HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/19/1964 - Adjourned Regular MeetingP ? C N; L' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 18 - Page 65 Minutes of ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUN Date of Meeting: October 19, 1964 Time of Meeting: 7 :30 P. M. COUNCILMEN A N c n o 0 Z O O F O ormmoc+y ? rP Ax =+Aa " -- a aoa.c v+ +v+cc� +�+ vvuaaa.0 vuau+�c +a Roll Call: Present x x x x x x Absent x The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Motion x September 28, 1964, was waived, and the Minutes were Ayes x x x x x x approved as written and ordered filed. Absent x HEARINGS: rde11 1. Mayor Gruber opened the continued public hearing regarding Pier Permit No. 1347 of Ardell Marina, ar.'xna The hearing was continued until the standard regu- Motion x A °130 lations covering race committee platforms have been Ayes x x x x x x adopted, Absent x SN Assoc 2. Mayor Gruber opened the public hearing on the appeal of M. S. M. Associates from the decision of the Planning Commission, on property located at 201- 203 -205 Carnation Avenue, Corona del Mar, denying Speai Use Permit No. 1066, requesting permission to have 1066 eight appurtenances above.the 35 foot height limit. William Stewart, partner of M, S. M. Associates, spoke from the audience, requesting approval of Use Permit. Alvin F. Howard, Attorney at law, 'representing Mr. Welch, owner of adjoining property, and Mr. Quandt, the party purchasing the property from Mr. Welch, spoke from the audience, objecting to approval of the Use Permit, Jerry Drawdy, Planning Director, spoke from the C audience. Cedric Roberts, owner of the Channel Reef Apart- ments, spoke from the audience and objected to having the building four feet from the property line. The hearing was closed. Motion x Aye s x x x x x x Absent x The findings of the Planning Commission were sus- Motion Ae1 _5 tained, and Use Permit No. 1066 was denied. Ayes x x x x Noes x Absent x yor ATTEST��nn ,� (�cC, City Clerk Page 65 I c° CA C= CA TV cb M� CA CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 18 - Page 66 i 1ov ncfnbP.r 19. 1964 COUNCILMEN s Y 0 or mmoc+q ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: L101 1. Ordinance No. 1101, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING CHAPTER 9 TO ARTICLE VI OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RE- LATING TO UNIFORM TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX. was presented. Jack Barnett of Newport Harbor Chamber of Com- merce spoke from the audience and requested that the second reading of this ordinance be set for November 23, 1964. The following people : also spoke from the audience: Harold Arthur of Bay and Beach Realty, R. C. Greer, real estate agent, Eba Ridge, . 204 Adams, owner of Rick's Court, and Francis Horvath, Chairman of the Taxation Committee of the Realty Board, Nona Gibson, Balboa Island real estate broker and Mrs. Sanford, a realtor. Ordinance No. 1101 was introduced and passed to Motion x second reading on November 23, 1964; if adopted at Roll Call: that time, said ordinance shall be effective on Jan- Ayes x x x x x x °107 uary 1, 1965. Absent x ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 1099 1. Ordinance No. 1099, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 10400 AND 10403 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PERMITS FOR HARBOR STRUC- TURES, -70 was adopted. Motion x Roll Call: Ayes xxx xx x Absent x CONTINUED BUSINESS: xran° 1. A memorandum dated October 7, 1964 from the Acting City Attorney regarding a franchise for com- munity antenna television system requested by Dan Gallagher of Crown Television Sales and Service, stating that the area involved is outside the limits of the City of Newport Beach and that Mr. Gallagher Motion x should discuss his proposal with the County of Orange, Ayes x x x x x x -179 was ordered filed, Absent x RECESS for ten minutes was declared by Mayor Gruber. ATTEST: MLyor q�AGi�Clerk� Page 66 Index • 3 o .liarbo r I Beach 3ro. 0A -70 0034 a,A° 26 0040 • -A 38 iu ge i. -101 .udgeg =A -102 ­6041 A -70 • :tat;e ;ales aX Oki -107 • CITY OrNEWPORT BEACH Volume 18 - Page 67 October 19, 1964 The Council reconvened. 2. A memorandum dated October 6, 1964 from the Acting City Attorney regarding Proposed County Harbors and Beaches Ordinance recommended by the Harbor Commission on September 14, 1964, was Motion ordered filed and the Acting City Attorney was com- Ayes mended on a fine job. Absent 3. Resolution No. 6039, authorizing the execution of an amendment to Subdivision Agreement with The Irvine Motion Company, subdivider of Tract No. 5130, extending Roll Call: the time for completion of improvements to Septem- Ayes ber 18, 1965, was adopted. Absent 4. Resolution No. 6040, authorizing the execution and recording of an indenture with Great Western Savings and Loan Association, which will permit the addi- Motion tional encroachment over the City's easement for Roll Call: sidewalk and utility purposes in Lot 1, Tract No. 1080 Ayes was adopted. Absent 5. A memorandum dated October 15, 1964 from the City Manager regarding payroll certification procedure Motion and controls to insure adherence to the budget was Ayes ordered filed. Absent It was directed that the Finance Director shall be responsible for accuracy of published budget. 6. The recommendations in report entitled "Inter -Fund Motion Transfers at June 30, 19641t, were approved, Ayes Absent 7 Resolution No. 6041, adopting Addendum No. 1 con- Motion cerning sewage pumping facilities and storage lockers Roll Call: and boat boxes as a supplement to the Harbor Permit Ayes Policies, was adopted. lAbsent 8. A memorandum from the City Manager dated October 14, 1964, regarding requests being made for elimin- ation of State sales tax on certain municipally pur- chased items, was presented. A motion was made to adopt a resolution asking that the City be exempt from sales tax on municipally purchased items, which motion failed to carry. The memorandum was ordered filed. ATTEST: I °� ���i / - WA r�� ity Clerk f Page 67 yor COUNCILMEN x x x x x n 0 �o Motion x Ayes x x Noes x x x x Absent x Motion x Ayes xxx xx x Absent x a. Jc n. CE C= CI LJE Ai m; CJ S. elk Cd CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 68 s a p yN f G 0 C O n S O. O O Index LA A O in O !�^ m Y f A P� • CURRENT BUSINESS: .Cr 1. A memorandum dated October 6, 1964, from the ihn A. Acting City Attorney regarding Grauer vs. Alexander; zex et al, Superior Court Case No. 125664, recommendin the employment of Huckenpahler and Dion to collect the amount due the City, was presented. The Acting City Attorney's recommendation was accepted, and the employment of Huckenpahler and Dion for the purpose of representing the City in collecting the City's costs from Jack Lee Alexander, Jr., Claudia Simonton, and others resulting from the vehicle collision on March 14, 1964, in which Police Officer John A. Grauer was injured and a police motorcycle was damaged, on a contingency fee basis of 1516 of the City's net recovery if the matter is settled without a trial, or 255o of the City's net re- covery if the action goes to trial, was authorized, and Motion x the City Attorney was authorized and directed to Ayes x x x x x x °169 carry out the details of this employment. Absent x ,6042 2. Resolution No. 6042, authorizing the execution of ,837 Supplemental Agreement #1472 with the State of Motion x California, increasing the State's share of the costs Roll Call: a -29 in connection with the Newport Boulevard -Via Lido Ayes x x x x x x project from $24, 000. 00 to $29, 042. 21, was adopted. Absent x sed 3. A letter dated October 13, 1964 from the Superinten- dent of Streets containing a report on Weed Abate- ment was presented, ae �� The matter was set for hearing of any objections on Motion x November 9, 1964 at 7:30 P, M, Ayes x x x x x Absent x • 4. A memorandum dated October 14, 1964, from the City Manager regarding request of Dr. Andrew A. T�oO� Sandor for a curb cut permit at 3036 Breakers Drive, Motion x arb cost was presented. The request for the curb cut was Ayes x x x x x x denied. Absent x The Public Works Director was directed to com- municate with the owner of the property at 3024 Breakers Drive and advise him that the City Council intends to revoke the permit for a curb cut granted Motion x at that address. The hearing on this matter will be Ayes x x x x x k °30 held on November 9, 1964, at 7:30 P. M, Absent x ayor ATTEST: % . ity Clerk Page 68 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 69 i 9 c 0 9 m m O O Index October 19. 1964 P P a l�e�ort € Balboa piers C -900 CA -41 Curb crag 1012 E Balboa Blvd CA -30 perrs.pol Race zmd platform CA -70 }laz ,ng sub-std dw1gs CA -81 • Trav exp Cty Mgr 6 Kaycr CA -87 CA -92 e -6043 5. A memorandum dated October 14, 1964, from the City Manager regarding Newport and Balboa Ocean Piers' Repair and Alterations, Contract No. 908, was presented. The bid of Trautwein Bros. in the amount of $54, 055. 0 was rejected and the two projects were ordered split Motion x and the specifications advertised. Ayes x x x x Absent xl 6. A memorandum from the City Manager dated October 14, 1964, regarding a request for a curb cut permit at 1012 East Balboa Boulevard was presented. Approval of the curb cut was granted and the matter ordered forwarded to the Parks, Beaches and Recrea Motion x tion Commission to arrange for the removal or Ayes x x x x x replacement of the parkway trees. Absent x 7. A memorandum from the City Manager dated October 15, 1964, regarding Standard Race Committee Plat- forms was presented. The plan submitted was approved and ordered added to the Harbor Permit Policies with the proviso that this type of structure be authorized on floats bayward of recognized yacht clubs and recognized sailing schools, and the Acting City Attorney was requested Motion to prepare appropriate provisions for addition to the Ayes x x x x x Harbor Permit Policies. Absent x 8. A memorandum dated October 13, 1964, from the City Manager regarding progress being made on razing of substandard dwelling units was presented. The memo- Motion x randum was ordered filed and the staff ordered to Ayes x x x x x pursue the efforts being made. Absent x 9. A memorandum dated October 15, 1964, from the City Manager, detailing expenses incurred at the City Manager's Conference, the League of Cities Confer- ence and trips to San Francisco and Sacramento, was presented. The expenses incurred by the City Manager and Mayo3 Motion Gruber were approved. Ayes x x x Absent x 10. Resolution No. 6043, being a resolution of intention of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach declaring its intention to order the vacation of a M yor ATTEST: n p , r ity Clerk �(r Page 69 :i! KI XI CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 18 - Page 70 Index October 19, 1964 • portion of a public utility easement on Lot 13, Tract 5169, was adopted and the hearing on the matter set CA -, 4 for November 9, 1964, at 7:30 P. M. Drainage 11. A memorandum from the City Manager regarding the ary live drainage condition at Irvine Avenue and Highland & 'r. "digh° Drive was presented. land The recommendation that no funds be exper_ded at this time to correct this drainage condition and that the residents along Irvine Avenue and the City cooperate in an effort to keep the gutter as clean as possible, CA-154 was approved. bldg con 12. A memorandum from the Building and Safety Director hrS, 120 regarding a request for a public hearing regarding 26th St. condemnation of a substandard apartment building situated at 120 - 26th Street, was presented. The request was granted and the public hearing set for CA -31 November 23, 1964, at 7:30 P.M. y.iseod 13. Councilman Elder reported on the recommendation of idazrs the committee for the selection of an architect for Lifeguard Headquarters. The recommendation of the committee for the employ• ment of Dorias and Bell, Corona del Mar, as archi- CA =6i tects for the Lifeguard Headquarters was approved. Exp acct 14. The expense accounts for attendance at the League League of California Cities Annual Conference were appro conf CA -55 COMMUNICATIONS REFERRALS: C'sns `or 1. The following Claims for Damages were denied, and the Deputy City Clerk's referral of the matters to the insurance carriers was confirmed: damages (a) Claim of J. W. Arnds or Gregory Arnds for alleged damages arising from an accident on Balboa Boulevard August 17, 1964, when a City truck backed into their automobile. (b) Claim of Nelson Borree for alleged damages arising from an accident on August 25, 1964, when a City trash truck backed into his automobile in the East Iris Alley. (c) Claim of Roy Carver for alleged damages CA-84 arising from a trash truck running over the "Mayor //��A,�,TTEST: &9 ,City Clerk o Page 70 Call: yes Motion Aye s Absent Motion Ayes Absent COUNCILMEN a x x xxx xx x Motion x Aye s x x x Absent Motion Ayes x x x Absent Motion Aye s Absent x x x CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 71 0 yj0 p' f G (1 O O Index October 19. 1964 o r m m o c v brick wall retainer at 2140 Mesa Drive and breaking the water control valve and sprinkler head system on August 24, 1964. (d) Claim of Paul James Ploss for alleged damage arising from arrest, on July 21, 1964, without cause or justification, and for punitive damages. (e) Claim of Patrick K. Gogerty for alleged damages arising August 24, 1964, to his automobile when struck by a truck belonging to the City while his automobile was parked at Park Avenue and Pearl Street. lain ° Z. The following claim was denied and the Deputy City Motion x 'emple Clerk's referral of the matter to the insurance Aye X x x x x x carriers was confirmed: Summons and Complaint Absent x for Personal Injuries, served on the Deputy City Clerk, in Orange County Superior Court Action No. 128009; Charmaine E. Semple, Plaintiff, vs. The .A °ola City of Newport Beach, et al, Defendants. 3. The following letters were ordered filed: Motion x Ayes x X xxx x 'u` -"fang (a) A letter dated October 7, 1964, from B. N. Absent x eroblems O'Brien, 119 - 45th Street, and a letter dated October 10, 1964, from Herbert F. Whitley, ;A_49 6409 Seashore, concerning problems caused by surfers. .14 -tier (b) Letter dated October, 1964; from Elbert F. Smith, 4105 West 66 Street, Prairie Village, Kansas, concerning debris in the streets, ,A =95 construction of buildings and street lighting. 'Ic -ref 4. A letter dated October 8, 1964, from Mrs. Ben • Cassen, 321 Marigold Avenue, Corona del Mar, A =63 inquiring whether her husband, a licensed brick Motion layer contractor, can get a refund if he surrenders Ayes x x xxx x his license, was ordered filed. Absent x Ichools 5. A letter dated October 6, 1964, from Shirley L. Humann, 1515 Mariners Drive, objecting to construc- Motion x tion of another school adjacent to Mariners Elemen- Ayes xxx NX x 'A -33 tary School was ordered filed. Absent x 'M'` St: 6. A letter dated October 2, 1964, from the Balboa ;each Peninsula Point Association, requesting the City .ease Council to authorize the City Attorney to enter into Motion x negotiations to renew the lease presently in force on Ayes x x x x x x ;A °38 the "M" Street Beach, was referred to the Acting Absent x City Attorney for a report. •Mayor ATTEST: ity Clerk ��`� 71 Page U bla i$e. CA Re: Ba'. CA. y_ I skK CA. ,3u; CA. Fee CA. Roc ar7 CA= 1'rc CA- 4 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 72 Inrinx C)rtnhar 19 19(14 z P P a r 7. A letter dated October 6, 1964, from Jesse Sell, Jr. , 'oca'Li.o and Stanley M. Bell, owners of property located at ig perm 1001, 1003, 1005, 1007 and 1009 East Balboa Boulevard, objecting. to the revocation of the building permit Se authorizing the construction of a swimming pool and including an offer to buy surrounding beach property, or, in the alternative, to sell their property to the City since they are unable to improve it, was presented. The staff was ordered to contact the owners to Motion x .100 ascertain the value of the property. Ayes x x x xx x Absent x loy =a 8. The following letters were ordered filed: Motion x _, Blvd Ayes xxxx x x (a) Letter dated October 3, 1964, from Eric Absent x Arthur Egge, 425 Belvue Lane, Balboa, '29 requesting resurfacing of Balboa Boulevard from Palm Street East to "G" Street. ,I -boas Is (b) Letter from Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Dicks 30 requesting prohibition of skateboards. 9. A letter was presented from Susie Sharp, 440 South I stop Olive, Orange, owner of the lot at the corner of 25th Street and Balboa, requesting that the bus stop at that corner be moved. Susie Sharp spoke from the audience, urging the removal of this stop sign. The letter was ordered filed with the understanding Motion x that the matter was being held in abeyance until such Ayes x x x x '99 time as the property is developed. Absent x ..3 mar. 10. A letter was ordered filed from Carl K. Pearlman, 2001 North Westwood Avenue, Santa Ana, protesting Motion x the manner in which the Police Department conducted Ayes x x x the arrest of his son. Absent x ;slein 11. A letter dated September 30, 1964, from Mrs. es� Adelaide K. Roeslein, 403 Coronado Avenue, Long Beach, protesting the manner in which the Police Department conducted the arrest of her son for Motion x playing his tape recorder and record player on the Ayes x x x x x x '39 beach, was ordered filed. Absent x Ip 15 12. A telegram from Joseph H. "Country" Washburn Motion x '66 regarding Proposition 15, was ordered filed. Ayes x x x x Absent x M or ATTEST: �Cit� k Page 72 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 73 Index October 19, 1964 o r m m o CUR cut bdn Ocem Blvd & Breakers Far CA -30 Co Dock cons. reo CA -173 gieW juris CA -70 Habor Coma Ord CA -70 Prop A & i CA -66 • Prop A & B CA -66 LARTS CA -99 `?rop A & B CA -66 ri U 13. A letter dated October 13, 1964, from Richard R. Leitch, Architect, 1730 West Coast Highway, requesting a curb cut for Lot 4, Tract 1026, being a through lot between Ocean Boulevard and Breakers Drive, was presented and ordered filed, and the letter Motion x ordered acknowledged with notification of the City's Ayes x x x action on this matter. Absent x 14. A letter dated October 14, 1964, from Orange County Dock Development requesting permission to start construction on the boat slips and gas dock for the Orange County Dock Development before the rough plumbing and restroom facilities have been completed on the land side, was presented. The request was approved subject to the condition that no public use Motion of the dock facilities be made until restroom facilities Ayes x x x x are completed. Absent x 15. A letter dated October 14, 1964, from H. J. Lorenz, 165 Shorecliff Road, Corona del Mar, regarding jurisdictional differences in the administration of Newport Harbor was ordered turned over to the Joint Motion Harbor Committee for their consideration and the Ayes 34 x x x x Council to go on record as endorsing his plan. Absent x 16. A letter dated October 9, 1964, from Supervisor Alton E. Allen, regarding the proposed ordinance Motion x recommended by the Harbor Commission, was Ayes x x x x ordered filed. Absent x 17. A telegram from State Senator John A. Murdy, Jr., requesting a resolution in support of Propositions A and B was presented. The Acting City Attorney was Motion x instructed to prepare a resolution supporting Proposi- Ayes x x x tions A and B, to be brought back to the Council for Absent x approval on October 26, 1964. Abstained x x 18. The following letters were ordered filed: Motion x Ayes X xxxx (a) Letter dated October 14, 1964, from William Absent x J. Phillips, together with a resolution of the Orange County Board of Supervisors in suppor of Propositions A and B. (b) Letter dated October 9, 1964, from the Office of the Mayor of Los Angeles regarding the proposed LARTS agreement. 19. A letter dated October 15, 1964, from the City of Stanton, enclosing a copy of the City of Stanton Motion x Resolution No. 469, urging support of County Proposi Ayes x x x XX tions'A and B was ordered filed. Absent x M or ATTEST: /r C' y_Clerk Page 73 K K K CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume`18 - Page 74 \1 ro Index October 19, 1964 Co. slth Dept CA =14.2 rullertot St Coll req CA -35 Assesomt di to improve alleys CA-29 Appl for City Att} CA- 94. Salary & class. survey • CA -4.5 • i 20. A letter dated October 15, 1964, from the Health Department, County of Orange, requesting attendance Motion x of personnel at the meeting of November 18, 1964, waF Ayes x x x x x ordered filed. Absent x 21. A letter dated October 14, 1964; from the California State College at Fullerton, requesting permission to appear before the Council to explain Inter - Varsity activities and gain permission to establish discussion groups on the beaches, was presented. A letter was ordered sent to advise them that they may Motion x appear. It was suggested that Chief Glavas and Chief Ayes x x X x x Lifeguard Reed also be present. Absent x ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. Councilman Marshall gave a report on the formation of an assessment district to improve alleys to City standards. The City Manager was directed to close out the City account that was set up in connection with possible Motion x. formation of this assessment district, and the project Ayes xxxx x terminated. Absent x 2. The statement was made that the date has passed for filing of applications for City Attorney. The Commit- tee, consisting of Councilmen Stoddard, Marshall and Parsons, stated that they have riot yet made a determination regarding this matter. 3. The Position Classification and Salary Survey by Terhune -Pritchard Associates was presented. The report was ordered returned to the staff for compiling figures, costs, etc. , relative to where the funds would be obtained, and the salary committe was authorized to go into detail on the report and bring back a report. The appointment by Mayor Gruber of a Salary Committee, consisting of Councilman Stoddard, as Motion chairman, Councilman Parsons and Councilman Ayes x x x x x Marshall, was confirmed. Absent x COMMUNICATIONS ADVISORY: The following communications were ordered filed: Motion Ayes x x x x Absent x yor ATTEST: ity Clerk \ ?� Page 74 i Index Clrtnhar 1Q_ 1OA4 • UP 1066 CA -15 Utz 1066 CA -15 Up 1066 CA -15 P 1066 CA -15 U�.:066 CA -15 U? 1066 CA -15 UP 1066 CA -15 UP 1066 CA -15 • ULL 1066 CA -15 UP 1066 ..A =15 M 1066 _A -15 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 75 s a 0 in 2 0 0 0 A O O Y T T O O Y 1. Letter dated September 28, 1964, from Neal D. Ramsey, 2516 Ocean Boulevard, Corona del Mar, in favor of the apartme nt building at 205 Carnation Avenue, Corona del Mar. 2. Letter dated September 29, 1964, from Althea P. Lange, 2209 Pacific Drive, Corona del Mar, object- ing to a high rise building on the bluff in Corona del Mar. 3. Letter dated October 3, 1964, from Mrs. E. Burdick, 239 Carnation Avenue, Corona del Mar, objecting to any rezoning on the bluff in Corona del Mar. 4. Letter dated September 28, 1964, signed by 18 resi- dents in Corona del Mar, favoring the development planned by M. S. M. Associates. 5. Letter dated September 21, 1964, from Robert R. Sprague, 101 Bayside Place, Corona del Mar, object- ing to the proposed development on Carnation Avenue. 6. Letter dated September 22, 1964, from M. B. Pendleton, 1002 South Bay Front, Balboa Island, urging that there be no multiple dwellings built in the City of Newport Beach over three stories in height. 7. Letter dated September 21, 1964, from Norman F. Sprague, 207 Carnation Avenue, Corona del Mar, objecting to development of property adjacent to his residence in excess of three stories. 8. Letter dated September 14, 1964, from Mrs. Morgan Lewis, 1314 Estelle Lane, Newport Beach, protesting further development of high -rise buildings on the bayfront and bluffs, together with a copy of her letter to the Planning Commission. 9. Letter dated September 26, 1964, from Mr. and Mrs. Ken Svedeen, 4601 Dorchester Road, Corona del Mar, in favor of development planned at 205 Carnation Avenue in Corona del Mar. 10. Letter dated September 25, 1964, from Helen Willis, 235 Carnation Avenue, Corona del Mar, favoring the proposed construction of the high -rise development on Carnation Avenue. 11. Letter from William C. O'Rielly, 704 Via Lido Nord, in favor of the seven story development in Corona del Mar. ayor ATTEST: City Clerk Page 75 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 76 s Index October 19. 1964 o r m m o c v A066 CA °13 ul� 1.066 �A °l3 Vac alley Z. Bay CA- 14• Valley S.Bay CA- It., Sena -. Ball 3 04 CA-12 Senat:e Bill 310% CA-1-2 S%a>e Sales tax OA *07 eropA& 3 CA-66 �d y °0o. Dock Lse 0A4173 I L 1 12. Letter dated September 28, 1964, from William C. Tesche and Ruth M. Tesche and Mrs. Helen Nyse- wander, 2500 Ocean Boulevard, Corona del Mar, favoring the construction of an apartment building by the M. S. M. Associates on Carnation Avenue. 13. Letter dated September 26, 1964, from W. L. Corbett in favor of the proposed development by M. S. M. Associates at Ocean Boulevard and Carnation Avenue in Corona del Mar. The following communications were ordered filed: Motion x Ayes X xxxx x' 1. Letter dated September 28, 1964, from Mrs. Betty Absent x W. Hart and Mr. LaVerne Hart, objecting to abandon ment of the alley within the block of Cypress Street on the East, Bay Avenue on the South, Fernando on the West, and the Bay Front on the North. 2. Letter dated September 25, 1964, from Philip J. Yeager, requesting abandonment of the alley adjacent to 306 Fernando. The following communications were ordered filed: Motion x Ayes xx x x x x' 1. Letter dated September 24, 1964, from the Coastal Absent x Municipal Water District, Laguna Beach, enclosing a copy of a letter from Lynndon L. Aufdenkamp explaining Senate Bill 3104. 2. Letter dated October 5, 1964, from Orange County Water District enclosing a copy of a letter from the Metropolitan Water District, regarding Resolution 861 supporting Senate Bill 3104. 3. Letter dated September 25, 1964, from the City of Huntington Beach, enclosing a resolution of the City of Huntington Beach requesting the elimination of State Sales Tax on certain items. 4. Letter dated October 6, 1964, from the City of West- minster enclosing a resolution urging support of County Propositions "A" and "B ". A copy of Resolution #64 -1218, dated September 17, 1964, of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California, regarding City- County Dock Lease was presented. The Acting City Attorney commented that the Board of Super- visors should be notified that the City of Newport Beach must concur in any change made in this lease. ayor ATTEST: ity Clerk Page 76 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 18 - Page 77 nN�cno� Index October 19, 1964 o v m m o • The matter was referred to the Acting City Attorney, and Motion x the Mayor was authorized to write a letter to the Board of Ayes x x x x x Supervisors. Absent x The following communications were ordered filed- Motion x Ayes x X x x x x 1. Letter dated September 25, 1964, from the League of Absent x �f .as .-a California Cities regarding Telephone Franchises and ;91 lrancz Telephone Business License Taxes. p ., A -7-07 3a-Lxor prDip2. Letter dated October 2, 1964, from the League of 3A °65 California Cities regarding 1964 Ballot Propositions. 3CA. 3. Letter dated October 5, 1964, from Bob King, 557 �L1 =66 Dune Street, Anaheim, regarding Southern California Association of Governments. ,onf Bldg 4. Letter dated October 8, 1964, from the International 7 °c'_aTs Conference of Building Officials, expressing apprecia- tion for permitting Robert Glenn to attend the 42nd �A =EJO Annual Business Meeting in Glacier National Park, Montana. The following communications were ordered filed: Motion x Ayes x x x x x x 3d Sup 1. Copy of Newsletter from the desk of Supervisor Alton Absent x "A °53 E. Allen, dated October 6, 1964. ?°t: Trans 2. Copy of Minutes of Executive Committee of Metropoli rtg tan Transportation Engineering Board for meeting %A °99 held September 17, 1964. 3d Sup 3. Copies of Agendas of Board of Supervisors of Orange County for regular meetings of September 29 and 30 ".A -53 and October 6 and 7 and October 13 and 14. The meeting was adjourned at 11 :03 P.M. Motion x • Ayes x x x x x Absent x yor /ATTEST: y� Q- ,A,� aity Clerk • Page 77