HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/26/1976 - Regular MeetingCOUNCILMEN REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Place: Council Chambers Time: 7:30 P.M. MINUTES p )LL CALL m S v Z Z I a Tma ? a N Date: January 26, 1976 IND Present X x x x x x Roll Call. Absent Oon Regular Meeting x The reading of the Minutes of the of Ayes X x x x x Y January 12, 1976 was waived, and said Minutes were approved Absent 2 as written and ordered filed. Motion x The reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions under Ayes x x x x x consideration was waived, and the City Clerk was directed Absent 2 to read by titles only. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor McInnis opened the continued public hearing Assessment regarding the annexation of street lighting on Bay Dist 55 Avenue from Eighth Street to Fifteenth Street, known & as Annexation No. 1, to Assessment District No. 50 Bay Ave (Balboa Island Street Lighting District) as set forth Street in Resolution No. 8566, to provide for the installation Lighting of leased street lights on existing wooden poles at unlighted intersections on Bay Avenue from Eighth Street to Fifteenth Street in the City of Newport Beach, for the purpose of hearing any protests or objections to the work and improvements proposed under the provisions of the alternative procedure for levying and collecting assessments on an ad valorem basis provided for in Chapter 8.5 of the "Street Lighting Act of 1919." A report was presented from the Public Works Director.. A letter from Charles and Norma Larzelere was presented protesting subject street lighting. jA petition from Arthur B. White, Jr. was presented requesting the formation of an assessment district for undergrounding utilities. Five additional petitions were received after the agenda was printed from D. S. Allbright, Mildred I Christiansen, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ruel Johnson, Wm. and I Wendy Felger and J.C. and Elizabeth Wright requesting i the formation of an assessment district for under- grounding utilities. i A letter was received after the agenda was printed from Ruth Haskell opposing the proposed undergrounding of utilities and approving of street lighting on existing poles. A petition received after the agenda was printed was signed by seventeen residents in favor of the assess- ment district only if no street lights are installed between 9th and 10th Streets. The following people addressed the Council protesting the undergrounding of the utilities and /or street lighting: Bolton C. Moise read in full a letter and also presented a similar letter and petition of Pauline and Gordon Howard; Lyle Mitchell, Sue Ficker, Harry Nye, and Angela Picker White presented a petition signed by thirty -seven residents protesting the under - grounding of utilities and the street lights as pro- posed. Volume 30 - Page 13 • Motion Ayes Absent Motion Ayes Absent • Motion Ayes Absent .on s Absent Motion Ayes Noes Absent COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT SEA= Tnn„nry 91; 1Q7F, MINUTES L in favor Paskarian, diggenhorn. nined that sessment c Works ary plans, roposed derground Street, to he staff was district ct from ay Avenue authorized e proposed f was o discuss g system; the possi- roposed enth Street egarding the for a rate tenna .ger's Lary 23, .n connection BEACH IEACH I,, :o the City L1 and ;ot Skilling; Central John Shea, )vement :mined that INDEX [K1Lyi1 Annexations The following people addressed the Counci. of undergrounding the utilities: Charles Howard Lawson, William Simpson and T. E. I x The hearing was closed after it was deter x x x x x no one else desired to be heard. x The proceedings on Annexation No. 1 to As x x x x x District No. 50 were abandoned; the Publi Director was directed to prepare prelimin cost estimate, and a district map for a p special assessment district that would un utilities from Eighth Street to Fifteenth be known as Assessment District No. 55; t authorized to prepare a cost estimate and map for a proposed street lighting distri Eighth Street to Fifteenth Street (West B Street Lighting District); the staff was to hire outside legal counsel to guide tb assessment district proceedings; the staf directed to hold another public meeting t the design of the proposed street lightin and the staff was directed to investigate bility of extending the boundary of the F district to include the block between Sev and Eighth Street. 2. Mayor McInnis opened the public hearing x request by TelePrompTer of Newport Beach increase in the monthly fees for cable ar television service. A report was presented from the City Mane office. x The public hearing was continued to Febri x x x x, 1976. x j I 3. Mayor McInnis opened the public hearing with Ordinance No. 1652, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT ADDING CHAPTER 1.30 TO THE NEWPORT I MUNICIPAL CODE, ENTITLED "ANNEXATI04 requiring voter approval of annexations I in excess of 100 acres. The following people addressed the Counc: opposed the ordinance: Harry Kamph; Mar Bob Millar; Sue Ficker, representing the Newport Beach Community Association; and representing the West Newport Beach Impri Association. x The hearing was closed after it was dete. x x x x no one else desired to be heard. X Ordinance No. 1652 was adopted. x x x x Volume 30 - Page 14 MINUTES L in favor Paskarian, diggenhorn. nined that sessment c Works ary plans, roposed derground Street, to he staff was district ct from ay Avenue authorized e proposed f was o discuss g system; the possi- roposed enth Street egarding the for a rate tenna .ger's Lary 23, .n connection BEACH IEACH I,, :o the City L1 and ;ot Skilling; Central John Shea, )vement :mined that INDEX [K1Lyi1 Annexations ROL COUNCILMEN MINUTES .L CALL ��R�'Zwr�N���a�~S�January 26, 1976 INDEX ORDINANCES FOR SECOND READING AND ADOPTION: . 1. Ordinance No. 1653, being, Animal Control/ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Fees AMENDING SECTIONS 7.04.060 AND 7.16.050 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE FOR A REDUCTION OF FEES FOR PERSONS SIXTY -FIVE YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER IN CONNEC- TION WITH ANIMAL LICENSE FEES, was presented for second reading. A letter from Dorothy Napkie was presented requesting waiver of dog license fee for anyone 62 years of age or older. lotion x lyes is x x Councilman Barrett made a motion to adopt Ordinance Toes x x x No. 1653 retroactive to January 1, 1976, which motion absent x failed to carry. Motion x The matter was tabled. 'lyes xxxx kbsent x 2. Ordinance No. 1654, being, Animal Control/ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Cats AMENDING SECTION 7.10.010 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE FOR A REDUCTION OF FEES FOR PERSONS SIXTY -FIVE YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER IN CONNECTION WITH THE IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM FOR CATS, was presented for second reading. !lotion x Ordinance No. 1654 was tabled. Ayes X'x x x x x Absent I'I Ordinance No. 1655, being, Tattooing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING CHAPTER 6.20 TO TITLE 6 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, PERTAINING TO THE REGU- LATION OF TATTOOING ESTABLISHMENTS AND OPERA- TIONS, was presented for second reading. Motion x Ordinance No. 1655 was adopted. Ayes K K xxxx Absent ONTINUED BUSINESS: • Ordinance No. 1639, being, Animal Control AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 7.04.030 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE PROHIBITING ANIMALS ON PUBLIC BEACHES AND PARKS, was presented for second reading. Volume 30 - Page 15 NCILMEN ROLL CALL • Motion Ayes Absent Motion Ayes Absent L J Motion Ayes Noes Absent Motion Ayes Noes Absent Motion Ayes x Absent Motion Ayes Absent • January 26, 1976 A report was presented from the City Manager's office. MINUTES A letter from SCOOP, Society of Concerned Owners of Pets, was presented submitting recommendations for Council. consideration. A letter from Richard Anthony was presented opposing the ordinance. The following people addressed the Council and opposed the ordinance: Charles Paskarian, repre- senting the Litter Control Citizens Advisory Com- mittee; Michael Wolfe, representing SCOOP; George Perlin; Shirley Moore; Sue Ficker, representing the Central Newport Beach Community Association; Don Berman; Bill Livingstone; Curt Zimmerman; Harry Kamph; Norma Dill; Cynthia Darrow; Olive Wigginhorn; Sherry Burr; and Faye Poush. Mr. Wolfe was granted two additional minutes for his x x presentation. Mr. Kamph was granted three additional minutes for his presentation. The following people addressed the Council in favor of the ordinance: Russell Griffith, Grace Rosengren, Helen McNair and John Shea. Councilman Kuehn Made a motion to table the ordi- nance, which motion failed to carry. Councilman Ryckoff made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1639, which motion failed to carry. Mayor McInnis made a motion to continue consideration x I of the ordinance to March 22, 1976, which motion I carried. 2. A report was presented from the City Manager regard- ing installation of a Parcourse in Irvine Terrace Park. The staff was directed to evaluate the request in the x x 1976 -77 Preliminary Budget for Council consideration. 3. A report was presented from the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission regarding Marinapark leases and Master Plan. Gary Lovell, Sue Ficker and George Perlin addressed the Council and asked that the Council delay making a decision on the Marinapark leases. Herbert Williams, representing the Marinapark Home- owners Association, addressed the Council and urged that a decision be made. Volume 30 -,Page 16 INDEX Parcourse Marinapark ROL COUNCILMEN \\AM C °Zn }'P,�r.G1 I 129f 61OTAA %0 e e.`, ^ p !? �.' '• i ��. � :i t.:. }fie .Tannary 26. 1976 MINUTES INDEX otion x yes x Mayor Pro Tem Dostal made a motion to continue the x x x x matter to April 12, 1976, which motion failed to of 31 carry. otion x Councilman Ryckoff made a motion to adopt Resolution yes x x x x No. 8684, authorizing execution of a Lease Agreement R -8684 oes x with the lessees of Newport Marinapark, which motion bsent I carried and Resolution No. 8684 was adopted. Mayor Pro Tem Dostal made the following statement regarding his "no" vote for the record: "I wish to have the input from the other persons who have requested a delay for further study; namely, the homeowners groups in the area." 4. Councilman Kuehn, Chairman of the Inter -City Relations Assessment Committee, informed the Council that the Newport & Beach segment of the proposal to fund a Juvenile Treatment Diversion Program for the Fifth Supervisorial District Center included a $10,000 allocation to the Assessment and Treatment Services Center, and that because of this i action, the matter was not discussed by the Inter - City Relations Committee. George Jones, Vice President for the Assessment and Treatment Services Center, addressed the Council and expressed appreciation for the Council's support. 5. The following appointments to the Transportation Plan Trans- Citizens Advisory Committee were confirmed: portation Plan Motion x (District 2) Mayor McInnis' appointment of Citizens Ayes K x x x x x Merrill Skilling. Adv Cmte Absent I Motion x (District 3) Councilman Barrett's appointment of Ayes x x x x x Curt Dosh. Absent Motions (District 7) Councilman Store's appointment of Ayes is ,x x x x Robert Curci. Absent �I 6. (District 2) Mayor McInnis' appointment of a member Com Dev Motion x to the Community Development Citizens Advisory Com- Citizens Ayes C K x x x x mittee to fill the vacancy created by the resignation Adv Cmte Absent of William Selwyn was continued to February 9, 1976. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. A letter from William J. Tiernan was presented Planning resigning from the Planning Commission for health Comsn reasons. Motion x i Commissioner Tiernan's resignation was accepted with Ayes x x x xl regret; the City Clerk was directed to prepare a Absent IN Certificate of Appreciation; and the Mayor appointed an Appointments Committee consisting of Councilman • Ryckoff, Councilman Kuehn and Councilman Store, as Chairman, to come back to Council with a recommendation for a replacement for Commissioner Tiernan within thirty days. Volume 30 - Page 17 ROLL 4 Mc Ay At Mc A; Al S A, Al :4 COUNCILMEN MINUTES . m CALL \A\2 % r N \9 \? � � N January 26, 1976 _INDEX \s \ 2. A letter from John R. Payne was presented resigning PB &R from the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission due Comsn to his'absences from the City. ,tion x Commissioner Payne's resignation was accepted with res x x x x x x regret; the City Clerk was directed to prepare a osent 31 Certificate of Appreciation; and the newly appointed Appointments Committee was directed to come back to Council with recommendations for a replacement within thirty days. 3. A letter from Wiley McNair was presented resigning Bicycle from the Bicycle Trails Citizens Advisory Committee Trails (District 2 appointment). Citizens Adv Cmte )tion x Mr. McNair's resignation was accepted with regret; Fes x x x x x and consideration of an appointment to fill the )sent 7 vacancy was postponed to February 9, 1976. 4. A report was presented from the Parks, Beaches and Bicen- Recreation Commission regarding an offer of the Ebell tennial/ Club to donate a tree and plaque commemorating the Tree Freedom Tree program in conjunction with the Bicen- Program tennial Year. )tion x The offer of the Ebell Club to donate a tree and a fes K x x x x X1 plaque commemorating the Freedom Tree program was 3sent accepted; the matter was referred to the Bicentennial Committee to work with the Ebell Club on the dedica- tion ceremonies; and the staff was directed to include the location and designation of the tree in the landscape plans for the new Council Chambers. 5. A report was presented from the Public Works Director Marine regarding an addition to the Marine Department Dept Bldg Building, Contract No. 1760. otion x The plans, specifications and estimate were approved; yes x K x x x x and the City Clerk was authorized to advertise for bsent x bids to be opened at 10:30 A.M. on February 12, 1976. j I 6. A report was presented from the Public Works Depart- Resub 495 ment regarding Resubdivision No. 495, located north- i westerly of West Coast Highway and Highland Street. otion x The construction of improvements along the northerly yes C K x x x x side of West Coast Highway was waived; and Resolution bsent No. 8685, authorizing the execution of a Subdivision R -8685 Agreement with Properties West, Inc. in connection with completion of improvements required with the development of Resubdivision No. 495 (northwesterly of West Coast Highway and Highland Street) was adopted. 7. A report was presented from the City Attorney regard - Employer/ ing Senate Bill 1294, which provides for binding Employee arbitration of police and firemen labor disputes and Relations would permit immediate firing of the employees if they went on strike or would make them liable for fines for each day they were on strike; with a draft letter for the Mayor's signature. lotion x The matter was tabled. Lyes xxxx Lbsent Volume 30 - Page 18 ROLL CALI 4 Al 4 4 COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPOKU BEACH MINUTES p N 0 OF wAZ INDEX Volume 30 - Page 19 ry 16�, I .ty m CONSENT CALENDAR: ,on x The following items were approved by one motion affirming ,es K x x x x x the actions on the Consent Calendar: ,sent 1. The following ordinances were introduced and set for public hearing on February 9, 1976: (a) Proposed Ordinance No. 1656, being, AN ORDINANCE Senior OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION Citizens 20.08.080 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO Housing INCLUDE SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING PROJECTS AS AN 0 -1656 ALLOWABLE USE IN ANY DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO A USE PERMIT, Planning Commission Amendment No. 460. (Exhibit) (Report from the Community Develop- ment Department) I. (b) Proposed Ordinance No. 1657, being, AN ORDINANCE Zoning OE' THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING IN ITS Code ENTIRETY TITLE 20 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL 0 -1657 CODE, INCLUDING A REORDERING AND RENUMBERING OF EXISTING CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS WITH REVISIONS OF THE TEXT FOR PURPOSES OF CLARIFICATION AND MAKING NO SUBSTANTIVE CHANGES, AND ADOPTING THE RECODIFIED TITLE 20 BY REFERENCE, Planning Commission Amendment No. 454, recodifying the Zoning Code. (Exhibit) (Report from the Community Development Department) 2. The following resolutions were adopted: (a) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (b) Resolution No. 8686 authorizing the execution of Pacific a Lease Agreement with the State of California, Coast Hi Department of Transportation in connection with Prky Lol property located at the northwest corner of R -8686 Coast Highway and Newport Boulevard; Coast Highway parking lot. (c) Resolution No. 8687 approving a parcel map and Resub /5I j accepting the offer of dedication of property to Koll Ca± the public on the map in connection with Resub- Newport division No. 506 (northwesterly side of Von R -8687 Karman Avenue between Birch Street and Campus Drive); Koll Center Newport. (Report from the Public Works Department) (d) Resolution No. 8688 authorizing the execution of Off -sit4 an off -site parking agreement with Larry Smith, Prkg Only, Inc. and Ali Rabbani in connection with R -8688 the establishment of a restaurant facility located at 1100 West Coast Highway; on the former Kismet Restaurant site. (Report from the Community Development Department) � (e) Removed from the Consent Calendar. Solid Wa ' (f) Resolution No. 8689 concurring in the County Manageml Solid Waste Management Plan. R -8689 3. The following communications were referred as in- dicated: (a) To Traffic Affairs Committee, letters to Mayor Univers: McInnis from Janet H. Duncan and M. J. Mirkin Drive protesting the proposed six -lane divided highway Extensi through the unner end of the Rark Rav_ (Rwbihit) Volume 30 - Page 19 ry 16�, I .ty m COUNCILMEN \N �G \ a Z }9p\�O ROLL CALL \pm�=i \9r \Z�s� -�pa\ January 26. 1976 (b) Removed from the Consent Calendar. • (c) To Transportation Plan Citizens Advisor mittee, letter from Friends of The Irvj regarding the Irvine Coast "Compromise' lation system. (Exhibit) (d) To the Inter -City Relations Committee, from Irwin.D. Hoffman to Mayor McInnis that the proper _steps be taken to crear Map area into a national park. (Exhib' (e) To the Bicycle Trails Citizen Advisory a resolution of the City of La Mirada t a change in laws regarding the color of markings used to designate official bi< lanes and trails. (Exhibit) (f) To the Pending Legislation Committee, a tion of the City of Corona declaring it belief in the necessity of continued er and construction of the State and Inter Highway Systems and their utmost confic the Highway Commission; urging continu< the Highway Commission as the active a: tive body in budgeting decisions of vat highway funds in California; and commet Highway Commission for their record of ment in producing the best highway sysr the taxpayers of California; and urging Tax Funds be utilized only for highway tion and maintenance. (Exhibit) (g) Resolution of the City of Garden Grove ing that the Southern California Assoc: Governments refrain from competing for Federal grants. (Exhibit) (h) To staff for reply, letter from the Cif Irvine regarding public liability and 1 damage insurance. (Exhibit) I ; (i) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (j) To staff for reply, letter to Councilm: from C. P. Avery protesting the theater Balboa and enclosing clipping from the Times regarding actions taken by Los At police. (Exhibits) (k) To Business License Restructuring Ad He letter from Dorothy Napkie recommendinE citizens aged 62 or older be exempt fr< the business license fee. (Exhibit) (1) To staff, letter from Supervisor Riley an architect for the new Newport Beach (Exhibit) 4. The following communications were referred 1 City Clerk for filing and inclusion in the t (a) Letter from the Santa Ana River /Santiaj Greenbelt Commission enclosing a copy < Certificate of Recognition presented tc Volume 30 - Page 20 MINUTES y Com- ne Coast circu- letter suggesting .e a TIC .t) Committee, ! egarding pavement .ycle L resolu- s strong .pansion 'state lence in �tion of A effec- 'ious iding the achieve - :em for that Gas construc- recommend - .ation of State and :y of iroperty m Rogers in L.A. igeles is Committee ; that im paying regarding Library. :o the •ecords: ;o Creek if the � the INDEX Downcoast Developmt Circulat_i_nn Plan TICMAP Bicycle Trails SCAG Insurance Pussycat Theater ,Business License Library Greenbelt Plan r. COUNCILMEN MINUTES �LL CALL J Y m 2 f iP * A N , 1976 INDEX Commission by the Orange Section of the American Institute of Planners for excellence in regional • planning which the Commission felt should be shared by all participating jurisdictions. (Exhibit) (b) Agenda of the Board of Supervisors meetings held January 13, 14, 20 and 21, 1976. (c) Letter from Dennis Landesman to the City Manager commending the local fire department and para- medic team in connection with a recent incident involving his 19 -month old daughter. (Exhibit). (d) Letter from the S. Calif. Committee for Repeal of the Nonpartisan Ballot setting forth its proposal that the political party affiliation of the candidates for municipal offices shall be listed on the ballot. (Exhibit) (e) Copy of a letter to the Police Department from James and Marilyn Hawn protesting an incident which occurred in early January at the Balboa Pier parking lot. (Exhibit) (f) Resolution of the City of Fullerton requesting the Orange County Board of Supervisors to establish a county service area in unincorporated areas of the County. • (g) Notice of Hearing re Phase I in connection with the application of Greyhound Lines, Inc. before the Public Utilities Commission for a rate change. 5. The following claims were denied and the City Clerk's Claims referral to the insurance carrier was confirmed: (a) Claim of Margaret Mary Butt for personal injuries, Butt allegedly sustained when she stepped in a hole in the gutter and sprained her ankle while getting into her car at First and Fernleaf in Corona del Mar on December 30, 1975. I i (b) Summons and Complaint of Terry Ham for damages Ham (personal injuries), Case No. CV 75 4289HP in the United States District Court, Central District. (c) Claim of Lee Simmons for reimbursement of storage Simmons costs, a day's wages and incidental costs, allegedly due to the Highway Patrol's Notice of Recovery being sent to the wrong address in connection with the theft of his car in Newport Beach on November 10, 1975. 6. The following request to fill personnel vacancies was • approved: (Report from the City Manager) (a) One Building Maintenance Man I in the General Services Department to fill a position to be vacant. (b) One Refuse Crewman in the General Services Department to fill a position now vacant. Volume 30 - Page 21 January 26 COUNCILMEN NAIL t9 1 �vpP�0 p msaZp *p,m ROLL CALL �m 29r a T �pN Januar _ 26,_ 1976 • 7. Th( Fel (a; (b; (c • 8. Th pl re (R 9. Th i I I I I (a • I MINUTES following matters were set for public hearing on ruary 9, 1976: NORTH FORD - Planning Commission Amendment No. 461,,a request to amend the Planned Community Development Plan for "North Ford" to permit general changes in the Planned Community text, and the certification of an Environmental Document; property bounded by Bison Road, Jamboree Road, the proposed extension of East - bluff Drive, and the proposed Corona del Mar Freeway; zoned P -C. (A report from the Community Development Department) AERONUTRONIC -FORD SITE - General Plan Amendment No. 31, a proposed revision of the land use designations and resulting changes to the Land Use Element and, possibly,.the Residential Growth Element. (A report from the Community Development Department) NEWPORT PLACE Planning Commission Amendment No. 462, a request to amend the Planned Community Development Plan to permit changes in the Land Use Map and Text, and the certification of an Environmental Document; located on property bounded by Birch Street, MacArthur Boulevard, Jamboree Road and Bristol Street; zoned P -C. (A report from the Community Development Department) a purchase of one additional police car and re- xcement of one police pickup truck instead of ,31acing eight sedans this year was approved. sport from the City Manager) following Budget Amendments were approved: A report from the City Manager regarding the following mid -year Budget Amendments: (Exhibit) BA -44, $57,890.85 increase in Fund Balance, a net increase in Budget Appropriations of $146,500.75, an increase in Revenue Estimates of $202,195.00, and a decrease in prior years encumbrances of $2,196.60, General Fund. BA -45, $9,208.21 increase in Fund Balance, a net decrease in Budget Appropriations of $2,529.58, an increase in Revenue Estimates of $6,675.00, and a decrease in prior years encumbrances of $3.63, Park & Recreation Fund. BA -46, $1,305.50 increase in Fund Balance, a net increase in Budget Appropriations of $10,189.50, and an increase in Revenue Estimates of $11,495.00, Library Fund. BA -47, $12,120.00 increase in Fund Balance, an increase in Budget Appropriations of $16,560.00, and an increase in Revenue Estimates of $28,680.00, Retirement Fund. BA -48, $4,195.00 decrease in Fund Balance and in Revenue Estimates, Federal Revenue Sharing Fund. Volume 30 - Page 22 INDEX North Ford General Plan Newport Place COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL pF=29� w QO January 26 1976 BA -49, $10,706.65 increase in Fund Ba increase in Revenue Estimates of $8,5 • decrease in prior years encumbrances State Gas Tax Fund Section 2107. BA -50, $12;414.60 increase in Fund Ba increase in Revenue Estimates of $12, a decrease in prior years encumbrance $139.60, State Gas Tax Fund Section 2 BA -51, $34,075:00 increase in Fund Ba in Revenue Estimates, Parking Meter F J BA -52, $12,575.00 decrease in Fund Ba in Revenue Estimates, Tide and Submer Fund. BA -53, $2,197.50 increase in Fund Bal decrease in prior years encumbrances $2,197.50, Contributions Fund. BA -54, $139,300.76 decrease in Fund B net increase in Budget Appropriations $5,290.54, a decrease in Revenue Esti, $141,730.00, and a decrease in prior encumbrances of $7,719.78, Water Fund (b) Current Business Budget Amendments: BA -40, $45,000 increase in Budget App • and a decrease in Unappropriated Surp Water Transmission Main in Alley Sour East Coast Highway from Marguerite Av Hazel Drive, Water Fund. (Report fro Public Works Director) BA -41, $10,000 increase in Budget App and a decrease in Unappropriated Surp Groundwater Monitoring Program adjace Canyon Reservoir, Water Fund. (Repor I Public Works Director) BA -42, $10,000 increase in Budget App and a decrease in Unappropriated Surp expansion of administrative offices a. in the remodel program at Lido Fire S Building Excise Tax Fund. BA -43, $54,111.14 increase and transf Budget Appropriations for Right -of =W& tion on 32nd Street and Lafayette Ave $4,111.14 from Unappropriated Surplus from 18- 3349 -001 Acquire R/W Street W. Project to Widen 32nd and Lafayette, Tax Fund. 10. The expense account of Mayor Pro Tem Dosta. attendance at the meeting of the Environmei • Control Committee of California League of I San Francisco on January 16, 1976, was app: Volume 22 - Page 23 MINUTES Lance, an )5.00 and a of $2,131.65 Lance, an 275.00 and a of L06. Lance and and. Lance and ;ed Lands ince and a of dance, a of sates of ,rears -opriations Lus for ierly of :nue to a the -opriations Lus for It to Big : from the ,opriations Lus for ; Phase One :ation #2; :r of r acquisi- ;ue ; $50.000 Ldening ttate Gas _ for Mal Quality ;ities in roved. INDEX ROLL • Motion Ayes Absent Motion Ayes Absent • Motion Ayes Absent • Motion Ayes Absent COUNCILMEN CITY OF KI©i 26, 1976 ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: MINUTES 1. A report was presented from the City Manager regarding a License Agreement permitting the Police helicopter to land on Irvine Company property adjacent to the Police property on Santa Barbara and Jamboree Road. A resolution authorizing the execution of a License Agreement with The Irvine Company in connection with helicopter operations of the Newport Beach Police was continued to February 9, 1976. 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 1658, being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 12.32.020 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE DEALING WITH COM- MERCIAL VEHICLE PROHIBITIONS AND DESIGNATING STREETS UPON WHICH COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ARE PROHIBITED; Acacia Avenue from Coast Highway to Pacific Drive, Begonia Avenue from Coast Highway to Pacific Drive, Carnation Avenue from Coast Highway to Bayside Drive, Goldenrod Avenue from Coast Highway to First Avenue, Heliotrope Avenue from Coast Highway to Bayside Drive, First Avenue from Acacia Avenue to Iris Avenue was presented with a report from the Public Works Department. Ordinance No. 1658 was introduced and passed to second reading on February 9, 1976. 3. A report was presented from the.Public Works Director in connection with Grant Deeds conveying real property interests associated with the development of Resub- division No. 491 (Bank of Newport), located on the westerly side of Lafayette Avenue between 31st and 32nd Streets. The following resolutions were adopted; Resolution No. 8690 accepting a Grant Deed from the Bank of Newport in connection with real pro- perty along Lafayette Avenue and 32nd Street; in connection with Resubdivision 491. Resolution No. 8691 approving a Grant Deed Con- veying to the Bank of Newport a strip of real property previously used for alley purposes, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Grant Deed. 4. A letter from Mrs. John R. Stahr was presented pro- testing the on- street parking regulation regarding campers and vans. Paul Hummell, President of the Corona del Mar Civic Association, and Gordon Kilmer addressed the Council and asked that they take action prohibiting campers and vans from parking on the streets. The matter was referred to the Traffic Affairs Com- mittee for report back on the possibility of prohibi- ting the parking of campers, vans, boats and similar vehicles within a given number of feet from corners. Volume 30 - Page 24 .I1h hI� 1 Police Helicopter Parking Prohi- bitions 0 -1658 Resub 491/ Bank of Newport R -8690 R -8691 Parking Prohi- bitions RI COUNCILMEN \eagG0 \oS9\\ MINUTES ALL CALL �M�Z v� -to N A�tP January 26 1976 INDEX 5. A letter from James, Elizabeth and Everett Sadler was Street presented protesting the street cleaning signs erected Cleaning/ • along Ocean Boulevard in Corona del Mar and asking that these signs be removed. Elizabeth Sadler presented a petition bearing signa- tures of 66 property owners and residents requesting the removal of street cleaning signs for Ocean Boulevard, and Paul Hummel, President of the Corona del Mar Civic Association, addressed the Council and protested the street sweeping signs. Motion x Councilman Store made a motion to refer the matter to staff for review and report back. Dave Carmen addressed the Council and opposed the street sweeping signs. Councilman Store amended his motion to also direct the staff to bring the matter back to the next Study Session. Bill Wenke addressed the Council and urged removal of the street sweeping signs. Ayes x X X x x x A vote was taken on Councilman Store's motion, which Absent motion carried. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Motion x 1. The staff was directed to work with the Litter Control Litter Ayes x x x x Citizens Advisory Committee regarding the necessity Absent x for any new ordinances or changes in existing ordi- nances to better control litter in the public, com- mercial and residential areas of the City, and to consider the possibility of developing separate criteria for these categories. Mayor McInnis adjourned the meeting at 11:00 P.M. r Ma or ATTEST: Acting City rJerk Volume 30 - Page 25