HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/08/1976 - Regular MeetingCOUNCILMEN \ii* p1A 0 A arn_i c Regular Council Meeting Place: Council Chambers Time: 7:30 P.M. Date* November 8, 1976 MINUTES NIncW Present x x x x x x x Roll Call. Lion The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of x October 26, 1976 was waived, and said Minutes were Ayes x x x x x x x approved as written and ordered filed. The reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions Motion x under consideration was waived, and the City Clerk was Ayes x x x x x x x directed to read by titles only. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Dostal opened the public hearing regarding Senior the Final Plan for the Senior Citizens Center and Citizens Third Year HUD Block Grant Application. Center/ HUD A report was presented from the Community Develop- ment Department. Letters opposing the proposed Senior Citizens Center in Corona del Mar were presented from the following: G. Edward Clark, Leota A. and Sam T. Garst, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Mazy, Fred H. and Virginia Bice, Jose C. Elaydo, Lorna 0. Bentley, Mrs. John T. Richards, Margarita M. and William F. Conway, W. R. M. Smith, Harbor View Hills Homeowners Association, and Mrs. R. J. Guy. A letter supporting the proposed Senior Citizens Center in Corona del Mar was presented from Mrs. R. W. Gerard. Letters from the Glendale Federal Savings, the Lutheran Church of the Master and Saint Michael & All Angeles Church were presented offering facil- ities for use of Senior Citizens. A letter from the Carden School was presented opposing a Senior Citizens Center at Fifth and Marguerite at this time. A letter opposing the proposed center was received after the agenda was printed from Donald C. and Ruth M. Kerans. The following people addressed the Council in support of the proposed Senior Citizens Center: Robert'Coles, Chairman, and John Sindelar, Jeanne Wanlass and Connie Mumford, members of the Community Development Citizens Advisory Committee; Stan Fox; Shirley Schaefer; Les Steffenson; Paul Lo, Research Analyst of Orange County Senior Citizens Program Office; Jim Felton; Judy Cooper; Lloyd Morrison; Joe Mariscal; Rita White; Barbara Beckley, Newport Beach Area Director, and Neil Buell, of Coastline Community College; Robert Milliken; Grant Howald; Ruth Gilbert; Barnett • Larks of RSVP (Retired Citizens Volunteer Pro- gram); Bonnie Harvey; Bob Perry, Chaplain at Roll Hoag Memorial Hospital; and Mary Lanier, member of Orange County Senior Citizens Council. Volume 30 - Page 267 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN MINUTES 90 �� y GQ 'FG �iC c� `9pPin 9�0 ROLL CALL November 8, 1976 n Motion x Robert Coles was granted.two additional minutes Ayes x x x x x x x for his presentation. Won xI Connie Mumford was granted two additional minutes Ayes x x x x x x x for her presentation. The following people addressed the Council in opposition to the HUD Block Grant and /or the proposed Senior Citizens Center: Barbara Stabler as a minority member of the Community Development Citizens Advisory Committee; Marguerite Forgit; R. G. Mitchell; Dr. Gary Lawrence, Vice President of Decision Making Information, evaluating the survey; Charles Hill; Don Winton; Sue Ficker; Sonya Buck, President of the Harbor View Hills Homeowners Association; J. R. Blakemore; and Robert Fyke. Motion x Marguerite Forgit was granted two additional .Ayes x x x x x x x minutes for her presentation. Motion x Dr. Gary Lawrence was granted three additional Ayes x x x x x x x minutes for his presentation. Motion x Sonya Buck was granted two additional minutes for Ayes x x x x x x x her presentation. Ronald Rohrer, Regional Vice President and Branch Manager of Glendale Federal Savings, addressed the Council and offered the use of their facilities. •tion x The hearing was closed after it was determined Ayes x x x x x x x that no one else desired to be heard. The Final Plan for the Senior Citizens Center and Motion x the Third Year HUD Block Grant Application were Ayes x x x x x x x set for a second public hearing on December 13, 1976. 2. Mayor Dostal opened the public hearing regarding Permits Ordinance No. 1700, being, 0 -1700 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 20.80.090 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO REVOCATION OF PERMITS OR VARIANCES, Planning Commission Amendment No. 474, initiated by the City of Newport Beach, eliminating the extension of previously approved permits which have not been exercised within the time specified. A report was presented from the Community Devel- opment Department. Motion x The public hearing on Ordinance No. 1700 was reset Ayes x x x x x x x for November 22, 1976. • 3. Mayor Dostal opened the public hearing regarding proposed Underground Utility District No. 6 (along Pacific Coast Highway from Dover Drive to easterly of the Upper Bay Bridge), to determine whether the Volume 30 - Page 268 R. COUNCILMEN MINUTES Pp y pp P�(14G ��" CyPP��9 ' o ryy .P 3u, �C s ROLL CALI November 8. 1976 iMncx public necessity, health, safety, or welfare requires removal of poles, overhead wires, and associated structures, and the underground in- • stallation of wires and facilities for supplying . electric, communication, or similar or associated service in that area of the City. A report was presented from the Public Works Director. Sue Picker addressed the Council regarding the work on the undergrounding as it would relate to the Bay Bridge construction and regarding the funding for the project. Motion x The hearing was closed after it was determined Ayes x x x x x x x that no one else desired to be heard. Resolution No. 8924, establishing Underground R -8924 Utility District No. 6 and ordering the removal of poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures and ordering the underground installa- tion of wires and facilities for supplying electric, communication, or similar or associated service Motion x in that area of the City located within said Ayes x x x x x x x District, was adopted. 4. Mayor Dostal opened the public hearing regarding Resub 48 the request of James D. Ray for the removal of a condition attached to approval of Resubdivision No. 484, granted by the City Council on August 25, 1975. A report from the Community Development Department was presented with the letter of request from James D. Ray. Letters opposing the removal of the condition were received after the agenda was printed from Michael H. Smith, Mrs. M. L. Fitz and Mel Joseph and Savers. Grandinette. John Gamble, attorney representing Michael H. Smith, addressed the Council and opposed removal of the condition. The following people addressed the Council and supported the removal of the condition as re- quested: Maury Stauffer, representing Christopher Hobson, the owner of Parcel 1; and Robert Uhrke, attorney representing J. Ray Construction, James Ray and James W. Ray. Motion x Councilman Ryckoff made a motion to close the hearing. Adele Kopecky addressed the Council and opposed the removal of the condition. Iles A Councilman Ryckoff°s x x x x x x x vote was taken on motion, and the hearing was closed after it was determined that no one else desired to be heard. Volume 30 - Page 269 COUNCILMEN MINUTES 9p ' y pp 'FG 3C1 cF `�q�,p��9 p 'P �� �� y ROLL CALL November 8, 1976 INDEM Motion x The request of James D. Ray was granted, and the a x x x x condition imposed on Resubdivision No. 484 s x x x requiring that the southerly lot be developed first or both simultaneously was removed. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. A verbal report was presented,from the Council City Arts Appointments Committee regarding an appointment Comsn to the City Arts Commission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Tom Gleason, The appointment of Shirley A. Wilson as a member Motion x of the City Arts Commission for a term ending Ayes x x x x x x x June 30, 1978 was confirmed, 2. (District 3) Mayor Pro Tem Barrett's appointment Litter of Hal Pinchin to replace Richard Stube as a CAC Motion x member of the Litter Control Citizens Advisory Ayes x x x x x x x Committee was confirmed. 3. A report was presented from the Environmental CEQCAC Quality Control Citizens Advisory Committee. (District 1) Councilman Rogers' appointment of Hal Thomas as a member of the Committee to fill Motion x the vacancy created by the resignation of Ayes x x x x x x x Margaret Stivers was confirmed, (District 2) Councilman McInnis' appointment of Ocee Ritch as a member of the Committee to fill Motion x the vacancy created by the resignation of Lewis Ayes x x x x x x x Sussman was confirmed, (District 4) Mayor Dostal's appointment of Roger Postolka as a member of the Committee to fill Motion x the vacancy created by the resignation of John Ayes x x x x x x x B. Hoag was confirmed. (District 4) Mayor Dostal's appointment of a Motion x member to fill the vacancy created by the resigna - Ayes x x x x x x x tion of Peyton Reed was postponed to December 13. 4. (District 5) Councilman Ryckoff's appointment of Bicycle a member to the Bicycle Trails Citizens Advisory CAC Committee to fill the vacancy created by the Motion x resignation of Helen Reeder was postponed to Ayes x x x x x x x November 22, 5. The appointment of Mayor Dostal as the City's Council representative and Councilman Ray Williams as Cmtes Motion x the alternate to the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Ayes x x x x x x x Reserve Development Committee was confirmed. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. A report was presented from the Community Develop- ment Department regarding the Final Map of Tract No. 8428, a request of M. J. Brock & Sons, to subdivide 11,10 acres into fifty -two lots for single - family residential development, one lot for landscaping and common areas, and Lot A for Volume 30 - Page 270 _,.. COUNCILMEN MINUTES �p �� 9 \4P\'\\\ �c� ��m �s ROLL CALL November 8, 1976 iNnFY a utility easement; located on the southerly side of San Joaquin Hills Road between Marguerite • Avenue and Crown Drive North in Jasmine Creek, zoned P -C. The Final Map of Tract No. 8428, incorporating by reference the condition recommended by the Planning Commission, was approved; and Resolution R -8925 No. 8925, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a cooperative financing agreement between the City of Newport Beach and M. J. Brock & Sons Motion x in connection with construction of improvements Ayes x x x x x x x in Tract No. 8428 (Jasmine Creek), was adopted. 2. A report was presented from the Public Works Resub 516 Director regarding Resubdivision No. 516, located at Newport Boulevard and Via Lido. Motion x The following resolutions were adopted: Ayes x x x x x x x Resolution No. 8926 approving an Indenture R -8926 of Easement between the City of Newport Beach and Orange Coast Developers in connec- tion with property at Newport Boulevard and Via Lido (Resubdivision No. 516), and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said agreement. Resolution No. 8927 approving an Agreement R -8927 and Declaration of Covenants Between Land- • owners with Orange Coast Developers for sidewalk construction and maintenance (Resubdivision No. 516), and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said agreement. 3. A report was presented from the Public Works Lido Isle Director regarding the Cement - Mortar Lining of Water Cast Iron Water Mains on Lido Isle, Phase I, Mains Contract No. 1859. The informalities contained in Spiniello Construc- Motion x tion Company's bid were waived; and Resolution R -8928 Ayes x x x x x x x No. 8928, awarding a contract to Spiniello Construction Company for cement - mortar lining of cast iron water mains on Lido Isle, Contract No. 1859, was adopted. 4. A report was presented from the Public Works Dredging Director regarding the West Newport Channel Dredging, Contract No. 1731. The informalities contained in Shellmaker, Motion x Incorporated's bid were waived; and Resolution R -8929 Ayes x x x x x x x No. 8929, awarding a contract to Shellmaker, Inc. in connection with the dredging of West Newport Channel, Contract No. 1731, was adopted. • Volume 30 - Page 271 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN MINUTES \ALL V 0 tT ROLL C November 8, 1976 �LLIL3. o__ 5. A report was presented from the Public Works Traffic Department regarding the traffic signal at Campus Signal • Drive and Von Karman Avenue, Contract No. 1875. Resolution No. 8930, authorizing the Mayor and R -8930 City Clerk to execute a cooperative financing agreement between the City of Newport Beach and the City of Irvine for installation of a traffic Motion x signal at Campus Drive and Von Karman Avenue, Ayes x x x x x x x Contract No. 1875, was adopted; the plans and specifications were approved; and the City Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids to be opened at 10:30 A.M. on December 28, 1976. 6. A report was presented from the Public Works Street -end Director regarding the proposed construction of Impry non - standard improvements in the Shell Street street -end (China Cove Area). The proposed construction of non - standard improve- ments in the public right -of -way at the end of Motion x Shell Street was approved, subject to conditions Ayes x x x x x x x 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 recommended by the staff; and the staff was directed to prepare an agreement and declaration of covenants between landowners. 7. A letter from the Newport Harbor Art Museum was Art Museum presented requesting permission to erect a cloth Banner banner above Newport Boulevard near 30th Street • from approximately November 20th to December 6th advertising the Art Museum Christmas Tree Gala. Motion x The request was approved, subject to the approval Ayes x x x x x x x of the Public Works Department. 8. Letters from Owen E. Minney were presented re- Mariners questing permission to be heard by Council in Mile regard to the study of the one -way couplet on Mariners Mile. Owen Minney addressed the Council regarding the Specific Area Plan for Mariners Mile and opposed the proposed one -way couplet in that area. Motion x The matter was referred to staff. Ayes x x x x x x x 9. A letter from Fountain Valley was presented OrCo nominating Al Hollinden for the position of Trans Comsi League of Cities representative on the Orange County Transportation Commission. A letter was received after the agenda was printed from Garden Grove asking for support for their Mayor Pro Tem Milton Krieger for this Commission. ion x The City's representative to the League was .es x x x x x x x directed to vote on this matter in accordance with his own best judgment. Volume 30 - Page 272 COUNCILMEN Pa y �o c�P�9PP` s �c��t S tyy. s n s R(N I rAii Novemher R_ 1976 MINUTES INDEX larms at'l League elegate rCo Coop urchasing -8931 pen Space and lection -8932 ater ressure one III -8933 top igns -8934 arking rohibitions -8935 10. A letter addressed to Mayor Dostal was presented A from Richard E. Goehring asking for permission to address the Council regarding the fees in connec- tion with his alarm system. Richard Goehring addressed the Council objecting to the increase in fees in connection with his alarm system and to the inspection required. Motion x The matter was referred to staff. Ayes x x x x, x x x 11. A letter from the National League of Cities was N presented requesting the names of the official D voting delegates at the Annual Business Session of the Congress of Cities in Denver. Motion x Mayor Dostal was designated as the voting dele- Ayes x x x x x x x gate, and the staff was directed to notify the League. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion x The following items were approved by one motion Ayes x x x x x x x affirming the actions on the Consent Calendar: 1. The following resolutions were adopted: (a) Resolution No. 8931 authorizing purchases of C certain items to be made for the City of the F Purchasing Agent of the County of Orange. F (Report from the Purchasing Agent to the City Manager) (b) Resolution No. 8932 authorizing the Mayor C and City Clerk to execute a financing E consultants agreement between the City of E Newport Beach and Stone & Youngberg Munici- F pal Financing Consultants, Inc. in connection with the Open Space Bond Issue. (Report from the City Manager) (c) Resolution No. 8933 authorizing the Mayor H and City Clerk to execute an engineering f services agreement between the City of 2 Newport Beach and James M. Montgomery, F Consulting Engineers, Inc., for preparation of a Service Capacity Study of Water Pressure Zone III. (Report from the Public Works Director) (d) Resolution No. 8934 designating an inter - E section at which vehicles are required to E stop and directing the Traffic Engineer to F erect necessary stop signs (Seaview Avenue at Poppy Avenue). (Report from the Public Works Department) • "No (e) Resolution No. 8935 establishing Parking" F restrictions on China Cove Streets (Exhibit F "A "), and rescinding Resolution No. 2328. F (Report from the Public Works Department) Volume 30 - Page 273 INDEX larms at'l League elegate rCo Coop urchasing -8931 pen Space and lection -8932 ater ressure one III -8933 top igns -8934 arking rohibitions -8935 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN 90 4 �� c�^p�\to ( o�c�sy ryy J� RAI I rnl I Nnvamhar R_ 797h MINUTES INDEX arking rohibitions -8936 lley Impr/ lock A Npt ariners ile ats arking eters undance rive th Av y -pass niversity give xtension riminal ustice louncil (f) Resolution No. 8936 establishing "No Parking" P restrictions on the northerly side of Balboa P Boulevard (between 15th Street and 21st B • Street), and rescinding Resolution No. 6142. (Report from the Public Works Department) 2: The following communications were referred as indicated: (a) To staff for reply, a letter from Mr. and A Mrs. Ira R. Calvert regarding the widening B of the alley adjacent to their property at E 307 Island Avenue. (Copies mailed to Council) (b) To staff for reply, a letter from Larry M Babor opposing the "one -way couplet study" M in connection with the Mariners Mile area. (Copies mailed to Council) (c) To staff for reply, a petition signed by T forty -two people requesting the City to feed the starving cats on Big Corona Beach. (Copies mailed to Council) (d) To staff for reply, a letter from Mrs. P Priscilla J. Jaquiss requesting that the N parking meters in Corona del Mar be set for a two -hour parking limit rather than a one- hour parking limit. (Copies mailed to Council) (e) To staff for report back, a letter from S Stuart M. Parker, attorney for the Newport T Condominium Homeowners' Association, request- ing that Council set a public hearing to consider the vacation by the City of Newport Beach of the offer of dedication of the private street designated as Sundance Drive. (Copies mailed to Council) (f) To the Transportation Plan Citizens Advisory Committee for inclusion in on -going study, a E letter from the Harbor View Hills Community Association signed by Mr. Joseph A. Walker regarding the letter written by Mr. J. R. Blakemore dated October 16, 1976 in connec- tion with the "Fifth Avenue Bypass." (Copies mailed to Council) (g) To staff for inclusion in on -going study, a I letter from Jean Watt, President of SPON, I and a letter from Shirley Knutsen, Vice F President of SPON, regarding the University Drive extension. (Copies mailed to Council) (h) To the City representative to the League of • California Cities, a copy of a letter to George Scott of Fountain Valley urging consideration of their Councilman Irwin Fried for membership on the Criminal Justice Council. (Copies mailed to Council) Volume 30 - Page 274 INDEX arking rohibitions -8936 lley Impr/ lock A Npt ariners ile ats arking eters undance rive th Av y -pass niversity give xtension riminal ustice louncil COUNCILMEN .po 9 O0 PA 'FG 'fib G+F �� PP tp "ps 9.4. 'A ROI.I CAII NnVPmhPY R 1Q76 MINUTES INDEX eague/ it Qual oard eague/ it Qual oard ray hale it ollution arbor ermit ational eague y -laws (i) To the City representative to the League of I California Cities, a letter from the City of Orange requesting support for Jim Beam's F • candidacy for election to the Board of Directors of the South Coast Air Quality Management District. (Copies mailed to Council) (j) To the City representative to the League of I California Cities, a letter from the City of Cypress requesting support for Sonia Sonju F as the Orange County City representative to the Air Quality Management District Board. (Copies mailed to Council) (k) To the Mayor for reply, a letter from the Governor's office requesting a resolution or G proclamation supporting the protection of the California Gray Whale. (Copies mailed to Council) (1) To staff for reply, a letter from Pat p Harkless enclosing a clipping regarding no- F smoking areas or smoke filtering systems in restaurants required by the City of Del Mar, and suggesting that Newport Beach consider similar regulations. (Exhibit) (m) To staff for report back, a letter from F, Michael Lawler, Jr. for Mr. Merlin Norton, F requesting permission to transfer a harbor • permit from his company to himself without paying the transfer fee. (Exhibit) (n) To the Mayor for reply, request of the 1 National League of Cities to submit the I ballot amending the by -laws of the League as F proposed in Amendments A through E. (Exhibit) 3. The following communications were referred to the City Clerk for filing and inclusion in the records: (a) A letter to Mayor Dostal from Harvey West, Director of the Newport Harbor Art Museum, thanking the Council for the opportunity to speak in regard to the waiver of fees for the construction of a new art museum. (Exhibit) (b) A copy of a letter to the Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission from Marjorie Lindamood regarding the Buena Vista walkway. (Copies mailed to Council) (c) A copy of a letter to the Fire Department Paramedics from Harold Parsons expressing appreciation for their service. (Exhibit) • (d) A letter from Bernard Wocher, D.D., D.M., R.P. regarding his Universal Soul -Mind Computer. (Copies mailed to Council) (e) A notice from the Local Agency Formation Commission regarding a hearing on October 27, 1976 in connection with the proposed Volume 30 - Page 275 INDEX eague/ it Qual oard eague/ it Qual oard ray hale it ollution arbor ermit ational eague y -laws CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN 9p m'7 00 ;f+ 4,F (� P ROLL CALL November 8. 1976 MINUTES LNDE X _ 's ne annexation to the City of Costa Mesa desig- nated Pacific Drive No. 1 Annexation (Revised) • located northerly of Victoria Street and northwesterly of Pacific Avenue. (Exhibit) (f) A letter from the State Commission of Housing and Community Development enclosing a copy of the reviewed Statewide Housing Plan which they have published for public comment. (Copies mailed to Council) (g) A letter to Mayor Milan M. Dostal from Representative Andrew J. Hinshaw enclosing a statement from the Department of the Treasury regarding General Revenue Sharing for the 40th District of the State of California projected from the year 1977 through 1980 based on a population percentage. (Exhibit) (h) Notice before the Public Utilities Commission on three hearings: (a) investigation on the Commission's own motion regarding exploration and development programs of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Southern California Gas Company, Southern California Edison Company and San Diego Gas and Electric Company, (b) the Joint Application of Southern California Gas Company for Authorization to Submit New and /or Revised Projects, and (c) application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company to • adjust rates. (i) Agenda of the Board of Supervisors meetings of October 26 and 27 and November 2, 3, 4 and S, 1976. 4. The following claims were denied and the City Claims Clerk's referral to the insurance carrier was confirmed: (a) Claim of George B. Coleman alleging assault Colemar and battery by a Police Officer.while in jail in Newport Beach. (b) Claim of Muldoon's Irish Pub for property Muldoor damage when the sewers backed up into their bar at 202 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach on September 22, 1976, allegedly due to negligence on the part of the City for improper maintenance of the sewer lines. (c) Claim of the Pacific Telephone Company for Pacific damage to an underground cable 200 feet Telepho north of Hospital Road on Superior Avenue on October 18, 1976, which was allegedly severed by City forces repairing a water main. • (d) Claim of Jim M. Taylor for personal injuries sustained on or about August 2, 1976, while Taylor he was walking in the parkway area at the Flagship Road and Placentia Avenue intersec- tion and stepped on a loose meter hole cover which gave way causing him to fall, allegedly due to City negligence. Volume 30 - Page 276 's ne CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN \11'* O �< �G �r 9 ;p�� c��sy syy�� s 01 1 r Nnvnml.nv R 107A MINUTES _INDEX own & ountry urniture aggoner pen Space and lection therton nitiative arbor ermit arbor ermit eneral lan (e) Claim of the Town & Country Furniture for T reimbursement of towing charges for over- C parking; however they claim they had pushed F • the car forward 100 feet as it was not operable and they were in the process of fixing it. (f) Claim of C. H. Waggoner for property damage W to his automobile when a Police car allegedly backed into his automobile damaging the bumper. 5. The following request to fill personnel vacancies was approved: (Report from the City Manager) (a) One Refuse Crewman in the General Services Department to fill a position to be vacant. (b) Two Laborers in the General Services Department to fill positions now vacant. 6. The following staff reports were received and ordered filed: (a) A memo from the City Attorney relating to C expenditure of public funds to promote bond B election. E (b) A memo from the City Clerk regarding the A Atherton initiative petition relating to I dedication of park and recreational lands. 7. The following matters were set for public hearing on November 22, 1976: (a) A Commercial Activities Harbor Permit B application by Western Canners, Inc. to p operate a sightseeing and charter vessel on the waters of Newport Bay. (b) Revocation of Harbor Permit #110 -1124 for B failure to comply with Section 17.24.090 of F the Municipal Code. (c) General Plan Amendment No. 76 -3 as follows: C (Report from the Community Development F Department) 76 -3 -A: An amendment to the Land Use Element and Residential Growth Element to change the designation of four lots at the southeast corner of Dahlia and Fifth Avenues in Corona del Mar from "Retail and Service Commercial" to "Two - Family Residential." 76 -3 -B: An amendment to the Land Use Element Residential Growth Element, and Recreation • and Open Space Element to revise the open space and paseo system in Harbor View Hills for consistency with adopted Planned Community development plans. Volume 30 - Page 277 _INDEX own & ountry urniture aggoner pen Space and lection therton nitiative arbor ermit arbor ermit eneral lan JFv COUNCILMEN Ao yP 0 t M c�sC9,'upA ROLL CALL Nnvamhar A_ 1g7A MINUTES INOEX 76 -3 -C: An amendment to the Land Use Element adiusting and clarifying Specific Area Plan boundaries for the Cannery Village /McFadden • Square and Central Balboa Specific Area Plans. 76 -3 -E: An amendment to the Land Use Element changing the designation of existing com- mercial uses on the south side of East Coast Highwav easterly of Bayside Drive from "Recreational and Marine Commercial" to Retail and Service Commercial," to reflect existing uses. 76 -3 -F: An amendment to the Land Use Element text and Residential .Growth Element text adding a discussion of the possibility of residential development on the undeveloped Portion of the Aeronutronic -Ford site. to reflect the the previously- adopted General Plan Amendment No. 31. 76 -3 -G: An amendment to the Land Use Element text adding a section pertaining to zoning and general plan consistency. 76 -3 -H: An amendment to the Land Use Element text adding a statement to the effect that the property.near Island Avenue and Balboa Boulevard. currently zoned and developed for commercial purposes, may • remain in a commercial district until the commercial uses are discontinued, at which time rezoning to a residential district will be considered. 76 -3 -I: An amendment to the Land Use Element and Residential Growth Element changing the designation of property at 807 East Bay Avenue from "Retail and Service Commercial" to "Two - Family Residential." 76 -3 -J: An amendment to the Land Use Element designating state -owned property. adiacent to West Coast Highway between the Santa Ana River and Newport Boulevard. for the preparation of a Specific Area Plan. 76 -3 -K: An amendment to the Land Use Element text revising the description of permitted uses in areas designated "General Industry" to permit separate office uses in certain areas. 8. The work on the construction of Phase One of Ensi2r Ensign View Park, Contract No. 1800, was accepted; the View City Clerk was authorized to file a Notice of Park Completion; and the City Clerk was authorized • to release the bonds 35 days after the Notice of Completion has been filed; waiver of any . liquidated damages. (Report from the Public Works Director) Volume 30 - Page 278 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN MINUTES 90 /� 7 of p� FG �'F �i9p9� % Fy �2 ROLL CALL November 8. 1976 9. The following maintenance dredging harbor Dermits Harbor were aDDroved: Permits • (a) Harbor Permit 11110 -1202 of Edward Deeb. 1202 E. Balboa Boulevard. subiect to the conditions of approval under the blanket maintenance Dermit issued by the Coros of Engineers. (Report from the Marine Depart- ment) (b) Removed from Consent Calendar. 10. The application of Lucy Kahan to use sound amplify- Sound ing equipment at 1442 Galaxy Drive from 9:00 P.M. Amplifying to 12:30 A.M. on November 13, 1976 was denied. Equipment 11. The expense accounts of Mayor Milan M. Dostal in the amount of $392.72, Councilman Donald A. McInnis in the amount of $284.02 and Councilman Lucille Kuehn in the amount of $240.11 for attendance at the League of California Cities Annual Conference in San Diego on October 17 - 20, 1976, were approved. 12. The following budget amendments were approved: BA -28, $12,100.00 increase in Budget Appropria- tions and decrease in Unappropriated Surplus for a service capacity study of Water Pressure Zone III to analyze the need for upsizing existing connections or installing new connections to the Metropolitan Water District Distribution System, Water Fund. BA -29. $250.00 transfer of funds for incidental expenses to host Orange County City Managers and Board of Supervisors December luncheon from Unappropriated Contingency Reserve to Nondepart- mental, Travel and Meetings, General Fund. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. A report was presented from the Marine Department Harbor regarding Harbor Permit #101 -104 of the Irvine Permit Company for maintenance dredging which was approved by Council on September 3, 1976, and asking that the Permit be amended to allow the placement of rock against a seawall at 1201 Bayside Drive. The request of The Irvine Company to be allowed to Motion x place rock against the bulkhead at 1201 Bayside Ayes x x x x x x x Drive was granted, and Harbor Permit 11101 -104, as amended, was approved, subject to prior conditions of approval. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Motion x 1. Resolution No. 8937, supporting State tax reform Tax •s x x x x x x x legislation, was adopted. Reform R -8937 Volume 30 - Page 279 i COUNCILMEN �O -A 9 �° �� �s ROLL CALL Motion �ves Motion Aves Noes Motion Ayes Motion &es • MINUTES Nnvamhar R 1Q7( __u _D_EX_ Open Space Bond Election Tract 8725 Variance 1059 Newport Balboa Piers i 2. The Open Space and Park Bond Election proposal x was referred to the Parks, Beaches and Recreation • x x x x x x Commission for consideration of dividing into open space and park improvement proposals, and the Commission was asked to report back on November 22. 3. Councilman Ryckoff stated that he wished the Minutes to reflect that had he known at the time he voted on the alterations to Harbor Ridge (Sector IV of Harbor View Hills, Tract 8725) that he was legally unable to re- examine the question of dedication and maintenance of the park, he would have voted against it. The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission x was asked to consider the possibility of a X x x x Council Policy regarding the acceptance of dedica- x x x tion and maintenance of parks in tracts, and possibly in all nature parks. x 4. The staff was directed to come back to Council on • x x x x x x November 22 with a report in connection with Variance No. 1059, regarding a request for alterations at 1603 Balboa Avenue; Balboa Island, in the R -1.5 District which was granted by the Planning Commission on November 4. 5. The opening date for the bid proposals in connec- x tion with the Newport and Balboa Piers was • x x x x x x extended to December 29, 1976. Mayor Dostal adjourned the meeting at 12:01 A.M., November 9, 1976. r24c Mayor ATTEST: /"I L.-� City Cler I Volume 30 - Page 280 __u _D_EX_ Open Space Bond Election Tract 8725 Variance 1059 Newport Balboa Piers