HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/09/1997 - Adjourned Regular MeetingCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • City Council Minutes Adjourned Regular Meeting (Study Session) June 9, 1997 - 3:00 P.M. INDEX ROLL CALL Present: O'Neil, Thomson, Edwards, Hedges, Glover, Noyes and Mayor Debay Absent: None CURRENT BUSINESS 1. 1997 -98 BUDGET REVIEW. City Manager Murphy gave the following overview of the 1997 -98 Budget, explaining that since November/December of calendar year 1996, the budget has been under review and that he would be focusing on the major issues. Next in line is to cover the Supplemental Budget process, the report from the City Council Finance Committee, taking questions from the City Council and the public, and creating a budget check list which will be voted on at the City Council meeting on June 23, 1997, at which time the entire budget will be adopted. The first key issue is that it is a much smaller budget than last year's budget; • Revenues in all Funds for Fiscal Year 1997.98 is estimated at $115 million (13.1 %) which is $17.3 million less than in 1996 -97. Expenditures are $104.5 million which is $25 million less than last year (19 %), mostly due to the Capital Projects being much smaller than in the past. A key issue is the fact that the budget is balanced and $600,00 is being transferred into the Stabilization :Reserves. Mayor Debay suggested that the 12 -page City Manager's transmittal letter that was part of the Budget Resource Allocation Plan be made available to the general public, as it gives a good summation. City Manager Murphy compared the two largest revenue estimates for Fiscal Year 1997 -98, property tax - $20.7 million; and sales tax - S13 million, with the Police Department's budget of $22.4 million and the Fire and Marine Department's budget of $15 million, which indicates that these two city department budgets exceed the city's two largest revenues. City Manager Murphy explained that with respect to Expenditure Distribution, 50% of next years total budget represents salaries and benefits, in comparison with the 1996.97 budget at 39 %. The reason is that there were so many large capital projects last year that as a percentage this year it's much higher, because the overall budget is down. Maintenance and Operation, which is another key part of the budget accounts for 24 %, but in real dollars the M & O accounts are down $2 million this year compared to last year, largely because of reduced costs of acquiring water due to the Groundwater Development Project. The Capital Improvements at 23% for this city's size and complexity, in relation to other cities, • is down compared to last year's with respect to percentage and real amount. Other Charges - 2% represents three debt service issues which are outstanding (Library Bond Issue, Water Revenue Bonds and the Balboa Yacht Basin Loan through the Volume 51— Page 270 1 City of Newport Beach Adjourned Regular Meeting (Study Session) June 9, 1997 0►, State of California). Capital Outlay Accounts within each of the city departments are primarily for acquiring computer equipment, etc. City Manager Murphy reviewed the Basic Operating Expenditures by each department with respect to the total budget: Police - 28 %; Fire and Marine - 19 %; Public Works & Utilities - 21.2 %; General Services - 14 %; and Community Services - 7.7 %. This visually shows where the city spends a major part of its revenues and in terms of reducing the budget the public has been very vocal about not touching safety, etc. He pointed out that the City Council, City Manager, City Clerk, City Attorney, together with Administrative Services, Insurance, Equipment and Maintenance, Planning and Building budgets are pretty small when compared to the other expenditures. With regard to the General Fund Balance, specifically the Stabilization Reserve Account which is earmarked for emergencies, City Manager Murphy explained that the expenditures have been slowly declining and at the end of Fiscal Year 1995 it was at its lowest point. The reserves are slowly being built back again as indicated with the $600,000 to be set aside in Fiscal Year 1997 -98. The portions that are earmarked and from year to year encumbered from one budget to another for specific projects are Parking Fund and Park In -Lieu Fees. A little over $6 million allocated for the Stabilization Reserve and the other components of the General Fund Reserves (balance) sounds like a lot, but the Council policy is 15 %. With a budget of $60 million it's necessary to have a cushion when the city is faced • with wild swings in revenues. Insurance and long -term liabilities are key issues, and with respect to long -term compensated absences, liabilities are basically vacation, sick leave and flex leave that employees accumulate. If the city ceased to exist, this liability would be over $7 million in cash, and one of the issues being dealt with in the MOU's reached with seven of the eight employee groups is flex leave (discontinuing flex leave spill-over and trying to reduce the number of days being spilled over). The city's Self - Insurance for Workers Compensation (required by state law) covers up to $350,000 per claim, and above that the city is covered with an excess insurance policy. Within each department a premium is collected in the Insurance Fund and set aside. In the past, General Liability has cost the city some extraordinary losses and since Fiscal Year 1993 - 94 excess insurance was acquired with a protection above $1 million. With regard to the outstanding liability potential, the Workers Compensation is going up with more claims being filed and litigated. With respect to the Supplemental and Unfunded Priorities Request List dated May 30, 1997, City Manager Murphy said that the Revenue Estimates that the Council had in their Budget packet delivered on May 1 was based on the most recent property tax payments and sales tax and it may actually be a little bit low. He is recommending this Fiscal Year that this be put into an insurance reserve and that the Council consider doing that and other things as they look to the 1997- 98 Fiscal Year. Within the Supplemental and Unfunded Priorities Report, he posed the following questions to the Council: 1) Does the Council approve of the concept of allocating additional dollars to programs and priorities as moneys become available; 2) If moneys are available should they simply be transferred to the Stabilization • Reserve or the Insurance Fund; 3) Are there projects suggested for supplemental funding in accordance with City Council policy objectives. In addition, the memorandum Council received from the Committee consisting of the Planning, Volume 51 - Page 271 • City of Newport Beach Adjourned Regular Meeting (Study Session) June 9, 1997 Police, Public Works Directors and City Manager had projects listed that were requested by city departments which were unable to be funded in the base budget such as: Street light repairs (the city has no money currently in this budget for continuing improvements to the street light system); Disaster Preparedness; and Balboa Yacht Basin and Upper Bay dredging. He indicated that approximately $500,000 might be available regarding the departments' supplemental requests, in addition to available Community Block Grant Funds. Council Member Glover commented that Mayor Pro Tem Edwards and Mayor Debay, including herself as Chairman, are participants of the City Council Finance Committee. She feels that this year's budget is balanced, looks good, and the City Council will be in a position to really make some policy decisions regarding the Supplemental Request List. During the four meetings to review the budget the Finance Committee feels that they have done a thorough job, and the decision made in the past to combine city departments has resulted in success, as well as the decision of privatization. She identified the committee's concerns as follows: Street lightin - which is basically the maintenance and improvement of the present system. Disaster preparedness - whether to classify this as high priority, how to approach it, and how much money should be funded. Look at what the Balboa Yacht Basin, which is owned by the city, is netting; and make a decision for maintenance this year or to defer (no maintenance). Upper Bay Dredging - whether the city should set aside money to do this in future years. She advised that the Senate and Assembly have allocated funds to the Upper Bay Project, and that this is now in the Budget Conference Committee with the possibility of getting • the funds through the state this year. Also, Congressman Cox has promised the city this money. General Fund - The Committee feels more comfortable that the city is putting in approximately $600,000 this year (up to 9%). Many municipalities use 8 %, but the Finance Committee would like to get it up to 15 %. Insurance Reserve Fund - The city is going to contribute approximately $4.8 million this year, but estimated expenditures is $4.5 million. She feels that City Manager Murphy has very wisely suggested to the City Council that they look into adding ideally about $5 million in addition to what the departments contribute each year. Lease for the Lincoln Athletic Center - Should the city be leasing a center which basically is for the use of the gymnasium when there is a gymnasium at the Boys' and Girls' Clubs in Eastbluff in a building that belongs to the city which, at this time, is not used for PB& R programs. Lighting at the Oasis when people take trips from there and they come back and the parking lot is not lighted ($50,000 expenditure). Dog nuisance -The possibility of dog owners paying for dog nuisance bags as is being done in other communities, rather than appropriating $38,000 in the budget for 51 sites for dog dispensers. City Council/City Clerk Mayor Debay opened the budget review discussion with regard to the City Clerk's request for a full time position in place of the present part time position. City Clerk Harkless advised that the City Manager's 1995 reorganization plan resulted in the Clerk's office being changed from 3 full time positions to 2 -1/2 • positions, wherein the Legislative Records Clerk position was cut to part time. She said that if the Capital Improvement item for the Document Imaging is approved in this budget year, she is requesting that the Legislative Records Clerk position be Volume 51 - Page 272 City of Newport Beach Adjourned Regular Meeting (Study Session) June 9, 1997 I 1 • taken back to a full time position. Discussion ensued wherein it was decided that the City Clerk's request for Document Imaging and the part time position be restored to a full time position be placed on the budget check list. City Manager City Manager Murphy advised that on the Supplemental Request List, he is requesting: 1) an additional position (low priority) to assist with constituent issues for the Council, as well public information requests and; 2) additional money to fund pursuing annexation of Newport Coast (application and LAFCO costs). City Attorney Information that the Attorney's Office is recruiting for a vacant Legal Secretary position was shared. Administrative Services Administrative Services Director Danner commented that there is one reclassification in the Human Resource area of Management Analyst, and in the MIS Division there is $39,000 in salary savings achieved by a position left vacant for a considerable part of the year to reach their budget ceiling. Council Member Hedges questioned how this will be met next year (1998 -99) wherein Mr. Danner • said that the department generally has enough turn-over and this has not been a problem in the past. City Manager Murphy added that there are two departments chosen for salary savings: 1) Administrative Services and 2) Police to allow those departments to reach their budget ceiling, leaving the position vacant with the understanding that they basically put these savings into the bank. Mr. Danner said that there is a request for the Supplemental Request List to ask for some of that money back to hire that person soon (new Management position $50,000 and $25,000 to restore operating costs drastically reduced to meet budget ceiling). In response to Council Member Hedges, Mr. Danner said that his total department budget is $4.1 million. City Manager Murphy said that in terms of overall positions, there are net three positions up in the city's work force; all of those positions being in the Police Department as a result of grants received. In response to Council Member Hedges as to whether the Administrative Services Department is staffed to perform the proper administrative oversight functions, Mr. Danner advised that one of the comments received from the auditors is that this area is very lightly staffed and suggested, if any funds do become available, that Human Resources (Personnel) is one area they would recommend "beefing up." City Manager Murphy advised that the clerk position that was vacated was upgraded to an analyst position to reduce going outside for a consultant on different studies and in addition, that Division would like to add another position to do more classification studies inside, rather than going outside which would allow more analysis on issues in the area of Workers Compensation and General Liability, and • to reduce those costs to support the Risk Management position. Mayor Debay had a question about health and retirement benefits for the part time Volume 51 - Page 273 City of Newport Beach Adjourned Regular Meeting (Study Session) June 9, 1997 INDEX • workers. City Manager Murphy said that this would be a Supplemental Request and will be looked at in the overall package during the first meeting in July, as the basic issue is that for the years that management has made reductions the organization has shifted over to a larger part time workforce, i.e., Library, Lifeguards (Marine and Fire). He advised that there are seasonal employees that work during the summer or during peak season and the part timers that work in the Library work year -round, less than full time but more than half time, and as they work more than 1,000 hours per year they are eligible for the benefits under PERS. The new federal law requires the city to pay retirement benefits for all employees. There is another program, PARS, which is less expensive than Social Security but they have no leave or health benefits, and the recommendation is to look towards a program for those that work above 1,000 hours, but less than 40 hours per week, which a number of cities are doing, recognizing the importance of the part time positions. Police Denartment Under the Supplemental Request category, Council Member Glover addressed the Jail Breathing Apparatus - $8,050, wherein Police Chief McDonell explained that this is safety equipment (self - breathing apparatus) that all of the similar type jails in the surrounding area have for the staff to assist in evacuating prisoners in the event of fire. This puts the staff in a better position to effect rescues, should they be out on a call, and Police Chief McDonell said that this has been put on the • recommended list. Council Member Hedges said that this is a safety issue, and the equipment should be purchased within the Police Department's existing budget without asking for supplement funds. He also asked if there is an ongoing program for opportunities to privatize within the Police Department, wherein Police Chief McDonell replied in the affirmative. In response to Mayor Debay, Police Chief McDonell advised that the Police Department has civilianized a number of position, i.e., Crime Scene Investigator, Community Services Officer, and Fiscal and Facility Maintenance Manager, all of which were formerly sworn positions to economize. In response to Mayor Pro Tern Edwards, Police Chief McDonell said that timing is of the essence on document imaging ($40,000 requested) as they are in the stage now of implementing a new computerized dispatch system that is probably coming on line in December. The testing phase is to begin in August with the Records Management System which is where the document imaging really comes into play to begin the following April. Because they have not done the design specifications for the Records Management System they are in a better position now, as it will be costly to do all the program modifications necessary to integrate into the new system. He said that the Police Department moves a huge number of documents internally which could be eliminated, and he feels that the savings will be considerable in just'xeroxing' costs alone. • In response to Council Member Noyes, City Manager Murphy advised that his initial reaction to the proposal of the Police Department leasing their own vehicles is that he personally is optimistic of the figures, and he wants a third party to look Volume 51 - Page 274 u City of Newport Beach Adjourned Regular Meeting (Study Session) June 9, 1997 Q113 at the report in great detail to see of there are those hard savings. If the numbers were solid he would have approved the proposal immediately. In addition, if the Police Department takes on vehicles, do we want them to take on risk management and their own personnel as there is more than just vehicles. We have to look at the organization as a whole as the overall shop is a $2 million operation. Police Chief McDonell said that he will make these reports available to the City Manager for the next Council meeting. Council Member Hedges suggested that the Police Department take the opportunity to effect the savings if they take on their own light vehicle maintenance and deal with other issues as they come. He said that he appreciates City Manager Murphy's approach, but he feels that there is the possibility of reaping potential savings. Fire and Marine In response to Council Member Thomson, Fire Chief Riley said that they have quite seriously looked at the use of overtime and how it is utilized to staff vacancies. The Fire Department carries no additional staffimg for Uncontrolled Vacancies (extended industrial accident leave, bereavement leave, jury duty, and sick leave) and vacation relief. Fire Chief Riley advised that this was a conscious decision that was made by the City Council prior to his arrival, but analysis has shown that the • costs associated with those areas that they have control over its cheaper to use overtime for those staffing vacancies than to hire additional personnel (salary and associated benefit package). He indicated that in response to Council's concern, that the Overtime Salaries Subtotal, Account Line #7043 in the budget is down $210,000 from the previous year, attributed to changes that the Fire Department has made through the meet and confer process and the way employees are allowed to take vacation or holiday time off in lieu of pay. Council Member Thomson said that he feels this is going in the right direction, but nevertheless, $730,000 is being paid for vacation overtime pay, and the possibility of a new hire should be revisited. City Manager Murphy said that this will be looked at and brought back to Council. Council Member Hedges questioned why Fire personnel use ladder trucks to visit the grocery store, wherein Fire Chief Riley responded that this is mainly because the Firefighters reporting for duty must be ready to respond to any alarm, and anything that they need to do during the day, whether grocery shopping, inspecting businesses for fire safety, attending training, doing community presentations, they always take the vehicles with them so that they can respond from wherever area they are located. Managerially speaking, Council Member Hedges said that going on short runs causes more wear and tear on vehicles than longer runs, and he has been approached and questioned why the City of Newport Beach allows this practice to continue which proves to be very costly. Fire Chief Riley said that they will certainly take a look at the alternatives and be glad to bring back the information to Council. • Council Member Hedges questioned the Supplemental Budget Request for $20,000 to market the Paramedic Program. City Manager Murphy explained that this Volume 51 - Page 275 City of Newport Beach Adjourned Regular Meeting (Study Session) June 9, 1997 • request is of -0 .7 program. Council Member Glover said that this was discussed. at length in the Finance Committee meetings and she suggested that Fire Chief Riley do an accounting system including the startup costs so that the city knows what is being netted from the program and if, indeed, the projections are being met. Planning and Building City Manager Murphy commented that the Code Enforcement Supervisor has been shifted from Building back to Planning. Council Member Glover said that she thought this position was included in the BPPAC Plan, wherein City Manager Murphy explained that on the Supplemental Budget List within the area of New Positions, the addition of a permanent part time Code Enforcement Officer is requested to be funded with the CDBG Program. Irk reply to Council Member Glover's question, City Manager Murphy agreed that this could be included on the check list as part of the base budget using CDBG Funds. In response to Council Member Thomson, City Manager Murphy explained that the contracted staffing levels of the Building Department will diminish following the completion of existing projects within the city, and said. that he would be happy to make available benchmark studies indicating that while other agencies (Los Angeles) are doing on average 13 inspections per day, Newport Beach was averaging 20 per day. General Services Council Member Hedges commended General Services Director Niederhaus on the steady and ever increasing efficiency of the operation of the General Services Department accomplishing more with fewer people. General Services Director Niederhaus expressed his thanks, and commented that in 1995 -96 the Equipment Maintenance Division saved $90,000 that went into the Replacement Fund. At the end of this fiscal year, he predicts $140,000 more will be shifted out of the cost of operating and maintaining the equipment into the Replacement Fund for a total of $230,000 in two years and this is since the Police report was written. He said that they have taken many of the Police Department's recommendations, reducing their maintenance force from three to two people with lesser pay and it seems to be operating very well. Council Member Noyes commented that he feels spending $570,000 for Building Maintenance with a full time staff of five employees is too much. General Services Director Niederhaus explained that there is one full time supervisor and four full time regular employees, and the others are temporaries that clean the restrooms only on the weekends including the student laborer under the Youth Employment Program. Also 75% of the Building and Maintenance is done by contract. Mr. Niederhaus added that not all the work can be contracted out, especially the problem of emergencies where there is a need for a skeleton crew. In response to Council Member Noyes' concerns, Mr. Niederhaus said that he would review his • department's budget further. Community Services Volume 51 - Page 276 City of Newport Beach Adjourned Regular Meeting (Study Session) June 9, 1997 1\IIW Council Member Hedges said that he would like to see the Oasis Senior Center operated as an enterprise as there is the opportunity for a steady source of revenue to support their operation. City Manager Murphy asked for Council direction toward making the Oasis self - supporting. Council Member O'Neil said that he would not be in favor of looking at this issue again, as he felt that the majority of the Council was of the opinion that the city should have these types of services in place. Community Services Director Kienitz said that they would be glad to bring back the analysis that was done, further commenting that the Oasis budget is slightly less than last years at $368,000, and annually for the last several years that has been augmented by another $150,000 from the Friends of Oasis. Of that $368,000, 25% comes back in revenue. In the KPMG Study, the Council agreed that there should be 85% full cost recovery of those fee -based programs. Council Member Hedges explained that his concept of viewing this as an enterprise would be to show it broken out as a separate budget item and then if a General Fund subsidy is needed, that would be shown as a line item General Fund transfer to Oasis. He feels that if Oasis cannot support itself, it can at least be shown as a line item to those eligible 25% of the entire community for this special service to continue. • Administrative Services Director Danner feels that what Council Member Hedges wants is to set up a separate fund for all the individual income producing operations, which may be difficult. In response to Council Member Hedges, Community Services Director Kienitz explained that the Cultural & Arts Budget this year is (town slightly from last year at $81,000 with $40,000 of this for the Cultural Grants, $3,000 for the Grant to the Sister City Association and the rest is for operating costs. Council Member Thomson solicited comments to his suggestion that Library Services be separated from Community Services, and Mayor Debay replied that this should be a request for a report back on a future agenda. Public Works City Manager Murphy said that the Council may want to also consider the Capital Improvement Projects volume with respect to the check list, and hearing no questions, Mayor Debay moved the budget discussion forward. Internal Services Council Member Glover said that she wanted to be sure that the Insurance Reserve Fund was on the check list. • Council Member Thomson expressed concern on the issues of outside attorney's fees and medical fees, wherein City Manager Murphy explained that the medical fee includes the payment as a result of the police officer's death ($500,000), and to pay Volume 51 - Page 277 • City of Newport Beach Adjourned Regular Meeting (Study Session) June 9, 1997 INDEX Council Member Hedges asked for an update on Helicopter Liability (increased from $65,000 to $104,000), wherein Police Chief McDonell deferred to Risk Management. Risk Manager Farley explained that this figure represents the increase for the whole coverage for the new helicopter the city is purchasing. The existing helicopter that is still being flown has been sold. The liability insurance coverage is $50 million and the whole coverage provides damage protection. Council Member Glover asked for clarification regarding allocation of ABLE Funds. Police Chief McDonell explained that Costa Mesa and Newport Beach are the participants with the costs being split. Currently, Newport Beach is in negotiations with the City of Santa Ana for contract services, and this report will be given to Council. Mayor Pro Tern Edwards queried who makes the determination for priority use, wherein Police Chief McDonell advised that quite often the helicopter pilot will make this determination while on the scene of the emergency, but if there is another call of a higher priority, then the Watch Commander can make the determination to have the helicopter pilot pull off. Additionally, Police Chief McDonell said that Newport Beach has informal agreements to respond for fire fighting capabilities to back up the City of Huntington Beach, and vice versa, only on priority calls. PUBLIC COMMENTS William Fundenberg, 808 West Balboa Boulevard, said he had a question with • regard to the Capital Improvement Program, and that he was not able to attend the evening meeting concerning the budget. He questioned the use of "other, " and the missing $94,750, directing attention to page 99 Community Development Block Grants Source of Funding for the Balboa Peninsula Improvement Program. City Manager Murphy explained that this amount of funding was the maximum amount that Newport Beach could utilize from the CDBG and stay in compliance with federal requirements for housing, homelessness, etc. This amount would be utilized both for the initial study and the beginning of the implementation. Ann Quinn, operator of Newport Dunes Resort, requested the Council's support in getting a city financial contribution to the 4th of July Fireworks Show. She said that since 1958 the Dunes has privately paid for a very public event; everyone has benefited from the event; and the community has come to expect it. She suggested that the city share 50/50 in partnership to help finance the rising costs, adding a line item for $7,500 to this year's budget. She cited that the majority of surrounding cities pay fully for their residents' fireworks shows and that specifically, the City of Long Beach partnerships with the Queen Mary who conducts the show and the city pays them $30,000. Mayor Pro Tern Edwards requested that this issue be put on the check list. Louise Fundenberg, 808 West Balboa Boulevard, inquired about the Supplemental Budget as she has been unable to locate one, wherein City Manager Murphy said • he could make a copy available to her. She also addressed the Capital Improvements regarding widening from 32.d Street to 30th and questioned the need for a six lane highway. Volume 51 - Page 278 • • • City of Newport Beach Adjourned Regular Meeting (Study Session) June 9, 1997 Mayor Debay placed this on the check list. Public Works Director Webb clarified that the budget should show five lanes to provide the three lanes to get people off of the Peninsula, rather than onto the Peninsula. City Manager Murphy recapped the check list issues as follows: City Clerk Documenting Imaging and Part time position to full time position Police Denartment Jail Breathing Apparatus and Vehicle leasing /maintenance proposal Planning & Building Code Enforcement position (part time from CDBG) Community Services Cultural Grants Program Internal Services Insurance Reserve Fund issue Newnort Dunes Fireworks Show The following issues were also added: Mayor Pro Tem Edwards Street lighting and dog nuisance Council Member Hedges Human Resources Grant ADJOURNMENT — 5:30 p.m. Volume 51 - Paige 279 110-IT50 City of Newport Beach Adjourned Regular Meeting (Study Session) June 9, 1997 • The agenda for the Adjourned Regular Meeting (Study Session) was posted on June 4, 1997 at 2:20 p.m. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. 0 City Clerk • r Recording Secretary c Yo Volume 51 - Page 280 INDEX