HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/24/1959 - Regular MeetingCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Co_u_N_CiLME_N Page 35 - Volume 13 Minutes of REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL \ s Date of Meeting: A ust 24, 1959 ;y f, ;o Time of Meeting: 7: 0 P.M. Indox Place of Meeting: - - - ---- Meetin : Council Chambers --- -- ------ ---- - - -- ---------------------------------------------------- Roll Call: Present: xlx :x;x :x:x The reading of the minutes of August 10, 1959, August 12, 1959, and August 18, 1959, was waived; the minutes were approved as written and ordered ; Motion; :x ; filed. ; All Aye4 The hearing regarding Resubdivision Application : No. 97, was postponed until later in the meeting ' " COMMUNICATIONS: ; 1. A letter was presented from the Council ap- pointed redistricting Committee setting forth recommendations for the redistricting of the Councilmanic Districts. The City Clerk, having attended the meetings.% : of the Committee,,explained the basis for the recommendations.. Committee member Mr. George M. Engelke further discussed the matter. The recommendations of the Redistricting Com- I Motion% ;x; mittee were accepted. All Ayes The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an: Redistrict- ordinance incorporating the recommendations of: Motion x; ; ing Cmte' the Redistricting Committee. %Al Ayes ' recommemda- ' tions A vote of thanks was given to the Committee CA -60 ; for their excellent services; and the City Clerk was instructed to advile each member of Motion x the Committee of the Council s appreciation. :All Ayes; 2. A letter was presented from the Harbor Highlands Association requesting that the Newport necessary steps be initiated to obtain a Heights release from the Newport Heights Irrigation Irrigat }on District for the water lines to the 150 homes ; District it now serves in the area, and to obtain a ; CA -12 ; transfer from the Costa Mesa Sanitary District; ; to Newport Beach, since the owners of said homes are paying a tax to the Costa Mesa : Sanitary District for trash pickup and paying : for said service on the ad valorem tax to the : City of Newport Beach. Mrs. Shirley Wood, Secretary of the Harbor Highlands Association, spoke from the audience :. A committee was appointed to investigate the Motion: ;x; steps necessary to accomplish the results All Ayes : desired, comprised of the following.,. Harbor Highlands Association representatives, Mr. Walter Koch and Mr. Robert Wilcox; Councilmen Atkinson and Lorenz; the Cit Manager; the Public Works Director; and t e City Attorney.: Channel; 3, The Clerk presented a letter from ten sign re; property owners in the vicinity of Edgewater, boats ; Alvarado and Montero, requesting that the CA -70 ; sign which reads, "This channel closed to boats between June 15 and September 157A be % ; : : 1 placed on a buoy at the entrance to the % I Channel separating the eninsula from Ba Island and not halfway hrough it. ATTEST: Mayor Page 35 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page 36 - Volume 13 jy. :ni Index (Q - -- ---- ---- --- - --- ?' --- --- - -- ------------------------------- • Councilman Somers stated that the Harbor De- 1 ; partment had been informed of the situation and had prepared a sketch of a plan for the ' installation of a sign across the Channel at Montero Street which would read "Vessels powered by engines are prohibited in this ' Channel between June 1 and September 15.11 It was directed that the proposed sign be in- ; Motion; : .x; j stalled next year, and the City Manager was :All Ayes instructed to advise the people,.who had : written the letter,of the action the Council had taken. , 4. A gift of $2500, received from the Friends of Gift fr6 the Library, having been donated by John Friends;Of Trebler on behalf of Ruby Stevenson as ; the Library previously promised by Mr. Trebler, upon the CA -65 ' establishment of the Friends of the Library as a non - profit organization, was accepted, and it was directed that letters of appreci- ation be sent to Mr. John Trebler and to the ; Motion ; x; Friends of the Library. ;All Ayes 5. The following communications were ordered ; Motion:x; Letters, filed: A post card from Kathleen Meyer :All Ayes ; of Appr�cia- stating she heartily approves of the recent ; Lion re; law enforcement measures; a letter from the law enforce- West Newport Improvement Association stating ; ment that the City has made progress "in the CA -39 ' regime of civilian attire for patrolmen on beaches," calling attention to disturbances caused by surfers in West Newport areas; a , letter from Sheldon F. Craddock and Louise H. ; I Craddock approving of the policy of using ; 91plain clothes" for policemen enforcing regulations on the beaches; and a letter from the Central Newport Beach.�P.ommunity Associ- ation expressing the cooperation and support ' of the Board of Directors of said Association ; in the City's efforts to enforce the "no drinking" and "no litter" laws on the beaches. ; 6. A letter from Sheldon F. Craddock and Louise It H. Craddock expressing approval of suggestion ' concess ons � to remove all concessions from the Corona del CA -49 Ajar State Beach for one year, was ordered Motion, x: ' filed. All Ayes ; „ 7. A communication from the Auditor's Office, Tax ; County of Orange, regarding the Newport Beach; valuations City valuations for 1959 -60, indicating a CA -107 ; tentative total secured and unsecured tax roll; Motion, of $80,500,620, was ordered filed. All Aye$ ; , Use Perini Dorothy Phoenix appealing ' 539 Pub; �• A letter from Mrs. y hearin 'set from the decision of the Planning Commission g denying Use Permit No. 539, was presented. 9- 14 -59; Said matter was set for public hearing on ; Motion; CA -15 i September 14, 1959. ; All Ayei 9. A letter was ordered filed from R. W. ; Motion:x: River A}ie. Fitzpatrick requesting notification when the All Ayes , 40is River Avenue property is offered for sale, CA -34 and the City Clerk w s directed Fitzpatrick when th property sale. ATTEST: I yor M ..n-n 0 n AA rJ,_ n / Page 36 CITY (P NP- WPE)R`f 9EAeH E(DUWOILMUN Mrs. P. Marples to pe ATTEST: realignme peg. 37 Page 37 a Volume 13 �rd2 Au ust 24 1959D ;10. A copy of the Application for Alcoholic - - -- , •ABC Beverage License, new off -sale beer and wine,; ; Vincent Drugs No. 2, Inc., Vincent Rexall ; ' license; Drugs, 3021 East Coast Highway, Corona del ; ' Motion; ;x; � , CA-63 ; Mar, was ordered filed. ; All Aye Tustin :11. A copy of a resolution of the City of Tustin resolution expressing its continued desire that access ; re Freeraay be provided to and from the Santa Ana Freeway; CA -69 ; at or near its intersection with Newport ; Avenue in the City of Tustin, was ordered ; Motion: ;x; filed. ; All Aye§ Arteria,112. A copy of a resolutions of the Board of Highway Supervisors of Orange County amending the ' Financing fiscal program for 1958 -59 under the Arterial! Program Highway Financing Program 36 that $17,333 be Motion, ;x; CA -69 ; allocated to Priority 5, was ordered filed, All Aye4 13. A letter was presented from the Parks, PB &r Beaches and Recreation Commission stating that' educational the Commission unanimously adopted: •polity adopted "Policy #10 - CO- SPONSORED, INSTRUCTIONAL CA -50 ; CLASSES, SPECIAL - INTEREST C-RWJPS, AND EDUCATIONAL ' TOURS 0it is the policy of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department that such groups; shall be partly or entirely self-sus- taining ........ (more fully defined in ; document attached to transmittal letter). A discussion ensued and Mr. Richard Abernethy,; Director of Parks and Recreation, spoke from the audience, � , Said policy was adopted. Motion; fix; ; All Ayed :14. A letter was ordered filed from the Parks, Motion, Beaches and Recreation Commission stating that All Ayed ' *Castoff study is being given to the matter of re- Castoff moving castor bean plants throughout the City; bean plants and, °meanwhile to cut off the bean - bearing ; CA -49 heads of castor bean plants growing on either; ; side of the stairway at Begonia Park on Carnation Avenue, the roots to be left to ; prevent soil erosion.11 ; " '15. A letter was ordered filed from the Parks, " Motion. Restrooms Beaches and Recreation Commission stating that All Ayes CA -49 consideration had been given to a request that permanent restrooms be installed on the beach at 10th and Bay Avenue; and that the Com- mission had, on motion, agreed that no public: facilities should be placed upon El Bahia Beach. HEARING: " Mayor Stoddard opened the meeting for a public Ask hearing regarding the Application of Mrs. P. Marples to pe ATTEST: realignme peg. 37 € UUNWI Wn Page 38 - Volume 13 x Inde (August_24$ 1959__ ----------------------------------------------- ---- - - -' -- -- property lines on property located at 317 -319 • Ruby, Balboa Island; Lots 18 and 19, Block 12, Section 3, Zone R -2, being Resubdivision Appli- cation No. 97, which had been denied by the ; Planning Commission. 1 Public ; hearing; Resub 97 CA -129: I r 1 I I I I I I I ; I I Licenses CA -63 1 I A letter was presented from Chester Salisbury appealing from the decision of the Planning ; Commission. A copy of the findings of the Planning Commission had been distributed to the ; Council. Councilman Higbie explained the pro- posed Resubdivision as shown on a sketch. Mr. ; Salisbury, due to illness, was absent from the meeting. No one wished to comment from the audience. , I I + I The hearing was closed. Motion All Ayes, The matter was referred back to the Planning Motion ' Commission to consider the new plan submitted by;All Ayes, Mr. Salisbury and for report back to the Council; by the Commission as to their approval or dis- approval of the new plan. ; LICENSES: The following Applications for License were Motion approved: (Agenda item F 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7) :All Ayes ; I 1. Edward R. Richmond, dba 11The Patio," 113 - 22d Street Ne ort Beach addin on -sale beer and; 2. 3 4. I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 5. 6. pre - packaged foods only. g Exempt License of Don Barr, 866 Wilson Street,: Costa Mesa, house to house soliciting; sale of- reference book, The Volume Library, Dean Drury: Volume Library Company, Coralville, Iowa City,; Iowa, origination Educators Association, Inc.,; 307 Fifth Avenue, New York. George C. Simms, representative, Harbor Rest Memorial Park, 220 Wake Forest Road, Costa Mesa, door to door soliciting for the sale of ; Harbor Rest Memorial Park lots. ; Carl Mathias, 107 Main Street, Balboa, restaurant and on -sale alcoholic beverages, ; Gypsy Cellar, 107 Main Street, Balboa. ; Bill Lewis, Bill's Lunch Truck, Midway City Trailer Park, Midway City, portable food stand; to serve the following locations: Constructioq job, Vinnell Co., at Aeronutronics, Ford Road;; construction job, Metcalf Co., Aeronutronics, ; MacArthur and Ford Roads; letters requesting ; service received from S. F. Walker, Superin- tendent, Vinnell Company, and W. H. Walting, ; Superintendent, B. R. Metcalf Company. Kenneth 0. Farnsworth, 1019 West Bay Avenue, Newport Beach, fishing barge "Georgia," off ; Newport Pier; being a /7hange of o rsh3.ti. ATTEST: page 38 1 ; i 1 1 ; +I I 1 , , I , +I + ' I �I II, + I +I �I +�I +I , I , , I i � ' I + ' I I, I I , + + I � + I I +, � � I + + I II, I . , , 1 , II , 1 ' I + ' I I ' 1 + ' x; + , I ' I I i „ I I , 1 , + ' I I 1 , I, 1 I , I I , , I , I + i II, :X1 I, , I , I I , 1 , I, I 1 , I, I I , II, I I , I , I 1 , +I I I , I + , I I , 1 + , I 1 i II, I i i I , I 1 , II, 1 1 ; ; I 1 I ; CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page 39 - Volume 13 -- -� -�_ 1 , , -------------------------------------------------- `A f ndex_ SAttgust 243_ 1959 _P__�_s_s��6ti_ °�9AO_ 1 ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. Resolution No. 5079, accepting a Deed of Right R 50791 Way from The Irvine Company for access Deed ; easement to Big Canyon Reservoir for public „ adopted road purposes, authorizing the City Clerk to CA -162; execute and attach a Certificate of Acceptanci Motion 'x; ; and Consent to the recording thereof, was Roll Ca 1;:� , adopted. ; Ayes ;x x;x;x;x ;x; x R 5080; 2. Resolution No. 5080, authorizing the Lease ; execution of the lease for Office No. i at Motion x: Adopted 414 - 32d Street, conference room, was ; Roll Cal :0 C -599 adopted. ; Ayes :xix;x;x;x;x; x 3. Consideration of the acceptance of improve- Tr 3351 ments in Tract No. CA -23 3357, Cameo- Shores, was postponed until September 14, 1959. 4. Resolution No. 5081, declaring a portion of R 5 ©81 the City -owned 88 acres at Wright and Adams 18 acres ' surplus, and setting forth procedure for sale) sale : adopted thereof, was presented.. CA -38 ; ; It was the consensus of the Council: That the , 1 resolution should set forth the estimated i ' value of the property at $5000 per acre; that: the bids for said sale would be received on October 26, 1959; that the purchaser should ' pay the purchase price within sixty days after the sale; that the first oral bid should exceed the highest sealed bid by $5000, and subsequent bids would be received in increased amounts acceptable to the auctioneer; that consideration of acceptable bids could continue to the next regular Council meeting; that the City would retain the mineral rights in the property offered for sale. „ • ; Resolution No. 5081 was adopted. ; Notion 'x; l ; Roll C 1:; ; Ayes ;x;x1Mx:x:x' x 1 1 1 County; 5. Uppon the recommendation of Councilman Somers,.; ; ; Dock ; 'the communications from the Board of Super- ; ; ' lease visors of Orange County regarding the recent C -533 proposed modifications of the County Dock ; Motion ; 1 :x; lease, were ordered filed. ; All Aye$: ; R 5082 Ti, Resolution No. 5082, authorizing lifeguard Lifeguard contract between the City of Newport Beach and Motion ;x! servicd the County of Orange for service at Newport Roll CaM4:; ; ; adopted Dunes, was adopted. ; Ayes ;x;x;x;x;x'C;x C -546 ; ; Salary, 7. The recommendations from the City Manager Marinapark that the Acting Manager of Marinapark receive; Actingk4gr. $50 per month additional compensation, retro Motion CA -16 active to August 1, 1959, was approved. All Ayes; , 8. Councilman Kingsley reported that the Council: Insurance Committee had received only one proposal foi General Liability Insurance 1 ; ; ; i General coverage which was complete. It was stated liability that a second proposal had been received fra® insurailce Charles Jennings of ein; which was CA -68 incomplete. ATTEST: Page 39 Page 40 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 1 COUNCILMEN Page 40 - Volume 13 ` I %4, �FP- ----------------------------------------------------- -' nde %' -- �_ The City Manager was instructed to get the I Motion; ; ;x• 1 , • City covered and, in the meantime, because All Ayes; 1 ; the City's present insurance expires at the I end of this month, to negotiate for coverage 1 I I I eliminating theft and comprehensive coverage.; Hiner 9. Consideration of the request of Mr. George C. License; Hiner for License Agreement, was postponed agreemenk for discussion at a later date. C -529 R 5083 110. Resolution No. 5083, requesting that the Statq re no- parking establish no- parking zones (red curbs) at the; zones junction of eastbound Newport Boulevard off- ' I I adopted; ramp and Pacific Coast Highway at the south- ; , Motion; :x. CA -22 east quadrant of the grade separation, was ; Roll Cal 11:1 i adopted. ; Ayes;x,x x;x;x;x;x R 5084 111. Resolution No. 5084, authorizing the ; Grant Deed execution of a Grant Deed to Marvin Lee and adopted Viola Auten Lee, rescinding Resolution No. CA -38 4974, (a revision having been made in the Motion;x; Deed description previously authorized by Roll Call;:; Resolution No. 4974), was adopted. Ayes: xlx;x :x;x;x;x Noise 112. The City Manager reported that the owners of Butcher Ioy the Butcher Boy Meat Market proposed to Meat Mar'kket construct a wall incasing most of the area in: CA -37 1 which the noisy machinery is located, which seemed the best solution to the problem. I The City Manager's report was accepted. Motion, ;x; ; All Ayes ; I R 5085 ;13. Resolution No. 5085, accepting Grant of Ease -, , I I ; I 1 Gr of Ea;semt ment from Dike and Colegrove for operation of: Motion, ; ;x; 1 l;:; adopted ; street lighting system in Tract No. 3379 (22d� Roll Ca CA -23 Street westerly of Irvine) , was adopted. Ayes:x;x;xx,x,x,x l 1 1 1 1 ' Replace�tl4. Plans and specifications for the replacement 1 1 Motion- Ix, 1 Sewer ; of sewer in the alley north of Ocean Boulevard, All Aygs; ; Advt forbids between 9th Street and 14th Street, were ap- CA -32 ; proved, and the City Clerk was Authorized to 1 advertise for bids to be received in her • 1 office on September 25, 1959, at 10:30 A.M. 1 Pacific; 15. The recommendations of the City Manager and View Dri,'ve Public Works Director that the work of Sully -; work completedMiller Contracting Company in the construction C -611 ; of Pacific View Drive (Reservoir access road)' I I ' be accepted, the Clerk be instructed to file ' � I 1 a Notice of Completion, and the surety bonds Motion; Ix: ; ; 1 be released, were approved. All Aye I $ , Tr 1896; 16. The recommendations of the City Manager and I ; improverqents Public Works Director that certain improve- CA -,23 ments in Tract No. 1896 (Westcliff) be accepted; that two Cashier's Checks totaling $8150 be accepted for the remaining work; I , that the Letter of Credit be exonerated and returned to the California Bank, Mariners Office; and that the owner construct the 1 , I ' ' remaining sidewalk within the time allotted ; ' in the original agreement and the construction ' , of remaining sidewalk be subject to ins ctiofi and acceptance by thVPublic LJorks i ec or; I 1 , tion x; were approved. / 1 Ayes; ATTEST: ;�"°� n I yor Page 40 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page kl - Volume 13 ; ; Index (August 2�8 1959) COUNCILMEN - - -- - -- - -- -- -- - - -- -- -------------------------------------------------- - 17. A discussion ensued regarding the City Clerk's • ; request for recommendations for the disposal ; of minute records of the old Newport Beach Disposal Chamber of Commerce. old Min,4te records; It was the consensus that investigation CA -163 should be made of the advisability of micro- ; filming the document prior to sending it to the Public Library, and that the book should ; be kept in the City Clerk's vault at present.; ; Budget ;18. Amendment C -18 ap�r. CA -16 ,19. Concrete wall Tr;2758 CA -23 ; 20. • ; Budget Amendment No. C -18, in the amount $250, was approved. The request of Irving Jordan for permiss to construct a reinforced concrete block of Motion;x; All Aye$ Lon ; wall ' on the one foot strip of City land along the ' Highway frontage of Tract No. 2758, Corona Highlands, was approved. The meeting was adjourned. :ATTEST: i M Page 41 ; Motion;x: All Ayeg ; Motion:xi All Ayes