HomeMy WebLinkAbout02_Jackson Residence CDP_PA2019-037 QWPO R,, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH n ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT t•b = October 24, 2019 °'441, ftNVP Agenda Item No. 2 SUBJECT: Jackson Residence (PA2019-037) • Coastal Development Permit No. CD2019-012 SITE LOCATION: 808 West Bay Avenue APPLICANT: Bradford C. Smith Architect OWNER: Mr. and Mrs. Todd Jackson PLANNER: Melinda Whelan, Assistant 949- 644-3221, mwhelan@newportbeachca.gov LAND USE AND ZONING • General Plan Land Use Plan Category: RS-D (Single-Unit Residential Detached) • Zoning District : R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) • Coastal Land Use Plan Category: RSD-B (Single Unit Residential Detached — (6.0- 9.9 DU/AC) • Coastal Zoning District: R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) PROJECT SUMMARY A request for a coastal development permit to allow the demolition of an existing single- family residence and the construction of a new 5,740-square-foot, single-family residence including a 948-square-foot, attached 4-car garage. The project includes reinforcing and raising the height of the existing bulkhead. No work will be conducted bayward of the existing property. The proposed development also includes additional appurtenances such as walls, fences, patios, hardscape, drainage devices, and landscaping. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; 2) Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) , because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 3) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Coastal Development Permit No. CD2019-012 (Attachment No. ZA 1). mi2sns 1 Jackson Residence (PA2019-037) Zoning Administrator, October 17, 2019 Page 2 DISCUSSION Land Use and Development Standards • The subject property is located in the R-1 Coastal Zoning District, which provides for single-unit residential development and is consistent with the City's Coastal Land Use Plan, General Plan, and Zoning Code. A coastal development permit is required and the property is not eligible for a waiver for de minimis development because the property is located in the Coastal Commission Appeal Area. • The property currently consists of one legal lot developed with a single-family residence. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with two- and three-story, single-family and two-family residences. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development is consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development and expected future development consistent with applicable development standards. • The proposed single-family dwelling and accessory structures conform to all applicable development standards, including floor area limit, setbacks, height, and off-street parking as evidenced by the project plans and illustrated in Table 1 below. Table 1 — Development Standards Development Standard Standard Proposed Setbacks min. Front water 20 feet 20 feet Sides 3 feet 3 feet Second Frontage Street 4 feet 4 feet Allowable Floor Area max. 7,107 square feet 5,652 square feet Allowable 31 Floor Area max. 533 square feet 522 square feet Open Space min. 534 s uare feet 1,491.5 square feet Parking (min.) 3-car garage 4-car garage Height(max.) 24 feet flat roof 24 feet flat roof 29 feet sloped roof 29 feet sloped roof Hazards • The project site is protected by an existing cast-in-place concrete bulkhead. The applicant is proposing to augment the existing bulkhead with a new concrete stem wall with the top of the bulkhead elevation at 10.6 feet North American Veritcal Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). A Bulkhead Conditions Report was prepared by Geosoils, Inc. on April 12, 2019, and concluded that the existing concrete bulkhead was in good condition and is not in need of repair or maintenance; however, the tieback condition should be verified prior to constructing a new residence. Specifically, the applicant is proposing to augment the existing bulkhead to add a new concrete stem wall to a minimum height of 10.6 NAVD88. The work does not require the use of mechanized TmpiI:W25N Jackson Residence (PA2019-037) Zoning Administrator, October 17, 2019 Page 3 equipment on the bay or beach, and would not impact public trust areas, submerged lands, or tidelands. • A Coastal Hazards Report and Sea Level Rise Analysis was prepared by GeoSoils, Inc. dated April 12, 2019, for the project. The current maximum bay water elevation is 7.7 NAVD88 (North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). According to the report, the estimated sea level rise at the site appears to be between 1.3 and 5.4 feet over the next 75 years utilizing different probabilistic scenarios, accounting for bay water levels rising in the range of 9 feet to 13.1 feet NAVD88. The Newport Beach City Council approved the use of the high estimate of the "low risk aversion" scenario, which is 3.2 feet by the year 2100, or 2.9 feet by 2094. Therefore, the sea level is estimated to likely reach approximately 10.6 feet NAVD88 over the next 75 years (i.e. the life of the structure). Once the existing seawall/bulkhead is raised per the report's recommendations, flooding, wave runup, and erosion will not significantly impact this property over the proposed 75- year economic life of the development. As conditioned, a waterproofing curb is required to be constructed around the perimeter of the dwelling that would protect against flooding up to an elevation of 10.6 feet (NAVD88). Flood shields (sand bags and other barriers) can be deployed across the openings to protect and prevent flooding to the structure. The report concludes that the proposed project will be safe from flooding hazards for the next 75 years with the reinforced/capped bulkhead and a flood protection curb. The report also identifies that there is a 0.5 percent chance (medium-high risk aversion scenario) that SLR would be greater than 2.9 feet around the year 2070 and could as high as 13.1 feet NAVD88 by the year 2100. If future SLR is greater than the likely estimate of the "low risk aversion" scenario by 2094 (10.6 feet NAVD88), then the bulkhead can be raised without further bayward encroachment. • Pursuant to NBMC Section 21.30.030(C)(3)(i)(iv), the property owner will be required to enter into an agreement with the City waiving any potential right to protection to address situations in the future in which the development is threatened with damage or destruction by coastal hazards (e.g., waves, erosion, and sea level rise). The property owner will also be required to acknowledge any hazards present at the site and unconditionally waive any claim to damage or liability against the decision authority, consistent with NBMC Section 21.30.015(D)(3)(c). Both requirements are included as conditions of approval that will need to be satisfied prior to final building inspection, and prior to the issuance of building permits, respectively. • The property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are Tmpll:mnsnn 3 Jackson Residence (PA2019-037) Zoning Administrator, October 17, 2019 Page 4 reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC prior to building permit issuance. Water Quality • Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 21.35.050 (Water Quality and Hydrology Plan), due to the proximity of the development to the shoreline and the development containing more than 75 percent of impervious surface area, a preliminary Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP) is required. A WQMP prepared by Forkert engineering and Surveying, Inc., dated February 12, 2019, has been submitted and will be reviewed by the City's Engineer Geologist. The WQHP includes a polluted runoff and hydrologic site characterization, a sizing standard for BMPs, use of an LID approach to retain the design storm runoff volume on site, and documentation of the expected effectiveness of the proposed BMPs. Construction plans will be reviewed for compliance with the approved WQHP prior to building permit issuance. • The applicant provided an Erosion Control Plan to implement temporary Best Management Practices (BMPs) during construction to minimize erosion and sedimentation and to minimize pollution runoff and coastal waters derived by construction chemicals and materials. The Erosion Control Plan will be reviewed by the City's Engineer Geologist. Construction plans and activities will be required to adhere to the approved Erosion Control Plan. Public Access and Views • The project site is located on the Balboa Peninsula between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline. Implementation Plan Section 21.30A.040 requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the project's impact, and be proportional to the impact. In this case, the project replaces an existing single-family residence located on standard R-1 lot with a new single-family residence. Therefore, the project does not involve a change in land use, density or intensity that will result in increased demand on public access and recreation opportunities. Furthermore, the project is designed and sited (appropriate height, setbacks, etc.) so as not to block or impede existing public access opportunities. Vertical access to the harbor is available near the site on 8th Street and 9th Street. • The project site is not located adjacent to a coastal view road, public access way, or Coastal Viewpoint as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. The site is located approximately 430-feet east from a beach along the harbor, which is accessible to the public and provides opportunities to access and view the Harbor. As currently developed, the existing property and other residences along the 800 block of West Bay Avenue are not located within the view shed of the park. Furthermore, the proposed single-family residence complies with all applicable Local Coastal Program Tmpll:mnsnn .y. Jackson Residence (PA2019-037) Zoning Administrator, October 17, 2019 Page 5 (LCP) development standards and maintains a building envelope consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development. The front setback along the harbor is 20 feet and only allows improvements with a maximum height of 42 inches. Additionally, the project does not contain any unique features that could degrade the visual quality of the coastal zone. • Vertical and lateral access to the Harbor is available approximately 75 feet away at the terminus of 8th Street, approximately 275 feet away at the terminus of gth Street, and approximately 430-feet west from a public beach. The project does not include any features that would obstruct access along these routes. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. The Class 3 exemption includes the construction of limited numbers of new, small structures, including one single-family residence. The proposed project is a new single-family residence located in the R-2 Coastal Zoning District. Class 3 exempts the demolition of up to three single-family residences and additions of up to 10,000 square feet to existing structures. The proposed project consists of the demolition of one single-family residence and the construction of a new 5,740-square- foot single-family residence. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this public hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners and residential occupants of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date the Resolution is adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 21 (Local Coastal Implementation Plan) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 of the City's certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through TmPn:W25119 .�J Jackson Residence (PA2019-037) Zoning Administrator, October 17, 2019 Page 6 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949-644-3200. Prepared by: Melinda Whelan Assistant Planner JM/msw Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Project Plans Tmpll:WON Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution o7/zsns RESOLUTION NO. ZA2019-### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. CD2019-012 TO DEMOLISH AN EXISTING SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE AND CONSTRUCT A NEW THREE-STORY SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE AND ATTACHED 3-CAR GARAGE LOCATED AT 808 WEST BAY AVENUE (PA2019-037) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Bradford C. Smith Architect, with respect to property located at 808 West Bay Avenue, requesting approval of a coastal development permit. The lot at 808 West Bay Avenue is legally described as Lot 35, Tract 0084. 2. The applicant proposes the demolition of an existing single-family residence and the construction of a new 5,740-square-foot, single-family residence including a 948-square- foot, attached 4-car garage. The project includes reinforcing and raising the height of the existing bulkhead. No work will be conducted bayward of the existing property. The proposed development also includes additional appurtenances such as walls, fences, patios, hardscape, drainage devices, and landscaping. 3. The subject property is designated R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) by the General Plan Land Use Element and is located within the RS-D (Sinlge-Unit Residential Detached) Zoning District. 4. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is Single Unit Residential Detached — (6.0-9.9 DU/AC (RSD-B) and it is located within the R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) Coastal Zone District. 5. A public hearing was held on October 24, 2019, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E-1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the hearing was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this hearing. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project is categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (Section 15315, Article 19 of Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures), because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 05-14-19 8 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2019### Page 2 of 9 2. Class 3 exempts the construction of limited numbers of new, small structures, including one single-family residence. The proposed project is a new single-family residence located in the R-1 Coastal Zoning District. 3. The exceptions to this categorical exemption under Section 15300.2 are not applicable. The project location does not impact an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern, does not result in cumulative impacts, does not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, does not damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway, is not a hazardous waste site, and is not identified as a historical resource. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 21.52.015 (Coastal Development Permits, Findings and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed development complies with applicable residential development standards including, but not limited to, floor area limitation, setbacks, height, and parking. a. The maximum floor area limitation is 7,107 square feet and the proposed floor area is 5,740 square feet. b. The proposed development provides the minimum required setbacks, which are 20 feet along the front property line abutting the harbor, 3 feet along each side property line and 4 feet along the front property line abutting West Bay Avenue. c. The highest guardrail is less than 24 feet from established grade (9.00 feet NAVD88) and the highest ridge is no more than 29 feet from established grade, which comply with the maximum height requirements. d. The project includes garage parking for a total of three vehicles, complying with the minimum three-car garage parking requirement for single-family residences with more than 4,000 square feet of habitable floor area. 2. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with two-and three-story, single and two- family residences. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development is consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development. 3. A project site is protected by an existing cast-in-place concrete bulkhead. The applicant is proposing to augment the existing bulkhead with a new concrete stem wall with the top of the bulkhead elevation at 10.6 feet North American Veritcal Datum of 1988 07.02-19 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2019-### Page 3 of 9 (NAVD88). A Bulkhead Conditions Report was prepared by Geosoils, Inc. on April 12, 2019, and concluded that the existing concrete bulkhead was in good condition and is not in need of repair or maintenance; however, the tieback condition should be verified prior to constructing new residence. Specifically, the applicant is proposing to augment the existing bulkhead to add a new concrete stem wall to a minimum height of 10.6 NAVD88. The improvements do not require the use of mechanized equipment on the bay or beach, and the City may authorize these improvements pursuant to the Implementation Plan with the approval of a coastal development permit. As shown on the Post-LCP Certification Permit and Appeal Jurisdiction Map (July 11, 2018), the line of the California Coastal Commission's jurisdiction is coterminous with the bulkhead line, thereby authorizing the City to permit improvements to the bulkhead that do not result in bayward encroachment or a replacement bulkhead. Lastly, the improvements would not impact public trust areas, submerged lands, or tidelands. 4. A Coastal Hazards Report and Sea Level Rise Analysis was prepared by GeoSoils, Inc. dated April 12, 2019, for the project. The current maximum bay water elevation is 7.7 NAVD88 (North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). According to the report, the estimated sea level rise at the site appears to be between 1.3 and 5.4 feet over the next 75 years utilizing different probabilistic scenarios, accounting for bay water levels rising in the range of 9 feet to 13.1 feet NAVD88. The Newport Beach City Council approved the use of the high estimate of the "low risk aversion" scenario, which is 3.2 feet by the year 2100, or 2.9 feet by 2094. Therefore, the sea level is estimated to likely reach approximately 10.6 feet NAVD88 over the next 75 years (i.e. the life of the structure). Once the existing seawall/bulkhead is raised per the report's recommendations, flooding, wave runup, and erosion will not significantly impact this property over the proposed 75-year economic life of the development. As conditioned, a waterproofing curb is required to be constructed around the perimeter of the dwelling that would protect against flooding up to an elevation of 10.6 feet (NAVD88). Flood shields (sand bags and other barriers) can be deployed across the openings to protect and prevent flooding to the structure. The report concludes that the proposed project will be safe from flooding hazards for the next 75 years with the reinforced/capped bulkhead and a flood protection curb. The report also identifies that there is a 0.5 percent chance (medium-high risk aversion scenario) that SLR would be greater than 2.9 feet around the year 2070 and could as high as 13.1 feet NAVD88 by the year 2100. If future SLR is greater than the likely estimate of the "low risk aversion" scenario by 2094 (10.6 feet NAVD88), then the bulkhead can be raised without further bayward encroachment. 5. Pursuant to NBMC Section 21.30.030(C)(3)(i)(iv), the property owner will be required to enter into an agreement with the City waiving any potential right to protection to address situations in the future in which the development is threatened with damage or destruction by coastal hazards (e.g., waves, erosion, and sea level rise). The property owner will also be required to acknowledge any hazards present at the site and unconditionally waive any claim to damage or liability against the decision authority, consistent with NBMC Section 21.30.015(D)(3)(c). Both requirements are included as conditions of approval that will need to be satisfied prior to final building inspection, and prior to the issuance of building permits, respectively. 07-02-19 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2019-### Page 4 of 9 6. The property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC prior to building permit issuance. 7. The applicant provided an Erosion Control Plan to implement temporary Best Management Practices (BMPs) during construction to minimize erosion and sedimentation and to minimize pollution runoff and coastal waters derived by construction chemicals and materials. The Erosion Control Plan will be reviewed by the City's Engineer Geologist. Construction plans and activities will be required to adhere to the approved Erosion Control Plan. 8. Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 21.35.050 (Water Quality and Hydrology Plan), due to the proximity of the development to the shoreline and the development containing more than 75 percent of impervious surface area, a preliminary Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP) is required. A WQMP prepared by Forkert engineering and Surveying, Inc., dated February 12, 2019, has been submitted and will be reviewed by the City's Engineer Geologist. The WQHP includes a polluted runoff and hydrologic site characterization, a sizing standard for BMPs, use of an LID approach to retain the design storm runoff volume on site, and documentation of the expected effectiveness of the proposed BMPs. Construction plans will be reviewed for compliance with the approved WQHP prior to building permit issuance. 9. Proposed landscaping complies with Implementation Plan Section 21.30.075. A condition of approval is included that requires drought-tolerant species. Prior to issuance of building permits, the final landscape plans will be reviewed to verify invasive species are not planted 10. The project site is not located adjacent to a coastal view road, public access way, or Coastal Viewpoint as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. The site is located approximately 430-feet from a public beach along the harbor, which is accessible to the public and provides opportunities to access and view the harbor. As currently developed, the existing property and other residences along the 800 block of West Bay Avenue are not located within the view shed of the park. Furthermore, the proposed single-family residence complies with all applicable Local Coastal Program (LCP) development standards and maintains a building envelope consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development. The front setback along the harbor is 20 feet and only allows improvements with a maximum height of 42 inches. Additionally, the project does not contain any unique features that could degrade the visual quality of the coastal zone. 07-02-19 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2019-### Page 5 of 9 Finding: B. Conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the coastal zone. Fact in Support of Finding: 1. The project site is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline. Implementation Plan Section 21.30A.040 requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the project's impact, and be proportional to the impact. In this case, the project replaces an existing single-family residence located on standard R-1 lot with a new single-family residence. Therefore, the project does not involve a change in land use, density or intensity that will result in increased demand on public access and recreation opportunities. Furthermore, the project is designed and sited (appropriate height, setbacks, etc.) so as not to block or impede existing public access opportunities. 2. Vertical and lateral access to the harbor is available approximately 75 feet away at the terminus of 81 Street, approximately 275 feet away at the terminus of 9th Street, and approximately 430-feet from the public beach on the harbor to the west. The project does not include any features that would obstruct access along these routes. 3. The existing development is provided vehicular access from West Bay Avenue. The proposed development will maintain the same vehicular access from West Bay Avenue. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Coastal Development Permit No. CD2019-012, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 21 Local Coastal Implementation Plan, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 of the City's certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 24TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2019. Jim Campbell, Zoning Administrator 07-02-19 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2019#1## Page 6 of 9 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans, and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval (except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 2. Prior to final inspection of building permits for the new residence, the existing seawall shall be augmented and capped to 10.6 feet (NAVD88) minimum in accordance with the recommendations provided in the report prepared by GeoSoils Inc. on April 12, 2019 and as identified in the approved plans. The plans shall also demonstrate that the wall can be augmented to a greater height if the future SLR is greater than the likely estimate of the "low risk aversion" scenario by 2094 (10.6 feet NAVD88). All improvements to the bulkhead shall be without further bayward encroachment and not require the use of mechanized equipment on the bay or beach. 3. All improvements at the property shall occur landward of the existing bulkhead. 4. A waterproofing curb (or similar features that provide adequate level of protection) shall be constructed around the proposed residence as an adaptive flood protection device up to 10.6 feet (NAVD88). Flood shields (sand bags and other barriers) can be deployed across the openings to protect and prevent flooding to the structure as necessary. 5. Revisions to the approved plans may require an amendment to this Coastal Development Permit or the processing of a new Coastal Development Permit. 6. Coastal Development Permit No. CD2019-012 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 21.54.060 (Time Limits and Extensions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 7. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, an agreement in a form approved by the City Attorney between the property owner and the City shall be executed and recorded waiving rights to the construction of future shoreline protection devices including the repair and maintenance, enhancement, reinforcement, or any other activity affecting the bulkhead, that results in any encroachment seaward of the authorized footprint of the bulkhead or other shoreline protective device. The agreement shall be binding against the property owners and successors and assigns. 8. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the property owner shall submit a notarized signed letter acknowledging all hazards present at the site, assuming the risk of injury or damage from such hazards, unconditionally waiving any claims of damage against the City from such hazards, and to indemnify and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs)of every kind and nature whatsoever which 07-02-19 -T 3 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2019#!## Page 7 of 9 may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of development. 9. No demolition or construction materials, equipment debris, or waste, shall be placed or stored in a location that would enter sensitive habitat, receiving waters, or a storm drain or result in impacts to environmentally sensitive habitat areas, streams, the beach, wetlands or their buffers. 10. This approval does not authorize any new or existing improvements (including landscaping) on State tidelands, public beaches, or the public right-of-way. 11. This Coastal Development Permit does not authorize any development seaward of the private property. Should the bulkhead require more extensive repair or replacement with construction equipment bayward of the private property, an additional Coastal Development Permit shall be obtained for the bulkhead from the Coastal Commission. 12. The discharge of any hazardous materials into storm sewer systems or receiving waters shall be prohibited. Machinery and equipment shall be maintained and washed in confined areas specifically designed to control runoff. A designated fueling and vehicle maintenance area with appropriate berms and protection to prevent spillage shall be provided as far away from storm drain systems or receiving waters as possible. 13. Debris from demolition shall be removed from work areas each day and removed from the project site within 24 hours of the completion of the project. Stock-piles and construction materials shall be covered, enclosed on all sites, not stored in contact with the soil, and located as far away as possible from drain inlets and any waterway. 14. Trash and debris shall be disposed in proper trash and recycling receptacles at the end of each construction day. Solid waste, including excess concrete, shall be disposed in adequate disposal facilities at a legal disposal site or recycled at a recycling facility. 15. Prior to issuance of building permits, the final WQHP/WQMP shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Division. Implementation shall be in compliance with the WQHP/WQMP and any changes could require separate review and approval by the Building Division. 16. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final drainage and grading plan. The plan shall be subject to the review and approval by the Building Division. 17. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final landscape and irrigation plan. These plans shall incorporate drought tolerant plantings, non-invasive plant species and water efficient irrigation design. The plans shall be approved by the Planning Division. 18. All landscape materials and irrigation systems shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing, and trimming. 07-02-19 14 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2019#!## Page 8 of 9 All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 19. The applicant is responsible for compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). In compliance with the MBTA, grading, brush removal, building demolition, tree trimming, and similar construction activities shall occur between August 16 and January 31, outside of the peak nesting period. If such activities must occur inside the peak nesting season from February 1 to August 15, compliance with the following is required to prevent the taking of Native Birds pursuant to MBTA: A. The construction area shall be inspected for active nests. If birds are observed flying from a nest or sitting on a nest, it can be assumed that the nest is active. Construction activity within 300 feet of an active nest shall be delayed until the nest is no longer active. Continue to observe the nest until the chicks have left the nest and activity is no longer observed. When the nest is no longer active, construction activity can continue in the nest area. B. It is a violation of state and federal law to kill or harm a native bird. To ensure compliance, consider hiring a biologist to assist with the survey for nesting birds, and to determine when it is safe to commence construction activities. If an active nest is found, one or two short follow-up surveys will be necessary to check on the nest and determine when the nest is no longer active. 20. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 21. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Coastal Development Permit. 22. This Coastal Development Permit may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator if determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 23. Prior to issuance of the building permits, a copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit "A" shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans. 24. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Division an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the Coastal Development file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this Coastal Development Permit. 07-02-19 15 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2019#!## Page 9 of 9 25. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final construction erosion control plan. The plan shall be subject to the review and approval by the Building Division. 26. Prior to the issuance of building permit, the applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. 27. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current business owner, property owner, or the leasing agent. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of Jackson Residence including, but not limited to, Coastal Development Permit No. CD2019-012 (PA2019-037). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages, which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 07-02-19 1�jj Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map o7/zsns 17 VICINITY MAP I Ali P 6 Subject Property CoastalDevelopment Permit No. CD2019-012 PA2019-037 808 Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Plans o7/zsns 19 GENERAL NOTES: �ITI ®® uu//11 I���LTT00JJ� (j®®'ll �9�TI I�F�[L RESIDENCE ��TI ENERGY NOTES: Ee.W. I. wcm,v ,woewncw.a.ww..m.exaw¢ma r,im V1 gAiJl�V®1 Y JI�JIJ�JLLL/�1 4 CE a e.rxu a:r,ur,reee,msr e.ew,u. FaIT IL.O 1. suSEWEvuM Ll �T1..r.m..ermmra .re.=<.rr.mr.a,.e... x ,u . . .re..e�x,,.. ow srnorvs IML .w.xe T"erw,or,a,.oe.,w�r,g. emwev.ewex „"°•uwn.wn.uu.vmrverov.re �`°��`� mevrerv.rv®nwwem.wev.vnwm nmawwuvroren.,aiwvoe wv,�oa.;m vwuercu ..4ecw.am.,mm-ivxw. SFA]SW O nEY515 nT arvurzwesmwnunerm.xwemreunuw. ,S SpIIAPE FOOEnGEAWLLVJ mm>o ewnuwmcmrc .....fl.rormrrd,m.�w. ,.,�mxsmnuxruseswurewomoouurvrwvoea,w,v, e A o nnoao,e xac.mmMmu a[Ta Sfna'pru:vSST !EF N wor T. w,dmr,...,mw,rwe, rm w,un+xw,iw..wr..-ur eoramxe,5,aoa u cuoiu�TmE s:�aT ' ore:svn :uE x a vau:rnw+s.cuox+c.uw �.4 r"eure.e�, ' Eeocon eowno¢Pur S ^a •- ------ n e cumvosso o Ufi< B i "`._ '"'°•'°"° _�°"� >: � �___ rr,� ¢ ee TovoennvrvruLsosvFr F + 3 nuvewoecuaTssnoNarv :�s N BAYS2 sw: vzuw F LEGAI DESCRIPTION : a in^4 a/U: u i mao G T v c oaviT a enure nwrvrt v' .e¢ uTrw.newur sremx,eeeosSTur reme 3 u _ eaw.nu'mmremunom.o ❑ z xPROJKT DES�.KKwcr.Tew. we Tou,,.�.we�,,.r.,x�w.,.,,w,, z .w arm re To --------- - �Q � CRIPWON � w,¢wxsxwe-e ew xaa ryrorme AREA CALCULATIONS SITE PLAN PUBLIC WORKS NOTES "" ac•s vx' -o z DEFERRED SUBMITTALS Czc m w.xnTa - .n.°°° ,aoaxoa R—_ GOVERNING CODES F r m 2 _ 8 CONSULTANTS U a _ .FAs T1 ' zo vJ S 1 '<F S B EDGE PLAN NOTES z NOTE: .o:.cuTxou.oe .. woe BIKE O ()1J/� -rv^ ..°••mom®...� :. SLAB EDGE PLAN tW° r nII j ,�•• e^•• m.x.ww.n .n.,e.amme.x. .$'w"'m.. ...» ' Txeua+wowean uwuvrrww. ¢ru /e o VICINITY MA� L 11 NOTE: OFLOOR PLAN REFERENCE NOTES: - •.v..vnru.eu,.e%<urx •••m• ,p x.a um�v... a .vr. um � n.x...x..n.r.r.nera e..,uu...Mwrn. uneeu .s.r xmewwu ° x�.v=.x«.....r®vr Wrncwm.uv.xnmm.rr�nrum a r.ov.vnvwmx.cmm.urw vvm..mwv.uu W u..u,sre�am.ui yrgpgyCnwrmu .uem.w.. C Ci WV9FPa�M _l O ply g F �II x0 F a, 4 stun _ � P A P —awml O d= V; - - b— a --- — $ Fv p o — — -- — 7/7 / ® FL SYMBOLS L� ENDEte m FIRST FLOOR PLAN FLOOD VENT CALCULATION O—m,. "' ® - WALL LEGENDp�e OFLOOR PLAN REFERENCE NOTES: x .eauan vuxcu�avm tl..n .um x L'�^' — g u v.. .erw m.0 ur. �xp om.e. vm .vuuumnuw .em.,w.exw...=u.anu 5 x. �.urrue°cw, u. u. wux�K,u�ii.w..mumwmrcim .vu.nu • w m..num -- n n.�v.,.,...v....mn.au w.w.ww m. mewo.. ®xm.n.mwrm•mv..xv.u4mv�w,.owwi - e .w..nno.mm.awvw v.umxmma.,.0 un.�rixmaii,iro+mrwn.r. y 6 e 4 4 4i 4 4 T ,;4.. F Gy ,,V ,C p ,i O O' MA0.M c[IX y e .. v — L___ , e. w SYMBOLS LEGEND: 52 QSECOND FLOOR PLANILB su e W"g'a° mz W LL LEGEND —.-- 3 22 OFLOOR PLAN REFERENCE NOTES IP PE, z e] C a . t9 a I ..Ell, J o, I XT. Y1 + � —_� i --- I� _ ` T oax �I �L �. .I b I z JL I 14 LL ,. SYMBOLS LEGEND: QTHIRD FLOOR PLAN - wooM WALL LEGEND—.-w. LL 23 ATTIC VENT CALCULATION ROOF PLAN NOTES: IN T. M.....� G Xn �1r.ae.e„11v TT—orr«x,�Hr a i s U C a4 F ; opw o0 oaa �._�. z _sue _ _______ :ow eons as:Ow.ancusapa ___ � .rt¢awxa --- — J r e u < u g ¢ Wa ROOF PLAN 52 m� 5: ❑ - B -a n /�BUILDING SKTION -]BUILDING SECTION NOTES: ITE PF 3 i —T,.i w.ww�..�,o. � br � - I I 52 :e cG ' io n ro , D BUILDING SECTION �/�BUILDING SECTION �\BUILDING SECTION ❑ELEVATION NOTES: G .I I,.K ..a,. 1�,,�.w�.�o«.o. �, m.,.�nG.H».a� ,� �. � ,. ,a.,..»...a�..M�a...a« o..p PARTIAL DECK ELEVATION .... yea G �^ 0 Tz EXTERIOR PIASTER SPECIFICATION T..,�a...,.r....aa.vo,�...a..,.�w o..� „m..w1 REAR ELEVATION n. ,.m.1..ao:,..�aa." ,µaran� mcnmrerircuw.rzwmw w,a�i.-,-a Z o-�....,.�.............o.,m, v...o-.. ,«..w.3 ....,a.aa.,.�.m.,aa..,,. .«,k,� C_ — — Lls ' 35 am r' vs 52 —-—-— ---- — — — — -- o m LEFT ELEVATION 26 ❑ELEVATION NOTES: y o° .nlaa.r. wo ,o.o- rw.o ` I I e..urv. rrcnur rm_ e_ � b n ..Aarmr .mrrw. e.c° �a is S r p 4 ,.dam n a.�. ,.❑.w„�e.. ° � arc...�.�. � I' $ a, . �..—..rw A� w L___ I — s E vu e°�u T3 I vl a` e. � a❑a s FRONT ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION �wnti.aw:i irsE'ir.An v e5i r.=�.o Z C 0 C _______ ___ _____ __mom X t o.i rowwr r. a u e } y a e.i � a . p a Z ' RIM PA RIGHT ELEVATION s i� G f h Lzzz,�� G P n O 3 u Iyr — ------ G I ]pfld SF. 3.0 SF� Z SJb55 F. � -- 6 $ISJJF __ _ 15105E 1 e0�,,; 611J 5F �i Y I }IS e125SE b 8^OSF / 8"Q 2A F u_yam.z �Q6 0Sf � �d N X i1 I ❑ — 'm4 F r m s A n Q —: 3 ue 509F. i U e a dr G.FIRST FLOOR PLAN sU ' - _ Q � 52 SFA1 28 G _ l C ,l B Q _ E -------------- U ^-c a p rT -- — -- O - — -�— — ------= — — —p— a II ;w.._ =Z= a 0 41135F. j C Q 1 III 1 <SI - 394.<SF. C 3]OSF. Lu< � *11' 431 ZCZ p _ y-------- c- U z z< dr SECOND FLOOR PLAN Q < 52 SFA2 29 G _ l C ,l B Q _ E U ^-c T3 -------------------� - - _ 9T J Z IL iL.�_— �"�-'�•� � -in v. iosn. I /' Cat O J � I ------------- - - - - --- ----- -------- - - -- - - --- ------------------- -- -- ------------------- - u z< dr THIRD FLOOR PLAN Q < 52 5FA3 30 >T _P '__e F•• �dnJ 156.E S.F. bI 'Y_J 2 .9 S.F.'®xnu V SECOND aOOa0 T2�vz 1e aae FLOOR PLAN arasra¢raov ia� ��••- z <`z r�< "zu e ei <Oc m Jena G O Z — Mm, 1x.� s s ==s------ MIX - 356.4 S.F. � 185 2S.F. _sue 4 A, 5° U�xce -- ------ #I kl FIRST FLOOR PLAN —�- srKEro :,n °N ---------- ---------------- I -- - G / E � Qv m a 3 � QAQ z C4 LEFT ELEVATION-OPEN SPACE EXHIBIT 91 s § U m x � ------— a v1 > 52 BUILDABLE AlEA EXHIBIT < o ESTABLISHED GRADE mZ 40816 O m�vo�s O ml A 32 1 sPfvu calccrnNAswr Rmslcu. — )IAVPNW4INRRM[OY'IAVIHOAR-Niel R I](]GLL 1(FPOS CCCIO[N1116-W[S1fPM PE0W0-R3(SfJL F �� ♦GIYS)VGIP-AMAGOA M9PNIXG LEOM-M)(]G),L �� 1 VEPNON4 UNfIMFIMERI'SIIVf PIRONW[FO- N(Mttl ��-a 1RXUS IHIl4RIfOW YIMON.SM WMK'a1PS4PL �F,p - 1 1 C ' Mnwa�.sJ -¢R.•w.ir Yl- /.vII�+Y EyT'.Ii(1t+.nN• _ � -_ _ -5 �%'•�/' N''w y......w�.�.N...... � - �� ��--i/a'Y.�•w.�•M'Y+,ne� I• _- � tin..Wv. n.r..,.w•n ] LANDSCAPE PLAN rL i� 33 GRADING NOTES: PRECISE GRADING PLANI ALL VICAN FILL �.... .TOSTRIALHINAL ,mHLLIMIT n x«E.ox x,a.,�oEw o, , Poa 808 W. BAY AVENUE DUST sp.uANAON—¢n BY wnrtxr"o arrow SUIT fn¢wm[, x„,n.rrr.„am�aw.xEm�x,.,„®�,n,EA,Fw�„rt,,,,mn„WITr,„o m NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA I.Svm mautl—I'IN L xry am Ot TO M.ALL vroways ANS `� w / I wwau Mx I Ym T D .o,PM..o AAv.PER ARE- .xa,,.E. ann."-A.....—,x.a USE CAUTE ....I_ONIH_TYPEIN., �r HE NTAAA SET Or-nxmvm PIN'"'1 s[AN HE ss sr 1EAT nu I MR, .PTxAIIII ANY mmRAfTOR AFT rs.wx.,mrcON— -1NAUIIC FUNITY,. \: "'.NOPxe Seno'I A INx PROPUBonsurora�rsTrv_vsrswasmwreawsoso Psmsn eurowmwmPsanes DOCUMENTATION LARE OFF CI cwcwm Artx^cwvrtvµSc TIE xwnc Puumrva4wrcewcaweoernaanmulcexcu R PROcw an4 ax _wzmm SwwTE 8HA 1Amxrvcn ATEDO mnaz Do TAR -P1 AID"rotwvc[sousrte>Mmf.meuexwrt THE rtrvnr nwxex[Sawxxo AID nxnmATTEIN" PER OF RAPIDS NO wT.rvozw Mu Iw DUCTxana OPFwm O"I'm MIT A TOOLS CAMS—REPORT INITIATED 11'IF-I'ENCIPPITER INCLINEW�AC I ANS AND EURAI SAN OL I ELD HANS!Py TISTS 11,oOPA PARCTaLSTERC�AENT,sL,Mx TAROPmaERIE8E[aL wADTO[ ERSSHTScuvaz,cUrtE'S.RSOR. Aa Auc[Artx Tn[Sm cv sPwwnoua ro-i"Psn[Pw Ixf IHEX"EovEnnOttmPrtnon OP�wNrcm CONSTRUCTION NOTES_ QUANTITIES L AAR PIN OGI"RADIIGRE�RT-1—DIIIIEEN.'E-NNuoc OP Q,[.REATR T I ry C)BOTE MAINERNAL MAD TO e TI w o uM SW,11[ry APPROVILM TO IRE Q[s+ CAND TAR Or _TEAPOUARr Emeox CONARG fuxs ARE RcuREn FROM OST..'r.TO MAv 11 ASEowcr er HE$IE PIN HE,xrenon UPS A,.wmEoev cm.•ac PAnonc QISTAUL♦FLIT HATE(ANY I CA _uANDENTontxa oE.NuaswALLPARArnmcorON-ITTwEwmmmrsnxM."" HISTANDUL♦ITATS THILEr I El ©FRALL I DR..A arwTANE.1 v nAceATHEwoonTHwwxrwwr.wrrmnee HewFnwxr„u Rxoowur.e. mvPemExT. xErwuLeen PRIVATE ENGINEERS NOTICETOCONTeAOTOPoW ©�xIT.nL.�Mw>lw.A LLON 4TREAMI zo A MY nEMPwAaroTar.TwGATUNNAHEIREmsEu..KOHL.."TAKE'AID w"wnEO FOR TIE ouranw OF THE IRALLT. - PETATUATERATOWzHINTALL RUSTAI CAND PM u Rov c"uis a'EETe¢ n¢na Eros Pzumroneev MI El TO 111E ECTIALL TH CANDU FICI r EA HORRTPPEaen IMUIIIAAANAAIAM M,M—NIxiryLOELPANCATHT,AACT,INCH CANILITmwamoxw NEmesorxmwnoRnmoPRazxowxmsrronxoxmEaEPwa,. ©i wa.un Hn.nwr PER oom.PONT a . PR A r A AN SENT PARICAT OURAYS PAN NET.. ms ENGINEER w Axr SlcaR4NL,ECFOUx6 A I FAIIUTrtF591orvu UP.HRAN PIAx,AT I'D'--PLAIN ANOIDNIL.Y]TW ©rmNTRAD BUD I'O—I NOTER CODECTS mmFWv.PER.—UK -1EIi ov IN,PTOI(Y1ORHM129RE,IXmTNLA PFnupmnn➢IN=emmrewucEorm,nmmvrEmanxO °v ALLIES IS GTrac NAWAR.ccnoroummOmOeocnrEu,T®rAnmaw.A9/JnAxOPOTO ©orv[ATTIC..SEwm LATHIL'EPA man. PAPER PER CON sm LxFm-L .aA .cT+x DAIP FAAAL RE NO.reeeeR Hxaz xwomxTAT TO r 11RICAL Ecwr"ACTO",xnu EE"PvENTRI,Pw mTrvn IF'nux,oum,O PERNSTI w,w UP mmuzxczmz"T OP c"Amuc.—I—, GENERAL NOTESFET`EASHICALIENTUT AIDOF CARKIPILAT CLAIDERY LADAITED TO TIE OPERALL,COMPACTION EFIFERF ANDS I.US ELL 2 A PUBLIC HIN ACEIRTIER FIC SCAPHIMENT PARM THIPLEARIAND I' Ell—TIE PULTOON AFTER iw� =wA KEEP I TneOnoROevPnmu.omwc.w.wwuL IN PRO ABBREVIATIONS LEGEND IT SYMBOLS THE AN PARTY PROPER PAINERNAL YEATEEN PATOnrcex.AueEmmEAT+xmPOILIAnw HEPOMuc.roercz,"srtnorL 11 CLASS.BOND CATEPERMINATFIROF MAY THE EFTEw OF .ALL msn"ee'S snuLREAwaavw By HE COLD Ervwnssnw Rumvm FIANE,wr wur,COAL ILLS MN—IF,, bAM_ AUN_ way..u�.vAr AuarwonnwnareawrtmumeeonTuuw APPLE E�IIEER It 11 LEAF At IF I AN P. ILATIONSI ATUREART IDIRAIIER IR APPLE It-.1.'..I-PUTS ALL RE..',HE.IF'PASIDANUOTER ITER 10 BE A=I SOMAN,PAT I Al�R FILL TO"TER IN THE PATTELIS MOSINDIFFETY IHAPUEAI PINIPARAD LIAS 'E.S., I'S ——111 6,SEPARATE PERCIT FOR IFELLE ROD PENCEN STILL ME OBTAINED A'ONE CAME INFER TIE ALUNING APRIL AM AT AT ANTAK EFT %E I HIT caoumuoomoornmuLLuemm�wonrvo,uervrtxETc,nxrrvrsmmw.To FIR Rxrw,"enux,uvTrnxwaowL F raE mmvxT EARTHWORK LIPT PARRY ® PATT x MY PRICER aMSpNPRpiTOccrvsTwn7pu, AFFR Nr10YnyN.P{TfpVN.OTRd,ax.Lo[nnoxuowwuncxErnaunre ® EFAAY1L AN wE>x(xzt} asc RAPANSFA .TrcRE neamwo HE xmE ADO Aw,T<"T ZTnu TRUNID PLAN mmaFULN °"OFULRunREssaLSArvo 1T TO AID MXILI rc —SHEET INDEX ITACTISPI AT'AmEmoxza,suver HEenerneznruceEuwnAw .c uS P�Au NO AD MAR AS ENT, SURVEY NOTE'. NESPEATEARK,SAMPLE BE SUNITTERS 10 THE APINSTANTE D­IND AILICAPAL A TAR'FIT. —ITT,AN RATUATO ALLI IFIREAD, AIDS xcR/oci[TOPER: ACK, r� [W/ENLISID: ET. AA-VBYA"� FRADII CRT" HISSUONE, 11P AAN SPAREPI BIT' A'A' x �EuaxOmnsu - ��na au v OF 14ecT'AT"O.ee. TITLE SHEET Cl ARM RE 11MANTAT ,w x �� ALL Px SA"STmaFVAToua.s 800 W.BAVAVENUE AIH xA�VA NEWPORT BEACH,CAL I HERNIA 34 CONSTRUCTION NOTES'. ABBREVIATIONS -A-INEARY I MAN. PM IN pw:EI.I"w. .a"��x. ."..p,� o.EA .x/ /Ra T „ ataax," : � a, DI Aix PARE MTAE_ExEET,z .�. P.,Rk4'XIC CR JI opE.�>..NET AND X,m.,UGT�x.PER xE,.,AENNAME p,�»'.. .... �A PAT ET C2E_ , ,vti" � z. AN '.E �, ,e.4, ��, .:, . M p ERE REEM ©.E µx µx.w,. m�.-11 , ,E"EAREv mw Ascn.m IM O' „,E Ap ©"A;Es,.xe ff».u,R,.E Iw,mxrc �..��,x E�.w, .. .e IRA mv= T A .... A. lac aawx A. .A,N,�M I I3 r .—T 1 Air j fA'm�°-"'°°"O Q"+ JydR NEWPORT BAY < < e 21 p �I Y ^P > f x FF-5.5D I DID A MR, — <..xI _ `_ ___— GARAGE 9' � ,a' _i 11 uv >� OFP-fi.W __ II 9 �. e - yc o I i II �7 IVA, c �d iW Iq I h �y� ir. a / �T _ Y 9 p NEWPORT 1 � � BAY IN AREPYRID, xEv/ow¢wEv.. / Er. iwo IICIC meIA ' nrDen1m na voEnum ne AI A. PRECISE GRADING C4 DENAN A. x c PLE a.e .1 W.BAVAVENUE NEWPORT BEACH,CALIFORNIA 35 R P �o�rn-x ru®rrw nmur --------------------------------------------------- SECTIONA e e i SWALE DETAIL SECTION B SWALE DETAIL xPoNxc¢aacw.. au�•�.b R E,. BNADNOADS Skill �� m via „onuane no.ew SECTIONS C3 ( iuI nnor.�r.�e BOB W-BAY AVENUE �o-w NEWPORT BFACR,CALIFORNIA N�I N- I A I A � �M— SJ 3o 1.nwen eu«vmcT,uwIuu.wxw RAN E.S.O—A- Ii=I.UNUO wmosso AREMIS nmi wo/m x[nTxw rworernv.x_rt nrt o=IEoerBI "Ivxim 1e11N wm nuw rwreurtwaRUP::j ¢ xm.nuwiv.xo u� xxors nu xEauu^.o mm¢t w.sc rnw RAN I'm[MTMErtx MY B. IONARTIONOTEREATURNAVE STRIATIONS NiTSW ORE. X[T4.Ipd�MN.F.VY.Y.S./S Xff KA.P IN w.rvi, Rroeewxsmurtwb [ouwimucOoxsuv�2v5 nv ER REETuvSTARESARBAS a[m.A&Eanv wSEREOWN OF LI rEmvm�ortn�EvmwwunEau.wemicivi. uiweexwxuue�wo.wu�an merouvxwPRO Aar AND '1-0 rman[..reevmemu'NE'1,wwven munimuismmoEmortnmmaomomwwomm se a Ul E,v.am TFF s,.mrzniiun wisaxod ox aw[n. axss,w sa¢uiSm'OR TM[oua.nox e✓rvrmuTIFEA.vumvONS 11 wrvuwmrw I I u.vnm eawuxw a �— A,RFUN=UFF DFARI ecuwemu.xuwmenwnn rvswxeumi.nmux¢wevmnmvnruowure w mvs%Hu. SAY A"SO a,p,mofui mE RARE oisex[noxawc an iuxe,w IF amw,nanou wnrva ewes'BEu[um �vmx.owuro —� 11 w,T_SA , FRE n.wodmmwexvmu �:.rB---- O ewoerwsmwax TO`FR remwr..x ENSURE-O—VANN., ®= .wrvw ixs�uwuou��po[engx�av[.srr,�x:nmsre[srtw�vx�bonsrnµidrwamxm x�xo ®E'^' cEmmieuarvrssen ww ^1.1 REErn ©e minwnw.ouuwmmecrixz.¢. 11 I. nrm aw /i EURANT f I NEWPORT YSLc�L� J ED� BAY L���— --- ------ —«<--——— -----«<— ---.- i �] y BAN 1 ❑ Is j J L �.,.� T �`nm_.. g AYE ANTS. ---- a. �. a. . I i I IOL I �I a � Re n m — � R. —•-� � .NT«. wx r ONE x EROSION CONTROL PLAN waT SCIR cnurw Hx TINSTRE N_ins o :4 cuiwsluw�wwN9 ®uo TACE�Evnnon<,ne "ov xo.e IlYN aLLTION POLLUTION PREVENTION PEAK) IFEET ca 008 W.BAY AVENUE ~ NEWPCRT BEACH CALIFORNIA S m enrb� . AtCY.�mnw.wnmel IIIII"All I—ANNNINCI NAc m66, , ,A:1I.°r A�n.eery'A �a�uawm®mma,w.IAa>. .m �22 A �M,ua,RAD ' �o 5 .aFOR"OPGREER L 1.1OWELLNA IOGiEN AD w m. IN,IN' — x—,.A., A u�m,D,tx,u„na„�m a.�,mm x 0.m�a.m,,wwn ��,�'a5ro�n°-AN.INrmwn.m wru.aaDA­�"`.'_'.IN N.N- I. IANIII.N�..rnw_,w..N wm 1�w DIAN.�AP.- .NAN.u,ewmm_' ma a wtr 'N rmmm,p. I.WS.xwm<w.eryrmwNI.mmnrw,.wmAIN. n,. I.III,m r m.IIn—A a..-11,IIt m L, .. � 'I tAt"Ll N Ia m.nrmr.'I--N.AR'. �I� INA__I„mNmm�RN.A..mm m ' b� ..Wwmm m.a,ar� m.m..Ya w. m. Mor,�: A,rNItIN ,Dr Om¢o NmlPum 'D PAR."ANNN a AD m�'realwiwa wm�w4 1 At D �1 FARRIA,RL.N1IU IAAN x p [amNbmERNI ' I ANA DID' rW .yBJ M ea^^aaW !Fa fficatHVMVAwuxSktl INAR I- DRINNI— NINAN=ANDINDANCRANIAR—N.",1. p rm A—.,AAA ee N amv ea awcNDAII N,wI.,.- BESGA4NEIf0AL9tlkIII,NAII-1I IN, Aa III a aWmV. aNe9muAn fa mmzm,.nimwwm wH SIAN N e�n W muimau„eo raxerecerea T.— .n,is Deese RAI wnn,xw W y- r,�m awmmem.11 rererv.uz.n IN— Rrmur.�A,InI eo wI�dA IN A w.n� m "I In ne eiem At 1 rmnm IIN v - A viNn 22. ^DINII11 meewewmt�w.I—m„®m na an°s121 r°wimmma e . IAA'tD ro ' "Y RACR. a..wA� aw.® b W IA INN,NAR II ( 1 m .�v,e Ime:Mm °mm.w.an.v A.em..,.aexeA r.wa. A_amanm�.r na rarrmar Nnr.,wa-ARAnm..e. nOaW IDA'.. a,u.I rl�AIo""wal.VNI1.aer_W,v N INA, a a' a'�,.ru ,Rrm,m�re,m..,..m.sw.nawr,-,r, uN.ememm,,wr.m..lam:..a,�wa,.r.a 1.w_`IIRyro immm.mmui mme, m ,r�wwe�aNm...III AIIINN .m..n .�:,.r"m A�RA n'Im Yv ANANa. .,m uIt wvduI mswe AA—A.we..Awa°.✓muemry ,�W M $dAProW.lmu xv'emu.xu oxv mn.-1111. �ARZD N.A.meWm n At auvgwawrneor �rv'W Pv.gwon ,..rl'6 I ua INN. n.xmm ,.Ctl wwt'rz e.onwy.gmvms. ARIIN_ mn,m IFb g we ag A.—RNIa na uo.mmat—rm. m n.11 NN.x. "'IV .nmrrvw),v x a.uYmmve�m, a° .mm e. nwY,�e 'NA va d.er<..,m pwm<r & AINYCA ry --IN. owiAe.I �ECOWgYCpONM[RIIN4 AA ID,.(11 ----N,.m v r.NY ANA IN mu�nm 9n'i4 ANIMA—Aron w .AAgrmvmr.H,] CINA re.l ApNDC­.RRANNn,ADN,CDANNAANI RICANI anaquanwviu..vxvn.m.mnonaW w,reeoramr.o.nymnwmm 1.111Tx[v/n[H rzarv. pm IURARALIC. [,. wARA IA. A N otERIN asw .o-°p+` VAR a MANN sAA. ar. ssur LAN-ARxu.e SOILS REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS CS 10 OA -1.1 venarsaAe BOB W.BAY AVENUE A., Ex✓• l NEWPORTBEACH,CALIFORNIA P �� A.—IA—...-11NF,rD,�D, � G oeDSr�.E .F.::ffe —:. . IE'ALF".—DADEFFEELLE Da�.UrUR� LI IE DATA cwoixu,e«r5,w, LINf DATA S 3' 6'00"f 6.16} U B @S]R°49'S0"E 28.92'f 1 - r amt RE610ENCE R610ENCE K y NI5°39'30'E 167.65 !� w Er A J aE61oENa 4[ GARAGE hA,u x Y FAA EE LIE # INIJ 3000 E_I # I' � * FEE # # #�n u # y I/ RESIDENCE #`AC ArE* A #, GARAGE # lus LED — mcu au AEE1 p uc.erc eo1- m. _ cax # W FELIER A, —J AFFE— NAL­AEA E F 52 FEE RdM SURVEYING INC. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY wK.Sua�esaAD __ro mwPomuKx.� IE oM41 e58>N3c�� DD DDLE /,e [AD—TAG ELEVAT rp 748 c 39 STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOUNDATIONS n,« CONCRETE ABBREVIATIONSY pr"(�)°."x°.0 wauwx.r EDPx.11 AN IS REEN i�ND°TE¢Ell E (1 1 AM CONCENTO NO � 9° END AN I,Ems, I DR. All AN POUNDS PER YOULARE FORM !j TAT .,x ". UNIFORM ..° IT I'.HAD IT NM—TICKET xcEAD RE L srwo YS T SEC Frt Ell RARE MANS x i ITATERIUSE M TO' OFFER TO ANATERANAL By TIE BUILDING DMAR�MT PEATFING GERE PRIOR TO DR-ANY I wLOCATION MAY, — MUCH RECURNE r:11,MAK:X°u"a°.`u' x.wr.,.°°vxr.°r x°x OFF°°nx°'BEAT ON, z:wxw—w[Ste'`�RACEn� v c°x 5� N� r. � THE AN 1.1 N PER DEFEAT DESCRIBED UNDER MEMO NI I SCOPE CHAT,ME A'ART REPAIR TH STARGETRACTION DOCUMENTS ME SHALL OBTAIN R�IR.MY GTE.ANG OCCUL AMC. NO THE SOILS P uG e _ Q FAMS DANGER PC ME AGAIREATI .0 ,. xT wD s F o.�r.wD x TMEBUT SSS MATED mx. TO IONIC. AMEN I ING TYPE I M-1 11"I�.I'D LAW NUMM 1 -7. RE ARE IT NIGHT AN THEAT , Ass NO RE PEREJOIS OFFSET VIlUU5 AMENTS GE THE%TAN, APSYMPLAT..,AN CM . A,Am 4 7 COGNAT"GRAM INS As�TEMPORARY RECOM NEFDRE'PART OF ENT A Ms., COMMEN.TO ANTAT I As GAS AGE C ABC HNEAN DO'—'I"M I ..Ill.ANG, HE -1 CIA A-IND ANDS I NOTES AND 'AM WE FRAINERE w.EE T.xE PREaDwCE OrEn mEEE °w _/R.,se°---,5 M EEO ' �ED i mx� + m a ° E°.EO=sn`osoahw w.n TER GENERAL NOTED PHOUP APPLY WHERE �' ( MAGAVELENT,HE AC os wIT-A srRow ° . °C.:-,zCO mC N[wwse KEER IN . G. llw,xC m— EGOAF En wd zwonox.T sn.u_Dzo.PPE.rw.0 FREE O°s.,.s - _ FAULT swC.SE T.�x.LEER w Creow CcnOrons Z AGO,ITM°worms. zaE RwC«T F.,D .anC/,e En FCn '"[>.z.O.T Twrs s I.N ME LAD" --FI°x+ .a, /s cam UP o°/osrro,P .A AM.'FERE ARE A—.1 AM REST CAMILEN NO SMAREAS M AT a aO uDLEGAL w.m"cz.w° PX° nnm eu/.mw°uu,¢N-m+°.h °t/pi/i9 uxPus I ARGON NAND _IMIAA V xs lwn KINDS TAKE Cu�.�Ixo d5M5E NOR 5u BE OEM DO'S - � (- BEETURED ONSTEEL x-EM"M.-wi-PERw C�µO HE COMMUSHERI To C a E NAT GRADING ADD.RE'AP-1 Or su E CoxFOnM TU..s T.u..Fz C aYs s ea TO ALL STRAL ATENCHATITEL AIRLINE SOF .ASSETS AND�INSERTS GRATE RE DODGE I DAY,1-1 RE A SUDY 1. MITTEREAR."'A THE-1. SELL MAE DUCLUMPUT ANN LITER PREEL Ems STRUCTURAL MEE : n CAPE Am ANY EMAKI nx _ N�wiuFREDrt a _a PwTn w.T"xs RFwwEEwT sxnu.PPEv ewnxeoeay.no nm sTHICK ^9°0 1F0°E R wx SORT BE 1. Ux,Ec TO"'A""'N'HOUR:.µF THAT FEE T.'xw.PER zn.LL +�P vEFwF xCEMnn..xo nwO THE Oww wo HE Excx[w n.nwEzs o mxm.sE. z PC PRICE.C Ww°E T FE USED n..m CONCERTI ° - EnEox s x..MUM ME mPr AN,MAY.0 C.mC,T ACu ort.uw[T x CARACn°x AN RI FILE REDUCE wE w snw_BE s.RE CONCRETF TO BE CNHE FOR.MnueM OF C ows BY MET"oo ea,P, E re SUcn.E CwT T11.1 o° TOM a.�w/P.ALPERFORMANCE OF"'ON ING PHI. G 4 ARRAN ml�MIKE N"A'SAGE RE THE CAPPERN AN THE M.N. w ANGPET aOww sEEE°on To nAMEN FwRx OF Tme TO w„cRER MAY o. I- CAPINFORM TO ALI 0 LENDERS SOME ME sr.xaa MFORE RE Asm— PONCE THEIRE, rt _ DRAINS AM n rtnusa .7 E.ExE..D Ox S.FEEL on"gym EEC wn T E x n R.:+ NAILING AND FASTENERS xC MAD .1--Cul TO RED ME L TN�Om'AN NE IRETTERICAL PER4 ME 15 ADCroCH-WE °FEE T.n w.DOw a e< ® ° O 11 ABE NALS AND FASTENERS CHOSE RE SCSI AUSEEPANT PUMPS PRE AlIS I. ME,GGEN P FA.G. "GRADE ,�xw.OBE OF x AN OFF AL H OCR 18 DR,THANK ARD TO HT US STEEL ARRE.ANSTE ARPER ANT urn d�.3° E RE NALT STEEL BE E RE I- ( nu O Om IS POP..W R MACES.PAID MILES AND DRUM wEA. CON AGE 'TO ON'A GATEPARECT % AN ENTLEADY INS.CASAING AMC,"'I AM N-- °wULNnEN EIARN e y E °E s�E OF THE nn EAND aaoe.A . 1— x xn°F u[ D ° ,J °E �wxm°M TO THE DEBT E,°x OFTHE THE G185AN BE MANNUFACTUATED BY NA-PF CO.AT. FOR _ '"` MAN 011 TO THE PROOD' ARE By NAL INNATIES GRADING NOTES EE AS xFwuD x cOo< ""`x0,°E O PUNCHED BURNING OF HGER SHALL NOT BE P�IIEB_ALL .u_BE°,uwcs HOT wP wEvw zE of EP°nv(MUCH azUsxna�Eo��OD E MCENTBIRxwOO z eCnFI AN N. GREAT A w.MEAN sm CHALL DUE BE�C�AND -PAT MY FIN AM "GO POOL A " -.-OEM-.sn+onC � MOM MANAGER SGUALL MASUFARECTIRES AT, I, REARS 1, THE ANTERATED TOTAL MADJAME AT ME AND RE IGH C nRF,. REINFORCING STEEL WHERE MENmmAUAL OR AmHNAWE N ortE/ww F.os.. .. PACE SE cex"AES P.mD .....PCw«eeF a THE,MINGRES1'EMIT IS awE': E.xs FOR ° P0N H°oCT x°rz FFBEFFERET E°"n:iwm w r SCAN AS WE a TUAEs _ .INGE mAooi E OECD w EC°ons °)C0 o°as°/o°w RE A RECORDED PASCAL BY NO THE Ell" .w.SE iwEs.SP.w sTC...AND w.z CAM1.¢mx PuoxA un Cn DEPARTMENT Dws CONTRACTOR B AGREES ENGINEER MAN DUSTs N�reRE �x C : of Pam+CW. P.nECD ow., E)M[[Cez NOTED.11 p1::'i"YMOC°o:O D ENDS BE DA HOPES eoneM ADD z°["�MUM III'DIiwe[x.T v.' ixeu m oo. F RF,.ow THE uTiER o.R CR ro MT.w IF—� xnEFL RE� „:+P.Rw°. GENERAL SPECIAL INSPECTIONS '-' '° - i s s,AREAS SAILE RE HE PFmMmUN IF;:1-a w:es'WE m � wR won IAA I w GAP a a, N Pnorm Ex,EE o�DOCTOR 11 TO N CONCRETE AFTER RE ANTER, REINFORCING STEP AT MENTER OF SLAY UNCEI CDA,GEORGE ; .°n _MATTER CANNOT,INAPEACTION IS RECORD FOR TOR FOLLOWED _ z ,y. 4_ NFADx xE.vuuFi[d 5 x O mE.M L) axE _ IS INGRE E) r .� X 2 GLATUDEAS OF END SLECANDEF BOB-'. HAS I- , w`xnFm„wwn swu g To�D W FAME NOT RaFTwiwu'[onU.S.u.mw u¢ET m ; OTHENTNON-COMPT NJOUS. ♦.. W If ME RESIGNEDMANINUMANNEw A9 ETv ExCEE5 w v° S E P .. ry 2 y rcan TIRE w.w RE x Pua.T TIE Ew OF THE-"E MFI ITHEew.vxS.ILANY ALL LT ANP l mn [Es.iS x.+Fx s¢E+ewa. SPIDN"WALL�D MR FACTIONAL REPAIR NY­ETmA w THEAS ME PRIOR TO�CD PErtuT uxEEE w..m By ,. ARGUL PARGTHErsD,nL we Pr.°c-w _ ores AND M C x _..,._a z F NCE AMID- WEEKS a AD DO ALL DEREFFER EMPLOY.HOME EYEADON IN AM AFFM �.A%Mt A TIM RAKED AN'MR WAS/FR�n.vs N wDe.° °E HOPE Wow w. n«.Ex �P "�: BURNED°w.�n onTv. — rc w m m Am v ow E.p°'.�MEE roE°'ROmC WHER PREPING�INUDUg OR AFFEREGUIC SPECIAL INSPECTION NEED FIT HAVEE o c o By mE°U`F°wnm CATER FILL BE DONE TMEo,.HE MORE xE EM rtE OwCD. O A ^8 BACKFILLIx�A COMPACTION NOTES 'E a-LANE PREPTUAL INSPECTION WRAP THELENT 11.1 IS MY AMSTERDAM MEDICINES SHOP. 1, NAL(2)PR xM EDEmMl N w� ANT INSPECTION °EwM.rox Ell rc o m FROMF w ..SPELW x°PECT°x�s RNMIN Fo"PIE riwe n¢mws. Ems"m TO Tom. EEn x PRICE T VICINITY MAP "( U NAILING NOTEMI AM EST OF_ .� ,C. THE DE INALL ME As ED ANDATH°E METAL THERµmw' SCOPE OF WORK.wIt �UC�GART E oWEa IMARAL � ITA� �.RE MAP NAT A E I NEW OP R RODS$N.0 mxFOEM TO AC TM.nzz-as cv,w NAT UNEMF.O xns,aEW. n FF - ns PC�R�LEASE AR mmAAPmNPJNm ACmmn-sCs,EnE.�"TE. xa(YES, .xo wsoxmANYYET e°K PENSIONINGATER MSS PENSION RCFz To PLACES COMPLETE EGYPT-.wMPpRON "ac°NUGH ERNE CONCRETE REPAIR PuxcEUP HAD AM GIOULD Am BEENT YOU CAN °u E. -.T THE IMERT AN TO-N RANDALL NOR A NEW A NBC AMEOPPROD MAYFF TOR —I.OF CONCRETE MOM wv.E ww.oP o GRAN WALL ON TC pr w.uMY ME ALTERFAREED BY NOTE TO THE&DDERB A TOw aPoR+M MARAT A,THE wE°F�0 ro wrDFune un wow x TM°Cm"UC°FN uozINFULT ME FEE[.aznxc Ccn[Ere N TO, THE CURRENT CR.cxz.WHERE A .1 —,�.'A- RECOMMEND G THAI ME CAMAYS STILL RUN A��y CONCERTIN NEW i°� .Fo M Z EFOR THE ENCREFOR 6 NET NORMAL AN REQUIRED PER ems COACH ILL CORM TO GULANY nor Syy-O W 40 W BAY AVE u1 i I I F P 1--l.-N LT - _ 3 °II : x t . -- m I , IN-1 1` (fl R� �wa rvn u TOW[ I 6 $L "�-¢I 0— po INO -IL sO` x� l roxmm g NEWPORT BAY 1 ---------------------- 3 a . w I u X w BITE PLAN "'"`' O w si ssia wu ac mo,xc,cn N'µc u_x�x P.—r ONE t4 a¢.°x wrv, (x) x - — wu—tee m y ' S II r; I� ..Oy cwixe ece,=wex'x �U m� Iq Ox[wi 11yu10..0 o o I II II I I I III III a �o , i I pPry a'LL 1 n I II TI I I I I I I I Iq mxc wxfl M 2 � ��1 li li li Q 1 1 1 Ili 1 I I 1 Z SW-1 w BULKHEAD ELEVATION V � d 1 1 d ,a n �N� r�r a r o WILY, wr, sty:.MO tonmw) s Eizwa �Ac. un 4 !a HE A—o.o. aw3 : a°°'� w dos°' voee..reo.uar +rt)zq mlr am LEE,m M)n.I-u m� ucxI rw4 11 J ."A,ow.O DEN'° @ - - . 11 AN Q t) IEo.rN, "I"'cmrm�e° Y✓F 4 : 1.cIN(MEY H IN IT" MED LENTE E�Ewu.rw.NO.suxx (5 ao� ® smhNrrsu..aa nor swNr.�-,-Ia o.[. m a»N r.o W4 DEADMEN ELEVATION - A SECTION AT DEADMEN ATES .Sr"A" °i z�zx a.v ne w,ors - m GO.rrxEr TOO 0° 'gin. i�r�oro msa4.mHIGE,I.usa irso r .ram u.uw. a snarn 'ME o aalON NY E uw"O`"" s.N,aEE< wo u r r,Ps m w tEr nE-..an a.c: .AN HADENI L. mx,EFEET am ovw wuvu. rnxE — swears uiw<riox swo - m arvux no r I T, EYE ONo F`uws N.n0 cacow �urvEA� wE ..z u x _s g n«KK —yi a �z xn zo ao w m.FEELETE'TO o cnr rsNoonzt-'-# cm.mrON...'I. mE..s wsuw L pgp£q N PttPJLTW O6 FIELD WT 110I s[Pux INEGATEGION AID ETH AN INTO m[ttuauu E:[xvmu aar.nw� a8HAD DO"(YYA��LiewNIuGro wDD r[Ywr ME TOG", tlpII TO NINE N C ATE IF INGLEAGE MILLING YEA-MANDATE HE.CENTER HE 9¢H IE Nuv pOOER FO0AD IT LANGED�1.axOO.wa:v Nn uww DCP COUPLER DETAIL c0 ""- G TYPICAL SECTION Ku >� .11 aA GETED All— .y; no xo ED 0 Ful As IL GI.G HERENTNO3 Fm i'cn.uanI '.{ NtLL LEF DAGOT MAT, AAA ALTH IS oz �rI REV L r i rorr�� ;. a, DOME. s ��u:maws erswOa i wO ,m e.aM LENm„o zu' o`rO E.EH SANDBAG VELOCITY REDUCER DETAIL O OO `r'"a;O,O"NA THED AA MN OF aNr° w.. II n 4N.D@nn DON- z m IN NI rsw — o.cErrwn nosA.n GI - _ w VELOCITY REDUCER DETAIL L oa.s za osrN: II CDREDRILL DETAILr I. °i°10 Q w '� x t_ z¢a`¢' rwo am _ N.w�Gs wrN `T JII NEx www`" o m m Ow mw rs ETA 6 nmE K Is 0 m ZSSY O U_ tE)IXK rw¢ LIAGGE E a0 A_ HE ANA `THE,TA. ry ~ pg LL OF TOE OF SLOPE PROTECTION DETAIL aw a � ae Q umr: Z THEL N n wNr.�rEus SW-2 W TOE OF NATOAN NOF SLOPE PROTECTION - R SECTION AT STEM WALLNTT-- T U V a