HomeMy WebLinkAboutP2019-0014 - PermitsI City of Newport Beach Building Division IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II 3 ' 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 P 2 0 1 9 0 0 1 4 +g Permit Counter Phone (949)644-3288 Job Address: 600 MALABAR DR Bldg: 1 Floor: Suite: Description of Work: PLUM GASLINE TO FIREPITIBBQ Inspector Area: 2 Code Edit 2016 Legal Description: TR 1701 LOT 93 POR OF LOTr``'� Owner: MALERBE SUZANNE E Contractor: 806ONSTRU Address: 207 18TH ST Ad 152716TH Sy HUNTINGTON BEACH CA Phone: Issued Date:0111412019C .,.�; Processed By: �r�\ Bus PLUMBING Permit: P2019-0014 Project No : 1240-2016 Inspection Requests Phone (949)644-3255 eY CTIO VICES Q a Worker's ensation Inst r CA 90 �a ���pC� Policy 4 No:SJWC949085 .40 : ' - Expire : 08/19/2019 -s xs P a 16 3 k� N 'il ✓ \� Bathroom Fixtures kitchenF- Toilet: 0 $0.00 Ktche ink:t0 Bidet 0 $0.00 Garbag Disp: rw,#-%:Piping: Water Softener: 0 Urinal 0 $0.00 Bar Sin $0.00 Water H a 0 Bath Tub: 0 $0.00 Ve tabl 0 $0.00 Gas j t `. 1 Shower Stall: 0 $0.00 Ice N�ker: 0 0.00 s outlets: 0 Wash Basin: 0 $0.00 Dish sher: 1 ckfl v1pp to 2": 0 Hydro -Mass Tub:O $0.00 Lndryffrap_ 0 @ 8w oGer 2": 0 Floor Sink: 0 $0.00 Regulator. $0.QQ�pC� Me Bibb: 0 Floor Drain: 0 $0.00 Lawn Sprinkle : 0 $0. Drinking Fou 0 TOTAL: $42.00 rt �� Plan Che ok F6e •. is . 2 $ 00 rain: F , col $0.00 $0. Grg A9: 0 $0.00 $0.0 Grd�se Interceptor:0 $7.00 P -Trap:' $0.0 $0.00 Sewer Sewer $0.00 $0.00 mo e.moc . m 4eTrd $0.00 gatioPrr7ee: $0.00 PlanCheck: $0.00 Issuance: $35.00 Supplemental Fee: $0.00 Fee Due at Permit Issuance: $42.00 1LITPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OR LAST VALID INSPECTION Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractors' State License Law for the reasons ' ated below by the check rk I have placed next to the applicable item(s) (Section 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, i e, demolish, or repair any str cl - r to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contracto 'at to License Law (Chapter 9 (c�[T�I�i� t wit � action 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt from licensure and the basis for the alleged example y violation g;\Oon 7031. y l��pplicant a rmit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). Y1�C�j�\GlPl `"' V��?r p0 ,, ❑ I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensate. dl do L) all oNkr`�ppLrfions of e roPk, and the structu not t dor offered for sale (Section 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State.License Law does n ly to an owner of property wb�j�r® h employees' or p T effort, b ild r improves the property, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the b ' or Improvement' sold withip-gni _aF of completion, th ner-Builder will h f burden of proving that it was not built or improved for the purpose of sale). V ;. ❑ I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contractin . 'tff�lcensed Contract o constru t project (Sectio usiness and Professions C� Th C` actors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or imp ov on, B'pd who cgut cts for th is a licen� tr pursuant to the Contractors` to L ef! Law). ❑ I am exejrTpt TrOgi licensure under the C� dors' t tq Lic aw forth i n: By my signaturo balvw I acknowledge I at excep f r p al residen in ich In av d for at least one year prior to completion of the im' em vered by this permit, I cannot legall, • ° §el:a structure that I have b ' an ow er-b i as not b co u din ' e y licensed contractors. I understand that a copy of the apph ble ction 7044 of the Business and PrdfessiorRlCdb4;is le upon req n this pp' tion _ e e ollowina W ttp://www.leginfo.ca.gov/calaw. html. Signature of Property net or Au �e gent t7 L D CONT TI N •1 hejeby affiraiuMeip alt, perjury th t I am need un pro ions of Chat g w V ion 7000) of Division 3 o B is Pr f ns ui y license is in full force •1rjd'effect. ' / �jtJ License Class • • • Lice e a Sip` ature h A/l1DL6FDC� f`MOla1CNIQ Ir1N1 F p IflNl V& VA�.. ^'• . . —A1 IpRNING: FAILURE Tb SECURE W KERS ION COVEN A HALL SGBJECT AN EMPLOYER T MI L P ijLYa� AN CIt,F4tY�$ UP TO OdE HUN01 5 Nb DO (E700,000), IN ADDITION TO THE tSJl•AFFCOMPENSpTION,OAMAGE SPR FORIN SECTIO THE ,INTEREST, AND ATTORNEYEES. �o��C 9,p hereb)7 affirm Ur�Ber ponalty of rjuryone lowinri s: Cy .°°° have and All ptIntain a c ificat of cons to !a0grei for workers' compen ion, issued by the Director of;rmatrice srial Re ' ns as, p{c lj a r - tion 3700 of the Labor Code, for th ere rPrance of tko work for which is pe it is issu Policy No. �(\�` have and will maintain workers' omp insurance, as require by a 00 of the Labor Code, for the ork ich this permit is issued. My workers'. compensatiol Isur nce carrier and policy number a arrier Po' 6;tYJ1� piration Date lame of Agent 4 Phone # 11 certify that, in theppenalty of the rk f his peqrrgLd` ued, 1 shall note y any perso ny er so as to become subject to th workers'compensation laws of California, and agre tat, if I should becaa wor co nsation prbvisions of Section of the Labo e, forthwith comply with those provisi c' �/ / ignature of ApplicaDa f ' C / ' L 5 DECLARATION REGONSTRUCTI LENDING AGEN hereby affirm underperjury that the is a cQlitcti lending age or rformance of the work for which this permit is issu (Section 3097, Civil Code). ender's Name V ender's Address y my signature below, I certify to each of the Toll `Ing: I am the property owner or authorized to act o , a p� oy� s behalf. I have read this application and the information ave,,.; ed is cor I agree to comply with all applicable city and U ances e I s relating to building construction. 'I I authorize representatives of this city or cou information , e�A45 led property for inspection purposes. ACTION DATE ' Y L&LLAtfA rIUN Ut LUMNLfANLL 9VI t Ff LUUt Ut / FOR OFFICE USE UNtl FEDERAL REGULATIONS PART 61 OF TTILE40AND AQMDROLE 1403. PERMIT€XPIRED 0 I SUBMITTEDASBE.STOS N071FICATIONTO: ❑ EPA PERMITCANCELLED PERMITEXTENDED 0 AQMD D ASBESTOS MODFICADON/S NOTAPPLICABLETO PROPOSED. DEMOLITION. PERMITF1NAL CERTIFICATED€ OCCUPANCYISSUEO SIGNATURE: