HomeMy WebLinkAboutIS011_ORCHARD ACACIA AND IRVINE iso„ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 19, 1980 TO: FRED TALARICO, ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR FROM: Traffic Engineer SUBJECT: AL AUER - "ORCHARD OFFICE" Two improvements were required in conjunction with this project: 1 . Restripe southbound Campus Drive to provide a separate right-turn lane to Bristol Street North. This work was previously completed by another developer. 2. Provide a third through lane in each direction on MacArthur Blvd. at Campus Drive. The Irvine Company has received a permit from Caltrans to do the neces- sary widening on the southeast corner. The widened portion cannot be used until Caltrans completes a proposed signal project at this location. Caltrans will not issue a separate permit to Mr. Auer in the interim. The Public Works Depart- ment feels that sufficient progress is being made at this intersection that the "Orchard Office" occupancy should not be held up. Richard M. Edmonston Traffic Engineer RME:hjo COMMISSIONERS 10 MINUTES City of Newport Beach o ti Z December 21 , 1978 ROLL CALL INDEX Item #3 Request to consider a Traffic Study for a proposed RAFFIC 70, 000 square foot - office building. TUDY - FFICE Location: Lots 72, 73, 74, and a portion of UILDING Lot 75, Tract No . 706 , located on the EVELOP- northerly side of Orchard Drive , ENT ON easterly of Acacia Street and Irvine IRVINE Avenue, across Irvine Avenue from the VENUE Newport Beach Golf Course . PPROVED Zone : A-P-H ONDI - ON LLY Applicant: Albert Auer and Associates , Newport Beach Staff provided additional information to the Plan- ning Commission that the improvement to the traffic system at the intersection of North Bristol Street and Campus Drive will be accomplished by the Signal Development Co. , and they hope to have a permit by December 22 and have the additional right hand turn lanes striped December 26 and 27. When that is accomplished the firm will contact the City Traffic Engineer to recalculate the intersection capacity, as required by the City Council . Public hearing was opened in connection with this item. Albert Auer, 2440 Bayshore Drive , Newport Beach , the applicant, appeared before the Planning Commission. He believed that his project would do much to improve the neighborhood. He planned extensive landscaping, and his buildings would be considerably below the amount of space that is allow- able in this zone . He agreed with the conditions of the staff report. A member of the Planning Commission commented on th condition that the building could not be occupied until certain conditions are met. He preferred a condition that would be worded to the effect that the building will not start, or that a permit will not be issued until the conditions are met. In addition , he would change the proposed conditions from "completion of street improvements" to " com- mencement of street improvements" . Another Com- missioner suggested phasing the occupancy, perhaps allowing 50% occupancy before the improvements start . -5- COMMISSIONERS 0 . MINUTES 11 City of Newport Beach o�smA c °Z ti December 21 , 1978 ROLL CALL INDEX Mr. Auer responded that time was a very important factor and if the improvements were not completed when the building was finished , he was prepared to pay the $5, 000 to $8,000 necessary to accomplish the work himself. In answer to a question whether ,the State would allow this , staff stated that there seemed to be nothing that would prohibit the appli- cant from proceeding with Alternative "A" as set forth in the Traffic Study , if he had the funds . Jack Brolian, a property owner on Birch Street, Newport Beach , appeared before the Planning Commis- sion and stated that he welcomed the proposed devel- opment and hoped that the Planning Commission would approve it. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard on this item, the public hearing was closed. Motion was made that the Planni-ng Commission make Motion X the following finding: Ayes X X X X X Absent X X The proposed project with proposed system improvements will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic service on any "major" , "primary-modified" , or "primary" street. and accept the Traffic Report subject to the following conditions : 1 . The occupancy of the building will not occur until the traffic systems improvement at the Bristol Street North/Campus Drive intersection has been completed. 2 . The occupancy of the building will not occur until the traffic system improvement at the intersection of Mac Arthur Boulevard/Campus Drive has been completed by the State or the applicant shall be required to accomplish the improvements to the intersection described in Alternative "A" on page 2 of the Traffic Study prior to the occupancy of the proposed project. -6- COMMISSIONERS i MINUTES City of Newport Beach O °Z Z December 21 , 1978 ROLL CALL INDEX 3 . Prior to the issuance of building7heunder applicant shall indicate to the D Community Development in writing stands and agrees to conditions n above . There was more discussion between the Commissioners regarding the question of occupancy . It was their feeling that another condition should be applied . Mr. Beek asked permission to include the following remarks in the record: "Commissioner Beek indicated that in voting for the motion he did not wish to set a precedent of making time of occupancy a condition of approval . This is an unsatisfactory condition which should not generally be used and is only justified by the unique circumstances of this case . He also indicated that he was voting in favor of the motion because he found by analyzing the traffic report that 70Z of the extra capac ity created by the proposed street improvement is sufficient to enable the project to pass th . 90 ICU test. He also indicated that he was voting in favor of the motion because the best traffic figures available from the County concerning the inter- section of Irvine Avenue and Mesa Drive show that the project will pass the . 90 ICU test at that intersection. " ADDI NAL BUSINESS ADDI- TIONAL The Plannin Commission discussed the definition of BUSINESS " reasonablenes " and suggested changes in wording. Copies of a propo d closing statement were dis- tributed and also di ussed . Concerns of the Commission s covered the following: 1 . balancing the inconvenience o the property owner if an application is rejecte ainst the -7- COMMISSIONERS MINUTES City of Newport Beach December 21 , 1978 ROLL CALL INDEX inc venience to the City if it is approved ; 2 . proving phasing plans for entire projects rather than individual buildings . Staff stated that in cases of large developments , this would involve inding out the plans of owners of parcels of undeve oped property as well as the plans for expansion f buildings already developed. Motion X Motion was de to approve the staff report on the Ayes X X X ( X definition o "reasonableness" with modifications , Absent K X to read as fo lows : The Planning Co fission at its last meeting (Decem- ber 21 , 1978) co idered the information needed to apply the "test o lvicinityof sonableness" and suggested some changes whichuld be made in the informatio required of a dever in submitting his phasing plan for a Plannedmunity or project. We have amended th t of information to be pre- pared by the devel 'n accordance with the com- ments of the Commin s follows : 1 ) Each project ect to the phasing require- ment of Councesol Lion No. 9472 shall be examined as te ext t of existing develop- ment and the nt of evelopment remaining to be complet 2) Information s be submi ted indicating the amount of trac being gen rated by existing development athat project d for remaining development. 3) An examinatioall be made o the circulatio system in theinity of the p epject to deter- mine what improvements remain to \be completed, with particular consideration beiAl given to those improvements which will directly aid in moving traffic generated by the pro ect. The area to be examined shall extend to hose inter - sections where traffic generated from the proj- ect increases the traffic at the inter ection during the peak two and one-half hour p riod i by 5% or more. -8- Planning Commission Meeti g December 21 , 1978 Agenda Item No . 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH December 15 , 1978 TO : Planning Commission FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Request to consider a Traffic Study fora ro osed 70,000 square foot + office building. Pub is Hearin LOCATION : Lots 72 , 73, 74 , and a portion of Lot 75 , Tract No . 706 , located on the northerly side if Orchard Drive , easterly of Acacia Street and Irvine Avenue , across Irvine Avenue from the Newport Beach Golf Course. ZONE: A-P-H APPLICANT: Albert Auer and Associates , Newport Beach Background The applicant requests the approval of a Traffic Study prepared in accordance with the Traffic Phasing Ordinance (Chapter 15 . 40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code) , and requests that the Planning Commission make its findings as required by the Ordinance in order to allow the issuance of building permits for the proposed 70,000 sq . ft. office building project. This project is to be located on the northerly side of Orchard Drive , easterly of Acacia Street and Irvine Avenue, across Irvine Avenue from the Newport Beach Golf Course . Staff Analysis The Traffic Study was prepared for the City by Herman Kimmel and Associates , Incorporated , in conformance with the administrative guidelines that have been adopted by the City. (Traffic Study attached, dated November 15 , 1978) . The conclusions of the study are summarized on Page 4 of the report. Standard worksheets for the 1 % analysis are also attached •( letter dated October 18, 1978) . The 1 % traffic analysis and I . C . U . analysis concluded that two intersections would require evaluation of mitigation measures to reduce potential traffic impacts : 1 ,) MacArthur Boulevard at Campus Drive and 2 ) Bristol Street North at Campus Drive mitigation measure analysis is included within the Traffic Study. MacArthur Boulevard/Campus Drive The City s Traffic Consultant has described two alternative traffic systems improvements "A" and "B" for this intersection. Alternative "A" involves the restriping of travel lanes from Douglas Avenue , - 1 - * R TO: Planning Commission - 2.� north of Campus Drive , to Birch Street to provide three lanes in each direction with a left turn lane. Additionally an ,asphalt concrete curb would be required on the curb side of MacArthur Boulevard. Alternative "B" involves traffic systems improvements from MacArthur Boulevard to I405 . These are scheduled FAU traffic system improvements. A detailed discussion of these improvement alternatives is located on page 2 of the consultants letter dated, November 15 , ' 1978, and 'they are shown on Exhibits 2 and 3 of the report. Bristol Street North/Campus Drive The City' s Traffic Consultant has indicated that a traffic systems improvement is being planned for implementation by the City that would reduce the ICU below . 90 . meeting the City requirements. A discussion of this is located on page 3 of the consultant§ letter dated November 15, 1978 and is shown on Exhibit 1 of the report. Summary The tra_f'fic system improvements proposed by the City and State will lower the ICU below 0. 90 at both the MacArthur Boulevard/Campus Drive and Bristol Street North/Campus Drive intersections . Based upon current schedules , these improvements should be in place prior to, or concurrent with , the occupancy of the proposed office building project. Recommendation Hold hearing; close hearing, if desired , make the following finding regarding the project: "The proposed project with proposed system i'mprov.ements will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic service on any ' major' , ' primary-modified ' , or '.primary' street; " and accept the Traffic Report subject to the conditions that: 1 . "The occupancy of the building will not occur until the traffic systems improvement at the Bristol Street North/ Campus Drive intersection has been completed. 2. "The occupancy of the building will not occur until the traffic system improvement at the intersection of MacArthur Boulevard/Campus Drive has been completed by the State or the applicant shall be required to accomplish the improvements to the intersection described in Alternative "A" on page 2 of the Traffic Study prior to the occupancy of the proposed project. 3. Prior to the issuance of building permits , the applicant shall indicate to the Director of Community Development in writing that he understands and agrees to conditions nos . 1 and 2 above . TO : Planning Commission - 3. Respectfully, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. HOGAN , DIRECTOR B T,,A� T Y �/�'1 Fred Talarico Environmental Coordinator FT/dt Attachments : Traffic Study dated November 15 , 1978 1 % Analysis dated October 18, 1978 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ® erman CONSULTANTS Kimmel and Associates, Inc. PRINCIPALS: 4242 CAMPUS DRIVE,SUITE E•6 NEWPORT BEACH,CALIP.92660 (714) 646.9814 HERMAN KIMMEL H.WILLIAM DICKSON November 15, 1978 g 6titi RECE1\fEp City of Newport Beach peMIntinlont Community Services Department 8 pept _� 3300 Newport Boulevard N0\j3.51978P' - Newport Beach, California 92663 � CITY BEACH, •r Attention Mr. Fred Talarico View CAP. �c Mitigation Analysis u� Orchard @ Acacia Office Project City of Newport Beach Gentlemen: Pursuant to your request; we have analyzed the above named project with respect to implementation of traffic system improvements and mitigation measures that would reduce potential traffic impacts . PAST ANALYSIS STUDIES(l) The planned 70 ,000 S.F, office building project was analyzed in accordance with the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. A 1% traffic analysis and I.C.U. analysis concluded that two intersections would require evaluation of mitigation measures to reduce potential traffic impacts (see attached T.C.U. Form II) . These were: 1. MacArthur Boulevard @ Campus Drive 2 . Bristol Street North @ Campus Drive MITIGATION MEASURE ANALYSIS Recently the City of Newport Beach has defined "Traffic Mitigation Measure" as measures incorporated into a project within the site or through programs that reduce potential traffic generation during peak traffic conditions . Physical measures used to reduce peak 1% Traffic Analysis Report (Oct. 182 1978) - HK&A T.C.U. Traffic Analysis Report (Oct. 30 , 1978) - HKSA Page 2 . . Nov. 15 , 1978 City of Newport Beach traffic congestion at critical intersections are defined by the City as "Traffic System Improvements" . Mitigation measures will be discussed after determination and discussion of the effect of traffic system improvements . Traffic System Improvements 1. MacArthur Boulevard/Campus Drive Alternate A The I .C.U. at MacArthur Boulevard and Campus will be at 0 . 9409 , above 0 .90 and above the existing I .C.U. of 0 .93(1) A reduced I .C.U. to 0 .8778 could be accomplished by traffic system improvements , as shown on Exhibit 2 . The MacArthur Boulevard improvements would require restriping of travel lanes from Douglas Avenue, north of Campus Drive, to Birch Street to providq three (3) lanes in each direction with a left turn lane. An asphalt concrete curb should be constructed on the east side of MacArthur Boulevard from about 350 feet south of Campus Drive to the existing curb return at Campus Drive. This would better delineate the northbound curb lane approaching Campus Drive. It is estimated that cost for these improvements would be between $5 ,000 and $8 ,000 . Alternate B CALTRANS has scheduled PAU traffic system improvements on MacArthur Boulevard from Bonita Canyon Road to I405 in July, 1979 (see attached CALTRANS status of projects sheet) . These improvements will include the installation of a coordinated traffic signal system and widening of the southeast corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Campus Drive to its ultimate condition, as shown on Exhibit 3 . If CALTRANS meets the July, 1979 bid advertisement date, the project should be constructed by spring of 1980 . The City has indicated that projected information from the developer indicates initial occupancy in March or April, 1980 and full occupancy in September, 1980 , if the planning process 2 proceeds on schedule(2) . The planned improvements by CALTRANS should be completed prior to full occupancy of the office project. T-27—Mr. Talarico, Community Services Department Page 3 • • i Nov. 15 , 1978 City of Newport Beach Attached is Project Mitigation Measure Form III for Alternate B, with calculated I.C.U. , after full improvement of the inter- section. The I.C.U. of 0 .7994 after full improvement is below the 0 .90 acceptable level. Funding for Alternate B would be federally financed for a major portion of the project. 2 . Bristol Street North/Campus Drive The I.C.U. at this intersection,after development and without geometric changes will be above the existing I.C.U. , which is greater than 0.90t1) . A traffic system improvement of providing a southbound right turn only lane on Campus Drive, which is now being planned for imple- mentation by the City, will effectively reduce the T.C.U. to 0 . 8391. This T.C.U. includes existing and projected traffic volumes, as shown on attached City Form ITT - Project Mitigation Measure. Exhibit 1 shows existing and planned lane configuration at Bristol Street North and Campus Drive. The traffic system improvement would reduce the I.C.U. below 0 .90 , meeting the City requirements . Mitigation Measures If CALTRANS FAU traffic system improvements on MacArthur Boulevard are completed prior to full occupancy of ,the office project, no mitigation measures will be necessary to reduce office traffic generation. The small size of the office project minimizes potential mitigation measures that could reduce traffic generation. If employees reside relatively close to the same area or along a route where carpooling would be appropriate, traffic generation could be reduced. Carpooling is a voluntary measure, not susceptible to enforcement. Other uncontrollable factors that may reduce traffic generation, under voluntary conditions , are increased vehicle operating costs together with improved transit service, flexible working hours, and use of bicycles by employees living near the project. Depending on the type of land use chosen, a change in land use could reduce traffic generation from the site. Page 4 . . Nov. 15 , 1978 - ? City of Newport Beach CONCLUSIONS Traffic system improvements proposed by the City and State will lower the I .C.U. below 0 . 90 at both critical intersections . The time frame for occupancy of the development and completion of CALTRANS FAU traffic system improvements on MacArthur Boulevard is a key factor in meeting the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. If the system improvements are not completed prior to occupancy, Alternate A traffic system improvements would be necessary. If you have any questions , or need additional information, please contact our office any time. Respectfully submitted, HERM��AN// KK'IMMELL & ASSOC. , INC. H. William Dickson, Project Manager RCE No . 19417 RTR No. 39 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS Intersection MacArthur Blvd. Cam us Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes Based on verage winter Spring 1978) Revised October 2, 1978 Move- l.an�s Capa Existing' Project Existing Exist. "Iro ect ment city Peak Hr Peak Hr Plus ProjNecV/C Volume Volume Peak Hr VolRatio NL _ 1 1600 111 / •OG9� k NT 2 3200 1044 -- /4'�� NR - 73 73SL 1 1600 56 "` SL0350ST 23 3200 1026 /OZLSR 1 1600 201 240 • 1313EL 1 1600 285 2 ,0$ • �9 2s'ET 2 3200 421 ` 27 • lsOo ER - 53 WL 1 1600 100 / Do 06 a OL2S WT 2 32A@ 825 2 $29 .26* • Z58N � WR 1 - 54 Yellow Time .10 • 1000 Existinp Intersection Ca acit Utilization I.C.U. •93 Existin Plus Project Intersection Ca aci,t Utilization I.C.U. •9�� ICU is sum critical movements, denoted by asterisk (*) N=Northbound, S=Southbound, E=Eastbound, W=Westbound, T=Through, R=Right, L=Left Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 rl Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to t Existing Conditions I.C.U. Existing Plus Project Traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 rVil Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.II. will be greater than existing EN I .C.U. that is currently greater than 0.90 Further analysis required to determine applicable mitigation measures 1NiERSECIiON MacArthur_Blyd,/Campus Drive __ FORM II I'I+OJCIr ; ORCHARD - ACACTA OFFICE October 301 3978 ' INTERSEWN CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSI 0 Intersection Bristol Street North/Cain us Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes Based on Average Winter/Spring 1978) Move- I.dneS "Ca-pa- Lxistiny Project Existing [xist. Project mrnt city Peak Hr Peak Hr Plus Project V/C V/C Volume Volume Peak Hr Volume _Ratio - Ratio Nl. 1 1600 81 .05* • 07(09 It NI 2 - 3200 587 Z 6 / .18 • (qLS NR ST 2 3200 1241 _ /2$Z 59* . 5!163 A SR - — 637 637 _. ER WL 1 1600 321 _ 3 Z/ .20 •z 006 WT 4 6400 1660 - /G60 .26* • 24�1 +E WR-- - 30 Yellow Time — .10 . IDOo Existing Intersection Capacity Utilization ( I .C.U. ) 1 .00 Existing Plus Project Intersection Capacity Utilization (I .C.U. �.0 313 ICU is sum critical movements, denoted by asterisk (*) N=Northbound, S=Southbound, E=Eastbound, W=Westbound, T=Through, R=Right, L=Left_ C7 Existing Plus Project Traffic •I .C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 r Existing Plus Project Traffic I .C.U. will be less than or equal to ` Existing Conditions I .C.U. IxiSLiog Plus Project Traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 IN1vi'.tinq P1uS Project Traffic I .C.11. will be greater than existing �! I .C.U. that is currently greater than 0.90 Further analysis required to determine applicable mitigation measures [NilR'A Ll [ON Z Bristol Street North/Campus Drive l - - - - - --------- --- - - ---- -- - -�1-0RM I I I kU,)I t l • r)RCIIARD - ACACIA orrIm. October 30 , 1978 i i t n•p + ): S T e T U G O F P R c J F C 1 S INAJUN rn4CIRUCTEa113 SEP. a6. 197n Pa f 33 _ 1197P.79 FYI �. • , ••. r.✓... ... I I F, • •, •I -��I 1.'ll ••Y,.�•'idle \•L; VII,:•4ei1 1 ,+•. la .•I 11 MIIA III I. mA e..lnx.1 I.nl Y• I I'•1 ee11'I •M•A.111 1•f.Wll enl • •11� \•II II IIVV111+� 1 • ��I'• 1 . ,.✓ ..... a ___V . L��. w .• Y•,t141114•Nt. 1., 1 •xl.l Il eNl•IIII ✓) IIe VVI1111 W .Il •l�� ,+e1w 1Y 1V 1(.1{ h,•) ♦✓.111 .1.1111V pLW rM,�V li'/,V• IA1 wl eY 4VNV .•Y••ly ____♦1.�. I r • ..III '�,r� ,� • w. I•l e•II 11 �. •"•n ' UNA 073 3.1r5,4 2.7 MI 4C UF- U•-PR S 3.13-78 Oi CAT EXEMPT I EARLIEST A 7-05-70 A 12-29-77� -------------- - - - - - - : .......... 1•55 •--VGMYnBa♦ --•51• OL-•D1• 1S..-I ..................•.•� ........... I DlSTRIDT I ....... -• 3-13-78 D 701 NON MAJ ACT .--.«...... • • • PSLE as DISTRICT 17.cV1 9-29-11 M 78P 3-13-78 M 359, A 1-2548 077366 AUN-COO-ART-BC I ...-.»...I .........-.1 .......... - •I .... . . . 12.7r.' 7.Y9 I / TOTAL. . . - . A73 I ............... .. . ..- ll-)0 7.79 __....... IC Ah0 Id AR IIIviUE AND NEW PORT STATE SNARE- . . -- -- 3- 74 DEACN Ar VULhr, F LOCATIONS ON F-(D I.................... NDT •------•-• I 1+1 5• 79� .-"'- AUAU-ACANTHU�tP D445 FPUN hOh1TA CANYON ..ID 1 «-•-•««•-•- RUAD tY P7 t051 -INANCE -FINANCED 1 •.•---«-.• V+4/4 • IhIt RCTIhNELf COIIRD SYSTEM i u• Ya3r1_A Arvur•v60 v51re ie-iv -✓......_..• 73; INVFIN FUS SJ ...............................I..............................................Y........✓...... .........«..............a........... I� � Add by Striping \i,gh t On/y Lan¢ 4- - - - 4- 1 � tlt � I I � I I Q I I v I I EX N 1131 T ti >✓XIS'fINla 'PIuS SYS�(EM 1 N„11 It 1 NUINt 1 Im" I M'P120V E M ENT A.1 ermanIANI� Ml Immel and Assoclates,Inc. Nov. ' r78 i'✓fLl6f04 Norf h GAM-PUS j2 C,;Ilhl romrough e I I I IXN \ \ I 1 I I\ V 2. CAM-PU5 ti OF �stripirrg � • � �� to \ Add Lana by .Qs7`rripirng \ Construction o1' V \ I I I I Q � 14 II' II' !2' II II 14 A.G. t%12M I >iX 16T. C U128 U H I'5 I or 2 U15'fING Plus 5Y5-flits I linLuN ULTA tNIN[i EMtiNT Feran lur ENGI NtS I M92ov kimmmel and Associates,Inc. Nov. 'q8 MAC AlZrl4U12 GO CAMPUS �. 1 y� I I /C?zsi`riping b� �\\ Ca/trans I �� I CAMPUS TZ¢s�`ripir/y by � r Ca/frans / _ &110'¢ning by Ca/frans I ('Prg1(2 Comp/¢fio j SprincJ /980 . EXNI�IT 3 UL'rI MAfEE IUAFric, ENtA"N 5INti cu man CUNS Spring 1960) rUI.AEE 1'y k,,,mel and Associates,Inc. Nov. ' 1B MAC A42-rHUT2 @ CAM PU5 PROJECT MITIGATION MEASURE f tiI, INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATIOK ANALYSIS Intersection Nxie 1pr`/vr B/Au / CA ayuJ D;*/De (Existing Traffic Volumes Based on Average Winter/Spring 1978) )-cove- Lanes Capa- Existing Project Existing Exist. Project ' ment city Peak Hr Peak Hr Plus Project V/C V/C ** Volume Volume Peak Hr Volume Ratio Ratio NL / /boo * 3 0900 0 ,9Vgf rl.0.237.7 NR - 73 79 SL I 1400 54 5% 0�0350 ST 4 q c..� I ozd /o t 6 2 75 � ** SR 20/ 9 Z /v EL 1160,0 ZS 7- 369 0. 19z6 jF ET z 37.= f/G/ 6 el Z. .i oo ER - 5"3 - 5 — WL 1 /40o / 00 - 00 o,D6zS WT Z 32no 17 5 1 B'L7 6.zr8� � WR Yellow Time 0. 1 000 Existing Intersection Capacity Utilization I.C.U. Existing Plus Project Intersection Capacity Utilization I.C.U. 0.,9778 ICU is sum critical movements, denoted by asterisk (*) N=Northbound, S=Southbound, E=Eastbound, W=Westbound, T=Through, Wight, L=Left ** With Mitigation Measures Project Mitigation Measure Analysis Brief Description: Change SR only lane to allow through moves, add third southbound and northbound lane between Campus Drive and Birch Street I\� Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. with mitigation measure($) will IN lie less than or equal to 0.90 Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. with mitigation measure(s) will lie less than or equal to Existing Conditions I.C.U. ALTERNATE A INTERSECTION 1 MacArth= Boulevard/Campus Drive FORM III PROJECT: ORCHARD - ACACIA OFFICE OROJECT MITIGATION MEASURT • , r) INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS Intersection MacAr'tAvr Rhuf z (f'%k,pvs Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes Based on Average Winter/Spring 1976) Move- Lanes Capa- Existing Project --Existing Exist. Project me nt city Peak Hr Peak Hr Plus Project V/C V/C ** Volume Volume Peak Hr Volume Ratio Ratio NL Z 320o µSoo — 10 O.Z175 NR SL z zoo ST 3 ' Boo 02(If — !Ot(, 0- %139 !F SR i 1400 20l 9 210 0, 1113 EL i boo 2- ?S 2.3 348 0, 1475 )t ET 2 3-L00 21 6 07 is 80 ER 513 — M — WL I o0 !00 — )Do 0.447.5 WT I. 3Z,0D 81.S z '829 WR I — Yellow Time 0. ODO Existing Intersection Capacity Utilization I.C.U. Existinq Plus Pro ect Intersection Capacity Utilization I.C.U. 0.1 9% ICU is sum critical movements, denoted by asterisk (*) N=Northbound, S=Southbound, E=Eastbound, W=Westbound, T=Through, R=R•ight, L=Left ** With Mitigation Measures Project Mitigation Measure Analysis Brief Description: Full Improvements to six (6) through lanes, dual left turn lanes, NR free turn lane, and SR only turn lane per Exhibit 3. �j Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. with mitigation measure(s) will ICJ be less than or equal to 0.90 Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. with mitigation measure(s) will be less than or equal to Existing Conditions I.C.U. ALTERNATE B INTERSECTION 1 MacArthur Boulevard/Campus Drive FORM III PROJECT: ORCHARD - ACACZA OFFICE • PROJECT MITIGATION MEASURE • 1(� l INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS Intersection Byisial 6frcef Nov141 C6MtOus Dv+ve (Existing Traffic Volumes Based on Average -Wfnter/Spring 1971') ove- Lanes Capa- Existing Project Existing Exist. Project ment city Peak Hr Peak Hr Plus Project V/C V/C ** Volume Volume Peak Hr Volume Ratio Ratio NL 1 I400 8l 2 23 0.4749 N,T 2 32.00 597 Lq le, 0.197.S NR — I — SL — — ST 2- '32.00 12.0 ' 11 1 2S21- 0, 39/3 ** SR 1 boo 43 EL _ ET ` ER — WL ( l4ao 32 — 32 / 0.20n6 WT 6ip00 )660 — 660 WR 30 - 30 Yellow Time U, 100o aF Existing Intersection Capacity Utilization I.C.U. Existing Plus Project Intersection Capacity Utilization I.C.U. 0.8 3qf ICU is sum critical movements, denoted by asterisk (*) N=Northbound, S=Southbound, E=Eastbound, W=Westbound, T=Through, R=Right, L=Left ** With Mitigation Measures Project Mitigation Measure Analysis Brief Description: Paint southbound right turn only lane from Airport Access Road to Bristol Street North per Exhibit 1 Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. with mitigation measure(s) will be less than or equal to 0.90 I—1 Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. with mitigation measure(s) will L� be less than or equal to Existing Conditions I.C.U. INTERSECTION 2 Bristol Street North/Campus Drive FORM III PROJECT: ORCHARD - ACACIA OFFICE 0 4y TRAFFIC ENGINEERING erman CONSULTANTS Kimmel and Associates, Inc. PRINCIPALS: 4242 CAMPUS DRIVE,SUITE E-6 NEWPORT BEACH,CALIF.92660 (714) 546.9814 HERMAN KIMMEL H.WILLIAM DICKSON October 18 , 1978 City of Newport Beach Community Services Department 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 Attention Mr. Fred Talarico 1% Traffic Analysis Orchard @ Acacia Office Building City of Newport Beach Dear Mr. Talarico : The following outlines the analysis for a 1% traffic increase at intersections identified by Mr. Bill E. Darnell, Newport Beach Traffic Engineer. The planned office project on Orchard Drive at Acacia Street has been analyzed, in accordance with the City1 s i Traffic Phasing Ordinance, Attached are copies of correspondence relating to above project . A bank or savings & loan building was not included in the analysis , per your instructions . PROJECT DESCRIPTION The planned 70 ,000 square foot office building site is located in the northeast quadrant of Orchard Drive and Acacia Street. Adja- cent land use is residential and offices . An existing golf course is located on the west side of Irvine Avenue. TRAFFIC GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION Traffic generation rates , as identified by the City 's Traffic Department , are as follows : ADT Rate = 13 T.E. /K.S .F.* ADT Volume = 13 x 70 = 910 `Grip Ends per 1000 Square Feet Page 2 • • Oct. 18, 1978 Newport Beach -� Total 2g Hour Rate = 4 .6 T.E./K.S.F. Total 231 Hour Volume = 4 . 6 x 70 = 322 Inbound 231 Hour Rate = 1. 2 T.E./K.S.F. Inbound 23g Hour Volume = 1. 2 x 70 = 84 Outbound 2331 Hour Rate = 3 .4 T.E./K.S.F. Outbound 23k Hour Volume = 3 .4 x 70 = 238 Exhibit 1 shows both percentage of traffic distribution and dir- ectional 23 hour volume in the analysis area. INTERSECTION ANALYSIS The following is the "One Percent" check analysis at intersections designated by the City Traffic Department: 1 - MacArthur Boulevard at Campus Drive 2 - Bristol Street North at Campus Drive 3 - Bristol Street North at Birch Street 4 - Bristol Street North at Jamboree Road 5 - Bristol Street South at Campus Drive-Irvine 6 - 'Bristol Street South at Birch Street 7 - Bristol Street South at Jamboree Road 8 - Irvine Avenue at University Drive 9 - Irvine Avenue at Santiago Drive/22nd Street Existing and projected 2h hour traffic volumes are shown on attached forms for each intersection. CONCLUSIONS The analysis shows that, the following intersections will have an increase in traffic greater than 1% : 1 - MacArthur Boulevard and Campus Drive 2 - Bristol Street North and Campus Drive 5 - Bristol Street South and Campus Drive-Irvine 6 - Bristol Street South and Birch Street 7 - Bristol Street South and Jamboree Road These intersections will require Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) analysis. If you have any questions , please contact our office. Respectfully submitted, HgE�R�MA)N KIMMEL h ASSOC. , INC, If. William Dickson Vice President RCE 19417 RTR 39 Enclosures \ µ 5% 3570 lob IRVINE 9 fib �S O ST CO A? PROJECT IAGlkMN t �� tm 10% 5% 1% INTEZWrION ANAIX616 00% PERCENT 015T12100TION s -400 2'10OUR T)IaCnONa 1715R IWfION 4Nr� 15% Exui131T i Pacvticr T1ZA MC TlIA ULT ENGINEERING CCM n 15T+I +1i'h�N rnan CONSULTANTS ® ktrr�al and Associates,Inc. OCT. '`I9 012CHAW OFFICE fAlZK 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection (Existing Traffic Volumes base on verage nter pr ng 1978) .Existing 1 of Existing Project Approach Peak 2� Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Volunx Northbound 2888 29 outhbound 3129 31 �7 Eastbound 1693 17 s estbound 2004 20 + Project Traffic is estimated to be leW Phan 1% of Existing Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume ® Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. MICRSECTION i MacARTHUR BLVD/CAMPUS DRIVE FORM I 'ROJECT: ORC11ARD-ACACIA OFFICE October 18 , 1978 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection R - If INE AVE. (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average winter�aprtng T97_) Existing 1% of Existing Project pproach Peak 21, Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2;1 Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Volu orthbound 1504 15 14"2 " Southbound 3705 37 2 I Eastbound - r estbound 4790 48 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Existing EJ Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume ® Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 2�-2 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. INTI'RSECTION Z BRISTOL STREET NORTH/CAMPUS DRIVE - IRVINE AVE. FORM I I'ROJCCI': ORCHARD-ACACIA OFFICE October 18 , 1978 • . '` r 22, 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Bristol Street NortV Birch Strot (Existing Traffic Vo umes based on verage W nter Spring 1978) Existing 1% of Existing Project pproach Peak 2� Hour Peak 2)1 Hour Peak 2's Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Vo]ume Traffic Vo u mO orthbound 552 6 Southbound 2120 21 r M Eastbound estbound 3053 31 2 to Peak Traffic is estimated to be ibis than 1% of Existing Peak 211 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 2� Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. INTCRSCCTION J Bristol Street North/Birch Street FORM I PROJECT ^ ONCHARD—ACACIA 01'FICC October 18, 1978 J) I� 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BRISTOL STREET NORTH/JAMBOREE ROAD (Existing Traffic Vo umes based on Average W nter Spr ng 1978) Existing 1% of Existing Project Approach Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2h Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Volunw Northbound 5153 52 Southbound Eastbound Westbound 1162 1-2 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be lesi `than 1% of Existing Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume aProject Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 211 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. INTI'RSECTION BRISTOL STREET NORTH/JAMBOREE ROAD --- FORM I PROJECT: ORCHARD-ACACIA OFFICE October 18 , 1978 1 J 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection DRIVE, RVINE AVE. (Existing. Traffic Vo umes based an verage winter/spring 1978 ) Existing 1% of Existing Project Approach Peak 2h Hour Peak 211 Hour Peak 2h Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Vol Northbound 1606 16 2. Southbound 3164 32 Eastbound 3027 1 30 2 9 estbound - '� Project Traffic is' estimated to be leW than 1% of Existing Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume IC71 Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing ICI Peak 2� Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. INIIRSFCTION BRISTOL STREET/CAMPUS DRIVE - IRVINE AVE. -- - ------ FORM I PROJECT: ORCHARD-ACACIA OFFICE October 18 , 1978 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Bristol Street/Birch Street (Existing Traffic Vo umes based on verage hinter/Spring 197B) Existing 1% of Existing Project Approach Peak 2J* Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 211 Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Vol Northbound 223 3 6 outhbound 943 10 1 �- Eastbound 2656 27 Westbound I -- -- r Project Traffic is estimated to be less` than 1% of Existing Peak 2;j Hour Traffic Volume ® Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. INTFRSFCTION Bristol -- - --- FORM I PROJECT: URCHARU-ACACIA OFFICE October 18 , 1978 ice_ _ — • 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersectioh (Existing Traffic Volumes based on verage nter Spr ng 197.8) Existing 1% of Existing Project Approach Peak 2h Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Volunm Northbound 4996 50 8 Southbound 2359 24 Eastbound 2778 28 3 Westbound Project Traffic is estimated to be lefs than 1% of Existing Peak 23, Hour Traffic Volume (� Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing ILSI Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. INIFRSCCTION BRISTOL STREET/JAMBOREE ROAD —' —' --' FORM I PR0JLL1 ; ORCHARD-ACACIA OFFICE October 18 , 197,8 1 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Irvine Avenue/University Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1978) Existing 1% of Existing Project pproach Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 211 Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Voluam Northbound 1985 20 3 Southbound 3864 39 36 Eastbound 672 7 estbound 80 1 ® Project Traffic is •estimated to be less than 1% of Existing Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 2�g Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. INTERSECTION Irvine Avenue/University Drive `— '—'— FORM I PROJECT: ORCHARD-ACACIA OFFICE October 18 , 1978 • • k r 2� 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Irvine Avenue Santage Street (Existing Traffic Vo umes based on ver Winter/Spring Spr ng 197g) Existing 1 of Exist ling Project pproach Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2J% Hour Directi.on Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Volu Northbound 2073 21 13 Southbound 3879 39 36 Eastbound 396 4,JW estbound 324 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less `than 1% of Existing Peak 2� Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. NIIRSICTION 9 Irvine Avenue/Santiago Drive-22nd Street FORM I 'ROJECT: ORCIIARD-ACACIA OFFICE October 18 , 1978 r r 20 05 i ft{ Ji 18 ez '2s J 21 �e. f ! art i I Is .•a •►� Ml M ram'•. • ' .� • t J Il . • IS . CO r �G ; Ny -,i Dl!O ,Oa•- AG7C/A J SlR£ET + — — 4e-'o /A�r .,/P �. • .I � v n • wn fi �'�JA� i AVENUE i � �jgry* T p 1 '' •i•r- C'rt • i 1I © ' i Ma i I y • � 1 . ( � �.J� �� .w Gs O r,• c. GIIui O Crod,IeC '—� ���:2. s ^a. 'rd si:• c :�1s!^ ':•OrL��. .J.I®:�•f�•� t, O ---'-I �2 ^2 • tos $3 F : �� •.. •..1se21 j'n �_ _:fI ' Oygs.'. IA . .y� ..• ... . .. lei. s. r•, ' q Ji rJ rJ ;, i •Y ' ,J7 rL IJ - i _I:_ ' ,•s^il �� tj 2� .21. `2�� 7� t` g3li� .vl`�. -� et �; i I I �. ! NO i��7 6 ® v ©i I i �s:.??.ac is.: .z y . 53 �3 ,1 1 aj rRrrr 24 MARCH 1951 FR. NO. 706 V.M. 21-25 IJOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK@ ASSCSSOR'S ArAP • MARCH 1976 PARCEL .1Y RVERS SOOKU9 PAGE23 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY Of ORANGE � I ALBERT AUER AND ASSOCIATES 1501 Westcliff, Suite #222 Newport Beach , California 92660 October 5, 1978 Mr. Fred Talaricl Advanced Planning City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Fred: We are desirous of developing the property at Irvine Boulevard and Acacia Street in the City of Newport Beach. We would like to develop a prestige office building of approximately 70,000 square feet. We are anticipating at this time, subject to further thinking, that we would construct four 2-story buildings on the property. We are also thinking in terms of a bank or a savings and loan being located in this area to serve the residential needs of the neighborhood. Consequently would you please have your traffic consultant make a study of the traffic feasibility for our projected project. We very much want to cooperate with the wishes of the staff of Newport Beach and would welcome any suggestions you may have. We appreciate your taking the time to inform us of the various steps we should undertake for development. I Bes ds, Albert J. Aueh ALBERT AUEVAND ASSOCIATES AA/sh 9 RED o . grr . n �Cj c Of xco. t i N F,oN�F , f11 l ;S Cy .First American Title Insurance Company 114 EAST FIFTH STREET, (P. O. BOX 267)SANTA ANA,CALIFORNIA 82702•(714)558.3211 Your No. Our Order No. CR—IV9036—BU form of Policy Coveraga equested CALIFORSIA LAND THE ASSOCIATION STAIMUM COVERAGE POLICY, In response to the above referenced application for a policy of title insurance,this Company hereby reports that it is prepared to Issue,or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy of Title Insurance in the form specified above, describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, Insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception below ornot excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules,Conditions and Stipulations of said policy form. This report (and any supplements or amendments thereto) is issued solely for,the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance,a Binder or Commitment should be requested. j�, • i� Dated as of Fe:Druarq 7, 1978 at 7:30 a.m. �c t� V- 7., Id TITLE OFFtct.R • William H. 3runs Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: WILLIAM J. CA=. Y, an unnarriad mats. The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Report is: D. Fce B. At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed exceptions and exclusions contained in said policy form would be as follows: See following attacaad paoea. _.._ fXH181T A •1 ' O:t-1Ll�u 3o-d: 1 . ine austrlctlon and co-altlun C:-it none of all pazcNrs •. •ail' ae 4L#.L.1 to Oki uSe: tar tuna purrese at oil retinlny oc lnr utr.wc i urpasu wnien ooul7 .oistltuta d naizsanc4i ur nw ottenslve to tn4 s.•nses, hivaltn Or s.atety of persons resicln3 Oh any Or SX14 1•lrlu, ur ad3oInJn4J lands, as vrovided' in aweJ trove The Irvina COPP%ny, raCOtled dune 14, 1924 in cook b30, gage 12b, Ueeds. At lnstruwant decl.lting A naOditic4tlon at sisld covenants, c04dltlOns and re.strlctlons was recorded October il, 1945 la Lo-7x 1l62, page 265 or Official UvcuLdS, out 4410tlny tustrictions, IL any, cased on race, color, rellylon or national 2. Covenants, conditions and ckstrietipns attectlny Parcels. 1, 2 and s in an Instrument recorded July 27, 19.ty •in rook 297, pdye 147v Otticial h*COLds, uhl.:a provide tact a violation thoteot 6u.ill not 2eteat or render invalid tnk, li.eh or. an nurtgage or doeu of trust mddu Li; yo u taltn and tot value, bat aeleting restrictions, It lily, based on race, color, reIL4lon or national origin. !. An S-US4 krLt avar Purcell 1, 2 and i for electric ligat, power ana tolvkhorke liues, which shall tolioa as nracly ds practicable the property lines, also rights of wiy rot the 6.rnaCit or that Santa ana Heights water Company across and along said property Car Pipe lines and ditches, which veil!. 90110Y 45 nearly as practicable the property line, as set earth In the aoove mentioned instrument• u• Covenants, conditions and restrictions, nftecting Parcel u, in an instrument recorded Dvdwmbec Be is a in boor[ Suy, rage 109 of Deads, which provide that a violation thereof shall not detest or render Invalid the lien of any mortgage Or deed or trust made In good taith and jar value,• but deleting restrictions, it aay, based on race, color, reli4lon or national origin. �. An Easement, affecting Parcel 40 over a portion or said land which shall folio+, as nearly as practicaoia, the property tines fur pole llntis, pipe lines and incidental purposes, as reserved by Title Guarantee ana Trust Company, A corporation lr. dhed recorded December d, 1924 in book 549, page log of Deads. 6. An Easomwat, attesting Parcel 4, over a portion of slid land wnlca shall toliow, as nearly as practicaole, the property Paget • L7.-1dS`.JS4-hii ii ates, CJC pirph llads, altCnws 311.1 li.t Ld%intal rurposese "s Ca:lX,a4 Lit tab .ae3 C%:COCdrfl tie 1y.:w Ln 000% 549s JS�r lU7 of h*Le . Page 3 ' Ur.-12J4i3:fn-br. .t:aL:�'ic TLUr All thit cNrtain li:la bLt13L:d Lh tnd btatO Ot C:aliZO[n1.4 Cjuncy or JLAng. , City of aewpatt beacn, dkscrluea as LoLloas: PABCBL 1: Luc 72 or Tract No. 706, as per NAp recoraed in DOJK Ile page 25 of Hiucallan.-�oua yips in the otsLcv of the County Recor.:sr at said County. PAnCSL 2: Tna Souchwestocly one-ndir or Lot 73 of Tract No. 70b, as per Map recorded in DOak 21, p19a 25 or MiscalLaneous ha�s 'in the Jtrice of the County &ticorder at slid County. "AdCEL 3: Lot 74 or Trace No. 70b, as snawn on a crap thoreaf ri:coraed in book [i, .age 25, rliscellttndous maps, recor.:s at data orange Cuunty0 kAeiCl:L u: ' The Soutnwwsc half of Lot 75 or Tract No. 70b, as shown on a rap thareat recordad in book 2L, gage 25, : iscalianeous yapu, records of said Orange County* aXCEPT one-hdlt of all oil, gas, and other hydrocarbon substances ana ninerals or whutsoaver� nature in, on, under and that may oe produced from said 1and, without the right of surface entry, as .reserved Dy Louise Grundec, 'a widow, and not te-married, by deed recorded Miy 17, 1955, in book 3061, page, 370 Otticial Viocords, in the otricb or the County Recorder of said Orange County. ALSO EXCZPTING the remaining one-halt of all minerals, oil, 4as dnd other hydrocarbon substances, saved or sold from the above described land upon the condition however, that the grantor or successors in interest of ownership shall have no right of entry upon the surface or the land and shall not drill tor such substances within the uppzt 500 Feet of said land, as reserved in the deed from Gaorge y. Halliday and 'Esther hiliiday, husband and wits, recorded May 78 19570 In book 3!199, page ld7, Ofticlal Records, in the office of the County Racorder or said orange, County. Page 4 u::-2esyu3u—:r5 � t 13t5 ifu l.C'v 7t�.; r:.C!G�k:i• ' Paga S ' TRAFF IC ENGINEERING ® erman CONSULTANTS Kimmel and Associates, Inc. PRINCIPALS: 4242 CAMPUS DRIVE,SUITE E-6 NEWPORT BEACH,CALIF.92660 (714) 546-9814 HERMAN KIMMEL H.WILLIAM DICKSON October 18 , 1978 N 0! it 0 0 o �' 00y0p 6 1��9 '3 130 opt City of Newport Beach g NE GISIV��' 9 Community Services Department 3300 Newport Boulevard y U` Newport Beach, California 92663 Attention Mr. Fred Talarico 1% Traffic Analysis Orchard @ Acacia Office Building City of Newpbrt' Beach Dear Mr. Talarico: The following outlines the analysis for a 1% traffic increase at intersections identified by Mr. Bill E. Darnell, Newport Beach Traffic Engineer. The planned office project on Orchard Drive at Acacia Street has been analyzed, in accordance with the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance, Attached are copies of correspondence relating to above project, A bank or savings 8 loan building was not included in the analysis , per your instructions . PROJECT DESCRIPTION The planned 70 , 000 square foot office building site is located in the northeast quadrant of Orchard Drive and Acacia Street. Adja- cent land use is residential and offices . An existing golf course is located on the west side of Irvine Avenue. TRAFFIC GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION Traffic generation rates , as identified by the City 's Traffic Department, are as follows : ADT Rate = 13 T,E, /K, S .F. * ADT Volume = 13 x 70 = 910 Trip Ends per 1000 Square Feet Page 2 • • Oct. 18 , 1978 Newport Beach Total 22 Hour Rate = 4 . 6 T,E./K,S ,F, Total 22 Hour Volume = 4. 6 x , 70 = 322 Inbound 22 Hour Rate = 1. 2 T.E./K.S .F. Inbound 22 Hour Volume = 1. 2 x 70 = 84 Outbound 22 Hour Rate = 3 .4 T.E./K.S .F. Outbound 22 Hour Volume = 3 .4 x 70 = 238 Exhibit 1 shows both percentage of traffic distribution and dir- ectional 22 hour volume in the analysis area. INTERSECTION ANALYSTS The following is the ' One Percent' check analysis at intersections designated by the City Traffic Department: 1 - MacArthur Boulevard at Campus Drive 2 - Bristol Street North at Campus Drive 3 - Bristol Street North at Birch Street 4 - Bristol Street North at Jamboree Road 5 - Bristol Street South at Campus Drive-Trvine 6 - Bristol Street South at Birch Street 7 - Bristol Street South at Jamboree Road 8 - Irvine Avenue at University Drive 9 - Irvine Avenue at Santiago Drive/22nd Street Existing and projected 22 hour traffic volumes are shown on attached forms for each intersection. CONCLUSIONS The analysis shows that, the following intersections will have an increase in traffic greater than 1% : 1 - MacArthur Boulevard and Campus Drive 2 - Bristol Street North and Campus Drive 5 - Bristol Street South and Campus Drive-Trvine 6 - Bristol Street South and Birch Street 7 - Bristol Street South and Jamboree Road These intersections will require Intersection Capacity Utilization (T .C.U. ) analysis , If you have any questions , please contact our office . Respectfully submitted, HERMAN KTMMEL 9 ASSOC, , INC, 9 Vim- 19;C*� H. William Dickson Vice President RCE 19417 RTR 39 Enclosures i 20% f � 5% IOl ►/J�N J-RVINE `f lSy der CD PROJECT LOUMON _ "4jl rm 10% 5% 1% INIEZPL.TION ANALY516 00% M9CtiNt 1715fR113UfI0N s4Nr 2�100U12 nIRECfIONkL n19f121P�U(ION 15% U U I NT I n12CIJLGT TW(FFIG TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS D I5- 10U*fON krwr+sl and Assmiams,kw. OCT. ' `►�b 012CHA1212 OffIC e, f'AlU 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1978_) Existing 1% of Existing Project p0iren Peak 22 Hour Peak 22 Hour Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic VolunK 2888 29 outhbound 3129 31 �7 Eastbound 1693 17 S estbound 2004 20 4 Project Traffic is estimated to be less` than 1% of Existing ' Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ® Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. INTERSECTION I MacARTHUR BLVD/CAMPUS DRIVE _ FORM I PROJECT: ORCHARD-ACACIA OFFICE October 18 , 1978 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection E - IRVINE AVE. (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average . inter/Spring-I97_) Existing 1% of Existing Project Approach Peak 22 Hour Peak 22 Hour Peak 22 Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Volmax Northbound 1504 15 lq-z Southbound 3705 37 Z Eastbound - estbound 4790 48 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ® Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 2)-2 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. INTERSECTION Z BRISTOL STREET NORTH/CAMPUS DRIVE - IRVINE AVE. FORM I PROJECT: ORCHARD-ACACIA OFFICE October 18 , 1978 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Bristol Street North/Birch Street (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1978) Existing 1% of Existing Project Approach Peak 2z Hour Peak 2z Hour Peak 2h Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Voluim Northbound 552 6 Southbound 2120 21 Ebnd 3053 31 2- ® Project Traffic is estimated to be loss than 1% of Existing Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 211 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. INTERSECTION 3 Bristol Street North/Birch Street FORM I PROJECT: ORCHARD-ACACIA OFFICE October 18 , 1978 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BRISTOL STREET NORTH/JAMBOREE ROAD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1978) Existing 1% of Existing Project pproach Peak 22 Hour Peak 22 Hour Peak 22 Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Volunx Northbound 5153 52 $ Southbound Eastbound -- Westbound 12 P;Z;01 Project Traffic is estimated to be less` than 1% of Existing N Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume El Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. INTERSECTION BRISTOL STREET NORTH/JAMBOREE ROAD _ FORM I PROJECT: ORCHARD-ACACIA OFFICE October 18 , 1978 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BRISTOL STREET/CAMPUS QRIVE _ IRVINE AVE. (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 197D Existing 1% of Existing Project pproach Peak 22 Hour Peak 22 Hour Peak 22 Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Voluim Northbound 1606 16 ) +2. Southbound 3164 32 Eastbound 3027 30 estbound -- -- ElProject Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I•..C.U. ) Analysis is required. INTERSECTION S BRISTOL STREET/CAMPUS DRIVE - IRVINE AVE. FORM I � 8 PROJECT: ORCHARD—ACACIA OFFICE October 18 , 1978 I i 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Bristol Street/Birch Street (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 197B) Existing 1% of Existing. Project Approach Peak 2k Hour Peak 2. Hour Peak 2k Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Northbound 223 3 3 6 Southbound 943 10 I0L Eastbound 2656 27 estbound I -' Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ® Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. INTERSECTION Bristol t FORM I PROJECT: ORCHARD-ACACIA OFFICE October 18 , 1978 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BRTSTOL STREET/,1A1��E_F_ ROAD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 197.8) Existing 1% of Existing • Project Approach Peak 22 Hour Peak 22 Hour Peak 22 Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Volu Northbound 4996 50 8 Southbound 2359 24 Eastbound 2778 1 28 3 Westbound Project Traffic is estimated to be legs than 1% of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. INTERSECTION 7 BRISTOL STREET/JAMBOREE ROAD FORM I PROJECT: ORCHARD-ACACIA OFFICE October 18 , 1978 P 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Irvine Avenue/University Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1978) Existing 1% of Existing Project Approach Peak 2; Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 22 Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Volu Northbound 1985 20 j Southbound 3864 39 36 Eastbound 672 7 Westbound 80 1 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Existing Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 21-2 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I .C.U.) Analysis is required. INTERSECTION Irvine Avenue/University Drive --- FORM I PROJECT: ORCHARD—ACACIA QFFICE October 18 , 1978 r 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Irvine Avenue/Santiago Orive-22nd_ Street (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1978) Existing 1% of Existing Project Approach Peak 2h Hour Peak 23-2 Hour Peak 2� Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Volu Northbound 2073 21 13 Southbound 3879 39 36 Eastbound 396 1 4 1 Westbound 324 3 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Existing Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. INTERSECTION 9 Irvine Avenue/Santiago Drive-22nd Street FORM I PROJECT: ORCHARD-ACACIA OFFICE October 18 , 1978 Xelff, 20 } Ili II 51822 la: .. C 2O O 8Cr• 4 �i l6• ��i 11 It O — i d!� I I.F. t •� �� 19 1, A �ta*&M ? �...• N c s.i• • IQ CTl s ••s �2j. mr t M x4v •' r�s� • .+� .� . 1 • IS O 'w 1 wr JI r S AUC/A �r / uvvt ve • J STR.ET tx�atS7J AVENUE •iit , pwvt i .pt• tt• •• n i. •..� .. ..n ri �:r-1( .. J n c'n ItJ li G © %I l%��• 6 �i� 11 i`J; 2 3 C4� ' 1 JI:• 6+' - .7 232f !. t ! >. 'µ ~.7t 41 I_ _ OyJl.f to • t} a..e• , rD9 av ..• CJ; N �w• ' tt l7 as JJ If ; J I R It , tt i71 '' I. '•' N �v I� g{` :: 5: 34 J� !' �! go :19 � if v 15z � i � � NO. i 1�7 6 ® o In v i B/RCH Tv. 405 ' Js cs � a• ai• sr• I�•'� Js�.Hc .L•J� �_�tt' f.•J• .tE�•!:�ri.;L ' STREET Y 24 MARCH 1951 FR. NO. 706 X M. 21-25 t101'E - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK@ ASSESSOR'S AMP • AWRCII 1976 PARCEL NU BERS , 800419 PAGE23 SHOWN t.Y CIRCLES GCUNTY OF ORANGE CD wt. r4 ALBERT AUER AND ASSOCIATES 1501 Westcliff, Suite #222 Newport Beach , California 92660 October 5, 1978 Mr. Fred Talaricl Advanced Planning City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Fred: We are desirous of developing the property at Irvine Boulevard and Acacia Street in the City of Newport Beach. We would like to develop a prestige office building of approximately 70,000 square feet. We are anticipating at this time, subject to further thinking, that we would construct four 2-storybuildings on the property. We are 9 also thinking in terms of a bank or a savings and loan being located in this area to serve the residential needs of the neighborhood. Consequently would you please have your traffic consultant make a study of the traffic feasibility for our projected project. We very much want to cooperate with the wishes of the staff of Newport Beach and would welcome any suggestions you may have. We appreciate your taking the time to inform us of the various steps we should undertake for development. Bes ds, 7 i i Albert J. Auer ALBERT AUER•AND ASSOCIATES AA/sh o; 9 a'a ,nM y �0 S 9%010Dept t b cat l f Cp A' 111 05•t � \IERIC l First American Title Insurance Company 114 EAST FIFTH STREET, (P. 0. BOX 267)SANTA ANA,CALIFORNIA 92702 (714)658.3211 Your No. Our Order No. CR-12ReM6—BH Form of Policy C overage quested ,CALxBOfiYIA LA14D ?ITLE ASSOCIATION STANDA13D COVERAGE POLICY In response to the above referenced application for a policy of title insurance,this Company hereby reports that it is prepared to issue,or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy of Title Insurance in the form specified above, describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception below or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules,Conditions and Stipulations of said policy form. This report (and any supplements or amendments thereto) is issued solely for•the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance,a Binder or Commitment should be requested. Gated as of at 7: a.m. /��'�`t'�• � February 7, 1978 30 TITLE OFFICER W1111am S. Bruas Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: WILD IAM J. CA=1 Y, as unmarzl®d Mao. The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Report is: A Foe. At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed exceptions and exclusions contained in said policy form would be as follows: See fol.lowIng att:acaa3 paged. gfflff A 1 . ine austricclon and condition e.:at none of all pitcets mail' ot: si.L1 to o,: usea rJr ttt�e rurpose of oil retlnlity oc %III tltr.WL• eurPJSV wnlcn .foul+ constitute a' nttisanci or t)V *jrrensivd to the senses, healtn or s,3taty of persons r6sxcin3 On any or SEixd lane, ur 4d7o1ninq lauds, as ),zovided• in :teed trom The Irvine CoA piny, zecorlea June 19, 1924 in 000k b34, pale 12b, Deeds. At: Instrument dre.iarlrg a modltication or shad covenants, conditions and rt•stricticns was recorded October A. 1943 in• :,00x 13620 page 265 of ottielal aeevtss, out deleting reestrictioas, is any, based on race, color, religion or naticnil �rigln. . e. Covertantas con:lltlons and io.strictiqus attecting Parcels. 1, 2 and 4 in an instrument recorded July 27, 19.29 • ln noox ztj7, 1,dyr' 147•, Otticial BecoLds, which provide tnat a violation tG%!L'eot 61t.tll not defeat or rerW;Lr 1pv3114 tnc' 1Len or. .lni itortgage or dweu of trust maae in goou faith and tot value, bat deleting restrictions, it any, based on race, color, L"Lx4ion or •national origin. 3- An Sasrtn<nt aver FSSCe15 1, L ind $ for electric ilgat, power and tcl*jhona lines, which snail follow as nearly as ptscticabie the property lines, also rights of way rot the oaaytit or the Santa And Hel3hts water Company across and along said property for pipe lines and ditches, which 'snail " •• rollow cis nearly as practicaole the property line, as sat rorth In the aoove tmantioned instrument. 4, Covenants, conditions and restrictions, affecting Parcel 4, in an instrument recorded December S. 1924 ' in boor Say, edge 109 of Deeds, which provide that a violation thereof shall not defeat or render invalid the lien of any mortgage or deed or trust made in good faith and for value,• nut deleting restrictions, it aay, based on race, color; reli4lon or national origin. 5. An Easement, affecting Parcel 4, over a portion oz said land which shall £olloa* as nearly as practicaole, the property lines for pole lines, pipe lines and incidental purposes, a,s - reserved by title Guarantee and Trust Company, a corporation IL dhed recorded December d, 1924 in book 549, page 109 of Deeds. 6s, An Easement, atieccing Parcel 4, over a portion of said land wnlcn shall follow, as nearly as praccicaole, the property Page 2 r • Jn-1135JSn-cii 111b5� :Jt flY�•r lineso a1tcnds an-I li.ci.d%intal rtil:pOsese LS Ce:itta:1 Lit Cat` eea :s•CO:ded 14ty LR Aao:C 5490 ?Sav 1U7 pI i:ti?iIS� Page 3 fe • OS-S2SyJ:fo-ar' ' i All tn'_t cNrtein lina situatLed iu the state at C:ili=oraii, County '- t J:inya, :ity o2 �ewgort beach, descriL�r. as LOLlrxs: PAIIC:;L I. Luc 72 of react rto. 706, as per %dp recoraed In DOOK 21, pa9e .:5 of Niscellarwous Maps In the ort.Lce of the County Recoraer or said County. PhaCZL 2: Tne southwesterly one-nalr or Lot 73 of Tract No. 70b, as per. Map recorded In DoOK 21, page 25 or Hiscelianeous haps 'in the otrice of the County Recorder :rt sila County. PARCEL 3: Lot 74 o: Tract No. 706, as snuwn on a Hai+ tne:eaf rvcoruel in book [L, pu. je 25, rtiscellanaous Naps, records at saga Oranga County. PARCEL u: The soutnwest halt of Lot 75 of Tract No. 70b, as shown on a ;nap thereat recorded in book 2L, _gage 25, miscellaneous ;taps; records of said Orange County. ZXCEPT one-hale of all oil, gas, and otnar hydrocarbon sub,tarces ana minerals of whitsoever. nature In, on, under and that may be produced from said land, without the rignt of surface ':ntry, as reserved by Louise Grunder, 'a widow, and not re-married, by deed recorded liy 17, 1955, in boo& 3069, page 370 Otticial records, in the ottice of the County Recocder •or said Urange County, ALSO EXCEPTING the remaining one-halt of all minerals, oil, gas and other nydrocarbon substances, saved or sold from the above described land upon the condition however, that the . grantor or successors in interest of ownership shall have no right of entry upon the surface of the land and shell not ' drill ' tor such substances within the upper 500 feet of said land, as reserved in the deed trot, Gaor96 ma Halliday and 'Lsther halliday, husband and wife, recorded may 70 19570 in book 3B990 page 1070 Ofticial Records, in the office of the County Recorder or said Orange Countye page 4 w �w • bpi-2L3yU3u-aa F3ae5 ir.a �C6;�•:; �:.cLes�u. Page 5 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ® erman CONSULTANTS Kimmel and Associates, Inc. PRINCIPALS: 4242 CAMPUS DRIVE,SUITE E-6 NEWPORT BEACH,CALIF.92660 (714) 546-9814 HERMAN KIMMEL H.WILLIAM DICKSON October 30 , 1978 RE( IVED `3 Community 1� Development Deot. 4 �� OCT 30 1978m- City of Newport Beach CITY OF Community Services Department NEWPORT BEACH, S 3300 Newport Boulevard 6 CALIF. Newport Beach, California 92663 S Attention Mr. Fred Talarico I .C.U. Analysis Orchard @ Acacia Office Project City of Newport Beach Gentlemen: In accordance with the Traffic Phase Ordinance , we have prepared T .C.U. computations for the intersections not meeting the 1% re- quirement , as shown in our October 18 , 1978 1% traffic analysis report . The planned 70 ,000 square foot office building site is located in the northeast quadrant of Orchard Drive and Acacia Street. Adjacent land use is residential and offices . An existing golf course is located on the west side of Irvine Avenue . 1% Analysis Summary The 1% traffic analysis concluded that of nine intersections studied, five did not meet the 1% traffic increase level in accordance with Traffic Phasing Ordinance. The five are : MacArthur @ Campus Bristol Street North @ Campus Bristol Street South @ Campus-Irvine Bristol Street South @ Birch Bristol Street South @ Jamboree Exhibit 1 shows site location, 1% analysis intersections , and 2'k hour evening peak traffic distribution. •Page 2 • Oct. 30 , 1978 City of Newport Beach I .C .U. Analysis The Intersection Capacity Utilization (I .C.U. ) analysis evaluates the increase in traffic due to project volumes to determine if mitigation measures will be necessary to increase intersection capacity to within an acceptable level . The attached forms for required intersections show existing peak hour direction volumes and capacity. The project's peak hour direction volumes are based on directional traffic distribution, shown on Exhibit 1, and the following peak hour traffic generation: ADT Rate = 13 T.E./K.S .F.* ADT Volume = 13 x 70 = 910 Peak Hour Rate = 2 . 3 T.E ./K.S .£. Peak Hour Volume = 2 . 3 x 70 = 161 Inbound Peak Hour Rate = 0 . 6 T.E ./K.S .F , Inbound Peak Hour Volume = 0 . 6 x 70 = 42 Outbound Peak Hour Rate = 1. 7 T.E ./K.S .F . Outbound Peak Hour Volume = 1 . 7 x 70 = 119 Exhibit 2 shows peak hour volume distribution and T .C.U. analysis intersections . Conclusions Based on the T ,C.U. analysis , as shown on attached forms , the following intersections have an T .C.U. in excess of the existing T .C.U. , which is greater than 0 . 90 ; therefore , will require further study of mitigation measures to be acceptable to the City: 1. MacArthur Boulevard @ Campus 2 . Bristol Street North @ Campus If you have any questions , please feel free to contact me anytime . Respectfully submitted, HERMAN KIMMEL 8 ASSOC. , INC, 9] IVia,"'L, H. William Dickson Project Manager T E./K,S .F. , Trip Ends per 1000 Square Feet of Building Area 0%° '2 5% Syr I�tVINE P120ALT LOGNMON t � � 0 I% INTE12rr L-rION ANALY515 00% 'PERCENT 019T21OUTION .00 2�/2�OUV f)112V fIONbd, D T12IIhU ION s�Nr�o EX U 15IT I _ n12QJfL*r T12NFFIC TRAFFIC ENGINEERING '('� G5' -M 10UT ON ® man CONSULTANTS 1, kr 1andAssmiates,W. 012GHA.12P OffIC,E ?,AfRK Fz� z 5% 3596 10% /'� 'O S7- 40 4 9120ACT LOW ION R 6 QD O 1.C.U. INTE aE�-TIDN ANALN616 00% pE.pawr 1)15-fMOUTION ..00 'PEAK NOUR f)la l0NM. V6li21W'f1ON s4Nr �o ' S°�° EX U 15IT 2 nt2WfL**r Ti?kF�FIC TFRAFFIC ENGINEERING 015-I'VIOU1 ON ®►��rrm�n CONSULTANTS klrtxrwHand AssodstOs,WbC. OCf. ' 7� 012CHA2V OFFICE fAfU INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYS• Intersection MacArthur Blvd./Campus Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes Baste—on Average Winter/Spring 1978) Revised October 2, 1978 Move- Lanes —Ca—pa- Existing Project Existing Exist. Project ment city Peak Hr Peak Hr Plus Project V/C Ratio Volume Volume Peak Hr Volume Ratio Ratio NL 1 1600 ill / .07* •�fo9y k NT 2 3200 1044 .35 ¢91 NR - 73 73 - SL 1 1600 56 — 54 .04 . 0350 ST Z•3• 3200 1026 /OZti .32* . 37.04 ' SR 1 1600 201 2l0 .13 • I S 13 EL 1 1600 285 3,09 .18* • )Q 2 S ET 2 3200 421 6 412.1 .15 • I Soo ER - 53 5'3 WL 1 1600 100 / Do .06 • 0625 WT 2 3209 825 2 $2 7 .26* . 2 SOY WR 1 - 54 S� - Yellow Time .10 . IOoo Existing Intersection Capacity Utilization I.C.U. 93 .94oq ExistingPlus Project Intersection Capacity Utilization I.C.U. ICU is sum critical movements, denoted by asterisk (*) N=Northbound, S=Southbound, E=Eastbound, W=Westbound, T=Through, R=Right, L=Left Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 (—� Existing Plus Project Traffic I .C.U. will be less than or equal to Existing Conditions I.C.U. Existing Plus Project Traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 I 1 Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be greater than existing L�J I .C.U. that is currently greater than 0.90 Further analysis required to determine applicable mitigation measures INTERSECTION I MacArthur Blvd./Campus Drive FORM II PROJECT; ORCHARD - ACACI,A OFFICE October 30 , 1978 INTERSEON CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYS16 Intersection Bristol Street North/Campus Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes Based on Average Winter/Spring 197$) 1 Move- Lanes Capa- Existing Project Existing Exist. Project ment city Peak Hr Peak Hr Plus Project V/C V/C Volume Volume Peak Hr Volume Ratio Ratio NL 1 1600 81 3 .05* . 0161 It NT 2 3200 587 $ .18 . Ig25 NR - - — — - SL _ - - — — _ r ST_ _ 2 3200 1241 /Z$Z .59* . 5163 'A _SR ^ 637 — (► 3y "" EL - - _ ET ER - - WL 1 1600 321 — 37.1 •20 .Z 006 WT 4 6400 1660 — /G60 .26* , z641 WRB 30 — 30 _ Yellow Time .10 . lDOo Existing Intersection Capacity Utilization I .C.U. 1 .00 Existing Plus Project Intersection Capacity Utilization I .C.U. �•0 313 ICU is sum critical movements , denoted by asterisk (*) N=Northbound, S=Southbound, E=Eastbound, W=Westbound, T=Through, R=Right, L=Left Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 n Existing Plus Project Traffic I .C.U. will be less than or equal to L—� Existing Conditions I.C.U. n Existing Plus Project Traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be greater than existing 1-8J I .C.U. that is currently greater than 0.90 Further analysis required to determine applicable mitigation measures INTERSECTION 2 Bristol Street North/Campus Drive FORM II i PROJECT: ORCHARD ,- ACACIA OFFICE October 30 , 1978 INTERSO ON CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALY Intersection Bristol Street/Campus Drive- rvine Avenue (Existing Traffic Volumes Base(T on Average Winter/Spring 1978) Move- Lanes Capa- Existing Project Existing Exist. Project ment city Peak Hr Peak Hr Plus Project V/C V/C Volume Volume Peak Hr Volume Ratio Ratio NL - - — — - '— NT 2 3200 445 7 S / 6 .14 • l i 3 NR 1 1600 207 20 7 .13 • 129� SL 1 1600 81 8/ .05 • 0 S06 ST 2 3200 1481 L s /SO G .46* SR - EL 1 1600 142 .09 . 0888 ET 4 6400 947 -- 1417 16* • 1 `ie ER 108 14 /22 - WL - - — — - WT - - - WR Yellow Time 10 . IOoo Existing Intersection Capacity Utilization I.C.U. .72 ExistingPlus Project Intersection Capacity Utilization (I .C.U..). •7 3 76 ICU is sum critical movements, denoted by asterisk (*) N=Northbound, S=Southbound, E=Eastbound, W=Westbound, T=Through, R=Right, L=Left ® Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to Existing Conditions I.C.U. Existing Plus Project Traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be greater than existing I .C.U. that is currently greater than 0.90 Further analysis required to determine applicable mitigation measures INTERSECTION 5 Bristol Street/Campus Drive-Irvine Avenue --- FORM II PROJECT: ORCHARD - ACACIA OFFICE October 30 , 1978 INTERSEON CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYST Intersection Bristol Street/Birch Street (Existing Traffic Volumes Based on Average Winter%Spring 197_) Move- Lanes Capa- Existing Project Existing Exist. Project meet city Peak Hr Peak Hr Plus Project V/C V/C Volume Volume Peak Hr Volume Ratio Ratio NT 1 1600 30 — 30 .02 00350 NR_ 8 18 2G SL 1 1600 66 — 6( .04 10413 _ST 2 3200 285 ( Z / .09* . pg09r SR - - - — - _ EL 173 -- 173 ET _ 4 6400 863 d63 •17* .169 L ER - _ - 46 L WL - - - — — — WT — WR - - - Yellow Time .10 ' 1 Ooa ExistingIntersection Capacity Utilization I .C.U. 36 Existing Plus Project Intersection Capacity Utilization I .C.U. • 3(,Do ICU is sum critical movements, denoted by asterisk (*) N=Northbound, S=Southbound, E=Eastbound, W=Westbound, T=Through, R=Right, L=Left ® Existing Plus Project Traffic I .C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 El Existing Plus Project Traffic I .C.U. will be less than or equal to Existing Conditions I .C.U. -� Existing Plus Project Traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 Existing Plus Project Traffic I .C.U. will be greater than existing I .C.U. that is currently greater than 0.90 ElFurther analysis required to determine applicable mitigation measures INTERSECTION 6 Bristol Street/Birch Street -- - --• - ------------- ----• ----- FORM II i PROJECT : ORCHARD - ACACIA OFFICE October 30 , 1978 e INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANAL' Intersection Bristol Street/Jamboree Road (Existing Traffic Volumes Based on Average Winterppring 1978) Move- Lanes Capa- Existing Project Existing Exist. Project ment city Peak Hr Peak Hr Plus Project V/C V/C Volume Volume Peak Hr Volume Ratio Ratio NL 2 3200 1005 31* NT 3 4800 1065 -• /G`�' .23 a 2t$3 NR - 31 - SL - - - - .. ST 3 4800 1092 /0 9b .23 o w s SR - - - EL 1 1600 79 -+ '7 .05 ro49� ET 2 3200 406 L /Z 13* • 1288 ER 2 3200 689 70/ •22 WL - - -- WT - WR Yellow Time 10 ,/per► 54 Existing Intersection Capacity Utilization I.C.U. Existin Plus Project Intersection Capacity Utilization I.C.U. r 5o/ ICU is sum critical movements, denoted by asterisk (*) N=Northbound, S=Southbound, E=Eastbound, W=Westbound, T=Through, R=Right, L=Left Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 DExisting Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to Existing Conditions I.C.U. Existing Plus Project Traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ElExisting Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be greater than existing I.C.U. that is currently greater than 0.90 0 Further analysis required to determine applicable mitigation measures INTERSECTION 7 Bristol Street/Jamboree Road FORM II PROJECT: ORCHARD - ACACIA OFFICE October 30 , 1978 i v ALBERT AUER AND ASSOCIATES 1501 Westcliff, Suite #222 Newport Beach , Calif -r-n+a- 92660 October 5, 1978 Mr. Fred Talaricl Advanced Planning City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Fred: We are desirous of developing the property at Irvine Boulevard and Acacia Street in the City of Newport Beach. We would like to develop a prestige office building of approximately 70,000 square feet. We are anticipating at this time, subject to further thinking, that we would construct four 2-story buildings on the property. We are also thinking in terms of a bank or a savings and loan being located in this area to serve the residential needs of the neighborhood. Consequently would you please have your traffic consultant make a study of the traffic feasibility for our projected project. We very much want to cooperate with the wishes of the staff of Newport Beach and would welcome any suggestions you may have. We appreciate your taking the time to inform us of the various steps we should undertake for development. Bes ds, Albert J. Au r ALBERT AUER AND ASSOCIATES AA/sh 9 D unity g COMM Oent 1� S °ePt'191a� Crr 0BcH, 11 N�WF CA1:1F ,� w N � AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into on this 24th day of October, 1978, by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH , a Municipal corporation , hereinafter referred to as "CITY" , and Herman Kimmel and Associates , hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT. " W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS , THE CONSULTANT agrees to prepare a Phase 1 Traffic Study for a proposed office complex on Irvine Avenue and Acacia Street in the City of Newport Beach in accordance with the adopted City policy regarding said traffic studies . WHEREAS , CITY desires to accept. NOW, THEREFORE , in consideration of the foregoing , the parties hereto , agree as follows : 1 . GENERAL CONSULTANT agrees to prepare a Phase 1 Traffic Study on the proposed office complex in accordance with the requirements set forth in paragraph 2 of this Agreement. CITY agrees to remit to CONSULTANT the amounts set forth in paragraph 3 of this Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this document. 2 . SCOPE OF WORK The subject Phase 1 traffic Study will be prepared in accordance with the existing City policy as prescribed- by the Traff is Engineer. 3. BILLING AND PAYMENT CONSULTANT shall be paid under this Agreement on a time and material basis . In no event shall the maximum amount of this Agreement exceed Five Hundred Fifty Dollars and no/100 ($55.0 ) , Partial payments shall be made by CITY to CONSULTANT upon CONSULTANT' s presentation of statements verifying the time and material costs incurred by it in connection with thi-s -'.Agreement. . v - 1 - 4 . FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE CONSULTANT shall use diligent efforts to complete the provisions within thirty ( 30) days after execution of this Agreement. The subject Phase 1 Traffic Study must meet the approval of the Environmental Affairs Committee of the City. 5 . TERMINATION This Agreement is subject to termination of the City at any time upon serving written notice to CONSULTANT. The CITY shall be thereafter liable to CONSULTANT only for fees and costs incurred as of the date CONSULTANT receives such notice of termination . IN WITNESS WHEREORy, the parties hereto have .entered into this Agreement as of the date and year first above written . APPROVED AS TO FORM CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH A ' s an Cit ttorney ' rector Communi DevA opment Department CITY RERMAN KIMMEL AND A$S_OCIATE$ , INC . By 4f CONSULTANT - 2 - CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DEMAND FOR PAYMENT Date October 31 , 1978 Demand of: Herman Kimmel and Associates , Inc. Address: 4242 Campus Drive - Suite E-6 Newport Beach California 92660 In the amount of $ 450. 00 ITEM OF EXPENDITURE BUDGET # AMOUNT C � Professional services in preparation I . C. U. analysis - Orchard @ Acaria Office Pro 'ect - Invoice No. - 02-219-41 TOTAL $450.00 Approved For Payment /n 12 f Department Head Audited and Approved: Finance Director INVOICE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING erman CONSULTANTS Kimmel and Associates, Inc. 4242 CAMPUS DRIVE,SUITE E•A NEWPORT EEACM,CAlIF.92660 Invoice: 78_80 . 2 Data: October 30 , 1978 Client: • City -of Newport Beach Community Services Department Purchase Order No.: 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, Calif. 92663 Requested By: Fred Talarieo' HOURS AMOUNT Preparation of: I.C.U. ANALYSIS Orchard @ Acacia Office Project A rTTmT' DUE $ 450 00 r�,k�v AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into on this 29th day of November, 1978 , by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH , a municipal corporation , hereinafter referred to as "CITY" , and Herman Kimmel and Associates , Hereinafter referred to as " CONSULTANT. " W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS , THE CONSULTANT agrees to prepare a Phase II & III Traffic Study for a proposed office complex on Irvine Avenue and Acacia Street in the City of Newport Beach in accordance with the adopted City policy regarding said traffic studies . WHEREAS , CITY desires to accept. NOW, THEREFORE , in consideration of the foregoing , the parties hereto , agree as follows : 1 . GENERAL CONSULTANT agrees to prepare a Phase II & III Traffic Study on the proposed office complex in accordance with the requirements set forth in Paragraph 2 of the Agreement. CITY agrees to remit to CONSULTANT the am©unts set forth in Paragraph 3 of this Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this document . 2 . SCOPE OF WORK The subject Phase II & III Traffic Study will be prepared in accordance with the existing City policy as prescribed by the Traffic Engineer. 3. BILLING AND 'PAYMENT CONSULTANT shall be paid under this Agreement on a time and material basis . In no event shall the maximum amount of this Agreement exceed Five Hundred Fourty Seven Dollars and no/100 ($547) . Partial payments shall be made by CITY to CONSULTANT upon CONSULTANT ' s presentation of statements verifying the time and material costs incurred by it in connection with this Agreement . 4 . FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE CONSULTANT shall use diligent efforts to complete the provisions within thirty. (30) days after execution of this Agreement . The subject Phase II & III Traffic Study must meet the approval of the Environmental Affairs Committee of the City . ./ 5 . TERMINATION This Agreement is subject to termination of the City at any time upon serving written notice to CONSULTANT. The CITY shall be thereafter liable to CONSULTANT only for fees and costs incurred as of the date CONSULTANT receives such notice of termination . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have entered into this Agreement as of the date and year first above written . APPROVED AS TO FORM CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH By Assistant City Attorney Director Community Development Department CITY HERMAN KIMMEL AND ASSOCIATES , INC . By CONSULTANT I - 2 - - - - --- -- -- - --------- - - - - --------- - -- �7 I l - r 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of Al4ert Auer and Associates for a ❑ variance ❑ Use Permit ❑ Resubdivision ® k�X�X�A(kRX�1�(Xh�RX�XXkSDIR� ( Traffic Study on property located at Irene and Acacia Avenues Newport Beach to ge i. consider a Traffic Study fora 70"a0'O0 d square f-Qnt office. — buildi'ng on the subject property. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 2.1st day of December 19 78 at the hour of 7 : 30 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall , at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon . George Cokas , Secretary Planning Commission City of Newport Beach PUBLICATION DATE : Received for Pub . By Note : The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. 119-233-16 119434-22 Albert Auer & Associates RUBY L. SHAW JACK W. MULLAN 1501 [aIestcliff, Suite 222 2567-A ORANGE AVENUE 3400 IRVINE AVENUE, STE. 101 Newport Beach, CA 92660 /{f COSTA MESA, CAL. 92627 NEWPORT BEACH, CAL. 92660 .<................. ..^`i<r<<cft(L(cr cl.(.....[ < 119-234-44 119-233-17 119-234-24 PAME'LA A. STYRE FRANK C. PALMER JACK A. MURAKLIYAN 400 ORANGE GROVE AVENUE 1589 MINORCA DRIVE 556 E. THELBORN STREET S0. PASADENA, CAL. 91030 COSTA MESA, CAL. 92626 COVINA, CAL. 91723 [ 119-234-45 119-233-18 4 19 119-234-25 'RRCHARD G. TRUOFREH EDWARD E. HULSE : AGOP MUADLIYAN 2031 ORCHARD DRIVE' 20281 SW BIRCH STREET 556 E. THELBORN STREET SANTA ANA, CAL. 92707 ; ' SANTA ANA, CAL. 92707 COVINA, CAL. 91722 ]ttfl(tC((!(<a. l.<.lc(((fl(t([[llfc(if((C(<(([CLt<([<!t(([l.(((.1(((.[[(((t(([rtt<fa[[[[(<((<([(l<fl(<<<<((<<<(<(C.(<24 C(((L[(f([( ( 119-231-09, 12 & 15 & 19 1 119-233-38 j 119-234-20 XHOSRO KHALOGHLI : RICKIE DALTON : RUSSELL C. LABROUSSE P. 0. BOX 443 P. 0. BOX 2091 : 20181 SW BIRCH STREET COSTA MESA, CAL. 92627 NEWPORT BEACH, CAL. 92663 1 ,'[SANTA ANA, CAL. 92707 ,a..t(<tf(a<c...rl<c((c(c!!t([((<ct u[(frr(Lr(.teu tttf of rt.f ltcu ttutr<(.(<t!t(f((r.<(((r(.I clf<((cll[rL(t(([a<c<ec<cr(ac(r<cl ( 119-231-2.1 119-233-39 119-234-27 COUNTY O#"CRANGE MAC KAY L. HARRIS LLOYD E. LARSON NO MAIL ADDRESS SHOWN 2017 W. CHANDLER AVENUE 20203 SW BIRCH STREET, APT. B SANTA ANA, CAL. 92704 ; SANTA ANA, CAL. 92707 (t[[(Lcc[Lc.[[cttf.ala...arlf;s.f,.a.a,aaa..a1.11.a a,t.aa(atfLlrct.tlt.1111tr.((aa(pt((cc(([(cCct([ctc<cicac ct<C[<< 119-231-23 119-233-46 & 47 119-234-28 JAMES C. HURTADO BETTY L. BARNES ; GEORGE J. CUTLER 213 WELLESLEY LANE p, 0. BOX 114 224 HELIOTROPE AVENUE COSTA MESA, CAL. 92626' PIONEERTOWN, CAL. 92268 CORONA DEL MAR, CAL. 92625 tt.l.aI..........1..Ia[aa41 l l l t 0f.91111111CfICC41(t[[f((G C((t((<(41 t(C CG((C C ell!(f G l[(f(f l 119-233-10 : 119-234-06 119-234-32 LEONARD I. CARPENTER CHARLES J. FISHBACK : NANCY W. RAVEN 1138 PAULARINO AVENUE' P. 0. BOX 2271 955 FULTON ROAD COSTA MESA, CAL. 92626 NEWPORT BEACH, CAL. 92663 SAN h9ARCOS, CAL. 92069 .. ............[<(latattf..u:<lf..t....L..((ct(fl((.....................<...... 119-233-11 119-234-07 l 119-234-34 CARL T. MOORE BRAEMAR DEVELOPMENT CO. CHARLES J. FISHBACK' 20262 ACACIA STREET 3848 CAMPUS DRIVE, SUITE 212 ; 3400 IRVINE AVENUE, SUITE 101 SANTA ANA, CAL. 92707 NEWPORT BEACH, CAL. 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CAL. 92660 .tt..([..<[. l: .<.rl((<(((VLL((<a.[.1 119-233-12 119-234-09 119-234-35 ELIZABETH B. SPURR j BUTLER DEVELOPMENT CO.,INC. : CHARLES J. FISHBACK 218 VIA GRAZIANA 17871 E. SANTIAGO BLVD. P. 0. BOX 2271 NEWPORT BEACH, CAL. 92663 VILLA PAR]{ CAL. 92667 NEWPORT BEACH, CAL. 92663 119-233-14 119-234-10 j 119-234-50 SADAMU IIYAMA DAVID MAGILAVY PHILLIP A. STEVENS 2072 ORCHARD DRIVE 1405 CLAY 3745 W. VALLEY BLVD., SP. 160 SANTA ANA, CAL. 92707 NEWPORT BEACH, CAL. 92660 WALNUT CITY, CAL. 91789 . . .[f. [.. . . . r .a..l<.[1..... . .((C<((C. . . . a<(...<..... . ..........' —... . ...... ... .L... ....... . ... . - 119-233-15 119-234-21 HARVEY A. SHAW JAMES W. CRAMER 2391 AZURE AVENUE : 20071 SW BIRCH ` � 1PgT AMER �C9 First American Title Insurance Company 114 EAST FIFTH STREET, (P. 0. BOX 267)SANTA ANA,CALIFORNIA 92702 • (714) 558.3211 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THE ATTACHED PARCEL NUMBERS ARE CORRECT AS TO OWNERS AND MAILING ADDRESSES AS OF THE LATEST ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ROLLS. RICHARD 0. BENTON ASSISTANT SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL SERVICES ROB:sk 119 - J i l% 200/ 20 r r ^ 2 I '• fa ,O /•©I IB Ol u 4 I 8 e 1 � o II 12 -- k M • es- e I OIO OIO I J 21IB { Q N R cr, o 15= 0 �. 235 e c renNf sus d ACACIAO1 J SHEET / srI t AVENUE~Y e/Y / I� �T n• ©I© QIC 61 IOI11 ®. 3 4 JI © � 071® 9110 II�O ♦ `x�J I I PN Q'N� "Jee J / 3 YYY I 234 iND9.♦ . lO V �Bi' I BIRCH I m l'- SrREEr y N 5 69-1 24 MARCH /93/ rR NO. 706 M. Al. 2/- 25 NOTE — ASSESSOR'S BLOCKS ASSFFSOR'S MAP PARCEL NUMBERS BOOKII9 PACE23 O SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNrY OF ORANCE liq .p----- -------:�..�..�..«.�.»..�..�..�..�..�..�..�..�..�..�..�..«,�..�. RECEIPT .�..�..�.� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH , NEWPORT BEACH,CALIFORNIA 92663 No. 84366 j' U S QiMoar�� 19' DATE ,4 RECEIVED FROM j FOR: ,! It t ACCOUNT NO. AMOUNT 5� DEPARTMENT - /�/Ly(M��� / 1 I i oc-T Ce «IOW" - Ceuw�ls+airr 5AA ID l I Z - -- --- -- 550- - - ---- i is CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH vx 640-2261 �uNo October 5 , 1978 Mr. Albert Auer c/o Albert Auer and Associates 1501 Westcliff Drive , Suite 222 Newport Beach , Calif. 92660 Subject: Traffic Study for proposed development at the intersection of Irvine Boulevard and Acacia Street. Dear Mr. Auer: I have enclosed a copy of the receipt for fees for the preparation of the Traffic Study on your proposed development at the intersection of Irvine Boulevard and Acacia Street. The City will be contracting with the firm of Wes Pringle and Associates . Mr. William Dixon will be in charge of the Traffic Study (546-9814) . I have scheduled a meeting with Mr. Dixon for Tuesday , October 10 , 1978, at 10 : 00 a . m. to initiate the work on the Traffic Study. Mr. Dixon has indicated that his firm will require one to two weeks to prepare the Traffic Study. I look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V . HOGAN , DIRECTOR By. l? Fred Talarico Senior Planner FT/dt Attachment City Hall • 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California 92663 CIT OF NEWPORT BEACH RECEIPT z Ew� NEWPORT BEACH,CA4IFORNIA 92863 No. 83503 `�aronxa 1B 2? 1 DATE RECEIVED FROM <C�`C`^ / /(.(A.l 1�JL/ $ l0 7sof j FOR: ACCOUNT NO a _ DEPARTMENTMEN T �rrrrrrrr——rrrr _rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrr; CITY OF NEW PORT i 4CHrrrr RECEIIPTT ! � e NEWPORT BEACH,CALIFORNIA 92663 No 83841 } I, E �eA`-31 19/ ! DATE RECEIVED FROM $ OO I 1 FOR: �eA 1 OUNNO, AMOUNT DEPARTMENT BY . «.w.wrr. —rr— —rrr--- ,- -- ----r.r.w- OS•t A \IEgrC . C �% 7y { .,First American Title Insurance Company 114 EAST FIFTH STREET, (P. 0. BOX 267)SANTA ANA,CALIFORNIA 92702 (714)558.3211 Your No. Our Order No. OR-32 9035—BH Form of Policy Coveraga equested CALIFO:tYIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY In response to the above referenced application for a policy of title insurance,this Company hereby reports that it is prepared to issue,or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy of Title Insurance in the form specified above, describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception below or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules,Conditions and Stipulations of said policy form. This report (and any supplements or amendments thereto) is issued solely for-the purpose of facilitating the issuance• of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance,a Binder or Commitment should be requested. Dated as of at 7:30 a.m. Wes" �`�I4 14 . February 7, 1978 � TITLE OFFICER William U. Bruns Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: WILLIAM J. CA=. Y, an unaarried roan. The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Report is: A. Fee. At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed exceptions and exclusions contained in said policy form would be as follows: Sae following at:ttacha4 pasta. �XHIBIT A 1 . ine :ueatrict LCn and CO::ditlon t.:it none of all yitct=Ls tv'7.-,L1. 0c. 9oi1 to b:! useC rar ttty ruri.cse of oil retlt►LFiy OU - :ilx 0tnatr •rurpjsk! wnicr. rtoult ronstltute a• ntjisanct of i)a •• :>Lrenslve to the st•nses, health or S,3taty or Persons r6slc3.113 an any or said lanu, or adjoining lands, as rzovided In :seed tram The Irvine Company, recoriea June 19, 1924 in 000k �31J, wage 12b, Deeds. At: Instrument diec.Lariny a moditicdtion or said covenants, conditions and restrictions Has recorded October 31, 1345 to coax 1352, page 265 ar Otticial itecutds, nut deleting restrictions, it any, bay.-d on race, Color, rellylon or nationil �clgln. . 2. Covenants, conditions and L!!strictiotts affectinq Pirc6ls. 1, 1 and s in an inst: uwent recorded July 27, 19.29 • in boox '97, gdye 147•0 Orticial records, whim provide tnat a vial,Ltion tn%!reor .=hall not Ceteat or rent:-r iovalid the ilea or. any itortgage or dp eu of trust maae in y»c: :aith and for value, :.ut aeletiag restrictions, it any , based on race, color, c.:li3ion or national origin. 3. An Sas:-Rtt:nt over Parcels 1, 2 iad i toc electric ligat, Mower and teleEhone lines, which snail follo4 as nearly as pLucticable the property lines, also rights at wiy rot the Danefit or the Santa Ana Eei3nts water Company across and along said property for pipe lines and r:itches, which snall rollow as nearly as practicaule the property line, as set north in the anove mentioned instruments 4s covenants, conditions anti restrictions, affecting Parcel 4, in an Instrument recorded December 8, 1924 ' ir. BOOK 549, gage lug of Deeds, which provide that a violation thereof shall not defeat or render invalid the lien of any mo=tgage or deed at trust rude in good faith and for value. - nut deleting restrictions, it aay, based on race, color, reli4ion or national Origin. 5. An Easement, affecting Parcel 4, over a portion of said land which shall follo.r, as nearly as practicaole, the property lines for pole lines, pipe lines and incidental purposes, as reserved by Title Guarantee anal Trust Company, a corporation iL deed recorded December d, 1924 in book 549, page 109 of Deeds. t. An Easement, affecting Parcel 4, over a portion of said land wnlcn shall follow, as nearly as practicaole, the property Page 2 ' 0:.-1L3yJso—er. Ll ZeS� CJL pi;6— L1Ac3� 41tcaes 3a1 11:Gld_9nYta1 i-racpasest is CwC-Itd1 Lil LaY :d@1 C-_CO.l ea U2�?CfL�?L �!� iy�:�i La ADOs. jui Fagg 3 All that cNrtaln lira situated lti Use 7tate of C311rornii, C:J'lilt,y 'vt JL •1nga, City of VewpL)rt betaCn, descrlL�!.: as tollows: PARCIL is Lot 72 of Tract Pio. 7060 da c:er +;dJ r�-coriaed in DooK 21, ( age 15 4i ttiscellartNous .laps in the ottice of the County Recoraer or said County. PAnCEL 2: Pne Southwesterly one-nalr of Lot 73 of Tract fro. 70b, as per map recorded in nook 21, papa 25 ur Hiscellantous fiat's "in the otrice of the County :recorder of slit County. PAdCEL 3: Lot 74 or Tract oo* 706, as snDwn on a Map thereaf recorciel in book il, page 25, Miscell.lnt�ous maps, records of salz Orang-S County. PARCEL uz The Southwest halt of Lot 75 of Tract No. 70b, as shown on a .rap thereon recorded in book 21, page 25, miscalldne.ous Naps, records or said Orange County* EXCEPT one-hdlc of all oil, gas, and other hydrocarbon substances an% minerals of whatsoever- nature in, on, under and that may De produced from said land, without the rignt of surface entry, as reserved Dy Louise Gcunder, a widow, and not re-married, ' by deed recorded May 170 1955, in book 3069, page 370 Otticlal gocords, in the oftice or the County Piecorder of said ULange County* ALSO EXCEPTING the remaining one-halt of all minerals, oil, gas dnd other hydrocarbon substances, saved or sold from the above described land upon the condition however, that the . grantor or successors in interest of ownership shall have no right . of entry upon the surface or the land and shall not drill tot such substances within the upper 500 feet of said land, as reserved in the deed from Gaorge H* Halliday and ' 'Esther hIlliday, husband and wire, recorded May 7, 19570 in book 3899, page 187, Official Records, in the Office of the County Racordec or said orange County. Page 4 ' ci:�-2.tiyUSu—ba 6: cin t13t5 inu CC6v*j r:.c Gseu. - - Page 5 119 - 23 200 + 20 O 11 j /t ?�' IS 22 1 23 4 (S� I (� 21 _ Z 2O • W ' ola: , �er�• t t� , 1 .-L� l�I11li1I1 121 9 ".r• 7�R C rl { �11 �s .•�<�r. xt r50 1g 235 ACACIA J STREEr lacat,ts)�i• AVENUE •s p.wvs L1 �1 47 12 • ' I ��� tJy1 47 ` 3` O (43,,'` .. 7 Cal 46 10 it 1 ••2 3 C4, 3c )1:• 6 1 Yl 9 10. II M JI'o = l CI f• . I �49 ,rttN• 23 y L �33 u24's� �_ _:7� ( _ D,.q,.. `• In Plea .. «9 so ,t �� 1 ... o.. , . J• 7a ' .. ,.. . . 4 J�?'?.:� 2s� na ` � 0 9• ie' ii4 NO. � 0 I ; K-, � • '...1� ���'..i ". ..._ 01 $e•��R7';¢6�23: ?i/ .� 1 .� O y w • t i4e _ • r NJ.,• t , .. 1 i BIRCH I "I L ` ` srREEr 124 MARCH 1951 FR. NO. 706 V. N. 21-25 NOre - ASSESSORS BLOCKS ASSCSSOR'S MAP MARCH 1976 PARCEL Nf!'NBERS•• 46009119 PAG£23 SHOWN /N CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE I,— 141-3 Vipl::•. „.. N4 4PartQfUN'1'itla;isldai +a ' I TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Terman CONSULTANTS -immel and Associates , Inc. PRINCIPALS: 4242 CAMPUS DRIVE,SUITE E-6 NEWPORT BEACH,CALIF.92660 p141 546-9814 HERMAN KIMMEL H.WILLIAM DICKSON August 31, 1978 City of Newport Beach Community Services Department 3300 Newport Beach Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 9266D Attention Beverly Wood 1% Traffic Analysis Orchard @ Acacia Office Building City of Newport Beach Dear Ms. Wood: The planned office project on Orchard Drive at Acacia Street has been analyzed, in accordance with the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. The following outlines the analysis for a 1% traffic increase at intersections indentified by Mr. Bill E. Darnell, Newport Beach Traffic Engineer. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The planned 54 , 000 square feet office building site is located in the north-east quadrant of Orchard Drive and Acacia Street. Adjacent land use is residential and offices . TRAFFIC GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION Traffic generation rates, as identified by the City's Traffic Department, are as follows : ADT Rate = 13 T.E./K.S .F.* ADT Volume = 13 x 54 = 702 Total 2; Hour Rate = 4 .6 T.E./K.S .F. Total 2'k Hour Volume = 4 .6 x 54 = 248 Inbound 23, Hour Rate = 1 . 2 T.E./K.S .F Inbound 22 Hour Volume = 1.2 x 54 = 64 * T.E./K.S .F. - Trip Ends per 1000 Square Feet outbound 2' Hour Rate 3,4 Outbound 2'h Hour volume 3x4 x 54 n 184 Exhibit 1 shows both percentage of traffic distribution and directional 2h hour volume in the analysis area; INTERSECTION ANALYSIS The following is the "One Percent+l check analysis at intern sections designated by the City Traffic Department; 1. MacArthur Boulevard at Campus Drive 2 . Bristol Street North at Campus Drive 3 . Bristol Street ,South at Campus Drive " Irvine 4. Irvine Avenue at University Drive 5. Irvine Avenue at Santiago Drive/22nd Street Existing and project 2z hour traffic volumes are shown on attached forms for each intersection. CONCLUSIONS The analysis shows that, the following intersections will have an increase in traffic greater than 1% ; 1. MacArthur Blvd, and Campus Drive 2, Bristol Street North and Campus Drive 3 , Bristol Street South and Campus Drive n Zrvine These intersections will require Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) analysis , If you have any questions, please contact our office, Respectfully submitted, HERMAN KIMMEL & ASSQCIATES, INC, H. William Dickson Vice President RCE 19417 RTR 39 HWD:1S Enclosures 20% I rm I� 3 112VINr, S�- lop PROALIf I UMON / 10% S% 0TI 1 i2MT D15TI21OUTION -o00 2�/2U0U12 DIRF.MNki. DW219WION s4Nr Pi2WfZ�r T12ArFFIG TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 8-31-78 CONSULTANTS niSTnIOu'rION rnan trrx» 1 and Associates,Mac. 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MacARTHUR BI"VD/ . MA PC t1S DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19k) Existing 1% of Existing Project Approach Peak 22 Hour Peak 22 Hour Peak 22 Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Volu Northbound 2888 29 -- Southbound 3129 31 12 Eastbound 1693 17 47 Westbound 2004 20 3 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Existing ' Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing X Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. INTERSECTION MacARTHUR BLVD/CAMPUS DRLVE _. FORM I PROJECT: ORCHARD - ACACIA OFFICE DATE: AUGUST 31, 1978 1 1 • • 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BRISTOL STREET/CAMPUS DRIVE - IRVINE AVE. (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1978 ) Existing 1% of Existing Project Approach Peak 2k Hour Peak 2z Hour Peak 2k Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Volu Northbound 1606 16 130 Southbound 3164 32 15 Eastbound 3027 30 29 ElProject Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume 0 Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I..C.U. ) Analysis is required. ; INTERSECTION BRISTOL STREET/CAMPUS DRIVE - IRVINE AVE. — FORM I PROJECT: ORCHARD - ACACIA OFFICE DATE: AUGUST 31, 1978 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection ra E - IPYINE AVE. (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Avege inter/Spring T97_) Existing 1% of Existing Project Approach ' Peak 22 Hour Peak 22 Hour Peak 22 Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Volunx Northbound 1504 15 130 Southbound 3705 37 15 Eastbound -- -- -- Westbound 4790 L 48 -- Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. INTERSECTION BRISTOL STREET NORTH/CAMPUS DRIVE - IRVINE AVE. • --- FORM I PROJECT: ORCHARD - ACACIA OFFICE DATE: AUGUST 31, 1978 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Irvine Avenue/Santiago Drive-22nd Street (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1978) Existing 1% of Existing Project Approach Peak 2z Hour Peak 22 Hour Peak 2� Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic Volu Northbound 2073 21 10 Southbound 3879 39 27 Eastbound 396 4 -- Westbound 324 3 -- Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. ; INTERSECTION Irvine Avenue/Santiago Drive-22nd Street FORM I PROJECT: ORCHARD - ACACIA OFFICE DATE: AUGUST 31, 1978 1 ' 4 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Irvine Avenue/University Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1978) Existing 1% of Existing Project Approach Peak 2 2 Hour Peak 2 z Hour Peak 2 2 Hour Direction Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Traffic VolumE Northbound 1985 20 10 Southbound 3864 39 27 Eastbound 672 7 -- Westbound 80 1 -- EProject Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Existing XI Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume UProject Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 21-2 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I .C.U.) Analysis is required. INTERSECTION Irvine Avenue/University Drive FORM• I PROJECT: ORCHARD - ACACIA OFFICE DATE: AUGUST 31, 1978 23 >jr S\-j Fa.Y 20 IPA •�' 2/P./G• If a° .rx• I /e• 47 I 2 � � 2 W W eI 21 / TAC W ? O 17I13 O� 2u' ®I© ©U II I12 ° , y c K 1 I I 19 N )7.09 Rw CTi l`?- /• / NE RT t� V ;, u�si d 6 eaI!• � I y'M1'• I � Y.I 1f 10 I s• Vaz• ./• 35 ldw.vE JUd. ACAC/A I`� �� -s• -CIF / I I 6�'J sr.J AVENUE ma's tIDR ve et fn ° 41 dd•Jai lJ ® ®I© OI® 96 IOI1l ®• °� DI� ® �l &101® QIIO Iln 4)fos__oela�, 49 to plt Q•/I o a -"04Z ss• D " d 7 .9 n J d7 dD Id ON J9• N 4 64. dl n �6jp /If%J` 6s'I ei Dd 97 DI 9d 04 9d NO. I�7 6 p � � + 4I 33 29I ^ 26 3 4 I I 2 18 IB IT la ®' 62 I. • o I m IS ^3-- rR „ ,(J ne' ! P. ,:4 a)• I N I I I n RIRCH44 I I� I3��'�� F 31 , ue• Ly/ J• J ) . GC' GP. 01• i�• oS/ / e' NS• •a14o•.� bl P� srREEr s RS G9•Y 24 -z/ J 1p MARCH 1951 TR. NO. 706 M. M. 2/-25 NOTE —ASSESSOR'S BLOCKS ASSE°SOR'S MAP ``� PARCEL NUMBERS BOOKll9 PAGE23 -T tt/ p "Z ` SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY Of ORANGE G' 119 - 24 r t t a�w�p CITF NEWPORT BEACH RECEIPT MAW+ NEWPORT BEACH,CALIFORNIA 92663 No. 8 Z 7 84 , ' DATE 7� RECEIVED FROM "`"' �`�'" �� $ < lti�BO FOR; i IACCOUNT NO AMOUNT I D_�2 �� 3 do•a o � oa.e� ' DEPARTMENT BY 1 BAUER DEVELOPMENT CO. 1001 DOVE STREET-SUITE 240 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 714/833-3150 August 21 , 1978 Ms. Beverly D. Wood Project Planner and Environmental Coordinator Community Development Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 Re: Proposed Office Building NEC Orchard Drive and Acacia Street Newport Beach Existing Zoning: APH Dear Ms. Wood: Pursuant to your conversation of August 18, 1978 with John Pierce, I have enclosed a check payable to the City of Newport Beach in the amount of $325.00, representing the $200.00 fee for preparation of a traffic study for the above-referenced location and the $125.00 city processing fee. It is my desire to construct a 54,000 square foot two-story office building on the site, which at the present time, is an eye sore. Because this site is a "window" to the city, I feel that an office building with a heavy residential flavor ( of which I have already developed four such buildings in the city) would be most conducive to this site. Please find enclosed a preliminary site plan for the parcel . Thank you for your assistance in this matter and I will look forward to developing another fine project in the City of Newport Beach. S'nc r� rs, arhen L. Bauer President cc: John D. Pierce/Coldwell Banker & Company a JOHN D. PIERCE senior Sales ConsUlant �SColdwell Banker COMMMK DRO%ERAGE COMPANY 4040 MOCARiMIR DMENIRD wwpoRT BEAC1k CAIIIORNA 92660•p14))52d111 ACCIOWaLM WER COMPANY .ram V ` y.•i J �Y •,-.+am..r<w+•*+.++.�..-w.rr..•e...r+.,..:,.�.aw..a..rn.n.a,_....r.,a....,..v r+r - .e..w...+.....w... , ,...,...+.�..-. •,.eae..,n.............. • w.-,._.. «�«.. ) •)' 1- I ` *µ51,•Y•e.a •. .+waSaaeP•wr'"ryt 1u•r�eY<L. •� l( tiw i ' l/ ��— •' `� lefts. ns.::+sy ' _ "_. _._, .. . _. *•�w"`''y'+'�!�<5a"w,=` ^`re+xxY.e-x..eits, .,:e.r<,*,wmry..�.d „o.awws.. ,� "r 'l 'os�.++r�+-a�w,tmnCrcvw� j ' . X: i 'r� -+-` \ '+ate .� �,..., w., �,a.^'^'-...y t ✓'.w--•-_i.""-„ ,..-._. 4L.. .�- J� 1 -r" �J �\. t/r .l :3.4 r ♦♦♦ ":, �y.... �,. ` �. ^ `� �` �y aj,.s {r:< i �y ��,, ..yi. 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