HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/14/1958 - Regular MeetingCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN ty Clerk I page 62 Page 62 - Volume 12 Minutes of REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Date Time of Meeting: October 14, 1958 Meeting: 7:30 P.M. s,r�;�`�r'?':�°9 nj _ ;_Place of of Meeting:_ Council Chambers - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------`-\--------`---- 9��•y�P���� ti m'e - ------------ • ` Roll Call: :Present ix,x;x x;x;x;x The reading of the minutes of September 22, 19580 Motion! ;x; was waived, and the minutes were approved as ; Second: ;x; written and ordered filed. ;All Ayes 1 COMMUNICATIONS: Appreciation 1. A letter from the Woman's Civic League of of Woman's; Newport Harbor expressing appreciation for ; Civic League the / 0wonderful slides and informative ; for PB &R ; narration" presented by Mr. Richard ; slides ; Abernethy, Director of Parks, Beaches and Motion CA -83 Recreation, was ordered filed and ac- ; Second ; ; ; :x; knowledged. ;All Ayes; I ; M.C. & E. 2. Dessery and Edwin A letter from Myrtle C. y ' ; ;x1 Dessery ; Dessery, opposing the tram which had been Motion ; opposing ; proposed for operation on the sidewalk along Second ; ;x; ; tr the Ocean Front, was ordered filed. ;All Ayes; CA -1; 4 • 1 3. A petition purporting to be signed by six ng 1 property owners in the 31st Street area, ; Petition t& requesting the Council to instigate pro- 1 ; instigate ceedings for the acquisition of lands for proceedings the realignment and improvement of 31st for acquisition q Street, was presented. The Clerk stated ; , of lands that a letter from Mr. Earl W. Stanley had for reams been received requesting that his name be mint & improve Mr. Oscar Norber , added to the petition. g ments of ; who opposes the proposal, spoke from the 31st Streefc audience. It was directed that the petition CA -29 be returned without prejudice, and that the suggestion be made that the petitioners ; ;x; obtain a debt service report and consult Motion with the Public Works Director as to proper Second ; ; ;x; ; methods of pursuing this proposal. :All Ayes R.P.Maske y ; 4. A letter from Ralph P. Maske stating that ' re street; "It was gratifying to have my' letter of c. ions' August 25 bring such quick action in helping ' CA -8, to remedy the street conditions in the 3400 Motion :x; - ; block on Newport Boulevard," was ordered 1 Second- ;x; ; ixi 31 "00 ; filed. All Ayes block 5. A copy of a letter to the Planning Protesting; Commission, directed to the City Council by trailer ; J. H. Greene, protesting the construction of ; Motion: park near ; a trailer court on the land near the entrance: Harry Welcl to Harry Welch Park, was ordered filed. ;All Ayeq Park CA -k6 6. A letter from the Junior Ebell Club of Junior Ebell Newport Beach, transmitting a check for $350 Club trans-t' to the City for the Library Fund, desig- mitring $310 nating that the money is to be used for to library: equipment in the childrens' room, was pre- fund ; aerated. The gift was gratefully accepted Motion: ;x; CA -65 and it was directed that acknowledgment of ; Second; 1x; the letter be made by the Mayor. ; All Ayes J.K. Ingham 7. The Claim for Damages of James K. Ingham, 111; C' for ; Bayside Place, Corona del Mar, alleging that a landslide resulting from a faulty con- ° struction of a sewer 1 directly back of damages 1 his house caused damag s of appro CA -84 ; ATTEST: C_i_ ayor - . _ 10 hn ty Clerk I page 62 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page 63 - Volume 12 ' <', +�, ` o \�nda, ; October 14 3 1958) `- -- ---, -- ------------ - 9,�FZr�s��ym�9pa --- ------------------ ----__------------ . -• r ------ ------------------------------------------------ --------------------- . $2500 to $3000, was presented. Said Claim was denied and it was referred to the ; Motion ; ;x City's former insurance carriers, Anderson, Second Anich, Parker & Torre. All Ayes ; Orange.Cty; 8. A letter was presented from William Fitchen,; ; Agricultural Agricultural Commissioner, Orange County, Commission; stating that the office of Agricultural services .; Commissioner receives many calls for CA -53 ; services outside its jurisdiction; stating ; that it has no legal authority for the control of any pests within the home, nor has it any authority for the expenditure of any County funds for materials for such ; control within the home; his department will: ; identify any insect or plant disease specif „ men that citizens bring in and will advise ; as to control. Said letter was referred to Motion the City Manager and the press was requested: Second ; :x; ; to give this matter proper publicity. ;All Ayes; 9. A letter was presented from Galvin Keene, ; G. E.Turne� Attorney representing Mr. and Mrs. George E.; ; Turner, 303 - 43d Street, the owners of all request to; of Block 243 Canal Section Newport Beach, ; abandon stating that said property is bordered by oaon of P ; Channel Place, River Avenue and 43d Street. „ Channel The portion on Channel Place is bordered on Place the north by the property proposed to be CA -14 ; developed as 1 °Channel Place Park." Mr. Keene's clients propose that said section of; Channel Place be abandoned. Said request Notion ;x� was denied since the street right of way is Second :: ;x; ; needed and will continue to be needed. All Ayes: 10. Var.479 A letter was resented from Dr. Robert S. p. Thurmond, 304 East Bay Avenue, Balboa, CA -13 appealing from the decision of the Planning Commission rendered on September 8 denying Notion ; ;xi Variance No. 479. The matter was set for Second ; ; ; ; ;x; public hearing on November 10, 1958. ;All Ayes , ' 11. A letter was ordered filed from Floyd J. Jolley and Rose Marie Jolley, 100 South Bay ; Var. 475 CA -13 Front Balboa Island, appealing from the ' ; decision of the Planning Commission granting' Variance No. 475 inasmuch as the time for ; I filing an appeal ended on October 3, 1958, Motion : ; ; :x; ; and said appeal was filed with the Clerk on Second October 6. 'All Ayes; Ltr from ; 12. A letter was taken under advisement from Roy: ; R.S. Kellogg S. Kellogg, 1125 East Balboa Boulevard, re boat mo*ing 'unofficially speaking for some 20 or 30 ; at street ocean front families between C and E Street$ ends who depend on street ends as the only places; CA 70 left to do all their swimming, "but these 1 are now rented out for boat moorings and the; ; long ropes that stretch across our narrow bathing spot are very much in the way. - - - -' Motion ; x' „ If the boat moorings were done away with we Second ;x1 /-� would be very happy." ;All Ayes; 13. A copy of a Resolution adopted by the Board ; of Supervisors on September 17, 1958, ac- Accepting cepting the bid of Oliver W. Scott & Son, bid of 0. W,. Inc., in the amount of $102,175.80, for Motion ; x� Scott for constructing highway in Orange County on a , Second ; ; 'x' ' construction portion of Jamboree Roa , was ord ed iled l Ayes' ' of portion ATTEST: of Jamboree ae 63 Pod. Contractsw� S�Q City C e c yor CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page Eta - Volume 12 \lo_dex ober__1!i 1958 ------ -- - - -- - -- s - - -- _19581 - - - - -- ---- --- - - - - -- :.r•, 14. The written request of Councilman Kenneth C. Request of Kingsley for permission to be out of the State and out of the United States for the ; Motion ; x; C . Kingsley period between October 22 to November 15 Second ,xi , permission; p was ranted :All Ayes: to be out ' g. of U.S. 15. A copy of an Application of the Newport Bay ; CA -91 ; , dba Balboa Pavilion Co., y ; ; I Investment Co. Ro Application Gronsky, et al., for a certificate to operate; to operate. I a passenger transportation and excursion Motion,x; passenger , service in the waters of Newport Bay, was ! Second ;x; transportation service in; presented and ordered filed. All Ayes ; ' Ne wp CA -6 Ba 3 h6. A letter was referred to the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission for recommendation Ct Planni' from the Orange County Coast Association Commission, transmitting, for consideration, a copy of a ; to prepare: resolution prepared by the Regional Park Plan; general o3.' n Committee of the Associated Chambers of 9atioi�a Commerce of Orange County, Inc., recommending+ ; to the Board of Supervisors that they take j appropriate steps to effectuate the „ PWO,ts recommendations contained in the resolution ; CA -49 and that the County Planning Commission be ; Motion requested to prepare a general plan of ; Second ; .x; regional parks as defined by the resolution. ;All Ayes: ; Alcoholic 17. Copies of the following Applications for Motion ; Ix; Beverage ; Alcoholic Beverage License were ordered ; Second ; x Licenses filed: All Ayes' CA -63 (a) Double transfer of retail package off- Great Atlantic sale general, The Great Atlantic & I ; & Pacific ; Pacific Tea Company, 301 - 30th Street, , Tea Company Newport Beach. CA 6? ' (b) New off -sale beer and wine, Helen L. and; H.L. & H. Harold J. McDougall, Galley West Gourmet; ; McDougall ; 3295 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach. CA -63 ; (c) New on -sale beer, Huh J. MacPhee and • \ ; Joseph C. Reynolds, The Mariner's," 2911 -13 Newport Boulevard, Newport H.J. MacPhbe Beach. ' & J. C. i Reynolds ; LICENSES: CA -63 Licenses The following Applications for License were Motion k: CA -63 ; approved: Second: ; ; ; ;x; All Ayed M.C. 1. Exempt.License of Marion G. Burkhart, 1040 ; 1 Burkhart West 11th Street, Pomona, house to house ; soliciting for the sale of Collier's ; Encyclopedia, office located at 281 South Thomas, Pomona, books shipped from Hyde Park, New York. ; 1 2. Exempt License of John B. Fuegi, 631 Harvard ' J.B. Fuegi: Avenue, Claremont, house to house soliciting ; for the sale of Collier's Encyclopedia, office ; 1 located at 281 South Thomas, Pomona, books ; I l shipped from Hyde Park, New York. 3. License of Mary Hamric Smith, 901 East Balboa; Boulevard, Balboa, soliciting by telephone M. H. Smit� for the sale of magazin ; 1 ATTEST: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page 65 - Volume 12 �y Index October 14 1958\\ �� y�`�s `"�• 4. License of Dean L. Cordell, dba Co -La Music Company, 7727 Bakman Avenue, Sun Valley, for ; D..L. Cordell one skill game, miniature pool table, at Helen's Coffee Shop, 701 Edgewater, Balboa. 5. License of Gloria L. and Thomas D. Harrington,; G. L. & ; dba Mermaid, 3436 East Coast Highway, Corona T. D° del Mar, for on -sale beer and packaged foods ; Harrington; only. Foods are prepared and packaged in Health Department approved establishment and delivered to the above location for sale. C °A °Albri 't6. License of Catherine A. Albright, 418 Signal gh Road, for house to house soliciting for the sale of Avon Products. M °R° 7. Exempt License of Margaret R. Sandhoff, 9302 I Imperial Avenue, Garden Grove, soliciting Sandhoff advertising and sale of novelty from business ; establishments. Product to be shipped from ®� Unadco Enterprises, Inc., Boston. 8. License of A. W. Jorgensen, dba Jorgensen's Landing, 2537 West Coast Highwa , renting i ; A. boat slips (4 fingers, 29 boats, being a Jorgensen i change of ownership. 9. Addition to existing License, of Anthony Anthony Sigalos, dba Orange County Food Service, Inc., y 7951 Whittaker Avenue, Buena Park, for one Sigalos portable food stand to serve 500 Superior ; Avenue. Letter substantiating the request ' has been received from C. Kal away, ; ' Construction Superintendent, Pollack Construction. ; The Application for License of William T. ; W.T. Y$ MCInturf, 7830 Orchard Drive, Buena Park, house Motion ;x; ; to house soliciting, sale of fertilizer, was ;Second ; approved. ;All Ayes.; ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. CITY -OWNED PROPERTY: Pub Hearin4 The Mayor opened the meeting for a public City- ownedi hearing for the purpose of determining ; property whether City -owned property is surplus and CA -38 may be disposed of by sale. He presented for: discussion, the City -owned ro erty in Corona; p del Mar, being Lots 9 and 11 o Block 440. No comments were made from the audience and the Mayor declared the hearing closed. Lots : Motion :x ; 9 and 11 of Block 440, Corona del Mar, were ; Second ; declared surplus and available for sale. ;All Ayes; ; The "City Manager was instructed to determine Motion ; ix; whether or not it is feasible to sell said ; Second : ; lots separately or as a unit. All es; ; A discussion ensued regarding the City -owned , ' 88 -acre parcel of land at the southeast corner of Wright Street and Adams, in the ; City of Huntington Beach, and a City -owned parcel of land located on the eas ATTEST: T% C I n_ yor Page 65 Page 66 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page 66 - Volume 12 ------- - - - - -- �•�Index (October 14, 1958) --- --------------------- .7� -------------------------------------------------------------I , I of Bushard Street in Huntington Beach, being ; approximately 4.8 acres. Councilman Hart ; was authorized to consult with the Newport Harbor Board of Realtors in an attempt to ob- tain an appr:lisal of the property to determine; a minimum acceptable price for said property, ;Motion ; x and also to obtain the services of an outside ;Second ; ;x; ; appraiser, if necessary. ;All Ayes; The hearing was continued for discussion on October 24, 1958, regarding other City -owned ;Motion x' property, including the 88 -acre parcel and ;Second x� I the 4.8 -acre parcel mentioned above. ;All Ayes: A letter from A. G. Fischer, 203 East Los Feliz Road, Glendale, requesting additional in4 formation regarding the City -owned property, was presented and the City Manager stated he 1 would inform Mr. Fischer of the Council action.' , �t Mr. F. E. Button spoke from the audience, in- 1 ; quiring as to the sale of the Corona del ; M«r lots. ; 1 Petition 2.._ REFUSE AND SEWER CHARGES: opposing sewer Mayor Stoddard stated that the Clerk had pre- , 1 service sented petitions opposing the sewer service ; charge charge, which are alleged to bear 3221 names. ' CA -32 ; He read the opinion of the City Attorney re- ; garding said petitions which states, among + other things, that Ordinance No. 856 probably did not become effective on October 6, 1958 � ' because of the petitions filed opposing it. The Mayor stated that the Clerk was in the ; process of examining the signatures on the petitions to certify to the sufficiency + 1 1 ' thereof. I The Clerk read the statement of the City ; Council, dated October 14, 1958, regarding Sewer Service Charges-(Ordinance No. 856). ; The Mayor stated that the Clerk had presented Petitions ' petitions opposing the refuse charge ' y which ; + opposing g ' are alleged to bear 3221 names. The Mayor refuse ; read the opinion of the City Attorney, dated I 1 charge ' October 9 1958 which says among other thingo � 9 CA -72 that Ordinance No. 855 very likely did become effective on October 8, 1958, and that the petitions did not have the effect of suspending its effective date. The City Attorney stated that it would be proper, and in order, for the; City Clerk to contins= verifying the sufficiency} of the signatures on the petitions opposing the refuse charge. The Clerk read the statement of: the City Council, dated October 14, 1958, re- ; garding Refuse Charges (Ordinance No. 855). Mayor Stoddard summarized Resolution No. 4868,: establishing frequency of collection and fees , I 1 for the collection of refuse, garbage, and Motion ;x cuttings. The following people spoke from thel Second ;x+ audience: Miss Harriet Gould, Nelson Robinson�Roll Cal I 1 Arthur Cubbage. Resolution No. 4868, to be ef4 Ayes ;x:x'x1x x:x fective November 15, 195,8 was ad t Noes :x; ; ' ATTEST: , Page 66 Page 67 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page 67 - Volume 12 '''Tom,' % ,f , rd P6, "a ' _ (QiriXMir- �A- 1! {YJ CC77 GB`9p The Mayor declared a five minute recess at this : time. 1 Pub hearing 2. The Mayor opened the meeting for a continued 1 re condem -; public hearing for the purpose of determining: nation of ; whether the buildings located on Lots 1 to 12,, buildings ; inclusive, in Block 324, Lancasters Addition,; on Lots 1 Newport Beach, should be condemned as a to 12 in ; public nuisance. Continued from September 22.; ; ; Block 324 ' CA -81 ; A report from the City Manager, recommending that the hearing on the demolition of the ; Motion;x: main building at subject property be closed, ; Second; ; ; x: was'presented. Said report was accepted. ;All Ayes; 1 1 The hearing was closed. , 1 1 Motion x: 1 1 ; Second ;x; ; 1 All Ayes 1 The City Manager stated that there were ./� additional potential hazards resulting from a: • substandard wharf structure and seawall on the subject property, which he would proceed to attempt to have eliminated. ; Subdivision 4. Ordinance No. 862 was presented, being Ord. 862 : CA -26 : AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT 1 ' BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 9253.43, 9253.5,: 9253.519 9253.52, 9253.53 AND 9253.54 ; OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE ' RELATING TO SUBDIVISIONS (re letter of credit for securing the com- pletion of improvements in subdivisions). Motion' ' ' The first reading of said ordinance was 1 Second: ;x: 11 1 ' 1 waived. All Ayes' ' Ordinance No. 862 was passed to second motion: :.xi ' reading . ; Second ; :x: : Rcll. Calk: I ' 1 Ayes :x: x!xtx 5. Resolution No. 4869, being a resolution ,1x R 4869 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to executing I execute a contract with the California State ; Motion;x: ; contract Department of Finance for an estimate of ; Second; :: ;x for estimate population of the City of Newport Beach by ;Roll Call :: : ; ; of NB popu -, said Department, was adopted. ; Ayes;x:x:x;x;x :x :x lat'ont on Clract4 6. Ordinance No. 863, being Ord, 863 ' _ Setback& EACCHHAMENDINGFDISTRICT MAP O. 31T lines ADOPTED BY SECTION 9102.2 OF THE CA -10 : NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING ' TO ZONING AND SETBACK LINES, (re Tract 3357, Cameo Shores) was presented. Motion :x; 1 1 I 1 , 1 ' The first reading of said ordinance was Second: ,x; waived. Ayes: ; J Ordinance No. 863 was passed to second read- :All Motion :x: i and set for public hearing on November p g Second, :x: 10 1958. Roll Cali:; Ayes:x;x*C X:sx:x :x : ATTEST: J Page 67 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN. Page 68 - Volume 12 0 AR 9 Inds, Ober 14 1958) - - -- F-iop% F`Ao 7. The City Manager recommended that the request . of Jack McCarthy, Delphine McClure Cundiff ; and Mrs. Honoro Gibson Pelton, that the City; ; Requested vacate, to the adjoinint property owners, a ' vacation ; portion of a 10' alley oeated between 7th ; of 10' alley and 8th Streets, Balboa Boulevard, and Oceanl I btw 7th & ; Front, be denied. Mr. Robin Lindsay spoke 8th Streets, from the audience, opposing the request for CA -14 ; abandonment. The matter was deferred for Motion; ; ;x; ; consideration at the adjourned meeting to be` Second:* t ; held on October 24, 1958. ;All Ayes; The City Manager was requested to notify the; 'x; ; property owners involved. A letter from Motion' Mrs. Waldo G. Nybergg opposing the abandon- Second; :x; meat was ordered filed. All Ayeq 8. PARKIN MATTERS: , Ord. 861 Parking & ; Ordinance No. 861, being ' Ba�'ng � ACA -2d AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT • -' BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 3277 AND ' 3291.3 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL meters CODE RELATING TO PARKING AND PARKIN ; METERS (re loading zones and manner of parking) for Motion: ;x; Second: was presented second reading. Second reading of said ordinance was waived. All Ayes! Ordinance No. 861 was adopted. Motion: Second k 1Roll Call:: Ayes;x;x;x:x;x;x;x A letter from Homer Smith, President of the Balboa Improvement Association, stating that: ; the Association has 1°decided to go along ; with other areas and leave the parking ; meters in operation on Trial Basis -- - - -1 /, was presented. Safd Iett ^rivas ordered filed inasmuch as the letter has the Parking Advisory-Committee; it was _ ; Motion;x; ; ` directed that the City Manager acknowledge Second; ;x: I said letter. All Ayes; I The report and recommendations of the ; Motion; Parking Advisory Committee, dated October 6.: ;x: ' 1958, were accepted. All dyes' Mr. Ted Witmer spoke from the audience re- ; „ garding the matter. R 4870 Resolution No. 4870, establishing parking Motion :i establishing meter zones (parking meter enforcement as Second; .w parking recommended by the Parking Advisory ;Roll Call::: meter zones! Committee), was adopted. Ayes: m, x, x x; CA -20 , , R 4871 I Resolution No. 4871, establishing a parking ; ; establishin' g t t ki meters meter zone (installation of parking ' r " pnzonesr on Newport Boulevard between Via Lido and ; Motion, x; , Finley Avenue, requiring approval of the Second!- ; ;x; "CA -20, Department of Public Works, State of ;Roll Call California), was adopted. Ayeslxwx;x;x;_ Mr. F. E. Button spo a rom t Cce. ATTEST: ; S yor Faye 68 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Newport : 10. Page 69 - Volume 12 Lawn Bowling Association and the recommen- ; , Associations 90, ------- ----------------- --•- -------- -- --------,i`• Contracts' 9. The recommendations of the City Manager, County Harbor District office, 1901 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, sub ect ing people spoke from the audience: Mr. set forth in his memorandum numbered ; ; Re'Commend ; 58 -59 -5, to the City Council, dated October : ; appointing ; Manager Pro; 10, 1958, under Section 507 of the Charter, Pro Tempore during ; motionP< appointing the Manager ; Tempore CA -87 ; any temporary absence or disability of the : Second; Ayes, ' City Manager, were approved. ;All The recommendations of the Parks, Beaches y Cterkt Page 69 and Recreation Commission were approved, Newport : 10. A proposed contract with the Newport Harbor Harbor Lawn; Lawn Bowling Association and the recommen- Bowlin dations of the Parks, Beaches and Recre- Associations ation Commission, in regard to said matter, Contracts' were presented and discussed. The follow- County Harbor District office, 1901 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, sub ect ing people spoke from the audience: Mr. William Perrow, President of the Newport the approval of the U. S. COPS o Harbor Lawn Bowling Association; Mr. Richard Abernethy, Director of Parks, Engineers. Beaches and Recreation; Nr. J. B. Waters; Dr. Irvine of Corona del Mar; and Mr. ATTEST: Walter Pearson. Approximately twenty members of the bowlers' association were in ' the audience. The recommendations of the Parks, Beaches y Cterkt Page 69 and Recreation Commission were approved, R 4872 ; Resolution No. 4872, authorizing the Mayor executing ; and City Clerk to execute the contract with contract with the Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling Association, NH Lawn ; was adopted; the members of the Lawn Bowling ; Bowling Association were informed that the Association; Council will consider the matter again at Contracts; the time the budget for 1959 -60 is prepared and that, unless substantial plans and progress h.^.vc been made for putting a new awn bowling project in operation, the Council does not intend to continue support payments into the new fiscal year, nor to continue the maintenance of the greens. 11. The following applications for pier and bulkhead permits, as recommended for ; approval by the Joint Harbor Committee, on • October 7, 1958, were approved: ; Pier CA -�30 Judd Oviatt, to construct pleasure pier Permits and slip bayward of Lot 2 Block N. Judd Oviatt( Bayfront Section, being 1403 East Bay Avenue, Newport Beach. W. E. Terhell, to construct a ramp and W° E° ; slip bayward of Lot 7, Block 425, Terhell ; Lancasters Addition, being 2812 Lafayette Avenue, Newport Beach. Kenneth Kenneth Graham, to construct a pier and Graham slip bayward of Lot 161, Subdivision of Block A, being 314 Buena Vista Avenue, Newport Beach. : Motion: Second' :Roll Cal : Ayes ;x ; Motion; Second; :All Ayes; Orange Cty ; Orange County Harbor Commission, to ; Harbor ; construct pier and float at Orange m sion ; ' County Harbor District office, 1901 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, sub ect ; to ' the approval of the U. S. COPS o Engineers. ; ; ATTEST: ; �. n A 5 or "i\ , y Cterkt Page 69 " ;x;;;;; x; X: X;'X 'x: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 70 - Volume 12 • idex 11- 1?Y8�----- ----------- -- -- ----- ----- - - - - -- 12. The Council approved, in principle the 19 Point proposed "19 Point Program14 for allocation Program of County Gas Tax Funds to the cities of Cty Gas Tpx Orange County. F CA 71 4 13. The recommendations of the Public Works Surety ! Director, that the improvements as provided bond in the agreement between The Irvine Company released for Tr 3283 CA -23 R 4873 ; 14. executing; agrmt wMi Orange Ctk t`o rforih soil. '-est$ •;ontrAA45- Financial; statementb of NB as bf 6 -30 -58 ; Reports 1 1 1 Budget 16. Amendment's CA -102; 58-54 i C -1 1 Budget 1 17. Amended ; CA -101; R 4874 18. Grant of ; Easement ; Balboa Y4ht Basin ; Deeds ; 19. Police Blpg Plans Removal o;f ZU. parking ; signs in ,rdM CA -19 ; I ! 21. ; 1 I 1 1 ATTEST: 1 M ' 1 0„ ; and the City of Newport Beach for Tract No. 3283 (adjacent to Bayside Drive, southerly of the bridge to Linda Isle), were accepted and the surety bond guaranteeing said im- provements was released. COUNCILMEN ------------ lmotion ---------- ;x 1 1 --°--- I 1 Second Roll Call; Ayes x;xpt ;'x Notion I 1 ;All Ayes! Second ; :x; 1 Notion .x; 1 ; I I I Second ;x; 111 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 :All Ayyesl I i I , 1 Notion ; ;x; ; econd�x;;;; Second ; x ; ; I Ayes: ;; ;All Ayes: ; 1 ; 1 I ; I 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 Resolution No. 4873, authorizing the execution of an agreement with the County of; Notion ;x: ; Orange for the County to perform soil tests,; Second ; +x: 1 1 1 material control and recommendations for Moll Call: ; pavement design kor the City, was adopted. ; Ayes ;x; x; x;x;x;x;x The letter and report from Ira N. Frisbee Co. regarding the examination of the financial statements of the City of Newport Beach, as of June 30, 1958, were accepted and the City Clerk was directed to publish copy of the financial statement of the City of Newport Beach as of the close of the fiscal year,in accordance with Section 1117 of the Charter. The following Budget Amendments were approved: No. 58 -54, in the amount of $1772.11. No. C -1, in the amount of $15,000. 1 : 1 1 1 I 1 Roll Call; Ayes x;xpt ;'x Notion I 1 Second ; :x; 1 Notion .x; 1 ; I I I Second ;x; All Ayes ; Notion ; :All Ayyesl Second ix: 1 , 1 1 1 Motion :All Ayes ; econd�x;;;; I Ayes: ;; 1 I 1 The Budget was amended to transfer $80,000 1 I 1 from Debt Service Account No. 1398, Retire- meet of Bonds to Water Bonds, Debt Service Account No. 9698, Retirement of Bonds and $112,228 from Debt Service Account No. 1399,: ;x; ; Interest on Bonds, to Water "Bonds, Debt ; Second ; ;xi Service Account No. 9699, Interest on Bonds.;All Ayes; :1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 Resolution No. 4874 accepting a Grant of Easement for storm drain purposes, Balboa Yacht Basin, was adopted. The City Manager was authorized to request George Lind to proceed with architectural working drawings for the Police building.. The City Manager was instructed to remove the "No Parking" signs from the bluff streets in Corona del Mar for the winter months. The meeting was adjourned to October 24, / / 1958, at 7:30 P.M.� /, I 1 Page 70 I I ; Motion ;xl : 1 1 I ; 1 1 : ; Second 1x1 Roll Call; Ayes x;xpt ;'x Notion I 1 Second ; :x; All byes; ; I I I Motion �x ; Second ; x; ; :All Ayyesl 1 , 1 1 1 Motion 1 xI; econd�x;;;; I Ayes: ;; 1 1