HomeMy WebLinkAbout04a_Draft Minutes of May 29, 2019GP Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Attachment 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN UPDATE STEERING COMMITTEE MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS — 100 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 2019 REGULAR MEETING — 6:00 P.M. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 6:00 p.m. WELCOME AND ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Nancy Gardner, James Carlson, Catherine O'Hara, Ed Selich, Debbie Stevens, Larry Tucker, Paul Watkins, (Ex Officio Member) Mayor Diane Dixon MEMBERS ABSENT: None Staff Present: Community Development Director Seimone Jurjis, Deputy Community Development Director Jim Campbell, Associate Planner Benjamin Zdeba, Administrative Support Technician Amanda Lee III. PUBLIC COMMENTS Jim Mosher remarked that five responses to the Request for Proposals (RFP) are not unusual, as evidenced by the responses received to similar RFPs in two other cities. He hoped staff will explain the constraints and flexibility the Steering Committee has in recommending a scope of work to the City Council. Community Development Director Seimone Jurjis advised that the Steering Committee is following the standard City process with respect to the RFP. IV. CURRENT BUSINESS a. Review Minutes of the May 15, 2019 Meeting Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of May 15, 2019. Motion by Committee Member Selich, seconded by Committee Member Watkins, to approve the minutes of the May 15, 2019 meeting as presented. Motion passed 7-0. b. Kearns & West Scope of Services, Fee Schedule and Recommendation Recommended Action: Review and discuss the Scope of Services and Fee Schedule. Provide direction on items needing to be revisited with the proposer, and if appropriate, recommend City Council approval of a professional services agreement with Kearns & West. Deputy Community Development Director Jim Campbell reported staff has been working with Kearns & West to refine the scope of work. Approximately $410,000 has been allocated for outreach. General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes May 29, 2019 Associate Planner Benjamin Zdeba advised that the scope of work includes Kearns & West familiarizing themselves with the City's General Plan, meeting with the Steering Committee and staff, preparing educational materials, developing the program, activating social media, and facilitating community events. Jenna Tourje, Kearns & West, demonstrated the Bang the Table or EngagementHQ platform and its use by the City of Truckee as an example. Engagement tools used with Bang the Table can be shared via social media and the City's website. In response to questions from the Steering Committee, Ms. Tourje indicated Bang the Table will moderate comments submitted to the website based on parameters set by staff and the Steering Committee. Comments containing profanity or hate speech can be excluded. Comments posted online and offered at public meetings can be categorized and posted on Bang the Table. Users' IP addresses and email addresses will be reviewed to minimize attempts to bias results. Associate Planner Zdeba continued the presentation, stating Kearns & West will prepare a Vision Guide, which captures the community's desires and consensus. Kearns & West has provided a cost per meeting and the estimated time devoted to each task. Staff anticipates presenting the professional services agreement to Council on June 25, 2019. The kickoff could be start July with the community launch event following in August. The culminating summit event could be held in the spring of 2020. Ms. Tourje clarified that the kickoff event would begin the project with preparation of educational materials, the website, and online engagement and with creation of the community outreach program. Associate Planner Zdeba indicated staff anticipates a total cost of about $2.5 million for the entire General Plan Update project. The estimated cost for the Listen and Learn Phase is $410,000 plus a 10-percent contingency. The actual General Plan Update Phase is estimated to cost $1.25 million. Staff has budgeted $750,000 for preparation of the Environmental Impact Report and has included $100,000 for miscellaneous costs. In reply to queries, Associate Planner Zdeba advised that staff does not have an itemized list of costs at this point in time. The amounts provided to the Steering Committee are general estimates. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell felt staff is aware of General Plan deficiencies, but a review could be helpful. He preferred having the General Plan diagnostic occur early in the process. Community Development Director Jurjis clarified that staff interprets the Listen and Learn Phase as an opportunity for the community to comment regarding all components of the General Plan. Joan Isaacson, Kearns & West, explained that online activities will mirror meeting activities so that the community can respond either in person or online. Many of the Steering Committee's questions will be answered during preparation of the community engagement plan. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell felt the community engagement plan could be structured so that release of the draft Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) numbers in February 2020 will not require additional meetings. Ms. Tourje added that a brochure could be prepared to explain RHNA numbers. The community engagement plan can include outreach related to the RHNA numbers. The RHNA numbers should not drive the conversation but be included in it. Community Development Director Jurjis reported the Steering Committee will control the process and the speed of the process throughout the Listen and Learn Phase. Ms. Isaacson explained that the cost per meeting is composed of preparing materials, working with staff, and attending the meeting. Page 2 of 3 General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes May 29, 2019 Committee Members Selich and Tucker remarked regarding the community's concerns about zoning issues rather than General Plan issues. Ms. Isaacson reported one of the first deliverables is the community engagement plan, which will include a timeline for tasks. Ms. Tourje added that the kickoff meeting will occur after the Council approves the contract. The projected 12 Steering Committee meetings will be spread throughout the process. The General Plan diagnostic and materials and the outreach plan will be created within the first month. Outreach will be structured and planned to elicit specific outcomes and objectives, such as capturing community values. The stakeholder dialogs and interviews may be frontloaded in order to understand their concerns. Unstructured engagement will occur throughout the process. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell clarified that Steering Committee meetings will be scheduled as deliverables come in and as staff needs guidance. The contract will be a time and materials contract with a not -to -exceed amount based on the scope of work. The cost breakdown is basically a budget. Staff can provide the Steering Committee with budget updates. Committee Member Tucker suggested the consultants review the 2014 revision of the General Plan. Chair Gardner remarked that the 2014 revision was not adopted. Charles Klobe encouraged the City to have a representative at Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) meetings regarding the RHNA numbers. The community needs to understand that the State requires zoning for the RHNA numbers. Jim Mosher noted differences between the cost breakdown and a prior version. He expressed his belief that the consultant's work in San Jacinto appears to be rather weak. Ms. Tourje explained that Kearns & West is a subcontractor for the General Plan Update in San Jacinto. The process, outcomes, and objectives for San Jacinto are very different from those in Newport Beach. Hoiyin Ip remarked that the community will be concerned about the RHNA numbers. Someone could come to Newport Beach to comment on activities so that their IP address is registered in Newport Beach. Motion by Committee Member Selich, seconded by Committee Member Carlson, to recommend City Council approval of a professional services agreement with Kearns & West. Motion passed 7-0. P� KUk4Evil11i11AAF_1i!I.10111.IGIZJdN.11& O:EL4InVI111111 =11:4aTkyIMal N37VAIN A y 1114I21Noaw_[921Ir ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON -DISCUSSION ITEM) Community Development Director Jurjis advised that the Steering Committee probably will not need to meet again until July 10. VI. ADJOURNMENT— 7:27 p.m. Next Meeting: TBD Page 3 of 3 General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(a) Additional Materials Received From: Zdeba, Benjamin Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 2:08 PM To: Lee, Amanda Cc: Rodriguez, Clarivel Op Subject: FW: Steering Committee Minutes May 29, 2019 Attachments: 20190909113458. pdf Hi Amanda, See below and attached received in reference to agenda item IV(a) on the Steering Committee agenda for Thursday. Thanks, Ben Z. BENJAMIN M. ZDEBA, AICP Community Development Department Associate Planner bzdeba annewcortbeachca.00v 949-644-3253 From: Larry Tucker <tucker@etpcenters.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 11:15 AM To: Zdeba, Benjamin <bzdeba@newportbeachca.eov> Cc: Campbell, Jim <1Campbell@newportbeachca.eov> Subject: Steering Committee Minutes May 29, 2019 Hi Ben, I would like to add the following to the Steering Committee Minutes of May 29 in the place noted in the attached: "Committee Member Tucker recommended delaying the launch of the Outreach Program until the RHNA numbers are known as he prefers to have most of the Outreach budget available to address the RHNA numbers. However, he supported getting the Outreach Program in place, ready to launch, while awaiting the RHNA numbers." Thank you. Larry Tucker General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(a) Additional Materials Received General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes May 29, 2019 6Committee Members Selich and Tucker remarked regarding the community's concerns about zoning issues rather than General Plan issues. Ms. Isaacson reported one of the first deliverables is the community engagement plan, which will include a timeline for tasks. Ms. Tourje added that the kickoff meeting will occur after the Council approves the contract. The projected 12 Steering Committee meetings will be spread throughout the process. The General Plan diagnostic and materials and the outreach plan will be created within the first month. Outreach will be structured and planned to elicit specific outcomes and objectives, such as capturing community values. The stakeholder dialogs and interviews may be frontloaded in order to understand their concerns. Unstructured engagement will occur throughout the process. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell clarified that Steering Committee meetings will be scheduled as deliverables come in and as staff needs guidance. The contract will be a time and materials contract with a not -to -exceed amount based on the scope of work. The cost breakdown is basically a budget. Staff can provide the Steering Committee with budget updates. Committee Member Tucker suggested the consultants review the 2014 revision of the General Plan. Chair Gardner remarked that the 2014 revision was not adopted. Charles Klobe encouraged the City to have a representative at Southern California Association of Governments (SLAG) meetings regarding the RHNA numbers. The community needs to understand that the State requires zoning for the RHNA numbers. Jim Mosher noted differences between the cost breakdown and a prior version. He expressed his belief that the consultant's work in San Jacinto appears to be rather weak. Ms. Tourje explained that Kearns & West is a subcontractor for the General Plan Update in San Jacinto. The process, outcomes, and objectives for San Jacinto are very different from those in Newport Beach. Hoiyin Ip remarked that the community will be concerned about the RHNA numbers. Someone could come to Newport Beach to comment on activities so that their IP address is registered in Newport Beach. Motion by Committee Member Selich, seconded by Committee Member Carlson, to recommend City Council approval of a professional services agreement with Kearns & West. Motion passed 7-0. V. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON -DISCUSSION ITEM) Community Development Director Jurjis advised that the Steering Committee probably will not need to meet again until July 10. VI. ADJOURNMENT — 7:27 p.m. Next Meeting: TBD Page 3 of 3 General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(a)2 Additional Materials Received After Deadline From: Zdeba, Benjamin Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 5:47 PM To: 'Jim Mosher' <jimmosher@yahoo.com> Subject: RE: Correction to GPU SC minutes Hi Mr. Mosher, Thank you for your note. I just let Chair Gardner know you had a correction related to the minutes. All my best, Ben Z. BENJAMIN M. ZDEBA, AICP Community Development Department Associate Planner bzdeba g newportbeachca.aov 949-644-3253 From: Jim Mosher <jimmosher(a@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 4:45 PM To: Zdeba, Benjamin <bzdeba(ZDnewportbeachca.gov> Subject: Correction to GPU SC minutes Ben, In the General Plan Update Steering Committee draft minutes for May 29, 2019, it looks like paragraph 4, sentence 4 was meant to read "The kickoff could be -start in July with the community launch event following in August." Yours sincerely, Jim Mosher