HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/13/2006 - Study SessionCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Minutes Study Session June 13, 2006 — 3:00 p.nL ROLL CALL Present: Council Member Selich, Mayor Pro Tern Rosansky, Mayor Webb, Council Member Ridgeway, Council Member Daigle Excused: Council Member Curry, Council Member Nichols Mayor Pro Tern Rosansky arrived at 4:10 p.m. CURRENT,BUSINESS 1. CLARIFICATION OF ITEMS ON THE CONSENT CALENDAR. In response to Council questions about Item 9 (MOU with the California Coastal Commission for Corona del Mar Beach Replenishment Funds), Harbor Resources Manager Rossmiller explained where the beach replenishment will take place. In response to Council questions about Item 3 (Multiple Vessel Mooring System Pilot Program), Harbor Resources Manager Rossmiller explained the differences between a single point and double point mooring, and noted that any project of this type would come before staff for approval. 2. DEPARTMENT BUDGET OVERVIEW. Using. a PowerPoint presentation, City Attorney Clauson reviewed the City Attorney budget, discussed the number of personnel in the department, highlighted the duties of and the services provided by the City Attorney's office, and clarified that the City contracts with the District Attorney's office to enforce City municipal codes that have been criminally cited. Captain Desmond reported that the Police Department's budget totals $39.6 million. He reported that there is an increase in the Maintenance and Operations (M &O) budget of $846,000, but a decrease in the Capital Outlay budget. He explained why the department is requesting an additional Community Service Officer assigned to the Property and Evidence Unit and added that they currently have a one - person operation while Costa Mesa has eight people. He added that they are also requesting that the existing ABLE Program Contract Position be converted to a new full -time position and discussed the ABLE Program cost sharing between the City, Costa Mesa, and Santa Ana. He displayed and discussed the functions of each division and explained what planning and research does. He reported that they estimate generating over $5.6 million of revenue and discussed some of the revenue sources. He also discussed the grants that supplement the department's budget. In response to Council questions, Administrative Services Director Danner indicated that the increase in insurance costs mostly reflects the increase in general liability insurance rates and the increased amount of funding to the reserve. He noted that they kept the rate flat last year by using the reserve, but have now decided to increase all the City department's charges in the Volume 57 - Page 681 City of Newport Beach Study Session Minutes June 13, 2006 upcoming fiscal year. He explained that the City goes out to bid for insurance carriers. Police Chief McDonell reported that the City is typically not listed on the FBI's crime statistics for Orange County because the population is under 100,000; however, the City's crime rate only increases 1% or 2% each year. City Manager Bludau commended Police Chief McDonell for his efforts in getting the COPLINK program through 21 city councils. He also reported that the City has discussed the Police facility perimeter fencing with The Irvine Company and they have approved what the City is recommending. Planning Director Temple reported that a consultant study supports adding more Planning staff. Assistant City Manager Wood clarified that the consultant study is looking at the Planning Department, Building Department, and Public Works Department processes and made a suggestion about Planning's staffing, even though this was not part of their scope. She reported that a study relative to Planning staffing is being done in- house. She pointed out that, even after the completion of the economic analysis associated with the General Plan, Senior Planners will not be doing plan checks because they are not trained to do them. She further explained the duties of the economic development staff. Council Member Ridgeway emphasized the need for better communication between the Building and Planning Departments. Planning Director Temple reported that the Planning Department's budget is status quo and displayed the budget, a list of responsibilities, the workload indicators, and the department's significant special projects. She discussed the Zoning Administrator position and the workload complexities the department faces. She displayed the department's revenue sources and indicated that it is relatively stable. In response to Council questions, Administrative Services Director Danner reported that a revenue study was conducted in 1995 and indicated that a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) has been sent to firms that evaluate baselines. He noted that this was discussed by the Finance Committee in 2005 and with Council in January. He indicated that the study was initially only going to review cost of services, but impact mitigation fees can be evaluated if that is Council's direction. Building Director Elbettar displayed their mission statement, the overall department allocation plan, and the budget by division. He noted that their budget is status quo and that they are revenue neutral. He outlined some of their challenges, particularly due to the increase in volume of work over the past nine years. Further, they are still using the 1997 Building Code, which means that they have not been up -to -date with new technology. He reported that 90% of their plan checks were completed within the four week timelimit. He discussed staffing since 2003 and reviewed the organizational chart. He displayed the service indicators and revenue worksheet construction activity report. He discussed construction valuation and explained what they base their estimates on. He reviewed future programs and service enhancements, and discussed the benefits of each of them. He also discussed the quality of work performed by outside consultants. City Manager Bludau added that, last year, it was discovered that the City would save money by hiring more engineers and relying less on outside consultants. In response to Council questions, Building Director Elbettar explained that they cannot accept plans on CDs because there is no uniform format and software. Further, there is no screen large enough to view and make corrections to the plans. He further reviewed the retention schedule for plans and explained how they are archived and available electronically. Administrative Services Director Danner noted that the Council Chambers is a wireless hotspot for both the City and the public; however, City Hall is not a hotspot for the public. General Services Director Harmon displayed their mission statement and department goals. He emphasized what they have done to be environmentally responsible, noting that the City is Volume 57 - Page 682 City of Newport Beach Study Session Minutes June 13, 2006 State - certified that it has diverted 54% of its refuse. He reported that they are also trying to come up with a household hazardous waste and bulk item removal program. He highlighted their current programs /services and accomplishments from the last fiscal year. He reviewed the structure of the department and noted that they have 119 people out in the field. He reviewed the budget overview and explained that the increase is due to salaries and benefits, supplies and materials, and the cost of contracts. He further reviewed the key challenges each of the divisions are facing. He announced that they are requesting a new Maintenance Worker I position and discussed the start -up of a pilot program for automated refuse collection in areas with wider streets. He indicated that they will be working with Planning to create a buffer zone in areas like the Peninsula so refuse trucks can go down the streets and alleys without the concern of hitting the second story of a structure because it encroaches completely to the property line. City Manager Bludau noted that General Services requested four new positions but was only approved for the one position. Library Services Director Katsouleas reviewed the annual statistics for the library and reported that the library owns 365,000 items. She highlighted the seven divisions and their budgets, and explained that the budget increase is mostly due to the 7% book budget increase and the increase in upkeep, maintenance, hours of service, and staffing needed at Mariners Library. She displayed the major expenditures, the Art and Cultural Services special expenditures, and the number of employees. She pointed out that they are not a big revenue creator, but they do receive fees for service and sometimes intergovernmental reimbursements and donations. She reviewed the events and accomplishments from the 2005 -2006 fiscal year and what they anticipate for the 2006 -2007 fiscal year. She announced that they are requesting one full -time Library Assistant for the Mariners Library. City Manager Bludau noted that they requested more positions but was only approved for the one position. Regarding Council questions about the Corona del Mar Library, Library Services Director Katsouleas indicated that they are budgeting for new carpet and painting of the facility, but will not do the improvements until the City decides if it will be retiring the building. City Manager Bludau noted that a facility report will be coming to Council within the next two months. Recreation and Senior Services Director Knight displayed their mission statement, budget overview, and division budget and revenue breakdowns, and indicated that their budget is status quo. She reviewed the department structure and explained who uses their programs. She reviewed the services offered at OASIS Senior Center, how it generates a little bit of revenue, its additional funding sources, and the support they receive from Friends of OASIS. She noted that the OASIS Needs Assessment survey ends in two weeks. She reported that the Recreation and Senior Services Department anticipates an increase in program expenses, which will be slightly offset by an increase in revenue. She also reviewed aquatic program enhancements, the increase of support needed for special events, and the new Catch the Healthy Wave! program that promotes health and fitness in all the City programs. She concluded by discussing the upcoming Centennial celebrations and the 2006 -2007 goals and highlights. In response to Council Member Ridgeway's question, Recreation and Senior Services Director Knight indicated that the operations of the two ball fields at Ridge Park could be handled by current staff and the scheduling of the fields would be handled like other City fields. She noted that maintenance would be handled by General Services. She reported that a staff report on this will be coming before Council at the next meeting. Public Works Director Badum displayed their mission statement, goals, the department's focus for the upcoming fiscal year, and the budget overview. He highlighted the significant changes Volume 57 - Page 683 City of Newport Beach Study Session Minutes June 13, 2006 and the reasons for needing to add a Principal Engineer, add an Associate Engineer, and reintroduce a Survey Technician. He discussed the reasons for the changes in the department expenses and displayed slides of the 2005 -2006 fiscal year completed projects and current and future projects. City Manager Bludau indicated that that the General Services and Public Works Departments will be collaborating to identify projects for the alley replacement program. City Attorney Clauson believed that the use of outside contract project managers started when the City managed the Central Library project and ended up in litigation. She agreed that staff cannot devote the time and attention that the larger projects need. Public Works Director Badum noted that the Mariners Library was managed by an outside consultant. Regarding the Project Management Position, Public Works Director Badum explained that current staff cannot manage any more contracts and that delaying projects costs money, especially with escalating construction costs. City Manager Bludau added that Principal Civil Engineer Stein has been focusing on environmental issues, water quality, grants, and studies, so Public Works has been backfilling for that position. Public Works Director Badum noted that they will still use contract services for some of the larger projects, but a majority of the projects will remain in- house. He reported that the nine engineers manage 120 capital projects and cannot take on any more work. Mayor Webb emphasized that it still takes a lot of time to manage the consultants. Mayor Pro Tem Rosansky requested that background information be sent to Council that shows the increase in the baseline number of projects to justify the position. Public Works Director Badum also referred Council to the bar chart of the 20 -year CIP history. City Manager Bludau indicated that there is also a study that shows how many projects the City's Public Works Department handles compared to other cities. Utilities Director Antista introduced the new Administrative Manager, Cynthia Asher. He indicated that the budget is status quo and displayed the department operating budget and each of the division's functions, budgets, personnel changes, operational changes, and large expenditures. He also discussed which divisions generate revenue or collects fees. In response to Council questions, Utilities Director Antista explained that the electricity costs used to be paid from one account and now are split by division. He reported that the electricity costs have increased 10% to 20 %. He explained that the Wastewater Division videotapes the sewer lines to prevent them from overflowing. Operations Manager Burt added that they also root cut and foam the entire system. Regarding the oil field improvement program, Utilities Director Antista reported that, for next year's CIP budget, they will be making a recommendation to the Oil and Gas Field Operations Committee that will prolong oil production. Council Member Daigle indicated that it would be helpful if Council can learn more about the streetlight replacement program. Mayor Webb noted that this has not come before Council for about 10 years, but explained that the 15 -year program, if funded annually, tries to update the series circuit systems. She requested that the City work with the residents around Bonita Creek Park and San Miguel Parks relative to light pole replacements. City Manager Bludau assured Council that the light poles would not be higher than they are now and the lights would still face downward. Regarding the Newport Island channel circulation project, Assistant City Manager Kiff reported that they may abandon the project since the State indicated that they would not provide funding for a scaled back project. Council suggested that public input still be received during a meeting. Volume 57 - Page 684 City of Newport Beach Study Session Minutes June 13, 2006 Louise Fundenberg, President of the Central Newport Beach Community Association, expressed concern that no money has been budgeted for a flashing crosswalk at 23rd Street. She also expressed concern about the lack of a lighted crosswalk in front of Cassidy's Bar. Council Member Ridgeway indicated that he will set up a meeting for her to meet with the Public Works Director, the Traffic/Development Services Manager, and himself to discuss her issues. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None. City Attorney Clauson reported that an issue arose after the Closed Session agenda was posted and requested that Council take action to add an item to the agenda relative to a real estate negotiation issue involving the Caltrans West property at the northwest corner of Superior Avenue and West Coast Highway. She indicated that the City negotiators for the property acquisition are Mayor Pro Tern Rosansky and Assistant City Manager Kiff. She noted that a unanimous vote is required to add the item to the agenda. Motion by Council Member Ridgeway to add an item to the Closed Session agenda relative to a real estate negotiation issue involving the Caltrans West property at the northwest corner of Superior Avenue and West Coast Highway. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Selich, Mayor Pro Tern Rosansky, Mayor Webb, Council Member Ridgeway, Council Member Daigle Absent: Council Member Curry, Council Member Nichols ADJOURNMENT - 6:00 p.m. The agenda for the Regular Meeting was posted on June 7, 2006, at 3:45 p.m on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. City Clerk Recording Secretary � j Mayor Volume 57 - Page 685