HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/11/1981 - Regular MeetingC, U ROLL CALL NCIL ME 8 RS � sy s� G n� 9 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING PLACE: Council Chambers TIME: 7:30 P.M. DATE: May 11, 1981 MINUTES riIn0 & A Present x x x x x x x A. ROLL CALL. Motion x B. The reading of the Minutes of the Meeting of All Ayes April 27, 1981 was waived, approved as written and ordered filed. 13Ction x C. The reading of all ordinances and resolutions All Ayes under consideration was waived, and the City Clerk was directed to read by titles only. D. HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Heather opened the continued public hearing Bait Receiver on the APPLICATION OF ARTHUR MELLO to install a (51) bait receiver moored offshore in Newport Harbor. A report from the Marine Department dated April 27, 1981, was presented. A report from the Tidelands Affairs Committee re- commending Site.#2 (600 feet off "E" Street on the Peninsula side),.was presented. The City Clerk presented a letter received after the printing of the agenda from the Balboa Island Improvement Association, advising that their Association does not object to the new location for a bait receiver; and a petition with 104 signature from Little Balboa Island Improvement Association objecting to a bait receiver at the former pro- posed location of South Bay Front, near Onyx. It was further recommended by the Tidelands Affair . Committee that: 1) A fee of $300 per month be charged for tidelands use. 2) The permit be for one year, and that renewal must come before the City Council as regards permit renewal and the tide- lands fee. 3) The permit will be nontransferrable. 4) The Applicant will comply with the conditions listed in his letter of March 25, and with those conditions listed in the Negative Declaration. James C. Person, Jr.., Attorney for the Applicant, addressed the Council in support of the recommend- ed site. He advised that Mr. Mello had.reviewed the conditions recommended by the Committee and had no objections. He stated that he had not had any input from the Balboa Peninsula Point Associa- tion, either for, or against the new proposed location. He had discussed the new site with members of the Balboa Improvement Association and received positive response, but did not obtain anything in writing from that group. Volume 35 - Page 119 • Motion All Ayes CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES 11. 1981 Council Member Maurer noted that he had contacted the President of the Balboa Peninsula Point Assoc ation relative to the new recommended site, but had not had any response back, as yet. Art Gronsky, owner of Art's Landing, addressed the Council advising that he was also representing the Marine Division of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, and that they were in favor of the bait receiver at the proposed location. Roger Vandergrift, 112 Amethyst, Balboa Island, addressed the Council inquiring about lighting on the bait receiver. The staff noted that there would be no generator, or lights operating, other than lights required by the Harbor Department, or Coast Guard for naviga- tional purposes. Hearing no others wishing to address the Council, the public hearing.was closed. The application was approved, subject to the five conditions suggested by the Tidelands Affairs Com- mittee in their memorandum of May 6, 1981. Council Member Strauss stated that he would have liked to have had some response from the residents on the Peninsula, prior to making the final deter- mination on the site. 2. Mayor Heather opened the continued public hearing and City Council review on the APPEAL OF RICHARD K, NATLAND from the decision of the Planning Commis- sion on March 5, 1981, denying Use Permit No. 1976, a request to establish a private off - street commer- cial parking lot in the R -2 District, to be locatei at 410 Jasmine Avenue, on the easterly side of Jasmine Avenue between Coast Highway and Bayside Drive in Corona del Mar. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested, inasmuch as a landscape planter encroaches to the rear property line where the Ordinances do not permit any obstruction within five feet of the rear property line adjacent to a fourteen foot wide alley. A report was presented from the City Attorney. A report dated April 13, 1981, was presented from the Planning Department. A copy of the Applicant's appeal, was presented. Letters were presented in favor of the proposed parking lot from Harbor Photo, Walter C. Boice, Management Compensation Group, and Business Proper. ty Association. Petition and letter in opposition to the proposed parking lot from adjacent residents, were pre- sented. 0 11111 111 Volume 35 - Page 120 DP/1976 (88) 0 Motion x Ayes x x x x x Noes x x • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES The City Clerk advised that after the printing of the agenda, a letter was received from Newport Floor Covering in favor of the proposed parking lot. Richard K. Natland, Architect for the Appellant, displayed two renderings depicting the existing and proposed parking lot. He stated he felt the parking lot was not only badly needed, but would enhance the area and be an asset to the community. Jeff Schulein, Appellant and owner of Crown Hard - ware, Corona del Mar, addressed the Council in support of his appeal. He stated that the new parking lot would not be visible to any iesidenti, lots in the area because of a landscaped planter, and that there would be no additional lighting. Mr. Schulein submitted a petition with approximat ly 350 signatures from customers, in favor of the proposed parking lot. Mr. Schulein stated that it is very difficult to maneuver a vehicle in the existing parking lot, partially to the location of a utility pole. If the new parking lot were approved, the utility pole would not be that much of a problem. The following people addressed the Council in opposition to the proposed parking lot: David Marrero, 408 Jasmine Avenue; Joan Barry, owner of property adjacent to Crown Hardware, 985 Mira Mar, Laguna Beach; George Driscoll, 404 Jasmine Avenue; and Glen Hughee 400 Jasmine Avenue. The following people addressed the Council in of the proposed parking lot: LaVena Hayton, Chairman of the Merchants Committee, Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce John McNeilly, owner of the Toy Store, adja- cent to Crown Hardware; and Arne Catlin, Manager of Crown Hardware. Hearing no others wishing to address the Council, the public hearing was closed. Reference was made to the utility pole located in the existing parking lot, and the Appellant was asked if he would be willing to pay for its reloca tion if necessary. Mr. Schulein responded that it would depend on the cost, but felt the utility pal would not be a problem if the new lot were con- structed. The decision of the Planning Commission was over- ruled and the parking lot was approved as proposed subject to the conditions and findings set forth in Exhibit "A." Volume 35 - Page 121 CITY OF NEWPORT REACH COUNCIL MEMBERS 0 Motion All Ayes • 1981 MINUTES 3. Mayor Heather opened the public hearing on the RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY TO ACQUIRE PROPERTY FOR AUTOMOBILE PARKING AND RELATED USES, AND THE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION OF AN EASEMENT - MARINERS MILE. A report from the City Manager was presented. Hearing no one desiring to address the Council, public hearing was closed. Resolution No. L0030 was adopted, declaring the necessity of condemnation, requiring the taking of the fee interest in the property hereinafter de- scribed to provide access to City -owned property and a temporary construction easement, as author- ized pursuant to the Charter of the City of Newport Beach and Section 37350.5 of the California Govern- ment Code, finding that the public interest and necessity require the project, that the project is planned and located in the manner that will be moss compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury, that the property described in the resolution is necessary for the proposed project, and authorizing the City Attorney to institute condemnation proceedings, and further that said resolution include the following pro- visions: 1) The City to pay for the fee title prop- erty in the amount of $15,031; 2) The City pay an additional $977 for the use of a temporary construction easement for a six -month period; and 3) The City will grant a sewer easement to Mrs. User permitting her to develop Lot 39 and provide sewer access from Tustin Avenue. JR -10030 4. Mayor Heather opened the public hearing regarding I G/P Amnd GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 81 -1 (H), proposed revision4 81 -1 to the Housing Element of the City of Newport (45) Beach General Plan, initiated by the City of Newport Beach. A report from the Planning Department, was pre- sented. The Draft Housing Element prepared by Connerly & Associates, inc., dated April 15, 1981, was presented. Ward Connerly, Consultant, addressed the Council and gave an overview of the Draft Housing Ele- ment's objectives and programs. He stated that 40 11111 111 Volume 35 - Page 122 CITY OF NEWPORT REACH C UNCIL ME B RS MINUTES yG� y9� ROLL CALL J'J+ 9 May 11, 1981 INDEX the draft document refers to a need for low and moderate income housing. It also reflects that the community is meeting that need with the exist- ing supply. He emphasized the policies as set forth in the document and stated that he felt it was responsive to AB 2853, and that adoption of the element would serve the community well in the future. He further emphasized that the document was not to be considered as a low cost housing document. Mr. Connerly made reference to the Community Development Block Grant Program, the increase in housing costs, as well as rental units, condomin- ium conversions, adjustable rate loans, etc. He recommended that the Council take a look at the Community Development Block Grant Program. He stated that it is a reasonable program in the sense that there are not a lot of Federal restric- tions imposed upon the City, and the City can use the program as it sees fit. He urged the Council to examine the program as a means of working with developers to provide housing for low and moderate income people. He stressed that the programs would not be benefitting just low income people, but are designed primarily for moderate income people. Reference was made to a letter dated April 30, 1981 from Ward Connerly to the Planning Commission, which focused on each of the programs proposed in Part IV of the Draft Housing Element. • It was pointed out by the staff that a draft Envi- ronmental Impact Report was being prepared and will be available prior to the Planning Commission' final action on the proposed amendment in September Mr. Connerly recommended the following changes to the Draft Housing Element, which were considered by the Planning Commission at their meeting of May 7: Page IV -13 -2(a) (first line) - The City will investigate the issuance of tax. . . Page IV -13 - 2(b) (first line) - The City will consider its renewed participation in the Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page IV -13 - 2(c) (new paragraph to read) The Planning Department shall explore the feasibility of incentives to spur the construc tion of rental units. (Subparagraph 2(c) was deleted and replaced with the foregoing). Page IV -14 - 2(f) (first line) One possible use of Community Development Block Grant funds shall be the establishment of a Housing Opportunity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Volume 35 - Page 123 i • MINUTES 11, 1981 Elizabeth Mead, 851 Domingo Avenue, Apartment 27, Newport Beach, addressed the Council stating that she was being evicted from her apartment because she was not "poor enough." She has been diligently looking for other housing in the past months and has been unable to find a home she can afford. She cited the various housing developments she had con- tacted in the different surrounding cities. She stated that she was a school teacher with a reason- able salary, but still cannot afford.to purchase a home because of the high cost. Ms. Mead read a letter that she and 17 other tenant; had signed and sent to the J. M. Peters Corporation, Orange County Community Housing Corporation, Orange County Housing Authority, and the Legal Aid Society, relative to their being evicted. She pointed out that four apartments already are being occupied by HUD housing candidates. In conclusion, Ms. Mead urged the Council to take whatever steps are necessary to provide housing for people in her income bracket. Alan Beek, Planning Commissioner, addressed the Council advising that he had submitted a 5 -page document with nine proposed amendments to the Housing Element to the Planning Commission. He suggested that the document be submitted to the State for comment along with the Draft Housing Element. Sid Soffer, 900 Arbor, Costa Mesa, owner of prop- erty in Newport Beach, addressed the Council indicating he felt the State should provide low and moderate income housing, and that the City should not get involved in such a program. Juliann Schmidt, 300 E. Coast Highway, Mobile Home Park, addressed the Council inquiring when consider• ation would be given to Mobile Home Park regulations and uses. The City Manger noted that the Local Coastal Plan contained some specific language relative to main- taining mobile home estates within the City. In addition, the Draft Housing Element makes referenc to mobile home parks on Page IV -14, which reads: "The City shall seek to maintain rental . opportunities in projects of five or more units in mobile home parks, unless the vacancy rate in Newport Beach for rental housing and mobile home parks, whichever is applicable, is 5% or higher for four consecutive quarters. All other provisions of City regulations gov- erning the.conversion of residential projects shall continue in effect." Volume 35 - Page 124 • Motion All Ayes • Notion All Ayes • ix x •, _ MINUTES May 11, 1981 Bobby Lovell, Vice President of SPON, addressed the Council advising that because of other involvements their organization has not had adequate time to review the Draft Housing Element for input. She indicated it would be beneficial to educate the community as to its contents and purpose. Dave Dmohowski of The Irvine Company, addressed the Council and commended the consultant and staff for their work on the Draft Housing Element. He stated they believe that many of the goals and programs set forth in the document represent a reasonable and achievable approach to providing some new.hous- ing in the City in a range of prices. He offered to cooperate in the implementation process. Paul Franklin, 633 Rockford Avenue, Corona del Mar, President of the.Newport Harbor -Costa Mesa Board of Realtors, stated that their Board has reviewed the Draft Housing Element, and do support it in Concept They are concerned with affordable housing and will work with the City in whatever way possible in this regard. Hearing no others desiring to be heard, the public hearing was closed. Resolution No. 10031 was adopted,. approving in con- R -10031 cept an Amendment to the General Plan of the City of Newport Beach regarding the adoption of a revised Housing Element and authorizing the submis- sion to the State Department of Housing and Commu- nity Development for required review, together with the changes as suggested by consultant Ward Connerly in the foregoing. Council Member Strauss requested the minutes re- flect that approval of the Draft Housing Element is in concept only, and does not necessarily endorse some of the elements contained in the document. City Attorney Coffin requested that, as part of th transmittal documentation to the State, the City point out its position relative to the Olive /Davis lawsuit. There were no objections. 5. Mayor Heather opened the public hearing on the WEED Weed Abatm/ ABATEMENT PROGRAM. JProgram (41) A report from the Fire Department dated April 27, 1981, was presented Rearing no one desiring to address the Council, public hearing was closed. Resolution No. 10032 was adopted, ordering the Fir R -10032 Chief to abate weeds and other public nuisances existing upon streets, alleys, sidewalks, parkways and private property within the City. Volume 35 - Page 125 E Notion All Ayes on A Ayes x MINUTES may 11, 1981 E. PUBLIC COMMENTS: 1. Stewart Williams, 1748 Bayport Way, addressed the Council with respect to a tree problem, to which the staff was directed to investigate, and report back. 2. Dan Gilliland, 1134 E. Balboa Boulevard, addressed the Council regarding their action taken earlier in the meeting relative to the bait receiver. Mr. Gilliland advised that he had not been notified of the public hearing, nor the change in location of the bait receiver. The staff pointed out that legal notification was not required for continued public hearings, but that the public hearing held April 27 had been published and posted as required by law. The APPLICATION OF ARTHUR BELLO FOR A LIVE BAIT RECEIVER will be reconsidered at a public hearing to be held Tuesday, May 26, 1981. In addition to legal publication and posting, the staff was directed to notify the appropriate homeowner associations in the area to be affected. Mary Gilliland, 1134 E. Balboa Boulevard, addressed the Council in opposition to the proposed location of the live bait receiver. F. CONSENT CALENDAR: The following actions were taken as indicated except for those items removed: 1. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: None. 2. RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: (a) Resolution No. 10033 accepting a grant deed from the John J. Jakosky Trust for a 15 ft. wide strip of land 242.90 ft. long to be used as a part of the access road to the Mariners Mile parking lot. (A report from the Public Works Department) (b) Resolution No. 10034 awarding a contract (No. 2239) to Sully - Miller Contracting Company in connection with Garnet Avenue Street Improve- ment Reconstruction. (A report from the Public Works Department) (c) Resolution No. 10035 awarding a contract (No. 2226) to All- American Asphalt in connection with the resurfacing of Jamboree Road and . Bayside Drive project. (A report from the Public Works Department) • 11 I I I I I I Volume 35 - Page 126 PB &R (62) Bait Receiver (51) Mariners Mile /Pkg R -10033 (73) Sully - Miller R -10034 (C -2239) (38) Amer /Asphlt R- 10035 (C -2226) (38) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH C UtVCIL ME RS MINUTES ti 9y !sue G ROLL CALL n� �D May 11. 1981 Caen car (d) Resolution No. 10036 awarding a contract (No. Nobest, Inc. 2211) to Nobest, Incorporated, in connection R -10036 with the paving of San Joaquin Hills Road and (C -2211) San Miguel Drive Traffic median landscape (38) development. (A report from the Public Works • Department) (e) Resolution No. 10037 authorizing International Intnl Bay Bay Clubs, Inc., to sublet certain portions of Clubs, Inc. the Balboa Bay Club premises consistent with (Balboa Bay the rate of rental payments established by Club)C -519 Resolution No. 9437 (Three -Chair Barber Shop). R -10037 (A report from the City Manager) (f) Resolution No. 10038 setting a public hearing Teleprompter to consider incorporation of the recently Franchise/ annexed County Triangle area into the Tele- County Trngl prompter Franchise area. (A report from the R -10038 City Manager) (g) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (h) Resolution No. 10039 amending the compensation Comp /Plan plan and table of authorization to increase Chf Bldg the salary range of the Chief Building Inspec- Inspector tor. (A report from the Personnel Director) R- 10039(66) 3. COMMUNICATIONS - For referral as indicated: (a) To the Pending Legislation and Procedural Long Beach Ethics Committee, a resolution from the City Resolution of Long Beach expressing its support of effort (48) • by the Federal Administration to return powers to local entities and urging a careful imple- mentation of those efforts in ways that will enhance, not further impede, home rule. (b) To the Pending Legislation and Procedural Huntington Ethics Committee, a resolution from the City Bch /Res of Huntington Beach stating public support for (48) the police department and endorsing certain programs of the police officers. (c) To staff for reply, a letter from the Toy Toy Shop Shop, Corona del Mar, requesting consideration Off -St Pkg be given to an off- street parking lot behind (63) subject business. 4. COMMUNICATIONS - For referral to the City Clerk for inclusion in the records: (a) Letters opposing expansion of John Wayne Air- port from Vera Dorsey and Alta Property Management. (b) Friends of Oasis - Minutes of Board Meeting of March 16, 1981. (c) Public Utilities Commission - Application of Sunset Bus Lines for authority to operate as a passenger state corporation in a home-to- work service between points in Orange County and the Garrett Air Research Facility in Torrance. Volume 35 - Paee 127 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH C UN ME B RS MINUTES 3� 9� ROLL CALF` S m., 11 1QR1 n.nr� (d) Local Agency Formation Commission - Minutes of April 8, 1981. (e) League of California Cities - Calendar of • Events. (f) Board of Supervisors - Agenda for May 5, 1981. 5. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES - For denial and confirmation of (36) the City Clerk's referral to claims adjuster: (a) Claim of Donald Clifford Lightner for personal Lightner injuries allegedly due to inadequate mainte- nance of Jamboree Road at intersection of Bay - side Drive on February 13, 1981. (b) Claim of Bailey Brooks Bernard for damage to Bernard vehicle as a result of work being done at Corona del Mar State Beach parking lot on March 27, 1981. (c) Claim of Kenneth R. Staggs for damage to Staggs vehicle involved in accident due to alleged excess water on street from Utilities Depart- ment on April 2, 1981. (d) Claim of Orange County Transit District for O/C Transit damage to vehicle as a result of accident with District City vehicle on January 19, 1981 at Coast Highway and Heliotrope. (e) Claim of Robert H. Ryan for personal injuries Ryan as a result of a fall due to alleged debris • and rocks surrounding Newport Theatre Arts Center building on April 23, 1981. (f) Application for Leave to Present Late Claim Frady, III of William E. Frady, III, for personal injuries as a result of bicycle fall due to alleged improperly maintained roadway at inter section of Irvine and Bristol on May 1, 1980. 6. SUMMONS AND COMPLAINTS - For confirmation of the (36) City Clerk's referral to claims adjuster: (a) Summons and Complaint of Neil A. Clarke for Clarke personal injuries, Case No. 31 -68 -34 in Orange County Superior Court. Original claim filed with City in October, 1978. (b) Summons and Complaint of John W. Taylor, peti- Taylor tioning for order relieving petitioner from provisions of Government Code Section 945.4, Orange County Superior Court, Case No. 35 -46- 23. Application for Late Claim was filed with City in November, 1980. Volume 35 - Page 128 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH C UNCIL ME B RS MINUTES yG� �y �p��'c G 'li �`S9� ROI_I CAIJ t.n 'D MAU 11 1991 �aerew 7. REQUEST TO FILL PERSONNEL VACANCIES - For approval: (66) (A report from the City Manager) (a) Two Groundsman- Gardner I, Park Division to • fill a vacant position. (b) Two Tree Trimmer I, Park Division, to fill a vacant position. 8. STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS - For information and approval: (a) Report from the Police Department pertaining Police Dept/ to the MULTIPLE BUDGET SYSTEM. Multiple Budg (70) (b) Removed from the Consent Calendar. 9. PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULING: None. 10. ACCEPTANCE OF SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD RESURFACING SJH Rd/ (C -2196) - Authorize acceptance of the work, and Resurfcg authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of C -2196 Completion and release the bonds 35 days after (38) Notice of Completion has been filed. (A report from the Public Works Department) 11. ACCEPTANCE OF CORONA DEL MAR MAIN BEACH PARKING LOT CdM /Pkg Lot RESURFACING (C -2224) - Authorize acceptance of the Resurfcg work, and authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice C -2224 of Completion and release the bonds 35 days after (38) • Notice of Completion has been filed. (A report from the Public Works Department) 12. CONSTRUCTION OF PUMPER TEST PIT AT NEWPORT CENTER Npt Ctr/ FIRE STATION (C -2069) - Approve the plans and Fire Sta specifications and authorize the City Clerk to C -2069 advertise for bids to be opened at 3:00 p.m., June (38) 10, 1981. (A report from the Public Works Depart- ment) 13. ACCEPTANCE OF CLIFF HAVEN SANITARY SEWER AND WATER Clf Haven/ MAIN, PHASE I (C -2139) - Authorize acceptance of Sanitary Swr the work, and authorize the City Clerk to.file a Phase I Notice of Completion and release the bonds 35 days C -2139 after Notice of .Completion has been filed. (A (38) report from the Public Works Department) 14. DOVER DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION AND RESURFACING FROM Dover Dr/ CLIFF DRIVE TO IRVINE AVENUE (C -2232) - Approve the Resurfcg . plans and specifications and authorize the City C -2232 Clerk to advertise for bids to be opened at 11:00 (38) a.m., May 28, 1981. (A report from the Public Works Department) 15. ACCEPTANCE OF VIA LIDO SOUD SEWER MAIN IMPROVEMENT, VLido Soud/ PHASE I (C- 2188) - Authorize acceptance of the Swr Main work, and authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice Phase I of Completion and release the bonds 35 days after C -2188 Notice of Completion has been filed. (A report (38) • from the Public Works Department) Volume 35 - Page 129 • Motion All Ayes E Motion Motion All Ayes 0 Motion All Ayes MINUTES !fay 11, 1981 16. APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS FOR MAINTENANCE DREDGING - (A report from the Marine Department) 175 -800 Crawford Westering - 800 Via Lido Nord 125 -544 James Murray - 544 Via Lido Nord 17. BUDGET AMENDMENTS - For approval: BA -071, $1,500.00 increase and transfer in Budget Appropriations for restroom repair at Oasis facil- ity; Park and Recreation Fund. G. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. The report from the Board of Library Trustees per- taining to Bylaws Amendment, was presented by the City Manager, who recommended two changes as follows: Section 1. The regular meetings shall be held on the third Tuesday of each month commencing at 8:00 a.m. , . . . . . . . . . Section 4. Study Sessions shall be held the week before the regular Board meeting on the second Monday of each month commencing at 7:30 p.m., . . . . . . . . . The Bylaws were approved as amended, and referred back to the Board of Library Trustees for their concurrence. 2. Sid Soifer, 900 Arbor, Costa Mesa, addressed the Council with respect to proposed Resolution urging Congress to Amend Title 42, United States Code Sections 1983 and 1988 to limit the liability of Municipal Governments and to limit Attorney's fees in actions alleging violations of civil rights. He felt that Council should give serious consideration to this item prior to adopting the resolution. Council Member Cox made a motion to adopt the sub- ject resolution. Council Member Strauss made a motion to defer this item to the May 26, 1981 Council meeting, with the request that the resolution be included with the agenda packets. In view of the foregoing motion, Council Member Cox withdrew his motion, and the motion on the floor carried. H. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: None. I. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. APPOINTMENTS TO THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEES FOR A ONE -YEAR TERM EXPIRING DECEMBER 31, 1981: Bicycle Trails Citizens Advisory Committee (District 4) Mayor Heather's reappointment of Nan Greer, was confirmed. Volume 35 - Page 130 1(51) x(25) Library Ed Bylaws (24) Legislation (48) CAC (24) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH C UNCIL PEE B RS MINUTES . GC G ROLL CALL` SiP Ma 11 1981 IN ®E)( 2. A report from the Budget Committee regarding the 1% PR &R /Arta OF PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR THE ARTS/ Commission CAMBRIDGE PLAN, was presented. (62) Beryl Melinkoff, Chairman of the Arts Commission, • addressed the Council advising that she had reviewed the subject report. She inquired regard- ing matching funds, to which Council Member Cox responded. Mrs. Melinkoff asked the Council for their guidance and direction, in order for the Commis -I sion and Council to work towards creating more cultural activities. Patti -Gene Sampson, President of the Friends of Newport Beach Theatre Arts Center, addressed the Council and stated she was delighted with the support from the Budget Committee and appreciative of the consideration given. Motion x The Budget Committee's recommended policy was All Ayes adopted, which would recognize the importance of culture and arts, and establish a fund for this purpose. 3. A report from the Planning Department containing LCP /LUP SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE (67) STATE COASTAL COMMISSION WITH THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM LAND USE PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT POLICIES AND THE PHASE III WORK PROGRAM, was presented. . Bob Lenard, Advance Planning Administrator, answer- ed questions of Council Member Plummer relative to beach parking, as referred to on Page 3 of the staff report. Motion x The Supplemental information to be included with All Ayes the submittal for State Coastal Commission review, was approved. 4. A report from the Public Works Department regarding Dalton the APPLICATION OF CORAH DALTON TO ENLARGE CURB CUI Curb Cut AT 307 ABALONE AVENUE, LITTLE BALBOA ISLAND, was (80) presented. Jay Crawford, Architect for the Applicant, address- ed the Council and gave a brief summary of the purpose of the request. Bill Allen, President, Little Balboa Island Improvement Association, addressed the Council and recommended the subject application be disal- lowed. He indicated he felt that the Applicant should be required to enter the garage off the alley way. He also expressed his concerns about the carport, which he felt could possibly be converted into a bedroom. Motion x Council Member Maurer stated that it had been the Ayes x x x x policy to deny a curb cut if a homeowners asso- Nje x x x ciation has recommended against that curb cut, as they have done in the past, and therefore, moved to deny the application of Corah Dalton. Volume 35 - Paee 131 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH C UNCIL DAE{bl® RS MINUTES G ROLL CALL n9 D Mav 11. 1981 - u®vcn 5. A report from the Beacon Bay Lease Committee Beacon Bay concerning the BEACON BAY LEASES, was presented by Leases the City Manager. C -505 (38) Motion x The following actions were enacted with one motion: Ayes Resolution No. 10040 was adopted approving R -10040 an Agreement to Lease and Lease of Beacon Bay Residential Lots, and Agreement to Lease and Lease of Beacon Bay Common Areas consistent with Chapter 74, Statutes of 1978. Resolution No. 10041 was adopted placing a R -10041 trust restriction upon the City -owned parcel adjacent to Irvine Avenue and Monte Vista. Said trust provision permitting the site to be used as passive recreation, an ecological unit for scientific study, open space, enhancement of the adjacent Department of Fish and Game Wildlife Preserve, and a vista for public . enjoyment of the Upper Newport Bay. Staff was directed to transmit all documents to the State Lands Commission for their review and approval. Staff was directed to submit individual leases to current lessees of Beacon Bay with the effective date being established as July 1, 1981. J. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. APPLICATION OF GREGORY B. TBAGARD to construct a Thagard 23 -foot wide curb on Crystal Avenue, construct a Enchmt 12 -inch high planter encroaching 24 inches into (65) the public right -of -way on Balboa Avenue and a 3 -foot high fence encroaching 5 feet into the public right -of -way on east Bay Front, all for property located at 235 east Bay Front, Little Balboa Island, was presented. A report from the Public Works Department, was presented. Gregory Thagard, Applicant, addressed the Council in support of his request. It was noted that the Little Balboa Island Associa- tion had recommended approval of the subject application. Motion x The application for a curb cut on Crystal Avenue, All Ayes was approved. Motion x The application to encroach into the public right - Ayes x x x x x x of -way on Balboa Avenue, was approved. Noes x Volume 35 - Page 132 • C Uft1CIL RAE B RS MINUTES A G G. ROLL CALLS Sr May 11, 1981 �� ®�� Motion x The application to encroach into the public right - Ayes x x x x x x of -way on east Bay Front, was approved. Noes x K. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: None. The meeting was adjourned at 12:08 a.m. ayor ATTEST: City Clerk Volume 35 - Page 133