HomeMy WebLinkAboutTPO008 COMIMOSS.IONERS *r u a ry 19 , 1981 �L w y 1 City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX- res odd to the Commission ' s concerns , including those e'ScP�essed by Commissioner Beek . Commissioner XA 1,en suggested that this item be set as the first age da item for the March 19th tl meeting. Motion Y Motion was made to initiate t roposed General All Ayes X X X Plan Amendment No. 80-3 and set republic hearin Absent * as the first item on the Agenda for fta-rch 19 , 1981 at 7: 30 p.m. , which MOTION CARRIED Request to consider a Traffic Study for a pro- Item #3 posed 18,104 sq . ft. t office building. LOCATION: A portion of Lot 78 , and a portion TRAFFIC of Lot 79, Tract No. 706, located at STUDY 3500-3510 Irvine Avenue ; on the southeasterly side of Irvine Avenue Withdrawn between Bristol Street and Orchard by the Drive , southerly of the John Wayne Applicant Airport. ZONE: C-1 -H and A-P-H APPLICANT: Richard H. Dodd and Associates , Newport Beach OWNER: David Magilavy, Newport Beach Planning Director Hewicker stated that the appli - cant has requested that this item be withdrawn. Planning Director Hewicker referred to the infor- mation submitted by the City Traffic Engineer and stated that the evidence indicates that the ICU in the morning is substantially greater than the ICU in the evening . However, he stated that the peak hour is substantially shorter in the morning than in the evening . He stated that copies of the Traffic Engineering Assumptions and the City Traffic Phasing Ordinance have been attached to the report. - COMMISSIONERS �ruary 19 , 1981 MINUTES City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Planning Director Hewicker stated that a direc- tion from the City Council would be needed in order to change these procedures . He- also stated that a change in these procedures would be- diffi - cult to implement because all of the committed projects evaluated to date , have utilized the p.m. peak hours . He stated that in the • majority of the cases , the p .m. hour is the critical peak hour. Commissioner Thomas stated that MacArthur Boule- vard is becoming a potential problem during the morning peak hours . Commissioner Beek asked if it would be possible for the City Traffic Engineer to log the traffic in the a.m. and the p.m. hours when the routine ' traffic inventory is taken at -the intersections . Mr. Don Webb , Assistant City Engineer, stated that the ICU calculations •are taken. by hand. He stated that the machines take the 24-hour counts which would be difficult to separate into the a.m. and p.m. hours and also does not take into , account any of the turning movements . k � Req'u.est to' permita modification to the Newport Item #4 Plac$ Development Plan so as to reduce the on- site � king requirement from one parking space MODIFICA- per 225sq. ft. of net floor area to one parking .TION NO. space per 50 sq . ft. of 'net floor area , and to 2663 permit the se of compact car parking spaces. in West - conjunction with the expansion of the Far West Savings and Loa Office complex on the property. APPROVED LOCATION: Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 62-37 CONDI- (Resubdi ision• No . 458) , located TIONALLY at 4001 MacArthur Boulevard on the northwesterNy corner of MacArthur Boulevard and"Bowsprit Drive , in the Newport Place Planned Community. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: Far West Savings an Loan, Association Newport Beach OWNER : Same as applicant -9- COMMISSIONERS F*u a ry 5 , 1981 MINUTES In N City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX ytions that such units will be initially ofl~ee,r,�ed to the general public or terms more favoPable to the tenant. CONDITIONS: 1 . That a parcel m ;p` be filed. 2. That all improvement3 be constructed as re- quired by ordinance an the Public Works Department. 3. That an encroachment permit be obtained for any wall in the Grand Canal publiclright-of- way. Request to consider a Traffic Study for a pro- Item #5 posed 18,104 sq. ft. f office building. LOCATION: A portion of Lot 78, and a portion TRAFFIC of Lot 79 , Tract No . 706, located STUDY at 3500-3510 Irvine Avenue, on the southeasterly side of Irvine Avenue, Continued between Bristol Street and Orchard to Febru- Drive , southerly of the John Wayne ary 19 , Airport. 1981 . ZONE: C-1 -H and A-P-H APPLICANT: Richard H . Dodd and Associates , Newport Beach OWNER: David Magilavy, Newport Beach Chairman Haidinger asked staff if the ICU of .8748 on Bristol Street and Irvine Avenue, in- cludes the addition of the Corona del Mar Freeway Planning Director Hewicker stated that the ICU does not include the addition of the Corona del Mar .Freeway. Mr. Don Webb , Assistant City Engine r, stated that this calculation is for Bristol Stree South , with the proposed improvements . Chairman Haidinger stated that he is also concerned with Bristol Street North . -9- v COMMISSIONERS [S u a ry 5, 1981 MINUTES F ! I City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Mr. Webb stated that the peak hour calculations were performed in the evening for the southerly portion of Bristol Street and Irvine Avenue . He stated that these calculations do not include Bristol Street North . Chairman Haidinger stated that the morning peak hours are a problem on these streets and need to be considered. Plannin Director Hewicker stated that the Traffic Phasing Ordinance requires that the P .M. peak hours be analyzed . Commissioner Balalis asked if this is the same logic used in the calculations for General Plan Amendment No. 80-3. Mr. Webb stated that the analysis utilized in .General Plan amendments are also evening peak hours . Chairman Haidi.nger suggested that staff consider the Commission ' s concerns when preparing General Plan Amendment No. 80-3. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Balalis , Mr. Webb stated that the intersection improvements at Bristol Street North and Campus Drive do take into consideration the addition of the right turn lane and obtaining the right-of-wa from the County Board of Supervisors . The public hearing opened in connection with this item and Mr. Bill Otey, architect for Richard Dodd and Associates , representing the applicant, appeared before the Commission. Mr. Otey clarified that he does not represent any of the developers who are required to make the improvements under discussion . He stated that they are willing to concur with the staff re- commendation that the traffic study be approved with or without the condition of the circulation system improvement. However, he stated that they are requesting approval of the traffic study without the condition imposed. He stated that the size of the project and the traffic which will be generated is insignificant compared to the other committed projects which will impact the intersection . Mr. Otey stated that as an additional condition' for the development, his client will be granting -10- ` COMMISSIONERS Fe.aary 5 , 1981 • MINUTES City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX to the City of Newport Beach , a 20 foot strip of land for the ultimate purpose of widening Irvine Avenue on the -east side. He stated that this constitutes a significant contribution, along with making the improvements for the widening of Irvine Avenue as well . He requested that this project not be conditioned upon the obligations of other developers , over whom they have no control . Mr. Otey added that currently, his client has the option of developing the parcels with two buildings, without needing approval of a traffic study. How- ever, he stated that his client is desirous of constructing a single building on the two parcels . In response to a question posed by Commissioner Balalis , Mr. Webb explained the nature of the improvements for the ultimate widening of Irvine Avenue . Commissioner Balalis stated that if the developers are not required to make these im- provements , then perhaps they should be required to donate "V number of dollars to ensure that the improvements will be made. Mr. Webb stated that this can be required as a condition, of the building permit. Commissioner Balalis stated that this would be a positive benefit to all parties concerned. Commissioner Allen asked if Condition of Approval No. 1 , for improvements to the circulation system to be completed prior to occupancy, can be waived under the Traffic Phasing Ordinance . Mr. Burnham, Assistant City Attorney, stated that this condition could be waived in this case. Planning Director Hewicker stated that in this particular case , this condition was added only because of the Commission ' s practice in the past with respect to tying .building occupancy to circulation system improvements for the area . In response to a question posed by Commissioner Allen , Planning Director Hewicker stated that the applicant could develop two buildings on- the parcels for a total of approximately 22,000 sq . ft. , whereas the applicant is proposing to 1 one building on the 2 parcels of develop only g approximately 18,000 sq . ft. Commissioner Balali -11 - m ' COMMISSIONERS F*uary 5 , 1981 • MINUTES ' a � x N� � � i� 1 City of Newport Beach 7ROLLCALL INDEX stated that the development of one building on two lots , has a more positive aspect than the development of two buildings on two lots . X Motion was made to approve the Traffic Study with the findings of Exhibit "A" of the staff report, deleting Condition No. 1 , and adding a new Condition No . 1 as follows : 1 ) That "X" number of dollars in cash , as calculated by the City Traffic Department, be contributed to a fund, plus the dedication, to do the improvements to Irvine Avenue across their frontage. SubstitutE Substitute motion was made to continue this item Motion X until a revised traffic analysis can be made that Ayes X X X recognizes that the morning hours are the problem Noes X X at Bristol Street South and Irvine Avenue, which Absent * MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Webb stated that this action will require that a new traffic count be conducted at the intersection , to be funded either by the applicant of the City. Mr. Otey stated that they would not be agreeable in funding another traffic study. Motion K Motion was made to continue this item to March 19 , 1981 , to allow more time to obtain the accurate information from either the applicant or from the staff in cooperation with the applicant. Commissioner Allen stated that a denial of the traffic study may result in the construction of a development that is not desirable . Commissione Thomas stated that , the current traffic study is not necessarily inadequate, but that the infor- mation therein is inaccurate. -He stated that the item should be continued until the accurate in- formation is obtained. Commissioner Balalis stated that the applicant has paid for and conducted the traffic study , which was required and directed by the City Traffic Engineer. He stated that now there are certain additional traffic counts being requested He stated that the City should take the initiativ ' to provide these additional traffic counts , inas- much as the applicant has already complied w.ith the City Traffic Engineer' s criteria. -12- — TCOMMiSSIONERS Aruary 5, 1981 • MINUTES � r;a Q .0 co .5 Cn x N City of Newport Beach 'ROLL CALL V I INDEX Mr. Otey stated that the traffic report was pre- pared under, th•e same guidelines as all other traffic reports have been prepared . He stated that it would be unfair to single out this one traffic study, to find fault with the City' s own criteria . He also stated that they would be withdrawing this item, i.f the Commission did not vote upon it, or. if they were required to do another traffic study. Amendment X Amendment was made to "Commissioner Beek's motion that this item be continued to the meeti"ng of February 19 , 1981 , in order to obtain the re- quested information from either the applicant, or from the staff in cooperation with the ,applicant. Commissioner Balalis asked Mr. Webb if this in- formation could be obtained in two weeks- Mr. Webb stated that an ICU count can be conducted for' the morning hours at this intersection with no problem. He stated that the difficulty will be in readjustments for the committed development!, which were analyzed in the evening peak hours . H stated that he can report back to the Commission in two weeks , as to when this information can be made available. Commissioner Beek su.ggested that Mr. Webb report, _ back to the Commission with the information as to whether the ICU is higher or lower at the A.M. or the P.M. hours at these intersections . Mr. Webb stated that this information can be obtained in two weeks . Chairman Haidinger concurred. ceptance x Commissioner Beek accepted the amendment to his I' ll Ayes X * X XX X X ,motion by Commissioner Balalis . Amended motion was now voted on , which AMENDED MOTION CARRIED. Requue t permit the construction of a 17,006 Item #6 •sq. ft. of�% dditional office space with associ - ated parking , l,agdscaping , and other facilities NEWPORT in conjunction thercewith . Said application also PLACE includes the acceptant* of an Environmental TRAFFIC Document. PHASING PLAN LOCATION: Parcel 1 of Par cel heap 63-27, AMENDMENT (Resubdivision No. 458�1"ocated NO. 2 �'pw T • Planning Commission Meeting 19 , 1981 Agenda Item No . 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Traffic Study (Continued Public Hearing) Request to consider a Traffic Study for a proposed 18,104 sq .ft.± office building . LOCATION: A portion of ' Lot 78, and a portion of Lot 79 , Tract No . 706 , located at 3500-3510 Irvine Avenue, on the south- easterly side of Irvine Avenue between Bristol Street and Orchard Drive , southerly of the John Wayne Airport. ZONE: C-1 -H and A-P-H APPLICANT: Richard H . Dodd and Associates , Newport Beach OWNER: David Magilavy, Newport Beach Background This item was continued from the February 5 , 1981 Planning Commission meeting , at which time the staff was directed to review the Traffic Study and prepare an additional analysis to determine if the "Peak Hour" occurred during the morning or afternoon at the intersection of Bristol Street and Campus Drive and Irvine Avenue . Subsequently the applicant has requested that the Traffic Study be withdrawn from further considerations . In the meantime the staff has proceeded with the requested analysis and a report from the City Traffic Engineer is attached . Both the Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TPO) and the City Council Policy S-1 which sets forth the administrative procedures for implementing the Traffic Phasing Ordinances require that a "Peak Hour" analysis be performed. In 1978, which was the first year the City compiled data for use in the TPO studies both a .m. and p.m. intersection counts were made at that time it was determined that in almost all cases the "Peak Hour" occurred in the p.m. On August 28, 1978 a report containing a compilation of the various documents related to the Traffic Phasing Ordinance was presented to the City Council . This report among other documents included a list of eight traffic engineering assumptions to be used in making the re- quired analysis among their assumptions were : -1 - TO : 0Planni,ng Commission -2. _ 2h hour peak traffic volumes occur from 3:30 p .m. to 6:00 p .m. Critical peak hour occurs during the p .m. - 2k hour peak period. The report was subsequently adopted by the City Council on August 28, 1978 and, with the exception of the update of the base data , has served as the ba-sis for the preparation of all traffic studies since that time. Respectfully submitted, PLANNING DEPARTMENT J•". - nulo D. Hew cker, Director k Attachments : Staff Report Dated February 5 , 1981 Letter of Withdrawl Traffic Engineering Assumptions Traffic Phasing Ordinance Council Policy S-1 Report from City Traffic Engineer Planning Commission Meeting_ February 5 , 1981 Agenda Items No.. 5 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Traffic Study (Continued Public Hearing) Request to consider a Traffic Study for a proposed 18,104 sq . ft.± office building. LOCATION : A portion of Lot 78, and a portion of Lot 79 , Tract No . 706, located at 3500-3510 Irvine Avenue , on the southeasterly side of Irvine Avenue, between Bristol Street and Orchard Drive, southerly of the John Wayne Airport. ZONE: C-1 -H and A-P-H APPLICANT: Richard H . Dodd and Associates , Newport Beach OWNER: David Magilavy, Newport Beach The above subject item was continued by- the Planning Commission from its meeting of January 22, 1981 . Subsequent to this meeting the applicant has provided additional information related to land uses on the subject property (le•tter attached) . The letter indicates that there are approximately 2000± sq. ft. of development existing on site if the Planning Commission approves this project the applicant would be permitted to construct 18,104 sq . ft. of new construction plus replace the existing on-site development of 2000± sq . ft. for a total of 20,104 sq . ft. The applicant has indicated, though, that is his intention to only build a 18,104 sq . ft. building. The traffic ' consultant has indicated that giving credit for the 2000 sq . ft. of existing development would not significantly change the findings of the Traffic Study. Respectfully yours , PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER , DIRECTOR By� Fred Ta arico Environmental Coordinator FT/tk Attachment : Letter from Richard Dodd and Associates - January 26, 81 Original Staff Report (714) 673-0990 RICHARD H DODO a ASSOCIATES 201 SHIPYARD WAY BERTH A CABIN F NEWPORT•BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92663 January 26, 1981 Mr. Fred T'alarico Enviromental Coordinator Planning Department artment City of Newport Beach $300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Fred: In regard to the traffic study for our project at 3500-3510 Irvine Ave , it has co me to my attention that we were not given credit for 2000 sq,., ft. (1000 sq. ft. on each of the two adjacent lots) of office space existing on the site which will be replaced b building. y our Through conversations with you and y with Bill Dickson of Herman and Associates , it ism understa Kimmel add Y understanding that we would be allowed to this 2000 s . ft. to the q project. Alternatively, we would be allowed to build 9 ,999 sq, ft. plus replace the existing 1,000 sq. ft. for a total of 10 ,999 sq• ft. on each of the existing adjacent parcels w'J P without a traffic phasing stud P ff Y• We regret that this information was not reported in the traffic study or findings , but we hope that you will bring this to the attention of the planning commission. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely yours , RICHARD H'. DODD & ASSOCIATES t � .,.a D. William Otey Recek�o v :bg �/Q Rry lv \2 s I9 ro orr 81�* cc: David r 1 Magilavy 'g EwpoR of ro c e� n o • A W FEa. 5, Planning Commission Meeting ftMMT v—pp 1981 Agenda Item No. g $ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH January 16, 1981 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Traffic Study (Public Hearing) Request to consider a Traffic Study for a proposed 18, 104 sq . ft. + Office building. LOCATION: A portion of Lot 78, and a portion of Lot 79, Tract No. 706, located at 3500-3510 Irvine Avenue, on the southeasterly side of Irvine Avenue between Bristol Street and Orchard Drive , southerly of the John Wayne Airport. ZONE : C-1 -H and A-P-H APPLICANT: Richard H. Dodd and Associates , Newport Beach OWNER: David Magilavy, Newport Beach The applicants have requested the Planning Commission 's approval of a Traffic Study for the purposes of issuance of building and grading per- mits in conjunction with the construction of a two-story office building ( 18, 104 sq. ft. ) to be located at 3500 and 3510 Irvine Avenue in the Santa Ana Heights area . The Traffic Study for the proposed office building has been prepared in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Muni- cipal Code ( "Traffic Phasing Ordinance") . A copy of the Traffic Study prepared for the City by Herman Kimmel and Associates is attached for Planni-ng Commission review. Traffic Study The City Traffic Engineer has determined that the following intersections will be affected by the proposed project based upon it 's size and geo- graphic location : I . Bristol St. (N)/Jamboree Rd. 2. Bristol st. (N)/Birch St. 3. Bristol St. (N)/Campus Dr. 4. Jamboree Rd./Bristol St. S. Irvine Ave./Bristol St. 6. Irvine Ave./Mesa Dr. 7. Irvine Ave./University Dr. 8. MacArthur Blvd./Campus Dr. •_ . P TO: Planning Commission - 2 The traffic analysis indicated that all of the above intersections, ex- cept Bristol St./Irvine Ave. , will have traffic volume increases of less than 1% as a result of the proposed project deve-lopment. In accordance with City Policy S-1 an I .C.U . analysis was made , The I .C.U. analysis of the Bristol St./Irvine Ave . Existing + Committed + Regional 1 .0105 Existing + Committed + Regional + Project 1 .0128 Existing + Committed + Regional + Committed' Improvements 0.8748 Existing + Committed + Regional + Committed Imputs & Project 0.8790 No trip generation mitigation measures were required to achieve the I .C.U 's at the intersections . Based on this analysis the Planning Commission can make the required find- ing that the proposed project will neither cause nor make worse an unsatis- factory level of traffic service on any "major", "primary-modifi-e.d" , or "pri- ma-ry" street (Finding No, 2 - Exhibit "A" ) in which case the applicant could build the project without an obligation to construct any circulation system improvements . However, in this particular case committed improvemehts in- clude an additional southbound lane on Irvine Ave. at the Bristol Street fin- tersection. While this improvement is currently the obligation of others , it could be said that is is related to this project and should be the obli- gation of this project in which case Condition No. 1 - Exhibit "A" could be added . The applicant has indicated to st&ff that such' a condition would not be ac- ceptable the two which adjacenteparcels and option remaining building exemptp to from9the9requirements of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. However, the staff feels that a single building containing less space with combined parking and access would be superior to .the two building alternative. Suggested Action If desired, approve the Traffic Study with the Findings and with or without the Condition as indicated in Exhibit Respectfully submitted , PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By ae :F&—arico Environmental Coordinator FT:nma Attachments : Exhibit "A" 1 . Traffic Study - December 18, 1980 EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AS RECOMMENDED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 22, 1981 FINDINGS 1 . That a Traffic Study on the proposed project has been prepared in accordance with Chapter 15. 40 of the Municipal Code and City Policy S- 1 , and; 2. That based on that Traffic Study, the proposed project will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic service on any "major" , "primary-modified" , or "primary" street. CONDITIONS 1 . • That prior to the occupancy of the 18, 104 sq . ft. building .at 3500 and 3510 Irvine Avenue the circulation system improvement depicted on Exhibit . 2 of the Traffic Report dated December 18, 1960, shall have been constructed (unless subsequent project approval requires modification thereto) . The circulation system improvement shall be subj'ect to the approval of the City Traffic Engineer. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Kerman CONSULTANTS immel and Associates, Inc. PRINCIPALS: 4242 CAMPUS DRIVE,SUITE E•6 NEWPORT BEACH,CALIF.92660 HERMAN KIMMEL l71<) 546.9814 H.WILLIAM DICKSON December 18, 1980 City of Newport Beach ^•r� Community Service Department RCr lvc� �Ci� 3300 Newport Boulevard cnt Newport Beach, Calif. 92663' S 198�a• ' 2 a 3PN5 _ Attention Fred Talarico 3 Irvine Avenue Office Project 1., CHLI "Anchor Plaza", Traffic Analysis City of Newport Beach 0) w Gentlemen: The office project proposed at 3500-3510 Irvine Avenue has been analyzed in accordance with the City's "Traffic Phasing Ordinance" . The intersections covered by the analysis are those identified by Richard M. Edmonston, Newport Beach Traffic Engineer. Project Description The proposed project is an 18,104 square foot office building. It is to be located on the east side of Irvine Avenue, south of Bristol Street. Present land uses, adjacent to the project site, consist of an office building and a small commercial convenience facility. The site is opposite the Orange County operated public golf course. Present plans project that the proposed project's offices would be occupied in 1983 . Traffic Generation & Distribution Traffic generation rates, for the type of facility proposed, as established by the City of Newport Beach Traffic Engineering Departtnet, are as follow: �- Page 2 Dec. 18, 1980 Newport Beach Average Daily Traffic Generation Rate = 13 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Project Average Daily Traffic Volume = 13 x 18.104 = 235 T.E.* Total 2.5 Hour Generation Rate = 4.6 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Total 2.5 Hour Volume (Project) = 4.6 x 18.104 = 83 T.E. Inbound 2.5 Hour Generation Rate = 1.2 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Inbound 2.5 Hour Volume (Project) = 1.2 x. 18 .104 = 22 T.E. Outbound 2.5 Hour Generation Rate = 3.4 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Outbound 2.5 Hour Volume (Project) = 3.4 x 18.104, = 61 T.E. *T.E. = Trip End. A trip end is the arrival or departure of a vehicle at the project site. Exhibit 1 shows both the directional 2.5 hour site traffic distri- bution and direction desire percentages in the analysis area. Intersection Analysis 1% Test The "critical" intersections identified by the City Traffic Engineer for a 18 analysis are: 1. Bristol Street North @ Jamboree Road 2. Bristol Street North @ Birch Street 3. Bristol Street North @ Campus Drive 4. Jamboree Road @ Bristol Street S. Irvine Avenue @ Bristol Street 6 . Irvine Avenue @ Mesa Drive 7 . Irvine Avenue @ University Drive 8. MacArthur Boulevard @ Campus Drive Existing and projected 2.5 hour traffic volumes, for each -inter- section, are shown on attached forms. The analysis indicates that all of the intersections identified by the City Traffic Engineer, except Bristol Street at Irvine Avenue/ Campus Drive, will have traffic volume increases of less than 18 as a result of the proposed project •development. • I.C.U. Phase II Test An intersection capacity utilization test, with traffic projected for regional growth, committed project, and project volumes, indi- cates that the intersection of Bristol Street at Irvine Avenue/ Campus Drive would exceed a Volume/Capacity of 0.90% with or with- out the project. our calculations indicate that the proposed project would increase the V/C ratio by only 0.0023% . The calcu- lations are attached. b Page 3 Dec. 18, 1980 Newport Beach Mitigation I.C.U. Phase III Test The City Traffic Engineer, Mr. Richard Edmonston, has indicated that previously committed projects will be providing an additional southbound lane on Irvine Avenue at the intersection. Calculation of the I.C.U. with this improvement shows that the I.C.U. will be reduced below 0.90, without traffic from this project. Additional .traffic from the Irvine Avenue Office Project will not cause the I..C.U. to increase beyond 0.90. Attached is a copy of I.C.U. calculation sheets and Exhibit 2, which illustrates the improvement that will be implemented by other committed projects. Conclusions Although the Irvine Avenue office Project will not meet Phase I and II traffic phasing ordinance tests, it will meet Phase III test with the committed improvement of the additional southbound lane on Irvine Avenue at Bristol Street South. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Respectfully submitted, HERMAN KIMMEL & ASSOC. , INC. 9l*14Y4*--CtV1;40-� H. William Dickson, P.E. RCE No. 19417 RTR No. 39 20°6 f Alk e io% L�j 00%0 9�RGEAIf DI�Sf i?l$lY( ICKJ • 3 Y _00 yfyNOm V12wlomAl.Viclf'21i3 nom �n�nrwrc [wew[[mr+o VWJEC 'r .A?FIC "`� IQVINE AVENUE OFFICE s4,�,alto �QWI: lQylpE p (� • VICINIfY MAP man co.�w�r.wrs and Aaaoc4eaa.�nc. lRtihIJE AV5MUJE �'•'F!o OFF,G� , 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Bristol St. Cam r _ (Existing Traffic Vo umes ased on verage nter/ pring 1980) approach ' Wstin ► Vrtctlon Pest 2i9,our I RpfoniI Approved roJeetW is o1 ►roJeetN Project i YC`,re Growth ►eik 2y Hour VOW* Values (lour Pak 2y Hour Peak 2%Hour' Ii— i Yet Volt ,�se Yolw Volw 7 Northbound 9 3;pw ?ii�'IT z1 I sputhbpw w 2808 23 204 31035 30 10 EasebounA 6581 ��f'o�0 81?45 9 l "stb*und • i [] Project Traffic is estimated to be less than I% of Projected Peak 2;% Hour Traffic Volume ® Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 21i Hour Traffic Volume, Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. r r 3►500-3�[��Y1NB •DVS`tj�_ah"'f=it`d �• PROJECT: -` ' 1 % Traffic Volume Analysis •Intersection Irvine Avenue/university Drive (Existing Traffic Vo umes ase on Average nter pr ng 198.9) �Ippraach Eststte/ ►aat Annvee h►rayl�aetM ft ftwoctN, =4ct' raCtlM hat 7ti WK aa�toa 11tftor ofa "KU Mt 2y Wow Iwt ty Ww ftN 21�Mawr' Vol, WaRh /w! A Ww wiw hiw Velma s thbourml wAW4 1 1951 9 365 6 23 t 2 1 4348 21 202 45#71 46 6 aaceoune 735 34 769 1 8 0 i stboane 133 240 47,3 $ 0 [� Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffi j c is estimated to be greater than I% of Pro jected Peak 23% Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization(I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 3500 - 35k0 2rVI;7Q i4Van4f (?Ffice DATE! !? t2 80 PROJECT FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis intersection Irvine Avenue/Mesa Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average nter pr n9 19 89 1OtAPPieerottse E+itt1M reek re Now RpyrovW ►rojectel t!of"ectod Iroject t i wry ttwr o= th 1 troJects heR ty Meer took tY Mew Veen th tkrr IeeR tti tkrr Voles Volvo Yelur twoome 1212 . 9 352 ?/93 22 2 ! hwthewea 2149 10 20Z 9361 24 9 833 - "_ 833 eeeewiw $ I i ,tbwne 127 427 4 0 oo, g Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 211 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 21% Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 3500 — 3510 .rrvl;w A4 ml74AZ 0 t 0ica ' QATF. 12-12-60 PROJECT FORM I 0 az 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Bristol St./Jamboree Road (Existing Traffic Vo umes ase on verage Inter Spring 1980) IAoOroach Esi:;ing Peak 2y Mour eon --` 01receton leek 2% Hour j, Reglonat Projects Peak h Hour Peakt2y�Hour Pak 2% Hour* roue Grath feat 2%Ik+ur VolumeVol Yotwee Volume 'Northbound I 5614 $ 2064 7j%1 78 i I �southbound 2063 ( 338 AVOW 24 Eastbound 4862 21 964 5,907 se rZ escbound i [v� Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2►s Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to 'be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2-11 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 3500 - 3510 Irvin¢ 4vtanua 4FiPke DATE: 12-12-80 PROJECT: 'FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis intersection Bristol St. (N)/Jamboree Road (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19"80) lApproach fws:mq Peak 2%'Hour Approved YProjected 1% of Projected Project Gtrectlon oel. 2y dour Regional Projects Peak 2q Hour Peak 2%Hour Peea g Hour' rot ae Growth Peak 2y Hour Volume Volute Volute I Yoi Vol r � Nortnoound 6131 7 /02 8�5$ 83 15 i 1 ,Southbound 3003 565 5#72 _% 5 } jEaateduM !..etbcund 1 ? 401 20 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 231 Hour Traffic Volume. . Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 3500- 3510 TI vh7¢ 4Vanua OfF1C¢ oA7 • l2-l2-80 PROJECT: FOPM I N 1% Traffic Volume Analysis :nTraffic Vn Bristol gt. fN�Br (Existing Traffic Volumes ba—se`d"o'n"Average Inter/Spring 1980) !Otraction , Peak 2%9dour ! Ptak nalH�r Projects Projected is of>'rolected project .o!ae Grw.tr. holeete ►eek 2k Hour Peek h Hour ink 2y Hour` h Vol�nt Peak y,Hour WOW* Yolsnt Velma Northbound 904 212 1!6 ll Isouthbound 532 61 t 2729 3 3 iEestbound i i! ii+estoound' i 7220 131 46 9797 9$ [1 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 211 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 211 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C-U.) Analysis is required. 3600- 3510 INi/!¢ .4vr?nt�1z Off'ic¢ oat I -f AWN FORK PROJECT: FORS' I I7 � 1% Traffic Volume Analysis intersection Bristol St. (N)/Campus Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter%Spring 1980) lgirectlon EXI T.I g 1 Peak 2% Hour Approved •Projected M of Projected Project •e:k 2y Hour Regional Projects Peak 2% Hour Peak 21%Hour Peak 211 Hour•V.:74 Growth Peak 2% Hour Volume Volure Ydlume I. Volume Volume 'Northbound 264.3 I 13 440 3P97 31 30 sdYInbound 3552 30 590 4772 48 Z ,Eastbound �estbound 9636 I 41 79 //9:5 IZD 8 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 211 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 21,, Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utiliiation (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 3500- - 3510 IN/i7¢ '•i0V¢/7U¢ (D6PP,Ca DATE• I Z- l 2-8C" PROJECT: FORM I ik 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MacArthur Blvd !Campus Orive (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980) JOppro.ch ' :alitirg ' peek 2+ hour Approved Iro ected Direction , ; rest 25 Hour Mal ►ro ecti• is or Projected Pro YoluR YWarth ►e k 2y Hour Peek 2%Hour ►eek 2y Hour Peek h Hour' Y ume Volume Volume Velure 'Northbound 2921 I 539 446l 45------------ Fj 1 ,southbbund 2738 ( ,369 33 i �EeuoOund 2043 23 (� j `reMound__ 2469 21 3'18 [� Project Traffic is estimated to be less than, 1% Of Peak 2�, Hour Traffic Volume Protected ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2-, Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization(I.C.U. ) Analysis n Y s is required. , 3500 - 3510 Irvin¢ AV/71l¢ 01f/C42 y PROJECT: FOP14 I INTERSION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS pllph� I Intersection Bristol St.%Campus Dr -Irvine Ave ( Existing Traffic Volumes Oases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1980) YArM't+[ E%IS'i%; ►5: EXIST. EAST. REGi O•dd COMIT TCO NOJCCICO WAS Go. U•et CA,,. PR•xR• r/C GROITK PROJECT r/C Ratio rRWict IRWEct Val. Ratio roles roles �/o ►roject rotes r/C Ratio Val" NL NT 3200 7 109 ZC�61 15 .2128 NR 1600 186 .1163 2 ?3 ' 116031 I I I'fOp SL 1600 100 .0625 I ?J OG51 0 GYo31 ST 3200 1184 .3700* 220 102 .4080* 5 ,4103 SR EL 1600 340 .2125 2 149 .5 0 ET 6400 2023 .3948* IC) (o4-1 � at+ 0 1 ER 504 3 3Z 5 WL WT WR YELLOWTIME .1000* �• .I(�00% ' P � P .1OC70 EXISTLNS'1NTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATIONEW/PROPOSE() 8648 EXISTING PLUS CO"ITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH INPRO'IEMENT_S I,C.U.XISTNS PLUS CO"ITTEO PLUS REGIONAL GRO'dTHS PROJECT I.C.U. I,CI�g i 1.0128 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: vsr�n.�,T=,In Ttavl► tt w�/I<: L1 r�F1[ E DATE: IIITATION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANA �$ LYSIS PIdASI%TT. . Intersection Bristol St.%Campus Dr.-Irvine Ave ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1980) r),t,*Jc EXIS11s; ►;::,;.•. LEST, Exist. REGIONAL t6wI I'TED r MICCUO Units Cap. U.ta C�;. WNW. V/C GR74 M . iRGitct Y/t Rabe /tWECT r•:JE[t Vq. 14t1• VOW* Valtam, 4,1I project VOW* Y/t Ratio NL Y•lao MT 3200 7 109, .Z061 15 NR 1600 186 ,l63 2 I3 iCo31 1 i 21 St. 1600 100 .0625 1 1100 ST 3200 - m 0 SR 1184 .3700* : 22• 102 .2,725 5 .29s✓6 EL 1600 340 .2125 2 149 ET 6400 2023 .3948* tO (ps13 5023� 0ER rJO314r 504 3 32 5 WT WR YELIQ'dTIME .1000* EXISTING 1HTERSECT(03 C;DACITY UTILIZATION .8648 E a EXISTING PLUS COMHITTEO PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROYEHENT_5 i.C.U.E , � E EXISTING PLUS, COMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. ❑ Projected 'plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0,90 ® Projected plus project traffic I:C.U. with s less thansystems improvement or equal to 0.90 P nL will be - - Description of system improvement: GOMM ITTE b PeoJPCiTo' Wli.i, ADD ON6 A UDITI01�lAL. 5ocxl'u13ou�.lb LAND 1Nce�a�IN CA i G PIaG ITS( 1=20 M pz0 TO 4600 V.P. N. (4syeiPi txweIT 2). . Tty ��— DATE: IZ- � r BRISTOL STREET / R t / t , / I I I I / jiL I lB*QMMOL.. -+ STREET (sours-1� y .i t t P / CGif�.Y!/TTEO AC�.2/ECTS GYi¢ s�,d Thrgc�h Lan¢ IRVINE A► J�IUE •R�• - EXHIBIT 2 COM M ITTEO 1Po=UF-CTS IMPROVEMEAITS �_o r C714) 673-0990 FRICHARD H DODD & ASSOCIATES 201 SHIPYARD WAY BERTH A CABIN F NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92663 February 12 , 1981 Mr. Fred Talarico y Environmental Coordinator Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Fred: We are hereby requesting that the traffic study for our project at 3S00 and 3510 Irvine Avenue be with- drawn from consideration by the Planning Commission and that no further action be taken. While we regret this turn of events , we want to thank you for all the work and support that you and the rest of the city staff have provided in our behalf. Sincerely yours , RICHARD H. DODD $ ASSOC. a . D. William Otey :bg , Vic'•' '; I�J I� 9 ChC/�"41Ch, l TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ASSUMPTIONS 1• BASE CONDITIONS ARE 1978 WINTER S/ PRING 2 22 HOUR PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES OCCUR FROM 3:30 P.M. to•6:00 p.m. 3. CRITICAL PEAK HOUR DCCURS DURING THE p.m. 22 HOUR PEAK PERIOD 4. TRIP GENERATION RATES WILL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER, 5• TRIP DISTRIBUTION WILL BE- APPROVED BY THE,TRAPFIC ENGINEER 6• LANE CAPACITY IS 1600 VEHICLES PER HOUR PER LANE. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON I.C.U, FORMS. 7• A YELLOW TIME OF 0.10 WILL BE USED FOR ALL I,C,U. ANALYSIS. FURTHER REFINEMENT OF THIS 'VALUE WILL BE NECESSARY TO REFLECT ACTUAL LOSS TIME AT EACH INTERSECTION. 8. EXCLUSIVE FREE RIGHT TURN LANES WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN I.C.U. ANALYSIS. zZ APPROVAL IN CONCEPT PERMIT 15.35.070-15.37.020 15.35,070 Penalties. (a) Anyone in violation of the provisions of this f ''Chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be,%Runishable as provided by the provisions of Section 1.04.010' of the NewPgrt Beach Municipal Code. (b)'No sale or exchange of residential property shall be invalidated solely because of the failure of any person to comply with any provisions of this Chaptirligless such failure is an act or omission which would be a valid ground for resci§a(on of such sale or exchange in the absence of this Chapter. (Ord. 1462 § 1 (pazb), 1972). y '..,Chapter 15.37 APPROVAL'''IN CONCEPT PERMIT : Sections: ; 15.37.010 Intent. 15.31.020 Approval in Concept Penhit. 15.37.010 Intent. In order to comply with thq provisions of Division 18 of the California Public Resources Code, entitled`�1 alifornia Coastal Zone Conservation Commission," and the' South Coast onal Commission's operating regulations, it is necessary for the City of ewport Beach to approve in concept all projects in the Coastal Zone Permit)a ea prior to any action by the South Coast Regional Commission. (Ord. 16 § 1 (part), 1976: Ord. 1621 § 1 (part), 1975). 15.37.020 Approval in Concept Permit. A fee of Twenty-Five D ars ($25.00) is hereby established for the issuance of an Approval in Colice t Permit. However, a fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) will be charged for minor applications, such as signs, swimming pools and jacuzzis, patios, decks, fences and any similar applications for projects which would not increase the floor area or intensity of use. Said fee may be modified in the future to reflect changes in the economy or cost of living indices by Resolution of the City Council. (Ord. 1680 § 1 (part), 1976: Ord. 1621 § 1 (part), 1975). Chapter 15.40 TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE Sections: 15.40.010 Finding. 15.40.020 Purpose. 15.40.030 Traffic Impact Limitation. 15.40.040 Definitions. 15.40.050 Procedure. 15AU60 Fees, 344-15 (Newport Beach 4.15.99) 15.40.010-15.40.030 BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION 15.40.070 Appeal. 15.40.080 Severability. 15.40.010 Finding. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach finds that congestion of streets and intersections, traffic accidents, interference with emergency vehicles, and general overcrowding of existing neighborhoods have resulted, or will soon result,from inadequate phasing of commercial, industrial and residential growth, in relation to traffic capacity, which is harmful to the public health,'safety and general.welfare.(Ord. 1787 § 1 (part), 1979: Ord. 1765 § 1 (part), 1978). 15.40.020 Purpose. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach declares that aggravation of these conditions can be avoided, eliminated or alleviated by enacting the following, designed to permit major development only in those areas of the City of Newport Beach where adequate transportation facilities exist, are being implemented, or will be installed in conjunction with the development which will accommodate the traffic generated by such development, or where other trip generation reductions are adopted which will alleviate traffic impacts.(Ord. 1787 § 1 (part), 1979: Ord. 1765 § I (part), 1978). 15.40.030 Traffic Impact Limitation. (A) Limitation. No building or grading permit shall be issued, and no construction shall be commenced,for any project not exempt from this Chapter until the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach shall make a written finding that the proposed project: (i) will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level'of traffic service on any "major,'' "primary-modified"or"primary"street;or (ii) shall be excepted pursuant to subsection (D) of this section; provided, however, that such finding shall state the exception granted and the facts which justify the exception. (B) Hearing. The Planning Commission shall hold,a public.hearing, noticed in the manner provided in Section 20.80.050(B) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, and shall make its written findings supported by the weight of the evidence. (C) Exemption. Any commercial or industrial project which has a gross floor area equal to.or less than 10,000 square feet,or any residential project of 10 dwelling units or less shall be exempt from the requirements of this Chapter, (D) Exceptions. The Planning Commission shall except any project from the requirements of this Chapter: W if it shall find that the City has issued a building or grading permit for the project prior to the effective date of this Chapter and that the person to whom such permii was issued has in good faith and in reliance upon such / permit diligently'commenced construction and performed and incurred l substantial liabilities for work and materials necessary therefor. No change (Newport Beach 4-15-79) 344-16 i L! I TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE 15.40.040 ' causing a substantial increase in traffic volumes may be made i&such project, ( except in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter; 00 if it shall find that traffic during any 2.5 hour peak traffic period on each leg of each critical intersection will be increased by less than 1%by i traffic generated from the project during that 2.5 hour period; (iii)if, by a vote of four-fifths (4/5ths)of the members eligible to vote, it shall make a decision, supported by a written finding setting forth its reasons therefor, that the benefits of the project, including trip generation reductions, outweigh the project's anticipated negative impact on transportation facilities. The City Council shall not grant the exception under this subsection (iii) on appeal or review until it shall have first made the findings required by this subsection supported by an affirmative vote of four-fifths,(4/5ths)of its members eligible,to vote. n. on a(pro ect,owhicheis not exempt from on for any thisdChapte, shall be apding or otherproved, I conditionally approved or denied within ohe year from the date on which said application has been received and accepted as complete by the City. Any appeal to the City Council from an action by the Planning Comrission on an application or a determination by the City Council to renew an application, shall be made within the time Periods set out in Sections 20.80.070 and 20.80.075 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. In the event action is not taken on an application within the time limits hereof, ( such failure shall be deemed approval of the project which otherwise Is consistent with the ordinances and General Plan of the City of Newport Beach. (Ord. 1787 § I (part), 1979: Ord. 1777 § 1, 1978; Ord. 1765 § 1 (part), 1978). 15.40.040 Definitions. The following terms used in this Chapter shall have the meanings indicated below: UNSATISFACTORY LEVEL OF TRAFFIC SERVICE means peak ; period traffic service,which is worse than Level of Service `D' for one hour ! determined,according to standard traffic engineering practices. PROJECT shall be determined by reference to the California Environmental Quality Act [California Public Resources Code § 21000 et seq.] and the administrative guidelines established thereunder. LEVEL OF SERVICE `D' shall mean that level of traffic service set forth as "Level of Service `D'" in the Highway Capacity Manual (1965) or ; any subsequent edition thereof, provided,however,that such level of service shall not exceed the most appropriate of the following criteria,as applicable: (i) intersection capacity utilization of 0.90; 00 other criteria selected by the City Traffic Engineer which are consistent with subsection (i), and which have been reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission. CRITICAL INTERSECTION shall mean any intersection operating at an unsatisfactory level of traffic service, either prior to or as a result of a i Project, on any "major," "primary-modified,"or"primary"street. ; I 344-17 (Newport Beach 44s-79) i 1 IS.40.050-15.40.080 BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION "MAJOR," "PRIMARY-MODIFIED" or "PRIMARY" street shall be I defined by the .General Plan of the City of Newport Beach, Circulation Element. ELIGIBLE TO VOTE shall mean all members lawfully holding office except those disqualified from voting due to a conflict of interest. (Ord. 1787 § 1 (part), 1979: Ord. 1777 § 2, 1978: Ord. 1765 § 1 (part), 1978). 15.40.050 Procedure. Subject to review by the Planning Commission, the City-Traffic Engineer,exercising professional discretion,shall: (A) Determine traffic ons which will be significantly streets aff ct d by the p oposedpr ject,taking into)account he type. 1 character and location of the proposed project, as well as the character of the streets which will serve the project; (B) Determine if the project, when complete,will cause or make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic services at any such street or intersection; (C)1. Establish standard trip generation figures of project; 2. Establish criteria for calculating trip generation reductions which may result from specific measures proposed by the applicant. The Planning Commission shall specifically find that any such measures can be adequately . quantified and guaranteed to assure the long-term validity of such reductions prior to their inclusion in the traffic analysis; 3. Establish the bases for performing the traffic analysis at project 1 completion; (D) Transmit these determinations to the Planning Commission with recommendations. (Ord. 1787 § 1 (part), 1979: Ord. 1765 § 1 (part), 1978). 15.40.060 Fees. The application shall be accompanied by a fee as established by resolution of the City Council to defray the expense of administering this Chapter. (Ord. 1787 (part), 1978). § 1 (Part), 1979: Ord. 1765 § 1 15.40.070 Appeal. (A) Any determination of the Planning Commission I shall be final unless there shall be an appeal by the applicant or any other person pursuant to the procedure set forth in Section 20.80.070 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Such appeal shall'be limited to evidence presented before, and the findings of, the Planning Commission. (B) The City Council shall have a Right of Review as set forth in Section 20.80.075 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, as limited,above. (C) The City Council shall make its written finding in the same manner as set forth in Section 15.40.030 of this Chapter. (Ord. 1787 § 1 (part), 1979: Ord. 1765 § 1 (part), 1978). 15.40,080 Severability, if any section or portion of this Chapter is declared invalid, the remaining sections or portions are to be considered valid. (Ord. 1787 § 1 (part), 1979: Ord. 1765 § 1 (part), 1978). C (Newport Beach 4-15.79) 344-18 S-1 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES FOR IMPLEMENTING 2/26/79 THE TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE I. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES A. General: I These procedures apply to all commercial or industrial projects which have a gross floor area greater than 10,000 sq. ft. , and all residen- tial projects of more than ten dwelling units. B. Evaluating Projects: 1. The applicant files a request for consideration of the entire project, under the provisions of the Ordinance, with the Community Develop- ment' Department. The request must be accompanied by a project description, project phasing schedule, site plan, and fees as set by the City Council. 2. A traffic analysis shall then be prepared by a qualified traffic engineer according to the methodology approved by the zity Council. d. Staff Recommendation: 1. The City's Traffic Engineer will review the report prepared by the consultant and transmit the findings and worksheet to the Community Development Department for presentation to the Planning Commission. D. Planning Commission Review and Findings: The Planning Commission shall review the determination and recommenda- tions of the Traffic Engineer and the Community Development Department, at a duly-noticed public hearing, and make one of the following findings: 1. The City has issued a building or grading permit for the project prior to May 8, 1978, and that the person to whom ,such permit was • issued has in good faith and in reliance upon such permit diligently commenced construction and performed and incurred substantial lia- bilities for work and materials necessary therefore. No change causing a substantial increase in traffic volumes has been made in such project, except in accordance with the provisions of the Traffic PhasingOrdinance;nc or 2. The traffic projected one year after project completion during any 2.5 hour peak traffic period on each leg of each critical inter- section will be increased less than 1% by traffic generated from the project duringthat 2.5 hour period; p , or 3. A traffic analysis has been performed and accepted. The traffic analysis was based on the projected street system and projected traffic volumes one year after completion of the project or portion of the project for which the traffic analysis was performed. The traffic analysis has shown that at th at time the additional traffic generated by the project,P j . or portion n of the project, including an approved y trip generation reduction measures: 17 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES FOR IMPLEMENTING THE TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE - Page 2 S-1 2/26/79 a. will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of ( traffic service on any "major", "primary-modified", or "primary" street; or b. may cause or make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic service on one or more "major", "primary-modified", or "primar y" streets; or c. may cause or make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic ser- ,vice on one or more "major", "primary-modified", or "primary" streets; however, the benefits outweigh the anticipated nega- tive impact on transportation facilities, for the following reasons: (specify) E. Approval of Applications: A simple majority vote by the Planning Commission, subject to City Council review or appeal, is required for finding D.1, D.2, D.3.a., or D.3.b. A four-fifths majority vote by the Planning Commission (or by the City Council on appeal or review) is required for finding D.3.c. F. Appeals: 1. The determination of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council pursuant to the procedure set forth in Section 20.80.070 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code: 2. The City'Council shall have a Right of Review as set forth in Section 20.80.075 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. II. OUTLINE OF METHODOLOGY FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSES A. Designation of Impacted Intersections and Determination of Project Impact for 2.5 Hour Peak Period: 1. The Traffic Engineer will determine which intersections will be affected by the proposed project according to its size and geographic location. 2. An analysis will be done whereby it will be determined if one year after completion of the project, or portions of the project for which the traffic analysis is being performed, the project (including portions for which traffic analyses have been previously approved) will generate one percent or more of the projected traffic volumes for each leg of each impacted intersection during that 2.5 hour peak period. If less than a one percent increase is demonstrated for each leg, then the analysis is concluded, and finding I.D.2. may be made. B. If the initial Traffic Study indicated the project, or portion of the project, for which the traffic analysis is being performed, one year after completion may generate one percent or more of projected traffic volumes on one or more legs of any impacted intersection, then the Traffic Engineer or a qualified consultant will analyze the intersection capacity utilization for the impacted intersection(s) : T T ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES FOR IMPLEMENTING THE TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE - Page 3 S-1 2/26/?9 The report will, indicate the following: 1. Existing traffic. 2. Projected j d increases in regional traffic. 3. Projected traffic from committed projects that will be completed before one year after the completion date of the project or portion of the for which t project he traffic analysis is bean performed. 8 P rm d. 4. Traffic generated by the proposed project, or portion of the project, without trip ,generation reduction measures. 5. Traffic generated by the proposed project, or portion of the project, with approved trip generation reduction measures. C. Where a full traffic analysis is performed under Section IIB, the following I.C.U. calculations shall be performed for each impacted intersection: 1. The existing I.C.U. 2. The I.C.U., with traffic system improvements that will be installed before one year after project completion. This I.C.U. calculation shall be, based on all projected traffic sources except the proposed project. 3. The I.C.U., with traffic system improvements that will be installed before one year after project completion, based on all sources of traffic, including traffic generated by the proposed project, with approved trip generation reduction measures. This I.C.U. must be 0.90 or less to make finding I.D.3.a. III. DEFINITIONS AND ANALYSIS RESTRAINTS A. Traffic System Improvements Traffic system improvements may be included in the traffic analysis for a proposed project, provided that: 1. The improvement will be completed no more than one year after com- pletion of the project or project phase for which the traffic analysis is being performed; and 2. The improvement is included in the Circulation Element of the General Plan, and is defined sufficiently therein to permit an I.C.U. analysis to be performed; or 3. The improvement design has been approved by the City Council, and is defined sufficiently to permit an I.C.U. analysis to be performed. B. Projected Capacity Increases from Traffic System Improvements 'ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES FOR IMPLEMENTING THE TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE - Page 4 S-1 2/26/79 For purposes of the traffic analysis, 70% of the incremental increase / in intersection capacity (based on a capacity of 1600 vehicles per hour l of green time for each full traffic lane) shall be utilized. Upon completion of the improvement, traffic volume counts shall be updated, and any additional available capacity may then be utilized in future traffic analyses. C. Traffic Volumes 1. Traffic volumes shall be based on up-to-date estimates of traffic volumes expected to exist one year after completion of' the project, or portion of the project, for which the traffic analysis is being performed. Such estimates shall include existing traffic as deter- mined by annual field counts plus traffic generated by previously approved projects or portions of projects expected to exist in the j same time period plus estimated increases in regional traffic. If the intersection configuration being analyzed is the ultimate configuration consistent with the Circulation Element or otherwise approved by the City Council, then the traffic volumes used in the analysis shall include total traffic expected to be generated from all previously approved projects even if they will not be completed at the time the subject project is completed. 2. The incremental regional traffic for the time period between the date of existing counts and one year after ,project completion will be estimated based on the rate projected by the traffic model or on a growth projection developed by the Traffic Engineer and approved by the Planning Commission. 3. For making the 1% test of II.A.2. , traffic volumes shall not be used which exceed the capacity of the circulation system specified in the General Plan. D. Trip Generation Trip generation estimates for the project shall be based on standard trip generation values established by the City Traffic Engineer with the approval of the Planning Commission or City Council on appeal or review. These trip generation figures may be modified only when the applicant proposes specific, permanent measures that will reduce traffic generated by the project, provided that: 1. The applicant describes in writing, in advance of the traffic analysis, the proposed measure, the estimated reduction in trip generation that will result, and the basis for the- estimate. The estimate must be approved by the Planning Commission or City Council on appeal or review before the trip generation figures may be reduced. 2. The applicant provides the Planning Commission with a written assurance that the proposed trip generation reduction measure will be permanently implemented, and agrees to make said permanent implementation a condition for project approval. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES FOR IMPLEMENTING THE TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE - Page 5 S-1 2/26/79 E. Traffic Distribution Traffic distribution shall be based on the traffic network expected to exist one year after project completion including those portions of the network associated with previously approved projects or portions of projects expected to exist at that time. F. Improvements or Modifications to the Circulation System If the applicant wishes to propose quantifiable improvements or changes to the circulation system, which may not appear to be strictly consis- tent with the Circulation Element, or special assumptions as a basis for the traffic analysis, he shall provide a description of such pro- posals in writing to the Planning Commission, along with supporting data justifying their use, in advance of the traffic analysis. Such proposals may then be used in the traffic analysis if they are a by the Planning Commission and the City Council. pproved IV. ISSUANCE OF PERMITS Permits may be issued for all or a portion of a project after an appropriate finding under I.D. has been made. A. Grading Permits Grading permits may be issued prior to performance of the traffic analy- sis if vesting rights associated with grading are waived by applicant. B. Building Permits Where traffic system improvements have been included in the traffic analysis, building permits may be issued only after traffic system improvement timing has been confirmed as follows: I. It has been budgeted and committed for development by the City; or 2. The State or County or other governmental agency making the improve- ment has accepted bids; or 3. The improvement is to be installed or guaranteed by the applicant in conjunction with the development project and is approved by the appropriate governmental jurisdictions. Adopted - February 26, 1979 February 13, 1981 TO: PLANNING DIRECTOR FROM: Traffic Engineer SUBJECT: PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS FOR THE TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE At the request of Fred Talarico, morning and afternoon counts were taken at the intersection of Bristol Street and Campus Drive/Irvine Avenue for comparison purposes. Copies of the 2'h hour peak counts and peak hour ICU's are attached. A review of these counts reveals that while there are approx- imately six percent more vehicles using the intersection in the morning, the ICU is twenty-eight percent higher. This is due to a very high volume using the intersection during the 8:30 to 8 :45 period. The traffic demand for this short period is over 75 percent higher than the average demand in the peak period. One conclusion that can be made based on these counts, is that the morning peak at this intersection is higher, but of a shorter duration than the afternoon peak. An analysis of the V/C ratios on the ICU sheets points up what has repeatedly been said about the need for the extension of the Corona del Mar Freeway to relieve the congestion in this area. Richard M. Edmonston Traffic Engineer RME:tkd III 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection 8e/S7bL T GA'�AMPUS&ZT,eViNE Av (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19B1) AM 10844< Approach Existing Peak 2y Hour A roved Direction p PP Projected 1S of Projected Project j Peak 2y.Hour Regional Projects Peak 2y Hour Peak 2y Hour Peek 2y Hour, Yolume Growth Peak g Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volune !Northbound 258! ISouthbound 65 i p I Eastbound 9110. estbound —' [] Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. PROJECT: AM PEaK INTER CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYS Intersection &SM/- S7-& Wp.J P�Z.L2y/NE4v ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1981) EXISTING PROPOSED EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED Movement Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. PK.HR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT V/C Ratio tiect Volume V/CJECT JEC Ratio Vol. Ratio Volume Volume Volume NL NT 3200 3 .27Z8 NR /&00 3 . 2 44 SL /1000 .0269 ST 9200 .034 SR EL 7 4,979 .6830 ET ER I62 1013 WL -- WT WR YELLOWTIME 1000 jf 1 EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION /.0833 EXISTING PLUS C"ITTEO PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. 1 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 Description of system improvement: DATE: PROJECT FORM II 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection&sra Sr. CJC'AMPGSJ &IT,evwc Al (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1M) Approach Existing Peak 2y Hour Approved Projected 4% of Protected Project Direction j Peak 2hi.Hour Regional Projects Peak 2y Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2y Hour'{ Volume PM Growth Peak 2Y Hour Yolume Volume Volume i Yolune Volume 'Northbound /767 i ISouthbound 6G� i Eastbound ,stbound [] Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 24 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. f+)JECT: INTERSOON CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALY• 3S PM PEAK Intersection &ISToL S & 6"A RVS [),e��j VVIA16 fV ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1961) Movement EXISTING PROPOSED EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED pK.NR. Y/L GROWTH PROJECT V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Lanes LaD• Lanes Cap. Vol. Ratio Volume Volume W/o Project Volume V/C Ratio Volume NL — NT 3200 5 ,1644 NR to 210 11313 SL 0 109,00 ST 2oo O O 3406 , SR EL 2.567 .4010 ET ER (00 (o17 WL WT WR YELLOWTIME I Q00* 1 - t � EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATIONf o $q/6 i EXISTING PLUS C"ITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROYEMENTS I.C.U. i EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: ------- - ------- -- DATE_ — PROJECT FORM II Planning Commission Meeting February 5 , 1981 Agenda Items No . 5 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Traffic Study (Continued Public Hearing) Request to consider a Traffic Study for a proposed 18,104 sq . ft.± office building. LOCATION : A portion of Lot 78, and a portion of Lot 79 , Tract No . 706 , located at 3500-3510 Irvine Avenue , on the southeasterly side of Irvine Avenue , between Bristol Street and Orchard Drive, southerly of the John Wayne Airport.' ZONE: C-1 -H and A-P-H APPLICANT: Richard H . Dodd and Associates , Newport Beach OWNER : David Magilavy , Newport Beach The above subject item was continued by the Planning Commission from its meeting of January 22, 1981 . Subsequent to this meeting the applicant has. provided additional information related to land uses on the subject property (letter attached) . The letter indicates that there are approximately 2000± sq . ft . of development existing on site if the Planning Commission approves this project the applicant would be permitted to construct 18,104 sq . ft. of new construction plus replace the existing on-site development of 2000± sq . ft. for a total of 20,104 sq . ft. The applicant has indicated, though , that is his intention, to only build a 18,104 sq . ft. building. The traffic consultant has indicated that giving credit for the 2000 sq . ft. of existing development would not significantly change the findings of the Traffic Study. Respectfully yours , PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D . HEWICKER , DIRECTOR a By Fred Talarico Environmental Coordinator FT/tk Attachment : Letter from Richard Dodd and Associates - January 26 , 81 1 Original Staff Report { [714) 673-0990 s RICHARD H DDDD a ASSOCIATES 201 SHIPYARD WAY BERTH A CABIN F NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA 92663 January 26 , 1981• Mr. Fred Talarico v Enviromental Coordinator Planning Department City P of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Fred: In regard to the traffic study for our project at 3500-3510 Irvine Ave. , it has come to my attention that we were not given credit for 2000 sq., ft. (100,0 sq. ft. on each of the two adjacent lots) of office space existing on the site which will be replaced by our building. Through conversations with you and with Bill Dickson of Herman Kimmel and Associates , it is my understanding that we would be allowed to add this 2000 sq. ft. to the project. Alternatively, we would be allowed to build 9 ,999 sq. ft. plus replace the existing 1,000 sq. ft. for a total of 10 ,999 sq, ft. on each of the existing adjacent parcels without a traffic phasing study. We regret that this information was not reported in the traffic study or findings , but we hope that you will bring this to the attention of the planning commission. P g Thank you for your attention to his e y y r t matter. Sincerely yours , RICHARD H. DODD $ ASSOCIATES 6� v , r� fPM V William 0 e �p D. 11 t y �ANNI " eFPAR7' NG :bg JAN2 6 7- ciry 981a. cc: David Magilavy 9 NEwPeRTaE cAGIF. �eN, .444 III r r • • r�D. S� i Planning Commission Meeting ft"yn-ry—'P£, 1981 Agenda Item No . -8- 5 _ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH January 16, 1981 TO : Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department ° SUBJECT: Traffic Study (Public Hearing) Request to consider a Traffic Study for a proposed 18, 104 sq . ft. + office building . LOCATION: A portion of Lot 78, and a portion of Lot 79, Tract No. 706 , located at 3500-3510 Irvine Avenue, on the southeasterly side of Irvine Avenue between Bristol Street and Orchard Drive , southerly of the John Wayne Airport. . ZONE : C-1 -H and A-P-H APPLICANT: Richard H . Dodd and Associates , Newport Beach OWNER: David Magilavy, Newport Beach The applicants have requested the Planning Commission ' s approval of a Traffic Study for the purposes of issuance of building and grading per- mits in conjunction with the construction of a two-story office building ( 18, 104 sq . ft. ) to be located at 3500 and 3510 Irvine Avenue in the Santa Ana Heights area . The Traffic Study for the proposed office building has been prepared in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Muni- cipal Code ( "Traffic Phasing Ordinance") . A copy of the Traffic Study prepared for the City by Herman Kimmel and Associates is attached for Planning Commission review. Traffic Study The City Traffic Engineer has determined that the following intersections will be affected by the proposed project based upon it 's size and geo- graphic location : 1 . Bristol St. (N)/Jamboree Rd. 2. Bristol st. (N)/Birch St. 3. Bristol St. (N)/Campus Dr. 4. Jamboree Rd./Bristol St. 5. Irvine Ave./Bristol St. 6. Irvine Ave ./Mesa Dr. 7. Irvine Ave./University Dr. 8. MacArthur Blvd./Campus Dr. TO: • Planning Commission - 2 The traffic analysis indicated that all of the above intersections-, ex- cept Bristol St./Irvine Ave. , will have traffic volume increases of less than l% as a result of the proposed project development. In accordance with City Policy S-1 an I .C.U . analysis was made . The I .C. U. analysis of the Bristol St./Irvine Ave. Existing + Committed + Regional 1 .0105 Existing + Committed + Re9tonal + Project 1 .0128 Existing + Committed + Regional + Committed Improvements 0.8748 Existi-ng + Committed + Regional + Committed Imputs & Project 0.8790 No trip generation mitigation measures were required to achieve the I .C .U 's' at the intersections . Based on this analysis the Planning Commission can make the required find- ing that the proposed project will neither cause nor make worse an unsatis- factory level of traffic service on any "major", "primary-modified" , or "pri- mary" street (Finding No. 2 - Exhibit "A" ) in which case the applicant could build the project without an obligation to construct any circulation system improvements . However, in this particular case committed improvemehts in- elude an additional southbound lane on Irvine Ave. at the Bristol Street lin- tersection. While this improvement is currentlythe i obligation of others , it could be said that is is related to this project and should be the obli- gation of this project in which case Condition No. 1 - Exhibit "A" could be added. The applicant has indicated to staff that such a condition would not be ac- ceptable in which case he has an option of building up to 9,999 sq .ft. on each of the two adjacent� parcels and remaining exempt from the requirements of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. However, the staff feels that a single building containing less space with combined parking and access would be superior to the two building alternative. Suggested Action If desired, approve the Traffic Study with the Findings and with or without the Condition as indicated in Exhibit "A" . Respectfully submitted, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By A a ar co Environmental Coordi-nator FT:nma Attachments : Exhibit "A" 1 . Traffic Study - Decembe.ri l8, 1980 n I I� EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AS. RECOMMENDED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 22 , 1981 FINDINGS 1 . That a Traffic Study on the proposed project has been prepared in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Municipal Code and City Policy S-1 , and; 2. That based on that Traffic Study, the proposed project will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic service on any "major" , "primary-modified" , or "primary" street. A CONDITIONS 1 . That prior to the occupancy of the 18,104 sq .ft. building at 3500 and 3510 Irvine Avenue the circulation system improvement depicted on Exhibit 2 of the Traffic Report dated December 18, 1980, shall have been constructed ( unless subsequent project approval requires modification thereto) . The circulation system improvement shall be subject to the approval of the City Traffic Engineer. A rr�cl�,nr,.T No . I Iq TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ® erman CONSULTANTS Kimmel and Associates, Inc. PRINCIPALS: 4242 CAMPUS DRIVE,SUITE E-6 NEWPORT BEACH,CALIF 92660 (714) 646.9814 HERMAN KIMMEL H.WILLIAM DICKSON December 18, 1980 City of Newport Beach vL"') � � Community Service Department g6r } �' 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, Calif. 92663 1961s _' Attention Fred Talarico 8 -'t' �, ;C I• ,� �4��NP pptl�• ~ Irvine Avenue Office Project 1 / Q "Anchor Plaza", Traffic Analysis City Newport of Ne ort Beach Gentlemen: The office project proposed at 3500-3510 Irvine Avenue has been analyzed in accordance with the City's "Traffic Phasing Ordinance" . The intersections covered by the analysis are those identified by Richard M. Edmonston, Newport Beach Traffic Engineer. Project Description The proposed project is an 18,104 square foot office building. It is to be located on the east side of Irvine Avenue, south of Bristol Street. Present land uses, adjacent to the project site, consist of an office building and a small commercial convenience facility. The site is opposite the Orange County operated public golf course. Present plans project that the proposed project's offices would be occupied in 1983. Traffic Generation 5 Distribution Traffic generation rates, for the type of facility proposed, as established by the City of Newport Beach Traffic Engineering Deparmtnet., are as follow: Page 2 • Dec . 18, 1980 Newport Beach Average Daily Traffic Generation Rate = 13 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Project Average Daily Traffic Volume- = 13 x 18 .104 = 235 T.E.* Total 2.5 Hour Generation Rate = 4.6 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Total 2.5 Hour Volume (Project) = 4.6 x 18.104 = 83 T.E. Inbound 2.5 Hour Generation Rate = 1.2 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Inbound 2.5 Hour Volume (Project) = 1.2 x 18 .104 = 22 T.E. Outbound 2.5 Hour Generation Rate = 3.4 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Outbound 2.5 Hour Volume (Project) = 3 .4 x 18.104 = 61 T.E. *T.E. = Trip End. A trip end is the arrival or departure of a vehicle at the project site. Exhibit 1 shows both the directional 2.5 hour site traffic distri- bution and direction desire percentages in the analysis area,. Intersection Analysis 1% Test The 'critical" intersections identified by the City Traffic Engineer for a 1% analysis are: 1. Bristol Street North @ Jamboree Road 2. Bristol Street North @ Birch Street 3 . Bristol Street North @ Campus Drive 4 . Jamboree Road @ Bristol Street 5 . Irvine Avenue @ Bristol Street 6 . Irvine Avenue @ Mesa Drive 7. Irvine Avenue @ University Drive 8. MacArthur Boulevard @ Campus Drive Existing and projected 2.5 hour traffic volumes, for each -inter- section, are shown on attached forms . The analysis indicates that all of the intersections identified by the City Traffic Engineer, except Bristol Street at Irvine Avenue/ Campus Drive, will have traffic volume increases of less than 1% as a result of the proposed project development. I.C.U. Phase II Test An intersection capacity utilization test, with traffic projected for regional growth, committed project, and project volumes, indi- cates that the intersection of Bristol Street at Irvine Avenue/ Campus Drive would exceed a Volume/Capacity of 0 .90% with or with- out the project. Our calculations indicate that the proposed project would increase the V/C ratio by only 0.0023% . The calcu- lations are attached. b Page 3 • Dec. 18, 1980 Newport Beach Mitigation I.C.U. Phase III Test The City Traffic Engineer, Mr. Richard Edmonston, has indicated that previously committed projects will be providing an additional southbound lane on Irvine Avenue at the intersection. Calculation of the T.C.U. with this improvement shows that the I.C.U. will be reduced below 0.90, without traffic from this project. Additional traffic from the Irvine Avenue Office Project will not cause the I.C.U. to increase beyond 0 .90. Attached is a copy of I.C.U. calculation sheets and Exhibit 2, which illustrates the improvement that will be implemented by other committed projects. Conclusions Although the Irvine Avenue Office Project will not meet Phase I and II traffic phasing ordinance tests, it will meet Phase III test with the committed improvement of the additional southbound lane on Irvine Avenue at Bristol Street South. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Respectfully submitted, HER/MAN KIMMEL & ASSOC. , INC. H. William Dickson, P.E. RCE No. 19417 RTR No. 39 2U°,6 f rf G f GC� h1 f�'' 00% �RGF.t�►t 1�1�f218�1'iCxs • 10°6 ti 00 ZI AMOM Vl2WlOMAL VlcJTVIPSUtlON 3 • C2ITICAL, Iui' U9 GTION ej tw SOW 1131T 1 5°6 9WJ eC:r -(QAPrIG mt�f�Mn�rnune u.aacum 1Oo� ®ii��r klenrnN and wLTANTS soclatH.W4. -� �ISIU113LI VV4—;On le-VINE AVENUE OFFICE S r+ ' I�IIV6 p 4y 8� rnnrnc ewawcenv.o Y lClNl*fY MAP F ®l�rman coww�*wwrs klmrn�l antl AwoclMos.hc. )WINE AVENUE •90 OFF:G6 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Bris l St. Cam urar - v asedo(Existing, Traffc Volumes ge Winter/Spring 1980) 1APProach ' Existing ' Peak 25 Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Pett 2-1 #four ! Regional Projects Peak 25 Hour Peak 25 Hour Peak 25 Hour- we! Growth Peak 25 Hour Yd1ueM YotUT* Volume Yolune Volume Northbound 1774 I 9 01 1,Southbound 2808 pm ZOW 3;035 30 10 } ¢astbound ° 6581 86 9 ? 1:estbound i Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 21f Hour Traffic Volume ® Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 21s Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 3a500-�1��Y1�1� ��w1L1�S?F�►G� --- - __�=7:.�12-12:8.Q_ PROJECT: f • • 4 J 1 % Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Irvine Avenue/University Drive (Existing Traffic Vo umes based on Avverage nter pr ng 1980) lipprdach E W%tles Peak rs'Nw, Appro"d acted is of Projected ►roJact �Otnego" i hat t.2 Near sas 1 "ects Peak 2%Now` Peak 2y New Peak zh Now I VOTUM Growth Peak Ey New Vales Voles voles volume V9109 1951 9 365 6 23. ka,thkouM j 4348 21 202 4671 46 6 astbound 735 34 769 8 O i i stbwnd 133 �— 24C 4#73 5 O (� Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 211 Hour Traffic Volume ' ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 211 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. SSW - 35kO . fW' 742 Avant u OMIja¢ DATE: /2- 12-80 PROJECT FORM I 1 ' 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Irvine Avenue/Mesa Drive (Existing Traffic Vo umes ase on verage Winter prang 1989 �kproaeh Existing peak ty Heur rpprorad Project" is of Projected Project Dtnction i Peak 2%Hour Regional ►%facts Peak A-Hour Peak A Moor Peak 2h Hour. i Volute Growth Hour VOW* Yalu" Volume0l ume �Hbrthbound 1832 9 352 4193 22 2 Isoethbound 2149 10 202 a361 24 9 (Eastbound 833 — 853 8 1 i stbound 4"27 4Z'7 4 0 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume ❑ . Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2)S Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 3500 — 3510 -ZNVh7Z AZZ/74fe 060 C2 DATE: 12-12-80 PROJECT FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Bristol St./Jamboree Road (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Avenge inter Spring 1980) (Approach Eaistinq I Peak 2y Hour Approved $roytcted 1% of Projected Project Gtreetfon oeY• 2S Hour I Reglond Pro�eets PeakA Hour Peek 21%Hour Peak 21* Hour- I j tolrt Grath Peak 24 Hour volume volume volume t I volvae voluM i 'Northbound I 5614 3 2064 7.881 78 Z 1 , Isouthbauna i 2063 1 338 2402 24 9 I astbound 4862 21 964 i estbound — } [vr Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 211 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 3500 — 3510 IN/%7¢ .4y ,041Q OWN= DATE: 12-/2-80 PROJECT: FORt9 I I.j 1% Traffic Volume Analysis intersection Bristol St. (N)/Jamboree Road (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980) jApproaCh iv-.sting Peak 2y Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project ; •Gsrettion ;N. 21s dour Regional Projects Peak 24 Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 213 Hour' ro: Growth Peak 24 Hour Volume Maine Volume Volume Volume Northbound 6131 7 2IO2 8�58 83 15 .Southbound 3003 565 3LSP74E 36 5 f jEastoound — 4 ' 0 1 '7 4 ZOOS 20 I '.estoound 16 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peal: 23-2 Hour Traffic Volume [] Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 24 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 3500- 36(O Irvir!¢ Ava tla 0106m DATE.• 12-12-80 PROJECT: FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis :ntersection_ Brisol . ch t (Existing Traffic Volumes bsd ( Age in ter/Spring 1980) �Appro ch -E.tsting Peak 2y Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peek 2% dour Regional Projetts Peek 2q Hour Peek 2y Hour Peak 25 Hour' I 'Val, a Grwtr. Peak 2%Hour Ohm Volume VOW* volane Yolwt Northbound 904 212 L.116 11 oUthbound 2729 539 3 61 33 Qf i �Eastbdund ettboend i 7220 1'� 1 '12946 979? 98 f� Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2, Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. e 3600— 3510 l voa .4vt zle Oflflica DATE: 12-M!80 PROJECT: FOR14 I 15 1% Traffic Volume Analysis intersection Bristol St. (N)/Campus Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980) ,Approach ' £x:tti,g j Peak 2% Hour Approved •Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction. Peak 2y Hour Regional Projects Peak 21% Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 24 Hour' i Yc'.u're Grath Peak 2y Hour Volume Volure Volume , Vor=thh2 Volwe �/� 'Northbound 26�� I �7 440 _Vw 3► 30 ISouthbound 3552 3O 590 4770 48 2 1 ±Eastbound "bound 9636 I 41 +�'79 //,956 ►oo s { Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 21-2 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 21s Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 3500- 3510 Irvina 4yalwa OTf'fIC¢ DATE: PROJECT: FORt1 I 0,a Ib 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MacArthur Blvd./Campus Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980) iApproach Existing Peak 2� Hour Approved Pr*Jeete8d 4% of ProJected Project Direr Non Peak h Hour Regional ►rojects Peak 2h Hour Peek 2y Ho r Pak 2y Hour, lfoluee Growth Teak 2% Hour Yoluee VolUne i Velure t Vol uer Volwt �lrthoaund 2921 LS39 4461 45 , thboynd 2738 1 _ 569 V08 33 F `Eastdound I 2043 107 228 23 (, I ' oound 2419 21 3`78 29 1 �esc [� Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2-2 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 35 O - 3510 Irvin¢ AR2n11¢ Of pica DAT • /Z-/Z-90 PROJECT: FOR14 I s INTERSAN CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYO P1.1�jr-, 17 Intersection Bristol St./Campus Dr.-Irvine Ave. Existing Traffic t'olurles Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1980) EXIST, EXIST. REGIONAL CO AIITEO NOJECTED Etli:T\I D:E•'�.;} r/o project Yolu+e Y/C Ratio /RWECT pR:JECT Pa+r.e�t Lanes Cap. La•ea Ce Val. u Y/C GROYTM PROJECT>. Y/C Ratio Val. Ratio YotV Vol" Yolw* NL NT 3200 550 .1719 109 .2081 15 2128 NR 1 1600 186 .1163 1 '73 . 1lc31 I I I"IOD SL 1600 100 .0625 i 0 .06251 0 -Oo31 ST 3200 1184 .3700* 229 10Z .4080* 5 AlCe SR EL 1600 340 .2125 2 149 .3Or0 0 .� ET 6400 2023 .3948* 10 4p43 .502.1piF 0 5051+' ER 504 3 32 5 WL WT WR YELLOWTIME .1000* 100�" ► i •1 EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .8648 i a 1 a EXISTING PLUS C"RTEO PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED iNPROVEMENTS I.C.U.1 1.0IQg i I EXISTING PLUS C04MITTEO PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 1.0128 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: � )- 1� '1'2VIt� , DV -►ll!!� D�F1GE _ __ DATE: i2•L2�__ INTERS#ON CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANAL PWA 0-= Ix' Intersection Bristol St.%Campus Dr.-Irvine Ave. ( Existing Traffic Volumes Oases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1980) ra.re+t a ► "t:. r4N2 Eslsr. REGMNAL co"ITT ED /MECTED Unal cr. Ls.r Y/C GROAM ►RQICCT Y/C Ratio ►RWieT rR`JECT Val. Ratio Yolw Yolw-V w/o ►rolect volt v M/C Rat% Yolvu NL NT 3200. 7 109 .zc& 15 ZI NR 1600 186 .1163 2 't3 I4a31 it 1 1pp SL 1600 100 .0625 1 0 ,06031 0 -C*eP1" ST 3200 1184 .3700 22s l02 .2925' 5 .2'136 SR EL 1600 340 .2125 0 Aq -?OGic) 0 .50oq ET 6400 2023 .3948* 10 "5 T,�023's 0 -50311* 'ER 504 WL WT WR YELLOWTIME 1000* i •l000*i i .l EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZAT108 .8648 EXISTING PLUS CON.`IITTED PLUS 'REG10'1AL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.C.U. '(s{ EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 0190 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 ' Description of system improvement: COMMIT-MO P20JmGi5 WILL, ADD owo, AUD1Ttd�1CS.� eou-r 5ouP.Lb Lt"e, INceI✓as1146i CAPAG►?`( room aZOO 70 4Q,00 V.P. N. 1%XL11$IT Wl - 5510 -MMIKI evP.M1 Ne, �1�1�� _ ._.. DATE: IZ-rt-Ao _ I� j BRISTOL 5TQEET �ivo�ra� Ott / f I • I I 1 BRISTOL -+ STQEET (Sour -4) �N► 7 i I t t P / CClt1"177E*U Fx=tl/EGTS /�P.t�l/E.l9E.1/T -.4tc,7E� / I I 017a S/B Th..,zw */i Lan¢ / IRVINE AVE.l�1l�E EX14151T 2 Tw.CONSULTANTS N!TS CdV3ULTANT3 ��rN and AMOOClitaa'bv. COMM tTTEO P;aD1EGT5 (MPROVEMEtJTS y • Planning Commission Sting January 22, 1981 Agenda Item No . 8 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH January 16 , 1981 TO : Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Traffic Study (Public Hearing ) Request to consider a Traffic Study fora proposed 18, 104 sq . ft. ± office building . LOCATION: A portion of Lot 78 , and a portion of Lot 79, Tract No . 706 , located at 3500-3510 Irvine Avenue, on the southeasterly side of Irvine Avenue between Bristol Street and Orchard Drive , southerly of the John Wayne Airport. ZONE : C-1 -H and A-P-H APPLICANT: Richard H . Dodd and Associates , Newport Beach OWNER : David Magilavy , Newport Beach The applicants have requested the Planning Commission ' s approval of a Traffic Study for the purposes of issuance of building and grading per- mits in conjunction with the construction of a two-story office building ( 18, 104 sq . ft. ) to be located at 3500 a'nd 3510 Irvine Avenue in the Santa Ana Heights area . The Traffic Study for the proposed office building has Peen prepared in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Muni- cipal Code ( "Traffic Phasing Ordinance" ) . A copy of the Traffic Study prepared for the City by Herman Kimmel and Associates is attached for Planning, Commission review. Traffic Study The City -Traffic Engineer has determined that the following intersections will be affected by the proposed project based upon it ' s size and geo- graphic location : 1 . Bristol St. (N)/Jamboree Rd. 2. Bristol st. (N)/Birch St. 3. Bristol St. (N)/Campus Dr . 4. Jamboree Rd../Bristol St . 5. Irvine Ave. /Bristol St. 6 . Irvine Ave./Mesa Dr. 7. Irvine Ave ./University Dr. 8. MacArthur Blvd ./Campus Dr. TO: • Planning Commission - 20 The traffic analysis indicated that all of the above intersections , ex- cept Bristol St./Irvine Ave. , will have traffic volume increases of less than 1% as a result of the proposed project development. In accordance with City Policy S-1 an I .C.U . analysis was made . The I .C. U . analysis of the Bristol St./Irvine Ave. Existing + Committed + Regional 1 .0105 Existing + Committed + Regional + Project 1 .0128 Existing + Committed + Regional + Committed Improvements 0.8748 Existing + Committed + Regional + Committed Imputs & Project 0.8790 No trip generation mitigation measures were required to achieve the I .C.U 's at the intersections . Based on this analysis the Planning Commission can make the required find- ing that the proposed project will neither cause nor mace worse an unsatis- factory level of traffic service on any "major", "primary-modified" , or "pri- mary" street (Finding No . 2 - Exhibit "A" ) i.n which case the applicant could build the project without an obligation to construct any circulation system improvements . However, in this particular case committed improvements in- clude an additional southbound lane on Irvine Ave, at the Bristol Street hn- tersection. While this improvement is currently the obligation of others , it .could be said that is is related to this project and should be the obli- gation of this project in which case Condition No. 1 - Exhibit "A" could be added. The applicant has indicated to stiff that such a condition would not be ac- cep.table in which case he has an option of building up to 9,999 sq .ft. on each of the two adjacent parcels and remaining exempt from the requirements of th-e Traffic Phasing Ordinance. However, the staff feels that a single building containing less space with combined parking and access would be superior to the two building alternative. Suggested Action If desired, approve the Traffi-c Study with the Findings and with or without the Condition as' indicated in Exhibit "'A" . Respectfully submitted , PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWI,CKER, Director J 14z, By Fred a arico Environmental Coordinator FT:nma Attachments : Exhibit "A" 1 . Traffic Study - December 18, 1980 EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AS RECOMMENDED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 22 , 1981 FINDINGS 1 . That a Traffic Study on the proposed project has been prepared in. accordance with Chapter 15 . 40 of the Municipal Code and City Policy S- 1 , and; 2. That based on that Traffic Study, the proposed project will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic service on any "major" , "primary-modified" , or "primary" street. CONDITIONS 1 . That p.rior to the occupancy of the 18, 104 sq . ft. building at 3500 and 3510 Irvine Avenue the circulation system improvement depicted on Exhibit 2 of the Traffic Report dated Docember 18 , 1980 , shall have been constructed (unless subsequent project approval requires modification thereto) . The circulation system improvement shall be subject to the approval of the City Traffic Engineer. . • >T T"mr wr No , 1 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ® erman CONSULTANTS Kimmel and Associates , Inc. PRINCIPALS: 4242 CAMPUS DRIVE,SUITE E-6 NEWPORT BEACH,CALIF.'92660 (714) 546.9814' HERMAN KIMMEL H.WILLIAM DICKSON December 18, 1980 City of Community Servicport e Department ��Ern �•ach v,.i, 3300 Newport Boulevard 6 t Newport Beach, Calif. 92663 Attention Fred Talarico g �,;�, ,:A • 3 WF.\t^r cHLtt• \ Irvine Avenue Office Project Li Q "Anchor Plaza", Traffic Analysis m City of Newport Beach Gentlemen: The office project proposed at 3500-3510 Irvine Avenue has been analyzed in accordance with the City's "Traffic Phasing Ordinance" . The intersections covered by the analysis are those identified by Richard M. Edmonston, Newport Beach Traffic Engineer. Project Description The proposed project is an 18,104 square foot office building. It is to be located on the east side of Irvine Avenue, south of Bristol Street. Present land uses, adjacent to the project site, consist of an office building and a small commercial convenience' facility. The site is opposite the Orange County operated public golf course. Present plans project that the proposed project's offices would be occupied in 1983 . Traffic Generation & Distribution Traffic generation rates, for the type of facility proposed, as established by the City of Newport Beach Traffic Engineering Deparmtnet, are as follow: Page 2 • • Dec. 18, 1980 Newport Beach Average Daily Traffic Generation Rate = 13 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Project Average Daily Traffic Volume = 13 x 18 .104 = 235 T.E.* Total 2.5 Hour Generation Rate = 4.6 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Total 2.5 Hour Volume (Project) = 4 .6 x 18 .104 = 83 T.E. Inbound 2.5 Hour Generation Rate = 1.2 T.E./1000 Sq. 'Ft. Inbound 2.5 Hour Volume (Project) = 1.2 x 18 .104 = 22 T.E. Outbound 2.5 Hour•Generation Rate = 3 .4 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Outbound 2 .5 Hour Volume (Project) = 3 .4 x 18 .104 = 61 T.E. *T.E. = Trip End. A trip end is -the arrival or departure of a vehicle at the project site. Exhibit 1 shows both. the directional 2.5 hour site traffic distri- bution and direction desire percentages in the analysis area. Intersection Analysis 1% Test The "critical" intersections identified by the City Traffic Engineer for a 1% analysis are: 1 . Bristol Street North @ Jamboree Road 2. Bristol Street North @ Birch Street. 3 . Bristol Street North @ •:Campus Drive 4 . Jamboree Road @ Bristol Street 5 . Irvine Avenue @ Bristol Street 6 . Irvine Avenue @ Mesa Drive 7 . Irvine Avenue @ University Drive 8 . MacArthur Boulevard @ Campus Drive Existing and projected 2.5 hour traffic volumes, for each -inter- section, are shown on attached forms . The analysis indicates that all of the intersections identified by the City Traffic Engineer, except Bristol Street at Irvine Avenue/ Campus Drive, will have traffic• volume increases of less than 1% as a result of the proposed project development. I.C.U. Phase' II Test An intersection capacity utilization test, ••with traffic projected for regional growth, committed project, and project volumes, indi- cates that the intersection of Bristol Street at Irvine Avenue/ Campus Drive,would exceed a Volume/Capacity of 0 .90% with or with- out the project. •Our calculations indicate that the proposed project would increase the V/C ratio by only 0 .0023% . The calcu- lations are attached. Page 3 • . Dec. 18, 1980 Newport Beach Mitigation I.C.U. Phase III Test The City Traffic Engineer, Mr. Richard Edmonston, has indicated that previously committed projects will be providing an additional southbound lane on Irvine Avenue at the intersection. Calculation of the I.C.U. with this improvement shows that the I.C.U. will be reduced below 0.90, without traffic from this project. Additional traffic from the Irvine Avenue Office Project will not cause the I.C.U. to increase beyond 0 .90. Attached is a copy of I.C.U. calculation sheets and Exhibit 2, which illustrates the improvement that will be implemented by other committed projects. Conclusions Although the Irvine Avenue Office Project will not meet Phase I and II traffic phasing ordinance tests, it will meet Phase III test with the committed improvement of the additional southbound lane on Irvine Avenue at Bristol Street South. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Respectfully submitted, HERMAN KIMMEL & ASSOC. , INC. H. William Dickson, P.E. RCE No. 19417 RTR No. 39 2M f gD�O nn � %3 4y 3� ti ..00 21/2NUUi2 UIR�Cf10NA�'Dl�si°21t3U'fIDN 3 Li ciariGAt, tt.ht' uc*z—f1UN �j tN 1✓XU IT31�f 0 r CONSULTANTS rmwmm rw IQo� and Aaoci.as.IM. 9D ISM113L"loW IWINE AVENUE OFFICE SqN D1��+0 • SITE � i G � L i TRAffK E.MiNEEItiNO • Y ICINI f J MW f ® �fl CON3UCT1�NT5 rk=and ASSOCt OS.Wc. IRVI&M AVENUE _ O FF.G6 i I 1 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Bristol St./Campus Dr__Irvine Ave. (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980) jApproach ' Existing ' Peak 2y Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Pees 2J Mour ( Regional Projects Peak 2y Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2y Hour' 'Wire Growth Peak 2%Hour Volume Volume Volume , MUM Volume `Northbound 1774 1 9 5eM A 1141 01 FjZ i ;sorthbound 2808 Z3 W4 , 31035 30 tO Eastbound ` 6581 �0�4 83 9 i _ ! S'estbaund [� Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 21f Hour Traffic Volume ® Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 21i Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. PROJECT: Ih I % Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Irvine Avenue/University Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Avverage Winter-7FpFng 198g l roach Eatsttnj Peak A four Approved Projected 9% at'Pro�actN "act �o raction I Peak 2y lour Regional projects ha 2%lour Peak 2y lour Peak 2y Roar• VolumM Growth Peak our V4101 Volume Vol uft j INorthhoune I 1951 9 365 ZrV6 23 2 :. southbouna r 43,48 2I 202 4571 46 6 • astbound 735 34 '769 8 0 i stbocnd 133 2404�3 5 _ O [� Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 211 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1'% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. SSM — 3510 IrWh4Z 14MM a C5fWIC¢ DATE: 12-I2-80 PROJECT FORM I % Traffic Volume Analy sis sis y Intersection Irvine Avenue/Mesa Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 89 Approach Ectstfng Peak A Hour Approved Projected ri of Projected Project Ot rectlon j Peak 2% Hour Regfonal Projects Peak 2y Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 2y Hour: j Yoluar VOILA" Peak Hour Value* Voluae VOILA" ; 4brthbound 1 a 3 2 9 35Z 4193 22 2 Southbound j 2149 to 2' Z 4361 24 9 �aA;Zd S 3 3 stbound 427 427 4 O . Project Traffic-is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2;1 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to. be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 3500 - 5510 rN//712 AOM/74te CAPIC2 DATE: IZ-12-80 PROJECT i FORM I • • L F l 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Bristol St./Jamboree Road (Existing Traffic Volumes based on AVer-age Winter Spring 1980) Approach ! Existing j Peak 2% Hour Approved Projected 1% of Protected Project Oirection oenk 211 Hour Regional Projects Peak 24,Hour Peak 21% Hour Peak 2k Hour" I Vol=e Growth Peak 211 Hour Volume Volume Volume I Volume Volume l pp�� (Northbound 5'614 I 3 2 7,v01 78 Z s � -! isouthbound 2063 ( 338 4, (02 24 9 ,Eastbound 4862 21 964 5847 58 22 } westbound v� Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected, Peak 21� Hour Traffic Volume 0 Project Traffic is estimated to *be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 3500 - 3510 1- VIr7a 4VIZ/74/42 , %'Wic¢ DATE: IZ-/Z-80 PROJECT: FORM I 1 13 1% Traffic Volume Analysis intersection Bristol St. (N)/Jamboree Road (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring lg'80) Approach c.esting Peak 2y Hour Approved WProjected 1% of Projected Project I :Direction aea. 2� dour ( Regional Projects Peak 2y Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak Zi Hour' 1 ra:.:re Growth Peak 2y Hour Volume volume Volume i I_ Volume Volume I j Northbound 6131 7 1 8�58 83 15 I outhbound 3003 565 4517Z 36 5 f 4 �Eastoound — 1 astbound 1600 401 ZOOS 20 I 8101, Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2-1-2 HourTraffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 3500- 35(O Irvin¢ Ay an4l6 0-Mice DATE: l2-IZ-80 _ PROJECT: FORM I 11. Traffic Volume,Analysis :ntersection_ Bristol St. (N)/Brich St. (Existing Traffic Volumes based an Average inter/Spring 19BO) Iappro+ch Et7stlnp Peak 24 Hour Approved Protected if of Protected Protect Gfrectlon ; Peek 24 dour Heytonai Protects Peak 24.Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 24 Hour' I :o'.ume Growtn Peak 24 Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume t Northbound 904 2(2 116 11 or � Southbound 2729 532 3261 33 Eastbound �+estbound ; 7220 131 1,946 9791 98 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I:C.U.) Analysis is required. ssoo - 3510 Irvina 4vwzle OAPIl ¢ DATE: 12-12-8Q PROJECT: FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis intersection Bristol St. (N)/Campus Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980) ,Approach ' Existing ' Peak 2S Hour Approved •Projected 10 of Projected Project Direction reel. 2y Hour Regional Projects Peak 2h Hour Peak 2tj Hour Peak 2y Hour' Growth Peak 2y Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume l(Northbound 26- 1 440 3PW 31 30 sou hbound 3552 30 590 47772 48 9 t Eastbound 'Weltbouhd j 9636 41 `79 14956 120 8 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2= Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 3500 - 3510 Irvin¢ .4VQnUd Of of tCa DATE- I Z- 12-80 PROJECT: FORM I Q IL I� 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MacArthur Blvd./Campus Drive (Existing Traffic Vo umes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980) jApproach Existing Peak 2y Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project Otrectton Peek 2% Hour Regional Projects PeW24 Hour Peek h Hour Peak 24 Hour* Volume Growth Peak 2y Hour Volu.e Volume Volu.e e VOW* Volume 'Northbound 2921 L639 446/ 45 Ar ISouthbound ' 2738 I %9 33 i Eastbound , 2043 (0 Westbound 2469 21 378 29 • Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 350p - 3510 XI-ViIX iQV1 nVe 44-6:Q DATE: 12-12'80 PROJECT: FOP14 I INTERSE9&N CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANAL10 puQFj� I[ 17 Intersection Bristol St.%Campus Dr.-Irvine Ave. ( Existing Traffic Volur;es Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1980) EXIST, EXIST. REGIO,,AL CO`:tiITTED PPOJECTED EXIST[%; PS::8 ; Y/C Ratio PRCJECT PROJECT ra+reoc Lanes G Vol. Ratio Wes Ca_ ► l.. MtiV/C ORD7M PROJECT w/o Project Yolu+e V/C Ratio o Yolu�t Vol" Vol" NL NT 3200 $50 .1719 7, 109 +20131 15 •21ze NR 1 1600 186 1 .1163 2 73 1Ilo31 11 . 1100 SL 1600 100 .0625 I 0 0631 0 .0"1 ST 3200 1184 .3700* 220 102 .4082* 5 Ace SR EL 1600 340 .2125 Z 149 .SC&q 0 .30t.2o ET 6400 2023 .3948* 10 (A3 .50Zj* 0 50r31*' ER 504 3 32 5 WL WT WR YELLOWTIME 1000* -1000* j 41 .1000 � e EXISTING INTERSECTIOV CAPACITY UTILIZATION .8648 j EXISTING PLUS C0`•:`IITTED -LUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.C.U. .005 i EXISTING PLUS C"ITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. I.O�ZS ❑ Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. 'will be less than or equal to 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: arfgicQ�2-- INTEP.SECJW CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALY� Intersection Bristol St./Campus Dr.-Irvine Ave. ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1980) a. EXIST. [XIS[. pEGIWAL CG•VNITTED ►AWECTEG Lan5TICa Q✓artsE; Y/C Ratio 'PROJECT ►o:JECT Ya+r�eot ►R.l. V/CRatio GR:'[[t FRGJEC[ Lanes Cap. La•sa Ce;. Vol. MtloVoluna Yotuiy w/ou►ro�ett Yofu+a Y/C Mt1a Yo1vn NL NT 3200 7 109 .2A::)& 15 alao NR 1600 186 .1163 2 '(3 . 1(011 1 t 1.1100 SL 1600 100 .0625 1 10 .O(ovk 0 1 .0651pt ST 3200 1184 .3700* ZZa 102 .2125 5 .2'Is✓� SR EL 1600 340 .2125 Z 144) •SO(vQ 0 ET 6400 2023 ,3948* 10 loq-3 .5ozv 0 •5031* ER 504 3 3Z 5 WL WT WR YELlOW7IME .1000* •1000*1 1 .1 � a EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .8648 EXISTING PLUS 'CON?1I1TED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSE,D.INPROYENENTS 'I.C.U. '1i{ EXISTING PLUS CaMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. i31�10 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to0.90- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: COMMITIMD Feoimcis WILALA ADO oN6 AWITIONIAL10 eOUI-1450LIt4V I.1 *4PP,j INCM SING CAPbe M,( MOM ,%rsnn- 3sin '-mytrai; km&6� Orya1r-P, - -- DATE. (Zo1-1-8.0 r y ` • VI _/ BRISTOL 6T'2EET �ivoar�� i art I � 1 1 L I 81215TOL. -+ STREET (Sou-rm) ? t P / car�,rvirrE.o �/ECTs I I /�L1P.�liE.li1E.1/T -Ac,�h' / On¢ S/•B Through Lana / � I I•RVINE AVE.PJUE EXl4151T 2 CON TRA NCERMIO CONSUULTLT ANTS aid ~'OGaies.b O' COMMITTED • QWeCTS IM V12OVE MENTS • TRAFFIC ENGINEERIMIG ® erman CONSULTANTS Kimmel and Associates , Inc. PRINCIPALS: 4242 CAMPUS DRIVE,SUITE E•6 NEWPORT BEACH,CALIF.92660 (714) 546.9814 HERMAN KIMMEL H.WILLIAM DICKSON December 12, 1980 !` RECE9VE Planni 3 DEC12198 O® 4 City of Newport Beach Nav C/7T OF Community Service Department 6 CALIF.SEA Cl S 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, Calif . 92663 lS?/ Attention Fred Talarico Irvine Avenue Office Project "Anchor Plaza", 1% Traffic Analysis City of Newport Beach Gentlemen: The office project proposed at 3500-3510 Irvine Avenue has been analyzed in accordance with the City's "Traffic Phasing Ordinance" . The following outlines the analysis for a maximum 1% traffic vol- ume increase during a 2 .5 hour peak interval. The intersections covered by the analysis are those identified by Richard M. Edmonston, Newport Beach Traffic Engineer. Project Description The proposed project is an 18,104 square foot office building. it is to be located on the east side of Irvine Avenue, south of Bristol Street. Present land uses, adjacent to the project site, consist of an office building and a small commercial convenience facility. The site is opposite the Orange County operated public golf course . Present plans project that the proposed project's offices would be occupied in 1983 . Traffic Generation & Distribution Traffic generation rates, for the type of facility proposed, as established by the City of Newport Beach Traffic Engineerin DO Department, are as follow: c 9 RECEIVED Panning ant 5 DEC311980ty- tt Ci rY OF NEWPORT BEACH, \/ CALIF. Y� N Page 2 14% Dec . 12, 1980 • • Newport Beach Average Daily Traffic Generation Rate = 13 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Project Average Daily Traffic Volume = 13 x 18.104 = 235 T.E.* Total 2 .5 Hour Generation Rate = 4. 6 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Total 2 .5 Hour Volume (Project) = 4 .6 x 18 .104 = 83 T.E. Inbound 2 .5 Hour Generation Rate = 1.2 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Inbound 2.5 Hour Volume (Project) = 1.2 x 18 .104 = 22 T.E. Outbound 2 .5 Hour Generation Rate = 3 .4 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Outbound 2 .5 Hour Volume (Project) = 3.4 x 18 .104 = 61 T.E. *T.E. = Trip End. A trip end is the arrival or departure of a vehicle at the project site. Exhibit 1 shows both the' directional 2 .5 hour site traffic distri- bution and direction desire percentages in the analysis area. Intersection Analysis The "critical" intersections identified by the City Traffic Engineer for a 1% analysis are: 1. Bristol Street North @ Jamboree Road 2. Bristol Street North @ Birch Street 3. Bristol Street North @ Campus Drive 4 . Jamboree Road @ Bristol Street 5 . Irvine Avenue @ Bristol Street 6 . Irvine Avenue @ Mesa Drive 7 . Irvine Avenue @ University Drive 8 . MacArthur Boulevard @ Campus Drive Existing and projected 2 .5 hour traffic volumes, for each inter- section, are shown on attached forms . Conclusions The analysis indicates that all of the intersections identified by the City Traffic Engineer, except Bristol Street at Irvine Avenue/ Campus Drive, will have traffic volume increases of less than 1% as a result of the proposed project development. An intersection capacity utilization test, with traffic projected for regional growth, committed project, and project volumes, indi- cates that the intersection of Bristol Street at Irvine Avenue/ Campus Drive would exceed a Volume/Capacity of 0 .90% with or with- out the project. Our calculations indicate that the proposed project would increase the V/C ratio by only 0 .0023% . The calcu- lations are attached. Page 3 • • Dec . 12, 1980 Newport Beach In other words, by totally eliminating the proposed project, the V/C ratio would still exceed a 0 .90% ratio. There would not be a substantial deterioration of traffic conditions following develop- ment of committed projects and allowance for regional growth with or without the proposed project. Should you have any questions relative to our analysis and calcu- lations, please contact us . Respectfully submitted, HERMAN KIMMEL & ASSOC. , INC. H. William Dickson RCE No. 19417 RTR No. 39 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Bristol St./Campus Dr.-Irvine Ave. (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980) aPProach ' 2<dsting ' Peak 2y Hour Approved Projected Pe of Projected Protect Direction Pena 2i Hour ! Regional Projects Peak 2y Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2y Hour' I ac'�rr Growth Peak 2y Hour Volume Volume Volume _ I Volume Volume Northbound 17741 I 9 ?J04 911411 ZI FjZ 1 , ISoutfibound 2808 23 W4 51055 30 10 Eastbound ` 6581 ),�P�4 60?*5 83 9 ! I,estbound Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 21-, Hour Traffic Volume ® Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 211 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 3500-aaio x'2VINE 4.Vf✓Kius Qr�r1ng; GATE: i2-t?-go PROJECT: INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS FwQFjg� I[ Intersecon Bristol St./Campus Dr.-Ir& Ave. ( Existing Traffic t'olurres Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1980) E%{ST. EaIST. REGIONAL COMITTEO • PPO]ECTFO Ex IS'1%1 PC:•'�•r:• VIC Ratio PRWECT PROJECT PJrene+t Lanes CaP. La-es Cap. PR.RR. V/C GRUTH PROJECT w/o Project Volu+e V/C Ratio Vol. Ratio VOlwne Vol acne Volsrne NL NT 3200 55 7 109 •2081 15 -31ze NR 1600 1 186 .1163 2 -73 . 1l051 11 . 1100 SL 1600 100 .0625 i 0 Ora31 0 -O 31 ST 3200 1184 .3700* 22• 100 .4080* , 5 r4103 SR EL 1600 340 .2125 f,. 149 .SOV' 0 ET 6400 2023 .3948* 10 ro43 50?,91' 0 nc) 1'* ER 504 3 32 5 WL WT WR YELLOWTIME 1000* •1000 1 .1000 EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .8648 T i 1 � a EXISTING PLUS C"ITTED 'PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED •INPROVEMENTS I.C.U: 1.0105 i EXISTIti; PLUS CO`4#1ITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. I.0128 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: �g�-a5r51� '('r'scti/1t.►� dV L1S D1=F1G0 __ DATE: Page Dec. 12, 1980 • • • Newport Beach Average Daily Traffic Generation Rate = 13 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Project• Average Daily Traffic Volume = 13 x 18 .104 = 235 T.E.* Total 2.5 Hour Generation Rate = 4 .6 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Total 2 .5 Hour Volume (Project) = 4 .6 x 18 .104 = 83 T.E. Inbound 2.5 Hour Generation Rate = 1.2 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Inbound 2.5 Hour Volume (Project) = 1 .2 x 18 .104 = 22 T.E. Outbound 2 .5 Hour Generation Rate = 3 .4 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Outbound 2.5 Hour Volume (Project) = 3.4 x 18 .104 = 61 T.E. *T.E. = Trip End. A trip end is the arrival or departure of a vehicle at the project site. Exhibit 1 shows both the directional 2 .5 hour site traffic distri- bution and direction desire percentages in the analysis area. Intersection Analysis The "critical" intersections identified by the City Traffic Engineer for a 1% analysis are: 1. Bristol Street North @ Jamboree Road 2 . Bristol Street North @ Birch Street 3 . Bristol Street North @ Campus Drive 4 . Jamboree Road @ Bristol Street 5. Irvine Avenue @ Bristol Street 6 . Irvine Avenue @ Mesa Drive 7 . Irvine Avenue @ University Drive 8 . MacArthur Boulevard @ Campus Drive Existing and projected 2.5 hour traffic volumes, for each inter- section, are shown on attached forms . Conclusions The analysis indicates that all of the intersections identified by the City Traffic Engineer, except Bristol Street at Irvine Avenue/ Campus Drive, will have traffic volume increases of less than 1% as a result of the proposed project development. An intersection capacity utilization test, with traffic projected for regional growth, committed project, and project volumes, indi- cates that the intersection of Bristol Street at Irvine Avenue/ Campus Drive would exceed a Volume/Capacity of 0 .90% with or with- out the project. Our calculations indicate that the proposed project would increase the V/C ratio by only 0 .0023% . The calcu- lations are attached. Page 2 • • yDec. 12, .1980 Newport Beach Average Daily Traffic Generation Rate = 13 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Project Average Daily Traffic Volume = 13 x 18 .104 = 235 T.E.* Total 2.5 Hour Generation Rate = 4 .6 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Total 2.5 Hour Volume (Project) = 4.6 x 18 .104 = 83 T.E. Inbound 2.5 Hour Generation Rate = 1.2 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Inbound 2 .5 Hour Volume (Project) = 1.2 x 18 .104 = 22 T.E. Outbound 2 .5 Hour Generation Rate = 3 .4 T.E./1000 Sq. Ft. Outbound 2 .5 Hour Volume (Project) = 3.4 x 18 .104 = 61 T.E. *T.E. = Trip End. A trip end is the arrival or departure of a vehicle at the project site . Exhibit 1 shows both the directional 2.5 hour site traffic distri- bution and direction desire percentages in the analysis area. Intersection Analysis The "critical" intersections identified by the City Traffic Engineer for a 1% analysis are: 1 . Bristol Street North @ Jamboree Road 2. Bristol Street North @ Birch Street 3 . Bristol Street North @ Campus Drive 4 . Jamboree Road @ Bristol Street 5 . Irvine Avenue @ 'Bristol Street 6 . Irvine Avenue @ Mesa Drive 7 . Irvine Avenue @ University Drive 8 . MacArthur Boulevard @ Campus Drive Existing and projected 2 .5 hour traffic Volumes, for each inter- section, are shown on attached forms . Conclusions The analysis indicates that all of the intersections identified by the City Traffic Engineer, except Bristol Street at Irvine Avenue/ Campus Drive, will have traffic volume increases of less than 1% as a result of the proposed project development. An intersection capacity utilization test, with traffic projected for regional growth, committed project, and project volumes, indi- cates that the intersection of Bristol Street at Irvine Avenue/ Campus Drive would exceed a Volume/Capacity of 0 .90% with or with- out the project. Our calculations indicate thaoposed project would increase the V/C ratio by only 0 . V The calcu- lations are attached. r TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ® erman CONSULTANTS Kimmel and Associates , Inc. PRINCIPALS: 4242 CAMPUS DRIVE,SUITE E-6 NEWPORT BEACH,CALIF. 92660 (7141 546.9814 HERMAN KIMMEL H.WILLIAM DICKSON December 18, 1980 �w 8 RECEIVED Pleroiina Denr•tment City of Newport Beach DEC 191980*- 1 Community Services Department CITYth, 3300 Newport Boulevard 9 NEWPCALIF•�,CW Z� Newport Beach, Calif . 92663 � Attention Fred Talarico A Irvine Avenue Office Project "Anchor Plaza", Phase III Traffic Analysis City of Newport Beach Gentlemen: Phase III traffic analysis of the Irvine Avenue Office Project and capacity of the intersection of Bristol Street & Irvine Avenue/Campus Drive has been completed. The City Traffic Engineer, Mr. Richard Edmonston, has indicated that previously committed projects will be providing an additional southbound lane on Irvine Avenue at the intersection. Calculation of the ICU with this improvement shows that the ICU will be re- duced below 0 .90, without traffic from this project. Additional traffic from the Irvine Avenue Office Project will not cause the ICU to increase beyond 0 .90 . Attached, for your review, is a copy of ICU calculation sheets and Exhibit 2, which illustrates the improvement that will be implemented by other committed projects . If you have any questions , please contact our office. Respectfully submitted, HERMAN KIMMEL & ASSOC. , INC. H. William Dickson, P.E. RCE No. 19417 RTR No. 39 sA-&''Dja FR'WY 112v11u� V Aykr' TRA"r NLrRI� VICINITY M W ® fman CONSULTANTS k�mrr»I and Ama"WOs.inc. 1RVINE AVEJJUE .� OFFIGE I 5°h 2U°h f Gtii /~ 12VIN6, Ate• �'< 5 /o DO r • �'' OU% �pGQG�,N1''D16'f'218U'1"IUt1 00 21/2NUUIZ VlZaMAL.•Dlcf RIP-5U'flON 3 CRITICAL, IMi' UCACflUN 611 to SW INIT 1 Mir TRSAC C FNO (O/OINFF111NO ° nd VQOJ Wr TQAfflc k{mm�l a TAWS 3USOMIMes.lnc. vl5�rei�u-nou DEC.'80 IeVINE AVENUE OFFICE ' _ TRAFFIC STUDY APPLICATION J IJE Sr NAur S'uOY Nai E : FLicASE A5?WLESS ru'wke fr-ePAReD 6T REgmw �p(t(tcSppuOcNG` -rv : CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH V<IH "E-L $, A55�e_ IF ��C y}pR0 tl. 1�DD ASS • p�55i &LE Zot _-44i"R0 wA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT gear 4 Pr, e-ASIM -F N. 6'*3-0990 N Pr. L3c14. APPLICANT ��� ii� /�G1 L A�1 `� PHONE lo�F O •os J2 MAILING ADDRESS SAQ M 1C,uI,L. X� SQI;e—, PROPERTY OWNER S Js t-ti i= A S A g a I= PHONE MAILING ADDRESS ADDRESS OR LOCATION OF PROJECT Soo - 3 St O 1 FZy I N f—::' DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Lor,�sT 2V LI 'Z S i c72Y Ot=r=iLi= Bt_�, . o f I S I I o sc t r 14 f 4,fe-1 10 Fo 2 -72 cP 2s DEVELOPMENT PHASING: Beginning Construction Completion Project Initial Occupancy Total Occupancy JuuJE lc-t81 J%jNE I�1 8 Z 5cPi• 19 g 2 S.EPT'• Ia► 0 3 Month/Year Month/Year Month/Year Month/Year MITIGATION MEASURES: Do Not Complete Application Below This Line Date Filed Fee Paid Receipt No. City Traffic Engineer Approval Date Planning Commission-Action Date City Council Action Date y p _1 -07 _ t . ". to�wl _ _ ^>. Kv` .-'rr E 'vP• i. .V:�itil .Q. " T7T t L , !A4 .t � L L - T rip AN, I'(111H Hit MINA .. 1:� �'.P�I��.i�r�, •'���•Y'A_X.ti t i ••J\` sI �µ• _"-'il^ �iC 4 . .RING' i.. �.i�•-`L.' t I ' 5124�iE =• -2^RLL�iC- 11.4409P --- � � � • - tE6c axrzF w•�Y�6aY�`KN---- - -- -- • ;r� _ � —= I f' -• 18 v}11-/d0ti—. � fi 1 CHARD M !1 F1116, : _.., .• . .--1 0 ._ �1riIl�JL�-� - -A 1s Q 1301313-:o 1 Y���- y�■imnnur �.� — � ��Y. SECTION A OEM onsm MIMI- I nm 7�� MIND � �. G�c•ssa�('if t taeao avuei4v«ram a.c. - _ A '— NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport BeacN-wil"l hold a public hearing on the application of David Magilavy for the approval of a - for a(n) ❑ Variance Use Permit' • " ❑ Resubdivision " ' ❑ Tentative Map Tract ❑ Amendment 0 Other Traffic Study on property located at _- 3500 and 3510 Irvine Avenue to permit the issuance of Building and Grading permits for"• a two-story, office building of 18,104 square feet + prepared i.n accord'ance- with' _Chapter 15. 40 of the Newport Beach Municipal �COAe �( "Traffi'c Phasing Ordinance" ) and City Polity S-1 ("Administ:rativ'e "Gui del ines for Implel menting the Traffic Phasing Ordinance" ) . ❑ This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Qualities Act. ., ❑ NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that a Negative Declaration has been prepared by the City of Newport Beach in connection with the application noted above. It is the present intention of the City to accept the Negative Declaration and supporting documents. The City encourages members of the general public to re*+ ew and comment on this documentation. - Copies of the Negative Declaration and supporting documents are available for public review and inspection at the Planning Department, City of Newport Beach, 3300 West Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, 92663, (714) 640-2216. • ❑ NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that an Environmental Impact Report has been prepared in connection with the .application noted above. It is the present -intention of the City to accept the Environmental Impact Report and supporting documents. The City encourages members of the, general public to review and comment on this documentation. Copies of the Environmental. Impact Report and supporting documents are available for public review and inspection at the 'Planning Department, City of Newport Beach, 3300 West Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, 92663 •% (714) 640-2197 Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 22 day of _ January 19 87 , at the hour of 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall , at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. George Cokas, Secretary PUBLICATION DATE: Planning Commission Received for Publication City of Newport Beach By NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. PO CITY HALLus Od C'9< pµd�P 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 V• QZ ro?r StN o OFq PLANNING DEPARTMENTCO O o �s OP %NN 119-234JBEACOH3 P. OCHARLEBNEWPORT92663 t NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of David Magilavy for the approval of a for a(n) ❑ Variance Use Permit' ' ❑ Resubdivision Tentative Map Tract ❑ Amendment FXJ Other Traffic Study on property located at 3500 and 3510 Irvine Avenue to permit the issuance of Building and Grading permits fora two-story t office building of 18, 104 square feet + prepared in accordance with Chapter 15 . 40 of the Newport Beach Municipal ,-C&de �( "Traffic Phasing Ordinance" ) and City Policy S-1 ( "Administrativd "Guidelihes for Imple' menting the Traffic Phasing Ordinance" ) . ❑ This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Qualities Act. , ❑ NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that a Negative Declaration has been prepared by the City of Newport Beach in connection with the application noted above. It is the present intention of the City to accept the Negative Declaration and supporting documents. The City encourages members of the general public to rev4ew and comment on this documentation. Copies of the Negative Declaration and supporting documents are available for public review and inspection at the Planning Department, City of Newport Beach, 3300 West Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California., 92663, - (714) 640-2216. ❑ NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that an Environmental Impact Report has been prepared in connection with the application noted above. It is the present intention of the City to accept the Environmental Impact Report and supporting documents. The City encourages members of the general public to review and comment on this documentation. Copies of the Environmental Impact Report and supporting documents are available for public review and inspection at the Planning Department, City of Newport Beach, 3300 West Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, 92663 (714) 640-2197 Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 22 day of January 19 81 at the hour of 7 : 30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall , at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. George Cokas, Secretary PUBLICATION DATE: Planning Commission Received for Publication City of Newport Beach By NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. /rtYrrvr. cu SHOWN Li' Llh L..L:> u�"••" ` " ' I" goo' •I i ! 20 i `2 a R , I Q ' _rJ�aG. IR IDS LJiZ3 (p�I(JiJI�I) II iI?. l�l ^ 71 �� 7OP40 Car Al y N to ___ Hf .4T D II GO LOePSi .n ulf: 3 G 6 I 8 ACACIA STREET °o !4r/.c'w Sri=R AVENUE g -h uuans _ wun�o .� S .r y - $ On LL_C-�y2 L3 l(I)@ 4 (1o?) n I a - s ,c; M . ��r•J�e I I Fs 99- nq co n/a•o laro N 1 1 .` � • 3 ' o cG ez ?3L} vH-J9-J - >� Gaa GD i •r4'. inoi •G•DG - x1 cc 3 i/90 NT- DG SG 91 4 y R6 FD a N /rL0 fCJ, sG I s I T I No r E v yyy-... r. �7, 25 �cu�(L4,��23 Q ® �; .-. f I 1c% t24) ' i�. " rel ca• JJ I I I I I ��} � /47- i i BIRCH L?.. 1 a �� _as I '3 IO STREET 24 s , 1 MAP,CH 1951 TR. NO. 706 M A!. 21- 25 NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCKS A$SF.SS p!' S H•iP PARCEL NUMBERS BOOKI19 PAC•f"23 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE C � I I :1 i �. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING• 7`/+-��( r Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of David Magilavy for the approval of a for a(n) ❑ Variance Use Permit" ' ❑ Resubdivision H Tentative Map Tract ❑ Amendment n Other Traffic Study on property located at 3500 and 3510 Irvine Avenue to Permit the issuance of Building and Grading permits fora two-story r _office building of 18, 104 square feet + prepared in acdoid'ance' with• Chapter 15. 40 of the Newport Beach Municipal '-COxte %( "Traffi'c Phasing Ordinance" ) and City Policy S-1 ( "Administrativ) `Guideline's -for Imple` menting the Traffic Phasing Ordinance" ) . ❑ This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that .it is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Qualities Act. .. _ ❑ NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that a Negative Declaration has been prepared by the City of Newport Beach in .connection with the application noted above. It is the present intention of the City to accept the Negative Declaration and supporting documents. The City encourages members of the general public to rewrew and comment on this documentation. Copies of the Negative Declaration and supporting documents are available for public review and inspection at the Planning Department, City of Newport Beach, 3300 West Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, 92663, (714) 640-2216. ❑ NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that an Environmental Impact Report has been prepared in connection with the application noted above. It is the present intention of the City to accept the Environmental Impact Report and supporting documents. The City encourages members of the general public to review and comment on this documentation. Copies of the Environmental Impact Report and supporting documents are available for public review and inspection at the Planning Department, City of Newport Beach, 3300 West Newport Boulevard, -Newport Beach, California, 92663 '- (714) 640-2197 Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 22 day of January 19 81 at the hour of 7 :30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall , at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. George CGkas, Secretary PUBLICATION DATE: Planning Commission Received for Publication City of Newport Beach By NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. CITY HALL a JA4 C'9</FO0.N�P 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 hE-& PLANNING DEPARTMENT R O Q�Fo� I/%? q RECci" " 119-2 LIP Pr lent HBACK /JAN 1219811 P. 0. J 2271 c NEWPORT EACH, CA 92663 " ' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • T Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of David Magilavy for- the approval of a for a(n) ❑ Variance Use Permit ❑ Resubdivision " ' H Tentative Map Tract ❑ Amendment E Other . Traffi-c Study on property located at 3500 and 3510 Irvine Avenue to permit_ the issuance of Building and Grading permits fora two-story r office building of 18, 104 square feet + prepared in accordance With' -' _Chapter 15 . 40 of the Newport Beach Municipal --CO)±e �( "Traffi'c Phasing Ordinance" ) and City Policy S-1 ("Administratiy'd-•Guidelines for Imple` menting the Traffic Pha`sing Ordinance" ) . ❑ This .project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically . exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Qualities Act. ❑ NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that a Negative Declaration has been prepared by the City of Newport Beach in connection with the application noted above. It is the present intention of the City to accept the Negative Declaration and supporting documents. The City encourages members of the general public to re*+ew and comment on this documentation. Copies of the Negative Declaration and supporting documents are available for public review and inspection at the Planning Department, City of Newport Beach, 3300 West Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, 92663, (714) 640-2216. ❑ NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that an Environmental Impact Report has been prepared in connection with the application noted above. It is the present intention of the City to accept the Environmental Impact Report and supporting documents. The City encourages members of the• general public to review and comment on this documentation. Copies of the Environmental Impact Report and supporting documents are available for public review and inspection at the Planning Department, City of Newport Beach, 3300 West Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, 92663 (714) 640-2197 Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 22 day of January 19 81 , at the hour of 7 :30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall , at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. George COkas, Secretary PUBLICATION DATE: Planning Commission Received for Publication City of Newport Beach ' gy NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. SEW Pp�, _ r CITY HALL i�I-- a C'941,OVL 3300 Newport Boulevard J 1090sc1 aP Newport Beach, California 92663 0�� .l3 f3] ( x Dl- PLANNING DEPARTMENT E ro F-gliYl��,q� l ! tj 119-234-07 BRAEMAR DEVELOPMENT CO. ti 3848 CAMPUS DR,- #232 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 I David Magilavy 369 Sari" Miguel=Dr-i ve #145 Newport Beach,_CA ' 119-234-06 CHARLES J. FISHBACK P. 0. BOX 2271 NEWPORT. BEACH, .CA 92663 .119-234-07 118-234=47 157 BRAEMAR DEVELOPMENT CO. EXXON CORP. 3848 CAMPUS DR, #212 P. O. BOX 53 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 119-234-09 119-234-48 & 49 ' THOMAS W. DOAN ;WILLIAM J.• CAGNEY 1501 WESTCLIFF DR, 6777 HOLLYWOOD BLVD: NEWPORT BEACH, CA- 92660 " ;LOS ANGELES, , CA 90028": ; 119-234-20 - ' .119=234-50 :_ _ - LAND •EVOLUTION •INC. _PHILLIP A.- STEVENS 2082 SE BRISTOL' STREET 32138 VIA BVENA " SANT4, ANA,' CA ' 92707 `SAN jUAN CAPISTRANO, CA $2675 119-234-21 119-234-51 ' JAWS W. CRAMER ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO. _ 20071 SW BIRCH P. 0.. BOX 2679-TERM ANNEX SANTA ANA, CA 92707 CA 90051 119-234-22 i --219=234-54 - - - JACK W.-_MULLAN :":. . CELESTIA C._LYNCH -_ 3400-IRVINE AVE, #101 20062, SW'BIRCH STREET - NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 -SANTA ANA;- CA 92707 - 119-234-34 _ 119-234-60= -- - CHARLES J. FISHBACK W. J- CAGNEY, JR. &/or R.E.J0 3400 IRVINE AVE, #101 6777 HOLLYWOOD BLVD., #501 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 LOS ANGELES, CA 90028 119-234-35 ; CHARLES J. FISHBACK P. 0. BOX 2271 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 II 119-234-40 --- .. .• . •• - .. - '• JAMES W. READ P. 0. BOX 715 BALBOA, CA 92661 _ .�++w-..�.+�I.....�-._.Y. .-....... �.-.-. -. .-- ........ ...... 1 ffI ! i �3WO --35/� Z•w/NU tl UG ail /ccaur l��c,�,�� 1� �� ? /svc • 6 73-o99d Il• Ij P ij I� i (i {I (I� i� I�, ------------------- -------- _ _.__._..__._._.._.__.--- ��WPORr CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECEIPT .. @ NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA 92663 No. 14243• iDATE REICE14ED FROM,4�a j�f/ 7�14 G' i ( �— ray �✓� I Al Aor_7L ) - i ! iACCOUNT NO ACCOUNT NO MQ a -11 7 . 00 DEPARTMENT i 0 ate;/0�y-�0 ' oo .�j.---.«--- ------------- �6v .._.._.._.,_..«._.--._.._.--._.._.._.g, _ { --+~------~ CITY O F N E W�P O RT BEACH -- RECEIPT �� � - j jOF pm NEW PORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92663 /j("� No. 14460 /1/ (� DATE D� ' RECEIVED FROM FOR: I � /a ACCOUNT NO ACCOUNT NO �� ���• 6a DEPARTMEN 4 1 d - 7n5!-6666 3S_ 06 i BV I �� J11 J0 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on this 4th day of December, 11980, by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH , a municipal corporation , hereinafter referred to as "CITY" , and Herman Kimmel and Associates , Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as " CONSULTANT" : W I T. N E S S E T H WHEREAS, City desires to have the CONSULTANT prepare a Traffic Study for a proposed office building to be located at 3500 and 3510 Irvine Avenue in the City of Newport Beach . WHEREAS , CONSULTANT desires to prepare sand Traffic Study . NOW, THEREFORE , in consideration of the foregoing , the parties hereto agree as fdlPows : 1 . GENERAL CONSULTANT agrees to prepare a Traffic Study on the proposed Office building in accordance with the requirements set forth in para- graph 3 of this Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this document. 2 . SCOPE OF WORK The subject Traffic Study will be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the City Traffic Engineer for the preparation of such studies , in accordance with Chapter 15 . 40 of the Municipal Code of the City, and City Council Policy S-1 . 3. BILLING AND PAYMENT CONSULTANT shall be paid under this Agreement on a time and material basis . In no event shall the maximum amount of this Agreement exceed Six Hundred and 'Fifty Dollars , ($650,.100) . Partial Payments shall be made by CITY to CONSULTANT upon CONSULTANT' S presentation of statements verifying the time and material costs incurred by it in connection with this Agreement. -1 - 4 . FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE CONSULTANT shall use diligent efforts to complete the provisions within thirty ( 30) days after execution of the Agreement. The subject Traffic Study must meet the approval of the Environmental Coordinator and Traffic Engineer of the City . 5 . TERMINATION This Agreement is subject to termination by the City at any time upon serving written notice to CONSULTANT. The CITY shall be thereafter liable to CONSULTANT only for fees and costs incurred as of the date CONSULTANT receives such notice of termination . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto- have entered into this Agreement as of the date and year first above written . APPROVED AS TO FO CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH B - P.1 istant City Attorney Di ec or ' P1 nni g Department CITY By Herman Kimmel and Associates Incorporated CONSULTANT