HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/28/1959 - Regular MeetingCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page 53 - Volume 13 Minutes of REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Date of Meeting: September 26, 1959 ;y�;,`, 'hoc Time of Meeting: 7:30 P.M. r� �`G�`?`�v„9 o" s ez ' Place of Meetin : Council Chambers p�y�Fp���Z Roll Call: Present :x;xix;x :x!x! n „ I I I I The reading of the minutes of September 14, 1959, , I I was waived the minutes were approved as written I ' Motion Ix; and ordered filed. :All Ayes; ; , I I I I I I HEARINGS: I I I 1. The Mayor announced that the hour of 7:30 1 ' o'clock P.M. having arrived, this was the I I I I Hearipg time and place fixed by the City Council of re impr. the -City of Newport Beach, California, for Neptune the hearing on the report filed under Di- Ave . ft vision 4 of the Streets and Highways Code of ' other, the State of California, for the improvement streets of Neptune Avenue and other streets, and CA -29 asked the Clerk if notices of the hearing had; been mailed as required., I The Clerk reported that Notice of the hearing: was given by mail, as provided in Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code, and that all of the Notices were mailed more than 30 days prior to the date fixed for this hearing; I The Mayor announced that prior to the con- sideration of protests, it would be necessary; III that the report, prepared and filed under said Division 4, be read to the Council. III Whereupon, the report (except as to the map, I I plat or diagram and the assessed valuations I I I I I and true valuations of, and assessments and I ; III ' estimated assessments upon each parcel) was ; I read to the Council by Patrick Rosetti of I I III L. J. Thompson's office, Assessment Engineer. ; III Attorney Wm. MacKenzie Brown explained said ' I I I I report. III The Mayor then inquired of the Clerk if any ; written protests had been filed with her ; prior to the time set for hearing. The Clerk: ' ' reported that no written protests or ob- jections had been filed with her prior to the: time set for hearing. She stated that a ; ' letter had been received from Mr. and Mrs. I ' Verne E. Strang in favor of the bonds and im -: I provements as planned. I I I I I The Mayor then announced that this was the ; 1 time and place set for the hearing and asked ' if any person desired to orally protest or to; 1 ' I I I I speak in support of any written protest filed4 III Mrs. Caroline Nix orally protested. I I I I III I I The following people spoke in favor of the 1 I I I proposed Assessment District: Dick Bemish, II III Harold Arthur, and Arthur Hand. I I I I I III R 509. Resolution No. 5091, overruling and denying re im�r all protests; finding and determining that adopthd the public interest, convenience and necessi -; ; ty require the improvement substantially as set forth in the report filed under ,,Division 4 of the Streets and ghways Code e ing ; I III, ATTEST: I Mayor City C1qr1c Page I ; over the Island.i0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN ; Page 54 - Volume 13 I 0 �eX ; -------- - (September 23, 1959) -_ - - - -- - -- -- ------------------------------------------- -- ------ -__�_- _- - -___� 1 the City Engineer and special counsel to pre -; Motion x; Island, and requested their assistance. pare necessary plans and specifications and ;Roll Cal:; other resolutions and orders, was adopted. ; Ayes ;xlx'x;x x x:x Mrs. M. M. Murphy. I COMMUNICATIONS: ; 1 , 1. The following communications were presented: I tives, and will report their findings.and I I t suggestions to the Council. (a) Letters from the following Balboa Island; I i I i Balboa property owners and residents, vehement -; ; Island ly objecting to the conditions which ex -; teens er isted in the past summer regarding ac- activities tivities of the teen -agers and "juvenile, CA -74 hoodlums:" Gene L. Moore, Mrs. Ronald F. Barlow, Mr', and Mrs. Edwin Williams, Mrs. Leo M. Hoffmann, Mrs. Josephine Landvogt, Mr.-and Mrs. Norman A.. Buck, Mrs. H. H. Wickersham, Janet W. Glasgow,; and Mrs. Stroller White. I I 1 1 1 (b) Letter from Mrs. Orrin T. Wright, Jr., addressed to Mayor Stoddard, along the same vein, although Mrs. Wright compli- ments the Mayor on the attention he has given to the hazard created by swimmers crossing the Channel, endangering them- ; selves, and doing so against the law. ; 1 Harbor (c) Letter from Gloria Gartz, reminding the ' Mailer Council of her request that an ordinance I I 1 CA -37; be initiated 1°prohibiting the Harbor Mailer from littering private gardens I ; over the Island.i0 Subject letters were ordered filed, and it was ; , ; ; directed that the City Attorney reply to the.; Motion ;x: letter from Mrs. Gloria Gertz. ;All Ayes; ; 2. A letter from Fred R. Mulker stating that he Charitable is in favor of the proposed ordinance re- ; Solicata- lating to Charitable Solicitations and Do- ons nations, citing sections particularly desira ; ; VtA -EO ble, was: referred to Councilman Somers for ; Motion ;x; reply. 1 ;All Ayes,,; ; 3. A letter was presented appealing from the dec ;ATTEST: , I I I �m Ha Id bJi el n>of the P n °ng' I f I 1 mayor page 54 I I 1 , i I 1 I II I Mayor Stoddard explained the efforts which ; ; have been made to protect the residents on Balboa Island. He stated that extra policing; during Easter Week had cost $1000 per day. ; ;. He further stated that the problems are a joint responsibility with the residents of the; ; ; Island, and requested their assistance. The following people spoke from the audience:; Mr. John Loy, Mrs. Gene Moore, Mr. Lee.Bolin,;. Mrs. M. M. Murphy. It was agreed that the City Manager and.the ; Chief of Police will make an investigation of ; ; ; the conditions existing on:Balboa Island, con-; ; ; ferring with residents and their representa- tives, and will report their findings.and suggestions to the Council. , 1 1 I ; ; directed that the City Attorney reply to the.; Motion ;x: letter from Mrs. Gloria Gertz. ;All Ayes; ; 2. A letter from Fred R. Mulker stating that he Charitable is in favor of the proposed ordinance re- ; Solicata- lating to Charitable Solicitations and Do- ons nations, citing sections particularly desira ; ; VtA -EO ble, was: referred to Councilman Somers for ; Motion ;x; reply. 1 ;All Ayes,,; ; 3. A letter was presented appealing from the dec ;ATTEST: , I I I �m Ha Id bJi el n>of the P n °ng' I f I 1 mayor page 54 I I 1 , i I 1 I II I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN E (c) Letter from Howard C. Williams, at- taching three petitions purporting to bear 204 signatures in opposition to the; action being taken by the Edgewater and ' Buena Vista property owners who are re- ; questing abandonments of street rights ; of way. Mayor Stoddard suggested that a Council Com- mittee be appointed to investigate, study and; report to the Council on subject petitions, with Councilman Somers as Chairman, and Councilmen Hart and Higbie as members of the , Committee. Said Committee was so appointed. I Motion :x All Ayes; Attorney Galvin Keene spoke from the audi- ence, representing Mr. Williams who objects ; 1 to the proposed abandonments. Attorney Keene: ; was informed that he would have an opportuni- ty to present his oppos °tion to the abandonments during a blic heari a a later date. ; ; I Peg© 55 , „ Page 55 a Volume 13 �p .0 .2,�. y.�o 01dex (�eptember 289 1959) �.s F Var 5�7 _ Commission denying Variance No. 557 and Use Use Permit Permit No. 549. 549 scat ; , pub hTg The matter was set for public hearing on :Motion ;x; I ; 10 -1359 October 13, 1959. All Ayes; CA -13 CA -15' ; 4. A Summons and Complaint, which were served on Summons the City Clerk on September 21, 1959, Case No.; ; and ; Complaint 10260, Municipal Court, Downey Judicial Tony Garcia, H.O.W. Con- District, Dooley vs. CA- 84; struction Company, Inc., City of Newport Beach, et al., were presented. The action of the City Clerk in referring the ;Motion x; matter to the City Attorney was confirmed. r ,kll Ayes; I ' 5. The following communications were presented: ' (a) Petition of property owners on Buena • Vista, bearing 21 names, and an addition -; al copy of said petition bearing 68 Petition names, requesting the abandonment of a re dedicated street known as Buena Vista abandonments Boulevard, between Bay Avenue to on Buena Edgewater Avenue, except a 6° sidewalk ; Vista;Blvd. reservation on the southerly line of CA -14; Buena Vista Boulevard. CA -60; (b) Petition signed by 45 residents and /or ; I property owners on Buena Vista, Edgewater, Bay Avenue, Lindo Avenue and ; Bay Island, and an additional copy of said petition bearing 13 names; re- ; questing the abandonment of an existing ; I easement for street purposes over a strip: of land 45° in width lying between the ; easterly end of said Buena Vista Boule- vard and Alvarado Street or Avenue, known as Edgewater Avenue, excepting the ; southerly 6' thereof over which a • concrete sidewalk has been constructed. E (c) Letter from Howard C. Williams, at- taching three petitions purporting to bear 204 signatures in opposition to the; action being taken by the Edgewater and ' Buena Vista property owners who are re- ; questing abandonments of street rights ; of way. Mayor Stoddard suggested that a Council Com- mittee be appointed to investigate, study and; report to the Council on subject petitions, with Councilman Somers as Chairman, and Councilmen Hart and Higbie as members of the , Committee. Said Committee was so appointed. I Motion :x All Ayes; Attorney Galvin Keene spoke from the audi- ence, representing Mr. Williams who objects ; 1 to the proposed abandonments. Attorney Keene: ; was informed that he would have an opportuni- ty to present his oppos °tion to the abandonments during a blic heari a a later date. ; ; I Peg© 55 , „ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 56 - Volume 13 COUNCILMEN , (September 28- 1959) __ ( ^---_- the State of Hawaii, extending heartie t con- : gratulations, good wish and warmed a o; (\ ATTEST: _ 'C!I page 56 • N r , • I I Mr. Jack Barnett spoke from the audience on behalf of the Newport Harbor Outrigger Canoe ; Association, formed to ncourage an to t; in outrigger canoe rac g among tee ag rs, ; Page 57 I ; , 1 , I I , , I , , I , I I , , I , I 1 , I 1 , I I , I I , I � , I 1 , , I , , I , I I , I I , I 1 , I 1 , I I , I 1 , I , a i I ; CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page 57 - Volume 13 ex 9[Se tember 28 1959 yo,� o�?os yy�G o '�AF?r�Pr`�%�ZBF990_ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___________ ___ _ ___ __ both crews, the people of Newport Dunes and __ _ __ the people of Newport. Said communications were ordered filed. Motion ;x: ; :All Ayes; The following Minute Resolution was adopted: Motion ; I ;xl I I Roll Call:; ; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City; Ayes ;x;x x;xlxtx,x of Newport Beach, D California on behalf of:, Minute the citizens of the community, express ap =; ; Resolution preciation to the Governor, the Legis- re Ouw'trigger lature of the State of Hawaii, and its Canoe;Race citizens, for their generosity and adopted friendship in sending an outstanding CA -49 outrigger canoe racing team to the City of; ; Newport Beach to introduce outrigging racing to California; and j I WHEREAS, the citizens of this area I I I ; enjoyed participating in the first California- Hawaii outrigger canoe race frorb Catalina island to Newport Harbor on September 20, 1959; and WHEREAS, instruction, participation ; and encouragement of this sport will bene -; I. fit the youth of this area by their future; activity in this new sport as introduced by the Hawaiians; and I I I WHEREAS, moral lessons may be learned from canoeing and team effort, in large native outriggers, which would en- courage good sportsmanship and community understanding; and WHEREAS, the newly organized Newport ; ' 1 Harbor Outrigger Canoe Racing team has been invited to compete in the world 1 I I ; I • ; famous Molokai to Oahu outrigger canoe 1 , I race during Hawaii's Aloha Week to be held: ' October 18 through the 24; and I WHEREAS, the City of Newport Beach is; I I I ; desirous of assisting and promoting this I ; I I worthy event; 1 NOW, THEREFORE, greetings are ex- tended to the people of the new State of Hawaii directly and through their elected' representatives, during Aloha Week and it I I ! ' I is hoped that our two great recreational I I I areas may be permanently united in friendship and that the outrigger canoe ; racing may be an instrument for this end. • N r , • I I Mr. Jack Barnett spoke from the audience on behalf of the Newport Harbor Outrigger Canoe ; Association, formed to ncourage an to t; in outrigger canoe rac g among tee ag rs, ; Page 57 I ; , 1 , I I , , I , , I , I I , , I , I 1 , I 1 , I I , I I , I � , I 1 , , I , , I , I I , I I , I 1 , I 1 , I I , I 1 , I , a i I ; CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 58 - Volume 13 ; ; ex (September_2u�_ 1959) ------------------------------------- - and wholesome recreation, and to promote good: public relations. He requested that the City; contribute $200 to assist in sending a group from this area to compete in the Molokai -Oahu ; race. The Council desired more information ; before taking action. ;11. A letter was presented from ?.obert H. Berkov, "Paki;stan Director, School of Public Administration, ; Project" University of Southern California, inviting ; CA -33; the City of Newport Beach to participate in ; the "Pakistan Project." ; COUNCILMEN �rc;e6 %!,, y,ti,d0 „ Upon the recommendation of the City Manager, ;Motion ; ; ; approval was given to the "Pakistan Project. "! All Ayed 12. A notice of hearing before the Public Not /H�rg Public Utilities •Co{nsn. CA-136 1 Utilities Commission of the State of California, Case No. 6352, regarding investigation into the need of a general order; governing design, construction, testing, maintenance and operation of gas transmission pipeline systems; said hearing to be held October 13, 1959, in State Building, San !Motion ;x; Francisco, was ordered filed. :All Ayes: LICENSES: ' The following Applications for License were Motion ; ; 'x. ; approved (Agenda Item G 1, 2, 3, and 4): :All Ayes; Licenhes CA -63 E CA -25 1 2. 3. 4. Exempt License, Austin D. Sturtevant, President, Newport Beach United Fund, 325 North Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, for house to house soliciting for United Fund; annual campaign for contributions for 20 welfare agencies; drive to be conducted ' October 12 to December 1, 1959; number of solicitors, 750. Charles E. Evans, dba Bayside Marine Sales, 1211 Bayside Drive, Corona del Mar, slip rentals (61 slips) at 1137 Bayside Drive, Corona del Mar. Glenn E. Wurr, dba Glenn's Catering, 731k North Claudina, Anaheim, for portable food stand; Newport Construction Company job located at 505 - 30th Street, Newport Beach.; Letter from A. J. Maxwell of said con - struction company, requesting said services.: Jack Barratt, dba Jack's Catering, 348 South; Pixley, Orange, for portable food stand at intersection of Harbor View Drive and Goldenrod, 0. Z. Robertson Construction Company job. Letter from William J. Burke, Superintendent, Harbor View Hills Develop- ment Corporation, requesting said services. The City Manager presented the Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity of: Raymond V. Charette, Checker Cab Company, for two additional taxicabs. Mr. C rette spoke ro e audience.' -(� ATTEST: Page 58 I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 59 - Volume 13 COUNCILMEN eX Se ember 28 1959 - - - -! -- -- -E - ----- ----'---- --) - -- ----------------- r Said Certificate was granted, subject to com- Motion ; pliance with the conditions of the ordinance. All Ayes: ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. Resolution No. 5092, authorizing the execution ; R 509 of a contract with Newport Balboa Savings and; ; re New Loan, covering off -site, off - street parking Balboa in accordance with the conditioned approval Savings & by the Planning Commission of Variance No. Loan 1 555, was presented. parking ; faile� A discussion ensued. Attorney Donald Harwood; adoption representing the Newport Balboa Savings and ; CA -21 Loan Company, spoke from the audience on be- ; half of said Association, as did Mr. P. A. Palmer and Mr. Stephen Smith. Mr. J. W. j Drawdy, Planning Director, participated in the discussion. After consideration, a roll call vote was Motion .x; taken on Resolution No. 5092, which failed ;Roll Call:; ; ' Ayes adoption. A es x;x; Noes ;x x;x The Mayor declared a five minute recess. ; The meeting reconvened with all Councilmen present. Attorney Donald Harwood inquired whether or not ; there was a chance of any possible solution to the off - street, off -site parking problem dis- cussed prior to recess. Mr. P. A. Palmer again addressed the Council. The Mayor stated the ; Council would be receptive to a review of the matter on a different basis. " 2. (Agenda Item :I -1) Certificates from the... office of the Secretary. of State of the I endorsement and filing-of the ordinances of annexation to the City of Newport Beach, nnex�tions effective September 21, 1959, of. "First . CA -lab Addition to Acacia Street Annex" and "Harbor Motion xf View Annex were ordered filed. ;All Ayes; 3. (Agenda Item H -2) The preliminary report Buck from the City Manager and Public Works ; Gully Director, dated September 23, 1959, on Buck , drainage Gully drainage, was approved and ordered ; Motion ; x CA -1�4 filed. ;All Ayes; ; 4. (Agenda Item H -3) The recommendations of the; Irvine City Manager and Public Works Director re- Avenue garding Irvine Avenue one -way traffic, in a one -way report dated September 22, 1959, were pre- traffic rented. CA -11:4 Mr. Jack Garnaus of the Harbor Highlands ; Homeowners' Association, spoke from the audi -I 1 ; ence, requesting a review of the situation ; • if the one -way traffic created problems. Subject recommendatio s were appr ed a ; M ion .x; ; adopted. i✓ 1 Ayes ; ATTEST: MayoV City r Page 59 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; , ; I tN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page 60 - Volume 13 I ' Se tembe_° 28 1959)2��°r,`F� °yF�'o Ord.18 95,. Ordinance No. 897, being re "cameo AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Highlands APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF Anne$" NEWPO,T BEACH OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED 2nd reading TERRITORY CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF ' waiveld NEWPOrT BEACH AND KNOWN AS "CAMEO ' Ord. ;897 adopted HIGHLANDS ANNEX," CA -108 ' ' was presented for second reading. The second Motion :x; reading of said ordinance was waived, and Roll Cali:; Ordinance No. 897 was adopted. Ayes x;x;x:x:s:xlx Ord. ; 6. Ordinance No. 898, being 898 ; re bicycle AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ; r operation AMENDING SECTION 3295.1 OF THE NEWPORT on sidewalks BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO BICYCLE ; 1 1 I 2nd reading OPEP,ATION ON SIDEWALKS, waived CA;57 was presented for second reading (permitting ; bicycle riding on the south one -half of the Ord. 698 sidewalk on Ocean Front between F Street and adopted_ McFadden Place and between 24th Street and 36th Street). I 1 I I I I The second reading of said ordinance was 1 Motion ;x waived, and Ordinance No. 898 was adopted. ' Roll Call 1 1 1 1 Ayes ;x:1 x1 x;x;xx1 ;x R 5093 7. (Agenda Item H -6) resolution No. 5093 ' f Quitclaim authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Deed , execute a Quitclaim Deed to Guth H. Willett, adopt releasing any interest the City may have in CA -14 a portion of Ocean Front in the Seashore � ; Colony Tract, abutting Lot 4, Block B, ; Motion ;x (abandoned by Resolution No. 4971) , was ;Roll Call: , adopted. Ayes ;x;x;xx;x;x;x R 5094 8. (Agenda Item H -7) Resolution No. 5094, , Deed accepting a Deed of Right of Way from The Irvine Company, conveying an easement for public road purposes, in connection with the conveying improvement of the intersection of Dover ; easement Drive and Pacific Coast Highway; authorizing ; adopted the City Clerk to execute and attach thereto Motion ; ;x; ; CA -291 a Certificate of Acceptance and Consent to Roll Call:; I the Recording thereof, was adopted. Ayes x;x;x. x;x;x, x R 509 ' 9. (Agenda Item H -8) Resolution No. 5095, � Motion Recor approving the destruction of certain records, !,Roll Cal dest4ction w s adopted. Ayes 'x;x;x: ix :x; x adopted CA -193 R 509 ' 1,0. (Agenda Item H -9) Resolution No. 5096, Quitclaim authorizing the execution of a Quitclaim ; Motion 'x; ; Deed 1 Deed regarding Lots 1 and 28, Block 2, Tract ;:Roll Cal:; adopt d No. 772, was adopted. Ayes ;x;xlx;x xx x Deeds' 1 ; R 509' 11. (Agenda Item H -11) Resolution No. 5097, I I 1 Agrmt; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Resub;97 execute an agreement with P. Marples and Irma; adopted Marples whereby the Marples agree to do cer- • CA -x.29 tain work on Lots 18 and 19, Block 12, 1 ; Section 3, Balboa Island, and to post a bond guaranteeing performano thereof q(ra ; Mo o n ; ; x Resubdivision Applica4bn� No. 97s oadopted. �` �s ;x x I x;x;x; x; x `-� >J TTEST: I I ; ; I : , I 1 A� I / \. C I A T� RTC � 1 I Page 60 I Imprs;l5. Tr 25.3 CA-23; 1 ; ; , , I ; , I Polic4.16. Bldg.; additions CA -38; 1 1 Tr 35+2 7 CA -23 ; 1 , 1 I ; , 18. I I • I Notice of Completion, and that the surety ; bond be released, was presented. Said recommendations were accepted and :Motion ;x; authorized. All Ayes; ; I I (Agenda Item H -15) A report from the City Manager and Public Works Director recommending; the acceptance of improvements by Dike and , I Colegrove, Inc., and releasing the performance; bond re Tract No. 2513, vicinity of Irvine Avenue and 22d Street, was presented. I I The improvements were accepted and it was ;Motion :x directed that the surety bond be released. All Ayes; ; ' I (Agenda Item H -16) The plans and specifi- cations for the construction of additions to ' the Police Building were approved, and the City Clerk was authorized to advertise for (lump sum) bids to be received in her office Motion ;x: on October 23, 1959, at 10:30 A.M. All Ayes; (Agenda Item H -17) Consideration of the recommendations of the Planning Commission on; Tentative Map Tract No. 3542 (east side of ; MacArthur Boulevard, beginning approximately 700° northerly of Pacific Coast Highway), was; Motion ; :x held over until October 13, 1959. All Ayes: (Agenda Item H -18) The City Manager pre- ; sented the report of the Parks, Beaches and ; Recreation Commission recommending that the , I architects proceed with the preliminary drawings of the Precise Plan of Public Service.Area No. 1, and of a building designed to handle one concessionaire of food and beach gear rental at' -the -Coro d Mar State and City Beach. I ; I I ; ; ; 1 ; , I ; ; I 1 ; ; ; CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN - - -- Page 61 - Volume 13 - - -- - - I ,o ex Se ( tember 28 1959) ' �?e `c 70 - -p 12. - - - - --- -- - - - -- ------------------------------------------- Budget Amendment No. C -20 being a Budget y _9? ; Budget Appropriation in the amount of $300 from ; Amendment Unappropriated Surplus, General, to Land ; C -20 ; Improvements, for materials, sewer main I 1 approved CA -ld2 extension first alley west of Dahlia Avenue 1 , to Seaview Avenue; and Estimated Revenue Increase, General Fund, in the amount of ; Motion ; x ; $725, was approved. ;All Ayes, 13. (Agenda Item H -13) Councilman Kingsley °s memorandum to the Mayor and City Councilmen, Garbage & dated September 23, 1959, regarding Refuse Contracting for Garbage and Refuse collection Collection, was presented by Councilman CA -72 Kingsley. Mr. William S. Stewart spoke from the audi- ence and suggested a correction in the memorandum. • The report was accepted and ordered filed ' 1 I 1 ; Motion :x: as corrected. All Ayes y ;14. (Agenda Item H -14) A report from the City I 26th $t. Manager and Public Works Director regarding Storm; 26th Street storm drain system, dated ' drain; September 18, 1959, recommending that the I , I systep work of Thomas D. Minear be accepted, that •` ; ; ; ; C -631' the City Clerk be authorized to file a I Imprs;l5. Tr 25.3 CA-23; 1 ; ; , , I ; , I Polic4.16. Bldg.; additions CA -38; 1 1 Tr 35+2 7 CA -23 ; 1 , 1 I ; , 18. I I • I Notice of Completion, and that the surety ; bond be released, was presented. Said recommendations were accepted and :Motion ;x; authorized. All Ayes; ; I I (Agenda Item H -15) A report from the City Manager and Public Works Director recommending; the acceptance of improvements by Dike and , I Colegrove, Inc., and releasing the performance; bond re Tract No. 2513, vicinity of Irvine Avenue and 22d Street, was presented. I I The improvements were accepted and it was ;Motion :x directed that the surety bond be released. All Ayes; ; ' I (Agenda Item H -16) The plans and specifi- cations for the construction of additions to ' the Police Building were approved, and the City Clerk was authorized to advertise for (lump sum) bids to be received in her office Motion ;x: on October 23, 1959, at 10:30 A.M. All Ayes; (Agenda Item H -17) Consideration of the recommendations of the Planning Commission on; Tentative Map Tract No. 3542 (east side of ; MacArthur Boulevard, beginning approximately 700° northerly of Pacific Coast Highway), was; Motion ; :x held over until October 13, 1959. All Ayes: (Agenda Item H -18) The City Manager pre- ; sented the report of the Parks, Beaches and ; Recreation Commission recommending that the , I architects proceed with the preliminary drawings of the Precise Plan of Public Service.Area No. 1, and of a building designed to handle one concessionaire of food and beach gear rental at' -the -Coro d Mar State and City Beach. I ; I I ; ; ; 1 ; , I ; ; I 1 ; ; ; CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page 62 - Volume 13 IN `, .I I ,S.- P`3-.s �s` IN de: -- Se p tember 28 1959 s��Fy p.�F�o2m9�o - - -, - - -- --------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------ -; - Councilman Lorenz summarized a letter from Mr. Braden Finch, Executive Secretary of the CdM ; Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce, agreeing 1 , I Public with some of the recommendations of the Servile Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, but; Area ; recommending, "that the principle of multiple; No. 1; concession operation with a minimum of three CA -49; individual food and two gear stands be endorsed; °i requesting that a little more time; and thought on this important matter to Corona del Mar be taken. The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission° recommendations were approved and it was I directed that they be instructed to proceed ; Motion x� with the preliminary drawings. :All Ayes, The letter from the Corona del Mgr Chamber ; of Commerce was ordered filed, and it was directed that a copy be sent to the Parks, ; Motion ;x ; • Beaches and recreation Commission. ;All Ayes: I I It was directed that the City Manager engage Ira N. Frisbee & Co. to conduct a final audit as of September 30, 1959, of the business under the master concessionaire 's lease held by D. W. Tate and the lease with 1 Motion 1 ;x; ; Leon P011dY3.er. . :All Ayes: I I 19. (Agenda Item F -19) Approval was given to the , ; 1 I Library request of the City Manager that he be per- ; Clerk ' witted. t0 SllbStitv.�e two one-half time posit4ons Library Clerh positions for one full. -time , I I CA -45; Library Clerb. position in the 1959 -60 Motion ;x Budget. :All Ayes; ; ; 20. (Agenda Item H -20) A report from the City ; Sewer; Manager and Public Works Director regarding ; Main ; the receipt of bids by the City Clerk on replae°e- September 25, 1959, for sewer main re- ; went placement in the alley south of Balboa •C -640 Boulevard, between 9th and 14th Streets, and in 14th, between Balboa Boulevard and Ocean Front, was presented. 1 I I 1 I The report was accepted and the low bid of ; Edwin L. Barkley of Costa Mesa, for $28,128, Motion ;xi was accepted. ;All Ayes; Budge4 21. (Agenda Item 11 -21) Budget ,Amendment No. -Amend ent � C -21, being a Budget Appropriation in the S I I 1 C -21 ; amount of 225, from Unappropriated Surplus, approved General, to Land Improvements, for materials CA -102; for sewer maiu extension from 32d Street to ; easterly terminus of Lake Avenue, and an Increase in Estimated Revenues, in the amount; Motion ;x: of $652.50, from such project, was approved. ;All Ayes i R 509$ 22, Resolution No. 5098, approving a revision Motion 1x; re Ma$ina- of paragraph 16 in the Lease Rental forms for Roll Cali :; ; ' park lease Marinapark, was adopted. Ayes x;x;x x;x;x; x adopted CA- 62� The City Man: ger presented the Financial .Financial Statement for the fisca' ,ear ended Statement 1959, for the City of Icaport Bea/ ; 1 Reports ATTEST: � Tmayor 27 r+ n ; Page 62 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 63 - Volume 13 Z` w (September 28, 1959) �poAF2���s`F`� °i�'mo ----,----- p---------------------------------- a---------------------------- - - - - -- `- \ - - - - -- Said report was ordered received and filed. Motion All ;24. The report, dated September 2, 1959, from „ Frisbee Ira N. Frisbee & Co., the City °s independent & Co:; auditors, regarding the examination of report financial statements as of June 30, 1959, was C -633 presented. Said report was received and taken under advisement for consideration on October 13, ;Motion ;x, ; ; 1959. COUNCILMEN 25. The meeting was adjourned. 0 40 ; F-M L ATTEST: , Page 63 All Ayes' ; ;Motion .x; 1 , All Ayes „ ; , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , i