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X2018-0276 - Misc (2)
ale suo!leogloadS 'Panlasal slg6P IIV'aul'swals6S �aMod aelauaS g lOZO 9l/LZ/b0 VSII u! Palupd /N'Aal LLSL90'oN lied 9Z917-t798(176L) 96-e2-8 # auogd do-pe1S )o ale(] au01V PuelS 19mod awed SdW 1S HOUe iS3MH1f10S 09£OZ ssaippV ssajppV WOO'ONIO311N79021 lNOO'H11V3H1NIOd2]V1S@NOl�If193U.Va ssaJppV !!ew-3 uogeo!1ddV 9L99L816 6- M999'CE EAUH911 CYT] :sluauodwoo 1sg esea!d'saA;! ON 11 seAD saleu!Pa000 SdD 099Z6 VO HOV39 1110dM3N (019'uo!10eAiop Joloej Peol'Sdn,siawo;sued) sluauodwoo !ewalx3 aweN Auedwoo ON 1S HOU13 09£OZ ioouuoos!(] /4!1!18;o az!S ssaippV 08t, / LLZ H11V3H 1Nl0&lV1S o6evA Rl mn aweN 411oed uo;lewjo;ul alis 9Z917-t798(176L) ZVC 6-££8(6b6) # auogd # auogd 988Z6 VO V4Nll VMJOA 099Z6 VO HOV39 i*60dM3N SMJ013 SVl 30 VaN31nV 9b9bti 1S HOUe iS3MH1f10S 09£OZ ssaippV ssajppV WOO'ONIO311N79021 lNOO'H11V3H1NIOd2]V1S@NOl�If193U.Va ssaJppV !!ew-3 sswppV 1!ew-3 Va3Nld O1b39MJ N012if19 3U.V4 Jos!nJedng e1!SPe6eueW loaload luawdlnb3 ao;. a!q!suodsey !enp!nlpu! 10 811!1 Pus aweN ORJlO313 ll H1lV3H 1NIO&IViS aweN Ruedwoo aweN Auedwoo uoilewao;ul Joloealuoo Buipelsul uoilewao;u( aauMo AIIH11M GVHD OOtiE-8Zb(606) amleu6!S goal #auogd N00'3SVH33IVA@MaVH0 9EEZ6 VO VNV1NOd ssaJPPV I!ew-3 6ti00-9LZ(09L) 3AV A:�3HO 6808 # auogd sswppV £E9Z88 666L6M # (]1 Wei # lunoaoV 311HTM 4VH0 SW3ISAS b3MOd 3SVHO 31VA aweN aweN dlgsja!ea(] uoilewao;ul ueio;uyoal uo;lewao;u� aa�eap g;o ; a6ed .0VtJ3N3J t5 q"'FI 09EOZ „< < lonpoad lepisnpul MOWS aaMod oeaauaE) tiao3;asa21 and uolloadsul dfl-3ae3S aopou 1nopm 913ueyo ollaa!gns Sue suogo!;ads pan.1asa.1 s1gOIIV Ml'swals6S.1aMod oMMU O OZO 9L/LZ/40 VSO W Paluud / A'nau LL£L90'oN l.1ed ISd/'O'M $91101-11 -papelsu! you 6u!punwO 0 •.1alndwoo :aunssaud Ian; oglelS snoese0 unoA of anes pue 9111lWX peoluMop Z£ZSH'g do0-Nu11u90 Bum 0 •(s)esnl hued p.1;uoo.1olwaua6 9yl laasu!-aH 0 •eoupolu! sole.1ado ay; gbnouyl (3!nw!0 unld) Z lauuey0 'an!;e6au uayl 'ls.1!; alge0 an!11sod - (sel)/ualleq loeuuo0 Q ;ndlnp lel!6!o l.1anul .1alawouew a yl!M.1oleln6au l.1epuo0as -uo13!sod „dd0„ ui s! yo3!Ms 1Vf1NVW/ddo/o1f1V eql Aip9A ❑� ayl le aunseeid se6 o!lels lalui 941 puooeu :wn snoese0 ❑ ua>le9.1q lmou!o Bull u!ew s,uole.1aueb ay3 uado ❑ •(walsRs leseip ewud) ne;o welsAs lanl ayl Poole 0 uog!sod lVf1NVW„01 y03!Ms 13auu00s!p aoueua;ulew ayl Jos yollMs ualsueul ayl ep!sul Q ,910 (Jwx') uo!;eun6!;uoo spun aql anes d0a->lu11u90 6ulsN 0 do 1HtlIS HO -A NOIIVUVd3Hd 1318 VIN V EIEIVM ION '•' hued louluoo ou!6ue ao/pue jole!ounuue of a6ewep esneo IIIM .1olelounuue of scull uaMod Oa ;o Rllaelod pas.1ana.1:ONINHtlM ,yo;!Ms u9;sue.1l pue'uole!ounuue alowau 'hued lo.1luoo op!su! Rlloauuoo paleu!wual pue pallnd Bae (dHH /db'H .1o;) sau!M.1aMod pue '(ggq-SH) sa.1!M suo!lmunwwoo AjpgA 0 •yollMs.1alsue.13 op!sui PUB .1oluieua6lo laued la;uo0.1annol ap!m paloemoo pue pallnd Sue £g L +g o swAA luels elowau fy!.1aA 0 i3s3ia :edRlland •ualeay Aool4 9.1a6.1eyo Ajelluq le spew suolloauuoo leouloala /luau 0 ,epolnl dn>IOeg Sld Ul!M opwolnV eIgeu3 'S3A11 -.1ap.10 aawolsno.1ad a6ellon Rlddns ON El s9), El LPallelsul Sld :uualsAS SdW ❑ 'apoW dn>oee IenueW elgeu3 ('039 'oS-Wd '00-Wd 'Od-Wd •a•!) „nuaw ualeunl3po0 96u!uoS .1oleln69H„.19pun doe-)ju!lu90 uJ adRl laued Aj!jeA:welsRS SdW ❑ -eloeldem sp o;u! peliesu! 6pnl pue Apauuoo peleas s! 6nld youe a.1nsu3 uole.1aua6 ayl inoy6nouyl sbnld leopl0alo Ile>oego Q •'(.1esseoeu se u!eda.1 uo uejg6q'suojoauuoo'spue leumel'sdwelo 'sell au!M'6uu!M :.1oleu9ua6 9143 uo suo110auu00 1e01.110919 Ile > Oayo 0 •a6ewep.1oqwl.1ol96u!ll!l'sdwelo'sasoylie >oeU0 ❑P -sl.1els 1!un uagm uado s.1annol einsue of Relau un.1 eu!6ue of pau!M Aluado.1d a.1nsu3 '(Rllenuew esolo/uado) uopiedo .1adoudfypan'sabvNull leo!ueyoaw> aayo:siemol loadsul ❑ sdwV 8 luesaid abe.1adwe 0a abueyo R.1agee 0 Oan o n -luesaud abellon Oa 96ueyo R.1931ee 0 •yol!nns Jelsueul pue .1a>lea.1q pou!o eqj le lU6g a.1e suolloauuoo leouloala OV Ile Ajp9A 0 'way; anow8.1 PUB .1oleuualle.10.1ole!pe.1 u! lU6neo 196 pue punae Molq Few 1ey1 6u!ylAue 'somel 'sbu!deem ogseld 's.19ded esool.1ol bulmool Ban a.1llue loadsu! R!lens!A (S-9-go81M ol.1a;au) leuo!le.1ado s! .1a6.1ego /ual3ee Q ,(uals1I pue 'leay.101 asoy a6.1eyOslp ualeay Joel) leuo!le.1ad0 s!.1aleay>loolg Q •.1a6.1ey0 Ajepeq pue.1aleay >oolq of ua>lea.1q;lnaip OV aql asolO ❑ :# Iepa8 uollewao;ul aoleuaalltl rzosowo :# ]BUSS uollewaolul Sul u3 R11111n y1!M payolew .1(J.1ado.1d ,039'.1a6ueyo 6.1alleq 'sualeay Mool8 0 •uep.1o.1awolsno.1ad (sa!)Ajelleq ems.1aco.1d Q ,(uo!lepuawwooa.1 uaun;oelnuew .19d s9.1!M OV wo.11 1191e.1edas pelnoH) (ue!ou;oale yl!M 61pan) suolloauuoo pue sez!s a.1!M uo!leownwwoo pue O0 loomo 0 ,(ue!op10918 yl!M fy!uan) suolloauuoo pue saz!s 911M Ob' 109.1.100 0 vo!lul!luan pue Moe ale elenbepV 0 ,deo u!e.1 woul all elgeo anoweH ❑ • (suo!;0auuoo/6u!z!s uol lenuew uopellelsu! Bas) bu!gwnld ]sneyxe pue lanl30a.1uoo ❑ -sesod.1nd 6upol!uow uol aoleln6au Aiepumes Bill to (6nld acid „g/L) ape lalui ayl of ualawouew se6 a loauuoo ❑ ,(ole'.1ou.1ano6'(sal)R.1ageq'luel000'l!o)sleAelp!nld ❑ 'a0ue.1e910 pue luawaAOw elllouyl/pou uouuano0 ❑ -suo!suol pue luswu6!le lleq.1aco.1d Q 'hued lo.1luo0 uole.1aua6 woul (s)esnl anowoH 'ped of pa.1n0as wn 0 ;uasaud slenueVq Q •fuan!lap uo Palou uaaq aney pinoys pue.19dd!ys ayl to R3!l q!suodsa.1 eqj s1 abewep lU6!a.1d :uapu!weH (•019 '3U6!e.1l5 `;146!3 slueuodwoo) 86ewep 101911 ON ❑P :6u!an011o; ayl.1ol loodsul S)103H3 1HV1S-3Hd eom :# RUBS >.1sszssu as :#16POIN uollewaolul aoleaaua0 8 10 Z abed niou lnogl!M a6ueg3 of loalgns an sum 31 oadS 'paAuasau slg61j Iltl'aal (9M) V-0 (N/9) 0-9 :96pllon 196uel (N/V) 9-V •96e110n ppol paooaH 'paol %9L of %93 of peol uawoisno uo/pue �ueg peoq isu!e6e 1!un unH V-0 0-9 9-V Aelds!0 V-0 0-9 9-V (jelaw) lenloV :uo!leugppo cage a6e410n sng V-0 0-9 a -V /elds!o V-0 0-a 9-V (aalaw) pnpV :uo!leaglleo auo;aq a6ellon sng a6ellon sng aleiq!le0 ❑ 11u SdW 0 a V Relds!0 0 El V (uelaw) lenloV :uogeaq!leo ual;p s6u!peau luaaan0 0 g V Aeldsl0 0 9 V (ualaw) lenloV :uo!leug6eo auo;aq s6ulpeaa luaaan0 ,pool %9L of %9Z 1p slauueg0 luenn0 aleaglle0 ❑ •peol bu!pl!nq uo/pue> uee peon lsumbia uoleuaua0 peo-1 ❑ 'l�iIMS ualsueal (goea) to uo!lelou aspgd pup a6ellon uadoid uol VegO ❑ aa>leaaq 1!nou!o aug u!ew s,uoleuaua6 aql asol0 ❑ •popaau se sulueq pool ao/pue pool 6u1plingpawolsno all 6ulsn Rq polslldw0000 eq ueo s!ll -11un goea 10 a6uea pool %9L of %qZ all ui luenno aqi aleuglleo 01 olgensep s! 11 'sBuipBei moH M31 pue M)l spunooe amsue of popuawwooei Rll6!l s! 11 silun euolopueis lopisnpul uo •snq uowwoo all uo s1!un ueemleq 6uluels pool aleunooe einsue of spun SdW uo pejlnbei sl uolieaq!leo 3uaian :6u!Molloi all aialdwo0 •suannol uedo pue soleal lsnegxe pue 'l!o 'Ian; 'luel000 uo; �oago ❑ ISd 8(S, :(6u!uunu loq) ainssaid l!o ou!6u3 Q saaa6ap 5L :(6u!uuni lol) aunleuadwel luel000 au!6u3 ❑L 9;o a abed aeuauag 91020 91/Ld/bo Vsn u! pamd / N'Aau LLEL90'ON usd ,(paadsuano pup'aanleaadwal luel000 q6!q 'lana) luel000 Mol 'amssaud lo Mol) suMopings o!lewolnp -I-IV isal 0 (aro) V-0 (N/9) 0-9 (Nb) 9-V Aelds!0 (9/b') V-0 (N/9) 0-9 (N/V) 9-V (ialaw) lenloV :uo!lpuggeo uage 95ellon pool-oN 09t, (aro) V-0 Ut, —(we) ae 6Lb Wa V celds!a 6L�(9ro)Vo 08'b(we)o-El 6L1'(NRi)9-v(jelaw)IenpV, :uo!lpuq!leo auo;aq 96el10n Ppol-ON 'a6ellon lndlno OV uolelaua0 aleaq uo ❑L V09 :ZH Peol-ON paooaH 0 ZZ :SdwV 's11oA lndlno uolpuiellu 00 > oego ❑�' ISd/'O'M sagoul :aunssaad Ian; pool _Ln0HlIM 6u!uunH ❑ ISd/'0'Msel3ul alnssaudlanl6u!�ueuO ❑ :smun snoeseg S)I33H E NINNf1H palaldwoo saloAo Nueao io aagwnN v0111Pu03„>lueuouan0 uMopingS„ a uo lno golel pup apAo isauplueuo llnl sl! alaldwoo 1!un eql wim of suo!loauuoo gol!Ms ua;Sueal aql le (E91 Pup (SL 1) 0 sanM) 8nono llels aa!M-u aqi aso10 •epow ,Alf1V„ aqi u1 gwms ivnNVW/dd0/0111V all aoeld 'pepes!p welsRs Ian; all q1!M •(sbnld eql loauuooslp) suosuas > ueu0 pup woo aqi gloq loauuoos!0 – sllufl sngNVO •(xoq uo!loeuuoo eql u!) uanup uouuano0 all 108000DSICI - s11un sngNV3-uoN :shun laselo .p!oualos Ian; liels ploo eql le (99 9nM)11noa!o > mo all loeuuoos!p :spoualos Ian; all le (6 .2;/K au!M) Unoa!o unu all loeuuoos!0 •welsRs lanl luels ploo pup unu eql gloq elges!o :s11u 1!nono>lueuwano 941 lsal 0 :>IoalO >lueaouano aogou 1no411M alluego of loafgns we sumollloatlS Paruasa� s146u Iltl'ouI'swals6S JaMod aeiauag 9lOZOO 9l/LZ/b0 VSn u1 Palupd /N 'AGJ LLEL90'ON 1JRd NIVE) 4N INI dN 'a6; (Iwx,) uoPwn6l;uoo spun 941 apes d0a-Nu6uaE) binsn sbulgaS uollean6l;u00'60d luan3 :60d waelV :salt' 6ulMollol 94l apes pue nuew sliodaa a43 esn'Z£ZSH Q do0-Nulwee 6ulsn Q zH 6�0lasllO4oul�s-aa ❑/• luawlsnfpe a94V sbullleS Q•ld bulzluoa4ou (s sllufl sdiN NIVU ON IN dN luawlsnfpe Haoiss s6uluas •Q•Id bulzluoa4ou (s s11un sdlN aN IN dN :luawlsnfpe cage s6uluas ,p,l'd HAV 4N IN dN :luawlsnfpe of joljd sbuluas -p'I'd LjAV dN IN dN :luawlsnfpe nage s6uluas .Q.I.d uowanog ON IN dN :luawlsnfpe of loud sbulgas ,Q,Id aowanoq •ala4 sa6ue4o a43 Paooaa abe -1I0A ao aouaanoE) aa41!a uo; spld a4l of luawlsnfpe sannbei pun a4111 ISd/'0'M sa4oul :(MN) Peol :lapin joleln6aH is einssaid Ian; pjooaH :snug Ian; -!g uo snoaseE) ❑ •ilun eq4 jo; s;uewejmbaa a41 isule6e pe3loa4o aq of peau Illnn welslls len; all uoli ilun a41 ao; pemolle wnwlulw 944 moleq slop amssaid len; a4i 11 •peol paiea lin; le enol; len; alenbape opinoid glM 6uldld 6lddns len; ay; 1e41 R;laan of sl away luapul a41 'Pool Aawoisno jo/pue Mueq pool a Rq popinod aq ueo peo- •(Ilun a4l uo 6upei all of dn) pool olgellene lseleoa6 a4i 1e aanssaid pan; a43 PJooaa :91oN Wdg E086 :AdH aul6u3 paPeo-1 ❑� zH >lueg pool lsule6e soloed aaMod UVAN PIoH pue dwnd 11 MN dwnd El dwn0 ONE] elgeu3 dwnp .d.d :96u1119S loulanOD ON 99A[Z] anodwl dwnt] IdAtl :SbulgaS joleln6ad s6ugiag uol1ejn6guo3 ;a4io ss 0 0 V09 :Aouenbaa; pepeo-1 09.:peol jawolsno jo/pue 9 : (elds!P u! HVAN paooeH ❑/ Z 6 :/elds!P u. tlA>I PuooaH ❑7 B :Aulds!P u! MN PuooaH ❑/ VAN 91,z - luaunoPsiegllufl 9Z g ZZ V :(sbeuadwe) luanno peod paooald 8 10 q 06ed aogou lnogl!M aOuego of loalgns On suopeoil!aads 'paMas[i slg6u ]IV 'oul'swals6s JaMod oeiauag 91OZ0 9 i/LZ/bo vsn ul Paluud / N'Aau LL£L90'ON lied (,ola 'wapow 'slui!ua0 'hued Aelau alowaa 'uole!ounuue alowau — •wi) sa!uoss000e pa!Iddns oeaaua0;o lsel leuo!lound Q 0 0 9Z a ZZ V :peod uawolsn0lsuie6e luauun0 6Lb (aro) V-0 6Lb (we) as 08b (Nro) a V :peo-1 uawolsn0lsu!e6e a6elloA dd 09• HVM 9 VM Zl MSI 8 :peo-I uawolsn0 peol uawolsno ]sumbe sanleA puooau — laued Iouluoo �oag0 ❑ spuo0as $ peo-! uawolsno of ualsueul pue uoleuaua6 luels of aw!1 loauumsio Aumn agl uad0 ❑ aOIW aoleuaueb agl asolO Q olny ui gol!mS aalsuell pue a01euau90 eq) 90eld W31SAS H31IMS H3dSNVUI 'S HOMM30 d01S31"IVNOIlONn=i Wd/WV :Aep to ew!1 3NON '(s)Aea as!ouax3 sisaualsAH ' :(S1H) uoileinaa a!gemolIV 08b :(S -LH) asegd/86ell0A gol!MS VN :ew!l laalneN AU100 aw!l 3NON .aw!lua;sueulauoles Ieu61S 919 :(S -LH) Aouanbaud ldaooy peon (Sig) Aouenbald AgpuelS VN :(S -LH) abelloA ldaooy peon (Sig) 06e110A AgpuelS NIW £ :9wilumop-I0008ul6u3 NIW S :aw!lAuie(1 Amin of uuniaH 3NON :aw!l un)j wnwiulln! -6u3 0 :awil do-wueM au!6u3 03S £ :(9An) Awo idnuua3ul ou!l b8£ '(aAn) lnodoad 96elloA Z£b '(W) do !o!d 96e310A SUNI113S HO N3S 19 H3WI1H3lIMS Had Nytll 9;o s abed ,me'suosues'suawll Ile las mugua0 6u!sg ❑ ,gol!ms of hued 801nuas wou; uamod oeA0Z1 aunsue— (sa)gol!mS Sin welsAS SdW ❑ ssauppV aAeIS aleupme — gol!mS aleipneg — H31SVA — hued 10111100 slig dolS OM1Al!ued ON uo!leo!unwwo0 Sao •l!npuoo almdes ui una aae sanm lials anm-Z uo q9t SH eql ams aaleW :aloN .luels au!M-Z uo/pue (qqt SH) au!m uoileo!unwwoo Noego ❑ :sagollMS Ja;sueal SlW/S-LH 'pueog 6u!suaS a6elloA Allimn eieaq!1a0 ❑ ,moleq puooau— Aep/aw!l as!oaax3 eql laS ❑ -molaq pao0ei pue suosuas pue saaunl Ila laS ❑ .u0110auu03 luels GAM -7 egI>oeg0 ❑ •gol!ms ua;sueal ui s6u!Aas gol!ms dip aadoid uol joego ❑ :segol!ms ua;sued ed/4 S11O/sID M03 •A1!I!lfl MOO :10leuaua0 :uogeloa asegd :aftedwe peol 08b (aro) V O8Lb (N/a) 0-9 08b (Nro) a V :a6elloA -gol!ms ua;sueul ui uo!leloi asegd pue 96elloA aadoad uo; �oag0 ❑ voileaado 6u!pu!q-uou'gloows uol �oago :uogpsod goea of sawn ;o aagwnu e gol!ms egi aa;sueul Allenuaw 'paloewoos!p sooinos gloq gl!M ❑ :6u!mol!o; agi ala!dwoO sZ080b£00£ '# lslueg £S£96Ovids •# IapoA uo!iewao;ul goi!ms aa;sueal aagou lnoyl!M abueya of laalgns pie suo0ea!1!aatls Pamasaa slgbu JIV M!'swalsAS aaMod aeiauag 9LOZOO 91./LZ/b0 VSO u! 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AT 7-na I'Ifisau QHIIIfloau I'IfIS'ZH QH2IIfIOHu Elf 1SHU CIMIMOdd wlgD WJD WaD WAD INdo WAD N OO'd JIFFLL IO HNOZ J,SfIVHXH ISfIVHXH NM NUAZ A'IddIIS A'Iddf1S :ZZZI-Z£Z (6176) :Hd VD `HDVHS S.2IOdMgN 0£9Z6 VH `S.SHXOJ 3NV1 O£I# *IS HD2IIg 09£OZ 90I HJIfIS `AVM>IUVd HXVg ZLOTZ HJ, -I HH JNIOd2IVS.S :HOI S2IHQIIflg NOSH'AAHS 29 HSIWS :01 :H.LVQ ilaaHS aDN[Vgvq (INV Isal OZ -H / S£SObB# HSNH:)I'I Z691-9£b-tiL :XVd / Z991-9£b-tlL :HNOHd LOLZ6 VO `VNV VINVS `s# QVOU URMI H bZ£ •oui 6uiuoilipuoo me pue 6uileau eoug ///v M;j��j ON 90Z 96 966 90Z b6 90Z 90Z £ L ON 90Z Z6 ON 90Z 66 OOZ 90Z % 90Z 90Z 6 90Z 90Z 8 90Z 90Z L OOZ 90Z 9 OOZ 9oZ 9 OOZ 90Z b 9L6 086 E 086 086 Z 08 6 09L 6 E 518 I'Ifisau QHIIIfloau I'IfIS'ZH QH2IIfIOHu Elf 1SHU CIMIMOdd wlgD WJD WaD WAD INdo WAD N OO'd JIFFLL IO HNOZ J,SfIVHXH ISfIVHXH NM NUAZ A'IddIIS A'Iddf1S :ZZZI-Z£Z (6176) :Hd VD `HDVHS S.2IOdMgN 0£9Z6 VH `S.SHXOJ 3NV1 O£I# *IS HD2IIg 09£OZ 90I HJIfIS `AVM>IUVd HXVg ZLOTZ HJ, -I HH JNIOd2IVS.S :HOI S2IHQIIflg NOSH'AAHS 29 HSIWS :01 :H.LVQ ilaaHS aDN[Vgvq (INV Isal OZ -H / S£SObB# HSNH:)I'I Z691-9£b-tiL :XVd / Z991-9£b-tlL :HNOHd LOLZ6 VO `VNV VINVS `s# QVOU URMI H bZ£ •oui 6uiuoilipuoo me pue 6uileau eoug ///v M;j��j I-Jd I'IfISH2I Qaylfl6au .L'Ifisau (H7 Iflbgx WAD DIAD WAD WAD SSIIVHXH ISIIVHXH NIW NIN VD `HDVHg DJO&AHN 0£I# TS HDUIR 09£OZ H.L'IVHH INIOd2IV.LS :qof i ICISHu (l32IIf1 au WAD WAD Ni002I JHII.LIIO HNOZ A'IddflS A"IddRS :ZZZI-Z£Z 46)'Hd 0£9Z6 VD `S.SHIIOd HXVI 901 RIMS `)W/lcl? 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HVd HMVg ZLOIZ SUZI(IIIfIg NOSIKIAHS'8 HJIWS :O.L :HS.VQ J,aaHS a3NVJV9 (INV ISal OZ -3 / S£SOVS# dSNHOI'I Z691-9£i-h1L :XVd / ZS9i-9Eh-ti1L :dNOHd LOLZ6 VO `VNV V,LNVS `S# QVOU IIdAQ 21 7ZE •oui 6uiuoilipuoo ala pua 6uilaau wunoJd eululvl slaWdJ J I^ Bug4onpeauu viwomm aomos woaj;aa; s punos alglpne;lwajou op svosuas Aouedn000 oluose„Ip J jasnjj!P WAH Aue;o;aa; y ulq;!m pa;eool;ou aae saosuas Aouedn000 J a uoieaas ui paasil Ile Ao; wuauoa-uoi7aodsuI uo!Ianuasuo:) uosuaS Aauedna30 'Z saolnao loa;uoo pue aoue!IddV pal;Ilaa7 se asege;ep uo!ss!wwoo aqI uo pals!I aje sloj;uoo gins Ile jo; sjagwnu lapow pue'sp.iepuels 9q3 JO 6'OTT uolloag u1 uolslno.id algeo!Idde aqI q;lm aouep.:000e ul uoissiwwoo A6jau3 aql o; pagl;.iao uaaq aneq slw;uoo go;Ims aw!1 a!;ewolnV pue saosuas ;uedrnoo J sjnoq Z uegl ajow ou sl;lw!I awp ap!aaano J pazl6aaua pue palle;su! sl Ajalleq aq; Ajp@A J goI!ms awp aq; ul;as Alaado.id sl alep pue awl;;oaJaoo aqI A;IaaA J Bulllas wea6ad aouaaaTaAd J s6up;as do -lag J s6up4as sAep!IoH J. s6ul;;as pua>laaM J sbup;as AeppaAA J :(Ile loago) 6ulwwej6ad gojIms awl; oRewo}ne jaumo aq; ao;;uawnaoa q sAep!IOH J Pualaam J sAep�aam J :(1le �oago) aol pawwe.i6wd aue sloiluoo go;lms awp o!;ewo;ne IIV •e g uolpaS ul paasll lie uo; wuauop—umpadsul uoR3nu4suo0 slou4uo0 yollmS awly Pl;ewoany :T. aalaw;g6ll jo'aalaw jamod 4a4aw abeaadwe play-pueq :o; pal!w!I jou aae Inq 'apnlaul s;sal waojjad o; papaau sluawnalsul a uonoas japun pa;sal Apeuo!Ioun; aae;eg; £ g6naq; T saoeds aanoo of V uo!loas Ino IIId uoi;aadsul uopDna;suo: V '(o)T•0£T 18 (e)6'oTT uolloas aad papaau lou uagm lana) Jamol a of ;as jo;;o pawnl we s;g6!l qua;ul aosuaS;uednaap pue loa4uo:) ga4jmS awil:)pewo;nV :sloa;uo:);;o-;nyS:)pewo;nd 1N3wn:)OG 3:)Mdld333V 10111NOD 9NI1H9I1 f -S 4)1!8 09 £oe a;eo/Aq pa loago :asn AouaBV;uawaojo;u3 Lz0-$IOZX weJPoJd Auluft GIOAuaO ou"4611 PeauenPtl elwullleO ciL q) J Allenuew uo pawn; aq Aew s4g6II pue ,paldnno, sl meds sa;eolpul Josuas'dO uol;Ipuoo paldnoao ue uodn Ala;elpawwl uo wn; sJosuas AOnedmDo Aq palloJ;uoD s4g6lj •q JJ ApoaJJoo sa;eJado Jo;epunuue Jo Jo;eSlpul sn;e;S •e uol;lpuoo paldn000 ue aae(nw!S :Z da;S J •uope.Jado OVAH woJ,j Jo aoeds papa;uoo aq; o;;uamfpe eaJe ue ul;uawanow wOJJ ,uo, asle; a J966IJ;;ou saop Josuas;uedn000 aql •q J (q)6'OTT uol7oaS pJepue;s Jad uoplpuoo paldn000un ue ;o IJe;s woJj sa;nulw OZ ;o wnwixew a ulq;Im d;o wn; sJosuas Apuedn000 Aq palloJ;uoo s346il •e uoplpuoo paldn000un ue aaelnwlS :T. da;S sjosuoS Anuedn000 -Z J suoplpuoo 6upeJado lep w o; pawn;aJ waasAS :S da3S J Aa> anpdeo sl go;Ims apuJano pue seaJe ollgnd 6ulAJas ssalun) sJnog Z ueg; Ja6uol ou uo ulewaJ s;gbll a4; pue pa;eool sl goalms apuJano ag; a.Jagm aoeds pauopllAed ;g6lag 6ulll90 pa;oalas ag; ul s146II ag; AluO sloJ;uoo go;Ims aplJJano lenueW •q J T(e)T'o£T pue T(d)T'0£T uopoaS Jad uo wewaJ Aew 6upg6ll;duJax3 •}}o suJn;'6upg61l ssaJ6a pue Aoua6Jawa 6ulpnloul '6u!;g6!I IIV 'e uoplpuoo paldn000un agelnwlS :Z da3S J pa4eool sl ya;!ms aq; golgm w eaJe pauoppied gg61a4-6u!l!ao aq; w 6upg6ll sa;eJado Aluo go;lms aq; A;IJaA'q J 4o4Ims loJ;uOO eaJe aAl;oadsaJ Jlag; Aq;jo pue uo pawn; aq ue:) s4g61I pV •e uolalpuoo paldnopo o;elnw!S :T da4S sloJiuo:) 1131lms awlj oi4elnoiny •j meds goea ul;uasaJd (S -T) sad/; wa;sAs IoJ;uoo Ile Jo; aouepdwoo uJJI;uoO "i ]Hl0-nV swooJ/seaJepa;sa;uN V3dV N3d0 (o;a 'JOP!JJOO 'aol;;o) ad/,I aoedS 331jd0 SS3NIsnq 31dWVS :aweu wool/aoeds pa;sal popalaS saaedS anlae;uasaada;l (£'Z 9'/VN) 'Pa;sa; aq pe4s sJosuas Aauedn000 pe 'sJosuas Aouednoao (Z.) uanas o; do g;lm s6ulpllnq Joj :NOIld3OX3 'aoeds pa;sa; ;e4; Aq pa;uasaidaJ aJe „saoeds pa;sa;un„ golgm molaq sllao ag; w;sil pue aoeds auo Aluo;sa;'sloJ;uoo 6uipg61l awes a4; asn;eq; saoeds Jellwls Alle3lJ;awoe6 leJanas aJe aJaq;;I -algeilldde dI molaq s g6noJq; T s;sa; leuopuun;;onpuoo '6ulpllnq a4; w aoeds AJaAa Joj Sloa4uo0 6uij46i-j;o 6ui;sa1 jeuoi;ound •8 WBJUOJdroslogoa J Buppell peaueepy 91W011183dir\ JVD J 'uol;eaado JVAH waT uo aDeds pallaauoo ay; o;;uaoefpe ea.ie ue ui;uawanow woal ,uo, aslej a a9661.i;;ou saop aosuas;uednDoo aql •q J I (e)6'OTT uol;Dag pjepue;s aad uoplpuow paldnoeoun up JO Ve;s woal sa;num OZ bo wnwlxew e wq;im yo wn; s;y6p (uo lenuew pup uo Dpewo;ne) so6e;s q;og •e uolglpum paldn000un ue a;elnwls •Z daps J I Pup '�amod Allenus4y6ll ay; ;o pe a;enl;Deap ew 6upy6.1 ay; To %GOT a;enpoe 's4g6!I }o ;as a;ewa;le D44 a;enl;De o; ;uednDDo ue Mope sapl!ms lenuew 'SJnDDO 96e4s;sJp ay; aa;;y •q J •ApeDnewo;ne 6upg61l au; ;o %0L o; 05 uaaM;aq sa;engoe a6e;s;sal; aq;'uopipuoa paidmoo ue uodn Ala;eipawwT e --++_• v uw IvWUU AMBA •uo171Puoo paldn000 ue aaelnwlg-'T dais saosues Acluednacio uo legn'd 'b J uoplpuoD paldmDo ue uodn Ala;eipauum 'sewe papa;uoD Aia;eiedas yoea w No Alln; s4g61l uan; pegs sloe;uoo 6uwsuas4uedn000 aql wlylpuw palan000 ue aaelnwls :Z dais J ua>la; We s;uawa.mseaw uaym Jamod 6up011 aol Axad a se pasn aq Aew Janal;g6ll •poq;aW Aao6a;eD eaDy ay; Dapun pamope anleA ay; ;o ssal ao %OR s1 Jamod 6upy6p pape;sul ay; yDlym w 5119male4s Pup saopPaoD aoT aamod 6upg6p palle;sul do %09 uey; aaow ON •sasnoyajem ul 6u!;y6ll wnlpos aanssa.id y611-1 ao appey le;aw aoT Damod 6up46p Pape;su;o %09 uey; DJOW ON ❑o 'aamod 6upy6ll page;sui;o o�oOS uey; aDow ou awnsuoD pegs 6ul;y6ll 'a;e;s go jellied ay; ut •D J .pqs JO aisle ay; ui 6ui44611 ay; a;enpoe;ou lleys aisle ao >IDe;s ay; puoAaq A;IAi;De 'aisle asnoyaaeM Do s>lDe;s >looq ADejgll uoj •uopeaado JHAH woaj Do aaeds papoj;uoo ay; o;;uaDerpe ease lie ul;UawaAOw woD;,ud; aslel a Ja66u;;ou saop Dosuas;uednDoo aql -q J (e)6•OTT uopDeS Piepue;s aad uoRipuoo paldnDDoun lie JO JJe;s woaj sa;nuiw 07 j, wnwlxew a wq;lm a;e;s }To jellied o; o6 s;gbil e uolgipuop paldn000un ue Dlelnwls :1 da;s .aosuas Aauednaoo jjo jeli;aed '£ J suoplpuoD 6ul;eaado leplul d; pawn;ai wa;sAS :£ dels wWnold buluIeq 810AUDO I r' BuN48RPoauenp- elulallie- ci J •saA aye svamsue Ile pue ,(la;uoo;;o uo) aosuaS Aouednaoo, Z;sal leuoi;ounj ul pa;onpuoo a.ie sda;s pV ,T J saoeds�aoM ao sAeiv,�IleM;uaoeCpe UI;n2waAOw o; asuodsai ui aaWi�;;ou pegs sjosuaS •a J •(� aull) uoi;e;uawnoop aouepdwoo aq; ul paul!eID dVd aN; o; 1enba ao ueq; aa;eajb sl '(q auil) eaae papa;uoo aq; o; 5uipuodsaaaoo dVd aql •p •aauejldwoD 40 a;eoypjaD ag; woa; coeds siq; ui lo„uoo aosuas;uedn000 jo; pawielo :IV d as;u3 •o '(Z'O=dVd BOJ Z}; OOS-TSZ '£'O=dVd Jo,; Z;; OSZ-9ZT 'b'O=dVd JOJ Z;; SZT>) anoge (e) aull woa; ea.ie palloa;uoo o; 5uipuodsaaaoo dVd u04u3 •q 71} 6uny611 papoa;uoo Aq panJas eaaV 'e I 'Z gsal leuogound oq ua;an 'dtld Pawlelo Nilm jVd len;oe ajedwoo pue panes eaje Ajuap :1 da;S •auoz polloj;uoo yoea job (anoge) Z 7991 leuol;ounj apldwoo 'gsmzi :p da4S (dVd) aope:1 ;ua►u;sn(py lannod a ao; Apienb o; ' 43 OSZ ueN; aa6ae-1 saoedS ail;;o ul sauoZ IIpL+S 5ulnaaS saosuaS Aauedn:)Do ao;;sa; jeuoi5mv •S - ''— wWdoJdaululeusloquo0 J I r^ 6uA46ll.Paauenpy elwoR18- di ,\ -jV� sa;nuiw oZ;o wnwlxew a uig;lm;;o wn; saosuas A)uedn)oo Aq palloa;uoo s4q6p 'e uoi;lpuoa paldnaaoun ue aaelnwIS cT da;S saosuas Aoued=o •Z J suoglpuoo 6upejado leglui o; pawn;aa wa;sAS :E da3S � •(adA; J ADN angdeo sl y);lms apwano pue same )ggnd 6uinaas ssalun) vnoy Z uey; aa6vol ou uo ulewal s4q6p ay; Pup pa;eooI sl y);lms aplJaano ay; aaaym aoeds pauoi4p ped ;g6iay 6upia3 pa;oalas ay; ul s146g ay; Aluo sloa;uoo yo;inns aplJaano lenueW •q J 'T(e)T,OET Pup T(o)T'0£T uopoas jad uo ulewaa Aew 6ugy6g 4dwax3 •go swn;'6ui;g6p ssau6a pup Aoua6.iawa 6ulpnl)ul'6uRg6!I JIV •e uol;lpuoa poldnaaoun a;elnw!S :Z da;S J •pa;e)ol Si yo;lms au; 9o!um ul eaje pauoppied;y6lay-6uglao ay; ui 6u1;g611 sa;ejado Aluo yo;ims ay; ATuaA -q J yo;ims 1014uoo eaae angoadsaa alag; Aq j;o pup uo pau.m; aq ueo s;y61l IN 'e uoplpuo) poldnaoo o4elnwlS :1 da;S sjoa;uo:) ya;imS augi aj;ewo3ny •t :coeds goes ul;uasajd (S -T) sadA; waasAs la;uoo lie ao; aouelldwoo wal;uoj SdDH1O 11V swoa/seaue pa;sa;un WOO'd (0aa 'JopluIw 'aold;o) DO,_L aaeds ii3NJOl jjV1S :aweu wool/coeds pa;sal paaaalaS saaedS anlae;uasajdaa J .Z ;sal ssed ;snw oslV •(s@A aq;snw saamsue Ile) jVd ao; savoz Jews 6ulnaas aosuaS;uedno)O 'S J (sak aq;snw siamsue pe) jVd Joj aosuaS;uednoDo uO le!;aed 'b J •Z ;sal ao T;sal 6ulssed Aq paluedwo)oe aq osle;snw s6ulplinq lel;uaplsajuou ul spamiie;s'suopwo) 's loe;s Jo0q Ajejgg 'sasnoyaaem aoj •(sa), aq;snw siamsue Ile) aosuaS Aouedno)O d;O lei}led '£ J (saA aq;snw siamsue lie) (boa4uo0 g;O uo) aosuaS A)uedrn)O 'Z J •(saA aq;snw siamsue pe) sIoa4uo0 y);lms awil )gewo;nV •T s4insab 6ui4sa1 •:) au on peomovelulamao uoi;ipuoa paidnaooun ue a}einwIS'Z da;S J 'elg6!I aq do Ile aTeniaoeap Apenuew pue 'eaMod 6ui4g6il aqa 10 %OOT a}enj}oe 'sag6ll jo aas aaewaaje aqa a4eAIj0e oa auedn000 ue molle sayol!ms lenuew 'sen000 96e;s;sey aq; ea41V q J 'Allez)pewoane 6uiag6ij aqa 40 %OL o; Os uaaMaaq sa;eApoe a6e494say aga'uoi;ipuoa paidn000 ue uodn AjaaeipauawI •e ,uopeaado uo lepied AJ1a8A'u0I4ipu03 paidnoao ue aaeInwiS-'T da;S s.aosuag AauednaDo u0 lepied 'b J uopipuoo paidn000 ue uodn AlaaejpawwI 'sea.ie papoeTuoo Ala;eeedas pea ui No Apnj sag6il uen; pegs sloeTuoo 6utsuas auedn000 aql uoaalpuoo paidn000 ue a;elnwtS :Z doIS J ua�q aee sauawaenseew uagm eaMod 6up46ij eoj Axoed a se pasn aq Aew lanal T4611 •poglaW Aeo6aaeo eaey aqa eapun paMope anIeA aga To ssal eo %Og si aaMod 6upLftl papeasut aq; gilgm ui span ieas pue seopueoo eoj aaMod 6upg61j paIjeasui;o %09 uegT aeow ON •sasnogaeeM ui 6upg6i1 wnipos aenssaed g6ig eo epileq leTaw eoj eaMod 6upg6p papeasui;o %09 uega aaow ON uo 'aaMod 6upg6jj palleasul;o o/a0s uega aiow ou awnsuoo lleqs 6ui4g6il 'aae;s jjo lepied aga ui •a J •�aeas eo alste aqa Ul 6ui4g6iI aqa aTenpoe aou llegs alsie eo peas aqa puoAaq Aajnpoe '@ISle asnogaeeM eo s>loe;s �ooq Aeeeq!l AOA •uopeaado JVAH woej eo aoeds papoe;uoo aqa o; Tuaoe(pe eaee ue ui TuawaAow wwJ ,uo, asleT a ea5I5pj aou saop eosuas auedn000 aql •q J (e)6'01T uopoas peepue4S aad uoj4!puoo pajdn000un ue jo 4je4s woej saanuiw OZ jo wnwixew a uig4lm aaeas _4o jellied oa o6 sag5rI •e uoiglpuoo paidnaaoun ue a;einwiS :T da;S .aosuag ADuedno3o 330 lel3aed 'E J suopipuoo 6upeeado leplul oa pawnaae waasAg :£ daaS J Allenuew uo pawna aq Aew s4g66 pue ,paidn000, si aaeds sa;eojpuj eosuas ao uopipuoo pajdn000 ue uodn Alo4opawm uo uen; seosuas AJUedn000 Aq papa;uoo slg611 q J Apoaeeoo saaeeado eo;ejounuue eo eo}eoipuj sn;eas •e uoia!puoa pajdn»o ue aaeinwis :Z da;S J •uoPeeado DVAH wa; eo aoeds papaauoo aq} o; auaoe(pe eaee ue ul ;uawanow woej ,uo, aslej a ea661ja aou scop eosuas auednaoo agl •q Al I (q)6'OTT uopoas pepueas ead uopipuoo paidn000un ue ;o aae;s woe; wIUnwd Dululell el0AuBO JJ ���p/,�+. Buntle, eauenpyalulallle'J al: � 6 C J •uol;eaado JVAH wou,; jo aoeds papoj;uoo ag; o;;uaoefpe eaae ue ui;llawaAOw woaj ,uo, asle; a aa66iu4;ou saop josuas;uedn000 agl'q IoUuoJ8w4F J (e)6'OTT uol;oas piepue;S jad uoplpuoo paidn000un ue;o ).je;s woa; sa;nulw pZ;o wnwlxew a uiq;lM Ao wn; s;g6p (uo lenuew pue uo opewo;ne) sa6e;s 4409 •e 09926:aPuO d!Z11 HDV9e.L-dOdM9N:N!J 0£I IIML 19d 1S eN.Ls HI1H8 09£OZ:ss=ppy r* 94Z0-6IOZX..q.N 1!.Pjll H3VHe IHOdM9N AO AIIO:AO--VV 1uamavio;u3 I y!y!OadvyS :...N lwk IoUuoJ8w4F weremd eululwl 810003n ouggon psaumpysluiomeJ "D l J •saA aae siamsue Ile pue ,(Ia}uoo JJo uo) aosuas Aouednoao, Z }sal leuopaund ui pa}anpuoa aue sda}s pV •j J snedquom ao sAeMjIem }uaaeCpe ui;uawanow o} asuodsau Ul aa66144ou pegs suosuas •a J '(a aup) uope}uawnaop aaueildwoo ay; ui pawiep =IVd ay} o; lenba ao ueq; as4eaa6 si '(q aup) eaue papa}uoa aq} o} buIpuodsaaaoa dVd ayl •p ,aauelldwoo Jo a}eogpjao ay} waJ weds slq; ui loa;uoo Aosuas;uedn000 uo; pawiep dVd a94u3 •o '(Z'O=dVd aoJ Z;J OOS-TSZ '£'O=dVd JoJ Z41 OSZ-9ZT 'b'O=dVd aoJ Z}) 5ZT>) anoge (e) awl waJ eaae paIIoa;uoa o; 6uipuodsaaaoo jVd as4u3 'q z 4 6upg6p palloa;uoa Aq paAaas eaaV •e •Z ;say leuol;ound o; Ja;98'dVd pawlelo g;lm dtld lenge auedwoo pue panuas eaue AJIaaA :T d945 •auoz paooa;uoo goaa uo; (anoge) Z ;sal leuolgaund a;aldwoo 13sul3 :p da;g (Add) .jope,d }ua►u;snlpbr .19Mod a ao; A;ilena o;' ;; OSZ ueq;.aa6.ie-j sooedg aai;;o ui sauoZ jjeLuS BUTA.1ag saosuag AauednaDo ao;;sa4 Ieuo);{ppv -S werumd Bululwlslo9uo0 J n BungBnpmuenpyelwom,* dir\ -jw rI sa;nulw oZ;o wnwlxew a my;lm;;o uwn; svosuas Aou edn000 Aq palloa;uoo s;y6l1 ,e uol;lpuoo poldn000un ue aTeinwlg :T da;S s.iosuaS AouednDoo -Z J suonlpuoo 6upeaado lel;lul o; pauan;aa wa;sAS :g da3S J e (adA; Aa anndeo sl o;lMs a uaano pue seaje of nd 6ulnIas ssa un sano � g P P Iq I ) g Z uey; aa6uol ou uo ulewa.i s4g6ll ay; pue pa;eool sl go;lMs aplaJano ay; auaym aoeds pauol;l:ped 446lay 6ulllaz) pa;oalas ay; ul s4y6ll ay; Aluo sia;uoo yo;lMs apuJano lenueW -q J 'T(e)VOST Pue INT -OCT uolaoaS aad uo ulewa.i Aew 6upy6.1;dwaxg •_4o swn;'6u1;g611 ssaa6a pue Aaua6aawa 6u!Pnpw '6u!;g6!I IIV 'e uoglpuon paldn000un a;elnwlS :Z dajS J -pa;eool s! 4o;!ms ag; go!4m ul eaae pauopl7ued ;y6lay-6wllao aq; ul 6ul;g6ll sa;eaado Aluo yo;lms aq; A;uaA •q J yo;IMs la;uOo eaae and;oadsaj ulaq; Aq po pue uo pawn; aq uns;y6q [IV •e uo plpuop poldn000 aaelnwlg :T da;S sIoa;uoo y„inns owll 3i;ewoany •T :aoeds goea ul;uasaud (S -T) sadA; wa;sAs la;uoo 6e aoj aouepdwoo w�quoo SdDH10 TIV swow/seaae pa;sa;un DMIJO (o7a 'iopljaoo 'aol;;o) adAl aoedS 8111'01S :aweu woa/apeds pa;sal popolaS saaedS and;e;uasaiday J ' Z ;sal ssed ;snw oslV '(sa), aq ;snw suamsue 6e) AVd ao; sauoz flews 6uln as aosuaS ;uedn000 'S J •(saA aq;snw sJaMsue Ile) AVd ao; aosuaS;uedn000 u0 lel:Ped 'b J .Z;saljo T;sal6uissed Aq pawedw000e aq osle;snw s6ulpllnq lepuaplsa.auou ul spamme;s'siopuaoo's�loe;s �looq Ajeagll 'sasnoyaaem and (s@A aq;snw siamsue Ile) aosuaS Aouedn000 jdo lel:Ped 'E J (s@A aq;snw siamsue lje) (lo.i;uoo;;p up) josuaS Aouednoo0'Z J (saA aq ;snw siamsue Ile) slou4uo0 yo;lmS awll opewo;nV 'T s;insab 6upsal •:) weJnwd nululWI 9104UOO II pupyOn'pesunwaiwomoo d1 ,`- uol;lpuoo paldn»oun ue 97elnwlS •Z da7S J '574611 a47 40 Ile a7eAI:)e9p Allenuew pue 'aamod 6uyg6!I a4; bo %OOT a;enpoe '574611;o las a;ewa;le ag7 a7enl;3e 074uedn000 ue molle sayo;lms lenuew 'sun000 a6e4s;sal; ay; as;Ty -q J 'Alleoyewo;ne 6ul;g6ll aq;o %0Z 07 O5 uaam;aq sa;enyoe a6e4s4say aq; 'uoylpuoo paldn000 ue uodn Ala;elpawwI 'e •uolaejado uo lel0.Jed A;laaA •uoglpuoo paldn000 ue aTelnwjS- _T da;S s.iosuaS Aauedn:):)0 u0 lellaed 'b J uol;lpuoo paldn000 ue uodn Ala;elpawwI 'sear papo.yuoo Ala;ejedas yoea ul NO Alln; s;4611 wn7 llegs sloa;uoo 6ulsuas;uedn000 ayl uol;lpuoo paldn000 ue aaelnwlS :Z da;S J ua�e7 aje s;uawa.inseaw uagm jamod 6ul;g6ll aoj Axoad a se pasn aq Am !anal;gbl'l 'po47aW Aao6a4eO easy aq; japun pamope anleA aq; To ssal ao o/nog sl smod 6uyg6p palle;sul aq; yolgm ul spamJle;s pue siopl.l.ioo ao;.aamod 6u;y611 pape7sul 40 0/09 ueg7 aaow ON •sasnoya.Jem u!6uyg6p Lumpos a.mssaid y61q jo aplleq le7aw uo; aamod 6u!74611 pape;sui do %Og•uey7 aaow ON uo 'aamod 6u1;g611 palle;sul;o o/,o5 ueg7 aaow ou awnsuoo pegs 6u17g611 '97e7s 7;o jepped ag7 ul 'o _I •>loe7s ao alsle ay; ul 6u14461I ay; a;enl;oeIOU pegs aisle ao Noels ay; puoAaq A;lnyoe 'aisle asnoyajem uo spe7s 400q Ajeugll joj •uopeaado OVAH wo.a; uo coeds polla7uoo ag7 o7 7ua0efpe Me ue w 7U9waAow waT ,uo, asleT a da5l5pi lou scop josuas 7uedn000 aql •q J (e)6'OTT uoyoeS paepue;S cad uoi;lpudo paldn000un ue jo j.ie;s woj; sa;nulw OZ jo wnwlxew a ulg7lm a;e7s;;o lel7aed o7 o6 s4g6ij •e uoylpuoo poldn000un ue a7elnwlS :T da;S .aosuoS A:)uedn:):)0 "o leiped T J sua;lpuoo 6ul;eaado leplul o7 pawn;a.i wa;sAS :g daaS J AllenueuJ uo poujn; aq Aew s;g611 pue ,paldn000, sl aoeds sa7eolpul Josuas'dO uoylpuoo paldn000 ue uodn Ala7elpawwi uo wn; saosuas Aouedn000 Aq papa;uop s;g6l-1 •q J Aypaaaoo sa;euado jo;epunuue ao aoaeolpul sn7e;S •e uoylpuoo paldn000 ue aaelnwlS :Z da;S J uoyejado OHAH wa; jo weds papa;uoo ay; o;;uaoe(pe ea.Je ue ul;uaWanow woa; ,uo, asleT a ua66la;;ou saop .Josuas;uedn000 agl q nJ (q)6.OTT uoyOaS piepue;S cad uoylpuoo paldn000un ue;o;je;s woaT .. .._ UlwaWd euryleu 8104u03 ,JJ I n 8uggon Pesuenpy eluiollle'J p1 .\x -JV: J •uol;eaado JHAH woj; jo aoeds palla;uoo aq; o; auaae(pe Me ue ul;uawanow wou,; ,uo, asle; a aa66la;;ou saop josuas;uedn000 aql •q J (e)6'OTT uoi;oas plepue;s aad uopipuoo paldn000un ue;o ueas woa; sa;nulw oZ;o wnwlxew a ulq;im po uan; s4g6p (uo lenuew pue uo opewo;ne) sa6e4s q;og •e _ ulponpeulu1euslogsoO dl77jy" 8sP4811P�uenpyslwp{IleJ � v J •sa k aue vaMsue die pue .(Ia;uo:);;o uo) josuas Aauednaao. Z;sal leuopounj a pa;onpuoo we sda;s pV •; J saoedsjaoM jo sAemnjeM;uaae[pe ui;uawanow o; asuodsaj ui Ja66u;;ou jegs sJosuas •a J •(o auil) uope;uawnoop aauetldwoa aq; ui pawlep jyd aq; o; lenba jo ueq; aa;eaA sl '(q oup) eaae palloa;uoo aq; o; 6uipuodsaaaoa jyd aql •p •aouepdwoD ;o a;eDgpaaD aq; woa; aaeds siq; ui jo.i;uoo aosuas;uednaao aoJ pawiep jyd as4u3 •a '(Z'O=jVd JoJ Z:U OOS-TSZ '£'o=AVd a4J Z41 OSZ-9ZT 'b'O=jVd Jo) ZU SZT>) anoge (e) aup woa; eaae papa;uoa o; 6upuodsajaw jVd .aa4u3 'q Z;; bupgfip papoa;uoo Aq panus e0JV e 'Z ;sal leuol;aund o; ua;ay •dtld Pawlelo q;lm dtld len»e aoedwoa pue Panaas eaae A;IJUA :T. dais •auoz palloa;uoa goes ao; (anoge) Z ;say leuoipund a;aldwoo ysnd :0 dads GIVd) aopej 4uaw4en[pd aaenod a io; A;pena o;' ;; OSZ uey; .aa6ae-j saaeds aoi;;o ui souoZ pews 6uiAa9s siosuos Aouednoao io;;sa; leuoi;�pptl 'S wwaoid nululwl sla4uD3 6u94enpaauenptlary,oilI1O dl s)7b sa;nulw OZ ;o wnwlxew a uiq;lm J;o uwn; saosuas Aouedn000 Aq pallou;uoo s;y6lj •e uolTlpuoo paldngooun ue a;elnw!S :T da;S s.aosuag A3uednoo0 'Z J suol;lpuoo 6upeaado leplul of pawn;ai wa;sAS :£ da;S (adA; Aa ani;deo sl o lMs a laaano ue seaje of nd 6ulAaas ssa un slno ue uabuo >I 4; P P 19 I ) 4Z 4; I ou uo ulewW s;g61I ay; pue pa;eool sl go;lMs aplJuano aq; ajagm aoeds pauonl:ped 4g6lay 6ulllao pa;oalas ay; ul s4g611 aq; Aluo sloa;uoo go;lMs aplJaano lenuew •q J 1 'T(e)T'OET Pue T(o)T'OST uoipaS aad uo wewaa Aew 6ul;y6ll;dwax3 •jjo suin;'6upy6ll ssaj6a pup A7ua6aawa 6ulpnloul '6ul;y6il IIV 'e uol;lpuoo poldnoaoun a;einw!S :Z da;S J •pa;eool sl go;lms a4; 4o!gm ul eaae pauopl}�ed;y6!aq-6uplao ay; ul 6ul;g6p sa;ejado Aluo go;lms ay; A;luaA q J go;lMs la;uoo eaue and;oadsaa alay; Aq jjo pue uo pawn; aq ueo s;g6!IIIV 'e uoglpuoo paldmoo ajelnwlS :T daTS sloa;uo:) 4o;!Ms awil oi;ewoanV •-F :aoeds yoea ul;uasaud (S -T) sadA4 wa;sAs Iw;uoo Ile jo; aouelldwoo wugu070 Sd3Hl0 llV swooi/seaje pa;sa;un 3DIdd0 (o;a 'aopljjoo 'aog;o) adAl aaedS 1lnSNOJ :aweu wooi/aoeds pa;sal paaoalaS saaedS and;e;uasaidaa J 'Z ;sal ssed ;snw osiv •(sa), aq;snw suamsue Ile) HVd ao; sauoz hews 6ulnaas aosuag;uedn000 'S J •(saA aq;snw sJamsue Ile) jVd ao; Josuag;uedn000 u0 IePJed 'b J •Z ;sal ao T;sal 6ulssed Aq paluedw000e aq osle;snw s6ulpllnq lelpuaplsa.[uou ul spamule;s 'svopljjoo 'spe;s jooq Ajeagll 'sasnogaaem joj •(saA aq;snw siamsue Ile) aosuaS AouednooO db0 lep and '£ J •(s@A aq ;snw siaMsue Ile) (Iou;uo0;;0 u0) aosuaS Aouedn000 •Z J (saA aq isnw suamsue Ile) sloa;uoj go;lms awll opewo;nV T s;insab 6upsal y wwjjad tluryleu sloquog ,J.J 11 n Bup lIn PeouenpyelulollleJ al ,�\ Vu uolllpuoa paldn»oun ue alelnwjs -Z da;S J •s4g6p aq;;o pe a;enl;oeap Allenuew pue 'uamod 6upgbil agl JO %OOT a;enl;oe 's;g6p;o;as a;euua;le aq; a;eAl;oe o;;uedn000 ue Molle sago;lms lenuew 'sun000 a6e4s4sul; aq; ua;;y •q •Ape:)pewo;ne 6ul;46ll aq;;o %0L o; 09 uaam;aq sa;engoe a6e;s;say aq; 'uol;ipuoo paldn000 ue uodn Ala;elpawwT 'e •uopeaado uo jellied ApluaA •uolalpuoa poldn»o ue alejnwig- •T da;S saosuaS Aouedn3o0 u0 lel;aed ••y J uoplpuoo paldn000 ue uodn Ala;elpawwj 'segue papouluoo Ala;euedas goes ui NO Allnd s;g6ll uun; pegs slou;uoo 6ulsuas;uedn000 aql uoplpuoo poldn000 ue alejnwjs :Z dalS J ua>le; aue s;uawaunseaw uagm uamod 6w;g611 uo; Axoud a se pasn oq Aew lan9114611 •poq;aw Auo6a;eo eauy aq; uapun paMolle anleA aq; Jo ssal uo %og sl uamod 6uyg6ll pape;sul ag; galgM ul spamule;s pue suopluuoo uo; uamod 6uyg6ll pape;sul;o o%09 ueq; aaow ON •sasnogauem ul 6ugg6p wnlpos aunssa.id 46lg uo ap!leg lelaw uo; uamod 6u141-1611 pape;sul;o %09 ueq; avow ON uo Uamod 6uyg6ll pape;sul po %OS ueg; avow ou awnsuoo pegs 6upg6ij 'a;els j;o eplied agl ul o J •>loe;s uo aisle aq; UI 6uj4g6ll aq; a;enpoe;ou pegs alsle uo >loe;s aq; puoAaq A;lnnoe 'aisle asnogauem uo s>pe;s >looq Aueagp uod 'uopeuado OHAH wou; uo aoeds pallou;um aq; o;;uaoefpe eaJe ue ul;uawanow wouj ,uO, asle; a ua66lu;4ou saop uosuas;uedn000 aql •q J (e)6'OTI uopoaS puepuelS gad uoplpuoo paldrnooun ue ;o 3pe4s woup sa;nulw oZ;o wnwlxew a uiq;lm a;e;s },lo lelUed o; o6 s;g6ij •e u0111puoo paldn000un ue alejnwjS :T dalS aosuaS Acouednooa0 3;0 lepapd 'E J suoplpuoo 6upeuado lel;lul o; pauun;au wa;sAS :E dalS J Allenuew uo pawn; aq Aew s4g6p pue ,paldn000, sl aoeds sa;eolpul uosuas AO uol;lpuoa paldn000 ue uodn Ala;elpawwi uo uun; suosuas AJUednaa0 Aq papou;uoo s;g6l- •q J Apoauuoo sa;euado uo;epunuue uo uojeolpul sn;e;S •e uoglpuoo poldn000 ue alelnw!S :Z chis •uopeuado OHAH wou; uo aoeds papa;uoo ag; o;;uaoe[pe eaue ue UI;U2waAOw wou4 ,uo, asle; a uafi6u;;ou saop uosuas;uedn000 aql •q (q)6.OTT uopoaS puepue;S uad uol;lpuoo paldn000un ue;o;uels wou,; .. WBJDOJd Uululv4BOgBO�J r ounuonaeouenpyeimoinea dir,\ -VZ J •uopeJado 9VAH woJj .lo aoeds panoajuoo aqj o; juaoeCpe eaje ue ui ;uaLuanow wo.q ,uo, as e; a .1a66ia; jou scop Josuas;uedmoo aql 'q IaAm�Bwe(+ (e)g'oTT uopoas pJepue45 Jad uoi;ipuoo paidn000un ue jo j.lejs woJ; sajnuiw oz jo wnLu!xew a ulpm mo Iun; s4g6n (uo lenuew pue uo Dpewo;ne) sa6e4s gjoq •e . 09926:-P D d!Z HOtl9H.L80dM9N:N!O OEI IIM I`IJ LEON J.S H1NI909E0Z:ssaryptl lase 9LZo-8I0ZXeagw X1Pmad HOtl99.LIIOdM9N 30.LLIJ :LauaBtl luawaaaoJug dNIOdBtldS:aweN part IaAm�Bwe(+ WBJU01d Ouluft 610003 BumOn Paoumpyeryioviva d I r,\ 0 • ". J -5@), aae siaMsue Ile pue ,QoajuoD Jdo uo) aosuaS Aouedn»p, Z;sal �euopound ul pajonpuoo we sdajs pV •) J saoeds>IjoM .lo sAeMjIenn;uane[pe ui juawanow of asuodsai ul ja66u; jou pegs siosuaS •a J (o aulp uoi;e;uawnoop aouei dwoo aq; ui pawiep dVd aqj of lenba ao uegj aajeaA sl '(q oup) eaje pallojuoa aqj of bulpuodsa.uoo dVd aql •p •aouepdwoD Jo a;eagijaaD aqj woAj aoeds sly; ui loa;uoo josuas;uedn000 aoJ pawielo dyd a94u3 •o '(Z'O=dVd BOJ ZjJ OOS-TSZ '£'O=dVd JOJ ZjJ OSZ-9ZT 'b'O=dVd joj z 4 SZT>) anoge (e) auil woaj eaae papoa;uoo of buipuodsaijoo jVd as4u3 'q z 4 bui;gbil papoajuoo Aq panaas eaay •e •Z jsay leuolaaun3 oa jajajl AW Pawlelo gj!m dtld lenjge anedwoa pue Pancras eaue AJIJaA :T dojS •auoz Palloujuoa goes aoj (anoge) Z jsay leuo(jounj ajaldwoo 19snd :o da4S ; ani (dVd) ao;oe� ;uauj;sn[pd aannod a ao; A;Mena o; ' :gOSZ S j;o ui sauoZ IIpwna S 6uiaS saosua ueW aa6ae� saoed S Aoull aoj;sa; leuoi;Tppy •S weaaaud uuluiwl $IaWdJ Ounenn Paaueepyeiuojuep dir\ -jVZ r I saanuw OZ jo wnwlxew e ulyalm go uuna suosuas Aouedn000 Aq pallouauoo say6ll 'e uol;lpuoa paldn»oun ue aaeinwls :T dais saosuas Aouednao0 -Z J suop puoo 6upeJado leplul oa pauun;au waasAS :g dais (adAj Aa>I anpdeo sl yoalMs apuuano pue sewe opgnd 6ulnuas ssalun) sunoy Z uega aa6uol ou uo ulewau S14611 aya pup pa;eool sl yo;!Ms apuaano aqa auagm aoeds pauopl:ued ay6lay 6ulpao paaoalas aqa ul ggbil aya Aluo slou}uoo yo}lMS apluuano lenueW •q J 'T(e)T'OET pue T(o)T'0£T uoljoag uad uo ulewau Aew 6uny6ll;dwaxg }To suunj'6upg6ll ssw5u pue Aoua6uawa 6ulpnloul'6ul;4611 py •e uoaalpwo poldnpaoun a;elnws :Z dais J - •paaeool s1 yoTlMs aya yo!gm ul eaue pauoppped;y6lay-6upleo aqa ul 6upy61l sa3euado Aluo goalms aqa ATpaA •q yo#lMs iou}uop eaue anpoadsau ulay# Aq jjo pue uo pou.ma aq ueo s4g611 pV •e uoplpum paldmao aaelnwls :T dais sjoa}uo:) 4:);inns awil oi;ewoany •Z :aoeds yoea ul auesaid (S -T) sadAa walsAs louauoo lie uoj aouelldwoo wuyuo0 SbGHM -11V swoon/seaue paisawn 3JIdd0 (oaa 'uoplJuoo 'aol3;o) adAl aoedS WOOd 1NOdR S'dO1J00 :aweu woou/apeds paasal papaias saaeds anpe;uasoAday J .Z asal ssed asnw oslV •(saA aq Tsnw suamsue Ile) AVd JOJ sauoz pews 6ulnuas uosuaS auedlnoo 'S -i •(saA aq;snw suamsue pe) dVd uo) uosuaS;uednmo uO lel7ued 'b 'Z 4sal uo T asal 6ulssed Aq pawedw000e aq osle;snw s6ulpllnq lepuaplsauuou ul sllamule;s 'suopuuoo 's>loeas > ooq Aueugll 'sasnoyauem nod -(sak aq asnw suamsue pe) uosuaS Aouednoo0;;o iepued '£ ej '(sa), aq;snw suamsue lie) (Iou4uo0 d;O uo) uosuaS AouednooO •Z J •(saA aq asnw suamsue Ile) slow;uo0 yo;lmS awll opewoanV 't slinsab 6ui;sal .:) wwuoid oululBll slaWoO eup4on PBadenpyelWne'J l , uol;lpuoa poldoaaoun up a;ejnwlS •Z da;S J 's;4611 9q; 40 Ile a;eAl;aeap Apenuew pue'aamod 6upg6!I a47 bo %OOT a;en14oe;slg61l jo;as a;euaa;le a4; a;enpoe o;;uedn000 up molle sago;lms lenuew 'san000 a6e4s;sal; aq; aa;;y •q J •Apeapewo;ne 6up46!I a4; Jo %0L o; os uaam;aq sa;enpoe a6e;s4say a4; 'uoplpuoo paldn000 up uodn Ala;elpawwT 'e •uol;eaado uo jellied A;uan •uol;lpuoo poldnaao up a;ejnwlS- •T da;S saosuaS Aquednbop up lel;aed 'b J uoplpuoo paldn000 up uodn Ala;elpawwI 'seale pallo.puoo Ala;eaedas 4aea ul No Allnd s4g6p wn; pegs sla;uoo 6ulsuas;uedn000 aqi uol;lpuoa poldnoao up a4ejnwl5 :Z da;S J ua le; an s;uawaanseaw uagm aamod 6upg61l ao; Axoad a se pasn aq Aew lanal 746[1 •poq;aW Aao6a4eo eaay ay; aapun pamolle an1eA ay;;:o ssal ao o/uog sl aamod 6up46p palle;sul aq; go!4m ul sllamme7s pue saopuaoo ao; aamod 6upg6!I palle;sul;o %09 uega aaow ON •sasnogaaem ul 6u1;4611 wnlpos aanssa.id g61q ao aplleq le;aw ao; aamod 6upy61l palle;sul Jo o/a09 ueq; aapw ON ❑o 'aamod 6upg61l palle;su!;o %o5 ueq; aaow ou awnsuoo Ije4s 5upg61l 'a;e;s;;o lepjaed ay; uT 'o J • loe7s ao aisle a4; ul 6upg611 aq; a;enpoe;ou Reqs alsle ao sloe;s aq7 puoAaq A71AI;0e 'aisle asnogaaem ao sloe;s looq Aaeagll and uoileaado OVAH woa; ao aoeds papa;uoo aq; o; 7uaoejpe eaae ue ul;uawanow woaJ ,uo, asle,; a aa66u4;ou saop aosuas;uedn000 aql •q J (e)6'OTT uopoa5 paepue7S aad uoplpuoo paidn000un ue;o Iie;s woa; sa;nulw oZ;o wnwlxew a ulg;Im a;e;s 1;o lepaed o; o6 s4g61l •e uoplpuoa paldnaaoun ue aaelnwlS :T, da;S .iosuaS kmedmao 33o lepaed 'E J suol;lpuo:) 6upeaado leplul o; pawn;a.i walsAS :£ da;S J Allenuew uo pawn; aq Aew s4g6p pue ,paldnno, sl aoeds sa;eolPul aosuas ao uoplpuoo paldn000 up uodn Ala;elpawwl uo wn; s.iosuas Aauedn000 Aq palloa;uoo s;g61l •q J Apoaaaoo saleaado ao;elounuue ao ao;eolpul sn;e;s •e uoplpuoo paldnaao up aaelnwls :Z da;S J vol;eaado OFMH woa; ao aoeds paila;uoo a4; o;;uaoe[pe eaae ue Ul;uawaAow woa? ,uo, asle; a aa66u;;ou saop aosuas;uednaoo a41'q A I (q)6'OTT uopoag p.iepue;g aad uoplpuoo paidn000un ue;o;ae;s woa; wmud uuIu�eu s1qo3 oult4Bapye.w— - ,\ yr J voPeaado DVAH woij ao aoeds pallojjuoo ay; o4 TuaoeCpe eaae ue ui auawanow woaj ,uo, aslej a ja661jq 4ou scop josuas;uedn000 agy'q J I (e)6•oTT uoljoas p.iepueag aad uoi;lpuoo paldn000un ue jo leas woa; saanuiw oz To wnwlxew a uiglIm,yo ujn; sag6ll (uo lenuew pue uo oi;ewoane) sa6eas gaog e eduganPaompvewand CirR J •saA we suaMsue pe pue ,(Ia;uoo JJo uo) aosuas Aouedn000, Z;sa,L leuol;ound ui pa;onpuoo aje sda;s pV •; A saoedsNjom ao sAeMJ12 n;uaoe.lpe ui;uawanow o; asuodsal w Ja66la;;ou pegs sJosuas'a J •(o aull) uoi;e;uawnoop aouepdwoo ay; ui pawlep dVd ay; o; 1enba ao uey; as;eaa6 sl '(q aulj) eaae pallo.yuoo aq; o; bulpuodsaiJoo �Vd aql •p 'aouepdwoo Jo a;eoppiao at.; woaJ aoeds sly; ui loj;uoo josuas;uedn000 uo) pawlep dVd Ja;u3 -o '(Z'O=dVd JoJ ZIJ OOS-TSZ '£'O=dVd J9) Z44 OSZ-9ZT 'b'O=dVd BOJ Z;J SZT>) anoge (e) aull wo.a) eaae pallor;uoo o; bulpuodsaaaoz) dVd as;ud •q z 4 6upg6p pallo.quoo Aq panaas ea.ay •e •Z asal leuolaound oa aaJae •dtld Pawlelo 441M dVd lenage aledwoa Pue Panus eaje AJIjaA ;1 dais •auoz Papoaauoo yoea joj (anoge) Z asay leuolaound aaaldwoo'asald :p dais (:Iyd) aoloe:1 ;uaua;sn[pV aapnod a ao; A;ilena o;' 33 o5Z uey; .aa6ae-j saoeds aaijjo ui souoz jjews 6uiAaas saosuas A3uedn33o ao;;sal leuoi; pptl'S . -- Ouluft BIWWdJ �1 1 r\)7jVZ - BupgBn peauenpyelwPllle'J a.L, �J �/ �,; r I sa;nulw oz ;o wnwixew a uiy;im;;o u,n; s,osuas Aouedn000 Aq palloa;uoo s;y6i1 'e uoi;ipuoo paidn3ooun ue ajelnwiS :T da;S saosuas Aauednaao -Z J su014ipuoo 6ui;wado legiul o; pawn;a, wa;sAS :g da3S 'Al (adA; A@N ani;deo sl yo;loos apu,ano pue seaae ollgnd 6uin,as ssalun) smog z ueq;,abuol ou uo uiewa, s4y6p ay; pue pa;eool sl go;lms apioaano ay; a.,agm ands pauoi;U-ied 4y61a4 6upla3 pa;oalas ay; ui s;y6il ay; Aluo slof;uoo yo;lMs apu,ano lenueW 'q J 'T(e)T,OET PUL T(o)T'o£T uolyoas aad uo uiewaa Aew 6upy6il;dwax3 ;;o su,n;'6ul;g6il ssaa6a pue Aoua6aawa 6uipnloui'6up)II pV •e uoplpuoo poldnaaoun a;einwis :Z de;S J •pa;eool sl yo}inns ay; yoiym ui ewe pauoppped;y6iay-6ulliao ay; ui 6ui;y6il sa;wado Aiuo yo;ims ay; A;uaA •q J yo;!Ms loa;uop eaae ani;oadsa., ,!ay; Aq;;o pue uo pauan; aq ueo s4y6il iIV 'e uoi'J!puoapoldn000 a;elnwiS :Z da;S sloiluoa g3jjmS awll opeluojnV 'j :aoeds yoea ui;uasa,d (S -T) sadA; wa;sAs lw;uoo Ileo; aoueydwoo wn;uo0 Sd3H1011V swow/seaae pa;sa;uO WOO*d (o;a 'hopi„oo 1031;To) adAl aoeds WOO'd WMM :aweu wow/aoeds pa;sal papalaS sooeds ani;e;uosaidab J • Z ;sal ssed ;snw oslV •(saA aq;snw sAaMsue Ile) dtld io; sauoz clews 6ulnaas aosu9S;uednoo0 'S J •(sak aq;snw siamsue Ile) jVd,o;,osuaS;uedn000 uo IMIJed 'b J .Z ;sal jo T;sal 6u lssed Aq paluedw000e aq Osie ;sow s6uipiinq lei;uoplsa,uou ui siiamuie;s'siopi„oo'siloe;s Nooq Aueagii 'sesnoya,em,od (sak eq;snw siamsue Ile);osuaS Aouedrnoo lJo lepped '£ J (saA aq;snw siamsue lie) (loa;uo0 {jo uo),osuaS Aouedn000 •Z J •(sa), aq.;snw siamsue Ile) slw4uo0 yo;iMS aw!1 Dpewo;nV •T s;insaa 6ui;sa1 •:) weruwdtlululeolslo M �J oupyBgpeouenpy eIuioUlgJ u ,\ v uol;lpuom paldn»oun ue a;ejnw!S •Z da;S J 's4g611 ag; do Ile a;enl;oeap Allenuew pue'aamod 6ugg6ll aq;Jo%OOT a;enl;oe 's4g6ll;o4as a;ewa;le aq; a;enl;oe o;;uedn000 ue Molle sago;lms lenuew 's.in000 a6e4s4sul; aq; aa;;y -q J Apeol;ewo;ne 6upg6il aq; do %OL o; os uaam;aq sa;enlaoe a6e;s;sold aq; 'uol;lpuoo paldn000 ue uodn Ala;elpawwI 'e ,uopejado uo jellied AjjaaA •uogjpuoo paldn»o ue a;elnwlS-'T da;S s.iosuag Aauednago up dei;aed •t, J uoplpuoo paldn000 ue uodn Ala;elpawwI 'segue palloa;uoo Ala;euedas Pea ul NO Apnd s4g6ll wn; pegs sloa;uoo 6ulsuas;uedn000 agl uoj;jpuoo paldn000 ue a;ejnwis :Z da;S J ua le; aue s;uawainseaw uagm uaMod 6upg6ll and Axoud a se pasn aq Aew lanal;g6l-1 •poq;aw Aao6a4eo eauy aq; aapun pamope anleA ag; do ssal uo %08 sl uamod 6upg6ll palle;sui aq; golgM ul sllaMule;s pup suopl;aoo and aamod 6ugg6ll palle;sul;o %09 ueg; aaow ON •sasnogauem ul 6ui;g6o wnlpos aunssaud g6lq uo aplleg le;aw joj aamod 6ulpg6p page;su! do %09 ueq; aaow ON :uo 'uamod 6u114611 palle;sui do °Pops ueg; aaow ou awnsuoo llegs 6ul;g6ll 'a;e;s ddo leped ay; uI o •sloe;s uo alsle ay; J ul 6ul;46ll ag; a;enpoe ;ou llegs aisle uo sloe;s ag; puoAaq A;lnpoe 'alsle asnogaueM Ao sloe;s �ooq Aueugll uoj •uol;euado DVAH wood uo meds pollou;uoo aq; o;;uaoeCpe eaue ue ul;uawanow wad ,uo, asled a aa66p4;ou saop uosuas auedn000 aql •q J (e)6'OTT uopoas p.iepue;s gad uoplpuoo paldno3oun ue do lie;s woad sa;nu!w oz do wnwlxew a ulq;lm a;e;s ddo lel:ped o; o6 s;g61j •e uol;lpuoa paldnoaoun ue a;elnwjS :T da;S .iosusS A:)uedn:)ao 33o ill T J suoplpuoo 6upeuado leplul o; pawn;aa wa;sAS :S da;S J Aljenuew uo pawn; aq Aew s;g6g pue ,paldn000, sl aoeds sa;e:) pul aosuas by uol;lpuoo paldn000 ue uodn Ale;elpowwi uo uan; suosuas ADuedn000 Aq pallou;uoo s4g6!l 'q '.. J Apoaaaoo sa;euado uo;epunuue uo uo;eolpul sn;e;s 'e uol;lpuoa paldn000 ue aaejnwlg :Z da;S J 'uopeuado DVAH wood uo aoeds pallou;uoo ag; o;;uaoeCpe eaue ue ul;uawanow wood ,uo, asled a uab61u4;ou saop aosuas;uedn000 agl'q ej (q)6'OTT uopoas puepue;s uad uoplpuoo paldn000un ue do;uue;s wou; wWtladtlululwlsloAuo9 Bu0� p48 11 PeouenPtlelWtl{IIgJ � v J UoDejado JVAH wojj Jo aaeds paljojluoo ay; oT juaae[pe eaae ue ul;uawanow wOJJ ,uo, asleT a Ja66u4 4ou saop josuas;uedn000 aql •q J (e)6'oTT uolpoas puepueTs aad uoplpuoo paldn000un ue {o leas woj{ sa;nulw oz bo wnwlxew e uiglIm }To wnT slgb!l (uo lenuew pue uo ol;ewoane) sa6eTs gaog •e . _ .._ wuuad suluhl 8104un3 J I\ n BuagOn PwueAptlerylojuv3 a jVV J •sa), aae siamsue Ile pue ,(loa;uoD ddp uo) josuas Aouednoao, Z;sal leuoi;aund ui pa;anpuoa aae sda;s IIV 'd A saoeds>IaoM jo sAem>jem 4uaae[pe ui;uawanow o; asuodsai w a966144ou IIegs svosuas •a J '(a aug) uoi;e;uawroop aouegdwoo aq; ui pawielo dVd aq; o; jenba ao ueq; aa;eaZ si '(q Dull) eaae palla;uoa aq; o; buipuodsaaaoa dVd aql •p ,aauelldwo3 ;o a;eaidpaaD aq; woad aoeds siq; ui loa;uoa Aosuas;Uednaao god pawiep dVd aaW3 •a '(Z'O=dVd and Z;d 005-ISZ '£'O=dVd 10) Z;d OSZ-9ZT '4'O=dVd god z 4 SZS>) anoge (e) aug wad eaae papoa;uoa o; buipuodsajAw dVd Ja4u3 •q Z;; 6up4611 palloa;uoo Aq panaas eaaV •e 'Z ]sal leuolaaund oa as;aa •dVd pawlela 4MM dtld lenge auedwoa pue penaas eaae A;laaA ;T daag •auoz papoaauoa yaea Jo; (anoge) Z gsal leuolpund alaldwoa ysjld :p daag (dVd) ao;ae: ;uaw;sn[pV aannod a ao; A;ilenb o4' 41 OSZ uey; aa6.ie-i saoedg Dai;;p ui sauoZ IIewg 6uiAaag saosueS Aouedno3p ao;;sa; leuoi;fppy •s Bul;go. auenPtl alWallle'J dir\ -Iw 'anplsod aje sasuodsai s;uawaainbad 6upsal4uawdlnb3 algeolldde Ile pue a;aldwoo aae sasuodsau uopoadsui uoi;onj;suoo algeolldde IIV :SSVd J : uO1;enjeA3 'Q J .Z ;sal ssed ;snw osIV '(saA aq ;snw siamsue pe) dVd ao; sauoz hews 6ulAaas aosuaS ;uedn000 'S -i •(saA aq;snw siamsue lie) dVd uo; uosuaS;uednno UO M:Ped 'b J •Z jsal ao T ;sal 6uissed Aq paiuedw000e aq osle;snw sbulpllnq lepuapisaauou ui sllamiie;s' sioplaaoo'spe;s �ooq Aueagll 'sasnoga.aem jod •(saA aq;snw siamsue Ile) uosuaS Aouedn000;lo lepJed '£ J (sak aq ;snw siamsue Ile) Qa;uoO jjo uO) josuaS Aouedrno0 'Z d� •(saA aq ;snw siamsue Ile). sioa;uoO go;lmS awll ogewo;nV 'T s4insaa 5upsal •:) WB1OO)d OUp11e118104UOO I' oupganpaouenpyelWopiso -L 1Z STOZ/8Z/80 :ajnleu6!S It, ale(] a.wleu GIS uovad aaueldaaaV alglsuodsay L3NM0 (aN!1) Auedwoo yl!m uopTS6EZOilsod asuwll also EEZ8-989(bit) auoyd 60L16 apoo d!Z SII!H oul4o Alto in auaAw aden EOOE :ssa.PPV aulaale 9I AOJ061Jg UPAS awe UOSJad aweN Auedwoo nueldamV algewodsaa '/auednaao le jaumo 6ulpllnq ayl o] saplAojd iapllnq pull uopPluawnop pull 4Ilm papnpul aq of pwinbai sl aaueldoaaV Jo aleaNplao slgl Jo Adoo paubls a legl puelsiapun I 'suopaadsul algealldde Ile uol Aauabe luawaa]olua aull of algellene apew pue '6ulpllnq aql .ut panss! (s)llwied 6ulplInq ay] 44!e, algellene apew to 'palsod aq pet's aalleldaaJV Jo alea9piao sl4] Jo Adoa paubls 'palaldwol a leyl ainsue ll!m I 'S *6ulpllnq ayl .ol panssl (s)llwlad 6ulpllnq a4] 411m algellene apew Jo palsod sl pue paloldwoo uaaq sey aoueldaaaV Jo aleal19ua7 swl uo paNpua Pl uopellelsul to uoponalsuoo ayl.oJ uoue0elsul Io (s)aleoNpua7 Pull legl pa WJUvoJ aney I 'LVN xlpuaddV IepuaplsaJUON awaueiaa ul paldlaads sainpaoold pue sluawaalnbal aoueldane algeo6dde Pul] of swloJuoo pue 'Anua6e luawaalo)ue ayl Aq panopdde suopeaNpads pue sueid ayl ul palealpul sluawallnbal aaueldene pull 4]!m sa!Idwoa a]ueIdaaaV Jo aleallquao slyl uo pappuapl uopelletsul to uo!lanllsuoa pull leyl salepuelsgns aaueldpaaV Jo plea Niljao slyl uo Pa PIAOJd uopewuolul pull (uosiod aaueldaaae alglsuodsai) luawalels slyl w suopei Plaap ayt 04 Isalle pue aoueldaaDV Jo aleallplao swl uo paNpuaPI J.nM Jo adoas ay] Sol saalAap palnlaeJnuew .o'sluauodwoo 'sjepalew 'samleDJ Jo uopejjelsul .o uollanllsuoa 'u 6lsap walsAs ayl .oJ Allllglsuodsau ldaooe of uollewjIssep algealldde ayl ul apoo suolssaJold PUP ssaulsng "I Jo E uo!SIAlO japun algl6!la we I 'Z -aau PldeaoV Jo alealJp.aD Slyl uo pap!Awd uopewJOJU! ay] Pame!APJ aney I pue wa6e Aw jo aaAoldwa Aw se Jlegaq Aw uo 6u!lae sl uepwyaal plalj aull.o'uepluyaal pla!j Pull we I'T :e!wogleo Jo plats agl Jo smel ayl japun 'Am(jad Jo Aljeuad japun bulmolloJ 941 AJpjaa I 1NM31V1S NOI1VIIVI:)3(l S.NOS113d 318ISNOdS321 alttaala of AOJ0611EI ueAi aweN Auedwoo aweN Agpa bis Plaij 6u:tUQJ aql .oJ panssl (splwgatl 6ulpllnq aq ol!Al elgeliene apew .o palsod uaaq sey pue fall elsulpap(Inq DqJalqisuodsaj pull Aq pau6ls PUP palald woo uaaq sey aweldaaaV Jo aleoNpaao sly] uo paNpuapl uope0elsul .o uo!PnAsuoa ayt ]oJ uoNellelsul Jo (s)alealJp.ao pull Sault PawlUuw aney I 'b 'LVN xlPuaddV Iepua Pls9AUON aauajajay u! paNpads salnpaooid pue sluawallnba] eaueldaaae algeo4dde ayl of swioJuoa pup 'Aoua6e luawavolus aqI Aq pano.idde suope>IJpads PUP sueid pull ul pplealpu! sluawa.lnbal aaueldone algealldde agl gllm salldwoo aaueldaaay Jo aleagp.ao slgl uo pa NVNapI uogellelsul to uopan.tsuoa ayl'E (uep!uyaal plalj) aaueldaaaV JD aleoURja7 slyl uo paliodai uopeagllaA aaneldaJJe aw pawlojJad oqm uostad ayl we I laajloa pue anil sj aauelda»V Jo aluDgliaao 5144 uo papinotd uollewjo)uj ayl'T :elujoJileo Jo alelS ayl Jo smel ayl.apun 'Ampad Jo Alleuad japun 6u!mopol ayl AJp.aa I 1N3W31V1S NOI1VMVl:)3O S.NVI:)INH331 013Id ££28-989(bT L) SII1H OU143 ainteublS ao41nV auoyd Allo :ajnleu6!S Jo ate(] (algealldde 6£OLTZV-ol JI) uolle3mlijapi uopeauplao 11V/V3o 60LT6 jp aplAw aden EOOE apoo dlZ ssa.ppV aulaelo of nou06l E) UPAS awe aweN Aueduwo .o41nV uopeluawnao(] aleldwoo pue alwnaae sl uopeluawnoop aaueldaaaV Jo aleaNplao slull legl AJpaap I 1N3W31V1S NOIIVMVl:)3O SmOH1f1V NOI1V1N3Wf130O STOZ/8Z/80 :a.nleu BIS Io ale(] ain4eu6!S uepwyaal Plalj 'd9NMO 01111) 6EOLTZV-01 uolle>Illwapi Aued Woo ytlm uopisod uopea!JpIaOl v ££28-989(VIL) 60LT6 auoyd apoo dlZ SIIIH ouwo ip apjAw aden E00£ A41D :ssa, PPV alttaala of AOJ0611EI ueAi aweN Auedwoo aweN Agpa bis Plaij 6u:tUQJ aql .oJ panssl (splwgatl 6ulpllnq aq ol!Al elgeliene apew .o palsod uaaq sey pue fall elsulpap(Inq DqJalqisuodsaj pull Aq pau6ls PUP palald woo uaaq sey aweldaaaV Jo aleoNpaao sly] uo paNpuapl uope0elsul .o uo!PnAsuoa ayt ]oJ uoNellelsul Jo (s)alealJp.ao pull Sault PawlUuw aney I 'b 'LVN xlPuaddV Iepua Pls9AUON aauajajay u! paNpads salnpaooid pue sluawallnba] eaueldaaae algeo4dde ayl of swioJuoa pup 'Aoua6e luawavolus aqI Aq pano.idde suope>IJpads PUP sueid pull ul pplealpu! sluawa.lnbal aaueldone algealldde agl gllm salldwoo aaueldaaay Jo aleagp.ao slgl uo pa NVNapI uogellelsul to uopan.tsuoa ayl'E (uep!uyaal plalj) aaueldaaaV JD aleoURja7 slyl uo paliodai uopeagllaA aaneldaJJe aw pawlojJad oqm uostad ayl we I laajloa pue anil sj aauelda»V Jo aluDgliaao 5144 uo papinotd uollewjo)uj ayl'T :elujoJileo Jo alelS ayl Jo smel ayl.apun 'Ampad Jo Alleuad japun 6u!mopol ayl AJp.aa I 1N3W31V1S NOI1VMVl:)3O S.NVI:)INH331 013Id ££28-989(bT L) SII1H OU143 ainteublS ao41nV auoyd Allo :ajnleu6!S Jo ate(] (algealldde 6£OLTZV-ol JI) uolle3mlijapi uopeauplao 11V/V3o 60LT6 jp aplAw aden EOOE apoo dlZ ssa.ppV aulaelo of nou06l E) UPAS awe aweN Aueduwo .o41nV uopeluawnao(] aleldwoo pue alwnaae sl uopeluawnoop aaueldaaaV Jo aleaNplao slull legl AJpaap I 1N3W31V1S NOIIVMVl:)3O SmOH1f1V NOI1V1N3Wf130O AUTOMATIC DAYLIG'HTING CONTROL ACCEPTANCE DOCUMENT Enforcement Agency Use: Checked by/Date Check boxes for all pages of this NRCA-LTI-03-A completed and included in this submittal -LTi-03-A Page 1&2 Construction Inspection. This page required for all submittals. 3&4-LTI-03-A Page Continuous dimming control functional performance test -watt -meter or amp -meter measurement NRRCGA-LTI-03-A Page Stepped Switching/ Stepped Dimming functional performance test -watt -meter or amp -meter measurement 1 NRCA-LTI-03-A Page 7&8 Continuous dimming control functional performance test- light meter power measurement, and default look -up table of fraction of rated power versus fraction of rated light output. 0 NRCA-LTI-03-A Page 9 SLID Stepped Switching/ Stepped Dimming functional performance test - based on light output 1. NA7.6.1.1 Construction Inspection: 1. Drawing of Daylit Zone(s) must be shown on plans or attached to this compliance document. By checking this box, technician certifies that plans have been attached to this webform r Document Name and Page #'s ELECTRICAL E1.31 Add Control Systems below. If sampling method Is used In accordance with NA7.6.1.2. If adding, attach a page with names of other controls In sample (only for buildings with > 5 daylight control systems, sample group glazing same orientation) WATT STOPPER WATT STOPPER Plans Page Number 1 Check if Tested Control is Representative of Sample r 2. System Information Zone Type: Skylit (Sky), Primary Sidelit (PS), or Secondary Sidelit (SS) PS Control Type: Continuous Dimming with more than 10 light levels (C), Stepped Dimming (SO), Switching (SW) Design Footcandles: (Enter footcandle (fc) value or "U" If unknown): Control Loop Type: Open Loop (OL), Closed Loop (CL) CL Sensor Location: Outside (0), Inside Skylight (IS), Near Windows facing out (NW), In Controlled Zone (CZ) CZ Sensor Location is Appropriate to Control Loop Type: (Yes/No) If control loop type is Open Loop (OL): Enter yes (Y) if location = Ves Outside (0), Inside Skylight (IS), or Near Windows facing out (NW); otherwise, enter no (N). If Control loop type Is Closed Loop (CL): Enter yes (Y) if location = In Controlled Zone (CZ); otherwise, enter no (N). Control Adjustments are in Appropriate Location (Yes/No): Yes, If Readily Accessible or Yes if in Ceiling less than or equal to 11 It, Yes :AL �`` TP California Advanced Lighting Controls hainlno Program No for all other. 4. Has Documentation Been Provided by the Installer: Installation Manuals and Calibration Instructions Provided to Building Owner: (Yes/No) Yes Location of Light Sensor on Plans: (Yes/No) Yes Location of Light Sensor on Plans: (Page Number) E-1.31 S. Separate Controls of Luminaires in Daylit Zones: Are luminaires controlled by automatic daylighting controls only in daylit zones: (Yes/No) Yes Separately circuited for daylit zones by windows and daylit zones under skylights: (Yes/No) Yes 6. Daylighting Control Device Certification Daylighting control has been certified In accordance with §110.9: (Yes/No) Yes Construction Inspection PASS/FAIL. If all responses on Construction Inspection pages 1 & 2 are complete and all Yes/No questions have a Yes response, the tests PASS; If any responses on this page are incomplete OR there are any No responses, the tests FAIL Pass PASS/FAIL Evaluation (check one): r PASS If all responses on Constructlon Inspection pages 1 & 2 are complete and all Yes/No questions have a Yes (Y) response, the tests PASS r FAIL: Any applicable Construction Inspection responses are incomplete OR there Is one or more negative (N - no) responses in any applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements section. System does not pass and is NOT eligible for Certificate of Occupancy according to Section to- 103(a)3B. Fix problem(s) and retest until the system(s) passes all portions of this test before retesting and resubmitting NRCA-LTI-03-A with PASSED test to the enforcement agency. Describe below the failure mode and corrective action needed. TPCalifornia Advanced Lighting Controls Traloino Pron ram 2. NA7. Functional Performance Testing - Continuous Dimming Systems: Power estimation using amp -meter measurement, or alternate option - watt -meter measurement Complete all tests on page 3 & 4 (No Daylight Test, Full Daylight Test, and Partial Daylight Test) and fill out Pass/Fail section on Page 4. WATT STOPPER Svstem Information a. Control Loop Type: Open Loop or Closed Loop? (O or C) 43.1 b. Indicate if Mandatory control - M (required for skylit zone or primary sidelit zone with installed general lighting power > 120 W); —68 880866425992 8 for Control Credit - CC; or Voluntary -V (M, CC, V) Yes c. If automatic daylighting controls are mandatory, are all general lighting luminaires In daylit zones controlled by automatic Yes daylight controls? (Yes/No) Yes d. General lighting design footcandles. (Enter footcandle (fc) value or "U" if Unknown) Yes e. Power estimation method. Measured Amps Multiplied by Volts, Volt -Amps (VA), alternate option Is Measured Watts (W) Step 1: Identify Reference Location (location where minimum daylight illuminance is measured In zone served by the controlled Iightinq.) E Method Used: Illuminance or Distance? (I or D) �. g. Highest light level fc: Enter measured footcandles (fc) from controlled electric lighting (does not include daylight illuminance) In. Full load Highest light level power: Enter measured Amps times Volts, Volt -Amps (VA) or measured Watts (W). i. Indicate whether this is Full Output (FO), or Task Tuned (Lumen Maintenance) (TT) Step 2: No Davlioht Test controls enabled & davliaht less than 1 fc at reference location j. Method Used: Night time manual measurement (Night), Night Time Illuminance Logging (Log), Cover Fenestration (CF), Cover Night Open Loop Photosensor(COLP) k. Reference Illuminance (footcandles) as measured at Reference Location (see Step 1). Enter footcandles 82.3 I. Enter V if either of the following statements are true: [Reference Illuminance (line k)] /[Highest light level In (line g)] > 70% Ves when line i = FO or [Reference Illuminance (line k)] / [design footcandles (line d)] > BOP/o? (Yes/No) Sten 3: full Davliaht Test conducted when davliaht > 1500/a of reference illuminance (line ll m. Enter measured Amps Multiplied by Volts, Volt -Amps (VA) or measured Watts (W). 43.1 n. System power reduction enter [3 - (line m)/(line h)], Enter %. —68 880866425992 8 o. Is System Power Reduction (line n) > 65% when line i = F0, or > 561/. when line i = TT (Yes/No) Yes p. With uncontrolled lights also on, no lamps are dimmed outside of daylit zone by same control mechanism or formula (Yes/No) Yes q. Dimmed lamps have stable output (no perceptible visual flicker) (Yes/No) Yes r. Daylight Dimming plus OFF Controls PAF Yes (This portion of the full daylight test applies to lighting systems that are claiming a PAF for daylight dimming plus OFF controls. This portion of the full daylight test shall be conducted instead of steps m. thru q.) Does the system automatically turn OFF the luminaires when full daylight is available? (Yes/No) 4: Partial Davliaht Test s. Daylight illuminance (light level without electric light) measured at Reference Location (fc) L �' Tp California Advanced Ughtlng Controls Training Program 53.7 I. Daylight illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance = (line s )/ (line k). Enter %. 65.249088699878# u. Is Ratio of Daylight Illuminance to Ref. illuminance (line t) between 60% and 95%? (Yes/No) Yes v. Total (daylight + electric Ilght) Illuminance measured at the Reference Location (fc) 83.2 w. Total Illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance = (line v )/ (line k), Enter %. 101.09356014580 04 x. Is Total Illuminance divided by the Reference illuminance (line w) between 100% and 150%7 (Yes/No) Yes PASS/ FAIL Evaluation (check one): r PASS: All applicable Construction Inspection responses are complete and all applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements responses are positive (Y - yes) r FAIL: Any applicable Construction Inspection responses are incomplete OR there Is one or more negative IN - no) responses in any applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements section. System does not pass and is NOT eligible for Certificate of Occupancy according to Section 10- 103(a)3B. Fix problem(s) and retest until the system(s) passes all portions of this test before retesting and resubmitting NRCA-LTI-03-A with PASSED test to the enforcement agency. Describe below the failure mode and corrective action TPCalgornla Advanced Lighting — Controls Training Praaram 2. NA7. Functional Performance Testing - Continuous Dimming Systems: Power estimation using light meter measurement Complete all tests on page 7 IS 8 (No Daylight Test, Full Daylight Test, and Partial Daylight Test) and fill out Pass/Fail section on Page B. WATT STOPPER Svstem Tnfnrmatinn a. Control Loop Type: Open Loop or Closed Loop? (0 or C) 115.2 b. Indicate if Mandatory control - M (required for skylit zone or primary sidelit zone With installed general lighting power > 120 W); for Control Credit - CC; or Voluntary not for credit -V (M, CC, V) 19.799999999999 97 c. If automatic daylighting controls are mandatory, are all general lighting luminaires in daylit zones controlled by automatic daylight controls? (Yes/No) Yes d. General lighting design footcandles. (Enter footcandle (FC) value, or "U" if unknown.) 82.3 e. Power estimation method. (see line q) Default ratio of power to light (Old), cut -sheet ratio of power to light (CSfc) If CSFc - attach cut -sheet. Enter Ofd or CSfc CSfc btep l: lOentlry Kererence Location (location where minimum daylight illuminance Is measured in zone served by the controlled lighting.) 115.2 FM Method Used: Illuminance or Distance? (I or D) 19.799999999999 97 Override daylight controls stem and drive electric lights to highest light level for the following: 24.05832320777612E g. Highest Ilght level fc - enter measured controlled electric lighting footcandles (fc) 82.3 h. Indicate whether this is Full Output (FO), or Task Tuned (Lumen Maintenance) (TT) FO Ste 2: No Daylight Test controls enabled & daylight less than 1 fc at reference location Yes I. Method Used: Night time manual measurement (Night), Night Time Illuminance Lagging (Log), Cover Fenestration (CF), Cover Open Loop Photosensor(COLP) Night 1. Reference Illuminance (footcandles) as measured at Reference Location (see Step 1). Enter footcandles 82.3 k, Enter Y If either of the following statements are true: If line In = FO; [Reference Illuminance (line j)] / [Full Output fc (fine g)] > 70%? or [Reference Illuminance (line j)] / (design footcandles (line d)) > 80%? (Yes/No) Yes Ste 3: Full Daylight Test conducted when daylight > 150% of reference illuminance (line j I. Daylight illuminance (light level with electric lighting turned off) measured at Reference Location (fc) 95.4 m. Daylight Illuminance (line 1) greater than Reference Illuminance (line j)? (Yes/No) Yes Fill out lines o threuah t nnly if eleetric liahtina is turnarl rinwn nr nff n. Total (daylight + electric light) Illuminance measured at the Reference Location (fc). 115.2 o. Electric lighting illuminance at the Reference Location (fc) [(line n) - (line I)]. 19.799999999999 97 p. Electric lighting illuminance (line o) divided by Highest Light Level fc (line g). Enter %. 24.05832320777612E q. Dimmed luminaire fraction of rated power. Attach manufacturer's cut -sheet or use default graph of rated power to light output. Label applicable control system an cut -sheet or graph. Enter fraction of rated power In %. r. System Power Reduction = [I - line q] Igo s. Is System Power Reduction (line r) > 65% when line h = F0, or > 56% when line h = TT (Yes/No). Yes t. With uncontrolled lights also on, no lamps dimmed outside of daylit zone by control (Yes/No). Ves u. Dimmed lamps have stable output, no perceptible flicker (Yes/No). Yes. :AL�� T" California Advanced Ughdng r Controls Tninlno Program v. Daylight Dimming plus OFF Controls PAF (This portion of the full daylight test applies to lighting systems that are claiming a PAF for daylight dimming plus OFF controls. This portion of the full daylight test shall be conducted instead of steps I. thru u.) Does the system automatically turn OFF the luminaires when full daylight is available? (Yes/No) Stnn 6: Yes w. Daylight Illuminance (light level without electric light) measured at Reference Location (fc). 65.4 x. Daylight illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance = (line w )/ (line J). Enter i. 79.46 5370 59 5 382 5 y. Is Ratio of Daylight illuminance to Ref. illuminance (line x) between 60% and 95%7 (Yes/No). Yes z. Total (daylight + electric light) Illuminance measured at the Reference Location (fc). 103.2 aa. Total illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance = (line z )/ (line j), Enter %. 125.39489671931 56 bb. Is Total illuminance divided by the Reference illuminance (line as) between 100% and 150%? (Yes/No). Yes PASS/FAIL Evaluation (check one): PASS: All applicable Construction Inspection responses are complete and all applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements responses are positive (Y - yes) FAIL: Any applicable Construction Inspection responses are Incomplete OR there is one or more negative (N - no) responses in any applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements section. System does not pass and Is NOT eligible for Certificate of Occupancy according to Section 10- 103(a)3B. Fix problem(s) and retest until the system(s) passes all portions of this test before retesting and resubmitting NRCA-LTI-03-A with PASSED test to the enforcement agency. Describe below the failure mode and corrective action needed. i �� -In California Advanced Lighting —. L 1� Controls Tralninn Progrom DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1 certify that this Certificate of Acceptance documentation is accurate and complete Documentation Author Name Ivan Gri'.m' Address 3003 crape myrtle cir Zip code 91209 CENATT Unification ldimbflo ion (If applicable) TC -A217039 Date of SlgnaWre: 08/20/2018 Company Name City Phone Author 5ignature IS eleRric China His (714)686-8233 FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I all the following under penalty of pe'riurv, under the laws of the State of California: 1. The Information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance Is true and cathect. 2. lam the person who performed the acceptance verification reported on this Certificate of Acceptance (Field Technician), 3. The construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with me applicable acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency, and conforms to the applleable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA). 4. l have confirmed that the Certlfinfl s) of installation for the construction or Installation Identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and signed by the responsible builder/Installer and has been posted or made available with the building permlt(s)Issued for the bulltling. Field Technician Name Ivan GCompany Name Hgorov, IG electric Address: City 3003 crape myrtle or Chino Hills Zip Code Phone 91709 (714)686-8233 An Certification Identification Position with Company (Title) TC -A217039 Position Fluid Technician Signature Date of Signature: �A 08/28/2018 RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I campy the following untler penalty of p,do,, untler the laws of the State of California: 1. l am the Field Technician, or the Field Technldan Is acting on my behalf as my employee or my agent and have reviewed the information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance, 2, lam eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code In the applicable classification to accept responsibility for the system design, construction or Installation of features, materials, components, or manufactured devices for the scope of work ldenbfied on this Certificate of Acceptance and attest A the declarations in this statement (responsible acceptance person). 3. The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance substantiates that the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the acceptance repulrement, Indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency, and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified In Reference Nonresidential Appendix Ni 4. l have confirmed that the Certificates) of installation for the construction or Installation Identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and is posted or made available with the boiling permn(s) Issued for the building. S. I will ensure that completed, signed cagy of this Certificate of Acceptance shall be posted, or made available with the building permlt(s) issued for[he building, and made available to rhe enforcement agency for all applicable inspection, l understand that slmi copy of this Certificate of Acceptance is required to be Included with the documentation the builder provides to me bundle, owner at Occupancy. Responslhle Acceptance Person Name Company Name Ivan Gfigmov IS electric Address: City 3003 crepe myrtle or Chino Hills Zip Code 91209 CSIB License 1023951 Responsible Acceptance Person Signature Date of SlgnaWre: 08/28/2018 i O Celitornla Advanced Ughting 'A DTP Coni Trainlno Program Phone Position with Company (Title) (714)686-8233 OWNER