irvine water main to be purchased ._mgaas from Water Fun . AYES, COUNCILMEN: NOES9 COUNCILMEN: ABSENTS COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Ridderhof, Hill None MacKay Stoddard, Higbie, Mayor Hill declared a five minute recess at this time. In connection with the 1116th Street Annex," the City Engineer presented Resolution No. 4460, being a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a proposal for determining the definiteness and certainty of the boundaries of the proposed 1116th Street Annex" to be submitted to the County Boundary Commission of Orange County. Councilman Ridderhof moved the adoption of Resolution No. 4460, and Councilman Bennett seconded the motion. A discussion was had, and it was the consensus of opinion that if the property owners in the proposed annexation area did not wish to accept their share of the outstanding bonded indebtedness of the City of Newport Beach, the annexation matter should be dropped. The above motion was carried and Resolution No. 4460 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: NOES9 COUNCILMEN: ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Stoddard9 Ridderhof, Hill Councilman Wilder None MacKay Higbie, passed his vote The City Engineer recommended the purchase of a 24" Rensselaer Valve at $1,476.55, for the Irvine water main. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, the purchase of said valve was authorized, the funds for which are to be obtained from the Water Fund, by the following roll call vote, to wits AYES9 COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOESS COUNCILMEN: None ABSENTS COUNCILMEN: MacKay I� J The City Engineer recommended that an air compressor be purchased for the joint use of the Street Department and the Water Department. Mr. Don Means, Purchasing Agent, spoke from the floor and presented five bids which had been obtained. After consideration, he recommended the purchase of an Ingersoll Rand Model, rotary air compressor, at $3,600,00, from the Blystone Equipment Company. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said recommendation was approved and the expense authorized to be charged to the Water Department and the Street Department in equal shares, by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: NOES, COUNCILMEN: ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Ridderhof, Hill None MacKay Stoddard, Higbieg The City Engineer brought to the attention of the meeting the need for resurfacing of certain streetss Balboa Boulevard, between Washington and Alvarado; Bay Avenue, between Alvarado and 7th, and between 9th and 1Cth. He stated that the total amount involved would be approximately $3,500.00, On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, the City Engineer was authorized to call for bids for said work, and the City Clerk was directed to so advertise, by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: NOES COUNCILMEN: ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Ridderhof, Hill None MacKay Stoddard, Higbie, The City Engineer reported to the Council that he had checked all of the bids received in the 31st Street Improvement matter, and further reported that the bid of Sully- Miller Contracting Company was the lowest regular responsible bid received and recommended that the Council award the contract to said low bidder. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, Resolution No. 4461, being a resolution awarding the contract for the said improvement of 31st Street and other streets and rights of way to Sully- Miller Contracting Company, at the prices named in its bid, was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: MacKay The City Engineer reported to the Council that he had checked all of the bids received for the reconstruction of sanitary sewer mains on 13th Street, and further reported that the bid of Edwin L. Barkley was the lowest regular responsible bid received and recommended that the contract be awarded to said low bidder. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, Resolution No. 4462, being a resolution awarding the contract for the reconstruction of sanitary sewer mains on 13th Street to Edwin L. Barkley, in the amount of $11,219.00, was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN* NOES, COUNCILMEN: ABSENT, COUNCILMEN* Bennett, Wilder, Ridderhof, Hill None MacKay Stoddard, Higbie, The City Engineer stated that he had investigated the matter of dredging, on the north side of Balboa Island, of the area in the vicinity of the street -end of Apolena Avenue, and recommended that he be authorized to call for informal bids for the dredging of this area. On motion of Councilman Higbie, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, the City Engineer was so authorized. The City Attorney stated that the Assistant Director of Finance had brought to the City Attorney's attention the delinquencies, regarding Sales Tax, of Doris K. Talbott, dba "The Music Box," 2904 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Mrs. Talbott had been informed that a hearing would be held, this date, in the Council Chambers, at which time it would be necessary for her to show cause why her permits should not be revoked or suspended. The Mayor declared the hearing open. No one spoke from the floor, and the hearing was declared closed. On motion of Councilman Higbie, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, the existing permits of Doris K. Talbott were revoked. The City Attorney presented the Consent of Helipot Corporation to assume its share of the bonded indebtedness of the City of Newport Beach if its property is annexed to the City of Newport Beach. He also pre- sented an excerpt of the minutes of the Boundary Commission of Orange County, dated March 12, 1956, stating that the boundaries of the proposed Helipot Annexation are reasonably definite and certain. The City Attorney presented Resolution No. 4463, being a Resolution of Intention to annex said territory, and setting the date of April 99 1956, for hearing thereon. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman [wilder and carried, Resolution No. 4463 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN* None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: MacKay Advertising for bids on resur- facing Balboa Boulevard and Bay Avenue. Author izing�City E_Agineer to call for informal bids for dredging on_ north side of Balboa Island. Hearina re Sales Tax of Doris K. Talbott, dba "The Music Box ", with no protests. Existing permits revoked. R -446. Helipot hearing se or April q. 1 t f El R -4464 re Grant Deed_b Joel C. Eby and Esther C. Eby, grantees City, grantor. RR- -44 5 rescind'ng R -++ 2 re salary of City Manager pro tempore Adopted. The City Attorney presented Resolution No. 44649 being a resolution authorizing the City of Newport Beach to convey a certain portion of City -owned land, i.e., the northeasterly 3.57 feet of Lot 1, Block 141, Canal Section, as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 49 Page 98, Records of Orange County, to Joel C. Eby and Esther C. Eby, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Grant Deed for and on behalf of said City, conveying title in and to the above described property to said grantees. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, Resolution No. 4464 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: MacKay The City Attorney presented Resolution No. 4465, being a resolution rescinding Resolution No. 44529 regarding the salary of the City Manager, pro tempore. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Resolution No. 4465 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: MacKay The City Attorney presented Resolution No. 44669 being a resolution appointing Mr. J. B. Webb, City Manager, pro tempore, to receive the salary of $913.00 per month during the time he serves as City Manager, pro tempore. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, Resolution No. 4466 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: Application of 0. E The City Engineer presented the application of 0. E. Overseth, Overseth to construct 2294 Channel Road, Newport Beach, to construct a pleasure ramp and pleasure ramp and float bayward of Lots 2 and 4, of Lot 39 Block P, Tract 518. On float. motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, said application, having been approved by the Harbor Committee, was granted by the Council. Application of R. P The City Engineer presented the application of R. P. Taylor, Taylor, to reconstruct 732 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach, to reconstruct and add a float, and add a float> (former Permit No. A -659) bayward of Lot 442 Tract 907. On motion Former Permit No. of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, A° said application, having been approved by the Harbor Committee, was granted by the Council. Adjournment sine die. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the meeting was adjourned, sine die. Mayor ATTEST: City Cl rk n AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNC ILMEN- -'None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: MacKay Application of L Neufeld, to The City Engineer presented the application of L. Neufeld, construct a 113 Bayside Place, to construct a pleasure pier and float bayward of 113 and 111 Bayside Place. On pleasure pier and motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said float. application, having been approved by the Harbor Committee, was granted by the Council, subject to the approval of Orange County. Application of Fred Gruss, to The City Engineer presented the application of Mr. Fred Gruss, construct a 2616 Walnut Grove Avenue, South San Gabriel, California, to construct a pleasure pier and float bayward of Lot 59 Block 335, Pleasure pier and float. Canal Section. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said application, having been approved by the Harbor Committee, was granted by the Council, subject to War Department approval. Application of 0. E The City Engineer presented the application of 0. E. Overseth, Overseth to construct 2294 Channel Road, Newport Beach, to construct a pleasure ramp and pleasure ramp and float bayward of Lots 2 and 4, of Lot 39 Block P, Tract 518. On float. motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, said application, having been approved by the Harbor Committee, was granted by the Council. Application of R. P The City Engineer presented the application of R. P. Taylor, Taylor, to reconstruct 732 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach, to reconstruct and add a float, and add a float> (former Permit No. A -659) bayward of Lot 442 Tract 907. On motion Former Permit No. of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, A° said application, having been approved by the Harbor Committee, was granted by the Council. Adjournment sine die. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the meeting was adjourned, sine die. Mayor ATTEST: City Cl rk n