HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/23/1965 - Regular MeetingIndex I* S�1 -t:i rx "'Tas Coil use o$ I�tp s �9' 2r _dddl 1 days CLi� 4.1 CA-32 0 i� llii i1 i 3a.y C112b 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 19 - Page 39 Minutes of REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Date of Meeting: August 23, 1965 Time of Meeting: 7:30 P, M. vlorc ref TRo cYin o. r:nnnril rhamhanc COUNCILMEN s z N c a o 2 O p CIO A Z A A a Roll Call: Present x x x x Absent x x The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Motion x August 9, 1965 was waived, and said Minutes were Ayes x x x x approved as written and ordered filed. Absent x x Mayor Gruber, with the consent of the Council, presented the request of the contractors, J. T. Smith Company and Wescon, Inc., to have the use of the Newport pier for ten additional days in connection with the construction of the Sanitation District's outfall sewer. Jeffery Hoag, repre- senting the contractors, spoke from the audience and stated that every effort is being made to cooperate with the City and to repair the damage done to the pier, which damage had caused the Council on August 9 to terminate subject contractors' use of the pier. The request for ten days additional use of the pier was Motion x granted with the provision that the City Manager would Ayes x x x x have the power to direct that the contractors discontinue Absent x x the use of the pier if further damage makes this action desirable. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Gruber opened the public hearing in connection with the appeal of the Balboa Bay Club from the de- cision of the Planning Commission denying rezone Application No. A -208 for rezoning of a portion of City property located at 1221 West Coast Highway from a R -4 district to a C -O -Z district. Two letters from Richard S. Stevens, Vice - President of the Balboa Bay Club, dated August 6 and August 19, 1965, were presented. The findings of the Planning Commission were presented. Letters from the following individuals supporting the proposed plans and /or the proposed rezoning of a portion of the Balboa Bay Club property were presented: Robert A. Donovan, Frank Muller, Morris P. Kirk, Robert H. Rich, Paul Trautwein, Tom A. Kendig, MD, Frank J. Scheufele, Jr., Ernest C. Hickson, Edward L. and Doris I. Royal, Irvin C. Chapman, William W. Saunders, Danny Dare, Lee E. Struthers, William L. O'Bryon, David May II, Emerson C. Bishop, or ATTEST: Cil Clerk i Page 39 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 19 - Page 40 Index August 23, 1965 COUNCILMEN 'a O 9 m m O O _ Ruth S. Sparling, W. W. Cruttenden, Jr., G: T. Askew, Amos Swayne, Robert S. Howard, Clarence S. Beesemyer, Walter R. Gayner, Mrs. Evelyn B. Hays, Dwight Gick, Eagar R. Hill, David L. Cunningham,- Thomas E. Addis, Mrs. Peggy Orme, Norma G. Post, Tom W. Henderson and H. R.. Ring, Mrs. S. A. Cummings, Dean A. Peck, Howard B. Lawson, Franz Sigel, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel W. Gulledge, James Karam, - Bewley Allen, Farel Walker, Murray M. Chotiner, Mrs. M. E. Farmer, Jr., C. S. Brokaw, Helen Green Torrea, Carl Neisser, Allen G. Browne, and Normann Kendall. A letter was presented from Frank E. Brown, 1020 Kings Road, Newport Beach, stating that "Mrs. Brow and I violently oppose this application." Planning Director J. W. Drawdy and Richard Stevens • of the Balboa Bay. Club spoke from the audience. The following people opposing the proposed rezoning spoke: Donald Huddleston, 1211 Kings Road; Mrs. Howell, 1421 Kings Road; Virginia Herberts; Robert Gooch, 1611 Kings Road; Mrs. Robert L. Gooch, 1611 Kings Road; and Janice Boer, 912 N. Lowell, Santa Ana. Monte Livingston, General Counsel and Vice- Presi- dent of Balboa Bay,Club, and Dave Cunningham, 134 Via Yella, spoke from the audience in favor of the rezoning. The hearing was closed. Motion Ayes x x x x Absent x x Councilman Stoddard made a motion to sustain the Motion findings of the Planning Commission, denying the Ayes x proposed rezoning, which motion failed adoption. Noes x x x Absent x x Councilman Parsons made a motion to introduce and pass to second reading the following ordinance: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING DISTRICT MAP NO. 6. A further discussion was had. Council- man Parsons withdrew his motion to introduce sub- ject ordinance in view of the proposal that the staff look into safeguards regarding uses, design and location of the building. The matter was diaried for consideration at the next Motion Council meeting on September 13,- 1965 Ayes x x x x Absent x x • ayor ATTEST: M _n C ,EiA. Clerk �Page 40 X s -roi:ec -r:S E v�j;.'1 \° 9 �3..iE ..Aw� __ 0 °nb3. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 19 - Page 41 August 23 1965 COUNCILMEN N� O O 9 m m O O T N f A A F a O RECESS for ten minutes was declared by Mayor Gruber. The Council reconvened with all members present except Councilman Marshall and Councilman Cook. A discussion was had regarding the appointment of a committee by Mayor Gruber to consider the safeguards mentioned above. Richard Stevens stated, "The Balboa Bay Club respect- fully withdraws its application for zone change." The prior action, diarying the matter for consideration on Motion x September 13, was rescinded. Ayes x x x x x Absent x x ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION: Ordinance No. 1136, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT :sn BEACH AMENDING SECTION 3142 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING _ns TO FIRE PROTECTION OF MARINE INSTALLA- TIONS, l making provision in subparagraph 6 of Section 3142 to extend the deadline for compliance to February 25, 1968 within which time non - conforming fire protection installations and equipment shall be caused to conform with said section. Ordinance No. 1136 was introduced and passed to Motion x second reading. Roll Call: Aye s x x x x x Absent x x ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION: j Ordinance No. 1135, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 3250.4 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO BALBOA ONE -WAY STREETS AND ALLEYS, designating. Main Street as a one -way street (north- bound) from Balboa Boulevard to the most northerly point of Main Street. Ordinance No. 1135 was adopted. Motion x Roll Call: Ayes x x x x x Absent x x \ b0fayor ATTEST: 0) 9Q4j 6k Clerk Page .41 Zai `Le c ab end 3ai �P- 3of VA CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 42 0 __.. '7.gu , CONTINUED BUSINESS: iSlanl 1. A memorandum was presented from the City Attorney $Se dated August 20, 1965, regarding the power of the City s `:.ree i to allow use of public street for private purposes, in connection with the request of the Newport Island �.� Yacht Club for use of a portion of the streetend at 39th Street and the Rivo Alto, adjacent to the Newport Island Park. The City Manager presented a modified letter- request dated August 12, 1965 from Newport Island, Inc., for permission to construct a gear locker at a corner of the Newport Island Park. The City Attorney, stated that in his opinion the request should be granted only on the basis of a temporary encroachment permit into a streetend. The request of Newport Island, Inc, in its letter of August 12, was granted, and the Public Works Motion Department was authorized to issue a street en- Ayes x x x x 3 croachment permit. Absent x x .boa 2. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works zbn Director dated August 23 regarding the proposed Balboa Island Lighting District (Assessment District 23 No. 50). The report was accepted and the staff was directed to Motion x prepare a Resolution of Intention to order the improve Ayes x x x x , ment for consideration at the meeting of September 13, Absent x x 1965, said resolution to omit public property from the assessment. CURRENT BUSINESS: i2^7 1. Resolution No. 6207 fixing the tax rate and leveling a tax upon all of the taxable property within the City .107 of Newport Beach which is taxable therein for rMunicipal purposes; fixing said rate at $1.13 on each $100 of assessed value; designating General Fund Motion portion $. 7781; designating Parks and Recreation Roll Call: Fund $. 1094; designating Library.Fund $..10; and Ayes x x x x designating Retirement Fund $. 1425, was adopted. Absent x x a;;er Budget Amendment No. C -6 in the amount of $29, 000 = nditt:s (decrease in Unappropriated Surplus), being a de- crease in Revenue Estimates for decrease in revenue -102 in Uniform Transient Occupancy. Tax from $100, 000 Motion x to $75, 000 ($25, 000) and County Lifeguard Service Ayes x x x x from $72, 000 to $68, 000 ($4, 000); was approved. Absent x x Mw or ATTEST: • rcitrJClerk Page .42 X ty n ��z -ns CA_ 108 Cj Anaust 23. 1965 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 43 N� Y O o a m m o c+ r Budget Amendment No. C -7 in the amount of $27, 900 (decrease in Unappropriated Surplus) being an in- crease of Budget Appropriations for purchase of beach cleaner and tractor and provide funds for Maintenance and Operation, and Equipment Operator, from Unappropriated Surplus General to General Services - Streets, Regular Salaries, Motor Fuels and Motion x Oils, Maintenance - Rolling Equipment,- and Rolling Ayes x x x x x Equipment, was approved, Absent x x Budget Amendment No. C -8 in the amount of $500 (decrease in Unappropriated Surplus) being an in- crease of Budget Appropriations for incidental expenses in connection with proposed Special Assess- ment for installation of street lighting in West Newport; from Unappropriated Surplus General to Motion x Public Works Administration and Engineering, Ayes x x x x x Professional Services -1911 Act; was approved. Absent x x Budget Amendment No. C -9 in the amount of $7, 000 (decrease in Unappropriated Surplus) being an in- crease in Budget Appropriations, for McFadden Place -Ocean Front Channelization; from Unappro- priated Surplus General to General Services - Streets, Motion x Land Improvements, McFadden Place -Ocean Front Ayes x x x x x Channelization; was approved, Absent x x Budget Amendment No. C -10 in the amount of $7, 340 (decrease in Unappropriated Surplus) being an in- crease in Budget Appropriations for increase in Unappropriated Contingency Reserve with $5, 000 being set aside for DeLeuw, Cather & Company; from Unappropriated Surplus General to Non- Motion x departmental, Unappropriated Contingency Reserve; Ayes x x x x x was approved. Absent x x 2. A memorandum was presented from the City Manager dated August 19, 1965, regarding City liability in- surance coverage. The staff was authorized to extend the present liability Motion x insurance coverage for 91 days from September 1, Ayes x x x x x 1965. Absent x x The matter was referred to the Insurance Committee, comprised of Councilmen Elder, Marshall and Parsons, and Mayor Gruber designated Councilman Elder as Chairman. The staff was authorized to renew the Sea Watch Motion x insurance policy, Ayes x x x x x Absent x x or ATTEST: J_CiiY Clerk- Page 43 Ac cc Cc�E v! :.L ..L t� Ac is Ss v° VF r= �a ©F y� C� Inrlox Anornct 23. 1966 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 44 P N r G n 0 0"(" n Z O O O 0 9 n n O Z A A X 3. Resolution No. 6208 authorizing Execution of an 0( Agreement for the installation of utilities with Raeola Dee McCulloch and Kenneth W. McCulloch, for the Motion x °122 installation of underground electrical power facilities Roll Call: °L29 in connection with Resubdivision No. 198, was Ayes x x x x x adopted. Absent x x ;c@p't 4. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works s, st: Of Director dated August 23, 1965 recommending the `aoc acceptance of the work of E. F. Grandy, the construc- tion of the Lifeguard Headquarters (Contract No. 946); 946 authorization to the City Clerk to file Notice of Com- pletion; and authorization to the City Clerk to release x-49 the bonds 35 .days after the Notice of Completion has a °3€1 been filed. a° 61 Subject work was accepted and the recommendations Motion x were authorized. Ayes x x x x x Absent x x is Tax 5. A memorandum dated August 23, 1965 was presented °71 from the Public Works Director regarding gas tax budgets. 6209 Resolution No. 6209, adopting and submitting a budget Motion x for expenditure of State allocated (Engineering) Funds, Roll Call: was adopted. Ayes x x x x x Absent x x -6210 Resolution No. 6210, adopting and submitting a budget Motion x for expenditure of funds allocated from State Highway Roll Call: Funds to Cities, was adopted. Ayes x x x x x Absent x x :cep's 6. A memorandum dated August 23, 1965 was presented )64 -65 from the.Public Works Director recommending gal coa acceptance of 1964 -65 seal coat program in Westbluff `c by Jack Brothers (Contract No. 963), authorization to u` the City Clerk to file Notice of Completion, and 963 authorization to the City Clerk to release the bonds 35 days after Notice of Completion has been filed. ,-29 The recommendations were approved. Motion x Aye s x x x x x Absent x x t:yylus: 7. A letter dated August 17, 1965 was presented from o Richard Jay Smith proposing the use by the City of bay26b a new building to be constructed in Lafayette Square. 79 The letter was referred to the City Manager for his Motion x files. Ayes x x x x x Absent x x M yor ATTEST: Citir Clerk � V Page 44 Li Cl�l Se Cc .� }y zs y, a vC CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 45 \yZpy� ap �P O ta X ;_R - LICENSES: c apps The following Application for licenses were approved: Motion x Ayes x x x x �63 Absent x x 1. Exempt, Buddy Jean Thompson of DisabledAmerican Veterans, 311 West 4th Street, Santa Ana, soliciting residents for clothing and old furniture. 2. Jack M. Carbin of D & B Sales Co -., 310 East 4th Street, Santa Ana, for one skill game (pool table) at Loralu's, 6450 West Coast Highway. 3. Catherine M. Kraner of Kraner''s Concession, 600 East Bay, Balboa, for skill roll game at Fun Zone, 600 East Bay, Balboa, four stations. 4. Helen R. Smith for C. Gilbert Smith, 2044 Federal, . Costa Mesa, for charter boat, El Lobo, 2817 Villa Way. K. COMMUNICATIONS - REFERRALS: w:z Fe 1. A memorandum from William Frederickson, Jr., iI*1.2Ilfl1`�:° 2133 Channel Road, Balboa asking that the Council ar.n i 71 support the request that the Santa Fe Railroad's =36 Commuter Train No. 71 be retained in service for the benefit of Orange County residents and that the Public Utilities Commission hold a rehearing in regard to this matter. Judge Jesse W. Curtis spoke from the audience urging the Council to support the request for rehearing. Mayor Gruber was instructed to send a telegram to Motion x the California Public Utilities Commission supporting Ayes x x x x the request for the rehearing. Absent x x 2. The following communications in connection with Motion x sal -_ ii° proposed location of desalinization plant in vicinity Ayes x x x x Lion of Corona del Mar were ordered filed: Absent x x L_ (a) A letter from Planning Director J. W. Drawdy 012 expressing the unanimous concurrence on August 5, 1965 of the Planning Commission with the City Council in opposition to the location of a combination nuclear powered power and de- salinization plant in the Corona del Mar area (Pelican Point). (b) A letter from Walter J. Koch, Chairman of the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission or ATTEST: City Clerk Page 45 ta X ;_R e3 3a u2 Co C� C� CA s, 7_ L 7_ V r C" CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 46 m \ 11 to lov ­Olk regarding unanimous decision of the Commission wholeheartedly supporting the stand of the City Council opposing the proposed Cameo Shores site for the desalinization plant. (c) A letter from United States Senator Thomas H. Kuchel acknowledging resolution opposing site of desalinization plant and stating he will again ex- press his concern to the district, hoping that a location can be selected satisfactory to all. (d) A letter from United States Congressman Richard T. Hanna acknowledging receipt of Resolution No. 6202 indicating that his position has been that the location of the facility would be far more feasible located as an island in the part of a breakwater and that he is urging the Corps of Engineers to recommend the off -shore area adjacent to the Bolsa Chica State Beach. (e) A letter from the Acting Chairman of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D. C., regarding the possible location of a nuclear powered desalinization plant in Orange County. scot. 3. A letter was presented from Walter F. Asmus, 218 y Lse cS 36th Street, regarding the Beacon Bay lease matter :tat 4-. and beautification of the City- County Dock property. `"o^k The City Manager gave an oral report as to what is 505 being one. g 310 -38 The City Manager was instructed to write a letter to Motion x Mr. Asmus explaining that something is being done. Ayes x x x x x Absent x x 4. A letter from Walter J. Koch, Chairman of the :_k Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission re- Motion x `s13t n garding Lido Park lighting was diaried for con- Ayes x x x x x sideration on September 13. Absent x x s Lido 5. A letter was presented from Hugh L. Mynatt, P�s'na President of Lido Shops Association requesting coratnE Council approval of installation of Christmas de- corations across Via Lido at three locations for the period of November 15, 1965 to January 15, 1966, and requesting waiver of size of rope required. The request in the first paragraph of Mr. Mynatt's letter was approved, allowing the installation of Motion x Christmas decorations across Via Lido at three Ayes x x x x x locations. Absent x x yor ATTEST: Clerk Page 46 Se r. A S, me DE C" �6 v:. A7 C; Y,c' el l' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 47 s � o m < 0 p n 0 O 0 Index August 23, 1965 o = It was the consensus of the Council that the request in the second paragraph should be considered by the Building Department. '. ^visoit 6. A letter was presented from G. L. Graham, General q. re Manager of Servisoft of Orange Coast, requesting ceps' n° "relief from that section of the City code pertaining .7 esmen to the licensing of salesmen." Said letter was ordered filed, and the City. Manager Motion x was requested to advise Mr. Graham regarding Ayes x x x xj regulations in this matter. Absent x x I Co 7. A letter dated August 12, 1965 from Supervisor Alton onomac E. Allen requesting endorsement of the 1965 Fifth V Conf Orange County Economic Development Conference to 6� be held October 28 at the Disneyland Hotel, was presented. The following Minute Resolution was adopted: Motion Ayes x x x x Absent x x WHEREAS, the Orange County Economic Development Conference is of extreme importance to the future economic position of Orange County and its citizens; and WHEREAS, the Orange County League of Cities is a Charter Sponsor of the Economic Development Conference; NOW, THEREFORE, the Newport Beach City Council does go on record supporting and endorsing the 1965 Conference to be held on October 28, 1965, at the Disneyland Hotel. " hg 8. A letter dated August 17, 1965 from Richard W. Beamish, 1201 Estelle Lane, regarding flight .i.'cezrna patterns at Orange County Airport, was presented. Co. .`f"0 Or The matter was referred to the Orange County Board Motion x 54 of Supervisors. Ayes x x x x Absent x x ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: •Yor °S 1. The expense account of Mayor Paul T. Gruber, in :? acct the amount of $52.80, for attendance at the California =69 Highway Commission meeting in San Francisco on Motion x August 19, 1965, regarding the freeway, was Ayes x x x x authorized. Absent x x P ayor ATTEST: CiY Clerk Page 47 Index d P pr a. Ns•:rs�oz°� C2nd2b & 'yv Ter- CA- 154. CA -49 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 19 - Page 48 August 23, 1965 2. A report from the Council Committee on Financing of Capital Improvements, dated August 16, 1965, was considered. The offer of The Irvine Company, being a formula for resolving the storm drainage problem, under which The Irvine Company would pay for the complete costs of oversizing to meet the additional demands generat- ed by the Newport Center development, and the City would participate on a matching basis with The Irvine Company for the cost of replacing the existing deteriorated storm drainage facilites through Irvine Terrace Park, was accepted. Paovic 3. Charleston Enterprises and the United Artists filmin, Company's request to use the Fun Zone area of the In fun . City for the purpose of photographing a movie on Zone September 7, 1965, was presented. 1e1gg Resolution No. 6211, authorizing temporary regula- CA -I 14 tion of traffic on Washington Street between Bay 12=147 Avenue and Edgewater Avenue, was adopted. 71-5212 4. Resolution No. 6212 of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach expressing its opposition to the con- CA-1 2 struction of water storage and distribution facilities by the Coastal Municipal Water District, was adopted, Mayo;:. 5. Mayor Gruber's request to be absent from the 3 anted Council meeting to be held September 13 and to be absence absent from the City and State from August 31 to CA- 91 September 26„ was approved. COMMUNICATIONS - ADVISORY: Ed Ad�m,,. 1. The Minutes of Board of Adjustments Committee �Cfcz S meeting held August 17, indicating that James L. CA -135 Rubel, Jr, was elected Chairman and William C. Ring was elected Secretary of said board, were ordered filed. A" nsxns 2. The following communications were ordered filed: do Cos'�_a Mesa C�o1� Excerpts from the Minutes of the Orange County Boundary Commission meeting held August 9: (a) Regarding a proposed annexation of territory to the City of Costa Mesa (Linda No. 1 Annexation), located at a northwest quadrant of Santa Ana Avenue and 23d Street, approxi- • yor ATTEST: Q ns ✓P y C16ik Page 48 Motion Ayes Absent COUNCILMEN x Motion x Roll Call: Aye s x x x x Absent x x Motion Roll Call: Ayes XX X x Absent x x Motion x Ayes x x Absent x Motion x Aye s x x Absent x Motion x Ayes x x Absent x x x xl x x CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 49 s 9 c O 9 m m O G�1 Index Gii nii c4 ii 7QAri Z A A F Appeal o Uni- corn UP 1150 A15 ' 5711 A -23 �A -53 Ap•1 Ti? 111;7 CA -15 Anchovy IH11 veto CA -66 x x xl mately 660' westerly of Tustin Avenue, indicat- ing that the commission finds the boundaries of said proposed annexation are reasonably definite and certain. c (b) Regarding proposed annexation of territory to the City of Costa Mesa (Paularino No. 10 Annexation) located northwest of Orange County Airport between Newport Avenue and Red Hill, and between Palisades Road and Paularino indicating that the Commission finds the boundaries of said proposed annexation are reasonably definite and certain. 3. A letter from Mrs. Bette Lee, Manager of Bay View Hotel, dated August 11, 1965, regarding the applica- tion for entertainment permit desired by "The Unicorn" beer and wine establishment at the corner of Palm and Bay, was presented. The Council was informed that an appeal had been filed by Perry Bell in connection with the denial of Use Permit No. 1150 by the Planning Commission, and the City Clerk stated that the matter will be set for public hearing on September 13. It was directed that Mrs. Lee's letter be made a Motion x part of the Appeal File. Ayes x x x x Absent x x 4. The following communications were ordered filed: Motion Ayes x x x x Absent x x (a) A letter from Hancock Banning III of Beeco, Ltd. regarding Tentative Tract 5711. (b) Copies of the Agenda of the Board of Supervisors meetings held August 10, 11, 17 and 18. 5. A letter dated August 15, 1965 from Eve MacDonald appealing from the decision of the Planning Commis- sion granting conditional approval of Use Permit No. 1147, was presented. The City Clerk stated that the matter will be set for public hearing on September 13, and that subject letter will be forwarded to the Council at that time. Said letter was ordered filed. Motion Ayes x x x x Absent x x 6. A letter from Governor Brown to Mayor Gruber re- garding Assembly Bill 2756 which would have per- mitted commercial taking of anchovies for reduction into poultry, feed and other products, was presented. Mayor Gruber was instructed to write and thank Motion x Governor Brown for his veto of Assembly Bill 2.756. Ayes x x x x Absent x x M or ATTEST: n�'°�� i , Page 49 —44 ^`_' x x xl Index °147 SC= CA-66 CGS -156 • A3C d_c CA-156 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 19 - Page 50 COUNCILMEN_ s C Y c 0 Co u = O 0 '0 A o v m' o c x 7. The following communications were ordered filed: Motion x Ayes x x x x Absent, x x (a) A copy of resolution adopted by the City of Anaheim highly commending Walt Disney for the outstanding addition to Disneyland of "Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln." (b) A letter from Jay Michael, Temporary Secretary of Southern California Association of Govern- ments Formation Committee indicating that seventy -one cities and four counties have execute the agreement to form SCAG which means that a sufficient number of counties and cities have joined to form the organization according to the agreement and by -laws. (c) Applications for Alcoholic Beverage License: (1) Transfer, person to person, off -sale beer and wine, Art's Landing, 503 East Edge- water Avenue, Balboa- Newport Beach, from Newport Fuel Service, Inc. , to Arthur E. Gronsky. (2) New on -sale beer, Art's Landing, 503 -A East Edgewater Avenue, Balboa - Newport Beach, by Arthur E. Gronsky. (3) New on -sale beer at 2436 West Coast Highwa Newport Beach, by Mary F. Sutherlen. (4) New on -sale beer and wine, Swiss Chalet, 4.14 North Newport Boulevard, by Jaroslav J. and Kate E. Prosek. 8. The following application for Alcoholic Beverage License was presented: Transfer, person to person, Bohemian Embassey, 209 Palm, Balboa- Newport Beach, from Robert J. Harvey, Robert E. Richards, and Larry L. Sammons, to Robert Perry Bell. The City Manager read a report regarding Planning Commission recommend- ations. The application was referred to the Planning Motion x Commission Ayes x x x x Absent x x Mayor ATTEST: Vi a 61 9A 44 iL0=4.4 qty erk Page 50 i x ILL '3eE eTC CA- 4 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 19 - Page 51 s a ormmoc+y Index Aiioiirzt 7.3_ 19�i5 ADDITIONAL ITEMS: :ck.. The City Manager stated that beach erosion, caused by ;sxorl high tides and high surf, was creating severe problems 49 and a current emergency in West Newport. He stated that the Corps of Engineers had been requested to come down to examine the situation. Councilman Elder suggest- ed that some fast sandbagging might be needed and possibly some wooden groins could be constructed. The staff was instructed to go down and check out the Motion x situation to see what can be done, and to do it, and Ayes x x x x x between now and the evening of September 13 the staff Absent x x was empowered to spend up to $10, 000 from the Contingency Reserve Fund for emergency measures in this matter. The meeting was adjourned at 10:56 P.M. Motion x Ayes x x x x x Absent x x or ATTEST: Cz2y C rk Page 51