HomeMy WebLinkAbout24 - Central Library Lecture Hall Building Design — Approval of Professional Services Agreement (19F11)Q SEW Pp�T CITY OF z NEWPORT BEACH c<,FORN'P City Council Staff Report November 19, 2019 Agenda Item No. 24 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: David A. Webb, Public Works Director - 949-644-3311, dawebb@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Peter Tauscher, Senior Civil Engineer - 949-644-3316, ptauscher@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3316 TITLE: Central Library Lecture Hall Building Design — Approval of Professional Services Agreement (19F11) ABSTRACT: At the City Council Study Session on March 12, 2019, staff, as well as a member of the Board of Library Trustees, presented some high-level ideas and concepts for a potential new Central Library Lecture Hall (LLH). At the conclusion of the presentation, City Council endorsed support for a potential LLH project. In June, the Council approved additional funding in the adopted FY 2019-20 Capital Improvement Program budget (page 2) for development of conceptual plans and project cost estimate. On July 9, 2019, Council established the Library Lecture Hall Design Committee (LLHDC) to oversee the project design consultant selection and overall design of the proposed new facility. In anticipation of the LLHDC work, staff issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for professional architectural, conceptual planning and engineering services to prepare concept plans, project permitting and construction documents for the LLH which would be located on the existing Central Library campus. The LLHDC has now reviewed the design consultants proposals, conducted interviews of the top qualified design teams and recommends City Council's approval and awarding of a Professional Services Agreement to Robert Coffee Architects + Associates (RCA) to provide necessary professional design services for the new LLH. Nx0101LhI TT I=10117_111[a]►F a) Determine this this action is exempt from environmental review under CEQA pursuant to the categorical exemptions set forth in Sections 15301 (Existing Facilities) and, 15303 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because there is no substantial evidence demonstrating an exception to reliance on the categorical exemptions; b) Approve the Second Amendment to the Declaration of Special Land Use Restrictions on the property between the City of Newport Beach and The Irvine Company LLC; c) Approve a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with RCA of Newport Beach, California, for the Lecture Hall project at a not -to -exceed price of $637,670, and authorize the City Manager and City Clerk to execute the Agreement on a form approved as to form by the City Attorney; and 24-1 Central Library Lecture Hall Building Design — Approval of Professional Services Agreement (19F11)November 19, 2019 Page 2 d) Approve Budget Amendment No. 20-021 appropriating $110,000.00 from Building Excise Tax Fund Balance to the Lecture Hall project 19F11. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: The current Capital Improvement Program budget includes $550,000 for the LLH project. The Budget Amendment appropriates an additional $110,000 from the Building Excise Tax Fund Balance to the LLH project (account No. 56201-980000-19F11). Upon approval of the proposed budget amendment, sufficient funding is available for the award of this contract. Staff has also included approximately $22,000 to cover miscellaneous costs related to incidentals, utility coordination and printing. If Council approves of this Professional Services Agreement for project design services, the next project funding decision will need to be considered when the building Concept Plans and project cost estimate return to City Council for review. At that time, should Council want to continue forward with the design, bidding and construction phases, additional project funding will need to be appropriated as well as the level of outside private funding contributions that will be required. DISCUSSION: The Central Library building was first completed in 1994, and later expanded in 2013, which incorporated a second entrance, connecting the Central Library to the Civic Center and Park. Coupled with the development of the Central Library facility is the growing success of numerous on-going programs and community events held at the Central Library including guest speakers and presentations, mostly at the Friend's room. The Library Services Department reports that such programing at the Central Library has increased from approximately 28,000 participants in FY 2009-10 to over 72,000 participants in FY 2018-19. The Board of Library Trustees and Library Services Department are now requesting the development of a new LLH building within the current Central Library property to address the inherent limitations of the Friend's room, which has become more apparent due to the increasing demand for Library programing. The project scope of work would include developing conceptual building designs for review, refinement, project cost estimating and eventual Council approval of an approximately 7,000 SF, 275 -seat, new LLH (including site work, landscaping and any necessary parking lot modifications); completing the final design plans and specification; obtaining the required permits for construction; and preparing the necessary bid package. The first actions for the placement of LLH on the Central Library parcel is an amendment to the Special Land Use Restrictions (SLUR) agreement with The Irvine Company to allow the LLH use on the Library parcel. This is the second amendment to the SLUR agreement; the first amendment accommodated the Central Library addition in 2010. The amendment includes adding a Lecture Hall to the property to conduct library, cultural, training, education, information, entertainment, civic and community focused programing and uses. The updated SLUR key requirements are: 24-2 Central Library Lecture Hall Building Design — Approval of Professional Services Agreement (19F11)November 19, 2019 Page 3 • The LLH shall not exceed 10,000 SF, • Intended uses do not compete with retail and commercial businesses in the shopping center; and • Public parking spaces shall not be reduced to accommodate the LLH. There are currently 172 public parking spaces on the Library parcel. Staff recommends approval of the attached second amendment to this SLUR agreement with The Irvine Company. At the March 12, 2019, study session, Council endorsed support for this project and the architect team selection process. At the meeting, the library supporters agreed to partner with the City for completing this project. Council directed staff to return to Council with a recommendation for awarding the design PSA contract for developing concept and final design plans. On June 3, 2019, nine architectural design firms were sent an RFP package and on July 18, 2019, seven proposals were received. On July 9, 2019, City Council action adopted Resolution 2019-70 establishing the Library Lecture Hall Design Committee, including appointing Mayor Dixon as one of the five committee members. The LLHDC is a City Council Advisory Committee scheduled to expire upon the opening of the LLH. The LLHDC was formed to undertake a review of the design consultant's proposals and provide a recommendation to City Council which design consultant LLHDC believes is best qualified for the project. With the formation of the LLHDC, staff distributed the seven Design Consultant proposals for their review. The LLHDC agendized and conducted public meetings on July 31, August 19, September 19, and October 10, 2019 discussing the seven proposals; conducting interviews with four firms, and ultimately recommending the RCA design team for the LLH project. Supported by the entire LLHDC, RCA was unanimously selected as the most qualified and responsive firm for this project. RCA has an impressive record of accomplishments, having successfully completed several building projects for various agencies throughout Southern California including Newport Beach's OASIS Senior Center. The proposed not -to -exceed fee of $637,670.00 is consistent with the level of design effort (work hours) that is required to complete this project. The work scope includes developing four conceptual designs; attending community and LLHDC meetings; and presenting concepts to Council. Upon completion and approval of preferred concept plans, continued development of the LLH design will entail refining spaces, selecting materials, and working with utility companies on final design plans; obtaining necessary building permits; and preparing the construction bid documents. The LLH project design fees shall be expensed in three phases: • Phase 1 — research, programing, planning and Concept design ($197,635); • Phase 2 — design and planning approvals ($18,000) • Phase 3 — construction document and bidding ($407,035) 24-3 Central Library Lecture Hall Building Design — Approval of Professional Services Agreement (19F11)November 19, 2019 Page 4 At the conclusion of Phase 1, the project Concept Plans and cost estimate will be presented to the City Council with a recommendation from the LLHDC. Should the City Council approve the project Concept Plans, cost estimate and necessary project funding, RCA will then be instructed to complete Phases 2 and 3 of this design contract. The time necessary to complete the Concept Design, obtain all the necessary approvals, complete the project design and award a project for construction is estimated to take approximately 18 months. Project construction would be anticipated to begin in Summer 2021. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find the action of hiring a design consultant and approving a budget amendment not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to 15060(c)(3),in that the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378 of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3. The retention of a design consultant does not authorize any specific development or project and would only provide preliminary conceptual design options for a potential future project that would be subject to subsequent environmental review. Furthermore, staff recommends that the City Council find that the action of amending the SLUR to enable use of the Library parcel for the LLH is exempt from environmental review under CEQA pursuant to the categorical exemptions set forth in Sections 15301 (Existing Facilities) and 15303 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because there is no substantial evidence demonstrating an exception to reliance on the categorical exemptions. The amendment to the SLUR does not authorize development independently, but would allow eventual design of additional buildings on-site (if authorized under separate review and approval). The future buildings will be limited to no more than 10,000 square feet and would meet the requirements of the Class 1 and Class 3 Exemptions. The general exceptions to Categorical Exemptions would not apply to this project as there are no unusual circumstances (CEQA Guidelines Section 153002(b) and (c)), and there would be no cumulative impacts. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Location Map Attachment B — CEQA Exemption Attachment C — Budget Amendment 20-021 Attachment D — Special Land Use Restrictions Agreement Attachment E — Public Comments 24-4 LENGEND = PROPOSED LECTI Attachment A )EL MAR ZA CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CENTRAL LIBRARY LECTURE HALL LOCATION MAP CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT C-7444-2 1 11/19/19 24-5 ATTACHMENT B CEQA Exemption 15301 (Existina Facilities CEQA' s Class 1 Exemption applies to the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures or topographical features involving negligible or no expansion of a use beyond the use existing at the time of the lead agency's CEQA determination. (CEQA Guidelines, § 15301.) This exemption includes additions of up to 10,000 square feet in areas where all public services and facilities are available to allow for maximum development permissible in the General Plan and is not located in an environmentally sensitive area. The General Plan Land Use Designation PF (Public Facilities) does not include floor area limitations (CEQA Guidelines, § 15301(c).) The portion of the Property used for the Project would be less than one acre in size and is located on the southwest side of the library adjacent to Avocado Avenue. The required replacement parking would be mostly located across the existing surface parking lot near the MacArthur Boulevard boundary of the Property, where there is currently landscaping, hardscaping, and a sculpture. The Property currently consists of the library and surface parking, but adjacencies include the civic center buildings, a parking structure, as well as surface parking lots. The Project is an agreement that allows the future construction of a new library lecture hall facility consisting of no more than 10,000 square feet within existing developed areas that are not environmentally sensitive. The structure would complement the existing facilities on- site and provide additional space to conduct public activities such as performances and lectures. In this urban, developed area, utilities including water main, sewage, and other utilities are available on the Property, and minor extensions will be needed to connect to the library lecture hall facilities. The operation would be subject to all applicable City regulations regarding environmental quality, including noise and water quality. The Project allows for the future operation and minor alteration of existing public facilities involving negligible expansion of the existing use, which are exempt from CEQA pursuant to the Class 1 Exemption. 15303 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) CEQA's Class 3 Exemption applies to the construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures and the installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures. (CEQA Guidelines, § 15303.) This exemption includes the construction of up to four (4) nonresidential buildings not exceeding 10,0000 square feet in urbanized areas on sites zoned for such use, not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous substances, where all necessary public services and facilities are available, and not located in an environmentally sensitive area (CEQA Guidelines, § 15303(c).) The exemption also applies to street, water main, sewage, electricity, gas, and other utility extensions of reasonable length used to serve such exempt constructions. (CEQA Guidelines, § 15303(d).) Here, the proposed project includes an agreement that allows for the future construction of additional buildings on the Central Library campus that would not exceed 10,000 square feet. In this urban, developed area, utilities including water main, sewage, and other utilities are available on site, and only minor extensions will be needed to connect to the future building(s). The area is not environmentally sensitive and is therefore exempt from CEQA pursuant to the Class 3 Exemption. 24-6 CEQA Exemption Page 2 of 2 Categorical exemptions are subject to two general exceptions and three specific exceptions for Class 3: • A categorical exemption does not apply to a project when the cumulative impact of successive projects of the same type in the same place over time is significant. • A categorical exemption may not be used for a project when there is a reasonable possibility that the activity will have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances. (CEQA Guidelines section 153002(b) and (c).) • Class 3 is also qualified by consideration of where the project is located. The exemption shall not be used for a project that may result in damage to scenic resources. It shall not be used for a project located on a site that is considered a hazardous waste site, pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code. Lastly, the exemption shall not be used for a project that may cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of historical resource. As indicated above, multiple categorical exemptions apply to the Project demonstrating no significant effects. The Project does not contribute to any cumulatively significant impacts when considered in conjunction with other projects. The Project would be designed and operated in a safe and sanitary manner, and impacts on surrounding properties would be minimized. The Project does not present unusual circumstances that would result in a significant effect. The exceptions to this Class 3 listed under Section 15300.2 are not applicable. The Project location does not impact an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern, does not result in cumulative impacts, does not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, does not damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway, is not a hazardous waste site, and is not identified as a historical resource. 24-7 ATTACHMENT C 4VW PoRT 0� ,,; e City of Newport Beach BUDGET AMENDMENT °9 FOaN P 2019-20 BA#. 20-021 Department: Public Works ONE TIME: ❑✓ Yes ❑No Requestor: Angela Crespi ❑ CITY MANAGER'S APPROVAL ONLY Approvals (Finance Directod: 6 Date t I- I- t g I ❑ COUNCIL APPROVAL REQUIRED 'City Clerk: `�� Date EXPLANATION FOR REQUEST: To increase expenditure appropriations from the Building Excise Tax Fund unappropriated fund balance to be used ❑from existing budget appropriations towards the award of the Central Library Lecture Hall Design contract. ❑from additional estimated revenues ❑✓ from unappropriated fund balance REVENUES Fund # Org_-_ Object__- Project Descriptio Increase or )Decrease) $ 562 '56299 ---- -- ;691141 - - --- -__- -- Parks and Community Transfer In — - i $110,000.00 - ----- - - --- -a : ._—...... .._....__....-- — -- - + — -- - - ---- Subtotal - $110,000.00 EXPENDITURES Fund # Or Object Project Description Increase or (Decrease) $ 141 14199 - .. _ 991562 -- Budding Excise Tax -Transfer Out - $110,000.00 y 562 156201 _ -- 980000 19F11 - -- !Parks & Community _ Library Lecture Hall 1 $110,000 00 I T. -�............... ..... ... .. i Subtotali $220,000.00 FUND BALANCE Fund # Object Description.... .... _. ......... ......._ .. .. ... _ .. Increase or (Decrease) $ 141 300000 Budding Excise Tax Fund - Fund Balance Control ($110,000.00) Subtotal; x$110 OOC 00) Fund Balance Change Required ATTACHMENT D RECORDING REQUESTED BY: AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: THE IRVINE COMPANY LLC 550 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attn: General Counsel SPACE ABOVE LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY This document is exempt from filing fees per Govt. Code §6103, recorded fees per Govt. Code §27383 and is exempt from Document Transfer Tax per Rev. and Tax. Code §11922 SECOND AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF SPECIAL LAND USE RESTRICTIONS THIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF SPECIAL LAND USE RESTRICTIONS (this "Amendment") is executed as of this day of , 2019 ("Effective Date") by and between THE IRVINE COMPANY LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as successor -in -interest to The Irvine Company, a Michigan corporation ("Declarant"), and the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a California municipal corporation ("Grantee"), with reference to the following facts: A. Declarant and Grantee executed that certain Declaration of Special Land Use Restrictions, Right of First Refusal, Mortgage Lien and Option to Repurchase recorded May 8, 1992 as Instrument No. 92-304757 in the Official Records of Orange County, California, as modified by that certain amendment recorded November 24, 2010 as Instrument No. 2010-634195, (collectively, the "Declaration"). Capitalized terms used herein that are not otherwise defined herein shall have their respective meanings as set forth in the Declaration. B. The Declaration encumbers that certain real property owned by Grantee and more particularly described on EXHIBIT A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Land"). C. Grantee desires to make certain alterations to the Land and to construct, maintain and operate a lecture hall, in a separate building on the Land, for use by Grantee solely to conduct library, cultural, training, educational, informational, entertainment, civic and community focused programming as well as for programming of library support groups, such as the Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library and the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation (the "Lecture Hall"), and Declarant is willing to approve of such alterations upon the satisfaction of certain conditions as more fully set forth below. 1 24-9 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged by Grantee and Declarant, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Lecture Hall. 1.1 Amendment to Exhibit 2. Exhibit 2 of the Declaration is hereby amended to permit up to three (3) buildings on the Land, to allow for the construction and use of the Lecture Hall and any related improvements solely for the Intended Use (as defined below). Commencement of construction shall occur within a reasonable time, and the Lecture Hall and any related improvements shall be installed within ten (10) years from the Effective Date. The Maximum Gross Floor Area of the Lecture Hall shall not exceed 10,000 square feet, and the Maximum Gross Floor Area of all buildings on the Land shall not exceed 74,000 square feet nor exceed fifty percent (50%) Maximum Floor Area Ratio. The construction, maintenance, operation and use of the Lecture Hall and related improvements shall be subject to all other terms and conditions of the Declaration (including, without limitation, obtaining Declarant's separate approvals pursuant to Sections 2.2 and 2.5(b) of the Declaration). 1.2 Use of the Lecture Hall. Declarant expressly agrees that the use of the Lecture Hall by Grantee to conduct library, cultural, training, educational, informational, entertainment, civic and community focused programming as well as for programming of library support groups, such as the Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library and the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation (collectively, the "Intended Use"), are uses commonly associated with public libraries, as described in Section 2.1(a) of the Declaration, and these uses do not compete with the retail and commercial facilities in the Center. Grantee may also from time to time allow, and charge reasonable fees for, such uses of the Lecture Hall, and such other uses of the Lecture Hall that Grantee determines in its reasonable discretion are complimentary to the use of the Land as a free, public library and will not interfere with the use of the Land by Grantee's library patrons and available parking for such library patrons; provided such other uses, in Declarant's reasonable discretion, do not materially compete with the retail and commercial facilities in and around the Center, and in no event shall the Lecture Hall be used as a commercial banquet hall or conference center. 1.3 Parking. The number of parking spaces located on the Land and available for public use is currently 172. Such number of parking spaces available for public use shall not be reduced without the prior written consent of Declarant as described in Section 2.2(a) of the Declaration. 2. Effect of Amendment. Except as specifically modified pursuant to the terms of this Amendment, the terms and conditions of the Declaration shall remain unmodified and in full force and effect and the Restrictions therein defined shall be binding upon and run and pass with every portion of the Land and Improvements. In the event of any inconsistencies between the terms of this Amendment and any terms of the Declaration, the terms of this Amendment shall govern and prevail. 24-10 3. Reaffirmation of Obligations. Declarant and Grantee each hereby acknowledge and affirm the Restrictions contained in, and their respective obligations under, the Declaration as amended by the provisions of this Amendment, and that this Amendment shall be binding upon, and enforceable against, Declarant and Grantee in accordance with its terms. 4. Counterparts. This Amendment may be executed and acknowledged in any number of counterparts, all of which executed and acknowledged counterparts shall together constitute a single document. Signature and acknowledgement pages may be detached from the counterparts and attached to a single copy of this document to physically form one document, which may be recorded. [Signatures on following page] 24-11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment as of the date first above written. DECLARANT: THE IRVINE COMPANY LLC, a Delaware limited liability company go GRANTEE: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a California municipal corporation am Diane B. Dixon Mayor ATTEST: Leilani Brown, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: C Aaron C. Harp, City Attorney 24-12 ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of On , before me, (insert name of notary) Notary Public, personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal) ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of On , before me, (insert name of notary) Notary Public, personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal) 24-13 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND That certain real property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: Parcel 2, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on Parcel Map No. 90-361, recorded in Book 270, Pages 15 to 18, inclusive, of Parcel Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. APN: 442-014-25 & -26 24-14 Attachment E Public Comments 24-15 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Yes ...Build the Lecture Hall Library Lecture Hall is Needed Please Vote YES on the Lecture Hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:55:01 AM From: Ari Moshayedi <ariane@arimophoto.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:54 AM To: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov>; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Yes ...Build the Lecture Hall Library Lecture Hall is Needed Please Vote YES on the Lecture Hall I am writing to urge the Newport Beach City Council to vote yes and build the much anticipated Library Lecture Hall project. When was the last time a cultural facility was built in our City? In fact, we lost the art museum. Other city libraries have lecture halls. We should too. It would be terrific to have a bigger, better place for the vast programming now offered at the Library. The Friends Room has too many limitations. A state-of-the-art facility would better serve the public and be welcomed with great enthusiasm. People of all ages are hungry to gather together to listen and learn. A lecture hall at the Library makes sense and I believe it would be used by people throughout the community for years to come. It would be a wise investment. Please do not miss the opportunity to make this project happen. Sincerely.... Ariane Moshayedi 519 Dahlia Avenue Corona del Mar, CA 92625 All my best, Ari arianegarimophoto. com www.arimol2hoto.com website :: blo, :: facebook :: fine art 24-16 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Support of the Library Lecture Hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 3:50:37 PM From: Ann Smyth <annsmythl@mac.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 3:48 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>; Brown, Leilani <LBrown @ newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Support of the Library Lecture Hall Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the Newport Beach City Council: I am writing to you to urge you to please continue your support of the proposed Library Lecture Hall and please vote YES at your meeting on Tuesday, 19th! (Unfortunately, I will be out of town and unable to attend the meeting and show my support of the proposed Lecture Hall.) This is a great opportunity for our city and there is a definite demand! I have enjoyed attending the Library Lecture Series and have realized that the current room is too small and unable to accommodate the attendees. With over 72,000 attendees last year alone, there is no question that the Lecture Hall is much needed and will be in constant demand. The City has the space and has the funds (and the terrific programs are already in place). This is a wonderful way to put our tax dollars to good use, to better our city and to give it a permanent and architecturally interesting and significant building - our new Lecture Hall! Please do not listen to the negative comments and people! Please proceed forward and support this long overdue addition to our beautiful Central Library Campus. (By the way, I believe that I live in a pretty safe city already and we do not need to allocate the money to public safety, etc. instead.) THANK YOU for your consideration!! Kind Regards, Ann Smyth 1393 Galaxy Drive Newport Beach, CA. 92660 24-17 From: Scott Allen <scott@tavalp.com> Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 10:39 AM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Brown, Leilani Subject: proposed lecture hall I am writing to express my support for building a Library Lecture Hall. The current Friends' Room is inadequate for Newport Beach. Please vote on November 19 to move forward with the Lecture Hall planning. Thank you. Scott Allen Tava Port Streets LP scott@tavalp.com 949) 233-4389 210 Via Lido Nord Newport Beach CA 92663 24-18 From: Bruce R Clark amail To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support for the Newport Beach Public Library Lecture Hall Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 10:09:15 AM Dear Council Members - I am writing to ask you to vote to move forward with construction of the proposed Public Library Lecture Hall. The Hall is a much-needed addition to the meeting facilities our City makes available to our citizens, and will be a huge benefit for the growing number of presentations provided to us by the Library, the Library Foundation, and the Friends of the Library, at no ongoing public cost. A quick look at the schedule of public programs our award-winning Library hosts each year reminds us of the benefits the Library brings, including authors from around the world on their scheduled book tours, the outstanding speakers from the Witte Lecture Series (which could grow from its current 4 speakers to 6 or more), and an opportunity for more theatrical or other artistic performances. In addition, a facility like this is bound to attract new programs that our imaginative citizens can dream up, but not actually present right now. It's going to require that the City accommodate those programs with a state-of-the- art facility that is conducive to them. Our City is blessed with a number of citizens who are happy to support these programs financially, and a large following of potential attendees, but these programs won't happen if there is no facility to provide the appropriate venue. To me, that is precisely the role that our City needs to play for its citizens. We'll take care of the rest. As I understand it, the City is being asked to provide only a portion of the actual cost of the Lecture Hall with the rest being raised by private donations. What's not to like about that? It's hard to imagine a City expense that has a bigger payback for the people of Newport Beach. Please vote yes to construct this most appropriate and needed Lecture Hall for our citizens. Respectfully, Bruce R. Clark Corona del Mar brucerclark@gmail.com 24-19 From: Jennifer Bartusick To: Brown, Leilani; Dept - City Council Subject: Yes! Build the Lecture Hall Date: Saturday, November 09, 2019 5:32:48 PM Dear Newport Beach City Council members: I am writing to urge you to vote YES and build the much needed Library Lecture Hall. Our city has grown and so should our facilities that bring the community together! We lost the art museum, we can't lose the Lecture Hall project too. Many cities around the nation have enhanced their communities by providing ideal spaces for lectures, community events, musical and theatrical performances. Huntington Beach Central Library has a 319 -seat theater with a projection booth and screen. Libraries in San Diego, Mountain View, Carlsbad and Santa Monica, to name just a few, also have added auditorium spaces. Currently, the Friends Room in the Central Library has too many limitations. The stackable chairs in the room are cumbersome and uncomfortable. The lack of a sloped floor limits visibility, limited technological infrastructure can make the space less than ideal for audiences, and the small capacity turns people away. We have an ideal situation today for building a lecture hall that's contiguous to the library and City Hall -the space and parking structure already exists and the community support is overwhelming! One man argued that the cost is prohibitive, how could that be if a large portion of the cost will be paid by private donors?!! A state-of-the-art facility would better serve the public and be welcomed with great enthusiasm. People of all ages are hungry to gather together to listen and learn. It would be terrific to have a bigger, better place for the vast programming now offered at the Library. This would be a wise investment and an incredible legacy given to constituents from their City Council. A lecture hall at the Library makes sense and it would be used by thousands of people throughout the community for years to come! Please VOTE YES ON THE LECTURE HALL! Jennifer and Jason Bartusick 882 Sandcastle Dr. 24-20 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 714-6o6-8040 iennbartusickLUmail. com 24-21 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Yes! Build the Lecture Hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 7:49:54 AM From: Jennifer Bartusick <jennbartusick@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2019 5:32 PM To: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov>; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Yes! Build the Lecture Hall Dear Newport Beach City Council members: I am writing to urge you to vote YES and build the much needed Library Lecture Hall. Our city has grown and so should our facilities that bring the community together! We lost the art museum, we can't lose the Lecture Hall project too. Many cities around the nation have enhanced their communities by providing ideal spaces for lectures, community events, musical and theatrical performances. Huntington Beach Central Library has a 319 -seat theater with a projection booth and screen. Libraries in San Diego, Mountain View, Carlsbad and Santa Monica, to name just a few, also have added auditorium spaces. Currently, the Friends Room in the Central Library has too many limitations. The stackable chairs in the room are cumbersome and uncomfortable. The lack of a sloped floor limits visibility, limited technological infrastructure can make the space less than ideal for audiences, and the small capacity turns people away. We have an ideal situation today for building a lecture hall that's contiguous to the library and City Hall -the space and parking structure already 24-22 exists and the community support is overwhelming! One man argued that the cost is prohibitive, how could that be if a large portion of the cost will be paid by private donors?!! A state-of-the-art facility would better serve the public and be welcomed with great enthusiasm. People of all ages are hungry to gather together to listen and learn. It would be terrific to have a bigger, better place for the vast programming now offered at the Library. This would be a wise investment and an incredible legacy given to constituents from their City Council. A lecture hall at the Library makes sense and it would be used by thousands of people throughout the community for years to come! Please VOTE YES ON THE LECTURE HALL! Jennifer and Jason Bartusick 882 Sandcastle Dr. Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 714-606-8040 iennbartusickLUrn ail. corn 24-23 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Central Library Lecture Hall project Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 9:15:02 AM From: Leslie Brennan <leslieabrennan@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 9:13 AM To: City Clerk's Office <CityClerk@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Central Library Lecture Hall project Dear City Clerk, I am sending this email to voice my support for the impending Central Library Lecture Hall project. This hall is much needed and will benefit our community immensely. Thank you, Leslie Brennan 424 Westminster Ave Newport Beach Ca 92663 24-24 From: Andra Broekelschen Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2019 10:23 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Lecture Hall Dear Major Dixon and Members of the City Council, Over 20 years ago the visionary members of the City decided to support the failing Newport Beach Film Festival. We all know what a successful addition to our cultural life it has become. We are at that point again, we need your vision and guidance to make sure that Newport Beach has the ability and infrastructure to support our existing and future cultural growth. A lecture Hall with a bigger capacity and more favorable layout than our current Library Hall is long overdue. I have lived in Corona Del Mar for over 40 years and attend as many events around town as possible. We never miss the Witte lecture series, have season tickets to South Coast Repertory and attend City sponsored events. It still always amazes me how a wealthy city, that has grown so much, has not invested in a more suitable public space to bring the community together. Let us move forward to where we should already be. Thank you Andra Broekelschen 24-25 From: Andra Broekelschen To: Dept - City Council Subject: Lecture Hall Date: Wednesday, November 06, 2019 10:26:01 AM Dear Major Dixon and Members of the City Council, Over 20 years ago the visionary members of the City decided to support the failing Newport Beach Film Festival. We all know what a successful addition to our cultural life it has become. We are at that point again, we need your vision and guidance to make sure that Newport Beach has the ability and infrastructure to support our existing and future cultural growth. A lecture Hall with a bigger capacity and more favorable layout than our current Library Hall is long overdue. I have lived in Corona Del Mar for over 40 years and attend as many events around town as possible. We never miss the Witte lecture series, have season tickets to South Coast Repertory and attend City sponsored events. It still always amazes me how a wealthy city, that has grown so much, has not invested in a more suitable public space to bring the community together. Let us move forward to where we should already be. Thank you Andra Broekelschen 24-26 From: Diana Brown To: Brown, Leilani; Dept - City Council Subject: Please Vote YES on the lecture hall! Date: Sunday, November 10, 2019 6:00:14 PM Dear City Council: I am writing to urge the Newport Beach City Council to vote yes and build the much anticipated Library Lecture Hall project. It would be terrific to have a bigger, better place for the vast programming now offered at the Library. The Friends Room has too many limitations. A state-of-the-art facility would better serve the public and be welcomed with great enthusiasm. People of all ages would gain being able to come to gather together to listen and learn. When was the last time a cultural facility was built in our City? We lost the art museum but this cultural endeavor is a win-win.....for the library, the Newport Beach community and surrounding communities and for our status as a city of culture. A lecture hall at the Library makes sense and I believe it would be used by people throughout the community for years to come. It would be a wise investment. Please do not miss the opportunity to make this project happen. Sincerely, Diana Brown 2707 Windover Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625 24-27 From: Monica Burke To: Brown, Leilani Subject: Library lecture hall is needed!!! Date: Thursday, November 07, 2019 10:23:32 AM The library is so important for our community and it is not only a gathering place, but a commodity that will keep on giving for future generations. Newport Beach has allot of wealth and we can afford this in our neighborhood. I am sick of trying to drive to Los Angeles for any kind of quality venue. Time to put this in our backyard instead of expensive housing. Sincerely, Monica and Sean Burke. 24-28 From: Monica Burke Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2019 10:23 AM To: Brown, Leilani Subject: Library lecture hall is needed! ! ! The library is so important for our community and it is not only a gathering place, but a commodity that will keep on giving for future generations. Newport Beach has allot of wealth and we can afford this in our neighborhood. I am sick of trying to drive to Los Angeles for any kind of quality venue. Time to put this in our backyard instead of expensive housing. Sincerely, Monica and Sean Burke. 24-29 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Lecture hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:57:42 AM -----Original Message ----- From: Judi Burson <judi.burson@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:57 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Lecture hall I am in favor of the new lecture hall Judi Burson 301 Cameo Shores CDM Sent from my iPhone 24-30 From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:08 PM To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Lecture Hall From: Paul Casey <pcasey@zelman.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:05 PM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Lecture Hall I am writing in support of the proposed lecture hall for the city library. The current Friend's Room is inadequate for the needs of our city. We have significant donations available from generous individuals interested in improving our public facilities and we should take advantage of this unique resource. My daughters have volunteered at the library for a number of years and we consider it a valuable local resource that we should invest in and improve. Please vote yes on November 19. Paul Casey 1701 Port Abbely PI. Newport Beach, CA 92660 24-31 Good Evening Honorable Mayor Dixon and City Council, The Newport Beach Board of Library Trustees stands united in support of the proposed Library Lecture Hall project. The Trustees respectfully request City Council to approve the Professional Services Agreement with design architect Robert Coffee Associates. Library services continue to change to reflect their institutions as hubs for civic and cultural life in the community. In recent decades, we have seen public programming expand from a peripheral offering into an essential library service for patrons of all ages. Library program attendance is on the rise nationally. Since 2012, program attendance throughout the United States has increased significantly- nearly 17%, according to the 2017 Public Library Data Service report. This trend is in effect at the Newport Beach Public Library. In Fiscal Year 2009/2010, library program attendance was 28,680. In Fiscal Year 2018/2019, it jumped to 72,369 which was an increase of 1522% in just one decade. It should be noted that the majority of these programs were held in the Friends Room. During this period of 2018/2019, the Central Library Friends Room has hosted 109 public programs which have included Foundation lectures, Friends of the Library sponsored programs, SCORE Workshops, book discussions, children's programming, college preparation programs, Wake Up Newport Beach, films, Newport Mesa Prol-iteracy programming, Sunday Musicales, and financial seminars. In addition, the Friends Room has served as a venue for City staff training, community forums, and the Friends of the Library quarterly book sales. While it serves its intended purpose a community meeting space, the Friends Room lacks the infrastructure to support many of the Library's programs. While the Friends Room served the majority of the 72,000+ program attendees, it must be noted that the room is only 2,646 square feet with the occupancy of the room limited to 187 people. Due to this limitation, the Library is often required to turn potential attendees away, or to schedule additional events to accommodate the demand. This is an especially critical issue for the Library Foundation, as demand for tickets for the Witte Lecture Series and the Library Live events often surpasses the number of available seats. To enhance the experience of the attendees, the Library has implemented a few stopgap measures, such as a portable raised stage, 24-32 various lighting and audio solutions, but the limited space for high demand programs remain the key issue. The Board also support the selection of Robert Coffee Associates as the design architect for the facility. The Trustees support the Mr. Coffee's proposed site, the northwest corner of the Central Library parking lot (near the Bamboo Courtyard) is the optimal site for the lecture hall. A portion of the building would be constructed over the detention basin/bioswale adjacent to Avocado in order to ameliorate the impact on parking. There will be no net loss of surface parking spaces although some spaces will be relocated. In Mr. Coffee's presentation, he developed a very creative reconfiguration of the parking lot which addressed both the number of parking spaces, traffic flow and sense of arrival to the Library and Lecture Hall. The proposed Library Lecture Hall will complete the Central Library campus and allow the Library, its affiliates and outside groups to offer excellent speaker, presentations and performances to residents and guests alike. Respectfully, Janet M. Ray, Chair Board of Library Trustees 24-33 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher. Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Regarding Newport Beach Library Lecture Hall Proposal before the City Council Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:54:14 PM From: carycclayton@gmail.com <carycclayton@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:34 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Regarding Newport Beach Library Lecture Hall Proposal before the City Council To All Whom It May Concern, I would like to add mine and my wife's support for the proposed Lecture Hall improvement to the Main Newport Beach Public Library property. Thank you, Cary Clayton & Mary Hardesty -Clayton Residents on Balboa Island 24-34 From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:34 PM To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Regarding Newport Beach Library Lecture Hall Proposal before the City Council From: carycclayton@gmail.com <carvcclayton@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:34 PM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Regarding Newport Beach Library Lecture Hall Proposal before the City Council To All Whom It May Concern, I would like to add mine and my wife's support for the proposed Lecture Hall improvement to the Main Newport Beach Public Library property. Thank you, Cary Clayton & Mary Hardesty -Clayton Residents on Balboa Island 24-35 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Library lecture Hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 4:04:18 PM From: Susan <susanc4me@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 4:04 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Library lecture Hall Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the City Council: I am writing to urge you to vote YES on the proposed lecture hall at your November 12 meeting. We need better sightlines and more capacity. The demand is there and the great programs are in place. Please support this long overdue addition to the Central Library campus. Sincerely, Susan and Spencer Croul Sent from my iPhone 24-36 From: Tony Crowell To: Dept - City Council Subject: Proposed addition to library Date: Sunday, November 03, 2019 8:02:10 AM The Library is the most distinguished example of contemporary architecture in the City. I have attended over 20 presentations in the existing lecture hall and am delighted that expansion is in the works. Please vote yes! Tony Crowell aic@cox.net 24-37 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: The Lecture Hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:34:34 AM -----Original Message ----- From: nancy dahlfors <ndahlfors@me.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:34 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>; Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: The Lecture Hall Council Members, Newport Beach is the best place to live and raise a family. Part of that is because of all the amazing amenities we have. At the top of that list is our amazing libraries. This lecture will enhance that even more. It is part of why we love this community! Thank you! Nancy Dahlfors 211 Larkspur Avenue Corona del Mar, CA. 92625 24-38 From: Lisa Anderson To: info(d)residentsforreform.com; Dent _ City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, October 04, 2019 2:18:23 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, Lisa Anderson lal@me.com 127 Harbor Island Road 24-39 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, November 08, 2019 2:20:36 PM From: VIRGINIA ANDERSON <info@residentsforreform.com> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2019 2:19 PM To: info@residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach Council Members, Each of you ran for office claiming to be fiscal conservatives concerned about protecting our tax dollars. You can have decades of high-profile Library Lecture Series speakers at the rented Lido Theater without burdening taxpayers. The revitalized Lido Marina Village and new Lido House Hotel will also benefit from the 6-7 annual speaking events. Sincerely, VIRGINIA ANDERSON ginny4a@sbcglobal.net 2005 YACHT RESOLUTE Sounds good to me. Let's make use of the buildings we already have. Are there other places in town that could accommodate some speakers? Maybe more than one place and split them up? Mariners Library, theater on Cliff Drive, Port theater in CDM, any hi school, Oasis, is all I can think of at the time. 24-40 From: VIRGINIA ANDERSON To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, October 18, 2019 12:26:19 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, VIRGINIA ANDERSON ginny4a@sbcglobal.net 2005 YACHT RESOLUTE [textarea additional -text] 24-41 From: Thomas Andrews To: info(aresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 03, 2019 4:45:08 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, Thomas Andrews tandrews 11 @sbcglobal.net 2424 Sierra Vista 24-42 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, November 08, 2019 2:31:17 PM From: Kenneth August <info@residentsforreform.com> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2019 2:29 PM To: info@residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach Council Members, Each of you ran for office claiming to be fiscal conservatives concerned about protecting our tax dollars. You can have decades of high-profile Library Lecture Series speakers at the rented Lido Theater without burdening taxpayers. The revitalized Lido Marina Village and new Lido House Hotel will also benefit from the 6-7 annual speaking events. Sincerely, Kenneth August kaugust@augustlawgroup.com 27 Montecito Drive, CDM CA Dear Sirs: I understand that on November 19th the city council will consider obligating Newport's taxpayers to a $700,000 architectural contract for a new Library Lecture Hall estimated to cost $8 million. I agree with Bob McCaffrey that renting the beautiful Lido Theater is a much better option for taxpayers and the Library Lecture Series." Please do not approve this expense. Thank you. 24-43 From: Richard H. Berg To: infoCd)residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 03, 2019 11:28:28 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, Richard H. Berg rickb73@mac.com 2672 Bayshore Drive, Newport Beach, Ca 92663-5609 24-44 From: Lorraine Bizal To: infoCaresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 10:47:30 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, Lorraine Bizal lodi@prodigy.net 27 hillsdale dr [textarea additional -text] 24-45 From: Carol Botten To: info@residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, October 04, 2019 1:11:10 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, Carol Botten lidosands@earthlink.net 5205 Lido Sands Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92663 24-46 From: Andre Brysha To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 03, 2019 10:39:41 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, Andre Brysha andre@brysha.net 1421 1/2 W. Bay Ave, Rear Unit 24-47 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, November 08, 2019 3:49:34 PM From: Marna Bullard <info@residentsforreform.com> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2019 3:49 PM To: info@residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach Council Members, Each of you ran for office claiming to be fiscal conservatives concerned about protecting our tax dollars. You can have decades of high-profile Library Lecture Series speakers at the rented Lido Theater without burdening taxpayers. The revitalized Lido Marina Village and new Lido House Hotel will also benefit from the 6-7 annual speaking events. Sincerely, Marna Bullard mbullard@jps.net 424 Vista Quinta NB 24-48 From: Carl Carlson To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, October 11, 2019 12:28:08 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Do we really need a new $8 million Library Lecture Hall when we have top-notch facilities like Oasis Senior Center available for rent? Sincerely, Carl Carlson douglasret@aol.com 420 Vista Flora, Newport Beach [textarea additional -text] 24-49 From: Nancy L Carpenter To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Saturday, October 12, 2019 10:24:23 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Do we really need a new $8 million Library Lecture Hall when we have top-notch facilities like Oasis Senior Center available for rent? Sincerely, Nancy L Carpenter nlcarpenter@roadrunner.com 501 Playa [textarea additional -text] 24-50 From: Jeffrey Carsten To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Saturday, October 12, 2019 10:15:25 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Do we really need a new $8 million Library Lecture Hall when we have top-notch facilities like Oasis Senior Center available for rent? Sincerely, Jeffrey Carsten j.carsten@icloud.com 1330 Hampshire Circle [textarea additional -text] 24-51 From: Jon Caruso To: info(abresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council; cmetoyer(@nmusd.us; ssnyderCd)nmusd.us; fnavarro(nbnmusd.us Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2019 12:29:01 PM Dear Dr. Navarro, Mayor Dixon & Newport City Council Members, Newport Mesa taxpayers have spent nearly $400 million to improve our schools, including two state-of-the-art theaters that could be rented for the Newport Library Lecture Series. Renting the CdM or Newport Harbor High Loats Theater instead of building the unnecessary Library Lecture Hall will save Newport's taxpayers $8 million. Sincerely, Jon Caruso joncaruso l 861 @gmail.com 24-52 From: Paul Christ To: info(d)residentsforreform.com; Dent _ City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 3:30:08 PM Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach City Council Members, Before obligating Newport Beach taxpayers to pay for an $8 million Library Lecture Hall please find out how much it would cost to RENT the newly remodeled Lido Theater. Surely it will be less expensive than building and maintaining a new Library Lecture Hall for 6-7 speakers per year. Sincerely, Paul Christ pmchrist@earthlink.net Please consider renting the soon to be completed remodeled Lido theater (May 2020) 24-53 From: Alan Clark To: infoCaresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 03, 2019 11:37:39 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, Alan Clark awcl3@earthlink.net 31 Seabrook Cove 24-54 From: john & norva lee devereux To: info(a residentsforreform.com; Dent _ City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 03, 2019 12:30:34 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, john & norva lee devereux johndevereuxl23@cox.net 21 montpellier, newport beach, ca 02660 24-55 From: dsdsf To: info(abresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council; cmetoyer(@nmusd.us; ssnyder(anmusd.us; fnavarro(nbnmusd.us Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2019 11:18:53 AM Dear Dr. Navarro, Mayor Dixon & Newport City Council Members, Newport Mesa taxpayers have spent nearly $400 million to improve our schools, including two state-of-the-art theaters that could be rented for the Newport Library Lecture Series. Renting the CdM or Newport Harbor High Loats Theater instead of building the unnecessary Library Lecture Hall will save Newport's taxpayers $8 million. Sincerely, dsdsf sdfsdf@wdf.com 555 main 24-56 From: Marie Duca To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 03, 2019 2:53:18 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, Marie Duca mbduca@aol.com 4 Bandol, Newport Coast ca 92657 24-57 From: Saundra L Edgar <info@residentsforreform.com> Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 6:18 AM To: info@ residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach Council Members, Each of you ran for office claiming to be fiscal conservatives concerned about protecting our tax dollars. You can have decades of high-profile Library Lecture Series speakers at the rented Lido Theater without burdening taxpayers. The revitalized Lido Marina Village and new Lido House Hotel will also benefit from the 6-7 annual speaking events. Sincerely, Saundra L Edgar Saundra. edgark gmail. com 516 35th Street I agree with using venues like the Lido Theatre for library lectures in lieu of paying for a new $8 million facility. That would be a waste of taxpayer dollars. 24-58 From: Robert Evans To: infoCaresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 4:22:33 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, Robert Evans rbcbob@cox.net 932 Gardenia Way, CDM 92625 [textarea additional -text] 24-59 From: Jonathan Evans To: info(a residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council; cmetoyer(@nmusd.us; ssnyderCd)nmusd.us; fnavarro(nbnmusd.us Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2019 10:24:04 AM Dear Dr. Navarro, Mayor Dixon & Newport City Council Members, Newport Mesa taxpayers have spent nearly $400 million to improve our schools, including two state-of-the-art theaters that could be rented for the Newport Library Lecture Series. Renting the CdM or Newport Harbor High Loats Theater instead of building the unnecessary Library Lecture Hall will save Newport's taxpayers $8 million. Sincerely, Jonathan Evans jonathanmevans@yahoo.com 17 Cherbourg Dr. Navarro, please remember who funds the schools and who pays your salary. 24-60 From: Sally Fairchild To: infoCaresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 9:55:59 AM Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach City Council Members, Before obligating Newport Beach taxpayers to pay for an $8 million Library Lecture Hall please find out how much it would cost to RENT the newly remodeled Lido Theater. Surely it will be less expensive than building and maintaining a new Library Lecture Hall for 6-7 speakers per year. Sincerely, Sally Fairchild ninenora28@aol.com 36 Cabrillo Street L 24-61 From: Kevin Finn To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Sunday, October 06, 2019 12:23:26 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, Kevin Finn kmfinnbic@att.net 1324 West Bay Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92661 24-62 From: Maria Fitzpatrick To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, October 18, 2019 10:22:18 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, Maria Fitzpatrick mfitz4l@verizon.net 43 Saint Tropez, NB 92660 [textarea additional -text] 24-63 From: BARRY FRIEDBERG To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 9:21:25 AM Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach City Council Members, Before obligating Newport Beach taxpayers to pay for an $8 million Library Lecture Hall please find out how much it would cost to RENT the newly remodeled Lido Theater. Surely it will be less expensive than building and maintaining a new Library Lecture Hall for 6-7 speakers per year. Sincerely, BARRY FRIEDBERG drbarry@goldilockshoundation.org 15 White Cap Drive Common sense is uncommon. — Voltaire 24-64 From: Erich Funke To: infoC�residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 2:14:08 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, Erich Funke erichfunke@me.com 536 Hazel dr CDM, 92625 [textarea additional -text] 24-65 From: Tracey Funke To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 2:15:30 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, Tracey Funke traceyfunke@me.com 536 Hazel Drive, Corona Del Mar, CA, 92625 [textarea additional -text] 24-66 From: Sushila Ghataode To: infoCcbresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 03, 2019 12:19:52 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, Sushila Ghataode sghataode@gbarchitects.net 323 POINSETTIA AVE., Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 24-67 From: Herdman, Jeff To: maioviKbrnsn.com Cc: info(n residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Re: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2019 4:06:28 PM Mark, This is not exactly what I said. In the few e-mails that I responded to on this topic, I stated that this project would be a public/private partnership with the hopes that the Library Foundation would be funding raising for, hopefully to the tune of the City having to contribute little or none. Now that is quite a bit different than what you stated in this e-mail. This has a f=very familiar Bob McCaffrey spin to it. I see that he is up to his usual standard, even though he often uses the excuse now of having trouble remembering things. Jeff Herdman On Oct 22, 2019, at 3:42 PM, Mark Gjovik <inf6&residentsf6rref6rm.com> wrote: Dear Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Councilman Herdman's report that the Library Board of Trustees has agreed to pay for their proposed Library Lecture Hall is great news for taxpayers! I know you will protect taxpayers from the estimated $8 million cost and re -allocate the funds to important matters like harbor dredging, public safety and paying down our long-term pension obligations. Sincerely, Mark Gjovik mgjovik&msn.com 17 San Mateo Way 24-68 From: Angela Glaser To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Dent _ City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Saturday, October 19, 2019 1:38:41 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, Angela Glaser angelarealtor@earthlink.net 219 Garnet Avenue. NB 92662 [textarea additional -text] 24-69 From: Larry Hall To: info(a residentsforreform.com; Dent _ City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 12:57:37 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, Larry Hall larryeha112000@yahoo.com 2230 Heather Lane, Newport Beach, CA [textarea additional -text] 24-70 From: Nancy T. Harris To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, October 25, 2019 9:27:49 AM Dear Mayor Dixon and City Council Members, Are Newport's taxpayers on the hook for the Library Lecture Hall? Councilman Herdman seems confused. He says NO then YES. Please provide any documents between the City and Library Foundation clarify the financial arrangement between the City and Library Foundation regarding who is paying for the proposed $8 million Library Lecture Hall. Sincerely, Nancy T. Harris dehclu@aol.com 109 Via Ravenna, Newport Beach. CA. 92663 I am very opposed to this project. We do not have a need for such a large Lecture Hall. Let's concentrate on paying off the City Hall. 24-71 From: Erin Hendricks To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 10:32:10 AM Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach City Council Members, Before obligating Newport Beach taxpayers to pay for an $8 million Library Lecture Hall please find out how much it would cost to RENT the newly remodeled Lido Theater. Surely it will be less expensive than building and maintaining a new Library Lecture Hall for 6-7 speakers per year. Sincerely, Erin Hendricks erin@roadrunner.com 3419 via lido #430 92663 24-72 From: Paul Hillson To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 11:59:14 AM Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach City Council Members, Before obligating Newport Beach taxpayers to pay for an $8 million Library Lecture Hall please find out how much it would cost to RENT the newly remodeled Lido Theater. Surely it will be less expensive than building and maintaining a new Library Lecture Hall for 6-7 speakers per year. Sincerely, Paul Hillson Paul@hrhdesigns.biz 112 36th street, newport beach , ca 92663 24-73 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, November 08, 2019 3:09:52 PM From: Marcia Howell <info@residentsforreform.com> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2019 3:08 PM To: info@residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach Council Members, Each of you ran for office claiming to be fiscal conservatives concerned about protecting our tax dollars. You can have decades of high-profile Library Lecture Series speakers at the rented Lido Theater without burdening taxpayers. The revitalized Lido Marina Village and new Lido House Hotel will also benefit from the 6-7 annual speaking events. Sincerely, Marcia Howell mellowolf@aol.cm Corona Del Mar, Ca 24-74 From: idocmoki To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2019 12:25:38 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, idocmoki esokuj e@werwer. namnerbca. corn Escaldes [textarea additional -text] 24-75 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, November 08, 2019 2:39:23 PM From: Jeff Jordan <info@residentsforreform.com> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2019 2:39 PM To: info@residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach Council Members, Each of you ran for office claiming to be fiscal conservatives concerned about protecting our tax dollars. You can have decades of high-profile Library Lecture Series speakers at the rented Lido Theater without burdening taxpayers. The revitalized Lido Marina Village and new Lido House Hotel will also benefit from the 6-7 annual speaking events. Sincerely, Jeff Jordan jeffjordan0l @icloud.com 4010 Channel Place Using the Lido theatre sounds like a great option to another large City sponsored spend. Try it for a year or two and see if it can in fact meet the requiremenrs as a lecture hall. It sounds like a great venue to me. I would be mmore inclined to attend an event at a cool location like the Lido Theatee than at or near City Hall. 24-76 From: Matthew Kliszewski To: infoC�residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 03, 2019 11:17:08 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, Matthew Kliszewski mattklu@hotmail.com 328 Colton St., Newport Beach, CA 92663 24-77 From: James R. Koch To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2019 6:04:19 PM Dear Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Councilman Herdman's report that the Library Board of Trustees has agreed to pay for their proposed Library Lecture Hall is great news for taxpayers! I know you will protect taxpayers from the estimated $8 million cost and re -allocate the funds to important matters like harbor dredging, public safety and paying down our long-term pension obligations. Sincerely, James R. Koch jim-koch@att.net 1723 Irvin Ave., Newport Beach CA 92660 I have never opposed the Library Lecture Hall. I have opposed taxpayers paying for it. 24-78 From: Katarina Landstrom To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 3:56:37 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, Katarina Landstrom ikatarina@live.com 12 Sandflower Ct., Newport Beach, CA 92663 [textarea additional -text] 24-79 From: T Loeffler To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Saturday, October 12, 2019 8:19:26 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Do we really need a new $8 million Library Lecture Hall when we have top-notch facilities like Oasis Senior Center available for rent? Sincerely, T Loeffler tcarlloeffler0@gmail.com 2103 yacht Mischief [textarea additional -text] 24-80 From: Chip Long To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 5:01:18 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, Chip Long chiplong@aol.com Big Canyon [textarea additional -text] 24-81 From: Edward Lyon To: infoCaresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 03, 2019 10:48:25 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, Edward Lyon val-Lyon@sbcglobal.net 427 San Bernardino Ave, NB CA 92663 24-82 From: Val Lyon To: info(a residentsforreform.com; Dent _ City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, October 11, 2019 12:39:44 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Do we really need a new $8 million Library Lecture Hall when we have top-notch facilities like Oasis Senior Center available for rent? Sincerely, Val Lyon val-Lyon@sbcglobal.net 427 San Bernardino Avenue NB 92663 [textarea additional -text] 24-83 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 7:38:27 AM From: Richard Marston <info@residentsforreform.com> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2019 7:19 PM To: info@residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach Council Members, Each of you ran for office claiming to be fiscal conservatives concerned about protecting our tax dollars. You can have decades of high-profile Library Lecture Series speakers at the rented Lido Theater without burdening taxpayers. The revitalized Lido Marina Village and new Lido House Hotel will also benefit from the 6-7 annual speaking events. Sincerely, Richard Marston Rmarston@ksu.edu 448 Seville Ave., Newport Beach, CA 92661 24-84 From: Darlene C. Matthews To: info(a)residentsforreform.com; Dent _ City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 8:03:45 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, Darlene C. Matthews go2thesun@mac.com PO Box 9534, Newport Beach, CA 92658 [textarea additional -text] 24-85 From: Mazzo To: infoCaresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Sunday, November 03, 2019 11:40:03 AM Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach City Council Members, Before obligating Newport Beach taxpayers to pay for an $8 million Library Lecture Hall please find out how much it would cost to RENT the newly remodeled Lido Theater. Surely it will be less expensive than building and maintaining a new Library Lecture Hall for 6-7 speakers per year. Sincerely, Mazzy skookem@gmail.com St James Government Waste 24-86 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 7:53:53 AM From: Denise McPhee <info@residentsforreform.com> Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2019 8:36 AM To: info@ residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach Council Members, Each of you ran for office claiming to be fiscal conservatives concerned about protecting our tax dollars. You can have decades of high-profile Library Lecture Series speakers at the rented Lido Theater without burdening taxpayers. The revitalized Lido Marina Village and new Lido House Hotel will also benefit from the 6-7 annual speaking events. Sincerely, Denise McPhee denisemft4@yahoo.com 2510 23rd St. NB 92660 Your proposal is a sound and responsible one. Thank you for advocating! 24-87 From: Jeffrey C Meyer To: info(a residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council; cmetoyer(@nmusd.us; ssnyderCd)nmusd.us; fnavarro(nbnmusd.us Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2019 1:29:36 PM Dear Dr. Navarro, Mayor Dixon & Newport City Council Members, Newport Mesa taxpayers have spent nearly $400 million to improve our schools, including two state-of-the-art theaters that could be rented for the Newport Library Lecture Series. Renting the CdM or Newport Harbor High Loats Theater instead of building the unnecessary Library Lecture Hall will save Newport's taxpayers $8 million. Sincerely, Jeffrey C Meyer jeffreycmeyer@msn.com 3608 Surfview Lane, Corona Del Mar, CA It's great how these government "officials" love to spent our tax money. Just look at the Newport Beach City Hall as a classic example. There is a room for every employee that works there. They built until they used every penny they could. 24-88 From: andrew miceli To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, October 25, 2019 9:53:30 AM Dear Mayor Dixon and City Council Members, Are Newport's taxpayers on the hook for the Library Lecture Hall? Councilman Herdman seems confused. He says NO then YES. Please provide any documents between the City and Library Foundation clarify the financial arrangement between the City and Library Foundation regarding who is paying for the proposed $8 million Library Lecture Hall. Sincerely, andrew miceli fordhotrod 1950@yahoo.com 308 montero what was the $40m city hall council temple for if not for lecturing and other community stuff. 24-89 From: Jim Moloney To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, October 25, 2019 3:59:16 PM Dear Mayor Dixon and City Council Members, Are Newport's taxpayers on the hook for the Library Lecture Hall? Councilman Herdman seems confused. He says NO then YES. Please provide any documents between the City and Library Foundation clarify the financial arrangement between the City and Library Foundation regarding who is paying for the proposed $8 million Library Lecture Hall. Sincerely, Jim Moloney jimmejoe@aim.com 314 Diamond Avenue Why is our City spending Taxpayer $$$ on things like the Library without any resident / taxpayer input.??? Stop giving our $$$ away. On this same topic, why has the City given $40k per year, going on 7 years now, to an organization called Balboa Island Marketing, Inc. (operating under the auspices of the Balboa Island Merchants Association) when Marketing, Inc.. has not held formal meetings, has not solicited the input of all merchants on Balboa Island, has not kept any minutes or taken any formal vote of the merchants, Raising significant concerns among many of the merchants on Marine Avenue. What's more, the funds given to Marketing, Inc. is now giving rise to the added cost to taxpayers as a result of the needed outside third -party audit of Marketing Inc. to determine how and where all the funds (close to $280k by all estimation) funneled through this organization masquerading as a merchants association has been spent. This is very troubling to many residents / merchants / voters in Newport Beach. 24-90 From: nancv To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 3:12:03 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, nancy rosien48@aol.com [textarea additional -text] 24-91 From: David L New To: infoCaresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 03, 2019 11:51:48 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, David L New daveI@basinmarine.com 304 Morning Star Lane 24-92 From: Cheryl Nowak To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 9:39:37 AM Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach City Council Members, Before obligating Newport Beach taxpayers to pay for an $8 million Library Lecture Hall please find out how much it would cost to RENT the newly remodeled Lido Theater. Surely it will be less expensive than building and maintaining a new Library Lecture Hall for 6-7 speakers per year. Sincerely, Cheryl Nowak cheryl@gbfenterprises.com 311 Island Avenue Balboa 92661 Sounds like this might be a good option. Attracting business to the local restaurants is a plus. We love the Lido Theater and want to see it thrive, and it is always a good idea to save tax dollars and reduce long term obligations. 24-93 From: Linda Oeth To: infoCaresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 03, 2019 12:09:14 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, Linda Oeth linda.oeth@gmail.com 420 Mendoza Terrace 24-94 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 7:35:18 AM From: Lori oshea <info@residentsforreform.com> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2019 5:22 PM To: info@residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach Council Members, Each of you ran for office claiming to be fiscal conservatives concerned about protecting our tax dollars. You can have decades of high-profile Library Lecture Series speakers at the rented Lido Theater without burdening taxpayers. The revitalized Lido Marina Village and new Lido House Hotel will also benefit from the 6-7 annual speaking events. Sincerely, Lori oshea latelori@hotmail.com 343 via Lido Soud 24-95 From: ovutwausavi To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2019 12:52:59 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, ovutwausayi uxuliv@werwer.namnerbca.com Rarotonga [textarea additional -text] 24-96 From: Patricia Evans To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 6:47:07 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, Patricia Evans cdmpat@cox.net 932 Gardenia Way Corona del Mar 92625 [textarea additional -text] 24-97 From: Cynthia Phillips To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 6:34:13 PM Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach City Council Members, Before obligating Newport Beach taxpayers to pay for an $8 million Library Lecture Hall please find out how much it would cost to RENT the newly remodeled Lido Theater. Surely it will be less expensive than building and maintaining a new Library Lecture Hall for 6-7 speakers per year. Sincerely, Cynthia Phillips cynthiajphillips@msn.com 222 Poppy Ave, CDM 24-98 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 7:51:02 AM From: Cynthia Phillips <info@residentsforreform.com> Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2019 6:26 PM To: info@ residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach Council Members, Each of you ran for office claiming to be fiscal conservatives concerned about protecting our tax dollars. You can have decades of high-profile Library Lecture Series speakers at the rented Lido Theater without burdening taxpayers. The revitalized Lido Marina Village and new Lido House Hotel will also benefit from the 6-7 annual speaking events. Sincerely, Cynthia Phillips cynthiajphillips@msn.com 222 Poppy Ave 24-99 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 7:52:42 AM From: Eric Phillips <info@residentsforreform.com> Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2019 8:15 AM To: info@ residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach Council Members, Each of you ran for office claiming to be fiscal conservatives concerned about protecting our tax dollars. You can have decades of high-profile Library Lecture Series speakers at the rented Lido Theater without burdening taxpayers. The revitalized Lido Marina Village and new Lido House Hotel will also benefit from the 6-7 annual speaking events. Sincerely, Eric Phillips ericmphillips@msn.com 222 Poppy Ave CDM Why spend the money? 24-100 From: Vartan Piroumian To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Saturday, October 26, 2019 2:54:42 PM Dear Mayor Dixon and City Council Members, Are Newport's taxpayers on the hook for the Library Lecture Hall? Councilman Herdman seems confused. He says NO then YES. Please provide any documents between the City and Library Foundation clarify the financial arrangement between the City and Library Foundation regarding who is paying for the proposed $8 million Library Lecture Hall. Sincerely, Vartan Piroumian vartan@alum.mit.edu Dear Mayor Dixon and City Council Members, Despite my best efforts, I have yet to receive a response from any of you regarding evidence indicating the necessity for taxpayer funding of the proposed $8,000,000 library lecture hall. Now, we citizens of Newport Beach face the effrontery of Councilman Jeff Herdman's shenanigans; to wit, his unsuccessful effort to characterize his comments pertaining to the project in question as consistent — which they were not. Do our elected officials condone the tactic of insulting those who dare to broach their impropriety? Councilman Herdman's reference to Mr. Bob McCaffrey "...having trouble remembering things" is not only absurd, it does nothing to dispel the accusations made against himself. What would dispel misunderstanding, frustration and dissatisfaction is honest, straightforward communication between the City Council and its constituents. The citizens of Newport Beach deserve that, at the very least. Please remember your fiduciary duty to them. Mr. Vartan Piroumian 24-101 From: Sherry Pollack To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Monday, October 21, 2019 6:20:09 PM Dear Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Councilman Herdman's report that the Library Board of Trustees has agreed to pay for their proposed Library Lecture Hall is great news for taxpayers! I know you will protect taxpayers from the estimated $8 million cost and re -allocate the funds to important matters like harbor dredging, public safety and paying down our long-term pension obligations. Sincerely, Sherry Pollack sherrypollack@roadrunner.com 515 dahlia ave 24-102 From: Deborah Polsinelli To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 03, 2019 6:38:12 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, Deborah Polsinelli kilo50@sbcglobal.net 1690 Marguerite Ave, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 24-103 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 7:35:44 AM From: Deborah Polsinelli <info@residentsforreform.com> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2019 6:50 PM To: info@ residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach Council Members, Each of you ran for office claiming to be fiscal conservatives concerned about protecting our tax dollars. You can have decades of high-profile Library Lecture Series speakers at the rented Lido Theater without burdening taxpayers. The revitalized Lido Marina Village and new Lido House Hotel will also benefit from the 6-7 annual speaking events. Sincerely, Deborah Polsinelli kilo50@sbcglobal.net 1690 Marguerite Ave, CDM 92625 24-104 From: Amason Presta To: infoC�residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, October 18, 2019 1:54:55 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, Allyson Presta ALRON7099@AOL.COM P.O. Box 7099; Newport Beach,CA 92658 [textarea additional -text] 24-105 From: Tim Putnam To: info(abresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council; cmetoyer(@nmusd.us; ssnyderCd)nmusd.us; fnavarro(nbnmusd.us Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2019 8:26:44 PM Dear Dr. Navarro, Mayor Dixon & Newport City Council Members, Newport Mesa taxpayers have spent nearly $400 million to improve our schools, including two state-of-the-art theaters that could be rented for the Newport Library Lecture Series. Renting the CdM or Newport Harbor High Loats Theater instead of building the unnecessary Library Lecture Hall will save Newport's taxpayers $8 million. Sincerely, Tim Putnam nbtimmy@hotmail.com 220 Nice 24-106 From: Carol Reinhold To: infoC�residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 03, 2019 12:09:12 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, Carol Reinhold careinhold@mac.com 301 Esquina, NB 92660 24-107 From: Grant Reynolds To: info(d)residentsforreform.com; Dent - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 9:38:10 AM Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach City Council Members, Before obligating Newport Beach taxpayers to pay for an $8 million Library Lecture Hall please find out how much it would cost to RENT the newly remodeled Lido Theater. Surely it will be less expensive than building and maintaining a new Library Lecture Hall for 6-7 speakers per year. Sincerely, Grant Reynolds grant_reynolds@att.net 449 Tustin Ave Please "rent" other newport venues Instead of spending 8 million tax dollars on a library lecture hall. Please use that 8 million for Social Services or other resources even seven for a rainy day unless it's patched funds then still use it for the services since there are plenty of venues to rent in Newport Beach thank you 24-108 From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 7:52 AM To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) CC: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Against $500,000 proposed "concept only plan" cost -----Original Message ----- From: Grant Reynolds <grant_reynolds@att.net> Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2019 5:03 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Against $500,000 proposed "concept only plan" cost Right from the get go It is a ridiculous amount of money to pay for only a "concept plan" I googled 3D architectural concept plans and the going rate is $100- $150 (depending on size and type of building) per hour and that is for 2D pictures and 3D visual presentation. When I watched the last council meeting and cit staff said somewhere between $500,000 to $700,000 for just concept plans I was in shock. Entire house plans $60,000 which include plumbing, electrical, structural, plot etc.... Please ( due diligence) before you vote on this take 20 mins and Google yourself I am sure staff are not building contractors and they are only informing you from what they are being told from their sources ... Which is outrageous ..... Since this project is increasing size from original EIR of original project this new project may trigger a required new E.I.R In a time when some Newport citizen yes there are some that struggle to live on a budget .... and the proposed $4 million ( most likely more if even just the "concept plans" are bringing budgeted between $500 to $ 700 thousand .... The 4 million could better allocated to infrastructure is pumping stations on balboa, police support enhancement, cyber security, homeless ... I use and have gone to the lectures offered by the library foundation and love it BUT I was SHOCKED when staff said $500,000 for just a concept plan ... You are the stewards of the city for the money (taxation) and revenue earned Even using the $4 million for more amazing fire stations and equipment We have all seen Morton Design Groups 3D design on Facebook ..... Just understand $500,000 to $700,000 for a 275 seat single store building "concept only" pictures, drawing is well I will 24-109 leave it up to you to Google 2019 man hour labor cost of 2D & 3D for this thyme of building ( it is not a house, and it is not a hospital ) it is a lecture hall. Entire plan sets ready for submitting to city planing can be generated for the amount being talkies about for just a "concept plan" Thank you for your stewardship of city financial resources Sent from my iPad 24-110 From: Pamela Rogers To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, October 18, 2019 10:22:44 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, Pamela Rogers P_Rogers@icloud.com 34 Balboa Cvs, Newport Beach, CA. 92663 [textarea additional -text] 24-111 From: David Rose To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, October 25, 2019 12:47:28 PM Dear Mayor Dixon and City Council Members, Are Newport's taxpayers on the hook for the Library Lecture Hall? Councilman Herdman seems confused. He says NO then YES. Please provide any documents between the City and Library Foundation clarify the financial arrangement between the City and Library Foundation regarding who is paying for the proposed $8 million Library Lecture Hall. Sincerely, David Rose david@melroseind.com 318 Amethyst Ave, Newport Beach The city should. not spend anything on a new auditorium ;absolutely nothing 24-112 From: Dan Rossen To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 7:46:01 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, Dan Rossen probchi@hotmail.com 302 34th St [textarea additional -text] 24-113 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Gallagher, Karen; Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: No Library Lecture Hall Date: Thursday, November 07, 2019 7:34:16 AM From: happy.gal <happy.gal@juno.com> Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2019 12:14 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: LBrowm@newportbeachca.gov Subject: No Library Lecture Hall Sent from my Galaxy Tab A (2016) -------- Original message -------- From: "happy.gal" <happy.gaI4 unosom> Date: 11/7/2019 12:07 AM (GMT -08:00) To: Newport Beach Public Library Foundation <reply-3b4f278bf5-2899bfle79- 185c(cr�,u.cts.vresp.com> Subject: RE: Library Lecture Hall YES! Nov. 19 6:45pm City Hall I think the existing facilties are fine. I like that the room is flat with movable chairs. It permits more flexible arrangements. I have attended events in theater style for lectures and musical performances, and in the round for book club. Or one can place chairs along the wall and have a big open space in the center for dancing, or throw in tall standing tables for business mixers; long tables with chairs flanking them could be placed for dinners. All these could generate revenue. Make the library hall a desirable venue to rent. Not only would stadium seating remove all the current flexibility, it would be very expensive. I rather see the money spent on more media or literacy programs, not structures. Sincerely, Elizabeth Russell Sent from my Galaxy Tab A (2016) 24-114 From: Dwight Ryan To: infoCd)residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 10:50:45 AM Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach City Council Members, Before obligating Newport Beach taxpayers to pay for an $8 million Library Lecture Hall please find out how much it would cost to RENT the newly remodeled Lido Theater. Surely it will be less expensive than building and maintaining a new Library Lecture Hall for 6-7 speakers per year. Sincerely, Dwight Ryan dwightryan@cox.net 11 Lochmoor Lane, Newport Beach, CA 92660 24-115 From: Gary Schaffer To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, October 25, 2019 12:11:02 PM Dear Mayor Dixon and City Council Members, Are Newport's taxpayers on the hook for the Library Lecture Hall? Councilman Herdman seems confused. He says NO then YES. Please provide any documents between the City and Library Foundation clarify the financial arrangement between the City and Library Foundation regarding who is paying for the proposed $8 million Library Lecture Hall. Sincerely, Gary Schaffer schaffergary@gmail.com 7 Shell Beach Do we really need this? 24-116 From: Christy A Schmitz To: infoCaresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Sunday, October 13, 2019 1:20:11 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Do we really need a new $8 million Library Lecture Hall when we have top-notch facilities like Oasis Senior Center available for rent? Sincerely, Christy A Schmitz taffy4me@aol.com 11 Summerwind Ct Newport beach [textarea additional -text] 24-117 From: Kevin Shepherd To: info(abresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council; cmetoyer(@nmusd.us; ssnyder(anmusd.us; fnavarro(nbnmusd.us Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2019 5:31:24 PM Dear Dr. Navarro, Mayor Dixon & Newport City Council Members, Newport Mesa taxpayers have spent nearly $400 million to improve our schools, including two state-of-the-art theaters that could be rented for the Newport Library Lecture Series. Renting the CdM or Newport Harbor High Loats Theater instead of building the unnecessary Library Lecture Hall will save Newport's taxpayers $8 million. Sincerely, Kevin Shepherd kevinshepherd@sbcglobal.net 418 Poinsettia Ave When debt is paid off then initiatives like this can be considered. 24-118 From: Jeremy Skiver To: infoCaresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 9:27:08 AM Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach City Council Members, Before obligating Newport Beach taxpayers to pay for an $8 million Library Lecture Hall please find out how much it would cost to RENT the newly remodeled Lido Theater. Surely it will be less expensive than building and maintaining a new Library Lecture Hall for 6-7 speakers per year. Sincerely, Jeremy Skiver jskiver@mac.com 1213 W Bay Ave Makes perfect sense to look into renting as opposed to building. 24-119 From: Andrew Sninskv To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, October 11, 2019 2:58:55 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Do we really need a new $8 million Library Lecture Hall when we have top-notch facilities like Oasis Senior Center available for rent? Sincerely, Andrew Sninsky volcandy@aol.com 20181 Bayview Ave [textarea additional -text] 24-120 From: Judy Kay Sorensen To: info(d)residentsforreform.com; Dent - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 9:38:15 AM Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach City Council Members, Before obligating Newport Beach taxpayers to pay for an $8 million Library Lecture Hall please find out how much it would cost to RENT the newly remodeled Lido Theater. Surely it will be less expensive than building and maintaining a new Library Lecture Hall for 6-7 speakers per year. Sincerely, Judy Kay Sorensen jsorensen@selectionlink.com 16 Cabrillo Street Newport Beach CA 92663 24-121 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 7:40:37 AM From: Ilene Spear <info@residentsforreform.com> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2019 7:44 PM To: info@ residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach Council Members, Each of you ran for office claiming to be fiscal conservatives concerned about protecting our tax dollars. You can have decades of high-profile Library Lecture Series speakers at the rented Lido Theater without burdening taxpayers. The revitalized Lido Marina Village and new Lido House Hotel will also benefit from the 6-7 annual speaking events. Sincerely, Ilene Spear ilenespear@cox.net 2 Turnberry Dy. NB When would it be ready It" would be perfect for this next year. January 2020 if possibld 24-122 From: Stuart To: info(aresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 8:47:27 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, Stuart info@instagramhammer.com [textarea additional -text] 24-123 From: TEST To: Dent - City Council; info(&residentsforreform.com Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Wednesday, October 02, 2019 8:43:50 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, TEST Test@test.com 555 Main 24-124 From: Kevin K Thompson To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Friday, October 25, 2019 9:25:18 AM Dear Mayor Dixon and City Council Members, Are Newport's taxpayers on the hook for the Library Lecture Hall? Councilman Herdman seems confused. He says NO then YES. Please provide any documents between the City and Library Foundation clarify the financial arrangement between the City and Library Foundation regarding who is paying for the proposed $8 million Library Lecture Hall. Sincerely, Kevin K Thompson kthompson@conveyorsolutions.com 2741 Vista Umbrosa I am adamantly opposed to this expense. This location will serve only a small portion of the residences. We have other locations for this to occur inside of Newport Beach. I do not believe it MUST be at the central library facility. We have bus transportation for residents to get to the other location. Is there really other items inside the library which demands the speaking engagements can only be held where the books are? 24-125 From: Carl Thon To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 11:10:42 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, Carl Thon thonc@westinghouselighting.com 2800 Ocean Lane [textarea additional -text] 24-126 From: Karen Vlakelv To: info(@residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 11:41:36 AM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, We don't need to spend $8 million on a new Library Lecture Hall when the city council chambers is next door. Our tax dollars are better spent on harbor dredging, fighting JWA expansion, or funding public safety. Private funds should be raised to pay for it, not our taxes! Sincerely, Karen Vlakely kblakely8l90@sbcglobal.net 3015 Carob St. Newport Beach, Can 92660 [textarea additional -text] 24-127 From: Sue Ellen Volpe To: infoCaresidentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Thursday, October 03, 2019 12:32:06 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Why is the city considering spending $8 million+ of our taxes on a new Library Lecture Hall? We should support Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools by renting their state-of- the-art theaters. Sincerely, Sue Ellen Volpe sevolpe@mac.com 39 Ocean Vista, Newport Beach 92660 24-128 From: Warren Wimer To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Saturday, October 12, 2019 12:27:40 PM Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, Do we really need a new $8 million Library Lecture Hall when we have top-notch facilities like Oasis Senior Center available for rent? Sincerely, Warren Wimer warren@wwimer.com 221 Via Firenze, NB [textarea additional -text] 24-129 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 7:34:41 AM From: Sandra Wright <info@residentsforreform.com> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2019 4:52 PM To: info@residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach Council Members, Each of you ran for office claiming to be fiscal conservatives concerned about protecting our tax dollars. You can have decades of high-profile Library Lecture Series speakers at the rented Lido Theater without burdening taxpayers. The revitalized Lido Marina Village and new Lido House Hotel will also benefit from the 6-7 annual speaking events. Sincerely, Sandra Wright slwright287@yahoo.com 804 West Oceanfront,. Newport Beach,. CA. 92661 24-130 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Support for the proposed Lecture Hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 4:03:03 PM From: Eric Smyth <eric@ciprealestate.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 4:02 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>; Brown, Leilani <LBrown @ newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Fwd: Support for the proposed Lecture Hall Mayor Dixon & City Council, I want to echo my wife's comments below. We are very much in support of the new Lecture Hall, which will be a tremendous addition to the Library complex. The lecture series has been a big hit and will be significantly enhanced by the new facilities. We appreciate very much your support on this matter! Eric Smyth Sent from my iPad Begin forwarded message: From: Ann Smyth <annsmythIc4mac& in> Date: November 12, 2019, 6:44:02 PM EST To: citycouncilnnewportbeach.gov, LBrown&neportbeach.gov Subject: Support for the proposed Lecture Hall Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the Newport Beach City Council: I am writing to you to urge you to please continue your support of the proposed Library Lecture Hall and please vote YES at your meeting on Tuesday, 19th! (Unfortunately, I will be out of town and unable to attend the meeting and show my support of the proposed Lecture Hall.) This is a great opportunity for our city and there is a definite demand! I have enjoyed attending the Library Lecture Series and have realized that the current room is too small and unable to accommodate the attendees. With over 72,000 attendees last year alone, there is no question that the Lecture Hall is much needed and will be in constant demand. The City has the space and has the funds (and the terrific programs are already in place). This is a wonderful way to put our tax dollars to good use, to better our city and to give it a permanent and architecturally interesting and significant building - our new Lecture Hall! Please do not listen to the negative comments and people! Please proceed 24-131 forward and support this long overdue addition to our beautiful Central Library Campus. (By the way, I believe that I live in a pretty safe city already and we do not need to allocate the money to public safety, etc. instead.) THANK YOU for your consideration!! Kind Regards, Ann Smyth 1393 Galaxy Drive Newport Beach, CA. 92660 24-132 From: Saundra L Edgar Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 6:18 AM To: info@residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach Council Members, Each of you ran for office claiming to be fiscal conservatives concerned about protecting our tax dollars. You can have decades of high-profile Library Lecture Series speakers at the rented Lido Theater without burdening taxpayers. The revitalized Lido Marina Village and new Lido House Hotel will also benefit from the 6-7 annual speaking events. Sincerely, Saundra L Edgar saundra.edgar@gmail.com 516 35th Street I agree with using venues like the Lido Theatre for library lectures in lieu of paying for a new $8 million facility. That would be a waste of taxpayer dollars. 24-133 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Please Vote Yes on the Lecture Hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 9:09:12 AM From: Elizabeth Edwards <Iwe61@me.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 9:00 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Please Vote Yes on the Lecture Hall I am writing to urge the Newport Beach City Council to vote yes and build the much anticipated Library Lecture Hall project. The Friends Room has too many limitations. A state- of-the-art facility would better serve the public and be welcomed with great enthusiasm. People of all ages are hungry to gather together to listen and learn. Other OC cities have wonderful public cultural venues - how fortunate that Costa Mesa had visionary Henry Segerstrom who saw the importance and necessity of a cultural venue and oversaw the building of the Segerstrom Center for the Arts. The City Council and the people of Newport Beach have the opportunity now to contribute a Library Lecture Hall to the present and future citizens of Newport Beach and its surrounding communities. And the Council will be recognized by future audiences as having the foresight to see the necessity of this Lecture Hall. A lecture hall at the Library makes sense and I believe it would be used by people throughout the community for years to come. It would be a wise investment. Please do not miss the opportunity to make this project happen. Elizabeth Edwards 1333 Hampshire Circle Newport Beach, CA 92660 24-134 From: Charles Eifrig Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 3:31 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: City Lecture Hall The new proposed state-of-the-art lecture hall for the Newport Beach Public Library would be a fabulous amenity for our cityAI support it! Charles WG Eifrig MD www.retinaorangecounty.com Retina Associates of Orange County Laguna Hills, Santa Ana, Newport Beach 24-135 From: Peter Elson Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 3:35 PM Subject: Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the City Council: I am writing to urge you to vote YES on the proposed lecture hall at your November 19 meeting. We need better sightlines and more capacity. The demand is there and the great programs are in place. Please support this long overdue addition to the Central Library campus. Sincerely, Peter Elson Newport Coast Sender notified by Mailtrack 24-136 From: Peter Elson <pselson@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 3:35 PM Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the City Council: I am writing to urge you to vote YES on the proposed lecture hall at your November 19 meeting. We need better sightlines and more capacity. The demand is there and the great programs are in place. Please support this long overdue addition to the Central Library campus. Sincerely, Peter Elson Newport Coast Sender notified by Mailtrack ...__. 24-137 From: Peter Elson Date: Monday, November 11, 2019 3:35:11 PM Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the City Council: I am writing to urge you to vote YES on the proposed lecture hall at your November 19 meeting. We need better sightlines and more capacity. The demand is there and the great programs are in place. Please support this long overdue addition to the Central Library campus. Sincerely, Peter Elson Newport Coast Sender notified by FE -1 Mailtrack 24-138 From: Angela Evans To: DDe t - City Council Cc: Brown, Leilani Subject: Central Library Lecture Hall - statement of support Date: Sunday, November 10, 2019 7:17:19 PM Dear City Council Members, First, thank you for all you do for the City of Newport Beach. I am a proud resident and have lived here nearly all of my life. The growth in our city has been well managed and has provided its citizens with great facilities, such as excellent libraries, parks, etc. I live in the Port Streets and I own a home on Balboa Island. I support the new library lecture hall. Our citizens enjoy learning and hearing presentations, but the current Friends Room doesn't provide adequate space for these activities. Now is an opportune time to build a new hall, especially since supportive philanthropists have offered to pay half of the cost. I support the new lecture hall at the central library. Sincerely, Angela Evans 24-139 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works); Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 7:46:24 AM From: BARRY FRIEDBERG <info@reside ntsforreform.com> Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2019 6:54 AM To: info@ residentsforreform.com; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach Council Members, Each of you ran for office claiming to be fiscal conservatives concerned about protecting our tax dollars. You can have decades of high-profile Library Lecture Series speakers at the rented Lido Theater without burdening taxpayers. The revitalized Lido Marina Village and new Lido House Hotel will also benefit from the 6-7 annual speaking events. Sincerely, BARRY FRIEDBERG narkose@cox.net 15 White Cap Drive 24-140 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer; Gallagher, Karen Subject: FW: Newport Beach Library Lecture Hall Date: Wednesday, November 06, 2019 11:52:24 AM -----Original Message ----- From: Deborah Gaal <deborahgaal@me.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2019 11:47 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Newport Beach Library Lecture Hall I support spending funds to pursue building a new lecture hall to be used by The Newport Beach Public Library and other civic and partnering organizations. We have one of the best libraries in the country. It befits us to have a state-of-the-art lecture hall to further attract top thought leaders. Thank you Deborah Gaal 14 Sea Terrace Newport Coast 24-141 From: Deborah Gaal Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2019 11:50 AM To: Brown, Leilani Subject: New Lecture Hall I support spending funds to pursue building a new lecture hall to be used by The Newport Beach Public Library and other civic and partnering organizations. We have one of the best libraries in the country. It befits us to have a state-of-the-art lecture hall to further attract top thought leaders. Thank you Deborah Gaal 14 Sea Terrace Newport Coast 24-142 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Lecture Hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 9:09:42 AM -----Original Message ----- From: Pamela Gilmour <pamelagilmour@icloud.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 9:09 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Lecture Hall Pam and Don Gilmour have resided in Newport Beach for 45 years. WE are a strong SUPPORTER of a new Lecture Hall for the Library. We have attended lectures at the Library for years and they are always sold out. How lovely to have a larger hall to accommodate everyone. Please vote in favor of the new facility! ! ! ! Pamela and Donald Gilmour 12 Rue Chantilly Sent from my iPad 24-143 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Need for a lecture hall that meets today"s needs Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:21:59 AM -----Original Message ----- From: Constance Glenn <connieglennl@icloud.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:18 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: admin@nbplfoundation.org Subject: Need for a lecture hall that meets today's needs Honorable Council Members In the past two or more decades the library and foundation have put important emphasis on building programs that have since played a large role in having our library recognized at the top of its classification in the State of California. As the programs have grown in popularity and we have continued to provide ever increasing national - quality programs in many areas, our guests and speakers have been generous about the deficiences in our lecture facilities. The size and quality of the facilities is always a question in urging national figures to come to Newport Beach. To continue to build on the success of past programs and bring more , and more accessible, programs to the library, it is now urgent that the library create a suitable lecture facility designed to better serve our Newport Beach and regional audience. Our library is a jewel in the city's cultural crown. Please vote to provide it the support needed to continue it's role in it's special place in our community services. Respectfully, Connie Glenn 4119 San Joaquin Plaza Newport Beach, CA 92660 Sent from my iPad 24-144 From: Stephanie Grody To: DDe t - City Council Subject: Lecture Hall Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 5:49:36 PM Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the City Council: I am writing to urge you to vote YES on the proposed lecture hall at your November 19meeting. We need better sightlines and more capacity. The demand is there and the great programs are in place. Please support this long overdue addition to the Central Library campus. Sincerely, Stephanie Grody Stephanie Grody 24-145 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Encouraging Strong Support for the Newport Beach Public Library Lecture Hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:53:50 AM From: Janet Hadley <janethadley@mac.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:48 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>; Brown, Leilani <LBrown @ newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Encouraging Strong Support for the Newport Beach Public Library Lecture Hall Dear Members of the Newport Beach City Council, I am writing to you as a Newport Beach citizen, a 23 year attendee of lectures at our library and as the current chairperson of the cherished Witte Lecture Series. Newport Beach has before it an opportunity to construct a well thought out and desperately needed lecture hall. The current facility at the library, the FRIENDS MEETING ROOM, provides our community with a space in which to hold lectures. The room limits us to 220 seats, does not have an effective sound system, has poor sight lines to view speakers, has no capacity to illuminate a speaker properly, has poor equipment for video viewing, offers poor supplemental auditory support for our hearing deficient guests and offers no space for our speakers to prepare before their lectures. As someone who is very interested in bringing the finest, nationally known speakers to our community and to present them in their most accessible forum I would strongly urge the council to support the current efforts to build a facility that would provided remedies to all of the above deficiencies. When I attend lectures in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Boston, New York, Chicago and other vibrant urban areas I feel very appreciative of the venues that allow for comfortable seating, good lighting, great sound, excellent sight lines and excellent AV equipment. The current well attended Library lecture series' offer our community a wide spectrum of educational opportunities - lectures about health issues, history, politics, environment, technology, art, poetry and more. Our library lecture opportunities are priceless. Let's make the wise investment of creating a state of the art venue to both offer these lectures AND create a great community space where all of Newport Beach can gather and grow. A connected community is a strong community. Sincerely Janet S. Hadley Chair - The Witte Lecture Series 24-146 Member - Newport Beach Public Library Foundation 949.533.7105 ianethadley ..mac.com 24-147 From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 8:38 AM To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) CC: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Support of Newport Beach Public Library Lecture Hall From: Lynne Hamilton Lang Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 6:28 AM To: Dept - City Council ; Brown, Leilani Subject: Support of Newport Beach Public Library Lecture Hall Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the City Council: I am writing to urge you to vote YES on the proposed lecture hall at your November 19 meeting. We need better sightlines and more capacity. The demand is there and the great programs are in place. Please support this long overdue addition to the Central Library campus. Sincerely, Lynne Hamilton Lang & Howard Lang Newport Beach, CA 24-148 From: Lynne Hamilton Lang To: DDe t - City Council; Brown, Leilani Subject: Support of Newport Beach Public Library Lecture Hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 6:28:34 AM Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the City Council: I am writing to urge you to vote YES on the proposed lecture hall at your November 19 meeting. We need better sightlines and more capacity. The demand is there and the great programs are in place. Please support this long overdue addition to the Central Library campus. Sincerely, Lynne Hamilton Lang & Howard Lang Newport Beach, CA 24-149 From: DAVID HOUSE Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 8:27 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Library Lecture hall Dear Honorable Council Members, Please count our voices as a resounding YES to the new library Lecture Hall. We believe a Library is like a temple of knowledge and a lecture hall is a temple to the sharing of knowledge. It will be a positive addition to the community and provide an appropriate home to many of the library's functions. Also, a beautiful lecture hall will be a strong message to our children and grandchildren that sharing knowledge, experiences, stories, etc... is essential to our society and culture. Maria Huang ,MD and David House, MD 26 Baffin Bay Newport Beach, Ca 92657 19 year residents, and counting 24-150 From: DAVID HOUSE Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 8:27 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Library Lecture hall Dear Honorable Council Members, Please count our voices as a resounding YES to the new library Lecture Hall. We believe a Library is like a temple of knowledge and a lecture hall is a temple to the sharing of knowledge. It will be a positive addition to the community and provide an appropriate home to many of the library's functions. Also, a beautiful lecture hall will be a strong message to our children and grandchildren that sharing knowledge, experiences, stories, etc... is essential to our society and culture. Maria Huang ,MD and David House, MD 26 Baffin Bay Newport Beach, Ca 92657 19 year residents, and counting 24-151 From: Jenny Lamott To: Brown. Leilani; Dept - City Council Subject: Library Lecture Hall is Needed Date: Thursday, November 07, 2019 2:59:13 PM Attachments: imaae001.onna Hi there! I am writing to urge the Newport Beach City Council to vote yes and build the much needed Library Lecture Hall project. When was the last time a cultural facility was built in Newport Beach? Other city libraries have lecture halls and bring in remarkable speakers. The Newport Beach library is a beautiful building, very important to the community and deserves a new lecture hall. It would be terrific to have a bigger, better place for the vast programming now offered at the Library. The Friends Room has too many limitations. A state-of-the-art facility would better serve the public and be welcomed with great enthusiasm. People of all ages are hungry to gather together to listen and learn. A lecture hall at the Library makes sense and I believe it would be used by people throughout the community for years to come. It would be a wise investment. Please do not miss the opportunity to make this project happen. Sincerely.... Jenny Lamott 58 Clouds View Irvine, CA 92603 Jenny Lamott Associate Director of Marketing ilamottPtwoten.org 781.736.1537 www.twoten.org I Facebook I Twitter I Instagram 24-152 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Gallagher, Karen; Mulvey. Jennifer Subject: FW: Library Lecture Hall is Needed Date: Thursday, November 07, 2019 2:59:55 PM Attachments: imaae002.Dna From: Jenny Lamott <jlamott@twoten.org> Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2019 2:59 PM To: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov>; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Library Lecture Hall is Needed Hi there! I am writing to urge the Newport Beach City Council to vote yes and build the much needed Library Lecture Hall project. When was the last time a cultural facility was built in Newport Beach? Other city libraries have lecture halls and bring in remarkable speakers. The Newport Beach library is a beautiful building, very important to the community and deserves a new lecture hall. It would be terrific to have a bigger, better place for the vast programming now offered at the Library. The Friends Room has too many limitations. A state-of-the-art facility would better serve the public and be welcomed with great enthusiasm. People of all ages are hungry to gather together to listen and learn. A lecture hall at the Library makes sense and I believe it would be used by people throughout the community for years to come. It would be a wise investment. Please do not miss the opportunity to make this project happen. Sincerely.... Jenny Lamott 58 Clouds View Irvine, CA 92603 TWO TENFootwear Foundation Jenny Lamott Associate Director of Marketing jlamott(a)twoten.org 781.736.1537 www.twoten.org I Facebook I Twitter I Instagram 24-153 From: Diane Dixon To: Brown, Leilani Subject: Fwd: Response to Lecture Hall Naysayer Date: Sunday, November 10, 2019 4:32:54 PM Please forward to city council and grace and Aaron Thanks. Diane 949.287.9211 Begin forwarded message: From: "Jill Johnson -Tucker" <jilljtucker, gmail.com> Date: November 10, 2019 at 3:39:02 PM PST To: "'Diane Dixon"' <dianebdixonUgmail.com> Subject: Response to Lecture Hall Naysayer Dear Mayor Dixon, I understand that you, and the City Council members, have been receiving a variety of form letters generated by one individual, opposing the proposed Lecture Hall. The latest one suggests renting the Lido Theatre for Library programs. The seemingly endless litany of potential alternative sites for Library lectures completely misses the point. Lectures that are not at the Library are not Library Lectures! The Library support groups that raise around $700,000 per year do so to put on programming at, or make cash donations to, the Library. The mission of Library support groups is to bring people to the Library, to stress the importance of our Library system, to encourage support of our Libraries by having our Libraries become part of our community's cultural life. The Library hosted over 200 events attended by over 72,000 attendees last year. At NO COST to the City. Dozens of the programs (not "6-7" as stated in the form letter) could have used larger facilities, and all of them could have used better facilities. Even were there a viable alternative location... free, readily available for the numerous events that need a better venue, and easy for Library and Foundation staff to oversee .... the support groups are not interested in having their money used for programming that is not at the Library. The most recent form letter states that it would be fiscally irresponsible of the City Council to support the Lecture Hall. I would respectfully suggest that it would be fiscally irresponsible to NOT support the Lecture Hall. The Board of Library Trustees, whom the City Council appoints to, amongst other things, oversee the Library facilities, has known for years, and made known to the City Council, that our facility was lacking. All our peer libraries have lecture halls or auditoriums on their campuses. The Newport Beach Public Library system, with the most vibrant program offerings, does not. But still the support groups raise funds and pack the Friends Room. These groups that raised 24-154 $700,000 for the Library last year are important to the cultural life of the city. And while it takes hundreds of volunteers to raise the $700,000 they bring in, and thousands of volunteer hours to plan and execute all the programs that are offered, there is no acknowledgment by the naysayers that the City is indeed lucky that folks love the Library enough to raise these funds and put in the volunteer hours. Moreover, the Board of Library Trustees and the support groups have now said that they will help the City by raising half of the Lecture Hall construction costs, for a long overdue facility that our peer libraries already enjoy. Should the City turn its back on this offer of support? Would it be fiscally responsible to say that $700,000 raised annually to educate and entertain your constituents at no cost to the City, and the donation of half of the construction costs for what will be a 100% City owned building, is unimportant? Mr. McCaffrey is at a distinct advantage in the discussion, especially to residents who don't know about the Library programming and the source of the funding. He can mislead in a short quip what takes many paragraphs to explain and dispute. He is trying to turn this discussion into a negative and misleading soundbite. I hope the Council will not fall for Mr. McCaffrey's approach. The Council has had the Lecture Hall directly or indirectly before it on 3 separate occasions and on each of those occasions decided to proceed. The request to the Council on Nov. 19 is to continue gathering the facts so that a substantive decision can be made next year on whether to proceed with the project. The position of Library supporters on the need for a lecture hall won't change, but until the City Council has conceptual drawings and more information about the cost of the facility, a decision against, and yes even for, would be premature. Many thanks for your continuing support, Respectfully, Jill Johnson -Tucker Board of Library Trustee Member 2011-2019 Chair of Library Lecture Hall Design Committee 24-155 From: Van Berah, Jennifer To: DDe t - City Council; Brown, Leilani Subject: Library Lecture Hall Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 4:32:34 PM Dear Members of the City Counsel, I am writing to lend my very strong support for the proposed lecture hall at the Newport Beach Library, Central campus. 1, along with so many of my neighbors, have enjoyed the tremendous programing provided by the Library including the Witte Lecture Series, Medicine in Our Backyard and It's Your Money to name a few. How lucky we are to have such excellent programs that enrich our lives in Newport Beach! However, the Friends' Room where most of these presentations take place is certainly not ideal and the problematic sightlines and cramped, claustrophobic space detracts from the wonderful speakers and it is so frustrating to be turned away when events sell-out. I am very excited at the prospect of building a wonderful auditorium with bigger capacity and a proper sloped floor and better audiovisual capabilities. I am asking you to support this lecture hall by voting for it at the meeting on November 19th Sincerely, Jennifer Van Bergh Newport Beach 24-156 From: Jill Johnson -Tucker To: Van Berah, Jennifer Cc: Dent - City Council; Brown, Leilani Subject: Re: Library Lecture Hall Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 6:14:38 PM Can you send out a email to friends? Ask them to write a letter too? Jill Johnson -Tucker Sent from my Whone On Nov 4, 2019, at 4:32 PM, Van Bergh, Jennifer wrote: Dear Members of the City Counsel, I am writing to lend my very strong support for the proposed lecture hall at the Newport Beach Library, Central campus. I, along with so many of my neighbors, have enjoyed the tremendous programing provided by the Library including the Witte Lecture Series, Medicine in Our Backyard and It's Your Money to name a few. How lucky we are to have such excellent programs that enrich our lives in Newport Beach! However, the Friends' Room where most of these presentations take place is certainly not ideal and the problematic sightlines and cramped, claustrophobic space detracts from the wonderful speakers and it is so frustrating to be turned away when events sell-out. I am very excited at the prospect of building a wonderful auditorium with bigger capacity and a proper sloped floor and better audiovisual capabilities. I am asking you to support this lecture hall by voting for it at the meeting on November 19th. Sincerely, Jennifer Van Bergh Newport Beach 24-157 From: Judy Johnson Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 12:26 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Library Lecture Hall Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the City Council, Please vote YES on the proposed lecture hall to the Central Library campus at your November 19th meeting. We need a more modern, larger and better designed lecture hall for the great programs that are available for our community. Sincerely, Judy Johnson 28 Royal Saint George Rd. Newport Beach, CA 24-158 From: Judy Johnson <jjjohnson.law@cox.net> Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 12:26 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Library Lecture Hall Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the City Council, Please vote YES on the proposed lecture hall to the Central Library campus at your November 19th meeting. We need a more modern, larger and better designed lecture hall for the great programs that are available for our community. Sincerely, Judy Johnson 28 Royal Saint George Rd. Newport Beach, CA 24-159 From: Diane Dixon Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2019 4:33 PM To: Brown, Leilani Subject: Fwd: Response to Lecture Hall Naysayer Please forward to city council and grace and Aaron Thanks. Diane 949.287.9211 Begin forwarded message: From: "Jill Johnson -Tucker" <jilljtuckerggmail.com> Date: November 10, 2019 at 3:39:02 PM PST To: "'Diane Dixon"' <dianebdixonggmail.com> Subject: Response to Lecture Hall Naysayer m Dear Mayor Dixon, I understand that you, and the City Council members, have been receiving a variety of form letters generated by one individual, opposing the proposed Lecture Hall. The latest one suggests renting the Lido Theatre for Library programs. The seemingly endless litany of potential alternative sites for Library lectures completely misses the point. Lectures that are not at the Library are not Library Lectures! The Library support groups that raise around $700,000 per year do so to put on programming at, or make cash donations to, the Library. The mission of Library support groups is to bring people to the Library, to stress the importance of our Library system, to encourage support of our Libraries by having our Libraries become part of our community*s cultural life. The Library hosted over 200 events attended by over 72,000 attendees last year. At NO COST to the City. Dozens of the programs (not A6 -7A as stated in the form letter) could have used larger facilities, and all of them could have used better facilities. Even were there a viable alternative locationAfree, readily available for the numerous events that need a better venue, and easy for Library and Foundation staff to oversee*.the support groups are not interested in having their money used for programming that is not at the Library. The most recent form letter states that it would be fiscally irresponsible of the City Council to support the Lecture Hall. I would respectfully suggest that it 24-160 would be fiscally irresponsible to NOT support the Lecture Hall. The Board of Library Trustees, whom the City Council appoints to, amongst other things, oversee the Library facilities, has known for years, and made known to the City Council, that our facility was lacking. All our peer libraries have lecture halls or auditoriums on their campuses. The Newport Beach Public Library system, with the most vibrant program offerings, does not. But still the support groups raise funds and pack the Friends Room. These groups that raised $700,000 for the Library last year are important to the cultural life of the city. And while it takes hundreds of volunteers to raise the $700,000 they bring in, and thousands of volunteer hours to plan and execute all the programs that are offered, there is no acknowledgment by the naysayers that the City is indeed lucky that folks love the Library enough to raise these funds and put in the volunteer hours. Moreover, the Board of Library Trustees and the support groups have now said that they will help the City by raising half of the Lecture Hall construction costs, for a long overdue facility that our peer libraries already enjoy. Should the City turn its back on this offer of support? Would it be fiscally responsible to say that $700,000 raised annually to educate and entertain your constituents at no cost to the City, and the donation of half of the construction costs for what will be a 100% City owned building, is unimportant? Mr. McCaffrey is at a distinct advantage in the discussion, especially to residents who dont know about the Library programming and the source of the funding. He can mislead in a short quip what takes many paragraphs to explain and dispute. He is trying to turn this discussion into a negative and misleading soundbite. I hope the Council will not fall for Mr. McCaffrey*s approach. The Council has had the Lecture Hall directly or indirectly before it on 3 separate occasions and on each of those occasions decided to proceed. The request to the Council on Nov. 19 is to continue gathering the facts so that a substantive decision can be made next year on whether to proceed with the project. The position of Library supporters on the need for a lecture hall wont change, but until the City Council has conceptual drawings and more information about the cost of the facility, a decision against, and yes even for, would be premature. Many thanks for your continuing support, Respectfully, Jill Johnson -Tucker Board of Library Trustee Member 2011-2019 Chair of Library Lecture Hall Design Committee 24-161 From: Ellen Jones To: Dent - City Council Cc: Brown, Leilani Subject: Yes on Library Lecture Hall Date: Monday, November 11, 2019 5:03:03 AM Dear City Council, I'm writing to voice my support for the Newport Beach Library Lecture Hall on the Central Library campus. The community could hugely benefit from the educational and valuable programming it could offer. Thank you! -Ellen Jones Sent from my Whone 24-162 From: Ellen Jones Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 5:03 AM To: Dept - City Council CC: Brown, Leilani Subject: Yes on Library Lecture Hall Dear City Council, IQm writing to voice my support for the Newport Beach Library Lecture Hall on the Central Library campus. The community could hugely benefit from the educational and valuable programming it could offer. Thank you! -Ellen Jones Sent from my Whone 24-163 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Lecture Hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 4:03:20 PM -----Original Message ----- From: Karen Clark <karen.h.clark@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 4:02 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Lecture Hall Yes to the Lecture Hall. The City needs it - there is nowhere now where the library or community groups can present quality lectures and other events. I predict it will be used constantly and will become one of the highlights of our City. Let's look forward! Karen Clark 24-164 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Library Lecture Hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:47:59 AM From: Teri Kennady <kennady@cox.net> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:47 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Library Lecture Hall Just wanted to show my support in favor of a new lecture hall as part of the NB Library campus ... The library has had wonderful lectures and with a new lecture hall, promises to have even more. Teri Kennady 11 Rue Valbonne Newport Beach CA 24-165 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Support for Library Lecture Hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:40:50 AM -----Original Message ----- From: Charles Klobe <cklobe@me.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:37 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Support for Library Lecture Hall Good day Madam Mayor and Members of the City Council, Please accept my support for the proposed Library Lecture Hall project. Thank you for your service, Charles Klobe Sent from my iPad 24-166 From: Carolyn Knight To: Dept - City Council Date: Wednesday, November 06, 2019 8:42:10 AM Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the City Council: I am writing to urge you to vote YES on the proposed lecture hall at your November 19 meeting. We need better sightlines and more capacity. I have been a participant in the Witte Lecture Series for a few years, and my husband a teacher in the literacy program when he was alive. I think it is so important to keep lectures and programs at the physical location of the library, which also gives exposure to our wonderful library to participants in the library programs. The demand is there and the great programs are in place. Please support this long overdue addition to the Central Library campus. Sincerely, Carolyn Knight 4 Chatham Ct. Newport Beach, CA 92660 24-167 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Library Lecture Hall Project Commendation from Newport/Mesa ProLiteracy Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 9:47:28 AM From: Eve -Marie Kuntzman <ekuntzman@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 9:46 AM To: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov>; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Library Lecture Hall Project Commendation from Newport/Mesa ProLiteracy Honorable Mayor Dixon and Members of Newport Beach City Council: On behalf of the advisory board of Newport/Mesa ProLiteracy, I am writing to express our support for the proposed Library Lecture Hall. I am grateful for your welcome of our strong commendation for this proposed project. For over 33 years, Newport/Mesa ProLiteracy has been providing the gift of literacy to thousands of individuals in the community, in turn ensuring those individuals have the opportunity to become more productive members of our society. Our organization, as well as the caliber of vital services that we provide, has flourished thanks to the collaborative partnership we share with the City of Newport Beach and the Newport Beach Library. One of the most critical imperatives of Newport/Mesa ProLiteracy is to cultivate a diverse and growing constituency, both in terms of reaching the adults who need our services as well as welcoming tutors and other volunteers. We indulge several opportunities to engage the community throughout the year, utilizing the Friends Room at the Library when it is feasible and available. The Friends Room's availability, as well as the functionality of the room itself, have presented limitations over the years. A more modern facility that is specifically tailored to present to larger groups would improve the ability to attract as well as engage the community as a whole. Newport/Mesa ProLiteracy's Advisory Board shares the vision of the Board of Library Trustees, that the benefits of the Library Lecture Hall project would be significant to the myriad programs of the library, our program among them. It is our belief that the Library Lecture Hall would serve as a beacon for the community, and would further serve to increase attendance and engagement in library programming and related activities. The Library Lecture Hall would be a benefit to our mission and related endeavors, as well as provide a premier public venue for the entire City. We appreciate your willingness to accept our enthusiastic endorsement for this project. On behalf of our organization, thank you for your consideration. We are grateful for all that you do to serve our vibrant community. With gratitude, Eve -Marie Kuntzman 24-168 President, Advisory Board of Newport/Mesa ProLiteracy 24-169 From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 8:38 AM To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Support of Newport Beach Public Library Lecture Hall From: Lynne Hamilton Lang Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 6:28 AM To: Dept - City Council ; Brown, Leilani Subject: Support of Newport Beach Public Library Lecture Hall Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the City Council: I am writing to urge you to vote YES on the proposed lecture hall at your November 19 meeting. We need better sightlines and more capacity. The demand is there and the great programs are in place. Please support this long overdue addition to the Central Library campus. Sincerely, Lynne Hamilton Lang & Howard Lang Newport Beach, CA 24-170 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Support for new lecture hall/performance space Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 8:57:15 AM From: Mary Langsdorf <mary@ocwomenschorus.org> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 8:50 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Support for new lecture hall/performance space Dear Mayor Diane Dixon and council members of Newport Beach: I am writing to you to advocate approval of the new lecture hall/performance space at the Newport Beach Public Library. The Orange County Women's Chorus has made its home in Newport Beach for 22 years. While the office address is in Laguna Hills and our singers come from 22 communities in Orange County as well as from Los Angeles County, San Diego County, and the Inland Empire, we have rehearsed at Newport Harbor Lutheran Church in Newport Beach and performed there and at other churches in Newport Beach since our founding. We are recognized as one of the top community choruses in southern California. In March 2020, we are performing at the Western Division Conference of the American Choral Directors' Association for the third time in our history. We were recognized as an Outstanding Arts Organization by Arts Orange County in 2014. We were a prize winner at the International Eistoddfod (festival) in Llangollen, Wales in 2015, and we toured the UK in 2015 and the Pacific Northwest and Canada in 2018. We perform three programs annually, and serve an average of 1,000 patrons annually, with audience sizes ranging from 200 - 425 per program. We have grown from fewer than two dozen singers and an all -volunteer (artistic and organizational) team at our founding to 60 voices this season, with a paid Artistic Director, Assistant Director, pianist, conducting intern, and Executive Director. We are positively impacting the community and the local economy—but we are outgrowing our physical space. We are excited about the new lecture/performance space planned for the Newport Beach Public Library as outlined in the LA Times/Daily Pilot article. With 275 seats and 50 overflow seats, the space would be a great size for many of the small arts organizations who are seeking performance venues. Orange County is desperately in need of a mid-sized performance space of 300 - 500 seats to accommodate these organizations, as the educational institutions that may have these facilities are so scheduled with their own productions, there is little room for community groups. This need was identified in the Master Arts Plan for Newport Beach by Arts Orange County in 2014. We hope you will support the approval of this project on November 19, and that the design will consider acoustics and other design features that would be important to so many community arts organizations seeking a home. Sincerely, 24-171 Mary C. Langsdorf President, Board of Directors Orange County Women's Chorus 23802 Avenida de la Carlota Laguna Hills, CA. 92653 m=&ocwomenschorus. org www.ocwomenschorus.org 24-172 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Lecture hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 9:41:41 AM -----Original Message ----- From: Kathleen LeGrand <kathylegrand@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 9:41 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Lecture hall I am in complete support of the proposed lecture hall addition at the main library. Sent from my iPhone 24-173 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Lecture Hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:38:46 AM From: Meg Linton <linton.meg@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:31 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>; Brown, Leilani <LBrown @ newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Lecture Hall Hello City Council, I strongly support the Lecture Hall project moving forward with the design phase. It will be a facility used by the Library and the community for years to come and it will complete the original plans for the Library and Civic campus. Meg Linton linton. mega) gmail. c om 24-174 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Lecture Hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 7:49:32 AM From: Phoebe Loos <stayloos@cox.net> Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2019 4:10 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Lecture Hall The lecture hall has my full support Phoebe Loos 1105 Granville Dr. Newport Beach, CA 92660 24-175 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher. Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Lecture Hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:30:55 AM Attachments: imaae001.Dna From: Van Bergh, Mia <Mia.VanBergh@bnymellon.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:06 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>; Brown, Leilani <LBrown @ newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Lecture Hall Dear Members of the City Council, I am writing to ask you to vote for the proposed lecture hall at the Newport Beach Library, Central campus at your November 19 meeting. Since I have moved back to Newport Beach and started my professional career after college, I have enjoyed the programs at the library. The speakers are excellent! The Friends' Room where the lectures are currently held is not ideal and are often overcrowded and sold out. I do believe we need a better venue with the capacity to hold even more people. Please support this wonderful addition to the Library campus. Sincerely, Mia Van Bergh Newport Beach Mia Van Bergh Wealth Director BNY Mellon Wealth Management 1600 Newport Center Drive, Suite 200 1 Newport Beach, CA 92660 T (949) 253 - 5038 M (949) 887 - 9528 F (949) 253 - 5045 Mia.VanBerghr@bnymellon.com BNY MELLON WEALTN MANASEMENT bnymellonwealth.com Follow us on: Twitter I Linkedln I Instagram The information contained in this e-mail, and any attachment, is confidential and is intended solely for the use of the intended recipient. Access, copying or re -use of the e-mail or any 24-176 attachment, or any information contained therein, by any other person is not authorized. If you are not the intended recipient please return the e-mail to the sender and delete it from your computer. Although we attempt to sweep e-mail and attachments for viruses, we do not guarantee that either are virus -free and accept no liability for any damage sustained as a result of viruses. Please refer to hhtWs:Hdisclaimer.bn=ellon.com/eu.htm for certain disclosures relating to European legal entities. We take our data protection and privacy responsibilities seriously and our privacy notice explains how we collect, use and share personal information in the course of our business activities. It can be accessed at the privacy section of www.bnymellon.com. 24-177 From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 11:36 AM To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Lecture hall at the Newport Beach central library -----Original Message ----- From: Marta Mahoney <mem3@cox.net> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 11:31 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Lecture hall at the Newport Beach central library I think this is a wonderful idea. I attend lectures and author events at the central library often, and these events are always crowded. Many events, such as appearances by best-selling authors such as Doris Kearns Goodwin, sell out immediately for lack of space. I urge the city council to approve this project. Marta Mahoney Sent from my Wad 24-178 From: Irene Martino To: Dent - City Council; Brown. Leilani Subject: Lecture hall Date: Monday, November 11, 2019 8:29:48 AM Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the City Council: I am writing to urge you to vote YES on the proposed lecture hall at your November 19 meeting. We need better sightlines and more capacity. The demand is there and the great programs are in place. Please support this long overdue addition to the Central Library campus. Irene Martino Newport Beach 24-179 From: Irene Martino <irenemartino@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 8:30 AM To: Dept - City Council; Brown, Leilani Subject: Lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the City Council: I am writing to urge you to vote YES on the proposed lecture hall at your November 19 meeting. We need better sightlines and more capacity. The demand is there and the great programs are in place. Please support this long overdue addition to the Central Library campus. Irene Martino Newport Beach 24-180 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Proposed lecture hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:31:14 AM -----Original Message ----- From: Gordon Mcalpine <gsmcalpine@aol.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:28 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Proposed lecture hall Dear city council, I support the development of a new lecture hall adjacent to the main branch library. Gordon McAlpine Sent from my iPhone 24-181 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Lecture Hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 3:15:51 PM From: Mark McGilvray <markmcg1951@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:45 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Jean McGilvray (jeanmcgilvray54@gmail.com) <jeanmcgilvray54@gmail.com> Subject: Lecture Hall Dear City Council—this is to let you know that my wife and I am in favor of a new lecture hall at the city library, especially in light of fundraisers' offer to fund 50% of the cost. Thank you for your consideration. Mark and Jean McGilvray 26 Rue Grand Valley Newport Beach 92660 24-182 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher. Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Library Lecture Hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:21:34 AM -----Original Message ----- From: catherine mclarand <mclarand@msn.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:18 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Library Lecture Hall I support the project! Sent from my iPhone 24-183 From: Patricia Nichols To: DDe t - City Council; Brown. Leilani Subject: Newport Beach Library Beach Lecture Hall - it"s a "must have"! Date: Monday, November 11, 2019 12:34:09 PM Dear City Council Members, The inadequacy of the current lecture hall, its flatness, its overcrowding for so many events, its poor equipment for presentations ,now gives me pause in attending the otherwise outstanding events the Foundation offers. PLEASE consider design development for a new lecture hall with the intent to build the kind of facility that is so sorely lacking inn our town. UCI has such a lecture hall. Why can't we? I feel sure that many residents would readily participate, financially, in this endeavor. What an exciting place it would be to hold events! Let's do it - let's build a state of the art lecture hall with an inclined floor so that all can see the speaker and the visual screens. Enthusiastically, Tricia Nichols 6 Shoal Dr. Corona del Mar, CA 92625 24-184 From: mianicklin(Dme.com To: Brown, Leilani Subject: YES on the library lecture hall!I! Date: Thursday, November 07, 2019 7:54:28 AM I'm writing in support of the proposed library lecture hall and ask that you vote yes on the project. Our community needs a lecture hall that can accommodate a larger audience and allow library programs to grow. The Newport Beach Central Library is the soul of the community an amazing place of learning and discovery. We need your support to continue the great services the library is able to offer. Many thanks for your consideration. Kind regards, M. Nicklin mianicklinn, amail. c om 24-185 From: Linda Oeth To: Dept - City Council Subject: Library meeting hall Date: Sunday, November 03, 2019 1:37:54 PM Please vote yes for a library meeting center. The Library is a jewel in our city's crown, many events are oversubscribed and residents are turned away. The Library and City will make good use of the new facility. Thank you, Linda Oeth 24-186 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb, Dave (Public Works) Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Our Community Deserves a Proper Community Auditorium/Lecture Hall -Please Vote YES on the Lecture Hall!! Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 7:47:03 AM From: Natasha Palmaer <palmaer@me.com> Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2019 9:05 AM To: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov>; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Our Community Deserves a Proper Community Auditorium/Lecture Hall -Please Vote YES on the Lecture Hall!! Dear Newport Beach City Council members: I am writing to urge you to vote YES and build the much needed Library Lecture Hall. Our city has grown and so should our facilities that bring the community together! We lost the art museum, we can't lose the Lecture Hall project too. Many cities around the nation have enhanced their communities by providing ideal spaces for lectures, community events, musical and theatrical performances. Huntington Beach Central Library has a 319 -seat theater with a projection booth and screen. Libraries in San Diego, Mountain View, Carlsbad and Santa Monica, to name just a few, also have added auditorium spaces. Currently, the Friends Room in the Central Library has too many limitations. The stackable chairs in the room are cumbersome and uncomfortable. The lack of a sloped floor limits visibility, limited technological infrastructure can make the space less than ideal for audiences, and the small capacity turns people away. We have an ideal situation today for building a lecture hall that's contiguous to the library and City Hall -the space and parking structure already exists and the community support is overwhelming! One man argued that the cost is prohibitive, how could that be if a large portion of the cost will be paid by private donors?!! A state-of-the-art facility would better serve the public and be welcomed with great enthusiasm. People of all ages are hungry to gather together to listen and learn. It would be terrific to have a bigger, better place for the vast programming now offered at the Library. This would be a wise investment and an incredible legacy given to constituents from their City Council. A lecture hall at the Library makes sense and it would be used by thousands of people throughout the community for years to come! 24-187 Please VOTE YES ON THE LECTURE HALL! Sincerely, Natasha & Todd Palmaer 888 Sandcastle Drive Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 949.514.7424 24-188 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher. Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: LIBRARY LECTURE HALL VOTE Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:54:25 AM From: Penelope Parr <penelle.parr@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:50 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: LIBRARY LECTURE HALL VOTE Dear City Council Members, I support a yes vote on the library lecture hall. Sincerely, Penelope Parr 24-189 From: Rosemary Ward To: Brown. Leilani Cc: Dept - City Council Subject: Build a New Lecture Hall! Date: Wednesday, November 06, 2019 9:59:07 PM Dear Members, Please vote YES on this much needed project. The Newport Beach library is simply too small to house the many activities and lectures that are drawn to this area. The Friends Room is small and cramped with bad acoustics and even worse visibility. When there is a popular personality in town, the event is SOLD OUT because the room can not accommodate the hoards. The library is such a gathering place. This new lecture hall would add so much to this beautiful architectural marvel that is the library/city hall. Thank you, Rosemary Ward 18 Morning Sun Irvine, CA 92603 rosemarypward@gmail.com 24-190 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Lecture Hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:40:07 AM From: timrhone@cox.net <timrhone@cox.net> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:32 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Lecture Hall We support the NEW lecture hall ! ! Tim Rhone Real Estate Broker Surterre Properties (949) 374-2959 timrhonea..cox.net DRE lic. 400685152 24-191 From: Rieff, Kim To: Webb. Dave (Public Works) Cc: Gallagher. Karen; Mulvey. Jennifer Subject: FW: new auditorium. Date: Wednesday, November 06, 2019 12:35:32 PM From: Darling Rooney <dlrooney2@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2019 12:33 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: new auditorium. All, I so enjoy the insightful and thoughtful lectures at the Newport Beach Library. I am so grateful and appreciative that the city is taking an active step to provide more seating and a larger venue for this purpose.The written is word is valuable to our community and the ability to share this gift should be of the utmost concern to the City of Newport Beach. I look forward to continuing my support for this project and applaud the Newport Beach Library for its programs and lectures. Respectfully, Darling Rooney 24-192 From: Steve Rosansky Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2019 12:00 PM To: Avery, Brad; DIANEBDIXON; Dixon, Diane; (duffy@duffyboats.com); Jeff Herdman; Brenner, Joy; Kevin Muldoon (kevinmmuldoon@yahoo.com); William O'Neill; Brown, Leilani; paul@lawfriend.com; Jill Johnson -Tucker; Hetherton, Tim Subject: Library Lecture Hall Support Letter Attachments: Library Lecture Hall Support Letter 11.05.2019.pdf Dear Mayor Dixon & City Council Members: Attached is a copy o f a letter delivered to the City C1erk*s office in support of taking the next steps towards the construction of a library lecture hall. Please enter it into the record for the Nov. 19th City Council meeting. Warm regards, Steve Steve Rosansky President and C.E.O. 24-193 Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce The Business and Community Resource NEW ADDRESS 4343 Von Karman Ave., Ste. 150-W Newport Beach, CA 92660 PH: (949) 729-4404 FX: (949) 729-4417 www.NewportBeach.com EN Click to signup for eMail updates or text NEWPORTCHAMBER to 42828 You have received this message from the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce (NBCC). It has been sent to you individually from the sender as a result of you voluntarily submitting your 24-194 e-mail address for use in the course of business with us. Please dont report this message as SPAM. If you do not want to receive e-mail from the NBCC, please let us know by replying to this message, or by calling us at the number below. The NBCC does NOT ever send Unsolicited Commercial E -Mail (UCE). Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce A 4343 Von Karman Ave., Ste. 150-W, Newport Beach, CA 92660 A (949) 729-4400 24-195 From: Steve Rosanskv To: Avery. Brad; DIANEBDIXON; Dixon. Diane; (duffv(cduffvboats.com); Jeff Herdman; Brenner, Joy; Kevin Muldoon (kevinmmuldoon(abyahoo.com); William O'Neill; Brown, Leilani; paul(cblawfriend.com; Jill Johnson-Tucker; Netherton, Tim Subject: Library Lecture Hall Support Letter Date: Thursday, November 07, 2019 11:59:53 AM Attachments: Library Lecture Hall Support Letter 11.05.2019.odf Dear Mayor Dixon & City Council Members: Attached is a copy o f a letter delivered to the City Clerk's office in support of taking the next steps towards the construction of a library lecture hall. Please enter it into the record for the Nov. 19th City Council meeting. Warm regards, Steve Steve Rosansky President and C.E.O. CONNECTION- EDUCATION- NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY, ADVOCACY Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce The Business and Community Resource 1p1e(3&WThber' UCI Paul hMerage - NF!AfPQAT EFA{H I School of BvsineSS ECONOMIC FORECAST NEW ADDRESS 4343 Von Karman Ave., Ste. 150-W Newport Beach, CA 92660 PH: (949) 729-4404 FX: (949) 729-4417 www.NewportBeach.com MORIM Click to silan up for eMail updates Privacy by BrSafeSubscril or text NEWPORTCHAMBER to 42828 You have received this message from the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce (NBCC). It has been sent to you individually from the sender as a result of you voluntarily submitting your e-mail address for use in the course of business with us. Please don't report this message as SPAM. If you do not want to receive e-mail from the NBCC, please let us know by replying to this message, or by calling us at the number below. The NBCC does NOT ever send Unsolicited Commercial E -Mail (UCE). Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce —4343 Von Karman Ave., Ste. 150-W, Newport Beach, CA 92660 — (949) 729-4400 24-196 TheChamber NEWPORT BEACH November 5, 2019 Mayor Diane Dixon 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Library Lecture Hall Proposal Dear Mayor Dixon & Council Members: At a meeting of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors on October 28, 2019, the Board voted unanimously to recommend to the Council that it favorably consider several aspects of the Library Lecture Hall at its upcoming meeting on November 19 including a waiver by The Irvine Company of its SLURS, a CEQA Categorical Exemption, and approval of the architectural contract for the Lecture Hall. At the Chamber's meeting, Board members stressed the importance of supporting the intellectual and artistic expectations of our residents. The existing City programming venues, although serviceable to this point, are clearly lacking in size, suitability and availability for the presentation of first class programming which Newport Beach residents demand and deserve. We have no doubt that the Library Lecture Hall will be well utilized not only by the Library and the Arts Commission, but by the community at large. The Chamber looks forward to the use of the Lecture Hall for our WAKE UP! Newport presentations, debates and forums. Undoubtedly, other organizations, as well as businesses in town, will keep the Hall well utilized. We also think it is important to stress that funding for the facility will be a private -public partnership, with 50% of the funding derived from private donations. Please support these important first steps for the realization of the Lecture Hall at your meeting on November 19 with a 7-0 yes vote. Warm President/CEO C. Newport Beach Chamber of CONNECTION. EDI CAT ION. COMMUNITY. ADVOCACY., 4343 Vern Karman Avenue, Suite 150-`rV, Newport Beach, California 9'660 • Ph: (949} 729-4400 - Fax: (949) 729-4417 - wwy,d.nevaportbeach.cc24-197 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Yes ...Build the Lecture Hall Library Lecture Hall is Needed Please Vote YES on the Lecture Hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:57:28 AM From: Sophie Moshayedi <sophiemoshayedi@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:56 AM To: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov>; Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Yes ...Build the Lecture Hall Library Lecture Hall is Needed Please Vote YES on the Lecture Hall To whom it may concern, I am writing to urge the Newport Beach City Council to vote yes and build the much anticipated Library Lecture Hall project. When was the last time a cultural facility was built in our City? In fact, we lost the art museum. Other city libraries have lecture halls. We should too. I have attended numerous lectures at the library and find them to be incredibly interesting and worthwhile. It would be terrific to have a bigger, better place for the vast programming now offered at the Library. The Friends Room has too many limitations. A state-of-the-art facility would better serve the public and be welcomed with great enthusiasm. People of all ages are hungry to gather together to listen and learn. A lecture hall at the Library makes sense and I believe it would be used by people throughout the community for years to come. It would be a wise investment. Please do not miss the opportunity to make this project happen. Sincerely, Sophie Moshayedi 2121 Bayside Drive Corona Del Mar, 92625 24-198 From: Susan Skinner To: Dent - City Council Subject: Support for new library lecture hall Date: Saturday, November 02, 2019 9:33:26 AM Dear City Council: I understand that you have gotten a lot of letters against the idea of a new library lecture hall based on Bob McCaffrey's erroneous information. I'd like to add my name to the list of people who think this is a good idea. I attend the Witte lectures when one catches my attention and the Friends room is really suboptimal for this type of lecture. From the back of the room, you can't see the lecturer very well and more importantly, the room cannot begin to accommodate enough people, frequently selling out before I make up my mind. If the library can raise their share of the money to build this room, I think it would benefit the residents of Newport Beach for the city to support it as well. Thanks! Susan Skinner 24-199 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: YES - Let"s Build the Library Lecture Hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 4:53:00 PM From: Keiko Sakamoto <keikosakamoto949@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 4:52 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>; Brown, Leilani <LBrown @ newportbeachca.gov> Subject: YES - Let's Build the Library Lecture Hall Please vote YES in support of the Library Lecture Hall in Newport Beach! I have been attending the lecture series at the library from Day 1, and have always appreciated the opportunity for people of all ages, backgrounds and perspectives to come together to learn from a speaker and to engage with one another. There is no more neutral and accepting place than a library for opening one's mind, discovering knowledge and building a sense of community. We need this now more than ever. Sadly, the Friends Room where the lectures are currently held is woefully inadequate. Many are turned away at the door for lack of seats. Those who can secure a seat can barely see the speaker because of the flat floor. Senior citizens cannot sit long in the hard, stackable chairs. And the existing sound system and acoustics of the room do not lend themselves to easy listening. Did you know that these seemingly mundane factors are so important for learning that some schools of architecture now offer courses on lecture hall design? It is difficult to concentrate on a speaker's words when you can barely hear and have to crane your neck to see the speaker or the accompanying visuals. The library staff, NBPLF board and members, and the library -loving residents of Orange County call upon you to support their desire to continue enjoying the lecture series, but in a facility that allows for higher attendance, and enhanced viewing, hearing and comfort. Our community deserves this place of openness, culture and learning. Please vote YES! Thank you! Keiko Sakamoto keikosakamoto949& email. com 949-887-8400 24-200 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Library Lecture Hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:08:56 AM From: Nancy Scarbrough <nscarbrough@spacesquared.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:03 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Library Lecture Hall Good day Madam Mayor and Members of the City Council, Please accept my support for the proposed Library Lecture Hall project. Thank you for your service, Nancy Scarbrough This email has been checked for viruses by AVG antivirus software. 24-201 From: Malcolm Schneer <malcolm@swedm.com> Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 2:43 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Lecture Hall I support the proposal to provide a lecture hall at the Newport Beach Library. Malcolm Schneer NEWPORT COAST. 24-202 From: Jennifer Segerstrom To: Dent - City Council; Brown. Leilani Subject: Lecture Hall Date: Tuesday, November 05, 2019 4:45:19 PM Dear Members of the City Council, I am writing to ask you to vote YES on the proposed lecture hall at your November 19 meeting. The Library programs are excellent and significantly contribute to the Newport Beach quality of life providing education, knowledge and entertainment. We need a better venue with the capacity to hold even more residents. Please support this wonderful addition to the Library campus. Sincerely, Jennifer Segerstrom Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 24-203 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Support for proposed Library Lecture Hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:00:44 AM From: Michael C. Self, Esq. <mself@snblawnb.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 9:54 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: City Clerk's Office <CityClerk@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Support for proposed Library Lecture Hall Dear City Council Members: My wife and I have been city of NB residents since 1988. 1 have always felt the city of Newport Beach has been run well. I have not been active in the city's politics. However, I believe the proposed Library Lecture Hall and the 50/50 private/public cost sharing arrangement to build the Lecture Hall is a fantastic idea and would provide the city a wonderful opportunity to host some of the best lecturers from around the globe. I am sure that the people coming in from around the country and the globe would be thrilled to see the investment the city has made to provide a world class hall. I urge the council members to support the idea as much as I do. Thank you for taking the time to read my opinion. Very truly yours, Michael C. Self 614 Gary Place Newport Beach, CA 92663 24-204 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Yes- please build the lecture hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:59:36 PM -----Original Message ----- From: latika sethi <latikasethi@icloud.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:58 PM To: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Yes- please build the lecture hall To The City Council, Newport Beach, CA Please Vote YES on the Lecture Hall I urge the Newport Beach City Council to vote yes and build the much anticipated Library Lecture Hall project. We need a bigger and better lecture hall at the library. Other city libraries have lecture halls. We should too. The Library offers a vast array of wonderful lectures and talks. The Friends Room has too many limitations. A state-of-the-art facility would better serve the public and be welcomed with great enthusiasm. People of all ages are hungry to gather together to listen and learn. A lecture hall at the Library makes sense and I believe it would be used by people throughout the community for years to come. It would be a wise investment. Please do not miss the opportunity to make this project happen. Thank you, Sincerely, Latika Sethi latika—sethi@yahoo.com 24-205 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Library lecture hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 9:09:26 AM From: Linda Simos <linda.simos@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 9:02 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Library lecture hall Please consider adding a new lecture hall to the main library. Also a gift shop. Linda Simos 7142274447 24-206 From: jskinnermd(cbaol.com To: Debt - City Council Subject: Fwd: Support for the new Newport Beach library lecture hall Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 11:38:20 AM I am re -sending this email to all City Council members because I discovered that my email below had a number of incorrect email addresses and was not received by all CC members. That's what I get for trying to send an email from my Pad instead of waiting until I was in front of my home computer and better addresses! I apologize to those who are receiving this a second time. Nancy Skinner -----Original Message ----- From: Nancy Skinner To: ddixon ; Will O'Neill ; jherdman1 ; jbrenner ; kmuldoon ; Duffy Duffield ; Brad Avery Sent: Sun, Nov 3, 2019 11:32 am Subject: Support for the new Newport Beach library lecture hall Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the Council: I would like to express my support for the proposed new lecture hall at the NB Library. We are a community which has traditionally supported the arts and this lecture hall will give the residents more opportunities to enjoy cultural events. For example, the Friend's Room is fine for small gatherings, but as the excellence of the multiple lecture series using the Friend's Room has become more and more recognized, people are being turned away due to capacity. Having a new lecture hall would have many benefits and especially if the city only has to pay for half the cost! Some of you may be aware of my philosophical opposition to charging developer fees, but if they must be collected, this is just the kind of project that should be funded as it creates a clear public benefit that will be well utilized. Thank you for giving this your consideration, Nancy Skinner 1724 Highland Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Sent from my Pad 24-207 From: BARBARA SPITZ <bsslss@mac.com> Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 2:52 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Lecture Hall To Whom It May Concern: We strongly support the addition proposed for a lecture hall. Respectively, Barbara and Lawrence Spitz, 1106 Somerset Lane. 24-208 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Library Lecture Hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 4:06:39 PM Importance: High From: Jeff Stack <JSTACK@Sares- Regis. com> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 4:06 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Library Lecture Hall Importance: High City Council Members, I am writing to express my support for building a library lecture hall. The current Friends' Room is inadequate for our needs in Newport Beach. I believe that Newport Beach should have a state of the art lecture hall in which to present its programming. Please vote on November 19th to move forward with the lecture hall planning. Sincerely, Geoffrey L. Stack 219 Evening Canyon Rd Corona del Mar, CA 92625 24-209 From: Elizabeth Stahr To: Dept - City Council Subject: New Lecture Hall Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 11:49:14 AM Dear Mayor Dixon and members of the City Council: I write to urge you to vote YES on the lecture hall project on November 19. As you know my husband and I were very involved, thirty years ago, raising the private money to help build the Newport Beach Central Library. That effort, like the present, was a great partnership between the city and private donors. It could not have happened without hundreds of people donating. I see the present effort as similar. I am confident that many people will want to donate so that we can have a new and better lecture hall. There is no question that we NEED a new lecture hall. The Friends Room, where lectures are held now, is too small; it often sells out. It is flat, so that those in the back of the room cannot see well. The AV system is old, so that people cannot hear well. More than 69,000 people attended events at the Friends Room in 2018, an increase of about 50% over the past decade. The numbers of people who WANT to attend events is even higher, and will be yet higher when we have a new, better lecture hall. The hall will be used not just for lectures but for concerts, films, other events. When I read the arguments of those who say we do not need such a hall, I am reminded of some of the naysayers when the city was considering a new central library. In those days, I would take those who questioned the need for a new central library to the OLD library, and show them how little space there was. I would urge those who question the need for a new lecture hall to go themselves to a crowded event at the Friends Room, sit in the back, see whether the present room is adequate. It is not. Please, vote yes on the lecture hall project on November 19. Sincerely, Elizabeth Stahr 24-210 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Library Lecture Hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:59:15 PM -----Original Message ----- From: DAVID STEFFY <dsteffy@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:57 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Library Lecture Hall I am a 36 year resident of Newport Beach. My wife and I strongly urge support for this important venue. The demographics of the City have changed during my residency; with more cultural events being supported; but sadly no auditorium for a City of this size and demographic. Our family is so supportive, we have earmarked a substantial sum of money (at least for us)to support the construction and programming for this venue. I hope you will consider this letter, as it is the only one I have written to the City asking for support in the time we have lived here, thank you. Sent from my iPad 24-211 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: I support! Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:59:59 PM -----Original Message ----- From: Sue Stern <sue@sternl8.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:59 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: I support! I am writing in support of the Library Lecture Hall project. I think this will be a tremendous addition to our community. Sue Stern 24-212 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher. Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Newport Beach Library Lecture Hall Project Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:39:14 AM From: Thomas E Tucker <tom@thomasetucker.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:31 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Joyce Tucker <jatucker45@icloud.com>; Glabman, Barbara <bglabman@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Newport Beach Library Lecture Hall Project Good afternoon, my wife, Joyce and I strongly support the Library Lecture Hall Project. This project is very needed, as an upgrade. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me. With best regards, THOMAS E TUCKER tet G phprop.com 1949-295-4140 12 Linda Isle, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Personal Assistant: Marianne Boivin marianne&phprop.com 714-914-4327 This message may have been dictated Using speech recognition, please excuse any typos, misspellings, etc. tet chi phprop.com 24-213 From: Shannon Tarnutzer To: DDe t - City Council; Brown, Leilani Date: Monday, November 11, 2019 6:23:43 AM Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the City Council: I am writing to urge you to vote YES on the proposed lecture hall at your November 19 meeting. We need better sightlines and more capacity. The demand is there and the great programs are in place. Please support this long overdue addition to the Central Library campus. Sincerely, Shannon Tarnutzer Newport Beach, California 24-214 From: Shannon Tarnutzer <smtarnutzer@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 6:23 AM To: Dept - City Council; Brown, Leilani Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the City Council: I am writing to urge you to vote YES on the proposed lecture hall at your November 19 meeting. We need better sightlines and more capacity. The demand is there and the great programs are in place. Please support this long overdue addition to the Central Library campus. Sincerely, Shannon Tarnutzer Newport Beach, California 24-215 From: Else Taskinen <em.salintaskinen@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 12:28 PM To: Dept - City Council; Brown, Leilani Subject: Lecture Hall Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the City Council: I'm writing you to urge you to vote YES on the proposed lecture hall at your November 19 meeting. I've attended several lectures at the library in the recent years and it is always full at the capacity. Sometimes there has been so much demand that the lecture has sold out in just a day or two and we have been left out. The programs are great and the library belongs to all. So please vote YES so that more people can attend the wonderful programs at the library. Sincerely, Else -Maj Taskinen Newport Beach 24-216 From: Else Taskinen To: Dept - City Council; Brown, Leilani Subject: Lecture Hall Date: Monday, November 11, 2019 12:28:16 PM Dear Mayor Dixon and Members of the City Council: I'm writing you to urge you to vote YES on the proposed lecture hall at your November 19 meeting. I've attended several lectures at the library in the recent years and it is always full at the capacity. Sometimes there has been so much demand that the lecture has sold out in just a day or two and we have been left out. The programs are great and the library belongs to all. So please vote YES so that more people can attend the wonderful programs at the library. Sincerely, Else -Maj Taskinen Newport Beach 24-217 From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 1:01 PM To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Library Lecture Hall From: Jane Terry <mane@laneterry.net> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 12:54 PM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Library Lecture Hall My husband and I are unable to attend the city council's upcoming November 19th meeting but want to express our support for the Library Lecture Hall. Having used the existing facility, I must agree that the current flat -floored community room facility (particularly with its poor sightlines), outdated audio-visual capabilities, and uncomfortable chairs needs to be replaced with a modern facility that is more representative of the interests found in the Newport Beach's active and vibrant community. We most definitely need a "true" lecture hall facility for Newport Beach residents and non-profit groups such as Chamber of Commerce. I have watched the March 12th presentation made to the City Council, and I am impressed with the research and consideration taken in planning the details of this project. I hope you are, as well. Thank you for your attention to this. I hope to learn the city council moves forward with this project. Jane & Dan Terry 18 Rue Saint Cloud Newport Beach, CA 92660 Jane Terry 1 949-644-0324 1 cell: 714-914-7949 1 jane@ianeterry.net This message is for the designated recipient only and may contain privileged, proprietary, or otherwise private information. If you have received it in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original. Any other use of the email by you is prohibited. 24-218 From: Anil Tiwari Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 4:49 PM To: Dept - City Council CC: Brown, Leilani Subject: Fwd: Library Lecture Hall Dear City Council representative, Thank you for supporting a 275 seat lecture hall. IQm excited to attend various lectures and shows there in the future. Thank you for improving our community by creating a venue that provides opportunities for our residents to learn and be entertained. Anil K Tiwari MD 4615 Tremont Lane Forwarded Message Subject:Library Lecture Hall YES! Nov. 19 6:45pm City Hall Date:Wed, 06 Nov 2019 19:33:21 +0000 From:Newport Beach Public Library Foundation Reply-To:Newport Beach Public Library Foundation 24-219 Dear Library Foundation Member and Supporters, As you may know, the Newport Beach Board of Library Trustees has a proposal going before City Council on Tuesday, November 19 at 6:45pm at City Hall to consider awarding a design contract for a proposed 275 seat Library Lecture Hall on the Central Library campus. We invite and urge you to show your support by writing and emailing a letter to the Council and coming to the meeting to share your unwavering commitment to the Library and the valuable programming it offers to the community. QUICK FACTS • Proposal is to award a design contract to begin the design process. • Proposed project is for a 275 seat, state-of-the-art Lecture Hall facility to be used for Library programming organized by the Library, Library Foundation, and other civic and partnering organizations. • Current programming in the Library Friends room annually hosts over 72,000 program participants for over 200+ events. Demand has outgrown the flat -floored community room facility with poor sightlines, outdated audio-visual capabilities, and uncomfortable chairs. SHOW YOUR SUPPORT The Council gauges support by those who feel strongly enough to show up! Supporters need not speak unless you want to. You will be given a small sign to waive in the air to show your love for the library and all its programming. Supporters will be visible outside the Council Chambers when you arrive. • City Council Meeting is on November 19, 2019 at 6:45pm. • The Council Chambers, 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 • Free parking is available at the Central Library Lot and in the Civic Center Parking Structure. 24-220 o Library issue should be concluded by Bpm Send a letter of support the week of November 11 to: citycouncilknewportbeachca.gov and copy City Clerk Leilani I. Brown at LBrown(knewportbeachca.gov BACKGROUND If you are interested in the details of the proposed Lecture Hall, click HERE to view the Library Trustees presentation to the City Council on March 12, 2019. Newport Beach Public Library Foundation The Newport Beach Public Library Foundation enthusiastically supports the Lecture Hall and we look forward to seeing you at the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, November 19 at 6:45pm. Click to view this email in a browser If you no longer wish to receive these emails, click on the following link: "Unsubscribe" Once you hit unsubscribe, you must opt -in again to receive any email notifications about programs Unsubscribe Newport Beach Public Library Foundation 1000 Avocado Ave. Newport Beach, California 92660 US Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy. vfertwical resmme , 0E=rooarowr Free Email Marketing» 24-221 From: Anil Tiwari To: Dept - City Council Cc: Brown, Leilani Subject: Fwd: Library Lecture Hall Date: Monday, November 11, 2019 4:49:19 PM Dear City Council representative, Thank you for supporting a 275 seat lecture hall. I'm excited to attend various lectures and shows there in the future. Thank you for improving our community by creating a venue that provides opportunities for our residents to learn and be entertained. Anil K Tiwari MD 4615 Tremont Lane Forwarded Message Subject:Library Lecture Hall YES! Nov. 19 6:45pm City Hall Date:Wed, 06 Nov 2019 19:33:21 +0000 From:Newport Beach Public Library Foundation Reply -To: Newport Beach Public Library Foundation on orange_vr a a Dear Library Foundation Member and Supporters, As you may know, the Newport Beach Board of Library Trustees has a proposal going before City Council on Tuesday, November 19 at 6:45pm at City Hall to consider awarding a design contract for a proposed 275 seat Library Lecture Hall on the Central Library campus. We invite and urge you to show your support by writing and emailing a letter to the Council and coming to the meeting to share your unwavering commitment to the Library and the valuable programming it offers to the community. QUICK FACTS • Proposal is to award a design contract to begin the design process. • Proposed project is for a 275 seat, state-of-the-art Lecture Hall facility to be used for Library programming organized by the Library, Library Foundation, and other civic and partnering organizations. • Current programming in the Library Friend's room annually hosts over 72,000 program participants for over 200+ events. Demand has outgrown the flat -floored community 24-222 room facility with poor sightlines, outdated audio-visual capabilities, and uncomfortable chairs. SHOW YOUR SUPPORT The Council gauges support by those who feel strongly enough to show up! Supporters need not speak unless you want to. You will be given a small sign to waive in the air to show your love for the library and all its programming. Supporters will be visible outside the Council Chambers when you arrive. • City Council Meeting is on November 19, 2019 at 6:45pm. o The Council Chambers, 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 o Free parking is available at the Central Library Lot and in the Civic Center Parking Structure. Library issue should be concluded by Bpm . Send a letter of support the week of November 11 to: citycouncil(@newportbeachca.gov and copy City Clerk Leilani I. Brown at LBrown(@newportbeachca.gov BACKGROUND If you are interested in the details of the proposed Lecture Hall, click HERE to view the Library Trustees presentation to the City Council on March 12, 2019. Newport Beach Public Library Foundation The Newport Beach Public Library Foundation enthusiastically supports the Lecture Hall and we look forward to seeing you at the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, November 19 at 6:45pm. Click to view this email in a browser If you no longer wish to receive these emai Is, click on the following link: "Unsubscribe" Once you hit unsubscri be, you must opt -in again to receive any email notifications about programs Unsubscribe Newport Beach Public Library Foundation 1000 Avocado Ave. Newport Beach, California 92660 us Egad the VerticalResponse marketing policy. I®❑I®❑ 24-223 From: ANN TOMLINSON To: Dept - City Council Subject: New lecture hall at Newport Library Date: Monday, November 04, 2019 11:11:22 AM As a resident and former college administrator I am supportive of the proposed new lecture hall at the Newport Beach Library. First, public meeting places are always in demand and size and technology are limiting factors. The school curriculum makes public school space unavailable for optimum times. Secondly, public/private funding is a win win situation. Building costs would be 50% and the the private funds would not be available for use otherwise. Newport Beach Library is a wonderful location and venue for these opportunities and provides business to local restaurants and shops. Sounds like a wonderful opportunity. Ann W. Tomlinson Sent from my iPhone 24-224 From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:31 PM To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Library Lecture Hall From: Larry Tucker <tucker@gtpcenters.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:23 PM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Library Lecture Hall Dear City Council, I support the Library Lecture Hall project. Please proceed with the Design Contract on Nov. 19. Thank you. Larry Tucker 24-225 From: Walter Stahr To: Dept - City Council Subject: Lecture Hall Date: Sunday, November 03, 2019 6:57:50 AM Dear Mayor Dixon and City Council Members: I am writing to urge you to vote YES on the proposed lecture hall at your November 19 meeting. There is no question that we need a new lecture hall. Many events at the public library, such as the upcoming lecture by Doris Kearns Goodwin, sell out. And even for events that do not sell out, the current arrangement means that people in the back of the room cannot see the speaker, and the speaker cannot see them. And the AV system in the current room is not great, meaning that people cannot see and hear well. As best I can tell there is only one person opposed to the lecture hall: Bob McCaffrey. His suggestions about alternatives are almost laughable. His first suggestion was that we should use the auditoriums at local high schools. Soon high school officials explained why that would not work. More recently he has suggested using the community room or city council chamber at city hall. Both of those rooms are smaller than the current lecture room. The community room is the same flat design, making it hard to see and hear when it is packed. The city council room is, I assume, not available for lectures because it is used by the council. When the time comes for discussion on November 19, I hope that someone on the council asks Mr. McCaffrey how often he has ATTENDED events at the library. I suspect the answer is "not often." What is really going on here, I would suggest, is that he does not want to pay for something he does not use often. Surely he cannot have spent much time in the community room, or the city council chamber, if he thinks that those are the "answer" to the problem of where to host large events. Thousands upon thousands of people DO attend events at the library, and would want to see a new lecture hall as a new place for exciting public events. A key feature of this project is that it is a public-private partnership. Hundreds of people will, I am sure, "put their money where their mouth is" and write checks to help build this lecture hall. So the project will not cost the city $8 million, more like $4 million. And at the end of that process, the city will be the owner of a building worth $8 million. Even viewed in narrow financial terms, therefore, this seems like a good deal for the city. And the project should not be viewed just in narrow financial terms. This is about bringing the city together, at public events, without regard to politics. In our divided age, that kind of public event, public discussion, is more important than ever. I urge you to vote yes. Sincerely, Walter Stahr 24-226 From: Rosemary Ward Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2019 9:59 PM To: Brown, Leilani CC: Dept - City Council Subject: Build a New Lecture Hall! Dear Members, Please vote YES on this much needed project. The Newport Beach library is simply too small to house the many activities and lectures that are drawn to this area. The Friends Room is small and cramped with bad acoustics and even worse visibility. When there is a popular personality in town, the event is SOLD OUT because the room can not accommodate the hoards. The library is such a gathering place. This new lecture hall would add so much to this beautiful architectural marvel that is the library/city hall. Thank you, Rosemary Ward 18 Morning Sun Irvine, CA 92603 rosemarypward@gmail.com 24-227 From: Paul Watkins To: DDe t - City Council Cc: Brown, Leilani Subject: Sample Email Provided to Opponents of the Proposed Library Lecture Hall Date: Thursday, November 07, 2019 4:01:49 AM Attachments: FW Proposed Library Lecture Hall.msa Dear Honorable Mayor Dixon and Honorable Councilmembers: At Mr. McCaffrey's behest, some residents ("Mr. McCaffrey's Group") have provided emails to you opposing the proposed Library Lecture Hall. Many of us in the community who support the Lecture Hall thought it might be helpful for Mr. McCaffrey's Group to have correct information concerning the Lecture Hall. Today we are sending the attached individualized email to each of the folks in Mr. McCaffrey's Group. We wanted to share the sample email with you. It is attached. We understand that several aspects of the Lecture Hall will be addressed at your November 19 meeting. Thank you for favorably considering the proposed Library Lecture Hall. As you will see on November 19, many residents in our community have a passion for the Library as the "cultural, informational, and educational heart" of the City and are equally passionate about completing the Central Library campus with a world class Lecture Hall pursuant to a 50-50 private/public partnership with the City. Thank you. Sincerely, Paul Paul K. Watkins for Paul K. Watkins, APC 6408 West Ocean Front Newport Beach, CA 92663-1929 and 485 East 17th Street, Suite 600 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-4705 Of Counsel: Self & Bhamre Cell: (714) 403-6408 E -Mail: paul(@Iawfriend.com 24-228 In suggesting alternative sites for Library lectures, Bob McCaffrey and his followers miss a most important point. Those lectures would not be at the Library. The mission of Library support groups is to bring people to the Library, to congregate before and after lectures surrounded by the stacks at the Library, to stress the importance of our Library system, and to encourage support of our Libraries by having our Libraries become part of peoples' cultural lives. In short, to retain the Libraries as "the cultural, educational, and informational heart" of our community. These support groups put on programming to educate and entertain our residents at the Library, all at no cost to the City. But the demand for programming has outgrown the existing facilities at the Library. The support groups are not looking for new venues to present programming, they are looking for a better venue at the Library to do so. And it is not just 8 events per year. The Library hosted well over 200 events attended by over 72,000 attendees during the Library's last fiscal year, many of which could have used larger facilities, and all of which could have used better facilities. Mr. McCaffrey fails to appreciate that other venues could have serious scheduling conflicts with their core uses, not to mention that Library staff that assists the support groups would not be available for off-site events. Would Lido Theatre be able to make their remodeled theatre available for large chunks of time on Friday nights? And what about inevitable conflicts with the demanding needs before, during, and after the lengthy Film Festival at the Lido? All of the suggested alternative locations seem sensible until you look at the facts. They are not at the Library, some are undersized, some are already overbooked, some are for school or senior programming, not library programming and all would cost money to rent and staff. These support groups raised $700,000 last year with contributions of over 1,000 generous donors and volunteered many hundreds of hours to plan and execute programming for the Library. $700,000 is a lot of money and dedication. Their request for a more workable facility at the Central Library should be seriously considered, not subjected to serial suggestions of unworkable locations away from the Library. Moreover, these groups have from the beginning said they will help the City by raising half of the Lecture Hall construction costs. Paul K. Watkins Vice -Chair Newport Beach Board of Library Trustees 24-229 From: Paul Watkins Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2019 6:11 AM To: Paul Watkins Subject: FW: Proposed Library Lecture Hall Dear Mr./Ms. The City Council has been sent several form emails regarding the proposed Library Lecture Hall, including yours, at the behest of Bob McCaffrey. If you relied upon Mr. McCaffrey to inform you of the actual facts, you should know he didnAt. Here is what he didnAt tell you: 1. 50% of the construction cost for the Lecture Hall is proposed to be from private fundraising, the CityAs share of which would be considerably less than $8 Million 2. The funding arrangement cannot be finalized until the Council formally approves a concept plan and budget, which can only happen when there is a plan to see and an associated price (currently estimated to be late Spring/early Summer); at that time and not before, the 50/50 private -public contract will be finalized 3. Last year, programming events at the Library (hosted in the flat floored Friends Room) were attended by 69,000+ participants at over 200 events 4. The attendance for Library programming in 2009 was 28,000 participants, so the programming at the Library is growing rapidly 5. Library programming cost around $400,000 to put on last year, none of which came from City funds (+/- $350,000 from the Library Foundation and +/-$50,000 from the Friends of the Library) 6. Except for 8 events in the Witte Lecture Series/Library Live, all events were free to our residents, but Mr. McCaffrey wrongly assumed that only the Witte events would benefit from a Lecture Hall 7. The capacity, sight lines, audio-visual capabilities and comfort of the Friends room are obvious shortcomings to those who attend events there 8. In addition to $400,000 of programming provided to the City free of charge, the Library support groups also made cash gifts to the Library system of +/-$300,000 last year 9. The Library supports programming for the Library in order to draw people to the Library and encourage support of the Library; it is not the Library*s mission to support other programming venues in our community 24-230 10. Library support groups (such as the Foundation, Friends, and ProLiteracy) are only interested in putting on events at the Library - - the enhancement of, and bringing people to, the Library is their sole mission 11. Library staffing helps out at Library events, but would be unable to do so at offsite venues 12. None of the ever-growing list of alternative locations for lectures suggested by Mr. McCaffrey are practicable, in addition to not being conveniently and centrally located at the Library 13. Donors to the Library Foundation numbered close to 1,300 last year 14. Funds for the Lecture Hall would come from the City*s well -funded Facilities Financing Plan (FFP) and would not affect harbor or police funding which do not come from the FFP 15. The City will own 100% of the Lecture Hall when it is completed and some revenues from programming will inure to the City*s benefit Mr. McCaffrey could have made some effort to ascertain the facts before he insulted the Board of Library Trustees by initially declaring they were attempting an *$8 Million Taxpayer Rip Off.* He didn*t contact anyone at the Library about this issue, and I suspect he does not attend Library events (no one I know has seen him at the Library). I personally spend in excess of 100 hours a year volunteering on behalf of the Library. I think Libraries are important. But it doesn*t bother me that Mr. McCaffrey does not believe the City should put up one penny for a Lecture Hall; however, he should at least be honest rather than using half-truths and misleading/incomplete information, treating this issue as if it were a political campaign where the truth is optional. Lastly, if you have not participated in events at the Library, I encourage you to do so. Once you see what the Library does in addition to having books, you may have a different view than what you expressed in your email to the City Council. Thank you for your time. Best regards, Paul K. Watkins Vice Chair City of Newport Beach Board of Library Trustees 24-231 From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:07 PM To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Proposed Library Lecture Hall Attachments: Letter re Alternate Lecture Locationsl1122019.docx From: Paul Watkins <paul@lawfriend.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 1:32 PM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: City Clerk's Office <CityClerk@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Proposed Library Lecture Hall Dear Honorable Mayor Dixon and Honorable Councilmembers: Please see the attached letter concerning Mr. McCaffrey's most recent effort to join with Mr. Duda in the unwise use of the to -be -remodeled Lido Theatre for the Library's over 200 annual events drawing in excess of 72,000 folks. Thank you. Sincerely, Paul Paul K. Watkins for Paul K. Watkins, APC 6408 West Ocean Front Newport Beach, CA 92663-1929 and 485 East 17th Street, Suite 600 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-4705 Of Counsel: Self & Bhamre Cell: (714) 403-6408 E -Mail: paul@lawfriend.com 24-232 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Please Vote to Approve the Library Lecture Hall Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 8:57:32 AM -----Original Message ----- From: Diane West <westoutpost@icloud.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 8:55 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: LBrown@newportbeachca.org Subject: Please Vote to Approve the Library Lecture Hall Our city library is one of the "gems" we are fortunate to have living in the City of Newport Beach. With that said, it has always puzzled me that we haven't had a library lecture hall that could hold more participants. On numerous occasions I haven't been able to attend a library event. All seats were sold out. The first Friday night Witte lecture of the upcoming season with Doris Kearns Goodwin is a current example. All Friday night seating was sold within a few hours the first morning they went on sale. Having a library lecture hall will add another significant resource for our community and allow more resident participation in our wonderful library and city events. Please vote to approve the Library Lecture Hall. Diane West 614 Carnation Avenue Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 24-233 From: Janet Widino To: info(c residentsforreform.com; Deot - City Council Subject: Concern about the library lecture hall Date: Tuesday, November 05, 2019 8:52:59 AM Dear Mayor Dixon & Newport Beach City Council Members, Before obligating Newport Beach taxpayers to pay for an $8 million Library Lecture Hall please find out how much it would cost to RENT the newly remodeled Lido Theater. Surely it will be less expensive than building and maintaining a new Library Lecture Hall for 6-7 speakers per year. Sincerely, Janet Widing seashells4sand@yahoo.com PO Box 283 Newport Beach, Ca. 92662 24-234 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Library Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:43:30 AM -----Original Message ----- From: Matt Wilken <kwilken37@me.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:42 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Library Count us both in. Carol Wilken 6 beacon Bay Kent Wilken 6 beacon bay Newport Bh. Kent Wilken 24-235 Adrian S. Windsor, Ph.D. McGregor Wood LLC 14252 Culver Dr. #352A Irvine, CA 92604 November 12, 2019 To: Newport Beach City Council Re: Lecture Hall I serve on the Board of the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation. Please know that this Lecture Hall is needed to accommodate larger audiences for our programs. Further, it will be available for seminars and workshops for the community at large. I definitely urge you to go forward with this Lecture Hall. It will be your gift to Newport Beach. Best wishes, Adrian S. Windsor, Ph.D. Board of Directors Newport Beach Public Library Foundation 949 369 3837 cell: 949 310 5538 24-236 From: Rieff, Kim To: Tauscher, Peter Cc: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Yes - Build this City Needs a Lecture Hall Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 3:16:14 PM From: Lizanne Witte <lizannewitte@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 3:15 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>; Brown, Leilani <LBrown @ newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Yes - Build this City Needs a Lecture Hall Dear Newport Beach City Council Members... I am writing to urge you to vote YES to proceed with plans to build the proposed Library Lecture Hall. I have been involved with the Library since the current library opened in 1994....25 years ago. As a young mother, I was brought on board to organize children programming for grand opening by Elizabeth Stahr and Barbara Gladman. All three of us are still involved to this day. The first author to speak at our library in 1995 was Carolyn See when I launched the Manuscript Literary Lecture Series in the Friends Room. This was so successful we expanded the series (now known as Library Live) and added additional lecture programs as well... including The Witte Series, Medicine in Our Backyard, and more. See the extensive list of authors and experts who have come to town to enrich us all over the years. Time and again, the Library has provided superb programming on a vast array of topics that makes life richer for everyone. But we can do better! ! ! htips://www.nbl2lfoundation.org/content/Library-Live2.html hUs://www.nbl2lfoundation.org/content/Witte-Lectures.html The City is long over due for a proper lecture hall. As you know, there are not enough seats, no state of the art audio/visual system which is crucial in today's world and other limitations that other regional library don't face. There has been no investment in any cultural facility in town in years and years. Practically everything takes place in Costa Mesa or Laguna Beach. Even the Art Museum moved. For a community as educated, wealthy and engaged - how is it possible there is not a proper facility in town to serve this demand. Thanks for your support of this great project. Sincerely, Lizanne Witte 24-237