HomeMy WebLinkAbout04d_Community Engagement and Outreach Program_PresentationGP Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Attachment 4 NEWPORT BEACH LISTEN & LEARN COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM Working Document last updated on September 5, 2019 Prepared by Kearns & West Table of Contents NEWPORT BEACH LISTEN & LEARN................................................................................................................................................................................1 1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 ProjectOverview......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Listen & Learn Community Engagement Objectives..................................................................................................................................................4 Concurrent Related Outreach Activities....................................................................................................................................................................5 Roleof the Steering Committee................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Listen& Learn Contact Information........................................................................................................................................................................... 6 PlanContents............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 2. Communication Opportunities & Challenges............................................................................................................................................................7 Sizeof the City...........................................................................................................::..............................................::...:.......................:................... 7 DistinctNeighborhoods............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 CommunityActivation...............................................................................................................................................................................................8 3. Stakeholder Analysis.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 4. Getting the Word Out..............................................................................................................................................................................................10 5. Community Engagement Opportunities, Process & Timeline.................................................................................................................................12 EngagementOpportunities......................................................................................................................................................................................12 LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM 2 SteeringCommittee Meetings............................................................................................................................................................................. 12 DigitalEngagement.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 WorkshopSeries..................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Pop -Up Outreach................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 StakeholderMeetings.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Go -to Meetings.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 ProcessChart........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 ProcessTimeline...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 IL <'44mbil LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM 3 1. Introduction Project Overview 0 To guide and inform a future General Plan Update, the City of Newport Beach has launched a distinct community engagement and outreach program, known as the Listen & Learn process. Listen & Learn will engage community members in exploring the current General Plan and identifying perceived needs, issues, and opportunities with the Plan; document resident and stakeholder reactions to the existing goals and goal structure. The General Plan Update Steering Committee (Steering Committee) will direct the Listen & Learn process. The process will include digital engagement, the Launch Event, a workshop series in each of the seven council districts, pop-up events, stakeholder interviews, Go -to Meetings, and a Citywide Summit. Input received at each point in the process will be shared with the Steering Committee and made available for review on the project website. Listen & Learn Community Engagement Objectives For this project, success relies on involvement of community members and other stakeholders throughout the Listen & Learn process, including issue identification, goal setting, and alternatives assessment. Specific objectives for public engagement are to: • Conduct an open and transparent process; • Engage the full spectrum of Newport Beach community members, residents, businesses, and other stakeholders; • Share information on the General Plan, including the individual elements, state requirements, state mandates (including Regional Housing Need Allocation [RHNA]), and other related information with Newport Beach community members and stakeholders; • Gather meaningful community input on the General Plan to lay the foundation for a future General Plan Update; • Transparently share project information, meeting conclusions, and incremental decisions with community members; and • Strengthen and expand relationships and trust between the City and community members, and among community members themselves. LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM Concurrent Related Outreach Activities Outreach for related planning projects in Newport Beach will occur during the Listen & Learn process. The most significant parallel processes are noted in Table 1. Taking note of these related public outreach activities is important. While the related public outreach activities create additional avenues for disseminating information about the Listen & Learn engagement opportunities, the activities also create potential for community members to experience "planning fatigue," and reduce involvement in Listen & Learn due to time and resource limitations. These concurrent activities could also result in confusion over the topics, requirements, recommendations, and timelines across the different projects. These conditions could pose challenges in providing important information about the Listen & Learn process to community members, as well as result in community input being less productive because of misperceptions. Table 1: Concurrent Outreach Activities Title 17 - Harbor Code Update, Harbor Commission Boards, Commissions and Committees Role of the Steering Committee Final review by ad hoc committee Ongoing meetings City Council - October 9, 2019 See City website for upcoming meetings and public engagement opportunities The General Plan Update Steering Committee (Steering Committee) was established in January 2019, and includes representatives from the Newport Beach community. For the Listen & Learn process, the role of the Steering Committee is to: LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM • Ensure sufficient public outreach and stakeholder input regarding the update to the General Plan; • Provide guidance to City staff and the project team through the Listen & Learn process; and • Make other recommendations to the City Council regarding the update of the General Plan, as necessary. The Steering Committee meets on the first and third Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise noted. Listen & Learn Contact Information For questions and inquiries related to the Newport Beach Listen & Learn please contact: Benjamin Zdeba, AICP Community Development Department Associate Planner bzdeba@newportbeachca.gov 949-644-3253 The Listen & Learn website has the latest announcements and updates, meeting summaries, and interactive surveys and comments. It will be updated when the General Plan Steering Committee approves a slogan and url. Importantly, community members can sign up for email announcements on the Listen & Learn website. Plan Contents This section will detail the purpose of the Community Engagement & Outreach Program. Specific topics are: • This Introduction, including a project overview, public engagement objectives (Listen & Learn process), concurrent related outreach activities, the role of the Steering Committee, and project contact information; • Communication Opportunities & Challenges, including preliminary identification of communication challenges and engagement strategies to address identified challenges; LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM • Stakeholder Analysis, including types of stakeholders and primary outreach methods; • Getting the Word Out, including specific media and material to engage a broad sector of the community; and • Community Engagement Opportunities, Process & Timeline, describing community engagement activities, showing the steps of the community outreach process and relationship among outreach activities, and noting purpose and timing for the specific activities (e.g., workshop series, digital engagement). 2. Communication Opportunities & Challenges The Listen & Learn process seeks to inform, engage, and unite Newport Beach community members around a love for their city and the opportunity to shape its future through involvement in a future General Plan Update. The following communication challenges and opportunities have been identified to build a framework for broad engagement in the Listen & Learn process. Size of the City Newport Beach spans seven council districts over 53 square miles. The distance between residents presents challenges for hosting workshops in central locations in the City. Distance also presents challenges for residents to hear each other's experiences. • Engagement Strategy: The City will host workshops in each council district advertised through homeowners associations, resident groups, and online communities. The Listen & Learn process will begin and end with a Launch and Citywide Summit, respectively, where residents from different parts of the City can share their experiences, values, and views of Newport Beach. Digital engagement tools will be used to engage people who cannot attend workshops and meetings in person. A statistically significant survey would ensure that insights from a broad spectrum of the community would be heard in the process (*not currentlyscoped). Distinct Neighborhoods Not only does Newport Beach encompass a lot of land (and water), the City has distinct neighborhoods with a variety of geographies, such as beaches, islands, and bluffs. This diversity of neighborhood geographies and experiences could present challenges in moving towards consensus on the issues and needs in the current General Plan. LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM • Engagement strategy: The Community Engagement & Outreach program (this document) is designed to layer in opportunities for community members to not only share their experiences with the City, but also to hear and learn from their neighbors. The Listen & Learn Launch and Citywide Summit are envisioned to draw together people from all parts of the City. The process will invite people to share what they love about Newport Beach through stories, photos, and activities. Each piece of input received in the process will be shared on the interactive online platform for community members to review and see what their neighbors are sharing. Community Activation The Newport Beach community is highly engaged, with a large number of residents and stakeholders who actively communicate with the City on issues important to them. And, like every city, there are also community members who have yet to be activated and engaged in issues in their City. These "unactivated" residents are likely highly engaged with their families, clubs, children's sports teams, jobs, and neighborhoods; the challenge is to invite them into the Listen & Learn process in ways that matter to them. • Engagement strategy: Outreach opportunities will be designed to meet people where they are, engage with neighborhood groups, and provide opportunities for online engagement that mirror in -person engagement. Pop-up events, Go -to Meetings, and digital tools will be designed to create a two-way conversation in which members of the community feel a sense of ownership and belonging to their City. 3. Stakeholder Analysis Newport Beach is rich in community organizations and associations, reflective of its unique history, culture, landscape, and beaches. Many local organizations have interest in the topics and issues pertaining to a future General Plan Update and have valuable input to contribute. Furthermore, they can disseminate announcements about community engagement opportunities to their members. A database of stakeholder organizations, based on research and input from community members, has been assembled by City staff for the Listen & Learn process as shown in Table 2. Updates will be made periodically to add newly identified organizations and to continue to expand outreach efforts. Table 2: Stakeholder Groups LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM Neighborhood Residents • Workshops • HOAs • Online Platforms • Homeowners • Go -to Outreach • Renters • Pop -Up Events Religious Institutions • Go -to Meetings • Stakeholder Interviews • Online Platforms Schools & Youth Organizations • Workshops • Private Schools • Go -to Outreach • School District • Online Platforms • Youth camps and clubs Interest Groups • Stakeholder Meetings • Environmental • Go -to Meetings • Advocacy • Affordable Housing Businesses • Stakeholder Meetings • Small businesses • Go -to Meetings • Major employers • Pop -Up Events • Chambers of Commerce • Main Streets LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM 9 4. Getting the Word Out The goal of Listen & Learn is to involve as many people and perspectives as possible in the outreach process. Because members of the Newport Beach community learn about community events in different ways, multiple communication channels will be used during the outreach process. This section identifies activities geared towards disseminating opportunities for engagement and project updates to community members, businesses, stakeholders, and other organizations, as illustrated in Table 3. Table 3: Getting the Word Out Contact Database To maintain and organize email and Ongoing mailing addresses for people interested in receiving project updates and announcements Listen & Learn Website To create easy online access to Listen & Ongoing Learn information, digital engagement tools, comment inventories, community engagement opportunities, and meeting input summaries. The initial database will be compiled using contacts from the stakeholder database, City email lists, and community organization contacts. New contact information will be collected and added to the database throughout the Listen & Learn. Using an EngagementHQwebsite linked to the City's homepage, the Listen & Learn website will host project information: online surveys, polls, and other input activities; in -person engagement opportunities; and a database of comments and ideas gathered online and in person. The website will also have a function where LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM 10 Social Media To widely disseminate information on Ongoing Listen & Learn and to increase the number of participants. Email Blasts To widely distribute announcements Ongoing about community outreach events, Steering Committee meetings, website document postings, and updates. Flyers, Posters, and To distribute information and Ongoing Postcards announcements about outreach events. people can provide contact information to receive email announcements. Listen & Learn updates and announcements about engagement opportunities will be posted on local social media sites, including sites managed by the City (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Nextdoor). Additionally, all posts will be forwarded to community organizations for posting on their websites, inclusion in newsletters, and emailing to members. The City will periodically send email updates and announcements to community members and other stakeholders entered into the contact database. Printed collateral will match the Listen & Learn graphic identity LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM 11 5. Community Engagement Opportunities, Process & Timeline This section will describe engagement opportunities for the Listen & Learn, provide an overview of the process chart, and illustrate each step in the process through tables. Engagement Opportunities Each step in the Listen & Learn process is designed to engage community members across a spectrum of opportunities and activities. Specific activities for community engagement and outreach are described below. Opportunities are categorized as Steering Committee meetings, digital engagement, workshops series, pop-up outreach, stakeholder meetings, and Go -to Meetings. Steering Committee Meetings The General Plan Update Steering Committee (Steering Committee) plays a vital role in the outreach program. Community members are invited to attend Steering Committee meetings, read the materials, and provide comments. The project team will provide the Steering Committee a report on the outreach program's status and integrate the Steering Committee's guidance on outreach objectives in the Listen & Learn process. Meetings are scheduled forthe first and third Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise noted. Digital Engagement Digital engagement and activation will occur through an online platform (EngagementHQ) developed specifically for the Listen & Learn process. The interactive platform will be updated throughout the project with new polls, forums, and mapping activities. The platform will also host a project schedule, documents, and outreach summaries. Online engagement is not meant to replace in -person involvement, but rather to mirror in -person engagement. Workshop Series Community workshops are designed as two distinct series in each council district to immerse the project team and stakeholders in the Listen & Learn. The workshops will identify common values and gather feedback on goals and policies and the current General Plan Vision Statement. The LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM 12 series will involve two "Immersion Weeks" in each council district, which expands the number of workshops in each district yet offers cost - savings and efficiencies while gathering needed and meaningful input. Facilitating a series of two Immersion Weeks in each council district gives residents the chance to have a meaningful dialogue on what is working and what is not working in the General Plan, as well as affirming and discussing the Vision. Hosting Immersion Weeks will help demonstrate to each council district that outreach is occurring equitably across the City and reduce potential resident confusion that could result from a large number of meetings. Workshop Series I —The first series will be designed to facilitate a dialogue about the purpose, intent, and structure of the General Plan and to review community values in assessing the Vision statement. Workshop Series II —The second series will include a review of key issues in the community and whether the current goals and policies in the General Plan reflect community needs and values. There will also be an opportunity to solicit input on the Vision related to the new General Plan requirements most relevant to Newport Beach. Pop -Up Outreach Pop-up events will take place in the community and bring issues that usually stay at City Hall or in workshops out to the street. Pop-up workshops, sometimes known as tactical urbanism, are a fun and engaging way to share information about projects using short-term and scalable activities out in the places where people gather. Four pop-up events are planned to engage community members in the Listen & Learn process, with two pop-up events taking place alongside each workshop series. Their primary role in Listen & Learn is to inform people about the project and engagement opportunities, collect sign-ups for the interactive online platform, and solicit input on the spot using a quick yet meaningful activity. Pop-up events will be designed for City staff to be able to replicate at additional events. Stakeholder Meetings One-on-one outreach will be grounded in meetings with stakeholders who can provide targeted input into the process. The project team will conduct interviews and conversations with stakeholders to gather a broad range of perspectives to then be integrated into the outreach process. While a total number of stakeholder dialogues has not been identified, we anticipate up to 20 stakeholder dialogues at the front end of the process after the project launches. These dialogues will quickly get the word out about the project, convey the engagement and outreach process, and solicit advice on the best ways to engage the community. LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM 13 Go -to Meetings The project team will attend up tote n regularly scheduled meetings of local groups, organizations, and/or houses of worship to build community enthusiasm and interest in the Listen & Learn process. Community organizations and interest groups could include local churches and parishes, youth and senior groups, and philanthropic groups. A short slide deck and/or set of display boards and handouts will be prepared for use at these meetings and made available for City staff use at additional meetings to expand the number of organizations reached through Go -to Meetings. *Statistically Significant Survey A statistically significant survey is not currently scoped, but would function to gather insights from a broad sector of the community that might not otherwise be reached. The survey would be conducted by an independent survey firm who specializes in surveys for planning processes. It would cover the seven council districts equally, and show input from each distinct neighborhood in the City. Process Chart The Listen & Learn process will proceed through four major steps, with engagement opportunities throughout the process. * Step 1: Launch — Initial research by the project team, preparation of the Community Engagement & Outreach Program, Launch Event * Step 2: Engagement Phase I — Workshop Series I in each council district, pop-up events, stakeholder interviews, and Go -to Meetings on the purpose and intent of the General Plan, community values, and General Plan Vision Statement * Step 3: Engagement Phase II — Workshop Series II in each council district, pop-up events, stakeholder interviews, and Go -to Meetings to review General Plan goals and policies * Step 4: Wrap-up — Citywide Summit, synthesis of engagement, and General Plan Guide The community engagement activities described in the previous section will take place throughout the planning process, whereby community input will inform and shape each step of the Listen & Learn process. The process chart, shown below, outlines how the community engagement activities will synchronize in each step. Some activities will occur periodically. Others will be conducted at regular intervals throughout the process. Figure 1 shows how the outreach activities will work together, with the following identified: LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM 14 © Launch September — October 2020 • Listen & Learn Launch Event • Community Engagement & Outreach Program Graphic Identity Concepts • Diagnostic Memo • One -Page General Plan Brochures • Project Website Launch © Engagement Phase I November ' 19 — January '20 © Engagement Phase II February - April 2020 General Plan Steering Committee • Workshop Series I • Pop-up I & II • Stakeholder Interviews • Go -to Outreach • Engagement Phase I Outreach Summary • Online Engagement • Workshop Series II Pop-up III & IV • Stakeholder Interviews Go -to Outreach Engagement Phase II Outreach Summary • Online Engagement Project Website, Digital Engagement, Social Media OWrap -Up Summer 2020 • City-wide Summit • Vision Guide Development • Community Engagement Consensus Statement • Comment Inventory • Draft General Plan Engagement Guide • Final General Plan Engagement Guide Process Timeline A more detailed overview of the steps in the Listen & Learn Process is shown in Tables 4-8, including the type of activity, purpose, timing, location, and informational materials needed. For each step, a more detailed logistics plan will be developed before outreach begins. These tables will be updated closer to the time of engagement activities and will be based on future logistics plans. Table 4: General Plan Steering Committee Process & Timeline Purpose Consultant team to report back on the status of the outreach program and incorporate guidance on outreach objectives. Timing First and third Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise specified. Scheduled dates: • September 12, 2019 • September 25, 2019 Location City Council Chambers, Newport Beach Civic Center Informational Materials Staff Reports, meeting materials LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM 16 Table 5: Step 1 - Launch Phase Purpose Introduce Newport Beach community members to the Listen & Learn process, energize identity and connection to place and people, motivate commitment to participate, and promote robust sign-ups for the online platform for future announcements about Listen & Learn events. The launch will also serve as the first opportunity to introduce the existing General Plan Vision, framed by dialogue questions about what might be different since its conception in 2006, and what might be the same. Timing October 26, 11:00 AM — 3:00 PM Location Newport Beach Civic Center Green Digital Engagement Online Platform, Email, Social Media, Press Releases LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM 17 Table 6: Step 2 - Engagement Phase 1 Purpose Conduct one-on-one conversations with stakeholders who can provide targeted input into the process. Timing Location Digital Engagement Inform community members about the project and involvement opportunities in Engagement Phase I, collect sign-ups for the project website, and solicit input on the spot using a quick yet meaningful activity. Ongoing Pop-up 1— December 20, 2019 Pop-up 2 — January 2020 Phone or in -person None Pop-up 1—Marina Park Family Fun Night Pop-up 2 - TBD The first series will facilitate a dialogue about the purpose, intent, and structure of the General Plan and to review community values in assessing the Vision Statement. November 2019 One workshop in each council district Social media blurbs Website announcement Website announcement Email blast Attend ten regularly scheduled meetings of local groups, organizations, and/or houses of worship to build community enthusiasm and interest in the Listen & Learn process and to gather meaningful input from attendees. Periodically At organization's meeting location None LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM 18 Informational General Plan One -Page Materials Brochures Table 7: Step 3 - Engagement Phase 11 Purpose Conduct one-on-one conversations with key individuals and stakeholders who can provide targeted input into the process. General Plan One -Page Brochures Inform community members about the project and involvement opportunities in Engagement Phase II, collect sign-ups for the project website, and solicit input on the spot using a Social media blurbs Presentation deck One -Page brochures Workshop activities The second series of workshops will be a review of key issues in the community and whether the current goals and policies in the General Plan reflect community needs and values. There will also be an opportunity to solicit input Presentation deck One -Page Brochures Attend ten regularly scheduled meetings of local groups, organizations, and/or houses of worship to build community enthusiasm and interest in the Listen & Learn process and to gather meaningful input from attendees. LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM 19 Timing Ongoing Location Phone or in -person Digital N/A Engagement Informational General Plan One -Page Materials Brochures quick yet meaningful on the Vision related to the activity. new General Plan requirements most relevant to Newport Beach. Pop -Up 3 -TBD Pop -Up 4 - TBD Pop -Up 3 -TBD Pop -Up 4 - TBD Website Email Social media Online Platform General Plan One -Page Brochures February 2020 One workshop in each council district Website Email Social media Online Platform Presentation deck One -Pager brochures Workshop activities Ongoing At meeting venue N/A Presentation deck One -Pager brochures LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM 20 Table 8: Step 4 - Wrap -Up Purpose During the Citywide Summit, the project team and Steering Committee will report back what they have heard throughout the process, including insight on the existing goals and policies. The team will then present alternative articulations of the General Plan Vision (developed through previous community engagement) for participants to review and move towards consensus. The Summit will be a large community forum with breakout sessions for diving deeply into feedback developed by the community. Timing Summer 2020 Location TBD Digital Engagement Online platform, Social media Informational Materials TBD LISTEN & LEARN - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH PROGRAM 21 General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d) Additional Materials Received ,dean Watt 4 Harbor Island Newport Beach, CA92660 September 10, 2019 TO: General Plan Update Steering Committee Members: Nancy Gardner, Chair James Carlson Catherine O'Hara Ed Selich Debbie Stevens Larry Tucker Paul Watkins Mayor Diane Dixon, Ex Officio Member CC: Staff Members: Phone: (949) 673-8164 Email: jwatt4@aol.com Seimone Jurjis, Community Development Director Jim Campbell, Deputy Community Development Director Ben Zdeba, Associate Planner SUBJECT: Community Engagement and Outreach Program - General Plan Update Dear General Plan Update Steering Committee: Responding to the increasing interest and concern about maintaining "community character and charm" as well as about "mansionization", a group of us have begun to seriously focus on the need for community interaction. Thus, the Good Neighbor Policy Advocates, which is growing to represent the interests of various groups and areas of town. The Good Neighbor group thanks you for the opportunity to comment on the Community Engagement and Outreach Program for the General Plan Update program. We compliment the Committee Members, staff and consultants on a comprehensive program designed to "ensure sufficient public outreach and stakeholder input into the General Plan Update process." We strongly support the strategy articulated in the program that "outreach opportunities ... be designed to meet people where they are ... and provide opportunities for online engagement that mirror in -person engagement." We believe that it is important to create opportunities that broaden representation in the General Plan Update process beyond those residents who typically show up at community meetings. The Good Neighbor Policy Advocates - Working toward "Golden Rules' for Newport Beach We are residents dedicated to inclusion and civil discourse in meeting the challenges of today and the future while preserving the charm and character of Newport Beach General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d) Additional Materials Received ,dean Watt September 10, 2019 Page Two New technology tools can broaden the reach of community participation through online surveys and live webcasting of community meetings that allow participation "on -demand." We believe that these tools will make it possible for the City to better engage the silent majority who have not previously been engaged in the community, and allow the City to uncover true priorities. Towards that end, The Good Neighbor group would like to work with the City and its consultant team on these efforts to ensure that the City is able to reach a broader demographic, listen to their concerns, learn what's most important, and understand which potential improvement strategies/solutions are preferred. Included with this correspondence is a description of an award -winning online survey tool (MetroQuest) that we would like the City to consider. We believe this would go a long way towards achieving these goals. The tool is fun and easy to use, informative and interactive, provides an opportunity to rank priorities, weave in education about tradeoffs into the process, and provide geographic specific comments on interactive maps. A dashboard can be monitored along the way to gather a sense of who is responding, providing an opportunity to fill in the gaps as needed. Regardless of which technology tools the City selects to use in this process, we offer our support in using technology tools to their full potential, and broadening participation throughout the community. Best Regards, The Good Neighbor Policy Advocates Steering Committee Members Susan De Santis desantis.susan@gmail.com Jo Caro(Hunter jocarol@ix.netcom.com Charles Nlobe cklobe@me.com Andy Lingle andylingle@gmail.com Nancy Scarbrough nscarbrough@me.com .Caren 7ringali karen-tringali@msn.com Linda Uatkins linda@leadershipfor today.com Jean Watt jwatt4@aol.com Ron Yeo ronyeo@me.com The Good Neighbor Policy Advocates - Working toward "Golden Rules' for Newport Beach We are residents dedicated to inclusion and civil discourse in meeting the challenges of today and the future while preserving the charm and character of Newport Beach General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d) Additional Materials Received ,dean Watt September 10, 2019 Attachment GOLDEN RULES FOR GREAT NEIGHBORHOODS • Respecting the special character of each village • Maintaining the scale of the neighborhoods • Maximizing the quality of the streetscape • Encouraging pedestrian activity with sidewalks and paths • Protecting public views to the Bay, Hills, and Ocean • Understanding that bigger is not better • Planting more trees and maintaining the landscape • Parking our cars, not our stuff, in the garage • Not exceeding the neighborhoods capacity for traffic • Keeping the noise and disturbance under control • Not blocking our neighbors right to sunlight and air • Making sure than any variances granted are really necessary Courtesy Ron Yeo, 2018 The Good Neighbor Policy Advocates - Working toward "Golden Rules' for Newport Beach We are residents dedicated to inclusion and civil discourse in meeting the challenges of today and the future while preserving the charm and character of Newport Beach MetroQuest Feedback Examples General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d) Additional Materials Received MetroQuest Engagement Made Easy MetroQuest excels at collecting input from stakeholders. Below are examples of different types of feedback mechanisms available with MetroQuest. Rank issues or priorities. Try it. « s roT.a.. - Review alternative scenarios and Explore Tradeoffs. Try-ft. ono • «...oar o-.eaa� Choose strategies. Try it. Map Feedback. Try It. Rate Performance. Try it. Simple Poll. Try it. To see examples of MetroQuest, visit the project map on our corporate website: http://www.metroquest.com/?p=ProiectMap& See MetroQuest in 1-minute and case study videos: http://www.metrociuest.com/videos. MetroQuest © Envision Sustainabi I ity Tools Inc., 2012 July 2012 General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d) Additional Materials Received From: Zdeba. Beniamin To: Lee, Amanda Cc: Rodriguez. Clarivel Subject: FR: General Plan Update Steering Committee; Newport Beach Listen & Learn Community Engagement & Outreach Program; Comments Date: Monday, September 09, 2019 3:51:19 PM Attachments: imaae001.Dna Hi Amanda, Please see below additional materials received related to the September 12 GPUSC meeting. Thanks, Ben Z. BENJAMIN M. ZDEBA, AICP Community Development Department Associate Planner bzdeba(aa)_new_oortbeachca. aov 949-644-3253 From: Paul Watkins <paul@lawfriend.com> Sent: Monday, September 09, 2019 1:31 PM To: ngardner636@gmail.com Cc: Jurjis, Seimone <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov>; Campbell, Jim <JCampbell@newportbeachca.gov>; Zdeba, Benjamin <bzdeba@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: General Plan Update Steering Committee; Newport Beach Listen & Learn Community Engagement & Outreach Program; Comments Hi Nancy: I have reviewed the "working document' draft dated September 5, 2019 of the Kearns & West ("K&W") "Community Engagement & Outreach Program" (the "Program"). May I please offer a couple of comments about the Program? (1) K&W is an expert in this field. Clearly I am not. My uneducated comments below are meant to offer simplified (over -simplified?) observations and ultimately to expedite the process from a common sense standpoint in reaching our goal of developing a cost effective deliverable of an informative Vision Guide for use by the General Plan Advisory Committee ("G PAC-). (2) In my view, the Program (as currently drafted) is ambitious, complex, and will produce a ton of data (which I guess is good on the plus side). But on the minus side, I am concerned that there will be so much data from so many disparate sources that common themes for our ten (10) Land Use Elements and otherwise may be "lost in translation" and, as a result, the Vision Guide may not be as useful as it could be to GPAC. Here's why: the Program (at least) General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d) Additional Materials Received includes (i) a 4-hour Launch Event, (ii) two "immersion weeks' in each of our seven (7) Council Districts, (iii) at least twenty (20) "stakeholder interviews/dialogues', (iii) at least ten (10) "Go -to Meetings", (iv) at least four (4) "pop-up" events, (v) a meeting with the Harbor Commission, (vi) meetings with every Board, Commission, and Committee in the City, and (vii) a "Citywide Summit". (I agree with K&W's comments at page 5 of the Program: "While the related public outreach activities create additional avenues for disseminating information about the Listen & Learn engagement opportunities, the activities also create the potential for community members to experience 'planning fatigue', and reduced involvement in Listen & Learn due to time and resource limitations. These concurrent activities could also result in confusion over the topics, requirements, recommendations, and timelines across the different projects.") (I do not believe that the Program includes Element -specific meetings in the Council Chambers where the public (Citywide) can offer specific comments on each of our Elements, e.g., one (or more, if necessary) meeting would focus only on Housing, one on Land Use, one on Circulation, one on Harbor and Bay, etc. In my view, each Element -specific meeting in the Chambers should be preceded by a Staff/K&W-prepared "White Paper" of "major findings/emerging issues" for that particular Element since the 2006 General Plan AS WELL AS Staff/K&W-prepared questions for future policy determination for each Element to be discussed at the Element -specific meeting.) Although well -intended, I think that there is just too much stuff on K&W's "to do list". Candidly and in addition to K&W's thoughtful comments above, the burden on Staff and the Steering Committee to attend many or most of the "to do list" (in addition to regularly scheduled Steering Committee meetings) may be overwhelming. Maybe some of the "to do list" items make sense, but it seems to me that a better approach may be to simply have a well -advertised meeting (including to all residents [owners and renters], community members, community organizations, small/large businesses, stakeholders, associations, worship venues, private/public schools/school districts, youth camps/clubs, environmental, advocacy, chambers of commerce, affordable housing, employers, philanthropic groups, etc.) within the particular District for such folks. At that meeting, such folks can express their general concerns about General Plan matters affecting their District. Then, when Element - specific items are the subject of meetings in the Council Chambers (e.g., Circulation), such folks will have another opportunity to voice concerns about the given Element which is the subject of that meeting. (3) 1 noticed at page 7 and page 14 of the Program that the "statistically significant survey" is "not currently scoped". In my view, it may be important to move preparation of the survey to the front burner. Many folks in our town are just too clang busy to attend meetings but many of them will find the time to respond to a well -drafted, comprehensive survey which will add significant value to the Vision Guide. May I please suggest that we move forward with a robust survey (first reviewed by Staff/Steering Committee) at the earliest possible time? My intention in offering these comments is not to be a buzzkill with respect to K&W's good Program. The goal is simply to efficiently gather the most helpful and reliable information possible for the Vision Guide with the least fuss, muss, and expense. I do not know if the Program might be "downsized" a bit without compromising the data obtained. In all events, I will be fully supportive of General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d) Additional Materials Received whatever the Steering Committee decides on the Program. Thanks for giving me a chance to offer my thoughts. Best regards, Paul Paul K. Watkins for Paul K. Watkins, APC 6408 West Ocean Front Newport Beach, CA 92663-1929 and 485 East 17th Street, Suite 600 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-4705 Of Counsel: Self & Bhamre Cell: (714) 403-6408 E-Mail: paul@lawfriend.com General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d)2 Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Community Engagement & Outreach Program Overview City of Newport Beach General Plan Steering Committee September 12, 2019 General Plan Update Steering Committee— September 12, 2019 General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d)2 Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Plan Contents General Plan Update Steering Committee — September 12, 2019 General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d)2 Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Introduction General Plan Update Steering Committee — September 12, 2019 General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d)2 Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Objectives • Conduct an open and transparent process • Engage the full spectrum of Newport Beach community • Share information on the General Plan, including the individual elements, state requirements, state mandates (including Regional Housing Need Allocation [RHNA]) • Gather meaningful community input • Transparently share project information, meeting conclusions, and incremental decisions with community members • Strengthen and expand relationships and trust General Plan Steering Committee — September 12, 2019 4 General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d)2 Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Concurrent Related Outreach Activities Title 17 - Harbor Code Update, Harbor Commission Boards, Commissions and Committees Final review by ad hoc committee Ongoing meetings City Council - October 9, 2019 See City websit( for upcoming meetings and public engagement opportunities General Plan Update Steering Committee — September 12, 2019 General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d)2 Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Role of the Steering Committee Ensure Guid IWI Recommend Ensure sufficient public outreach and stakeholder input regarding the update to the General Plan; Provide guidance to City staff and the project team through the Listen & Learn process; and Make recommendations to the City Council regarding the update of the General Plan, as necessary General Plan Steering Committee — September 12, 2019 General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d)2 Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Communication Opportunities & Challenges General Plan Update Steering Committee — September 12, 2019 General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d)2 Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Communication Challenges &Strategies General Plan Update Steering Committee — September 12, 2019 General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d)2 Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Stakeholder Analysis General Plan Update Steering Committee — September 12, 2019 Neighborhood Residents Religious Institutions Schools & Youth Organizations Interest Groups Businesses Council Districts eral Plan Update Steering Committee Aid 12, 2019 :Item No. IV(d)2 Additional Matenals' d At Meeting • Workshops • Online Platforms • Go -to Outreach • Pop -Up Events • Go -to Meetings • Stakeholder Interviews • Online Platforms • Workshops • Go -to Outreach • Online Platforms • Stakeholder Meetings • Go -to Meetings • Stakeholder Meetings • Go -to Meetings • Pop -Up Events • Workshops • Online Platforms • Go -to Outreach • Pop -Up Events General Plan Update Steering Committee — September 12, 2019 General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d)2 Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Getting the Word Out General Plan Update Steering Committee — September 12, 2019 11 General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d)2 Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Getting the Word Out A *4,044 %6* ED w NO Contact Listen & Learn Social Media E-blasts Flyers, Posters, Partner Database Website and Postcards Communication General Plan Update Steering Committee — September 12, 2019 General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d)2 Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Community Engagement Opportunities, Process & Timeline General Plan Update Steering Committee — September 12, 2019 13 OLaunch September — October 2020 • Listen & Learn Launch Event • Community Engagement & Outreach Program • Graphic Identity Concepts • Diagnostic Memo • One -Page General Plan Brochures • Project Website Launch © Engagement Phase I November '19 — January '20 © Engagement Phase II February - April 2020 General Plan Steering Committee • Workshop Series I • Pop-up I & II • Stakeholder Interviews • Go -to Outreach • Engagement Phase I Outreach Summary Online Engagement • Workshop Series II Pop-up III & IV • Stakeholder Interviews • Go -to Outreach Engagement Phase II Outreach Summary Online Engagement Project Website, Digital Engagement, Social Media OWrap -Up Summer 2020 • City-wide Summit i Vision Guide Development Community Engagement Consensus Statement Comment Inventory Draft General Plan Engagement Guide Final General Plan Engagement Guide OLaunch September — October 2020 • Listen & Learn Launch Event • Community Engagement & Outreach Program • Graphic Identity Concepts • Diagnostic Memo • One -Page General Plan Brochures • Project Website Launch © Engagement Phase I November '19 — January '20 © Engagement Phase II February - Aoril 2020 General Plan Steering Committee • Workshop Series I • Pop-up I & II • Stakeholder Interviews • Go -to Outreach • Engagement Phase I Outreach Summary Online Engagement • Workshop Series II Pop-up III & IV • Stakeholder Interviews • Go -to Outreach Engagement Phase II Outreach Summary Online Engagement Project Website, Digital Engagement, Social Media OWrap -Up Summer 2020 • City-wide Summit Vision Guide Development Community Engagement Consensus Statement Comment Inventory Draft General Plan Engagement Guide Final General Plan Engagement Guide OLaunch September — October 2020 • Listen & Learn Launch Event Community Engagement & Outreach Program Graphic Identity Concepts Diagnostic Memo One -Page General Plan Brochures Project Website Launch © Engagement Phase I November '19 — January '20 © Engagement Phase II February - April 2020 General Plan Steering Committee Workshop Series I Pop-up I & II Stakeholder Interviews Go -to Outreach Engagement Phase I Outreach Summary Online Engagement • Workshop Series II Pop-up III & IV • Stakeholder Interviews • Go -to Outreach Engagement Phase II Outreach Summary Online Engagement Project Website, Digital Engagement, Social Media OWrap -Up Summer 2020 • City-wide Summit i Vision Guide Development Community Engagement Consensus Statement Comment Inventory Draft General Plan Engagement Guide Final General Plan Engagement Guide OLaunch September — October 2020 • Listen & Learn Launch Event • Community Engagement & Outreach Program • Graphic Identity Concepts • Diagnostic Memo • One -Page General Plan Brochures • Project Website Launch © Engagement Phase I November '19 — January '20 © Engagement Phase II February - April 2020 General Plan Steering Committee Workshop Series I Pop-up I & II Stakeholder Interviews Go -to Outreach • Engagement Phase I Outreach Summary Online Engagement Workshop Series II Pop-up III & IV Stakeholder Interviews Go -to Outreach Engagement Phase II Outreach Summary Online Engagement Project Website, Digital Ergagement, Social Media I I OWrap -Up Summer 2020 • City-wide Summit i • Vision Guide Development Community Engagement Consensus Statement • Comment Inventory • Draft General Plan Engagement Guide • Final General Plan Engagement Guide OLaunch ©Engagement Engagement Phase I10 O Wrap -Up September — October 2020 1 November '19 —January '20 1 February- April2020 1 Summer2020 General Plan St Bering Committee • Listen &Learn Launch Workshop Series I Workshop Series II City-wide Summit Event Pop-up I & II Pop-up III & IV Vision Guide Development Stakeholder Interviews Stakeholder Intervie Go -to Outreach Go -to Outreach • Community Engagement & Engagement Phase: Engagement Phase II Community Engagement Outreach Program Outreach Summar- Outreach Summary Consensus Statement Graphic Identity Concepts Online Engagement Online Engagement Comment Inventory Diagnostic Memo Draft General Plan One -Page General Plan Engagement Guide Brochures Final General Plan Project Website Launch Engagement Guide Project Website, Digita Engagement, Social Media OLaunch September — October 2020 Listen & Learn Launch Event • Community Engagement & Outreach Program • Graphic Identity Concepts • Diagnostic Memo • One -Page General Plan Brochures • Project Website Launch © Engagement Phase I November '19 — January '20 © Engagement Phase II February - April 2020 General Plan Steering Committee • Workshop Series I • Pop-up I & II • Stakeholder Interviews • Go -to Outreach • Engagement Phase I Outreach Summary Online Engagement • Workshop Series II Pop-up III & IV • Stakeholder Interviews • Go -to Outreach Engagement Phase II Outreach Summary Online Engagement Project Website, Digital Engagement, Social Media OWrap -Up Summer 2020 • City-wide Summit Vision Guide Development Consensus Statement Comment Inventory Draft General Plan Engagement Guide Final General Plan Engagement Guide ausucaiiy zoigniricant zourve ENSURE THAT INSIGHTS FROM A BROAD SPECTRUM OF THE COMMUNITY WOULD BE HEARD IN THE PROCESS CONDUCTED BY AN INDEPENDENT SURVEY FIRM WHO SPECIALIZES IN SURVEYS FOR PLANNING PROCESSES COVER THE SEVEN COUNCIL DISTRICTS EQUALLY SHOW INPUT FROM EACH DISTINCT NEIGHBORHOOD IN THE CITY General Plan Update Steering Committee - September 12, 2019 Item No. IV(d)2 Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Community Engagement & Outreach Program Overview City of Newport Beach General Plan Steering Committee September 12, 2019 General Plan Update Steering Committee —September 12, 2019 21