HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190501_GPUSC_Minutes_Approved CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN UPDATE STEERING COMMITTEE MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS – 100 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 2019 REGULAR MEETING–6:00 p.m. I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. II. WELCOME AND ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Chair Nancy Gardner, James Carlson, Catherine O'Hara, Ed Selich, Debbie Stevens, Larry Tucker, Paul Watkins, Mayor Diane Dixon (Ex Officio Member) Committee Members Absent: None Staff Present: Community Development Director Seimone Jurjis, Deputy Community Development Director Jim Campbell, Associate Planner Ben Zdeba, Administrative Support Specialist Tiffany Lippman III. PUBLIC COMMENTS Hoiyin Ip announced the University of California will host an event, Bridges OC, regarding affordable housing, coastal issues, and transportation. She suggested the City engage churches to help integrate affordable housing into the community. Charles Klobe remarked that the number of RFP responses may have been limited because of the number of cities updating their Housing Elements. One response appeared to be nonresponsive, and one responder's greatest achievement appeared to be changing public opinion. He was curious as to why the City received so few responses. Jim Mosher believed the minutes of the 2000-2006 steering committee should be required reading for the current Committee. Perhaps the Committee could review the many approaches to General Plan updates available online in order to formulate the City's approach to a Listen and Learn phase. In response to Chair Gardner's question, Deputy Community Development Director Campbell noted 44 potential responders downloaded the RFP. Staff responded to a series of questions from potential responders. Staff could not speculate as to why the number of responses was low. Chair Gardner recalled that one potential responder submitted a question but not a proposal. IV. CURRENT BUSINESS a. Review Minutes of the April 3, 2019 Meeting Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of April 3, 2019. Chair Gardner noted Mr. Mosher submitted corrections to the minutes. General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes May 1, 2019 Page 2 of 3 Motion by Committee Member Selich, seconded by Committee Member Watkins, to approve the minutes of the April 3, 2019. Motion passed 6-0, Tucker abstaining. b. Response to the Request for Proposals (RFP) and an Overview of the Review Process Recommended Action: Discuss review process moving forward and direct staff on next steps Committee Members Selich and Tucker were generally disappointed with the number and quality of proposals. The approaches to community outreach are not innovative. The proposers did not seem to understand the intent of the RFP. In reply to Mayor Dixon's query, Associate Planner Benjamin Zdeba advised that three potential proposers inquired as to whether a bidder for the RFP is precluded from bidding on the second phase. Staff responded that bidders are not precluded. Committee Member Watkins remarked that a couple of proposers could be interviewed. The terms and conditions of the RFP allow the Committee to solicit new proposals. The Committee can request clarification of any information provided in the proposals. All of the proposers ignored the request for samples of work product. Chair Gardner indicated the Committee could issue a new RFP, conduct evaluations and interviews, or request additional information. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell reported a second RFP could receive fewer proposals if the Committee did not provide direction as to deficiencies in the current proposals. Perhaps staff could engage the potential proposers who did not submit proposals in order to obtain feedback regarding the approach of the RFP. Committee Member Stevens felt a couple of proposals are fairly strong. If the Committee chose to issue a second RFP, the approach would have to change because the existing approach eliminates firms that prepare General Plan updates. Firms that prepare General Plan updates typically do not specialize in public outreach. Committee Member Selich suggested staff contact firms and request they submit proposals to the existing RFP. Committee Member Carlson commented that changing the RFP to solicit firms that prepare General Plan updates could be beneficial. Committee Member O'Hara expressed concern that public input without parameters would not provide useful information for updating the General Plan. Committee Member Watkins recommended the Committee continue with technical evaluation of the proposals and private interviews with subsequent public interviews. Committee Member Tucker suggested the Committee conduct the evaluations and interviews while staff engages with other firms. General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes May 1, 2019 Page 3 of 3 Community Development Director Jurjis advised that the Committee should continue with the existing process or start anew. In answer to Committee Member Stevens' inquiry, Deputy Community Development Director Campbell reported the Guidelines do not provide specific requirements for public engagement but strongly encouraged public engagement throughout the process. Charles Klobe noted if the Committee issued a second RFP, potential proposers would benefit from reviewing the submitted proposals. He questioned whether staff requested a proposal from the firm the City used for the 2006 General Plan update. Planning consultants at the outreach stage drive the process to the conclusion the consultants want. George Lesley preferred the Committee issue a second RFP because the proposals are merely okay. Jim Mosher noted the RFP states interviews will be held during the week of May 6. He suggested the Committee interview proposers Kearns and West and MBI and then determine next steps. Most General Plan update processes begin with a written document designed to stimulate thought in the community. The consultant usually collaborates with staff during the Listen and Learn phase. The Committee reached consensus to continue with the technical evaluation and interview process. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell advised that staff will complete and publish technical evaluations by May 3. Reference checks may not be complete by the May 8 meeting. Community Development Director Jurjis added that staff can contact two firms to schedule interviews on May 8. Committee Members agreed to schedule four interviews in one night and to move the date for interviews from May 8 to the following week. Committee Member Watkins clarified that the selection process contemplates staff and a subcommittee of the Steering Committee reviewing the technical evaluations and conducting private interviews and then recommending none, some, or all of the proposers for public interviews with the Committee. Chair Gardner recalled commitments to conduct interviews before the public. V. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) None VI. ADJOURNMENT – 6:45 p.m. Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 15, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers