HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/10/1969 - Regular MeetingCOUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Place: Council Chambers Time: 7:30 P.M. MINUTES IOL16CALL dQi �C �i�9 Date: November 10, 1969 INDEX Present x x x x x x x Roll Call. The reading of the Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting of October 20 and of the Regular Meeting of October 27, 1969 Motion x was waived and said Minutes were approved as written and Ayes xxxxxxx ordered filed. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Marshall opened the public hearing in con- Yellow nection with the request from the Yellow Cab of Cab Newport and Costa Mesa, Inc. for approval of Company proposed changes in schedule of rates, in accordance with Section 5. 12. 100 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. • A report was presented from the City Manager. No one desired to be heard. Mayor Marshall closed the public hearing with the unanimous consent of the Council. Resolution No. 7095, establishing rates for taxicabs, R -7095 x was adopted after the reading of the resolution was *otion es xxxxxxx waived by unanimous consent of the Council. Motion x The Mayor was directed to write a letter to the Board Ayes xxxxxxx of Supervisors requesting that the franchise for taxi- cab services from Orange County Airport include several cab companies in the county for better service to the community. • ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 1. Ordinance No. 1317, being, Pawn - brokers` AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 5. 20. 030 AND 5.20. O60 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO DEFINITIONS OF SECOND- HAND DEALERS AND LICENSE FEES FOR PAWN BROKERS, JUNK DEALERS, JUNK COL- LECTORS AND SECONDHAND DEALERS, reducing the annual business license fee for dealing in secondhand goods from $100 to $35 and adding additional items to be reported under the ordinance, was presented for second reading. • Volume 23 - Page 106 COUNCILMEN \\1 _ \ \ \ \\ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES Rgj,L CALL 14MIMMIlk November 10, 1969 Ordinance No. 1317 was adopted after the reading of eotion x the ordinance was waived by unanimous consent of Aye s x x x x x x x the Council. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 1318, being, T: Ro AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 12. 16. 020 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE DESIGNATING VIOLATIONS AS MISDEMEANORS OR INFRACTIONS, conforming with the State Vehicle Code which re- classified certain offenses regarding traffic enforce- ment as infractions instead of misdemeanors. A report was presented from the City Attorney. Motion x Ordinance No. 1318 was introduced and passed to Ayes x x x x x x x second reading on November 24, 1969. 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 1319, being, Ai Re AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 5.14.070, 5. 14. 150 AND 5. 14. 180 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO FORM OF CERTIFICATE, AMBULANCE RATES AND APPLICATION FEE, RESPECTIVELY, A report was presented from the City Attorney. •Motion x Ordinance No. 1319 was introduced and passed to Ayes x x x x x x x second reading on November 24, 1969. Motion x A public hearing was set for November 24, in Re Ayes x x x x x x x accordance with Section 5. 14. 150 of:the Newport Beach Municipal Code, for the purpose of determining whether ambulance rate schedules for Seal's Ambulance Service and Schaefer Ambulance Service should be changed as set out in Resolution No. 7091 which was adopted October 27, 1969. • • Volume 23 - Page 107 INDEX raffic .gs nbulance ;gs R -7091 COUNCILMEN \to - -S-1; \tQX\t7X\\%\t CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL f^ F = 9 November 10, 1969 INDEX 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 1320, being, Curb Cut • Permits AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING CHAPTER 13.06 TO TITLE 13 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO CURB CUTS AND OTHER ALTERATIONS TO PUBLIC STREETS, Motion x and a report from the City Attorney were postponed Ayes x x x x x x x to November 24 for further study. 4. Proposed Ordinance No. 1321, being, Curb Cut AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT Abatemen BEACH ADDING CHAPTER 13.07 TO TITLE 13 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO REPLACEMENT OF CURB CUTS AND DRIVEWAY APPROACHES, establishing abatement procedure for curb cuts and driveway approaches no longer needed or in use, and Motion x a report from the City Attorney were postponed to Ayes x x x x x x x November 24 for further study. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion x The following items were approved by one motion Ayes x x x x x x x affirming the actions on the Consent Calendar: 1. The following Advisory Communications were ordered filed: Letter addressed to Mayor Marshall from the Anti- Trust Division of the Department of Justice acknowledging receipt of Newport Beach Resolution No. 7086, stating that they have concluded that public interest would best be served by entering into a consent judgment in connection with the anti -trust action against four major automobile manufacturers, emphasizing that the Department's suit was a civil, rather than a criminal, action which did not seek to impose punishment or collect damages for past conduct and further stating they believe the proposed consent decree provides relief which is fully adequate to hasten research and development in the field, and moreover, all the relief they could have expected to obtain after full trial that might take two or three years. • • Volume 23 - Page 108 RgLL CALL W • n U • • • C� J COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES November 10, 1969 Letter from Mrs. Nichalas Kfaury thanking the Council on behalf of the parents of Lincoln School and the PTA Board for its attention to the matter of the speed limit on San Joaquin Hills Road. Letter from The Bird Club expressing appreciation for all the help and consideration received from the Newport Beach City Council for the second annual tricycle race held on October 26. Letters from the following urging the preservation of Upper Newport Bay: Gus C. Patzer, Mrs. Mele Koneya, Fern Zimmerman, Evelyn Gloege and Warren W. Crow, Jr. Opinion of the Public Utilities Commission in the matter of the application of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company for authority to increase California intra -state passenger fares to the level authorized for Southern Pacific Company, that the proposed increases in passenger fares are justified and that a public hearing is not necessary. Notice of Local Agency Formation Commission hearing to be held November 12 on the proposed annexation to the airport county service area No. 11, designated West Red Hill area annexation, located on the southeast corner of Newport Freeway and Alton Avenue. Letter from Margot Skilling, President of the West Newport Improvement Association, regarding pro- posed parking lots in the West Newport area. Resolution of the Board of Supervisors authorizing execution of the Lifeguard Service Agreement dated October 21, 1969 between the County of Orange and the City of Newport Beach. Notice of Transportation Committee hearing to be held in San Francisco on November 18 on the question of how responsive the current revenue allocation formulas are to local needs. Agenda of the Orange County Airport Commission regular meeting held on October 22. Agenda for Board of Supervisors meetings held October 28, 29, November 4 and 5, 1969. Volume 23 - Page 109 INDEX COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES 0" CALL_ ���"�� \�����2��9� November 10, 1969 INDE MW Letter from the City of Cypress acknowledging • receipt of City of Newport Beach Resolution No. 7086 and enclosing a copy of City of Cypress resolution authorizing the Attorney General of the State of California to act on behalf of the City of Cypress in the filing service and prosecution of a civil anti -trust suit for damages against automobile manufacturers for conspiring to retard introduction of smog- control devices in the State of California. Letter from the President of the Orange Coast College Student Body inviting the Council to attend its dedi- cation on November 25, 1969 at 11:00 A. M. Com- memorating the 200th birthday of the founding of California. • 2. The following communication was referred as Beach indicated: Erosio3 Referred to staff for reply, letter from Miss Maryann Bannan requesting an explanation of the sand haul operation in West Newport. 3. The following resolutions were adopted after the reading of the resolutions was waived by unanimous consent of the Council: Resolution No. 7092 authorizing removal of stop Stop Sil controls on Irvine Avenue at Clay Street. Resolution No. 7093 awarding a contract for the jetty Jetty bulkhead construction at Channel Road, Contract Bulkhe� No. 1242, to Connolly - Pacific Company in the amount of $42, 474. 00. (A report from Public Works . Director was presented.) Resolution No. 7094 declaring favorable consideration Annx 61 of and signifying preliminary consent in principle to the annexation of territory known as Pacific View Memorial Park (Phase I), Annexation No. 69,to the City of Newport Beach. 4. The City Clerk's referral of the following claims to the insurance carrier was confirmed: Claim of Doris Felts for damage to her automobile Felts allegedly caused when it was involved in an accident with a City vehicle. Volume 23 - Page 110 EX ;ns id COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROB CALL • • • u Motion Ayes • n U November 10. 1969 INDEX Claim of Robert L. Davidson for damage to his auto- Davidson mobile allegedly caused when he was involved in an accident with a City vehicle. Summons and First Amended Complaint for Damages DeHoog (False Arrest and Imprisonment) of Daniel DeHoog. Claim of Southern Counties Gas Company for damage So Counties to 2" copper main at 310 El Modena, Newport Beach Gas Co on October 13, 1969, allegedly damaged by City forces. Claim of Terrance M. Bredeau for damage to his Bredeau motor bike allegedly caused when it was struck by a City vehicle. Claim of Southern Counties Gas Company for damage So Counties to their 2" gas main at 410 El Modena, allegedly Gas Co damaged by City forces. 5. City Manager Harvey Hurlburt's expense accounts for Expense attendance at Airport Noise Seminar in Washington, Account D. C. on October 7 -9, and attendance at ICMA conference in New York City on October 11 -16, 1969, were approved. 6. The following business license applications were ap- proved: Bruce P. Henderson, 1704 Park Avenue, Balboa Island, for door to door soliciting for Newport Beach Cablevision. Robert L. Grizzell, 1519 Santanella Terrace, Distributor for Nutrilite Products, food supplement and cosmetics. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. A report was presented from the Traffic Engineer Traffic regarding traffic signal priorities. Signal Priorities The recommended priority list consisting of Item 1, intersection of Irvine Avenue and Santiago Drive, and Item 2, intersection of Eastbluff Drive and Jamboree Road, were approved; and Item 3, intersection of Newport Center Drive and Ring Roacj was deleted x x x from the priority list. It was understood that the staff would have plans prepared for construction of the approved signals. Volume 23 - Page 111 COUNCILMEN \\0\0470S&4�?c\ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL INAM11\ M- N November 10, 1969 INDEX CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. Proposal from Binder, Mestyanek & Co., Certified Auditing Public Accountants, for auditing services to the City Services for the fiscal year 1969 -70, under the same terms and conditions as the fiscal year ending June, 1969 except for certain changes in the annual audit fee and hourly fee, was considered. A report was presented from the City Manager. Resolution No. 7096, authorizing the execution of an R -7096 • agreement with Binder, Mestyanek & Co, for auditing services for fiscal year 1969 -70 in accordance Motion x with revised annual fee and hourly rates, was adopted Ayes x x x x x x x after the reading of the resolution was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. 2. Three letters in favor of and ten letters opposing the Tidelands Tidelands Use Fees and proposed ordinance were Use Fees presented. !✓lotion x Consideration of the Tidelands Use Fees was post - Ayes x x x x x x x poned to November 24, 1969 as requested by the Tidelands Use Fees Committee. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. Consideration of Final Map of Tract 7027 was deferred until later in the evening. 2. A report was presented from the Traffic Engineer Street regarding parking prohibitions on various streets in Cleaning West Newport in connection with the street cleaning program. Resolution No. 7097, prohibiting parking from R -7097 9:00 a. m, to 12:00 noon between Seashore Drive and Balboa Boulevard on certain streets in West Newport, Motion x was adopted after the reading of the resolution was Ayes x x x x x x x waived by unanimous consent of the Council. • • Volume 23 - Page 112 RQLL CALI W • Moti Ayes I' 1 L Moti • Ayes 0 Moti •Aye e • COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 10, 1969 MINUTES INDEX 3. A letter addressed to Mayor Marshall from the National League of Cities stating that its Bylaws have been amended to provide for cities over 30, 000 population to have direct membership in the National League, and inviting the City of Newport Beach to become a direct member of the organization,. was presented. The City's membership in the National League of Cities, effective November 1, 1969,and payment of $250. 00 for the annual membership fee were approved; and Mayor Doreen Marshall was designated as the voting delegate at the Congress of Cities to be held in San Diego, California, December 1 -5, 1969. League of Cities 4. A letter from the Corona del Mar Chamber of Com- CdM Sign merce requesting that the Corona del Mar - Newport Beach sign for the east end of Corona del Mar be placed on the agenda for discussion was presented with a report from the Planning Director. Dee Cook, President of the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce, spoke from the audience. It was directed that the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce be notified that they should go ahead with installation of their own sign as originally planned and that Council approval of the sign should be indicated to the County Planning Commission, and the staff was directed to bring back a Master Plan for entrance signs for the City of Newport Beach. 5. A report from the Planning Director regarding the findings of the Planning Commission in connection with the Final Map of Tract 7027, Donald R, Bren Co., subdivider, 28.36 acres divided into 84 lots for single family homes, portion of Blocks 92 and 93 of Irvine's Subdivision, located easterly of Mac- Arthur Boulevard at southerly extension of Newport Hills Drive West,was presented with a report from the Public Works Director. Planning Director Larry Wilson gave a staff report. The Final Map of Tract 7027, subject to conditions recommended by the Planning Commission and subject to the further condition that the Final Map not be recorded until the interest of the Metropolitan Water District in a portion of the property has been quitclaimed to The Irvine Company, was approved. Volume 23 - Page 113 City Entrance Sign Tract 7027 COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL \\ffilrA \a\ November 10, 1969 INDEX Resolution No. 7098, authorizing execution of an R -7098 • agreement with Donald L. Bren Company, subdivider, for public improvements in Tract 7027, except Mac - Motion x Arthur Boulevard, was adopted after the reading of Ayes x x x x x x x the resolution was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. Resolution No. 7099, authorizing execution of an R -7099 agreement with Donald L. Bren Company, subdivider, for public improvements in connection with Mac - Motion x Arthur Boulevard in Tract 7027, was adopted after Ayes x x x x x x x the reading of the resolution was waived by unanimous consent of the Council; however, if the developer should improve MacArthur Boulevard at the same time as constructing the other improvements, this agreement would not be required. • 6. A letter from Ken Allen regarding Small Claims Skill action by the City of Newport Beach in connection Games Motion x with billiard tables in his establishment was ordered Ayes xxxxxxx filed. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: x 1. The City Attorney was directed to prepare a resolution Marine •Motion Ayes x N x X X X N for consideration on November 17 which would express Sanctuarl, Council support of Senate Bill No. 3093 regarding the Act State Marine Sanctuary Act. Motion x 2. The staff was directed to seal or retard the oil leak W. Npt Ayes x x x x x x x at the channel end of 43rd Street by removing a Oil Seep portion of the material adjacent to the site of the oil leak, and adding a layer of cement and replacing • with clean material; the cost of the sealing work not to exceed $2, 000 without further Council approval; this work to be done in'place of the work previously authorized by the City Council on September 22, 1969 under Budget Amendment No. 31. 3. The proposed policy statement on airport zoning was Airport Motion x approved in principle, and its presentation to the Zoning Ayes x x x x x x x California Legislature Assembly Committee on Com- munication and Public Utilities in Sacramento on November 20 -21, 1969, was authorized. • Volume 23 - Page 114 COUNCILMEN °!%yf�y�Z9G RQLL CALL F� Motion Ayes • • • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES a November 10, 1969 ADDITIONAL ITEMS: Peter Vail, resident of Balboa Island, spoke from the audience urging the retention of the Balboa Island Fire Station on Balboa Island. The Mayor stated that the regularly scheduled Study Session for November 17 would not be held. x The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M. to 7:30 P, M. x x x x x x x November 17, 1969. O mayor ATTEST. ity erk Volume 23 - Page 115 INDEX BI Fire Station