HomeMy WebLinkAboutIS034_PROPOSED EXPANSION 13034 PROPOSAL FOR 1100 QUAIL STREET, NEWPORT PLACE INITIAL STUDY September 8, 1983 Introduction The following scope of work has been formulated to determine if any potentially significant environmental impacts are likely to occur as a result of the proposed project. The report will be prepared in accordance with all the requirements of the City of Newport Beach and the State of California. Scope of Services Marie E. Gilliam will prepare an Initial Study which will contain the following information and will explore the following environmental issues with regard to the proposed project: 1. Project Description: A description of the proposed project including location, project characteristics, description of the project's relationship to relevant plans, regulations and ordinances and a listing of permits and required approvals will be prepared. • 2. Identification of the Existing Environmental Setting: In each area of environmental concern, a brief description of existing conditions will be prepared. 3. Identification of Potential Environmental Effects and Measures to Mitigate Impacts: The Initial Study will explore the following issues based on the City's identification of potential impacts and will outline measures to mitigate adverse impacts to an acceptable level . a. Air Qualiialty: The Initial Study will briefly comment on the potent for deterioration of ambient air quality due to the proposed project. b. Water Quality: The Initial Study will briefly comment on the potential for impacts related to surface run-off and other possible concerns. c. Noise: Potential increases in existing noise levels will be explored. d. Land llse: The potential for the proposed project to result in the alteration of present or planned land use and intensity of development in the surrounding area will be explored. 2 e. Traffic/Circulation: The Initial Study will incorporate • investigation of traffic and circulation concerns by the firm of Weston Pringle & Associates. Analysis will address traffic generation, effects on parking facilities and demand for parking, and impacts on existing transportation systems. f. Public Services and Utilities: The Initial Study will include a brief identification of any potential impacts on public services and utilities. Other environmental concerns contained in CEQA Guidelines including soils and geology, plant and animal life, light and glare, depletion of non-renewable natural resources, housing, population, energy and aesthetics are not con- sidered to be potential environmental issues due to the limited scale of the proposed project and the fact that it is an expansion of an existing use. Other concerns such as human health, hazardous wastes, recreation, and cultural resources are not applicable to use involved. A checklist of these items will be included in the Initial Study. Project Budget This study will be prepared on a time and material basis for a maximum of $10,900. This fee will include the following services: Screencheck Initial Study $ 3,300.00 • Draft Initial Study $ 11050.00 Printing and related expenses $ 1;100.00* Traffic Consultant $ 5,000.00 Public Hearings $ 0� $7'0;9UO:UU Project Schedule The preparation of the screencheck will be completed three weeks from the date of authorization provided that the project does not undergo any significant changes during the course of the study and that all necessary information is obtained from the project applicant and any other source in a timely manner. The Draft Initial Study will be completed within two weeks, barring unforeseen circumstances. *Printing and related expenses includes the estimated cost of printing and binding approximately 60 copies of the Initial Study (screencheck and Draft) and the cost of services of a graphic artist. • marie e, gil Iiam, aicp rban plannin 325 westcliff drive, suite 177 newport beach, ca, 92660 714-645-0939 BILLING RATE SCHEDULE Hourly Rate Principal/Project Manager $40.00 Word Processing $18.00 Graphic Artist $20.00 September 1983 • • 1 marie e, gil Ham, aicp urban Planning 1825 westcliff rive, suite177 newport beach, ca. 9266O 714-645-0939 September 8, 1983 Mr. Fred Talarico Environmental Coordinator City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Proposal for Initial Study - 1100 Quail Street, Newport Place, Dear Fred: I am pleased to submit this proposal to prepare an Initial Study for the proposed expansion of a commercial office building located at 1100 Quail Street in Newport Place. I have developed a scope of work which I believe will determine if any potentially significant environ- mental impacts might result from the proposed project. In accordance with our conversation, the proposed budget includes the preparation of a screencheck and draft Initial Study and attendance at public hearings. Any other services will be considered extra items. I have enclosed a copy of my standard contract form for your signature. Work to be performed by Weston Pringle & Associates will be considered an out-of-pocket expense for the purposes of this contract and will be billed as a separate item. The attached scope of work will represent an estimated budget which includes both my services as well as Wes` estimated costs. I hope this proposal responds adequately to your concerns regarding this project. If you have any questions, please give me a call . YGiliam7A41CPY Marie E MEG/if Enclosures marie e. gil liam, aicp urban plannin 1825 westcliff ( rive, suite 177 newport beach, ca, W660 714-645-0939 STANDARD CONTRACT PROVISIONS FEES FOR PROFESSIONAL •SERVICES Fixed Fee Contracts. If the contract represents a fixed fee proposal , professional services described in the attached Scope of Services shall be provided for the fixed fee noted in the project budget. All other professional services are considered extra services, and shall be pro- vided for on a time and expense basis at the hourly rate of per hour unless other arrangements are made in advance. Hourly Contracts. If the contract represents an hourly plus expenses proposal , professional services described in the Scope of Services shall be provided for on a basis of per hour. Out-of-pocket expenses shall be reimbursed at cost and are not included in the hourly fee for professional services. Out-of-pocket expenses may include, but are not limited to, costs of: 1) reproduction of reports and graphics furnished or prepared in connection with the contract, 2) clerical services, 3) preparation of graphic exhibits, 4) long-distance telephone or telegraph charges, 5) any travel , subsistence, vehicle rental and lodging out of the local area required in connection with the contract, 6) purchase of specific technical docu- ments required in connection with the contract, and 7) fees of specialized consultants retained with approval of the client. Travel time during normal working hours will be charged on an hourly basis equal to the rate specified for professional services. After 6 p.m. and on weekends, travel time will be charged on an-hourly basis equal to one-half the rate specified for professional services. The total estimated amount of time and expenses noted in this proposal will serve as a control on the services to be provided. The specified amount will not be exceeded without prior approval of the client. FREQUENCY OF BILLING Monthly invoices will be submitted for progress payments based upon work completed to date. Out-of-pocket expenses will be billed on the same monthly invoice and will be identified as a separate item. 1 PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS Accounts are due and payable upon receipt of invoice. A service charge of 12% of the invoice amount (18% annual rate) will be applied to all accounts not paid within 45 days of the invoice date. TERMINATION OF SERVICES These services may be terminated upon 10 days written notice for good reason by either party. In this event, payment for all services and expenses incurred prior to the- date of termination shall be due and payable upon receipt of final invoice in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing section, REVOCATION The proposal to which these contract provisions are attached shall be considered revoked if acceptance is not received within 60 days of the date thereof, ARBITRATION Any controversy or claim which may arise in relation to this contract, or breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in Orange County, California, in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgement rendered by arbitration shall be binding on all parties. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS It is mutually understood and agreed that this agreement shall be binding upon the client and its successors or assigns, and upon Marie E. Gilliam and her successors or assigns. Neither party shall assign or transfer its interest in this agreement, or any part thereof, without the written consent of the other party. Acceptance of Provisions The preceding provisions are acknowledged and accepted in accordance with this contract. 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The proposed expansion would add 5,243 gross square feet to the existing building; however, no additional parking is proposed. In order to determine existing parking demands, field studies were conducted on two morning periods and two afternoon periods. These field studies in- cluded the1100 Quail building and the two adjacent buildings. The results of the field studies are summarized in Table 1 . For comparison purposes, ratios of parking demand per 1 ,000 square feet of gross building area were calculated and are included in Table 1 . While building occupancy data are not available, it was noted that the 1200 Quail building did not have an advertisement for available space. Review of Table 1 indicates that current parking demand ratios vary from 1 .8 to 3.7 spaces per 1 ,000 square feet of gross building area. The average ratio was 2.7 for all three buildings. Current parking demands for the 1100 Quail building were also found to be lower than either of the adjacent buildings. j 2651 EAST CHAPMAN AVENUE • SUITE 110 9 FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92631 • (714) 871-2931 d v dam=++ Table 1 PARKING SURVEY SUMMARY 1100 Quail 1000 Quail 1100 uail 1200 Quail DATE TIME a is es R to io(1 ) Vehicles Ratio Ratio(2) Vehicles Ratio(' 12/12/83 2:15 PM 91 3.7 52 2.2 46 2.6 12/13/83 10:05 AM 77 3.2 53 2.3 47 2.7 12/13/83 3:10 PM 83 3.4 43 1 .8 41 2.3 12/14/83 10:00 AM 81 3.3 53 2.3 55 3.1 (1) Based upon 24,899 square feet. (2) Based upon 23,300 square feet. (3) Based upon 17,668 square feet. ';1 r„a:,).e4nSi'JCS's11MV#ntU?U.NrMvnrhun.nnrivaaheu+.wry.i+..�wW.rmiwa•+iyld'meumaarr+�----_ • -3- The proposed expansion of the 1100 Quail building would increase the gross building area to 28,543 square feet. If the 94 parking spaces remain to serve the expanded building, a ratio of 3.3 spaces per 1 ,000 feet of gross building area would exist. This ratio is above the current observed average and below the observed peak. These comparisons would indicate that the existing parking supply will be adequate to accommodate the expanded faci- lity. It is recommended that consideration be given to providing some small car spaces to increase the supply. This would allow for fluctuations in demands due to various tenants over a period of time. In summary, the proposed parking ratio for the expanded 1100 Quail building would be above the average found for the area and less than the observe peak ratio. Since there are no small car spaces at present, it is recommended that the existing layout be reviewed for the potential of increasing the park69 supply with small car spaces. An incr•edsc would provide for poten- tial increases and demand fluctuations due to varying building occupants. We trust that this review will be of assistance to you. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, WEESSTOONN PRINGLE & A SOCIATES Weston S. Pringle, P.E. Registered Professional Engineer State of California Numbers C16828 & TR565 WSP:bas #83400 i dlo0 PM i� Z, 5' xfrlSy, a. � 6 f /$V/ lGool , 44 4-0 FM ��,3 a. a, -7 J. 7 IVAi