HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/06/1970 - Adjourned Regular MeetingCOUNCILMEN 1y ?' F n�LO y?i Oy�O ✓�A N�9�PNy � �$ ROB CAt 1 I/' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADJOURNED COUNCIL MEETING Place: Council Chambers Time: 7:30 P.M. Date: July 6, 1970 MINUTES Mill 1 Y i Mayor Hirth opened the meeting with a moment of silence in memory of Ted Witmer. Councilman Parsons paid tribute to Mr. Witmer and his dedicated service to City government, his years on the Newport Beach Parka, Beaches and Recreation Commission and to his many civic activities. Present x x x x x x x Roll Call. CONTINUED BUSINESS: Due to the number of interested people in the audience, Pacific with the unanimous consent of the Council, Item 3 regard- Coast ing the Pacific Coast Freeway was taken out of the regular Freewa order of business. and considered at this time. • Major General John Condon, member of the Executive Committee of the Freeway Fighters of the Harbor Area, presented a petition gigsled by over 20, 000 interested citizens of Newport Beach and adjacent areas. The petition was addressed to the President of the United States, the Governor of California, U.S. Department of Transportation, California Highway Commission, New- port Beach City Council, Members of the House of Repre- sentatives, and various U.S. and State legislatures, requesting that such action as is necessary and appropri, ate be taken to cause to be deleted from the California Freeway System those portions of the Pacific Coast Free- way (Route 1) which are a part of the adopted route throug the City of Newport Beach and such other portions as contribute to the present route alignment. Motion x Said petition was received and ordered filed. Ayes xxxxxxx • A proposed draft letter from the City of Newport Beach addressed to Mr. Haig Ayanian of the Division of High- ways, District 7, clarifying Council's position on the Motion x Coastal Freeway as stated' in Resolution No.'.7194, was Ayes x x x x x x x tabled. The regular order of business was resumed. . 1. A staff report regarding the modified Azimuth Annex- Azimut: ation (McDonnell Douglas - Collins Radio property) Annex consisting of 252. 58 acres was presented with a letter from Collins Radio indicating that they did not contemplate any change from the current zoning of their property at that time, copy of a letter addressed • Volume 24 - Page 161 Y i COUNCILMEN 'y3o9�o,nm Rf� CALL \p �Pa < � N0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Julv 6. 1970 MINUTES UT18*0 to the Local Agency Formation Commission from H. G, Osborne, Chief Engineer of Orange County Flood Control District, that approval of subject annexation as to flood control and drainage was recommended on the condition that the City of New- port Beach indicates its intention to cooperate with . the County in the implementation of the proposed Master Plan of Drainage for the Irvine Industrial Area,- and a letter from the Airporter Inn Hotel opposing the annexation. City Clerk Laura Lagios stated that in addition to the above letters, there had been received letters from Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Travers and Mr. B. C. Van Esch favoring the proposed annexation, a copy of the staff report from Executive Officer Richard Turner • to the Local Agency Formation Commission, recom- mending that the Commission not approve subject annexation until such time as a firm decision has been made in regard to the future incorporation of the proposed University City, and a letter from Collins Radio Company requesting annexation of all their Orange County property to the City of Newport Beach. Councilman Parsons requested to file with the City Clerk a letter addressed to the Local Agency Formation Commission from Hans Lorenz, protesting the proposed annexation. The following people spoke in favor of the annexation: Alexander Bowie, on behalf of the two proponents of the pending annexation; Bruce Nott, President of Azimuth Equities, Inc. ; Arnold Canfield, Executive Secretary of Collins Radio Company; Al Sloan, Director of Industrial Relations of Collins Radio • Company; Roy Woolsey; Dale Wulmer; and Bruce Gelker. The following people spoke opposing the annexation: Raymond Watson, Senior Vice President of The Irvine Company; Merrill Skilling; Alan Love; John Burton, President of the Council of the Communities of Irvine; Ray Quigley, member of the Council of the Communities of Irvine; Dan Emory; H, W. Linton, Clifton Miller, Director of Planning Development at UCI,reaf£irmed the University's- position opposing the annexation. Charles Curry, President of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, urged further study, and as a resident and individual opposed the annexation. Concern of increased airport activity because of the proposed land use was expressed by several of the speakers. • Volume 24 - Page 162 COUNCILMEN ysysoo� PAN- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 6, 1970 MINUTES INDEX _ RECESS was declared by Mayor Hirth and an Executive • Session was held immediately following the recess regard- ing litigation that had been mentioned during the above discussions. The Council reconvened with all members present except Councilman Croul who stepped down from the Council table because of a conflict of interest. Alexander Bowie gave a brief summation on behalf of the proponents. Vin Jorgenson, spoke opposing the annexation. Mayor Hirth closed the hearing with the unanimous consent of the Council. * Motion x Councilman Parsons moved that the matter be referred to the Local Agency Formation Commission without recommendation. Motion x Councilman Rogers made a substitute motion for the Ayes x x x Council to go on record as approving the annexation Noes x x x as requested, which motion failed to carry because of a tie vote. X x x A vote was taken on Councilman Parsons' motion, tyes oes X x x which motion failed to carry because of a tie vote. Councilman Parsons moved that the matter be tabled for further study of the ultimate City boundaries of the northerly section of the City, Motion x Councilman Dostal made a substitute motion to con - Ayes x x x x tinue the matter for two weeks for study of impact'on oes x x the airport activities, which motion carried. Mayor Hirth declared afive minute recess. The Council reconvened with all members present. Motion x The staff was directed to request a continuance of the Ayes x x x x x x July 8 Local Agency Formation Hearing on the proposed Abstain x Azimuth -Mc Donnell: annexation. 2. A report was presented from the Water Committee Annex i regarding the proposed Harbor View Hills Annexation, Sector IV, Annexation No'. 70, City Clerk Laura Lagios stated that there, -had been . received a'copy of Executive Officer Richard ._Turner' • Volume 24 - Page 163 COUNCILMEN RQINL CALL v FANS C CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Julv 6. 1970 MINUTES INDEX staff: report to the L,oc' &l Agency Formation Corn- mission recommending approval of subject annex- ation. Motion x Approval was given for the City to provide both Ayes xxxxxxx water and sewer service to subject area,if.it were annexed to the City of Newpbrt Beach, and such approval was given without prejudice to future water and sewer service to the downcoast area; and the staff was directed to work with both The Irvine Com- pany and the Irvine Ranch Water District in exploring Any advantages and the desirability of joint use and financing of future facilities. ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION; • 1. Amended Ordinance No. 1344, being, Utility Users AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT Tax BEACH ADDING CHAPTER 3.18 TO TITLE 3 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, IMPOSING A TAX UPON UTILITY USE, covering intrastate telephone communication services, • electrical energy, gas and water which is delivered through mains or pipes, was presented for second reading and public hearing. Jack Feehan and Mario Roberti, representing the Southern Counties Gas Company, requested exemption for gas used in water pumping activities and exemption of natural gas used in dual fuel systems for propelling motor vehicles. • Ralph McCurdy, member of the Chamber of Com- merce ad hoc committee for the study of the proposed business license fees, requested that the matter be postponed. The following people spoke opposing the proposed utilities tax: Clint Hoose; William Hudson, Adminis- trator of Hoag Hospital; Dee Cook, business owner; Blackie Gadarian, business owner; Paul Carroll. Dale Wulmer presented a petition bearing 100 signa- tures opposing the tax. Motion x Ordinance No, 1344 was tabled, and the staff was Ayes x x x x x x x directed to study the matter with the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce and other business groups. • Volume 24 - Page 164 COUNCILMEN CITY OF A 22 F 9.A �oG `%�7 Rg& CALL r s C 'r July 6, 1970 NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES INDEX ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION: • 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 1345, being, Com'1 Activities AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT on Water BEACH ADDING CHAPTER 17.41 ENTITLED "COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES ON THE WATERS OF NEWPORT HARBOR" TO TITLE 17 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIN TO HARBOR REGULATIONS, requiring permit and application fee for commercial activities on Newport Harbor waters and providing for public hearing to consider application, or Alternate "A" which would require the same pro- visions but -would prohibit service of food or bever� '. . . ages, .dancing, music or entertainment whether live or recorded, was presented with a re*port from the City Attorney. A letter from Phillo Tozer, President of Davey's Davey's Locker, requesting a temporary permit for the Locker summer season to operate a sight - seeing vessel with Temporary live entertainment and alcoholic beverages on the Permit and waters of Newport Harbor was presented with an Business • application for Business License of Phil Tozer, License partner, Davey's Locker, 400 Main Street, Balboa, to operate sight - seeing boat, "Balboa Queen" and transportation boat, "Island Holiday. " Motion x Ordinance No. 1345 was introduced and passed to Ayes xxxxxxx second reading on July 13, 1970; the request of Davey's Locker for a temporary permit to operate a sight- seeing vessel (Balboa Queen) with live entertainment and alcoholic beverages on the waters, • was approved for ninety (90) days; and the Business License application to operate sight - seeing boat, "Balboa Queen" and transportation boat, "Island Holiday" was approved. Mayor Hirth adjourned the meeting at 12:35 A. M. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk • Volume 24 - Page 165