HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/18/1960 - Adjourned Regular MeetingHE re Nc Ms PE Mc DE C1 CE C8 PL Cc CF CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Minutes of ADJOURNED Page - 73 - Volume. 14 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Date of Meeting: . October 18, 1960 .,Time of Meeting: .7:30 P.M. COUNCILMEN n SP; �,ZNpO Index Place of Meeting: Council Chambers Roll Call: Present x x x x x x 1. ,(Agenda Item 1) Mayor Stoddard opened the.public hearing to reconsider the appeal of Mrs. Patricia McCook, 111 "G" Street, Balboa, from the decision of the Planning .Commission denying Application for Variance -No. 615, requesting - permission. to encroach 4' into. required 10' rear yard setback for the purpose of constructing a bed - aring room and bath on the second .floor only; Lot 6, Block A, Var. Tract No. 518, Zone R -1. 615 S tricia The. Council. had received notice of a letter from Mrs. Cook Patricia M. McCook, dated October 13, 1960, stating nied that she wished.to, cancel her request for subject Variance 13 The•City Clerk.had informed the Council that she.had received a phone call..from Mr. Evans, representing Mrs McCook, and Mrs. McCook, stating that they wished the letter to be. destroyed. Mrs. McCook, Mr. Eanos Evans and Mr, and Mrs. L. K. Hegewald were in,the. audience. Mrs. McCook stated that she wanted the letter of October 13th,. addressed to the, Council,, ignored. Mr. Evans - exhibited, by black - board diagram, ..the alleged negligible amount of view that would betaken• from Mr. Hegewald if the Variance were granted,. and depicted..that the. other property owners, in the block, except for the Hegewalds and Mrs. McCook, had encroached into .the; required rear yard setback. Mr. Hegewald spoke. from the audience opposing the Variance. Planning Director J. W. Drawdy spoke from the audience The, hearing was closed. Motion x All Ayes The findings of the Planning Commission were, sustained Motion x and Variance No. 615 was denied. Ayes x X x Noes x x x • 2...(Agenda Item 2) The Application for Certificate. of Public rtifi- Convenience and Necessity,. taxica.4 of Lee -L. Penfold, to of Checker Cab Company,. for two additional taxicabs, was tweeie ven ce presented. Necessity 25 Mr. Penfold and his Attorney, Donald McCartin, spoke from the audience, claiming that public convenience and necessity would be best served by the granting of a.per- mit for two additional cabs. •,_ Mr. Herman Tate spoke, from the. audience opposing the 3' I. granting of the Application. The Application of Lee L., Penfold„ for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity,. for two additional Motion x taxicabs,. was.granted. All Ayes 3. The Claim for Damages of George Guibert, Jr., for alleged injuries, sustai d in an accid occurre ATTEST:' SMay r C"ty Clerk MS Page 73 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 74-- Volume. 14 Index (October 18,; 1960) on March 21,; 1960, when his automobile was. allegedly Claim struck by a City street sweeper,. was denied and the for action of the. City Clerk, in referring the: matter to, the Damages insurance. carriers, was confirmed. CA 84 County Disposs Statior CA 15 r' 69 Brownel appl walkway access CA 78 city Hall mods. CA 88 (Agenda _Item 3(b)) An excerpt of the minutes. of the Oraz County Board of Supervisors, stating that A. S. Koch, Country Surveyor and Road - Commissioner,. had been authorized to represent the County before the City of Newport Beach Planning Commission and the City Couni in the matter of the application of the County of Orange for a.Use Permit regarding a proposed County Disposal Station, was ordered filed. (Agenda.ltem 3(c)) A letter from A. S. Koch, Chairman, Advisory Committee, Arterial Highway Financing Progra stating that applications, for projects for the: fiscal prograi 1961 -62, will be considered by the Advisory Committee on January 1,. 1961,, was referred.to the City Manager for report. (Agenda Item 4) , In connection with the application of J. Herbert Brownell,. for a walkway acces_ at 2741 Ocean Boulevard, the Public Works Director recommended that ..the_ curb cut and ramp for Parcel B. of Resubdivision No. 82, as shown on Drawing No. 53 -3023 on file in the. office of the, City Engineer, be approved subject to the. condition that the highest point of any structure. built on said Parcel shall, not exceed, 170. 001, City of Newport Beach. datum. Said recommendation was .approved. ,(Agenda Item 5) Consideration of the. request of the City Manager for authorization to proceed with.the City Hall modifications. was continued to October 31„ 1960. 15th St 8. ,(Agenda Item 6)) Councilman Hart presented an oral Com- Ocean mittee report and proposal for the employment of an architect to design and supervise. construction of the 15th Beach Street Ocean Beach restroom, recommending the. employ- restroom ment of Wilson V. Woodman. The recommendation of the CA 49 Committee .was .approved, and the:CityManager and City Attorney were. instructed to. draft a contract with Architec Wilson V. Woodman -of Corona del Mar. 9. (Agenda. Item 7), Ordinance No. 939,. being Ord 939 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH re parking AMENDING SECTIONS 3266 AND 3281 OF THE NEWPOR' CA 22 BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PARKING, prohibiting the parking on roadways.for the purpose of sale, hire or rental of the vehicle or property thereon; and the painting, greasing or repairing of the. vehicle thereon; permitting the Council to designate alleys in .,,which parking is permitted when signs. are posted giving notice of the designation,, as. adopted. ATTEST: / May Ci y rk O page 74 N COUNCILMEN Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion Roll Call: Ayes x x CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page 75 - Volume: 14 Index (October. 18„ 1960) • 10.Resolution No. 5322, accepting a Grant of Easement. for R 5322 street and.highway purposes from Westcliff Development Grant o Company.. for a strip of land 2' in width ;lying within, Lot 4, Easemen Tract No. 3607, was adopted. CA 23 R 5323 11.Resolution No. 5323, accepting a.Grant of Easement for Grant o street and highway purposes, from John N. Echternach Easemen and Barbara•P. Echternach. for a strip of land 2' in width CA 23 1 lying within Lot 5, Tract No. 3607,, was adopted. 12.The.matter of..the, report of the Public Works Director, Geiduk diaried for October 18, regarding the request of Jacob request A. Geiduk.for release of easement for street purposes, CA 29 Lots 16 and 17, Block 46, River Section,. was.continued .for submission on October 31. Adj • • The meeting was-adjourned. Page 75 COUNCILMEN Motion x Roll Call: Ayes xx xx xx Motion x Roll Call: Ayes xx xxx x Motion All Aye a