HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/12/1966 - Regular MeetingCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 143 Minutes of REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Date of Meeting: December 12, 1966 Time of Meeting: 7:30 P. M. Index Place of Meeting: Council Chambers Hrg R -6463 ® =fl496 CATV • CA °beg A COUNCILMEN O p O Roll Call: Present x x x x x x x' The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 28, 1966 was waived, and said Minutes were Motion x approved as written and ordered filed. Ayes x x x x x x x HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Gruber opened the public hearing in accordance with Resolution No. 6463, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach declaring its intention to grant two franchises for the operation of community antenna television systems within the City of Newport Beach. A memorandum was presented from the City Attorney dated December 9, 1966. The Clerk stated that an amendment to the CATV franchise application from Warner Bros. TV Services, Inc., in which they completed their commitments relative to service and connection charges, was received December 12, 1966. Ernest C. Franklin made an inquiry from the audience as to whether the cables would be underground or overhead. City Manager Harvey Hurlburt stated that, insofar as was applicable, the cables would be placed where the utilities now exist. The hearing was closed. Motion x Ayes x xx xxxx Ordinance No. 1196, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GRANTING TO COMMUNITY CABLE - VISION COMPANY A NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHIS TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEM WITHIN SAID CITY, was introduced and passed to second reading on Motion x December 27, 1966. Roll Call: Ayes xx xxx xx ayor ATTEST: c Ak5t&g City Clerk Page 143 i 001 0A- Hrg R -� Anne Ho C; R-6 hrS sch ate• - Index December 12, 1966 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 20 - Page 144 3 o q c P, 1 9 p .A/' N ': Ordinance No. 1197, being, TF 197 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT 179 BEACH GRANTING TO WARNER BROS. TV. SERVICES, INC. A NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEM WITHIN SAID CITY, was introduced and passed to second reading on Motion x December 27, 1966. Roll Call: Ayes x xxx xxx se 2. Mayor Gruber opened the public hearing in accordance 473 with Resolution No. 6473, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach declaring its exn 5� intention to annex to the City certain property known as Annexation No. 58 and giving notice thereof. Attorney E. Rutter, representing both owners of property involved in said annexation, inquired if consideration had been given to annexing the two pieces of property as separate annexations. Planning Director Ernest Mayer stated that this type of proceeding could delay the annexation for a considerable period of time, and although the idea had been considered, it had been deemed inadvisable. The hearing was closed. Motion x Ayes xxx xxx x 475 Resolution No. 6475, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach approving the annexation to the City of certain uninhabited territory known as Annexation No. 58, was presented. With the unanimous consent of the Council, Mayor Gruber stated that the further reading of the 108 resolution was waived. Resolution No. 6475 was adopted. Motion x Roll Call: Ayes x xxx xxx 469 3. The rescheduling of the public hearing set for se= December 12, 1966 by Resolution No. 6469, declaring s'dule intention to order the closing up, vacation and 14 abandonment of a portion of a certain street known. as Ocean Front, for Tuesday, December 27, 1966, at Motion x 7:30 P.M., was confirmed. Ayes xxx xxx x Mr. Donald Elder spoke from the audience. MaCfor ATTEST: Page 144 Actifig C erk Index 0 -V CAT' CA Ord dr b' A r S ran IMAM i December 12. 1966 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 20 - Page 145 s ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: oy NA '"m L98 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 1198, being, ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: L98 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 1198, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 5.44. 130, 5.44. 150, AND 5.44.173 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEMS, was presented with a memorandum from the City Attorney dated December 9, 1966. L79 Ordinance No. 1198 was introduced and passed to Motion x second reading on December 27, 1966. Roll Call: Ayes x xxx xxx 2. A proposed ordinance, being, re 3@ in AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT �end 0or BEACH ADDING SECTIONS 20.02. 135 AND Laos- 20. 02.235 TO CHAPTER 20.02 OF TITLE 20 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE L® AND ADDING CHAPTER 20.53 TO TITLE 20 OF SAID CODE RELATING TO DRIVE IN AND OUTDOOR RESTAURANTS, Planning Commission Amendment No. 227, which proposes to amend Title 20 of the Code by the addition of regulations to guide in the control and development of outdoor restaurants, drive through restaurants and take out restaurants, was presented with the findings of the Planning Commission dated December 12, 1966 and a memorandum dated December 9, 1966 from the City Attorney. The Planning Director summarized the report from the Planning Commission. Jack Barnett, Executive fManager of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, requested additional time to analyze the ordinance and suggested a meeting with some of the restaurant owners and staff for further discussion. Alyn Nielsen and Bob Walker spoke in opposition to said ordinance. Councilman Cook made a motion to delay the proposed Motion x ordinance until January 23, 1967. Dorothy Hutchins spoke from the audience and requested clarification on the ordinance as it pertained to established businesses. A discussion was had. A vote was taken on Councilman Cook's motion, which Ayes x x x x x x x motion carried. p ' ATTEST: Mayor Page 145 cLC ting City C er Inde: • 0 -11 CA -1 n LJ 0-13 CA-] R-61 CA- a CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 20 - Page 146 II xi xl The City Attorney was directed to bring an ordinance to the Council meeting on December 27, 1966 which would extend the moratorium on subject type of Motion x operation as provided in Ordinance No. 1174. Ayes x x x x x 971 3. Revised Ordinance No. 1191, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING SECTIONS 10. 28.040 AND 10.28, 050 TO CHAPTER 10.28 OF THE NEWPO T BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO NOISE ARISING FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, was presented with a memorandum dated December 7, 82 1966 from the City Attorney. The revisions to Ordinance No. 1191 were approved, Motion x and Ordinance No. 1191 was passed to second reading Roll Call: on December 27, 1966. Ayes x x x x x x ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION: .95 1. Ordinance No. 1195, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING CHAPTER 10.50 TO TITLE 10 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PUBLIC NUISANCE ABATE- MENT, was presented for second reading. With the unanimous consent of the Council, Mayor Gruber stated that the further reading of the I ordinance was waived. Ordinance No. 1195 was adopted. Motion x Roll Call: Ayes xxxxxx CONTINUED BUSINESS: 06 1. Resolution No. 6476, authorizing the execution of a Grant of Easement to Southern California Edison Motion x Company for certain underground electrical facilities Roll Call: 122 at the Balboa Bay Club Apartments, was adopted. Ayes x x x x x x i ATTEST: 6eayor 6 b ' d c tin Cite I Page 146 I II xi xl i c' M 2� [N it. q t S CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 20 - Page 147 T.......Y 1...... 17 IOLL a �cfi 2. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works en Director dated December 12, 1966 regarding pier .oath- encroachments in commercial zones and recommending mts g various procedures for handling such encroachments. sM. Diiares Attorney Donald McCartin, representing Margaret Rogers, stated they could find no record of any permit to the Vallely pier or float in question. Roland Vallely stated he had been granted encroachment rights by previous Councils and felt that after 31 years they io7® should not be taken away from him. A discussion was had. The staff was directed to develop and recommend a Motion x procedure for the eventual elimination of present Ayes x x x x x x x encroaching pier facilities, based upon the non- conform- ing use approach; and, in the meantime, the policy with respect to encroachments, as stated in the Public Works Director's memorandum, i. e., that no changes be made in the existing harbor policies, was reaffirmed; and the staff was directed to prepare a permit application for the existing Vallely installation. i The staff was instructed to investigate the possibility Motion x of gross violations in reference to the State Subdivision Ayes x x x x x x x Act in any and all areas of the City that come to their attention and to make a preliminary report to the City Council not later than February 27, 1967. anni 3. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works arb cut Director dated December 12, 1966 regarding request =3® of Mrs. Juanita Denni for curb cut at 6110 West Ocean Front. The request of Mrs. Juanita Denni for subject curb cut Motion x was granted. Ayes x x x x x x 10 Noes x ?q to 4. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works aEgry Director dated December 12, 1966 regarding request ile in of Norman L. Pedersen, Architect, to construct adew1k quarry tile in sidewalk at 3545 East Coast Highway for ge30 owners Mr. and Mrs. Ed. B. Welcome. Subject request was referred to the State Division of Motion x Highways without recommendation. Ayes x x x x x x RECESS for ten minutes was declared b Ma or Gruber. ATTEST: May &r e Acting City Clerk Page 147 i Index R -64+77 cA=29 Seder main se- p lac emt 1966 -67 C -1058 R -6478 Ceo.Hillll Comst.co CA -32 Resub 221 • R -6479 CA-129 limp Irvin Tustin Ave ,,22d to lUni. CA -29 Agrmt E3/ ®s- C® 0 re s t ILMR Placentia &; Superic C -1061 R-6481 CA -29 w CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 20 - Page 148 N O v N P O M 0 K CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. Resolution No. 6477, accepting a Grant of Easement from John P. Dorris and Rose Ann Dorris for street Motion x and highway purposes at 53rd Street and River Avenue Roll Call: and at 53rd Street and Neptune Avenue, was adopted. Ayes x x x x x x 2. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Director dated December 12, 1966 regarding the receipt of seven bids by the Acting City Clerk on December 6, 1966 in connection with the Sewer Main Replacement Program 1966 -67 (C- 1058). g Resolution No. 6478, awarding contract for subject Motion x work to George Miller Construction Company at the Roll Call: contract price of $172, 071. 60, was adopted. Ayes x x x x x x : 3. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Director dated December 12, 1966 regarding Resub- division 221 improvements (Eastbluff Tennis Club). Resolution No. 6479, authorizing the execution of an agreement with The Bluffs, Subdivider, for the Motion x construction of improvements required as a condition Roll Call: of approving Resubdivision No. 221, was adopted. Ayes x xx x x x A. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Director dated December 12, 1966 regarding improve- ment of Irvine /Tustin Avenue from ZZnd Street to University Drive. Resolution No. 6480, requesting the County of Orange Motion x to include within the Arterial Highway Financing Program Roll Call:: the improvement of Irvine /Tustin Avenues, was adopted. Ayes x x x x x x : 5. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Director dated December 12, 1966 regarding joint powers agreement with Orange County for street improvements at the intersection of Placentia Avenue and Superior Avenue. 0 Resolution No. 6481, authorizing the execution of an agreement with the County of Orange for street Motion x improvements at the intersection of Placentia and Roll Call: Superior Avenues, was adopted. Ayes x x x x x x ATTEST: Malro r 0 City Clerk Page .148 I 0 K .Index v -648$2 A86 CA-29 city Emergency Medical Diractor CA -172 Reptt gxm Misde- m0a nos 4 Cffige CA -169 Accept dedicatic arterial PTWY p rop ty Lots B&C Tr 3357 Ll CA-38 CA -23 Ll CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 149 Toro...l.c« 17 1Qhf, COUNCILMEN s q Y o�,scn az�^iO I KIXI X is 6. Resolution No. 6482, authorizing the execution of an Motion x agreement with the County of Orange for the improve- Roll Call: ment of a portion of Campus Drive, was adopted. Ayes X x x x x 7. A memorandum was presented from the City Manager dated December 12, 1966 regarding appointment of Medical Coordinator. George W. Logan, M.D. was appointed as the City's Motion x Emergency Medical Director. Ayes X x x x x It was directed that a Certificate of Appreciation be Motion x sent to David I. Nielsen, M. D. for his past voluntary Ayes x x x x x services as the City's Emergency Medical Director. 8. Councilman Shelton presented a report from the Misdemeanor Prosecutions Committee dated December 12, 1966, recommending that the City continue to rely on the District Attorney to prosecute misdemeanor offenses arising under State law; and further recommending that the City Manager and the Police Chief be encouraged to expand efforts to achieve maximum cooperation between the City, the District Attorney, and the Municipal Court in solving the particular problems of each. The Misdemeanor Prosecutions Committee's recommendations were accepted,and subject report Motion was ordered filed. Ayes x x x x x 9. A memorandum was presented from the City Manager dated December 8, 1966 regarding request of Cameo Shores Association Board of Directors for the City to accept a dedication of arterial parkway property, Lots B and C in Tract 3357, and subsequent mainten- ance of property. The request of the Cameo Shores Association Board of Directors was approved, and the City Attorney was Motion x instructed to prepare acceptance documents. Ayes x x x x x It was the consensus of the Council that the City staff should look into the status of Irvine Terrace with reference to whether or not it comes under the same category and that the City Manager should check into the advisability of putting in sidewalks in subject areas. ATTEST: Mayor a Acting City Clerk Page 149 I KIXI X is R� Tr CA° Sto con 1196 C -9 Ch8 CA- Ref $ra war jai CA Lic CA. ` eir SPQ E16 CA- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 20 - Page 150 N moy�Oi1� q D O p O 17 xi ix 10. Resolution No. 6483, approving an Amended Notice of 483 Addition of Territory for Tract No. 5878 which vacates 5878 a previous Notice of Addition of Territory for said Motion x 23 Tract and authorizing execution of the same, was Roll Call: adopted. Ayes x x x x x x pm drn 11. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works Sr Director dated December 12, 1966 regarding the Storm 5 -67 Drain Construction of 1966 -67 (C -976). 76 ord g Change Order No. 1, in the approximate amount of $1500 for change in the design of the outlet for the 154 drain at Via Lido Spud and Via San Remo, was Motion x approved. Ayes x x x x x x lectivDIZ. A memorandum was presented from the Public Works ffic Director dated December 12, 1966 regarding kern installation of reflective traffic markers on Jamboree oree Road. Rd The expenditure of $1200 of Gas Tax and A.H.F. P. Funds, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Works Director, for installation of reflective lane markers on Jamboree Road from Pacific Coast Motion x 19 Highway to Ford Road, was authorized. Ayes xxxxxx LICENSES AND PERMITS: appi The following applications for licenses were approved: Motion x Ayes xxx xx x 1. Exempt,Howard L. Hanes, representative for Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, Chicago, Illinois, for house -to -house soliciting (World Book). 2. Mario Piatelli, President/ Owner, The Piatelli Compan , 63 130 S. Robertson, Beverly Hills, for one day real estate auction to be held December 18, 1966 at 2:00 p. on property which consists of a duplex at 616 Clubhous Avenue, Newport Beach. COMMUNICATIONS - REFERRAL: IvIt3S 1. The following communication was received and ordered Motion !c filed: Ayes x x x x x x :cLion Certification of the County Clerk to Result of the '76 Canvass of General Election Returns of the Special ATTEST Mayor a Acting City lerl Page 150 I xi ix Index C� J IReq for stop sign in West- Cliff are, CA-19 • Ciffis dmgs CA -1L69 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 20 - Page 151 `A Z � mo\c� _ io inLG w w A C IxI AK. Election consolidated with the Statewide General Election held November 8, 1966, dated December 1, 1966, and certifying that the total number of votes cast for and against Measure E - Proposed Charter Amendment were as follows: Yes 14,289 No 2,989 2. A letter from Mrs. John LeMontagne, Traffic Chair- man of the Health, Welfare, and Safety Committee of the Parent - Faculty Organization of Mariners School dated November 19, 1966, with attached petition bearing 295 signatures of purported residents of the Back Bay area requesting the installation of boulevard stop signs on Highland Drive at Mariners Drive and Santiago Drive at Mariners Drive, was presented. The Clerk stated that a letter was received December 12, 1966 from Mrs. R. F. Forbes requesting traffic control at above - mentioned intersections. An additional petition bearing 14 signatures of purported residents was received on December 12, 1966 from Mrs. John LeMontagne. The matter was referred to staff for study and report. Motion x Ayes xxx XX: Mr. Ray Carpenter, Mrs. John LeMontagne, Mrs. Henry Mauz, and Mrs. Jackie Heather spoke from the audience and requested stop signs at subject intersections. 3. Claims for Damages: (a) The City Clerk's referral of the following matters Motion x to the insurance carrier was confirmed: Ayes x x x x x (1) Summons and Complaint for Damages and False Arrest of Robert A. Zornes and Jenice L. Zornes, plaintiffs, vs. City of Newport Beach, Police Officer Robert W. Briscoe, Police Officer Charles Harvelle, and Does I through X, defendants, Case 150545 in the Superior Court. ATTEST: Nwo r Acting City Clery Page 151 I C IxI AK. Index 0 CA-169 CA-84 Sec 143 Cg St Wr 01 E rg Code 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 152 __t_ I inLL COUNCILMEN s K (2) Summons and Complaint for Money (Negligence I, Case 7300 in the Municipal Court, of Evelyn Denning vs. City of Newport Beach, Does I through V, for damages allegedly sustained on November 7, 1965 when sewage is alleged to have overflowed into her home at 242 Hazel Drive, Corona del Mar. (b) The following claims for damages were denied and the City Clerk's referral of the matters to the Motion x insurance carrier was confirmed: Ayes x x x x x (1) Claim of Florence M. Barnes, City library employee, for damages allegedly caused by a City vehicle which sprayed hydraulic oil on her car on November 23, 1966. (2) Claim of Felicia M. Young, City library employee, for damages allegedly caused by a City vehicle which sprayed hydraulic oil on her car on November 23, 1966. (c) The claim of R. C. Rodriquez dba City Constructio i Company from Attorney Kenneth E. Lewis of the Law Offices of Anderson, McPharlin & Conners, for additional compensation for construction of Sewer Main Replacement Program of 1965 -66 (C -1001) allegedly caused by insufficient plans and specifications of the City which failed to show true subterranean conditions which required claimant to do extra work in order to complete claimant's contract with the City, was referred to the staff Motion x for study and report. Ayes x x x x x 4. A copy of a resolution of the City Council of the City of Stanton requesting the California State Division of Highways to recommend certain changes in Section 143 of the California Streets and Highway Code which provides for funds to be expended on extensions of Federal Secondary Highways; and stating this type of assistance does not lend itself to any type of long- Motion x range planning, was ordered filed. �d Ayes x x x x x ,Ofdayor ATTEST: Acting City Clerk Page 152 I K Index Covege of Ned U.C.I. CA -1L72 CA -33 Weed assessmt refund Cell Ltzr re Feather River Prof CA-12 Ae seal' s Ambu anc Serev CA -110 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 153 nnramhar 12. 1966 COUNCILMEN s 'a Y G1 N a 5. A copy of a resolution of the City Council of the City of Garden Grove supporting the establishment of a College of Medicine at the University of California- Irvine and urging that the Council extend its enthusiastic support of this proposal was presented. Mr. Jack Barnett of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce spoke from the audience and urged that immediate action be taken to approve subject proposal. It was directed that a resolution in support of the establishment of a College of Medicine at the University of California- Irvine be prepared and Motion x presented at the next Council meeting. Ayes x x x x x x x 6. A memorandum was presented from Fire Chief R. J. Briscoe dated December 1, 1966 regarding refund of weed assessment to the National Systems Corporation, 941 North Highland Avenue, Los Angeles, California, The staff was authorized to refund the sum of $22. 00 to Motion x the National Systems Corporation. Ayes x x x x x x x 7. A letter from the "Californians for Water Action ", Feather River Project Association, dated November 28 1966 requesting financial support to advance the program and activities of the statewide Feather River Project Association; enclosing a copy of "Current Water Issues ", a copy of a letter from Harold W. Kennedy, County Counsel, to Mr. Dibble regarding importance of strong financial support to California Water Resources Association from both public and private agencies to protect Californian's future water needs, and a General Service Contract Form, was Motion x ordered filed. Ayes x x x x x x x 8. A letter from Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, Fountain Valley, dated November 25, 1966 complaining of service received from Seal's Ambulance Service, was presented. Councilman Forgit made a motion to file subject letter, which motion was withdrawn. Mrs. Elizabeth Miller spoke from the audience. Subject letter was referred to staff for appropriate Motion x action. Ayes x x x x x x x ATTEST: Mavr �A9 J ct1Y 3ng City Clerk U Page 153 I Index December 12, 1966 Al ing CdH bus area CA-22 Upper Band CA -70 Or Co ]` arb Dist brochure CA -70 Clean cha nne1= Mpt Shore( C-1087 CA-70 CaRo t Mariners Multti- purep rem CA -65 Budget Amendmts CA-102 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 154 9. A letter from Dorothy Wilson, owner of Merrell Hair Design, 2912 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, stating that the parking regulations are a distinct disadvantage to the businesses in her block and requesting that some provisions be made to handle the pedestrian traffic across the highway, was presented. Subject letter was referred to the staff with instructions to write Dorothy Wilson that a traffic study is being made throughout the City. 10. A notice of a meeting of the State Lands Commission concerning the Upper Newport Bay Land Exchange to be held on December 14, 1966 in Sacramento, was ordered filed. It was the consensus of the Council that the City : be prepared to be represented at subject meeting if it was deemed advisable. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. It was directed that the Mayor write a letter to the Orange County Board of Supervisors relative to the Orange County Harbor District brochure on the development of the harbor area and bring to their attention the fact that no mention was made in the brochure of the City's participation in the developn- of Newport Harbor. 2. The City Manager was authorized to enter into a reimbursement agreement with the Newport Shores S Company to jointly finance a project for cleaning the old Channel in back of Newport Shores. 3. The purchase and installation of carpeting for the stage at the Mariners Library multi - purpose room was authorized. BUDGET AMENDMENTS: 1. The following budget amendment was approved: C -29, $25, 000 transfer from Corona del Mar Storm Drains and Inlets to Sewer Main Replacement Program of 1966 -67. ATTEST: - Page 154 r COUNCILMEN Motion Aye s x x x Motion x Ayes x x x Motion Ayes Noes Motion Ayes x Ix X Motion x Ayes x x x x Motion Ayes X X a I CE a CE C1 UZ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Volume 20 - Page 155 Index December 12, 1966 COUNCILMEN T p � ?�G0 a z m X OR COMMUNICATIONS - ADVISORY: 1. The following letters were ordered filed: Motion Ayes x x x x (a) A letter dated November 25, 1966 from Richard Carpenter, Executive Director and General Counsel of the League of California Cities, stating that they have received a considerable amount of correspondence on legislation relative to emission of noise by motor cycles and also some correspondence on the problem of motor cycle operators' licenses, and that there will definitely be legislation in this field which the League will support. (b) A letter dated November 25, 1966 from Pastor Robert H. Carley of the Harbor Council of Churches, enclosing a copy of resolution of the . Harbor Council requesting local city governments, safety engineers, Public Works Departments, and contractors to more carefully consider routing signs and warning devices to be used in street repair work, and also urging citizens to carefully observe posted speed limits in these construction areas and to report conditions which they deem to be unsafe. (c) A letter dated December 7, 1966 from Rev. Henry E. Jones stating that he did not concur with the Harbor Council of Churches and commending 1e�3 the County of Orange and the cities of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach on their record of planning, good government, and genuine concern for the welfare of the citizens. � °53 (d) Copies of agenda from the Board of Supervisors' . meetings held November 29 and December 6, 1966 (e) A letter from Erwin Sklar, Past President of League of California Cities, addressed to Mayor � °83 Gruber, expressing appreciation to the Mayor and to the Council for its cooperation in making his participation as a committee member on Water Quality Control and Solid Waste Management possible. 2. The Mayor was authorized to acknowledge a letter Motion x l -107 dated December 8, 1966 from John F. Gorski, Ayes x x x x Newport Liquor, which stated that his productivity had been directly impaired by the cigarette tax, and suggested that the Council rescind the tax and initiate a comprehensive study. ATTEST: May 4 Page 155 Acting City Clerk U X Index CA-91. 0 1] 9 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN Volume 20 - Page 156 s T.. -�L.. a. ece!aaue ac, 1 7vv Mayor Gruber stated that the regularly scheduled Study Session for December 19, 1966 would not be held. Councilman Cook's request to be absent from the State Motion x from December 18, 1966 to January 7, 1967 was granted. Ayes X X X X X X X The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Motion x Ayes X xx xxx x ATTESTS ayor Acting City C erl Page 156 I