HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/11/2006 - Study SessionCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Minutes Study Session April 11, 2006 — 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Council Member Curry, Council Member Selich, Mayor Pro Tern Rosansky, Mayor Webb, Council Member Daigle Excused: Council Member Ridgeway, Council Member Nichols Council Member Nichols joined the meeting at 4:15 p.m. CURRE_N.T. B.U.SINESS. 1. CLARIFICATION OF ITEMS ON THE CONSENT CALENDAR. Council Member Curry indicated that he has a correction to the minutes (Item 1) that he will bring up during the evening meeting. In response to Council Member Daigle's question regarding Item 4 (Contract for Workers Compensation Third Party Administration Services), Risk Manager Farley explained how the final determination for the award of contract was made. 2. SANTA ANA HEIGHTS RECREATION CENTER: AQUATIC FACILITY OPTIONS. Assistant City Manager Kiff utilized a PowerPoint presentation to discuss the background of the project and the involvement the Santa Ana Heights (SAH) Project Advisory Committee (PAC), the YMCA, and the City had in the project. He stated that Redevelopment Agency (RDA) projects should benefit the project area but can also have benefits outside of the area. He highlighted the YMCA survey results, the design of the community center, the different opinions for the pool size, the concept plan, and YMCA's current aquatic program and facility needs. Recreation and Senior Services Director Knight discussed the City's recreation program philosophy, the City's aquatics program, the joint use agreement with the Newport -Mesa Unified School District to use the pools at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center and at Newport Harbor High School, the scheduling issues for those pools, and the use of the pools at Bayside Village, the Newport Dunes, and the Newport Beach Tennis Club. She also reported on the City's recreational aquatic needs, the desire by swimmers to have more swim time and lanes, especially during weekday mornings and lunch hours, and the pool depth necessary to provide youth swim classes. Don Jacobs, Principal of JZMK Partners, discussed the concept plan which includes a zero - depth children's splash park, a therapeutic heated pool, and variations of the lap pool. Mr. Kiff noted that a 50 meter competition pool does not have a shallow end that could be used for swim lessons, but a 50 meter non - competition pool can be designed to accommodate long Volume 57 - Page 607 City of Newport Beach Study Session Minutes April 11, 2006 swims and swim lessons Randy Mendioroz, aquatic designer, discussed the common pool sizes and displayed photos of the different pool sizes, a slide of the competition capabilities by pool size, and renderings of what the site impact would be for each pool size. He compared the infrastructures needed for each pool size and emphasized how the pool deck footprint, spectator seating, parking requirements, construction cost, and annual operating costs increase as the pool size increases. He noted, however, that spectator seating is optional. He also reported on the different water depths and temperatures needed for competition and recreation pools. He explained that, in order to get everything in one pool, compromises will need to be made. He discussed what moveable bulkheads are and how lane lines could also be used to allocate pool space. He reported that competition -only facilities recover about 50% to 60% of its costs, competition/recreation facilities recover about 70% to 80 %, and recreation -only facilities can typically break even or make money. Ron Baers stated that master swimming is very popular in the City. He took issue with not being able to use the locker rooms at Corona del Mar High School for over 10 years. He believed that there is opportunity to enhance the usability and pool times at all the pool facilities and that a 50 meter pool gives maximum flexibility for the future. Craig Bluell, head coach of the YMCA Orange County swim team and YMCA master swimming group, stated that the parents are requesting a 50 meter pool, the pool will be 25 meters a majority of the time, they have no desire to exclude anyone from using the pool, and they do not want a competition pool. He believed that a 25 meter pool is small for the amount of service space provided. He reported that the Board of Supervisors directed the facility to have a regional draw and noted that Costa Mesa has the only municipal water space in the Newport -Mesa area, but it only has four lanes. He reiterated that aquatics and swimming facilities were top priorities in the survey. He discussed the advantages of having a 50 meter pool and urged Council to still have the warm water pool for the seniors and consider constructing a 50 meter pool for the future needs of the community. Barbara Venezia, PAC Chairman, discussed the initial scope of the community center and emphasized that the facility has to operate in the black. She indicated that every party involved supports having either a 25x25 or 25x30 pool, there was no previous mention of constructing a 50 meter pool, a 50 meter pool does not fit in the space provided, parking would be an issue, and the surrounding community does not want an aquatic center. She added that the plan for the community center changes drastically if you increase the pool size. She stated that the PAC and the local community will not support any plan over $18 million, RDA money cannot pay for the deficit, this would be fiscally irresponsible if the citizens of Newport Beach had to pay for it, and the PAC may be reevaluating its support for the project depending on what Council decides. Robert Hanley stated that he lives in West Santa Ana Heights. He believed that the PAC does not represent the residents and that the PAC would lose if this were put to a vote. Art Wonlon, CEO and YMCA President, expressed concern that the size of the locker rooms will need to be increased if the pool size is increased. He indicated that they cannot support the operating costs for a 50 meter pool. He stated that they will support whatever the community and surveys want. He noted that this plan has been in discussions for three years, they would like to move forward, and there will be no cost to the City with the current plan since the fitness facility will generate revenue to offset other costs. Shirley Conger, YMCA member since 1971, stated that she uses the lap pool and therapeutic Volume 57 - Page 608 City of Newport Beach Study Session Minutes April 11, 2006 pool, and believed that there is room for both at the new facility Kathy Anderson stated that the senior YMCA members are concerned with having a competition pool, noting that the priority is to have swim lessons and the therapeutic pool. She noted that the 180 seniors would give up their membership, which equates to about $97,000 a year, if the therapeutic pool is removed from the plan. Charlie Ganbetta, reading a letter from PAC Member Rick Dayton, provided a background of the project and reported that both surveys concluded that the community wants more swimming /aquatic facilities and programs, senior programs, fitness and recreational facilities, banquet rooms, and classrooms. He noted that Mr. Bluell and Assistant City Manager Kiff indicated at the town hall meeting that most lap swimmers prefer 25 meter pools. Tim Stokes, YMCA Board Member and PAC Member, believed that a larger pool would impact the area and that the plan is changing to no longer be a community center. George Robertson discussed the difficulty in getting pool time. He believed that everything can be offered in a 50 meter pool and suggested removing the splash park from the plan if more space is needed. Mary Slocum believed that the three pool concept is a better fit for the community and that the water temperature cannot be regulated in a 50 meter pool. She noted that the community already provided input and that the PAC will not support constructing a 50 meter pool. Beverley Shonhotz expressed her support of PAC's viewpoint and suggested building a 50 meter pool someplace else. She stated that the current dressing rooms are too small and suggested regulating the pool times so that master swimmers can still use the facility, but at different times than the seniors. Shirley Feller expressed support for a 25 meter lap pool and for the therapeutic deep water pool. Susan Stark expressed support for constructing the 50 meter pool as she believes it could work for everyone and provide for recreational uses. Brett Clement believed that the YMCA won't be able to facilitate the new memberships and make time for everyone if it has a 50 meter pool. Tom Edson suggested that the City utilize pool spaces more effectively and spread the interests to more pools, rather than concentrating it on this site. He indicated that it is difficult to make a pool compatible for every use. He suggested looking at Laguna Beach's contract for the use of the high school facility that is open for swimming 10 -hours a day. He noted that there is no access to the Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar High School pools during the week from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday from noon to 5:00 p.m. when the pools are empty and there's no scheduled competitions. He also suggested moving programs around to accommodate the interests of the Santa Ana Heights community. Arlene Motis discussed the benefits of the therapeutic deep water pool, expressed her desire to continue to have one at the YMCA, and recommended making it wheelchair accessible. Volume 57 - Page 609 City of Newport Beach Study Session Minutes April 11, 2006 Mike Smith expressed support for constructing a 25x25 or 25x35 pool due to the cost Dolores Otting stated that she wished the slide presentation was available to the public and that the meeting started at 3:30 p.m. She emphasized that the community center is also supposed to service the needs of the seniors. She believed that, if the City needs an aquatic center with a 50 meter pool, it should consider constructing it at the closed Coyote Canyon Landfill site. Rhonda Borth stated that she and her children get their exercise by swimming at the YMCA and expressed support for the 50 meter pool so more people can reap the benefits of swimming. Without objection, Council Member Daigle suggested that the Council Members on the City Council Ad Hoc Santa Ana Heights Community Center Committee meet with staff and bring back a recommendation to Council. Mayor Webb indicated that the City may not want a competition pool; however, it may need a pool that's bigger than 25x25. He stated that it sounds like the community center should have a pool mainly for recreational pool use, senior programs, and youth swimming. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None ADJOURNMENT - 5:55 p.m The agenda for the Study Session was posted on April 5, 2006, at 3:10 p.m. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. III I JL I ', i City Clerk k 1GLtt l k, l_ lw� Recording Secretary 0— r Mayor Volume 57 - Page 610