HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-16-2005 - Special MeetingCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Minutes Special Meeting August 16, 2005 — 7:00 p.m. A. ROLL CALL Present: Council Member Selich; Council Member Rosansky; Mayor Pro Tem Webb; Mayor Heffernan; Council Member Ridgeway; Council Member Daigle; Council Member Nichols B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Council Member Ridgeway C. INVOCATION — Reverend Robert Jordan Ross, Newport Universalist Society D. CONTINUED BUSINESS 1. REVIEW OF GENERAL PLAN UPDATE LAND USE RECOMMENDATIONS AND SELECTION OF PREFERRED LAND USE PLAN /PROJECT DESCRIPTION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) (681100- 20051. Woodie Tescher, ESP Associates, utilized a PowerPoint presentation and highlighted the process, goals, and objectives for the evening. He pointed out that each General Plan area has recommendations and a chart that shows the differences between staffs recommendation, the General Plan Advisory Committee's (GPAC) recommendation, and the existing General Plan. Assistant City Manager Wood noted that., starting on handwritten page 5 3, there are tables explaining the development capacity for today and at buildout with the existing General Plan, staffs recommendation, and GPAC's recommendation. It was the consensus of the Council to conduct straw votes on each of the areas discussed. West—Newport.—Highway Mr. Tescher discussed the GPAC recommendations and the Planning Commission recommendation to support the GPAC recommendation. but analyze R -2 in the EIR rather than make a commitment to cut down the density at this time. He and Assistant City Manager Wood responded to questions from Council regarding the mobilehome park, terminology, development capacity, why staff recommended 19.000 square feet and GPAC reduced the square footage to 10,000, what the GPAC recommendations mean, and how it would be distributed. Philip Arst questioned whether this area is subject to a Greenlight vote. Following staff receiving a description of the project, City Attorney Clauson indicated that she will bring back an analysis for Council consideration relative to what portion of the General Plan needs to go before the voters and in what. context. Volume 57 - Page 382 City of Newport Beach Special Meeting Minutes August 16, 2005 Philip Bettencourt, GPAC member, recommended that staff get documentation relative to the Orange Coast River Park Plan. Motion. by Council._ Member Rosansky to support the GPAC recommendations, but consider Area D as R -2 for purposes of the EIR and Area B as Commercial with a 10,000 square foot maximum above the existing General Plan. Council Member Nichols expressed concern that it is premature to make decisions tonight. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Selich; Council Member Rosansky: Mayor Pro Tern Webb: Mayor Heffernan; Council Member Ridgeway; Council Member Daigle; Council Member Nichols Banning Ranch Assistant City Manager Wood reported that staff is working with the Banning Ranch property owners on land use alternatives and, without objection, requested that this area be discussed at the August 30 meeting. West Newport Industrial Mr. Tescher reviewed the area, GPAC recommendations, and the area's relationship to Costa Mesa and Hoag Hospital. He noted that the Planning Commission endorsed GPAC's recommendations. Mayor Heffernan announced that he owns real estate on 16th Street and stepped out of the Chambers due to a conflict of interest. City Attorney Clauson stated that she will review the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) regulations and how they relate to Council's properties when considering the General Plan update. She reported that she will present the information to Council prior to the next meeting. Council Member Rosansky noted that he owns real estate in the West Newport Highway area and will change his previous vote to an abstension if it is found that he has a conflict of interest. Council Member Ridgeway discussed the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) and the City's requirement to provide its share of housing. Council Member Rosansky expressed concern with having five stories in the medical areas. Motion by Mayor Pro. Tern Webb_ to support the GPAC recommendations. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Selich; Council Member Rosansky; Mayor Pro Tern Webb; Council Member Ridgeway: Council Member Daigle; Council Member Nichols Old Newport_ Boulevard Mr. Tescher discussed the trends of the area and the GPAC recommendations. He Volume 57 - Page 383 City of Newport Beach Special Meeting Minutes August 16, 2005 reported that the Planning Commission suggested that Subarea A be allowed mixed use. Council Member Rosansky clarified that this area deals with the west side of Old Newport Boulevard, not Newport Boulevard, and expressed concern with three story buildings impacting residential areas. Assistant City Manager Wood stated that the Planning Commission recommended studying three story buildings on both sides of Old Newport Boulevard and then determine which side is more appropriate. Assistant City Manager Wood responded to questions regarding runoff and expansion for traffic capacity, and stated that this will be studied in the EIR. Motion by Council Member Rosansky to support the GPAC recommendation with the addition of the Planning Commission recommendations regarding studying three story buildings on both sides of Old Newport Boulevard and having mixed use in the west side. The motion carried by the following roll call vote Ayes: Council Member Selich; Council Member Rosansky; Mayor Pro Tem Webb; :Mayor Heffernan; Council Member Ridgeway; Council Member Daigle Noes: Council Member Nichols Balboa Peninsula Mr. Tescher reviewed the subareas (Lido Village, Cannery Village, and McFadden Square) and discussed the GPAC recommendations. He clarified that Subarea F should be the same as McFadden Square. He reported that the Planning Commission recommended that the Lido Marina Village be a potential site for mixed use. Motion bv.__Council Member Rid ewa to support the GPAC recommendations, add the Planning Commission recommendation as noted, and make the correction regarding Subarea F. Mr. Tescher and City Manager Bludau responded to questions regarding City Hall and the Albertson s site. He indicated that he will review the numbers for the McFadden Square west area. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Selich; Council Member Rosansky; Mayor Pro Tern Webb; Mayor Heffernan: Council Member Ridgeway; Council Member Daigle Abstain: Council Member Nichols Balboa Villaee Mr. Tescher discussed the GPAC recommendations and reported that the Planning Commission requested that the area accommodate mixed use on the waterfront parcels. Assistant City Manager responded to questions regarding the '_Nautical '.Museum and the Fun Zone. Volume 57 - Page 384 City of Newport Beach Special Meeting Minutes August 16, 2005 Council Member Ridgeway requested that a 3,000 square foot Junior Lifeguard building in Aera A be included. Planning Director Temple suggested including this in the Recreation and Open Space Element. Motion ... by Council Member Ridaeway to support the GPAC recommendations and add the Planning Commission recommendation as noted. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Selich; Council Member Rosansky; Mayor Pro Tem Webb; Mayor Heffernan; Council Member Ridgeway; Council Member Daigle; Council Member Nichols Mariners Mile Mr. Tescher discussed the subareas and GPAC recommendations, and reported that the Planning Commission accepted the recommendations for Subareas B. C. and D. but requested that Subarea A be amended so bayfront properties are able to also allow residential uses as long as 50% of the square footage was restricted for marine - related and visitor - serving retail commercial, restaurant, hotel, institutional, and recreational uses. Assistant City Manager Wood added that other conditions to the Planning Commission recommendation included that the parcel frontage be 200' or more and that the height limit be maintained. Mr. Tescher further explained why GPAC didn't want residential use on the bayward side. Council suggested making the Balboa Bay Club its own subarea. Mayor Heffernan expressed concern relative to where boats will be serviced since marine -uses can't pay the same as visitor- serving uses. Council Member Ridgeway commented that there is language in the Harbor Element to maintain and protect marine services in the future. He requested that the discussion about boat yards be tabled for a future discussion. Council discussed the Boy Scout Sea Base. Carol McDermott, representing the Ardell property and the property next door to it, explained why- they support the Planning Commission recommendation. Phillip Lugar, Co -chair of GPAC, discussed the GPAC vote relative to bayfront residential uses and expressed support with including this use in the EIR for study. Philip Arst expressed the opinion that all of this should go to a Greenlight vote. Jan Vandersloot expressed his opposition to the recommendation and suggested including this in the EIR with less intense development in Mariners Mile. Mark Murrell requested that the EIR include residential uses as a possibility on larger properties. Council Member- Daigle expressed support for the recommendations and discussed view corridors and revitalization. Motion by Mavor Pro Tem Webb to support the GPAC recommendations and add the Planning Commission recommendation as noted. Volume 57 - Page 385 City of Newport Beach Special Meeting Minutes August 16, 2005 The motion carried by the following roll call vote Ayes: Council Member Selich, Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tern Webb, Mayor Heffernan, Council Member Ridgeway, Council Member Daigle, Council Member Nichols Noting that he will not be at the August 30 meeting, Council Member Ridgeway suggested that a 15,000 square foot convention center discussion be included with the Newport Center /Fashion Island area. Without objection, it was the consensus of Council to discuss the remainder of the General Plan areas after the Planning Commission has reviewed them. Assistant City Manager Wood explained the purpose of the bar charts and reported that they will do Measure S analysis on every area. E. PUBLIC COMMENTS Terry Welsch, Banning Ranch Park and Preserve Task Force, discussed their vision for Banning Ranch, requested Council suppport. and expressed their support of the GPAC recommendations relative to Banning Ranch. F. MOTION. FOR RECONSIDERATION - None. G. ADJOURNMENT - at 9:47 p.m. to the Regular Meeting on August 23, 2005 at 7 p.m. The agenda for the Regular Meeting was posted on August 5, 2005 at 12:30 p.m. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. Recording Secretary M yor �d,�/ City Clerk Volume 57 - Page 386