HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/28/1970 - Regular MeetingCOUNCILMEN ytP5�0 4� 0 P 0 9 yy3 cF "-� 9GLL CALL . r p < gy CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Place: Council Chambers Time: 7:30 P.M. Date: September 28, 1970 MINUTES INDEX Present x x x x x x x Roll Call. rThe reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Motion x September 14, 1970 was waived, and said Minutes were Ayes x x x x x x x approved, as amended, and ordered filed. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing regarding the Paviliox Commercial Harbor Permit Application of Davey's Queen Locker, Inc., 632 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach, for a sight- seeing and entertainment boat, the Pavilion Queen, based at Balboa Pavilion, to operate on the waters of Newport Harbor seven days a week during the hours of 11:00 A. M. to Midnight, and to . sell food and drinks and have live entertainment; 150 passenger capacity. A report from the Harbor and Tidelands Adminis- trator was presented with a report from the Finance Director to the City Manager regarding duplication of fees. Letters from J. S. Bacon and Roy Kunkle stating that they enjoy seeing the Pavilion Queen going by and that it is a very colorful and great addition to the harbor were presented. A letter from Dal Grettenberg, President of the Fun Zone Boat Co., opposing the Commercial Harbor Permit Application for operation of the Pavilion Queen, stating that the need for sight- seeing cruises around the bay is being adequately supplied by Fun Zone harbor cruises and that no additional service is necessary, was presented. The City Clerk announced that in addition to the letter listed on the agenda, letters had been received from Mark Howlett, William Coulter and Charles Duggan requesting approval of the Pavilion Queen application and protest letters from Elizabeth Jewel and Didi Moore. Harbor and Tidelands Administrator George Dawes gave a staff report. The following people spoke from the audience opposing the granting of a Commercial Harbor Permit for the Pavilion Queen: John Negus, Mrs. Edward Kelly, Volume 24 - Page 245 COUNCILMEN <o�yor y?i � �0 �9 N`9 �yil 2 GC < No ifiLL CALL 3N CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 28, 1970 MINUTES INDEX ent ps 7, 64 Mrs. Emory (Didi) Moore, Ted Clarke, Mrs. John • Rau, George Coffin, Mrs. Lee Gilliland and Dick Sweet. The following people spoke in favor of subject Com- mercial Harbor Permit: Hal Glass; Jack Barnett, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce; and Phillo Tozer, President of Davey's Locker, Inc. Mayor Hirth closed the hearing with the unanimous consent of the Council. Motion x An extension of the temporary permit was granted for Ayes x x x x x x x a period of 90 days, subject to the conditions recom- mended by the Harbor and Tidelands Administrator, at the end of which time the permit will be reviewed . by the Council. 2. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing in connection Weed with the 1970 -71 Weed Abatement Program (Fall) in Abatem compliance with Resolution No. 7271. No one desired to be heard. Mayor Hirth closed the hearing with the unanimous consent of the Council. Resolution No. 7281, ordering the Fire Chief to abate R -7281 weeds and other public nuisances existing upon streets, alleys, sidewalks, parkways and private property Motion x within the city, was adopted after the further reading Ayes x x x x x x x of the resolution was waived. 3. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing in connection Dist Ma . with Ordinance No. 1359, being, 53, 55, E 62, 63 & AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING DISTRICT MAPS NOS. 53, 55 AND 57 ADOPTING DISTRICT MAPS NOS. 62, 63 AND 64, AND PREZONING UNINCORPORATE TERRITORY ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF NEW- PORT BEACH IN THE EVENT OF SUBSEQUENT ANNEXATION, Planning Commission Amendment No. 268, request of The Irvine Company to prezone unincorporated territory adjoining the City to determine zoning that will apply to such property in the event of subsequent annexation to the City to establish a P -C (Planned . Community) District to provide for development of approximately 356. 6 acres of land, located south of Volume 24 - Page 246 ent ps 7, 64 COUNCILMEN �t�905nO-o �22� c� 9� POG O`n�y�in CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 28, 1970 MINUTES INDEX ns its San Joaquin Hills Road and east of MacArthur Boule- vard (realigned), as a residential community com- prised of a mixture of residential density and supporting commercial facilities. Planning Director Larry Wilson reported on the findings of the Planning Commission. No one desired to be heard. Mayor Hirth closed the hearing with the unanimous consent of the Council. Motion x Councilman Parsons made a motion to adopt subject ordinance. Motion x Mayor Pro Tem Rogers made a substitute motion to Ayes x x x refer the matter back to the Planning Commission Noes x x x x for report to Council on October 12, which motion failed to carry. Ayes x x x x x x A vote was taken on Councilman Parsons' motion, Noes x and Ordinance No. 1359 was adopted after the further reading of the ordinance was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. • 4. City Clerk Laura Lagios stated that a letter addressed Kitten to the City Attorney had been received from Attorney Produc Phillip Bush withdrawing Mary F. Wagner's appli- tions cation for a business license in connection with Kitten Productions, 3848 Campus Drive, to operate a nude model and photographic studio. Motion x Said withdrawal was accepted. •Ayes XXXXXXIN ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 1. Ordinance No. 1356, being, Citatio and AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT Warrai BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 1. 12. 010, 1. 12. 020 AND 1. 12. 030 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, AND REPEALING SECTIONS 1. 12. 040 AND I. 12. 050, RELATING TO CITATIONS AND WARRANTS, setting forth the powers of various categories of City • employees to issue citations, was presented for second reading. • Volume 24 - Page 247 ns its COUNCILMEN ��o for �`P4 AQLL CALL N CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 28, 1970 MINUTES INDEX Motion X, Ordinance No. 1356 was adopted after the further yes x x x x x x x reading of the ordinance was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. 2. Ordinance No. 1357, being, Under- ground AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT Utilities BEACH ADDING CHAPTER 15. 32. 105 ENTITLED "UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SERVICE CON- NECTION" TO CHAPTER 15.32 OF THE NEW- PORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, was presented for second reading. Motion x Ordinance No. 1357 was adopted after the further Ayes x x x x x x x reading of the ordinance was waived by unanimous . consent of the Council. 3. Ordinance No. 1358, being, Curb Cuts AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 13.06. 020 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO REQUIRE APPLICATION FEE IN CONNECTION WITH CURB CUTS AND OTHER ALTERATIONS TO PUBLIC STREETS, was presented for second reading. Motion x Ordinance No. 1358 was adopted after the further Ayes x x x x x x x reading of the ordinance was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: • 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 1360, being, Water Rate s AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REPEALING SECTION 14.12. 080, ADDING SECTION 14.12. 045 AND AMENDING SECTIONS 14. 12.010 AND 14. 12.090 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, TO PROVIDE FOR INCREASES IN WATER RATES AND CHARGES, was presented with a report from the Public Works Director. Motion x Ordinance No. 1360 was introduced and passed to Wyes x x x x x x x second reading on October 12, 1970. • Volume 24 - Page 248 COUNCILMEN 3 y y C' 0 � y�o �o.ny Qjk-L CALL ✓ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 28, 1970 MINUTES 0.JaL" • 2_. Proposed Ordinance No. 1361, being, Sound Amplif} AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT Equipm BEACH AMENDING CHAPTER 10. 32 ENTITLED "SOUND AMPLIFYING EQUIPMENT" TO PRO- HIBIT SUCH EQUIPMENT ON PUBLIC BEACHES AND IN BALBOA PARK, AND TO PROVIDE CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS, was presented with a report from the City Attorney. Motion x Ordinance No. 1361 was introduced and passed to Ayes xxxxxxx second reading on October 12, 1970. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion x The following items were approved by one motion af- Ayes xxxxxxx firming the actions on the Consent Calendar: 1. The following Advisory Communications were ordered filed: Notices from the State Division of Highways of acquisition of properties at 714 Fernleaf and 717 . Kings Road. Letter from Jack C. Coleman, Principal of the McNally High School, enclosing a 1970 -71 schedule for their continuation high school. Copy of a letter to City Manager Harvey Hurlburt Beach from M. C. Johnson, President of the West Newport Erosion Improvement Association, regarding future sand hauls and groin construction work in the West Newport . area, and requesting to be involved in all aspects of the decision- making process dealing with the program and copy of Harbor and Tidelands Administrator's reply. Agenda of the Board of Supervisors meetings held September 15, 16, 22 and 23, 1970. 2. The following communications were referred as indicated: Referred to staff for inclusion in current study, letter Bus Lic from Catherine Hudson, owner and occupant of a Tax 5 -unit apartment building in the Cliff Haven area, stating that the proposed business tax is inequitable • Volume 24 - Page 249 ,ing ent COUNCILMEN 31�9o5 C,1 o �Zy! C(� 9� POGO`n�yPin UQLL CALL El w ` 04 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 28. 1970 MINUTES I NnFX and asking that the problem be given further thought • and study before coming to a final decision. Referred to staff for inclusion in current study, letter Bus Lic from El Rancho Markets, Inc. stating that the pro- Tax posed business tax ordinance does not take into con- sideration the wide disparity between food store gross profit margins and most other retail store margins. Referred to staff for study and appropriate action, BI Trash copy of a letter to the Balboa Island Improvement Association from Carolyn Olsen regarding the trash can problem on the Island and requesting help to see that Balboa Island is kept clean for the many residents who now live there all year round. • Referred to staff for study and appropriate action, Police copy of letter to the Daily Pilot from Reverend Cruise Edward Monk protesting Police squad cars cruising Cars along dimly lit ocean front parking lots, and stating it is a danger to pedestrians. Referred to Pending Legislation Committee for study Motorbike and report, letter from City of Huntington Beach Parks enclosing a resolution requesting the County of Orange • to expedite the development of regional motor parks, on an emergency basis if need be, and urging New- port Beach to adopt a similar resolution. 3. The following resolutions were adopted after the reading of the resolutions was waived by unanimous consent of the Council; Resolution No. 7282 amending Resolution No. 6539, Volleyball which established regulations controlling the instal- on Beache • lation and maintenance of volleyball playing areas on R -7282 the public ocean front beaches in the City, to include bay front beaches. Resolution No. 7283 accepting a Grant Deed from 32nd St Claude H. Holsinger in connection with the 32nd Widening Street widening. (A report from the Public Works R -7283 Director was presented.) Resolution No. 7284 accepting a Grant Deed from 32nd St Arthur S. Larsen in connection with the 32nd Street Widening widening. R -7284 • Volume 24 - Page 250 COUNCILMEN �1�POS �2 ?i C N`9 LPN F3GLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GPO}PmhPT 2R 1070 MINUTES INDEX Eco- Coni i A .s 6 pte r ng 7 s is ty r Gas Resolution 7285 endorsing the 1970 Orange County Or Co Economic Outlook Conference. nomic R -728 Resolution No. 7286 authorizing execution of a Grant Under of Easement to the Southern California Edison Com- groin pany for public utility purposes across Lot 43, Tract Utiliti 756. (A report from the Public Works Director was R -728 presented.) Resolution No. 7287 authorizing execution of an agree- Helicc ment between the City of Newport Beach and Southland Traini Helicopters for the Police helicopters flight training R -728 program. 4. The City Clerk's referral of the following claims to Claim • the insurance carrier was confirmed: Claim of Mrs. Harold Borchsenius for personal injury Borch allegedly occurring when she fell in a tree well in seniu front of the Jolly Roger on Balboa Island. Claim filed by Adams, Hambro & Dismondi for Ronald Cadill Moran Cadillac for damage to an automobile on August 20, 1970 allegedly caused when it was involved • in an accident with a City vehicle. Claim of Robert D. Ridgway, Jr. for damage to his Ridgw car on September 15, 1970 when he was involved in an accident with another car, allegedly due to poorly signed construction on Jamboree Road near Palisades Road. Claim of Southern California Gas Company for damage So Cal • to 3/4" copper gas service in the alley behind 120 Co Ruby, Newport Beach on September 3, 1970, allegedly caused by City employees excavating for sewer replacement. Claim of Paul J. Walck for damage to his windshield Walck on September 16, 1970 allegedly caused by a City sandblasting operation on Irvine Avenue between 15th and 16th Streets. Claim of Paul A. Palmer alleging false arrest and Palms false imprisonment by the City on June 17 and 18, 1970 Claim of Janet Beebe for damage to her automobile Beebe allegedly caused when she was involved in an accident with a City vehicle on September 9, 1970. • Volume 24 - Page 251 Eco- Coni i A .s 6 pte r ng 7 s is ty r Gas COUNCILMEN 3�ms000 9aLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 28, 1970 MINUTES in=v 5. The following business license was approved: • Request of Robert H. Berkley for 30 -day extension of his "Going Out of Business Sale" license #8017. 6. The following Budget Amendments were approved: BA 19, $5, 000 transfer of Budget Appropriations to provide for salary increases for Council appointees from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Regular Salaries, General Fund. (A report from the City Manager was presented. ) BA 20, $27, 800 increase in Budget Appropriations and in Revenue Estimates to increase the County of Orange's share of the construction costs on Contract • No. 1205, Jamboree Road Construction from Pali- sades Road to MacArthur Boulevard Donations & Contributions, Gas Tax Contribution Fund. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. The City Clerk's referral to the insurance carrier of Kadane Motion x the following claim for damages was confirmed, and yes xxxxxxx said claim was ordered filed: Claim of G. E. Kadane & Sons for damages which will result to them by the City permanently enjoining them or otherwise prohibiting them from obtaining, providing and refining oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances within the boundaries of the City by reason of the City's Case No. 176555, Complaint for Declaratory Relief and for a Permanent Injunction. • 2. A copy of a letter to Mayor Hirth from M. C. John- Or Co son, President of the West Newport Improvement Airport Association, commending Council on its resolution on the operation of the Orange County Airport and Motion x endorsing the City Council's position fully, and copy Ayes xxxxxxx of Mayor Hirth's reply, were ordered filed. It was agreed that Councilman Dostal would represent the City at the Orange County League of Women Voters' conference on the Orange County Airport to be held October 8. 3. A letter to Councilman Dostal from Dr. J. Palmer Pacific Miller referring to an article in the Daily Pilot which Coast • stated that a letter from Council to the Highway Com- Freeway • Volume 24 - Page 252 COUNCILMEN 3f9200'0 JELL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 28. 1970 MINUTES wnry mission was all that was needed to permanently block the Coast Freeway, urging Council to send such a Motion x letter and recommending the widening of the bay Ayes x x x x x x x bridge, was ordered filed. 4. A report was presented from the Public Works 32nd St Department regarding disposal of dwellings in con- & Balboa nection with the 32nd Street and Balboa Boulevard Blvd widening project. Widening Resolution No. 7288, authorizing the City Manager to R -7288 effect removal by public auction, or granting of salvage rights, of City -owned buildings acquired or to be acquired in connection with the 32nd Street and Balboa Boulevard widening project, as amended, was Motion x adopted after the further reading of the resolution was ,Ayes x x x x x x x waived by unanimous consent of the Council. 5. Resolution No. 7290, urging the Public Utilities Com- Holiday mission to deny the application of Holiday Airlines, Airlines Inc. for authority to add Orange County Airport to its R -7290 existing authority to serve the Tahoe Valley Airport, Motion x was adopted after the further reading of the resolution Ayes x x x x x x x was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. . 6. A report was presented from the Public Works Jamboree Director regarding the cooperative financing agree- Road - ment amendment for Jamboree Road Construction - Palisades Palisades Road to MacArthur Boulevard, Contract MacArthu 1205. Resolution No. 7289, authorizing the execution of an R -7289 amendment to the financing agreement between the City of Newport Beach and the County of Orange for . construction of Jamboree Road from Palisades Road to MacArthur Boulevard, Contract No. 1205, was Motion x adopted after the further reading of the resolution Ayes xxxxxxx was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. Vice Mayor Rogers' request for Council to ask Pacific Governor Reagan to have his Special Task Force study Coast Motion x the Coastal Freeway route in Newport Beach was Fwy Ayes xxxxxxx tabled. • Volume 24 - Page 253 COUNCILMEN �t�moyoo� PULL CALL N 9 PN < CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 28, 1970 MINUTES INDEX ve ib CURRENT BUSINESS: • 1. A letter from John R. Graham enclosing a petition Irvine A' bearing 33 signatures of residents immediately Traffic adjacent to the area of Irvine Avenue and 22nd Street to Monte Vista Street requesting corrective action regarding traffic conditions on Irvine Avenue between 22nd Street and Del Mar Street, including the instal- lation of stop sign in both directions at the inter- sections of 23rd Street and Monte Vista, was pre- sented. John Graham spoke from the audience in support of subject petition and alleged that the present grading of Irvine Avenue was incorrect. Mrs. Edward Austin stated that the traffic on Irvine Avenue was dangerous • and a threat to adjacent property. Motion x The matter was referred to the staff for study and Ayes x x x x x x x report, with an interim report to be presented to Council on October 12, 1970. Councilman Kymla asked that the matter be placed high on the priority list and that staff move as rapidly as possible. RECESS for five minutes was declared by Mayor Hirth. The Council reconvened with all members present. 2. A letter from James L. Rubel, Chairman of the Boys Ch Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, enclosing a resolution of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission designating the Balboa Pier location as first priority on the development of a • Boys Club in Newport Beach, with Eastbluff Park as an alternative site, was presented. Motion x The matter was referred back to the Parks, Beaches Ayes x x x x N 39 and Recreation Commission for public hearing and recommendation to Council on October 12, 1970. 3. A report from the Public Works Director regarding Curb Cu request from William K. Norris to construct a curb cut at 325 Holmwood Drive was presented with the request letter from William K. Norris. Motion x The application for a curb cut at 325 Holmwood Drive Ayes x x x x x x x was denied. • • Volume 24 - Page 254 ve ib COUNCILMEN '2�.coNa sir mPN y 7 NP2 BGLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 28, 1970 MINUTES INDEX e of CiLy 05 52 4. A letter from the City of Garden Grove enclosing Leagu • excerpts from minutes of its council meeting held Cities September 8, 1970 requesting Newport Beach's consideration and support of their recommendation that elected officers of the Orange County League of California Cities serve single one -year terms only was presented. Motion x A Minute Resolution was adopted opposing subject Aye s xxxxxxx limitation. 5. A notice from the Local Agency Formation Com- Irvine mission regarding hearing to be held November 12, 1970 on the proposed incorporation of the City of Irvine and stating that the City of Newport Beach's report regarding the proposed incorporation must be received no later than October 23, 1970, was presented. Motion x The staff was directed to prepare a report for Council Ayes xxxxxxx consideration and approval on October 19, for forwarding to the Local Agency Formation Com- mission before October 23, 1970. 6. A report was presented from the Planning Director Tr 69 regarding the findings of the Planning Commission in • connection with Tentative Map of Tract 6905, request of I. D. H. (Holstein Company) for a one -year extensio of a previously approved tentative map subdividing 20. 85 acres into 50 residential lots and one green area lot, located on the westerly side of Eastbluff Drive, south of the extension of Vista Del Oro. A one -year extension to Tentative Map of Tract 6905 Motion Wy-es xxxxxxx x was approved, subject to original conditions of ap- proval. 7. A report was presented from the Planning Director Tr 70 regarding the findings of the Planning Commission in connection with Tentative Map of Tract 7052, I. D. H. (Holstein Company) request for a one -year extension of a previously approved tentative map subdividing 8.6 acres into 46 residential lots and one green area lot, located westerly of the extension of Vista Del Oro northerly of future Vista Del Bolsa. A one -year extension to Tentative Map of Tract 7052 Motion x was approved, subject to original conditions of ap- Ayes xxxxxxx proval. Volume 24 - Page 255 e of CiLy 05 52 COUNCILMEN 3��P °yoov �Zy� cFPZ� °o °" 9�� s 9 Ps V °2 U&_L CALL 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 28, 1970 MINUTES INDEX n Ayes xxxxxxx the Board of Supervisors requesting them to continue Use F e their hearing on the Newport Harbor Tidelands Use •and Fee Study and, further, for the Board to authorize • Volume 24 - Page 256 71 ump/ R pmt ds es 8. A report was presented from the Planning Director A Annex regarding Annexation No. 71 (Acacia /Mullan). Planning Director Larry Wilson gave a staff report. Resolution No. 7291, giving notice of proceedings R R -7291 initiated by written petition requesting the annexation to the City of Newport Beach of certain uninhabited territory known as the Acacia/ Palisades Annexation - Annexation No. 71, and setting November 23 as the date for hearing protests to said annexation, was Motion x x a adopted after the further reading of the resolution was Ayes x x x x x x x x x x x x x x w waived by unanimous consent of the Council. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: kotion x x 1 1. It was approved that a maximum of $300 be trans- F Ficker Ayes X Xx x xxxx f ferred from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to D Day Advertising and Public Relations, Nondepartmental Budget for purposes of financing City participation in civic ceremonies honoring Mr. William P. Ficker. Motion x x 2 2. The staff was directed to prepare as quickly as C City D Ayes x x x x x x x x x x x x x x p possible, specifications for disposition of the City's B Brook sanitary landfill (City dump property) and Brookhurst h hurst and Adams properties, with the sales of each to be A Adams handled by the City staff with whatever assistance may be required, and further that the sanitary land- fill site be given first priority; and the staff was further directed to come back on October 12 with a revision, based *on net sales to the City, to the existing policy on' 'commissions. Motion x x T The staff was directed to bring the matter of zoning Ayes x xxxxxxx o on these properties before the Planning Commission for its consideration. 3. Mayor Hirth nominated Councilman Croul as the City C Coasta of Newport Beach's representative on the Board of D Develo Supervisors' Committee on Coastal Development. Motion x x T The nomination made by Mayor Hirth was approved, Ayes x x x x x x x x x x x x x x a and Councilman Croul was appointed as the City's representative on subject Committee. Motion x x 4 4. The Mayor was authorized to address a letter to T Tidela n 71 ump/ R pmt ds es COUNCILMEN 3 'f�ip5 C> O N min 9� $QLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 28, 1970 MINUTES INDEX the Real Property Services Department to work with • the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce to analyze and document newly arisen economic factors. 5. Dan Beckley, President of the Newport Shores Oil Well Association, spoke from the audience regarding noise caused by the oil wells contiguous to Newport Shores and stated that to date the gas motors have not been replaced by the electric motors as promised by Mr. Armstrong. Motion x The City Attorney was instructed to write a letter Ayes xxxxxxx to Mr. Armstrong stating that the Council is prepared to take legal action if nothing is done to install the electric motors forthwith. •Motion x Mayor Hirth's request to be out of the State from Ayes x x x x x x x October 2 to October 10, 1970 was granted. Due to possible litigation, the Council adjourned at 10:35 P.M. to an Executive Session to discuss annexations. The Council reconvened at 11:30 P.M. with all members present. Wotion x The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 P. M. Ayes xxxxxxx Mayor • ATTEST: 4 Pty CleBy • • Volume 24 - Page 257