HomeMy WebLinkAboutIS020_COAST BUSINESS CENTER ,Salo t FILE COPY DO NOT REMOVE INITIAL STUDY t t t c � Moo O e o n oa0� 0 r t r r t CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH t INITIAL STUDY AND PROJECT REPORT FOR COAST BUSINESS CENTER Initial Study . Prepared By: CULBERTSON, ADAMS AND ASSOCIATES 27072 El Retiro Mission Viejo, California 92692 (714) 831-0039 (Contact Person: Andi Adams) City Project Manager: FRED TALARICO, ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR (714) 640-2197 Project Sponsor: WEST COAST INVESTMENT 1451 Quail Street, Suite 201 Newport Beach, California 92660 (714) 833-2591 Lead Agency: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Community Development Department TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page No. I DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT 1-1 A. INTRODUCTION 1-1 B. LOCATION 1-1 C. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1-1 D. PERMITS REQUIRED 1-2 II DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND OF THE PROPOSED ACTION AND MITIGATION MEASURES PROPOSED TO REDUCE SUCH IMPACTS TO ACCEPT- ' ABLE LEVELS. 2-1 A. LAND USE AND ZONING 2-1 B. CIRCULATION 2-4 C. WATER QUALITY 2-6 D. AIR QUALITY 2-7 E. GEOLOGY 2-8 F. • NOISE 2-9 G. AESTHETICS 2-10 H. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES 2-11 III ORGANIZATIONS AND PERSONS CONSULTED 3-1 IV APPENDIX 4-1 A. INTRODUCTION This Initial Study has been prepared in accordance with Section 15080 of the ■ State Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act to aid the City of Newport Beach in determining if the proposed project will have a significant impact on the environment. It is designed to cover all associated development permits for this project. B. LOCATION The site is comprised of approximately 3/4 of an acre (34,276 square feet) at the southwesterly corner of Pacific Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue in the City of Newport Beach (See Exhibit I). C. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of a two story office building, with two levels of subter- ranean parking. A statistical summary is shown below: Area Tabulation First Floor 16,646 sq. ft. Second Floor 17,555 sq. ft. Atrium 2,921 sq. ft. TOTAL 37,122 sq. ft. Parking Summary Parking Provided: Level 1 73 Stalls Level 2 76 Stalls TOTAL 149 Stalls Parking Required: 149 Stalls 1-1 The proposed office building will be a total height of 3116" feet above existing grade along East Pacific Coast Highway and 3710" at the rear property line. ,The project will provide business and professional office suites of varying sizes. A landscaped atrium will form a central focus to the building's interior. Two pedestrian entrances are proposed on Pacific Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue, respectively. Extensive landscaping will be installed along the perim- eter of the site. Project implementation will require the demolition of the existing Kam's Restaurant. Exhibit 2 shows the ground floor plan and certain surrounding land uses. D. PERMITS REQUIRED The proposed project requires the following discretionary approvals prior to issuance of building permits: 1. Approval of a Traffic Study pursuant to the Traffic Phasing Ordi- nance (Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code). 2. Acceptance of the environmental documentation. 3. Approval of a Use Permit. a. For an office building over 5000 square feet in an area without a Specific Plan. b. To exceed the height limit of the district. C. To use compact parking spaces. 1-2 1' o oq sr sF y�G 9 q�T P oR �' oR r4yGti �YF 9 rFR SRO O OGPO PG�P Site Location ,► i EXHIBIT 1 1 A. LAND USE AND ZONING Existing Conditions The project is located in the C-1 District, and is governed by zoning regula- tions found in Chapter 20.35 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The property is designated for retail and service commercial uses on the City of Newport Beach General Plan. The City is currently processing its Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan. This Plan was approved by the Planning Commission on November 6, 1980 and its review by the City Council and the Regional Coastal Commission is antici- pated prior to July, 1981. The Land Use Plan sets forth several important development policies with which projects must be consistent. The project site is shown on Map #24 of the LCP Land Use Plan, and is designated for Retail and Service Commercial Uses. The plan defines these uses as follows: "It is intended that businesses in this category be limited to retail sales, personal and professional services (e.g. , banks, realtors, architects, lawyers, etc.), hotels and motels, restaurants and com- mercial recreation, in order to assure contiguity of shopping and mutually supportive businesses. Office uses which do not provide services directly to the public shall be prohibited on the ground level, but may be permitted on the second level or above where the ground level is occupied by a primary use."' 1. City of Newport Beach, Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan. 2-1 The site is bounded on the northwest and west by the Bank of Newport and its parking area. To the east of the site is Avocado Avenue and a service station; to the north is East Pacific Coast Highway. Impacts The existing restaurant is consistent with the General Plan, Zoning and LCP, Land Use Plan for this property. The proposed use is also consistent in that it provides professional offices of service to the public. The ground floor of the building will be exclusively devoted to service professions, while the second floor will feature a combination of service and business office uses. The C-1 District permits floor area up to twice the buildable area of the site. The project proposes a total of 37,122 square feet, although up to 68,552 square feet would be permitted. A total of 149 subterranean parking spaces are provided which meets the City standard. The site plan (Exhibit 2) depicts the parking tabulation for the project. Of the 149 spaces provided, 23 or 15.4% will be compact stalls. Twleve spaces of the total parking will be tandem stalls. The use permit review process will evaluate these ratios and determine their disposition. The height of the building is 3116" above existing grade at Pacific Coast High- way and 37' above grade at the rear. Since the site is located in a 32/50 height district, a use permit will evaluate this height increase. i 2-2 asr?r► •emu i �.V\ "III ' /,1•�1- � G�eS �,�►' it li ��) :.aEe,S:"_'�"�:id13E.:5:• � . S�eE�SEI E�; ','4.+LL .r•. _..:'�N/EII.EIEIEI E/E/E@. �+J,. a tMr 1 mww wf +.ti -- E OG, Genf iWy r t - - y y W 2 tll - m �101IIM p1YAigN MdfM tLLrAIgM _ y V �tlt MiYAl10M _ �a�e-� awe Mww 3 Mitigation Measures As the project meets, or has the capability to meet, the City's ordinances for this area, no mitigation measures are necessary. - 2-3 B. CIRCULATION Existing Conditions The project site is located at the southwesterly corner of the East Pacific Coast ' Highway and Avocado Avenue. PCH is a four lane, divided major highway carrying approximately 40,000 vehicles per day. Avocado Avenue is a four lane collector street with a raised median and parking permitted on both sides. Its existing traffic volume is approximately 3500 vehicles per day. A left turn pocket is provided on PCH for turns onto Avocado. A median break occurs on Avocado Avenue at 4th Street. This break aligns with one of the Bank of Newport accesses, and is located approximately 140 feet southwest of the pro- posed Avocado Avenue access for this project. Impacts . The proposed access for the property is at the extreme southerly portion of the site along Avocado Avenue. This would delete the existing restaurant access on PCH. An access currently exists at this point but has been blocked in connection with the construction of the Bank of Newport. Placement of the access at the current location provides only right turn ingress and egress at Avocado Avenue. With right turns only, traffic exiting the site will traverse Avocado making U-turns at the 4th Street and Kewamee median breaks. A traffic study was conducted in accordance with the Traffic Phasing Ordinance of the City of Newport Beach, and seven intersections were studied. Of the seven, three exceeded the traffic impact criteria. In accordance with the pro- � 1 2-4 visions of the ordinance, an Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis was conducted. This analysis disclosed that two of the three exceeded .90 of the intersection capacity. The Appendix contains this study. From Table 4 of the traffic study, it may be seen that Coast Highway at Avocado will operate below .90 upon completion of the project. It may also be seen that the intersections of Coast Highway at MacArthur and MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills Road will exceed .90 in 1983 for the existing roadway system with or without approval of the project. For the intersection of Coast Highway/MacArthur, the elimination of some existing parking to provide for an additional eastbound through lane has been identified as an improvement for a previously approved project. Subject to Planning Commission approval, an additional eastbound through lane will result in a 1983 ICU at the intersection of .8689 upon project completion, and may be seen in Appendix C of the traffic study. Mitigation Measures For the intersection of San Joaquin Hills Road/MacArthur, several roadway improvement projects are currently in progress which will affect future opera- tions at the intersection. San Miguel Drive from Avocado to MacArthur and from MacArthur to San Joaquin Hills Road are in the process of construction. Implementation of San Miguel will provide an additional new access to the New- port Center area which will result in the redistribution of existing traffic volumes in the vicinity of the intersection. Sufficient pavement width exists .for a westbound right turn lane at MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills Road. Future ICU conditions reflecting the redistribution of existing traffic volumes and the addition of a westbound right turn lane will result in a future condition ICU of .8674. ICU calculations for the project related improvements discussed can be found in Appendix C of the traffic study. 2-5 C. WATER QUALITY Existing Conditions The site currently drains to PCH and Avocado Avenue, where existing drainage structures collect street runoff and discharge it into Newport Harbor. Impacts The project site is currently developed, and the square footage of impervious surfaces is not expected to change significantly. Runoff volumes will not change significantly. The character of runoff following project implementation will represent a minor intensification of urban pollutants. Construction activi- ties will temporarily increase sediment content in runoff. Mitigation Measures City of Newport Beach has adopted a series of mitigation techniques designed to minimize water quality impacts to acceptable levels, consistent with the 208 1 Programs. An erosion control plan has been submitted to the City which imple- ments these mitigations; such plan will be approved by the City prior to con- struction. 2-6 r i D. AIR QUALITY Existing Conditions No significant emissions are generated on the project site. Present air quality at the site is a result of local meteorology and the release of air contaminants from surrounding urban areas. Winds at 0 to 20 mph frequently occur through- out the year resulting in the concentration of air pollution near local sources, ' such as Pacific Coast Highway. Local traffic is the major generator of air pollution in the area. Impacts Implementation of- the proposed project will increase the traffic volumes in the area. Motor vehicle usage will contribute the majority of air contaminants generated by the project. Such additional emissions will constitute a minor increase to background concentrations of primary pollutants. Temporary impacts will result from grading and construction activites. Grading operations will generate dust emissions. Dust emissions are usually controlled by watering the grading area. Exhaust emissions will be generated by heavy duty vehicles (e.g. , truck and bulldozers) and on-site power generators (e.g. , compressors). The emissions resulting from these operations will be small. Mitigation Measures The project will result in increased local vehicular traffic and an incremental increase in air pollutant emissions. However, the project will not cause any violation of existing air quality standards now or in the future. 2-7 r 1 E. GEOLOGY Existing Conditions The project topography consists of flat, graded and improved land. The study 1 area is located approximately one mile southwest of the Newport-Inglewood Fault which is considered to be active. Impacts The project site may be impacted by earthquake activity along with active faults rin Southern California. The area has a potential for liquefaction, but may be stablilized in accordance with geotechnical study recommendations. Mitigation Measures The project site does not have any significant developmental constraints. All recommendations of the soils and geotechnical investigation shall be adhered to in the development of the site. This investigation shall prescribe techniques for mitigating any geotechnical considerations. r r 2_8 r 1 F. NOISE Existing Conditions The project site lies within the 65 and 70 CNEL noise contours of Pacific Coast Highway as defined b the Noise Element-of the Newport Beach General Plan. 9 Y Y H'P The site is outside the 55 CNEL noise contour of the Orange County Airport and military helicopter operations. II � i The existingnoise environment around the project site is dominated by motor P ] vehicle noise. The nearby Pacific Coast Highway is the major noise sources. Impacts The proposed project will be impacted by motor vehicle noise. The -project will increase local traffic and has the potential of incrementally increasing noise levels along nearby roadways. ' Mitigation Measures The Department of Housing and Urban Development Guidelines define the 65 and 70 CNEL noise contours "acceptable" for office and commercial retail uses. Therefore, no mitigation measures are necessary. I , 2_9 G. AESTHETICS Existing Conditions The site is currently occupied by Kam's Restaurant and Bar, a chinese food establishment. The building is approximately 26 feet above grade setback approximately 12 feet from the edge of the sidewalk along PCH. Impacts The proposed office building will feature exterior materials of solar bronze tinted glass separated by textured concrete bands between the floors. The concrete accents will not only create a pleasing design, but will reduce glare from the building. Landscaped areas will surround the building utilizing specimen trees and shrubs ' to soften the building's effect. Lighting will be limited to that necessary for security and landscape accents. Mitigation Measures ' Prior to the issuance of building permits, a landscape plan shall be approved by the Planning Director. Such plan shall also be reviewed by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department. The landscape plan shall show the fol- lowing items: 1. An irrigation plan designed to minimize water usage and prevent over-watering. 2. A maintenance program which controls the use of fertilizers and pesticides. 3. Heavy emphasis on the use of drought-resistant native vegetation. 2-10 , H. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES Existing Conditions The project site lies within the service areas of the following agencies: 1 ' Utility or Service Agency Electricity Southern California Edison Company ' Gas Southern California Gas Company ' Water and Sewer City of Newport Beach Telephone Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company rSolid Waste Disposal City of Newport Beach Fire Protection City of Newport Beach Police Protection Newport Beach Police Department ' Impacts The proposed project 'will increase the demand for services, although not to a significant level when compared with the existing use. Mitigation Measures The project site lies within an urbanized area receiving all the services normally accompanied by development. In order to improve energy efficiency, the follow- ing conservation measures will be considered in the design of this project: 1. Maximum use of natural daylight and use of fluorescent lighting when artificial light is necessary. r r 2-11 r 2. Use of tinted or solar reflective glass on appropriate exposures. 3. Orientation to sunlight, use of overhangs and maximum usage of ttwo-story structures. 4. Use of heat reflecting glass and drapery on all office floors, window glass to reduce solar cooling loads. 5. Use of solar energy for heating and cooling. ' 6. Planting of deciduous trees to provide shade in the summer months and to allow sunlight through in the winter months. ' 7. Use of windowless walls for western exposures. 8. Use of variable air volume system where permitted, which results in minimum energy consumption for fan equipment and for cooling, and avoids heated air or hot water waste energy consumptions. 9. Use of air conditioning which will have a 100 percent outdoor air ' economizer cycle to obtain free cooling during cool and dry outdoor climatic periods. 10. Use of a water cooled cooling system, as they operate at •a lower condensing temperature resulting in less electrical usage. 2-12 11. Use of individual meters versus multiple meters to encourage conser- vation of energy. ' 12. Final design of the project will provide for the incorporation of water- saving devices for lavatories and other waterusing facilities. ' Impacts Found Not To Be Significant The mitigation measures described herein reduce potential impacts to acceptable levels in the area of Circulation, Water Quality and Aesthetics. All other impact areas are found to contain no significant adverse impacts. 1 2-13 1 ' III. ORGANIZATIONS AND PERSONS CONSULTED The following persons and organizations were contacted during the preparation of this report. Fred Talarico ' Environmental Coordinator City of Newport Beach Planning Department ' 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California Richard Edmonston Traffic Engineer City of Newport Beach Public Works Department ' 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California Gordon Anderson State Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region 6154 Mission Gorge Road San Diego, California State of California Department of Fish and Game 350 Goldenshore Long Beach, California tMr. Rick Poulos Gin Wong and Associates 1666 W. Third Street Los Angeles, California 90017 Kunzman Associates ' 4664 Barranca Parkway Irvine, California 92714 3-1 r r jti i •,!y ' ./1 f�f tr. , r1/f /• Y rY, 1, r 1 �I Y r J fSr,�Ji•h,• rrf•',•,. ,7•. r>4('Y '�� ^f•� '{'• .� 1 p!' 'g 1 ; / � IOf.,�ltl�/� � J !�Mql`riYC{,i'rlr/yrf�F'(( /}`�/j�rt�^.01 fr77r.tfr. ,��tvr,ir'7rJ � i1}�r'f f f':i7�('�)T ��f�fy� ^'fl'�!;t{!i 7•'�/rs ~�LJj'''},�'�;�f' �'FI>' j /i ! t.Ii <I /..r't.r\ '/ �f + r 1,+`r �Y1J',t.•,�, / r��"�`'' 74t;,,!,<+ ��Sk•�'YSj�^`�'� )}� � , y fIS, �R''rn`'Z� �.�r1{}� jrr'(�'/ "• �'�y ���f,�.,City,I'�/��4y7���/!+ S'�7�Y' �1 ��I,(1_ ri gFtt,�, ';{ i ,l��t�''i ,}�j �� r� �r4ffi"-ii;� J/� //T r,!j�1•�:1 , � 4(, 1W,{"6t. „� '+;�ff�,. i 1�Y .,•` .(,'Y rSJ/�`,t/�' {.IfI�}{:fr a f . rC SJ`�r}r};;{ •J!%'��'/1�1,3:�,'/>Jj}l, `� ,�/'� l�r tl� f ,if'�r�l � �(i }��rl''I�41• /�� :/,,,�f`�,'Sfrr��/( i! /.:��:/� .�.� :�t�l+ �i''•�'J� lti t}� r Coast Business Center f Traffic Study 7r1 �f V PA IMIV W.. C•'.� {i , 7 . .Ate !!'�i' ' ��t!' + ! " t' �1 '.lY� 1"• 1 •,f,J' � ,,.� r : .r.r,.+.l'Y r � � �� J� rt.�J .:Y•• � .�• 1/Y)/f �•�l+Y rr�+/Jt�} i�Y�t,�� �:�f t t/�c ,�'' '� ��f th' + �� sf✓�'�'!!•�) •rfi f.�t{.',t. fF�i�4fr "Y �'r f�l..���{{/jf,�rl�`"7(.'�;�y' rV �' /� . `� . � r+jt ,rlJ Q''' r I r ,�7'rJ'•''.�O"/ �3•-•+ �/1�,r+��/.j��/' r =• , . ,�:�'�`?l'fijs 'r}• .,� ,,)�'1�� ,1vr..•+ � rr //1: +� / mot. .!'tyr/2 �,(r .�,r \rip', tii�yjy?,�YJ•N!,�}��jllf�n�} 't"�j��"��f t�t�r ��r���'�%j,Ii1'�if�(.�•f•�+�; r�n�` /�i�/�j����.,�r trrf 1�rF �uN� u�aR .l.Associates Transportation Planning Tref fic Engineering 1/' ��f /�J,�` �elrll'�,'/r�r'J7rY�rf, y'tfj{`ri T .I' >�r) rl/! .tr . •:i f�{ i�.(Yn��`l��,j/f v�-''�)�,.. '�lrY�rY•�Jr�`t�.tri+�ff"��C1r�/��_�.i1�;�'•f•:.1Yl+jr")(i ft'�( ;f)L�f ?,�''� j/'�/) Y. '1r Q''�/l;•rr ACv''f �! �Y:l�, i�r`,t�,�5t��,�+r,(;s/1� r, !,T(( � /�:1/\+/ ( 7 / '�`,l � r�((''r��h1 r7i) ./)�r1i/(`f' T �lfjr 1•(/rf; ' re:i;� I ✓ / ; Jy 6Fj''�1,y/ f .I7/(.�frtl ;fi/l�frY!1\l�t •� 'f,i /tf J�%'r_r/'r�=r t , / r Dcj� Ci< u ►n om v4ssoc � ates Transportation Planning *Traffic Engineering February 4, 1981 Ms . Andi Adams Culbertson Adams and Associates ' 27072 El Retero Mission Viejo, CA 92692 Dear Ms. Adams: We are pleased to present this traffic impact analysis of the Coast Business Center. The analysis is in accordance ' with the requirements of the City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance. This report contains the (1) One Per- cent Traffic Volume Analysis (2) ICU Analysis and (3) ICU Analysis With Project Related Improvements . We trust that ' the findings will be of immediate as well as continuing value to the City of Newport Beach. Should you have any questions, or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. ' Sincerely, KUNZMAN ASSOCIATES William Kunzman, P.E. ' 4684 Barrance Parkway * Irvine, CA 52714 * C7141 559-4231 1 . I Title Page No. ' Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Traffic Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 1 Traffic Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Critical Intersections Analyzed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ' Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Appendix A - One Percent Traffic Volume Analysis Work Sheets ' Appendix B - Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Work Sheets Appendix C - Project Related Improvement ICU Work Sheets 1 1 ' Coast Business Center ' Traffic Study PROJECT The project consists of a 38, 341 square foot office building to be constructed in 1982 and located on the southwest corner of East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue in the City of Newport Beach. Pro- ject location and site plan are shown in Figures 1 and 2. Office. buildings from a traffic viewpoint generally have pronounced ' traffic peaks in both the morning and evening due to the arrival and departure of employees. During the non-peak hour portions of the work day an office project generates minor incoming and out going traffic. TRAFFIC GENERATION ' The traffic generated by a site is determined by multiplying an appropriate trip generation rate by the quantity of land usage. Trip generation rates are expressed in terms of trip ends per per- son, trip ends per employee, trip ends per acre, trip ends per dwelling, or trip ends per thousand square feet of floor area. In the case of an office building trip generation is best expressed ' in terms of trips per employee if the number of employees is known, and otherwise it is best expressed in terms of trips per 1,000 square feet of floor area. ' Significant research efforts have been made by CalTrans, The Insti- tute of Transportation Engineers, the City of Newport Beach, Kunzman Associates, and others to establish the correlation between trips and land use. From this body of information, trip generation rates have been estimated and agreed to by City staff. Trip generation rates are predicated on the assumption that energy costs, the availability ' of roadway capacity, the availability of vehicles to drive, and our life styles remain similar to what we know today. 1 Figure 1 VICINITY MAP •17-- 000 MCIPIC *Project Site Figure 2 Site Plan ppa,o ,y Ow n- VDsr 6 r W.t{ Vg s 1+51 QU •'1TLCr 2DIIL td NWlbr•r OGeN,our '124:e NIJ 1M-DK-ie�l 6L-P1. •n.da..Tfo,x N1{{ Nrr• uHL(.sARWiwW+ �.rn{s (Lab sn (4(•1WfYNNMM vMM • 1^N•�I"- cYr.'4 SLAB{I nsssu a�rt...r-•orrcc Isrnsi ! i.mwN snca I-r I^n� ram` 1 Mt I••.f+ MRieu. ror vrww. ' n,s s*- Is.{I.1 va.c•.o pv.1{v) yf {n•.{f m+wl •cm.r � ww.( emu.(♦r.rv+) It {n.«(N•.x) IIiit{NM ��M TNM G f�K• f14Nltl. 4RNW.'O P{1a 'rP41,{•KP4! Llf l(t YAti � {i• [l1(IQ Y1401 ?�M�w M1uM+Cf1.M1t{n .tM) IM�SIF� Vf.ow•W'A.{f .srt irlfi, rrrYnt•)7oN• UWr•tl O M(i.frN/ Y.21•i{.I GrYNC R INIfYYVK {VII•c{y �,. n}n ' Slb•fVPL 4, I 0. 1 2o1JWr. c•11 uwn MI. Iw ar�w/ic NN rax� a � K - i lEfdirid _ ��•� :mnKwR dr Iffll{all( ti i s IOU RN .1Y • Ml V 11J JJ _ Lu(f{1w6 iorTK(! dun mah (Agoctom ! ! a• ! ! . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ' Table 1 PROJECT TRAFFIC GENERATION ' Time Period Trip Generation Trips Generated per 1,000 sq. ft. Based Upon 38 ,341 of floor area * square feet ' Evening Peak Hour Inbound 0 . 6 23 Outbound 1. 7 65 ' Total 2. 3 88 Peak 2. 5 Hours Inbound 1.2 46 Outbound 3.4 130 ' Total Daily Two-Way Total 13 498 ' * Source: City of Newport Beach 1 2 ' (Traffic Generation - Continued) Trip generation rates were determined for daily traffic, peak hour inbound and outbound traffic, and two and one-half peak hour in- bound and outbound traffic. Traffic generation rates and the traf- fic generated by the project are shown in Table 1. ' TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION Traffic distribution is based on the directional orientation of traffic, and then assigning that traffic to specific road usage. It is based on the geographical location of residential concentra- tions, along with commercial, business , and recreational opportuni- ties. Figure 3 exhibits the outbound traffic distribution for the project. Appendix C contains a revised distribution based upon the extension of Avocado to San Miguel. The project is proposing one ingress and egress to the site which is to be located on Avocado. This access point will permit only right turns in and out of the project site from Avocado due to an existing raised median. With right turn ingress and earess, vehicles will be ' using Avocado median breaks at Fourth Street and Kewamee for "U-Turns" in order to reach Coast Highway. CRITICAL INTERSECTIONS ANALYZED Seven critical intersections were anlyzed as identified by City staff. Table 2 lists the seven intersections, as well as a summary of the One Percent Traffic Volume Analysis. Appendix A contains the calcu- lation sheets. It can be noted that of the seven intersections ana- lyzed, three exceed one percent. The three intersections which ex- ceed one percent of the approach volume in the peak two and one-half hour period are: 1. Pacific Coast Highway and Avocado 2. Pacific Coast Highway and MacArthur 3. MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills The purpose of the One Percent Traffic Volume Analysis is to esta- blish whether the project adds a volume that is greater than one percent of a critical intersections ' approach volume. If less than one percent is added to all approaches of a critical intersection, the project complies with the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. As part of the one per cent analysis, regional growth and committed projects are included. Volume projections are made to a point in time one year after the project completion. This project' s comple- tion date is 1982, and traffic volumes are projected to 1983. Re- gional traffic has been forecasted in accordance with City procedures , and committed project traffic includes those projects listed in Table 3 . 3 Figure 3 Project Traffic Distribution u� O n Newport Bay r Sd, J� 35 o' � 15 CIF Fashion 30 p Island �-�— r v 5 o qp Balboa v arm Island Site 55 Newport Bay 5 Balboa pao�fjc 10 d ' O mad Legend 35 Percent of Daily Project Traffic i ' aun3man (Asoctafes 1 rTable 2 ONE PERCENT TRAFFIC VOLUME ANALYSIS SUMMARY ' Approach Volume Percentage Critical Intersections Nort : bout - East- West- bound bound bound bound 1. Pacific Coast Highway and Jamboree - .2 . 1 .9 2. Pacific Coast Highway and Avocado' 20 .9 - .4 •9 3. Pacific Coast Highway and MacArthur* .6 1.6 .2 4. Pacific Coast Highway and Marguerite - . 3 .4 . 1 5. MacArthur and San Joaquin •Hills* 2.4 .4 - . 1 6 . Jamboree and Santa Barbara .9 •2 7. Jamboree and San Joaquin Hills .5 .1 - - * Intersections exceeding one percent III r . r 4 r Table 3 COMMITTED PROJECTS PROJECT NAME Aeronutronic Ford Backbay Office Bank of Newport Bayside Square Baywood Apartments 3701 Birch Office MacArthur Plaza Civic Plaza Corporate Plaza Koll Center Newport National Education Office Newport Place North Ford Orchard Office Pacific Mutual Plaza Sea Island Seaview Lutheran Plaza Cal Canadian Bank Boyal Engineering Shokrian Office Harbor Point Rogers Gardens. I� � 5 ( INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION (ICU) ANALYSIS ICU is essentially a measure of the proportion of an intersection' s total capacity being utilized by the traffic volumes. The ICU technique is a tool to quantify existing as well as future intersec- tion operations . For all critical intersections which received pro- ject traffic volumes greater than one percent of any one approach vol- ume in the peak two and one half hours , an ICU analysis is required. The ICU Analysis for the three identified intersections are summar- ized in Table 4 and are included in Appdendix B. From Table 4, it may be seen that Coast Highway at Avocado will op- erate below .90 upon completion of the project as well as with the extension of Avocado to San Miguel. The intersections of Coast High- way at MacArthur and MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills Road will exceed .90 in 1983 for the existing roadway system with or without approval of the project. For the intersection of Coast Highway/MacArthur, the elimination of some existing parking to provide for an additional east- bound through lane has been identified as an improvement for a pre- viously approved project. Providing an addit:i.onal eastbound through lane will result in a 1983 ICU at the intersection of .8689 upon'pro- ject completion, and may be seen in Appendix C. For the intersection of San Joaquin Hills Road/MacArthur, several roadway improvement projects are currently in progress which will ef- fect future operations at the intersection. San Miguel Drive from Avocado to MacArthur and from MacArthur to San Joaquin Hills Road are in the process of construction. Implementation of San Miguel will provide an additional new access to the Newport Center area which will result in the redistribution of existing traffic volumes in the vici- nity of the intersection. Sufficient pavement width exists for a 1 westbound right turn lane at the intersection of MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills Road. Future ICU conditions reflecting the redistribu- tion of existing traffic volumes and the addition of a westbound right turn lane will result in a future conditions ICU of .8674. ICU calcu- lations for the project related improvements can be found in Appendix C. CONCLUSIONS The One Percent Traffic Volume Analysis shows that the project will generate a traffic volume on three critical intersection approaches that are greater than one percent of the approach's volume during the peak 2. 5 hour period. The following intersections exceeded the one percent limit: (1) Pacific Coast Highway and Avocado, (2) Pacific Coast Highway and MacArthur, and (3) MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills. �, 6 rThe ICU analysis reveals that of the three critical intersections exceeding the one percent criteria, two also exceed the .9000 in- tersection capacity utilization criteria for existing roadway con- ditions. Both intersections can be mitigated to operate below . 90 upon completion of the project, with the implementation of the pro- ject related improvements as shown in Table 5. III 7 Table 4 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION CRITICAL FOR INTERSECTIONS Intersection Capacity Utilization. 1983 Exisr- 11983 Exist 1983 Pro- Critical Existing + Committ- + Commi.tt- ject Re- Intersections ed + ed +Growth lated Im- Growth + Project provement Coast Highway an Avoca o 633 . 82 6 . 8441 Coast Highway and MacArthur . 8022 .9472 .9503 . 8689 MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills .7921 . 9582 .9607 . 8674 8 Table 5 PROJECT RELATED IMPROVEMENTS Intersection Intersection Improvements MacArthur Boulevard and Stripe additional east- Coast Highway bound through lane. Required by previously approved project MacArthur Boulevard and Construct San Miguel San Joaquin Hills Road Drive from Newport Center Drive to San Joaquin Hills Road. Required by previous- ly approved project. Pacific Coast Highway and Construct Avocado between Avocado Avenue Pacific Coast Highway and San Miguel. Required by previously approved project 9 Appendices A. one Percent Traffic Volume Analysis Work Sheets B. Intersection Capacity Utilization Work Sheets C. Project Related Improvement-ICU Work Sheets 1 j' APPENDIX A ONE PERCENT TRAFFIC VOLUME ANALYSIS WORK SHEETS 1% Traffic Volume Analysis intersection Coast Highway - Avocado Avenue (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1-580 ) Approach ' Existing Peak 2h Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2h Hour Regional Projects Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour, Volume Growth Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Ixorthbaund I 592 592 6 124 i 20.9% !Southbound -0- 7 (Eastbound 3391 17 702 4110 41 18 j .4 I 3lestbound 2538 13 288 2839 28 25 ; .9% Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume ■ 0 Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than M of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. COAST BUSINESS CENTER DATE: 1-15-81 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Coast Hiahwav/MacArthur Blvd. (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/S,pring 1980) Approach Existing Peak 24 Hour Approved Projected 1% of Protected Project Direction Peak 211 Hour Regional Projects Peak 23S Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 21% Hour' Volume Growth Peak 2h Hour Volume Vol une Volume Volume Volume i INorthbound j southbound ; 2156 13 774 2943 29 18 .6% Eastbound 3666 49 702 4417 44 72 11.6$ i:estboune 3773 59 342 3574 36 7 ! .2% Q Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Q Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected . Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. COAST BUSINESS CENTER - PROJECT: FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Coast Highway/Marquerite Avenue (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980) (Approach '. "Existing Peak 2h Hour Approved Projected 1. of Protected Project Direction Pesi 2y Hour Regional onal Projects Peak 2;I Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak Vs Hour' Lalune Growth Peak 2y Hour Volume Volume Volume i Volume Volume 515 515 5 (Northbound � southbound 764 30 794 8 2 ; .3% I eastbound 4094 75 534 4703 47 20 ( .4$ ilestbound 3137 1 58 422 3617 36 5 .1% ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of. Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. COAST BUSINESS CENTER DATE: 1-15-81 PROJECT: FORM •I r 1% Traffic Volume Analysis.- Intersection Jamboree Road/Santa Barbara (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1960) 1 Approach ; Existing 1 Peak 2§ Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project t ioifectlan ; Peak 2h Hour f Regional Projects Peak 211 Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 211 Hour' I ; Volume Growth Peak 24 Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I (Northbound ! 1905 3 316 2224 22 20 I .9% I I iSouthbound i 3005 4 600 3609 36 7 i .2% [.,tb tbound 2727 27 0 I ound 1503 1224 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated t6'-bb greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume-. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. COAST BUSINESS CENTER DATE.. 1-15-81 PROJECT: FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersecticn Jamboree Road/San Joaquin Hills Rd. (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1930) 1 Approach Existing Peak 211 Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project i0irection pear 21, Hour Regional Projects Peak 24 Hour Peak 211 Hour Peak 24 Hour' I Volume Growth Peak 26 Hour Volume Volume volume Volume Volume ' j 2661 4 1002 3667 37 20 1 .5% (Northbound 15outhbound 4405 7 828 5240 52 7 � .1% (Eastbound 362 362 4 �+estbound 1 2616 440 3056 31 Q Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected_ Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. COAST BUSINESS CENTER DATE: 1-15—.81 PROJECT: FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MacArthur Blvd./San Joaquin Hills Rd. (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Wlnter/Sprtng 1980) Approach ' Ec�sting Peak 2y Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected`Project 1pirection i Peak 24 Hour Regional Projects Peak 2y Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 2y Hour, Vol"" Growth Ptak 2y Hour Volume Volume Yoluee t Yoivme Volume I Northbound I 1620 10 582 2212 22 52 !2.4* 3389 13 928 4330 43 16 .4% Iscuthbound (Eastbound 3135 0 390 3525 35 0 �r ltestbound 1289 0 104 1393 -14 2 i .1% Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume 0 Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected . Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 1 • COAST BUSINESS CENTER DATE: 1-15-81 PROJECT: rnDM T r r 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Jamboree Road/Coast Hiahwav (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980) Approach Existing Peak 24 Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project ^ Direction Peak 2'S Hour Regional Projects Peak 2y.Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2y Hour' I Volume Growth Peak 2y Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume volume 1097 52 1149 12 'Northbound i ISouthbound 3532 5 868 4405 44 7 .2% ,Eastbound I 4649 24 490 114 52 7 ; .1� estbound 4086 54 308 4448 • 45 39 .9% O Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 21-, Hour Traffic Volume 0 Project Traffic is estimated to—be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 23-, Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity- Utilizatiorr- (I.C.U. ) Analysis-is required. r r r COAST BUSINESS CENTER DATE 1-15-81 PROJECT: FORM I r r . r i r r . . i r APPENDIX B INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORK SHEETS i INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS Intersection Coast Highway - Avocado Avenue ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1980) EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED EXISTING PROPOSED V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Movement PK.HR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT w/o Project Volume V/C Ratio Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. Vol. Ratio Volume Volume Volume NL 1600 158 •0987* .0987* 26 .1150* NT 1600 0 .0675 .0675 36 . •0900 NR 4 108 SL 0 ST 1600 0 SR I 0 EL 1600 � 5 .0031 .0031 . 0031 t ET 3200 f 1439 .4706* 17 351 1 .5859* . 5888* ER I 67 1 1 9 WL 1600 63 .0393 1 .0400* 13 .0475* WT 3200 945 .2953 1.3 144 .3444 .3444 WR 0 YELLOWTIME 1000* .1000* .1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .6693 t I _ EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS- I..C.U. . 8246 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 8 5 13 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U'.. will b6' less than Dr..equal;-to. 0.9D ❑ Projected plus project traffic. I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: _ COAST BUSI�ICF�NTEA—_._ .._ .._ ...._____-- DATE: 1-1�81 ' PROJECTFORM II INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS Intersection' Coast Highway/MacArthur Blvd. ( Existing Traffic Volumes eases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1980) ' EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL CO.4ITTED PROJECTED ' EXISTING PROPOSED Y/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Movement PK.HR. Y/C GROWTH PROJECT w/o Project Volume V/C Ratio Lanes Cap. Lanes Lap. Vol. Ratio Yoiune Volume Volume NL NT . ' NR SL_ 3200 ( 892 .2788* 5 295 .3725* . 3725 ST SR 1600 . .1.93 . .1206 ' 1 92 .1788 4 .1813 EL 1600 193 .1238 3 - 144 .2156 10 .2219 ET 3200 1355 .4234* 18 146 .4747* 10 .4778 ER WL WT 4800 772 .1608 14 52 .1746' 4 .1754 WR 1600 427 .2669 8 119 .3463 .3463 YELLOWTIME 1000* .1000* .1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .8022 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROYEMENTS I.C.U. . .9472 i EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. .9 503 i ❑ . Projected plus -project traffic I.C.U. will be less than ,or equal to 0.90 =• ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ' ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will ,be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: COAST BUSINESS CENTER DATE: 1-15-81 PROJECT V FOM 11 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS Intersection MacArthur Bl-vd./San Joaquin Hills Rd. ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 19 80) EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED EXISTING PROPOSED PK.HR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT V/o Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Movement Lanes tap. Lanes Cap. Vol. Ratio Vol um. Volume N/ Protect Volume t/C Ratio Volume NL 1600 61 .0381* 11 .0450* 0450* ' NT 3200 474 .1841 3 280 .2725 23 .2797 NR 115 1 f 3 SL 3200 397 1 .1241 58 .1422 .1422 ' ST 3200 1029 .3216* 4 353 .4331* 435 SR N.A. 190 53 EL 3200 809 .2528* 118' .2897* .2897* ET 4800 581 .1583 54 .1744, .1744 ER 179 23 WL 1600 116 .0725 .0725 1 E.0731 WT 4800 244 .0796* 29 .0904* 04* WR 138 23 ' YELLOWTIME 1000* � .1000* � .1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION ZAPACITY UTILIZA ION 7921 1 1 ' EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.C.U. EXISTTNG PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 9 6 0 7 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U: will be less than or.-equal -to. 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: ' COAST BUSINESS CENTER DATE: 1-15=81 PROJECT FORM II M 1 I . 1 i 1 . i 1 1 APPENDIX C PROJECT RELATED IMPROVEMENT ICU WORK SHEETS ' Project Traffic Distribution With Avocado Extension To San Miguel \lJaoer\ 15 O N Bay s� ' � o a' 35 �a 15 iIF Fashion 10 Island ` San M uel --j v ' Balboa v F' 5 Island Site Newport Bay 5 ' Balboa 1 O 1 O� ap ' Legend 25 Percent of Daily Project Traffic ■ auh3mah v4ssociates ' INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS (Improved due to San Intersection Coast Highway - Avocado Avenue Miguel extension) ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1980) . EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL C0:'MITTED PROJECTED EXISTING PROPOSED V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Movement PKAR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT .. Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. Vol. Ratio Volume Volume w/o Project Volume V/C Ratio Volume NL 1600 134 .0838 . 0838 •26 .l000 ' NT 1600 38 .0825* .0825* 16 , .1050* NR 94 20 ' SL 1600 145 .0906* 31 .1100* .1100* ST 1600 33 .0644 .0644 7 .0688 SR ! 70 ' EL 1600 75 .0469 . 0469 .0469 ET 3200 1244 . 4034* 17 259 . 4900* . 4928* ER 47 1 9 WL 1600 50 .0313* 1 1 .0319* 7 .0363*- ' WT 13200 888 .2994 13 151 . 3541 . 3541 WR 11 70 11 YELLOWTIME 1000* .1000* 1 1 •1000* 1 i i EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .7078 1 1 a ' EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS_ I.C.U. . 8144 1 1 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. LJ441 ® Projected. plus project traffic I.C.U. will be. less than or_• equal- to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.96 ' ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •- ' Description of system improvement: Extension of Avocado to San Miguel — — COAST_U$3115_CEPISE1t_..._ ... . . ...------•-- GATE: ' PROJECT FORM 11 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION MACARTHUR BLVD/PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY (Addition of Eastbound Through Lane) Existing Proposed Existing Existing Existing Growth ' Movement Lane Lane Growth + Growth + Project Committed + Pro- Capacity Capacity Committed Committed Volume ject + V/C Ratio Volume V/C Ratio NL NT NR SL 3200 1192 .3725* .3725* ST SR 1600 286 .1788 4 .1813 EL 1600 345 .2156* 10 .2219* ET 3200 4800 1519 .3165 10 .3185 ER WT 4800 838 .1746* 4 .1754* WR 1600 554 .3463 .3463 ' Yellowtime .1000* .1000* With EBT lane, existing, regional growth, and committed ICU .8627 ' With EBT lane, existing, regional growth, committed, and project ICU ,8689 � r r r r r �r r r � r r� r r r r r �■r r INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION FOR MACARTHUR BLVD/SAN JOAQUIN HILLS RD. (Modified Distribution) Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Distribution Modified Project Project + Others Movement Lane Volume V/C Ratio Regional Regional Modification V/C Ratio Volume V/C Ratio Capacity Committed Comm V/C ** Ratio NL 1600 61 .0381* 72 .0450* 47 .0294* .0294* NT 3200 474 .1841 757 .2728 989 .3313 23 . 3384 NR 115 71 SL 3200 397 .1241 457 .1428 447 .1397 .1397 ST 3200 1029 .3216* 1386 .4331* 1556 .4863* 8 .4888* SR NA 190 243 83 EL 3200 809 .2528* 927 .2897* 702 .2194* .2194* ET 4800 581 .1538 635 .1744 455 .1265 .1265 ER 179 202 152 WL 1600 116 .0725 116 .0725 92 .0575 1 .0581 WT 4800 244 .0796* 273 .0904* 143 .0648* .0298* WR (1120)1 138 161 168 . 1500 Yellow Time .1000* .1000* .1000* Existing ICU .7921 Existing, Regional Growth, and Committed ICU .9582 Existing, Regional Growth, Committed, and Redistributed ICU .8999 Existing, Regional Growth, Committed, Redistributed, and Project ICU 8674 ** Distribution modification due to extension of San Miguel Drive (Harbor Point Traffic Study - Weston Pringle 8-22-80) . 1. Calculated for project and others V/C Ratio only. PLANNING DEPA"MF -NT - CURRENT PLANS ROUTE SLIP DATE: _ z 0 H o L6 INITIALS BILL LAYCOCK BILL WARD CHRIS GUSTIN CAROL KRUSE FRED TALARICO IV SHERI VANDER DUSSEN PAM WOODS TINA NEWBY COMMENTS: r / FROM COMMISSIONERS • • MINUTES July 22, 1982 roc � m City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Request to consider a Traffic Study in conjunction with Item #5 the construction of a 33,940 square foot office building. LOCATION: Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 152-28, 29 (Resubdivision No. 659) located at 2121 East Coast Highway on the southwesterly corner of East Coast Highway and Avocado TRAFFIC Avenue in Corona del Mar. ZONE: C-1 APPLICANT: West Coast Investment, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant APPROVED CONDI- TIONALLY The public hearing opened in connection with this item and Mr. Andrew Gianulias, representing the applicant, appeared before the Commission and stated that the project has been previously approved by the City and requested approval of the additional Traffic Study. Commissioner Allen stated that by amending the Traffic Study, this will in no way affect the building which was previously approved. Mr. Gianulias concurred with Commissioner Allen's statement. Mr. David Dill, resident of 704 Acacia Avenue, appeared before the Commission and expressed his concern with the traffic flows in the area. He also expressed his concern with the Corona del Mar Elementary School site and its future traffic demands. Mr. Talarico, Environmental Coordinator, stated that there is no committed project on the Corona del Mar Elementary School site. He stated that under the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance, only existing traffic land traffic from regional growth and committed projects are considered. Mr. Talarico stated that the entrance and exit of the project will be onto Avocado Avenue. Chairman King stated that any use which would be planned in the future for the Corona del Mar Elementary School site, would be judged based upon the existing and committed project traffic in the area. -11- COMMISSIONERS • MINUTES July 22, 1982 m � m N City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Commissioner Allen suggested that when future traffic studies are performed in this general vicinity, Mr. Dill be notified of such public hearings. Mr. Dill stated that this would be very helpful. Motion X Motion was made for approval of the Coast Business A11 Ayes X X X X X * X Center Traffic Study, subject to the following findings and conditions, which MOTION CARRIED: FINDINGS:- 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Policy S-1. 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project- generated traffic will be greater than one percent of the existing traffic during the 2.5 hour peak period on any leg of the critical intersections, and will add to an unsatisfactory level of traffic service at critical intersection which will have an Intersection Capacity Utilization of greater than .90. i 3. That the Traffic Studies suggest several circulation system improvements which will improve the level of traffic service to an acceptable I level at all critical intersections. 4. That the proposed project, including circulation system improvements will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic service on any "major", "primary-modified" or "primary" street. -12- I w COMMISSIONERS • • July zz, 1982 MINUTES � c ro ^ m m y. City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX CONDITIONS: 1. That prior to the occupancy of any building on site the Circulation System Improvements described ` in the Traffic Study dated June 28, 1982 prepared by Kunzman Associates on Page 11, Table 5 shall have made (unless subsequent project approvals require modification there to) . The Circulation System Improvements shall be subject to the approval of the City Traffic Engineer. 2. That the Circulation System Improvement to the intersection of East Coast Hwy/MacArthur Blvd. shall be further reviewed by the City Planning Commission prior to its implementation. Request to consider a Traffic Study for a 36,888 square Item #6 foot office building including general offices, medical offices and banking facilities. LOCATION: Lot 716, Newport Mesa Tract, located at 1522 Placentia Avenue on the northerly TRAFFIC side of 15th Street between Placentia STUDY Avenue and Superior Avenue in the West Newport Triangle. ZONE: Unclassified APPROVED APPLICANT: and Van Tuyle Associates, Inc., Brea i OWNER: Herita Bank, Costa Mesa The public hearing opened in onnection with this item and Mr. James Van Tuyle, the ap icant, appeared before the Commission. Mr. Van Tuyle sta d that they are now proposing to utilize 13,323 square et of the project for medical offices and requested roval of the revised Traffic Study. -13- w Planning Commission Meeting July 22, 1982 Agenda Item No. 5 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Traffic Study (Public Hearing) Request to consider a Traffic Study in conjunction with the construction of a 33,940 square foot office building. LOCATION: Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 152-28, 29 (Resubdivision No. 659) located at 2121 East Coast Highway on the southwesterly corner of East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue in Corona del Mar. ZONE: C-1 APPLICANT: West Coast Investment, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant Application The applicant has requested the approval of a Traffic Study to permit the construction, of a 33,940 sq.ft. office building. Traffic Study requirements are as outlined in Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("Traffic Phasing Ordinance") and City Policy S-1 ("Administrative Procedures for Implementing the Traffic Phasing Ordinance") Background At the February 19, 1982, Planning Commission meeting, the Commission conditionally approved Use Permit No. 1978 and a Traffic Study which permit the construction of a two story office building in the Corona del Mar Specific Area Plan area where 'a specific area plan has not been adopted which will exceed 5,000 square feet of floor area, and accepted an environmental document. The office building will also exceed the basic height limit in the 32/50 Height Limitation District. A modification to the Zoning Code was also approved which allows a portion of the required off-street parking spaces to be compact parking spaces. The Traffic Study was approved based upon the completion. of the following P P P 9 circulation system improvements prior to.occupancy. IL u TO: Planning Commission -2. Intersection Intersection Improvements MacArthur Boulevard and Stripe additional east- Coast Highway bound through lane. Required by previously approved project MacArthur Boulevard and Construct San Miguel San Joaquin Hills Road Drive from Newport Center Drive to San Joaquin Hills Road. Required by previous- ly approved project. Pacific Coast Highway and Construct Avocado between Avocado Avenue Pacific Coast Highway and San Miguel. Required by previously approved project The applicant has now requested that an additional Traffic Study be prepared to determine traffic conditions without the construction of Avocado Avenue between East Coast Highway and San Miguel Drive, as he desires to occupy the project prior to its construction. The construction of this roadway segment was required in conjunction with the Corporate Plaza Traffic Phasing Plan (TPP) approval. Traffic Study A Traffic Study for the proposed project has been prepared in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("Traffic Phasing Ordinance") and City Policy S-1 ("Administrative Procedures for Implementing the Traffic Phasing Ordinance") . The City Traffic Engineer determined that seven intersections would be affected by the proposed project based upon its size and geographic location. The following chart indicates the intersections and summarizes the study: Existing ICU ANALYSIS INTERSECTION 1% 82 (1) (2) (3) (4) Coast Hwy/Avocado Ave. )1% .6625 .7640 .7813 - - Coast Hwy/MacArthur Blvd. )1% .7734 .9128 .9128 .8262 .8187 Coast Hwy/Jamboree Rd. (1% _ - _ - _ Coast Hwy/Newport Center Dr. )1% .5909 .6666 n/a - Coast Hwy/Marguerite Ave. (1% - - - _ _ MacArthur Blvd./San Joaquin Hills Rd.)l% .7508 .9201 n/a .8670 n/a Jamboree Rd./San Joaquin Hills Rd. (1% - - _ - L, F TO: Planning Commission -3. 1. Existing + Committed + Regional Growth + Project (with Avocado Ave.) 2. Existing + Committed + Regional Growth + Project (w/o Avocado Ave.) 3. Existing + Committed + Regional Growth + Project + Circulation System Improvement (with Avocado Ave.) 4. Existing + Committed + Regional Growth + Project + Circulation System Improvement (w/o Avocado Ave.) The results of the Traffic Study summarized above indicates that the traffic volumes generated by the project would exceed one 'percent on at least one approach at four intersections, but that these intersections would have an Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) values of less than 0.9000. These results indicate that further analysis is not required and that the Planning Commission should approve the project with the Findings indicated in Exhibit "A". The Traffic Study found that the ICU at Coast Hwy./MacArthur Blvd. and Coast Hwy./Avocado Ave. with and without Avocado Avenue extended from East Coast Highway to San Miguel Drive will be less than 0.9000. The total development of Corporate Plaza was assumed in the Traffic Study. The ICU value at Coast Hwy/MacArthur Blvd. is anticipated to be less without Avocado Avenue extended to Coast Highway due to traffic distribution changes. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By Fred alarico, Environmental Coordinator FT:tn Attachments: Exhibit "A" 1. Planning Commission Minutes dated February 19, 1981 2. Planning Commission Staff Report dated February 19, 1981 3. Traffic Study date June 28, 1982 L � Exhibit "A" COAST BUSINESS CENTER TRAFFIC STUDY RECOMMENDED FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL July 22, 1982 FINDINGS: I. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Policy S-1. 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project- generated traffic will be greater than one percent of the existing traffic during the 2.5 hour peak period on any leg of the critical intersections, and will add to an unsatisfactory level of traffic service at critical intersection which will have an Intersection Capacity Utilization of greater than .90. 3. That the Traffic Studies suggest several circulation system improvements which will improve the level of traffic service to an acceptable level at all critical intersections. 4. That the proposed project, including circulation system improvements will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic service on any "major", "primary-modified" or "primary" street. CONDITIONS: 1. That prior to the occupancy of any building on site the Circulation System Improvements described in the Traffic Study dated June 28, 1982 prepared by Kunzman Associates on Page 11, Table 5 shall have made (unless subsequent project approvals require modification there to) . The Circulation System Improvements shall be subject to the approval of the City Traffic Engineer. 2. That the Circulation System Improvement to the intersection of East Coast Hwy/MacArthur Blvd. shall be further reviewed by the City Planning Commission prior to its implementation. AIIALHMtNI NU. I C MMISSIONERS1 f� ruary 19 , 1981 MINUTES 5 City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX t t the applicant is only leasing the building , the owner owns the building and the property. He s ated that the applicant will be paying for the r odelling costs of the building . He again ated that the applicant can not require the own e to make such dedication agreements . In respons to a question posed by Commissioner Beek , Mr. B nham, Assistant City Attorney , stated that t ere may be a problem with imposing conditions of edication on a lessee. Mr. Shoop stated that if ilding permits are granted by the City, the ap icant will renegotiate the lease with the own r. Mr. Burnham suggested that a continuance uld be helpful for all parties ' concerned, i luding the City , to work on these problems . Planning Director Hewick stated that the building in its present s te , was built without the issuance of building p mits by the City. Commissioner Beek stated that there will be considerable financial negotia ' ons between the owner and the applicant when re gotiating the lease. He stated that this will rovide a strong incentive for the property owner t respond favorably. He stated that the stan rd condi- tions as imposed by the City should required. He stated that it will then be the res onsibility of the applicant and the owner to deal ith the requirements . Motion Motion was made to continue this item to th Ayes X X Planning Commission Meeting of March 5, 1981 Noes X X which MOTION CARRIED. Absent Request to consider a traffic study for a Item #10 proposed 37,122 sq . ft. ± office building. TRAFFIC STUDY AND APPROVED CONDI- TIONALLY -32- r ' COMMISSIONERS i.i"uary 19 , 1981 1 MINUTES z City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Request to permit the construction of a two- Item #11 story office building and related off-street parking areas on property located in the Corona del Mar Specific Plan Area where a specific USE PERMIT plan has hot been adopted and which exceeds N0 . 1 778 5,000 sq . ft. of floor area , and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. It is also re- quested that the proposed office building be APPROVED allowed to exceed the basic height limit in CONDI- fhe 32/50 Height Limitation District. A TIiTNTLLY modification to the Zoning Code is also re- quested inasmuch as a portion of the required off-street parking spaces are proposed as compact parking spaces . LOCATION: Parcel No. 2 , Parcel Map 152-28, 29 (Resubdivision No . 659) located at 2121 East Coast Highway on the southwesterly corner of East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue, in Corona del Mar. ZONE : C-1 APPLICANT: West Coast Investment, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant Agenda Item Nos . 10 and 11 were heard concurrent) due to their relationship. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Allen , Planning Director Hewicker stated that the floor area ratio, in terms of the buildable area, would be 1 . 01 , when the first floor atrium and the second floor balcony are not included in the calculati ns. Chairman Haidinger referred to Page 9 of the Initial Study and asked when the project re- . , lated improvements are scheduled for completion . ' Mr. Webb, Assistant City Engineer, explained to the Commission the current status of these road improvements . In response to a question posed by Commissioner Allen , Mr. Webb stated that the improvements to be made to - Avocado Avenue by the Irvine Company will be constructed all at one time . -33- I COMMISSIONERS F "-uary 19 , 1981 MINUTES I City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Chairman Haidinger referred to Page 3 of the staff report, the bottom line and stated that the floor area ratio should read , 1 .08 X the Buildable Area . Staff concurred. The public hearing opened in connection with these items and Mr. Andrew Gianulias , representin the applicant, appeared before the Commission . Mr. Gianulias presented to the Commission an artist's rendering of the project and described the proposed characteristics of the building. He requested approval of the traffic study and the use permit application. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Allen, Mr. Gianulias stated that the elevator for the building will be hydraulic and will pro- trude approximately four feet above the roof of the building . He stated that the highest point of the building , from the mechanical equipment, will be 37 feet and the lowest point will be at the front of the building which will be 27 feet 6 inches . i Mrs . Eleanor Forsyth , homeowner directly adjacent to the Bank of Newport property, appeared before ' the Commission. She stated that this use permit is closely related to Use Permit No . .1857 which was granted for the• Bank of Newport. She ex- pressed her concerns with regard to the light intrusion and the welfare of the residents and property in the adjoining area . She stated that the lighting from the Bank of Newport shines throughout properties in the Irvine Terrace area. She added that the light is directed out- wardly and shines brilliantly thru her hedges and into her living room. She stated that the provisions of the use permit should protect the welfare of the residents , but in fact do not. Planning Director Hewicker stated that the Bank of Newport use permit does not relate to the use permit pending before the Commission this evening. He stated that as near as he can deter- mine, the proposed office building will not be visible to the ' Irvine Terrace . He stated that -34- COMMISSIONERS —February 19 , 1981 MINUTES F 1114 City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX there is a lighting problem with the Bank of Newport facility and the P Y City Council has directe the Bank of Newport to work with h the residents to resolve these problems pertaining to the lighting of the parking lot and the sign. Commissioner Allen stated that she has discussed similar problems with the applicant, even though their parking will be underground , and stated that in the event th at these items are r approved, she will propose language p pwhich will address these concerns . She then suggested that if the problem with the Bank of Newport facility can not be resolved, that the Commission review the use permit accordingly. Planning Director Hewicker stated that review of this ite m can be brought back before the Commissio n ion at the' next meeting. Mrs . Forsyth stated that she is not opposed to the proposed project, but did state that the Commission should be made aware of the lighting problems the residents are experiencing in this area. P g Mr. Webb referred to the traffic phasing plan improvements of the Initial Study on Page 5 , Table 9, relating to the MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road intersection . He stated that wording should be added as follows , "Add a west bound turn lane on San Joaquin Hills Road at MacArthur Boulevard. " He stated that this is needed to keep the intersection below the .9 criteria . In response to a question posed by Commissioner Thomas, Planning Director Hewicker referred to the Retail and Service Commercial section of the Local Coastal Plan and stated that offices are permitted on the first floor when' they directly serve the public. Commissioner Thomas stated that this proposed project does not appear to function as a neighborhood/commercial use as specified in the Corona del Mar Specific Area Plan. -35- K COMMISSIONERS _ ruary 19 , 1981 MINUTES T O City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Commissioner Beek stated that this use permit will not offer any controls as to whether the offices located on the first floor will provide services directly to the public . He stated that it appears that this project will be serving outside businesses and regional office uses , and not the needs of the residents of Corona del Mar, which is a direct contrary to the intent of the Corona del Mar Specific Area Plan . Chairman Haidinger asked staff at what location the Corona del Mar Specific Area Plan begins . Planning Director Hewicker stated that the Plan begins at the Bank of Newport property and in- cludes this property. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Allen, Planning Director Hewicker stated that Condition No. 2 relates to the State energy laws . Commissioner Allen stated that a condition needs to be added which would preclude the interior illumination of the signing. She stated that externally illuminated signs are much less obtrusive. Mr. Gianulias concurred . Mr. Gianulias stated that they have tried to create an attractive building which will not preclude the retail and service commercial uses as discussed in the Local Coastal Plan . He stated that many of the prospective tenants will be service orientated tenants . Commissioner Allen referred to Finding No . 4 and stated that this should be modified as to why the height variance is being delineated . She stated that this property contains unique fea- tures as to its slope. Mr. Burnham stated that he would draft the proper language to modify this . condition . Motion X Motion was made for approval of the Environmental Document and Use Permit' No . 1978 as recommended in Exhibit- "A" of the staff report with the following changes : Finding No. 4 to be modified relating to the height variance ; include an additional finding that although the gross buildable area is 1 . 12, including the atrium -36- COMMISSIONERS ebruary 19 , 1981 MINUTES �. City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX which is not useable area, the buildable area js actually only 1 .01 ; Condition No . 9 be modified that no features on the property including landscaping trees , flagpoles , sign poles , etc. , exceed the roof top height; Condition No. 19 be modified to include, "shall be screened from view in a manner compatible with the building material" ; and, Condition No. 25 be modified to include that the nighttime lighting shall be shielded from sur- rounding properties . Amendment X Commissioner Thomas suggested an amendment to the motion that the reference to the Draft Local Coastal Plan be deleted from this approval , as this project is not located within the Local Coastal Plan itself. Planning Director Hewicker stated that the project is located within the Acceptanc Y Coastal Zone. Commissioner Allen stated that she would be accepting the amendment by 'deleting the reference to the Draft Local Coastal Plan from her motion. Ayes Ix X Y X Commissioner Allen ' s amended motion for approval Noes X of the Environmental Document and Use Permit No . Absent * 1978 was now voted on as follows , which AMENDED MOTION CARRIED : Environmental Document FINDINGS: 1 . That an Initial Study and Negative Declara- tion have been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the State EIR Guidelines and City Policy. 2. That the contents of the Initial Study and Negative Declaration has been considered in the decisions on this project. 3. That based upon the information contained in the Initial Study and Negative Declaration, the project incorporates sufficient miti - gation measures to reduce potentially significant environmental effects , and that the project will not result in significant environmental impacts . -37- } COMMISSIONERS brua.ry 19 , 1981 _ MINUTES y City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Use Permit No. 1978 FINDINGS : 1 . That the proposed development is consistent with the General Plan and is compatible with surrounding land uses . 2. Adequate offstreet parking spaces will be provided for the proposed development. 3. The project will not have any significant environmental impact, providing the mitiga- tion 'measures set forth in the Initial Study and Negative Declaration are incorporated in the final project design . 4. Because the property slopes towards the rear of the proposed structure , and inasmuch as the roof top , mechanical equipment is located at the rear ,of the structure, the visual impact of the structure is such that the building does not appear to exceed the height limit. 5. The building height would result in more desirable architectural treatment of the building and a stronger and more appealing visual character of the area than is required by the, basic height limit. 6 . The building height would not result in undesirable or abrupt scale relationships being created between the structure and existing development, inasmuch as the pro- posed structure will be lower than the Bank of Newport . 7. The structure will have no more floor area than could have been achi.eved without the use permit. B. That the proposed percentage of compact spaces is reasonable for the total number of parking 'spaces on the site . -38- COMMISSIONERS b r u a ry 19, 1981 MINUTES i City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 9. That approval of Use Permit No . 1978 will . not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health , safety, peace, morals , comfort and general welfare of per- sons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City. 0. That although the gross buildable area of the project is 1 . 12 , the actual development is only 1 .01 times the buildable area when the un- usable areas of the proposed atrium and second floor deck are deleted from the calculations . CONDITIONS: - 1 . That development shall be in substantial con- formance with the approved plot plan , floor plan and elevations . 2. The project shall be designed to conform to Title 24, Paragraph G, Division T-20 , Chapter 2, Subchapter 4. 3. Should any resources be uncovered during construction, that a qualified archaeologist or paleontologist evaluate the site prior to completion of construction activities , and in accordance with City Policies K-6 and K-7. 4. That prior to the occupancy of the proposed structure the circulation system improvements ' described in the Initial Study shall have beers accomplished. 5. Final design of the project shal',1 provide for the incorporation of water-saving devices for project lavatories and other water- using facilities . 6. The final design of the project shall pro- vide for the sorting of recyclable material from other solid waste. -39- COMMISSIONERS �ebruary 19, 1981 _ MINUTES City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 7. The applicants shall provide for weekly vacuum sweeping of all paved areas and drives . 8. A landscape and irrigation plan for the project shall be prepared• by a licensed landscape architect. 9. The landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks , Beaches , and Recreation . Department and approval of the Planning Department. No features on the property including the landscaping , trees , flagpoles , sign poles , etc. , shall exceed the roof top height of the proposed office building. 10. The landscape plan shall include a main- tenance program which controls the use of fertilizers and pesticides . 11 . The landscape plan shall place heavy emphasis on the use of drought-resistant native vegetation and be irrigated via a system designed to avoid surface runoff and over- watering. 12 . Development of the site shall be subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Building and Planning Departments . 13. That the grading plan shall include a com- plete plan for temporary and permanent drainage facilities , to minimize any potential impacts from silt, debris , and other water pollutants . 14 . The grading permit shall include a descrip- tion of haul routes , access points to the site and watering and sweeping program de- signed to minimize impacts of haul operations . 15. - An erosion and dust control plan , if re- quired, shall be submitted .and be subject to the approval of the Building Department. -40- COMMISSIONERS F ruary 19 , 1981 MINUTES 34 City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 16 . That an erosion and siltation control plan, if required, be reviewed by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Santa Ana Region, and the plan be submitted to said Board ten days prior to any construc- tion activities . 17. The project shall be so designed to eliminat light and glare spillage on adjacent uses . 18. The following disclosure statement of the City of Newport Beach ' s policy regarding the John Wayne Airport should be in- cluded in any Covenants , Conditions and Restrictions which may be recorded against the property. Disclosure Statement The Lessee herein, his heirs , successors and assigns acknowledge that: a) The John Wayne Airport may not be able to provide adequate air service for busi - ness establishments which rely on such services ; b) When an alternate air facility is available , a complete phase out of jet service may occur at the John Wayne Airport; c) The City of Newport Beach may continue to oppose additional commercial air service expansions at the John Wayne Airport; d) Lessee , his heirs , successors and assigns will not actively oppose any action taken by the City of Newport* Beach to phase out or limit jet air service at the John Wayne Airport. 19. That any mechanical equipment and emergency power generators shall be screened from view in a manner compatible with the buildin material , and noise associated with said generators shall be attenuated to acceptable -41 - COMMISSIONERS �abruary 19, 1981 MINUTES IMF I City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX levels in receptor areas . The latter shall be based upon the recommendations of a qualified acoustical engineer, and be approved by the Planning Department. 20. That the Fire Department access shall be approved by the Fire Department. 21 . That the structure on the project site shall be equipped with fire suppression systems approved by the Fire Department. 22. The proposed project shall incorporate an internal securing system (i .e. , security guards , alarms , access limits after hours) that shall be reviewed by the Police and Fire Departments and approved by the Planning Department. 23. That the final design of on-site pedestrian circulation be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department and the Planning Department. 24. Prior -to the issuance of any building permit for the site , the applicants shall demonstra e to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department and the Planning Department that adequate sewer facilities will be available. 25. That nightime lighting shall be limited to that necessary for security to be approved by the Planning Department and that night- time lighting shall be shielded from sur- rounding properties . All permitted signs on the site shall only be externally illuminate . 26 . Interior circulation, parking , traffic control , sign locations and directional signs shall be approved by the Traffic Engineer. 27. A plan shall be submitted to the Traffic Engineer for approval that insures adequate control over the use of the proposed tan- dem parking spaces . -42- COMMISSIONERS L February 19, 1981 MINUTES City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 28. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 29. All applicable conditions of Resubdivision No. 659 shall be fulfilled. 30. That vehicular access to the subject pro- perty be taken from Avocado Avenue. Motion Motion was made for approval of the Traffic All Ayes X X X Study with the added 'revision by the Assistant Absent * City Engineer that the Initial Study/Traffic Report on Page 9, Table 5 include the addition of a west bound turn lane on San Joaquin Hills Road at MacArthur Boulevard, which MOTION CARRIED as follows : Traffic Study FINDINGS : I . That a Traffic Study on the proposed pro- ject has been prepared in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Municipal Code and City Policy S-1 , and; 2. That based on that Traffic Study, the pro- posed project will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic service on any "major" , "primary-modified" , or "primary" street. CONDITIONS: 1 . That prior to the occupancy of any building on this site the circulation system improve- ments described in the Initial Study/ Traffic Report on Page 9, Table 5 shall be accomplished, including the addition of a west bound turn lane on San Joaquin Hills Road and MacArthur Boulevard. * * * -43- H I Ijium itn I nu. G Planning Commission Meeting February 19 , 1981 l ! Agenda Items No . 11 _ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department ir'afl L `S SUBJECT: Use Permit No. 1978 (Public Hearing ) Request to permit the construction of a two story office building and related off-street parking areas on property located in the Corona del Mar Specific Plan Area where a specific plan has not been adopted and which exceeds 5,000 sq . ft . of floor area , and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. It is also requested that the proposed office building be allowed to exceed the basic height limit in the 32/50 Height Limitation District. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested inas- much as a portion of the required off-street parking spaces are proposed as compact parking spaces . LOCATION: Parcel No. 2, Parcel Map 152-28, 29 (Resubdivision No . 659 ) located at 2121 East Coast Highway on the south- westerly corner of East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue, in Corona del Mar. ZONE: C-1 APPLICANT: West Coast Investment, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant Application This application requests approval of a use permit pursuant to Section 20 .01 .075 of the Municipal Code , to allow the construction of a 37,122± sq . ft. two story office building and related on-site parking areas on property located in the Corona del Mar Specific Plan Area where a specific plan has not been adopted. It is also requested that the proposed structure be permitted to exceed the basic height limit of the 32/50 Height Limitation District in accordance with Section 20.02. 040 of the Municipal Code . Use permit procedures are set forth in Chapter 20.80 of the Municipal Code. A modification to the Zoning Code is also being requested inasmuch as a portion of the required off-street parking spaces are proposed to be compact spaces . Modification procedures are set forth in Chapter 20;,,81 of the Municipal Code . Additionally, this application requests the acceptance and approval of a Traffic Study prepared in accordance with the Traffic Phasing Ordinance and City Council Policy S-1 . Procedures for the preparation of a Traffic Study are set forth in Chapter 15 .40 of the Municipal Code. -1 - TO: --- PI-anning Commission -2. Environmental Significance After an Initial Study, it has been determined that this project will not have any significant environmental impact. A Negative Declaration has been prepared, and is attached for Commission review. Conformance with General Plan and Draft Local Coastal Plan The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the si'te for "Retail and Service Commercial " and "Administrative , Professional and Financial Commercial " uses . The proposed development falls within the permitted uses . The Draft Local Coastal Plan designates the site for "Retail and Service Commercial " uses . The proposed project is consistent with this designa- tion. However, offices may be permitted on the ground floor only if they provide a service to the public. Subject Property and Surrounding Land Use The "Kams" Restaurant facility is currently located on the subject prop- erty, and will be demolished in conjunction with the proposed development. To the northeast, across East Coast Highway, is the Corporate Plaza, Planned Community Office development; to the southeast, across Avocado Avenue , are mixed commercial uses along East Coast Highway and single family dwellings and duplexes along Avocado Avenue ; to the southwest, to the rear of the subject property is the Sandcastle multiple-family resi- dential condominium project and related parking area ; and to the west, adjacent to the subject property on East Coast Highway, is the Bank of Newport Corporate office complex - and related parking facility, Background At its meeting of March 2 , 1978 , the Planning Commission recommended the approval of Amendment No . 503 to rezone the subject property, from the Unclassified District tothe C-1 District and the property southerly of the site from the Unclassified District to the R-3 District. The Commission also approved Use Permit No . 1857 that permitted the construc- tion of a Bank of Newport office complex in excess of the basic height limit and a related drive-up teller facility,, and the conversion of exist- ing apartment units and motel units into a 45-Unit residential condominium complex, subject to :: the 8 findings and 24 conditions of approval contained in the attached excerpt of the Planning Commission minutes dated March 2, 1978. A negative declaration was also accepted by the Commission in conjunction with the proposed development. Furthermore, the Planning Commission also recommended the approval of the Tentative Map of Tract No . 10274 to create one lot for multiple-family residential condominium development and one lot for commercial development, subject to the 11 findings and 26 conditions of approval contained in the attached excerpt of the Planning Commission minutes . r 1 TO: Planning Commission -3 . 1q The City Council approved the subject rezoning of the site on March 27, 1978. The Council also accepted a negative declaration and approved the Tentative Map of Tract No . 10274 on March 27, 1978, subject to the find- ingsand conditions -of approval recommended by the Planning Commission, and added two additional conditions of approval , contained in the attached excerpt of the City Council Minutes . On June 15, 1978, the Planning Commission recommended the approval of the Final Map of Tract 10274 , and at its meeting of July 11 , 1978, the City Council approved the Final Map of Tract 10274 subject to the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission , as amended by the City Council as set forth in the attached excerpts from the Council meeting a. sub- sequent request was made to resubdivide the subject property so as , to create two parcels of land for commercial development where one lot existed . This request also included the approval of an off-site parking agreement for a portion of the required parking spaces for Kam' s Restaurant facility on the adjoining Bank of Newport property . At its meeting of June 19 1980, , the Planning Commission approved Resubdivision No . 659, subject to the findings and conditions of approval as set forth in the excerpts of the Planning Commission - P g m fission minutes attached for Commission re- view. Subsequent -to this approval , the City Attorney determined that Conditions of Approval Nos . 9 and 10, concerning the off-site parking agreement and a common access agreement between theKam' s Restaurant � Facility and the Bank of Newport complex was deemed complete inasmuch as the restaurant use lease would terminate not later than March 31 , 1981 . A copy of the letter from, the City Attorney to the Attorney for Bank of Newport/Realport Corporation is also attached for Commission review. Analysis The following outline reflects the major characteristics of the proposed development: Total Land Area : 34,366 sq .ft. Buildable Area : 34 ,366 sq . ft. Maximum Gross Floor Area : (2 ,x Buildable area)= 68, 732 sq . ft. Proposed Gross Floor Area: First Floor: 20 ,273±sq . ft . Second Floor: 18,472±sq . ft. TOTAL : 38,745±sq .ft. Floor Area Ratio : 1 . 12 x Buildable Area Proposed Floor Area (Net) First Floor: 19, 567±sq .ft. Second Floor: 17,555±sq . ft. TOTAL : 37 ,122±sg . ft, Floor Area Ratio : 1.08 x Buildable Area TO: Planning Commission -4. c)_0 Building Height: Permitted: 32 ' Proposed : Maximum roof. height: 37 ' above grade (including mechanical equipment on rear) Average roof height: 34' ± above grade Parking: Required: 1 space for each 250 sq . ft. (net) 37,122 sq .ft. s 250sq .ft. = 149 spaces. Proposed: 161 spaces ( 149 spaces + 12 tandem) *The ,Planning Commission has approved several commercial developments in the Corona del Mar Specific P1an, Area with Floor Area Ratios ranging from .23 time the buildable area to 1 .10 times the buildable area. Buildin4 Height The proposed two story structure will have a maximum height, of 37 ' -0"t measured from the highest point of the structure (mechanical equipment on roof, east elevation,) to, natural grade, directly below. The lowest part of the structure is 27"-6"± 9 fronting East Coast Highway. In order to determine the average roof height of the entire structure, it is necessary to measure the maximum and minimum heights of each roof line of the structure. Because the subject property slopes to the rear, and because of the architects desire to design a structure that appears level , calculation of the "Average Roof Height" requires that the roof be measured in two segments . First, the maximum height of. the structure as presented in the building sections (.page 5 of the plans submitted) is 37' -0"± measured from the top of the mechanical equipment to natural grade directly below. The lowest point of this portion of the roof is 34 ' -0"±, measured from the top of the covered atrium to natural grade directly below. The average roof height for this portion of the roof was determined by locating the mid-point between the highest and lowest points of the roof, and measuring the height above grade directly below. This section of roof has an average height of 33' -0"± . The front portion of the structureis measured in the same manner, with the highest portion of roof in this case being the corner of the atrium roof which was the lowest point of the roof at the rear, or 34 ' -0" . The lowest portion of the structure is 27 6 ± . The Mid-point of this section of the roof is 31 ' - 0"±. The project is located in the 32/50 Foot Basic Height Limitation District. According to Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 20, 52 .030.(D) , the following height limits would apply to the office buildi-ng: " In the 32/50 Foot Height Limitation Zone the height limit for any struc- ture shall be 32 feet; provided, however, that a structure may exceed 32 feet up to a maximum of 50 feet after the adoption of a Planned Community District, or after the adoption of a Specific Area Plan , or after the approval of a Use Permit" . In granting a use permit for a structure in excess of the Basic Height Limit, the Planning Commission shall find that each of the following four points as set forth in Chapter 20.02 .040 of the Municipal Code have been complied with: r. TO: - Planning Commission -5 . (a) The increased building height would result in more public visual open space and views than is required by the basic, ' height limit- in any zone. Particular attention shall be given to the location of the structure on the lot, the per- centage of ground cover, and the treatment of all setback and open areas . (b) The increased building height would result in a more desirable architectural treatment of the building and a stronger and. more appealing visual character of the area than is required by the basic height limit in any zone. (c) The increased building height would not result in undesireable or abrupt scale relationships being created between the struc- ture and existing developments or public spaces . Particular attention shall be given to the total bulk of the structure including both horizontal and vertical dimensions . (d) The structure shall have no more floor area than could have been achieved without the Use Permit. Staff is of the opinion that the proposed structure complies with all of the requirements of Chapter 20.02. 040 for the following reasons : (a) The project, as proposed, provides approximately 12,000 sq .ft. of landscaped area in the front (12 feet clear depth) , sides (2 feet - 10 feet clear depth)and rear yard ( 12 feet clear depth) where no setback areas are required in the C-1 Distri:ct. (b) The structure will have a maximum height of 32 ' fronting on East Coast Highway, and a maximum height of 37 ' at the rear of the structure . Inasmuch as the subject property slopes towards the rear of the lot, and further because the roof-top mechanical equipment is located at the rear of the structure, it is only, at the rear of the structure that the height limit is exceeded. The proposed two story structure will be less imposing than the adjacent four story Bank of Newport complex, and from East Coast Highway it will appear to be within the 32 ' Height Limit. (c) The increased building height will not result in undesireable or abrupt scale relationship betweenthe proposed structure and adjacent developments . The horizontal bulk of the proposed structure has been decreased from what would normally be per- mitted through the provision of landscaping areas in the front sides and rear of the structure where setbacks are not required. The vertical bulk of the structure does not exceed two stories except where the roof-top mechanical equipment is located . (d) The proposed structure, with 38,745 sq .ft. (gross ) , is sub- stantially less than the 67,088 sq . ft. permitted on the subject property. On Site Parking The proposed structure, as submitted, co,ntains 37,122 sq . ft. of net floor area . Based upon the current City parking standard for office uses , of 1 TO: —lanning Commission -6. " space for each 250 sq . ft. of net floor area, a total of 149 spaces (37, 122 sq . ft. t 250 sq .ft. ) are required. A two level subterranean parking garage is proposed'. The following outline reflects the distri- bution of parking spaces wihin each level : LEVEL 1 : Standard (8 '-6" x 18' -0" 56 spaces Compact (7' -6" x 15 ' -0" ; 14 spaces Handi•c*p (12 ' -0" x 18' -0") 3 spaces Tandem 6 spaces TOTAL 79 spaces LEVEL 2: Standard (8'-6" x 18' -011 ) 65 spaces Compact (7 ' -6" x 15 ' -0" aces Handicap (12 ' -0" x 18,-0" ) 2 spaces Tandem* 6 spaces TOTAL 82 spaces *The City Traffic Engineer has indicated that the 12 tandem parking spaces cannot be included in the total of required parking spaces , and further that a plan detailing adequate control over the use of' these tandem spaces should be submitted for city approval to insure that a vehicle does not inadvertently become trapped in a tandem space . The applicant is also requesting a modification to the Zoning Code so as to permit a portion of the required parking spaces to be compact spaces . As shown on the parking garage plans submitted, 23 compact spaces or 15 ,4% of the' total required parking spaces are provided. Staff has no objections to this request in as much as the proposed atrium area accounts for approximately 4,946 sq . ft, of the net foor space (2921 sq . ft. first floor; 2025 sq .ft. second floor) Because this atrium area is fully enclosed it is considered "net floor area" even though it may not constitute leasable area . Traffic Study The City Traffic Engineer has determined that the following intersections will be affected by the proposed project based upon its size and geographic location : East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue East Coast Highway and MacArthur Boulevard East- Coast Highway and Margarite Avenue MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road Jamboree Road and Santa Barbara Drive Jamboree Road and San Joaquin Hills Road The Traffic Study determined that the project will generate, one year, after its projected completion date ( 1982) , more than one percent of the projected 2; hour volume on any leg of the above critical intersections , only at East Coast Highway/Avocado Avenue , East Coast Highway/MacArthur L T0: — Planning Commission -7. V Boulevard, and MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road. In accord- ance with City Policy S-1 , Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis was made for projected traffic volumes (summation of existing peak hour volumes , regional growth volumes and committed project volumes) and projected traffic volumes plus project traffic volumes . The I . C.U. calculations at the intersections indicated. the following : I .C.U. ' S East Coast Hwy. East Cost Hwy. MacArthur Blvd . & Avocado,!Ave. & MacArthur &San Joaquin Hill Existing .6693 . 8022 . 7921' Existing, +regional ,+committed .8246 . 9472 .9582 Existing,+regional,+committed, project .8246 .9503 .9607 Existing,+regional,+committed, +committed imputs(1 ) .8144 .8627 .8999 Existing,+regional ,+committed, +committed imputs ,+project . 8441 . 8689 n/a Existing,+regional ,+committed, +committed imputs ,+project, n/a n/a .8674 + ro ect related im uts . 1 . Includes the extension of Avocado Avenue to San Miguel Drive and San Miguel Drive improved, and Eastbound through lane at East Coast Highway, and MacArthur Boulevard required of previosly approved projects . 2. Includes the addition of a west bound right turn lanes. not previously required of other projects'. City Policy S-1 provides that an analysis be done to determine••if one, year after completion of the project, or portions of the project for which the traffic analysis is being performed, the project will generate one percent or more of the project traffic volume for each leg of each impacted intersection during the 2 .5 hour peak peiord. The policy also provides that when one year after the completion of the project, the project may generate one percent or more of projects intersection, then an ICU analysis will be performed in accordance with S-1 . This analysis has been performed on the affected intersections . The projected ICU with the project at these intersections are as indicated above . The policy provides that the ICU must be less than 0.90 to make Finding No . 2 listed in Exhibit "A"-Traffic Study no trip generation reduction measures were required to achieve these ICU 's at the impacted intersections . TO: Planning Commission -8. Specific Findings and Recommendations Section 20.80 .060 of the Municipal Code provides that in order to grant any use permit, the Planning Commission sha,ll find that the establish ment, maintenance or operation of the use or building applied for will not under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals , comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detri- mental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Staff recommends approval of Use Permit No . 1978, which permits a floor area in excess of 5,000 sq .ft. of floor area in a Specific Plan Area for which a specific plan has not been adopted, and to exceed the Basic Height Limit. In addition , staff has no objection to the request for a modifi- cation to the Zoning Code so as to permit a portion of the required park- ing spaces to be compact spaces . Staff also recommends that the Planning Commission accept and approve the Traffic Study prepared in conjunction with the proposed project pursuan-t to Chapter 15 .40 of the Municipal Code, and the Inital Study . prepared in accordance with the City Council Policy K-3 and the California Environmental Quality - Act. Exhibit"A" contains all of the recommended Findings and Conditions of Approval that the Planning Commission may wish to make in conjunction with the approval of the proposed development. Respectfully submitted, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, DIRECTOR B ris laustin, Associate Planner CG/tk Attachments: Exhibit "A" Vicinity map Negative Declatation and Mitiagions Measures Letter from City Attorney Excerpt from minutes of Planning Commission/June 19 , 1980 Excerpt from minutes of City Council meeting/July 11 , 1978 Excerpt from minutes of Planning Commission/March 2 , 1978 Inital Study { Plot Plan , Floor Plans , Elevations EXHIBIT "A" C FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ( I ) ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT (2) TRAFFIC STUDY ( 3 USE PERMIT NO . 1978 Environmental Document A. Findings 1 . That an Initial Study and Negative Declaration have been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, , the State EIR Guidelines and City Policy.., 2. That the contents of the Initial Study and Negative Declara,ti'on have been considered in the decisions on this project. 3 . That based upon the information contained in the Initial Study and Negative Declaration , the project incorporates sufficient mitigation measures to reduce potentially significant environ- mental effects , and that the project will not result in signi - ficant environmental impacts . Traffic Study A. Findings 1 . That a Traffic Study on the proposed project has been prepared in accordance with Chapte.r 15 .40 of the Municipal Code and City Policy S-1 , and; 2. That based on that Traffic Study, the proposed project will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic service on any "major" , "primary-modified" , or "primary" street. B . Conditions 1 . That prior to the occupancy of any building on this site the cir- culation system improvements described in the Initial Study/ Traffic Report on Page 9 , Table 5 shall be accomplished. Use Permit No . 1978 A. 'Findings 1 . That the proposed development is consistent with the General Plan and the Draft Local. Coastal Plan , and i-s compatible with surround- ing land uses . . 2. Adequate offstreet parking spaces will be provided for the pro- posed development. 3. The project will not have any significant environmental impact , providing the mitigation, measures set forth in the Initial Study and Negative Declaration are incorporated in the final project design. 'EXHIBIT "A" - CON 'T. o2(V 4. The building height would result in more public visual open space than is required by the basic height limit, inasmuch as the pro- posed development provides additional setback areas that are not required, and that the only portion of the structure that exceeds the basic height limit is at the rear of the structure. 5 . The building height would result in more desirable architectural treatment of the building and a stronger and more appealing visual character of the area than is required by the basic height limit. 6. The building height would not result in undesirable or abrupt scale relationships being created between the structure and exist- ing development, inasmuch as the proposed structure will be lower than the Bank of Newport. 7. The structure will have no more floor area than could have been achieved without the use permit. 8. That the proposed percentage of compact spaces is reasonable for the total number of parking spaces on the site. 9. That approval of Use Permit No. 1978 will not, under the circum- stances of this case, be detrimental to the health , safety, peace, morals , comfort and general welfare of -persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City. B. Conditions 1 . That development shall be in substantial conformance with the , approved plot plan, floor plan, and elevations . 2. The project shall be designed to conform to Title 24, Paragraph G, Division T-20, Chapter 20 Subchapter 4 . 3. Should any resources be uncovered during construction, that a qualified archaeologist or paleontologist evaluate the site prior to completion of construction activities , and in accordance with City Policies K-6 and K-7. 4. That prior to the occupancy of the proposed structure the circu- lation system improvements described in the Initial Study shalt have been accomplished . 5 . Final design of the project shall provide for the incorporation of water-saving devices for project lavatories and other water- using facilities . 6 . The final design of the project shall provide for the sorting of recyclable material from other solid waste. 7. The applicants shall provide for weekly vacuum sweeping of all paved paving areas and drives . 8. A landscape and irrigation plan for the project shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. r EXHIBIT "A" - CON ' T. 9 . The landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks , Beaches, and Recreation Department and approval of the Planning Department. 10. The landscape plan shall include a maintenance program which controls the use of fertilizers and pesticides . 11 . The landscape plan shall place heavy emphasis on the use of drought-resistant native vegetation and be irrigated via a system designed to avoid surface runoff and over-watering. 12. Development of the site shall be subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Building and Planning Departments . 13. That the grading plan shall include a complete plan for temporary and permanent drainage facilities , to minimize any potential im- pacts from silt, debris , and other water pollutants . 14. The grading permit shall include a description of haul routes , access points to the site and watering and sweeping program de- signed to minimize impacts of haul operations . 15 . An erosion and dust control plan, if required , shall be submitted and be subject to the approval of the Building Department , 16. That an erosion and siltation control plan , if required, be re- viewed by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Santa Ana Region, and the plan be submitted to said Board ten days prior to any construction activities . 17. The project shall be so designed to eliminate light and glare spillage on adjacent uses . 18. The following disclosure statement of the City of Newport Beach ' s policy regarding the Orange County Airport should be included in any Covenants , Conditions , and Restrictions which may be recorded against the property. Disclosure Statement The Lessee herein , his heirs , successors and assigns acknowledge that . a) The Orange County Airport may not be able to provide adequate air service for business establishments which rely on such services`; b) When an alternate air facility is available , a complete phase out of jet service may occur at the Orange County Airport. c) The City of Newport Beach may continue to oppose additional commer- cial air service expansions at the Orange County Airport; d) Lessee , his heirs , successors and assigns will not actively oppose any action taken by the City of. Newport Beach to phase out or limit jet air service at the Orange County Airport. Y � n EXHIBIT "A" - CON' T. dO28 19 . That any mechanical equipment and emergency power generators shall be screened from view and noise associated with said gen- erators shall be attenuated to acceptable bevels in receptor areas . The latter shall be based upon the recommendations of a qualified acoustical engineer, and be approved by the Planning Department. 20. That the Fire Department access shall be approved by the Fire Department. 21 . That the structure on the project site shall be equipped with fire suppression systems approved by the Fire Department. 22 . The proposed project shall incorporate an internal securing system ( i .e . , security guards , alarms , access limits after hours) that shall be reviewed, by the Po lice ' and Fire Depart- ments and approved by the Planning Department. 23. That the final design of on=site pedestrian circulation be re- viewed and approved by the Public Works Department and the Planning Department. 24. Prior to -the issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicants shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department and the Planning Department that ade- quate sewer facilities wi'l'l be available . 25 . That nightime lighting should be limited to that necessary for security and should be approved by the Planning Department. 26 . Interior circulation, parking, traffic control , sign locations and directional signs shall be approved by the Traffic Engineer. 27. A plan shall be submitted to the Traffic Engineer for approval that insures adequate control over the use of the proposed tan- dem parking spaces . 28. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 29 . All applicable conditions of Resubd.ivision No . 659 shall be ful- filled . 30. That vehicular access to the subject property be taken from Avocado Avenue. s !!e aar.rrnwv aw.n a P C i9 P-C EAST cowrT (irw r!) N/GNWAY Tl.rewea CNU/AICO Of/Vf -10- \ rauwca a •' • \ ✓ w ,• .M rr 3.. , ,. . * i JEA/R,Sp- R-t i • R•3 f,~Ar '~ r!a rul.ea i ' R.\ E Mf 10• M - a war ✓ m r x ^ �" h' N r ✓ .w• N ; /ter✓ -5p, PEIJ A !! i ///Yf ] 10- o tl 7 i rr r5,]s YDr R_I a '! � � A n ✓ N H. � ,Ot l0 t ! NO. ruule w Q U/A vA4vi Y . y -go- IV yo, � 'or i s j3 R-1 w_ �• 6 pp R3 eAYJ•IDE '. 4v �!' .t � •10. p i C.r.p ..... TI J e > 1, t • rfR•FACf C 0 avd_ \ tv.p R•t -lo• t a \� a !.10 AGf 't 4 5 \ \ •ar °w ` ti rf•e,iAef.804 R-t f aP 410.�ANO law. /wr O,PI ✓E /•r/ s]!e Ml aYZ,a.� 4/•M fi•u- /•I•M I•tTT �� •p- -10. n]F0.1ZM pVtp q Ix[MwM.Y[>r ]Y Nrg1([aD.O IWrwAn \ \ \ J }/ ar rr[ vma cnn co-wm/wa awrx n ttn roar R 1 .W- xnr mir•u•ro r•c nwx]r.r{a wool a-u-P au+r au•e ma nun,rrwn wawa 140.1NacrR raswa•roa.IZ•J ♦v ���� D4aq iJ]J W W MINT pu! 1]i MIOIDC OL)FAry\C•1•N a NDaIro PJ 9 .I2•01 A.SSS � � IIS r u s: wr a•!-n DISTRICTING MAP NEW PORT BEACH — C A L I F 0 R N I A C—g-T AGRICULTURAL RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL Scid SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LIGHTCOMMERCIAL DUPLE% RESIDENTIAL GENERAL COMMERCIAL RESYD MULTIPLE FAMILY RE51KNI L - MANUFACTURING ORD.NO.-6.3s COMBINING DISTflICTS uNcuSSIFNiO �,_x� MAP NO.ARD DEPTH IN FEET SHOWN THUS: -10- vtc,of GD un mouN THus: lii USF P�R,YV►IT Alo. /978 Vr -' NEGATIVE DECLARATION• - y TO: Secretary for Resources FROM: Planning Department 1400 Tenth Street City Of Newport Beach Sacramento, CA 95814 3300 Newport Boulevard Clerk of the Board of Newport Beach, CA 92663 Supervisors P. 0. Box 687 .-Santa ana- CA- 92702 NAME OF PROJECT: "Coast Business Center" PROJECT LOCATION: 2121 W. Coast Hwy. , City of Newport Beach PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project consists of the construction of a two- story office building (37* 122 sq. ft. ) , two levels of sub- terranean parking ( 149 spaces ) and associated landscaping. FINDING: Pursuant to the provisions of City Council Policy K-3 pertaining to procedures and guidelines to implement the California Environmental Quality Act, the Environmental Affairs Committee has evaluated the proposed project and determined that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. MITIGATION MEASURES: See Attached. INITIAL STUDY PREPARED BY: City of Newport Beach ' ' INITIAL STUDY AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT: 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA DATE RECEIVED FOR FILING: Fred Talaricd / /(/ r.0 �•(� , Environmental Coordinator Date: February 9 , 1981 L / MITIGATION MEASURES � 1 1 . The on-site parking will be provided in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 2. The project be designed to conform to Title 24, Paragraph G, Division T-20y Chapter 2, Subchapter 4. 3. Should any resources be uncovered during construction, that a qualified archaeologist or paleontologist evaluate the site prior to completion of construction activities, and in accordance with City Policies K-6 & K-7. 4. Final design of the project should provide for the incorporation of water- saving devices for project lavatories and other water-using facilities. 5. The final desiqn of the project should provide for the sorting of recyclable material from other solid waste. 6. The applicants should provide for weekly vacuum sweeping of all paved paring areas and drives. 7. A landscape and irrigation plan for the nroject shall be prepared by.a licensed landscape architect. 8. The landscape plan should be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Department and approval of the Planning Department. 9. The landscape plan should include a maintenance program which controls the use of fertilizers and pesticides. '10. The landscape plan should Place heavy emphasis on the use of drought-resistant native vegetation and be irrigated via a system designed to avoid surface runoff and.over-watering. .11 . Development of the site should be subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Building and Planning Departments. 12. That a grading plan if required should include a complete plan for temporary and permanent drainage facilities, to minimize any potential impacts from silt, debris, and other water pollutants. 13. The grading permit shall include, if required, a• description of'haul routes, access points to the site and watering and sweeping nrggram designed to minimize impacts of haul operations. 14. An erosion and dust control plan, if required, should be submitted and be subject to the approval of the Building Department. 15. That an erosion and siltation control plan, if required, be reviewed by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Santa Ana Region, and the plan be submitted to said Board ten days prior to any construction activities. 16. The project should be so designed to eliminate light and glare spillage on adjacent uses. FBI `h1ITIGATION MEASURES - CON ' Y - 17 . That prior to the occupancy of the proposed project the circula- tion system improvements described in the Initial Study should be accomplished . 18. The following disclosure statement of the City of Newport Beach 's policy regarding the Orange County Airport should be included in all leases or sub-leases for space in the project and shall be in- cluded in any Covenants , Conditions , and Restrictions which may be recorded against the property. Disclosure Statement The Lessee Herein, hisheirs , successors and assigns acknowledge that: a) The Orange County Airport may not be able to provide adequate air service for business establishments which rely on such services ; b) When an alternate air facility is available, a complete phase out of jet service may occur at the Orange County Airport. c) The City of Newport Beach may continue to oppose additional commer- cial air service expansions at the Orange County Airport . d) Lessee, his heirs , successors and assigns will not actively oppose any action taken by the City of Newport Beach to phase out or limit jet air service at the Orange County Airport. 19 . That any mechanical equipment and emergency power generators shall be screened from view and noise associated with said shall be at- tenuated to acceptable levels in receptor areas . The latter shall be based upon the recommendations of a qualified acoustical engi- neer, and be approved by the Planning Department. 20. That the Fire Department access should be approved by the Fire Department . 21 . That all buildings on the project site should be equipped with fire suppression systems approved by the Fire Department. 22. The proposed project shall incorporate an internal securing system (i .e. , security guards , alarms , access limits after hours ) that shall be reviewed by the Police and Fire Departments and ap- proved by the Planning Department. 23. That the final design of on-site pedestrian circulation be re- viewed and approved by the Public Works 'Department and the Planning Department. 24. That nightime lighting should be limited to that necessary for security and should be approved by the Planning Department. t . 0• PoRT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH e.. OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY G1 41po'g (714) 640.2201 October 27, 1980 ;;;y'r ,� • ' c� Dennis W. Harwood, Esq. HARWOOD & ADRINSON ��� :• h 550 Newport Center Drive � •r..�-fix% Suite 800 Post Office Box 1907 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Bank of Newport/Realport Corporation; Resubdivision No. 659 Dear Dennis: This letter is a follow-up to your letter of October. 2, 1980, regarding Resubdivision No. 659. The City can agree that Condition No. 9 and Condition No. 10 of Resubdivision No. 659 are deemed satisfied by virtue of the fact that the restaurant use of the property will terminate not later than March 31, 1981. 'Since Conditions Nos: 9 and 10 related to ~ the restaurant use and to provide access to the restaurant, the. .. termination of the restaurant use will satisfy that requirement. However , this agreement as to satisfaction of conditions is given only upon the understanding and agreement by the Bank of Newport/ Realport Corporation that the restaurant use on the subject prop- erty will terminate not later than March 31, 1981, and that no additional restaurant use will be operated on that site without further specific City approval. The additional approval would more than likely result in an off-site parking agreement and access agreement being required, substantially the same as Conditions Nos. 9 and 10 of Resubdivision No. 659. The City's acceptance of Conditions Nos. 9 and 10 as being complete is also given on the understanding that during the remaining term of the restaurant usage the required additio 1 parking spaces will be available to the restaurant tenant or City I Iall • .it3g0 �e�eport Bcu►icvard, :lea port Beach. Calilorni. C g E IP�t CA�1F. •� Dennis W. Harwood, Esgt October 27, 1980 Page Two Finally, the City's approval is conditioned upon an agreement and understanding by the Bank of Newport/Realport Corporation that, should another use be proposed on the restaurant site that requires off-site parking, the City will require an appropriate off-site parking agreement and access agreement. If these conditions are acceptable to your client, please sign the enclosed copy of this letter and return it to me. Should you have any questions regarding the foregoing, please don't hesitate to contact me. Very trul yours, HUGH COFFIN City Attorney xc: Planning Director Public Works Director The contents of this letter have been read and accepted by Bank of Newport/Realport Corporation in regards to compliance with Conditions Nos. 9 and 10 of Resubdivision No. 659 . Dated: October ,_: , 1980. Dennis W.�Harwood Attorney for Bank of Newport/ Realport Corporation 1� COMMISSIONERS "C ( ' MINUTES June 19, 1980 City of Newport Beach ROU CALL INDEX T, That there be a document recorded satis- factory to the City Attorney and the ., Planning Director providing for the common 'access to Dover Drive and 16th Street and common parking spaces for Parcel Nos. 1 and, 2 of this application and for the existing Bank of Newport property, 8. Vacuum sweeping of all paved parking areas and drives shall be provided on the subject property on a weekly basis. 9. The project *shall provide for the sorting of recyclable material from other solid wastes. 10. The applicant sh l'l expand the existing Ban • of Newport drive-up- teller facility so as to accommodate four 'vehicular lanes to said facility. The dr,"eway on 16th Street shall also be widened to accommodate the four vehicular lanes ` s approved by ` the City Traffic Engineer\ Commissioner Allen posed a question to which William Laycock, Current Planning Administrator, replied that if the drive-up teller facility were . relocated in the future, it would "nNeces- sarily come before the Planning Commission for a use permit, at which time the situation 'mould Motion x be reassessed. \ Ayes x x x Absent x Motion was CONDITIONALLY APPROVED. ` Request to create two parcels of land for commer- Item A2 cial development where one lot now exists, the acceptance of an offsite parking agreement for a Resub- portion of the required parking spaces for Kam' s division Restaurant facility, and the acceptance of an No. 59 Environmental Document. LOCATION: Lot 2, Tract No. 10274, located at APPROVED 2101 and 2121 East Coast Highway, C N - on the southwesterly corner of I N LLY East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue, adjacent to Irvine Terrace. -6- CCA�iMISSIONERS r ille� June 19 , 1980 MINUTES ROLL CALL New Y port Beach INDEX ZONE: C-1 APPLICANT: Bank of Newport, Newport Beach OWNER: Realport Corporation , Newport Beach ENGINEER: Robert Bein, William Frost A Associates , Newport Beach In response to a question posed by Commissioner McLaughlin, William Laycock, Current Planning Administrator, replied that the purpose of the resubdivision was for financing purposes only, and that no new construction was proposed. The Public Hearing was opened and Mr. Harwood; Attorney for the Bank of Newport, appeared before the Commission to s-tate his concurrence with the conditions as indicated in the Staff Report. In response to a question posed by Commissioner McLaughlin , Mr. Harwood replied that they re- quested the offstreet agreement to coincide with the maximum term remaining under the lease , as they do not know what the future use of the property will be. Commissioner Allen suggested continuing this item so that Mr. Kam Yee might be notified; she stated her understanding that the long-standing dispute which had now been resolved regarding Kam' s Restaurant began over the fact that the restau- rant was never notified of the development next door. Motion x Commissioner Allen made a motion to continue this item to the regular Planning Commission Meeting of July 10, 1980- Commissioner Beek stated his agreement. In response to a comment made by Commissioner Allen, Mr. Laycock replied that the primary Purpose of notifying occupants or tenants of adjoining property had been in reference a to residential lots and, not co mmercial rcial areas. -7- COMMISSIONERS " — i • MINUTES June 19, 1980 City of Newport Beach (BOLL CALL - INDEX y He further explained that the requirement of vehicular and pedestrian access between the two parcels would still exist. Commissioner Allen stated her understanding that the offsite parking agreement involved parking on Kam' s lot as well as on the Bank of Newport lot. She expressed her feeling that it was important that Mr. Yee knew where his offsite parking would exit and that he knew there was a new lot, and that it would in no way affect his offsite parkin agreement. Motion x Commissioner Haidinger made a Substitute Motion that the Planning Commission approve Resubdivi- sion No. 659, subjct to the following. find.ings And conditions : FINDINGS: i 1 . That the map meets the requirements of Title 19 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, all ordinances of the City, all applicable gen- eral or specific plans and the Planning Commission is satisfied with the plan of subdivision. 2. That the proposed resubdivision presents no problems from a planning standpoint. 3. That the proposed development is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plat and is compatible with surrounding land uses . 4. The project will not have any significant environmental impact. .i 5. The offsite parking area adjoins• Kam' s Restaurant facility, and therefore, is so located to be useful to the subject restaurant use. 6. The offsite not crea undue trafficahazardspinethe� ll surroundingte area . -8- y� COfy1MI5SIONERS MINUTES City of June 19, 1980 Newport Beach Roll. CALL INDEX 7. The offsite parking lot and the adjoining restaurant site will be maintained under the same ownership. CONDITIONS: 1 . That a parcel map be filed. 2. That all improvements be constructed as required by ordinance and the Public Works Department. 3. That all the applicable conditions of Use Permit No. 1857 and Tract No. 10274 be fulfilled. 4. That two (2) feet of right-of-way shall be dedicated for pedestrian purposes along East Coast Highway, where tree wells exist, so that an 8 foot clear sidewalk can be constructed. The locations and configuration of the dedication shall be approved by the Public Works Department. 5. That approxi-mately 10 feet of deteriorated curb and 20 feet of deteriorated sidewalk and gutter be reconstructed on Avocado Avenue. 6. That the displaced sidewalk along East Coast Highway be replaced adjacent to Parcel No. 2, with locations to be approved by the Public Works Department. 7. That all work within the East Coast Highway right-of-way be done under an encroachment permit issued by the Cali- fornia Department of Transportation. 8. That a standard agreement with accompanying surety be provided to guarantee the satis- factory completion of the improvements if it is desired to record the parcel map before completing the public improvements. -9- COMMISSIONERS " t MINUTES June 19 , 1980 H City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 9 . That an offsite parking agreement shall be r approved -by the City Council guaranteeingg that a minimum of 42 parking spaces shall be provided o.n Parcel No. 1 of this appli - cation, for the duration of the restaurant use on Parcel No. 2. 10. That there be a document recorded satis- factory to the City Attorney and the Plannin Director providing for the common access between Parcel Nos. 1 and 2 of this appli- cation, and to East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue. 11 . Vacuum sweeping of all paved parking areas and drives shall be provided on the subject property on a weekly basis . 12. The proposed bank structure shall provide for the sorting of recyclable material from other solid wastes. t Motion x A second Substitute Motion was made by Commission Ayes x x er Beek that this item be continued to the regula Nos NK x Planning Commission Meeting of July 10, 1980, Absent x which Motion failed. Ayes x x The previous Substitute Motion was then voted on , Nos which MOTION CARRIED. Absent x The Planning Commission recessed at 9:45 p.m. , and reconvened at 9 :55 p.m. Request to consider a Traffic Phasing Plan for Item #3 the remaining development of the Corporate Plaza Planned Community, and the acceptance of Traffic an Environmental Document (Continued Public �Ph_asing Hearing) . Plan ot—r orate a z as -10- Continued to 7 10 80 '�4 ILA GIfY OF NEWPORT BEdCH 'r(/ COUNCILMEN j SGS �•>'�S���n MINUTES ca 9 ,aS�S iN ROLL CALLf �d'� July 11 1978 INDEX 7. The Council Appointments Committee's nominations City Arts Of candidates for consideration to fill the Cogan Motion x unexpired term of Jacqueline Xilbourne ending (120!) June 30. 1979 on the City Arta Commission was Ayes x x x x x x x onad to August 14. 8. (District 6 cilma Hummel'o ap pointment of a Bicycle member ee the Bicyc ails Citizens Advisory Trails Notion x Committee to fill the on r d [arm of Thomaa L. CAC Schulman ending December 31, 19 a postponed tot (ZOSP) Ayes x' x x x x x x July 24. Notion x 9. Consideration of Council Polley J-1 "City Ayes z x x x x x x Employees Salaries," was tabled. CURRENT BUSINESS: 1. A report was presented from the Community Develop- Tract 10274 neat Department regarding the Final me of Tract No. 10274. a request of the Bank o Newport Co approve the Final Map of Tract No, sub- dividing 5.507 acres into one lot for multiple faallYruidential condominium development and one lot for eoms_rc�aY d�veYopmeal; 145Fifed at 2101 and 2121 Hest Cosat A1Rhv&Y and 777 Avocado AYinw Ewasee Drive and Zahma Drive­-'a—cent-to s._.,_.___...�.___._.. _. Icyine„Tarraas;; zoned C-1 and R-3. Dennis Harwood, attorney representing the Bank Of Newport, addressed the Council end stated that the developer was willing to pay ICOS of the City' share of the traffic signal. Barry Allen addressed the Council and opposed the development. Notion x The Pinal Ma of Tract No. A0274 was a oved Ayes x x x x x x x incur oratie y" roferenc¢,�te,eonditione P.._.__ts_x___. A. _ recommended by the Planning C9mission, and Rsiolution No., 93990 authorizing the Mayor and E-9399 City Clark to execute a subdivision agreement between the City of Newport Beach and the Bank of " Newport in connection with Tract No. 10274, was adopted, with the condition that funding of th City's one-third of the coat of the traffic signal would be borne by the developer. 2. The City Clark's Certificate of Sufficiency Bluff regarding the initiative ordinance requiring P ervation dedication of streets in subdivisions on bluffs adjoining Newport Bay and/or Pacific Ocean wom- Initiative presented with a copy of a proposed or nan¢e, (2831) being, AN ORDINANCE OF THE O - OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING CHAPTER 20.90 ENTITLED, STREET DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS ON BLUFFS ADJOINING NEWPORT BAY AND/OR PACIFIC OCEAN," TO TITLE 20 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICXpAL,CODE. Voluma 32 - Page 175 i * ' COMMISSIONERS HI City Of Newport Beach MINUTES A 7�' �O��pay A b•; , March 2, 1978 wog wLL iNoax 6 . All exterior lighting shall be approved by the Department of Community Development. 177. Any direct vehicular access from the site to Irvine Avenue or Bristol Street in the future 11 be approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 8. That a foot wide strip of land along Irvine Avenue be icated to the public for street and highway pu ses. 9. That the proposed new ilding be provided with domestic water serve in conformance with the requirements and sta ards of the Santa Ana Heights Water Company. 10. That the proposed new building be prove with a sewer connection in conformance wit the requirements of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. Commissioner Balalis stepped down from the dais and refrained from deliberation on Items #5, 4, and #7, due to a possible conflict of- interest. Items #5 , #6, and #7 were heard concurrently because of their relationship, however, separate action was taken on each item. Item #5 Request to permit the construction of a Bank of USE PERMIT Newport office complex that exceeds the basic NO. 1857 height limit within the 32/50 Foot Height Limita- tion District in the Unclassified District, and APPROVED the acceptance of an environmental document. The CON6T-— proposa'l also includes a drive-up teller facility TOWLY and a 72' high flag pole. A portion of the exist- ing Sandpiper Inn and - related commercial uses will be removed from the site in conjunction with the proposed development. Furthermore, the con- version of existing apartment units into residen- tial condominium units is proposed at the rear Page 9 • , COMMISSIONERS City -of Newport Beach. MINUTES March 2, 1978 ' INOtX POLL CALL of the subject property. A portion of the exist- ing motel complex will also be converted into residential condominium units . Location: Lot 1829 Tract No .. 2813, located at 2101 and 2121 East Coast Highway and 777 Avocado Avenue on property bounded by East Coast Highway, Avocado Avenue, Kewamee' Drive, and Zahma Drive, adjacent to Irvine Terrace. Zone: Unclassified , Applicant: Bank of •Newport, Newport beach, Owner: Same as Applicant Is Item #6 r Request to amend a portion of Districting Map No. AMENDMENT' 24 from the Unclassified District to the R-3 NO. 503 District and the C-1 District, and to establish yard setbacks for existing and proposed develop- APPROVED ment on the site. Location : Lot 182, Tract No. 2813, located at 2101 and 2121 East Coast Highway an_ 777 Avocado Avenue on property bounded by East Coast Highway, Avocado Avenue, Kewamee Drive, and Zahma Drive,' adjacent to Irvine . Terrace, Zone: Unclassified Applicant, Bank of Newport,. Newport Beach Owner: Same as Applicant Item #7 50 'acres into one lot for TENTATIV de 5. 7 Request to subdivide multiple family residential condominium development MAP TRA and one tot for commercial development, adjacent to NO. 1027 I-rvine Terrace . APPROVED Page 10 . Y. t COMMISSIONERS City Of Newport Beach MINUTES March 2, 1978 wog& CAL. fNoux Location: Lot 182, Tract No . 2813, located at 2101 and 2121 East Coast Highway and 777 Avocado Avenue on property bounded by East Coast Highway, Avocado Avenue , Kewanee Drive, and Zahma Drive, adjacent to Irvine Terrace. Zone: Unclassified Applicant: Bank of Newport, Newport Beach` Owner: Same as Applicant Engineer: Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates , Newport Beach Staff presented and reviewed with the Commission a supplemental report relative to the parking for Kam' s Restaurant and recommended •additional conditions of approval to provide for parking and access. between properties . Staff answered ques- tions of the Commission relative' to density, ' recreation facilities, drainage, setbacks, and parking., following which, public hearings were opened. Bill Ficker, Ficker & Ruffing, Architects, appeare before the Commission on behalf of the applicant. He generally agreed with the staff report and recommendations and commented on the adequacy of parki.ng and their intent to make this• project a first class development with complete landscaping and apartment refurbishing. He reviewed the parking layout and concurred with providing pedestrian access between the site and Kam's Restaurant but was somewhat reluctant with respect to vehicular access between the properties because they have no control over Kam' s Restaurant or the parking for the restaurant. Mr. Ficker answered questions of the Commission relative to alternative access , circulation, parking, setbacks, project completion, recreational• amenities , refurbishing of the apartments proposed for condominium conver- sion, and density. - Val Skoro; 1601 Bayadere Terrace , appeared before the Commission in favor of the proposed project and requested that the proposed development provide sidewalks on Kewamee, a wall along Zahma , and landscaping adjacent to the street. He commented Page 11 . 'COMMISSIONERS t City of Newport Beach MINUTES March 2 , 1978 MOLL CALL INCLX on the need for a stop sign on Avocado at Kewamee and a signal at Avocado and Coast Highway . Jim Forsythe, 2015 Chabasco Drive , appeared before the Commission and• voiced concern with their loss of privacy and requested that a higher wall be constructed on the parking structure as well as - along the street. He also questioned the adequacy of landscaping in the site distance cohe. and Bill Frost appeared before the Commission to clarify the meaning and location of the site distance cone. Donald Christianson, vice President of the Irvine Terrace Homeowners Association , appeared before the Commission in favor of the development and felt it was a welcome improvement to the area. He commented on the landscaping and advised that the Homeowners Association was presently , in the process of ret'andscaping the area and requested that the applicant get together with the associa- tion in order to coordinate the landscaping. David Smiley, 618 Angelita , appeared before the Commission and voiced concern with the height i variance and possibility of setting a precedent. Eleanor Forsythe, 2015 Chabasco, appeared before I the Commission to comment in favor of the develop- ment, however, she requested that a 6 foot wall be constructed on the parking -structure rather than the proposed 4 foot wall because anything less would create 4 loss of privacy on their property. Bill Ficker appeared before' the Commission in response to the request for a 6 foot wall and pointed out that the parking structure would be set back further than the existing apartments which are to be demolished -and felt that a 4 foot wall with landscaping woul& be more desirable and still provide the necessary privacy on adjacent property. In any case, he requested the opportunity to work with the community association on this matter rather than having a specific height designated at this time. Planning Commission discussed parking at Kam's Restaurant and' the access connection between their lot and that of the proposed development. They also discussed installation of the traffic signal at Avocado and Coast Highway and voiced concern Page 12. �5 COMMISSIONERS ilk: of Newport Beach MINUTES 2, 1978 P06L CALL INCt7C with the impact of the proposed development on the residential neighborhood without a traffic signal at that intersection . Staff advised that the proposed signal was high on the priority list but could not be more specific because of the permit process and increased shortage of funding. Bill Ficker appeared before the Commission to concur on the need for a signal at the intersec- tion of Avocado and Coast Highway and advised they would be willing to participate in a share of the funding for the signal in order to achieve installation as soon as possible. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearings were closed. Motion X Following discussion, motion was made that Planning UP-1857 Ayes X X X X X Commission accept the environmental document; that Absent X X the following findings be made: 1 . The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan, and is compatible with surrounding land uses . 2. Adequate offstreet parking spaces will be provided for the proposed development. 3. The project will not have any significant environmental impact. 4. The building height would result in more public visual open space than is required by the basic height limit. 5 . The building height would result in more desirable architectural treatment of the building and a stronger and more appealing visual character of the area than is required by the basic height limit. 6. The building height would not result in undesir able or abrupt scale relationships being _ created between the structure and existing development. 7: The structure will have no more floor area than could have been achieved without the use , permit. Page 13. T T L . 7V COMMISSIONERS TPrtCq�* �Gs City of Newport Beach MINUTES . a a March 2, 1978 wnLL. owLA.. INDEX 8. The approval of Use Permit No. 1857 will not, under the circumstances of this case be detri- mental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons resid- i'ng and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property and Improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City. and that Use Permit No. 1857 be approved, subject to the following conditions : 1 . That all conditions of approval for tentative map of Tract No. 10274 be fulfilled. 2. That the two controlled entrances for Lot 2 be subject to further review by the Public Works Department and the Fire Department. In addition, the final design of the two control- led entrances shall be approved by the Public Works Department and the Fire Department. 3. That fire hydrants be provided as required by the Public Works Department and the Fire Department. 4. Use of 8 ft. X 18 ft. compact and tandem park- ing spaces not be permitted. The site plan contains ade4uate room to reduce overwidth stalls and aisles to obtain the same number of parking stalls without compact spaces . S. Interior circulation, parking, traffic control , sign locations and directional signs be approved by the Traffic Engineer. 6 . Lot 2 - Condominiums - Access to parking garages shall be approved by the Traffic Eng ineer. 24 ft, op ening pening required. ) 7. Garages for Building No. 7 be set back 20 feet minimum from private road or made flush with Buil-ding No . 6 . 8. Location of the drive-up bank teller shall be approved by the Traffic Engineer. 9 . Construction shall meet the requirements for Fire Zone N2 - C-1 District. Page 14. OMMISeIONERS 'g,Q,•t`b��+R%gyp yG City of Newport Beach MINUTES � � q• o A March 2 , 1978 04OLL CALL iNoax 10 . Separate permit required for the gasoline tank from the Fire Prevention Bureau . 11 . All Construction shall comply with the Unifor Building Code, 1973 Requirements . 12. Prior to the issuance of grading and building permits , a complete geotechnical evaluation o the site will be prepared by a qualified engineer which will take into account soils , geology and seismic characteristics of the site. The report will contain appropriate recommendations for the design and engineerin of the proposed project. Final project plans will be subject to the City's approval .' Grading operations will be limited to day- time hours per City Code and will be conducte under the supervision of a qualified' soils engineer. . 1.3. Sufficient exhaust/ventilation equipment will be installed in the parking structure to satisfy existing building codes , taking into account the additional emissions gener- ated at the drive-up banki.ng facility. 14. Runoff from the completed project will be directed to existing storm drains . Construc- tion stages will be subject to erosion control measures approved by the City' s gradin engineer. A parking lot cleaning and main- tenance program will be established for both the commercial use and the residential use, and be the responsibility of the property owners to maintain . 15 . Introduced landscaping will be replaced on site, in particular where landscaping serves as a screen between residential and commercial areas . Street trees will be replaced as required. Final landscape plans are subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development and the Director of Parks , - - Beaches and Recreation. 16 . Residential areas to the west and south of the project area will be protected acousti= cally ,and aesthetically by a combination of landscape and decorative wail treatment. Particular attention will be a aid to area e Page 15 . COMMISSIONERS City of Newport Beach MINUTES li o � � March 2, 1978 MOLL CALL INCKX west of the driveway along the western edge of the property. The final design of the ' landscaped areas and noise attenuation walls will be subject to the approval of the Community Development Director. 17. The office structure and the residential unit , will be remodeled to meet noise insulation standards per building code and City require- ments . 18. Lighting of the parking areas (including 9 9 {� 9 � 9 s.tructures) and outside lighting on the buildings will be subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Depart- ment .when final project plans are submitted. Lighting will be directed away from residential uses . 19 . Energy conservation measures will be incorpor ' ated into the final plans for, both the new commercial structure and the renovations to the existing multi-family units as required by the building codes and City requirements . - Flow restricting devices will be used where possible to conserve water. Drought resistant plants will be selected for landscaping to reduce water demand for irrigation purposes. 21 . Applicant will pay park in-lieu fees for three additional new dwelling units as required by City Policy . These fees will be used by the City for the acquisition or development of the neighborhood park facilities . 22. That a minimum of one parking space for each 250 sq. ft. of net floor area in the Bank of Newport office complex and one parking space . for each 3 occupants permitted in Kam' s Restaurant facility shall be provided on the subject property. 23. That pedestrian and vehicular access shall be provided in the proposed 8 foot high wall between the Bank of Newport complex and Kam' s Restaurant facility at all times. Page 16 . y`7n IS R COMMSIONES F � `is sus City/ of Newport Beach MINUTES t► 7 O p 7 G'�. March 2, 1978 NOLL CALL INOKX 24. That the proposed flag pole shall not exceed a height of 50 feet. Motion 'X Motion was made that Planning Commission recommend A-503- Ayes X X X X X to the City Council the approval of Amendment No . Absent X X 503 and that the following setbacks be reflected on Districting Map No. 24: 1 . A 12 foot setback along Avocado Avenue in the R-3 District. 2. A 14 foot setback along Kewamee Drive. 3. A 6 foot setback along Zahma Drive in the R-3 District. 4. A 0 foot setback along the rear property line (i .e. opposite Kewamee Drive) in the R-3 District. 5 . A U foot setback along the rear property line (i .e. opposite East Coast Highway) in the C-1 District. Motion X Motion was made that Planning Commission make the TT-10274 Ayes X X X X X following findings : Absent X X 1 . That the proposed map is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. 2 . That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with applicable general and specific plans . 3. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4 . That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. — 5 . That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not cause substan- tial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. Page 17. I C v COMMISSIONERS ° ;01;1�,s City of Newport Beach MINUTE March 2, 1978 MOLL CALL INOL 6 . That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems . 7. That the design of the subdivision ,or the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements, acquired by the public at large for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. 8. That the discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision will, not result in or add to any violation of existing requirements prescribed by a California Regional Water Quality Control Board pursuant to Division 7 (commencing with Section 1300) of the Water Code. 9 . That the proposed development will not have any significant environmental impact. 10. That each of the tenants of the proposed condominium will be given 120 days written notice of intention to convert prior to termination of tenancy due to the proposed conversion. 11 . That each of the tenants of the propo-sed condominium will be given notice of an exclu- sive right to contract for the purchase of their respective units upon the same terms and conditions that such units will be initial- ly offered to the general 9 public or terms more favor able to the tenant. and recommend to the City Council the approval of Tentative Map Tract No. 10274, subject to the following conditions : 1 . That a final map be filed. 2 . That there shall be submitted a declaration of Covenants , Conditions and Restrictions , settin forth an enforceable method of insuring the continued maintenance of the existing landscap- ing, fencing, residential structures and utilityfacilities yes as well as a requirement for any enforceable method of rehabilitation or replacement of the structures on the site. In addition the CC&R's shall also inc-lude, for prospective owners, disclosures regarding Page 18. 5 COMMISSIONERS City of Newport Beach MINUTES March 2, 1978 POLL CALL INDIM sound transmission between units and the absence of sound attenuation materials or construction if such do not exist. The CC&R's shall also include a disclosure of any common sewer line or other common utilities found to service the condominium and the main- tenance responsibilities of said utilities. Furthermore, the City shall not be held responsible for any future problems with the ' subject utilities in conjunction with the proposed conversion. 3. That each tenant of the proposed condominium shall be given 120 'days written notice of intention to convert prior to termination of tenancy due to the proposed conversion. A coopy of said written notice shall be provided the Director of Community Development ment as evidence that this condition has been met. 4 . That each of the tenants of the proposed condominium shall be given written notice of an exclusive right to contract for the purchase of their respective units upon the same terms and conditions that such units will be initial- ly offered to the general public or terms more favorable to the tenant. The right shall run for a period of not less than sixty days from the date of issuance of the subdivision public report issued pursuant to Section 11018.2 of the Business and Professional Code, unless the tenant gives prior written notice of his intention not to exercise the right. .A copy of said written notice shall be provided to the Director of Community Development as evidence that this condition has been met. 5 . That all existing dwellings shall be inspected and all building code violations , including but not limited to, bootlegged construction, improperly maintained drainage systems , fire hazards or other evident problems shall be corrected prior to conversion. - - • 6 . That a licensed electrical , plumbing and mechanical contractor shall review existing systems and certify their condition to the Building Official prior to conversion. Page 19. II COMMISSIONERS City of Newport , Beach MINUTES c-�3► •s sp s�;�c March 20 1978 IOLL CALL INOat?t 7. That all existing fire protection equipment, . such as but not limited to wet stand pipes , ' fire extinguishers, fire sprinkler systems, ttc, shall be inspected prior to conversion. 8. That existing geological• and soil conditions shall be reviewed. Where evidence of ques- tionable geological or soil conditions are found to exist, the Building Official shall have the authority to require new soils investigation. 9. That all dwelling units shall be required to meet the minimum state standards for sound separation between dwelling units. 10. That all dwellings shalt be provided with smoke detectors. 11 . That consideration shall be given to provid- ing each dwelling unit with a separate electrical service. 12. That all improvements be constructed as required by ordinance and the Public Works Department. 13. That all conditions of- approval for Use Permit No. 1867 be fulfilled, 14. That al.l vehicular access rights to Zahma Drive and Kewamee Drive be released and rel'inquised to the City of Newport Beach . (The purpose of this requirement is to reinforce the buffer between the commercial and residential land uses. ) 15. That all vehicular access rights to East Coast Highway except for two private drives, ^. for right turns only, be released and relin- quished to the City of Newport Beach. The width and location of, the two private drives shall be approved by the Public Works Depart- ment. 16. That the existing unused' driveway approaches on East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue be closed up. Page 20. COMMISSIONERS City of Newport Beach MINUTES � I March 2, 1978 woLI. o^LL INO<X 17. That sight distance for a minimum of 50 MPH be provided for the private drives on East Coast Highway. Landscaping within the sight distance cone shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height. In -addition, sight distance shall be provided to the satisfac- tion of the Public Works Department for the bike trail . 18. That a corner cut-off with a radius of twenty five feet at the corner of East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue be dedicated to the public for street purposes. 19. That the curb return at the corner of East Coast Highway and'Avocado Avenue be recon- structed to a radius of thirty-five feet. 20. That a raised median island be constructed in East Coast Highway to prevent left turns in and out of the private drives . The. raised median island shall extend from fifty feet west of the westerly side of the westerly drive approach to Avocado Avenue. The design shall be approved by the Public Works Depart- ment. 21 . That an ingress and egress easement be provided across Lot 2 for the benefit of Lot 1 . 22. That the water service(s) and sewer connec- tion(s) be provided in a manner satisfactory to the Public Works Department. 23. That all work within East Coast Highway be done under an encroachment permit issued by the California Department of Transportation . 24. That all work within the City right-of-way and any sewer or water connections be done under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. - 25. That 'a standard subdivision agreement with accompanying security be provided if it is desired to record the final map before the public improvements are completed. (Note : The final map must be recorded before building permits are issued.) Page 21 . yCOMMISSIONERS $a , City of. Newport. Beach MINUTES March 2. 1978 ROLL CALL . INN" 17. That sight distance for a minimum of 5o MPH be provided for the private drives on East Coast Highway. Landscaping within the sight distance cone shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height. In addition. sight distance ion OfetheaPublicpWorkseDepartment 'forfthe bike trail . 18. That a corner cut-off with a radius of twenty. five feet at the corner of East Coast H•ighway and Avocado Avenue be dedicated to the public, for-street purposes. 19: That the curb return at the corner of East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue be recon- strycted to a 'radius of thirty-five feet. 20. That a raised median island be constructed in East Coast Highway to prevent left turns in and mediant of islandeshallate extendves . The from fifty et` west of the westerly side of the westerly drive approach to Avocado Avenue . The design shall be approved by the Public Works Depart- ment. 21 . That an ingress and egress easement be provided across Lot 2 for the benefit of Lot 22. That the water service(s) and sewer connec- tion(s) be provided in a manner satisfactory to the Public Works Department. 23. That all work within East Coast Highway be done under ,an encroachment permit iss'ued by the California Department of Transportation. ' Tha work 24. andtanylsewer orthin watence City�onnections be tfdone ti under an encroachment permit issued by the A. Public Works Department. ' 25. That a standard subdivision agreement with accompanying security be provided if it is desired to record the final map before the public improvements are completed. (Mote: The final map must be recorded before building permits are issued.) Page 21 . I COMMISSIONERS City of Newport Beach MINUTES March 2, 1978 MOLL GALL INIDLX 26 . That a P .C. C. sidewalk be constructed within the City right-of-way for Kewamee Drive. The width and location of said sidewalk shall be approved by' the Public Works Department. Commissioner Balalis returned to the dais.- . * * * • ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Motion Planning Commission adopted Resolution No . 1002 , Ayes X X X X X finding that the proposed flood control and Absent X drainage improvement on the Santa Ana River Channel' within the City of Newport Beach are in N,c;nformance with the City' s General Plan . `Staffre•Xiewed with the Commission the plan of approach tn� connection with the General Plan workshop me ings which begin Tuesday, March 7th . There being no furt r busines , Planning Commissio adjourned the meeting. Time: 11 : 10 P .M. PAUL L . BALALIS , Sec tary Planning Commission City of Newport Beach Page 22. ATTACHMENT NO. 3 4 r/ } !T n%fr t y e. vi r f rq' 1+7Y`}jf u'j 1 �f` Yyt!•f�IJII yr���l;r ¢�r��v ;ralrr /r,U'; r��,..� , S• ' r" '' ��% is �,yj�Y�f'� �Z�����,,t(.!r•({} ���,ygJ''% �"+lf{�1:.y9jr�Jf{� `,��+,>'����t��1.1 j' _�fi j}� jj f'Y "till' (t•t��fa' F+ J' .rrin)�jt rJill IN Zr <�oil if ����}�i�Y•��`J.;'.���1�(.5,:�,i•�f.�'�V'��.j•rj1t�/.r�' ;1� �l'�r� �'(�� ���rf��//ter! •�' �••���j�;fifil�i;c��Jr%•� rs , �,�,��.,r1fr1'i,r/�f,�r/r��. �ll. '�j1�•l�L� i1;hY�,'',yr '�i S%r�/y'•T f Yip%11 "rr{'f )'C2Jf iy,�j'7`I.s fill . j• �1 t�r a'' r• r A Ifr.�a A,F••�'�� •i 3�'f�.rf��� / t .1 f!' J. �fi.� •��j�iS t�•.�.•�,��%�,j�}��IY.��rrv����„��:1;.f�/;�rrl i�%r j 1 r•.3trl�'i • ,' f jj�f,r 1:r,j r J�A 1 94' Dr i Coast Business CerAer i Traffic Study 1 ?r t' r -C Jill- r ,� // ���J�jj' t�� ' •,r••Si`f�•y`j�`/ f •�'���,`���'�r�••�f'���7 rj`, �/'/•,�"F'sf't�•f,�t T L� ,M�',�, 1�,' �r/✓�� /,r')r11!r1.1����� s�1)ti?�.�1i��jfffj/S��•:�r/�3y���:�rr� ;� {• trs?�t11! rl'•�c,'`ref i�t/rt�rZa��.yy. {' •J/i' h/C J r MI.(1' �,k j' r w ,f. {, a{, y'�Ml•�!`r'� �irY!r(J��� St�`.I�:f• s��`'" �'f1/p!/�/�jf/'Y '�s.`, �°� ��;�f/ Y• j S' L t ., �l.✓+t 1 ./ t,�•,3',�h � },��, , ff it j}{� :J��r .Crt ' /// f/!�r• f '� t .�i���r�l�,�//�i,•5f�'"73 "Y�.���'i'lj�:✓�/r�, r l4�}} • f f sILI r 0� .r huh unaN v4ssociates rwi' Transportation Planning•Traffic Engineering a ,� I! • ; r�J� /r , S r ,r . 59 �}Cutn rrnau� c}�ssoetates '� Transportation Plarining *Traffic Engineering June 28, 1982 Mr. Fred Talarico City.. of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Mr. Talarico: We are pleased to present this traffic impact analysis of the Coast Business Center. The analysis is in 'accordance with the 'requirements of the City of Newport Beach'Traffic Phasing Ordinance. This report contains the (1) One Per- cent Traffic Volume Analysis (2) ICU Analysis and (3) ICU Analysis With Project 'Related Improvements. We trust that the findings will be of immediate as well as continuing value to the City of Newport Beach. Should you have any questions, or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, KUNZMAN ASSOCIATES I 3 William Kunzman, P.E. 0• °' e S v � '4664 Barrance Parkway s Irvine, CA 92714 . C7143 559-4231 jr ,'. oft "�� �f�+�1r��(r,�,�L;•) r .i rlt!` ('<r./r�,.i�r�•/,SJrn R•��� �!�''%' y)rr/�4rT. �•��'F r7 bN',�r�Y/,� 't}r.�jtyr;SrT���,��L�th.;;;r�! , s' . ���r,1 •Yr�, ,i 1�"`��� '�+S f•��.��t }4 fir if('}� �,��;!`;r�,r�, � l'�� '�h,�•"'('�,•'• o . � ,� .}��t,; tr � {�� r�fytV�j'�••��„i�'r?j�'r�}j/'3 fI�1� Ljri >/S/,'�Jt�1,,,�,•, , ��f" `•� ,�����f ,f 1�!'.}r1'rr" r/r �1 /Y�/f/ CCi / i� � vg,Bitt ����}> �;�/ f f t'//� /(llrrf � .,I/r�.,J�/r�� ,�r��t;,(,,1,ti- ,�r�`"]�.r •(//;lr,^'/ �fr.,, �;, .�, Jn' r%V��'r:! 1fi{,�J;t�!I;`�\�,,�p�Yf��'t'� ;fr���U�i.11��1A���'•�:�`�'�/flt1 j�.f �� ES�f���;Tl�I^�•�. �J:�I+TS�..r^��Y�7,I�,i�.#s.;, r,�Y !!� r�i i'fj�: t�r •�� �,�!ti� �/¢�/Rfl,•!'/�• S^'�i��l�lrrl(I;C i,//r�'�'J� /J •,•lf,}{,�•Ijr f• /•' �• •rJ. `f�� tJ ��Kfi ' ,ir•i rr r\r Yr H' ? �+r•/ I l�"� 7 f 5'r/ r..j • � �r .r r�r r ,� .•r ����;�fj^'i'�+,�;i?�lir• +s?• F�J�j;���i �';f�f ' • �•��`�;iEf�a ,//r�}�jlY�i�'y�,l�,��l`, f •, r }r ,•1/ ��+� '.( � �rr•�' �Nv/ • , ir, 6� Coast Business Center Traffic Study .i r ink(,. , S• �fi,)/��l�1rr (r:t:. r�/%' ty •�' ' fir' :{;;' �r .Jr tiSF Jit� �.i ',���YJ•'7jJjJR��I/�l^t�^���'�,�'��•���.l�rS•'Z•' 1y'J1��nRl. f���,�t�)7/��Y •���•��r� �6fr�7U///'j�'y't t}}h�•I,r 't ,"`•��//��///j •r•� � t�� �Si '•r� �'' '• fjr ' C!•J'�:+'�JI.YYYi....,,,,/i,• �1��i4�/ '� ��� ��� .. .. l,�vr fi'• •�J �lun,�unan v4ssoeta•tes � 'rr ,���JJ ,► R. ♦fJ Trenaporeet:lon Plennlrp•Treffle Engineering Af1 '•'• �. .,Oj Ix, �T'•j��fr�• xrClj,,r'�•i/1(/�f 1f ' �f� (f ,r1 '•!I•)4 ,1r1�"��//Yt1Sfl �J ���•{!•tr{';'f �'�;���'��•�f��l�•rl%/ ,i'f''•r''Ii�ii)r�•.•.I/'�(i. ..,/I J�•F� '�j+,��rr`♦�'',1 �� �/ '�!' �� %Sr,•ry,^•(i"�r i' �r/1�r�,11f��,7: fr,y�ji„ •j i,'(), � /};;+'�•% .:,�'�y+fi'*{ �f�r��t� ar ,.�1/.`�,•i, �r; i ,.(.' ./, ,)f ,..,rr.., 1� , : •� �y,�1� .'/,��y1 ri�yrJ�'J rwl�N, r,��'rr��.!(� y���`tl� 'j�n/!" � G� J`r•. Table of Contents Section Page No. 1. ' Project Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. Project Traffic Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3. Project Traffic Distribution and Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4. One Percent Intersection Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5. Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6. Project Related Improvements . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Appendices Appendix A - One Percent Traffic Volumes Analysis Work Sheets Appendix B - Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 'Work Sheets Appendix C - 'Intersection Improvements ICU Work Sheets .V0 z List of Tables Table No. Title Page No. 1 Project Traffic Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 One Percent Analysis Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3 Committed Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4 Intersection Capacity Utilization for Critical Intersections . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5 Project Related Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 List of Figures Following Figure No. Title Page No. 1 Vicinity Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Site Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 Project Traffic Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 Project Traffic Distribution With Avocado Extension to San Miguel . . . . . . . . 4 CQa 1 1. Project Description Project Location The project site is located on the southwest corner of Pacific Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue in the City of Newport Beach. Proposed Development The project consists of 33,940 square foot office building to be constructed in 1983. Figures 1 and 2 depicts project location and site plan. Office buildings from a traffic viewpoint generally have pro- nounced traffic peaks in both the morning and evening due to the arrival and departure of employees. During the non-peak hour portions of the work day, an office project generates minor in- coming and out-going traffic. 1 Figure 1 VICINITY MAP t .J�� �• i'Fr_ I - aa� E• Y � ...%�� �• at tl ,Ifs'' '�%.� . i _ `` \ — � .- _.i� • M u a • •• •y'• S,a 000 '�'• :P `I•,_. Q � fix. '� ��"+`'. t ' Z'•� *Project Site cWtQQmM %pimae amd vlswo(eq n ,.:, � �'+_moo: rj • . - .. �.- ZZI %:,: ;.-. °. .c•_• /;� lot 2. Project Traffic Generation The traffic generated by a site is determined by multiplying an appropriate trip generation rate by the quantity of land use. Trip generation rates are expressed in terms of trip ends per person, trip ends per employee, trip ends per acre, trip ends per dwelling, or trip ends per thousand square feet of floor area. In the case of an office building trip generation is best ex- pressed' in terms of trips per employee if the number of employees is known, and otherwise it is best expressed in terms of trips per 1,000 square feet of floor area. Table 1 provides peak hour, 2.5 peak hour and daily project trip generation. 2 ro V Table 1 PROJECT TRAFFIC GENERATION Time Period Trip Generation Trips Generated per 1,000 sq.ft. Based Upon 33,940 of floor area * square feet Evening Peak Hour Inbound 0.6 20 Outbound 1.7 58 Total 2.3 Peak 2.5 Hours Inbound 1.2 41 Outbound 3.4 115 Total Daily Two-Way Total 13 441 * Source: City of Newport Beach 3 V 3. Project Traffic Distribution and Assignment Traffic distribution is based on the directional orientation of traffic, and then assigning that traffic to specific roadways. It is based on the geographical location of residential con- centrations, along with commercial, business, and recreational opportunities. Figure 3 shows the outbound traffic distribution for the project. Figure 4's distribution is based upon the extension of Avocado to San Miguel. The project is proposing one ingress and egress to the site which is to be located on Avocado. -This access point will per- mit only right turns in and out of the project site from Avocado due to •an existing raised median.. With right turn ingress and egress, vehicles will be using Avocado median breaks at Fourth Street and Kewamee for "U-turns" in order to reach Coast Highway. 4 Figure 3 Project Traffic Distribution � II *Fa@hW kftrw San SONM �o a w.na Site as Nw*W ft Legend 6dbo� as Percent of Daily Project Traffic V(un3man LAssoefaEes 10� Figure 4 Project'Traffic Distribution With Avocado Extension 7b San Miguel 15 BeZOD s� 35 o g 15 Fashion 30 bland z_ ` �.n M l N 10181oa Island site WrApon Bay Balboa �a�fk 0 4n Legend 45 Percent of Daily Project Traffic Gh3mall AsociateS c s 70 4. One Percent Intersection Analysis Seven critical intersections were analyzed as identified by City staff. Table 2 lists the seven intersections, and provides a summary of the One Percent Traffic Volume Analysis. Appendix A contains the calculation sheets. Four intersections have the one percent volume criteria exceeded: Pacific Coast and Avocado Pacific Coast and MacArthur Pacific Coast and Newport Center MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills The purpose of the One Percent Traffic Volume Analysis is io establish whether the project adds a volume that is greater than one percent of a critical intersection's approach volume. If less than one percent is added to all approaches of a critical intersection, then no further analysis is necessary as specified in the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. As part of the 'one percent analysis, regional growth and committed projects are included. Volume projections are made to a point in time one year after the project completion. This project's com- pletion date is 1983, and traffic volumes are projected to 1984. Regional traffic has been forecasted in accordance with City procedures, and committed project traffic includes those projects listed in Table 3. 5 71 Table 2 ONE PERCENT ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersections 18 of Projected � Project's 2.5 Over Analyzed 2. 5 Hr. Peak Vol. Hour Peak Vol. 18 Pacific Coast Highway and Avocado Northbound 4 109 Southbound - - 'Yes Eastbound 41 18 Westbound 27 38 Pacific Coast Highway and MacArthur Northbound - - Southbound 32 16 Yes Eastbound 42 63 Westbound 33 4 Pacific Coast Highway and Jamboree Northbound 9 - Southbound 48 7 No Eastbound 45 7 Westbound 36 35 Pacific Coast Highway and Newport Center Northbound - - Southbound 24 12 yes Eastbound 38 4 Westbound 30 46 MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills Northbound 23 40 Southbound 44 ' 14 .Yes Eastbound 33 - Westbound 16 0 Jamboree and San Joaquin Hills Northbound 36 17 Southbound 49 6 No Eastbound - - Westbound 10 0 Pacific Coast Highway and Marguerite Northbound 5 0 Southbound 8 2 No Eastbound 42 17 Westbound 28 4 6 i Table 3 COMMITTED PROJECTS Project Name Hughes Aircraft Hoag Hospital Far West Savings and Loan Pacesetter Homes Aeronutronic Ford Back Bay Office Boyle Engineering Cal Canadian Bank Civic Plaza Corporate Plaza Koll Center Newport Campus/MacArthur National Education Office North Ford Orchard Office Pacific Mutual Plaza 3701 Birch Office Newport Place Shokrian Bank of Newport Bayside Square Sea Island Baywood Apartments Harbor Point Homes Roger's Gardens Seaview Lutheran Plaza Rudy Baron Quail Business Center 441 Newport Boulevard Martha' s Vineyard Valdez - 3101 W. Coast Highway Koll Center Newport and No. 1 TPP Amendment No. 1 Ford Aero TPP Ross Mollard - 1511 & 1252 Superior Heritage Bank Park Lido Medical 7 73 5. Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Whenever project traffic adds more than one percent to any leg of an existing intersection's traffic volume, Intersection Capacity Utilization -analysis is required. Appendix B contains the Intersection Capacity Utilization calculations. Of the four intersections exceeding the one percent volume criteria, all are currently operating below 90 percent of their estimated capacity. The four intersections include: Pacific Coast Highway/Avocado Pacific Coast Highway/MacArthur Pacific Coast Highway/Newport Center MacArthur/San Joaquin Hills • Once growth and committed project traffic has been added to these for intersections,"two will be operating above 90 percent. They include: Pacific Coast Highway and MacArthur MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills If an intersection will operate above 90 percent of its estimated capacity once growth, committed, and project traffic have been added, intersection improvements must be recommended. Table 4 provides information on the Intersection Capacity Utilization of the four critical intersections. Although Avocado extension is a committed project as part of the Corporate Plaza approval, its construction may occur after the completion of the Coast Business Center project. Therefore, the intersections of Pacific Coast Highway/Avocado and Pacific Coast Highway/MacArthur have been calculated with and without the ' Avocado extension. The without Avocado extension calculation is a "worst case" analysis because full development of Corporate Plaza and all other committed projects is assumed, while only the existing road system is assumed. Appendix B contains the ICU calculations for these intersections and traffic redistribution maps for the Corporate Plaza. 8 c � I 7q Table 4 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION Intersection Capacity Utilization Existing Plus Existing Plus Committed Committed Plus Growth Plus Improvements Critical Intersections Existing Plus Growth Project Needed Pacific Coast Highway and Avocado .6625 .7199 .7640 No Pacific Coast Highway and Avocado (With Avocado Extension) .6625 .7580 .7873 No Pacific Coast Highway and MacArthur (Same with or without Avocado Extension) .7734 .9109 .9128 Yes Pacific Coast Highway Newport Center .5909 .6606 .6666 No MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills 1 .7508 1 .9179 .9201 Yes 9 . �s 6. Project Related Improvements The two intersections operating above estimated capacity once existing, growth, committed, and project traffic have been added must be mitigated. The recommended improvements for Pacific Coast Highway/MacArthur, and MacArthur/San Joaquin Hills intersections are discussed below, and the resultant ICU work sheets can be found in Appendix C. For the intersection' of Coast Highway/MacArthur, the elimination of some existing parking to provide for an additional eastbound through lane has been identified as an improvement for a pre- viously approved project. By adding a through lane a .8187 ICU will result. For the intersection of San Joaquin Hills/MacArthur, - several roadway improvement projects are currently in progress which will affect future operations at the intersection. San Miguel Drive from Avocado to MacArthur and from MacArthur to San Joaquin Hills Road have been recently constructed -and are now open. San Miguel will provide an additional new access to the Newport Center area which will result in the redistribution of existing traffic volumes in the vicinity of the MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills intersection. Future ICU conditions reflecting the redistribution of existing traffic volumes and the addition of a westbound right turn lane will result in a future conditions ICU of . 8670. Sufficient pavement width exists for a westbound right turn lane at the intersection of MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills Road. 10 t i 7( Table 5 PROJECT RELATED IMPROVEMENTS Intersection Intersection Improvements MacArthur Boulevard and Stripe additional eastbound pacific Coast Highway through lane. Required by previously approved project. MacArthur Boulevard and Add a westbound right turn San Joaquin Hills Road lane. 11 � 7 Appendices Appendix A - One Percent Traffic Volume Analysis Work Sheets Appendix B - Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Work Sheets Appendix C - Intersection Improvements - ICU Work Sheets t I 7� APPENDIX A ONE PERCENT TRAFFIC VOLUME ANALYSIS WORK SHEETS 7q 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY @ AVOCADO AVENUE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 _ Peak 2$ Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1. of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2§ Hour Peak 2§ Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume 1I Northbound 385 _ 385 4 10 Southbound 19 - 19 Eastbound 3337. 43 702 4082 41 18 westbound 2396 32 288 1 2716 27 23 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 211 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected x Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. Coast Business Center DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT: FORM I S` 1% Traffic Volume Analysis . Intersection COAST HIGHWAY @ MACARTHUR BOULEVARD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 Peak 2y Hour Approved --'j Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected N of Projected Project Direction Peak 2y Hour Growth Peak 24 Hour Peek 2y Hour Peak 24 Hour i Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume r Northbound —--- Southbound I _ 2367 13 774 3154 32 16 it Eastbound 3481 44 702 4227' , 42 63 1 Yestbound 2924 51 342 3317 33 ` 4 I� Project Traffic-is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected �X Peak 21g Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. Coast Business Center DATE! 6-18-82 PROJECT: FORM I gl 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY @ NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE (Existing Traffic 'Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 82 Peak 211 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected l0 of projected Project Direction Peak 21s Hour Growth Peak 2� Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 2u Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound Southbound 2421 - 2421 24 12 IEastbound 3273 41 490 3804 38 4 westbound P595 33 342 2970 30 46 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 23� Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ❑x Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. Coast Business Center DATE 6-18-82 PROJECT: FORM I V V 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY @ JAMBOREE ROAD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter pring _ Peak 24 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1"n of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 24 Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 2y Hour i Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 896 0 52 948 9 p Southbound3952 6 868 4826 48 Eastbound 4000 1 20 490 4510 45 7 i westbound 3261 41 308 361o. 36 35 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume.' Intersection Capacity Utilization . (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. Coast Business Center DATE 6-18-82 PROJECT: FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HWY. @ MARGUERITE AVE. ' (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 82 Peak 2k Hour Approved IApproach Existing Regional Projects Projected 11-: of Projected I Project " Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2� Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2; Hour Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume �I 1 I Northbound 548 - - 548 5 o Southbound 727 30 757 8 2 r— — Eastbound 3647 64 ; 534 4245 42 17 `I westbound I 2382 _ - 42 422 2846 28 4 O Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2-� Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected [] Peak 2;j Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utiliiation (I.C.M. ) Analysis is required. Coast Business Center DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT: FORM I g4 L a .7 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MACARTHUR BOULEVARD @ SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 _ Peak 2y Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 24 Hour Growth Peak 2y Hour Peak 2$ Hour Peek 2y Hour Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 1728 10 582 2320 23 f 40 Southbound 3469 12 928 4409 44 14 Eastbound 2948 - 390 3338 33 0 Westbound 1460 - 104 1564 16 0 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ❑x Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. Coast Business Center _ DATE: 6-18-82 _ PROJECT: FORM, I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE ROAD @ SAN JOA UIN HILLS ROAD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Tvierage winter/Spring 19 8 Peak 2k Hour Approved I Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected i Project j Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 21s Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 21, Hour Peak 2k Hcur Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 2577 • 4 990 3571 36 ' 17 Southbound O 6 750 4857 1 49 6 Eastbound 328 — I 0 — �. Westbound i 600 - 436 1036 I 10 10 ' ----- — a Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected [] Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. Coast Business Center DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT: FORM I APPENDIX S INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORK SHEETS INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS (Avocado Not Intersection Avocado Avenue/Coact Highway Improved) ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 19-U) Movement EXIST PK.HR. Y/C G. EXIST. GROWTH PROJECT REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED EXISTING PROPOSED Y/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Lanes C+D• Lanes C+D• Vol. Ratio Volume Vol w/o Project Volume V/C Ratio Volume NL 1660 , 98 .0631* - - -0631* 26 .0975* NT 3 NR 1600 55 .0344 1 •0344 .0344 SL 2 ST 1600 1 .00 6* .0056 SR 6 EL 1600 4 .0075 .00 00 ET 3200 1449 .4706. 1 20 14o .5212* -5240* ER 57 2 9 WL 1600 46 .0288* 2 .0300* 11 m 6 * WT 3200 973 .3044 14 144 .3538 8 WR 1 YELLOWTIME .1000* . 1000* . 1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .6625 EXISTING PLUS C"ITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROYEMENTS I.C.U. 7199 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 1 .7640 Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 [] Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: Coast Business Center DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT FORM II INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS » Intersection Avocado Avenue/Coast Highway (Avocado Improved) ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 19,U) EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMITTEO PROJECTED Movement EXISTING PROPOSED PK.HR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Lanes Cap. lanes Cap. Yol. Ratio Vol Lane Volume w/o Project Volue V/C Ratio Volume NL 1600 98 .0631* .0631* 23 .0868* NTJ 3 15 NN 1600 55 .0344 1 •0344 15 .0437 4SL 2 1 68 o43 * o4 * ST 1600 1 .0056 5 .0075 SR 6 EL 1600 D .0075 16 .0100 .0100 ET 3200 1449 .4706. 20 14o. .5212* .5237�, ER 57 2 - 8 - NL 1600 46 .0288* 2 .0300* 5 .0 31* WT 3200 973 .3044 14 144 .3612 612 WR 1 24 - - YELLOWTIME 1000* .1000*. � . 1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .6625 1 I i EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.C.U. , 580 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PRWECT I.C.U. .7873 © Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.'90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C..U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: Coast Business Center DATE: _PROJECT FORM II INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION. ANALYSIS (Avocado Not Intersection COAST HIGHWAY /MACARTHUR BOULEVARD Improved) ' Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average .Daily Traffic 14inter/Spring '1982): EXIST.' EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED Lines Movement PROPOSED PK.HR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Lines Cap. lanes C+D• Vol, Ratio Volume Volume w/o Project Volume V/C Ratio Volume NL NT NR SL • 3200 835 .2609* 5 2.95- .3547* .3547* ST SR N.S. 226 1 92 - 8 - EL 1600 239 .1494 3 32 . 1712 23 ,1856 ET 3200 1320 .4125* 1 18 122 1 .4562* 6 .4581* ER WL WT 4800 789 .1644 14 52 . 1781 2 . 1785 WR N.S., 434 9 119 YELLOATIME I000* . 1000* l i . 1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .7734 j l EXISTING PLUS C"ITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH M/PROPOSED INPROYEIiENTS I.C.U. 109 i EXISTING PLUS CCMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: Coast Business Center _ _ _ DATE. 6-18-82 PROJECT FORM 11 R� INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS Intersection COAST HIGHWAY /MACARTHUR BOULEVARD (Avocado Improved) ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1982) EXISTING PROPOSED EXIST.' EXIST. REGIONAL C"ITTED PROJECTED Noreaenc Loney Cap. Lines Cap. PK.NR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Vol. Ratio Volum Volume w/o Project Volune V/C Ratio Valw e NL NT NR SL 3200 835, .2609* 5 295 .354.71� .3547' ST SR N.S. 226 1 100 - 3 - EL 1600 239 .1494 3 58 .1875 9 .1931 ET 3200 1320 .4125* 1 18 122 1 •4 62* 6 -4581'* ER WL WT 4800 789 .1644 t4 52 .1781 2 . 1785 WR N.S. 434 8 119 - - YELLOWTIME 1000* 1 . 1000* i i . 1000* EXISTING INTERSECTIOA CAPACITY UTILIZATION .7734 1 1 EXISTING PLUS COMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. .9i0 I 1 EXISTING PLUS CCWITTEO PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. g12$ ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 Description of system improvement: Coast Business Center _". - __ DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT FORM I1 r INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS Intersection MACARTHUR BOULEVARD @ SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 19ja) EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED Movement EXISTING PROPOSED PK.HR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT V/C Ratio PROJECT -PROJECT Lanes bp. Lanes Cap. Vol. Ratio Volume Volume w/o Project Volume V/C Ratio Volume NL 1600 47 .0294* 11 -0363* .0363* NT 1 3200 462 .1756 5 280 .2647 20 .2693 NR 100 1 - SL 3200 412 .1288 58 . 1469 . 1469 ST 3200 1003 .3134* 6 353 .4256* 7 -4278* SR N.S. 192 ---- 53 - - EL 3200 697 .2178* 118 .2547* .2547* ET 4800 527 .1397 54 .1552 . 1552 ER 141 23 - - WL 1600 112 .0700 .0700 .0700 WT •4800 260 .0902* 29 - 1013* . 10i3* WR J 173 J 24 - - YELLOWTIME [:::* 007508* 10 .)000* � . 1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION j I EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.0-U. -9179 i EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PRWECT I.C.U. •920.1 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ' ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 Description of system improvement: Coast Business Center DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT FORM II INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS ' 9 a Intersection COAST HIGHWAY @ NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 19-U) EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COM MED PROJECTED Movement EXISTING PROPOSED PK.HR. Y/C ,GR04fTH PROJECT V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. Vol. Ratio Volume Volume VoluProlett Volume V/C Ratio Volume NL ---- NT ---- NR ---- SL 3200 466 .1456* 51 . 1616 2 .16221. ST ---- SR N.S. 686 i - - EL 3200 1 233 ,0728* 1 .073T .0731* ET 3200 1157 .3616 21 75 .3916 6 .3934 ER WL -- WT 3200 872 .2725* 17 154 .3259 17 1 * WA N.S. 106 27 6 YELLOWTIME .1000* .1000* i i . 1000* I I i EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .5909 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROYEMENTS I.C.U. 0 1 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 6666 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus. project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: i Coast Business Center DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT FORM II R3 Corporate Plaza Traffic Distribution and Assignment with Avocado Extension 0 Bay 3 '25 25 Fashion �! Island 1b w, SonM190a, 4 v Baes ,o P $ 5 b a Bland , Newport Bay Balboa A�CJf`C ,o G3 `kXung►nan v4ssociaEes CAL Corporate Plaza Traffic Distribution and Assignment without Avocado Extension Be 25 35 5 Fashion Island San N IGUSI N Bo boa WNW Hem Bay Q Balboa ,o c 0 �n V<Utiplan AgociateS APPENDIX C INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT ICU WORK SHEETS ?(� INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS (Avocado Not Improvec!4 GHIO ET Lane Addition) Intersection COAST HIGHWAY /MACARTHUR 80ULEVARD ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1982) EXISTING ' PROPOSED EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMITTED PROJECTED Movement Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. PK.HR. Y/C GROWTH PROJECT Y/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Vol. Ratio Volume Volume w/o Project Volume T'/C Ratio Yotume NL NT NR SL 3200 835 .2609* 5 295 .3547*.ST 3546* SR N,S, 226 1 92 - 8 - EL 1600 239 .1494 3 32 1 . 1712* 23 . 1856* ET 3200 4800 1320 .4125* 18 122 I 6 3o54 ER WL WT 4800 789 .1644 14 52 . 1781* 2 1785* WR N.S. 434 8 119 - - YELLO'ATIME ' 1000* 1000* i i . 1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .7734 E E EXISTING PLUS C"ITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEM£NTS I.C.U. .U040I t EXISTING PLUS COMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. (Plus Improvements) 8,rz ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 Description of system improvement: Add One Eastbound Through Lane _ Coast BusTjle3j. r PROJECT INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS (Avocado Improved and ` PCH ET Lane Addition) Intersection COAST HIGHWAY /MACARTHUR' BOULEVARD ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1982) EXIST.' EXIST. REGIONAL COlMITTED PROJECTED Lanes Movement LaG PROPOSED PK.NR. V/C GRDWTH PROJECT VIC Ratio PROJECT PROJECT nes Cap. LaMs Lap. Vol. Ratio Volume Volume w/o Project Volume V/C Ratio Volume NL NT NR SL 3200 835 .2609* 5 295 .3546* .35y6* ST SR N.S. 226 1 100 3 EL 1600 239 .1494 1 3 58 •-1875* 9 . 1931* ET 3200 4800 1320 .4125* 18 122 .3041 6 .3054 ER WL WT 4800 789 .1644 14 52 . 1781* 2 , 1785* WR N.S. 5 434 8 11 YELLOATINE 1000* ; . 1000* i. 1000* 1 EXISTING 1NTERSECTIOH CAPACITY UTILIZATION 7734 T I EXISTING PLUS COMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GR04JTH H/PROPOSED INP_ROYEKfNTS I.C.U. ,8202 EXISTING PLUS MMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 2 2 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: Coast Business Center ___- DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT FORM 11 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS (San Miguel Extension)- �= Intersection MACARTHUR BOULEVARD @ SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 192z) - PROJECTED Ex15t. EXIST. REGIDNRL f led EXISTING PROPOSED * Y/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Movement Lines Cap. Lanes Gp. RatVicio 'Volume w/o Project Volume Y/C Ratio Vol.Yo1. Mtto Volume Volume Volume NL 1600 47 .0294* 47 .0293* .0293* NT 3200 462 .1756 989 .3312 20 .3343 NR 100 71 - - SL 3200 412 .1288 447 . 1396 . 1396 ST, 3200 1003 .3134* 1556 .4862* 7 .4884* SR N.S. 192 ---- 83 - - EL 3200 697 .2178* 702 .2193 .2193 ET 1 4800 527 .1397 455 . 1264* 3 . 1270 ER J 141 152 WL 1600 112 .0700 92 .0575* .0575* WT 4800 260 .0902* 143 o647 1 .0300* WR 1600 173 168 - 1 I I 1 . 1050 YELLOWTIME .1000* . 1000* j j . 1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .7508 j m j EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. .7 99 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. (PLUS IMPROVEMENT) .8670 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ® Projected "plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - -'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = *Harbor Point Traffic Study (8-22-80) considers San Miguel Entenston Description of system improvement: Coast Business Center DATE:, 6-18-82 PROJECT FORM II / ATTACHMENT NO. 3 �O S♦i t / �y 4F r ' •r r l r 1� ar y'• t r:r'�;,r'.t�i�y��!/�r{5�j(yJ�Ivi/•:%'•`� `+����•7 ��1'��r t�f���±}����t'FQ�r{t{ ��r� f�j�, �r1;?r'h a• t•f' 'fJ + f r ;Wr'�'�`=1' rr/�;��5�' ''�r,f,�//•%'� }�;+ • ,�.; '1 ,', X} :�•,1� ���,( ��iv-1 �i,.Y�. � f�� 4�1 / .1i�11,t��/ r�•}:(�lr�t�t. s }� •Y�.•!�t to J t� �+ V F. , J"} rf,,cf'��• r-.�S�,1;r�,�� ��jl� i V,J�y�F /r � �'J•;rl,/�r(� �Ylli�� �'��r�lt�r�S�( /rp,�'•• � +�f,'�'ll ` ��r f���rC� ,�S �. :rS' ty rlij'� ,;{},�r• fr,/,1';ti•.9 f��i +�,j��j,��`'y't,�r"fi/ r(ryr r .}�� �' ,tS• f�y fr} �� !� i? {rJl`�J� '•r, �.r., J j 1, , ;., �( t� J>li�Y ' tf•" '�',�}� (w•• {�}�}.;. �`�' �,Jj��t;f{) '•a 1, � ' t���� K, ;�?�� .fi�sfa`�51�[J'��•.'�(�� � `�,���'r 1`,�Y� ./ ��•t11•u,, � 7cr. rff�,�, rl / d'� i ��t�J •Ir/1 J' �•rf /+f,;"`)' Q r.t,'�).,i.! 1•�ty.�t G .��L'• 1• ��f/'}����` , �{'�,f' '1+j`tilJ i�1r it>,][`�rv�3{•�.'*�ft ,�'�• ��1}�1/t...r�.��,,, lot, •}.l �1J x �T) 41�'a ,�� (' , •'.• .�r/��}/'t•/�,•}/t �(,�l"S� 'r��• , , { 1. r%�)Kt,!' 1(.f ,f,«•t ` fti r�1•,�}; rr }� :v�! )� �� fJ. ryr�•,! +,� rr. t,.f,r� ^! f f Yr! f• ,` �• Yr< � � r,��•(7�'��1<a Tvr.�!`'1.IFr//'II�J„�'t J�:r��,/'{1 F!xi � ' ���• �'r rJ. �,f•�'� '^•K� �l ✓t�P %t S'%a('rI'i yt)S I�'/!/r na�fnx�• •�� t�1j ! JJ •� �^r��,' r f�. , . }�} ! .r 1I "1'�!f / +• rY� 7. ! i .�;(,���� �`, ��j}}}Jr1T'•].) �}• J� I ji„ r' �, , ,i�3rAa �qy:�j .l�• �IFrI; .tir f'. �i,((,., � 4 ', ki,;)}i1lYr�Q+1fCJ„jrf• r� Coast Business Center r Traffic Study ellJ /r JJ is, 1•r °�Yt .'4Y ` ' !' S� 1:. rlyf' rl�'t J' a'•. y1 ••f/J• lrrV �`�• y��j a �tFT •�±r t'�+ , .I/ • , .0 f�, or., % 5. l ? �J• II{'�'//�,f�?` .1 ,�,,.y���Y;'ry f�'}�i�,�(��y� �J/Hl.��r•�4)';,/�l �f ;Z,: ; ^ •' t l �f�•}`,l f1•^(r}•s�,/rrpr.�1{ ,� •r,,'� r�<. ,r,., ("MR ra' ��`�� ,. + ! fir, �j�{�L• %j;�;���r11jf�'C���ty� •'14���;,�•<{p'������':'.r��4���;it���,••,'lY�A; �7��{/",,�`,�+• 7F.;f i 1'Vt ,�i�ir��%�r�'`�y'` "t�r�r J' �' •j�"��tr'.�'r C{� .�•''' , •�.Jr . �utn u�a �n c}�ssociates F �� �+ Transportation Planning*Traffic Engineering � .1 ;s ,tr !'J` (, �j � r�/'rr� /C'n"/ ��"y��r !' TQ^• rfn r(r'. r4..'•rllj,t,� •��( �C.l+�,.)r'}. �� ,�J,T✓�.�-+P�•��/ri�r/�%� J,1t+{ r'/i)'�,•"�'. .}/j�f �r �� .ft'tirr,''1 1 '�. ,lL! l:!�•�f���r,��F��•�r '+�.�r���t/}l� �9l(.lr, �r�F/}),J�(ir_rGr f•y ��� /''2r j l r'�,�r � � jr It l��J 'n.tP :(+{'� I C•lfl � ,t�t //ll '0%ya� r + • J . �•`•(.h .I ,•rhf� L:y�. t,l t r„t• r.,,r, � , ! •r.i% l � ^„<. r � •. I� s? � utn �. u� a �n v�4ssoe � ates Transportation Planning *Traffic Engineering June 28 , 1982 Mr. Fred Talarico City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Mr. Talarico: We are pleased to present this traffic impact analysis of the Coast Business Center. The analysis is in accordance with the requirements of the City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance. This report contains the (1) One Per- cent Traffic Volume Analysis (2) ICU Analysis and (3) ICU Analysis With Project Related Improvements. We trust that the findings will be of immediate as well as continuing value to the City of Newport Beach. Should you have any questions, or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, KUNZMAN ASSOCIATES 0� Oj William Kunzman, P.E. 6 � ����� "4 4664 Berrence Parkway * Irvine, CA S2714 * 1714) 55J-4231 s8 i •r't: 1 /'(r 1`.' ' (jfr r. t rr, �( ��• r )�, }r, f'�.�� .�•i% , ���j•f�'rjr.�• ft�/:}J v�(�•• �((��}1f/J'l.riLr �I�• 1. /�r �.It.�� r 7,f�t ��i'�r J���%!I' C .f�. r .,1"� y','�•�S�.V�}.Y%/ }` ���'iJ,/�.iJ �� ,�j����; ,""XXrr!� J�r,ft car+ e�� �r `Cc�'t7•�l�f�i%')i'�f�i;J�' tr' �ii '*• A �•/�`f.1�'r'L�4rf"r+;�,�j7:+ 41 ,1jhrfJ � %* r,�C �f�J( /r/y� fr•iCci�jy���'% �1°'� I} �)v` ��'� �{:r! {Irrj�1'.1, � '1.;`jf%�'.��/ +�1• {.f/) ( S•tr 'r/wJ%J �¢/ 1"S, r�/!1 ��/1��;~ �i�4)Yr�..t��r:F• ,�`{'J"� /:tlr •l� f "•r . /}/', 'ff�. , I `fi y�.,`:v) !r p (��✓l. "?!`{.�J"r1i � if�� r�•,!`^t 5+.�\� '� r /��• %i•1f' "% ���,�r,!r r�,JL'./,��I•�•��//I. .��i��7/t��fl,%%�•� rf��'�4� �ir�•5 5.r.�r 1`Tt•f/ef�r �(� ✓��r�+/'i11S•i14 ,�,{'�/+I//�'I!'jr �.1,{)(,,,f�.1 �(!+/�', trJrjl)' +�1) �7J 't ,,E• lr� �' ,71�'C/� , Lr �j. jJ,1/f`7,•7•!f(,r� � J+/r L.)f�'''��'• I.'f/f'l���r +'.1 �� J 1„ Coast Business Center r Traffic Study , r �jry�; f ,ld `#j } rt•`` I; �r).r''�`fr, frp�: ��� ''' 'y���i'1•� r�•��t •f/�/���`r' �'��fr(;;'f.�r/l f/".��,•���yj4�,,+�.��. '�. � r�tiy�• !✓f+ �+T /�•1J:i,Jr,S`�%�1�'y�"i j�,��,,r i�)'cf /�{�� ; � r�1.. • i'r����Yf�yj��f r+4�.+�a`4'�.f r��iil'F�(1/'}/�;��J �J����•�',/�?�iY ��� IJ•'Ji��• ".;'��y�.".!�F���� t(1•� .�J/'fH r��,��7'�•J��yf(',���� %fL '°4�i•L'r/�t `�u� �fnjtmatn c}EssociaEes � `' r�f��r�r�� Transportation Planning*Traffic Engineering_ wj. ,•� 1S �� rt(/1�`' t/"�� /Jt'L ' �.� �• �.,�. r�j1��! �� F f�. � �� �,JA 1"' ?� �J.f n jrA J•'���inf��`�r.�/•'��' ,�r*�./�c� J�;�if�!,• s//��i i)�f•�,�J;'.:�i �'��i's��' Y,J�1/��� i r►�J./.rt/•`,�♦♦.t'� �!,£i �,(.;,1 �,����J,r.+•'I' •• '/'�'�/f ;Y /•S'/j�� /� �r+f!•�� '••1.1!�,{ ��•CI•t 1/4t /�t .�'q!.✓�r I' (. + J r Table of Contents Section Page No. 1. Project Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. Project Traffic Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3. Project Traffic Distribution and Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4. One Percent Intersection Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5. Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6. Project Related Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Appendices Appendix A - One Percent Traffic Volumes Analysis Work Sheets Appendix B - Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Work Sheets Appendix C - Intersection Improvements - ICU Work Sheets (0o List of Tables Table No. Title Page No. 1 Project Traffic Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 One Percent Analysis Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3 Committed Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4 Intersection Capacity Utilization for Critical Intersections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5 Project Related Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 L (0 ( List of Figures Following Figure No. Title Page No. 1 Vicinity Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Site Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 Project Traffic Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 Project Traffic Distribution With Avocado Extension to San Miguel . . . . . . . . 4 �9oZ 1 . Project Description Project Location The project site is located on the southwest corner of Pacific Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue in the City of Newport Beach. Proposed Development The project consists of 33, 940 square foot office building to be constructed in 1983. Figures 1 and 2 depicts project location and site plan. Office buildings from a traffic viewpoint generally have pro- nounced traffic peaks in both the morning and evening due to the arrival and departure of employees. During the non-peak hour portions of the work day, an office project generates minor in- coming and out-going traffic. 1 6-3 Figure 1 VICINITY MAP �_ ham`. t k • l ll or w.i JX � - , 11 fi+, ri • \ sSs� i yE1, n • + s 'i r ,sr f ' <` r *Project Site � b CUIQpiam 'Napap nod -Ascalafes Figure 2 Site Plan awn w4m a ,Wr Ixves,-nwent 1"l dkI Nwrtsr evcx,cwr. �rsct M-ets•z.�� �t �M• IMtL 1.t1/itYMIW.M YMN p/M 1/ • IMR t.}.•MkMM� w/M S1IM t/ - �RRr•- oraa nottsr rnw.• o�ra �i.�,�+x'`v' IntlN wxs�r pr�� •ice Wr re. rof e•rwN.. t ` L.... irr.un s�w.e.r Pnr n.ttt sw i�rPL ,iw 4 S LML t �[tc.r•�) N 1MM fRtf) .t tt/�M ThN1 inK 11iYa■AdL t+�i•wftts CMMt. O el.gia r; Y.t1'i tR 4W11/PL R INIbYM1K N►TLA _j�_ti_�e 'f.TnWW L�O TiT11M6 Vt Ail- t-1�sww en. HN•1i�/r IIIM Lr+. V<un mai, v4ggoc[2fEIS s Generation 2 Project Traffic The traffic generated by a site is determined by multiplying an appropriate trip generation rate by the quantity of land use. Trip generation rates are expressed in terms of trip ends per person, trip ends per employee, trip ends per acre, trip ends per dwelling, or trip ends per thousand square feet of floor area. In the case of an office building trip generation is best ex- pressed in terms of trips per employee if the number of employees is known, and otherwise it is best expressed in terms of trips per 1,000 square feet of floor area. Table 1 provides peak hour, 2.5 peak hour and daily project trip generation. 2 Table 1 PROJECT TRAFFIC GENERATION Time Period Trip Generation Trips Generated per 1,000 sq.ft. Based Upon 33 ,940 of floor area * square feet Evening Peak Hour Inbound 0.6 20 Outbound 1.7 58 Total 2 . 3 78 Peak 2. 5 Hours Inbound 1.2 41 Outbound 3.4 115 Total Daily Two-Way Total 13 441 * Source: City of Newport Beach 3 3 Project Traffic Distribution and Assignment Traffic distribution is based on the directional orientation of traffic, and then assigning that traffic to specific roadways. It is based on the geographical location of residential con- centrations, along with commercial, business, and recreational opportunities. Figure 3 shows the outbound traffic distribution for the project. Figure 4 ' s distribution is based upon the extension of Avocado to San Miguel. The project is proposing one ingress and egress to the site which is to be located on Avocado. This access point will per- mit only right turns in and out of the project site from Avocado due to an existing raised median.. With right turn ingress and egress, vehicles will be using Avocado median breaks at Fourth Street and Kewamee for "U-turns" in order to reach Coast Highway. 4 (�8 Figure 3 Project Traffic Distribution BeY Sao r y 35 15 iirt Fashion � Island son P Balboa P Zc� 5 wand Site Newport Bay 5 Balboa A�o`fk 1OC4 o 90 Legend 35 Percent of Daily Project Traffic �ungman v4ssociates �q Figure 4 Project Traffic Distribution With Avocado Extension To San Miguel Uboer\ 15 Bay Sao o'o �i 35 1 Fashion 30 10 Island San M uel N Q � v i Balboa P 5 Wand Site Newport Say 5 Balboa pa�jf�c U �h Legend 25 Percent of Daily Project Traffic �Cungman v4ssooiates ?0 4. One Percent Intersection Analysis Seven critical intersections were analyzed as identified by City staff. Table 2 lists the seven intersections, and provides a summary of the One Percent Traffic Volume Analysis. Appendix A contains the calculation sheets. Four intersections have the one percent volume criteria exceeded: Pacific Coast and Avocado Pacific Coast and MacArthur Pacific Coast and Newport Center MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills The purpose of the One Percent Traffic Volume Analysis is to establish whether the project adds a volume that is greater than one percent of a critical intersection's approach volume. If less than one percent is added to all approaches of a critical intersection, then no further analysis is necessary as specified in the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. As part of the one percent analysis, regional growth and committed projects are included. Volume projections are made to a point in time one year after the project completion. This project's com- pletion date is 1983, and traffic volumes are projected to 1984. Regional traffic has been forecasted in accordance with City procedures, and committed project traffic includes those projects listed in Table 3. 5 71 Table 2 ONE PERCENT ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersections 1% of Projected Projectes 2.5 Over Analyzed 2. 5 Hr. Peak Vol. Hour Peak Vol. 1% Pacific Coast Highway and Avocado Northbound 4 109 Southbound - Yes Eastbound 41 18 Westbound 27 38 Pacific Coast Highway and MacArthur Northbound - - Southbound 32 16 Yes Eastbound 42 63 Westbound 33 4 Pacific Coast Highway and Jamboree Northbound 9 - Southbound 48 7 No Eastbound 45 7 Westbound 36 35 Pacific Coast Highway and Newport Center Northbound - - Southbound 24 12 Yes Eastbound 38 4 Westbound 30 46 MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills Northbound 23 40 Southbound 44 14 Yes Eastbound 33 - Westbound 16 0 Jamboree and San Joaquin Hills Northbound 36 17 Southbound 49 6 No Eastbound - - Westbound 10 0 Pacific Coast Highway and Marguerite Northbound 5 0 Southbound 8 2 No Eastbound 42 17 Westbound 28 4 6 Table 3 COMMITTED PROJECTS Project Name Hughes Aircraft Hoag Hospital Far West Savings and Loan Pacesetter Homes Aeronutronic Ford Back Bay Office Boyle Engineering Cal Canadian Bank Civic Plaza Corporate Plaza Koll Center Newport Campus/MacArthur National Education Office North Ford Orchard Office Pacific Mutual Plaza 3701 Birch Office Newport Place Shokrian Bank of Newport Bayside Square Sea Island Baywood Apartments Harbor Point Homes Roger's Gardens Seaview Lutheran Plaza Rudy Baron Quail Business Center 441 Newport Boulevard Martha's Vineyard Valdez - 3101 W. Coast Highway Koll Center Newport and No. 1 TPP Amendment No. 1 Ford Aero TPP Ross Mollard - 1511 & 1252 Superior Heritage Bank Park Lido Medical 7 5 Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Whenever project traffic adds more than one percent to any leg of an existing intersection's traffic volume, Intersection Capacity Utilization analysis is required. Appendix B contains the Intersection Capacity Utilization calculations. Of the four intersections exceeding the one percent volume criteria, all are currently operating below 90 percent of their estimated capacity. The four intersections include: Pacific Coast Highway/Avocado Pacific Coast Highway/MacArthur Pacific Coast Highway/Newport Center MacArthur/San Joaquin Hills Once growth and committed project traffic has been added to these for intersections, two will be operating above 90 percent. They include: Pacific Coast Highway and MacArthur MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills If an intersection will operate above 90 percent of its estimated capacity once growth, committed, and project traffic have been added, intersection improvements must be recommended. Table 9 provides information on the Intersection Capacity Utilization of the four critical intersections. Although Avocado extension is a committed project as part of the Corporate Plaza approval, its construction may occur after the completion of the Coast Business Center project. Therefore , the intersections of Pacific Coast Highway/Avocado and Pacific Coast Highway/MacArthur have been calculated with and without the Avocado extension. The without Avocado extension calculation is a "worst case" analysis because full development of Corporate Plaza and all other committed projects is assumed, while only the existing road system is assumed. Appendix B contains the ICU calculations for these intersections and traffic redistribution maps for the Corporate Plaza. 8 7q Table 4 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION Intersection Capacity Utilization Existing Plus Existing Plus Cammitted Committed Plus Growth Plus Improvements Critical Intersections Existing Plus Growth Project Needed Pacific Coast Highway and Avocado .6625 .7199 .7640 No Pacific Coast Highway and Avocado (With Avocado Extension) .6625 .7580 .7873 No Pacific Coast Highway and MacArthur (Same with or without Avocado Extension) .7734 .9109 .9128 Yes Pacific Coast Highway Newport Center .5909 .6606 .6666 No MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills .7508 1 .9179 .9201 Yes 9 �s 6 Project Related Improvements The two intersections operating above estimated capacity once existing, growth, committed, and project traffic have been added must be mitigated. The recommended improvements for Pacific Coast Highway/MacArthur, and MacArthur/San Joaquin Hills intersections are discussed below, and the resultant ICU work sheets can be found in Appendix C. For the intersection of Coast Highway/MacArthur, the elimination of some existing parking to provide for an additional eastbound through lane has been identified as an improvement for a pre- viously .approved project. By adding a through lane a .8187 ICU will result. For the intersection of San Joaquin Hills/MacArthur, several roadway improvement projects are currently in progress which will affect future operations at the intersection. San Miguel Drive from Avocado to MacArthur and from MacArthur to San Joaquin Hills Road have been recently constructed and are now open. San Miguel will provide an additional new access to the Newport Center area which will result in the redistribution of existing traffic volumes in the vicinity of the MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills intersection. Future ICU conditions reflecting the redistribution of existing traffic volumes and the addition of a westbound right turn lane will result 'in a future conditions ICU of . 8670. Sufficient pavement width exists for a westbound right turn lane at the intersection of MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills Road. 10 Table 5 PROJECT RELATED IMPROVEMENTS Intersection Intersection Improvements MacArthur Boulevard and Stripe additional eastbound Pacific Coast Highway through lane. Required by previously approved project. MacArthur Boulevard and Add a westbound right turn San Joaquin Hills Road lane. it 77 Appendices Appendix A - One Percent Traffic Volume Analysis Work Sheets Appendix B - Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Work Sheets Appendix C - Intersection Improvements - ICU Work Sheets 7� APPENDIX A ONE PERCENT TRAFFIC VOLUME ANALYSIS WORK SHEETS 7q 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY @ AVOCADO AVENUE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 _ Peak 2y Hour Approved j Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1'; of Projected Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2k. Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2� Hour i Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 5385 4 10 southbound 19 _ 19 r Eastbound 3337 43 702 4082 1 41 18 Westbound 2396 32 288 2716 27 23 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 21 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected xR Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. Coast Business Center DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT: FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis . Intersection COAST HIGHWAY @ MACARTHUR BOULEVARD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 Peak 2� Hour Approved �I Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected L; of Projected Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2.� Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 24 Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound r sorthbound 2367 13 774 3154 1 32 i 16 �I Eastbound 3481 44 i 702 4227 1 42 63 westbound 2924 51 342 3317 _ 33 4 �I Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected [R Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. Coast Business Center DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT: FORM- I g� 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY @ NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 82 Peak 211 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected "o of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2� Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2k Hour j Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound South bound 2421 - 2421 24 12 Eastbound 3P73 41 490 3804 38 4 Westbound 2595 33 342 2970 30 46 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 231 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Q Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. Coast Business Center DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT: FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY @ JAMBOREE ROAD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 LZ-) Peak 2y Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1,' of Projected Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 21, Hour Peak 211 Hour Peak 21; Hour Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 896 0 52 948 9 0 Southbound 952 6 868 4826 48 7 Eastbound 4000 I 20 490 4510 45 7 Westbound 3261 41 308 3610. 36 35 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 23-2 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. Coast Business Center DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT: FORM I 85 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HWY. @ MARGUERITE AVE. (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 82 Peak 2� Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected ls: of Projected Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 23, Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2; Hour Peak 24 Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 548 - 548 5 I 0 �! Southbound 727 30 757 8 2 Eastbound 3647 64 i 534 4245 1 42 17 II westbound I 2382 42 422 2846 28 4 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume O Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 21k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. Coast Business Center DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT: FORM I S4 ' 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MACARTHUR BOULEVARD @ SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter/Spring 19 _ Peak 2� Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1:; of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 1728 10 582 2320 23 4o Southbound 3469 1 12 1 928 1 44o9 44 14 Eastbound 2948 - 390 3338 i 33 0 Westbound 1460 - 104 1564 16 Q Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ❑x Peak 2� Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. Coast Business Center DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT: FOP4 I SS 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE ROAD @ SAN JOA UIN HILLS ROAD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter Spring 19 8 Peak 24 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected I Project Direction Peak 2+ Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 21, Hour j Peak 2y Hcur Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 2577 4 990 3571 36 17 Southbound 101 6 750 4857 49 6 Eastbound 328 _ 0 Westbound I600 - 436 1036 10 10 Q Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume O Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. Coast Business Center DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT: FORM I ICJ II APPENDIX B INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORK SHEETS INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS (Avocado Not Intersection Avocado Avenue/coact Highway Improved) ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 19m) EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED Movement EXISTING PROPOSED PK.HR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Lanes Cep. Lanes pp. Vol, ' Ratio Volume Volume Vol Project Volume V/C Ratio Volume NL 1600 98 .0631* - - .0631* 26 .0975* NT 3 NR 1600 55 .0344 .0344 .0344 SL 2 1600 1 00 .0056* o0 6* ST PSR 6 EL 1600 1 0 .0075 .00 .00 ET 3200 1449 .4706. 20 14o .5212* .524o* ER 57 2 9 WL 1600 46 .0288* 2 .0300* it .036 * WT 3200 973 .3044 14 144 .3538 8 WR i YELLOWTIME 1000* . 1000* . 1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION 1 .6625 I l EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.C.U. 7199 i EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 7640 Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: Coast Business Center DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT FORM II 0 , INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS Intersection Avocado Avenue/Coast Highway (Avocado Improved) ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 19-U) EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED EXISTING PROPOSED PK.HR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Movement Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. w/o Protect Volume V/C Ratio Vol. Ratio Volume Volume Volume NL 1600 98 .0631* .0631* 23 o868* NT 3 15 NR 1600 55 .0344 .0344 15 o437 SL 2 68 0437* o4 * r 1600 1 0 .0056 5 .0075 6 1600 4 .0075 16 .0100 .0100 3200 1449 .4706. 20 140 .5212* .5237* 57 2 - 8 - WL 1600 46 .0288* 2 .0300* 5 .0331* WT •3200 973 .3044 14 144 .3612 .3612 WR 1 24 1 - - YELLOWTIME 1000* . 1000* i . 1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION 6625 I EXISTING PLUS COW ITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.C.U.r.7580 i EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL.GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. .7873 x❑ Projected plus project traffic T.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: Coast Business Center DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT FORM II INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS (Avocado Not Intersection COAST HIGHWAY /MACARTHUR BOULEVARD Improved) • ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring '1982) EXIST.' EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED EXISTIhG PROPOSED Y/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Movement Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. PK.HRatV/Cio Volm*GROWTH PROJECT w/o Project Volume V/C Ratio Vol.Yol. 14tio Volume Volume Volume NL NT NR SL - 3200 835 .2609* 5 295 .3547* .3547* ST SR N.S. 226 1 92 - 8 EL 1600 1 239 .1494 1 3 32 . 1712 23 .1856 ET 3200 1320 .4125* 18 122 .4562* 6 .4581* ER WL WT 4800 789 .1644 14 52 .1781 2 . 1785 WR N.S. 434 9 119 YELLOWTIME 1000* . 1000* . 1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION 7734 1 E i EXISTING PLUS CO` ITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEM'cNTS I.C.U. 910q EXISTING PLUS CCMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 91 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: Coast Business Center _ _ DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT FORM 11 r?� INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS Intersection _ COAST HIGHWAY /MACARTHUR BOULEVARD (Avocado Improved) ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1982) EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMi1TTEO PROJECTED Mov"nt EXISTING PROPOSED pK.HR. XV/CIS REGION PROJECT V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Lanes Cap• Lanes Cap• K.H Ratio Volume PROJECT Volme w/o ProJect Volume Y/C Ratio VolVolume NIL NT NR SL 3200 835 .2609* 5 295 .3547t •3547* ST SR N.S. 226 1 100 - 3 EL 1600 1 239 .1494 1 3 58 1 .1875 9 .1931 ET 3200 1320 .4125* 18 122 4562* 6 •4581* ER WL WT 4800 789 .1644 14 52 . 1781 2 . 1785 WR N.S. 434 8 119 - YELLOWTIME 1000* . 1000* i i . 1000* a a EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .7734 EXISTING PLUS C"ITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROYEAcNTS I.C.U. . 9109 i EXISTING PLUS CCMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GRO'dTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 9128 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: _ Coast Business Center _`- - _- DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT FORM 11 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS q l Intersection MACARTHUR BOULEVARD @ SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 191a) PROJECTED EXISTING PROPOSED EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Movement PK.HR. VIC GROWTH PROJECT w�oLanes Cap. Lanes Cep. Vol. Ratio Volume Volume Vol Protect Volume V/C Ratio Volume NL 1600 47 .0294* 11 .0363* 0363* NT 1 3200 462 1 .1756 5 280 .2647 20 .2693 NR 100 1 - SL 3200 412 .1288 58 . 1469 . 1469 ST 3200 1003 .3134* 6 353 .4256* 7 .4278* SR N.S. 192 ---- 53 - EL 3200 697 .2178* 118 .2547* .2547* 'ET 4800 527 .1397 54 .1552 . 1552 ER 141 23 - WL 1600 112 .0700 .0700 .0700 WT •4800 260 .0902* 29 . 1013* . 1013* WR 173 24 - - YELLOWTIME .1000* . 1000* i . 1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .7508 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.C.U. 9179 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 9201 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: Coast Business Center DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT FORM II INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS 9 Intersection COAST HIGHWAY @ NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1982) PROJECTED EXISTING PROPOSED EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Movement PK.HR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT Lanes Cap. lanes Cap. Vol. Ratio Volume Volume w/o Protect Volume V/C Ratio Volume NL ---- NT ---- NR -___ SL 3200 466 .1456* 51 . 1616 2 .1622* ST ___- SR N.S. 686 ---- 1 - - EL 3200 1 233 .0728* 1 .0731 .0731.E ET 3200 1157 .3616 21 75 .3916 6 .3934 ER WL ---- WT 3200 872 .2725* 17 154 .3259 17 .331 * WR N.S. 106 27 6 YELLOWTIME .1000* 1000* i i . 1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .5909 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.C.U. 0 i EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 6666 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 Description of system improvement: Coast Business Center DATE: 6'18-82 PROJECT FORM II �l3 Corporate Plaza Traffic Distribution and Assignment with Avocado Extension 0 N Bay ' y s 35 �mF �25 25 Fashion ap Island Ba 16 San IMuet N 1— r P 5 b Balboa 10 P Island 15 Newport Bay Balboa A40,- 10 O �h tYu11pAcut c}ESSOCiafBS �Iy Corporate Plaza Traffic Distribution and Assignment without Avocado Extension O Newport eay Sa' s g A 35 ,eF 25 5 Fashion mac/ Island 40 N ga San Migue ti• o r O hri. v 6 Balboa island Newport BOY Balboa pdc�f jc 10 O 000OO U(un3sl,an (ARociafeg 95 APPENDIX C INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT ICU WORK SHEETS �� INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS (Avocado Not Improved/PCH ET Lane Addition) i Intersection COAST HIGHWAY /MACARTHUR BOULEVARD ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1982) EXIST.' EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED Ca EXISTING PROPOSED V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Noverent Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. PK.NR. GROWTH PROJECT w/o Project Polme V/C Ratio Vol. Ratio Volume Volume Vol Line NL NT NR SL ' 3200 835 .2609* 5 295 .3547*, -3546* ST SR N.S. 226 1 92 - 8 - EL 1600 239 .1494 3 32 - 1712* 23 . 1856* ET 3200 4800 1320 .4125* 18 122 1 6 3054 ER WL WT 4800 789 .1644 14 52 . 1781* 2 . 1785* WR N.S. 434 8 119 - YELLOaiIME 1000* i . 1000* i i , 1000* I � � EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION 7734 I I EXISTING PLUS C"ITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEh'ENTS I.C.U. •MDI EXISTING PLUS CCMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. (Plus Improvements) i .8187 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: Add One Eastbound Through Lane _ Coast Business Center_ _ DATE: 6-18-82 _ PROJECT FORM 11 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS (Avocado Improved and _6 l PCH ET Lane Addition) Intersection COAST HIGHWAY /MACARTHUR BOULEVARD ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1982) EXIST.' EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED EXISTING PROPOSED V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Movement Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. PK.l. RatV/Cio GROWTHVolume PROJECT w/o Protect Volume V/C Ratio Vol. R+LfO Volume Volume Vol uoe NL NT NR SL • 3200 835 .2609* 5 295 .3546* .3546* ST SR N.S. 226 1 100 3 EL 1600 239 .1494 3 58 •1875* 9 . 1931* ET 3200 4800 1320 .4125* 1 18 122 1 .3041 6 .3054 ER WL WT 4800 789 .1644 14 52 . 1781* 2 . 1785* WR N.S. 434 8 11 YELLOWTIME 1000* . 1000* I 1. 1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION 7734 1 t i EXISTING PLUS COMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVENENTS I.C.U.j 8202 I I EXISTING PLUS tCMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. •B262 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: Coast Business Center DATE: _ 6-18_82 PROJECT FORM 11 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS (San Miguel Extension) b Intersection_MACARTHUR BOULEVARD @ SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 19BZ) Mod EXISTING PROPOSED EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL f ied* V/CERatioCTED PROJECT PROJECT Movement PX.HR. VIC GROWTH w/o Protect Volume V/C Ratio Lanes Cap. Lanes Lap. Vol. Ratio Volume Volume Volume NL 1600 47 .0294* 47 .0293* .0293* NT 3200 462 .1756 989 .3312 20 .3343 NR 100 71 - - SL 3200 412 .1288 447 . 1396 . 1396 ST 3200 1003 .3134* 1556 .4862* 7 .4884* SR N.S. 192 ---- 83 - EL 3200 697 .2178* 702 .2193 .2193 ET 4800 1 527 .1397 455 . 1264* 3 . 1270 ER 141 152 - WL 1600 112 .0700 92 .0575* .0575* WT 4800 260 .0902* 143 .0647 1 .0300* WR 1600 173 168 - . 1050 YELLOWTIME .1000* . 1000* j . 1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .7508 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.C.U. • 999 i EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. (PLUS IMPROVEMENT) 8670 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ® Projected 'plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Harbor Point Traffic Study (8-22-80) considers San Miguel Entension Description of system improvement: Coast Business Center DATE: 6-18-82 PROJECT FORM II WEST COAST INVESTMENTS DETACH AND RETAIN THIS STATEMENT THE ATTACHED CHECK IS IN PAYMENT OF ITEMS DESCRIBED BELOW DETACH BEACH, CALIF. IF NOT CORRCCT PLEASE NOTIFY US PROMPTLY. NO RECEIT DESIRED. DELUXE FORM WVC-3 V-2 DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 6-7-82 Amended Road Study 2,970.00 z NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of West Coast Investment for a Traffic Study on property located at 2121 East Coast Highway. Request to consider a Traffic Study in conjunction with the construction of a 33,940 square foot office building. This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Qualities Act. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 22nd day July of 1982, at the hour of 7:30 p.m, in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. Joan Winburn, Secretary Planning Commission City of Newport Beach NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of West Coast Investment for a Traffic Study on property located at 2121 East Coast Highway. Request to consider a Traffic Study in conjunction with the construction of a 33,940 square foot office building. This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Qualities Act. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 22nd day July of 1982, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. Joan Winburn, Secretary Planning Commission City of Newport Beach NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach • I will hold a public hearing on the application of West Coast Investment for a Traffic Study on property located at 2121 East Coast Highway. I Request to consider a Traffic Study in conjunction with the construction of a I , 33,940 square foot office building. This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Qualities Act. I Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 22nd day July of 1982, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, at which time and place any and all persons interested ' may appear and be heard thereon. Joan Winburn, Secretary Planning Commission City of Newport Beach t NOTE: The expense•of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. i i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ! Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of West Coast Investment for a Traffic Study on property located at 2121 East Coast Highway. Request to consider a Traffic Study in conjunction with the construction of a 33,940 square foot office building. This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Qualities Act. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 22nd ' day July of 1982, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. Joan Winburn, Secretary Planning Commission City of Newport Beach i NOTE: The expenseL.o£ this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. ' f � f f L Corona del Mar Civic Assn . i Irvin.e,•Terrace Comm. yAssn . Ars Clyda Brenner, Pres . Mr . Joe Winkelmann ti 1 318 Santanel l a Terr 016 Marguerite Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Corona del Mar, CA92625 051-021-16 - LAWRENCE EICHWALD West Coast Investments 221 RUBY AVENUE P . O . B o X 2990 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 Newport Beach , CA_ 9266Q- _ _ _- -- - 442-271-03 442-271-05 051-021-17 IRVINE CO &/or ADA95 SAN BDIEGO S FEDERAL S &L/IRVINE C NN AVOW DO GATE 2790 HARBOR BLVD., #}310 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 CORONA DEL -AIAR, CA 92625 COSTA lfi'SA, CA 92626 442-271-04 442-271-22 051-021-19 IRVINE CO./WESTERN PED S & L IRVINE COMPANY WRY NEWTON 600 S. HILL STREET 550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE 22051 CAPE MAY LANE LOS ANGELES, CA 90014 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 -- —-- -- —a - - - --- - ----- 20 442-272-03 051-021-12 WILLIAM W. PHILLIP J. GREIBE 612 AVOCADO W. HOWARD IRVINE CO, c% BANK OF l7EWPORT 612 AVOCADO AVENUE DOVER AT 16TH STREET 2416 OUTPOST DRIVE F CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 LOS ANGELES, CA 90068 i 051-021-13 i 051-021-21 BETTY R. MOl7TALTO ; BARBA.RA P. IRONHILL 1363 GALAXY DRIVE 602 AVOCADO AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH', CA 92660 i CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 051-021-14 f 051-021-22 JOHN V. CROUL. i ' JEAN L. KEL'LEHER 1306 CAMBRIDGE LANE i 990 CAPISTRANO AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 ! LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 • � 051-021-15 DEWEY D. -SHOEMAKER , 619 ACACIA AVENUE T Icuyg SZ S CORONA DEL 14AR, CA 92625 �aq. � •M Ha V/ 'S:•(g'v..):ay , (1Sk i 'f :ii?�.,;;y�"... •.+Y...r ro '4' .E' Ni Y..; -�:st,iY�yy"��` •:lti��-('.zti4?�,'.�.a.•.�y '..cv4�..a',-�.i'a�.,�..t���c'�; ,�.;+7�s�,'+"`:�cy n +�?x�'. >`'.�M� �;r.;iy.:»•-�,,{"y"�''•-�:".-r�:,� ,e¢•, •.,F� C,-�4f•?�'�f.H�at�r .fa.!F.s" t.. l?:'_p�..}•In1r,:Y`.f.p.. ',1 c•'Or�+.�•: u•l .h.-•�:.•r: a�,.�F .�q��.,M�."{�S�"1 sY4� '."u;;:i�� ;n.0 r paSY ;+b"/•,N-- ya, -w ."ae. jjn`c.^„4V�•?3 r t11 i .. f.Y rat .-l: "YHq f.t ifs e .I`' •G:'•j��..1•: . ) . '�i IAti.i• Y.• ' .. -yla.f'Y:�:v:;T,: ..�✓ if:' ;✓yi.;'[>!:1'Ym`ti�`::(::E.`.,fto-w':G�(_:;:+tii_+i.::Y:-'-;4.Y - r'rv'nJ'�y° - .•'.•t.^. - Lam~' • • .ff;µ• •� -1-e n .v u^.. '�.Y•'..'`-:.^.:•:i. i)4:' .G:^fJ,)�. 050-321-05 - - R 050-322-08 051-011-10 CARL NOECKER SCOTT WHITEHOUSE M. AIC NEILL & S. 14C NEILL 5012 NOELINE AVENUE 1920 KEWAMEF DRRVE i 7003 AVOCADO AVENUE ENCINO, CA 91436 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 050-321-06 050-323-02 051-012-11 KATHRYN B. SCHUBERT & D. G.EAST SANDCASTLE COMPANY RICHARD C. MARTINSEN 2007 CHUBASCO DRIVE 1691 KETTERING STREET 209 JASMINE AVENUE CORONA DEL lt4R, CA 92625 IRVINE, CA 92714 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 050-321-07 051-011-01 ; 051-011-12 JANES D. FORSYTH UNION OIL CO. OF CAL ; ETHEL NOLAN 2015 CHUBASCO DRIVE P. 0. BOX 7600 } 704 AVOCADO AVENUE CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 LOS ANGELES, CA 90051 -CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 050-321-08 051-•011-02 ; 051-011-13 PAUL E. WI1NMER RICHARD H. FERDA ; ROBERT B. SCRIBNER 2012 SEADRIFT DRIVE 2229-33 E. COAST HWY. 1861 N. IIARIAN AVENUE CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91360 050-321-09 051-011-03 051-011-14 JOHN G. CRIMP MARTIN A. MA.NGOLD ; WOODCO INVESTMENT CO. 2006 SEADRIFT DRIVE P. 0. BOX 671 4107 SEASHORE DRIVE CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 i CORONA DEL MAR, CA• 92625 i NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 050-322-10 F 051-011-04 ; 051-011-15 hTCHAEL •:T. LEVINE JEFF M. SCHULN1?7 ; JOSEPH A. ROHRER 2000 SEADRIFT DRIVE 1845 PORT STANHOPE PLACE 710 AVOCADO AVENUE CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 050-322-03 ; 051-021-05 051-021-01 GREGORY R. RARRIS JOHN R. TRITTIPO ; C. E. REESE 2001 SEADRIFT DRIVE P. 0. BOX 1605 4523 CLINTON STREET CORONA DEL AJAR, CA 92625 RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067 LOS Al1GELES, CA 90004 i 050-322-04 ; 052-011-06 ; 051-021-02 MICHAEL V. ELAM JORN CLARK GREEN ; HENRY T. WILLIAMS 2007 SEADRIFT DRIVE 24265 DE LEON DRIVE 616 AVOCADO AVENUE CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 DANA`POINT, CA 92629 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 050-322-05 051-011-07 052-022-03 f JOHN E. BROMLEY KAM F. YEE ; J. B. WHITNEY, JR. 12015 SEADRIFT DRIVE 705 ACACIA AVENUE 614 AVOCADO AVENUE -111�'^BONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 050-322-06 051-011-08 ; 051-021-10 NORVAL LA VENE MARJORIE A. HUMBER ; PHILIP L. SCHLEGEL 359 SAN MIGUEL DRIVE, #105 703 ACACIA AVENUE 400 NEWPORT CENTER DR, #206 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92680 „ 050-322-07 051-011-09 ; 051-021-11 ' RICHARD J. FLAISON SUSAN B. HOOVER ; JOHN G. JACOB-SCURAM 2000 KEWADFE DRIVE 701 ACACIA AVENUE ; 611 ACACIA AVENUE CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 �I I I CV � uRamatt v4ssoc � ates Transportation Planning *Traffic Engineering S RECEIVED b {-1�rynln;! February 13, 1961 CITY OF NEWPOPP ^CH. Mr. Fred Talarico Cat pit Environmental Coordinator N City of Newport Beach Planning Department Dear Fred, This letter has been requested to clarify some questions raised by Mr. Andy Giannlias regarding our 2/4/81 traffic study on the Coast Business Center. The first question dealt with building square footage used for trip generation purposes. To provide for pL worst case analysis, the project was identified as 38 ,341 square feet by the City and included the atrium in the total. For the revised site plan, excluding the atrium, the project pre- sently totals 34 ,201 s. f. Based on the traffic generation rates as identified in the traffic study, a 34 , 201 s .f. office building will generate approximately 21 inbound trips and 58 outbound trips' in the evening peak hour. The second question concerned itself with the deletion of the current traffic generated by Kams. Existing Kam's traffic was not deleted from existing conditions traffic volumes as identified in the 1980 City of Newport Beach traffic counts . The construction of the Coast Business Center project will result in the elimination of the exist- ing Kam' s Restaurant, and its traffic. To correctly iden- tify existing traffic volumes, existing Kam' s traffic could be subtracted from existing traffic volumes prior to the Traffic Phasing Ordinance analysis of the project. Compari- son of the existing Kam' s traffic and traffic generated by the Coast Business Center project will provide a good indi- cator of project impacts but this consideration is different from the definition of project as identified in the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. 4664 Barranca Parkway * Irvine, CA 92714 * (7141 559-4291 Based on actual evening peak hour counts (5:00-6 :00 PM) , the existing Kam' s Restaurant generated seven inbound trips and two outbound trips . With existing low level of Kam's Restaurant traffic generation, the two and one- half hour analysis findings and Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis would remain the same although specific numbers would change by insignificant amounts . Should you have any questions , or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, nKU�NZMAN ASSOCIATES 14 A William Kunzman, P.E. cc: A. Giannlias A. Adams 1 �- LJ�, � a Transportation Planning•Traffic Engineering 56jomrorniE - Mr- Fred Talarico Environmental Coordinator City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 4664 Barrenca Parkway « Irvine, CA 92714:C7947 559-4231 1 Planning Commission Meeting February 19 , 1981 Agenda Items No . 11• CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO : Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Use Permit No . 1978 (Public Hearing ) F ` Request to permit the construction of a two story office i building and related off-street parking areas on property located in the Corona del Mar Specific Plan Area where a specific plan has not been adopted and- which exce.eds 5 ,000 sq . ft . of floor area , and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. It is also requested that the proposed office building be allowed to exceed the basic height limit in the 32/50 Height Limitation District. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested inas- much as a portion of the required off-street parking spaces are proposed as compact parking spaces . LOCATION: Parcel No. 2 ; Parcel Map 152-28, 29 (Resubdivision No . 659) located at 2121 East Coast Highway on the south- westerly corner of East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue , in Corona del Mar. ZONE: C-1 APPLICANT: West Coast Investment; Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant Application This application requests approval of a use permit pursuant to Section 20 .01 . 075 of the Municipal Code , to allow the construction of a 37, 122± sq . ft. two story office building and related on-site parking areas on property located in the Corona del Mar Specific Plan Area where a specific plan has not been adopted. It is also requested that the proposed structure be permitted to exceed the basic height limit of the 32/50 Height Limitation District in accordance with Section 20.02.040 of the Municipal Code . Use permit procedures are set forth in Chapter 20 . 80 of the Municipal Code. A modification to the Zoning Code is also being requested inasmuch as a portion of the required off-street parking spaces are proposed to be compact spaces . Modification procedures are set forth in Chapter 20. 81 of the Municipal Code . Additionally, this application requests the acceptance and approval of a Traffic Study prepared in accordance with the Traffic Phasing Ordinance and City Council Policy S-1 . Procedures for the preparation of a Traffic Study are set forth in Chapter 15 .40 of the Municipal Code. -1 - TO: Planning Commission -2. Environmental Significance After an Initial Study, it has been determined that this project will not have any significant environmental impact. A Negative Declaration has been prepared, and is attached for Commission review. Conformance with General Plan and Draft Local Coastal Plan The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the site for "Retail and Service Commercial " and "Administrative , Professional and Financial ,Commercial " uses . The proposed development falls within the permitted uses . The Draft Local Coastal Plan designates the site for "Retail and Service Commercial" uses . The proposed project is consistent with this designa- tion. However, offices may be permitted on the ground floor only if they provide a service to the public. Subject Property and Surrounding Land Use The "Kams " Restaurant facility is currently located on the subject prop- erty, and will be demolished in conjunction with the proposed development. To the northeast, across East Coast Highway , is the Corporate Plaza Planned Community Office development; to the southeast, across Avocado Avenue , are mixed commercial uses along East Coast Highway and single family dwellings and duplexes along Avocado Avenue; to the southwest, to the rear of the subject property is the Sandcastle multiple-family resi- dential condominium project and related parking area ; and to the west, adjacent to the subject property on East Coast Highway, is the Bank of Newport Corporate office complex and related parking facility . Background At its meeting of March 2 , 1.978', the Planning Commission recommended the approval of Amendment No . 503 to rezone the subject property from the Unclassified District tothe C-1 District and the property, southerly of the site from the Unclassified District to the R-3 District. The Commission also approved Use Permit No . 1857 that permitted the construc- tion of a Bank of Newport office complex in excess of the basic height limit and a related drive-up teller facility, and the conversion of exist- ing apartment units and motel units into a 45-unit residential condominium complex , subject to ;: the 8 findings and 24 conditions of approval contained in the attached excerpt of the Planning Commission minutes dated March 2 , 1978. A negative declaration was also accepted by the Commission in conjunction with the proposed development. Furthermore, the Planning Commission also recommended the approval of the Tentative Map of Tract No . 10274 to create one lot for multiple-family residential condominium development and one lot for commercial development, subject to the 11 findings and 26 conditions of approval contained in the attached excerpt of the Planning Commission minutes . TO : Planning Commission -3 . The City Council approved the subject rezoning of the site on March 27, 1978. The Council also accepted a negative declaration and approved the Tentative Map of Tract No . 10274 on March 27, 1978, subject to the find- ingsand conditions of approval recommended by the Planning Commission, and added two additional conditions of approval , contained in the attached excerpt of the City Council Minutes . On June 15 , 1978, the Planning Commission recommended the approval of the Final Map of Tract 10274 , and at its meeting of July 11 , 1978, the City t Council approved the Final Map of Tract 10274 subject to the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission , as amended by the City Council as set forth in the attached excerpts from the Council meeting a sub- sequent request was made to resubdivide the subject property so as to create two parcels of land for commercial development where one lot existed. This request also included the approval of an off-site parking agreement for a portion of the required parking spaces for Kam' s Restaurant facility on the adjoining Bank of Newport property . At its meeting of June 19 , 1980 , the Planning Commission approved Resubdivision No . 659, subject to the findings and conditions of approval as set forth in the excerpts of the Planning Commission minutes attached for Commission re- view . Subsequent ' to this approval , the City Attorney determined that Conditions of Approval Nos . 9 and 10, concerning the off-site parking agreement and a common access agreement between the Kam' s Restaurant Facility and the Bank of Newport complex was deemed "complete" inasmuch as the restaurant use lease would terminate not later than March 31 , 1981 . A copy of the letter from the City Attorney to the Attorney for Bank of Newport/Realport Corporation is also attached for Commission review. Analysis The following outline reflects the major characteristics of the proposed development: Total Land Area : 34,366 sq .ft. Buildable Area : 34 ,366 sq . ft. Maximum Gross Floor Area : (2 x Buildable area)= 68,732 sq . ft.- Proposed Gross Floor Area : First Floor: 20,273±sq . ft . Second Floor: 18,472±sq . ft . TOTAL : 38, 745±sg .ft. Floor Area Ratio : 1 . 12 x Buildable Area Proposed Floor Area : First Floor: 19, 567±sq .ft. Second Floor: 17,555±sq . ft. TOTAL : 37 ,122±sq . ft. Floor Area Ratio : 1 .08 x Buildable Area e � TO: Planning Commission -4. Building Height: Permitted: 32 ' Proposed: Maximum roof height: 37' •above grade (i.ncludtng mechanical equipment on rear) Average roof height: 34 ' ± above grade Parking: Required: 1 space for each 250 sq . ft. (net) 37,122 sq . ft. + 250sq.. ft. = 149 spaces . Proposed: 161 spaces (149 spaces + 12 tandem) *The Planning Commission has approved several commercial developments in the Corona del Mar Specific Plan Area with Floor Area Ratios ranging from .23 time the buildable area to 1 . 10 times the buildable area . Building Height The proposed two story structure will have a maximum height of 37 ' -0"± measured from the highest point of the structure (mechanical equipment on roof, east elevation) to natural grade, directly below. The lowest part of the structure is 27"-6"±, fronting East Coast Highway. In order to determine the average roof height of the entire structure, it is necessary to measure the maximum and minimum heights of each roof line of the structure . Because the subject property slopes to the rear, and because of the architects desire to design a structure that appears level , calculation of the "Average Roof Height" requires that the roof be measured in two segments . First, the maximum height of the structure as presented in the building sections (page 5 of the plans submitted) is 37 ' -0"± measured from the top of the mechanical equipment to natural grade directly below. The lowest point of this portion of the roof is 34' -0"±, measured from the top of the covered atrium to natural grade directly below. The average roof height for this portion of the roof was determined by locating the mid-point between the highest and lowest points of the roof, and measuring the height above grade directly below. This section of roof has an average height of 33' -0"± . The front portion of the structture is measured in the same manner, with the highest portion of roof in this case being the corner of the atrium roof which was the lowest point of the roof at the rear, or 34 ' -0" The lowest portion of the structure is 27' -6"±. The Mid-point of this section of the roof is 31 '- 0"±. The project is located in the 32/50 Foot Basic Height Limitation District. According to Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 20. 52 .030(D) , the following height limits would apply to the office building : "In the 32/50 Foot Height Limitation Zone the height limit for any struc- ture shall be 32 feet; provided, however, that a structure may exceed 32 feet up to a maximum of 50 feet after the adoption of a Planned Community District, or after the adoption of a Specific Area Plan , or after the approval of a Use Permit" . In granting a use permit for a structure in excess of the Basic Height Limit, the Planning Commission shall find that each of the following four points as set forth in Chapter 20.02 .040 of the Municipal Code have been complied with: TO: Planning Commission -5 . (a) The increased building height would result in more public visual open space and views than is required by the basic height limit in any zone . Particular attention shall be given to the location of the structure on the lot, the per- centage of ground cover, and the treatment of all setback and open areas . (b) The increased building height would result in a more desirable architectural treatment of the building and a stronger and more appealing visual character of the area than is required by the basic height limit in any zone. (c) The increased building height would not result in undesireablie or abrupt scale relationships being created between the struc- ture and existing developments or public spaces . Particular attention shall be given to the tbta'l bulk of the structure including both horizontal and vertical dimensions . (d) The structure shall have no more floor area than could have 1) been achieved without the Use Permit. Staff is of the opinion that the proposed structure complies with all of the requirements of Chapter 20 .02. 040 for the following reasons : (a ) The project, as proposed , provides approximately 12 ,000 sq .ft. of landscaped area in the front (12 feet clear depth) , sides ( 2 feet - 10 feet clear depth)and rear yard ( 12 feet clear depth) where no setback areas are required in the C-1 District. (b) The structure will have a •maximum height of 32 ' fronting on East Coast Highway, and a maximum height of 37 ' at the rear of the structure . Inasmuch as the subject property slopes towards the rear of the lot, and further because the roof-top mechanical equipment is located at the rear of the structure, it is only at the rear of the structure that the height limit is exceeded. The proposed two story structure will be less imposing than the adjacent four story Bank of Newport complex, and from East Coast Highway ' g y it will appear to be within the 32 Height Limit. ( c) The increased building height will not result in undesireable or abrupt scale relationship betweenthe proposed structure and adjacent t developments . The horizontal bulk of the proposed structure has been decreased from what would normally be per- mitted through the provision of landscaping areas in the front p P 9 sides and rear of the structure where setbacks are not required. The vertical bulk of the structure does not exceed two stories except where the roof-top mechanical equipment is located . (d) The proposed structure, with 38,745 sq . ft. (gross ) , is sub- stantially less than the 67, 088 sq . ft. permitted on the subject property. On Site Parking The proposed structure, as submitted, contains 37,122 sq : ft. of net floor area . Based upon the current City parking standard for office uses , of 1 : I TO: Planning Commission -6'. space for each 250 sq . ft . of net floor area , a total of 149 spaces (37,122 sq . ft. _. • 250 sq . ft. ) are required. A two level subterranean parking garage is proposed, The foll''owing outline refl-ects the distri- bution of parking spaces wihin each level : LEVEL 1 : Standard (8'-6" x 18' -011 ) 56 spaces Compact (7 ' -6" x 151 -011 ) 14 spaces Handicap (12 ' -0" x 18 ' -011 ) 3 spaces Tandem* 6 spaces TOTAL 79 spaces LEVEL 2: Standard (8' -6" x 18' -0" ) 65 spaces Compact (7'' -6" x 15 ' -011 ) 9 spaces Handicap (12 ' -0" x 18 ' -0" ) 2 spaces Tandem* 6 spaces TOTAL 82 spaces *The City Traffic Engineer has indicated that the 12 tandem parking spaces cannot be Included in the total of required parking spaces , and further that a plan detailing adequate control over the use of these tandem spaces should be submitted for city approval to insure that a vehicle does not inadvertently become trapped in a tandem space. The applicant is also requesting a modification to the Zoning Code so as to permit a portion of the required parking spaces to be compact spaces . As shown on the parking garage plans submitted, 23 compact spaces or 15 .4% of the total required parking spaces are provided. Staff has no objections to this request in as much as the proposed atrium area accounts for approximately 4,946 sq . ft. of the net foor space (2921 sq . ft. first floor; 2025 sq . ft. second floor) . Because this atrium area is fully enclosed it is considered "net floor area" even though it may not constitute leasable area . Traffic Study The City Traffic Engineer has determined that the following intersections will be affected by the proposed project based upon its size and geographic location : East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue East Coast Highway and MacArthur Boulevar d E ast, Co ast Highway and Margarite Avenue MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road Jamboree Road and Santa Barbara Drive Jambor ee Road and Sa n Joaquin Hills Road The Traffic Study determined that the project will generate , one year after its projected completion date (1982) , more than one percent of the projected 22 hour volume on any leg of the above critical intersections , only at East Coast Highway/Avocado Avenue , East Coast Highway/MacArthur I� TO: Planning Commission, -7. Boulevard, and MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road. In accord- ance with City Policy S-1 , Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis was made for projected traffic volumes (summation of existing peak hour volumes , regional growth volumes and committed project volume and projected traffic volumes plus project traffic volumes . The I . C . U. calculations at the intersections indicated the following : I . C .U . ' S East Coast Hwy. East Cost Hwy. MacArthur Blvd . & Avocado•!Ave. & MacArthur &San Joaquin Hill x Existing . 6693 . 8022 . 79211 Existing, +regional ,+committed . 8246 . 9472 .9582 Existing,+regional ,+committed, project .8246 .9503 .9607 Existing,+regional,+committed, +committed imputs (1 ) . 8144 . 8627 . 8999 Existing,+regional ,+committed, +committed imputs ,+project . 8441 . 8689 n/a Existing,+regional ,+committed, +committed imputs ,+project, n/a n/a . 8674 + ro 'ect related im uts . 1 . Includes the extension of Avocado Avenue to San Miguel Drive and San Miguel Drive improved, and Eastbound through lane at East Coast Highway, and MacAtrhur Boulevard required of previosly approved projects . 2 . Includes the addition of a west bound right turn lanes not previously required of other projects . City Policy S-1 provides that an analysis be done to determine-. if one year after completion of the project, or portions of the project for which the traffic analysis is being performed, the project will generate one percent or more of the project traffic volume for each leg of each impacted intersection during the 2. 5 hour peak peiord . The policy also provides that when one year after the completion of the project, the project may generate one percent or more of projects intersection, then an ICU analysis will be performed in accordance with S-1 . This analysis has been performed on the affected intersections . The projected ICU with the project at these intersections are as indicated above . The policy provides that the ICU must be less than 0.90 to make Finding No . 2 listed in Exhibit "A"-Traffic Study no trip generation reduction measures were required to achieve these ICU ' s at the impacted intersections . TO: Planning Commission -8. Specific Findings and Recommendations Section 20 .80.060 of the Municipal Code provides that in order to grant any use permit, the Planning Commission shall find that the establish- ment, maintenance operation n e or pe ation of the use or building applied for will not under the circumstances of the particular case , be detrimental to the health , safety, peace, morals , comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detri- mental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Staff recommends approval of Use Permit No . 1978, which permits a floor area in excess of 5 ,000 sq . ft. of floor area in a Specific Plan Area for which a specific plan has not been adopted, and to exceed the Basic Height Limit. In addition , staff has no objection to the request for a modifi- cation to the Zoning Code so as to permit a poriton of the required park- ing spaces to be compact spaces . Staff also recommends that the Planning Commission accept and approved the Traffic Study prepared in conjunction with the proposed project pursuant to Chapter 15.40 of the Municipal Code, and the Inital Study prepared in accordance with the City Council Policy K-3 and the California Environmental Quality Act. Exhibit"A" contains all of the recommended Findings and Conditions of Approval that the Planning Commission may wish to make in conjunction with the approval of the proposed development. Respectfully submitted, PLANNING- DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWbCKER,, DIRECTOR "NowOr ilutslin , Associate Planner CG/tk Attachments : Exhibit "A" Vicinity map Negative Declatation and Mitiagions Measures Letter from City Attorney Excerpt from minutes of Planning Commission/June 19 , 1980 . Excerpt from minutes of City Council meeting/July 11 , 1978 Excerpt from minutes of Planning Commission/March 2 , 1978 Inital Study Plot Plan , Floor Plans , Elevations i EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ( 1 ) ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT (2) TRAFFIC STUDY ( 3 USE PERMIT NO . 1978 Environmental Document A. Findings 1 . That an Initial Study and Negative Declaration have been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the State EIR Guidelines and City Policy. 2. That the contents of the Initial Study and Negative Declaration have been considered in the decisions on this project. 3 . That based upon the information contained in the Initial Study and Negative Declaration , the project incorporates sufficient mitigation measures to reduce potentially significant environ- mental effects , and that the project will not result in signi - ficant environmental impacts . Traffic Study A. Findings 1 . That a Traffic Study on the proposed project has been prepared in accordance with Chapter 15 .40 of the Municipal Code and City Policy S-1 , and; 2 . That based on that Traffic Study, the proposed project will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic service on any "major" , "primary-modified" , or "primary" street. B . Conditions 1 . That prior to the occupancy of any building on this site the cir- culation system improvements described in the Initial Study/ Traffic Report on Page 9 , Table 5 shall be accomplished. Use Permit No . 1978 A. Findings 6itllThat the proposed development is consistent with the General Plan and the Draft Local Coastal Plan , and is compatible with surround- ing land uses . 2. Adequate offstreet parking spaces will be provided for the pro- posed development. 3. The project will not have any significant environmental, impact , providing the mitigation measures set forth in the Initial . Study and Negative Declaration are incorporated in the final project design . f vf�� EXHIBIT "A" - CON 'T . �� V 04 14. The building height would result in more public visual open space than is required by the basic height limit, inasmuch as the pro- posed development provides additional setback areas that are not required, and that the only portion of the structure that exceeds the basic height limit is at the rear of the structure. 5 . The building height would result in more desirable architectural treatment of the building and a stronger and more appealing visual character of the area than is required by the basic height limit. 6 . The building height would not res.ult in undesirable or abrupt scale relationships being created between the structure and exist- j ing development, inasmuch as the proposed structure will be lower than the Bank of Newport. 7. The structure will have no more floor area than could have been achieved without the use permit. 8. That the proposed percentage of compact spaces is reasonable for the total number of parking spaces on the site. 9. That approval of Use Permit No. 1978 Will not, under the circum- stances of this case, be detrimental to the health , safety, peace, morals , comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City. B. Conditions 1 . That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plain, floor plan, and elevations . 2. The project shall be designed to conform to Title 24, Paragraph G . bivision T-20, Chapter 2, Subchapter 4 . 3. Should any resources be uncovered during construction , that a qualified archaeologist or paleontologist evaluate the site prior to completion of construction activities , and in accordance with City Policies K-6 and K-7 . 4. That prior to the occupancy of the proposed structure the circu- lation system improvements described in the Initial Study shall have been accomplished. L-- 5 . Final design of the project shall provide for the incorporation of water-saving devices for project lavatories and other water- using facilities . 6 . The final design of the project shall .provide for the sorting of recyclable material from other solid waste . L_,—7. The applicants shall provide for weekly vacuum sweepiq,g of all paved paving areas and drives . 8. A landscape and irrigation plan for the project shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. � \ EXHIBIT "A" - C'ON ' T. 9 . The landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks , Beaches , and Recreation Department and approval of the Planning DepartmentY FuerL. t tGwt we 0VA-UAves Li-tt %prow -Ctr V00.%%A -*ILb*T ji 10. The landscape plan shall include a maintenance program which controls the use of fertilizers and pesticides . 11 . The landscape plan shall place heavy emphasis on the use of drought-resistant native vegetation and be irrigated via a system designed to avoid surface runoff and over-watering. 12. Development of the site shall be subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Building and Planning Departments . 13. That the grading plan shall include a complete plan for temporary and permanent drainage facilities , to minimize any potential im- pacts from silt, debris , and other water pollutants . 14. The grading permit shall include a description of haul routes , access points to the site and watering and sweeping program de- signed to minimize impacts of haul operations . 15 . An erosion and dust control plan, if required , shall be submitted and be subject to the approval of the Building Department. 16. That an erosion and siltation control plan , if required, be re- viewed by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Santa Ana Region , and the plan be submitted to said Board ten days prior to any construction activities . 17. The project shall be so designed to eliminate light and glare spillage on adjacent uses . 18. The following disclosure statement of the City of Newport Beach ' s policy regarding the Orange County Airport should be included in any Covenants , Conditions , and Restrictions which may be recorded against the property. Disclosure Statement The Lessee herein, his heirs , successors and assigns acknowledge that : a ) The Orange County Airport may not be able to provide adequate air service for business establishments which rely on such services ; b ) When an alternate air facility is available , a complete ,phase out of jet service may occur at the Orange County Airport . c) The City of Newport Beach may continue to oppose additional commer- cial air service expansions at the Orange County Airport; d) Lessee , his heirs , successors and assigns will not actively oppose any action taken by the City of Newport Beach to phase out or limit jet air service at the Orange County Airport. IrY EXHIBIT "A" - CON' T. w� 111 A M+wN+w{f�,"* `. 19 . That any mechanical equipmentnd em�ncy p6wer generators shall be screened from view and noise associated with said gen- erators shall be attenuated to ac-ceptable levels in receptor areas . The latter shall be based upon the recommendations of a qualified acoustical engineer, and be approved by the Planning Department. 20 . That the Fire Department access shall be approved by the Fire Department. 21 . That the structure on the project site shall be equipped With fire suppression systems approved by the Fire Department. 22 . The proposed project shall incorporate an internal securing system ( i .e . , security guards,, alarms , access limits after hours ) that shall be reviewed by the Police and Fire Depart- ments and approved by the Planning Department. 23. That the final design of on-site pedestrian circulation be re- vi-ewed and approved by the Public Works Department and the Planning Department. 24. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for the site , the applicants shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department and the Planning Department that ade- quate sewer facilities will be available . 25., That nightime lighting should be limited to that necessary for security ..a d should be approved by the Planning Department. 54#•1dII/ /rlw" *Afro /DVrr•It�Y'�1 26. Interior circulation, parking , traffic control , sign locations and directional signs shall be approved by the Traffic Engineer. 27. A plan shall be submitted to the Traffic Engineer for approval that insures adequate control over the use of the proposed tan- dem parking spaces . 28 . That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department.. 29 . All applicable conditions of Resubdi'vision No . 659 shall be ful - filled . 30 . That vehicular access to the subject property be taken from Avocado Avenue, �L SCE OIS/MOrIN/ YIP M M SR O'SIAICII.N A14P AO Jul P-C 38 P•C FArr FOArT (TAX r<) - 8 N/4M!✓AY rrrrAcr ` CREIAJCO OR/VF 2• i a -10- 4 " •' ndl. M ..d i .. C Rr; wR �;1 yLl i:l o ilw rl Ryl I�, R•1 ; .10. rt •o- •w•'u,1� • T J YLf r Nt •I• 7� vr. R Ff i R-3 Rat y r•AI ] � rrwwars a ` �.t 6 ,1.E -10 N _ It •]� ' � « r. .w n u .n .r « � a{.. �x✓ r -t 4^4 ,10, R.I a w h rda, o- A « ,.• v Q••.°� to t » / �/TuRA - Av C • NO.• a suRAce .. w �''� O OR/VR •�.1FI " 3 'f• l.r ttD ». o'er• •10• _d It �/0, c �O•ap • 9 D j 3 R•I p pV d - � •10• 2 C•/. t S.A. �w 1, Q rFRR ACF p R_i �'iD ACF R-1 M -to- 'BOA �S \\ �I.N 4 rfRRA eF R-1 f MAOAO.�ANd \\\\ \ R-1 -10- AA v nvs rr.rr aor. Yr.. wr uru \\ 0.5 0•P/ ✓E i A[O.A0.I20r i 3�.[R/ ),)fl+n AYA]M fIN N/•/ 4LH \1 A _ R Frf Ma X].IS WFClM� 4l-// TJ•N mmrc A.tS1 y'•`"\ \ -a 10• / ISM .mO]9 OX in[XMMn[]f myNYBgI[[RR10•XMXt.R fl WYY w MWX[ c 6Mn ", C ?60=1 p pp fqp M S1011. •]O!•c I.... Ip Ml1 II•Il-l] \'Y�R•1 /p, ,`/ ON.O I]LL ;OTI nTMtr NJ.W](41q)MIWC I".,.M"t R•! ` ov.Rq wj; [Al•pA NAW C"51TR(w G4,5105 RL1 FRCM C•I•H I YII AX \\ D R I M O-! 2.12.51 A 555 q' e i wt / ra !t IS / NY P••1I DISTRICTING MAP NEWPORT BEACH — CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL R--Q SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 0-1 LIGHT COMMERCIAL R-2 DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL 2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL RESTD MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MANUFACTURING ORD.NO._3S �A l=9I CN7 COMBINING DISTRICTS UNCLASSIFIED Pwr_rc� MAP ND. 'T FRONT YARD DEPTH IN FEET SHOWN THUS: -10- VAR.OR MO.Na S Q" THUS: 2A NEGATIVE DECLARATION_ TO: Secretary for Resources FROM: Planning Department 1400 Tenth Street City of Newport Beach Sacramento, CA 95814 3300 Newport Boulevard Clerk of the Board of Newport Beach, CA 92663 Supervisors P. 0. Box 687 FCenter"NAME OF PROJECT: ° Coast Business ROJECT LOCATION: 2121 W. Coast Hwy . , City of Newport Beach PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project consists of the construction of a two- story office building, ( 37, 122 sq . ft , ) , two levels of sub- terranean parking ( 149 spaces ) and associated landscaping. FINDING: Pursuant to the provisions of City council Policy Y-3 pertaining to procedures and guidelines to implement the California Environmental Quality Act, the Environmental Affairs Committee has evaluated the proposed project and determined that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. MITIGATION MEASURES: See Attached. INITIAL STUDY PREPARED BY: City of Newport Beach INITIAL STUDY AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT: 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA i DATE RECEIVED FOR FILING: Fred Ta 1 ari cd f(d Environmental Coordinator Date: Febrwa.r9, 19981 MITIGATION MEASURES 1 . The on-site parking will be provided. in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 2. The project be designed to conform to Title 24, Paragraph G, Division T-20, Chapter 2, Subchapter 4. 3. Should any resources be uncovered during construction, that a qualified archaeologist or paleontologist evaluate the site prior to completion of construction activities, and in accordance with City Policies K-6 & K-7. 4. Final design of the project should provide for the incorporation of water- saving devices for project lavatories and other water-using facilities. 5. The final desiqn of the project should provide for the sorting of recyclable material from other solid waste. 6. The applicants should provide for weekly vacuum sweeping of all paved ,paring areas and drives. 7. A landscape and irrigation plan for the project shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. 8. The landscape plan should be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Department and approval of the Planning Department. 9. The landscape plan should include a maintenance program which controls the use of fertilizers and pesticides. 10. ' The landscape plan should place heavy emphasis on the use of drought-resistant native vegetation and be irrigated via a system designed to avoid surface runoff and.over-watering. 11 . Development of the site should be subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Building and Planning Departments. 12. That a grading plan if required should include a complete plan for temporary and permanent drainage facilities, to minimize any potential impacts from silt, debris, and other water pollutants. 13. The grading permit shall include, if required, a' description of•haul routes, access points to the site and watering and sweeping orogram designed to minimize impacts of haul operations. 14. An erosion and dust control plan, if required, should be submitted and be subject to the approval of the Building Department. 15. That an erosion and siltation control plan, if required, be reviewed by the California Regional hater Quality Control Board -- Santa Ana Region, and the plan be submitted to said Board ten days prior to any construction activities. 16. The project should be so designed to eliminate light and glare spillage on adjacent uses. MITIGATION MEASURES - CON 'T. 17. That prior to the occupancy of the proposed project the circula- tion system improvements described in the Initial Study should be accomplished . 18. The following disclosure statement of the City of Newport Beach ' s policy regarding the Orange County Airport should be included i-n all leases or sub-leases for space, in the project and shall be in- cluded in any Covenants , Conditions , and Restrictions which may be recorded against the property . Disclosure Statement The Lessee Herein, hisheirs , successors and assigns acknowledge that: a ) The Orange County Airport may not be able to provide adequate air service for business establishments which rely on such services ; b) When an alternate air facility is available, a complete phase out of jet service may occur at the Orange County Airport. c) The City of Newport Beach may continue to oppose additional commer- cial air service expansions at the Orange County Airport. d) Lessee, his heirs , successors and assigns will not actively oppose any action taken by the City of Newport Beach to phase out or limit jet air service at the Orange County Airport. 19 . That any mechanical equipment and emergency power generators shall be screened from view and noise associated with said shall be at- tenuated to acceptable levels in receptor areas . The latter shall be based upon the recommendations of a qualified acoustical engi- neer, and be approved by the Planning Department. 20 . That the Fire Department access should be approved by the Fire Department. 21 . That all buildings on the project site should be equipped with fire suppression systems approved by the Fire Department. 22. The proposed project shall incorporate an internal securing system (i .e. , security guards , alarms , access limits after hours ) that shall be reviewed by the Police and Fire Departments and ap- proved by the Planning Department. 23. That the final design of on-site pedestrian circulation be re- viewed and approved by the Public Works Department and the Planning Department. 24. That nightime lighting should be limited to that necessary for security and should be approved by the Planning Department. SEW PORT u ,1T CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH r OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY FonN� (714) 640-2201 October 27, 1980 � ; e pCS 311980'' � i Dennis W. Harwood, Esq. \ • h.,,,.•;.; HARWOOD & ADRINSON 550 Newport Center Drive Suite 800 Post Office Box 1907 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Bank of Newport/Realport Corporation; Resubdivision No. 659 Dear Dennis: This letter is a follow-up to your letter of October 2, 1980, regarding Resubdivision No. 659. The City can agree that Condition No. 9 and Condition No. 10 of Resubdivision No. 659 are deemed satisfied by virtue of the fact that the restaurant use of the property wi;.l terminate not later than March 31, 1981. Since Conditions Nos: 9 and 10 related to the restaurant use and to provide access to the restaurant, the .. termination of the restaurant use will satisfy that requirement. However, this agreement as to satisfaction of conditions is given only upon the understanding and agreement by the Bank of Newport/ Realport Corporation that the restaurant use on the subject prop- erty will terminate not later than March 31, 1981, and that no additional restaurant use will be operated on that site without further specific City approval. The additional approval would more than likely result in an off-site parking agreement and access agreement being required, substantially the same as Conditions Nos. 9 and 10 of Resubdivision No. 659. The City's acceptance of Conditions Nos. 9 and 10 as being complete is also given on the understanding that during the remaining term of the restaurant usage the required ad ditio parking spaces will be available to the restaurant tenant �( OC,3 p NCO b Cit • Hall 3300 Newport Boule:•ard, Newport Beach. Calilorni, C1Zy OF-..,t. � Dennis W. Harwood, Esgs October 27, 1980 Page TWO Finally, the City's approval is conditioned upon an agreement and understanding by the Bank of Newport/Realport Corporation that, should another use be proposed on the restaurant site that requires off-site parking, the City will require an appropriate off-site parking agreement and access agreement. If these conditions are acceptable to your client, please sign the enclosed copy of this letter and return it to me. should you have any questions regarding the foregoing, please don't hesitate to 0 c ntact me. Very trul yours, HUGH COFFIN j' City Attorney • xc: Planning Director Public Works Director The contents of this letter have been read and accepted by Bank of Newport/Realport Corporation in regards to compliance with Conditions Nos. 9 and 10 of Resubdivision No. 659, - Dated: October , 1980. Dennis W: ffarwood Attorney for Bank of Newport/ Real port Corporation p I � l� COMMISSIONERS MINUTES June 19, 1980 City y of Newport Beach RIOLLCALLJI I IIIINDEX h, That there be a document recorded satis- factory to the City Attorney and the : Planning Director providing for the common access to Dover Drive and 16th Street and common parking spaces for Parcel Nos. I and 2 of this application and for the existing Bank of Newport property. 8. Vacuum' sweeping of all paved parking areas and drives shall be provided on the subject property on a weekly basis. 9. The project •s.hall provide for the sorting of recyclable material from other solid wastes . 10. The applicant shal,I expand the existing Ban of Newport drive-up- teller facility so as to accommodate four 'vehicular lanes to said facility. The driveway on 16th Street shall also be widened to accommodate the four vehicular lanes` s approved by the City Traffic Engineer Commissioner Allen posed a question to which William Laycock , Current Planning Administrator, replied that if the drive-up teller facility were relocated in the future, it would 'n,eces- sarily come before the Planning Commissio'n for a use permit, at which time the situation ` ould Motion x be reassessed. Ayes x x x .A Absent x Motion was CONDITIONALLY APPROVED. Request to create two parcels of land for commer- Item #2 cial development where one lot now exists , the acceptance of an offsite parking agreement for a Resub- portion of the required parking spaces for Kam' s division Restaurant facility, and the acceptance of an No. 559 Environmental Document. LOCATION: Lot 2, Tract No. 10274, located at APPROVED 2101 and 2121 East Coast Highway, C NDI- on the southwesterly corner of TION LLY East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue, adjacent to Irvine Terrace. -6- I i COMMISSIONERS June 19 , 1980 MINUTES GtY p of Newport Beach ROLL CALL I V IINDEX ,ZONE: C-1 APPLICANT: Bank of Newport, Newport Beach OWNER: Realport Corporation , Newport Beach ENGINEER: Robert Bein, William Frost 6 Associates , Newport Beach In response to a question posed by Commissioner .McLaughlin, William Laycock, Current Planning Administrator, replied that the purpose of the resubdivision was for financing purposes only, and that no new construction was ro osed. P P The Public Hearing was opened and Mr. Harwood; Attorney for the Bank of Newport,P , appeared before the Commission to state his concurrence conditions as indicated in the Staff Report. the In response to a question posed by Commissioner McLaughlin , Mr. Harwood replied that they re- quested the offstreet agreement to coincide with the maximum term remaining under the lease, as they do not know what the future use of the property will be. Commissioner Allen suggested continuing this item so that Mr. Kam Yee might be notified; she stated her understanding that the long-standing dispute which had now been resolved regarding Kam' s Restaurant began over the fact that the restau- rant was never notified of the development next door. Motion X Commissioner Allen made a motion to continue this item to the regular Planning Commission Meeting Of July 10., 1980. Commissioner Beek stated his I agreement. In response to a comm ent ment made by Commissioner Allen Mr. L, aycock replied that the primary purpose of notifying occupants or tenants of adjoining property had been in reference to residential lots , and not commercial areas . -7- •I Imo- - -- --- - - - --- COMMISSIONERS MINUTES' June 19, 1980 � Na City of • Newport Beach ROLL CALL IN He further explained that the requirement 'of w vehicular and pedestrian access between the two parcels would still exist. Commissioner Allen stated her understanding that the offsite parking agreement involved parking on y Kam' s lot as well as on the Bank of Newport lot. She expressed her feeling that it was important that Mr. Yee knew where his offsite parking would exit and that he knew there was a new lot, and' that it would in no way affect his offsite parkin agreement. Motion x Commissioner Haidinger made a Substitute Motion that the Planning Commission approve Resubdivi- sion No. 659 , subjct to the following findings and conditions : FINDINGS: 1 . That the map meets the requirements of Title E 19 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, all ordinances of the City, all applicable gen- eral or specific plans and the Planning Commission is satisfied with the plan of subdivision. 2. That the proposed resubdivision presents no problems from a planning standpoint. 3. That the proposed development is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Pla and is compatibl@ with surrounding land uses. 4. The project will not have any significant environmental impact. 5. The offsite parking area adjoins Kam' s Restaurant facility, and therefore, is so located to be useful to the subject restaurant use. 6. The offsite parking spaces will not create undue traffic hazards in the surrounding area . -8- COMMISSIONERS MINUTES June 19, 1980 City. of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 7. The offsite parking lot and the adjoining restaurant site will be maintained under the same ownership. CONDITIONS: 1 . That a parcel map be filed. 2. That all improvements be constructed as required by ordinance and the Public Works Department. 3. That all the applicable conditions of Use Permit No. 1857 and Tract No. 10274 be fulfilled. 4. That two (2) feet of right-of-way shall be dedicated for pedestrian purposes along East Coast Highway, where tree wells exist, so that an 8 foot clear sidewalk can be constructed. The locations and configuration of the dedication shall be approved by the Public Works Department. 5. That approximately 10 feet of deteriorated curb and 20 feet of deteriorated sidewalk and gutter be reconstructed on Avocado Avenue. 6. That the displaced sidewalk along East Coast Highway be replaced adjacent to Parcel No . 2 , with locations to be approved by the Public Works Department. 7. That all work within the East Coast Highway right-of-way be done under an encroachment permit issued by the Cali - fornia Department of Transportation. 8. That a standard agreement with accompanying surety be provided to guarantee the satis- factory completion of the improvements if it is desired to record the parcel map before completing the public improvements. -9- L 23 COMMISSIONERS MINUTES s June 19 , 1980 9 � � City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 9. That an offsite parking agreement shall be approved by the City Council guaranteeing that a minimum of 42 parking spaces shall be provided on Parcel No. 1 of this appli- cation, for the duration of the restaurant use on Parcel No. 2. 10. That there be a document recorded satis- factory to the City Attorney and the Plannin Director providing for the common access between Parcel Nos. 1 and 2 of this appli- cation, and to East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue. 11 . Vacuum sweeping of all paved parking areas and drives shall be provided on the subject property on a weekly basis . 12. The proposed bank structure shall provide for the sorting of recyclable material from other solid wastes . k Motion x A second Substitute Motion was made by Commission Ayes x x er Beek that this item be continued to the regula Nos x Planning Commission Meeting of July 10, 1980, Absent x which Motion failed. Ayes x x x The previous Substitute Motion was then voted on , Nos which MOTION CARRIED- Absent x The Planning Commission recessed at 9:45 p.m. , and reconvened at 9 :55 p.m. Request to consider a Traffic Phasing Plan for Item #3 the remaining development of the Corporate Plaza Planned Community, and the acceptance of Traffic an Environmental Document (Continued Public Phasin Hearing) : Plan n Corporate P azl a -10- Continued to 71080 y r COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEdCH MINUTES �3Cp��9,j,19y9Ny2' F N ROLL CALLC �u'� P Jul 11, 1978 INDEX 7. The Council Appointment, Committee's nominations City Arts of candidates for consideration to fill the Coosa Motion x unexpired term Of Jacqueline Kilbourne ending (120F June 30, 1979 on the City Arts Commission was ) Ayes x x x x .x x x oned to August 14. 8. (District 6 cilman H '=el'e appointment of a Bicycle member to the Bicyc ails Citizen, Advisory Trails Motion x Committee to Fill the une r d term of Theme L. CAC A Schulman ,,ding December 31, 19 a postponed to (205F) Ayes x x x x x x x July 24. Motion x 9. Consideration of Council Policy J-1 "City Ayes x x x x x x x Employees Salaries," was tabled. CURRENT BUSINESS. 1. A report was presented from the Community Develop- Tract 10274 Mont Department regarding the Final Mao of Tract L9�.14.7,Z4, a request of the Bank of�'-`Newport`to approve the Final Map of Tract No. it,5 dividing 5.507 acres into one lot for multiple family residential condominium development and one lot for commerci`aldevelopmeutl 1oc'uted at 2101 end 2121 EaeC Coast Hiphw�and-777 Avocado Avenues Revamee_Drive and 2ahma Drive,•adjacent to Irvine Terrace; zoned C-1 and R.-3. - Dennis Harwood, attorney representing the Bank Of Newport, addressed the Council and stated that the developer was willing to pay 1005 of the City' share of the traffic signal. l Barry Allen addressed the Council and opposed the development. Motion x The Final Ma of Tract No. 10274 wasa roved Ayes x x x x x x x —"a 1— -- ... approved, incorporatinp�bx_refe_rgnce,the ponditions recommended by the Plnnnin�Commission, and Resolution No. 9399, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a subdivision agreement R-9399 between the City of Newport Beach and the Bank of Newport in connection with Tract No. 10274, was adopted, with the condition that funding of tb City'e one-third of the coat of the traffic w� signal would be borne by the developer. 2. The City Clerk's Certificate o£ Sufficiency Dluff regarding the initiative ordinance requiring p dedication of streets in subdivisions on bluffs tervation adjoining Newport Bay and/or Pacific Ocean w Initiative presented with a c (2831) opy of a ro oae P p d or no being, �i nee, AN ORDINANCE OF THE OrrY OF NEWPORTBEACN C ADDING kIAP TER REQUIREMENTS NTS ONID, ' "STREET DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS ON BLUFFS ADJOINING NEWPORT BAY AND/OR RACIFIC OCEAN," TO TITLE 20 OF THE r/ NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE. Volume 32 - Page 175 � I COMMISSIONERS p� Ci}`y of Newport Beach MINUTES ? March 2, 1978 ROL ALL INOIX 6 . All exterior lighting shall be approved by the Department of Community Development. 7. Any direct vehicular access from the site to Irvine Avenue or Bristol Street in the future 11 be approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 8. That a foot wide strip of land along Irvine Avenue be icated to the public for street and highway pu ses . 9. That the proposed new ilding be provided with domestic water serve in conformance with the requirements and sta ards of the Santa Ana Heights Water Company. 10. That the proposed new buildin,g be prove with a sewer connection in conformance wit the requirements of the Costa Mesa' Sanit'ary District. Commissioner Balalis stepped down from the dais and refrained from deliberation on Items #5, #6, and #7, due to a possible conflict of interest. Items #5 , #6, and #7 were heard concurrently because of their relationship, however, separate action was taken on each item. Item #5 Request to permit the construction of a Bank of USE PERMIT Newport office complex that exceeds the basic 90. 1857 height limit within the 32/50 Foot Height Limita- tion District in the Unclassified District, and APPROVED the acceptance of an environmental document. The ZN T-- proposal also includes a drive-up teller facility TI N LLY and a 72' high flag pole. A portion of the exist- ing Sandpiper Inn and related commercial uses will be removed from the site in conjunction with the proposed development. Furthermore, the con- version of existing apartment units into residen- tial condominium units is proposed at the rear Page 9 . COMMISSIONERS City 'of Newport Beach MINUTES March 2, 1978 POLL CALL INO<X of the subject property. A portion of the exist- ing motel complex wi11 also be converted into residential condominium units . Location: Lot 182, Tract No., 2813, located at 2101 and 2121 East Coast Highway and 777 Avocado Avenue on property bounded by East Coast Highway, Avocado Avenue, Kewamee' Drive, and Zahma Drive, ,adjacent to Irvine Terrace. Zone: Unclassified Applicant: Bank of Newport, Newport Beach Owner: Same as Applicant 1 t Item /6 Request to amend a portion of Districting Map No. AMENDMENT ' 24 from the Unclassified District to the R-3 NO. 503 District and the C-1 District, and to establish yard setbacks for existing and proposed develop- APPROVED ment on the site. Location : Lot 182, Tract No . 2813, located at 2101 and 2121• East Coast Highway an- 777 Avocado Avenue on property bounded by East Coast Highway, Avocado Avenue, Kewamee Drive, and Zahma Drive, adjacent to . Irvine Terrace . Zone: Unclassified T� Applicant: Bank of Newport, Newport Beach Owner: Same as Applicant Item M7 Request to subdivide 5.50 T acres into one lot for TENTATIVE multiple family residential condominium development AATTGT and one lot for commercial development, adjacent to NK. 1W24 Irvine Terrace . APPROVED Page 10, TIONALLY COMMISSIONERS Fs� City of Newport Beach MINUTES � c v 4. . a "j' March 2 , 1978 MOLL CALL INOLX Location: Lot 182, Tract No . 2813, located at . 2101 and 2121 East Coast Highway and 777 Avocado, Avenue on property bounded by East Coast Highway, Avocado Avenue, Kewamee Drive, and Zahma Drive, adjacent to Irvine Terrace. Zone: Unclassified Applicant: Bank of Newport, Newport Beach Owner: Same as Applicant Engineer: Robert Bein, William Frost '& i Associates , Newport Beach Staff presented and reviewed with the Commission 1 a supplemental report relative to the parking 'for Kam' s Restaurant and recommended additional conditions of approval to provide for parking and access, between properties . Staff answered ques- tions of the Commission relative to density, recreation facilities, drainage, setbacks , and parking, following which, public hearings were opened. Bill Ficker, Ficker & Ruffing, Architects, appeare before the Commission on behalf of the applicant. He generally agreed with the staff report and recommendations and commented on the adequacy of parking. and their intent to make this project a first class development with complete landscaping and apartment refurbishing. He reviewed the parking layout and concurred -with providing pedestrian access between the site and Kam's Restaurant but was somewhat reluctant with respect to vehicular access between the properties because they have no control over Kam' s Restaurant or the parking 'for the restaurant. Mr. Ficker answered questions of the Commission relative to alternative access , circulation, parking, setbacks , project completion, recreational amenities , refurbishing of the apartments proposed for condominium conver- sion, and density. - — Val Skoro, 1601 Bayadere Terrace , appeared before the Commission in favor of the proposed project and requested that the proposed development provide sidewalks on Kewamee, a wall along Zahma , and landscaping adjacent to the street. He commented Page 11 . L n + 1 t 1,6 COMMISSIONERS 1 S s City of Newport Beach MINUTES March 2 , 1978 MOLL CALL INCKX on the need for a stop sign on Avocado at Kewamee and a signal at Avocado and Coast Highway. Jim Forsythe, 2015 Chabasco Drive , appeared before the Commission and voiced concern with their loss of privacy and requested that a higher wall be constructed on the parking structure as well as along the street. He also questioned the adequacy of landscaping in the site distance cone and Bill Frost appeared before the Commission to clarify the meaning and location of the site distance cone. Donald Christianson, Vice President of the Irvine Terrace Homeowners Association, appeared before the Commission in favor of the development and felt it was a welcome improvement to the area. He commented on the landscaping and advised that the Homeowners Association was presently in the process of relandscaping the area and requested that the applicant get together with the associa- tion in order to coordinate the landscaping. David Smiley, 518 Angel'ita , appeared before the Commission and voiced concern with the height variance and possibility of setting a precedent. Eleanor Forsythe, 2015 Chabasco, appeared before the Commission to comment in favor of the develop- ment, however, she requested that a 6 foot wall be constructed on the parking structure rather than the proposed 4 foot wa•I1 because anything -less would create a loss of privacy on their property. Bill Ficker appeared before the Commission in response to the request for a 6 foot wall and pointed out that the parking structure would be set back further than the existing apartments which are to be demolished and felt that, a 4 foot wall with landscaping would, be more desirable and still provide the necessary privacy on ad3acent property. In any case, he requested the opportunity to work with the community association on this matter rather than having a specific height designated at this time. Planning Commission discussed parking at Kam's Restaurant and' the access connection between their lot and that of the proposed development. They also discussed installation of the traffic signal at Avocado and Coast Highway and voiced concern ` Page 12. COMMISSIONERS y ti City of Newport Beach�� ; v �, ♦Q; G,; MINUTES i A ? March 2, 1978 DOLL C^LL INOtX with the impact of the proposed development on the residential neighborhood without a traffic signal at that intersection . Staff advised that the proposed signal was high on the priority list but could not be more specific because of the permit process and increased shortage of funding. Bill Ficker appeared before the Commission to concur on the need for a signal at the intersec- tion of Avocado and Coast Highway and advised they would be willing to participate in a share of the funding for the signal in order to achieve installation as soon as possible. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearings were closed. Motion X Following discussion, motion was made that Planning UP-1857 Ayes $ X X X X Commission accept the environmental document; that Absent X X the following findings be made: Z 1 . The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan , and is compatible with surrounding land uses- 2. Adequate offstreet parking spaces will be provided for the proposed development. 3... The project will not have any significant environmental impact. 4 . The building height would result in more public visual open space than is required by the basic height limit. 5 . The building height would result in more desirable architectural treatment of the building and a stronger and more appealing visual character of the area than is required by the basic height limit. 6. The building height would not result in undesir able or abrupt scale relationships being created between the structure and existing development. 7. The structure will have no more floor area than could have been achieved without the use permit. Page 13. COMMISSIONERS 'DEW► �Oi� City of Newport Beach MINUTES z? March 2, 1978 POLL CALL , �NDtx The al of Use it No . 8. underpthevcircumstancesmof thislcasewbeldetri - mental to the health, safety, peace, morals , , comfort and general welfare of persons resid- ing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City. and that Use Permit No. 1857 be approved, subject to the following conditions: 1 . That all conditions of approval for tentative map of Tract No.. 10274 be fulfilled. 2. That the two controlled entrances for Lot 2 be subject to further review by the Public- Works Department and the Fire Department. In addition, the final design of the two control- led entrances shall be approved by the Public t Works Department and the Fire Department. 3. That fire hydrants be provided as required by the Public Works Department and the Fire Department. 4. Use of 8 ft. X 18 ft. compact and tandem park- ing spaces not be permitted. The site plan contains ade4uate room to reduce overwidth stalls and aisles to obtain the same number of parking stalls without compact spaces . 5 . Interior circulation, parking, traffic control , sign locations and directional signs be approved by the Traffic Engineer. 6 . Lot 2 - Condominiums - Access to parki-ng garages shall be approved by the Traffic Engineer. ( 24 ft. opening required. ) 7. Garages for Building No. 7 be set back 20 feet minimum from private road or made flush with Building, No . 6 . 8. Location of the drive-up bank to-ller shall be approved by the Traffic Engineer. 9 Cons truction shall meet, the requirements for Fire Zone M2 - C-1 District, Page 14. f ' - COMMISMONERS C. City of Newport Beach MINUTES A �� yq<, pv 'i s°t March 2 , 1978 MOLL. OAII INdaX 10 . Separate permit required for the gasoline tank from the Fire Prevention Bureau. 11 . All Construction shall comply with the Unifor Building Code, 1973 Requirements . 12. Prior to the issuance of grading and building permits , a complete geotechnical evaluation o the site will be prepared by a qualified engineer which will take into account soils , geology and seismic characteristics of the site . The report will contain appropriate recommendations for the design and engineerin of the proposed project. Final project plans will be subject to the City' s approval.. Grading operations will be limited to day- time hours per City Code and will be cohducte under the supervision of a qualified soils engineer. 13 . Sufficient exhaust/ventilation equipment will be installed in the parking structure to satisfy existing building codes , taking into account the additional emissions gener- ated at the drive-up banking facility. 14 . Runoff from the completed project will be directed to existing storm drains . Construc- tion stages will be subject to erosion control measures approved by the City ' s grading engineer. A parking lot cleaning and main- tenance program will be established for both the commercial use and the residential use, and be the responsibility of the property owners to maintain . 15 . Introduced landscaping will be replaced on site, in particular where landscaping serves as a screen between residential and commercial areas . Street trees will be replaced as required. Final landscape plans are subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development and the Director of Parks ,Beaches and and Recreation. 16 . Residential areas to the west and south of the project area will be protected acousti- cally and aesthetically by a combination of landscape and decorative wall treatment. Particular attention will be paid to area Page 15 . c✓OMMIssiONERS City of Newport Beach MINUTES A f '1• F�7i F` G A•r 'p $y March 2 , 1978 'MOLL CALL INCKK west of the driveway along the western edge of the property. The final design of the landscaped areas and noise attenuation walls will be subject to the approval of the Community Development Director. 17. The office structure and the residential unit will be remodeled to meet noise insulation standards per building code and City require- ments . 18. Lighting of the parking areas ( including structures) and outside lighting on the buildings will be subject to the review and approval of the Community Devel-opment Depart- ment when final project plans are submitted. Lighting will be directed away from residential uses . 19 . Energy conservation measures will be incorpor- ated into the final plans for both the new commercial structure and the renovations to the existing multi-family units as required by the building codes and City requirements . 20. Flow restricting devices will be used where possible to conserve water. Drought resistant plants will be selected for landscaping to reduce water demand for irrigation purposes. 21 . Applicant will pay park in-lieu fees for three additional new dwelling units as required by City Policy . These fees will be used by the City for the acquisition or development of the neighborhood park facilities . 22 . That a minimum of one parking space for each 250 sq . ft . of net floor area in the Bank of Newport office complex and one parking space for each 3 occupants permitted in Kam' s Restaurant facility shall be provided on the subject property. 23. That pedestrian and vehicular access shall be provided in the proposed 8 foot high wall between the Bank of Newport complex and Kam' s Restaurant facility at all times. Page 16 . COMMISSIONERS City of Newport Beach MINUTES - �A, f � � 9i y �'•;, I P,� p March 2, 1978 MOLL CALL INOLX 24. That the proposed flag pole shall not exceed a height of 50 feet. Motion 'X Motion was made that Planning Commission recommend A-503- Ayes X X X X X to the City Council the approval of Amendment No . Absent X X 503 and that the following setbacks be reflected on Districting Map No . 24: 1 . A 12 foot setback along Avocado Avenue in the R-3 District. 2 . A 14 foot setback along Kewamee Drive. 3. A 6 foot setback along Zahma Drive in the R-3 District. 4. A 0 foot setback along the rear property line ( i .e. opposite Kewamee Drive) in the R-3 District. 5 . A U foot setback along the rear property line (i .e. opposite East Coast Highway) in the C-1 District. Motion X Motion was made that Planning Commission make the TT-70274 Ayes X X X X X following findings : _ Absent X X 1 . That the proposed map is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. 2 . That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with applicable general and specific plans . 3. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4 . That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. — - 5 . That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not cause substan- tial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. Page 17 . COMMISSIONERS , o �;a;y`3 City of Newport Beach MINUTES March 2, 1978 NOLL a^tL INCKX 6. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems , 0 7. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements, acquired by the public at large for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. 8. That the discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision will not result in or add to any violation of existing requirements prescribed by a California Regional Water Quality Control Board pursuant to Division 7 (commencing with Section 1300) of the Water Code . 9 . That the proposed development will not have any significant environmental impact. 10. That each of the tenants of the proposed condominium will be given 120 days written notice of intention to convert prior to termination of tenancy due to the proposed conversion. 11 . That each of the tenants of the proposed condominium will be given notice of an exclu- sive right to contract for the purchase of their respective units upon the same terms and conditions that such units will be initial - ly offered to the general public or terms more favorable to the tenant. and recommend to the City Council the approval of Tentative Map Tract No. 10274, subject to the following conditions : 1 . That a final map be filed. 2 . That there shall be submitted a declaration of Covenants , Conditions and Restrictions , settin forth an enforceable method of insuring the continued maintenance of the existing landscap= ing, fencing, residential structures and utility facilities as well as a requirement for any enforceable method of rehabilitation or replacement of the structures on the site . In addition the CC&R's shall also include, for prospective owners, disclosures regarding Page 18, 35 COMMISSIONERS City of Newport Beach MINUTES S p °s March 2 , 1978 DOLL CALL INOtX sound transmission between units and the absence of sound attenuation materials or construction if such do not exist. The CC&R 's shall also include a disclosure of any common sewer line or other common utilities found to service the condominium and the main- tenance responsibilities of said utilities . Furthermore, the City shall not be held responsible for any future problems with the subject utilities in conjunction with the proposed conversion. 3. That each tenant of the proposed condominium shall be given 120 days written notice of intention to convert prior to termination of tenancy due to the proposed conversion. A copy of said written notice shall be provided to the Director of Community Development as evidence that this condition has been met. 4 . That each of the tenants of the proposed condominium shall be given written notice of an exclusive right to contract for the purchase of their respective units upon the same terms and conditions that such units will be ,initial- ly offered to the general public or terms more favorable to the tenant. The right shall run for a period of not less than sixty days from the date of issuance of the subdivision public report issued pursuant to Section 11018.2 of the Business and Professional Code, unless the tenant gives prior written notice of his intention not to exercise the right. ,A copy of said written notice shall be provided to the Director of Community Development as evidence that this condition has been met. 5. That all existing dwellings shall be inspected, and all building code violations , including but not limited to, bootlegged construction, improperly maintained drainage systems , fire hazards or other evident problems shall be corrected prior to conversion. - - 6 . That a licensed electrical , plumbing and mechanical contractor shall review existing systems and certify their condition to the Building Official prior to conversion . Page 19 . COMMISSIONERS �o��Sva �\�o1v2�3 City of Newport Beach MINUTES ti March 2, 1978 FO LL GALL IN DeIC 7. That all existing fire protection equipment, such as but not limited to wet stand pipes , fire extinguishers, fire sprinkler systems , 0-tc. shall be inspected prior to conversion. 8. That existing geological and soil conditions shall be reviewed. Where evidence of ques- tionable geological or soil conditions are found to exist, the Building Official shall have the authority to require new soils investigation. 9 . That al'l dwelling units shall be required to meet the minimum state standards for sound separation between dwelling units. 10. That all dwellings shall be provided with smoke detectors . 11 . That consideration shall be given to provid- ing each dwelling unit with a separate electrical service. 12. That all improvements 'be constructed as required by ordinance and the Public Wo rks Department. 13. That all conditions of approval for Use Permit No . 1857 be fulfilled. 14. That all vehicular access rights to Zahma Drive and Kewamee Drive be released and relinquised to the City of Newport Beach . (The purposeq of this requirement is to i reinforce the buffer between the commercial and residential land uses. ) 15. That all vehicular access rights to East Coast Highway except for two private drives , for right turns only, be released and relin- quished to the City of Newport Beach . The width and location of the two private drives shall be approved by the Public Works. Depart- ment. 16 . That the existing unused driveway approaches on East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue be closed up. Page 20. COMMISSIONERS City of Newport Beach MINUTES y March 2, 1978 PICLIL. CALL. INOKX 17. That sight distance for a minimum of 50 MPH be provided for the private drives on East Coast Highway. Landscaping within the sight distance cone shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height. In addition, sight distance shall be provided to the satisfac- tion of the Public Works Department for the bike trail . 18. That a corner cut-off with a radius of twenty five feet at the corner of East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue be dedicated to the public for street purposes. 19. That the curb return at the corner of East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue be recon- structed to a radius of thirty-five ,feet. 20. That a raised median island be constructed in East Coast Highway to prevent left turns in and out of the private drives . The raised median island shall extend from fifty feet west of the westerly side of the westerly drive approach to Avocado Avenue. The design shall be approved by the Public Works Depart- ment. 21 . That an ingress and egress easement be provided across Lot 2 for the benefit of Lot 1 . 22. That the water service(s) and sewer connec- tion(s) be provided in a manner satisfactory to the Public Works Department. 23. That all work within East Coast Highway be done under an encroachment permit issued by the California Department of Transportation . 24. That all work within the City right-of-way and any sewer or water connections be done under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. - 25 . That a standard subdivision agreement with accompanying security be provided if it is desired to record the final map before the public improvements are completed. (Note: The final map must be recorded before building permits are issued. ) Page 21 . J COMMISSIONERS s . y ti� City of Newport Beach �a ''a v ,� MINUTES March 2, 1978 MOLL CALL INDtx 17, That sight distance for a minimum of 50 'MPH be provided for the private drives on East Coast Highway. Landscaping within the sight j distance cone shall not exceed twenty-four " inches in height. In addition, sight distance shall be provided to the satisfac- tion of the Public Works Department for the bike trail . 18. That a corner cut-off with a radius of twenty five feet at the corner of East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue be dedicated to the public' for street purposes. 19: That the curb return at the corner of East Coast Highway and Avocado Avenue be recon- structed to a radius of thirty-five feet. 20. That a raised median island be constructed in East Coast Highway to prevent left turns in and out of the private drives . The raised median island shall extend from fifty feet west of the westerly side of the westerly drive approach to Avocado Avenue. The design shall be approved by the Public Works Depart- ment. 21 . That an ingress and egress easement be provided across Lot 2 for the benefit of Lot 1 . 22. That the water service(s) and sewer connec- tion(s) be provided in a manner satisfactory to the Public Works Department. 23. That all work within East Coast Highway be done under an encroachment permit issued by the California Department of Transportation . 24. That all work within the City right-of-way and any sewer or water connections be done under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 25. That a standard subdivision agreement with accompanying security provided be rovided if it is desir ed to record the final a public improvements map before the P p ovements are completed. Note: The final ma must be P recorded before b uilding permits are issued. ) Page 21 , COMMISelONERS voss@nt° -S. City of Newport Beach MINUTES °L March 2, 1978 RML CALL Mlaax 26 . That a P .C.C. sidewalk be constructed within the City right-df-way for Kewamee Drive. The width and location of said sidewalk shall be approved by the Public Works Department. Commissioner Balalis returned to the dais .- ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Motion Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 1002 , Ayes X X X X X finding that the proposed flood control and Absent X drainage improvement on the Santa Ana River Channel within the City of Newport Beach are in \nformance with the City' s General Plan . Staff re•Kiewed with the Commission the plan of approach i`n connection with the General Pl.an workshop me e ings which begin Tuesday, March 7.th . There being n0 furt r busines , Planning Commissio adjourned the meeting. Time: 11 : 10 P .M. PAUL L . BALALIS , Sec tary Planning Commission City of Newport Beach Page 22. COMMISSIONERS February 19, 1981 MINUTES grid w a 0 CD City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX t t the applicant is only. leasing the building, the owner owns the building and the property. He s ated that the applicant will be paying for the r odelling costs of the building . He again ated that the applicant can not require the owne to make such dedication agreements. In respons to a question posed by Commissioner Beek , Mr. B nham, Assistant City Attorney, stated that t ere may be a problem with imposing conditions of edication on a lessee. Mr. Shoop stated that if building .permits are granted by the City, the ap�kicant will renegotiate the lease with the owner. Mr. Burnham suggested that a continuance foul-d be helpful for all parties concerned, iWO uding the City, to work, on these problems . `a Planning Director Hewickgr stated that the building in its present s #te, was built without the issuance of building p is by the City. Commissioner Beek stated that there will be considerable financial negotiA: ons between the owner and the applicant when renegotiati-ng the lease. He stated that this will provide a strong incentive for the p•roper'ty owner t`o, respond favorably. He stated that the stand,�rd condi - tions as imposed by the City should ft required . He stated that it will then be the responsibility _ of the applicant and the owner to deal ith the requirements . Motion Y Motion was made to continue this item to tRe Ayes Y U X Planning Commission Meeting of March 5 , 1981 `�, Noes X X which MOTION CARRIED. Absent Request to consider a traffic study for a Item -#10 - proposed 37,122' sq . ft. ± office building.. TRAFFIC STUDY AND APPROVED CONDI- TIONALLY -32- ' COMMISSIONERS February 19, 1981 MINUTES City of Newport Beach ROIL CALL INDEX Request to permit the construction of a two- Item #11 story office building and related off-street parking areas on property located in the Corona del Mar Specific Plan Area where a specific USE PERMIT plan has not been adopted and which exceeds N0 . 1978 5,000 sq . ft. of floor area , and the acceptance of an En-vironmental Document. It is also re- quested that the proposed office building be APPROVED allowed to exceed .the basic height limit in the 32/50 Height Limitation District. A CONDI- CONDI-LY modification to the Zoning Code is also re- quested inasmuch as a portion of the required off-street parking spaces are proposed as compact parking spaces . LOCATION: Parcel No . 2, Parcel Map 152-28, 29 (Resubdivision No . 659 ) located at 21.21 East Coast Highway on the southwesterly corner of East Coast -Highway and Avocado Avenue, in Corona del Mar. ZONE: C-1 APPLICANT: West Coast Investment, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant Agenda Item Nos . 10 and 11 were heard concurrentl due to their relationship. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Allen , Planning Director Hewicker stated that the floor area ratio , in terms of the buildable area , would be 1 .01 , when the first floor atrium and the second floor balcony are not included in the 'cal.culati ns. Chairman Haidinger referred to Page 9 of the Initial Study and asked when the project re- lated - improvements are scheduled for completion . Mr. Webb , Assistant City Engineer , e-xplained to the Commission the current status .of these road improvements . In response to a question posed by Commissioner Allen , Mr. Webb stated that the improvements to be made to Avocado Avenue by the Irvine Company will be constructed all at one time. -33- COMMISSIONERS February 19, 19&1 MINUTES CL City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Chairman Haidinger referred to Page 3 of the staff report, the bottom line and stated that' the floor area ratio should read, 1 .08 X the Buildable Area . Staff concurred. The public hearing opened in connection with these items and Mr. Andrew Gianulias , representin the applicant, appeared before the Commission . Mr. Gianulias presented to the Commission an artist's rendering of the project and described the proposed characteristics of the building . He requested approval of the traffic study and the use permit application. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Allen , Mr. Gianulias stated that the elevator for the building will be hydraulic and will pro- trude approximately four feet above the roof of the building . He stated that the highest point of the building, from the mechanical equipment, will be 37 feet and the lowest point will be at the front of the building which will be 27 feet 6 inches . Mrs . Eleanor Forsyth , homeowner directly adjacent to the Bank of Newport property , appeared before ' the Commission. She stated that this use permit is closely related to Use Permit No . -1857 which was granted for the Bank of Newport. She ex- pressed her concerns with regard to the light intrusion and the welfare of the residents and _ property in the adjoining area. She stated that the lighting from the Bank of Newport shines throughout properties in the Irvine Terrace area . She added that the light is directed out- wardly and shines brilliantly thru her hedges and into her living room. She stated that the provisions of the use permit should protect the welfare of the reside-nts , but in fact do not. Planning Director Hewicker stated that the Bank of Newport use permit does not relate to the use permit pending before the Commission this evening. He stated that as near as he can deter- mine, the proposed offi-ce building will not be visible to the Irvine Terrace He stated that -34- COMMISSIONERS February 19 , 1981 MINUTES � r � � w W 5 0 X City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX there is a lighti-ng problem with the Bank of Newport facility and the City Council has directe the Bank of Newport to work with the residents to resolve these problems pertai-ning to the lighting of the parking lot and the sign .. Commissioner Allen stated that she has discussed similar problems with the applicant, even though their parking will be underground , and stated that in the event that these items are approved, she will propose language which will address these concerns . She then suggested that if the probbem with the Bank of Newport facility can not be resolved, that the Commission review the use permit accordingly. Planning Director Hewicker stated that review of this item ,can be brought back before the Commission at the next meeting. Mrs . Forsyth stated that she is not opposed to the proposed project, but did state that the Commission should be made aware of the lighting probl-ems the residents are experiencing in this area . Mr. Webb referred to the traffic phasing plan improvements of the.Initial Study on Page 5 , Table 9 , relating to the MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road intersection . He stated that wording should be added as follows , "Add a west bound turn lane on San Joaquin Hills Road at MacArthur Boulevard. " He stated that this is needed to keep the intersection below the . 9 cri-teria . In response to a question posed by Commissioner Thomas , Planning Director Hewicker referred to the Retail and Service Commercial section of the Local Coastal Plan and stated that offices are permitted on the first floor when they directly serve the public. Commissioner Thomas stated that this proposed project does not appear to function as a neighborhood/commercial use as specified in the Corona del Mar Specific Area Plan. -35- COMMISSIONERS1 February 19, 190 MINUTES � � v 0 Sa0 COD y X y City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Commissioner Beek stated that this .use permit will not offer any controls as to whether the offices located on the first floor will provide services directly to the public . He stated that it appears, that this project will be serving outside businesses and regional office use's , and not the needs of the residents of Corona del Mar, which is a direct contrary to the intent of the Corona del Mar Specific , Area Plan. Chairman Haidinger asked staff at what location the Corona del Mar Specific Area Plan beg ins . Planning Director Hewicker stated that the Plan begins at the Bank of Newport property and in- cludes thi-s property. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Allen, Planning Director Hewicker stated that Condition No. 2 relates to the State energy laws . Commissioner Allen' stated that a condition needs to be added which would preclude the interior illumination of the signing . She stated that externally illuminated signs 'are much less obtrusive. Mr. Gi.anulias concurred. Mr. Gianulias stated that they have tried to create an attractive building which will not preclude the retail and service commercial uses as discussed in the Local Coastal Plan . He stated that many of the prospective tenants will be service orientated tenants . Commissioner Allen referred to Finding No . 4 and stated that this should be modified as to why the height variance is being delineated . She stated that' this property contains unique fea- tures as to its slope. Mr. Burnham stated that he would •draft the proper language to modify this condition. Motion X Motion was made for approval of the Environmental Document and Use Permit No . 1978 as recommended in Exhibit "A" of the staff report with the following changes : Finding No.. 4 to be modified relating to the height variance ; include an additional finding that although the gross buildable area is 1 . 12, including the atrium -36- COMMISSIONERS February 19 , 1981 MINUTES K m 5 N X W�' City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX which is not useable area, the buildable area is actually only 1.01 ; Condition No . 9 be modified that no features on the property including bandscaping trees , flagpoles, sign poles , etc. , exceed the roof top height; Condition No. 19 be modified to include, "shall be screened from view in a manner c.ompatible with the building material" ; and , Condition No. 25 be modified to include that the nighttime lighting shall be shielded from sur- rounding properties. Amendment X Commissioner Thomas suggested an amendment to the motion that the reference to the Draft Local Coastal Plan be deleted from this approval , as this project is not located within the Local Coastal Plan itself. Planning Director Hewicker stated that the project is located within the Acceptanc Coastal Zone. Commissioner Allen stated that she would be accepting the amendment by deleting the reference to the Draft Local Coastal Plan from her motion. r Ayes X X Y Commissioner Allen ' s amended motion for approval Noes X of the Environmental Document and Use Permit No . Absent * 1978 was now voted on as follows , which AMENDED MOTION CARRIED: Environmental Document FINDINGS: 1 . That an Initial Study and Negative Declara- tion have been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the State EIR Guidelines and City Policy. 2. That the contents of the Initial Study and Negative Declaration has been considered i•n the decisions on this project. 3. That based upon the information contained in the Initial Study and Negative Declaration , the, project incorporates' sufficient miti - gation measures to reduce potentially significant environmental effects , an-d that the 'project will not result in significant environmental impacts . -37- COMMISSIONERS February 19 , 1981 MINUTES 1 i a can I City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Use Permit No. 1978 FINDINGS: 1 . That the proposed development is consistent with the General Plan and is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. Adequate offstreet parking spaces will be provided for the proposed development. 3. The project will not have any significant environmental impact, providing the mitiga- tion 'measures set forth in the Initial Study and Negative Declaration are incorporated in the final project design. 4. Because the property slopes towards the rear of the proposed structure , and inasmuch as the roof top mechanical ' equipment is located at the rear of the structure , the visual impact of the structure is such that the building does not appear to exceed the height limit. 5. The building height would result in more desirable architectural treatment of the building and a stronger and more appealing visual character of the area than is required by the basic height limit. 6 . The building height would not result in undesirable or abrupt scale relationships being created between the structure, and exis-ting development, inasmuch as the pro- posed structure will be lower than the Bank of Newport. 7. The structure will have no more floor area than could have been achieved without the use permit. B. That the proposed percentage of compact - - - spaces is reasonable for 'the total number of parking spaces on the site. -38- • COMMISSIONERS February 19, 1981 MINUTES c x 2 City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 9 . That approval of Use Permit No. 1978 will not, under the circumstances of this case , be detrimental to the health, safety , peace, morals , comfort and general welfare of per- sons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the 'neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City. 0. That although the gross buildable area of the project is 1 . 12, the actual development is only 1 .01 times the buildable area -when the un- usable areas of the proposed atrium and second floor deck are deleted from the calculations . CONDITIONS : 1 . That development shall be in substantial con- formance with the approved plot plan, floor plan and elevations . 2. The project shall be designed to conform to Title 24, Paragraph G, Division T-20, Chapter 2, Subchapter 4. 3. Should any resources be uncovered during construction, that a qualified archaeologist or paleontologist evaluate the site prior to completion of construction activities , and in accordance with City Policies K-6 and K-7 . 4. That prior to the occupancy of the proposed structure the circulation system improvements described in the Initial Study shall have been accomplished. 5 . Fi-nal design of the project shall provide for the incorporation of water-saving devices for project lavatories and other water- using facilities . 6. The final design of the project shall pro- vide for the sorting of recyclable material from other solid waste . -39- COMMISSIONERS February 19, 1981 MINUTES y x y City of New ort Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 7. The applicants shall provide for weekly vacuum sweeping of all paved areas and drives . 8. A landscape and irrigation plan for the project shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. 9. The landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks , Beaches , and Recreation Department and approval of the Planning Department. No feetures on the property including the landscaping , trees , flagpoles , sign poles , etc. , shall exceed the roof top height of the proposed office building . 10. The landscape plan shall include a main- tenance program which controls the use of fertilizers and pesticides . 11 . The landscape plan shall place heavy emphasis on the use of drought-resistant native vegetation and be irrigated via a system designed to avoid surface runoff and over- watering. 12. Development of the site shall be subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Building and Planning Departments . 13. That the grading plan shall include a com- plete plan for temporary and permanent drainage facilities , to minimize any potential impacts from silt, debris , and other water pollutants. 14 . The grading permit shall include a descrip- tion of haul routes , access po rots to the site and watering and sweeping program de- signed to minimize impacts of haul operations . 15. An erosion and dust control plan , if re- quired , shall be submitted and be subject to the ,approval of the Buildi-ng Department. -40- COMMISSIONERS February 19 , 1981 MINUTES - Wa: 4 ff l I, 9 City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 16 . That an erosion and siltation control plan , if required, be reviewed by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Santa Ana Region, and the plan be submitted to said Board ten days prior to any •construc- tion activities . 17 . The project shall be so designed to eliminat light and glare spillage on adjacent uses . 18. The following disclosure statement of the City of Newport Beach' s policy regarding the John Wayne Airport should be in- cluded in any Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions which may be recorded against ,the property. Disclosure Statement The Lessee herein , his heirs , successors and assigns acknowledge that: a) The John Wayne Airport• may not be able to provide adequate air service for busi- ness establishments which rely on such services ; b) When an alternate air facility is available , a complete phase out of jet service may occur at the John Wayne Airport; c) The City of Newport Beach may continue to oppose additional commercial air service expansions at the John Wayne Airport; d) Lessee , his heirs , successors and assigns will not actively oppose any action taken by the City of Newport Beach to phase out or limit jet air service at the John Wayne Airport. 19 . That any mechanical equipment and emergency power generators shall be screened from view in a manner compatible with the building material , and noise associated with said generators shall 'be attenuated to acceptable -41 - COMMISSIONERS February 19, 1981 MINUTES N H City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX levels in receptor areas . The latter shall be based upon the recommendations o-f a qualified acoustical engineer, and be approved by the Planning Department. 20. That the Fire Department access shall be approved by the Fire Department. 21 . That the structure on the project site shall be equipped with fire suppression systems approved by the Fire Department. 22. The proposed project shall incorporate an internal securing system (i .e. , security guards , alarms , access limits after hours ) that shall be reviewed by the Police and Fire Departments and approved by the Planning Department. 23. That the final design of on-site pedestrian circulation be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department and the Planning Department. 24 . Prior to the issuance of any building permit for the site, the applicants shall demonstra e to the satisfaction of- the Public Works Department and the Planning Department that adequate sewer facilities will be available. 25 . That nightime lighting shall be limited to that necessary for security to be approved by the Planning Department and that night- time lighting shall be shielded from sur- rounding properties . All permitted signs on the site shall only be externally illuminate . '2.6.. Interior circulation, parking , traffic control , sign locations and directional signs shall be approved by the Traffic Engineer. 27._ A ,plan shall be submitted to the Traffic - Engineer for approval that insures adequate control over the use .of the proposed tan- dem parking spaces. -42- i COMMISSIONERS February 19, 1981 MINUTES y y City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 28. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 29 . All applicable conditions of Resubdivision No. 659 shall be fulfilled. 30. That vehicular access to the subject pro- perty be taken from Avocado Avenue. Motion Motion was made for approval of the Traffic All - Ayes X X X Study with the added revision by the Assistant Absent * City Engineer that the Initial Study/Traffic Report on Page 9 , Tabl,e 5 include the addition of a west bound turn lane on San Joaquin Hills Road at MacArthur Boulevard, which MOTION CARRIED as follows : Traffic Study FINDINGS : 1 . That a Traffic-Study on the proposed pro- ject has been prepared in accordance with Chapter 15. 40 of the Municipal Code and City Policy S-1 , and; 2 . That based on that Traffic Study, the pro- posed project will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic service on any "major" , "primary-modified" , or "primary" street_. CONDITIONS • 1 . That prior to the occupancy of any building on this site the circulation system improve- ments described in the Initial Study/ Traffic Report on Page 9, Table 5 shall be accomplished, including the addition of a west bound turn lane on San Joaquin Hills Road and MacArthur Boulevard. * * * -43- . AM2006S - i - - - - - - - ------------- - - - - -- -- - -- --- -- ---- - ---- ------ --- --- - - r TRAFFIC STUDY APPLICATION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPLICANT West Coast Investments PHONE 714 (833-2594) MAILING ADDRESS 1451 Quail Street, #201, Newport Beach, CA 92660 PROPERTY OWNER Same PHONE MAILING ADDRESS ADDRESS OR LOCATION OF PROJECT Southwest corner of Alvocado Street & E. Pacific Coast . f Hwy. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: 2 story office building with 2 level subterranian garage. DEVELOPMENT PHASING: -Beginning Construction Crepletion Project Initial Occupancy Total Occupancy April 181 March 182 . MarcfiT 3�J$� Month/Year Month/Year Month/Year Month/Year MITIGATION MEASURES: Do Not Complete Application Below This Line Date Filed Fee Paid Receipt No. City Traffic Engineer Approval Date Planning Commission_Action Date City Council Action Date .. C.u�l. ,�►de►oo E.Nc�seC.' ...� 0000 LT IT I Cc � � -- - � �� - - ,, 6e -- - - 1 - ���AIf,ilr7� A� _ID er,c�.� •i�Ya.�v..x �•�`���`_ re�Vs v - q >1 ICI • pi lid � i I i � _ � r - In IJ i l t I I � I - , . . .4.e� _qa^.. . 'irMl Y.yt .t 1 •1' 'f .�`/ USE PERMIT _APPL-ICATION No. i CITY 'O.F NEWPORT BEACH ' Application Rec ' d_ b�r ' Planning Department T r.• 'Tee: -$-30'�0 Zoning and Ordinance Administr' io ivision " 3300 Newport Boulevard Phone ( 714) 640-2138 Applicant ( Print) WEST COAST INVESTMENTS Phone (714) 833-2591 Mailing Address P-O- BOX 2990, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 SAME `:.. SAME Property Owner Phone Mailing Address SAME ' 'Address of Property Involved'- SW- CORNER •OF EAST"COAST HIGHWAY AND '-AVOCADO AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH, 'CALIFORNIA " (2121 EAST COAST HIGHWAY) Purpose of-Application' ,(describe fully) DEVELOPMENT OF OFFICE BUILDING ' -EXCEEDING 5.000 SO, FT. IN FLOOR AREA IN THE CORONA DEL R SPE AREA PTAN,�g I Zone G'- 1 in Use - RESTAURANT -`(KAM'S)'Presi Legal Description of Property •Involved (if' too long, attach separate sheet) SEE ATTACHED SHEET " OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT' ( I ) (We) WEST COAST INVESTMENTS depose and say that I am we are the owner 's of the property ies involved in this application. ( I) - (We) further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. WES COAST STMENTS, a California partnership Signature(s) By:LXJ. C. GIANULIAS, a General Par ner NOTE: An agent may .sign for the owner if written authorization from the record owner is filed with the application. DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE Date Filed Fee Pd. Receipt No. ,Hearing Date Publication Date , Posting Date Mail Date P. C. Action °)ate Appeal C. C. Hearing C. C. Action Date . ,a ... -.Ww.. .... rl a ..h.•,..- .n.11- .•yu>F-.}1nl a.fnM':Ynm.i^^}Jv/. K•.w,•LaI",65r•M1.-.r✓." • 1 APPENDIX H Late Filed December 18, __198.0 Environmental Information Form (To be completed' by.a.pplicant) GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name and address of developer or project sponsor: West Coast Investments 145 #201,_Newnart Baaahrs•A v 6�BU 2. Address of project: To be selected A5sessorls Block and Lot Number pp 3. Name, address, and telephone Gianulias, 1451 Quail St. contacted #201, Newport B2achg CA (714833-2594 4. Indicate number of the permit application for the project to which this form pertains: To be assigned s an escr a any o er related permits and other public 5.approvals required for this project, including those required by hi city, regional, state and federal agencies: Building Permit & Coastal .Comission Appro 6. Existing zoning district: C-1, specific plan distriet 7. Proposed use of site (Project for which this form is filed): Office Building_ PROJECT DESCRIPTION 8. Site size. 34,400 sq. ft. 9. Square footage. 39,030 sq. ft. office + 58,800 parking - io. ;::saber of floors of construction-, 2 story office,. 2•level parking 11 , ;, •:).Ant of off-street parking pc•ovided• 141 spaces AuLach plans. see attahched 11 . Proposed scheduling. Construction: April 281 thru March 182 Ill . Associated projects. None 15. Anticipated Incremental development. One Phase . N2 16. If residential, include the -number -of units, schedule of unit sizes, range of sale prices or rents, and type of household size expected. N.A. 17. If commercial, indicate the type, whether neighborhood, city or regionally oriented, square footage of sales area, and loading facilities. City oriented office building 18. If industrial., indicate type, estimated employment per shift, and loading facilities.- N.A. 19. If institutio'nal, 'indicate the major function, estimated employment per shift, estimated occupancy, loading facilities, and community benefits to be derived from the project. N.A. 20: ' If the project involves a Jariance, conditional use or rezoning application, state this and indicate clearly why the application Is required. N.A. Are the following items applicable to the project or. its effects? Discuss below all items checked yes (attach additional sheets as necessary) . YES NO X 21. Change in existing features of any bays, tidelands, beaches, lakes or hills, or substantial alteration of ground contours. X 22. Change in scenic views or vistas from existing _ residential areas or public lards or roads: X 23. Change in pattern; scale or character of general _ area of project. - _ X 24. Significant amounts of solid waste or litter. X 25. Change in dust, ash, smoke, fumes or odors in vicinity. X 26. Change in oaean, bay, lake, stream or ground water _ — quality or quantity, or alteration of existing drainage _ . -patterns. X 27. Substantial change in existing noise or vibration levels in the vicinity. X 28. Site on filled land or on slope or 10 percent or more. X 29. Use of disposal of potentially hazardous materials, �— such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives. x3 Yl_• ;_ NO X 30. Substantial change.in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.) . X 31. Substantially increase fossil fuel consumption. (electricity, oil, natural gas, etc.) . X 32. Relationship to a larger project or series of — _ projects. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 33. .Describe the project site as if exists before the project, including information on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects. Describe any existing structures. on the site, and the use of the' structures. Attach photographs- of the site. Snapshots or polaroid photos will be accepted. See attached letter 34. Describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and animals and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects. Indicate the type of land use (residential, commercial, cts.), intensity of land use (one-family, apartment houses, shops, department stores, etc.) , and scale of development (height, frontage, set-back, rear yard, etc.) Attach photographs of the vicinity. Snapshots or polaroid photos will be accepted. See attached letter CERTIFICATION, .1 hereby certify that the statements furnished s present or mationa required efor tthis dinitial tevaluation t he data and f to the- best or my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are -true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dote December 18, 1980 -- gna ure For __Gin Wong Associates -_ .♦ a Gin Wong Associates Planning and Architecture - December 18, 1980 Planning Commission City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard- Newport Beach, California 92663 Re: Coast Business Center GWA Project. No. 0846.0 Mr. Chairman and Members of the Commission: West Coast Investments is proposing to build an 'office building on the southwest corner of East Pacific Coast Highway and Alvocado Street. The site is located within "Specific Plan District" and is currently occuppied by Kam's Restaurant. The two story building will house professional and business offices and will feature a two story high skylighted atrium space. Below grade, entering from Alvocado Street, will be a two (2) level parking garage for 141 cars. Adjacent sites have been developed and landscaped according to City Standards. Specifically, the proposed building will be constructed just south of the three story building of the Bank of Newport. Our project will be considerably lower than the Bank of Newport '$folding as shown,by-'they-4ttachdd .draiwings. The project will consist of 34,350 sq. ft. of office building (excluding atrium space) and 58,800 sq. ft. of subterranian parking, 141 parking spaces will be provided of which only 10% will be compact stalls. The amount of parking provided exceeds City Requirements. Parking will not be provided for the area associated with the skylighted atrium space since it will be landscaped and provided with natural ventilation so as not to be used as office space. We feel that this proposed project will be an asset. to the City of Newport_Community and respectfully request approval for development. We trust this information is adequate to assist you in your evaluation of the project. Should you desire additional information please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours, Rick Poulos cc: Mr. Andy Gianulias, West Coast Development RP/pin 1666,West Third Street Los Angeles Califomia90017 Telephone 213 4838822 y J ANDI ADAMS PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT EIWs Permit Assistance December 23,1980 Mr. Fred Talarico Environmental Coordinator City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Dear Mr. Talarico, We are pleased to present this proposal for an Initial Study for the City of Newport Beach. We have prepared the following scope of work pursuant to our telephone conversation of December 23,1980. It is our understandingthat the project to be considered in this Initial Study consists of a two-story, 39,000 square foot office building in Corona del Mar. Our Initial Study document will focus on the following components; LAND USE: Existing and surrounding land use in the vicinity of the project will be evaluated, with special emphasis on the prorj.ect' s compatibility with the surrounding environs. TRAFFIC: A traffic study will be conducted to ascertain the project' s impact on circulation. The study shall be limited to an analysis of whether the project-related traffic contributes more than one percent of the peak hour traffic. AESTHETICS: An evaluation shaflbe made of the projects compati- bility with the surrounding area in terms of it' s design and en- hancement aspects.Architectural elevations and landscaping plans; to be supplied by the applicant, will constitute. the foundation of this discussion. WATER QUALITY: The project will be evaluated in light of the 208 water quality program and erosion control measures. NOISE: Activities anticipated from the project will be evaluated for their impact on surrounding land uses, as well as the rela- tionship of the existing environs to the development. COMPENSATION A fee of $3500.00 is proposed for this work effort. Assuming an authorization date of December 24,19800 a draft copy bf the document would be available for your review on January 14,1981 . 27072 El Retiro, Mission Viejo, CA 92692 w 0 r J Any corrections would be accomplished as soon as possible thereafter. This letter can serve as a Memorandum of Agreement and our authori- zation to proceed. Please sign one copy and return it toaus for our files. Again, we are pleased to have this gpportunity of presenting this proposal, and we look forward to working with you on this project. Res ectfully ubmitted, Andi dams, Partner Culbertson, Adams and Associates CONTRACT APPROVAL Approved by: Title: Organization: Lk'ue: DATE FO WHILE YOU WERE OUT pa� 5, OF PHONE NO 7/ 3 TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL l� RETURNED YOUR CALL WILL CALL AGAIN CAME IN TO SEE YOU URGENT MESSA 6E BY l x i � ram` �_. r._ - _— - _ Z�,ufri,�i-� sruDy f�°o LOM22G�" - c nd_l hr - - - - - - �,g,acr: o4_slA''N_ pFFrco-co/ �Q- �-�ol�"/�r�l�,�•b - �-'/� �*s:_- _ ta7lc� --Per) -- - -- - -- -- -- - -- - - - --- - - --- -- -- ----- ---- -- - -- ---- - = - - Akd ----- -- -- --- -- --------- - - - - - - -- z-,� Ta�tG�Ci�v_%r,� - -�-Te�rr a /'��a.Q.�:� 4fc►[�,�.�.�.x�- - - -- -- - - &Meads q -- - - wad �. -G1G�f_T]'N - -®� - -��lc� �- .- - - - --------------- -- -------- ----------- ----- �\ __ _ � � - �� ' _ _ __ _ _ _ � - -- - - - --- - -- - --- --- - - - - - - -- -- --- -- - --- - - -- ---- --- -- - - - �� - - � - - - - -- -- - - -- - - --S � - - � . 3� � --- ems- - - - - -- _-'i 0 ANDI ADAMS PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT EIR's . Permit Assistance Mr. Fred Talarico January 23 ,1981 Environmental Coordinator City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, Cal. 92660 Dear Mr. Talarico, We are pleased to submit 15 copies of the Initial Study for the Coast Business Center for your consideration. The traffic study evaluating Phases I,II and III of the City's Traffic Phasing Ordi- nance is included in the Appendix. The Initial Study documents the potential impacts from the im- plementation of the project on various topical areas. Although cer- tain significant impacts were disclosed, the mitigation measures suggested herein will reduce such impacts to acceptable levels. Again, we have enjoyed serving the City on this project, and we look forward to future opportunities in this area. Yours very truly, Andi Adams, Partner Culbertson, Adams & Assoc. cc: West Coast Properties Gin Wong and Associates, Rick Poulis 27072 El Retiro, Mission Viejo, CA 92692