HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/27/1973 - Regular MeetingCOUNCILMEN S C ,m pROLL CALL v m Z G �P CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Place: Council Chambers Time: 7:30 P.M. Date: August 27, 1973 MINUTES Present x x x x x x x Roll Call. Bob Decker, representing the Automobile Club of Southern California, presented Mayor McInnis with a Special Citation for Pedestrian Program Activities for the City's outstanding efforts in the area of pedestrian safety. Letters were received after the agenda was printed from George and Jeanette Greene, Rollie and Beth Brousard, Mary Taylor Shepard, West Newport Beach Improvement Association, Pegasus Homeowners Association, Plaza Homeowners Association and the Bluffs Home Owners Association opposing an Orange County Airport and askin the Council to give full support to the citizens' effort to ban the jets from the Airport. The following people addressed the Council and urged the City to support the citizens in their lawsuit against the Orange County Airport: Marshall Duffield, Richard Stevens representing Newport Harbor Chamber of Com- merce, Ed Hirth representing Bluffs Association, Suzanr Rudd representing West Newport Improvement Associatic Mary Shepard representing Upper Bay Association, Dori; Wood representing Pegasus Homeowners Association, Edward Cook representing Lido Island Association, • Walter J. Koch representing Mariners Homeowners Association and Mr. Devries. Resolution No. 8072, expressing a total commitment to Motion x containing and reducing the noise and pollution from Ayes x x x x x x x Orange County Airport, was adopted. The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Motion x August 13, 1973 was waived, said Minutes were approve( Ayes xxxxxxx as written and ordered filed. Motion x The reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions unde Ayes x x x x x x x consideration was waived, and the City Clerk was direct( to read by titles only. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor McInnis opened the public hearing regarding the proposed Master Plan of Bicycle Routes within the City of Newport Beach. . Volume 27 - Page 203 e F:1 r d INDEX OrCo Airport R -8072 Master Plan/ Bicycle Routes COUNCILMEN P� �� p0 ; p 00 N� fp3 F,Z O dA O ROLL CALL o v pm m � 9t pi^ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 27, 1973 MINUTES Wnry i A Reports were presented from the Bicycle Trails • Citizens Advisory Committee and the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director. Two letters were presented from Mrs. L. Forbes opposing a bicycle trail on Mariners Drive from Dover to Highland. A letter was received after the agenda was printed from the Balboa Island Improvement Association opposing bicycle trails on the island. Mary Blake, Chairman of the Bicycle Trails Advisory Committee, addressed the Council and reviewed the Committee's report. Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director Cal Stewart gave a brief staff report. A discussion was had by the following people regarding certain controversial trails: Goldie Joseph repre- senting the Common Sense Coalition, Jerry Wooters, Donna Gallant, Jack Hurley, Ken Montgomery, Gor- don Warren, Mrs. Kevin, Don McCarty, Bob Orman and Louise Forbes. Tom Houston presented a petition bearing approximately 800 signatures opposing the establishment of an officially designated bicycle trail on Balboa Island. Larry Moore, representing The Irvine Company, asked for clarification of trails on private property. Motion x The hearing was closed. Ayes xxxxxxx Councilman Store made a motion to modify the pro - posed Master Plan of Bicycle Trails and to refer back to the Planning Commission for comment. Mayor McInnis recommended an amendment to the motion to include directions to the Committee to study ways of implementing the Master Plan, which amend- ment was accepted by Councilman Store. Motion x The proposed Master Plan of Bicycle Trails, as Ayes xxxxxxx recommended by the Bicycle Trails C' i nos �I isory Committee, was modified to deleteAVtr� "ail ar nd �wc a+ Upper Newport Bay and the trail in the Newpor Har- bor High School Nature Park from the backbone and secondary systems and to place them in the contro- versial areas; the Master Plan of Bicycle Trails was approved as modified and referred to the Planning • Commission for comment; and the Bicycle Trails Citizens Advisory Committee was directed to give highest priority to detailed study leading to recom- Volume 27 - Page 204 i A COUNCILMEN Lj, �l PC 32 p N \rlO� O P ? G ROLL CALL s v _P a � CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 27. 1973 MINUTES INDEX iyv mendations for precise location and mode of con- struction of bikeways as shown on the Master Plan, with special emphasis on safety, and to table further study. of the controversial areas until such times as the Council may wish to discuss them, thereby giving the Committee an opportunity to study more urgent matte r s. 2. Mayor McInnis opened the public hearing regarding Big Ca Planning Commission Amendment No. 362, request PC initiated by the City, to amend the Big Canyon Planned Community Development Standards by reducing the permitted densities in Areas 1, 6, 10 and 14, located north of San Joaquin Hills Road, west of MacArthur Boulevard, south of Ford Road and east of Jamboree Road. A report was presented from the Community Develop - ment Department. The following people addressed the Council in support of the reduced densities: Jean Morris, Tom Houston representing Balboa Island Improvement Association, and Elaine Linhoff representing Newport Residents United. Won x The hearing was closed. Ayes xxxxxxx Councilman Ryckoff made a motion to adjust the density to eight dwelling units per gross acre, and at a later time amend the General Plan which covers this area. Motion x Mayor Pro Tem Rogers made a substitute motion to refer the matter back to the Planning Commission with recommendations of eight dwelling units per gross acre. Motion x The hearing was reopened at the request of Larry Ayes x x x x x x Moore, General Planning Administrator for The Noes x Irvine Company. Larry Moore addressed the Council regarding the proposed amendment and the overall development. Larry Miller addressed the Council and expressed support of the approved Big Canyon Planned Com- munity. • Volume 27 - Page 205 iyv COUNCILMEN S'n f� p0'2 n \Ir FO 3 O Na ROLL CALL T 9a N � CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 27. 1973 MINUTES INDEX Motion x The hearing was reclosed. �s xxxxxxx Councilman Kymla stated for the record that he and Councilman Ryckoff had stood steadfast and fought for eight units per acre throughout the whole General Plan. Ayes x x x x A vote was taken on Councilman Rogers' substitute Noes x x x motion, and Planning Commission Amendment No. 362 was referred back to the Planning Commission with the recommendation of an overall eight dwelling units per gross acre in Areas 1, 6, 10 and 14, which motion carried. Motion x The staff was instructed to prepare the necessary Ayes x x x x background documents for an inventory of residential Noes x x x housing developments in Newport Beach that exceed eight or more units per acre, exclusive of R -1 and R -2, and its relationship to other types of residential uses, and to forward such report and other supporting information that the staff felt was necessary to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation to Council. • 3. Mayor McInnis opened the public hearing regarding Planning Commission Amendment No. 381, amending Koll C Newpo the Koll Center Newport Planned Community Develop - ment Standards by adding "footprint lots" within the Planned Community, revising the permitted land area for restaurant sites within Office Site A and permitting the combination of temporary identification signs into one sign, located in Tract 7953, bounded by MacArthur Boulevard, Jamboree Road and Campus Drive. A report was presented from the Community Develop - ment Department. Tim Strader, General Counsel for Koll Center New- port, addressed the Council. Motion x The hearing was closed. Ayes xxxxxxx Resolution No. 8073, amending the Planned Com- R -807: Motion x munity Development Plan for the Koll Center Newport Ayes xxxxxxx Planned Community, was adopted. • Volume 27 - Page 206 FrtY rt COUNCILMEN p� �L p0 p O \V01 O 3 2 O` NA ROLL CALL T v ps N V CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. Aueust 27. 1973 MINUTES INDEX 4. Mayor McInnis opened the public hearing in connection Com'1 • with Ordinance No. 1509, being, Nurseries AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING SECTION 20. 10. 025 TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO PER - MIT COMMERCIAL NURSERIES IN THE R -A DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO SECURING A USE PERMIT, Planning Commission Amendment No. 378. A report was presented from the Community Develop- ment Department. Motion x The hearing was closed after it was determined that Ayes xxxxxxx no one desired to testify. Motion x Ordinance No. 1509 was adopted. Ayes xxxxxxx 5. Mayor McInnis opened the public hearing in connection Dist with Ordinance No. 1511, being, Map 50 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT • BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING A PORTION OF DISTRICTING MAP NO. 50, Planning Commission Amendment No. 377, rezoning property located on the south side of San Joaquin Hills Road between MacArthur Boulevard and the proposed New MacArthur Boulevard in Harbor View Hills from the R -1 -B District to the R -A District (Roger's Gardens). A report was presented from the Community Develop- ment Department. Motion x The hearing was closed after it was determined that Ayes xxxxxxx no one desired to testify. Motion x Ordinance No. 1511 was adopted. Ayes xxxxxxx Robert Orman, John Trittipol representing Roger's Nursery, and Larry Moore representing The Irvine Company, participated in a discussion of the Use Permit conditions. Volume 27 - Page 207 COUNCILMEN p�'�.CO \T\Ocro \�PO �p �i m ROLL C ALL T� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Aueust 27. 1973 MINUTES INDEX ORDINANCES FOR SECOND READING AND ADOPTION: • 1. Ordinance No. 1508, being, Newport Condo - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT miniums BEACH ADDING SECTION 12. 66.050 TO THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE FOR APPLICATION OF VEHICLE CODE TO PRIVATE STREETS IN "NEWPORT CONDOMINIUMS" DEVELOPMENT, pertaining to certain streets in Tract 7989, was pre- sented for second reading. Motion x Ordinance No. 1508 was adopted. Ayes xxxxxxx 2. Ordinance No. 1510, being, Parking AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 11. 04. 020 OF CHAPTER 11. 04 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO PROHI- BITION AGAINST PARKING ON LAWN AREAS IN CITY PARKS, was presented for second reading. Motion x Ordinance No. 1510 was adopted. Ayes xxxxxxx CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. A proposed ordinance, being, Com'l/ Residential AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY. OF NEWPORT Uses BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 20. 22.020, 20.22.050, 20.24.030, 20.24.060, 20.26.040 AND 20.26.07o OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE ELIMINATING RESIDENTIAL USES AS A PERMITTED USE IN THE C -1', C -2 AND C -O DISTRICTS, Planning Commission Amendment No. 360, was pre- sented. A report was presented from the Community Develop - ment Director. Motion x The proposed ordinance was left on the table until Ay xxxxxxx such time as the Planning Commission recommends appropriate development standards for a Commercial- Residential District. Volume 27 - Page 208 COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH �� �L 2 9 N Na 0 3 F Z O a 0 ROLL CALL T v ps N C 9t' m August 27. 1973 MINUTES ety r d baywar >unty sting the d cooked )red t. Permit is ap- ed by i that n )r of y Lot 13, of taxe s agree - ided in for study ce Walsh responsi- :)m the > a newly >e gov- , and sate ;B 1275 :lation INDEX Pearson's Port Tax Delinquent Prop Sale Trans- portation. District Develop- I Tract 8381 8381, ominium northerly Street subject to Com- ng the R -8074 2. A report was presented from the Marine Safi Department regarding a "Commercial Harbo Activities Permit" for Pearson's Port locate of the Bayside Trailer Launching Ramp on c4 tidelands at 300 E. Coast Highway and condu business of boatside sales of take -out live ar crabs and live bait from a floating barge mol i permanently at this location. Captain Harshbarger gave a brief staff rep03 Issuance of a Commercial Activities Harbor Motion x and a business license for Pearson's Port w: Ayes x x x x x x x proved, subject to the conditions recommenc the Joint Harbor Committee and the conditioi any expansion of the business shall require a additional permit from the City Council. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. A letter was presented from the Tax Collect Orange County regarding a parcel of propert located in Newport Beach at 114 22nd Street, Block 21, which will be sold for nonpayment either at public auction, by sealed bid or by ment with the City of Newport Beach as prov the R &T Code. Motion x The letter was referred to the City Manager Ayes x x x x x x x and report back. Z. A letter was presented from Senator Lawrer. regarding SB 1275, which would remove the bility for the development of rapid transit fr Southern California Rapid Transit District t4 created transportation district which would 1 erned by a commission elected by the people requesting the City of Newport Beach to indi whether or not the proposal as embodied in would have its support. Motion x The letter was referred to the Pending Legi; Ayes x x x x x x x Committee for study and report back. 3. A report was presented from the Community ment Director regarding Final Map of Tract subdividing 3.279 acres into one lot for cone development, located in the R -4 zone on the corner of Superior Avenue and Ticonderoga • adjacent to "Newport Crest. " The Final Map of Tract 8381 was approved, the conditions recommended by the Planning mission; and Resolution No. 8074, authorizi Volume 27 - Page 209 MINUTES ety r d baywar >unty sting the d cooked )red t. Permit is ap- ed by i that n )r of y Lot 13, of taxe s agree - ided in for study ce Walsh responsi- :)m the > a newly >e gov- , and sate ;B 1275 :lation INDEX Pearson's Port Tax Delinquent Prop Sale Trans- portation. District Develop- I Tract 8381 8381, ominium northerly Street subject to Com- ng the R -8074 COUNCILMEN ' O NA Z P 0 1 1 r.AI I �0 7 pn2�n fN9i' pP CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Aiionct 27. 1Q71 MINUTES INDEX Lido Village R -8075 Tract 738? Newport Place R -8077 Tax Rate �i�]fF3 execution of an agreement with Aetna Capital Company, 'ion is Subdivider, for the construction of improvements in es 0 xxxxxx Tract No. 8381, was adopted. 4. A report was presented from the Public Works Director regarding request of Don Koll Company to construct special improvements on Via Oporto. The request was approved, subject to the conditions recommended by the Public Works Department; and Resolution No. 8075, authorizing the execution of a street maintenance agreement between the City of Motion x Newport Beach and the Don Koll Company for Lido .Ayes xxxxxxx Village, was adopted. 5. A report was presented from the Public Works Director regarding public improvements in Tentative Tract 7382 (Newport Place) bounded by MacArthur Boulevard, Jamboree Road, Bristol Street and Birch Street. Resolution No. 8076, authorizing the execution of an agreement with the Newport Project, a Joint Venture, Motion x Subdivider, for the construction of Improvements in Ayes x x x x x x x Tentative Tract No. 7382, was adopted. • Resolution No. 8077, authorizing the execution of an agreement with the Newport Project, a Joint Venture, Motion x Subdivider, for the construction of all public sidewalks Ayes x x x x x x x in Tentative Tract No. 7382, was adopted. The public improvements constructed in conjunction Motion x with Tentative Tract 7382 were accepted, except those Ayes x x x x x x x covered by the new agreements above.. Motion x The City Clerk was authorized to release the Faithful Ayes x x x x x x x Performance Bonds for Tract Nos. 7394, 7694 and 7770 (Bond Nos. 5788976, 5898840 and 5898881) and to release the Labor and Materials Bonds for Tract Nos. 7394, 7694 and 7770 (Bond Nos. 5788976, 5898840 and 5898881) in six months provided no claims have been filed. 6. A report was presented from the City Manager regarding tax rate for the fiscal year 1973 -74. Resolution No. 8078, fixing the tax rate and levying a tax upon all of the taxable property within the City of Newport Beach which is taxable therein for municipal purposes and levying a special assessment tax upon the taxable property located within Assessment Dis- Oon x trict No. 50 (Balboa Island Street Lighting District), Ayes x x x x x x x was adopted. Volume 27 - Page 210 INDEX Lido Village R -8075 Tract 738? Newport Place R -8077 Tax Rate �i�]fF3 COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 9� 'f� 0 \Pffl\0ro \irO f� 4+ ROLL CALL T Anarnat 9.7. 1973 MINUTES INDEX ent of Com- EIR's e to Evalu- cy K -3, .mental r IQ. :ion .tion of an mch and is Pro - es. ection at .recting the signs at in from the ection at erecting the signs on t from the Ltion of a co- s City of % for the Avenue and 494. (A is presented. Audito r s R -8079 Stop Signs R -8080 Stop Signs R -8081 Traffic Signals R -8082 ition of a Pac Coast .rent between Hwy epartment of R -8083 ;oast High - us. (A is presented. ) No". 6838, I Recreation petered Parking it system. Permits • was pre- R-8084 7. A report was presented from the Departrr. • munity Development concerning Procedur ate Environmental Impact Reports. The proposed amendments to Council Pol. Motion . x "Implementation of the California Enviror Ayes x x x x x x x Quality Act, " were continued to Septembe CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion x The following items were approved by one mo Ayes xxxxxxx the actions on the Consent Calendar: 1. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolution No. 8079 authorizing the execs agreement between the City of Newport B Binder, Mestyanek & Johnson, Accountan fessional Corporation, for auditing servi( Resolution No. 8080 designating an inters which vehicles are required to stop and d Traffic Engineer to erect necessary stop 31st Street and Lido Park Drive. (A rep( Public Works Director was presented. ) Resolution No. 8081 designating an inters which vehicles are required to stop and d Traffic Engineer to erect necessary stop Catalina Drive at Broad Street. (A repor Public Works Director was presented.) Resolution No. 8082 authorizing the execs operative financing agreement between th Newport Beach and the City of Costa Mes installation of traffic signals at Placentia 16th Street; superceding Resolution No. i report from the Public Works Director w Resolution No. 8083 authorizing the execs supplemental cooperative financing agree the City of Newport Beach and the State E Transportation for the channelization of ( way from the Arches through Tustin Aven report from the Public Works Director w Resolution No. 8084 amending Resolution 7627 and 7956 to include the Z6th Street n parking lot (Zone 19) in the existing perm (A report from the Public Works Director sented.) Volume Z7 - Page Z11 MINUTES INDEX ent of Com- EIR's e to Evalu- cy K -3, .mental r IQ. :ion .tion of an mch and is Pro - es. ection at .recting the signs at in from the ection at erecting the signs on t from the Ltion of a co- s City of % for the Avenue and 494. (A is presented. Audito r s R -8079 Stop Signs R -8080 Stop Signs R -8081 Traffic Signals R -8082 ition of a Pac Coast .rent between Hwy epartment of R -8083 ;oast High - us. (A is presented. ) No". 6838, I Recreation petered Parking it system. Permits • was pre- R-8084 COUNCILMEN. R 0 L L CAI I O Y pn m C y� Pm CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 77. 1973 MINUTES INDEX Stops 085 roach - ents/ ages Q king t nching Stand .zens to i raP� die ools Sphere nfluence Resolution No. 8085 establishing a bus stop zone on Bus the southerly side of 16th Street from Irvine Avenue R -8 • to Seagull Lane between the hours of 6:00 P. M. and 11:00 P.M. on certain dates. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented. ) 2. The following communications were referred as indicated: Referred to Development Standards Citizens Advisory Enc Committee, letter from Balboa Peninsula Point m Association regarding side yard encroachments for Gar garages. Referred to the Transportation Plan Citizens Advisory CdD Committee, letters from Mrs. W. A. Kiener and Par Walter A. Kiener opposing the elimination of curb parking along coast highway in Corona del Mar. Referred to staff for reply, letter from Edward Boa Garlick proposing a hard - surfaced boat launching Lau ramp on a portion of the beach at 15th Street. Referred to staff for reply, letter from Mrs. Joan DeN Bernatz regarding selection of representatives for Cit: Development Standards Citizens Advisory Committee. Cm • Referred to Planning Commission for appropriate P.1 action, letter from West Newport Improvement R -C Association recommending that the City take imme- diate steps to rezone the P. E. Right -of -Way property from R -2 to Open Space. Referred to Pending Legislation Committee, letter Put from Senator Helms regarding Public School Juris- Sell diction Act of 1973 (S. 2336). 3. The following communications were referred to the City Clerk for filing and inclusion in the records: Letter from Dale W. Wullner, Santa Ana Heights, objecting to noise from the Police helicopter. Copy of letter to Orange County Division, League of California Cities, from City of Garden Grove stating its opposition to any resolution calling for a subsidy of coastal zone cities having regional public beaches. Resolution of Local Agency Formation Commission HB approving a sphere of influence for the City of of I • Huntington Beach and attaching a map of same. Resolution of the City of La Habra expressing op- position to public employer - employee relations legislation. Volume 27 - Page 212 Stops 085 roach - ents/ ages Q king t nching Stand .zens to i raP� die ools Sphere nfluence COUNCILMEN AC' k \dcf% \�PAI\ �p 3 �m ROLL CALL T� Aa CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 27. 1973 MINUTES INDEX Claims Polizzi Chamber - lain Ethering?. _ Tilton Church Murphy League of California Cities Seventh Legislative Digest. Agenda of Board of Supervisors meetings held August 14, 15, 21 and 22, 1973. 4. The following claims were denied, and the City Clerk's referral to the insurance carrier was con- firmed: Claim of Mrs. Alberta S. Polizzi for damage to her automobile on July 28, 1973, allegedly caused when she was involved in an accident with a City vehicle. Summons and Complaint for Damages of Ed A. Chamberlain, Case No. 202533 in Orange County Superior Court. Claim of James W. Etherington for damages incurred on August 4, 1973, allegedly caused when his car was struck by a City vehicle. Claim of Bruce M. Tilton for damages at 126 Via Orvieto on August 12, 1973, allegedly caused by stoppage in a City sewer. • Claim of Susan Church for damage to her automobile, allegedly caused when she was involved in an accident with a City vehicle. Claim of Maureen Murphy for damage to her auto- mobile on July 18, 1973, allegedly caused when it was struck by a City vehicle. 5. The following requests to fill personnel vacancies were approved: (A report from the City Manager was presented) One Librarian II in the Library Department to fill a position to be vacant. One Laborer in the General Services Department to fill a position now vacant. One Police Officer in the Police Department to fill a position now vacant. One Police Clerk I in the Police Department to fill a position now vacant. • One Parking Control Officer in the Police Department to fill a position now vacant. Volume 27 - Page 213 INDEX Claims Polizzi Chamber - lain Ethering?. _ Tilton Church Murphy COUNCILMEN .f0 �. �m yyp0`'�.� OA ROLL CALL T v vN N r y m CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 27, 1973 MINUTES INDEX One Equipment Mechanic II in the General Services • Department to fill a position now vacant. One Refuse Crewman in the General Services Depart- ment to fill a position now vacant. 6. The request of property owners to utilize rock salt Cannery sidewalk finish on portions of Lafayette Avenue and Village Lido Park Drive was approved. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) 7. The following Harbor Permit Application was approved, Harbor subject to prior approval of the U. S. Corps of Engi- Permit neers and conditions recommended by the Joint Harbor Committee: Harbor Permit Revision Application #143 -31 for Mr. B. Cunningham, #31 Harbor Island, to replace non- conforming pier, ramp and floats with a 90' x 35' U- shaped slip requiring maintenance dredging. (A report from the Marine Safety Director was presented) 8. The staff was authorized to execute an engineering Traffic services agreement with Herman Kimmel & Assoc., Signal Inc. for design of traffic signal at Grown Drive North and San Joaquin Hills Road. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented.) ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 1512, being, Dist Map 37 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING DISTRICTING MAP NO. 37, Planning Commission Amendment No. 380 regarding request of McLain Development Company of Los Angeles to amend a portion of Districting Map No. 37 from a C -N -H District to an R -3 District and to accept a Negative Declaration on property located on the south side of Bayside Drive westerly of Marine Avenue and the Balboa Island Bridge, was presented. A report was presented from the Community Develop - ment Director. Motion x Ordinance No. 1512 was introduced and set for public 0 -1512 Ayes xxxxxxx hearing on September 10, 1973. • Volume 27 - Page 214 COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH * o FN 3 Z IS C A ( O p<9 0 ROLL CALL T O m August 27, 1973 MINUTES INDEX c Works University right -of -entry Dr North connection Vorth from Company, ect agreement purpose of "may" in the Attorney . Claims Court. Borate repre- City of New- s adopted. ;ren property ed that the City >mplete acqui- ands, that the the County and ive rights in the neral. ter to the Orange ig they adhere prior to con - ad further ing permits for held. ter to the questing him to :y Airport t of those powers Small Claims Court R -8086 Hillgren/ 3611 Ocean Blvd OrCo Airport OrCo Airport Cman 2. A report was presented from the Publ Director regarding a right -of -way and agreement with The Irvine Company it with construction of University Drive Jamboree Road to Route 73 Freeway. Larry Moore, representing The Irvine addressed the Council. x A proposed resolution authorizing sub. x x x x x x x was continued to September 10 for the determining if substitution of the word agreement would be acceptable. 3. A report was presented from the City regarding City representation in Smal Resolution No. 8086, appointing a cor x sentative to act for and on behalf of th x x x x x x x port Beach in Small Claims Court, wa ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. The City's position regarding the HilII x at 3611 Ocean Boulevard was reaffirrr. x x x x x does not desire to participate in the c x sition of the property with local City f City is pursuing revenue sharing with that the City will not pursue prescript specific action before the Attorney Ge x Z. The Mayor was directed to write a let x x x x x x x County Board of Supervisors requests to their policy to hold public hearings sideration of any airport expansion, a requesting that they withhold any buik construction until hearings have been x 3. The Mayor was directed to write a let x x x x x x x Orange County Director of Aviation re set out the powers of the Orange Coun Commission and to give an explanatioi x The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 P.M. xxxxxxx Mayor ATTEST: , City Cie Volume 27 - Page 215 MINUTES INDEX c Works University right -of -entry Dr North connection Vorth from Company, ect agreement purpose of "may" in the Attorney . Claims Court. Borate repre- City of New- s adopted. ;ren property ed that the City >mplete acqui- ands, that the the County and ive rights in the neral. ter to the Orange ig they adhere prior to con - ad further ing permits for held. ter to the questing him to :y Airport t of those powers Small Claims Court R -8086 Hillgren/ 3611 Ocean Blvd OrCo Airport OrCo Airport Cman