HomeMy WebLinkAboutTPO005_HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO I I�IIIII IIII III IIIII Ilplll IIIII IIIIII IIII III IRI TP0005 COMMISSIOI;'ERS MINUTES o ��m 9 ity ®f Newport f� MC �f o � June 7 ,,,,,19719 0 2 2 ROLL CALL INDEX The Planning Commission recessed at 10 : 25 p.m. and reconvened at 10 : 30 p.m. Request to consider a Traffic Study for a proposed Item #9 13,000 sq . ft. expansion of the Hughes Aircraft Company facilities . rRAFFIC STUDY Location : Portion of Lot 169 , Block 2 , Iry ine ' s Subdivision , located at 500 PPROVED Superior Avenue, on the southeast- erly- side of Superior Avenue between Dana Road and Industrial Way adja- cent to the City of Newport Beach Corporation Yard. Zone: M-1-A Applicant : Hughes Aircraft Company, Newport Beach (Note: Commissioner Cokas refrained from partici - pation in this matter, due to a conflict of inter- est. ) Commissioner Haidinger stated his understanding that there are no Traffic Phasing Ordinance issues , to which Richard Hogan , Community Development Di - rector, agreed . The Public Hearing was opened regarding this item and Herb Bueller, Applicant, appeared before the Planning Commission to state his concurrence with all the items set forth 'in the Staff Report. Helen Hargreaves , 454 Orion Way , appeared before the Planning Commission to state her objection to any additional building being placed on Hughes ' grounds , due to the traffic that .wou.ld be impacted.' Commissioner Beek stated his understanding that the only thing up for Planning Commission consideration regarding this item is the Traffic Phasing Ordinan- ce approval and that they have no other discretion- ary power over this construction . -24- COMMISSIONERS MINUTES V, �� 9 kity of Newport Ahch ' � v m� v Fo 'o� � v June 7 , 1979 o 't 2 ROLL CALL INDEX Motion x Motion was made that the Planning Commission make Ayes x x x x x Y the following findings : Abstain 1. That a Traffic Study for the proposed project has been prepared in accordance with Chapter 15 . 40 of the •Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Policy S-1 , and ; that based on the Traf- fic Study , 2. The traffic projected one year after project completion during any 2. 5 hour peak traffic period on each leg of each critical intersec- tion will be increased less than 1% by traffic generated from the project during that 2_ 5 hou period. and approve the Traffic Study for the proposed 13,000 sq . ft. expansion of the Hughes Aircraft Com pany facilities . * * * Request to consider a Traffic Study for a proposed 'Item #1 office building containing 19 ,264 sq. ft. ..,� TRAFFIC Location : Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 104/37 , loca- STUDY ted at 3701 Birch Street, at the mos northerly corner of Birch Street and APPROVE Bristol Street North , near the Orang County Airport. Zone : M-1-A Applicant: The 3701 Birch Company Owner: ine Industrial Complex Richard Hogan , Communit evelopment Director, ' sta- ted that the discrepencies s they exist between A- genda Item No . 10 and 11 wou � if reconciled, not make any difference in the find`-. gs . Commissioner Beek asked regarding th I .C .U . of Mac Arthur Boulevard and Campus Dr ive , to w•f�i ch Fred Talarico , Environmental Coordinator, rep'hi.ed that the I . C. U . , Winter-Spring 1978 , is .94 , to N- 1ch Commissioner Beek expressed his concern that is project will put 18 additional cars through sai intersection. -25- L PW i1. J 1 APPENDIX H Date Filed 4=20-197a Environmental Information Form (To be completed by applicant) GENERAL ENFORMATION 1. Name and address of developer or project sponsor: HUGH 2. Address of project: Su n of Lor i69- Assessor's Block and Lot JuUmFeir 117 0110 15 (Port Block 2 f rersonsto ee cont�aAe�) 3. Name, address, and telephone number o p concerning this project: H J Buehler 714-759-261�_ 4. Indicate number of the permit application for the project to which this form pertains: uil, n v rm' a r nnr been -^^'^tea fnr until Traffic S and --�� ic s an escr a any o her related including those orequired ther lby city, regionls al, state uired rand i federal agencies* Fx-avai-Jon and city, Building .Permit 6. Existing zoning district: - 7. Proposed use of site (Project for which this form is filed) : Development and Fabricatian i PROJECT DESCRIPTION 8, site size. 162 X 81 9, sgaare footage. 13122 Sq. Ft. 1G, 1;:-.nlber of floors of construction. One with Basement 11 . A':).'!It of off-street parking provided. None 12 . Ar,tach plans. Plot Plan attached-Building Plans being developed. 13. Proposed scheduling. ' Construction - June 1,1979 to Jan. 1980. 111 , Associated projects. None 15. Anticipated incremental development. None --AST- 16. If residential, include the number -of units, schedule of unit sizes, range of sale prices or rents, and type of household size expected. 17. If commercial, indicate the type, whether neighborhood, city or regionally oriented, square footage of sales area, and loading facilities. 18. If industrial, indicate type, estimated employment per shift, and loading facilities. 20 Employees 19. If institutional, indicate the major function, estimated employment .per shift, estimated occupancy, loading facilities, and community benefits to be derived from the project. 20. If the project involves a variance, conditional use or rezoning application, state this and indicate clearly why the application is required. None Are the following items applicable to the project or, its effects? Discuss below.all items checked yes (attach additional sheets as necessary) . YES NO N_ 21. Change in existing features of any bays, tidelands, beaches, lakes or hills, or substantial alteration of ground contours. NO 22• Change in scenic views or vistas from existing "— residential areas or public lauds or roads. NO_ 23. Change in pattern; scale or character of general area of project. _ NO 24. Significant amounts of solid waste or litter. NO 25. Change in dust, ash, smoke, fumes or odors in vicinity. NO 26. Change in ocean, bay, lake, stream or ground water quality or quantity, or alteration of existing drainage patterns. NO 27. Substantial change In existing noise or vibration levels in the vicinity. _ NO 28. Site on filled land or on slope of 10 percent or more. . 29. Use of disposal of potentially hazardous materials, such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives. -h 113 YETI NO zTa_ 30. Substantial change.in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.) . N.0- 31. Substantially increase fossil fuel consumption (electricity, oil, natural gas, etc. ) . NO 32. Relationship to a larger project or series of _ projects. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 33. Describe the project site as it exists before the project, , including information on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects. Describe any existing structures. on the site,.- and the use of the' structures. Attach photographs- of the site. Snapshots or polaroid photos will be accepted. Extension of existing concrete block building into exiting parking lot. Existing buildin use, fo ticroteilectronic Mfg. 34. Describe the surrounding properties, including r1n orma on on plants and animals and scenic eaof landuuse� (residential histoiical �rcommercial, aspects. Indicate the typ ets.), intensity of land use (one-family, apartment houses, shops, department stores, etc.) , and scale of development (height, vicinity, sSnapshots rear polaroidtphotos Attach bephotographs acce of the accepted. Newport Beach maintenance -yard approx. 60 Ft, to .ttie North. - .Apartmentr 'Bldg, & - Convalescent Homes apnrox. .500 'Ft,. to the West -&,South exi 'tin 1 . do East Side. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statemerfts urn s e s presci.t or- mationarequirede for tthis dinitial exhibitevaluation tto thehe best and f best of my ion areltrure and correct' and that etoathe, besttofemysknowledgeoandtbelielesented Date 44-- as — /279 — (signa ure� Forvy�i�3_ /2G��/ _c1 O a C N V A L. E S C 'C 'N i H 'J 5 P { T A 1 • '•'fl A N, A S' + ,— __a1 Asa• 14•�4' w ;IGO.-2 — b i tr yNl)1YP� Y•LI•.w mow.•.w• .u..• ...q } i f YY P1 S 't, N ❑ ait s iL NS = I � t� t y r a • ; \ t •o :C d �+ ie t a !• P .PC a car :" i�r PP pCIle ao P n 1110 r Aa ' p♦ >, _ F e ,,��� fat• ' C. 1x1 T z i s r „0;18pl i�nu a7• —1 P Q�w 1 all J N SO' 141 $91W T79.60•-�r CITY of NP-WPORT ba^Cw CaRl kT Planning Commission Meeting June 7 , 1979 Agenda Item No . 9 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH May 31 , 1979 TO : Planning Commission FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Request to consider a Traffic Study for a proposed 13,000 s ft . expansion of the Hughes Aircraft Company facil-ities . Public Hearing LOCATION: Portion of Lot 169 , Block 2 , Irvine ' s Subdivision , located at 500 Superior Avenue , on the southeast- erly side of Superior Avenue between Dana Road and Industrial Way adjacent to the City of Newport Beach Corporation Yard. ZONE: M-1-A APPLICANT: Hughes Aircraft Company , Newport Beach Application The applicants have requested the Planning Commission ' s approval of a Traffic Study for a proposed 13 ,000 sq . ft. expansion of the existing Hughes Aircraft plant. The proposed project is located at 500 Superior Avenue . The Traffic Study for the proposed expan- sion has been prepared in accordance with Chapter 15 . 40 of the New- port Beach Municipal Code ( "Traffic Phasing Ordinance" ) and City Policy S-1 ( "Administrative Procedures for Implementing the Traf- fic Phasing Ordinance" ) . A copy of the Traffic Study prepared for the City by Alderman , Swift and Lewis is attached for the Planning Commission ' s review. Proposed Project The Hughes Aircraft Company located at 500 Superior Avenue pro- poses a 13 ,000 sq . ft. expansion of their plant . This expansion will house employees and equipment necessary to fabricate semi - conductor integrated circuit boards . The facility is designed to accommodate 20 employees and equipment. Construction is planned to begin in June , 1979 and continue for 6 months . Full occupancy 'will be achieved in June of 1980 and the year of analysis for pur- pose of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance is 1981 . The plant' will be operated on a single shift for the first 4 years with the possibi - lity of a second shift being implemented in 1984 ±. TO: Planning Commission - 2 Traffic Study The City Traffic Engineer determin.ed that five (5) intersections would be affected by the proposed project based upon its size and geographic location , as follows : 1. Coast Highway/Orange Street 2 . Coast Highway at Balboa Boulevard/Superior Avenue 3. Superior Avenue/Placentia Avenue 4. Coast Highway/Riverside Avenue 5 . Newport Boulevard/Hospital Road Subsequent traffic assignments indicated that no impact would occur at intersections 4 and 5 above . Tracing traffic through the system resulted in its dissipation to less th.an one vehicle/2 , hour peak period by the time it reached either of these two remaining inter- sections . Examination of the traffic assignment and distribution (Exhibit 3 of the Traffic Study) shows little impact during the peak 22 hour period resulting from the Hughes Aircraft project. This plant ex- pansion of 13 ,000 sq . ft. generates 28 total trips/2 -2 hours of which only 8 trips/22 hours impact upon critical intersections . As a re- sult all critical intersection approaches will experience a traffic increase of less than 1%. The most significant increase of traffic occurs on westbound Superior Avenue at Placentia Avenue where 6 vehicle/2-1, hours will be added to the approach traffic compared to the limiting 1% factor which would "allow an addition of up to 8 vehicle/2 -, hours and still meet the 1% test. All other critical intersection approaches will be substantially below the 1% value . Suggested Action City Policy S-1 provides that when an analysis has determined that one year after the completion of the project, or portions of the pro- ject for which the traffic analysis is being performed , the project will generate less than a one percent increase for each leg of a cri - tical. intersection , the analysis i•s concluded and Finding No . 2 listed - below may be made. If the Planning Commission desires to ap- prove the Traffic Study , the following findings are suggested: 'FINDINGS : 1. That a Traffic Study for the proposed project has been prepared in accordance with Chapter 15. 40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Policy S-1 , and ; that based on the Traffic Study , 2. The traffic projected one year after project completion during any 2 . 5 hour peak traffic period on each leg of each critical intersection will be increased less than 1% by traffic generat- ed 'from •th'e- proje_ct during that 2. 5 hour period . TO : Planning Commission - 3 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V . HOGAN , DIRECTOR By - Fred Talarico Environmental Coordinator FT/gg Attachment : Traffic Study dated May 1979 Report of Findings from City Traffic Engineer REPORT OF rINDINGS 4 PROJECT NAME: HUGHES AIRCRAFT EXPANSION PROJECT LOCATION: 500 Superior Avenue FINDINGS Phase I XX Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- Phase II ❑ Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90. Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to Existing Conditions I.C.U. Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90. Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be greater than exist- ing I.C.U. that is currently greater than 0.90. Further analysis required to determine applicable mitigation measures. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phase III ❑ Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. with mitigation measure(s) will be less than or equal to 0.90. Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. with mitigation measures(s) will be less than or equal to Existing Conditions I.C.U. REMARKS: Richar Edmonston Traffic Engineer CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Date May 21 , 1979 LIADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION (NPLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) [[PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT �FFIC ENGINEER QPLANS ON FILE IN ZONING AND [ FIRE DEPARTMENT ORDINANCE ADMINISTRATION [[PLAN REVIEW DIVISION DIVISION QPARKS R RECREATION ❑ POLICE DEPARTMENT [] MARINE SAFETY [[GENERAL SERVICES APPLICATION OF Hughes Aircraft Company FOR A QVARIANCE OUSE PERMIT ❑RESUBDIVISION &RA)MXXNAI4 Traffic Study ON A REQUEST TO consider a Traffic Study for a proposed expansion of facilities by adding an industrial building containing 13,000 sg ft prepared in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (Traffic Phasing Ordinance) and City pnlic ti.S-1 (Administrative Procedures for implementing the Traffic Phasing Ordinance ON LOT BLOCK TRACT ADDRESS 500 Superior Avenue, Newport Beach REPORT REQUESTED BY 5/25/79 COMMISSION REVIEW 6/7/79 _ COMMENTS s� RECEIVED Ro 01 ,;7.uant MAY ' LOF / NEWP�ALIF. V (n SIGNATURE DATE • REPORT OF FINDINGS PROJECT NAME: HUGHES AIRCRAFT EXPANSION PROJECT LOCATION: 500 Superior Avenue FINDINGS Phase I XX Project Traffic is estimated to be less than T% of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Project Traffic -is estimated to be greater than lq of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Phase II ❑ Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90. Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to Existing Conditions I.C.U. Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90. Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be greater than exist- ing I.C.U. that is currently greater than 0.90. Further analysis required to determine applicable mitigation measures. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phase III ❑ Existing Plus Project Traffic I .C.U. with mitigation measure(s) will be less than or equal to 0.90. Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. with mitigation measures(s) will be less than or equal to Existing Conditions I.C.U. REMARKS: Richard Edmonston Traffic Engineer CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST 1A to Date 5 I21 ( -7 UADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION J*LANS ATTACHED ( PLEASE RETURN) ❑PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT KTRAFFIC ENGINEER (yolk copy, QPLANS ON FILE IN ZONING AND ❑ FIRE DEPARTMENT ORDINANCE ADMINISTRATION ❑PLAN REVIEW DIVISION DIVISION ❑PARKS & RECREATION ❑POLICE DEPARTMENT (] MARINE SAFETY ❑GENERAL SERVICES APPLICATION OF q��r7�tmsic Ccg�T (drv��e1,✓� FOR A ❑VARIANCE []USE PERMIT ❑RESUBDIVISION =MLC.�etnCS- ON A REQUEST TO coQ5\d.�( aTcctcFiG S rar a Vicono.arq C-1Cj2AwSi00 aF r-/R.t ll'rtc-:s L-� ,c��d�t- r-xs l iWouscl/tt. 131660 se! lr—t'. 4'CcPAft±O is pcttcdiwce wrtQ. A �rrc l�j o;: '(fie. U t Kuwkt+PA, Ica r- CNamC 1 1 eta _ p T ��-t�I - SDI �tVRMIN�l'Rt1t Wt�rOCL0.lCG1 FO.r ,YM��I•M T�'� ON LOT I a %� Ordu:c -ec,. BLOCK TRACT ADDRESS SOO Su.grc t�r Agjt,, REPORT REQUESTED BY COMMISSION REVIEW COMMENTS F',-T SIGNATURE DATE 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Val Date May 21 , 1979 LIADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION J@PLANS ATTACHED ( PLEASE RETURN ) OPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FFIC ENGINEER [].PLANS ON FILE IN ZONING AND FIRE DEPARTMENT ORDINANCE ADMINISTRATION OPLAN REVIEW DIVISION DIVISION OPARKS & RECREATION OPOLICE DEPARTMENT ❑ MARINE SAFETY OGENERAL SERVICES APPLICATION OF Hughes Aircraft Company _ FOR A []VARIANCE []USE PERMIT ❑RESUBDIVISION o*RAXAXXNAIP Traffic Study ON A REQUEST TO consider a Traffic Study for a proposed expansion of facilities —__hy adding an industrial building containing 13,000 sg ft prepared in accordance with Chanter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (Traffic Phasing Ordinance) and City policy S-1 (Administrative Procedures for implementing the Traffic Phasing Ordinance ON LOT BLOCK TRACT ADDRESS 500 Superior Avenue, Newport Beach REPORT REQUESTED BY 5/25/79 COMMISSION REVIEW 5/7/79 COMMENTS SIGNATURE DATE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on this 1's.t day of May, 1979 , by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH , a municipal corporation , hereinafter referred to as "CITY" , and Alderman , Smith and Lewis , Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT" . W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS , City desires to have the CONSULTANT prepare a Traffic Study for a proposed building addition to the existing Hughes Industrial Facility in the City of Newport Beach . WHEREAS , CONSULTANT desires to prepare said Traffic Study. NOW , THEREFORE , in consideration of the foregoing , the parties hereto agree as follows : 1 . GENERAL CONSULTANT agrees to prepare a Traffic Study on the proposed addition to the existing Hughes Industrial Facility in the City of Newport Beach in accordance with the requirements set forth in para- graph 3 of this Areement in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this document. 2 . SCOPE OF WORK The subject Traffic Study will be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the City Traffic Engineer for the preparation of such stud Ids , in accordance with Chapter 15 . 40 of the Municipal Code of the City , and City Council Policy S-1 . 3 . BILLING AND PAYMENT CONSULTANT shall be paid under this Agreement on a time and material basis . In no event shall the maximum amount of this Agreement exceed Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars , ($450 . 00) . Partial Payments shall be made by CITY to CONSULTANT upon CONSULTANT ' S presentation of statements verifying the time and material costs incurred by it in connection with this Agreement. - 1 - 0 4. FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE CONSULTANT shall use diligent efforts to complete the provisions within thirty ( 30) days after execution of this Agreement. The subject Traffic Study must meet the approval of the Environmental Coordinator and Traffic Engineer of the City . 5 . TERMINATION This Agreement is subject to termination by the City at any time upon serving written notice to CONSULTANT. The CITY shall be thereafter liable to CONSULTANT only for fees and costs incurred as of the date CONSULTANT receives such notice .of termination . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the parties hereto have entered into this Agreement as of the date and year first above written . APPROVED AS TO FORM CITY OF RT BEACH �J— a B Us'' to t City torney D ' rector Common ' Deve opment Department CITY By Alderman , Smith & Lewis , Incorp . CONSULTANT IAX CODE AREAS - 117-7V 7-076 �._50• TRACT 0*1 o .ax // 2c u7B9 Q • i O ! • - �2 9� �/2 t9 I 762 ilui LOTS... 4 /l79p " 3' r 1179p •O bk ` - 1/7.69- S //74G `l Y/790' 16 tt Q i 15 • _ sue• .. - - • , _ .. - .. . . Y NO 5783 - - - t y _ "FLAGS'H/P ROAD. y - . . o m RV/NE SUB. BLK2 FL74 L19T769 ilk MARCH /963 79 • '. = MARCH /965 /RV/NE SUB_ M, M / - 6B NOTE - ASScSSOR-S BLOCK ASSESSOR'S MAP TRACT NO. 5783 M.M. 2/0 - 24, 25 a LOT NUMBERS soox 117 PAGE 76 SHOWN CIRCLES OUNTY -GF ORANGE " {I J 117- 01 y 1"=400' �M 424-04 ti o ary° rya' arysx o�p ' 3 1NEWPORD ? —SUPERIOR ' AVENUE . 8 • 2B3p' 1 'R 'R y 2'.29' 25•M 674.22 426as w Q I y 75 I5 r 55 52 '> 425-I I O x� �\ �M. \ B 27AC. 1, ..3r K� 5.937Ac= v� P 13.57AC. BL K. 2 I i 2 a \ IRgE ,I A 33-42 ��\p 76 o I 8.18AC. LO 3S� 4 SUB. POR. C T 169 FLAGSHIP P9. �� R.S. 15-30 «s.a ?� \8.O8AC. \ OT 172 O W 79 1 •' © �\RWY. e e� 7.57AC s a. 14.78Ac. IN' R.S.15- o -~ o gLYD v� FRWY, /W�/ 1782 AC. �J P� ap04 11 _.. G) \\\ 02 NI�NWAY) GOUN'rY ' ( LOT 170� / " . � �NWSTRIAL 03 " noss iy t4 -•�. \ \�> s5wp j 49 -09 0 v \ 'g%444 pQ � � ACE. �•v ' C�ptR 49 - 13 9�F MARCH 1951 /RVINE SUB. M.M, 1-88 NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK a ASSESSOR'S MA P PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK I IT PAGE OI O SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE • • FRANK E. ALDERMAN CHAIRMAN OF THE DOARD P�3 WI D. LEWIS PRESIDENT FRANK M. SWIFT VICE PRESIDENT LEWIS W. DARBER VICE PRESIDENT HARRY 0. ALDERMAN, SWIFT & LEVVIS CONSULTING ENGINEERS D CRETARY-READ RERM To: City of Newport Beach Date May 9, 1979 3300 Newport Boulevard Job No. 606.6 Newport Beach, California 92663 Attention: Mr. Fred Talarico Title of Froject: Hughes Aircraft Company Plant Expansion Traffic Study We are Enclosing Requesting Sending you via messenger Three (3) copies of subject report. Returning For Remarks: Call me to come down and go over the report with you and Rich Edmunston, if necessary, after you both have had an opportunity to review the findings. Joe F6ust 721 FAIR OAKS AVENUE, SOUTH PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91030 C2133 799-7121 • 682-2176 2921 SOUTH MAIN STREET, SUITE 'C,'SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92707 • C7143 979-1761 • i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice .is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of Hughes Aircraft Company for a ❑ Variance ❑ Use Permit ❑ Resubdivision X❑ R' $X)tX-XjgX4M6XWX# k Traffic Study . on property located .at 500 Superior" Avenue, Newport Beach to =j;Rr4#t= consider a Traffic Study for a proposed expansion of facilities by adding an industrial building containing 13,000 sq.ft. prepared in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (Traffic Phasing Ordinance) and City Policy S-1 (Administrative Procedures for Implementing the Traffid Phasing Ordinance. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 7th day of June 19 79 at the hour 730 of 7 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall , at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon . PAUL L . BALALIS , Secretary Planning Commission City of Newport Beach PUBLICATION DATE : Received for Pub . By Note: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. TRAFFIC STUDY APPLICATION ^` ' DECEIVED �^/� � , f FI! 00m Uni pmek � pave Ptont CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH .y,sswlyti cr DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Q ANT �: �• GHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY PHONE (714)759-2610 MAILING DRESS H. J. BUEHLER, 500 SUPERIOR AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACHE 92663 PROPERTY OWNER HUG PHONE HES AIRCRAFT COMPANY ,(714)759-2610 MAILING ADDRESS 500 SUPERIOR AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92663 ADDRESS OR LOCATION OF PROJECT 500 SUPERIOR AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: 13,000 SQ.FT. ADDITION TO EXISTING BUILDING WITH PARTIAL BASEMENT FOR FACILITIES EQUIPMENT. THIS ADDITION WILL BE UTILIZED FOR THE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AND FABRICATION OF SEMICONDUCTOR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS. DEVELOPMENT PHASING: Beginning Construction Completion Project Initial Occupancy Total Occupancy JUNE, 1979 JANUARY,1980 FEBRUARY,1980 JUNE, 1980 Month/Year Month/Year Month/Year Month/Year MITIGATION MEASURES: LOW DENSITY OCCUPANCY, APPROXIMATELY TWENTY 20 PEOPLE WORKING IN AREA ON DAY SHIFT. EQUIPMENT AND PROCESSES REQUIRE MAJORITY OF SPACE. TWO SHIFTS WILL OPERATE•FROM 7:00 AM TO 3:30PM AND 3:30 PM TO 12:00 MI DNITE. Do .Not Complete Application Below This Line Date Filed Fee Paid Receipt No. City Traffic Engineer Approval Date Planning Commission Action Date City Council Action Date Arthur L. Fountain Lois 0. Curtis 541 St George Ed. 1380 Garfield Ave. Westminster, Cal. 92683 San Marino, Cal. 92208 931-38-080 931-38-089 Carole J. Weatman Elaine A. Cerf 401 Qrlon Way 411 Flagship Rd. Nexpart Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beaeh, Cal. 92663 931-38-081 931-38-090 Arthur J. Williams, Jr. Lawrence A. Levi r nson Wo 4218 spindrift Way Leon H. Levinson ew Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 N Flagship �31-3$^-082 Newport Beach,, cal. 92663 931 38-091 Frank W, ,Abbott et al Harold H. Reitz 1370 Avonrea Ed. 4207 Patrice Rd. San Marina, Cal. 91108 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 931-38-083 931-38-092 Gerald E. Murphy �yargaret A. Twombly 1580 Avonrea Rd. 4209 Patrice Rd. .San Marino, Cal, 91108 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 931-38-083 931-38-093 Warren L. M. Gamble Fred L. Hartley o Union it Co of Cal 728 Lexington Ct. F.0. Box 7�00 Northbrook, Ill. 60062 Los Angeles, Cal. 90054 931-38-084 931-38-094 h Jeri o Lofland Sandra V. Shambau g 2536 Crestvieew Dr. 4206 spindrift Way Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal, 92663 931-38-095 931-38-085 Zames M. Ellis, Jr. Lynne A. Frantz 81$1 San Carlos Ave. 5680 Briarhill Ln. .South Gate, Cal. 90280 Reno, Nevada 89502 931-38-o86 931-38-096 ,Tack o. Vance Maxmilian A. Bartash 218 .,Morning Canyon Rd. 405 Flagship Rd, Corona del Mar, Cal. 92625- Nomport Beach, Cal. 92663 931-38-097 931-38-087 11ichael G. Cluff Irene L. Laudon 407 Flagships Rd. 4227 Patrice Rd. Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 a.ql_!:Z8-n8R 931-38-098 } Jack 0. Vance Lawrence R. Maurice Louise E. Hall 218 Morning Canyon Dr. 403 Bolero Way 406 Orion Way Corona, del Mar, Cal. 92625 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 931-38-050 931-38-060 931-38-070 Jack S. Hubbard et al Louis D. Mujica Harald R. Nyholm 10122 Cynthia Dr. 405 Bolero Way 404Orion Way Huntington Bch, Cal. 92646 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 931-38-051 931-38-061 931-38-071 Helen �. Marris Bank of Calif James B. Massey Cat e i e A. e es 979-C W. Pine St. 600 E. ocean Front #3F Reai .s ate Dep upland, Cal. 91786 Balboa, Cal, 92661 110 West A st. 931-38-052 931 38-062 San Diega, Cal. 92101 9�1-38-072 Fulton Foster et al Chester G. Northrup Richard C. Pantzar 418 Bolero Way. 530-7 Fairview Ave. 400 Orion Way Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Arcadia, Cal, 91006 Newport Beach, Cal: 92663 931-38-053 931-38-063 931-38-073 Milton J. Meehan Billy H. Thomas Harry S. Holley 2319 Margaret Dr. 1111 S. Coast Dr. #J-201 P.O. Box 747 Newport Beach, Cal, 92663 Costa Mesa, Cal. 92626 Crestline Cal. 92325 931-38-054 931-38-064 931-38-074 Richard Nunez William S. Marshall Irwin Mannecke Jr. 414 Bolero Way K112 Maui Eldorado 4368 Spindrift Way Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Lahaina, Maui, Haw. 96761 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 931-38-055 931-38-065 931-38-075 Violet A. Clark Mary H. Fagin Fred Ten Eyke 412 Bolero Way 4309 Patrice Rd. 4310 Spindrift Way Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 931-38-056 931-38=066 931-38-076 G► Robert Hodson Delores E. Eifler Kasen L. Newcomb et al P.O. Box 158 4307 Patrice Rd. 4312 spindrift Way Costa Mesa, Cal. 92627 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 9266-3 931-38-057 931-38-067 931-38-077 Theodore M. DePierro Marianne A. Inouye et al Helen D. Herrmann 404 Bolero Way 311 Vista Suerte 407 Orion Way Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 ewport Beach, Cal. 92660 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 931-38-058 331-38-068 931-38-078 Robert J. Lavine Marsha A. Stonestreet eta6z Dotothy S4 Dismukes 400 Bolero Way 4301 Patrice Eds 405 Orion Way Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Bench, Cal, 9266.3 Newport Beach, Cal: 92663 -'Al-0Q G-l1Q 931-38=069 ��� .,o ..�� Norman L. Kreuder Bred L. Bartley Edr}a M. Little Union Oil Co. of Cal. 436 Orion Way 427 Bolero Way p.O, Box Ax 7600 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Los %38=02os, Cal. 90054 931 38'030 931-38-040 Kenneth G. Harrison Alice Rail Kenneth H. Riley 458 Orion Way 434 Orion Way 26 Drake Bay Dr. Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Corona del, Mar, Cal. 9262, 931-38-o21 931-38-031 931-38-041 Charles D. Delaney Beatrice A. Anderson Robert B. Leibe 451 Orion Way 432 Orion Way 1415 Santiago Dr. Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal, 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 931-38-022 931-38-032 931-38-042 Lloyd J. Hargreaves Elisabeth A. Halsteen Jacqueline S. Cover 454 Orion Way 430 Orion Way 435 Bolero Way ,Newport Beaeh, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. g2663 931-38-023 931-38-033 93i-38-043 Michael L, Gibellino Alice Rail H. Bruce Denton, Jr. 4300 Hilaria Way 434 Orion Way 431 Bolero Way Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal.. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 931-38-024 931-38-034 931-38-044 Edward W. Lutse Charles G. Haskins Harry S. Holley 4304 Hilaria Way 4300 Patrice Rd. P.0.. Box 747 ,Newport Beach, Cal, 92663 Newport Beach, Cal.. 92663 Crestline, Cal., 92325 931-38-025 931-38-035 931-38-045 .Edward Carlick Clarence Beveridge Melvin L. Hauge 4308 xilaria Way 4304 Patrice Rd. 440 Bolero Way Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 931-38-026 931-38-036 931-38-046 William 0, Nix Leo Vortouni Melvin Olson 4307 Hilaria Way 4308 Patrice Rd. 43$ Bolero Way Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal., 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 93�1-38-027 931-38-037 931-38-047 Eleanor B. dlis &/or John B. Randall TR Michael T. Emrick Eleanor B. Kirby-Smith 423 Bolero Way 151 Granada #0 43o5 Hilaria Way Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Long Beach, Cal. 90803 .Newport Beach, Cal, 92663 931-38-038 931-38-048 931-38-028 Marry D. Cleworth prances D. O'Meara et al Lynne R. Valentine 1400 3. Catalina Ave. ##1.04 425 Bolero Way 8 Pinehurst Ln, Redondo Beach, Cal. 90277 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal-. 9266o :931-38-029 931-38-039 931-38-049 I r Tustin Schwenk Ave.et al City of Newport Beach Employees Federal Grad Un Anthony DeSousa NT Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 425 N. Newport Blvd. 455 Bolero Way Newport Be Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 117-021-13 931-38-010 Robert E. Johnson Thomas Straza David L. Silin 475 N. Newport Blvd. 468 Bolero Way 457 Bolero Way Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 117-o2i-o4 931-38-001 931-38-011 Michael Savage at al yandel E. Snell Forrest Baldwin, Sr. 469 Newport Blvd. 464 Bolero Way I'. , .61 Bolero Way Newport Beach, Cal, 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal, 9266 117-021-05 931-38-002 9�- 1-38-012 Bernard W. Whiting Curtis L. Nelson Henry L. Storti 452 Broadway St. 351 Hospital Rd., Ste 414 463 Bolero Way Costa Mesa, Cal. 92627 Newport Beach•, Cal, 92663 Newport Beach, Cal, 92663 117-021-06 931-38-003 931-38-013 Derher Jeng at al &/or Lauren G. Stomel at al Edward F. Sowera at al Zhu L. Chan 4 Balboa Cove 465 Bolero Way 455 ,N. Newport Blvd. .Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 931-38-004 931-38-014 117-021-07 Albert N. Irwin Mary M. Dyer Peyton P. Callaway 1802 W. Oceanfront 454 Bolero Way 467 Bolero Way Newport Beach, Cal, 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 117-021-08 931-38-005 931-38-015 Owen E. Kinney Helen J. Hix Cecelia R. Clock 447 N. Newport Blvd. 452 Bolero Way 4307m Dana Rd. Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 117-021-09 931-38-oo6 931-38-016 Jacob Mendel Donald Fiduccia Donald E. Pugh P.O. Box 554 14971 Rancho Cir. 4305 Dana Rd. Costa Mesa, Cal. 92627 Irvine, Cal. 92714 Newport Beach, Cal, 92663 117-021-10 931-38-007 931=38-017 Jacob Mendel Wanda i. Schwaneke at al Denver N Treadway P.Q. Box 554 451 Bolero Way 4361 Dana Rd. Costa Mesa, Cal. 92627 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal, 92663 117-021-11 931-38-008 931-38-018 Hansel D. Benvenuti Delia E. Maurice Joan M. Reynolds 27 Harbor Island 453 Bolero Way 462 Orian Way Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal, 92663 i Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 117-021-12 931-38=009 9�1-�S-c�]Q City of Newport Beach Henry M. Ho William J. Cowan City Hall .3920 W. Redondo Beach Blvd New W. Placentia iC 1. 9266 Newport Beach: Cal. 92663 Newport Beach, Cal. g266 117-010-12 i���i��QCa1. 9050�+ 424-161-06 Nughes Aircraft Co. Karen Alonso et al Irvine National Bank P.@. BOX 90515 4243 Dana Rd. 2171 Campus Dr. #100/0509 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Irvine, Cal. 92715 117-761-21 424-161-09 u7 oi5s' Cal. 90009 i American-Cal Medical James D. Dodge Prime Property Dev. Co. Services No. 1 Inc. 26982 Carranza Dr. 501 Superior Ave, ego Godfrey & Ethn Mission Viejo, Cal. 92675 Newport Beach, Cal'. 92660 9110 No Water 53202 117-761-12 424-13a-Q6 Mil117-791-07 Kuo-Chen Hu (JT) Prime Property Dev. Co. 9 Tykye G• Cameras et al 25902 Serenata Dr. 501 Superior Ave. 932 Sandcastle Dr. mission Viejo, Cal, 92675 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Corona del Mar, Cal. 9262 117-761r13 424-131-07 117-791-15 Ralph Grayet a1 Prime -Property Dev. Co. TYkYe . Camaras et al 44 Maison GE Ave. 501 Superior Ave. 932 Sandcastle Dr. Pasadena, Cal. 91101 N'ewport. Beach, Cal. 9266o Corona or na91del Mar, Cal. 9262 117-761-14 424-131-16 -16 Ralph Gray et a1 Aaron Sage, et al &/or James T. Blandford, Jr. 44 N. Madison Ave. Newport Federal 41626-A Hilaria Way Paeaden, Cal, 91101 3355 Via Lida Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 117-761-15 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 117 791-17 424-131-17 Ralph Gray et al City of Newport Beach Eugene W. Lightner 44 N. Madison Ave. 3300 Newport Blvd. 219 N. Market St, Pa adena, Cal. 91101 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 Wichita,1Kans. 67202 117-761-16 424-131-17 T In T Investment Co. Roland N. Peterson Eugene W. Lightner 15300 S. Western Ave. 129 E. Bay Ave. 219 N. Market St. Qardena, Cal. 90247 Newport Beach, Cal. 92661 Wichita, Mans. 67202 117-761-17 424-161-03 117-791-19 Errol r. Davidson Bolaa Enterprises Inc.&/vr Philip R. Heckendorn at i 2408 Cliff Dr. W.J. Cowan 716 S. Fair Oaks Ave. Newport Beach.* Cal, 92663 200 via Dijon Pasadena, Cal. 91105 117461-18 Newport Beach, Cal. 92663 117-791-35 424-161-04 Su"nne meBrien George M. Wilson Sidney L. Soffer 18I2 Antiqua air 1504 Beech Sty 107 2lat St. leeWpert Beach, Cal. 92663 ,So. Pasadena, Cal. 91030 Newport Be Beach., Cal. 92663. n&-761-29 424-161-05 y pAD "D O� Ito /"=400' � 424=04 rNEWPOR77 T —SUPERIOR AVENUE— R 01 /N �C 35. 6"!4 22' 426.z5' D W\ \ /m m� b� R R 5[,7 ul 1.4 55 52 �� 425-I I B 7 5 15 \ 27AC 1 2.50AC. 9 5.937AC.(Cl �/d 13.57AC. 0Q A BLOCK / P BLK. 2I 12 o \ /R E '�� ��JpM, 33-92 '�\ ���p 76 Q 8./8AC, LD LQT 169 v w_ $ i R.S. /5-30 Zoo' a9.i,• ?, \a.OaAC.\ 56 / 0/ vc \ X 04-L OT 172 O 4y i o FRWY. 7✓ 7.57AC �5 c� - /4.78 AC. \ a\ n © _ f M� 0 6 3. /M v \ \ R.S.15- 0 4 a BLVO P v v� FRWY. \\ \\� �.��'% /782 AC. '�9 J� , �� CF 04 2 \ 1 \s 202(,OL,,,j, 141cowAY \ 'FF LOT /70 �NpUSTRIAL O7 ` \ 5 w5wpORT 49 - 09 ' \ \� D AVE yTq a� pL �y ` � tENTK 49 - 13 MARCH /g 5/ /RV/NE SUB. M.M. /-88 NOTE — ASSESSOR'S BLOCK B ASSESSOR'S MAP a .. PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 117 PAGE 01 O SHOWN /N CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE m y 117 - 02 a w T • 2 03 3 @4 1 j T T rcoG Y gm92o s� A 49-08 FRfVY e Ay / y u BEP�EE'( /T t 12 /BLK. $ . o. / /FRWY. V / 49 -09 , I FRWY. ti 16 /FRWY. 15 RI M. 661- 20 / LL 01 AegyO ST9FFT �2 ?� Aop a0 022 STgE-ET, l �1 ro �3. m MARCH 1969 TRACT 11/0. 27 M. M. 9-26 79 NOTE- ASSESSORS BLOCK B ASSESSOR'S MAP PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 117 PAGE 02 SHOWN /N CIRCLES h�2 COUNTY OF ORAN�'E / 01 CD IAX CODE AREAS 117-76 y 7-076 =50NE 117.499' _ xS.eG' - i17,99 TRACT 761 . 12 j�P jv ' 21 .9 . :. • 105 K.S y SG _ 9p 94 QS rI5 . �2 9 - _ 1 12 1.9 _ h a I I o " : t3 t ; • i 20 Yt 762 i „¢-9e• 4 11a.198 t �" LOTS• N 4 O 4 . i17.9o• 1179017 O let, y/790 - Q gZ69' S Ilk 11790• 10 sc' O , 'o, ( O 16 ' av ' 17 NO. 5783 FLA65HIP : . ROAD: O N ' 2 h RV/NE SUB." BLK2 Fa?Loris-9 MARCH 1963 79 MARCH /965 ; /RV/NE SUB. M. M / - 88 NOTE - ASSESSORS BLOCK ASSESSOR'S MAP TRACT NO. 5783 M.M. 210 - 24, 25' a AOr NUMBERS BOOK 117 PAGE 76 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNry OF ORANGE i17 - 79 o • Q 0 76 2 J� J 75 " ROAD 1 ozc1 IRVINE 1{ � 1 TRACT �' 19 1 90.65 V ,oe 6o FL4G SHIP — y29.T6• . 1� 3 2 40 �' � F Poc•23' Q --.io7roG' ~ .O p O V' O O �uc �l]�, <t/ p o 23 F11 17 q AC. v IRVINE 3. m Qv .tl '-7ozcG yLK.2* 169 � b .10 h � pOR• ��` 1 • C 4 ^ RS 7 9-1 1 ,oz.74' � J o 15 ol 0 1 7�23' 1 y 3.34 AC. 73.76 5 '21.90, 6 SUB. 1% 4= ih R.S. 15 -301 1 R c 84- ^O 1 36 zl a It NO. 5g54 9 l p y. 21,10 2L583 y 110�` D1N ES�r_ BL . 2 h hl / O POR. LOT 169 �'!14, 791 iNl g3z BOU��vARO \ 34 \�O0 \ 2 32 Ac. SUB. 1" 0 _9 5 02 o � 90 . .,t 27 PORS ASSESSOR'S MAP NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK 8 MARCH 1965 IRVINE SUB. A, V I - 88 PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 117 PAGE 79 O TR. NO. 5854 A '.: 213-3639 SHOWN IN "-IRCLES - COUNTY OF ORANGE j t 424- 1 3 l 12 02 o -- SIXTEENTH STREET —p • ? B9' b6' bo• /26' 252' H / ' So y < < 1t 94 FIR TT ADD. TO , QLOT 7/3 LOT 6/3 so• 1O O N E O O O N O ^ M1• �J S - {. /.729 AC.(C) 3.691 AC. (C) Frye P, s o^ 131 A to A • �- � sso• a- ,4 6� J /.072 AC.(Cl �QO� LOT 7/4 LOT -6/4 6\ u � 14 15 m r o � 0 PRODUCT/AY m 4.166 AC. (CI PLACE Q V ^` /.0/0 AC.(C) NEWPORT MESA TRACT550, 5Je 16 MARCH 1978 FIRST ADD, TO NEWPORT MESA TRACT M.M. B- 6I NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK a ASSESSOR'S MAP PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK424 PAGE 13 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE - - - - Ll LA its= 37 116 -35 o N SUPER/OR —/NEwpoRT AVENUE/ ' .4V£NUE a TRACT _ �JAr Sal, - - . Q 4�0,e /r- /OOP • .` - 0 - - PROJECT 911-38 / 6.538 AC A10. 4692 LOT 100 - - Y 76 ' - _ 56- 9�SHIP - - - - -- ROAD -'_ 79 MARCH /969 TRACT NO. 4692 m M /64-22 TO 25 /NC NC.Tf ,ASSES-cows -Ptccc & ASSESSOR'S MAP _ MARCH 1972 _ NUMt ERS BOOK 117 PAGE 75 _ PARCEL 8 --- _ SHOWN-V%, ZfRaES : :I:Cxrl ff OF'DRA7+1GE - ` 424 - 16 13 - � I FIRST ADD. TO - W . /.703 AC.. (C) LOT n 7/5 ♦�� - s �'•, M P I00 I� X L.0 SOS ° s 8O ° ( 6 LOT 7/6 Q i'`�Q O O /.525 AC. (C) Q .^ b �. NEWPORT MESA TRACT 5JQ A*D / 4 \\A• y FIFTEENTH O STREET MARCH 1978 FIRST ADD. TO NEWPORT MESA TRACT M. M. 8-6I NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK & ASSESSOR'S MAP O PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK424PAGE 16 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY Of ORANGE -»r �w _ -- _ w----- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH �� RECEIPT ��� i SEW PpRA E p� p NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92663 No. 03585 7a 1 �HFOPN�f 19 G 7 / ' ATE RECEIVED FROM.--.-----. '� �� Lt -`I' �• FOR! � ACCOUNT NO ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT _ 4 Planning Commission Meeting June 7 , 1979 Agenda Item No . 9 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH May 31 , 1979 1'0 : Planning Commission FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Request to consider a Traffic Study for a__prop2sed 13 ,000 s ft. expansion of the Hughes Aircraft Company facilities . Public Hearin LOCATION: Portion of Lot 169 , Block 2 , Irvine ' s Subdivision , located at 500 Superior Avenue , on the• southeast- erly side of Superior Avenue between Dana Road and Industrial Way adjacent to the City of Newport Beach Corporation Yard. ZONE: M-1-A APPLICANT: Hughes Aircraft Company , Newport Beach Application The applicants have requested the Planning Commission ' s approval of a Traffic Study for' a proposed 13 ,000 sq . ft. expansion of the existing Hughes Aircraft plant. The proposed project is located at 500 Superior Avenue . The Traffic Study for the proposed expan- sion has been prepared in accordance with Chapter 15 . 40 of the New- port Beach Municipal Code ( "Traffic Phasing Ordinance" ) and City Policy S-1 ( "Administrative Procedures for Implementing the Traf- fic Phasing Ordinance" ) . A copy of the Traffic Study prepared for the City by Alderman , Swift and Lewis is attached for the Planning Commission ' s review. Proposed Project The Hughes Aircraft Company located at 500 Superior Avenue pro- poses a 13 ,000 sq. ft. expansion of their plant . This expansion will house employees and equipment necessary to fabricate semi - conductor integrated circuit boards . The facility is designed to accommodate 20 employees and equipment. Construction is planned to begin in June , 1979 and continue for 6 months . Full occupancy will be achieved in June of 1980 and the year of analysis for pur- pose of the Traffic 'Phasing Ordinance is 1981 . The plant will be operated on a single shift for the first 4 years with the possibi - lity of a second shift being implemented in 1984 ± . TO: Planning Commission - 2 Traffi-c Study The City Traffic Engineer determined that five (5) intersections would be affected by the proposed project based upon its size and geographic location , as follows : 1. Coast Highway/Orange Street 2. Coast Highway at Balboa Boulevard/Superior Avenue 3. Superior Avenue/Placentia Avenue 4. Coast Highway]Riverside Avenue 5 . Newport Boulevard/Hospital Road Subsequent traffic assignments indicated that no impact would occur at intersections 4 and 5 above. Tracing traffic through the system resulted in its dissi-pation to less than one vehicle/22 hour peak period by the time it reached either of these two remaining inter- sections . Examination of the traffic assignment and distribution (Exhibit 3 of the Traffic Study) shows little impact during the peak 2; hour period resulting from the Hughes Aircraft project. This plant ex- pansion of 13 ,000 sq . ft. generates 28 total trips/2k hours of which only 8 trips/2z hours impact upon critical intersections . As a re- sult all critical intersection approaches will experience a traffic increase of less than 1%. The most significant increase of traffic occurs on westbound Superior Avenue at Placentia Avenue where 6 vehicle/22 hours will be added to the approach traffic compared to the limiting 1% fa.ctor which would allow an addition of up to 8 vehicle/22 'hours and still meet the 1% test. All other critical intersection approaches will be substantially below the 1% value. Suggested Action City Policy S-1 provides that when an analysis has determined that one year after the completion of the project, or portions of the pro- ject for which the traffic analysis is being performed, the project will generate less than a one percent increase for each leg of a cri- tical intersection , the analysis is concluded and Finding No . 2 listed below may be made . If the Planning Commission desires to ap- prove the Traffic Study, the following findings are suggested: FINDINGS : 1. That a Traffic Study for the proposed project has been prepared in accordance with Chapter 15 . 40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Policy S-1 , and; that based on the Traffic Study, 2. The traffic projected one year after project completion during any 2. 5 hour peak traffic period on each leg of each critical intersection will be increased less than 1% by traffic generat- ed from the project during that 2. 5 hour period. TO: Planning Commission - 3 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT p V . HOGAN , DIRECTOR By Fred Talarico Environmental Coordinator FT/gg Attachment: Traffic Study dated May 1979 Report of Findings from City Traffic Engineer REPORT OF FINDINGS 14 PRUJECT NAME: HUGHES AIRCRAFT EXPANSION PPi1JECT LOCATION: 500 Superior Avenue FINDINGS Phase I ElProject Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Existing Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required., Phase II Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90. Existing Plus Project Traffic I.G.U. will be less than or equal to Existing Conditions I .C.U. ED Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90. ElExisting Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. will be greater than exist- ing I.C.U. that is currently greater than 0.90, Further analysis required to determine applicable mitigation measures. ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phase III Existing Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. with mitigation measure(s) will be less than or equal to 0.90. ElExisting Plus Project Traffic I.C.U. with mitigation measures(s) will be less than or equal to Existing Conditions I-C.U. REMARKS: Richard Edmonston Traffic Engineer HUGHES AIRCRAFT TRAFFIC STUDY FOR _ TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE IN NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA .» May 1979 Prepared by Alderman, Swift & Lewis 2921 South Main Street, Suite C Santa Ana•, California 92707 (714) 979-1761 W FRANK @ ALDERMAN ... wx wlr IT"'_ 1µr W I WILLIAM0 LEWIS M1S.+x rvr FRANK M SWIFT A,1110AWN, LEWIS W GARBER m[IASIMW ALDERMAN, SWIFT & LEWIS CONSULTING ENGINEERS ROY N LAMAR r. '+x mn� a_ DOUGLASJ REINHART May 9, 1979 .. City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 Attention: Mr. Fred Talarico Dear Fred: Subject: Hughes Aircraft Plant Expansion Traffic Study V ' ASL Consulting Engineers is pleased to submit our traffic study completed in compliance with the guidelines outlined in the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance for the 13,000 square foot expansion of the Hughes Aircraft Company. We find the project does not increase 'traffic one year after completion on any approach to a critical intersection by as much as 1% during any 2-1/2 hour peak period and therefore qualifies for a finding of I.D.2. We wish to express our appreciation for being selected to per- form this study and acknowledge the cooperation and assistance provided by yourself and Mr. Rich Edmunston which enabled us to complete the work quickly and easily. Sincerely, 'Zoe E. Fo St Senior Traffic/Transportation Engineer California Reg. No. C-20258/T-854 JEF:bjb • 721 FAIR OAKS AVENUE, SOUTH PASAOENA, CALIFORNIA 91030• (213) 7SS•7121 • SE32.2178 2921 SOUTH MAIN STREET, SUITE C. SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92707• (714) 979.1761 7 Project The Hughes Aircraft Company located at 500 Superior Avenue pro- poses a 13, 000 square foot expansion of their plant. This ex- pansion will house employees and equipment necessary to fabricate semiconductor integrated circuit boards. The facility is de- signed to accommodate 20 employees and equipment. Construction is planned to begin in June, 1979 and continue for 6 months. Full occupancy will be achieved in June of 19'80 and the year of analysis for purpose of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance is 1981. -. The plant will be operated' on a single shift for the first 4 years with the possibility of a second shift being implemented in 1984+. The plant' s location (see Exhibit 1) is on Superior Avenue near M the northern boundary of the City of Newport Beach. As a conse- quence much of the traffic that enters/exits the facility does not impact on .the City' s critical intersections. - A Site Location map is shown in Exhibit 1 and a Site Plan of the project itself is shown in Exhibit 2. Traffic Generation The primary source utilized for determination of trip rates was Trip Generation, An ITE Informat-ional Report published in 1976 . This reference cites two different land use categories under which the Hughes Aircraft plant expansion could fall. Since the project " involves both research and development as well as fabrication of integrated circuits, it could be classified as either Industrial r or Manufacturing. industrial land uses produce an average of 5.43 trip ends (TE) per day per 1000 gross square feet (GSF) of plant - area with a peak hour generation factor of 1. 05 . TE/hour. Given '�y� 1 _ FAO '��di f"I'UEN Pl^1-0•..l a > I 7l00 JKNOWELL'PL $ is n iERR CE a t! 8 Ry o6 2 o w a > > a gpY ST t r. BAY R W ARACE I .•IOOo C _ pg _ CQVEST YARKSN Em - -- ���— Il'r+i! a 20TM u 4 Id ST EAL Sf z e�f ' Rill w EVERGREEN vL ROSS ST a 4I ¢Ad°oy t + �.�iOl -+DOGw0D0 ST w z SURF ST 9ERrlARD S Rt�t�( > CEDAR 0. a a EACH ST D{ ST ' w J 'tF a �• ¢ A00 ♦ J w S A n I S PL MER ST y $ k' Tr N �^ a CEN fR d a'ST_ '� /9T JT`rpJ• rpmILl iOWNE ST WE OR ` OSU • 'YF,P H S r 1.rALRAROUTCIR SCO iL i EMCSA ,y AI xt 3.SSANDDOOLLLARCT r`s 7 S �IBTN � IST 'a'•,irC`J� • � S,Pg Q � FS4 �Discovter DR = S SIWNFRRLLR ��\ 1000 AN T pRK n ---5'TIGD7PPEI12'(— + 3CN�CT DR` —�� o M . LSURFSDND Cr • ALIM DR L SIIRFNDE tT M:YlTDN WY TERMINAL ` r4 "�T <'i '0/•s ¢ _ 143TARRURSTCT 11.RORTHVI tt 8 gy ` h •Pr( ��. 17,NORTN1RNO LT I � 17TN _ ST pt II SEABIRD CT 700 ISA.SWDFLMER CT AO^ 1L LATITUDE LT R o a V.SLNDAHC!DR F I NERHALL ST FA AD S7 z m CH�S WY o :E 4 ?a MFS y97 �jf � TM � S7 a'M r, Ckh � rsrN P TD RUFF •' S ,� at+� St � 000 700 Sr9 pa P O R fMR ,asB�F ll PRODUCTION C +'S' + H'YO,+• A � � Sr *oy l ` J 9 f .•(��`` rtr. �A&AL 5T T.rnw.w r 5 auucrtx OCT � " N•• v Bqi S' t44> r. T f �I• o Nn <o. f °' d f ND ' SA. 'g .rTe � y ti MAS�e1 35p C 4r� c• 0 •Flxl y,4Pi�y,'do �.P� N a W 4.<�, DAcr I I bi .l�•fi'n! C< t` •CVLFSR : �p •P x"� (ti''2 /S�, 'F�.d 't'fpr B r o`i?Ai' �` ;♦` i��° Jid�+N D'L CC �P•iPt,� Aa d" �Fa1.�(p yr'C�y.. r•`S` �� � p`, tT•��a a9 L NCWPoRJ'NMfO S!• y0 q�1?•t, * �tfN� u ELI yP R( FD -AV r P i NIGN SCy ( h�ytir yq RT = it �NVk W `y° 0 yC'ybQ°`8 h <9� r2oft-r '--••fw(0 J ME5 I 'i•9• — Y�-- ,y�h t �o " g`f�.1 •�, o �s g y ,, � qP, st a dr ppo �� I R AAA t♦ a ,\ 4 a•� ' 0g 61 S/'yC' 47 f t � � fL�KS a = i• f�` lLl ,rx I .Lt�Sgt y '• ,.�� �� 8 b s.'J' '� N7NGS _ a � �1 I NAtPO\�tj �*rya ti /w r;O'4$ nr9�qsWE nWl '00 tG .5•t 5 a + >tsr sr� , � . �Q 3T eamaoRj' vl u ' r rr.. lI �rI 'ho 5� ocr'A�y •1 !e�Mer"�.Ei'�"lrlE ph t SNORE L S/TE SITE L 0CAT/ON MAP r Q� WSFT ♦L8Yt1S " 6OfniE�3NJ6.40G"J® GG�J�OG"IC�6G3fl EXN/B/T / ivo� M•7rna ttiodh+an 10 A]. t9 . _7t'6 cc M,6G .il .oa n __ T J +- � -50 � cal dN u$ o W -LZ - 1 V ; 9. t 'p Cc \ To+�ew • � jai p • \ O C r �" :•� i \ is •^ P \ � � ' d � •YJ '_ 'S n LtJ a era S + f a ► a Ely..\ ❑3 � � c Z \ El t r € .TTjr. J • _ } 42 .2 .J, .t .t JS ._ + S V N V 6•. SITE PLAN Exhibit 2 t the 13,000 square foot plant expansion a total of 71 ADT and 14 TE/Peak hour can be expected. A check on the traffic generation is. provided by utilizing employees as a base instead of plant area. Hughes Aircraft anticipates. 20 employees to be housed within the 13, 000 square foot area. Typical trip. generation rates are 3.0 TE/day/employee and 0.57 TE/Peak hour/emplooyee. The results of - this computation yields 60 ADT and 11. 4 TE/Peak hour which shows reasonable correlation with those predicted. by using floor area. Slightly lower traffic generation rates would be appropriate if the plant expansion were solely a manufacturing process (i.e. rates equal. 4.10 TE/day/1000 GSF of 2..1-7 TE/day./employee.) . How- ever the minor research and development effort that is planned will generate somewhat greater traffic if the plant were purely a manufacturing operation. - Similarly the employee density of 1.5 employees per 1000 GSF in- dicates a light industrial category (rather than industrial) which produces nearly identical generation rate. factors (i.e. 5.46 TE/day/6000 GSF- or 1. 20 TB/day/employee) might also be ap- propriate. However the Industrial traffic generation rate was based on a significantly large number of studies (96 vs 13) and °- was therefore thought to be a more representative figure. For purposes of estimating• future traffic growth, regional traffic constituting 12% of the Coast Highway ADT was utilized in the vic- inity of the project and, a similar figure was used for the inter- section of Superior Avenue and Placentia Avenue. A 1979 traffic count was conducted at Superior and Placentia whereas as 1978 fig- were available for Coast Highway intersections. The base year for analysis purposes (i.e. one year after project completion) was taken as 1981. This required projecting two year's growth at the intersection of Placentia and Superior and three year' s regional growth on 'the two Coast Highway intersections. Traffic Distribution The directional distribution of the traffic approaching and de- parting the Hughes Aircraft plant expansion was assumed to take on the same relationship as that which currently exists. To de- termine the existing directional distribution a peak hour count was conducted of traffic entering and exiting the company's parking lot during the afternoon peak period starting at 3:30 PM. Since the parking lot has access only onto Superior Avenue and the City limits lies immediately to the north; it is only - that traffic which enters from the south and exits to the south which needs be traced through the City. The parking lot turning movement count reveals the following information regarding the existing travel patterns: 1. 42% of the travel is via Superior Avenue southerly of the site (58% uses Superior Avenue to the north which is essentially out of the City) . 2. The inbound to outbound ratio of travel during the afternoon peak period is 28% inbound vs. •72% outbound (this split corresponds to ITE's published figures) . Combining the typical trip generation rate of 14 vph during the peak one hour which equates to 28 vehicles per 2-1/2 hour period with the known directional distribution of existing travel to , Hughes plant results in 6 veh./2-1/2 hour peak leaving the plant in a westbound direction and 2 veh./2-1/2 hour peak period ap- proaching via eastbound Superior Avenue. This traffic was traced through the critical intersections. Dissipation of the assigned traffic is on the same percentage basis as the existing turning movements at the critical intersections. The results of the traffic assignment are shown in Exhibit 3. Critical Intersections Analyzed The project site lies within Area 16 which has identified 5 critical intersections. Analysis was performed on the following three: 1. Coast Highway at Orange Street. 2. Coast Highway at Balboa Boulevard/ Superior Avenue. 3. Superior Avenue at Placentia Avenue. The final traffic assignment confirmed that no impact occurred at the two remaining critical intersections within Area 16. Trac- ing traffic through the system resulted in its dissipation to less than one veh/2-1/2 hour peak period (i.e. a fraction of a vehicle) by the time it reached either of these two remaining critical in- tersections. Conclusions Examination of the traffic assignment and distribution (Exhibit 3) shows little impact during the peak 2-1/2 hour period resulting from the Hughes Aircraft project. This plant expansion of 13,000 square feet generates 28 total trips/2-1/2 hours of which only 8 trips/2-1/2 hours impact upon critical intersections. As a result all critical intersection approaches will experience a traffic increase of less than 1%. The most significant increase �3 ' Jt A��o // b o �o ti J S/TE OF P 1/06HES AIRCRAFT . a off' �K w e 41 6 oZ o Jr I Z 3 t0 c-o 9` 9 yh"y O TRAFFIC DISTRIBLITION/ASS16NMENT Q (PEAK 2 % gi? PER/OD) $YiIFT kLE7 T 6OCJC�3M6,46Mn p C GJ�U"L3GyG�d EXHIBIT 3 ' i Y 1 i of traffic occurs on westbound Superior Avenue at Placentia Avenue where 6 veh./2-1/2 hours will be added to the approach traffic compared to the limiting 1% factor which would allow an addition of up to 8 veh./2-1/2 hours and still meet the 1% test. All other critical intersection approaches will be substantially below the 1%. value. ti w. y' "' Appendix V., - ' IG 1% Traffic Volume AnaCysis- Intersection Coast Hiahway/Oran cren Avenue (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 197$) {�pproach Existing Peak 2h Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected project Direction Poak 2y Hour Regional Projects Peak 24 Hour Peak 2Jp.Hour Peak Zh Hourl Volume Growth Peak 22Js Hour Volume Volume Volume w Volume i INorthbound 196 2 —' 198. 2 0 i b lsouthbound i 191 2 — 193 2. 0 Eastbound 2610 2.3 Z3 26-56' 27 1 I estbound 5-088 44 16'9 5301 53 3 ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ' Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic, Volume Pntersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. W , u + t Hughes -Aircraft Plant Expansion DATE* May 7 , 1979 PROJECT: i W 1% Traffic Volume Analysis- Intersection Coast Hwy/Balboa Bivd-Superior Ave. (Existing Traffic Volumes basedpn Average Winter/Spring 1978) Approach Existing sting Peak 2y Hour Approved Projected I% of Projected Project Direction I Peak 2k Hour Regional Projects Peak 2$ Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2y Ndur Volume Growth Peak 211 Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 1658 14 -- 1672 I Asouthbound I 2303 20 -- 2323 23 5 Eastbound 3202 28 2'3 3253 33 1 ! Westbound 3460 30 176 3666 37 ------------ • t W. ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume W, ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than. i% of Projected Peak 2-1-2 Hour Traffic Volume Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) .Analysis is required. • I (1) Balboa - Superior is assumed north-south. r • i t ' Hughes Aircraft Plant Expansion OATF: May 7. 1979 PROJECT: FORM i r 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Placentia/Superior (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1979) (Approach Existing Peak Zy Hour Approved Projected. M of Projected. -Project ^ Direction Peak 2A.Hour Regional Projectr Peak 2>1,Hour, Peak ZJ Hour Peak 24 Hourl I Volume Growth Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume ! Northbound 1004 6 -- . 1011) 10 -- I, i5outhbound I 658 4 -- '662 7 -- ,Eastbound 1168' 7' -- 1175 12 2 »� Westbound 774 4 -- 778 8 6 Q Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2= Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I..C.U. ) Analysis is required. (1) Superior is assumed east and. west } + Ijughes Aircraft Plant Expansion OATE: May 7r 197,9 PROJECT: ' HUGHES AIRCRAFT TRAFFIC STUDY FOR TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE IN NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1 ' May 1979 ' Prepared by Alderman, Swift & Lewis 2921 South Main Street, Suite C Santa Ana, California 92707 1 (714) 979-1761 1 ' FRANK E ALOERMAN iO.NMER C0N54IUP l WILLIAM O.LEWIS ' FRANK M SWIFT VICC PR Ev10ENT LEWIS W GARSER NCR RRESSCENT ALDERMAN, SWIFT & LEWIS CONSULTING ENGINEERS ROY N LAMAR ASSPIATE OOUGLAS J REINHART A_.56C,4TE May 9, 1979 City of Newport Beach. 3300 Newport Boulevard ' Newport Beach, California 92663 Attention: Mr. Fred Talarico ' Dear Fred: Subject: Hughes Aircraft Plant Expansion Traffic Study ASL Consulting Engineers is pleased to submit our traffic t study completed in compliance with the guidelines outlined in the City' s Traffic Phasing Ordinance for the 13, 000 square foot expansion of the Hughes Aircraft Company. ' We find the project does not increase traffic one year after completion on any approach to a critical intersection by- as much as 1% during any 2-1/2 hour peak period and therefore qualifies for a finding of T.D. 2. We wish to express our appreciation for being selected to per- form this study and acknowledge the cooperation and assistance provided by yourself and Mr. Rich Edmunston which enabled us to complete the work quickly and easily. ' Sincerely, Foe St Senior Traffic/Transportation Engineer ' California Reg. No. C-20258/T-854 JEF:bjb ' 721 FAIR OAKS AVENUE, SOUTH PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91030• (213) 799.7121 • S62-2176 2S21 SOUTH MAIN STREET. SUITE C, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA S2707• (714) 979-1761 7 ' ' Project The Hughes Aircraft Company located at 500 Superior Avenue pro- poses a 13,000 square foot expansion of their plant. This ex- pansion will house employees and equipment necessary to fabricate ' semiconductor integrated circuit boards. The facility is de- signed to accommodate 20 'employees and equipment. Construction is planned to begin in June, 1979 and continue for 6 months. Full occupancy will be achieved in June of 1980 and the year of ' analysis for purpose of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance is 1981. The plant will be operated on a single shift for the first 4 years with the possibility of a second shift being implemented ' in 1984+. tThe plant's location -(see -Exhibit 1) is on Superior Avenue near the northern boundary of the City of Newport Beach. As a conse- quence much of the traffic that enters/exits the facility does not impact on the City' s critical intersections. ' A Site Location map is shown in Exhibit 1 and a Site Plan of the ' project itself is shown in Exhibit 2. Traffic Generation The primary source utilized for determination of trip rates was ' Trip 'Generation, An' 'ITE 'Informational: Report -published in 1976 . This reference cites two different land use categories under which ' the Hughes Aircraft plant expansion could fall. Since the project involves both research and development as well as fabrication of ' integrated circuits, it could be classified as either Industrial or Manufacturing. Industrial land uses produce an average of 5 .43 ' trip ends (TE) per day per 1000 gross square feet (GSF) of plant area with a peak hour generation factor of 1. 05 TE/hour. Given 5 ' > punn ai -'Mzrllll,� 0 "7OO KNOWELL PLa EAGTERR CEb p a RAY ST RACE_. ggCOVE ST YORKSliIREO B I7:(i f a OTM v Q .8 ST ¢SEAL STa > ¢I Q9G4`J¢lA 'f! > 1 v EVERGREEN PL ROSS ST a 4rO�Y. i s q`•j/T10I m DOGWOOD ST J w z SURF ST RERNARD ST y ' ♦ ,4n• �y o a� o, CEDAR PL ARBOR 'rr ST W gg ¢ Y u.'l. 919TN u m S w g ■ 2 o-dp ,(�J��pa„ " ,,'J ' 900 y pL MEN ST o a CEN fR i ST. /9T ty`ypJ• �fAIINNILI//J A� o TOWNE S7 WEE DR C � OOSTA V • �fp At �SPq / i.STAR FISH Cl IR / O~ ` a 6J = •MESA i C l/ 1.STARFISH tt (` i8 $COT P O pa .-;PK 1)a Q yfS ' As : _ pIR _ STi z Cy 4 Ix.OISWV RY DNtt e ❑ Tx o -J Of O rt s.wuMERxALR J\ 000 —� AME ST ARlts c BR !---eBIGT1rvPER-C�' SUNSCI'OR- Q S ALIMpR p OR yJ¢` yt. A, y, P T.VINDSONG CT Qy h .qy S.SURFSIDE CT • I w NEWTON WY TERMINALi WY xv `��n 9.RIPTIDE 1 10.STARBURSTtt �_ x o FJ SRS J•��y Q t 11.MOONRISED g Q t l 12. �} 17Tx ST OOS D'P P 14 SEABIRD CT I TOO 60 P / 2!3 Q• 15.5EANIST CUT 900 y o. IS.SANDfLOWERCT T P 5 7 IA"DANCE CT R I u FARAD STz c0 55 !v o 'U,LATITUDE OR NEWHALL ST m M,y !0/ Br/J �� �q S'116 o m _�141 \ m 80N'AS WY o f C4C O�PjSOG t gsfS Ji 1, aa'g !/V TN so ST 6 Jy J Lh• /4• l Q.J R'ip NRRPfR •y S sT Boo Too sR 2or ! PARR A:agSS/f 9 k k S g y4k S ` 9 a PRODUCTION C r •rN 'PO,1. S I O 0 ¢p Ignu VN "Y Tmsu.nA T --%1 G_^o., 'E ].Ixrneno#r m 'e.p ISTM ST ., a• Qv�pS 9/fv Of J Z.9° (� • A• os 9l 9 ) ° o e se Sy � °'�°x` ' ,� OAST I I 3 `Ch�o�•,•w'', " `� c+a ° i' nPA% El A0.1 O: vAW•(P.\? CS)•� yam° . , L�'¢WT?C QP t4 t �^' A¢• y fAray N/y 3 +`O: o`.•, fi M O OPP@' '�`3 P Pp a S T�` ' sr 0 O;T' f f B cr+p` pA� N SP Q �,�• ,I, r51' ¢. r„� P d/ NEWPoNT HARBOR b N A'T'•r ab[' : `* <At�j 3 )Q S P - S J M' 0 y09i~`r�. �o L, q g6Fyy ef� I W �p0 fYIFFD ..AV n `y°r o�P SPj NIGH SCHOOL `�h"acre° y a°A'¢^"fS 9zoo f1 I 2 ••AV—�%�°`'S'�v'Av G Of ., r NMb/ Sr y yro 20 a , LAY 3400 ■r o T s �:Sg °4 o PAD 4 JAMES IAra 40 y 9l Uifl B00 ~ O` �JR NS a m Z � 200 ' �/� I A AA40° y9 oq �\gPy y a: O eA/Jy /.Ft, I w �2p Z CLfFF Y x a :y OP IA\Q4�' O of l9� .t i I 0^IS` YI A 94Y' 4t\ ! u:Wl sl>o Y o I b 4' 6 ryR J ti U. PARR¢J. J +dn�� � � CIuO� VI—�0•q�r D ^J�y440y4 � g v P �\��\ r b o e � e</ �a • o ay,°¢C/N °¢'f i ,hA yt y yt' r a 5 4 vV o Ce 0 • g �vJ � / 'h�iP p54 tt. / 'i Wioii sns •a� .t d' �Ayyy° i�C P iflt / °JbN'h\`'t)'' 9"f'�, •4 � •r '�u��xouii# °��r i 0�"'!�'D - I SITE ' S/TE L 0CAT/ON MAP SWIFT JL L82"[IS 60�nIE�Md4UMn L G G7®OfrJ'G C�G3� EXN/B/T / I� -FxrbTIt' G �CRKING LOT' -� ra • ,. Q r 4 1 ' (»N w•nLL•a MMa� I ro2!dtl IYl d •P.^ ,iMu•urL Ml r a NEW-ADDITION 13;QDO SQ.Ft �9L r� h yi.nve t, �C = � • '''}}} nY- nr-4 �•' +on „rN-f 7'.e:L ..... ^ 3 rT tc El A1!D.•1 e. : A•ra.•a b-t:N.-I g d • \ C.P.M. 0 tt mj aLoa's`A c-FtM.•9 I nf,f GROUND Ftoolf I 1-3 • Y ` O[COND FLooA is Loos *5"i ALDf.Oco. GROUND FLOW% GROUND DIOO•A L o W lA LOVOL r f f •ecr .qqA A•RN:4 eRP}L.NYtL a t Laval • e as as n,a•ee ,.• fa.L.1MIr1 Rao , f,a, Le N• ; / �.rH 'Lawae Lava► ' ro I a 1 -d-d V%jQP w{ ' the 13, 000 square foot plant expansion a total of 71 ADT and 14 ' TE/Peak hour can be expected. A check on the traffic generation is provided by utilizing employees as a base •instead of plant area. ' Hughes Aircraft anticipates 20 employees to be housed within 'the 13, 000 square foot area. Typical trip generation rates are 3. 0 ' TE/day/employee and 0.57 TE/Peak hour/employee. The results of this computation yields 60 ADT and 11.4 TE/Peak hour which shows reasonable correlation with those predicted by using floor area. Slightly lower traffic generation rates would be appropriate if the plant expansion were solely a•manufacturing process (i.e. rates equal 4 .10 TE/day/1000 GSF of 2.17 TE/day/employee) . How- ever the minor research and development effort that is planned will generate somewhat greater traffic if the plant were purely ' a manufacturing operation. ' Similarly the employee- density of 1.5 employees per 1000 GSF in- dicates a light industrial category (rather than industrial) which produces nearly identical generation rate factors (i.e. ' 5.46 TE/day/6000 GSF or 3.20 TE/day/employee) might also be ap- propriate. However the industrial traffic generation rate was ' based on a significantly large number of studies (96 vs 13) and was therefore thought to be a more representative figure. For purposes of estimating, future traffic growth, regional traffic ' constituting 12% of the Coast Highway ADT was utilized in the vic- inity of the project and a similar figure was used for the inter- section of Superior Avenue and Placentia Avenue. A 1979 traffic ' count was conducted at Superior and Placentia whereas as 1978 fig- were available for Coast Highway intersections. The base year for ' analysis purposes (i.e. one year after project completion) was taken as 1981. This required projecting two year' s growth at the t intersection of Placentia and Superior and three year' s regional growth on the two Coast Highway intersections. ' Traffic Distribution ' The directional distribution of the traffic approaching and de- parting the Hughes Aircraft plant expansion was assumed to take ' on the same relationship as that which currently exists. To de- termine the existing directional distribution a peak hour count ' was conducted of traffic entering and exiting the company's parking lot during the afternoon peak period starting at 3:30 PM. Since the parking lot has access only onto Superior Avenue and the City limits lies immediately to the north;. it is only that traffic which enters from• the south and exits to the south which needs be traced through the City. The parking lot turning movement count reveals the following information regarding the ' existing travel patterns: ' 1. 42% of the travel is via Superior Avenue southerly of the site (58% uses Superior Avenue to the north which is essentially out of the City) . 2. The inbound to outbound ratio of travel during the ' afternoon peak period is 28% inbound vs. -72% outbound (this split corresponds to ITE' s published figures) . Combining the typical trip generation rate of 14 vph during the ' peak one hour which equates to 28 vehicles per 2-1/2 hour period with the known directional distribution of existing travel to Hughes plant results in 6 veh./2-1/2 hour peak leaving the plant in a westbound direction and 2 veh./2-1/2 hour peak period ap- proaching via eastbound Superior Avenue. This traffic was traced 1 1 iz through the critical intersections. Dissipation of the assigned ' traffic is on the- same percentage basis as the existing turning movements at the critical intersections. The results of the traffic assignment are shown in Exhibit 3. Critical Intersections Analyzed. tThe project site lies within Area 16 which has identified 5 ' critical intersections. Analysis was performed on the following three: 1. Coast Highway at Orange Street. ' 2. Coast Highway at Balboa Boulevard/ Superior Avenue. 3 . Superior Avenue at Placentia Avenue. The final traffic assignment confirmed that no impact occurred ' at the two remaining critical intersections within Area 16. Trac- ing traffic through the system resulted in its dissipation to less than one veh/2-1/2 hour peak period (i.e. a fraction of a vehicle) by the time it reached either of these two remaining critical in- tersections. Conclusions Examination of the traffic assignment and distribution (Exhibit 3) ' shows little impact during' the peak 2-1/2 hour period resulting from the Hughes Aircraft project. This plant expansion of 13, 000 ' square feet generates 28 total trips/2-1/2 hours of which only 8 trips/2-1/2 hours impact upon critical intersections. As a result all critical intersection approaches will experience a traffic increase of less than 1%. The most significant increase 1 C 66�` VJ �\ ro 1 �,o d° p\f��P 6 1 ti 1 w �• S/TE OF a P, HUGHES A/RCAAP•T 0� 1 - \ �pQ 1 � � o Z �0 0 1 3 . 3 2 � 1 \ \ �0 9 qsr c� 1 9 y�t 1 � . 1 1 TRA FFIC DI STI B(1T/ON/ASS/GNMEV T 1 7 (PEAK % #A> PERIOD) 1 SWIFT A LEMS 6C�7G7�NJL�40Mn Ca3 CG.7®DU�IL3 QREi EXHIBIT 3 ' ILA t , ' of traffic occurs on westbound Superior Avenue at Placentia Avenue ' where 6 veh./2-1/2 hours will be added to the approach traffic compared to the limiting 1% factor which would allow an addition ' of up to 8 veh./2-1/2 hours and still meet the 1% test. All other critical intersection approaches will be substantially below the t1% value. ' Appendix tl r 1 ' tie •1% Traffic Volume Analysis • Intersection - coast .Hiahway/Oranae Avenue ' (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 197 8) ' Approach Existing Peak 2y Hour Approved Projected ' 1% of Projected Project Girection Peak 2h Hour Regional Projects Peak 2h Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2y Hour' ' Volume Growth Peak 2$ Hour volume Volume Volume 1 Volume Volume Northbound 196 -2 — 19'8 2 0 1 ' lsouthbound 191 2 — '193 2 0 'h ' Eastbound 2610 23 23 2656 27 1 estbound 5088 44 169 5301 53 3 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected " Peak 21 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Intersection Capacity Utilization ' (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. t ' Hughes .,Aircraft Plant Expansion DATE: Mav 7 . 1979 PROJECT: FORM I ' 1% Traffic Volume Analysis.* Intersection Coast Hwy/Balboa Blvd—Superior Ave. (Existing Traffic Volumes based pn Average Winter/Spring 1978 ) Approach Existing Peak 2k Hour Approved Fftak.211 ted 15 of Projected Project Direction Peak 2y Hour Regional Projects Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2y HourVolume Growth Pak 2kHour Volume Volume I Volume Volume Northbound 1658 14 -- 16�2 17 ' Isouthbound 2303 20 ^— 2323 23 5 LEastbound 3202 28 23 3253 33 1d 3460 An 176 3666 37 ' O ' D Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than. l% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume: - Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. (1) Balboa — Superior is assumed north—south. ' } Hughes Aircraft Plant Expansion DATE: May 7, 1979 PROJECT: 1% Traffic Volume Analysis., Intersection Placentia/Superior (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1979) ' Approach Existing Peak 2h Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project (Direction Peak 2h Hour Regional Projects Peak 2h Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2k Hours I Volume Growth 21*e Hour Volume Volume Volume Vol Vol um t Northbound 1004 '6 -- . 1010 10 -- ' 7Southbound 658 4 -- '662 7 -- Eastbound 1168 7 -- 1175 12 2 ' estbound 774 4 ' -- 778 8 6 D Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 231 Hour Traffic Volume ' ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume: Intersection Capacity Utilization ' (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. ' (1) Superior is assumed east and west ' Hughes Aircraft Plant Expansion DATE••May 7, 1979 PROJECT: FORM I