HomeMy WebLinkAbout21 - Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Parking Lot Project - Correspondence - Received after Agenda PrintedReceived After Agenda Printed November 19, 2019 Item No. 21 From: Dave <surfdocl@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 4:28 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park on Superior Dear Mayor Dixon and City Council Members, I am a 35 year resident of Newport Beach and I support the improvements at Sunset View Park for a foot bridge and dog park. I hope you will vote in favor of this. Thank you for your attention to this matter and your service to our City. Sincerely, David Granoff From: Carrie Granoff <carriegranoff@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 4:23 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog park on Superior To: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 191" meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Carrie Granoff 30 year resident and homeowner Sent from my Wad From: Michael Call <onecall4al11@verizon.net> Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 3:02 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: See below and attached letter in opposition to the proposed dog park being included in the Proposal Lower Sunset View Park Conceptual Design. Attachments: Letter in opposition to the proposed dog park being included in the Proposal Lower Sunset View Park Conceptual Design.doc; Villa Balboa Attorney's - Letter to City re Proposed Dog Park.pdf See below and attached letter in opposition to the proposed dog park being included in the Proposal Lower Sunset View Park Conceptual Design: Michael Call 210 Lille Lane 208 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Cell (714) 791-1102 onecall4alll@verizon.net November 13, 2019 Re: MV opposition to the proposed dog park being included in the Proposal Lower Sunset View Park Conceptual Design Dear Mayor and City Council Members, I personally want to thank each and everyone on the City Council that was kind enough to meet with me and our group. Your advice and counsel has been invaluable in clarifying and preparing our statements and materials. Also I want to thank you ahead of time for you kindly reading some of my objections to the inclusion of a dog park in the proposed Lower Sunset Park Conceptual Design. Please forgive the English composition errors and the quasi -professional citations. I was very pressed for time when I wrote this letter. As a foundation for this discussion of the impact of a proposed dog park on the property values at the Villa Balboa I will present my real estate industry qualifications. I have been a full time practicing licensed California Real Estate Broker since 1986. 1 have sold many multiple millions of dollars of residential property along the coast line of Orange County. Given today's values millions doesn't sound like much. However, when I began my career you could buy a reasonably nice home on the Coast of Orange County for say $700,000. 1 have ridden multiple real estate cycles as an investor in residential and commercial properties. I have almost lost my shirt a number of times. I understand property values where the rubber meets the road. Enough said. Below I paraphrase, "Ryan Lundquist of www.SacramentoAppraisalBlog.com" The influence of external factors on property value: What is external obsolescence and why does it matter for property value? External obsolescence is a factor that reduces the value of an improvement because of something external to the property itself. It's not about whether the house is outdated or not, but rather something outside of the home that is causing a lower value. It's usually something that cannot be cured. See below five examples of external obsolescence. f. Busy Road: This is a very common example of external obsolescence because we can see it in virtually every community to some extent. Homes on busy corners, on main streets or near freeways suffer from extra noise and traffic, both of which are not friendly to higher values. 2. Commercial buildings: Residential and commercial uses tend to not mix well in suburban areas. It's usually a negative factor when houses are located next to restaurants, retail, gas stations, etc... 3. Construction of a landfill next to a neighborhood: This can impact the entire neighborhood (not just one house) due to the smell or even the noise of large garbage trucks moving in and out. 4. Apartments: Being located next to an apartment building is almost always less desirable for buyers. or construction of low-income apartments can be a touchy subject for a higher -income neighborhood, and something that can impact property value too. 5. High -Voltage Towers_; A view of nearby power towers usually results in a hit to property value. The Villa Balboa Community has been dealing with incessant noise from Pacific Coast Highway and Superior Avenue for decades. Then there is the Cogent Plant's noise, plums of gases, negative effect on homeowner views and the continuing cost of damages to the exterior of the Villa Balboa Structures for years. Additionally, we face uncertainty from the Hoag Hospital's future campus expansion with a recent ten year extension of the Development Agreement and there is Hoag's continuous ambulance noise. Now there is the specter of a homeless shelter in our neighborhood. While the proposed Superior Bridge and additional parking will most certainly enrich our community the inclusion of Dog Park is a net negative. West Newport Beach and specifically the Villa Balboa have suffered from a I I of this external obsolescence as a factor that reduces the value of our homes. While the additional impact of a dog park on our community property is difficult to determine the impact is most certainly a net negative. It really is the straw that broke the camel's back enough already. The concept of externality is a common economics term that does also apply to real estate appraisal. An externality is any external force outside of the property that could negatively or positively impact the property's value. Here it would be the proposed dog park next door likely has a negative impact on the property's value, but a beautiful complete view park would likely have a positive impact. When a negative externality affects the value of a property, the process is known as economic depreciation. Here it would be the proposed dog park. The Villa Balboa community will suffer from a loss in property values by being stigmatized. Having been a Realtorfor more than 33 years I have an idea of how stigmatizing neighborhoods with a negative label which is passed from agent to agent like a virus has on values. Once the cat is out of the bag the Villa Balboa will have a short hand stigmatized as, "the place over next to the dog park". This will not help the property values. The noise readings in the Environmental Report (See the Initial DraftStudy-Mitigated Negative Declaration, here after MND.) indicates that the area is already over the City's own maximum noise level before realistically considering the additional visitors and their dogs that will be draw to a dog park. The dogs' barking averages 37 decibels, and the city standard is 55 decibels for daytime and 50 decibels for night, which is higher than 37, therefore the MND argues that residents aren't going to hear the dogs. However, the weakness in their argument is these are averaged noise levels. Traffic and dog banking are intermittent and random phenomena. Intermittent and random disturbances are the most difficult for human being to deal with. The Greek's built their amphitheaters not with wood or earth but with stone to increase the reflective impact on sound increasing the volume and distance the performers could be heard. The combination of the hard surfaces of Superior Avenue and the existing parking lot drive the street noise uphill to the nearest residences at Villa Balboa. This creates numerous line -of -sight opportunities for nuisance noise to be experienced by a large number of people. The combination of the amphitheater effect of the existing hard surfaces and the removal to the existing noel with addition of more hard surfaces exposes residents to having their peace and quiet enjoyment ultimately compromised. This proposed dog park will interfere with the quiet enjoyment of homeowners and have a negative impact on the property values. Other dog parks have substantial buffers to significant residential communities and none have been imposed on highly valued ocean view land. The reduction in property value will be the result of line -of -sight visual and noise impact. We could drill down into the noise issues in Newport Beach all day long. However, let me touch on some additional issues below regarding the dog park. 2 The Dog Park Ad Hoc Committee referred to in the documentation of the City has not identified the actual origin of a request for a dog park at this location. The groups and/or individuals that are demanding a dog park at this location should be publicly participating in the process. It is unfair for a small special interest group of persons not identified and not residing in proximity to the proposed dog park to make demands for exclusive space for their dogs to be off leash. The homeowners at Villa Balboa have conducted a survey. The methodology consisted of mailing all 450 homeowners appearing in the Orange County Title Records. At the time of this letter, there were 17 "returned to sender with attempt — not known unable to forward". Of the total 433 that have received the survey 103 responded. There are 90 opposed to the dog park. At the time of this letter of all those responding to the survey mailed to homeowners in the Villa Balboa 87% are opposed to the presences of the dog park. See materials presented by Mark Wilser in his letter and attachments. Villa Balboa is now and has always been a no dog development. The original CCRs which are still in effect prohibit dogs in the Villa Balboa development. See attached attorney letter provided by the Villa Balboa owners. The proposed dog park will interfere with the preservation of the nature terrain and continuity of park and recreation from Sunset Ridge Park on the west all the way to Hoag Hospital on the east. Present recreational usage includes all the citizens of Newport Beach and surrounding communities' visiting not just the park, but also the adjacent area that is proposed to be repurposed into the dog park. Many individuals enjoy the view the Huntington Beach Air Show and celebrate Independence Day by watching the fireworks all along the coast from Huntington Beach all the way to Laguna Beach from our favorite park. People enjoy the view and serene environment most every evening of the year. Off -Leash Dog Parks should not contribute to natural or cultural resources damage and not displace existing recreational activities. See Page 11-45 California Department of Parks and Recreation Pilot Program for Unleashed Dog Areas, December 17, 2001. The project's documents are lacking specificity regarding the size of the ultimate dog park. It has reduced the size of the dog park to 8,000 square feet while leaving open the after approval possibly to expand the dog park. There are no safeguards for the nearby residents that the dog park wouldn't grow. (See Lower Sunset View, Priority #1 attachment to Dog Park Ad Hoc Committee's PB&R Staff Report) There are many open questions about the size of the proposed dog park. Most dog parks are one acre in size. Allen, Laurel, "Dog Parks: Benefits and Liabilities" (2007).Moster of Environmental Studies Capstone Projects. 18. There are serious concerns of dogs crowding behavior. "For general purposes, a very nicely planed dog park for a moderate-sized community can easily be built on a two -acre plot of land." from "So You Want To Build a Dog Park?" by Dog Parks USA(TM) and author Susyn Stecchi. (c) 1997-2007. There has been not examination of the health hazards of a dog park in close proximity to a critical care hospital. The Environmental Report MND fails to respond to the health hazards of the hospital employee's travel back and forth to the location of the proposed dog park in their scrubs. It is reasonable to believe that although a low probability there would be a devastating consequence of either an infectious disease or a pest being transported to this critical care hospital and even directly to compromise patients. It should be pointed out that dog parks are a breeding ground for all kinds of germs, fleas and ticks also dog urine and feces unless treated regularly, cause an unpleasant odor. Homeowners are struggling to explain the obvious absurdity of a proposed Dog Park at this location. A homeless shelter, at some location, is urgently needed to enable police to enforce anti -camping laws. Presumably compelling safety considerations drive the need for Superior Bridge. Extra parking may be needed for utilization of Sunset Ridge Park by 3 youth sports teams. A dog park at Sunset View Park is not needed, is not wanted by the vast majority of constituents, and is frankly not appropriate at this unique and highly valued location. Respectfully submitted, Michael Call Michael Call 210 Lille Lane 208 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Cell (714) 791-1102 onecall4alll@verizon.net November 13, 2019 Re: My opposition to the proposed dog park being included in the Proposal Lower Sunset View Park Conceptual Design Dear Mayor and City Council Members, I personally want to thank each and everyone on the City Council that was kind enough to meet with me and our group. Your advice and counsel has been invaluable in clarifying and preparing our statements and materials. Also I want to thank you ahead of time for you kindly reading some of my objections to the inclusion of a dog park in the proposed Lower Sunset Park Conceptual Design. Please forgive the English composition errors and the quasi -professional citations. I was very pressed for time when I wrote this letter. As a foundation for this discussion of the impact of a proposed dog park on the property values at the Villa Balboa I will present my real estate industry qualifications. I have been a full time practicing licensed California Real Estate Broker since 1986. 1 have sold many multiple millions of dollars of residential property along the coast line of Orange County. Given today's values millions doesn't sound like much. However, when I began my career you could buy a reasonably nice home on the Coast of Orange County for say $700,000. 1 have ridden multiple real estate cycles as an investor in residential and commercial properties. I have almost lost my shirt a number of times. I understand property values where the rubber meets the road. Enough said. Below I paraphrase, "Ryan Lundquist of www.SacramentoAppraisalBlog.com' The influence of external factors on property value: What is external obsolescence and why does it matter for property value? External obsolescence is a factor that reduces the value of an improvement because of something external to the property itself. It's not about whether the house is outdated or not, but rather something outside of the home that is causing a lower value. It's usually something that cannot be cured. See below five examples of external obsolescence. 1. Busy Road: This is a very common example of external obsolescence because we can see it in virtually every community to some extent. Homes on busy corners, on main streets or near freeways suffer from extra noise and traffic, both of which are not friendly to higher values. 2. Commercial buildings: Residential and commercial uses tend to not mix well in suburban areas. It's usually a negative factor when houses are located next to restaurants, retail, gas stations, etc... 3. Construction of a landfill next to a neighborhood: This can impact the entire neighborhood (not just one house) due to the smell or even the noise of large garbage trucks moving in and out. 4. Apartments: Being located next to an apartment building is almost always less desirable for buyers. Or construction of low-income apartments can be a touchy subject for a higher -income neighborhood, and something that can impact property value too. 5. High -Voltage Towers: A view of nearby power towers usually results in a hit to property value. The Villa Balboa Community has been dealing with incessant noise from Pacific Coast Highway and Superior Avenue for decades. Then there is the Cogent Plant's noise, plums of gases, negative effect on homeowner views and the continuing cost of damages to the exterior of the Villa Balboa Structures for years. Additionally, we face uncertainty from the Hoag Hospital's future campus expansion with a recent ten year extension of the Development Agreement and there is Hoag's continuous ambulance noise. Now there is the specter of a homeless shelter in our neighborhood. While the proposed Superior Bridge and additional parking will most certainly enrich our community the inclusion of Dog Park is a net negative. West Newport Beach and specifically the Villa Balboa have suffered from all of this external obsolescence as a factor that reduces the value of our homes. While the additional impact of a dog park on our community property is difficult to determine the impact is most certainly a net negative. It really is the straw that broke the camel's back enough already. The concept of externality is a common economics term that does also apply to real estate appraisal. An externality is any external force outside of the property that could negatively or positively impact the property's value. Here it would be the proposed dog park next door likely has a negative impact on the property's value, but a beautiful complete view park would likely have a positive impact. When a negative externality affects the value of a property, the process is known as economic depreciation. Here it would be the proposed dog park. The Villa Balboa community will suffer from a loss in property values by being stigmatized. Having been a Realtor for more than 33 years I have an idea of how stigmatizing neighborhoods with a negative label which is passed from agent to agent like a virus has on values. Once the cat is out of the bag the Villa Balboa will have a short hand stigmatized as, "the place over next to the dog park". This will not help the property values. The noise readings in the Environmental Report (See the Initial Draft Study -Mitigated Negative Declaration, here after MND.) indicates that the area is already over the City's own maximum noise level before realistically considering the additional visitors and their dogs that will be draw to a dog park. The dogs' barking averages 37 decibels, and the city standard is 55 decibels for daytime and 50 decibels for night, which is higher than 37, therefore the MND argues that residents aren't going to hear the dogs. However, the weakness in their argument is these are averaged noise levels. Traffic and dog banking are intermittent and random phenomena. Intermittent and random disturbances are the most difficult for human being to deal with. The Greek's built their amphitheaters not with wood or earth but with stone to increase the reflective impact on sound increasing the volume and distance the performers could be heard. The combination of the hard surfaces of Superior Avenue and the existing parking lot drive the street noise uphill to the nearest residences at Villa Balboa. This creates numerous line -of -sight opportunities for nuisance noise to be experienced by a large number of people. The combination of the amphitheater effect of the existing hard surfaces and the removal to the existing noel with addition of 2 more hard surfaces exposes residents to having their peace and quiet enjoyment ultimately compromised. This proposed dog park will interfere with the quiet enjoyment of homeowners and have a negative impact on the property values. Other dog parks have substantial buffers to significant residential communities and none have been imposed on highly valued ocean view land. The reduction in property value will be the result of line -of -sight visual and noise impact. We could drill down into the noise issues in Newport Beach all day long. However, let me touch on some additional issues below regarding the dog park. The Dog Park Ad Hoc Committee referred to in the documentation of the City has not identified the actual origin of a request for a dog park at this location. The groups and/or individuals that are demanding a dog park at this location should be publicly participating in the process. It is unfair for a small special interest group of persons not identified and not residing in proximity to the proposed dog park to make demands for exclusive space for their dogs to be off leash. The homeowners at Villa Balboa have conducted a survey. The methodology consisted of mailing all 450 homeowners appearing in the Orange County Title Records. At the time of this letter, there were 17 "returned to sender with attempt — not known unable to forward". Of the total 433 that have received the survey 103 responded. There are 90 opposed to the dog park. At the time of this letter of all those responding to the survey mailed to homeowners in the Villa Balboa 87% are opposed to the presences of the dog park. See materials presented by Mark Wilser in his letter and attachments. Villa Balboa is now and has always been a no dog development. The original CCRs which are still in effect prohibit dogs in the Villa Balboa development. See attached attorney letter provided by the Villa Balboa owners. The proposed dog park will interfere with the preservation of the nature terrain and continuity of park and recreation from Sunset Ridge Park on the west all the way to Hoag Hospital on the east. Present recreational usage includes all the citizens of Newport Beach and surrounding communities' visiting not just the park, but also the adjacent area that is proposed to be repurposed into the dog park. Many individuals enjoy the view the Huntington Beach Air Show and celebrate Independence Day by watching the fireworks all along the coast from Huntington Beach all the way to Laguna Beach from our favorite park. People enjoy the view and serene environment most every evening of the year. Off -Leash Dog Parks should not contribute to natural or cultural resources damage and not displace existing recreational activities. See Page 11-45 California Department of Parks and Recreation Pilot Program for Unleashed Dog Areas, December 17, 2001. The project's documents are lacking specificity regarding the size of the ultimate dog park. It has reduced the size of the dog park to 8,000 square feet while leaving open the after approval possibly to expand the dog park. There are no safeguards for the nearby residents that the dog park wouldn't grow. (See Lower Sunset View, Priority #1 attachment to Dog Park Ad Hoc Committee's PB&R Staff Report) 3 There are many open questions about the size of the proposed dog park. Most dog parks are one acre in size. Allen, Laurel, "Dog Parks: Benefits and Liabilities" (2007).Master of Environmental Studies Capstone Projects. 18. There are serious concerns of dogs crowding behavior. "For general purposes, a very nicely planed dog park for a moderate-sized community can easily be built on a two -acre plot of land." from "So You Want To Build a Dog Park?" by Dog Parks USA(TM) and author Susyn Stecchi. (c) 1997-2007. There has been not examination of the health hazards of a dog park in close proximity to a critical care hospital. The Environmental Report MND fails to respond to the health hazards of the hospital employee's travel back and forth to the location of the proposed dog park in their scrubs. It is reasonable to believe that although a low probability there would be a devastating consequence of either an infectious disease or a pest being transported to this critical care hospital and even directly to compromise patients. It should be pointed out that dog parks are a breeding ground for all kinds of germs, fleas and ticks also dog urine and feces unless treated regularly, cause an unpleasant odor. Homeowners are struggling to explain the obvious absurdity of a proposed Dog Park at this location. A homeless shelter, at some location, is urgently needed to enable police to enforce anti -camping laws. Presumably compelling safety considerations drive the need for Superior Bridge. Extra parking may be needed for utilization of Sunset Ridge Park by youth sports teams. A dog park at Sunset View Park is not needed, is not wanted by the vast majority of constituents, and is frankly not appropriate at this unique and highly valued location. Respectfully submitted, Michael Call 4 j� I TI N N' E LLY Lf, t t� Via U.S.Mail & Certified Mail. Return-RecetptRet�uested cRnr<c;E :oUN-Y September 19, 2019 Sean Levin, Deputy Director Recreation and Senior Services Department City of Newport Beach i.s,ar;r ..=s PO Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 Ref. #: 7428 R,ERSoE cur-, RE: The Villa Balboa Community Association Objections to Proposed Sunset View Dog Park Dear Mr. Levin: Sr Ec Our office is general counsel to The Villa Balboa Community Association ("Association"), a 449 -unit condominium community located immediately northeast of the Sunset View Park off of Superior Blvd. in Newport Beach. SAN r P,AINCIsCIO aAy AREA We are aware that the City of Newport Beach has proposed to construct a public dog park adjacent to Sunset View Park, directly next to the Association's community. The Association believes that this proposed dog park will have a significant and continuing negative impact on the Association, its residents, and surrounding property values. To date, the City of Newport Beach has not indicated any willingness to minimize the harmful consequences of this proposed dog park to neighboring communities. As a preliminary matter, the Association already suffers from an influx of trespassers who regularly abuse the Association's private amenities, such as parking, to access the City's public parks and beaches located near the community. Despite the Association's diligent mitigation and enforcement measures, individuals routinely take advantage of the Association's private parking to use the City's public amenities. These violations come with significant administrative costs required to deter this harmful conduct and to protect the Association's community. Adding a new public dog park next to the community will further cause irreparable harm to the Association and its residents as the indiscriminate abuse of the parking facilities will continue to mount and increase with new public amenities being added so close to the Association. In addition to the increase in trespass, the proposed dog park will constitute a nuisance to the Association and its residents as feces (including airborne fecal matter), urine, noxious odors, and incessant dog barking will plague the residents. The Association already experiences routine lapses in pet owner obligations to clean up after their pets as they walk through the public access path of Sunset View Park. Nearly every single day, afternoon onshore winds travel from the ocean towards and up the interior of peninsula. With the development of the proposed dog park, these winds will pass Levin September 19, 2019 Page 2 of 2 74231107, through the dog park and direct a pervasive stream of excrement and urine odors directly through the community every afternoon, almost without exception. Along with the nuisance odors, persistent barking, whistles, and loud noises will affect the Association's residents at all hours of the day. For the foregoing reasons, the Association is strongly opposed to any public dog park located near the Association's community. The Association would like the City of Newport Beach to take into consideration these significant and legitimate issues prior to approval any public dog park located in or around Sunset View park. `y1e welcome the opportunity to open a dialogue with the City of Newport Beach to further review and discuss these concerns. Very truly yours, TINNELLY LAW GROUP MATTHEW PLAXTON, ESQ. From: John Hamilton <johnw.hamilton@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 2:24 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: FW: Dog Park Attachments: Support of Sunset View Dog Park.pdf November 14, 2019 To: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: As a 54 year resident of Newport Beach, I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. S' cerely, l Johr W. Hamilton 2111 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD NFVdPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 PHONF (949) 721-9999 FAX (949)721-0999 November 14, 2019 To: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: As a past Commissioner on the Newport Beach Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much- needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Kathy Hamron From: Gloria Miller <gloriaocrn@hotmail.com> Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 9:52 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Re: Dog Park Objection To: The City of Newport Beach I am again reaching out to the City of Newport to oppose the dog park. I have recently seen multiple coyotes in the area and the dog park will bring in scents that will attrack the coyotes. The coyates are now running around during day light hours and need sources of food to survive. This is very unfair to the animals and human kind, as it attracts coyotes. Needless to say the area is too close to PCH and Superior. This is a wrong location of the dog park and presents great liability issues to the City of Newport. In the event there is a dog attack, coyote biting, death, or bicicyle/auto accident- I am forwarning the city of the multiple dangers that this location present. I have been a loyal and trusted member of the Newport Beach community for over 20 years. I have dedicated my life to community protection and improvements. It is my obligation to look to the future generations to come and be a part of positive changes that have effect from this day forward. I am a dog lover and believe that dogs deserve a safe and friendly park area. However, the location of the dog park to the Sunset View Park is NOT safe or suitable for many reasons. The hill overlooking PCH and Superior is close to hundreds of residents and a nearby hospital. The area is congested with cars and inadequate parking for the community. I strongly believe this area is very unsafe for dogs that will be constantly traveling to cars and walking, as it is too close to PCH and Superior. I would like to share an personal tragedy regarding my dearly beloved Italian Greyhound dog. I reside at Villa Balboa and my dog ran away with a dog sitter. My dog was in the vicinity of the Sunset View Park and ran into traffic on Superior. He was hit by a car and overcome to his injuries. He broke his legs, had major chest trauma and bleeding which resulted in his death. I am sharing my sad and tragic story with you, as I truly believe this presents a danger for our beloved pets and also to the community with car accidents. Safety should be our first priority in our Newport Beach community. I also called the Newport Beach Police Department and talked to them about the cars going too fast in this area. Please look at other suitable locations which would provide a safe and secure areas for dogs that provide ample parking for cars. Newport Terrace housing area is located off 19th street and there is ample land for pets and people to enjoy nature. I know it has a wildlife area and perhaps this can be shared with dogs and keep them safe. Also, we need a large enclosed area within a designated doggie beach for our Newport Beach dog lovers. Having them close together is a plus for the community dog and beach lovers. Thank your for reading my letter. Please consider choosing another area that provides a safe and secure location for dogs and people to prevent any more unsenseless tragedies. Thank you, Gloria Miller 200 Paris Lane Unit 104 Newport Beach, CA 92663 To: Dixon, Diane Subject: Phone Message regarding Sunset View Park Diane, Dick Granoff called. He is a 35 year resident. He supports the Sunset View Park Improvements including the access bridge and the dog park. He votes in favor to the additions to his neighborhood. liint Rieff Assistant to the �,Mailor acrd ty Councif Mayors Office/City Clerk's Office City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive, Bay E, Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3004 aP From: Roy Englebrecht <boxing77@aol.com> Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 9:39 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park City Council members, I support the proposed dog park for the Sunset View Park project. Thanks, Roy Roy Englebrecht, CEO ROY ENGLEBRECHT PROMOTIONS www.socafights.com 949-760-3131 - O 949-235-6155 - C 714-429-7903- F Jesus Strong From: rcampbell@hcb-law.com Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 5:00 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: mw@globalcapitalmarkets.com Subject: FW: Dog Park Objections To whom it may concern: We object to you locating a dog park so close to the residential areas of Villa Balboa. We fear that the noise of the dogs barking and the smell of the dog waste will interfere with our ability to enjoy our homes and create a public nuisance. In addition, it could negatively impact the value of our homes. Although we do like dogs, we feel that you could find a better location for the dog park more isolated from the residential areas. We like the idea of utilizing the space to expand the public parking which is much needed and could better serve the public good. Thank you for your consideration on this very important matter. Regina M. Campbell Regina M. Campbell LLM Taxation Harker, Campbell & Belfield LLP 5000 Birch Street, Suite 405 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone: (949) 955-0170 Fax: (949) 955-0180 Email: RCampbell@HCB-Law.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This transmission contains confidential information for the intended addressee. If you are not the intended addressee any republication or retransmission of this information is prohibited. If this is addressed to a client of this firm, the contents are also attorney-client privileged. If this is a response to a request for information, the contents are a general response not intended as legal advice. "Circular 230" now requires that all tax advisors attach the following statement to any and all written communication, except in very limited circumstances: Any written advice provided herein is not intended to be used for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on a taxpayer and cannot be relied upon by a taxpayer for such purpose From: rcampbell@hcb-law.com <rcampbell@hcb-law.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 4:46 PM To: citycounsel@newportbeachca.gov Cc: mw@globalcapitalmarkets.com Subject: RE: Dog Park To whom it may concern: We object to you locating a dog park so close to the residential areas of Villa Balboa. We fear that the noise of the dogs barking and the smell of the dog waste will interfere with our ability to enjoy our homes and create a public nuisance. In addition, it could negatively impact the value of our homes. Although we do like dogs, we feel that you could find a better location for the dog park more isolated from the residential areas. We like the idea of utilizing the space to expand the public parking which is much needed and could better serve the public good. Thank you for your consideration on this very important matter. Regina M. Campbell Regina M. Campbell LLM Taxation Harker, Campbell & Belfield LLP 5000 Birch Street, Suite 405 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone: (949) 955-0170 Fax: (949) 955-0180 Email: g CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This transmission contains confidential information for the intended addressee. If you are not the intended addressee any republication or retransmission of this information is prohibited. If this is addressed to a client of this firm, the contents are also attorney-client privileged. If this is a response to a request for information, the contents are a general response not intended as legal advice. "Circular 230" now requires that all tax advisors attach the following statement to any and all written communication, except in very limited circumstances: Any written advice provided herein is not intended to be used for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on a taxpayer and cannot be relied upon by a taxpayer for such purpose From: Paula Millman <plmill@pacbell.net> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 5:16 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park Importance: High Have you ever met a dog owner that doesn't say the following: My dog is very friendly ,My dog loves people My dog is a lover My dog would never harm you Let me tell you from experience, that is not true. I have been bitten twice and my son has had a concussion from a dog knocking him over. They jump, they bark, they bite, they lick ... I am terribly afraid of falling or tripping over a dog. I am elderly and a fall would be the end of me. It is enough that we have the: Cogen Plant billowing smoke Plus you are adding additional parking spaces PCH & Superior is one of the busiest traffic areas in Newport Beach Why in the world would you even consider adding problems to this area. PLEASE do not do that. Paula Millman 200 Paris Lane Newport Beach, CA Sent from Mail for Windows 10 1 From: Roslyn Snow <snowmcclure@icloud.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 5:17 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: DOG PARK NEAR VILLA BALBOA Please do not put a dog park on the bluff below Villa Balboa condos. There are other options for this site: additional parking to access the Sunset Ridge Park across the street, or just plain open space! When we moved here from Costa Mesa in 1979, we were told the bluff was to be kept as is in perpetuity. Then the Cancer Center. Then Neurosciences, and then all,the ancillary stuff like the Cogen building -eyesore. We share a lovely little view with the public . Can we enhance it by returning this tiny slice of bluff to its natural state. Thank you Roslyn Snow 260 Cagney 117 HELEN McClure 260 Cagney 113 From: Semra <semrabinbil@netscape.net> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 5:54 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: I object to the dog park in this area Dear Sirs, I object to the dog park right in front of me due to the following reasons: 1) terrible Smell 2) barking noices by many all the time.... Can't not be put up in the residential area please Thanks for your understanding. Sincerely, Semra Bilgen Villa Balboa 220 Nice Lane NB, CA 92663 Sent from my iPhone From: Mark Wilser <mw@globalcapitalmarkets.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 6:42 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Detweiler, Laura; Mark Wilser Subject: Please See Letter And Two (2) Attachments Related To 11/19/2019 City Council Meeting Attachments: NPB SSVP Proposed Dog Park- Residential Proximity Research - Fl.pdf; Dog Park Survey - Fl.pdf, Mark Wilser Letter To NPB City Council - Proposed Dog Park.pdf Thank You. Mark Wilser 200 Paris Lane, #111 Newport Beach, CA 92663 949-322-4006 V) O 4-0 m dAL �=N� N O O N N C :3JCi -Ne C.N Q V) C) � 0-0 •Q- 4 -u ---to ro QEOru � O QJ a) to N NLn L cj N -CCJ , +r C +� a-�N ON N Q�i� CSU -0 N CU N > Q) QJUL� O N Qi Q (d ;;� N ro_0 ro CJ Lr)C c� -a -b — V1 C (d ZN C ° L x U fB OcocOa)N + >Q-NCi cva�CCv ��0+'O N C -0 ca 4J 00 4J L�a� v) QCZtn-0O4J �cvL�5 10 Q. 49 L c o 3 ro i°(Ijt x a�v3a)° N L 3 ".�� LI) v E ro *S ro U 0 ° 03t H ca +- ° =�•N�L�C � 0 of0 Qj Ln vNt� c0 +, _ N.ro to r>C-4�(IjiJ co Qoa)UmV) v r -I C U bn c0 c0 4.,--41-- O i tn"Q•—"a.V C C1N'�nCv,�> ��v. --�2 4-4 a�-0 �-� o 06L'-�cEaLQ�I)+t Uo�v>.CE ro x OOU c�CLO CO MLN�� arop°EO� �-+ 3 U cB 0 C: co n E Qi n V)o��ry cdN :3 C: C a ro Lf) 4- +� 3 ro ^m ISL W Q) (A U �C MCL CO �J ^� W ?: O OD O J O I � z 0 _ m CL >-U txc L -j p O U V) O 4-0 m dAL �=N� N O O N N C :3JCi -Ne C.N Q V) C) � 0-0 •Q- 4 -u ---to ro QEOru � O QJ a) to N NLn L cj N -CCJ , +r C +� a-�N ON N Q�i� CSU -0 N CU N > Q) QJUL� O N Qi Q (d ;;� N ro_0 ro CJ Lr)C c� -a -b — V1 C (d ZN C ° L x U fB OcocOa)N + >Q-NCi cva�CCv ��0+'O N C -0 ca 4J 00 4J L�a� v) QCZtn-0O4J �cvL�5 10 Q. 49 L c o 3 ro i°(Ijt x a�v3a)° N L 3 ".�� LI) v E ro *S ro U 0 ° 03t H ca +- ° =�•N�L�C � 0 of0 Qj Ln vNt� c0 +, _ N.ro to r>C-4�(IjiJ co Qoa)UmV) v r -I C U bn c0 c0 4.,--41-- O i tn"Q•—"a.V C C1N'�nCv,�> ��v. --�2 4-4 a�-0 �-� o 06L'-�cEaLQ�I)+t Uo�v>.CE ro x OOU c�CLO CO MLN�� arop°EO� �-+ 3 U cB 0 C: co n E Qi n V)o��ry cdN :3 C: C a ro Lf) 4- +� 3 ro U Q U + C�N u Wu C/1 Z O f6 u m o + o Q o ° N O N txc rn = Z Q = Q 11 U 0 O m — V1 = = W _> L z } co > m ` a) COcl Z > >� (a (�\J -a 1 ii L i U Q 0 = l/I U M1• a) " i U /� m rn 0 (6 L O M O N • � ( U md t 4- dA i Y +, u O E O T � m O 5 .5 c 7c cto m _ _ to a �a c v T' Q 3 a) L O ago L o _ z c vi o a cto= v > u c o c _ +, v > E Q a� ami 0 ^ \1000,u o (10 v ¢ v, o v, o > OLr, O , t:Lo 3 c L O 1a, Y > -a (a I= v V) ro u u t c o 4- v,o ° Q C 3 6 -0 >. >, > U N Lr)Lvi L ^ �Oj (a -0 O w I u a) m Ii N O r -I O U ` f0 M CO U Y ` Q O Y O L. M v O OYi UD 0 Y u d a) -Cd O 0 d O YL. a dp m m Ln N p s d v Q ao Q z c Q YL. to E Y Q L m m o m a Y Y O fa �o (i p m a M a m O w O ro m w' ami f0 M c 4 o 0 0 0 c a '^ _ f° �' ao o (� u c c O c Q O U a N C tto 3 pp 4aQ C m U O m f' C r pp O +' C O + O Z v x O Q Q 2 O L. m a m v O r -I N M 4 u1 tG I� 00 M, r -I .�-I r -I ~ _0 v Q v v L V b- ate -J O I o Q .O • — a -J X fo X E C6 o v Q)N Q O Q o Cl Li O ON O C� 4-1 Ln O �. L Lf) 0a M - 4— L Q O O O O ai c N E O o0 ' — cn ca � O 4-J U Q v a.., L X O• ���� �� �v O U �a,�^ �m� txo •`��0 fu O A, .� v1 a Lc:' 13)I •� U Q o U 4-J > u Q) 4-J `° > L O - a C6 `� L O v -a +� L +.. c CL O Q U4 L v v o O O -J X f6 D -CO -0 O -0 N (n -0 N Q O v E o O U — co dD _ a) u v N _ cn N o0 O O 'C.: cn 0 m U cn O fu a--+ m c: a) $ L _ 4-J U ° o ago ° > :� °; O " O Q Q— C6 � O U o N N E E Ow a) ru CO I c— U co lb� L r) V) M� W C6 C� O V) U 4� I (� o V O� U Q 0 N rn y 1t:'v 4 a L O: m y � U' I c- 0 4-j 4-j a Ln �l N61 , T,rr�rrrrr A 1 i obi` � ! .' ✓pra, 3d I " d OppOa ID U1� C �tU/1N T,rr�rrrrr A 1 i k' -A z*L A: I-, Elm, W N Wao'e Dr. A MN ZI DOG PARK SURVEY Do you oppose or are you in favor of the dog park that the City of Newport Beach is proposing adjacent to Sunset View Park? NEW RT CREST f SUNSET RIDGE PARK �� F SUPERIOR AVE Y WLLI BALBL DOGE �SUHSETV1EWr =� ADDRIONAL PUBLIC PAR J -� PARK � 4 PARKING �C, C04 6r -. f 1 Y>LAGE SHOPPI�II;h r . ' r - The Villa Balboa HOA is not taking a position, so we need to know what the residents of Villa Balboa are thinking. What would you like as alternative? Expand Sunset View Park? An open green space adjacent to proposed parking? An exercise circuit? Or some other idea you have? Please email your thoughts- SSVDogPark@gmail.com Or call and leave a message: PZ' E:pi+16-iE:ith NOTE: YOUR REPLY IS TIME SENSITIVE November 13, 2019 Ms. Diane Dixon, Newport Beach Mayor Mr. Brad Avery, City Council Member Mr. Duffy Duffield, City Council Member Mr. Kevin Muldoon, City Council Member Mr. Jeff Herdman, City Council Member Ms. Joy Brenner, City Council Member Mr. Will O'Neill, City Council Member 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Via email: citvcouncil(&newportbeachca.aov Recreation & Senior Services Director LDetweiler(a)-newportbeachca. gov CC: Villa Balboa Home Owner's Association C/O Ryan Darby R Da rby(D_action life. com Re: Proposed Dog Park at Sunset View Park Dear Ms. Dixon and City Council Members: I first became aware of the proposed dog park on or about July 17 of this year from a post card mailing. Several neighbors and I attended the NPB Parks & Recs meeting on August 6th on short notice and expressed our opposition. At that time we walked the neighborhood and knocked on over 100 doors to get a first- hand feeling for the community's disposition. Very few people (maybe 5-10%) were aware of the city's plans and once informed there was almost universal opposition. To formalize our research, we obtained names and mailing addresses for the owners of the 450 Villa Balboa condominiums from a title company and sent a survey to them via US Mail (a copy of this totally neutral survey is attached). We setup a gmail email account and a voice mail box to carefully track and document responses. To date we have received 103 responses to the survey, and 35 returned mailers. This constitutes an impressive survey response rate of 24.8 % of delivered mailers. We have very carefully tracked and recorded data including name, address, email address, and phone number of responses. I have shared our summary 11 X1 7 ledger with the many City Council Members and NPB staff who have generously taken some of their valuable time to meet with us. Most noteworthy is the fact that 90 of the 103 survey responses (constituting 87.4%) oppose the dog park. Many of these responses came in the form of thoughtful letters with a multitude of reasons. The survey organizers have encouraged residents to forward their thoughts to the City Council and hopefully many have done so. I expect a good number will attend the City Council Meeting on Tuesday night (Nov. 19) but I also know a number are traveling for business, have family obligations, care for sick relatives, work in the evening, are disabled, or being older are unable to get to City Hall at night. By the way; this is not to suggest in any manner that the 13 respondents who favor the dog park are not significant or important, just that they are in the substantial minority. The clear message that came out of all of this is that Sunset View Park, with its unique view and serenity, is cherished by many people and in their view its uniqueness and serenity would be compromised by the proposed dog park. While this perspective is not universal, it is indisputably held by the vast majority that live in the Park's immediate vicinity. We recognize that all of this "smacks" of NIMBY syndrome. However, this park is used by many people from all over. Our informal querying of Sunset View Park visitors actually at the park from Hoag Hospital and other parts of Newport and Costa Mesa has provided the same feedback. Please also recognize that for most in the community the Superior Bridge and additional parking is NOT our first choice but that we are reasonable and thoughtful people who consider the "greater good" and that safety and the use of Sunset Ridge Park for youth sports are important community considerations. As a matter of further context there is give and take with the noise and fumes of the Hoag Hospital Cogen Plant and it now looks like we will likely be taking on the City's Homeless Shelter obligation just down the street on Superior. In this perspective subjecting our community to this burden of a truly discretionary recreational amenity that is responsive to the desire of a small percentage of the population is unfair and over -reaching. We propose that dogs and dog owners remain welcome in this very small park, only that they comply with leash and waste pick-up laws, and in that respect be the good neighbors we ourselves aspire to be. Purely as a matter of public policy research we have also undertaken a dog park residential proximity study which we have shared with many City Council Members (copy attached) and City Staff. Our conclusion, which we expect you will share upon your review, is that this dog park would be an exception in its proximity and its integration (i.e. its entrance is not isolated / inaccessible from nearby residences as is the case at the NPB Civic Center Dog Park vis a vis 4 lane McArthur Boulevard) into a densely populated community. Even the Beverly Hills dog park Js in a commercial/ industrial part of town with many multistory buildings between and significant distance to any residences. The sole exception to these proximity results as you will see in our study was a dog park in Chevy Chase Maryland which was located smack in the middle of a residential community but was shut down after many months of neighborhood outrage as covered by the press. I could of course go on about other real issues such as property values, quality of life, noise, smells, and many others but out of respect for your time I will leave that ground to others. Thank you for the deference you have provided our group to date and for your further consideration. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Sincerely, Mark Wilser 200 Paris Lane, #111 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Phone: 949-322-4006 Email: mw@globalcapitalmarkets.com Attachments: 1. Dog Park Survey - F1.pdf 2. NPB SSVP Proposed Dog Park - Residential Proximity Research - F1.pdf From: Wendy Kerr <kerrwen@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 7:03 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog park at Sunset Park I live at 230 lille lane in Villa Balboa which is right where you want to put the dog park I love living here it is beautiful and quite. There is a park / soccer field across from Sunset park that I see a lot of people walking their dogs and playing ball with their dogs there. We DO NOT need another dog park here !! Please rethink this and the bridge that is also supposed to be built along with it. In the summer time the traffic is horrible here !! NO NO NO DOG PARKM! Wendy kerr 230 lille lane, Villa Balboa It would of been nice if the city had sent out the rest of Villa Balboa instead of just the 200 block of Paris !!! 1!!! NO NO NO DOG PARK l M Diane Dixon can put a dog park in her neighborhood at Lido Island !1H From: caschu@ix.netcom.com Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 7:33 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: caschu@ix.netcom.com Subject: Dog Park Letter -Opposition Dear Members of the NPB City Council: My name is Cindy Schuster and I am strongly against the proposed dog park next to Sunset View Park. As has otherwise been credibly attested to the vast majority of nearby residents oppose the dog park for the following reasons among others.- Noise thers: Noise (we already have too much and are above the City limit) • Smell • Additional non-compliant dogs (we already have too many) • Reduced property values (which will result in reduced property tax revenues for the City) This part of Newport Beach is already "under siege" from the Hoag Cogen Plant, nightly helicopter flyovers, noise from PCH and Superior, the coming Superior Bridge, additional parking, and a likely homeless shelter down the street on Superior. Placing a dog park on a beautiful vista enjoyed by many in an densely populated area to address a recreational request of a percentage of people to save them time from traveling to other already available dog parks is not appropriate. Dog owners remain welcome to use this small park and are requested to comply with leash and dog waste pick-up laws so as to not unduly impinge on the rights of others trying to enjoy this outstanding community asset in a manner respectful and considerate of others. Cynthia Schuster 200 Paris Lane Newport Beach, CA 92663 From: Stephanie Lopez <stephlopez22@msn.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 7:40 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park Objection As a resident who lives adjacent to the proposed Dog Park on Superior, I'd like to share my objection to having the park at this location. I am concerned about the noise and light pollution it will bring to the area, in addition to the amount of dogs that will be walking to and from the park. Regards Stephanie Lopez Sent from my iPhone November 13, 2019 Ms. Diane Dixon, Newport Beach Mayor Mr. Brad Avery, City Council Member Mr. Duffy Duffield, City Council Member Mr. Kevin Muldoon, City Council Member Mr. Jeff Herdman, City Council Member Ms. Joy Brenner, City Council Member Mr. Will O'Neill, City Council Member 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Via email: cit council new rtbeachca. ov Recreation & Senior Services Director LDetweilerB-newgortbeachca.gov CC: Villa Balboa Home Owner's Association C/O Ryan Darby RDarby@actionlife.com Re: Proposed Doq Park on Superior Avenue Dear Ms. Dixon and City Council Members: Since receiving the notice from Newport Beach in July notifying me of its intention to build a dog park next to my condo complex that does not allow dogs (other than as required by law), I have been actively engaged in gaining further understanding of the broader project, whose primary purpose is to add parking and safe passage for those who are visiting Sunset Ridge Park. Of particular interest to me is that additional space is allocated for "Recreational Purposes." That very same additional space currently provides a much enjoyed spot to view the sunset, the Huntington Beach Airshow, or just the gorgeous everyday views. The recreational purpose that will likely cater to the greater good would be to formally include that space as a park (not a dog park) in Sunset View Park. In chatting with visitors to space, even if they had heard that a dog park was being added as part of the broader project, they had not realized that the ground where they were standing and enjoying the view was going to be leveled to make that dog park possible. I would like to invite you to look at the "Draft Initial Study: Superior Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge and Parking Lot Project" (hereafter called the "Study") prepared for the project so that you can see the stunning views the City would be eliminating when they level land to create the dog park but unfortunately I can't. The Study, which in many cases concludes "Less than Significant Impact", fails to consider the magnificent views that will be destroyed and how it will impact the persons that use that land, which has de facto become a welcome extension to Sunset View Park. Early on, I opposed the dog park, related to sound, smell and safety issues. The Study only reinforces my belief that in fact there is not "Less than Significant Impact" (as noted in the study) but a High Impact for the of the project related to putting a dog park in the space currently occupied by a vista. Sometimes it is what is not in a report like the Study that speaks volumes. As I mentioned, there are no pictures of the views from the current fantastic vantage point. There is no mention that no sound studies were done at the Villa Balboa residences of those on the three floors nearest the dog park, nor that the nearest station tested shows that current noise levels are already in excess (67 Dba Leq in daytime) of Newport City ordinances for a residential area (55 Dba Leq in daytime). Further, there is no analysis of some very specifics related to time and place. There is no assessment of dog park behavior and related noise from a small dog park (one 20% of the size recommended by The Humane Society of the United States) and any estimate of how removing the "hump" (as it is referred to in the Study) and creating an amphitheater like environment closer to the Villa Balboa homes will impact the sound. There is no assessment of the current safety record of Superior, let alone how noises from the dog park might provide further distraction to walkers, cyclists, and motorists on this heavily traveled curved road that has, even without a dog park, resulted in many accidents, including those that jump the curb. Visitors to the current dog park near the Civic Center have reportedly found caps to syringes; an enclosed dog park with benches and shade will make it appealing for the homeless. That is not what West Newport needs. (Please note that I did submit questions on many of these topics to the appropriate City employee in advance of the deadline for doing so, but did not get any response.) Importantly, from reading the Study, it is clear that the dog park is completely separable from the project to provide parking and a bridge — the name of the Study does not even mention the dog park. As such, I would ask that the City recognize that the Recreation and Senior Services Department already has created a great recreational area in Sunset View Park and the related "hump". Beautifying "the hump" and preserving the view for the many visitors to that area should be the priority. I hope that each of you walk around Sunset View Park and appreciate that the "hump" that will be removed to make the dog park already provides a valued and treasured public space and that a dog park generally will degrade the experience of Sunset View Park. Sincerely, Deborah A Gero 200 Paris Lane #112 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Contact Information: Mailing address: 1341 Berea Place Pacific Palisades, CA. 90272 Phone: 310-251-4093 Email: debigero@gmail.com From: Rhonda Harmon <harmonsx42@cox.net> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 8:02 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park To whom it may concern: My husband, Jeffrey Harmon and myself oppose the planned dog park on Superior Avenue. We are the front, end unit in Newport Crest which faces the ocean. We are concerned with the unsightly bare patches of landscape this will cause in addition, the smell the proposed dog park may generate if dog owners don't pick up after their pets. Even if they do pick up the waste material after their animals, the urine odor will never completely dissipate. Left untreated, the foul smell of urine takes up to five years to off -gas on it's own. In conclusion, we enjoy having our doors and windows open and for these reasons, we strongly oppose a dog park in this area. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Rhonda & Jeffrey 6 Tribute Court Newport Beach, CA 702-339-1159 From: axon flux <axonflux@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 8:08 PM To: Dept City Council Subject: Re: Oppose Dog Park Dear City Council of Newport Beach, As a homeowner living in Villa Balboa, it is against the HOA CC & R's to have a dog unless they are approved therapy dogs which is a very small population. Inappropriate location for a dog park and no need for more noise which is also an HOA rule. We want to protect our investment in our homes and our quality of life and the community would be better off without an off leash dog park next to the Cancer center at Hoag Hospital. We like dogs and a park would be nice, but this is an inappropriate location. An extension of the park would be favorable and congruent with the Sunset viewers and serene environment that exists already. Thank You, Gina Rios 9496379332 Axonfluxggmail.com From: Carleen <challstead@aol.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 8:42 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Opposition of Dog Park - Flat space is at a premium at Sunset Ridge Park -- Residents will lose virtually all available Flat space & their views Dear City Council of Newport Beach, Please mark my husband and I as "Opposing the Dog Park in Sunset Ridge Park." Sunset Ridge Park is the only place where we, neighbors in Villa Balboa, Versailles (and the surrounding neighborhoods too) can view Catalina, watch sunsets, boats, fireworks and yes, the annual air shows. The Sunset Ridge Park has only one small flat spot where people can & do congregate (even bringing their own lawn chairs), sit on the grass, take in the views, exercise and socialize. The rest of the park is primarily a concrete walk. The dog park would take this space away from hundreds of nearby residents. We oppose the placement of a dog park within this small facility. It is truly unnecessary. Neither dogs nor their pet owners are lacking for places to go. Residents are. If you have funds to spend, please make some improvements for the benefit of the general population by finishing out or expanding the small "mound of dirt" with additional landscape work and some benches. Respectfully, Carleen and Robert Hallstead/Laskey Residents of Villa Balboa From: SURESH PARIKH <suresh_parikh@hotmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:01 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Opposition to the proposed Dog Park at Superior Ave. The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members of the city of Newport Beach, CA We oppose the proposed Dog Park in our neighborhood, for the following reasons. (1) The first and foremost reason is that the proposed Dog Park in such prime location would DRIVE DOWN NEIGHBORHOOD PROPERTY VALUES BY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. No one is going to buy the property in our neighborhood because the stigma of a Dog Park nearby. (2) The stench, odor and the germs from the proposed Dog Park will be carried to our residence through the wind blowing from the ocean up the hill where we reside. (3) The noise from the dogs barking will be a nuisance will compel us to close our windows and patio doors. (4) The increase in foot and vehicular traffic will be a concern for the residents. We request you to consider a better alternative for the piece of a prime location land, which can be enjoyed by all residents of our great city and at the same time enhance the value of the location. Thank you very much in advance. Sincerely. Suresh Parikh Usha Parikh 220 Nice Lane, # 315, Newport Beach, CA, 92663 Sent from Windows Mai I From: pepoalev65@yahoo.com Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:39 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park To whom it may concern: I am one of the property owners in Villa Balboa Newport Beach and I do not agree to the proposed Dog Park. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone From: Katey Granoff <kateygranoff@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 12:05 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 191h meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Kate Granoff & 9499224429 Sent from my Whone From: Doug Tamkin <dtamkin@artivation.com> Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 12:41 AM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Ryan Darby Subject: Proposed Dog Park at Sunset View Park Dear Ms. Dixon and City Council Members, A lot of us within close proximity to the Superior Bridge Project have been very anxious since gradually becoming aware of it. What stood out to us most was the proposed dog park at the portion of the site that's nearest to our homes. Since the Notice of Public Hearing now replaces "Dog Park" with "Recreation Area", I hope that signals that another option will be considered. Our concerns run a wide gamut, of which you've all no doubt received an earful — from safety to smells and from views to property values — but the one that worries me most is the potential for noise. This is an area that, over the 22 years that I've owned and lived here, has seen increasing noise levels from more population and traffic, Hoag construction, a cogeneration plant, cars and motorcycles racing (mostly at night) up and down PCH, ambulances, and yes, even more dogs. I am not concerned about noise during the construction phase. One day it will begin, and one day it will end, just as with any other development we've had in the city. Rather, it's the day-to-day, seven -days -a -week, 365 - days -a -year noise that takes its toll. Our community, Villa Balboa, has a rather unique geographical relationship with the project site. As the area spreads downhill from us, there is an amphitheatre effect with respect to sound. This means that sound travels up to our units without hindrance. My own 3rd -floor unit is not on the front line with a direct view of the project area, but rather set behind them with a view between two of them. I am able to hear parties on peninsula balconies that I've measured at nearly 2,000 feet away, and LOUDLY hear dogs barking on the portion of Sunset View's greenbelt that I do face at a distance (270 feet) similar to that between the proposed dog park and the building closest to it. And because of this, I predict that barking at a dog park would be heard by my neighbors. When I began reading the Draft Initial Study, I figured it would account for the terrain and maybe describe some mitigating factors. Well, hearts are meant to be broken, and I found the following instead: "The dog park noise was obtained from the Draft Initial Study -Mitigated Negative Declaration City of Beverly Hills Dog Park Project, which found that a dog park creates noise from both dogs barking and dog owners talking." Wait — what? And further peeling of this onion betrays that Beverly Hills imported their doggy decibel data from — drum roll please... Santa Barbara's dog park study. Okay, maybe it's not as bad as it sounds, assuming that these other projects are similar enough to ours. But they're not. Beverly Hills' site is completely surrounded by commercial buildings south of busy Santa Monica Blvd., and the nearest residential property is almost 650 feet away. Which is moot anyhow because it's all LEVEL GROUND. So they simply won't ever hear it at the residences. All obstructions; no line -of -sight. As for the Santa Barbara Park, it doesn't even matter at this point, as all they did was take a reading of those dogs' voices from 10 to 50 feet away. There were six single-family homes from 150 to 300 feet away at the closest point with thick trees in the path, so their situation isn't much like ours, either. Ultimately, all that comes out of this is that the dogs' barking averages 37 decibels, and the city standard is 55 decibels for daytime and 50 decibels for night, which is higher than 37, and therefore we aren't going to hear the dogs. Case closed. It seems like nobody really studied anything, but instead obtained figures, even borrowing some, and plugged them into formulas. The human brain is an amazing thing, and combined with the sense of hearing, it can do things that completely defy mathematics and scientific theories. Just like no camera can record with the subtlety of the human eye, no instrument can measure what the ear can discern. Not only that, this system's really good at picking patterns out of seemingly nothing. The significance of this: it is absolutely possible, consistently and without effort, to hear certain types of sounds that are beneath the background or ambient noise level. The noise data that is presented in these reports with respect to the relationship between barking and background is averaged and smoothed out, and forgets to mention that the background noise level rises and falls continuously, and when it falls it allows lower amplitude noises to be heard better. It forgets to mention that the dog barking is more instantaneous and "spiky" and therefore can be heard even when the background noise doesn't fall to its lower levels. Because the dog barking is perceived differently and has a different character than the background, the brain can find it, even when it's not as loud. And when it finds. it, it will do its best to make you unable to ignore it. I don't wish such a thing on my neighbors. How can you ensure that, on some warm Saturday morning, the sports teams, their families and spectators are not going to arrive to find most of the parking spots already taken by beachgoers and dog park visitors? There are many other forms that the recreational area portion could take, such as planting landscape suitable for certain species, i.e., milkweed to support Monarch butterfly population; providing habitat support for species displaced by the bridge and parking lot; increasing the scenic value of Sunset View Park and offsetting the industrialized look of the new bridge and hardscape; installing electric vehicle charging stations; or simply adding even a few more parking spots to support Sunset Ridge Park, which is what this whole thing was supposed to be about. But the one thing that should NOT happen is the creation of a new source of daily discomfort and stress for the residents that value a little of the peace and tranquility that has been fading with each passing decade. Sincerely, Doug Tamkin 220 Nice Land #307 Villa Balboa From: Roger Turner <turnerlaw@dslextreme.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 4:24 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Opposition to the proposed Dog Park at Villa Balboa Council Members, I have been a owner/resident of Villa Balboa for more than 20 years. I am strongly opposed to the proposed Dog Park. I believe that this will be a nuisance to the area, create an odor, possible health hazard, and decrease the property values of Villa Balboa. I urge you to not permit the proposed Dog Park. Sincerely, Roger Turner 280 Cagney Ln, unit 306 Newport Beach, CA 92663 From: Tina <tinaichristiansen@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 4:18 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog park -opposed Dear City Council, I am strongly apposed of the new dog park in Newport Beach. Primarily for safety reasons, we have had many car accidents in this area as it's already overly congested. I would hate to see any more or fatalities. We already have a nice dog park off the 55 frwy. It is unnecessary to build another especially in unsafe areas. Best, Tina From: Kristen Petros <petrosfam@roadrunner.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 3:49 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Brown, Leilani Subject: Sunset View Dog Park Dear Mayor Dixon and City Council; Thank you for considering a Dog Park for the western parts of Newport Beach. Although the proposed site at Sunset View Park is small, it would be a welcome addition for so many dog owners to come and let their pets run off leash. It is also a great way for people to congregate. As a planner, I consider such uses in terms of possible impact to surrounding uses but based on the studies the City has done, the dog park would be sited quite well. The dog park would be 260 feet from the closest residential building and 25 feet below their ground level. I understand the hours of operation would be 6AM to dusk, just like the other dog park. The only lighting would be low profile walkway lights. Please vote YES on this great asset for the City. Sincerely, Kristen Petros Newport Beach From: Suzie <sk92663@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 3:42 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Proposed Dog Park Hi, I just wanted to let you know i oppose the dog park at Sunset View Park due to parking, extra noise, traffic and the possible smell. Superior is already a traffic/driving nightmare with so many accidents and speeding cars that adding to it, I don't feel Sunset View is a good location. I also worry more about the safety of dogs and owners. My name is Suzie Kruse and I live at 220 Nice Lane in Villa Balboa Thank you From: CJ Gehlke <cj@reonationwide.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 3:38 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: `Mark Wilser' Subject: Air Show and PCH/Superior Thank you for your work on behalf of our City. By way of introduction, I consult by profession on highest and best use issues for developers and lenders nationwide, and have done so for over 30 years. So I bring some experience to my suggestion. A request for consideration for the highest and best use for the corner of PCH and Superior with both present fatalities and accidents on that corner and the future Banning Ranch project is: Every evening at all times of the day and especially at sunset that corner is used by residents to maximize the incredible view opportunity with the elevation being so high there.. the fourth of July.. and most every weekend.. along with every time there a clear day or beautiful view.. People can easily park in the lot of Superior, and they bring chairs, towels.. soft drinks and food.. The regular and current use of this corner clearly communicates and the residents are telling us what they want there.. Ideal would be picnic tables and more grass so the many people who love that corner can enjoy it more easily in more ways. It is spectacular and to take away that remarkable view spot would be going against the best use of the corner. Consider: a police substation as that corner and surrounding area is in need of a police presence both for traffic and thefts.. and to support Banning Ranch in the future/added growth in the area. That corner is dangerous.. just this morning 4 FOUR cars turned left when the light turned red. That area has the most magnificent view due to its elevation ... far better than any place in the park across the street. Dogs in a dog park do not appreciate the view... Please consider making this area view and safety based... a police substation and a place for people to gather to enjoy the view and sunsets year round. View is far superior to the parks all lower elevation.. add an extended grassy area with picnic tables and places to sit and enjoy the view with friends and a gathering that is too big for a small park bench further down the walkway. Police Sub -station. There is no police presence on this side of Newport. The quick response to the accidents and thefts here would be such a great thing for the community. A sub station was previously proposed as part of the community center idea. At that time, the voices from the neighborhood were loudly hoping that if anything proposed were resisted, the corner might be left alone. That corner is too expensive and high value dirt to leave alone. It will be developed. So to suggest what might service the community best with the dangerous corner in mind would be a far better response than simple and repeated opposition. It is my understanding that the Police Dept could be approached again, as they were involved previously on the prior plan to incorporate a substation there, asking for support for a substation. Less traffic, less pedestrians, presence both at the ready when needed and a visual deterrent to the problems currently occurring on that corder. Not one day goes by that on my twice daily walk I am nearly run down by a car blowing through a red and cars speeding through nearly hitting pedestrians. A cash infusion could be the result of the ticket potential from both unleashed dogs in both adjacent parks and the constant traffic infractions on that corner. Please redirect attention to a police substation as an alternate concept which would be highly useful, life saving and provide much needed support for the upcoming development next to the Ridge Park as well. And please keep in mind that the adjacent community, Villa Balboa does not allow dogs so more dogs would be detrimental to that community as well. . Thanks for letting me help you today! CJ Gehlke, CEO/Founder licensed since 1979 DRE Nc. 00803243 REO Nationwide, Inc. Beneficial RE Inc. DRE No. 01334672 www.reonationwide.com Office: Newport Beach, CA 92663 Mail: 1927 Harbor Blvd. Suite 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 ci@reona tionwide. com phone: 888.700.0868 x 326 fax: 888.700.0868 Linkedln: www.linkedin.com/pub/carol-jean-%22ci/*`22-_qehlke/a/9l5/714 ------------------------------------------ REO Disposition Outsource Services BPO and APPRAISAL Services - Individual or Volume Bulk BULK Sale Facilitation Your Outsource company for life. My team and I are committed to providing you with extraordinary personalized service 100% of the time. Our mission is to build a solid, life-long relationship with you. The goal is to meet and exceed your expectations for the lifetime of our relationship. We want you to be so happy with our services that you feel compelled to refer people you respect to us. The greatest compliment we can receive is a referral from you. CJ From: Henry Ode <odehen@sbcglobal.net> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 3:09 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Proposed Dog Park Next to Our Villa Balboa Community Dear City Council Members: I'm one of the many homebuyers who decided to live in Villa Balboa because of the restriction that only a seeing -eye dog was allowed on the premises, and I wanted to live in a quiet environment. This was in the late 1980's. Since then, and especially in the last 10 years or so, with the new state laws about what constitutes a service/companion dog, many of our residents(a high percentage are renters) seem to have a companion dog; many of them are big and don't belong in a condo setting. I'm afraid that the creation of a dog park next to our buildings will only help to increase the number of people who will be enticed to live here. And those people living in the building(s) closest to the dog park may also experience additional noise. Please consider us as you make your decision. Thank you. Sincerely, Henry Ode Sent from Mail for Windows 10 1 From: Wendy Kaiser <wendyhkaiser@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 3:06 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Wemail Subject: Proposed Sunset View Dog Park Dear Newport Beach City Council, I have been a resident of Orange County for over 30 years, and in Newport Beach for the past 16 years living at Villa Balboa adjacent to the proposed Sunset View dog park location. My husband and I enjoy peaceful walks and sitting to view the tranquil ocean, our beautiful marina, and visit with family and friends on the current narrow, pleasant, Sunset View Park. We are not anti -dog people having been very happy dog owners for many, many years (as well as, cats, horses, guiney-pigs, iguanas, fish, etc..). We appreciate the committee's efforts to add a dog park to our city but find the current proposal is not appropriate for this location and would severely detract from the residents' quality of life rather than enhance it. We would appreciate seeing the statistics of the number and location of dog owners in the area as we do not think the financial expense of the proposed dog park to the city and the diminished quality of life, financial and emotional expense to the immediate neighbors of Sunset View Park is justified or supported. We oppose the proposed dog park being located in/near the Sunset View Park for the following reasons: (1) Increased noise in the form of unexpected, explosive, sudden barking (irrevocably destroying the tranquil atmosphere and purpose of this existing passive park as well as creating a noise nuisance close to Hoag Hospital and Residences in a hospital "quiet zone"). Many employees and hospital visitors walk in this area for a respite and tranquil break from what they may be dealing with at the hospital. Constant barking, which can put people on edge due to its unexpected timing and unrelenting duration, is not the same as the hum of traffic, the ocean, or the cogen plant, which can be blocked out like white noise. The current sound analysis did not address the effects of the altered physics of acoustics with the hill removal and the impact of sudden loud, sharp sounds. The Sunset View Park is narrow and any active park immediately below would be too close to residences. (2) Increased dog traffic to and from the proposed park (creating more noise and a higher risk of physical interactions between dogs and other dogs, dogs and coyotes, and dogs and people - many of whom are older and use the area for walking, bringing increased tripping and bitting hazards, as well as more forced interactions with dogs immediately adjacent to a residential complex with a No Dog OCRs provision, except for service and therapy dogs. This placement does not make sense. Many residents chose to buy and live in Villa Balboa because of the No Dog policy whether it be due to allergies, asthma, reduced noise, PTSD, and or physical concerns). (3) The proposed location is not a good fit for the space with the bordering properties being low to no dog owners (as outlined above). It would be better to locate the dog park in a normal park area near dog owners and sufficient parking, bathroom facilities, and away from busy streets and residences. (4) The proposed space is too small to be a healthy, and successful dog park. It is smaller than the normal recommended sizing. The city would end up with a high expense for a very few due to this being an inappropriate and inadequate location and size for a dog park. (5) Increased waste concerns -with more dogs there would be more waste and odor despite diligent efforts for clean up and maintenance (there would be more urine marking on benches, poles, railings, and fences in and around the area which are not normally cleaned up). (6) The removal of the current promontory point lookout, the hill, which is proposed to be leveled to create the dog park would be a loss of a beloved space by residents and visitors alike. It is a unique space in West Newport with the original sandy, natural, beachy feel where you can watch the sunsets, waves, and city below. People have been standing out on this point for several decades. The look out point is part of the heritage of this rustic and natural entrance corridor of Newport Beach. The removal of the hill would also likely increase the noise levels for residences due to changing the acoustical properties of the area which was not considered in the current sound analysis. (7) Decreased property values due to the above outlined negative consequences. We urge you to consider removing the proposed dog park from this project and instead preserve the lookout point, increase the number of parking spaces, add 2-3 picnic tables, and a few benches next to the parking lot with possible slight terracing which could be enjoyed and used by all residents and visitors. We would suggest there be a larger dog park to be considered in the future at a more appropriate location further northwest away from residences and traffic when the area near the 15th Street Community Center is eventually developed and built. Or at another more appropriate location. Thank you for your time and consideration, Wendy and Jim Kaiser wend y hk ai serge ah o o . conn 270 Cagney Lane, 4115 Newport Beach Ca 92663 949-202-7273 Sent from my iPad From: Sheryl Menes <smenes@aol.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 2:44 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Objection to proposed dog park To whom it may concern: To the Governor and City Council of Newport Beach - As stated in my previous letter, may I once again submit my strong objections to building a dog park on Superior and PCH grounds. Having paid a good amount of money to be a resident of Villa Balboa, which is directly above your site of interest, I find it inconceivable that you would put a dog park with in hearing distance from a condo association and dwellings, THAT DOES NOT ALLOW DOGS...... I work evenings and sleep in the morning, so I have a personal interest, for my WELLBEING, and those that live closest to the proposed dog park site. Please reconsider!!!! Thank you for you attention and consideration in this matter. Healthiest regards, Sheryl Sheryl Jakofsky-Menes MS., RDN. "Nothing Tastes As Good As Being Healthy Feels" From: s mankarious <smankar2004@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 1:50 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: SSVDogPark@gmail.com Subject: Proposed Dog Park in Sunset View Park Dear members of Newport Beach City Council: We are residents of the Newport Crest Community and we are opposed to the dog park as it will adversely affect: L Nearby residents due to: a. Greater noise - we have already been plagued by noise from motorcycles, modified trucks and muscle cars racing up Superior Ave., that clearly exceed the state allowed noise level. That noise has affected our sleep, our nerves and our quality of life. We need the city's help in enforcing the state law to reduce the noise not to add dogs barking noise that will only exacerbate the situation damaging our health and lowering our property value. b. The health hazard resulting from the dogs waste that will be easier to neglect for some irresponsible dog owners who will blame it on others. No one is there to police them. The smell and the flies will easily reach us in our kitchens and bedrooms carried by the ocean breeze with disastrous consequences for our quality of life.. II. The general public -e.g.: a. The senior citizens that live near by and are brought out by their caregivers in their wheelchairs to peacefully watch the ocean view and smell the fresh air. b. The youth that come out to play a game of frisbee or to make a video for school using the ocean as a background c. Members of the public on their daily walk/ exercise that stop in the adjacent park for additional exercise/ stairclimbing followed by a calm cooldown watching Catalina. III. Finally - the dogs and dogowners - a. The assigned space is rather limited and will not allow the dogs to run without a leash before encountering other dogs. Will there be physical disputes that may lead to injuries? b. The frequent ambulances and paramedics sirens will certainly stress the animals. What will happen if these stressed dogs attack other dogs, dog owners or members of the general public? Would the city be liable? What we propose instead: 1.Expand Sunset View Park? That will accomodate more occasional visitors e.g. elderly and disabled visitors as well as youth and adults. 2. Add an exercise circle to that expansion. That will help improve public health. 3. Add some more parking spots to the municipal parking lot. That will accomodate visitors to the beach while increasing the city revenue. We hope that you rescind the dog park decision and reconsider the suggestions above. Thank you for your attention to this very important matter. Sami and Ramzy Mankarious 7 Tribute ct. Newport Beach From: Michael Call <onecall4al11@verizon.net> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 12:24 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Find below and attached questions to Andy Tran Senior Civil Engineer regarding the Lower Sunset View Park Conceptual Design 10.19.19 Attachments: Questions for Andy Tran Lower Sunset View Park Conceptual Design 10.19.19.docx Find below and attached questions to Andy Tran Senior Civil Engineer regarding the Lower Sunset View Park Conceptual Design 10.19.19 Andy Tran, P.E. Senior Civil Engineer City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone: 949-644-3315 October 19, 2019 Michael Call Cell (714) 791-1102 210 Lille Lane 208 Newport Beach, CA 93663 onecall4a111@verivon.net There are 3 total pages. The following questions are unless otherwise indicated in reference to the proposed dog park included in the Lower Sunset View Park Conceptual Design located in Newport Beach California and the word "City" refers to the City of Newport Beach. When there is a reference to "the report" this means any reports or documentation produced by the City including the Mitigation Negative Declaration and any other environmental documentation provided by the City. Your timely response to these questions is requested so as to provide adequate time for follow up questions and/or responses. 1. Very specifically describe the public demand by any individual or group for dog parks? A. In Newport Beach? B. In west Newport Beach? C. At the specific location cited in the Sunset View Park proposal? D. How were these specific demands made and recorded? E. Has there been any survey of nearby residents or current visitors to Sunset View Park? 2. Is the proposed dog park in some way to provide an alternative to the illicit dog park located in and alongside of the Santa Ana river? 3. Is the proposed dog park being considered an alternative to the enforcement of the present leash laws? 4. Are there any statistics for? A. The number of persons that reside in Newport Beach that use dog parks? B. The number of injuries to dogs and humans at the existing dog park? C. The numbers of individual dogs and humans that have contracted a disease or a parasite at the existing dog park? 5. Have the contributors to the Environmental Study demonstrated expertise in the size and structure of the Dog Park? 6. Can the contributor's site studies from the scientific literature which discuss the volume of noise from given projected numbers of barking dogs concentration in given spaces? 7. What expertise do the contributors have as to dog park design in general and specifically to space requirements as it relates to safety of the dogs and human users? 8. What is the minimum safe dog park size? A. What studies did the contributors rely on to make this conclusion? B. How does park size effect dog crowd behavior? 9. Why is it the environmental report does not recommend safe guards for overcrowding and proper separation distances for extremely small parks of this size? 10. What guarantees and enforceable promises are there that the staff, designers and/or engineers will not increase size of the dog park without further review or public comment? 12. What are the assumptions and/or the methods used for the standard attenuation rate, given the topography and atmospheric conditions at the site? 13. Are there any studies of the effect of the removal of the mound of dirt? A. Would the removal of the mound of dirt cause an increase of noise at the park and at in the Villa Balboa Community? 14. Is the City staff aware, as cited in the environmental study, at the proposed location of the dog park, the sound levels are already in excess to the City's existing permissible levels? 15. Will the City proposal for the dog park likely magnify the noise level with its present design? 16. Will the City be taking this opportunity to mitigate the noise levels that have already been determined to be in excessive by the Cities environmental report? 17. Is the City aware that almost all other dog parks are on commercial or industrial cites NOT immediately adjacent to (and as importantly accessible to) a densely populated residential community on highly valuable land long treasured for other uses? 18. Why is there no discussion of the health hazards of a critical care hospital in close proximity to the proposed dog park? A. Why is there no discussion in the report of the constant use of the existing parks walkway by Hoag Hospital doctors, nurses, technicians, administrators often wearing their scrubs and patients as a probable transportation of pest and infectious diseases to this critical care hospital and even directly to patients with compromse immune systems? 19. Why does the report not address the fact that the proposed dog park will disrupt existing recreational activities? A. Why does the report not discuss the interference of the proposed dog park with the present terrain and continuity of park and recreation from Sunset Ridge Park on the west all the way to Hoag Hospital on the east? B. Many individuals enjoy the view the Huntington Beach Air Show and celebrate Independence Day by watching the fireworks all along the coast from Huntington Beach all the way to Laguna Beach from our favorite park. People enjoy the view and serene environment most every evening of the year. Why does the report not discuss the present natural and cultural resources and recreational usage includes all the citizens of Newport Beach and surrounding communities' visiting the park? 20. Is the City aware that the Villa Balboa Community, the predominate nearby community, is now and has always been a no dog development? A. Is the City aware that the original CCRs which are still in effect prohibit dogs in the Villa Balboa development? B. Is the City aware that the Villa Balboa association as obtained an attorney's letter stating the opposition to the proposed dog park? C. Has it been considered that the current quite enjoyment by humans (including hopefully compliant dog owners with their dogs) does not diminish the enjoyment of this unique and widely used location by others? 21. Why does the report not discuss the negative impact on property values caused by the loss of the quiet enjoyment of nearby homeowners? A. Why does the report not have any proximity study of the impact of the lack of substantial buffers to significant residential communities? B. Why does the report not discuss or study the impact of a dog park being super -imposed on the highly valued ocean view home in direct proximity? 22. Why does the report not compare and contrast other uses to determine the highest and best use? A. Why does the report not analyze the highest and best use for the public good comparing a dog park to alternative recreational activities at the property like workout trails and courses? B. Why does the report no explore completing the View Park to enhance the viewing experience for visitors? 23. Why does the report not explore or discuss the overburden and abusive allocation of services in west Newport Beach as exampled by the: 1. New Homeless Shelter and SOS Kitchen, 2. PCH Noise, 3. Illegal Dog Beach, 4. Nightly Police helicopter flyovers? 24. Why does the report not explore or discuss the overburden and abusive allocation of services on the Villa Balboa Community as exampled by the: 1. Cogent Plant presently out of compliance noise, plums of gases and negative effect on homeowner views and the continuing cost of damages to the exterior of the Villa Balboa Structures, 2. Hoag future campus expansion, 3. Ambulance noise, 4. Night time required helicopter flights over head to meet the contractual fly over time, 5. Superior Bridge (Prospective) and 6. Expanded Adjacent Parking (Prospective)? From: Paul Marcus <paul@1-voice.net> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 1:38 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: I am opposed to the Dog Park at Sunset View Park To Whom It May Concern: I am opposed to a dog park in this location for a number of reasons, primarily because it's very close to residences and some people have allergies or asthma. As much as I love animals, the fur and dander will significantly affect those living in the buildings along the Sunset View park walkway. As someone suggested to me, why not build the dog park on the far side of SSV, away from Villa Balboa and Newport Crest? Wouldn't that make more sense, as well as leave space in the current location for an exercise circuit? The other option for the Villa Balboa location is simply expanding the "walkabout experience" from one side of Superior Avenue to the other. Thank you for your attention in this matter. Paul Marcus 240 Nice Lane, #304 Newport Beach, CA 92663 From: Lori Kellems <lorikellems@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 1:43 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View dog park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Parklmprovement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 19`x' meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog parkas part of the .Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Lori Kellems Sent from my iPhone From: Robert Lawrence <robert@landworksdevelopmentservices.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 2:14 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: New Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 1911' meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Robert Lawrence 3201A Broad Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 From: Susan Seger <goga@propkg.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 1:42 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park To: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off - leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Susan Seger 2621 Blackthorn Street, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Cell 949-280-8101 From: Madelyn Ryan <madelynryanl4@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 1:42 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Madelyn Ryan From: Namrita Merino <Namrita.Merino@sce.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 1:20 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off - leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Namrita Merino Business Customer Division I Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Delivery T. 714-895-0353 1 M. 714-466-0944 ----------------- ----------------------------- IEnergy for What's A?lead © 2019 Southern California Edison. All rights reserved. Privacy Notice From: Sarah Ryan <swrightryan@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 1:33 PM To: Dept - City Council To: Newport Beach City Council Subject. Support of Sunset View Doq Park Dear Council Members: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Sarah Ryan 2004 E. Oceanfront Newport Beach, Ca 92661 From: J Harris <jackee0201@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 12:27 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Superior Dog Park Dear Folks, As I am unable to attend the hearings about the proposed dog park on Superior at PCH, I'm writing to let you know that I think it would be a welcome addition to the Sunset Park area. While I'm sure you've heard from many folks who'd be opposed to the idea, those of us in favor sit quietly just assuming the city will move forward with it. I am a resident and homeowner in Villa Balboa, and I have heard the concerns of my neighbors and friends whose buildings are there by Superior. However, there are so many more of us...at Villa Balboa, Versailles, Newport Crest, Park Lido, Newport Shores and on the Peninsula who would really take advantage of the dog park. I also believe it might cut down on the numbers of dog owners having their pets off leash while on the path (and that might also result in less dog waste along that path). Thanks for your attention. Jacquelyn Harris 280 Cagney Lane #110 Sent from my iPad From: Jim Watson <JWATSON@ca.rr.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 12:21 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support Sunset View Dog Park Newport Beach City Council Dear Council Members, I would like to register my support for the proposed dog park currently under study as part of the Sunset View Park Project. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach will be a great asset to the community. This will fill a gap for the recent loss of "dog beach." A dog park will be a great amenity to the residents on the west side beach community as is the Civic Center Dog Park. Thank you for your support of this project. Warmest Regards, Jim Watson From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Dear City Council, et. al: Bruce Bartram Eb.bartram@verizon.net> Monday, November 18, 2039 12:01 PM Webb, Dave (Public Works); Webb, Dave (Public Works); Crager, Chelsea; Dept - City Council; Dixon, Diane; Avery, Brad; Duffield, Duffy; Muldoon, Kevin; Herdman, Jeff; Brenner, Joy; O'Neill, William matt@tinnellylaw.com; cj@reonationwide.com; debigero@gmail.com; mw@globalcapitaimarkets.com Opposition to MND Determination for Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Parking Lot Project NB General Plan Coastal Views NR3.pdf The weblink to the draft Initial Study for the Superior Avenue Bridge and Parking Lot Project is located here: https:l/www.newportbeachca.gov/pInYCEQA REVIEW/Su erior%2OAvenue%20lS%20MND%20For%20Public%2ORevie w121169%20New ort°/o20Su erior°/a20Pedestrian°/o2OBrid e°/o20Draft°/v20ISMND. df On Pg. 13 the following is stated: "According to the City's General Plan, Coastal Land Use Plan, and Local Coastal Program, public viewpoints have been identified on southern end of Sunset Ridge Park along West Coast Highway (also known as State Route 1 or Pacific Coast Highway) and the northern perimeter of the proposed parking lot. Superior Avenue is also identified as a Coastal View Road (City of Newport Beach 2008), Policy 4.4.1-6 from the Local Coastal Program states that public coastal views must be protected from several roadway segments within the City of Newport Beach. This includes the roadway segment of Superior Avenue from Hospital Road to Coast Highway Cit of Newport Beach 2017a)." According to the Study this project has a "less than significant impact" when answering the following environmental impacts: "Would the project have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? Would the project substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? Would the project substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of public views of the site and its surroundings? If the project is in an urbanized area, would the project conflict with applicable zoning and other regulations governing scenic quality?" I am sorry but I have to disagree. Pgs 19-38 show photographic simulations of the present view along Superior and PCH with what would be seen with either construction option of the Superior Bridge and Parking Lot. Under both options whatever is built causes a significant environmental impact. The general rule is that if there is substantial evidence in the record supporting a fair argument that the project may result in a significant environment effect, an EIR should be prepared. Moss v. County of Humboldt (2008) 162 Cal App. 4th 1043. Please note that the foremost principal under CEQA is that the legislature intended the Act to be interpreted in such a manner as to afford the fullest possible protection to the environment within the reasonable scope of the statutory language. Laurel Heights Improvement Assn v. Regents of the University of California (1988) 47 Cal. 3d 376, 390, Second, according to Table 4.1 on Page 15 General Plan Natural Resources Policy 20.1 is described as follows: "General Pian NR 20,1: Enhancement of Significant Resources: Protect and, where feasible, enhance significant scenic and visual resources that include open space, mountains, canyons, ridges, ocean, and harbor from public vantage points." Table 4.1 then states that the Project is "Consistent" with this policy and the proposed Project "would not result in the significant obstruction of scenic and visual resources." The problem is that the full text of General Plan Natural Resources Policy 20.1 is not stated in full in the above. General Plan Natural Resources Policy 20.1 in full states as follows: "NR 20.1 Enhancement of Significant Resources Protect and, where feasible, enhance significant scenic and visual resources that include open space, mountains, canyons, ridges, ocean, and harbor from public vantage points, as shown in Figure NR3. (Imp 2.1). Figure NR3 refers to the Coastal Views Map containing the public vantage points from which NR 20.1 is to be guided by. A copy of NR 3 is attached for review. As you can see, it contains a number of designated public vantage points in and around the Superior Avenue Bridge Project area. Most notably, one designated public vantage point is Sunset Ridge Park. Yet nowhere in the photographic simulations of the present view along Superior and PCH is NR3 referenced. Nor is any Project impact on the view from Sunset Ridge Park nor any of the NR3 public vantage points discussed in the Study. Under CEQA, a city has a duty to investigate the potential environmental impacts of a project. A court may consider an agency's failure to gather relevant data in determining whether there is a "fair argument" that a project's environmental impacts may be significant. Sundstrom v County of Mendocino (1988) 202 CA3d 296, 311. The failure of the Study to reference NR3 in its Project analysis renders its "Mitigated Negative Declaration" conclusion inaccurate and inadequate under CEQA. For this and the reasons above, the City Council should not adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Parking Lot Project. Very truly yours, Bruce Bartram 2 Seaside Circle Newport Beach, CA 92663 C[TY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure NR3 COASTAL VIEWS Legend . Pudllc View Point 0N./ Coastal View Rood Shoreline Height Limitation Zone rL� City Boundary = County ❑ o.s i unties PROJECT NWMAER: 10579-01 uae. OM4106 E1 P U From: Christine Coalson <ccoalson@globalstrategicllc.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 11:52 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: the dog park Hello to the Newport Beach City council, it would seem and appear logical to open another dog park. 1 do not own a dog , however since animals and dogs in particular give so much joy and happiness to most everyone, it would be nice to include another dog park to alleviate the dog traffic and give room for the dogs to play. Please give this matter a serious look at, the space is available and may easily be allocated. Thank you. Cristina From: Wenzel, Susan <Susan.VVenze|@wanneMbvos.cnm> Sent: Monday, November l8.2/ 1911:19AK4 To: Dept City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Attachments: NBCity [ounciimp4 Dear City Council Member: Per the attached, Handsome Bob and Daisy want tmgmonrecord amstrongly supporting the proposed dog park, aypart nfthe Sunset View Park improvement Project, 1hatvxU|cornebaforethaC|1yCowncOatyourNmyenmber 191h meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location. Dogs need a place torun, play, exercise and socialize off-|eash. Thank you for supporting the new dog park ... please approve! Sent from Mail for Windows 10 To: Dixon, Diane Subject: Sunset View Dog Park Mrs. Rizzo called. She is in support of the dog park. KI.m Rief f Assistant to tfie 914a1lor aanfCity Council Mayors Office/City Clerk's Office City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive, Bay E, Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3004 11 From: Patrick Wilde <patrickwilde7@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 10:19 AM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Diane Daruty Subject: Dog Park I am a NB resident located at 38 Whitewater Drive and am in favor of a new dog park. Thank you, Patrick From: Mike McKinley <Mike.McKinley@McKinleyElevator.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 10:28 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park To: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Do_g Park Dear Council Member. I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, W. Michael McKinley 6 Malibu Circle CDM Our offices will be CL05ED fior the Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend. Thursday & Friday, Nov 28th & 29th. �•� Mc (in a ii ti Mike McKinley McKin Ph. 949-261-9244 � "6 ELEVATOR CORPORATION Fax. 949-955-3875 EQuIpmENT cORPORAT[ON SINCE IM40 C.C.R.P.A. California Cultural Resource Preservation Alliance, inc. P.O. Box 54132 An alliance of American Indian and scientific communities working for Irvine, CA 92619-4132 the preservation of archaeological sites and other cultural resources. November 17, 2019 Andy Tran, Senior Civil Engineer Public Works Department City of Newport Beach RE: Superior Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge and Parking Lot Dear Mr. Tran: Thank you for the opportunity to review the above-mentioned Mitigated Negative Declaration. We realize that the comment period of October 23, 2019 has ended but hope that you will take our comments into consideration. We are concerned that the mitigation measures for cultural resources are not adequate to support a Negative Declaration because they leave it up to construction personnel to identify archaeological materials. Newport Beach was densely populated during pre -contact times and there is the potential for buried archaeological deposits, therefore, we strongly request that a qualified archaeological monitor be present during any ground disturbing activities affecting previously undisturbed soils. Sincerely, Patricia Martz, Ph.D. President From: Christina Clifton <christina@dogonitparks.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 8:44 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Newport Beach Dog Park Hello, In keeping up with dog park news across the country, I came across an article noting the implementation of a new dog park in Newport Beach. We design, manufacture, and offer specialty dog park equipment (the first company in the US to do so!), including recreation level agility components, fire hydrants, waste stations, surfacing, shade shelters, pet fountains, and everything else to make your dog park a community destination. All our agility equipment is manufactured with heavy duty, rust -resistant materials suitable for all weather conditions, so it's incredibly durable and guaranteed not to rust. We also provide guidance through the entire process from concept to creation. With our large offering of dog park solutions and friendly customer service, we make it easy and fun to outfit your park. Would you be interested in additional information on what we offer? I'd be happy to mail a catalog out to have something tangible for when the time is right to outfit your park. If someone else is spearheading this project, funding, and/or park amenities, we would appreciate it if you would please forward this email to them. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration! fAtatinac di fton Office & Sales Support 4818 Evergreen Way, Suite 250 1 Everett, WA 98203 www.dog-on-it-parks.com Office: 425-512-8747 Toll Free: 877-348-3647 (USA & Canada on/y) D0G,0N-IT PARKS From: ndgjk@aol.com Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 8:56 AM To: Dept - City Council Cc: SSVDogPark@gmail.com Subject: Expansion of Sunset View Park to include Dog Park To: Honorable Mayor, Diane B. Dixon, and Newport Beach City Council Members From: Gregory Kelley Versailles Condominium Complex 200 McNeil Lane #202 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Expansion of Sunset View Park Area to Include Dog Park It has just come to my attention the city's plan to add a dog park in the expansion of the Sunset View Park, of which I and most of the senior residents in the Versailles and Villa Balboa Residential Complexes were unaware. As a 40 year Newport Beach Resident and three-year resident in the Versailles -Villa Balboa Condominium Complex and a senior citizen who is both a stroke victim and heart patient, I am very much opposed to the inclusion of a dog park at this location for several reasons: 1) My health necessitates a daily walk which includes the pathway around the condominium complex including the length of Sunset View Park which currently is blessed with tranquility and security which would be greatly challenged with the addition of a dog park at the entrance are of Sunset View Park and Superior Avenue due to increased vehicular, pedestrian, and animal traffic. 2) Privacy and security of the residents along the pathway through Sunset View Park area would be jeopardized which currently is the home area of many senior residents. 3) The additional vehicle traffic approaching the dog park could be problematic to the Superior Avenue flow of traffic to Hoag Hospital by emergency vehicles. 4) While I may personally enjoy the presence of dogs and pets of all sizes and varieties, the residential challenges they produce with additional barking noise and uncleaned biologicals creates a significant change in the current character of the area, especially for the residents who reside along Sunset View Park and the local residents who use the park because of its security and tranquility. Given the current planned expansion of parking in the lower Sunset View Park Campus apparently necessitated by the prior lack of due diligence by City Council Members regarding parking for the previous construct and location of Sunset Ridge Park, I am dubious of the amount of planning and foresight which has been incorporated into the planned expansion of Sunset View Park and its impact on the quality of life of seniors in the immediate residential area. I hope the current City Council will take into consideration the objections of the limited number of residents in this area who are aware of this project. Sincerely, Gregory J. Kelley Resident at: 200 McNeil Lane #202 Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 645-4540 email: ndgjk@aol.com ------------------------------- " Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Newport Beach Director of Adult Education " Newport -Mesa -Irvine Interfaith Council 20 -year Board Member and Former President * Ecumenical and Interreligous Affairs Commission --Diocese of Orange Current Commission Member * Notre Dame Club of Orange County Board Member and Vice President Continuing Education * Trinity College of Graduate Studies Former Trustee * Leadership Tomorrow Former Board Member and Chair, and Program Alum From: jam paydavousi <jampaydavousi@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 6:56 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Adding Dog Park off of Superior Avenue in Newport Beach Hello, I am a resident of Villa Balboa. I do not have a pet, and my place does not face the Sunset Park. So my comments are neutral. think it is best NOT to add the dog park to the Sunset Park, and instead it is better to add it to the Dog Park to the Sunset Ridge Park - on the other side of the Superior. It is already a recreational center where families bring their children to play, and others come to exercise-, and socialize. So it would be better to have the Dog Park in a place that has already been built for that purpose - recreations and activities. Plus Sunset Ridge has facilities-, which means there is already a budget in place - not just for landscaping maintenance, but also for facilities maintenance. It will be less costly to expand the maintenance budget for Sunset Ridge park to include maintenance for a Dog Park, than do a study for all the additional maintenance that needs to be added if a Dog Park is added to Sunset Park. Lastly, Sunset Ridge Park is well shielded from traffic on PCH and Superior, so little kids and dogs can not run off to the street. The proposed location or the dog park is too close to Superior, so additional remedies need to be put in place to protect dogs from chasing balls to Superior. I am not sure the residents of units facing the pathway would like that. Jam Paydavousi 280 Cagney Lane, unit 304 Newport Beach, CA 92663 From: Joseph Cook <cook3118@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 11:03 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: ssvdogpark@gmail.com Subject: Oppose Sunset View Dog Park To whom it may concern, I have been a Newport Beach resident for the past 10 years and live in the Villa Balboa community. I strongly oppose making a Sunset View Dog Park. I believe this will only cheapen an otherwise beautiful area in Newport Beach. All one has to do is walk through Bark Park off of Arlington Dr. in Costa Mesa to see how ugly it is. Instead, I would recommend a floral garden and fountain which I think would really compliment Sunset View Park and further enhance the area. Joseph Cook From: Pamela Engelke <pamela@fullcycleinc.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 10:50 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Superior Ave Pedestrian /Bicycle Bridge, Parking Lot and Dog Park To Newport Beach City Council, I would like to address the above listed project as it concerns the proposed Dog Park sub -component. The primary goals of this project were to increase parking and improve safety and access to Sunset Ridge Park. The project components include a pedestrian and bicycle bride, double the parking spaces, infrastructure (landscape and irrigation, retaining wall) improvements and amenities including a "drop-off area". A small upper wedge of land now appears designated for a dog park rather than leave as open land or minimally developed for all resident's enjoyment. 1. The project area is already a busy one with heavy vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The increase in the parking spaces to 124 only assures that MORE vehicular traffic will ensue, with residents and nonresidents vying for usage. 2. If a dog park is added, additional usage will be between commercial/small business concerns ( professional dog walkers/pet sitters) vs. the dog- owner group and would need constant monitoring for capacity, noise, waste, etc. especially during warm -weather months. 3. There is no state or local statute or regulation that requires that a dog park be built in a community. While a perceived benefit to the community at large, there is an increased risk of deleterious effects on those homes/residents in closest proximity. There appears to be sufficient number of parks that allow dogs on leash as well as dog parks for dogs off -leash within a 5 mile geo-access radius ( Newport- CDM - Costa Mesa) 4. There is no sound barrier break ( the conceptual plans on-line only show open grassland) between the proposed dog park and Sunset View Park and its closest resident community - Villa Balboa. In short, the goals of the Superior Ave. project will be satisfied WITHOUT a dog park. There is no safety, security or environmental concern that is remedied by a dog park. The most practical approach is to designate this —.2 acre area as open space, contiguous with Sunset View Park, with or without artistic public-private partnership (either sculptural or horticultural) that would be available for ALL residents. As a secondary option, I urge the council to defer voting on this .2 acre area usage until after all other Superior Ave. project upgrades and enhancements are in place and an impact study can be conducted on actual rather than simply proposed changes. Then and only then can a dog park be fully evaluated. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Pamela Engelke 240 Nice Lane, Newport Beach, CA. 92663 z From: LESLIE MCCORMACK <zwickle@aol.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 9:56 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Re: dog park Hello, I am sending this message in opposition of the dog park being proposed near sunset view park. As a community member of Villa Balboa I am opposed to this being placed due to the increased foot traffic it will bring into out area which inherently brings feces and fleas to the park areas above the location of dog park. Leslie McCormack Sent from my iPhone From: tarek zeitoune <tarekzeitoune@hotmail.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 8:20 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: OPPOSING SUNSET VIEW DOG PARK I am a resident at 200 Paris lane villa Balboa ,newport Beach and I am opposed to the sunset view dog park .Many reasons for the opposition has been discussed in previous meetings and the Mayor with the city staff members listened to the several reasons for the opposition and options were given .We will attend the city council meeting this Tuesday . Thank you TAREK GEORGE D.D.S. Sent from the Check for Hotmail app From: Sherry Adams <maprows@aol.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 6:04 PM To: SSVDogPark@gmail.com; Dept - City Council Subject: Opposition to Superior Ave/ Sunset View Dog Park. Subject: Opposition to Superior Ave/ Sunset View Dog Park. Dear Mayor Dixon & City Council Members, My name is Sharon Adams, and I am a longtime resident of Newport Beach, and currently live at Villa Balboa on Superior Avenue. I am writing to express my deep opposition, and enormous concern, to the proposed Sunset View dog park. Over the years, our beautiful community has made many changes, and hopefully they have all been in the spirit of what is best for the WHOLE community. While you have created the popular Sunset View Park, for residents to enjoy, with the panoramic views and tranquility, you are now proposing to disrupt this entire project, with an ill fitting dog park. Dogs DO NOT APPRECIATE THE VIEW! Further, this is not an appropriate spot to endanger numerous families, with young children, having dogs in such close proximity to the Sunset View Park. This obviously creates much greater liability for the city of Newport Beach, which is irresponsible, and so unnecessary. My very sincere and strong suggestion, is to find another location, which is not in such enormous conflict, with the existing designated use of this area. You can only cram so much activity into this parcel, which is currently at overflowing capacity. Mayor Dixon, please give this some very serious reconsideration, for the entire Community. of Newport Beach. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Sharon Adams maprows@aol.com From: s mankarious <smankar2004@yahoo.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 5:29 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Fw: Proposed Dog bark in Sunset View Park We are forwarding this comment that was e-mailed 11/12/2019, to your attention. Please kindly acknowledge receiving it by return email. Your reply will be greatly appreciated. R& S Mankarious 7 Tribute ct. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: "s mankarious" <smankar2004@yahoo.com> To: "Citycouncil@newprtbeachca.gov" <citycouncil@newprtbeachca.gov> Cc: "SSVDogPark@gmail.com" <SSVDogPark@gmail.com> Sent: Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 7:55 PM Subject: Proposed Dog bark in Sunset View Park Dear members of Newport Beach City Council: We are residents of the Newport Crest Community and we are opposed to the dog park as it will adversely affect: L Nearby residents due to: a. Greater noise - we have already been plagued by noise from motorcycles, modified trucks and muscle cars racing up Superior Ave., that clearly exceed the state allowed noise level. That noise has affected our sleep, our nerves and our quality of life. We need the city's help in enforcing the state law to reduce the noise not to add dogs barking noise that will only exacerbate the situation damaging our, health and lowering our property value. b. The health hazard resulting from the dogs waste that will be easier to leave for some irresponsible dog owners who will blame it on others. No one is there to police them. The smell and the flies will easily reach us in our kitchen and bedrooms carried by the ocean breeze with disastrous consequences for our quality of life.. II. The general public - e.g.: a. The senior citizens that live near by and are brought out by their caregivers in their wheelchairs to peacefully watch the ocean view and smell the fresh air. b. The youth that come out to play a game of frisbee or to make a video using the ocean as a background c. Members of the public on their daily walk/exercise that stop in the adjacent park for additional exercise/ stairclimbing followed by a calm cooldown watching Catalina. III. Finally the dogs and dogowners - a. The assigned space is rather limited and will not allow the dogs to run without a leach before encountering other dogs. Will there be physical disputes that may lead to injuries? 1 b. The frequent ambulances and paramedics sirens will certainly stress the animals. what will happenif these stressed dogs attack other dogs, dog owners or members of the general public? Would the city be liable? What we propose instead: 1.Expand Sunset View Park? That will accomodate more occasional visitors e.g. elderly and disabled visitorsas ell as youth and adults. 2. Add an exercise circle to that expansion. That will help improve public health. 3. Add some more parking spots to the municipal parking lot. That will accomodate visitors to the beach while increasing the city revenue. We hope that you rescind the dog park decision and reconsider the suggestions above. Thank you for your attention to this very important matter. 2 From: BETTY ANNA GIDLOF <dentalspecialtycorp@me.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 11:54 AM To: citycouncil@ newportbeachca.dov Cc: Joe **2207887 Garavaglia Subject: Dog Park Subject: FW: Opposition to Dog Park on Superior From.: Betty Anna Gidlof #214-270 Cagney Lane VB Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 9:02 AM To: citycouncil@newportbeachca.gov Subject: Opposition to Dog Park on Superior Dear Sirs and Madams, As a 20 year resident of the Villa Balboa condominium, I cherish the privacy of our community. I find a certain sense of peace and solace when I am at home in our complex. The proposed dog park would erode our privacy and threaten the serenity our complex provides the residents. As an owner of two units at Villa Balboa, I respectfully request that the proposal for the dog park be voted down by the council as a result of the many resident's and my concerns. Thank you Best Regards, Betty Anna Gidlof, RDHAP Cell: (760)625-3708 Fax: (760)406-4026 httn://www.britesmilesofcalifornia.com/ From: Jerry and Elisabeth Ostler <jebkostler@road runner.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 4:45 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: RE: Oppose Dog park (additional) I just wanted to say that a great possible area for a dog park is the area below Castaways park. Easy access away from homes and would be a much more appealing view from PCH than construction equipment. Thanks From: Jerry and Elisabeth Ostler <jebkostler@road run ner.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 4:11 PM To:'citycouncil@newportbeachca.gov' <citycouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Oppose Dog park We completely oppose the possible dog park by Sunset View park. We would prefer to see a tot lot, a grassy extension to sunset view or an exercise circuit. Putting in a dog park disrupts the relaxing atmosphere of the sunset view with consistent barking, the smell of feces and dust. Thank you, Jerry Ostler From: Lynn Anderson <lynnandersonl@me.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 4:11 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park Proposal adjacent to Sunset View Park Attention City council in newport beach: I oppose to the dog park proposal adjacent to Sunset View Park. Instead, please expand it as a park and not for a bunch of barking dogs near a residential area at close range. Please take in consideration and allow the residence at Villa Balboa Condominiums and Newport Crest Condominiums to continue a nice view park. Sincerely, M. Lynn Anderson 210 Lille Lane #304 Newport Beach, CA (Villa Balboa condominium) 949-278-1540 From: Jerry and Elisabeth Ostler <jebkostler@roadrunner.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 4:11 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Oppose Dog park We completely oppose the possible dog park by Sunset View park. We would prefer to see a tot lot, a grassy extension to sunset view or an exercise circuit. Putting in a dog park disrupts the relaxing atmosphere of the sunset view with consistent barking, the smell of feces and dust. Thank you, Jerry Ostler From: Elisabeth Ostler <elillybelle@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 4:08 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Oppose the dog park Hi, I oppose the dog park. I would like to see a tot lot or exercise circuit put in. I know a lot of parents of little ones that really only want them out for an hour and the walk across the street takes to much time and energy since there is no parking within 50 feet of the park. An exercise circuit would be awesome as I have teens training for sports and my husband and I would love to use it as well. I like the gym but outdoors is so much nicer. I am concerned the proximity to Superior that is dangerous, but more importantly we seem to have quite a lot of coyotes here already and add small dogs and we may be increasing the attraction for them. They don't just stock your dogs they stalk our little ones. on a personal note we work from home and really don't want to hear barking dogs since we are one of the residents so close to where it will be. Happy dogs bark and they should but all day is just too much for us. Elisabeth & Jerry Ostler From: Marni Tucker <marnindogs@yahoo.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 10:04 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park I am the owner of 4 dogs that I love taking to Dog Beach and various Dog Parks however I am opposed to a Dog Park at Sunset Ridge. Between traffic, parking, noise and surrounding buildings I feel that this is an inappropriate place for a Dog Park. Sincerely, Marni Tucker Sent from my iPhone From: philipbiasl <philipbiasl@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 10:01 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Proposed West Newport Beach Dog Park- I'm oppossed I am opposed to the proposed West Newport beach Dog Park, to be located on the former East Caltrans parcel, directly below Vills Balboa Community & the Sunset View Park. Phil Bias 230 Lille Ln. #303, N.B. I am opposed to the proposed West Newport Beach Dog Park, which is proposed on the "East Caltrans" small plot of land, directly below Sunset View Park & Villa Balboa Condos, and adjacent to Superior Ave. There is plenty of room to incorporate it into the Proposed Banning Ranch or locate it on the very west side of the existing Sunset Ridge Park, adjacent to the proposed Banning Ranch property. Phil Bias 31 yr. Owner/resident. Villa Balboa 230 Lille Lane #303, Newport Beach CA From: Alan Grening <aggrening@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 9:36 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Sunset View Park Dog Park Objection Newport Beach City Council Members I am a long time resident of Villa Balboa on Superior Avenue adjacent to the proposed Dog Park. I object to any use of Sunset View Park as a dog park or any related activities. As you are aware Sunset View Park has beautiful views of the Coast and is actively used for exercise, photography (I use the Park almost every morning) and those wanting a few quiet moments in a beautiful setting. In spite of the noise from speeding vehicle and motorcycle noise on Superior Avenue the Park is a tranquil place and extensively used. I believe the addition of a Dog Park that would be used by a few would erode the use enjoyed by many. In addition the cost of development, ongoing maintenance, waste, noise and disturbance compels me to object. I do not want to see my taxes used in this manner. Thank you for considering my opinion in your decision. Alan Grening 240 Nice Lane #215 Newport Beach CA 92663 949-524-6509 aggrening@gmail.com From: Joe Garavaglia <Joe@pacifichandycutter.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 9:02 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Opposition to Dog Park on Superior Dear Sirs and Madams, As a 20 year resident of the Villa Balboa condominium, I cherish the privacy of our community. I find a certain sense of peace and solace when I am at home in our complex. The proposed dog park would erode our privacy and threaten the serenity our complex provides the residents. As an owner of two units at Villa Balboa, I respectfully request that the proposal for the dog park be voted down by the council as a result of the many resident's and my concerns. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Joe Garavaglia Chief Financial Officer 17819 Gillette Ave. I Irvine, CA 92614-6501 Phone: 714-380-5334 Fax: (714) 662-7595 oe acifichanclcuy tter.com EPHIC, Visit us on the web http://www.go-phc.com- Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/gophc From: philipt@just-marine.net Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 8:36 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: DOG PARK - SUNSET PARK Hello, Although I am a dog lover I cannot agree with the dog park proposal opposite Sunset Park. Here are my comments. 1) 1 live in the Villa Balboa condominiums adjacent to the proposal. The noise from barking dogs and people yelling to their dogs, as late at 11.00 pm, will grossly impact the residents sleep and peaceful nature of the neighborhood that they have paid dearly for. This will unfairly reduce the values. 2) Having a dog park adjacent to such a busy road as Superior, is not a good idea at all. Occasionally a dog will escape its leash, after leaving the park and going to its car, and might run onto the busy road. 3) The huge volume increase of cars turning into and off the very busy Superior road will become dangerous for many drivers and pedestrians in that area. The visibility on the road bend there is not great. 4) With the future of Banning Ranch looking much brighter after the $50,000,0000 insurgence of donations, it would be far better to have a larger dog park there where there will be wide open spaces for recreation activities like that. Regards, Philip Philip Thompson From: Shirley Bly <pegasusbillshirley@yahoo.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 6:54 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog park proposed on Superior I oppose the dog park proposed because: 1. The Insects that are associated with dog parks: Fly's, Roach's, Flea's. 2. The Vermin associated with the dog park, : Mice, Rats, Possums, 3. The dirt that the dog park with create, it is upwind of a 400 unit condo complex. 4. The additional noise and traffic the dog park will create. I have lived in Venice and Santa Monica most of my working life and I have actual experience with the dog parks and what they do to property values. I was a realtor for 35+ years. The property adjacent to the dog parks is very hard to sell and is de -valued 20-30% by the proximity to dog parks. Shirley Bly, 270 Cagney Lane, Unit 306 From: William Chute <wchute@cox.net> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 8:47 PM To: Dept - City Council; Avery, Brad; Dixon, Diane; Duffield, Duffy; Muldoon, Kevin; Herdman, Jeff; Brenner, Joy; O'Neill, William Cc: SSVDogPark@gmail.com Subject: Proposed Superior Ave Dog Park - OPPOSED Greetings, I'm concerned and opposed to the proposed dog park on Superior Ave. I've been to my share of dog parks. These are typically located away residential neighborhoods due to dog parks being noisy, smelly, and messy. The proposed location is just too close to the residential neighborhood of Villa Balboa and would be a disruption to the residence's quiet and peaceful enjoyment. There are also safety concerns. Superior Ave is a main artery with lots of traffic, and traffic that rarely obeys the speed limits. What happens when a dog gets loose and goes into the busy street? What happens when the child follows their dog out into traffic? This is an exceptionally dangerous situation. Please turn down this proposed dog park. It's too close to the deserved peace and quiet of a residential neighborhood and is just not safe for children and their pets. An extension of Sunset Park would be a much better use of this area. Thank you, William Chute 230 Lille Lane, Unit 102 Newport Beach, CA 92663 From: Lynn Anderson <lynnandersonl@me.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 7:58 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park Proposal at Sunset view Park To the Council of Newport Beach, I oppose the dog park plan to be built behind my condo at Villa balboa condominiums, sunset view park for several reasons: 1) Disrupting the "tranquil' environment of the park that many of the residents and joy and pay dearly for. 2) Villa Balboa condominiums has a restrictions of dogs in our community, therefore; the dog park would counteract the restriction of the park to be that close proximity. 3) The dog park would "enable" homeless people who currently roam the area to take it vantage of the park. 4) Well the dog park will "devalue" my property that I have paid dearly for over the years! Please take these reasons into consideration of denying the dog park! Sincerely, Lynn Anderson 210 Lille Lane #304 Newport Beach, CA 92663 949-278-1540 From: Lynn Anderson <lynnandersonl@me.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 7:58 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park Proposal at Sunset view Park To the Council of Newport Beach, I oppose the dog park plan to be built behind my condo at Villa balboa condominiums, sunset view park for several reasons: 1) Disrupting the "tranquil" environment of the park that many of the residents and joy and pay dearly for. 2) Villa Balboa condominiums has a restrictions of dogs in our community, therefore; the dog park would counteract the restriction of the park to be that close proximity. 3) The dog park would "enable" homeless people who currently roam the area to take it vantage of the park. 4) Well the dog park will "devalue" my property that I have paid dearly for over the years! Please take these reasons into consideration of denying the dog park! Sincerely, Lynn Anderson 210 Lille Lane #304 Newport Beach, CA 92663 949-278-1540 From: Jann Williams <mjannwilliams@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 7:45 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park Dear City Council, My name is Marla Jann Wlliams and reside at 220 Nice Lane #108 Newport Beach, Ca.92673. I purchased my condo on 1995. I loved my new home because of the location and no dogs are allowed. No dogs allowed at Villa Balboa unless special circumstances with a doctor order is still in CC&Rs . Please do not allow a dog park this close to Villa Balboa. Residents purchased at Villa Balboa to be away from noise and allergies of dogs. I will appreciate your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Marla Jann Williams 220 Nice Lane #108 Newport Beach, Ca. 92663 From: Lynn Anderson <lynnandersonl@me.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 7:19 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park Proposal at Sunset View Park Attention Newport Beach city council; I oppose the dog park plan to be built behind my condo (Villa Balboa) Sunset View Park for several reasons. 1) Disrupting the "tranquil" of the park that many of the residents enjoy and pay dearly for! 2) Villa Balboa condominiums has a restriction of dogs in our community, therefore; the dog park would counteract that restriction for the park to be close proximity! 3) The dog park would "enable" homeless people who currently roam the, area to take advantage of the park. 4) The dog park will "devalue" my property that I have paid dearly for over the years! Please take these "reasons" into consideration of denying the dog park! Thank you. Sincerely, Lynn Anderson 210 Lille Lane #304 Newport Beach, CA 92663 949-278-1540 From: Gloria Miller <gloriaocrn@hotmail.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 7:10 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Re: Dog Park Objection Please confirm that you received this message. Thank you, Gloria Miller To: The City of Newport Beach am again reaching out to the City of Newport to oppose the dog park. I have recently seen multiple coyotes in the area and the dog park will bring in scents that will attrack the coyotes. The coyates are now running around during day light hours and need sources of food to survive. This is very unfair to the animals and human kind, as it attracts coyotes. Needless to say the area is too close to PCH and Superior. This is a wrong location of the dog park and presents great liability issues to the City of Newport. In the event there is a dog attack, coyote biting, death, or bicicyle/auto accident- I am forwarning the city of the multiple dangers that this location present. have been a loyal and trusted member of the Newport Beach community for over 20 years. I have dedicated my life to community protection and improvements. It is my obligation to look to the future generations to come and be a part of positive changes that have effect from this day forward. I am a dog lover and believe that dogs deserve a safe and friendly park area. However, the location of the dog park to the Sunset View Park is NOT safe or suitable for many reasons. The hill overlooking PCH and Superior is close to hundreds of residents and a nearby hospital. The area is congested with cars and inadequate parking for the community. I strongly believe this area is very unsafe for dogs that will be constantly traveling to cars and walking, as it is too close to PCH and Superior. I would like to share an personal tragedy regarding my dearly beloved Italian Greyhound dog. I reside at Villa Balboa and my dog ran away with a dog sitter. My dog was in the vicinity of the Sunset View Park and ran into traffic on Superior. He was hit by a car and overcome to his injuries. He broke his legs, had major chest trauma and bleeding which resulted in his death. I am sharing my sad and tragic story with you, as I truly believe this presents a danger for our beloved pets and also to the community with car accidents. Safety should be our first priority in our Newport Beach community. I also called the Newport Beach Police Department and talked to them about the cars going too fast in this area. Please look at other suitable locations which would provide a safe and secure areas for dogs that provide ample parking for cars. Newport Terrace housing area is located off 19th street and there is ample land for pets and people to enjoy nature." I know it has a wildlife area and perhaps this can be shared with dogs and keep them safe. Also, we need a large enclosed area within a designated doggie beach for our Newport Beach dog lovers. Having them close together is a plus for the community dog and beach lovers. Thank your for reading my letter. Please consider choosing another area that provides a safe and secure location for dogs and people to prevent any more unsenseless tragedies. Thank you, Gloria Miller 200 Paris Lane Unit 104 Newport Beach, CA 92663 From: karen magee <kmagee2@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 5:33 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park opposition From: karen magee <kmagee2 gmail.com> Sent: Monday, October 14, 2019 1:08 PM To: SSVDogPark ,gmail.com Subject: Dog Park opposed I am a resident of Villa Balboa, 270 Cagney Lane. I stand in support of the residents who oppose the dog park. Thank you. Karen Magee #108 From: Andrew Hernandez <hernandrew@hotmail.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 4:38 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: NO Superior Dog Park Hello City Council We live in Villa Balboa nearby and are opposed to a dog park there. Build a park there, BUT, make it accesible to everyone including dogs. Why make it exclusive to dogs only, when people take their dogs EVERYWHERE in Newport anyways, including restaurants, grocery store, beaches, etc.. The whole city's a dog park. Also, it's near a very busy street and the city will have liability if a dog is injured/killed nearby by a car. Andrew & Gina hernandez From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: To whom it may concern: Rhonda Harmon <harmonsx42@cox.net> Saturday, November 16, 2019 4:23 PM Dept - City Council Mark Wilser; Jeff Harmon Dog Park Opposition My husband, Jeffrey Harmon and myself oppose the planned dog park on Superior Avenue. We are the front, end unit in Newport Crest which faces the ocean. We are concerned with the unsightly bare patches of landscape this will cause in addition, the smell the proposed dog park may generate if dog owners don't pick up after their pets. Even if they do pick up the waste material after their animals, the urine odor will never completely dissipate. Left untreated, the foul smell of urine takes up to five years to off -gas on it's own. In conclusion, we enjoy having our doors and windows open and for these reasons, we strongly oppose a dog park in this area. Rhonda & Jeffrey Harmon 6 Tribute Court Newport Beach, CA 702-339-1159 From: Margreta K. <galpsy00@aol.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 3:01 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park near Villa Balboa Please know that I am in opposition to such a development because of pedestrian traffic and noise. Dr. Margreta Klassen Seafaire Section, Villa Balboa 230 Lille Lane # 212 Newport Beach, CA 92663 From: Jason Annigian <jason@annigian-law.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 1:45 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park Dear City Council: My family owns Unit 317 at 280 Cagney Lane at Villa Balboa. We are adamantly opposed to the Dog Park being considered adjacent to Villa Balboa. Jason D. Annigian r---1THE ANNIGIAN FIRM. APC 114 N. Indian Hill Blvd., Suite E Claremont, CA 91711 Tel: 909.981.0475 1, Fax: 909.981.0113 www.annigian-law.com From: valeska wolf <valeskamarie@msn.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 1:20 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: dog park I do not want a dog park adjacent to Sunset View Park because of the noise, stench, traffic, etc. As an alternative, expanding Sunset View Park, opening green space adjacent to proposed parking or an exercise circuit would all be nice. Valeska Wolf 260 Cagney Lane, Unit 118 Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Sudhir Banker <bankerfmly@aol.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 12:59 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Fwd: DOG PARK Attachments: Dog Park Survey - F2B.pdf Once again ,I like to reiterate my total vehement objection to dog park as more explained in details in attached Thanks Sudhir Banker Resident Villa Balboa 200 Paris lane #313 Newport Beach ca 92663 Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Sudhir Banker <bankerfmly@aol.com> Date: October 4, 2019 at 6:40:57 AM GMT -6 To: SSVDogPark@gmail.com Cc: Sudhir Banker <bankerfmlygaol.com> Subject: DOG PARK TO: ALL CONCERNED Undersigned resident of Villa Balboa, express the following points regarding the subject DOG PARK: 1. We are totally against Dog Park. This is just thrusted and forced upon immediately adjacent community of 450 resident Villa Balboa where dogs are not permitted by HOA. 2. We request instead expand the very tiny SUNSET VIEW PARK where numerous people come and enjoy sunset and sunrise as well. This land is very valuable real estate and must be used for the most effective use for PEOPLE first. This Expanded park can also be used for meditation, exercise circuit and peaceful enjoyment for walkers, and families with children. 3. Move the dog park to very large land parcel of SUNSET RIDGE PARK where residents are allowed dogs by HOA. Respectfully , Sudhir Banker Villa Balboa 200 Paris Lane #313 Newport Beach CA 92663 DOG PARK SURVEY Do you oppose or are you in favor of the dog park that the City of Newport Beach is proposing adjacent to Sunset View Park? �''NEIl�PbRT•v .' /`� . CREST ' SUNSET RIDGE PARK {\ VILU 8UP@RIO •..�__ TVE BL( i ^ A B N ,, RDOG 100ETI1001 --= ADDrMNAL PUBLfC PARK `± PARK / f.PAR�NGko A. ., U! VI AGE 8N0; GI C )�11 r CENTIRVw N The Villa Balboa HOA is not taking a position, so we need to know what the residents of Villa Balboa are thinking. What would you like as alternative? Expand Sunset View Park? An open green space adjacent to proposed parking? An exercise circuit? Or some other idea you have? Please email your thoughts: SSVDogPark@gmail.com Or call and leave a message: 949-205-1837 by MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 From: Manouch Moshayedi <manouch@mx3ventures.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 12:23 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Parvin Moshayedi; mw@globalcapitalmarkets.com Subject: Dog park Dear City Council members, I would like you to know that as a long time resident of Villa Balboa apartments, my husband and I are opposed to the proposed dog park around our building. Constant barking of dogs is not something that we bargained for when we purchased our condo in 1995. Please do not approve a dog park, we would very much like to see a green space instead. Your truly, Pravin and Badi Moshayedi 210 Lillie lane apartment 311, Newport Beach 92663 From: Roger Turner <turnerlaw@dslextreme.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 12:11 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Mark Wilser Subject: Re: Opposition to the proposed Dog Park at Villa Balboa I was informed that my objection did not appear in the counsel preparation package. I am re -sending; please include my objection in the information for the counsel to review. Thank you Roger Turner 280 Cagney Ln Unit 306 Newport Beach, CA 92663 From: "turnerlaw @dslextreme.com" <turnerlaw@dslextreme.com> To: "citycouncil"<citycouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 4:24:22 PM Subject: Opposition to the proposed Dog Park at Villa Balboa Council Members, I have been a owner/resident of Villa Balboa for more than 20 years. I am strongly opposed to the proposed Dog Park. I believe that this will be a nuisance to the area, create an odor, possible health hazard, and decrease the property values of Villa Balboa. I urge you to not permit the proposed Dog Park. Sincerely, Roger Turner 280 Cagney Ln, unit 306 Newport Beach, CA 92663 From: Erik Thurnher <erikwt@me.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 11:46 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park at Sunset View Park Thank you for your survey for the proposed dog park adjacent to Sunset View Park. I live at 230 Lille Lane, #313 in the Villa Balboa community. I am opposed to the dog park because I believe it is located too close to the 200 Paris Lane building, and therefore presents a potential noise issue for residents. I would rather see the area left as green space. Best, Erik Thurnher, MD 230 Lille Lane, #313 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Sent from my iPhone From: Maureen McCarthey <lidomo@aol.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 11:45 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog park Dear city Council Please consider the Villa Balboa residents please for peace in their community! A dog park will cause extra noise , traffic and smell! It will take away some views as well as the calmness of the current park. It is not a necessity in our area! Thanks Maureen McCarthey 230 Lille Lane 307 Owner Sent from my iPhone From: Jerry Scarboro <jerry@scarboro.net> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 11:33 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park - West Newport November 16, 2019 City Council Newport Beach, California DearCouncil Members, It is a sad but expected result of the Board of Directors of Villa Balboa to NOT take a position on something that will directly affect the residents of Villa Balboa — particularly anything that relates to DOGS and/or the illegal aspect of lying about a dog being an emotional support animal prescribed by a doctor? on the internet! As an original owner at Villa Balboa, the CC&Rs were originally written and approved to exclude dogs and small children. Our property is NO place for either. In respect to the DOG PARK, as planned for a SMALL AREA — with some of the best views in Newport Beach - I believe it shows the intelligence of the GREAT PARK in Irvine which is a useless $1,000,000,000 piece of property that should have been used to the benefit of Orange County instead of home to the ORANGE BALOON! This area is not big enough for a dog park — like the West Newport river area or the dog park down at Civic Center. That small area should be open green space and a part of the Sunset View Park for the enjoyment of all people. If it becomes a dog park, it will expand and take over Sunset View Park and greatly increase the dog population — without leashes - on the Sunset trail. The trail is presently used by Hoag employees, alcohol and drug treatment centers, the homeless, and numerous dogs and their owners. The City put over $13 million in the Sunset Ridge Park which is across Superior Ave. and elevated by numerous stairs and no parking. This has resulted on non-use with the exception of homeless individuals and drug dealers. My suggestion would be that if a dog park is deemed that important by the City, build a reasonable park as an extension to Sunset Ridge Park. There's land available and maybe the City would see fit to build a parking lot along with the dog. park so the Citizens would start using the $13 million park. The City should keep in mind, the Superior/Pacific Highway is one of the most dangerous intersection in the City! And the City could save millions of dollars by NOT building a "bridge" across Superior to the unused park. It's time Villa Balboa Board and the Newport City Council start doing their jobs and the City work for the Citizens and not the dogs. As a taxpayer I'm ready for common sense -to prevail and tax money be spent for the benefit of all tax payers and NOT the minority. Gerald and Barbara Scarboro, 280 Cagney #310, Newport Beach, CA 92663 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Newport Beach City Council: Frank Ellis <frank@silverbackadvisors.com> Saturday, November 16, 2019 11:03 AM Dept - City Council Frank Ellis Proposed bridge/dog park- sunset park I have been a resident of Newport Beach for 30 years. I have lived/owned a place in Villa Balboa since 1998. Few thoughts: I think the city in conjunction with the costal commission really missed it. Parking could have been and should have been worked out along with a dog park at Sunset Ridge Park. There is so much underutilized space in the upper park which is now non desert, water sucking grass. Problem solved. I know this is hindsight but this is what a planning commission is supposed to do... do what is right by the city, residents and community. So now the city is looking at utilizing space to help mitigate poor choices and thoughtful future planning from a few years back. Pedestrian bridge- While this may be a forgone conclusion.... What a waste. I have looked a few of the renderings. Still folks will need to walk a long distance to get to baseball field and the children's playground. Most folks using it in summer will not be Newport Beach residents. Have you thought about the dangers of : a. people throwing things at traffic below b. hanging protest/activist banners c. folks/kids jumping off d. the reality of so few people using it e. the eye sore of a bridge with minimal utility... f. Why not a tunnel? Maybe a few more dollars but solves for a variety or real and potential issues. Bottom line- I am against the building of the pedestrian bridge. I would be for fighting for more parking space and ingress/egress on the upper North side of Ridge Park 2. Dog park: My understanding is there are going to be lights and the dog park is going to be open late (like 11pm). If I am correct, just simply wrong. This will create all kinds of issues with transients/homeless. Secondly, unintended consequences with Villa Balboa and Newport Crest neighbors will be felt. a. Noise issues- barking carries up and across the street. I hear it now, a barking dog in Newport Crest across superior on a balcony. b. Lights- their should be absolute curfew in fairness to neighbors and for just general safety. I must say that I clearly vote NO on the dog park. If for some reason it passes, monitored hours should be from something like 7am-7:30 or 8pm. A dog park should put no burden whatsoever on paying homeowners. The city should bear this burden if property values or living standards are decreased in any fashion. If implemented, there should be an analysis on current state on how to measure negative impacts- property value, affected resident happiness, noise... Again, the City should bear any burden and place ample funds or develop an appropriate insurance policy for these types of potential/real issues. c. Each council member should just simply ask themselves, " If I lived near (Villa Balboa) — close by to the proposed "amenity upgrades", would I want this bridge and dog park?" Thank you for your consideration. I am hopeful there has been enough noise to create more dialogue. Pause. Take a step back to create more thoughtful solutions with our limited land that adds value to our community. Cheers, Frank SfIYF.RRA.C-K A D V I S O R S Frank Ellis CEO 260 Newport Center Drive, Ste 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 O: 949.640.5898 C: 714.746.7446 E: frank@silverbackadvisors.com LinkedlN www.silverbackadvisors.com "Accelerating Corporate Growth" 2 From: Jeffrey P. Ashton <jpashl3@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 10:55 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Against Dog Park at Sunset View Park To: Newport Beach City Council Re: Proposed Dog Park Expansion at Sunset View Park I have been a Newport Beach resident since 1960, 1 have owned Real Estate in Newport Beach since 1984... I have owned my condo in Villa Balboa since 1988. 1 strongly oppose the proposed Dog Park expansion at Sunset View Park! Please do not let this happen! Respectfully, Jeffrey P Ashton From: Wendy Kerr <kerrwen@yahoo.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 9:55 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Fwd: Dog park at Sunset Park Begin forwarded message: From: Wendy Kerr <kerrwen yahoo.com> Subject: Dog park at SunSet Park Date: November 13, 2019 at 7:02:58 PM PST To: citycouncil(c-newportbeachca.gov I live at 230 lille lane in Villa Balboa which is right where you want to put the dog park I love living here it is beautiful and quite. There is a park / soccer field across from SunSet park that I see a lot of people walking their dogs and playing ball with their dogs there. We DO NOT need another dog park here !! Please rethink this and the bridge that is also supposed to be built along with it. In the summer time the traffic is horrible here ! ! NO NO NO DOG PARK ! ! ! ! Wendy kerr 230 lille lane, Villa Balboa It would of been nice if the city had sent out the rest of Villa Balboa instead of just the 200 block of Paris ! ! ! ! ! ! ! NO NO NO DOG PARK ! ! ! ! Diane Dixon can put a dog park in her neighborhood at Lido Island ! ! ! ! From: Pat Dalton <Iloydandpat@hotmail.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 9:23 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Unnecessary and unwanted dog park Pat and I live uphill and adjacent to a proposed site for a 'dog park' to be installed along Superior Avenue. This park is would constitute an unnecessary expense of public funds, and is highly unwanted by residents who live adjacent to the site. We are already overrun by many noisy and unkept dogs that are housed in uphill Costa Mesa neighborhoods. Please dismiss this unnecessary and wasteful expense of tax money in favor of providing additional parking and more landscaping in or adjacent to Sunset View Sports Park, and for aesthetics of the proposed bridge over Superior Avenue to said Park. Yours truly, Lloyd and Pat Dalton Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Mali Saatchi <malisaatchi@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 12:16 AM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Mali Saatchi Subject: Superior Dog Park Opposition! Respected City Council , Newport Beach, California I reside at 200 Paris lane PH 314 and directly above the proposed dog park. I am a dog owner and dog lover, but 100% against the proposed Dog Park in my neighborhood. 1- Proximity to residential homes. 2- Toxin gasses created by dog urine and foul odors, blown to our properties by ocean breeze, making breezing hard. 3- Excess noise created by bunch of happy dogs playing. 4- Attracting out of area dog owners. 5- Attracting more cars to the neighborhood, as a result more noise and emissions damaging our health. 6- Most importantly, close proximity to the coyote's den, creating extreme danger to small lose dogs playing and danger of a hungry coyote jumping into the dog park from the hill above or from the fence, also danger of ambushing the owners with small dogs by hiding in between many surroundings bushes endangering life of innocent dogs as well as the owners. Also possibility of creating unneeded stress of lawsuits, sometimes getting neighboring homeowners involved, because they did not promptly Opposed the Dog Park. Please note the picture taken this morning from a lose coyote going down the hill to its den. This coyote has lived in our neighborhood for years, wandering around fearlessly and on a daily bases , kills and eats all cotton tails and clears a 7 feet wall with no hesitation. It is continuously around, with no specific operating hours, it could be day or night. soon it will call its mates that will make it more dangerous. Proximity of a dog park to the coyotes den might become offensive, specially when it is protecting the litters and pups. I am opposing the proposed dog park for the reasons above. Also the proposed pedestrian bridge, as it will block our currently unobstructed view of the ocean. Your prompt attention to this very crucial issue and voting a unanimous NO to this very unneeded proposed project is greatly appreciated. El �i picture of Coyote walking down the Hill to its den. taken on or about 10:00 Am yesterday. Picture of proximity of our building to the Sunset view park. Picture of proposed pedestrian bridge blocking our unobstructed view of the Ocean. With closer view of the Coyote. Kindest regard, Malakeh Saatchi 200 Paris Lane PH 314 Newport Beach From: Parthiban Sachi <guadalajara12934@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 7:27 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: SSVDogPark@gmail.com Subject: Opposition to proposal for a dog park at Sunset View park Dear Council members Greetings. I am Parthiban Sachithanantham, owner of the condominium, located in Villa Balboa which is right in front of the Sunset view park. I have been following the poorly published proposal for the dog park to be located next to Sunset View park.. It is my humble but strong view that locating a dog park in the proposed location is not only unwise that will be proven in the long run but also highly inappropriate that will not serve well the park goers and Villa Balboa community. I being the closest to the proposed dogpark, 100% oppose this proposal and would like to request each one of you to stop this going forward. Having a dog park next to sunset view is such a bad idea as not all park goers are dog lovers and those who seek peaceful sunset view will be deprived by the dog barking and strong smell. Also having the dog park next to the heavy traffic of PCH is not going to do any good to dogs too. SO PLEASE DROP THIS PROPOSAL OF DOGPARK AND YOU WILL BE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!!! Warm regards Parthiban Sachi From: edward marthaler <zzzman200l@yahoo.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 9:12 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park Please no dog park at Superior Avenue!! Several reasons: Please, no more noise. I think its been acknowledged the area is at upper limits of noise already. More traffic and congestion in the residential neighborhood. There is an adequate area for dog exercise with neighboring park and the delightful fire lane with green areas on both sides along Villa Balboas for dogs to meet and socialize. Cannot see this as improving the esthetics next to the neighboring housing. Or the property value impact. I moved to the Villa Balboas because it has a no dog clause. I am concerned what this is saying to the immediate association and its members. I think your Alternative No. 3 would be a great addition to the neighborhood. It would turn the area into a well groomed area that can be used by all from children rolling in the grass to seniors watching the sunsets. A NICE CALM BEAUTIFUL AREA. Thank You, Ed Marthaler 210 Lille Lane, Newport Beach. Dear Mayor Dixon, The enclosed letter was sent to three Council Members that I knew and also was reprinted (almost exactly) in the Newport Beach Independent. Then I realized I should have sent one to you, too. Although I have not met with you directly, I have heard very good things about you. I was a teacher for over 40 years and a writer after that who wrote only positive news about many Newport Beach citizens. My father was a campaign manager for an IA mayor in the past and also his consultant for many years. My dad also owned and published a community newspaper. So I know a lot about politics and the power of the pen. I am hoping you will read the enclosed letter and know there are many people like me, who have friends that have pets and do not want to sign their name to anything against a Dog Park, but feel strongly about not wanting one in the neighborhood. On a personal note, after 45 years of living in Newport Beach, I finally recently purchased my first home with my fiance, right at Sunset View Park (where the future Dog Park is "planned") and I am hoping you can help preserve my dream home as I tried so hard to find it. Thank you, From an honest, nice, concerned citizen 6---c dc+�� Regarding future thoughts on creating a Dog Park across from Sunset Ridge Park: "Please Consider Leaving Well Enough Alone" There is a quiet beautiful walkway and grass area along the bluffs that many citizens, employees and visitors to Hoag Hospital and others enjoy. People do yoga there, meditate, sit and contemplate the view, and walk and ride bikes on the adjacent pathway. Residents in the condos that overlook this area also deserve this peacefulness. The city maintains the landscaping on one side and the homeowners association and some residents privately care for the landscaping along the way. Many walk their dogs and play there and have done an admirable job of maintaining the cleanliness and safety; others not so much. Many of us have some wildlife animal friends that live on the grounds: thirteen rabbits and more are seen many times throughout the day enjoying their lives. These rabbits have become a sweet part of this neighborhood and many of us consider them "pets we do not own" and we care about protecting them and other species that live in this area. Sometimes dog owners let their dogs off' leash here and allow them to pursue the innocent rabbits (squirrels, lizards, etc.) as the dogs tear through the hedges and areas so many have tried to keep lovely. We would like to try to protect this issue from escalating, as a dog park will bring even more of a population that would be an environmental challenge. Please keep our neighborhood as it is so creatures and humans can enjoy the natural habitat and respect the balance of nature, not disrupt it. On a personal note, after living in Newport Beach since 1975, we have just purchased a home located in the Villa Balboa condos, 200 Paris Lane, right next to Sunset View Park (due to the views and peaceful neighborhood). Many of our friends and neighbors own dogs, so we do not want to attend meetings and "get into it" as some people do these days; we don't want to lose friends over it. What about secret ballots (no wonder our elections are private)? We don't want a dog park inches from our property. Some people are allergic to dogs and do not appreciate the noise and smell that occurs. We. deserve some respect and consideration, too. So we are writing to you, the leaders of Newport Beach to know our message and do what you can to help a group such as us who want our wishes known. We can honor people's love for their dogs, but it doesn't mean we want them in close proximity all day long. In many areas, such as restaurants, we have a choice whether to sit with pets, but if there is a Dog Park located so close to us, we will have more animals in the neighborhood and we do not have a choice to leave, as we gladly live here now and pay our taxes. We understand that part of this is about money - building more parking spots to raise revenue for the city, but we are paying a large portion to "live the good life," which we shouldn't have to feel guilty about. How about giving up a few parking spots (closer to PCH) to make room for the Dog Park if the city is concerned about providing space for dogs and their owners (many of whom will come from out of town) instead of penalizing the people who live right here. If the Dog Park will be built regardless of how some of us feel, could you please make sure that it is located further toward PCH? If the mound is cut down, to help make the Dog Park, the loveliness of this special viewing point will be lost. The people who gather to watch the Huntington Beach Air Show, the person who dances on the cliff, the many people who walk there and we the people who bought our places to watch our ! I'+�, beloved Newport Beach will lose bi� illillUe area is called Sunset View Park and that is what we would love to still se!ia 3a2j �t I Z .z Nd � I AJN 6 � aJ a3ni303a From: Robert Bone <robertjbone@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 9:42 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Sunset View -Dog Park Hello, I am a resident of Villa Balboa and am strongly against the Dog Park. Robert Bone, 230 Lille Ln, Newport Beach, CA 92663. From: roberreiter@me.com Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 9:44 AM To: Dept -City Council Subject: Against Dog Park Dear Council: You will be taking up a vote on a new dog park. It is my opinion, that of all the infrastructure and amenities the city needs this is the last thing we need to spend money on. Better to take the same money and add it to general parks and recreation funds or maintain what we have already. Sincerely, Richard Oberreiter Mobile: 949 887 8396 1 From: Anne Marie Crooks <crooks.annemarie@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 8:26 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you! Sincerely, Anne Marie Crooks From: Joe Jones <joe@erminsurance.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 8:06 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: FW: New Dog Park Importance: High Best , Joseph Jones, CRIS, PWCA, CORS, HIP ISU Insurance Services — ERM Insurance Brokers Principal Direct Line:: 949.596.0359 Cell:: 714.267.9426 Office:: 949.222.0444 Fax:: 949.222.0445 License No. OH79377 ioeCcDerminsurance.com ERMlnsurance.com 3000 W. MacArthur Blvd. Suite 120 Santa Ana, CA 92704 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. From: Joe Jones Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 8:11 AM To: 'citycouncil@newportbeachca.gov.' Subject: New Dog Park Importance: High 1 To: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dogpark is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog parkas part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, all I N' S51 RA N'(1 151;{7 KI ILS Joseph Jones, CRIS, PWCA, CORS, HIP ISU Insurance Services — ERM Insurance Brokers Principal Direct Line:: 949.596.0359 Cell:: 714.267.9426 Office:: 949.2 2 2.0444 Fax:: 949.222.0445 License No. OH79377 loe@erminsurance.com ERMlnsurance.com 3000 W. MacArthur Blvd. Suite 120 Santa Ana, CA 92704 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. From: Gabrielle Garcia <gabylovescali@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 7:26 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Sunset View Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record to strongly support the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents similarly to our use of the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. I urge the Council to approve the new dog park and thank you in advance for your support. Sincerely, Gaby Garcia 302 Vista Baya 305-608-0116 From: Birms@att.net Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 8:21 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: New Dog Park needed To: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Do_q Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Marie Birmingham From: Valorie Forbes <sandcrabs@msn.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 8:09 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park To: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member. I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Valorie Forbes From: Bob Wilson <macoubrie@aim.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 5:03 PM To: Dept - City Council; City Clerk's Office Cc: Detweiler, Laura; Tran, Andy, Avery, Brad Subject: Comments for 11-19-19 City Council Meeting Item 21: Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Parking Lot Project Attachments: Ltr to City Council re Sunset View Dog Park 11-15-19 - signed.pdf Please see the attached letter for comments on item 21. Thank you. 8®6 A&W Board of Directors Member I Current President Orange Coast River Park, Inc. PO Box 12932 Newport Beach, CA 92658-5079 Email: president@ocriverpark.org htto://ocrivernark.ore '` a OCRiverPark Orange Coast River Park Conservancy PO Box 12932 Newport Beach, CA 92658-5079 http://ocriverpark.org/ President Robert Wilson Vice President Nancy Gardner Treasurer Bo Glover Secretary Robert Staples Assistant Secretary Vacant Past President Dennis Baker Board Members Dean Abernathy Phillip Greer Everette Phillips John Villa Advisory Board Members Lizz Flowers Ann Harmer Lena Hayashi Sarah Kimball Ed Siebel Rory Paster Kristen Petros Jean Watt Dedicated to uniting communities around the creation of a greater Orange Coast River Park. City Council, City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 November 15; 2019 RE: November 19, 2019 Meeting, Public Hearing Item 21: Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Parking Lot Project -Adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration, Approval of Conceptual Design,and Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Dokken Engineering(Contract No. 8020-5) Honorable Mayor Dixon and Council Members of the City Of Newport Beach: The Orange Coast River Park Conservancy (OCRP) believes that this Project, when completed, will provide important improvements to the current configuration of Sunset View Park (which is located within the OCRP planning area) and enhance the concept and plans for our goal of a greater 1000 -acre Orange Coast River Park, OCRP Conservancy supports the current plan that includes a proposed dog park in Sunset View Park. The existing dog park at the Civic Center is a very successful facility, is well used, and provides a place for dogs to be off leash legally and safely. However, it is a long drive for residents who live on the peninsula, in West Newport, the Heights and other areas on the west side of the city. As you are aware, with no convenient off leash facilities in the area, many residents use the beach as an off leash area, particularly at the mouth of the Santa Ana River. Off leash dogs in this area are particularly concerning because of the proximity to the least tern protected habitat. Running dogs are disturbing to the birds, disrupting feeding and breeding patterns. Providing an off -leash facility in this area as an alternative to the beach will not eliminate this problem, but it would certainly lessen the current detrimental impacts and help address public safety and enforcement issues arising from such activities. The proposed dog park would provide a convenient, safe and easily accessible alternative for these dog owners and also provide protection for nearby residents and help prevent damage to their property often incurred by the presence of poorly controlled off leash dogs. It would also provide a safer environment for dog owners themselves and their pets. Coupled with support for current enforcement efforts this facility offers a much better option than the current situation and a resolution to a long-standing City issue. Having a dog park in the west side of Newport Beach would complement the other nearby active and passive uses within the Orange Coast River Park. Please vote YES on the Project and the dog park within Sunset View Park. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this beneficial project. Respectfully, )8 61" Bob Wilson Current Board President Orange Coast River Park Conservancy Cc: (via email) Laura Detweiler, Recreation and Senior Services Director Andy Tran, Public Works Department From: John Garcia <johng@jmgarch.com> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 12:48 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park To: Newport Beach City Council Subiect: Support of Sunset View Dom Park Dear Council Member. I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 191 meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. Of which we've been enjoying since it's opening and even more so since the small Dog Park was created. I'm sure our friends on the west side would appreciate their own park just as much. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off - leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, John M. Garcia, 515 % Goldenrod Avenue, Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Y.cti.M LLh'a John M. Garcia, Principal JMG Architects P. 0. Box 9942 Newport Beach, California 92658 E JohnG@JMGArch.com T (949) 873-8879 From: Jim Turner <JTurner@lakemissionviejo.org> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 9:56 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: I support the Sunset View Dog Park To: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member. 1 want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 19`h meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. 1 am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that 1 urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Jim Turner 1 Giverny Newyort Coast, C,2L From: Sarah Kim <emerald.oceans@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 2:09 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park To: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Do_q Park Dear Council Member. I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting.the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sarah L. From: Kathleen Scruggs <ms.scruggs5@yahoo.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 1:18 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park!!! To: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 191h meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Kathleen Scruggs From: Ashley H <hall.ashleynoel@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 10:58 AM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Stephen Kawasaki Subject: West Newport Dog Park Dear Council Member. I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Ashley and Stephen Kawasaki From: Lyndi Jo DeLisio <delisio.lyndijo@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 8:51 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 191 meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Parklmprovements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Lyndi DeLisio Sent from my iPhone From: Eileen Hayden <eileen@auctioneventsolutions.com>, Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 6:50 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Sunset View Dog Park To: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Don Park Dear Council Member. I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Eileen Hayden, CFRE Event Solutions 821 W. Bay Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92661 949-675-1709 949-675-2732 Fax 949-422-2488 Cell www.auctioneventsolutions.com From: Veronica Bade <vbade1969@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 6:18 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park To: Newport Beach CitV Council Subiect: Support of Sunset View Do_g Park Dear Council Member. I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Sincerely, Veronica Sent from Gmail Mobile From: Kathy Bronstein <kbronstein7@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 11:27 PM To: Dept - City Council To: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Doq Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Kathy Bronstein 7 Shoreview Newport Coast Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous. Albert Einstein From: CAREN KELLY <carenkelly@icloud.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 9:03 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member. I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely and safely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Caren Kelly 9499453303 From: Terrison Quinn <Terrison.Quinn@SRSRE.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 8:39 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Lauren Quinn Subject: Sunset View Dog Park Support Dear Council Member. I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a great location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Terrison Quinn Managing Principal SRS Real Estate Partner, D 949.698.1107 vCard LinkedIn I Twitter Facebook SRSRE.COM 610 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1500 1 Newport Beach. CA 92660 Please note our new suite number This message is for the intended recipient only. It may contain confidential or proprietary information. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are prohibited from disclosing, printing, copying or disseminating this message. If you receive this message in error, please immediately notify the sender by retur e-mail, delete the message from your system and destroy all copies. Unauthorized interception of this e-mail is prohibited. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the message states otherwise. Please be aware that we may monitor all e-mail communication through our networks. SRS Real Estate Partners is a trade name for several affiliated companies that use the SRS Real Estate Partners brand. Any particular obligation, service or product is the sole responsibility of the specific affiliated entity th, incurs such obligation or supplies such service or product. If you do not know the specific entity with which y are dealing and/or the capacity in which that entity is acting, please inquire. From: Micky Rucireta <mmrucireta@att.net> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 8:20 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Dog Park To: Newport Beach City Council Subiect: Support of Sunset View Do_g Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Micky Rucireta From: surfdoc2 <surfdoc2@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 8:08 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Proposed Dog Beach To Whom It May Concern, My name is Zach Granoff. I am a 22 year resident of Newport Beach and I am messaging you to voice my strong support for the new dog park to be built off of Superior. A dog park is a much needed amenity for our residents and this location offers the perfect opportunity for one to be set in place. As a legal park for dogs, it will enable residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the City Council to approve. Thank you again, Zach Granoff 9498928255 From: Bonnie Gregory <bbgregoryl05@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 8:04 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park To: Newport Beach City Council Subject. Support of Sunset View Doa Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19`h meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, BG From: Brad Kinney <brad@tuscanyl.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 6:39 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support for Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council .Members, I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 191h meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. With kindest regards, Brad Kinney Owner Tuscany Construction Co. 1560 Superior Ave, Suite B3 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949)548-3355 (949)548-3356 Fax Visit our website at www.TuscanyConstructionCompany.com From: Denise LaPorte <dlaporte@meadowood.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 5:53 PM To: Dept City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as being in strong support of the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project. It's my understanding it will come before the City Council at a meeting on Tuesday, November 19. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is a perfect location and very much needed. I am certain the new dog park will be used considerably and properly by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park would be a valued facility to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash. It would allow them the freedom to play and exercise their dogs in a safe environment. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, which I urge the Council to approve. Sincerely, Denise LaPorte Newport Beach Resident From: Tamara Inoue <tamara.inoue@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, November 1S, 2019 S:38 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19111 meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off - leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Tamara Inoue From: gdavi2535@gmail.com Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 4:30 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Importance: High Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 191h meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Gary Davidson From: melissa bruton <me1issabruton91@gmai1.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 3:53 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park Sunset View Dear Council Member. I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Melissa Bruton From: Donovan Ritter <donny3l@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 3:51 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset view Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19`h meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off - leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset view Parklmprovements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Donovan Ritter Sent from my Whone From: Lauren Douglass <Isdouglassl3@gmail:com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 3:45 PM To: Dept -City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 191 meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Lauren Douglass From: Caitlin McNulty <caitlin.mcnulty88@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 3:40 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Re: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset view Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19`h meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Parklmprovements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Caitlin McNulty On Nov 15, 2019, at 3:36 PM, Caitlin McNulty <caitlin.mcnult, 888ggmail.com> wrote: From: DEBORAH KING <deborahjking450@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 3:39 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog park o: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Deborah King Sent from my Whone From: Caitlin McNulty <caitlin.mcnulty88@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 3:37 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Caitlin McNulty From: Kate Olness <kateolness@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 3:36 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member. I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 191h meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Kate Olness From: Kevin Healy <kevinhealy8@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 3:06 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 191h meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog parkas part of the Sunset View Parklmprovements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Kevin Healy 464 Santa Ana Ave Newport Beach 92663 Sent from my iPhone From: Bob Sinclair <surfboob@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 11:36 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: New dog park proposal To: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 19' meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Robert Sinclair II 337 Cherry Tree Lane, NB 92660 From: JUDY LEEPER <judyleeper@mac.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 11:17 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park at Sunset View Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 1911 meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. The biggest problem is the illegal dog park in' West Newport by the River Jetty (county property). The parking is a huge issue and also the owners do NOT pick up after their dogs so there is feces everywhere. PLEASE consider the residents that live in the west end, one of which is my brother in law and his family. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Judy Leeper 949-922-9593 From: S J HILL <SJHILL2@msn.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 11:11 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Sunset View Dog Park To: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 191 meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Sandee Hill From: Bruce Ibbetson <bruce.ibbetson@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 10:22 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park To: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 191h meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Bruce Ibbetson 400 Aliso Ave Newport Beach, CA 92663 From: Bob Thagard/USA <bob.thagard@cushwake.com> Sent: Friday, November 1S, 2019 9:31 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: New Dog Park, Newport Beach Importance: High Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 19`h meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that_I urge the Council to approve. As a Tax payer and resident of Newport Beach for over 60 years, I am sincerely hopeful you approve this future amenity in out city!! Thank you. Sincerely, Bob Thagard Bob Thagard Executive Managing Director CA License # 00891244 Direct: +1 949 372 4909 Mobile: +1 949 422 2799 Fax: +1 949 372 4901 bob.thagard@cushwake.com CW -UA . SH MAN 1111111h ` AKEFIELD 18111 Von Karman Ave., Suite 1000 Irvine, CA 926121 USA www.cushmanwakefield.com Linkedln I Facebook I Twitter I YouTube I Instagram Ranked #1 in Tenant Representation in the Best of The National Law Journal — 2014, 2015, 2016. 2017 and 2018 The information contained in this email (including any attachments) is confidential, may be subject to legal or other professional privilege and contain copyright material, and is intended for use by the named recipient(s) only. Access to or use of this email or its attachments by anyone else is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient(s), you may not use, disclose, copy or distribute this email or its attachments (or any part thereof), nor take or omit to take any action in reliance on it. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately by telephone or email and delete it, and all copies thereof, including all attachments, from your system. Any confidentiality or privilege is not waived or lost because this email has been sent to you by mistake. Although we have taken reasonable precautions to reduce the risk of transmitting software viruses, we accept no liability for any loss or damage caused by this email or its attachments due to viruses, interference, interception, corruption or unapproved access. Please see our website to view our privacy notice / statement From: Dan Bartlett <dan@danbartlett.com> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 8:42 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I support the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off - leash, allowing them to play.and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Dan Bartlett Dover Shores, Newport Beach Mabel and my middle son... J From: Robin Sinclair <robinksinclair@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 10:05 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park To: Newport Beach City Council I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Parklmprovement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 191meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Parklmprovements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Robin Sinclair 949-290-0657 From: Cortney Collyer <cocollyer@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 8:52 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 191hmeeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Cortney Sinclair 34th Street, Newport Beach From: Aaron Miller <aaronjackmiller@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 8:27 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: We are Strong Supporters of the Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to officially go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 191 meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog parkas part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you for your consideration. Best regards, Aaron Miller, Dover Shores Resident (714) 679-1013 mobile From: Alan Slutzky.<als@clearpayprocessing.com> Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 8:11 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: West Newport Dog Park -- YESHHH Dear Council Member. I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Alan Alan Slutzky Managing Member ClearPay Processing 714-960-0900 x103 714-713-8230 (mobile) 714-969-4445 (fax) From: Megan Hutchinson <thinkbig320@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 6:48 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog park To whom it may concern on City Counsel: My husband and I are new dog owners! At first, I was far from a dog lover, but now I'm learning what an absolute blessing they are to not only our family but our community! Socially, they are a great way to build community. We have been to a few dog parks as well as a dog beach and I am overwhelmed with how many people I have met through such a simple animal at such a simple park. I would urge to City Counsel to vote in favor of a dog park. It absolutely builds community! Thank you for your consideration. Megan thinkBIG! Megan Wife, Mom, Puppy lover, Pastor, Author & fan of Super Bubble From: MIKE VILLANI <mlvoxl@sbcglobal.net> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 9:40 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Urging Dog Park Approval To: Newport Beach City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I am writing to lend my strong support for the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. I feel a dog park on the West side of Newport is imperative for responsible dog owners to let their pets run untethered in a controlled environment. A dog park on the proposed location is perfect for those of us on "this side of town" to enjoy. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Sincerely, Michael Villani 45 year Newport/Costa Mesa resident From: mike ure <muredaddy@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 9:43 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support for the Sunset Dog Park Dear Council Members: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is a much-needed relief for the un -enforced beaches over run by dogs. Over the years residents and non-residents take their dog to the beach near the Santa Ana River and let their dogs run off the leash. Most are respectful but many are not and demand the same rights for their pet as kids on the beach. Many don't bother to pick up after their animal, they obviously urinate, and occasionally there are conflicts with lifeguards, sunbathers and the occasional bite. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Mike Ure 504 Seaward Rd. Corona Del Mar From: Susan Wilde <sdwilde9@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 3:48 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Diane Daruty Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Parklmprovement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 191h meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. 1 am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Susan D. Wilde Sent from my iPhone From: Kate Malouf <kate3m@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 3:39 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Logan Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Mayor Dixon & Council Members, We want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 191 meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. We are confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Kate & Logan Malouf 526 San Bernardino Ave Newport Beach, Ca 92663 From: Prof Email <drminakazemi@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 3:09 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: No dog park Hi, I am definitely opposed the having a dog park built on superior avenue. There are great health risks and also it will bring extra traffic to the area which is already bad due to the beach access. Thank you. Mina Kazemi Sent from my Whone To: Dixon, Diane Subject: Sunset View Dog Park Denise Turner supports the Dog Park. Assistant to the 91layor tend (;'ity Councd Mayors Office/City Clerk's Office City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive, Bay E, Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3004 From: Dorothy Taguchi <dorothytaguchi@mac.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 2:26 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Sunset View Dog Park—AGAINST Respected Council Members: As owners and residents of the Villa Balboa community, we take walks in—and enjoy the tranquility of—Sunset View Park. There are already issues with dogs being walked off leash and owners not picking up their mess. Please do NOT add a dog park to add to the number of visitors with dogs, who will surely want to enjoy the views from the upper level of Sunset View Park (with their dogs), and disturb the tranquility we and others in the community enjoy here. I'm sure a number of us would be glad to help find alternative locations that would not disturb the surrounding community. Sincerely, Masayuki and Dorothy Taguchi 950 Cagney Ln Apt 105 Newport Beach, CA 92663 From: Jill Aschieris <jillaschieris@me.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 4:10 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Members: I would like to voice my opinion in support of the proposed Sunset View Dog Park near PCH and Superior Avenue. I believe that our community is under -served by the existing dog park in comparison the the number of households and dogs in our area. I often visit the Civic Center Dog Park and have made new friends there, but I feel that the west side deserves a nice park as well. The location is perfect with the proximity to PCH (noise abatement) and being away from residential neighborhoods. I strongly believe that when dogs are allowed to roam freely off leash within a safe environment, they benefit from more exercise and more socialization. Both of these are vital to having pets co -exist in our community with our residents. Please vote "yes" to approve the development of the Sunset View Dog Park. Your vote will be appreciated by SO many of your constituents! Thank you! Sincerely, Jill Aschieris November 19, 2019, Council Item 21 Comments The following comments on an item on the Newport Beach City Council agenda are submitted by: Jim Mosher ( jimmosher(a�yahoo.com ), 2210 Private Road, Newport Beach 92660 (949-548-6229) Item 21. Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Parking Lot Project - Adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration, Approval of Conceptual Design, and Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Dokken Engineering (Contract No. 8020-5) Given the 1,292 page agenda packet for the present City Council meeting — not including the many documents (such as the Draft MND that is the subject of this) provided, due to their bulk, only by reference — it is difficult to review them all with the thoroughness they may deserve. A spot check of the present item, suggests a certain carelessness in the handling of CEQA issues. • Exhibit "A" to proposed Resolution No. 2019-102 (agenda packet page 21-37) refers to a Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration containing "Responses to Comments" and "Errata." I do not believe either of those items are part of the Draft MND or at the link provided. Instead, I believe they are part of the Final MND, Exhibit "B". • The Table of Contents to the Final MND (on agenda packet page 21-40) misstates the page numbers of the last three items (Section 6.0, for example, starts on page 147 of the copy provided, not on page 148, etc.). I don't know if this means a page is missing. • In any event the all-important Mitigated Negative Declaration on page 152 (not 153), is both unsigned and undated and oddly refers to the "Rincon Development Project" and cites the City of Chino Hills as the lead agency. While I have great respect for the City of Chino Hills, I can understand their reluctance to sign, and have to wonder if anyone at the City of Newport Beach is willing to step forward and take ownership of this document that the Council is being asked to approve. • As to the equally important revisions to the Draft MND that resulted from consideration of the large volume of comments received: o On page 147 (21-185 of the agenda packet), in the first paragraph of the revised Section 2.3.3, shouldn't "large and small dogs, which may include benches and trash cans" be "which will include benches and trash cans"? Or is that not a definite part of the design? o Further down the same page, there is a formatting error in what looks like it was intended to be a new Section 4.1 Aesthetics, that is, instead, tacked onto Section 2.3.3 with a comma. o On the following page, the revisions to Section 4.3 appear to indicate a proposal for natural turf in the possible dog park has been changed to a proposal for synthetic turf. I would think that requires changes to the project description. And I don't fully understand where the waste products flushed out of the synthetic turf by "irrigation" are proposed to go to (the project appears to have formerly relied on natural processes of decomposition in the natural turf). Nov. 19, 2019, City Council Item 21 Comments - Jim Mosher Page 2 of 3 o On page 150 (21-188 of the agenda packet), the new description of the project's compliance with the LCP-mandated 100 -foot buffer around the Superior Avenue wetlands is completely garbled and extremely difficult to make sense of as written. That includes a second sentence missing at least one word ("and is approximately 0.15 -acre in size"?). In places, it refers to "the 100 -foot boundary of the wetland area," but the wetlands have no "100 -foot boundary." Instead, they have a defined boundary with a 100 -foot buffer around it. In another place, it refers to "the 100 -foot buffer from the bridge's permanent structures." To the best of my knowledge, there is no "100 -foot buffer" around the bridge. The bridge has to stay out of the wetland's buffer area, not the other way around. • Of the responses to comments that I looked at: o I found the response to Comment 23-1 (page 21-165 of the agenda packet) from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife particularly dismissive. The CDFW is a respected agency that appears to have thoughtfully reviewed the project. They asked the City to use its protocol for evaluating the possibility that burrowing owls use the proposed site. Rather than agreeing to use the established protocol, the City insists it doesn't think it's a favorable habitat and it didn't notice any burrowing owls while looking for other birds. While the City could be correct in its suspicion there are none, I am unable to fathom why it would refuse to test the validity of that conclusion by using the CDFW- established protocol. o Similarly, in response to Comment 23-2 on the same page, the City assures CDFW that "The proposed Project site was not previously used as a mitigation site, nor would the proposed activities impact any mitigation lands." Yet on page 148 (21-186 of the agenda packet), we learn from the revised MND that "The location of the bridge abutment on the Sunset Ridge Park side of Superior Avenue is within a 5.15 -acre CSS planting area that was required as a special condition of the Sunset Ridge Park CDP (Special Condition 2.1.a)." The two statements appear totally inconsistent. o Similarly, in the responses to comments from the California Department of Transportation on page 132 (21-170 of the agenda packet), various assurances are made, but it is not clear they have been incorporated as modified mitigation measures. It is also unclear from the response to Comment 24-6 if the "bike node with fix -it station" in the new development will include bike racks, or if those will be provided only at Sunset Ridge Park. o As a sample of the responses to citizen comments, I looked at pages 137 and 138 (21-175 and 21-176) of the agenda packet). Response to Comment 25-3 refers to a question about the City's leash laws, and refers to Municipal Code Section 7.04.020 (last revised in 1989), which appears to require leashes on all dogs on all public property. Rather than answering the question, it seems to point to a need to revise the Code to make an exception for dog parks such as the one currently Nov. 19, 2019, City Council Item 21 Comments - Jim Mosher Page 3 of 3 operating in the Civic Center Park and the one proposed as a possible alternative here. Response to Comment 25-4, referring to questions about potential use and disease and parasite problems at other dog parks, says (to me, rather incredibly) that "Design of the size and structure of the dog park is outside the scope of CEQA analysis." If the size and structure of the proposed development is irrelevant to the MND, what is it analyzing? Response to Comment 25-6, indicates the author of the response does not understand the most basic concepts of noise analysis. The statement that "Noise is only additive if the noise source is within 10 dB of ambient noise levels" is patently false. All noise is additive. The increase caused by a new source more than 10 dB below ambient levels may be very small', and it may not be detectable to the human ear and challenging to measure, but the idea that an added source would not increase the noise level at all defies the laws of nature. If the respondent believes it will not add a perceptible amount, he or she should, in addition to deleting the erroneous sentence, have said "Since noise from the proposed dog park would be at least 30 dB below ambient noise levels, it would not provide a quantitative qualitative contribution to existing ambient noise levels and will not be discernible at the nearby homes." As to the merits of the project, I feel this is a coastal view location and view opportunities are much more valuable to people than they are to dogs. Of the options offered, I prefer the third alternative since it preserves as much of the existing topography as possible. But I would keep the passive area in its current state, and not replace it with grass. Many seem to assume Newport Beach currently has just one approved dog park. In fact, the Planning Commission approved another adjacent to the yet -to -be -built Newport Crossings apartments near the airport (see PC Item 2 from February 21, 2019 — see plan, page 367). In addition, NBMC Section 19.52.040 imposes2 a park dedication requirement of 5 acres per 1,000 people added. The City believes it may need to add up to 4,832 new dwelling units in the next decade, or, at 3 people per dwelling, nearly 15,000 new people. Under our current standard, that would require the dedication of 75 acres of new park land, which one might guess, as at Newport Crossings, provide ample opportunities for neighborhood dog parks more dispersed throughout the city and at less scenic locations. ' A new, additional noise source 10dB below an existing noise level adds 1 % to the total noise energy. Due to the logarithmic nature of the decibel scale, it takes a doubling of noise energy to increase the reading by 3 dB (frequently cited as the amount needed to be a noticeable increase for humans). A 1 % increase in noise energy would increase the reading by 0.043 dB. That is extremely small, but it is a predictable quantitative increase. 2 1 understand this section was voluntarily added by the Council to allay the threat of its being added by initiative. It could, therefore, presumably be rescinded by the Council, but it is our present standard. November 19, 2019, Council Item 21 Comments The following comments on an item on the Newport Beach City Council agenda are submitted by: Jim Mosher (limmosher(a�yahoo.com ), 2210 Private Road, Newport Beach 92660 (949-548-6229) Item 21. Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Parking Lot Project — Adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration, Approval of Conceptual Design, and Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Dokken Engineering (Contract No. 8020-5) Given the 1,292 page agenda packet for the present City Council meeting — not including the many documents (such as the Draft MND that is the subject of this) provided, due to their bulk, only by reference — it is difficult to review them all with the thoroughness they may deserve. A spot check of the present item, suggests a certain carelessness in the handling of CEQA issues. Exhibit "A" to proposed Resolution No. 2019-102 (agenda packet page 21-37) refers to a Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration containing "Responses to Comments" and "Errata." I do not believe either of those items are part of the Draft MND or at the link provided. Instead, I believe they are part of the Final MND, Exhibit "B". • The Table of Contents to the Final MND (on agenda packet page 21-40) misstates the page numbers of the last three items (Section 6.0, for example, starts on page 147 of the copy provided, not on page 148, etc.). I don't know if this means a page is missing. • In any event the all-important Mitigated Negative Declaration on page 152 (not 153), is both unsigned and undated and oddly refers to the "Rincon Development Project" and cites the City of Chino Hills as the lead agency. While I have great respect for the City of Chino Hills, I can understand their reluctance to sign, and have to wonder if anyone at the City of Newport Beach is willing to step forward and take ownership of this document that the Council is being asked to approve. • As to the equally important revisions to the Draft MND that resulted from consideration of the large volume of comments received: o On page 147 (21-185 of the agenda packet), in the first paragraph of the revised Section 2.3.3, shouldn't "large and small dogs, which may include benches and trash cans" be "which will include benches and trash cans"? Or is that not a definite part of the design? o Further down the same page, there is a formatting error in what looks like it was intended to be a new Section 4.1 Aesthetics, that is, instead, tacked onto Section 2.3.3 with a comma. On the following page, the revisions to Section 4.3 appear to indicate a proposal for natural turf in the possible dog park has been changed to a proposal for synthetic turf. I would think that requires changes to the project description. And I don't fully understand where the waste products flushed out of the synthetic turf by "irrigation" are proposed to go to (the project appears to have formerly relied on natural processes of decomposition in the natural turf). Nov. 19, 2019, City Council Item 21 Comments - Jim Mosher Page 2 of 3 o On page 150 (21-188 of the agenda packet), the new description of the project's compliance with the LCP-mandated 100 -foot buffer around the Superior Avenue wetlands is completely garbled and extremely difficult to make sense of as written. That includes a second sentence missing at least one word ("and is approximately 0.15 -acre in size"?). In places, it refers to "the 100 -foot boundary of the wetland area," but the wetlands have no "100 -foot boundary." Instead, they have a defined boundary with a 100 -foot buffer around it. In another place, it refers to "the 100 -foot buffer from the bridge's permanent structures." To the best of my knowledge, there is no "100 -foot buffer" around the bridge. The bridge has to stay out of the wetland's buffer area, not the other way around. • Of the responses to comments that I looked at: o I found the response to Comment 23-1 (page 21-165 of the agenda packet) from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife particularly dismissive. The CDFW is a respected agency that appears to have thoughtfully reviewed the project. They asked the City to use its protocol for evaluating the possibility that burrowing owls use the proposed site. Rather than agreeing to use the established protocol, the City insists it doesn't think it's a favorable habitat and it didn't notice any burrowing owls while looking for other birds. While the City could be correct in its suspicion there are none, I am unable to fathom why it would refuse to test the validity of that conclusion by using the CDFW- established protocol. o Similarly, in response to Comment 23-2 on the same page, the City assures CDFW that "The proposed Project site was not previously used as a mitigation site, nor would the proposed activities impact any mitigation lands." Yet on page 148 (21-186 of the agenda packet), we learn from the revised MND that "The location of the bridge abutment on the Sunset Ridge Park side of Superior Avenue is within a 5.15 -acre CSS planting area that was required as a special condition of the Sunset Ridge Park CDP (Special Condition 2.1.a)." The two statements appear totally inconsistent. o Similarly, in the responses to comments from the California Department of Transportation on page 132 (21-170 of the agenda packet), various assurances are made, but it is not clear they have been incorporated as modified mitigation measures. It is also unclear from the response to Comment 24-6 if the "bike node with fix -it station" in the new development will include bike racks, or if those will be provided only at Sunset Ridge Park. o As a sample of the responses to citizen comments, I looked at pages 137 and 138 (21-175 and 21-176) of the agenda packet). Response to Comment 25-3 refers to a question about the City's leash laws, and refers to Municipal Code Section 7.04.020 (last revised in 1989), which appears to require leashes on all dogs on all public property. Rather than answering the question, it seems to point to a need to revise the Code to make an exception for dog parks such as the one currently Nov. 19, 2019, City Council Item 21 Comments - Jim Mosher Page 3 of 3 operating in the Civic Center Park and the one proposed as a possible alternative here. Response to Comment 25-4, referring to questions about potential use and disease and parasite problems at other dog parks, says (to me, rather incredibly) that "Design of the size and structure of the dog park is outside the scope of CEQA analysis." If the size and structure of the proposed development is irrelevant to the MND, what is it analyzing? Response to Comment 25-6, indicates the author of the response does not understand the most basic concepts of noise analysis. The statement that "Noise is only additive if the noise source is within 10 dB of ambient noise levels" is patently false. All noise is additive. The increase caused by a new source more than 10 dB below ambient levels may be very small', and it may not be detectable to the human ear and challenging to measure, but the idea that an added source would not increase the noise level at all defies the laws of nature. If the respondent believes it will not add a perceptible amount, he or she should, in addition to deleting the erroneous sentence, have said "Since noise from the proposed dog park would be at least 30 dB below ambient noise levels, it would not provide a Quantitative qualitative contribution to existing ambient noise levels and will not be discernible at the nearby homes." As to the merits of the project, I feel this is a coastal view location and view opportunities are much more valuable to people than they are to dogs. Of the options offered, I prefer the third alternative since it preserves as much of the existing topography as possible. But I would keep the passive area in its current state, and not replace it with grass. Many seem to assume Newport Beach currently has just one approved dog park. In fact, the Planning Commission approved another adjacent to the yet -to -be -built Newport Crossings apartments near the airport (see PC Item 2 from February 21, 2019 — see plan, page 367). In addition, NBMC Section 19.52.040 impose S2 a park dedication requirement of 5 acres per 1,000 people added. The City believes it may need to add up to 4,832 new dwelling units in the next decade, or, at 3 people per dwelling, nearly 15,000 new people. Under our current standard, that would require the dedication of 75 acres of new park land, which one might guess, as at Newport Crossings, provide ample opportunities for neighborhood dog parks more dispersed throughout the city and at less scenic locations. 1 A new, additional noise source 10dB below an existing noise level adds 1 % to the total noise energy. Due to the logarithmic nature of the decibel scale, it takes a doubling of noise energy to increase the reading by 3 dB (frequently cited as the amount needed to be a noticeable increase for humans). A 1% increase in noise energy would increase the reading by 0.043 dB. That is extremely small, but it is a predictable quantitative increase. 2 1 understand this section was voluntarily added by the Council to allay the threat of its being added by initiative. It could, therefore, presumably be rescinded by the Council, but it is our present standard. From: Detweiler, Laura Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 7:38 AM To: Brown, Leilani; Tran, Andy Subject: FW: Proposed Dog Park Correspondence below for tonight's Sunset View Park item. LAURA DETWEILER, MA I Director R creationitvu= r e.tvices Dewi6tsa `lni City of Newport Beach City Hall - 100 Civic Center Drive, Bay E, Newport Beach CA 92660 p: 949-644-3157 ( f: 949-644-3155 1 e visit us 8➢dui &� r&d, .; k L r § C}i ,rS € Y_= ' @cityofnewportbeach From: Scott Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 8:48 PM To: Detweiler, Laura Cc: Susan Sheakley Subject: Proposed Dog Park Laura Detweiler, recreation & senior service director Recreation & Senior Services Department 100 Civic Center Drive, Bay 1 E, Newport Beach 92660 Dear Laura, We want to commend the City of Newport Beach for your efforts to find new locations for a dog park on the west side. Our interest as an environmental organization is the protection of wildlife and open spaces, particularly birds and their habitats. We have heard from Newport Beach residents and our local members, some that support the new dog park and a few that have expressed concerns. The proposed park has the potential to provide relief form the unpermitted use of dogs at the west end of the beach, near and within the Santa Ana River. It may also provide for relief at other beaches and open spaces. With only one permitted dog park in the city a second location would help provide needed space to exercise and run dogs. We are concerned that the proposed park may be a bit too small to meaningfully offset other unpermitted activities. And, wonder if development of the park reduce parking space for Sunset Ridge Park and beach access? Would the dog park impact existing Coastal Sage Scrub habitats? We strongly support efforts to identify new, appropriate locations for dog parks within Newport Beach. We hope that the city will also search for additional properties, appropriate for running and walking dogs. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Scott Thomas Vice Chair, Conservation Committee Sea and Sage Audubon Society 949 293-2915 From: Raine Vanderoef <raine.vanderoef@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 8:07 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project, that will come before the City Council at your November 19th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much needed, and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately, by Newport Beach residents, as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off - leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park, as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project, that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Raine Vanderoef From: d woods <dkwoods2121@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 7:51 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 19"' meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Parklmprovements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Daniel Woods From: Kyme Chiapuzio <tkchip@road runner.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 7:37 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: proposed dog park west newport Dear Council Member: 1 want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 99th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off - leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Kymberly Chiapuzio 9606 Santanella Terrace Corona del Mar, Ca 92625 From: owner <pachanga@roadrunner.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 6:40 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: dog park As a long time time resident of Newport Beach I am totally opposed to the dog park ! Living in Villa balboa with an ocean view condo and ocean breezes I would like to continue to enjoy peace and quiet not barking dogs all day and when the wind changes the odor that a dog park will bring! A continuation of a people park shrubs and/or flowers would be much more to the high quality of Newport Beach Lets build up the west side not tear it down with a dog park! I have large animals which definitely need a place to play and run however, my backyard is not appropriate! TY JD Hunt west newport resident for 15 years From: Renu Parthiban <renu089@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 6:13 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: SSVdogpark@gmail.com Subject: I OPPOSE DOG PARK - SUNSET VIEW PARK Greetings. I am Renu Parthiban, owner of a Villa Balboa condominium, right next to Sunset view park. It is my humble but strong view that locating a dog park in the proposed location is unwise and also highly inappropriate that will not serve well the park goers and Villa Balboa community. I being one of the closest to the proposed dog park, 100% oppose this proposal and would like to request each one of you to stop this going forward. Having a dog park next to sunset view is such a bad idea as not all park goers are dog lovers and those who seek peaceful sunset view will be deprived by the dog barking and strong smell. Also having the dog park next to the heavy traffic of PCH is not going to do any good to dogs too. SO PLEASE DROP THIS PROPOSAL OF DOGPARK AND YOU WILL BE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! ! ! Sincerely Renu Parthiban From: requeenl0@aol.com Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 5:41 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: dog park at superior and PCH To whom it may concern, Please know that I own a condo in Villa Balboa up the hill from proposed dog park. I am not happy about it, I feel it's a dangerous corner, we have had so many deaths on this corner due to traffic and bad drivers. We have enough traffic as it is, I think you should put the dog park in a safer area. Annette Warner 210 Lille lane #110 Newport beach, Ca 92663 From: kneiger@roadrunner.com Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 4:23 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member. - I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 99th meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off - leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Kelly and Jlm Neiger 25 Year Residents- 1531 Serenade Terrace, Corona del Mar, CA 92625 949-338-3348 From: D. Kelly <dkelly1567@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 4:27 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Sunset View dog park I live in Villa Balboa condominiums. The dog part being proposed for Sunset View, I am 100% against it. I love dogs, but we have a serious coyote problem. Just Sunday afternoon, there were a pack of 3 coyotes walking along Sunset View walkway near where you want the proposed dog park to go. I think having a dog park that's fenced in will create a problem. Coyotes can jump a fence, and having dogs in a fenced in area basically makes them vulnerable. Please reconsider moving this park to an area that has less coyote traffic. Keeping the Sunset View Park as is, so people can enjoy the sunsets would be a choice I believe many of my Villa Balboa neighbors share. I would like my email to be in consideration for tomorrow's meeting. Thank you. Diane Kelly 210 Lille Lane, #216 Newport Beach From: Michelle Queensen <ellie417@msn.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 12:22 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: ssvdogpark@gmail.com Subject: Sunset View Dog Park I would like to state my opposition to the proposed Sunset View dog park. I do not believe it is an appropriate place for a dog park and believe the space should be used to expand and improve Sunset View Park. Thanks, Michelle Queensen Versailles Condominiums Unit Owner Sent from my Whone From: Jaime Martinez <jaipatl@att.net> Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 12:02 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park To Whom it May concern, I'm not in favor of creating a dog park and a pedestrian bridge off Superior and PCH in New Port Beach. It is my believe that we will create additional traffic in the area, which is already to congested. Better use of the funds would be to monitor noise pollution on Superior. Noise levels exceed state statutes codes. Please monitor and measure the noise levels during the weekends. Regards, Jaime Martinez 240 Nice Lane #313 Newport Beach, CA 92663 From: BARBARA WOLFE <beetle72@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 10:47 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Support of Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Member: I want to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvement Project that will come before the City Council at your November 19t" meeting. A dog park on the west side of Newport Beach is much-needed and this is a perfect location for it. I am confident that the new dog park will be used extensively and appropriately by Newport Beach residents as they have the Civic Center Dog Park. A dog park is an important amenity to those residents who do not have a place to take their dogs off -leash, allowing them to play and exercise freely. Thank you for supporting the new dog park as part of the Sunset View Park Improvements Project that I urge the Council to approve. Thank you. Sincerely, Barbara Wolfe From: Mark Arblaster <marblaster@prodigy. net> Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 10:10 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog park at sunset ridge - Yes Dear Council -members, I support this dog park. My family has been in the same Westcliff home for 30+ years. We have two dogs. We need more amenities on our side of the bay. Like, lighted soccer fields for the kids over here. I am a nurse at Hoag, near this proposed site and I think it would be a great recreational addition to the folks over here. Thank you, Kathy Arblaster, RN NB Homeowner Sent from my iPhone From: Mark Arblaster < marblaster@ff-inc.com > Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 9:33 AM To: Dept - City Council Subject: New Dog Park -- I support Dear Council, I am a 31 year homeowner in Newport Beach in Dover Shores. We need a City Dog Park on our side of the bay. Most of the City amenities are on the CDM side of the bay. Whether it's lighted parks for our kids or other recreational options, those of us over here feel short-changed. We need this Dog Park over by Sunset Ridge. We have 2 dogs and 2 kids. I'll probably never use it because it's far from me, but other dog owners will. Better that they use a dedicated Dog Park than the athletic field that our communities kids play on at Sunset Ridge. Mark Arblaster 1921 Teresita Lane Newport Beach. Subject: FW: Superior Dog Park Opposition! From: Mali Saatchi <malisaatchi@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 12:16 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Mali Saatchi <malisaatchi@gmail.com> Subject: Superior Dog Park Opposition! Respected City Council, Newport Beach, California I reside at 200 Paris lane PH 314 and directly above the proposed dog park. I am a dog owner and dog lover, but 100% against the proposed Dog Park in my neighborhood. 1- Proximity to residential homes. 2- Toxin gasses created by dog urine and foul odors, blown to our properties by ocean breeze, making breezing hard. 3- Excess noise created by bunch of happy dogs playing. 4- Attracting out of area dog owners. 5- Attracting more cars to the neighborhood, as a result more noise and emissions damaging our health. 6- Most importantly, close proximity to the coyote's den, creating extreme danger to small lose dogs playing and danger of a hungry coyote jumping into the dog park from the hill above or from the fence, also danger of ambushing the owners with small dogs by hiding in between many surroundings bushes endangering life of innocent dogs as well as the owners. Also possibility of creating unneeded stress of lawsuits, sometimes getting neighboring homeowners involved, because they did not promptly Opposed the Dog Park. Please note the picture taken this morning from a lose coyote going down the hill to its den. This coyote has lived in our neighborhood for years, wandering around fearlessly and on a daily bases , kills and eats all cotton tails and clears a 7 feet wall with no hesitation. It is continuously around, with no specific operating hours, it could be day or night. soon it will call its mates that will make it more dangerous. Proximity of a dog park to the coyotes den might become offensive, specially when it is protecting the litters and pups. I am opposing the proposed dog park for the reasons above. Also the proposed pedestrian bridge, as it will block our currently unobstructed view of the ocean. Your prompt attention to this very crucial issue and voting a unanimous NO to this very unneeded proposed project is greatly appreciated. picture of Coyote walking down the Hill to its den. taken on or about 10:00 Am yesterday. Picture of proposed pedestrian bridge blocking our unobstructed view of the Ocean. With closer view of the Coyote. Kindest regard, Malakeh Saatchi 200 Paris Lane PH 314 Newport Beach From: Pamela Ryan <pamrelaryan@icloud.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 4:07 PM To: Dept - City Council Subject: Dog Park I live in Villa Balboa and I oppose the Dog Park Pamela Ryan Sent from my Whone From: Rieff, Kim Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2019 7:33 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Sunset View Dog Park From: Nancy Lusk <uccal@ucbear.net> Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 6:53 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Fw: Sunset View Dog Park From: Nancy Lusk Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 4:19 PM To: citycouncil@newportbeach.gov Subject:. Sunset View Dog Park Dear Council Members: I would like to go on record as strongly supporting the proposed dog park as part of the Sunset View Park improvement project that will come before the City Council at tonight's meeting. This is a much needed amenity to the community. Our pets are part of our family and this park will afford us a place to allow them to play, exercise, and be dogs. It will give us all a great deal of joy to be part of and provide this kind of experience to "our furry children". Thank you for your consideration of this important addition to our community. Respectfully, Nancy Lusk