HomeMy WebLinkAboutM2018-0078 - MiscPMA CONSULTING, INC. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 28161 Casitas Ct. PH. (714) 717-7542 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 e-mail: p.petrov@pma-bg.com March 29, 2018 Mr. Randy Davis 88 Linda Isle Newport Beach, CA 92660 1"12018-6078 88Zinda We RE: STRUCTURAL CONDITION OF SEAWALL AND TIE -BACKS REPORT PMA Job #23518 Dear Mr. Davis, PMA Consulting, Inc. is pleased to provide this report in accordance with Note 4 under Building Department Notes on the enclosed Architectural Title Sheet Al. STATEMENT OF THE PREPARER'S QUALIFICATIONS Plamen Petrov, P.E., the preparer of this report, holds a Master of Science in Structural Engineering from University of Architecture, Structural Engineering & Geodesy of Sofia, Bulgaria, and is a Licensed Civil Engineer by the State of California Certificate No. C66947. For the last 19 years of his professional career he has been actively involved in the design and entitlement of many Waterfront Developments such as custom homes, seawalls, piers, platforms, floating docks and marinas. A great number of Bulkhead Condition Reports prepared by him have been reviewed and accepted/approved by California Coastal Commission. All the above being said, Plamen Petrov, P.E. shall be considered a qualified preparer for this report. OBSERVATION Cursory observation of the existing seawall/bulkhead assembly was conducted by a representative of our office on March 21, 2018. Observed was the visible/exposed part of the waterfront face of the seawallibulkhead, and the visible/exposed length of four tie -backs and deadmen/tie-blocks. FINDINGS The pre -cast jetted -in seawall panels and cast -in-place concrete coping were found in good condition, without noticeable evidence of distress. The cast -in-place coping seemed repaired recently. Observed were some minor cracks on the panels, which is typical for a concrete structure of this vintage. There were some panels joints with missing filler. No structural deficiencies were observed on the exposed tie -backs and deadmen/tie-blocks. Tie -backs were covered by PVC Pipe/Sleeve embedded into deadmen/tie-blocks. Due to the in-place concrete deck behind the bulkhead connections of tie -backs to the coping were not exposed, thus not observed. CONCLUSION Based on the above listed findings, we conclude that repair to the existing seawall assembly in conjunction with the construction of the new dwelling is not necessary. To prevent soil migration from behind the bulkhead, we recommend that all joins with missing filler are properly grouted by a contractor specializing in concrete restoration. The above conclusion & recommendation were prepared based on the existing conditions, proposed drawings, and within the inherent limitations of this study, in accordance with generally acceptable engineering principles and practices. We make no further warranty, either expressed or implied. PMA Consulting, hie. appreciates the opportunity to work with you towards the successful completion of your project. Should you have any questions regarding this report, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, Plamen Petrov, P.E. Principal Enclosure: Architectural Title Sheet Al.