HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/22/1971 - Regular MeetingCOUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Place: Council Chambers y13 Timer 7:30 P.M. y l F G a w 'r $e Date: November 22, 1971 ROLL CALL Present 4bsent Motion. Ayes Absent Abstain Motion Ayes Absent • Motion Ayes . 40 bsent xI xl Roll Call: PRELIMINARY ACTIONS: MINUTES 1. The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 8, 1971 was waived, and said Minutes were approved as written and ordered filed. Z. The reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions under consideration was waived, and the City Clerk was directed to read by titles only. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing, in accordance - with Resolution No. 7551, regarding the closing up, vacation and abandonment of a portion of a certain street known as Ocean Front; northerly 10 feet of Ocean Front adjacent to Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 14 of the Balboa Tract; in exchange for alley easements between "A" and "B" Streets. A report was presented from the Public Works Director. A letter from the Ontario Savings and Loan Associ- ation, record owner of Lot 25, Block 14, Balboa Tract, stating that if the City does order subject vacation and if they are deprived of vehicular access as a result of said vacation and abandonment, they will find it necessary to ask the court to. determine the legality of the abandonment, was presented with a letter from John R. Sparling, owner of 954 E. Ocean Front, Balboa, opposing the proposed alley between "A" and "B" Streets. The following people spoke from the audience against the proposed alley between "A" and "B" Streets: Evelyn Westrem, who also read letters from Dorothy Phoenix, Margaret Wilson and Jane_Swendow opposing the alley; Roy Woolsey, representing Goldie Joseph; Gustav Hilbert; Mrs. John A. Gibbs; Mrs. Politz and Goldie Joseph. Dana Smith, representing Beach Pro - perties;'In4, spoke in support of the vacation. The hearing was closed. Volume 25 - Page 307 INDEX Front Vacation/ A & B Sts Alley COUNCILMEN 3��tio0A ��o paov 2N���F9� i ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 22, 1971 MINUTES INDEX Motion x Resolution No. 7559, ordering the vacation, closing R -7555 Wyes x x x x x up and abandonment of a portion of a certain street Absent x known as Ocean Front, was adopted. 2. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing regarding the Seierse review of Modification Application No. 398 of Harold C Mod Al Seiersen, requesting approval of second -story en- croachment into the rear yard (alley) setbacks of properties located between the alley southerly of Clay Street and the alley northerly of Haven Place, and between Irvine Avenue and St. Andrews Road. The encroachments in question have already been partially 'constructed and exist at 2001 -03 -05 Clay Street, 1601- 03=05 Haven Place and 1501 -03 -05 Haven Place. Appeal of Modification Application No. 398 was denied by the Planning Commission on November 4, 1971, and referred to the City Council for review. A report from the Community Development Director was presented with letters from Paul Roybal, 2740 W. Coast Highway, W. R. Swann, 816 W. Ocean Front and E. Wayne Moore, 208 Grand Canal, Balboa Island, urging favorable consideration of subject Modification. City Clerk Laura Lagios announced that the following • letters had been received after the agenda was printed: letter from H. C. Seiersen enclosing map showing neighborhood properties whose owners favor subject modification; letters from Mrs. Joyce Hammack, Ore King, F. D. Brandt, Don Ovando, Lowell Evans, William Fucik, Frances Miller, John and Hilda McCarty, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Haack, Virginia Evans, Richard Owen, Angelo Palmieri, William McCubbin, Jr., Joanne Mahaney, Mary Blackburn, Herman Toedter and Warren Toman requesting approval of subject modification application. The following people spoke from the audience urging Council to allow subject encroachment: Harold Seiersen; Wally Bowen, representing Imperial Savings; Ray Haack; .George Perlin; Ed Fritz, con - tractor; and Stanley Modford. Mrs. Joseph Gallant, President of the Cliffhaven Community Association, stated that the Association urged disapproval of sub- ject encroachment. Motion x The hearing was closed. Ayes xxxxx x Absent x • Volume 25 - Page 308 !n )pl COUNCILMEN �� -asooq yyy y� y0 ON�yyN ROLL CALL \s 9 P' < < $✓ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 22, 1971 MINUTES INDEX Motion x The decision of the Planning Commission was over - yes xxxxx x ruled, and Modification Application No. 398 was ap- bsent x proved with the modification that the overhang of eves be cut back to the property line. The Council went on record that the above action was not setting precedent. 3. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing in connection Weed with the Fall, 1971 Weed Abatement Program. Abatement A report from the Fire Chief dated November-2, 1971 and, the Assessment List on Abatement of Weeds and Other Nuisances Within the City were presented. Said Report and Assessment List had been filed With the City Clerk and posted in accordance with Reso- lution No. 7538 and Chapter 10. 48 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Captain Topping of the Fire Department gave a staff report regarding the contractor and reviewed the bidding procedures. No one desired to be heard. &otion x The hearing was closed. Ayes xxxxx x Absent x Resolution No. 7560, confirming the report of the R -7560 Fire Chief concerning the cost of the abatement of weeds and other nuisances, and requesting the Motion x Auditor - Controller of Orange County to enter the Ayes xxxxx x amount of each assessment referred to in said report Absent x on the County tax roll, was adopted. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 1. Ordinance No, 1413, being, Speed Limits AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 12. 24.070 AND 12. 24.080 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICI- PAL CODE RELATING TO PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS, establishing 35 mile per hour speed zones on Newport Hills Drive East and Newport Hills Drive West and • Volume 25 - Page 309 COUNCILMEN 'F� 90 ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 22, 1971 MINUTES INDEX mt s/ establishing 40 mile per hour speed zones on Ford •� Road between MacArthur Boulevard and New Mac- Arthur Boulevard and on New MacArthur Boulevard between Ford Road and San Joaquin Hills Road, was presented for second reading. Brian Lambe, member of the Board of Directors of the Harbor View Homes Association, Phase I, spoke from the audience and stated that they would like to go on record that they feel speeds should be 25 miles per hour on Newport Hills Drive, East and West, 30 miles per hour on Ford and MacArthur, and also requested that stop signs be erected at the two eastern exits of Newport Hills Drive onto MacArthur Boule- vard. Motion x Ordinance No. 1413 was adopted. Ayes xxxxx x Absent x ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 1414, being, Zoning Amend AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT Denial: BEACH ADDING SECTION 20. 54.060 TO THE • NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO PRO- VIDE FOR CITY COUNCIL REVIEW OF PLAN NING. COMMISSION ZONING AMENDMENT DENIALS, Planning Commission Amendment No. 303, providing for the Council's right to review proposed amendments to Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code with- in 21 days from the date of Planning Commission disapproval. A report was presented from the Community Develop- ment Director. Motion x Ordinance No. 1414 was introduced and set for public Ayes x x x x x x hearing on December 13, 1971. Absent x 2. Proposed Ordinance No, 1415, being, Appeal Ping AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY'OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 20. 08. 250, 20.08.270, 20.48.050, 20.48.060, 20.51.070, 20. 54.040 AND 20. 54.010 OF THE NEWPORT Volume 25 - Page 310 mt s/ COUNCILMEN �t��oso°� 'y c 'r'`9 ��,r ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 7.7.. 1971 MINUTES INDEX eet BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO • APPEALS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION, Planning Commission Amendment No. .304, changing the appeal period from 15 to 21 days. A report was presented from the Community Develop- ment Director. Motion x Ordinance No. 1415 was introduced and set for public Ayes xxxxx x hearing on December 13, 1971. Absent x 3. A proposed ordinance, being, Off -str Parkin AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING SECTIONS 20.02. 037 AND 20.02. 115, AND AMENDING SECTIONS 20.02. 190 20.08. 190, 20. 38.030 AND 20.40. 030 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO REVISE OFF - STREET PARKING STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL USES, Planning Commission Amendment No. 281, increasing parking requirements for single family dwellings, • multiple family dwelling units, rooming houses and hotels. Motion x The proposed ordinance was referred back to staff Ayes xxxxx x to delete from the ordinance any lots having less Absent x than 3600 square feet of land area, to provide that one parking space be required for each 1200 square feet of living space, and to change gross floor area to net floor area; the staff was directed to also consider amendments as suggested by the homeowners in the areas directly affected by the ordinance and to con- sider the suggestions recommended by the Costa Mesa - Newport Beach Board of Realtors; and it was directed that the amended ordinance be brought back to Council for review before referring back to the Planning Commission. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. A memorandum from the Parks, Beaches and Buffalo Recreation Director to the City Manager regarding Hills P Buffalo Hills Park No. 2 restroom relocation was presented. • Volume 25 - Page 311 eet ROLL CAL Motic W. Ab s e: Motic Ayes Ab s e: • Motic Ayes Ab s e: • COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 22, 1971 The following Budget Amendment was approved: MINUTES BA -39, $3, 508 transfer from Santa Ana Heights Fire Station Site Acquisition, Building Excise Tax Fund, and $3, 508 contribution from Donald L. Bren Company for relocation of the Buffalo Hills Park No. 2 rest - room, Building Excise Tax Fund. 2. A report was presented from the Public Works Depart ment regarding the sale of City -owned property on Balboa Boulevard 80 feet northwesterly of its inter- section with 32nd Street, in connection with 32nd Street widening, recommending that the conditions of Resolution 7542 be revised to provide for a minimum bid of $17, 000 and an escrow period of 90 days. Resolution No. 7561, declaring certain real property to be surplus, authorizing its sale and setting out the procedure for its sale, and rescinding Resolution No. 7542, and providing for a new bid opening date of December 17, 1971, was adopted. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. A report was presented from the Public Works Director regarding construction of Master Plan Water Supply Facilities. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolution No. 7562 authorizing the execution of a Cooperative Financing and Reimbursement Agreement between the City of Newport Beach and John D. Lusk F Son for Master Plan Water Supply Facilities. Resolution No. 7563 awarding a contract for Zone IV Transmission Line, Big Canyon Reservoir to Spyglass Hill Road, Contract No. 1352. Resolution No. 7564 awarding a contract for construe - tion'of Pumping Station Zones III and IV and Pressure Reducing Station at Big Canyon Reservoir, Contract No. 1350. Z. A report was presented from the Public Works Direc for regarding waiver of Water Capitol Improvement charges. Volume 25 - Page 312 INDEX 32nd St Widening R -7561 Water R -7562 R -7563 R -7564 Water COUNCILMEN S 3���osnoq ROLL CALL ��y�pN ` �N$ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 22. 1971 MINUTES Wnov Motion x It was determined that the companies listed below yes xxxxx x have constructed and transferred to the City water Absent x system facilities equivalent in value to the amount being waived; the following Water Capitol Improve- ment charges were waived: Irvine Company $45,864.50 Irvine Industrial Complex 25, 773. 00 Eastbluff- Newport, Inc. 79, 739. 00; and the Finance Director was authorized to transfer $7, 568. 83 (5% of the sum of the above amounts) from the Water System Development Fund to the General Fund. 3. A letter from Pete and Patti Mardesich requesting to Curb Cut/ construct a curb cut for driveway at 438 Tustin Ave- 438 Tustii nue was presented with a report from the Public Work Director. Pete Mardesich spoke from the audience. Motion x Subject curb cut was approved. Ayes xxxxx Absent x 4. A report was presented from the Community Develop- Tr 7599 • ment Department regarding the Final Map of Tract 7599, creating one lot, 0.4711 acres in area, for development as condominium on Lots 9 - 16, Block 8, Balboa Tract, located on the north side of East Ocean Boulevard between Washington Street and Palm Street. Motion x The Final Map of Tract 7599 was approved, subject Ayes xxxxx X to the conditions recommended by the Planning Com- Absent x mission. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion x The following items were approved by one motion affirming Ayes xxxxx x the actions on the Consent Calendar: Absent x 1. . The following Advisory Communications were ordered filed: A letter from the Corona del Mar Chamber of Com- merce thanking Council for its cooperation in their Flag Program, thus enabling them to fly 23 additional flags on East Coast Highway on Veterans Day. • Copy of a letter to Councilman Dostal from Dover Shores Community Association expressing thanks for Volume 25 - Page 313 COUNCILMEN 395 c+ov <o�a+o9p 2j. FNPS, ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 22. 1971 MINUTES INDEX the prompt action taken in installing new stop signs in • the Westcliff -Dover Shores area on Santiago Drive. A letter from West Newport Beach Improvement Association commending the efficient operation of the Police Department, and offering their support, col -. lectively and individually, in immediately developing adequate Police facilities. A letter from Mrs. Washbon protesting dogs on beaches. A letter to City Manager Robert L. Wynn from the CATV General Manager of Newport Cablevision enclosing an official report describing the interruption in service to their customers commencing November 15 due to technical overhaul of their cable TV system. Copies sent to Mayor Hirth of letters written to the Or Co Orange County Supervisors by Harold S. Voegelin Airport which enclosed a letter of R. W. Clifford, President, Air California, in regard to aviation at Orange County Airport. A letter from the City of Santa Ana enclosing infor- mation concerning Santa Ana's Leased Housing Pro- gram. Copy of a resolution of the City of Brea urging the Board of Supervisors to renew the lease agreements with Air California and Air West at the Orange County Airport. A letter from the City of Brea enclosing its resolution urging support to secure the Space Shuttle Program for the State of California. Notice from Local Agency Formation Commission of hearing on November 14, 1971 regarding proposed detachment from Irvine Ranch Water District desig- nated Detachment No. 8, located northeasterly of Big Canyon Reservoir. Notice from Local Agency Formation Commission of hearing on November 14, 1971 regarding proposed detachment from the Irvine Ranch Water District designated Detachment No. 9, located westerly of San Joaquin Reservoir. Notice of application of Southern California Edison . Company before the Public Utilities Commission for an increase in rates. Volume 25 - Page 314 COUNCILMEN t� Po S sir `"� � ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 22, 1971 MINUTES Ilil!1_i Notice of application of Southern California Edison • Company before the Public Utilities Commission to adopt a Fuel Cost Adjustment provision. Notice regarding Continental Trailways, Inc. , American Buslines, Inc. , and Continental Pacific Lines increases in passenger fares and express rates. Minutes of the Orange County Mosquito Abatement District. Agenda of Board of Supervisors meetings held Novem- ber 9, 10, 16 and 17, 1971. Letters from Mrs. Richard Ridgway, Mrs. Eric Molinari and Richard Spotts opposing the development of Upper Newport Bay. 2. The following communications were referred as in- dicated: Referred to staff for reply, letter from John H. Con- Stop nell protesting the installation of stop signs in the Signs Baycrest, Dover Shores area recently. Referred to staff for reply, letter from Donald E. Stop • Neptune protesting a stop sign right outside their Signs bedroom window at 1020 Santiago Drive. Referred to staff for reply, newsletter of the Orange Or Co County Criminal Justice Council with attached Criminal questionnaire regarding major criminal justice pro- Justice blems. Council Referred to staff for study and appropriate action, Park Lid letter from C. P. Avery regarding alleged lack of Condo - safeguards for pedestrians at the construction site for minium the condominium at 3102 Lafayette. Referred to Parks, Beaches and Recreation Com- Bicycle mission for inclusion in ongoing study, letter from Trails Richard Hubbell, Jr. urging bicycle paths along Jam- boree and Ford Roads. Referred to Freeway Committee, resolution of the Freewaye City of Seal Beach restating opposition to the southerly extension of 605 Freeway, the proposed construction of the Pacific Coast Highway Freeway and expressing opposition to the Cross -Town Freeway (Route 22). • Volume 25 - Page 315 COUNCILMEN anu rsc i " ^ . T CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 22. 1971 MINUTES INDEX Y s/ ree s )r s Referred to staff, letter from the West Newport Beach Height • Improvement Association thanking the Council for Densit applying the current moratorium on high -rise buildingi Rego on a water- oriented area of our City, and recom- mending that this area be expanded ultimately to in- clude all of Newport Beach except the Hoag Hospital area, Emkay Development Corporation property, the Airport property, the Philco -Ford area and Newport Center. Referred to staff for study, letter from Frank Campu Michelena addressed to Councilman Kymla regarding Jambo a traffic signal at Campus Drive and Jamboree Road. Traffic Signal 3. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolution No. 7565 approving the destruction of Recori certain records, in the City Clerk's office. Mgmt R -756! Resolution No. 7566 authorizing the execution of an agreement with the Don Koll Company, Inc., sub- Superi divider, for the construction of improvements in sub- Ave division to be known as 501 Superior Avenue, located Imprm on the westerly side of Superior Avenue, southerly of R -7560 • 16th Street, opposite the City's Corporation Yard. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.): Resolution No. 7567 authorizing execution of a Co- Traffic operative Agreement with the County of Orange pro- Signals viding for the installation of a traffic signal at Pla- R -756' centia Avenue and Superior Avenue. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) Resolution No. 7568 designating intersections at which Stop vehicles are required to stop and directing the Traffic Signs Engineer to erect necessary stop signs; requiring R -7561 traffic on Dove Street, Quail Street and Corinthian Way to stop before entering or crossing Birch Street. (A report from the Public Works Department was pre- sented.) Resolution No. 7569 designating an intersection at Stop which vehicles are required to stop and directing the Signs Traffic Engineer to erect necessary stop signs; re- R -756! quiring traffic on Park Newport private driveway at 900 San Joaquin Hills Road to stop before entering or crossing San Joaquin Hills Road. (A report from the Public Works Department was presented. ) • Volume 25 - Page 316 Y s/ ree s )r s COUNCILMEN ��syoo°A i y(yF`p=C�n ROLL CALL \P a • • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 22, 1971 MINUTES Resolution No. 7570 designating intersections at which vehicles are required to stop and directing the Traffic Engineer to erect necessary stop signs; requiring traffic on Eastgate Drive and on Port Sutton Place to stop before entering New MacArthur Boulevard and to stop before entering Newport Hills Drive East. (A report from the Public Works Department was pre- sented.) Resolution No. 7571 honoring Fire Chief R. J. Bris upon his retirement from the Fire Department. 4. The following claims for damages were denied, and the City Clerk's referral of the claims to the insurance carrier was confirmed: Claim of Glen O'Connor for damage to his automobile, allegedly caused as a result of dividers placed on Bay - side Drive by City workmen on November 4, 1971. Claim of Kenneth F. Nottle for damages, loss of value of property at 2500 First Avenue, Corona del Mar, as a result of a storm drain traversing claim ant's property causing erosion to the land, 5. The following request to fill personnel vacancies was approved- (A report from the City Manager was pre- sented.) Two Refuse Crewmen in the General Services Depart- ment to fill positions now vacant. One Construction Man in the Public Works Department to fill a position now vacant. One Building Maintenance Man I in the General Ser- vices Department to fill a position now vacant. 6. The following staff reports were received and ordered filed: Memorandum from the City Attorney regarding Cameo Shores Park . implied dedication. Report from the Community Development Director to the City Manager regarding the construction of the barbed wire fence on the Irvine property running along Irvine Avenue in the Upper Newport Bay area. 7. The work on the Fernleaf Street End Improvements, Contract No. 1334, was accepted; and the City Clerk Volume 25 - Page 317 INDEX Stop Signs R -7570 Chief Briscoe R,7571 Claims O'Connor Nottle Cameo Shores Pk Upr Npt Bay Fence Fernleaf Str End Impr ROLL CALI • • M otic Ayes Absei Motic Ayes Abse3 u COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 22, 1971 MINUTES was authorized to file a Notice of Completion and to release the bonds 35 days after the Notice of Com- pletion has been filed. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented. ) 8. The work was accepted on the Ocean Boulevard at Heliotrope Avenue Storm Drain Improvements, Con- tract No. 1325; and the City Clerk was authorized to file a Notice of Completion and to release the bonds 35 days after the Notice of Completion has been filed. (A report from the Public Works Director was pre- sented.) INDEX Ocean Blvd/ Heliotrope Storm Drain 9. Library Book Rental Council Policy Statement No. Library establishing a revolving fund within the Librar Book Department to receive rental fees in connection with Rental the book rental program, was adopted. (A report Policy from the City Librarian was presented. ) 10. The expense account of Councilman Milan Dostal in the amount of $321. 72, for attendance at the League of California Cities Annual Convention in San Fran- cisco from September 26 to September 29, 1971, was approved. 11. The following Budget Amendment was approved: BA -40, $37, 500 increase in Budget Appropriations and a decrease in Unappropriated Surplus to complete funding of the City's share of constructing master plan water supply facilities from Unappropriated Sur- plus, Water Fund, to Construct Master Plan Facilitie Water Fund. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. The resignation of H. C. Duffie, Vice Chairman of Civil the Civil Service Board, effective. December 1, 1971, Service due to moving out of the City, was received with Board regret; and the City Clerk was authorized to prepare a Certificate of Appreciation. Z. It was ordered that a letter from Allan Beek, Chair- Height a .. man of the Newport Residents United, regarding a Density proposed Charter Amendment to establish height and Regs density limits for the City of Newport Beach to be placed on the spring City election ballot, and request- ing to be heard at the November 22 Study Session, be held in abeyance until Councilman Kymla and other Councilmen can meet with the Newport Residents United group. Volume 25 - Page 318 COUNCILMEN ��- a+sooA y 3 c J,�9 �9s 1 Cc (N3 ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 22, 1971 MINUTES INDEX n Kitchens submitting_a proposal for Recycling •ecycling collection centers in New- Collection iaried at the request of Mrs. Judy Center ing the Citizens Committee to Re- :ards. West Newport Beach Improvement (g that the parking limitation for (rposes has been successful and that I be expanded to include- all of West :cept Newport Shores, Lido Sands, Newport Island, was- referred to ion of the documents necessary to fining program expanded to the West requested. West Newport Beach Improvement uncilman McInnis requesting that ade to obtain a branch library in the lest Newport Beach was referred to ary Trustees for study and recom- was requested that the President of Association be notified when the scussed by the Board of Trustees. SS: h The Irvine Company's proposal to ty up to five acres of land for park rea of Crown Drive and San Joaquin taff was directed to commence the ms for lawn bowling facilities using d in the 1971 -72 Budget for a Senior d to prepare the necessary documen I from The Irvine Company for Lance by the City Council. at a letter be written to The Irvine them for the land. 11, dealing with automobile service ended to add Section 20 -43. 080 to Lre for appeal to the. Planning Com- Council from a decision of the Com- ent Director dealing with nonconform d uses; and the City Clerk was ivertise the December 13, 1971 publi( Lme 25 - Page 319 West Npt Str Cleaning West Npt Branch Library Senior Citizens' Park Lawn Bowling Greens Service Stations 0 -1411 3. A letter from Joa establishing two i otion x port Beach was d: Ayes x x x x x x Tracy, represent Absent x cycle Usable Disc 4. A letter from the Association statir street cleaning pi they feel it shoul( Newport Beach e) Motion x Balboa Coves and Ayes x x x x x x staff for preparat Absent x get the street cle Newport areas as 5. A letter from the Association to Cc every effort be m Motion general area of M Ayes x x x x x the Board of Libr Absent x mendation; and it the West Newport matter is to be di • ADDITIONAL BUSINE 1. In conjunction wit dedicate to the Ci purposes in the a Motion x Hills Road, the s' Ayes Xxxxx x preparation of pl, Absent x funds appropriate Citizens park, ar accepting the lanc review and accep Motion x It was directed tk: Ayes xxxxx x Company thanking Absent x 2. Ordinance No. 14 Motion x stations, was am Ayes xxxxx x provide a procedi Absent x mission and City munity Developm ing structures an instructed to rea( hearing. • V oli MINUTES INDEX n Kitchens submitting_a proposal for Recycling •ecycling collection centers in New- Collection iaried at the request of Mrs. Judy Center ing the Citizens Committee to Re- :ards. West Newport Beach Improvement (g that the parking limitation for (rposes has been successful and that I be expanded to include- all of West :cept Newport Shores, Lido Sands, Newport Island, was- referred to ion of the documents necessary to fining program expanded to the West requested. West Newport Beach Improvement uncilman McInnis requesting that ade to obtain a branch library in the lest Newport Beach was referred to ary Trustees for study and recom- was requested that the President of Association be notified when the scussed by the Board of Trustees. SS: h The Irvine Company's proposal to ty up to five acres of land for park rea of Crown Drive and San Joaquin taff was directed to commence the ms for lawn bowling facilities using d in the 1971 -72 Budget for a Senior d to prepare the necessary documen I from The Irvine Company for Lance by the City Council. at a letter be written to The Irvine them for the land. 11, dealing with automobile service ended to add Section 20 -43. 080 to Lre for appeal to the. Planning Com- Council from a decision of the Com- ent Director dealing with nonconform d uses; and the City Clerk was ivertise the December 13, 1971 publi( Lme 25 - Page 319 West Npt Str Cleaning West Npt Branch Library Senior Citizens' Park Lawn Bowling Greens Service Stations 0 -1411 COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Ci?007 yy - c� ?A OG '^.� ��n ROLL CALL _ r $ November 22, 1971 Wotion Ayes Absent Motion Ayes Absent • u MINUTES A proposed resolution authorizing execution of an economic consultants services agreement in conne with the General Plan was diaried to December 13, 1971. INDEX The Mayor was authorized to send a letter to the CATV CATV Public Authority designating the City of New- port Beach's appointed representatives and alternates, and stating that the alternates have authority to vote in the absence of the Council representatives. layor Hirth adjourned the meeting at 10:12 P. M. [TEST: 'City Clerk CV Mayor Volume 25 - Page 320