HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/12/1960 - Regular MeetingCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page. 97 - Volume" 14 Minutes of REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Date of Meeting: December -l2,. 1960 Time of Meeting: .7:30 P.M. Index Place -of Meeting: Council Chambers Fir Add to liar Vie' Ann CA Ord CA L_ L tr get re I lligl watt CA COUNCILMEN < vy Ny O O m 0� yp I Roll Call: Present x x The: reading, of the Minutes. of November 28,. 1960„ was waived;, the Minutes were. approved as.written -and ordered Motion x filed. All Ayes HEARING: (Agenda.IItem E) Mayor Stoddard - opened the hearing regard - 3t ing the. proposed- annexation -of the "First Addition.to Harbor Ltior View Annex, "In accordance.with Resolution- No..5235. The City Clerk stated that a "Consent" had been received from nor The Irvine>Company for said annexation. No one:.in.theaudi a ence.wisiaed to protest. the. annexation. The hearing was Motion x ' -x closed. All Ayes L08 The .problem of providing, proper drainage of subject area was considered, the_ following people. participating. in,the discussion :. O: Z. Robertson. ..the subdivider, and A.. M. I Fickes of Boyle Engineering. Ordinance No., 944,. being 944 LOS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE . CITYY OF NEWPORT BEACH OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND KNOWN AS;"FIIRST ADDITION TO HARBOR . VIEW ANNEX, it was.. introduced and passed.to second reading. Motion x Roll Call: Ayes x x Noes COMMUNICATIONS: to (Agenda.IItem F -1 and Addenda Item Z) The following Motion x Ietters"were.referred to the Water Plans Committee: All Ayes 9 be Ltio : (a) Twenty- letters,urging that the Council assist.in en- larb r abling Harbor Highlands.residents.to become disassoci- 11an s ated.from the Costa.Mesa Water District and_to.receive =r Newport Beach water;. some of the letters requesting. that L2 the City, not negotiate a.contract for supplying, water to.th Costa Mesa Water District until subject area.has, been _re leased; some of thei letters.. citing double taxation of the same area. regarding trash collection and sewage .facili- ties. ,(b) A petition signed by residents of "Seaquist Annexation' requesting that all.the territories. within the boundaries of the City be served. water by the City, of Newport Beach. Qc) A letter from M,. Lee Pickens, of the Costa Mesa .County Water District, statin 1Q The :.Board of Directors of the Costa Mesa County Wa r'District ar a (\ ATTEST: 4 S May City C1 rk Page 97 x Index _0 • Vogel letter r library site CA 65 La Jolla Drive rezoning CA 10 • C laims for Damages CA 84 i CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page 98 - Volume 14 a Q`Q iisecemAer ia. disposed to. negotiate. with Newport Beach for the purpose :of .transferring the Harbor Highland Water System to Newport Beach„ after determining., a reasonable., valuation .for such.. transfer, and upon receipt of a request for such exclusion from the. affected water Consumers._ after. they are: fully informed of the matters, involved: " 'A motion.was,made . by Councilman Lorenz that the City Motion x 'Manager answer the District's.- letter. stating that the City is interested in- transferring all five- areas involved. to the City of Newport- ,Beach water system; and requesting clarification as.to from whom the. request for exclusion should come,, and clarification as to. what:.they mean by .."informed" opinion, suggesting three. ways, i, e. , , either using, the petition -which has been signed by a majority of the water users, or sending a que stionnai re.. with each water bill, or possibly, holding, a meeting. A discussion ensued. C. F. Colesworthy, representing the residents in Harbor Highlands, spoke from the audience. A vote was--taken on CouncilmanLorenz' motion, which carried. All Ayes Walter Koch,, representing the Mariners Community .'Association, spoke stating that the Association was.op- posed to any, contract. being given.to the Costa Mesa Wate -District prior to agreement to the release of the Harbor Highlands area. 2... (Agenda _Item F -2) A letter.was.ordered filed from John Motion x �F. Vogel, stating that. he. is,verymuch,.in favor of placing All Ayes the proposed new library on the Riverside • Avenue City - owned.land "as near to the Post Office-as possible." 3..(Agpnda Item F -2) A petition, bearing twenty -eight signa- tures. of residents. on La.Jolla Drive. or in its - immediate -vicinity, protesting the proposed. change in zoning of La Jolla,. Drive. from R -1 to R -2,, was referred to the Plan- Motion -x ning Commission. All Ayes H. ° Z. Santee. and H. R. Snyder spoke from the audience. 4. .(Agenda Item s.F -4 and 5) The.following.claims against the City were.denied, and the City Clerk's_action.in re- ferring the matters to the: insurance carriers was.con- Motion x firmed; All Ayes ,(a) Claim for Damages of John Klugiewicz,: filed in .the City Clerk's_ office on November =30, 1960, alleging gener al damages: in the amount of $50, 000 and special damages aggregating $1450, for injuries_ sustained when claimant's car struck road- construction _obstructions. on Jamboree Road on,November ,1,. 1960. (b) Verified. claimant's: report of accident of Ruth Winogu a, received by .the City Clerk on December. 7. Said accident is alleged to have.occurred on September. 12, 1960, on Balboa Boulevard near the 3000, block. Claimant alleges that:because of "negligent maintenance . and. defective-and dangerous, condition of the stree I' she, was ea d.t all from her bicycle and injure.; herlf, n ATTEST: Page ayor City Clerk I W. M1 V. C, L' B+ P: 01 C C� E� WE li PL R C1 Ai fL CA Lt re St re CA I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page. 99- - Volume 14 n v- ZA�CZnpO Index :(December. 12.,. 5. jAgenda.Item F -6); An excerpt from the Minutes. of a meeting held,November:29,, 1960, by.the Board-of Super - iter ..visors, indicating its approval of the construction plan ;ter cult for the. water meter vault to be located at the intersection 12 of Palisades- Road and Acacia Street. on Orange County, pr ( - perty,. submitted by Boyle Engineering, was ordered Motion x filed. All Ayes 6; (Agenda.Item F -7) and Addenda Item 3) Letters from the :rs re f ollowing individuals, commending, John- C. Kirk. for his tlboa operation of the Balboa Pier„ were ordered filed: M. Motion _er ceratio Gronsky of the Balboa Pavilion, Company and letters-from All Ayes 530 H.. M.. Holker, Homer M. Smith,:. Roger Hannaford,, Don t 41 A. Gunderson, Monte R. Grimes, President of the Balboa .Improvement Association, H. Christopherson of the Balboa - Angling Club, Larry Hegewald, Peter B. Hill, Al Anderson, Mrs. Gladys Sidler. Harry Blodgett spoke from the audience. commending Mr. Kirkgand participating.in:the discussion regarding the advertisement and acceptance.of sealed. proposals for the concession. .sement7. (Agenda,Item F -8), The, City Clerk.presented . a copy, of a ter resolution of the Board of Supervisors.of Orange County, .ne adopted.NoNember 29, . 1960,, containing notice, that it is rposes 5339 the intention of said Board to convey to the City of Newpol t 12 Beach an- easement -for the purpose. of maintaining municil al water lines.;located at the northwest corner of Acacia and Palisades Road. Resolution�No. 5339,: authorizing, the execution of an Motion x easement ,(agreement),.for water line purposes, was Roll Call: adopted. Ayes w x. I rport 8. (Agenda.Item F -9) An excerpt from the Minutes of a tune meeting: held:November -29,- 1960, by the Board of Super- 0 a r. visors, stating that letter. was, and ordered 2uPP y- filed, dated November.-14,, 1960, -.from The Irvine Company, relative to the future. water supply for the pending develop Motion x ment of the Orange County Airport, was ordered filed. All Ayes 9. ..(Agenda Items,F -10 and, 11) The followingcommunications Motion were ordered.filed: All Ayes rs ,(a) Memorandum from the Planning Director stating that 15th the Planning Commission referred to the Council a letter Beach from J.. H.. Russell suggesting that the restrooms at. 15th stroom 49 Street Beach be placed below the- surface. of the sand. ,(b), Letter from Howard -C. Williams, President of the Central Newport Beach Community Association, request- ing.:that the Council consider changing the proposed loca- tion -of the restroom facilities -At 15th Street Beach to an area. on Balboa Boulevard near 15th Street, stating that ' l° said. area would be an easier p ce to properly 011, d maintain. . � ATTEST: `tJ�(Jj c Mayor City Cl rk page 99 Index 0 Letters re prop new branch library CA 65 • Policy Statemen re branc librarie CA 65 C0 �9 Summons & Compl. CA 169 Street • CA 14 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page, 100 - Volume 14 )ecember 12,,1960) It was.explained that.thorough- consideration had been giv to the. selection of .the. area.for the construction of the rea rooms. Mrs. Shirley Moore and Mrs. Ann Peterson spoke from -the audience. 10.(Agenda Item F -12) A letter. was presented from, Leon Wa President of the.Board of Library Trustees, stating that in regard to branch library priorities, the Board selectee ".the Cliff Drive site as Priority No. 1 and.the Mariners Park site as Priority No. 2 on the basis of present popu- lation;" ,that the. Board recommends the construction on both sites as soon as.feasible, as "a library in each site ad is necessary and urgent." (Addenda Item 4) A letter was. presented from Mel Berry, President of the Newport. Heights Improvement Associatic regarding the Cliff Drive Park site. for the proposed libra and urging that should a library be located. in said area, the building front on Riverside Drive; said-letter also re- ferred to and requested.the. abandonment of.the street right of way from Riverside Drive to Cliff Drive at Beacon Street. A letter was presented from Mrs. Richard•L. Lawrence, Chairman of the Parent - Faculty Organization and Marine Community Association Library- Committee,. urging the construction of a library in Mariners Park, being the superior site "to, all. alternatives under consideration." Said.letters. were ordered filed and referred to the Com- mittee studying the library site matter. Council Policy Statement adopted:. It was the opinion of the Council that small. libraries are inefficient and. main. - tenance. costs are. high, and: the Council believes that all branch, libraries should be constructed with a minimum of approximately 5, 000. square. feet. The staff was instructed to prepare..the necessary initial plans and arrangements for a library building to be built in the Mariners Park area. : Mrs. Donald McCallum spoke from the. audience. .11.(Agenda Item F -13) The Summons andt Complaint in a Qu. Title and Damage. suit, Orange County. Superior Court Action No. 92015, Bernard. Fink, et al., Plaintiffs, vs.' Lawrence -E. Liddle, et al., served on the City Clerk, c behalf of the, City as' "Doe, IV, " was. presented. The mat was referred to the City Attorney, and he was authorizes and directed to appear on behalf of the City and, if the action claims damage against the City,. to refer the ,matter to the:, insurance carriers. 12.Consideration, was given to the second resolution contain in.the letter (referred to in.Item 10- above) of Mel Berry which was the proposed abandonment of the street right t way from Riverside Drive to,Cliff Drive•at Beacon Street. Mrs. McCallum and W. Drawdy, ke_ from the audience. The Cit Manager wa st ue d to ATTEST: City Clerk e, is COUNCILMEN Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes It CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page 101 - Volume 14 JK �\ sA3Ni ^o Index (December 12,. 1960 request .the Planning Commission to, update. the. Master Motion x Plan in- regard:tothis matter. All Ayes PIER PERMITS: 1. ,(Addenda..Item 5) The application of H. Cedric Roberts, Roberts to construct a.concrete slab - seawall.bayward..of Block C, Pier Corona del Mar, was considered. A.letter was.presente Permit CA 130 from G.- W. Green, Vice, President for Business Affairs of California, Institute. of Technology,.. regarding the pro - posed construction on the harbor side. of the Marine .Biological Laboratory at Corona del Mar, stating that an examination .has been made- of plana-for said bulkhead, and that said Institute-is willing to, have the work- execute .as . indicated on the plans.. subject to certain conditions. Mr. Roberts :spoke from .the. audience. The application of H. Cedric Roberts. for said concrete bulkhead was approved, subject to .the approval of the Joint Harbor Motion x • Committee. All Ayes Z. (Agenda. Item G) The application of J. R. Downer„ to Downer construct -a float,; brow, and pier bayward. of Lot 19, Pier Block 17,- Section 3, Balboa..Island, was. presented. The Permit CA 130 Joint Harbor Committee,. at its meeting held,December. 6, 1960„ recommended denial of .the. application since said installation.would, decrease.. the available swimming, area. J, R.- Downer and W. W. Sanford -spoke urging the grantin g Motion x of said pier permit. Councilman- Lorenz made.a motion Ayes x x x to deny said pier permit,, which motion failed to carry. Noes x X: The .Joint Harbor Committee was, instructed. to review and-state its policy,whereby it grants -pier permits. on Balboa- .Island,andthat no moire. pier permits, be granted Motion x .,until the policy has been clearly stated -;and approved. All Ayes The. recommendations. of the Joint Harbor Committee wer overruled, and_the application of J. R. Downer for a • permit in accordance with th'e:plans. submitted, was ap- Motion proved, subject to approval of the Engineering Depart- Ayes x ment. :Noes xxx RECESS for five- minutes.was declared. by Mayor Stoddard. The Council. reconvened. with all members. present. DDITIONAL BUSINESS: Ord. 943 1. ,(Agenda Item H -1). Ordinance No. 943,: being re trailer parking AN ORDINANCE OF THE. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH adopted ADDING SECTION 3265.1 TO THE; NEWPORT BEACH CA 16 MUNICIPAL CODE-RELATING TO STREET PARKING CA 22 OF TRAILERS, OR SEMI - TRAILERS. ON BALBOA ISLAND, • was .presented for second readR�gg. Ad' seuss5EaK:oca . regarding the; cost of the sign ecessary to ATTEST. M( Mayor City Cliark Page 101 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page 102,- Volume 14 Index 9Decem hwr 12- 1.QG(Il • Beautif: cation policy CA 49 R 5340 re park ing CA 22 • Water Pressure Zone III report C 656 Revised TentaiiN Map Tr. 366( CA 23 • Island for .the proposed.. restrictedArailer parking,,as. set Motion forth in a memorandum dated December. 9. 1960, from -Roll Call: the Public- Works. Director and City Manager (Agenda Ayes x x x x x Item H =13). Ordinance.No..943,was adopted. Noes XX . (Agenda Item H -2) Consideration_ of .the proposed policy on beautification and maintenance.of entrances to sub- divisions and buffer strips was.diaried.for December. Z7, 1960. 3, .(Agenda..Item H -3); A discussion was, had.,regarding. the requested limited parking onaLaurel Place, and limited parking on the easterly. and westerly sides. of Hazel Avenue and the easterly side -of Poppy. for a.distance.of 105 feet north of Coast Highway, and the recommendation of the Public'Works:Director. Resolution'No..5340, Motion x limiting, ,the parking of. vehicles. on cert ain streets, as 'Roll Call: recommended, was.adopted. Ayes x x x x x x,x The:City.Manager was instructed.to discuss with.high school. officials, the problem of providing adequate parking facilities and to see what can be done.to alleviate. the Motion x situation. All Ayes 4. (Agenda Item H -4) The..James M. Montgomery, report on 'Water System Pressure Zone III, dated November,.. 1960, was presented, approved in principle„ and the City Manager: was instructed to forward a copy to The :Irvine Motion x ,Company.. engineer for his comments on the report. All Ayes 5. ..(Agenda. Item H -5); The Revised Tentative Map of Tract No.. 3660, located north of 5.th Avenue,.and east of MacArthur Boulevard.in Corona del Mar.; 39 acres :divided into 106- single family lots; zoning R -1 -B, -was presented. A. M. Fickes.of Boyle Engineering; O. Z. Robertson„ the subdivider ;, J..W. Drawdy, Planning Director; and Lester Fant of The IrvinwCompany, par - ticipated in the discussion - regarding the potential drainag problem, and,the..responsibility of costs, resultant there- ,-from, . which could be. created by the proposed. subdivision Mr. Fant- stated .that The..Irvine Company, would pay its pro rata share.of.drainage problems created.'by one.of .its subdivisions. The - Revised Tentative.Map of Tract No. 3660.was ap- proved as. submitted. and conditioned by .the 'Planning Commission, with.the provision. that the Final Map will not be. approved until the storm _drainage,problem is .:settled to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director Motion x and the City Council. All Ayes 6. (Agenda Item H -6). The., findings and recommendations of the Planning Commission - regarding its Amendment No. 8 1.; proposing rezoning from an Unclassified District to a- 'C -N -H District property located easterly of Irvine Avenue, and southerly. of Westcliff Drive, amending pis. triet Map'No. z6, we represent /i✓ // 9 ATTEST: Mayor 102 City Jerk hn i Page Index d(December 12,, 1960) Ord. 945 re rezon CA 10 Budget Amendment CA 102 F-1 L Water main materia C 711 C 712 C 713 Multi- purpose room bids reacted C 709 Ord. 946 re bicyc: registra• tion CA 57 Larkspur stairway CA 29 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Page, 103. - Volume 14 Ordinance .No. 945,, being n AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH gREZONING'PROPERTY AND AMENDING DISTRICT MAP NO.. 26, was,introduced, .passed.to second. reading, and set for public. hearing, on December 27,; 1960, .,(Agenda. Item H -7) BUDGET AMENDMENTS. - The ing ,Budget Amendments, were approved: (a); No. C -30,. in -the amount - of $1240,; being an increase in Budget Appropriations, from Unappropriated Surplus, General,. to Fire Department, Rolling Equipment, for purchase,of miscellaneous. equipment for aerial ladder truck and material. for mounting same. (b); No. C- 31,,.in the amount of $2250,, being.an increase in Budget Appropriations, from Unappropriated Surplus, General, -.to General Services- Streets -Beach Cleaning, Rolling Equipm.ent,. for purchase of parts. for constructic of a. new beach cleaner, I. ,(Agenda Item H4) Plans and specifications for a contract for asbestos.cement water pipe, a contract for concrete cylinder, pipe, and a contract for cast .iron . valves and fittings (being water: main materials for use on -Ahe West Bluff Loop),.- were,approved, and the City Clerk was .authorized to. advertise.for bids.to be.rece.ived.on January 5,:1961. (Agenda. Item H- 9),The-report from the City Manager and Public Works. Director regarding receipt of nine bids by the City Clerk on December 8,. 1960,; for City Hall multi - purpose.: room,. stating.. that .the =low bid, was '$2000. higher - than...that estimated for the.project,: and recommending rejection•of all bids_ and-,the direction..that the.plans, be revised,. was presented. Said: recommendations, were .approved. .Item H -10); Ordinance. No. 946, being AN ORDINANCE, OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REPEALING CHAPTER 3j OF ARTICLE III OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 3 TO ARTICLE IIIb OF SAID MUNICIPAL CODE'RELATING TO THE REGISTRATION OF BICYCLEI was:introduced.and passed to: second reading. 14Agenda.Item,H -11) A report, dated December :8„ 1960, from-the City, Manager. and Public Works Director. re- commending authorization for theAonstruction'ofjVya/ A Sc Page 103 COUNCILMEN Motion Roll Call: Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion All Ayes Motion 'Roll' Call: Ayes rA, o 1N Z�8O Index (December :l2,. 1960) 0 Marine Ave stye lighting CA 28 Sign cos trailer parking CA 22 CA 16 • Sewer program CA 32 Fire Sta 5 expans C 714 R 5351 re Monte, Oil asse C 595 Bayside Park survey C9 �4 PE document: CA 113 R 5342 DEEDS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page.. 104. - Volume, 14 Larkspur stairway,, using City forces,; at an- estimated ..construction. cost of,$500, was accepted -and it was Motion ordered..that the work.:be,done. All Ayes I2,(Agenda.Item H. -12) A report from .the -City Manager. and -Public Works' Director regarding Marine - Avenue street t lighting modernization was referred to Councilman Cook .with.the. statement-that .the 'Council feels that the benefits Property should. pay ' for. the. cost of..the project either :.through.the. formation of an Assessment District or•by Motion cash deposit. All Ayes 13.(Agenda:Item H -13);A report from the Public Works Director and -City Manager„ dated December: 9„ 1960,, re- garding.the. cost of installing signs prohibiting,parking . of detached trailers at certain.times.on Balboa Island,. was Motion .ordered. filed. All Ayes 14;(Agenda ltem H -14), A report from .the City Manager and Public Works Director. on the, 1960 -61 sewer_ replacement Motion x program, dated..November.9,, 1960,: was approved. All Ayes 15,(Agenda Item H -15) A contract with J. Herbert Brownell, for expansion of Fire Station No. 5,: for a sum not to on Motion x exceed $700, was. authorized. All Ayes 16.,(Agenda.Item H -14) The request from Monterey Oil ey Company that. the City consent to .the ..transfer of S Monterey's, assets uto,Humble�Oi1„ was. presented. • Reso- - lutionNo. 5341,. approving:. the..conveyance,. assignment and.transfer. of the contractual rights -of Maiterey0il Motion -x Company. with..the City of Newport Beach to,Humble -Oil 'Roll Call: 8e Refining. Comp�tpy,; was adopted. Ayes x x 17.(Age,ndaatem H -17) Consideration of authorization to proceed with a survey. of 'Bayside Park -was. held over. for presentation of estimate s.onDecember,27,, 1960, 18.(Agenda Item H -18), It was directed.ahat..the. following documents be. received and filed: Two documents which Motion are- before,the.Interstate Commerce Commission :. (1) All Ayes Application, in .the, Matter of the Application of PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY, for a'certificate.of public convenience and necessity, authorizing the, abandon- ment of a portion of line, between Huntington Beach and Newport Beach,. in.the County of Orange, State- of California; ,(2) Return to Questionnaire,. in the Matter of ..the Application of PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY, for a certificate of public convenience.. and ..necessity authorizingthe. abandonment of a portion ..of line betweenthe cities of Huntington Beach.and.Newport Beach„ in the County of Orange,• State: of California. 19.Resolution No,. 5342, accepting,a deed of right. of way from The Irvine'Company, owner, and Richard V. Jordan,- :lessee,. being an easement for public road pur- Motion poses over property, located. at.the. southeast c rner. of Westcliff Drive, and -Irvine- Av ue,. was ado 'Roll Call: yes x x . ATTEST :B'�'� K01L1:!:2:i4 1 104 or Page 9 C tv C erk .w/ IV V/ x K 0 E. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Page - 105,- Volume 14 tea. Index (December,12.. 19601 20.It was directed.that. the: regular Council Policy Study 'ficy . r' Session Meeting scheduled for, December. 19, 1960, not Motion x itudy beheld. All Ayes iession :A 91 21.The. meeting, was adjourned. Motion x idjoume All Ayes • • • ATTEST: Mayor )City lerk Page , 105