HomeMy WebLinkAboutTPO013 Planning Commission Meeting July 22, 1982 Agenda Item No. 6 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Traffic Study (Public Hearing) Request to consider a Traffic Study for a 36,888 square foot office building including general offices, medical offices and banking facilities. LOCATION: Lot 716, Newport Mesa Tract, located at 1522 Placentia Avenue on the northerly side of 15th Street between Placentia Avenue and Superior Avenue in the West Newport Triangle. ZONE: Unclassified APPLICANT: Uhl & Van Tuyfe Associates, Inc. , Brea OWNER: Heritage Bank, Costa Mesa Application The applicant has requested the approval of a Traffic Study to permit the construction of a 36,888 square foot office building consisting of a bank, general offices and medical- offices. Traffic Study requirements are as outlined in Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("Traffic Phasing Ordinance") and City Policy S-1 ("Administrative Procedures for , Implementing the Traffic Phasing Ordinance") . Background On March 22, 1982, the City Council sustained the recommendations of the Planning Commission of February 4, 1982, and conditionally approved Use Permit No. 2046 and a Traffic Study. These approvals permit the construction of 37,588± square foot bank and commercial office building in the Unclassified District which exceeded the basic height limit in the 32/50 Foot Height Limitation District. The proposal also included the use of drive-up teller facilities and roof parking; a modification to the Zoning Code to allow the use of compact car spaces for a portion of the required off-street parking,; the acceptance of an Environmental Document; and the approval of a Traffic Study. Copies of the City Council and Planning Commission minutes and staff reports are attached for Commission review. A condition of the project requires the preparation and approval of a revised Traffic Study, if medical uses are proposed for the project (i.e. Use Permit No. '2046, Condition No. 29) as follows: TO: Planning Commission -2. 1929. That the revision to the Traffic Study shall be required and approved, if medical related uses are proposed for the project. ' The applicant now proposes to use 13,323 square feet of the project for medical offices. Therefore a revised Traffic Study has been prepared. Traffic Study A Traffic Study for the revised project containing 13,323 square feet of medical offices has been prepared in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("Traffic Phasing Ordinance") and City Policy S-1 ("Administrative Procedures for Implementing the Traffic Phasing Ordinance") . The City Traffic Engineer determined that seven intersections would be affected by the proposed project based upon its size and geographic location. The following chart indicates the intersection and summarizes the study- I.C.U. INTERSECTION 1% Existing 82 Project(1) 1. Superior Ave./Placentia Ave. )1% .5566 .6060 2. Hospital Rd./Newport Blvd. )19 .7641 .8346 3. W. Coast Hwy/Superior Ave./Balboa Blvd. (1% - - 4. W. Coast Hwy./Prospect St. (18 - - 5. W. Coast Hwy./Orange St. (1% - - 6. W. Coast Hwy./Riverside Dr. (1% - - 7. W. Coast Hwy./Dover Dr./Bayshore Dr. (1% - - (1) Existing, plus committed, plus regional growth, plus project. The. results of the Traffic Study summarized above indicate that traffic volumes generated by the project would exceed one percent on at least one approach at two intersections, but that both of these intersections would have an Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) value of less than 0.9000. These results indicate that further analysis is not required and that the Planning Commission should approved the project with the Findings indicated in Exhibit "A". Previous Traffic Study In the previous Traffic Study prepared for this project the traffic volumes generated were found to exceed one percent at the intersection of Coast Hwy./Superior Ave./Balboa Blvd. Additionally, the applicant was required to pay his "fair-share" of circulation system improvements to this intersection. The "fair-share" of these improvements has been estimated by staff at between $24,000.00 and $108,000.00, depending on the ultimate decision on the Banning-Newport Ranch project, and assuming City/State projects and R-O-W dedication from Caltrans. This intersection did not exceed 1% (1 per cent) on any one approach during the 2.3 hour peak-period in the revised Traffic Study. The reasons for this included revised traffic volumes (181vs'82) , changes in committed projects, traffic distribution changes (general office vs. medical office) and project size. TO: Planning Commission -3. Suggested Action Staff recommends approval of the Traffic Study with the Findings indicated A Exhibit "A". PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4 JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By C 44/ /424'6�— Fred Talarico, Environmental Coordinator FT:tn Attachments: Exhibit "A" 1. City Council Minutes - March 22, 1982 2. Planning Commission Minutes - February 4, 1982 3. City Council Staff Report - March 22, 1982 4. Planning Commission Staff Report - February 4, 1982 5. Traffic Study June, 1982 0 TO: planning Commission -4. EXHIBIT "A" HERITAGE BANK TRAFFIC STUDY RECOMMENDED FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL July 22, 1982 FINDINGS: 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Policy S-1. 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project- generated traffic will be greater than one percent of the existing traffic during the 2'.5 hour peak period' on any leg of the critical intersections. 3. The Traffic Study further indicates that the project will not add to an unsatisfactory level of traffic service at critical intersections as the intersections will all be operating at an Intersection Capacity Utilization value of less than .9000. 4. That the proposed project, will neither cause not make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic service on any "major", "primary-modified" or "primary" street. 5 c UNCIL &rfY OF NEWPORT ILCH MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING PLACE: Council Chambers ,s•�.9 TIME: 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL G� P p DATE: March 22, 1982 INDEX Present x x x A. ROLL CALL. Absent x Motion x B. a ing of the Minutes of the Meetings of All Ayes February mod), and March 8, 1982, was waived, approved as-written, and ordered filed. Motion x C. The reading of all ordinances and resoia4ons under All Ayes consideration was waived, and the City Clerk'was„_ directed to read by titles only. D. HEARINGS: ' 1. Mayor Pro Tem Hart opened the public bearing-and U/P 2046 City Council review of USE PERMIT NO. 2046 AND d Tfc Stdy IMR , a request o t e er ease BiQ, (88) Costa Mesa,conditionally approved by the Planning Comission on February 4, 1982, which would permit the construction in the Unclassified District of a permanent branch £scilit which exceeds the basic height 1 t in the 32750 Foot Height Limitation District. The proposal also includes the use of drive-up teller facilities and roof parking; and modification to the Zoning Code to allow the use of compact car spaces for a portion of the required off-street parking; the acceptance of an Environ- mental Document; and consideration of a Traffic Study for the project. Project located at 1522 Placentia Avenue, bounded by Placentia Avenue, Superior Avenue ind ,Fifteenth Street in the West Newport Triangle area. Report from the Planning Department, Was presented. Jim Van Tuyle, Architect for the project, stated that they agree with all the findings and condi- tions of the Planning Commission, including the .56 buildable area. He stated that if they consider a medical facility in the future, they would resubmit a traffic study. Louise Greeley, 16 Swift Court, West Newport Legis- lative Alliance, suggested this project be deferred until the Specific Area Plan for Hoag Hospital/ • County Triangle Area is completed. , Hearing no others wishing to address the Council, the public hearing was closed. The Planning Director pointed out that the subject area was not being recommended for inclusion in a Specific Area Plan at this time. For the purposes of carrying out a study for the residents of New- port Crest, and the apartment residents surrounding Hoag Hospital, a "study area" has been designated and given to the Planning Commission, along with other study areas that have been previously desig- nated as a Specific Area Plan on the City's General Plan. They anticipate that in doing these various "intensity of use" studies, it will take the Plan- ning Department several months to accomplish these Volume 36 - Page 103 try OF NEWPORT MACH C8 S MINUTES A 1(J , . ROLL C\\LLk6d,P March 22, 1982 INDEX studies. The Planning Commission has requested that, as soon as the staff has the information available for this particular area, it be brought before them for consideration. He estimates it will be approximately two months before that can occur. Motion x In view of the foregoing comments, motion was made to defer action on the subject use permit until June 28, when a recommendation will be forthcoming from the Planning Commission. Motion x Motion was made to reopen the public hearing to allow the architect representing the Applicant to respond. Jim Van Tuyle, Architect, stated that deferring the subject project would create a hardship on the Applicant. He stated that some of the drawings and studies have already been completed and that they are ready to proceed. He urged, from an "economic" standpoint, to not postpone the item. The public hearing was closed. Motion x Following comments, motion was made to withdraw the Ayes x It motion on the floor, and to deny Use Permit No. Noes x x x 2046 with the findings for denial designated as Exhibit "B," which motion FAILED. Motion x In view of the fore oin motion was made to sus- Ayes x x x t'sin t�"Tie-3eciel.on o£ tie Planning Commission and Noes x x accept the.Environmental Document. Included in the subject motion, as suggested by ounc er trause. waa—an amenrmene io t9e: Disclosure Statement for John Ha ne Rupert (Item c , changing t e word may to "will." E. PUBLIC COMEIENTS: 1. Dick Clucas,, 4403 Seashore Drive, indicated he was G/P 80-3 dissatisfied with some of the remarks made by various Council Members relative to General Plan• Amendment No. 80-3. He stated that he felt pho citizens should have been given the right to vote on the referendum issue for Newport Center, and he would hope that they will now be allowed to voice their opinion on the Banning issue. 2. Dr. Moktar Salama, '15 Gretel Court, submitted a G/P 81-1 prepared statement written by Mike Johnson, Chair- man of the Referendum Committee, regarding General Plan Amendment NQr'81-1.• The Re£ercudiim Committee urged that the City use the referendum interim period as an-opportunity to imoeiint the Specific Area Study of West Newport cognizing the BEECO property as the "turning point to its future Value to the commdnity." Volume 35 - Page 104 / I a • .., ..,..,, . •� CCOMMISSIONERS _ February 4, 1982 _ MINUTES 7 Qe � x City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL I I I I H INDEX Request to consider a Traffic Study for a proposed Item #3 37,588 sq. ft. ± bank and commercial office building. AND TRAFFIC STUDY Request to permit the construction of a permanent branch facility for the Heritage Bank in the Unclassified District that exceeds the basic height AND limit in the 32/50 Foot Height Limitation District. The proposal also includes the use of drive-up teller facilities and roof parking, a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the use of compact car Item #4 spaces for a portion of the required off-street parking, and the acceptance of an environmental document. USE PERMIT LOCATION: Lot 716, Newport Mesa Tract, located at NO. 20 ' 1522 Placentia Avenue, on property bounded by Placentia Avenue, Superior Avenue and Fifteenth Street, in the West Newport Triangle area. BOTH ZONE: Unclassified APPROVED CONDI- APPLICANT: Uhl & Van Tuyle Associates, Inc. , Brea TIO`NA LLY OWNER: Heritage Bank, Costa Mesa Agenda Items No. 3 and 4 were heard concurrently due to their relationship. Commissioner Balalis stated that he would not be participating or voting on these items due to a possible conflict of interest. Mr. Don Webb, City Engineer, referred to Condition of Approval No. 15 and stated that it should be amended to read as follows, "The proposed raised planters along ' Placentia Avenue northerly of the main entrance, shall be removed and that the proposed planter along 15th Street be set back a minimum of 2 feet behind the right-of-way line." -13- ' COMMISSIONERS • February 4, 1982 MINUTES 00, � x 8 x w City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Planning Director Hewicker suggested an additional condition of approval which would state, "That in consideration of granting the use permit to exceed the basic height limit for the District, the applicant shall record a Covenant, the form and content of which is acceptable to the City Attorney, binding the applicant and successors in interest in perpetuity to a gross floor area limitation of .56 times the buildable area for the subject property." The public hearing opened in connection with these items and Mr. Jim Van Tuyle, representing Heritage Bank, appeared before the Commission and requested approoval of these items. He stated that they will cooperate with the City Traffic Engineer in the design of the parking structure. Mr. Ross Mollard stated that he is a principal of the UBC Medical Corporation which proposes to construct a 25,000 square foot medical office condominium on the property immediately to the north of the proposed project. He stated that approval for his project has already been granted by the Planning Commission and construction should start within two months. Mr. Mollard stated that the applicant's proposed project will be an excellent addition to the area, but expressed concern with the parking structure wall which is solid concrete and the landscape treatment which will be utilized in the three foot strip. He stated that the applicant's landscape plan should be compatible with his plan. Mr. Mollard also expressed a concern relating to the parking requirement and the use of the building. He stated that an additional condition should be included which would preclude medical uses, or in the event of medical uses, the applicant would have to substantially amend the use permit to accommodate the additional parking requirements. Mr. Rod Crane, Property Manager for Heritage Bank, stated that parking structure will be set back three feet to allow for the landscaping which will compliment the structure. He stated that the parking requirement of one space for each 250 sq. ft. of net floor area is acceptable. -14- LAO COMMISSIONERS' • February A, 1982 MINUTES 3 r G � x N. City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Mr. van Tuyle stated that the spaces in the top two floors of the building will be for lease, but that specific uses for these spaces have not been designated as yet. He stated that a heavy medical Use of the building would be precluded because of the plumbing and x-ray features that would he required. lie stated that they would be willing to work with staff to add the three parking spaces if Heritage Bank decided to lease to the medical profession. Planning Director Hewicker stated that the Traffic Study prepared for the project was based upon an office building use, not a medical office building which contains substantially higher traffic characteristics. Commissioner King suggested that an additional condition be placed upon the project which would exclude any medical related tenancy which would cause the traffic study to be invalidated. He stated that i the traffic study would have to be changed if medical related rises were to be allowed. Mr. Crane stated that this would limit the potential number of businesses which could lease spaces in the building. Mr. Crane stated that they would be agreeable to a condition which states that the traffic study would have to be updated if medical uses were to be allowed at a later date. Mr. Bob Burnham, Assistant City Attorney, suggested that an additional finding be added to the approval of the Traffic Study which would state that medical related uses of the building will require a revision of the Traffic Study. Motion X Motion was made for approval of the Traffic Study, Ayes X X X X X subject to the findings and conditions of Exhibit "A", Noes X with the additional finding as suggested by Mr. Abstain X Burnham, which MOTION CARRIED as follows: FINDINGS: Traffic Study 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the peak hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Policy S-1. -15- COMMISSIONERS Ilk February 4, 1982 MINUTES City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project-generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any 'major' , 'primary-modified' , or 'primary' street. 3. That the Traffic Study prepared for the project was based upon an office building use and does not analyze the impacts of medical related uses. In the -event medical related uses were to be proposed for the project, a revision to the Traffic Study would be required. CONDITIONS: 1. That prior to the occupancy of the proposed project, the applicant shall contribute his fair share as determined by the City to the planned circulation system improvements at the Balboa Boulevard, West Coast Highway and Superior Avenue intersection, and further, that these improvements shall have been completed unless subsequent project approvals required additional improvements at this intersection. 2. That if the applicant wishes to occupy the proposed development prior to the completion of the improvements described in Condition No. 1 above, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Department and Public Works Department that they have implemented trip generation reduction measures or measures equally effective approved by the City Traffic Engineer. These measures shall remain in effect until 'the improvements described in Condition No. 1 above have been completed. Commissioner ' Beek stated that he would be voting against an approval of the use permit, because he can not make the findings that the increased building height will result in a more desirable architectural treatment of the building and that it will result in more public visual open space than is required. -16- COMMISSIONERS1 9 February 4, 1982 MINUTES. i X r I w m x a g City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Motion X Motion was made for approval of Use Permit No. 2046, Ayes X X X X subject to the following findings and conditions, with Noes X X the amendment to Condition No. 15 as suggested by the Abstain X City Engineer, and additional conditions relating to the floor area limitation and the requirement of a revision to the Traffic Study if medical related uses are proposed, which MOTION CARRIED: FINDINGS: 1. That the proposed use is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. The increased building height will result in more public visual open space and views than is required by the basic height limit, inasmuch as open areas are provided throughout the site. 3. The increased building height will result in a more desirable architectural treatment of the building and a stronger and more appealing visual character of the area than is required by the basic height limit. 4. The increased building height will not result in undesirable or abrupt scale relationships being created between the structure and existing developments or public spaces. 5. The structure will have no more floor area than could have been achieved without the use permit for the building height. 6. Adequate off-street parking spaces will be provided for the proposed office building and bank facilities. 7. Adequate provision for traffic circulation are being made for the drive-up teller facility. B. The Police Department has indicated that it does not contemplate any problems. -17- COMMISSIONERS • February 4, 1982 • MINUTES gym _ m a _ m City of Newport Beach � d ROLL CALL INDEX 9. That parapet walls, and railings be constructed adjacent to the proposed roof parking area that will shield the parked automobiles from view from adjoining property and streets. 10. That an Initial Study and Negative Declaration have been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, and that their contents have been considered in the decisions on this project. 11. That based on the information contained in the Negative Declaration, the project incorporates sufficient mitigation measures to reduce potentially-significant environmental effects, and that the project will not result in significant environmental impacts. 12. That the establishment of compact car parking spaces in the on-site parking area will not, under the circumstances of this case be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City, and further that the proposed modification is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Municipal Code. 13. The approval of use Permit No. 2046 will not, under the circumstances of this case be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plans, floor plans and elevations except as noted below. 2. Handicap and compact parking spaces shall be clearly marked by a method approved by the City . Traffic Engineer. -18- COMMISSIONERS • February 4, 1982 • MINUTES q x m City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 3. That one parking space for each 250 sq.ft. of net floor area shall be provided on the subject property. 4. Final design of the on-site parking and circulation system and points of access egress shall be subject to the approval of the City Traffic Engineer. 5. The following disclosure statement of the City of Newport Beach's policy regarding the John Wayne Airport shall be included in all leases or sub-leases for space in the project and shall be included in any Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions which may be recorded against the property. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The lessee herein, his heirs, successors and assigns, acknowledge that: a.) The John Wayne Airport may not be able to provide adequate air service for business establishments which rely on such service; b.) When an alternate air facility is available, a complete phase out of jet service may occur at the John Wayne Airport; c.) The City of Newport Beach may continue to oppose additional commercial area service expansions at the John Wayne Airport; d.) Lessee, his heirs, successors and assigns, will not actively oppose any action taken by the City of Newport Beach to phase out or limit jet air service at the John Wayne Airport. 6. Should any resources be uncovered during construction, a qualified archaeologist or paleontologist shall evaluate the site prior to completion of construction activities, and in accordance with City Policies K-6 and K-7. _lg- ' COMMISSIONERS • February 4, 1982 MINUTES s _ W w m City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 7. Final design of the project shall provide for the incorporation of water-saving devices for project lavatories and other water-using facilities. S. The final design of the project shall provide for the sorting of recyclable material from other solid waste. 9. The applicant shall provide for weekly vacuum sweeping of all paved parking areas and drives. 10. The project shall be so designed to eliminate light and glare spillage on adjacent uses. 11. A landscape and irrigation plan for the project shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. 12. A landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Department and approval of the Planning Department. 13. The landscape plan shall include a maintenance program which controls the use of fertilizers and pesticides. 14. The landscape plan shall place heavy emphasis on the use of drought-resistent native vegetation and be irrigated via a system designed to avoid surface runoff and over-watering. 15. The proposed raised planters along Placentia Avenue northerly of the main entrance, shall be removed and that the proposed planter along 15th Street be set back a minimum of two feet behind the right-of-way line. 16. That a grading plan if required, shall include a complete plan for temporary and permanent drainage facilities, to minimize any potential impacts from silt, debris, and other water pollutants. 17. The grading permit shall include, if required, a description of haul routes, access points to the site and a watering and sweeping program designed to minimize impact of haul operations. -20- COMMISSIONERS is February 4, 1982 MINUTES r c 5 1 > > n x W City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 18. An erosion and dust control plan, if required, shall be submitted and be subject to the approval of the Building Department. 19. That an erosion And siltation control program, if required, be approved by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Santa Ana Region, and the plan be submitted to said Board ten days prior to any construction activities. 20. That prior to the issuance of building permits the applicant shall submit to the Planning Director written documentation that Conditions 5,7,8, and 9 will be complied with for the duration of the subject development on the site. 21. That all signs meet the provisions of the Sign Code. 22. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 23. That any existing unused drive aprons be removed and replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk, and that any deteriorated side walk be reconstructed. 24. That a use permit agreement and accompanying surety be provided to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements, if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 25. That the sewer service be installed per Costa Mesa Sanitary District Standards. 26. That street lights be constructed along the Placentia Avenue frontage per City standards. This will also include the upgrading of the existing street light at the corner of 15th Street and Placentia Avenue. -21- COMMISSIONERS ! February 4, 1982 MINUTES 3 x im5 m lb 0 m tow > City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 27. That the existing fire hydrant on Placentia Avenue be relocated so that it is at least 5' from any proposed driveway approach. The location shall be approved by the Public Works Department. I 28. That in consideration of granting the use permit to exceed the basic height limit for the District, the applicant shall record a Covenant, -the form and content of which is acceptable to the City Attorney, binding the applicant and successors in interest in perpetuity to a gross floor area limitation of .56 times the buildable area for the subject property. 29. That a revision to the Traffic Study shall be required and approved, if medical related uses are proposed for the project. ti I Request to amend Chapter 20.73, Residential Condominium Item #5 Projects, of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Xbuyersan The City of Newport Beach AMENDMENT N568 Balalis stated that new financing s just become available to first time gested that this item be continued to rmation further. Continued Mr. Barnett Lar resident of 1901 Beryl Lane, and to Februar Vice-President of riends of Oasis Senior Citizen , 982 Center, representin over, 2,500 senior citizens appeared before the Cc • sion. Mr. Larks stated that this item has been post ed a number of times and requested that the public he ing proceed. Commissioner Kurlander suggests that this item be continued to the first agenda item the next Planning Commission Meeting, which would be F ary 18, 1982. He stated that more public input could b taken earlier in the evening. -22- I ADDITIONAL CONDITION 'USE PERMIT No. 2046 28. That in consideration of granting the use permit to exceed the basic height limit for the district, the applicant shall record a covenant, the form and content of which is acceptable to the City Attorney, binding the applicant and its successors in interest in perpetuity, to a gross floor area limitation of . 56 times the buildable area of the subject property. A I IAld11'ICIV I I1U.3 City Council M fling March 22 , 1982 'g Agenda Item No . D-1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO : City Council FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Traffic Study Request to consider a traffic study for a proposed 37 ,588 sq.ft.± bank and commercial office building. AND Use Permit No. 2046 Request to permit the construction of a permanent branch facility for the Heritage Bank in the Unclassi - fi.ed District that exceeds the basic height limit in the 32/50 Foot Height Limitation District. The pro- posal also includes the use of drive=up teller facilities and roof parking , a modification to the Zoning Code to allow the use of compact car spaces for a. portion of the required off-street parking, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. LOCATION : Lot 716, Newport Mesa Tract, located at 1522 Placentia Avenue, on property bounded by Placentia Avenue , Superior Avenue and Fifteenth Street, in the West Newport Triangle area. ZONE : Unclassified APPLICANT: Uhl & Van Tuyle Associates , Inc . , Brea OWNER: Heritage Bank , Costa Mesa Application This is a request to permit the construction of permanent branch facilities for the Heritage Bank in the Unclassified District. In accordance with Section 20. 53.020 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, any use not otherwise prohibited by law may be permitted in the Unclassified District, subject to the securing of a use permit in each case. The proposed development also exceeds the basic height limit in the 32/50 Foot Height Limitation District. In accordance with Section 20.02 .030 D. of the Municipal Code , a structure may exceed 32 ft. up to a maximum of 50 ft. subject to the securing of a use permit in each case. The Municipal Code also permits drive-up teller facilities and roof parking subject TO: City Council - 2 . to the approval of use permits . Use permit procedures are outlined in Section 20.80 of the Newport Reach Municipal Code . A modifica- tion to the Zoning Code is also requested so as to permit a portion of the required parking spaces to be compact spaces . Modification procedures are set forth in Section 20 .81 of the Municipal Code . This applicaLion also requests the approval of a Traffic Study in conjunction with the proposed ' development. Traffic Study require- ments are outlined in Chapter 15.40 of the Municipal Code . Suggested Action Hold hearing ; close hearing ; if desired , accept the Environmental Document and sustain, modify or overrule the decision of the Plan- ning Commission. Planning Commission Recommendation TRAFFIC STUDY FINDINGS: 1 . That a Traffic 'Study lids been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the peak hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Policy S-1 . 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project- generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any "major, " "primary-modified , " or "primary" street. 3 . That the Traffic Study prepared for the project was based upon an office building use and does not analyze the impacts of medical related uses . In the event medical related uses Were to be proposed for the project, a revision to the Traffic Study would be required . CONDITIONS: 1 . That prior to the occupancy of the proposed project, the applicant shall contribute his fair share as determined by the City to the planned circulation system improvements at the Balboa Boulevard, West Coast Highway and Superior Avenue intersection , and further, that these improvements shall have been completed unless subsequent project approvals required additional improvements at this intersection . 2. That if the applicant wishes to occupy the proposed development prior to the completion of the improve- ments described in Condition No . 1 above, the applicant xx TO : Citygouncil - 3 . • �v shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Department and Public Works Department that they have implemented trip generation re- duction measures or measures equally effective approved by the City Traffic Engineer. These measures shall remain in effect until the improve- ments described in Condition No . 1 above have been completed._ USE PERMIT In addition , the Planning Commission voted (4 Ayes , 2 Noes , 1 Absten- tion ) to approve Use Permit No. 2046 with the Findings and subject to the Conditions as follows : FINDINGS : 1 . That the proposed use is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and is compatible with surrounding land uses . 2. The increased building height will result in 'more public visual open space and views than are required by the basic height limit, inasmuch as open areas are provided throughout the site . 3. The increased building height will result in a more desirable architectural treatment of the building and a stronger and more appealing visual character of the area than are required by the basic height limit. 4 . The -increased building height will not result in undesirable or abrupt scale relationships being created between the structure and existing develop- ments or public spaces . 5 . The structure will have no more floor area than could have been achieved without the use permit for the building height. 6 . Adequate off-street parking spaces will be provided for the proposed office building and bank facilities . 7. Adequate provisionsfor traffic circulation are being made for the drive-up teller facility. 8. The Police Department has indicated that it does not dontemplate any problems . 9 . That parapet walls and railings be constructed adjacent to the proposed roof parking area which will shield the parked automobiles from view from adjoining property and streets . tt T0: Cif ouncil - 4. • 1-0 . That an Initial Study and Negative Declaration have been prepared i-n compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, and that their- contents have been considered in the decisions on this project. 11 . That based on the information contained in the Nega- tive Declaration , the project incorporates sufficient mitigation measures to reduce potentially-significant environmental effects , and that the project will not result in significant environmental impacts . 12 . That the establishment of compact car parking spaces in the on-site parking area will not, under the cir- cumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health , safety, peace, morals , comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property or improve- ments in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City, and, further, that the proposed modification is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Municipal Code. 13. The approval of Use Permit No . 2046 will not, under the circumstances of this case , be detrimental to the health, safety, peace , morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS : 1 . That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plans , floor plans and eleva- tions except as noted below. 2. Handicap and compact parking spaces shall be clearly marked by a method approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 3. That one parking space for each 250 sq.ft. of net floor area shall be provided on the subject ,property . 4. . Final design of the on-site parking and circulation system and points of access egress shall be subject to the approval of the City Traffic Engineer. `— 5. The following disclosure statement of the City of Newport Beach ' s policy regarding the John Wayne Air- port shall be included in all leases or sub-leases for space in the project and shall be included in any Covenants , Conditions , and Restrictions which may be recorded against the property. 'TO: Ci tyltunci 1 - 5 . DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The lessee herein , his heirs , successors and assigns , acknowledge that : a ) The John Wayne Airport may not be able to provide adequate air service for business establishments which rely on such service; b) When an alternate air facility is available , a complete phase out of jet service may occur at the John Wayne Airport; c ) The City of Newport Beach wiJIc�ontinue to oppose additional commercial area service expansions at the John Wayne Airport; d) Lessee, his heirs , successors and assigns , will not actively oppose any action taken by the City of Newport Beach to phase out or limit jet air service at the John Wayne Airport. 6 . Should any resources be uncovered during construction , a qualified archaeologist or paleontologist shall evaluate the site prior to completion of construction activities , and in accordance with City Policies K-6 and K-7 . 7. Final design of the project shall provide for the incorporation of water-saving devices for project lavatories and other water-using facilities . 8 . The final design of the project shall provide for the sorting of recyclable material from other solid waste. 9. The applicant shall provide for weekly vacuum sweep- ing of all paved parking areas and drives . 10. The project shall be so designed to eliminate light and glare spillage on adjacent uses . 11 . A landscape and irrigation plan for the project shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. 12 . A landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks , Beaches , and Recreation Department and approval of the Planning Department. 13. The landscape plan shall include a maintenance program which controls the use of fertilizers and pesticides . 14. The landscape plan shall place heavy emphasis on the use of drought-resistant native vegetation and be TO : Ci4f •.ounci1 - 6 . irrigated via a system designed to avoid surface runoff and over-watering. 15 . The proposed raised planters along Placentia Avenue northerly of the main entrance shall be `r removed and that the proposed planter along 15th Street be set back a minimum of two feet behind the right-of-way line . 16 . That a grading plan , if required, shall include a complete plan for temporary and permanent drainage facilities , to minimize any potential impacts from silt, debris , and other water pollutants . 17. The grading permit shall include, if required, a description of haul routes , access points to the site and a watering and sweeping program designed to minimize impact of haul operations . 18. An erosion and dust control p1an , if required, shall be submitted and be subject to the approval of the Building Department., 19. That an erosion and siltation control program, if required , be approved by the California Regional' Water Quality Control Board - Santa Ana Region, and the plan be submitted to said Board ten days prior to any construction activities . 20. That prior to the issuance of building permits the applicant shall submit to the Planning Director written documentation that Conditions No. 5 , 7, 8 , and 9 will be complied with for the duration of the subject development on the site. 21 . That all signs meet the provisions of the Sign Code. 22. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 23. That any existing unused drive aprons be removed and replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk , and that any deteriorated sidewalk be reconstructed. 24. That a use permit agreement and accompanying surety be provided to guarantee satisfactory completion, of the public improvements , if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements . 25. That the sewer service be installed per Costa Mesa Sanitary District Standards . T0 : Citcouncil - 7 . i 26 . That street lights be constructed along the Placentia Avenue frontage per City standards . This will also include the upgrading of the existing street light at the corner of 15th Street and Placentia Avenue. 27 . That the existing fire hydrant on Placentia Avenue be relocated so that it is at least five feet from any proposed driveway approach . The location shall be approved by the Public Works Department. 28 . That in consideration of granting the use permit to exceed the basic height limit for the District, the applicant shall record a Covenant, the form and content of which is acceptable to the City Attorney, binding the applicant and successors in interest in perpetuity to a gross floor area limitation of . 56 times the buildable area for the subject property. 29 . That a revision to the Traffic Study shall be required and approved if medical related uses are proposed for the project. �- Background As noted above, this project includes a Traffic Study for a 37,588 sq . ft. bank and commercial office building, a use permit so as to exceed the basic height limit of thirty-two feet, a use permit for a drive-up teller unit and a roof-top parking structure , and a modification so as to permit compact parking stalls . The project was approved by the Planning Commission on February 4, 1982 and called up for review by the City Council on February 22, 1982. Attached for the information and review of the City Council are copies of the Planning Commission Staff Report and an excerpt of the minutes from the Planning Commission hearing which fully des- cribe the nature of the applicant ' s request. It should be noted that although the project is being considered by the City Council subsequent to the approval of the BECCO Project, it will be occupied substantially earlier than any development on the Banning Ranch . In addition , the project contains 56% of the square footage permit- ted under the City' s General Plan and is ten feet lower than the fifty foot height limit permitted under a use permit. Respectfully submitted , J M S D. HEWN la ning Director JDH/kk Attachments for City Council Only : Planning Commission Staff Report including Traffic Study Planning Commission Minutes Site Plans , Floor Plans and Elevations Planning Commission Meet: c Agenda Item 'Nos. 1i-ir34r .� L� as ATTACHMENT NO. 4 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Traffic Study (Public Hearing) Request to consider a traffic study for a proposed 37,588 sq.ft.t bank and commercial office building. AND Use Permit No. 2046 (Public Hearing) Request to permit the construction of a permanent branch facility for the Heritage Bank in the Unclassified District that exceeds the basic height limit in the 32/50 Foot Height Limitation District. The proposal also includes the use of drive-up teller facilities and roof parking, a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the use of compact car spaces for a portion of the required off-street parking, and the acceptance . of an environmental document. LOCATION: Lot 71fj, Newport Mesa Tract, located at 1522 Placentia Avenue,. on property bounded by Placentia Avenue, Superior Avenue and Fifteenth Street, in the West Newport Triangle area. ZONE: Unclassified APPLICANT: Uhl & Van Tuyle Associates, Inc, Brea OWNER: Heritage Bank, Costa Mesa Application This is a request to permit the construction of permanent branch facilities for the Heritage Bank in the Unclassified District. In accordance with Section 20.53.020 of the Newport Be4ch Municipal Code, any use not otherwise prohibited by law may be permitted in the Unclassified District, subject to the securing of a use permit in each case. The proposed development also exceeds the basic height limit in the 32/50 Foot Height Limitation District. In accordance with Section 2b.02.030,D., of the Municipal Code,, a structure may exceed 32 feet up to a' maximum of 50 feet, subject to the securing of a use permit 'in each case. The Municipal Code also permits drive-up teller facilities and roof parking subject to the approval of use permits. Use permit procedures are outlined in Section 20.80 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested so as to permit ,a portion of the required parking spaces to be compact spaces. Modification procedures are set forth in Section 20.81 of the Municipal Code. This application also requests the approval of a Traffic Study in conjunction with the proposed development. Traffic Study requirements are outlined in Chapter 15.40 of the Municipal Code. TO: Plan Commission - 2 Environmental Significance l After an initial study, it has been determined that this project will not have any significant environmental impact, and a Negative Declaration with appropriate mitigation measures has been prepared. This document is attached for Commission review. Conformance with the General Plan The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the site for "Retail and Service Commercial" uses. The proposed bank facility is consistent with this designation. Subject Property and Surrounding Land Use A single-story temporary bank facility and related parking and landscaped areas currently exist on the subject property. All existing improvements will be removed in conjunction with the proposed development. To the northeast, across Superior Avenue, are multi-family residential uses; to the south across 15th Street, is a vacant parcel; to the southwest and west across Placentia Avenue are multi-family residential uses and a mobile home park; and to the northwest adjacent to the subject property is a small convenience store, a light-industrial use, and a vacant parcel that will contain medical office condominiums. Analysis The following outline reflects the major characteristics of the proposed development: Lot Size: 1.54 acres 67,088 sq.ft. Setbacks: Required Proposed Front: (Placentia Ave.) -0- 10' (min.) Sides: (15th Street) -0- 10' (min.) (Northwest side) -0- 3' (min.) Rear: (Superior Ave.) -0- 10' (min.) Buildable Area: (Gross Structural Area) Permitted: 1 x 67,088 sq.ft. = 67,088 sq.ft. Proposed: 37,558± sq.ft. = (Gross Floor Area) Floor Area Ratio: 37,558± sq.ft. T 67,088 sq.ft. _ .56 buildable area Net Floor Area: First 'floor: 91564(1)± sq.ft. Second floor: 13,004 ± sq.ft. Third floor: 12,952 ± sq.ft. 35,520 ± sq.ft. (1) This figure differs from that on the plans submitted. 3 TO: Plann' ;ommission - 3 . Off-Street Parking Required: 1 space/250 sq.ft. net floor area 35,520t sq.ft, a 250 sq.ft. = 143 spaces Provided: Parking Structure: 102 spaces Surface Parking: 33 spaces Drive-Up Teller• Stacking: 9 spaces (3 spaces/lanes as permitted TOTAL 144 spaces by the Planning Commission for other similar facilities) Building Height: 32/50 Height Limitation District Maximum Permitted: 50' upon securing a Use Permit Maximum Proposed: 40' (measured from grade to top of parapet walls) The proposed 2-level parking structure parallels a portion of the northwesterly side property line with a 31t setback. This proposed parking .structure is adjacent to an existing, commercial use. The City Traffic Engineer has reviewed the proposed parking plan and has no objections to ,the design as submitted. Staff has no objections with the proposed number of compact spaces (i.e., 24 spaces) inasmuch as only 16.7% of the required parking spaces are designed for compact automobiles. The Commission has approved up to 25% of the required number of parking spaces for compact spaces on similar office projects in the past. Proposed Building Height The proposed structure is within the 32/50 Foot Height Limitation District. The applicant is requesting approval of the structure to a height of 40 feet. Section 20.02.040 of the Municipal Code sets forth the following four points that shall be complied with in order for the Planning Commission' or City Council to approve a structure in excess of the 32 Foot•Basic Height Limit: (a) The increased building height would result in more public visual open space and views than is required by the basic• height limit in any zone. Particular attention shall be given to the location of the structure on the lot, the percentage of ground cover, -and the treatment of all setback and open areas. (b) The increased building height would result in a more desirable architectural treatment of the building and a stronger and more appealing visual character of the area than is ,required by the basic height limit in any zone. (c) The increased building height would not result in undesirable or abrupt scale relationships being created. between the structure and existing developments or public spaces. Particular attention shall be,given to the total buik of the structure including both horizontal and vertical dimensions. (d) The structure shall have no more floor area than could have been achieved without the,Use Permit. T ' TO: Plan& Commission - 4 � v The applicant has submitted a letter responding to each of the four points, a copy of which is attached for Planning Commission review. The proposed 3-story, 40' high structure and the 2-level, 17' high parking structure occupy approximately 50% of the subject property, with the remainder of the site utilized for landscaping, drive-up teller lanes, parking, and circulation. Adequate open areas are provided throughout the site. The proposed structure exceeds the Basic Height Limit by 8 foot,. It will not be significantly higher than other existing or proposed structures in the vicinity. The brick facade will result in a more pleasing architectural treatment than the more prevalent glass and steel structures. The proposed structure provides a total floor area (gross) of 37,558t sq.ft., where 67,068 is permitted for a floor area ratio of .56 times the buildable area of the site. Staff has no objections to the applicant's request to exceed the Basic Height Limit, and further, staff is of the opinion that the proposed structure meets the criteria specified in Section 20.02.040 of the Code. Traffic Study The applicant has requested approval of a Traffic Study to permit the issuance of building and grading permits for the construction of the proposed project. The Traffic Study for the proposed project has been prepared in 'accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("Traffic Phasing Ordinance") and City Policy S-1 ("Administrative Procedures for Implementing the Traffic Phasing Ordinance") , Based upon the Findings of the Traffic Analysis, it has been determined that the traffic volumes generated by this development would exceed one percent of the existing, plus approved projects traffic volumes on at least one approach at the West Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Avenue intersection and three approaches of the Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue intersection. An Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis was conducted for the 'total of existing, plus regional growth., plus committed projects, plus the project traffic volumes at the two intersections identified above. This analysis indicated that the existing traffic volumes plus project traffic volumes of the two intersections would have an ICU value of less than 0.90. The results of the Traffic Study indicate that further review is not required, and that no specific mitigation measures are necessary. Specific Findings and Recommendations section 20.80.060 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code provides that in order to grant any use permit, the Planning Commission shall find that the establishment, maintenance, or operation of the use or building applied for will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental t T0: Plao_.g Commission - 5 *- 0 or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Section 20.02.040 of the Code specifies the Findings necessary to approve a . Use Permit •to .exceed the Basic Height Limit. Staff recommends the approval of Use Permit No. 2046 and the Traffic Study prepared in conjunction with this request, and the acceptance of the Negative Declaration. If it is the desire of the Planning Commission to approve this request, the Findings and.Conditions of Approval as set forth in Exhibit "A" are suggested. Should the Planning Commission desire to deny this request, the Findings for Denial as set forth in Exhibit "B" are suggested. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director Byl. CHRIS GUSTIN Associate Planner CG:nma Attachments: Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Vicinity ,Map Negative Declaration Traffic Study Letter from Architect Plot Plan, Floor Plans and Elevations F%HIRIT FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Traffic Study Use Permit No. 2046 FINDINGS: Traffic Study 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the peak hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the• Newport Beach ' Municipal Code and City Policy s-1. 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project-generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any 'major' , 'primary-modified' , or 'primary' street. CONDITIONS: 1. That prior to the occupancy of the proposed project, the applicant shall contribute his fair share as determined by the City to the planned circulation system improvements at the Balboa Boulevard, West Coast Highway and Superior Avenue intersection, and further, that these improvements shall have been completed unless subsequent project approvals required additional improvements at this intersection. 2. That if the applicant wishes to occupy the proposed development prior to the completion of the improvements described in Condition No. 1 above, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Department and Public Works Department that they have implemented trip generation reduction measures or measures equally effective approved by the City Traffic Engineer. These measures shall remain in effect -until the improvements described in Condition No: 1 above have been completed. Exhibit "A" Continued Use Permit No. 2046 FINDINGS: 1. That the proposed use is consistent with the,Land Use Element of the,'General Plan and is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. The increased building height will result in more public visual open space and views than is required by the, basic }height limit, inasmuch as open areas are provided throughout the site. 3. The increased building height will result in a more desirable architectural treatment of the building and a stronger and more appealing visual character of the area than is required by the basic height limit. ; 4. The increased building height will not result in undesirable or abrupt scale relationships being created between the structure and existing developments or public spaces. 5. The structure will have no more floor area than could have been achieved without the use permit for the building height. 6. Adequate off-street parking spaces will be provided for the proposed office building and bank facilities. 7. Adequate provision for traffic circulation are being made for the drive-up teller facility. S. The ,Police Department has indicated that it does not contemplate any problems. 9. That parapet walls, and Failings be constructed adjacent to the proposed roof parking area that will shield the parked automobiles from view from' adjoining- property and streets. 10. That an Initial Study and Negative Declaration have been prepared in compliance with the California Environrfental Quality Act,, and that their contents have been considered in the decisions on this , project. I 32 Exhibit ."A" 11. That based on the information contained in the Negative Declaration, the project• incorporates sufficient mitigation measures •to reduce potentially-significant environmental effects, and that the project will not. result in significant environmental impacts. 12. That the establishment of compact .car parking spaces in the on-site parking area will not, under the circumstances of this case be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City, and further that the proposed modification is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Municipal Code. 13. The approval of Use Permit No. 2046 will not, under the circumstances of this case be detrimental• to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be -detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plans, floor plans and elevations except as noted below. 2. Handicap and compact parking spaces shall be clearly marked by a method approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 3. That one parking space for each 250 sq,ft, of net floor area shall be provided on the subject. property- 4. Final design of the on-site parking and circulation system and points of access egress shall be subject to the approval of the City Traffic Engineer. 5. The following disclosure statement of the City of Newport Beach's policy regarding the John Wayne Airport shall be included. in all leases or sub-leases for space in the project and shall be included in any Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions which may be recorded against the property. 33 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT, The lessee herein, his heirs, successors and assigns, acknowledge that: a.) The John Wayne Airport rp may not be able to provide adequate air service for business establishments which rely on such service; b.) When an alternate air facility is available, a complete phase out of jet service may occur at the John Wayne Airport; c-) The Cityof Newport Be ach each may continue to oppose additional commercial area service expansions at the John Wayne Airport; d.) Lessee, his heirs, successors and assigns, will not actively oppose any action taken by the City of Newport Beach to phase out or limit jet air service at the John Wayne Airport. 6. Should any resources be uncovered during construction, a qualified archaeologist or paleontologist shall evaluate the site prior to completion of construction activities; and in accordance with City Policies K-6 and K-7: :.7'.• . Final design of the project shall provide for the incorporation of water-saving devices for project lavatories and other water-using facilities, S. The final design of the project shall provide for the sorting of recyclable material from other solid waste. 9. The applicant shall provide for weekly vacuum sweeping of all paved parking areas and drives. 10. The project shall be so designed to eliminate light and glare spillage on adjacent uses. 11. A landscape and irrigation plan for the project shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. 12. A landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Department and approval of the Planning ,Department, 13. The landscape plan shall include a maint enance program which controls the use of fertilizers and pesticides. I 3y 14. The landscape plan shall place heavy emphasis on the use of drought-resistent native vegetation and be irrigated via a system designed to avoid surface runoff and over-watering. 15. The proposed planters along Placentia Avenue shall be removed and that the Proposed planter along 15th Street be set back a minimum of 2' behind the right-of-way line. 16. That a grading plan if required, shall include a complete plan for temporary and permanent drainage facilities, to minimize any potential impacts from silt, debris, and other water pollutants. 17. The grading permit shall include, if required, a description of haul routes, access points to the site and a watering and sweeping program designed to minimize impact of haul operations. 18. An erosion and dust control plan, if required, should be submitted and be subject to the approval of the Building Department. 19. That an erosion and siltation control program, if required, be approved by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Santa Ana Region, and the plan be submitted to said Board ten days prior to any construction activities. 20. That prior to the issuance of building permits the applicant shall submit to the Planning Director written documentation that Conditions 5,7,8, and 9 will be complied with for the duration of the subject development on the site. 21. That all signs meet the provisions of the Sign Code. 22. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 23. That any existing unused Drive aprons be removed and replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk, and that any deteriorated side walk be reconstructed. 24. That a use permit •agreement and accompanying surety be provided to guarantee satisfactory completion of .the Public Improvements, if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. .25. That the sewer service be installed per Costa Mesa Sanitary District Standards. 26. That street lights be construcied ,along the Placentia Avenue frontage per City,standards. This will also include the upgrading of the existing street light at the corner of 15th Street and Placentia Avenue 27. That the existing fire hydrant on Placentia Avenue be relocated so that it is at least 5' from any proposed driveway approach. The location shall be approved by the Public WotkS Department. r 3ra EXHIBIT' "B" FINDINGS FOR DENIAL Use Permit No. 2046 1. That the increas-_3 building Height does not result in more public visual open space than is required by the Basic Height Limit. 2. The increase building height does not result in a more desirable architectural treatment of the structure-and more applicants. 3. The increased .building height results in an undesirable and abrupt scale relationship being created between existing developments. 4. The approval of Use Permit No. 2046 will under the circumstances of this case be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of , the City, inasmuch as the intensity of use, on the property will increase significantly without providing adequate parking facilities. . NEGATIVE DECLARATION TO: 'Q Secretary for Resources FROM: - Planning Department 1400 Tenth Street City of Newport Beach Sacramento, CA 95814 3300 Newport Boulevard [� C1'erk of the Board ,of Newport Beach, CA 92663 Supervisors P. 0. Box 687 Santa Ana- rA Q97 IL NAME OF PROJECT: Heritage Bank PROJECT LOCATION: 1522 Placentia Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92663 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project consists of the construction of a t37,588 sq.ft. office building with assoicated landscaping and parking. FINDING: Pursuant'•to ,the Provisions of City Council P0lic K-3 ertai 'Y P m rig, to �I A procedure's ctCtheEnviron guidelines implement mentalAffairsC h California Environmental posed project and determined that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. ;I MITIGATION MEASURES: ;SEE ATTACHED INITIAL STUDY PREPARED BY: City of Newport Beach INITIAL STUDY AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT: 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA DATE RECEIVED FOR FILING: ` Fred Talarico, Envir mental Coordinator Date: 3� MITICATION MEASURES 3 . Should any resources be uncovered during construction, a qualified archaeologist or paleontologist shall evaluate the site prior to completion of construction activities, and in accordance with City Policies K-6 and K-7. 2. Final design of -the project shalom provide for the incorporation of water-saving devices for project lavatories and other water-using facilities. 3. The final design of the project shall provide for the sorting of recyclable material from other solid waste. 4. The applicant shall provide for weekly vacuum sweeping of .all paved parking areas and drives. 5. A landscape and irrigation plan 'for the project shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. 6. A landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Department and approval of the Planning Department. 7. The landscape plan shall include a maintenance program which controls the use of fertilizer's and pesbicider,. e. The landscape 'plan shall place heavy emphasis on the use of drought-resistent native vegetation and be irrigated via a system designed to avoid surface runoff and over-watering. g•. That a grading plan if required, shall include a complete plan for temporary and permanent drainage facilities, to minimize any potential impacts from silt, debris, and other water pollutants. 10. The grading permit shall include, if required, a description of haul ' routes, access points to the site and a watering and sweeping program designed to minimize impact of haul operations. 11. An erosion and dust control plan, if required, should be submitted and be subject to the approval of the Building Department. 12. That an erosion and siltation control, if required, be approved by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Santa Ana Region, and the plan be submitted to said Board ten days prior to any construction activities. 13. The project shall be so designed to eliminate light and glare spillage on adjacent residential uses. 14. The following disclosure statement of the City of Newport 'Beach's policy regarding the John Wayne Airport shall be included in all leases or sub-leases for space in the project and shall be included in any Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions which may, be recorded against the property. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The lessee herein, his heirs, successors and assigns, acknowledge that: a.) The John Wayne Airport may not be able to provide adequate air service for business establishments which rely, on such service; b.) when an alternate ,air facility is available, a complete phase out of jet service may occur at the John Wayne Airport; c.) The City of Newport Beach may continue to oppose additional commercial area service expansions at the John Wayne Airport; d.) Lessee, his heirs, successors and assigns, will not actively oppose -any.action taken by the City of Newport Beach to phase out or limit jet- air service at the John Wayne Airport. 9 UPwj679B9 ... TRArT t _ - N s� \ Ip c ✓�1 M.I•p -U til.� 'f � g T .. . \ 'Mr •'� L.� y w tv r.;: ,� nIM •V.I n�!/ L.IY• \ •• •l'L C •we ly[E wArL arNR/LT,,Cfro rAryL.uro r•: r:.r.>e ` 0 / • Sf .vt 7�rrN.r �. 1� A-P R Y.L .Q �wY� •w.y w.I... r..aM s .' S Y MYry Yt T• \ .wwwv�Y mr nv t NLr!'r" rt .�luL .'"'.r:'tar...w".nC"i.'L" .•'F•"T'«1i:.r�l.s // PLC /�•P•FI . MY•Nrr M�r+1.n .nuil•Y�••�irt�rwr.i ii 'a♦ �.n.��iw r�rrlrrlrn4i: q SeEW.12•A DISTRICTING MAP NEWPORT BEACH - CALIFORNIA 11—• AGRICULTURAL REBIDENTIAL R-• MULTIPLE REBIOLMIAl SINGLE rAMD.x RLMO[NnAt M/C-1 LIGHT COMMERCIAL R�L DUPLCX RLLID[NTIAII C-[ I GENERAL COMMERCIAL R-] MOO.NLNTVIt RMRu•RIMOLNTIALt M-1 MANUFACTURING ORD NO BJA _ •B -N COMBINING DgTRgTB u UNCLABBIFIED — DEC A.U[D MAP NO. 2 C,1SE. � iT' �O . aOg4 . . • A7UD . 7"12.A FF/G S7Z4b �( 't., ''i'.u;i��:.ti .,.l.:'•L:.:I:!... - . - .jl�:.rr':i\` ` , S'1 . . .:..:r.•y:.. . . . ..I`` j<in ^sr`' :•.?ry;-:�p;.:, A..:�y P.:.,:j( ;ti..;yj-•ii'L.•'• LINSCOTT, LAWGREENSPAN, INC., ENGINEERS TRANSPORTATION. THAN-W. PAHKINO,LIVIL I1%OINf I IJIN(J' 150 C PAULARINO.SUITE 120.COSTA MESA.CALIFORNIA 92626 1714) 641 1587 December 16, 1981 i y y`O1 \ Mr. Fred Talarico �g$1•- Senior Planner Community Development Department ^. " !0 City of- Newport Beach 1a'•'tqt1i 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 Subject: Updated Traffic Phasing .0rdinance Report Heritage Branch Bank Site 1522 Placentia Avenue Dear Mr. Talarico, Transmitted herewith, are four copies of the revised Traffic Phasing Ordinance Report for the Heritage Branch Bank Site located at 1522 Placentia Avenue. This report incorporates Mr. Edmonston's comments of December 11, 1981. Should you have any questions, please •do not hesitate to phone. Very truly yours, LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN# INC. Donald W. Barker, P.E. Transportation Engineer DWB:a Attach. 0-341-1 Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE REPORT HERITAGE BANK BRANCH 1522 Placentia Avenue Newport Beach, California PREPARED FOR: . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Community Development Department 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 ; -PREPARED BY: LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, INC. 150-C Paularino Avenue - Suite 120 Costa Mesa, California 92626 714-641-1587 June 1981 UPDATED DECEMBER 1981 0-341 0-341-1 OF 43 �,..insrott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engi s TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS HERITAGE BANK BRANCH 1$22, Placentia Avenue Newport Beach, California Project Description The proposed site is located within the City of Newport Beach, at 1522 Placentia Avenue and is presented in Exhibit 1. Traffic access to the site would be provided by Placentia Avenue on the west, Superior Avenue on the east, and 15th Street on the south. Superior Avenue and 15th Street are master-planned as primary arterial highways, each having four travel lanes and a median island. Placentia Avenue is master-planned as a secondary arterial highway, adjacent to the site. The City of Newport. Beach Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) indicates Placentia Avenue as a secondary classification between the north city limits of the City of Newport Beach and Hospital Road. Superior Avenue is classified in the MPAH as a primary between its intersection with Newport Boulevard to its intersection of Pacific Coast Highway. Although 15th Street- is 'built to a primary classification standard between Superior Avenue and Placentia Avenue, the street is designated as a secondary arterial highway from Placentia Avenue to west of Monrovia Avenue. The proposed project would produce a total of 37,452 square feet of gross floor area situated within three floors and is shown in Site Plan, Exhibit 2. A total of 161 parking spaces would be provided on the site, 30 -of' which would be for compact vehicles and 4 for handicapped persons. As shown In Exhibit 2, the 2 level parking deck would be provided access via driveways on Placentia Avenue and on Superior Avenue. An additional' driveway on 15th Street would serve the surface parking adjacent to that street. An exit-only driveway would enter on Placentia Avenue south of the parking deck access serving only drive-up window patrons. The project site currently .houses a single story bank branch office which is proposed to be replaced by the project construction. Project occupancy is en- visioned in late 1983. l _ ��°• +r��•,•1•. " ate•' t l �t ...'••�. -•.:., _ �--<yL .r.6}..r �r,{.... �y�/fY�t,].+lr,I.1l" r��� w •����� ii�• t .`� � ,V 41 TA Mya� '• writ.rr ••y �+ •,• �l. • !- �• �Zf�ya\s � . Q' r '+1 f ram., • � r/ • ,••= .t:•wr-.Ton Val ,•nwa, w. t.# i ,•rF ,I� j\ ,>♦ N•T*J°.°a•� r'' ,J•","r •�`l�t , t f tlsf•tt 'II: y: ,4. t • ±1.5 t6 i +�.; /.�'..�.` i ,A/. r V'w .S•wY � '�' .,,Y'•, � .lw�r�r�r'A��/�n� �^��f �^�� .� � a - ` .K / ..Y��'ra bp 'f,�?_ II =�IYiP'1=l il�� � iey�r,•s . .i Jy+E♦• � ,t f",/.i• � a.. r •V•1�'• s nrxrfi� 'il r t .,f i la • j �� „ ��: °� r- g�`•\' n ,•. �:.?`y r -.' r• . • ti Nr` j'+`• t' f +' Grp�� �'z• •+�+ r I �. is .r. 2_+p �+r ;_ '+'R1' :° \ fT q• •'�b��Ys _ � l�.� r.,�inrl":7r 1_ Ya \-"-• 3 �?�� •�'3 !t 1++-t�,.� �•++-.,n. � ,' =+ �•;w � 'US•r I•' j R^,•Y�i t• �,fywto� c,i..—.. .t .\.q• `Z�.�♦ ., si k•' °' +`�.`• �s/�. try '' rt i ,.4 +`�`�a r. ..... �' l��•� mil.` -si�♦ � Yli r °y r'� �.�..\.+"���,�, �•'lb• t.. t • '° - '� .ice°.. . ,.::. gq ..:; s ,� ♦ J::j... "...�'� i J) s�Ar"� C �.vy�'��t .' i.• f .., f• 1 t.r•„ 't' SITE ' �:'� '. ,,�,�� . �.��,; •:, .:��„�, • _� __ ---- —, ;� .. Ile -o➢r'. °+' •�+`; �: •//i/ as y'sr•%Lfr ;f;�•a•.. �.,_ k. '-� _ t:'�'.r er�'t ++ , •ti•p` +.,ter r`^•r.: �_+. '� ... j//�I•\!'+r.+rr.r• ,�. .°� � / �i_:./(. ..'• `.•',•,•Nit�!i f;?�i�,l ; l$VEWFO . +����r•�� :•,,,l};� tea,. .;`,t ij i! f�5 i`� ♦���•r`+C. s ICY 7: �'•.w�• .'s IL 4 f 1 SOURCE: THOMAS BROS. MAPS na�Tw VICINITY MAP Llnscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers HERITAGE BANK BRANCH TFF `rtv. 1� LTITF •• • • • Tlq:l �', 1 / • rr"" ltirt.Y �p 2 O / t ♦e• rY - W O-Q 00 ,Y� 1511 [ LIeV.- ' ' � .... _._ -.-.i^.¢ IDTN-•DTlEET _. __ ...__..--- — % u�re��r�.n0.MaLr•)K LLaV �. - I W�.rilY Yff. • llY[iMfYi�felt �M. 1 1M wo..a>YveiY Yn lru µefts "�WfY[rf•�[ MIRY-I _ fMirfCY HaL Y••.e —'M1r /4 IItMT.IYY✓rp C Y[u.rym.C uN fy�•p[YMI M Mr IW.[ •. � • riA1MO.Y.MRa ru[.u. r,0.^et0 • U 0•MYLf Kf 1LtYp IKY •'�-,� 1/� �i ~Vie •: � •� I i MAP SOURCE: UHL & VAN TUYLE ASSOCIATES aD 2 , N TM SITE PLAN' 46 Linscott, Law& Greenspan, Inc., Engineers HERITAGE BANK BRANCH • j yLinscott, Law & Greenspan, lnc., •ineers Traffic Generation Traffic generation forecasts have been prepared for the proposed project .based upon trip generation factors as compiled:by the City 'of Newport Beach and Caltrans, loth Progress Report on Trip� Generation: As shown in Table 1, the proposed project has been credited for trips generated by the existing bank branch office to be removed. The proposed project is expected to generate a total of 820 vehicle trip ends daily (410 inbound, 410 outbound), where a trip end is a one-way vehicular movement either arriving at, or departing the generating land use. An estimated 191 vehicle trip ends would be produced during the afternoon peak 2} hour period. (65 inbound, 125 outbound) with 62 of these vehicle trips occurring during the peak PM ,peak .hour. Traffic Distribution Project generated traffic has been distributed and assigned in accordance with anticipated travel orientations and route into and out of the site area. Exhibit 3 presents the traffic distribution of vehicle trips generated, (Table 1) on a PM peak hour, PM peak 2} hour and 24 hour basis at selected locations. The percentage "assignment (of total traffic) to each roadway segment is also indicated.; , Intersection Evaluation - 1% Analysis A total of seven intersections have been- identified for analysis during the 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM period. They are as follows: 1. Superior Avenue/Placentia Avenue 2. Hospital Road/Newport Boulevard 3. Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard 4. Coast Highway/Prospect Street 5. Coast Highway/Orange Street ; 6. Coast Highway/Riverside Drive 7. Coast Highway/Dover Dr/Bayshore Drive A review of the individual intersection work sheets indicates that project traffic would exceed one percent of the existing, Plus approved• projects traffic volumes on at least one approach' at the Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Avenue intersection and three approaches of the Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue intersection. The 1% Traffic Analysis work sheets are included in the appendix. v TABLE 1 TRAFFIC GENERATION FORECAST Heritage Bank Branch 37.350 Square Foot Building Area Land S uare PM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK 2 -HOURS Use Foota a Inbou d ps Outboun ps Rate-/Trips Rate fps 24 HOUR d To Inbound Outbound Total late Office 31350 x, Wa Total 0. 60, 19 1. 70�+53 2. 303'72 1.20Y38 3.40'/107 4.60 Y145 13.0Y408 r sq. ft. N 0 0 Bank 6100 5.29z/32 3.53'/22 8.82'/54 I0.38'/65 7:06'/44 17.44z/104 164. 5'/1004 f. s ft. r Sub Total 51 75 126 24 103 151 254 1412 c) tCredit Bank . f s ft. ) 5. 29'/(1.9) 3.53'/(13) 8.82'J(32) 10.38'/(38)7.06%(25) 17. 44'/(63} 164.5� (592) p Total 32 . 62 94 65 126 I 191 820 N iSource: City of Newport Beach, Traffic En zReport #2281 Caltrans gineering Department t 1.0th Progress Reports on Tri p Ends Generation Research Counts, July, 1975. i y ^ M I6TN ST INDUSTRIAL WAY bo~ a 23 4 'SITE s its fz, ISM" ST 12 • _h N 13 A � ti MDIW NOSPITAL t o� r KEY SCHEMATIC 00 00 P.M PK HR/PM PK 2; HR aNOT TO SCALE 00 24'HR VOL 4fa H°IITH _.442� PERCENT OF DISTRIBUTION PROJECT TRAFFIC VQLUMES U Linscott, Law& Greenspan, Inc., Engineers �' INTERSECTION ANALYZED (I%) HERITAGE BANK BRANCH Lmscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., En gi ers r �9 Intersection Capacity Utilization An Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis has been conducted for the total of existing, plus regional growth, plus committed projects, plus the project traffic volumes at the two intersections identified above. Work sheets "for these calculations are included in the Appendix. The ICU calculations at the intersection of Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue indicated that the addition of project traffic would produce an ICU value of 0.6334. The ICU value calculation for the intersection of Coast Highway/Balboa Boulevard/ Superior Avenue incorporating the planned system improvements of one westbound through lane, one southbound left-turn lane and one southbound right-turn lane, indicates that the addition of project traffic would produce an ICU value of 0.8896. Conclusions An analysis,of seven key intersections in the vicinity of the proposed Heritage Branch Bank site indicated that forecasted project traffic volumes would exceed one percent of the existing volume on at least one approach at two of those locations. Further analysis indicated that the existing traffic volumes plus project traffic volumes of the two intersections would have an ICU value of less then 0.90. Mitigation would not be required at those intersections. i Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers sa APPENDIX 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Superior Avenue/Placentia Avenue Hospital Road/Newport Boulevard Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard Coast Highway/Prospect Street Coast Highway/Orange Avenue Coast Highway/Riverside Drive Coast Highway/Dover Drive/Bayshore Drive ICU Analysis . Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard with System Improvements 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue (Existing Traffic Volumes Duacul on Average Inter pring Peak 2y Hour APProved _-=r._ T— — �iach' .- Existing Regional — Projects - ProjectedT170f Pro 1Direction Peak 2y Hour I Growth peak 2y Hour Peak 2y NourPeak 2 Houred Project Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Peak, 2y Houp —{ �— volume 1• Northbound I 0 I 126 1237 12 14 !� southbound 1620 Ij Eastbound 1 1552 i 0 — — 1664— I 17 20 i� westbound I 1767 -+ -- 0 -- j 31 1590 i 16 18 __L_ 65 1806 18 7 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2� Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected R Peak 2� Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue 12-3-81 PR04ECT: GATE: 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection • Coast Hi hwa /Balboa B1.-Su erior Ave. (Existing Traffic� Volumes as on verage inter Spring 19 gl Desk 2y Nour Approved --�-- ` proach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1.: of Projected i Project Direction I Peak 2y Hour. { • Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 21, Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2$ Hour Volume I Volume �- Volume Volume` "� Volume Volume I'�and i 1823 0 12 1835 ig q Southbound 2901 0_ 1 76 2977 30 34 Eastbound 3311 ' . 437 3778 3g . -4- - - 7 — 30 0 Westbound ' 349— 31 971 4487 45 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2-� Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ❑X Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue GATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT: PORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Newport Boulevard/Hospital Road (Existing Traffic Volumes Mad on Average winter/Spring 1 81 Peak 2S Hour Approved - Approach Existing Region el Projects ,Projected 1" of Projected Project " Direction Peek 2S Hour Growth Pak 2y A'Hour ' Peak 2k Hour Peak Hour Peak 24 Hour Volume Volume T Volume Volume Volume — Volume Northbound ' 3229 0 — — 56 3285 33 3 Southbound 3482 0 i 89 3571 36 0 t — — � Eastbound _- � —`-'-- i� 1527 0 308 1835 18 - 4 - F -- - - westbound g72 I 0 ; 48 1020 10 4 ; --� — — --- © Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2� Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ❑ Peak 2-, Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Uti-lization (I..C.U. ) Analysis is required. HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue GATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT: FORTS I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection ' Coast Hi hwa /Oran a Street (Existing Traffic Volumes base on. verage inter pring 19 II1 I�--- --k 2y Hour _--A — --•-kPeak APDroach E+cistin PDroved9 RA zonalit Direction Peek 2y Hour 9 ProjectsedGrowth of Projected Pro Volume I Volume Peak 2y Hourourpeak 2y Hour P ject Volume eak 2y Hou Volume 'NOrChb0und —537 0 2Southbound j 5153 0 1 0 Eastbound I2 0 2772 24 442estbound ' T32 7 $159 46 1 1022 — --— 62 16 © Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 23� Hour Traffic' Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ❑ Peak 21� Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. „ HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue PROJECT: DATE: 12-3-81 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Coast Highway / Prospect Street (Existing Traffic Volumes' ase on nycrage Winter/Spring 1 _ ------------- Peak 2y Hour Approved "�•--•�— Apprach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1' of Projec proJgct ( Otrection Peak 2y Hour Growth PF+k 2y Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2y,Hour �. Peak 24 Hour I( Yotume Yolume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound Southbaund 260 0 ( _-_ -r_- 2 262 3 0 Eastbound 2530 22 442 2994 i 30 Westbound 4920' 43 ' 1022 59 _ 80 60 16 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than n 1% of Proje cted Peak 2 Nour Tr �❑ is Traffic Volume. Intersection 'Ca acit Uti1'i (I.C.U.) Analysis is re p Y zation Y required. + HERITA .0 Rank[ 1499Placentia Avenue DATE 12 3 81 PROJECT: FAY=N t s� 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Coast Highway/Riverside Avenue (Existing Traffic Volumes based on verage inter pring 19 81 2S Hour Approved Pea k Approach I Existing I —Regional Projects Projected 1" of Projected Project 'i Direction Peak 2S Hour Growth Peak 2S Hour Peak 2S Hour i Peak 2S Hour Peek 2S Ho Volume Volume Volume Volume i Volume Volume Northbound 21 D I 0 21 0.2 0 Southbound 126 D i 75 1343 13 p. 1 Eastbound i 4248 38 547 483— 3 — 48 g ;r -�- -+ --- -- --- Westbound ; 3 3752 33 - I 1113 —4898 49 a Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume 0 Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ' Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. — HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue DATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT: FOPx, 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection i hwa Dover Drive-Ba shore Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on verage inter pring 1 � Peek 2y Hour Approved Approach Existing, Regional ' Projects Pro'ected Direction Peak "2y Hour T Growth Peak 2'y Hour Peak 24, Hour 1Peak 2� Houred Project Ii Volume Volume t- Volume Volume Volume Peak 2c, Hour Volume Northbound i i 0 4 282 _ 3 0 !� 5ouehbound 2273 0 44 2317 23 0 II Eastbound_ 3401 -+ 30 �- , 477 3908 39 9 i; Westbound 5473 49 I - 1027 6549 66 6 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume Q 'Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2)2 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue 12-3-81 PROJECT: GATE: an t l tun unrnt,t i T w iLUAI-ION A 51S InL rsection Placentia Avenue/superior Avenue ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1981) EXISTING PROPOSEO EXIST: EXIST. REGIONAL. COMMITTED PROJECTED Noamtnt Janet Cap. Lanes Cap. PX.NR: V/C GROWTH PROJECT V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT' Vol. Ratio YOlw* Volume w/o Project Vol^ V/C Ratio � --M� — J Value* NL 32 NT 3200 321 .1209Jt 25 .1403 6 .1422 NR 34 37 SL 1600 6 .0038 - 0038 1 .0038 ST 1600 247 .1544 4 .1568* 9 1625 SR 1600 418 ,2613 -5 .2643 - .2643 � EL 1600 244 .1525* 1525* ' 1525 ET 3200 ' 297 .0928 - 0928 1 0931 ER 1600 22 .0138 3, .0156 7 ,0200 WL 1600 46• .0288• 20 .0412 - .0412 WT 3200 699 .2184* - 2184* - 2184 WR 5 .0031 - .0031 4 .0056 YELLOWTIME :1000*, .1000*i ; 1000 EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .5956 1 M i EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIOMAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROYEMENTS I.C.U,. 6277 M EXISTING PLUS COMitlTTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. .633 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be. less 'than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater •than 0.90 , Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 Description of.system improvement: .HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia ,Avenue - DATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT FORM LI Inoection Coast Highway/Balboa Be.-Superior Ave. ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1981) No•ertnt C-IStI I.G PROPOSED EXIST, EXIa REGIONAL tOMNIiiEG PAOIICTt0 Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. PX.NR. V/C GROMIN PROJECT V/C,Ratfo PRg1Eci, PROJECT Vol. Ra uo Volume Volume "/a Project Vol At V/C Ratio Volume NL 12400 421 . 1754* - - . 1754* - .1754* NT 2400 265 .1104 - 4 .1120 2 .1129 NR 1600 N.S 58 0363 - _ SL 0363 - .0363 146 ST 3200 473 . 934 - 10 .1965 8 .1991 SR 1600 708 .4425* - 28 .4600* 8 .4653* EL 3200 44 .0763 - 16 .0812* 3 .0822* ET 3200 828 .2588 13 205 .3269 - 3269 ER 1600 N.S. 401 .2506 - 2506 - 2506 WL 1600 85 .0531 - - .0531 - 0531 WT 3200 1329 .4153* 13 481 .5697* - 5697*s WR 1600 N.S 77 .0481 - - .0481 1 .0488 YELLOWTIME ; 1 1000* t .10001, .1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION 1 1 t EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSEO INPROYEMENTS l,C.U. 1.3863 EXlSTI46 PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGION.111 AL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 1.3923 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.g0 ® Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 Description of system improvement: HERITAGE BANK. 1522 Placentia Avenue _ OATS : 12-3-81 ,, I I C __ ._ _ . .._.. . u. aa.a a.ntaVt�LIJ1J - .y. s.ection.. Coas.. t Highway/Ralbod 811114 -Superior Ave. - ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1981) txISTIK IRo1oSE0 EXIST. EXIST ►ROJFCi[D MOrRCfnt REGION MAL PROJECTED laMt Up, Uetn Cop. RA.18 V/C GROYTM PROJECT Y/C A1t10 PROJECT PROJECT i Vol, Ratio YOIIwR Y01 wy •/o Project Voluy VIC Ratio Votvar< NL 4 421 .1754* - - 1754* NT - .1754, 240 2. 266 .1104 4 1120 2 .1129 NR 1600 N.S 58 .0363 .0363' - .03 63 SL 1600 146 0913 4 ST 3200 3200 473 0938 SR 934 - 10 -1509* 4 .1522� 08 .4425* 28 .2300' 8 .2325 3200 EL 3200 44 0763 - 16 .0812* . 3 .08220 ET 3200 828 .2588 13 205 .3269 - .3269 ER 1600 N.S.401 .2506 ' : - - 2506 - 2506 WL 1600 85 .0531 - .0531 - WT 3200 4800' .0531 1329 .4153* -13 481 ,3798* - ,3798* WR 11600 N-S 77 .0481 - - :0461 1 .0488 YELL0IRUE 1000* ' 1 .4000*1 EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION t 1000* EXISTING PLUS CONNITTED PLUS REGIONAL 'GROYTH Y/PROPOSED JNPRDYEMENTS I.C.U.I 1 1 CXIST14G PLUS C"ITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROMTH PLUS PROJECT I'.C.U. .8896 ❑ Projected plus •project traffic I.C.U, will be less than ore equ al 1 to .0.9.0 ❑ Projected plus J p s traff project is I.C.U. will b r e greater than 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 Description of system improvement: lAddition of: 1-WT, 1-SL, 1-SR. Eastbound ft 'turn V/C and exceed the southbouridorighthV/C9 Combine to requirement. _ HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue 12-3-81 Uhl &VanTuyle Associates Architects • Planners 2729A Saturn St. Brea.Calif. 92621 714.996.5720 October 20, 1981 City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 Attention: Christopher Gustin RE: Proposed Three Story Bank/Office 1522 Placentia Avenue Newport Beach, California Project No. 8103 Dear tor. Gustin: i This letter will address the four points for exceeding the pre- scribed 32 foot height limitation in the "U" unclassified zone and accompany the application for a Use -Permit. 1. The increased height to 40 feet would allow for a full three story building with proper ceiling heights and adequate mechanic- al space between floors. With the three' story configuration, the building can be located in the southwest corner of the triangular shaped property and can have 10 foot setbacks where none are re- quired. This building covers 20. 4% of the site including the drive- up teller lanes. The areas immediately adjacent to the building are raised brick planters or brick edged walkways. 2. The increased height to 40 feet would enhance the architectural appearance of the three story elevation and provide a parapet to screen the mechanical equipment. - The repetitive brick• arches on each elevation are capped by a horizontal brick band of a pleasing proportion to the arch. The apex of the arch is at V-0" above the third floor line. 3. The increased height to 40 feet would not result in undesirable or abrupt scale relationships being created between the structure and existing developments or public space. This building is locat- ed on an island of future commercial zoning. ' Both 15th Street and Placentia Avenue are full 64 foot paved streets and coupled with the sidewalks and setbacks the elevations do not impose on the ad- jacent properties to the south and west. The south and west building elevations have raised brick palnters :with ground covers, shrubs and trees set in a formal layout to complement the repetitive brick arches. The adjacent property line to the north is GO feet and on the east a minimum of 130 feet plus the 10o foot right of way of Superior from the building line. 4. The gross square footage of the building is 37,588 square feet and the total site area is 67,088 square feet for a cover- age of 56 percent. Allowable coverage for commercial zoning would be 106 percent. If there are any additions to these four points, please -do not hesitate to contact me. Sine rely, .Tim Van uyle JVT:ju Qscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engines AfTAGHMtNI NU. b TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE REPORT HERITAGE BANK BRANCH _ 1522 Placentia Avenue Newport Beach, California PREPARED FOR: CITY OF NEMRT BEACH - Community Development Department 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California PREPARED BY: LINSCOTTr LAW & GREENSPANr INC. 150-C Paularino Avenue - Suite 120 Costa Mesar California 92626 (714) 641-1587 JUNE 1982 0-421 (7/7/82) goy �- Winscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engine TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS HERITAGE BANK BRANCH 1522 Placentia Avenue Newport Beachr California PROJECT nESCRIPTION The proposed site is located within the City of Newport Beach, at 1522 Placentia and is presented in Exhibit 1. Traffic access to the site would be provided by Placentia Avenue on the west, Superior Avenue on the east, and 15th Street on the south. Superior Avenue and 15th Street are master-planned as primary arterial highways, each having four travel lanes and a median island. Placentia Avenue is master-planned as a secondary arterial highway, adjacent to the site. The City of Newport Beach Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) indicates Placentia Avenue as a secondary _ classification between the north city limits of the City of Newport Beach and Newport Boulevard. Superior Avenue is classified in the MPAH as a primary between its intersection with 'Newport Boulevard to just north of its intersection of Pacific Coast Highway, where the classification ends in a route that will require further coordination with a proposed realignment of Pacific Coast Highway. Although 15th Street is built to a primary classifi- cation standard between Superior Avenue and Placentia Avenue., _ the street is designated as a secondary arterial highway from Placentia Avenue to west of Monrovia Avenue. The proposed project would produce a total of 36,888 square feet of gross floor area situated within three floors and is shown in Site Plan, Exhibit 2. The first floor will consist XT - ram. � _-- • ,�. �, r< TA r.M r: t .s � ' .w •M r— ii a �.,,••.r"�,]Y, ; n 4� Ar ' • a sL='41,�e. ,r41'.iCJ�i�s ^'+ . .! r j„•. 9���.[/ Aa es• 6 a�? � f• '� .._ \ YY}n �f,�T•—�j I nWi d" l R r��' I `` � , 'Y�( II`�"'.cwa rw,ewr / !ate f ai� i�q 1 s a b frg s•f 11 d 1 }'QL a. _ Aar _ s JLVyiyp I.t Y1 � / •,i ,.iii sf n,rn ' tt to �� • d $•L� >> ya• a I =',dL�•�� 1 s i e Y, n ,4 ♦ d � a .(.��N 'a'- — �F � �furra ,... � •'Y` �• a,� JQ,��:`t:r ii•.ys '•s-,-0••..0 P�! ":; . ten. x%�+s a � o ' \�' .• �7a ji.`'r����D�1i�. y>.. :'.�.'.e ii.r '1, ,r A �.i<„•` '' 'a �}'��r '•'• 4y` �.59' r}Xj f /p L1 ,roosneY ' �: �•b a•�\Y. � ` ,rn.E `` t i _ .�• SITE '+fir. •r / °-'� .....`.i� a _ll.:%a.� � � �;;•., '�' • N•r, ur _ 1a �. �~u. •' � .•aiusu s , nY.• •.:a nai � •s �\\.,, •y . yy Imo./ /Ml b ` •�','.� ,�'R wS.V•{\\�}r L<Y\ SOURCE: THOMAS BROS. MAPS VICINITY MAP 46 Linsco", Law& Greenspan, Inc., Engineers 2 HERITAGE BANK BRANCH f l; �i.'.� Ut • / MtiA ..VJi P-Ri 2S�t i T'S�ilY.+ti. 1 • o� MAP SOURCE: UHL & VAN TUYLE ASSOCIATES 2 SITE PLAN 46 Linscott, Law&Greenspan, Inc., Engineers HERITAGE BANK BRANCH s Oscott, law & Greenspan, Inc., Enginee# of bank/general office space, second floor will be medical - offices and the third floor will be general offices. Gross square footage of each use is 6100 SF/bank, 13,323SF/medical office, and 17,465 SF/general office. A total of 148 parking spaces would be provided on the site and 2 for handicapped persons. As shown in Exhibit 2, the second level parking deck would be provided access via the driveway on Superior Avenue. Additional driveways on 15th Street and Placentia Avenue would serve the surface parking adjacent to those streets. An exit-only driveway would enter onto Placentia Avenue, south of the surface parking access, serving only drive-up window patrons. _ The project site currently houses a single-story bank branch office which is proposed to be replaced by the project construction. Initial project occupancy is envisioned in mid-1983, total occupancy by late 1984. TRAFFIC GENERATION Traffic generation forecasts have been prepared for the proposed project based upon trip generation factors as compiled by the City of Newport Beach and Caltrans, loth — Progress Report on Trip Generation. As shown in Table 1, the proposed project has been _ credited for trips generated by the existing bank branch office to be removed. The proposed project is expected to generate a total of 1040 vehicle trip ends daily (520 inbound, 520 outbound) , whee a trip end is a one-way vehicular movement either arriving at, or departing during generating land use. An estimated 228 vehicle trip ends would be produced during the afternoon peak 2-1/2 hour period, (99 inbound, 129 outbound) with 71 of these vehicle trips occurring during the PM peak hour. 4 ( 1 S ( ( ( S f 1 f ( 1 f ( I I f I I S • dQ TABLE 1 TRAFFIC GENERATION FORECAST HERITAGE BANK BRANCH 36,888 SQUARE FOOT BUILDING AREA PM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK 2-1/1 HOURS 24-HOUR SQUARE RATE/ RATE/ RATE/ RATE/ RATE/ BUILDINGS FOOTAGE INBOUND OUTBOUND TOTAL INBOUND OUTBOUND TOTAL 2-WAY TOTAL M General 0.60 1 1.70 1 / 2.30 1 / 1.20 1 / 2.60 1 / 3.80 1 / 13.0 1 / r Office 17,465 SF 11 30 40 21 46 67 228 Medical 1.90 1 2.40 1 / 4.30 1 / 3.80 1 / 4.80 1 / 8.60 1 / 30.0 1 ! `r Office 13,323 SF 25 32 57 51 64 115 400 Bank 6,100 SF 5.29 3.53 2 / 8.82 2 / 10.38 2 / 7.06 2 / 17.44 2 / 164.5 2 / m 32 22 54 65 44 109 1004 SUB-R�DPAL 68 84 151 137 154 291 1632 m t (Credit) BANK (31600 SF) 5.29 2 3.53 2 / 8.82 2 / 10.38 2 / 7.06 2 / 17.44 2 / 164.5 2 (19) (13) (32) (38) (25) (63) (592) AL 49 71 119 99 129 228 1040 1SOURCE: City of Newport Beach, Traffic Engineering Department 2Report #228, Caltrans, loth Progress Reports on Trip Ends Generation Research 1 Counts, July, 1975. i i C (09 escott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineer TRAFFIC DISTRTBpTTON Project generated traffic has been distributed and _ assigned in accordance with anticipated travel orientations and route into and out of the site area. A separate trip distribution and assignment analysis was performed for the bank/general office and medical office components of the building. Exhibit 3 presents the traffic distribution of vehicle _ trips generated (Table 1) on a PM peak hour, PN peak 2-1/2 hour, and 24-hour basis at selected locations. The percentage assignment (of total traffic) to each roadway segment is also V indicated. TNTF.RSECTTON EVALUATION - 1% ANALYSIS A total of ,seven intersections have been identified for analysis during the 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM period. They are as follows: 1. Superior Avenue/Placentia Avenue 2. Hospital Road/Newport Boulevard 3. Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard 4. Coast Highway/Prospect Street 5. Coast Highway/Orange Street 6. Coast Highway/Riverside Drive 7. Coast Highway/Dover Drive/Bayshore Drive A review of the individual intersection worksheets indicates that project traffic would exceed one percent of the existing, plus approved project traffic volumes on at least one approach at the Newport Boulevard/Hospital Road intersection and four approaches of the Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue intersection. The one percent analysis worksheets are included in, Appendix A. 6 I II _. W � - s Ntg � tit.ti10 m yl 2% rrr �b— n INDUSTRIAL MAY 167H ST. ,o+. 9 �2f 15TH Si. 1 VVV 1 1 ti0 N T W 1 V N ti� fS ��w } HOSPITAL ROAD 17 `�, 5 11 '�j�, M �Q� 1 1 f "q, m e HW HOSPITAL a n COAST NY .► � —�'�� � � l�j� . mod'\ �,4Q' KEY V V SCHEMATIC 00 00 PM PK HR/PM 'PK 21 HR 3 a D NOT TO SCALE 00 24 HR YOL 4_ x� PERCENT OF DISTRIBUTION -PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES € '6 Linscott, Law&Greenspan, Inc:, Engineers INTERSECTION ANALYZED (1%) HERITAGE BANK BRANCH 71 LTnscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineer TNT RSECTION CAPACITY L>7'IL•r2WTON An Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis has been conducted for the total of existing, plus regional growth, plus committed projects, plus the project traffic volumes at the two intersections identified above. Worksheets _ for these calculations are included in Appendix B. The ICU calculations at the intersection of Placentia Avenue/superior Avenue indicated that the addition of project traffic would produce an ICU value of 0.6060. The ICU value calculation for the intersection of Newport Boulevard and Hospital Road indicates that the addition of project traffic would produce an ICU value of 0.8346. CONCLUSIONS An analysis of seven key intersections in the vicinity of the proposed Heritage Branch Bank site indicated that _ forecasting' project traffic volumes would exceed one percent of the existing volume on at least one approach at two of those locations. Further analysis indicated that the existing traffic volumes plus project traffic volumes of the two intersections ` would have an ICU value of less than 0.90. Mitigation would not be required at those intersections. 8 L > `7 Linscott, Law & Greenspan,. Inc., Engingh APPENDIX A 1% TRAFFIC VOLUME ANALYSTS Superior Avenue/Placentia Avenue Hospital Road/Newport Boulevard Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard Coast Highway/Prospect Street Coast Highway/Orange Avenue Coast Highway/Riverside Drive Coast Highway/Dover Drive/Bayshore Drive 0 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection NEWPORT BOULEVARD @ HOSPITAL ROAD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter pring 19 — IT Peak 2� Hour Approved �— —•�j Approach I Existing Regional Projects Projected 1': of Projected Project Direction Peak 2 Hour Growth Peak 2y Hour Peak 2>', Hour Peak 2k Hour j PeAk 2y Hour , Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I; Northbound 3012 0 123 3135 31 22 r it Scuthbound 3514 0 73 3587 36 0 I Eastbound I 1728 _ 0 316 2044 1 20 29 i Westbound 789 0 63 852 9 ' 3 --- — -- Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 23-2 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected R Peak 2? Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. DATE: 6-24-82 PROJECT: HERITAGE BANK FORA I '-7 �, d 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection PLACENTIA AVENUE @ SUPERIOR AVENUE (Existing Traffic Volumesbased, on Average, Winten/Spring 1,9, _ _ Peak 21s Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 10 of Projected Project ; Direction Peak 2h Hour Growth Peak 21s Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 24 Hour i Peak 2y Hour Volume Volume Volume. Volume Volume Volume Northbound 740 0 221 961 10 25 South bound 1371 0 94 1465 15 23 Eastbound 1443 0 31 1474 15 16 l Westbound 1545 0 69 1614 16 29 ` 'I Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2� Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than M of Projected ❑X Peak 2)1 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: 6-24-82 PROJECT: HERITAGE BANK FOR!; I - 75 • • 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY@ DOVER DRIVE/BAYSHORE DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter pring 9 _ Peak 2y Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1'; of Projected Project Direction j Peak 2y Hour Growth Peak 2� Hour Peak 21, Hour Peak 2; Hour j Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 259 0 7 264 3 0 Southbound 2190 0 85 2275 23 0 i Eastbound 3302 19 679 4000 j 40 21 LWestbound 37 1208 7647 77 16 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2-� Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2� Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE 6-24-82 PROJECT: HERITAGE BANK FORM I l� 0 �. v 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection R I VfJR51 D E. COAST HWY. (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average winter/Spring 19 82 Peak 2k Hour Approved IF—ADProach Existing Regional Protects Protected 1" of Protected Pro,lec�II Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2y Hour I' Volume I Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume ! Northbound 1 15 0 0 15 1 0 Soutbbound 1066 �I i 0�_82 1148 12 0 11 Eastbound I 1 3977 23 ; 644 4644 46 I 21 1L Westbound 4115 24 1181 5320 53 16 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 231 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: 6-24-82 PROJECT: HERITAGE BANK FORM I ` - � 77 • • 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY @ BALBOA BOULEVARD SUPERIOR AVENUE (ERisting Traffic Volumes basedon Average inter pring 19 _ Peak 2� Hour Approved i Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1: of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2y Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 2;, Hour Peak 2y Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 1537 0 37 1574 16 3 5outhbound 1 2441 0 108 2549 26 23 Eastbound 3330 19 I 527 3876 i 39 11 i westbound 3538 20 1054 4612 46 2 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: 6-24-82 PROJECT: HERITAGE BANK FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection T G WAY @ PROSPEOT STREET (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on Average winter/springMUD— Peak 2y Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1; of Projected Project Direction Peak 2u Hour Growth Peak 2y Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2y Hour j Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 119 0 0 119 1 i 0 Southbound 207 0 2 209 2 0 Eastbound 2932 17 532 3481 35 11 , Nestbound 5011 29 1084 6124 61 14 ' ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2� Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected 10 Peak 2� Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utiliiation (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: 6-24-8 PROJECT: HERITAGE BANK FOR;-1 1 7 . • 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HWY . @ ORANGE ST. (Existing Traffic Volumesbased--on verage inter Spring 19 82 Peak 2> Hour Approved �I Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected i': of Projected 1 Project ,I II Direction 1 Peak 2k Hour T Growth 2�S Hour Peak 2�, Hour Peak 211 Hour j Peak 2u, Hour I� I� I Volume I Volume i Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 231 0 2 532 5 0 i' ll southbound 109 0 1 110 1 0 1� r it �i Eastbound 1 2610 1 15 532 3157 32 11 -+•-- I Westbound 1_ I 4492 - _ 26 — 1084 5602 1 56 14 © Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected. Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. DATE: 6-24-82 PROJECT: HERITAGE BANK FORM- I OV Unscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engle APPENDIX B TCU AMYSTS, Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue Newport Boulevard/Hospital Road Interstion NEWPORT BOULEVARD @ HOSPITOROAD ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1982) EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED EXISTING PROPOSED V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Movement PK.HR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. Vol. Ratio Volume Volume Vw/ool Protect Volume V/C Ratio Volume NL 1600 160 .1000* 29 .1181* 11 .125 NT 4800 1031 .2262 43 .2352 .2352 NR 55 SL 1600 29 .0181 .0181 .01818 ST 4800 1276 .2966* 25 .3017* 3017* SR' 147 EL 1600 183 .1144 127 .1938* „..1938* ET 3200 152 .1609* 8 1 .1716 1 .1763 ER 363 26 14 WL ' S 20 WT 3200 182 .1066* 4 .1141* .1141* WR _.. 14 YELLOWTIME 1000* i EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ,7641 I 1 i EXISTING PLUS COMWITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.C.U. It - cXI'STING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 8346 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic' I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: — DATE: 6-24-82 PROJECT HERITAGE BANK FORM II ;* 1 O InAction PLACENTIA AVENUE/SUPER AVENUE ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Wint' r/Spring 19 82) . EXISTING PROPOSED EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED . PROJECTED Movenent Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. PK•HR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT t ! Vol. Ratio Vol Lane Volune w/o Project volume •V/CRatio Volune PNR 1 3200 258 .0950* 26 .1147* 6 1184*35 37 6 } SL 1600 5 .0031 5 . 0063 5 0094 ST 1600 253 .1581* 24 .,1731* 15 .1825 SR 1600 343 .2144 5 .2175 8 .2225 EL 1600 14 •0088* .0088* DOW ET 3200 310 .0969 .0969 7 .0991 ER N.S. 261 .1631 3 .1650 .1650 WL 1600 43 .0269 20 .0394 10 .0456 WT 3200 623 .1947* 1947* 5 .1963* WR N.S. 4 .0025 25 .0025 .0181 YELLOWTIME .1000* j EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .5566 j EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.C:U. 1 EXISTING PLUS WN- ITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. ' .6060 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected .plus project traffic',I.C.U. �will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: DATE: 6-24-82 PROJECT HERITAGE BANK FORM II V E� FILE C)P R P\a3nme�t d peO 1 LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN. INC.,ENGINEERS ' TRANSPORTATION, TRAFFIC, PARKING d CIVIL ENGINEERING COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA PASADENA, CALIFORNIA ' Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers ' TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE REPORT ' HERITAGE BANK BRANCH 1522 Placentia Avenue ' Newport Beach, California ' PREPARED FOR: ' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Community Development Department ' 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 1 ' PREPARED BY: LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, INC. ' 150—C Paularino Avenue — Suite 120 Costa Mesa, California 92626 (714) 641-1587 1 DUNE 1982 II 0-421 ' (7/7/82) I ' Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers 1 1 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS HERITAGE BANK BRANCH 1522 Placentia Avenue ' Newport Beach, California 1 PRCITECT DESCRIPTION The proposed site is located within the City of Newport Beach, at 1522 Placentia and is presented in Exhibit 1. Traffic access to the site would be provided by Placentia Avenue ' on the west, Superior Avenue on the east, and 15th Street on the south. Superior Avenue and 15th Street are master-planned as ' primary arterial highways, each having four travel lanes and a median island. Placentia Avenue is master-planned as a ' secondary arterial highway, adjacent to the site. The City of Newport Beach Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) indicates Placentia Avenue as a secondary classification between the north city limits of the City of Newport Beach and Newport Boulevard. Superior Avenue is ' classified in the MPAH as a primary between its intersection with Newport Boulevard to just north of its intersection of ' Pacific Coast Highway, where the classification ends in a route that will require further coordination with a proposed realignment of Pacific Coast Highway. ' Although 15th Street is built to a primary classifi- cation standard between Superior Avenue and Placentia Avenuer the street is designated as a secondary arterial highway from Placentia Avenue to west of Monrovia Avenue. ' The proposed project would produce a total of 36,888 square feet of gross floor area situated within three floors and ' is shown in Site Plan, Exhibit 2. The first floor will consist :.j.T�t. .` .•s/✓ v .- �.n QP..a".� o.sh; , ._ - -�'6 �� s i• ; Yam?{ is `'yL` •- ' !V. '9"ry�3� r'� S Y � 0.,:. "17: n� �s•a '_ / ' .3 :;iy+1 ^.."fie :..Ci i°=��� �' °e' . q <:::::. /��P �= w r� •' �':..�'•—; , :.�� E _ r":1� �: sa= ,r "•.. 'fl•x � �� 7c ya.w©wn ram/fri�. • ` 4 l Yr .ru, aura: au • ..!e_1 `^ r' �' r '( '� '- ..rrr.' as: :6 'ysc•n�ia"�;t_•_a °e •' � d -tea � `S.6 <'.-+n � %r=:� � � �3„'.`...� r�r _. ... -`a . ....� . 's jl,fl�';''a..'r c `�'�s�r e� � 'P;;y'i'•�,. ...5 . ' :i t i..7` 1 . :� a•��� i 4 s! � w I�° A• Jro +°."�<• A' , .� �,""°'�. wi ' <9~x:'c,� •..�ra+c •<n «. air ea �.... .. . 3� y 1,�d ,(p ' -�i;r- ie�'li: K .+ - G.< �$�- sy°�r • Lti oar 6 n a� �1,/, _`\. c ^:r�au ni xxrox � -a' r.i� A� � I•...�.� \ x< r.an•..s. 'r'�\",/x, ,<.,, n ^'T ° r L.. .. n ., �ti.`. •rs c9 • e r ' „� i- � 6 a. � — 'yi«��':.0 l� • t w yip R :�y ��cbk �( , •:� a'�• e . tumor a wr...w . 'q�'ae 4 •w♦ +fZ+ .•'O P• k. j,:�� �„d.. a { R� • t J \ nZ J . �� 4� s �.#Yrts'j Is�- ""+/� �+7 � n I g : �1" 4„✓ \e '+ i�.ar'"'+. .; •I?��� °"af�� i� `s ';r.,�i• ��� ^n„ P1*,1:;� :+3�`�.�'45 ,•'` a•'�,�� ,�j�* '�4�ctr '�w�/•vj ` tio.^ `��• �♦ ram. a, ate_ \sT � :. ' . ..)•a-:'<'..,•a r�..�.�i . {a L ... e , SITE ,-'`�•�::- ¢. p::��:_ •� � d -- •.�-�'� -r= st,,e ! ' r •r r / .�� coxes �♦ c" • _.?{ r qua. O.� Ya ...-..�>•� rr Yr xtwrutr • � .a '.."'o .r" ,n a` Q4' add• 84yd ♦tY/ <.Si •i d` -•�$ `,� ♦( i , ���'." �• +. :• ; .`.tom . �. `-�� (K' � '••�i�f' �l •\N<"'w ,;+I:'.. ,.09 x j t�� \ice •y'' .s. •v_ s 3d y s � :, ' SOURCE: THOMAS BROS. MAPS � 1 ' a D VICINITY MAP Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers 2 HERITAGE BANK BRANCH I I � yJnF i q11 I I ` I I I I _�i i I _ . I _I ___ __� .—i rt .�•n / VVVI r r. l e*I I .. 4. 1 _ tom` !�Il /� •.1. ej .o ..Fd•Lc obi E a. v, �y•� �<n rnr..e.+TfSc+.ue 16TM-6TREES O�1nU/I�)1 VV MAP SOURCE: UHL & VAN TUYLE ASSOCIATES 2 SITE PLAN �6 Linscott, Law& Greenspan, Inc., Engineers HERITAGE BANK BRANCH Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers ' of bank/general office space, second floor will be medical offices and the third floor will be general offices. Gross ' square footage of each use is 6100 SF/bank, 13r323SF/medical officer and 17r465 SF/general office. A total of 148 parking spaces would be provided on the site and 2 for handicapped persons. As shown in Exhibit 2 , the second level parking deck would be provided access via the ' driveway on Superior Avenue. Additional driveways on 15th Street and Placentia Avenue would serve the surface parking ' adjacent to those streets. An exit-only driveway would enter onto Placentia Avenue, south of the surface parking access, i ' serving only drive-up window patrons. The project site currently houses a single-story bank ' branch office which is proposed to be replaced by the project construction. Initial project occupancy is envisioned in mid-1983, total occupancy by late 1984. TRAFFTC GENERATION Traffic generation forecasts have been prepared for the proposed project based upon trip generation factors as ' compiled by the City of Newport Beach and Caltransr loth Progress Report on Trip Generation. As shown in Table 1r the proposed project has been credited for trips generated by the existing bank branch office to be removed. The proposed project is expected to generate a ' total of 1040 vehicle trip ends daily (520 inbound, 520 outbound) , whee a trip end is a one-way vehicular movement ' either arriving at, or departing during generating land use. An estimated 228 vehicle trip ends would be produced during the ' afternoon peak 2-1/2 hour period, (99 inbound, 129 outbound) with 71 of these vehicle trips occurring during the PM peak ' hour. t4 l TABLE 1 ' TRAFFIC GENERATION FORECAST HERITAGE BANK BRANCH 36,888 SQUARE FOOT BUILDING AREA PM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK 2-1/1 HOURS 24-HOUR SQUARE RATE/ RATE/ RATE/ RATE/ RATE/ r BUILDINGS FOOTAGE INBOUND OUTBOUND TOTAL INBOUND OUTBOUND TOTAL 2-WAY TOTAL t 0 o General 0.60 1 1.70 1 / 2.30 1 / 1.20 1 / 2.60 1 / 3.80 1 / 13.0 1 / r Office 17,465 SF 11 30 40 21 46 67 228 Medical 1.90 1 2.40 1 / 4.30 1 / 3.80 1 / 4.80 1 / 8.60 1 / 30.0 1 / M J O1 Office 13,323 SF 25 32 57 51 64 115 400 !i � Bank 6,100 SF 5.29 2 3.53 2 / 8.82 2 / 10.38 2 / 7.06 2 / 17.44 2 / 164.5 2 / d 32 22 54 65 44 109 1004 SUB-TOTAL 68 84 151 137 154 291 1632 m (Credit) BANK (3,600 SF) 5.29 2 3.53 2 / 8.82 2 / 10.38 2 / 7.06 2 / 17.44 2 / 164.5 2 (19) (13) (32) (38) (25) (63) (592) H FOTAL 49 71 119 99 129 228 1040 1SOURCE: City of Newport Beach, Traffic Engineering Department 2Report #228, Caltrans, loth Progress Reports on Trip Ends Generation Research Counts, July, 1975. tLinscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION ' Project generated traffic has been distributed and assigned in accordance with anticipated travel orientations and ' route into and out of the site area. A separate trip distribution and assignment analysis was performed for the ' bank/general office and medical office components of the building. ' Exhibit 3 presents the traffic distribution of vehicle trips generated (Table 1) on a PM peak hour, PM peak 2-1/2 hour, and 24-hour basis at selected locations. The percentage ' assignment (of total traffic) to each roadway segment is also . indicated. ' TNTERSECTION EVALUATION - 1% ANALYSIS ' A total of seven intersections have been identified for analysis during the 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM period. They are as ' follows: 1. Superior Avenue/Placentia Avenue 2. Hospital Road/Newport Boulevard 3. Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard ' 4. Coast Highway/Prospect Street 5. Coast Highway/Orange Street 6. Coast Highway/Riverside Drive 7. Coast Highway/Dover Drive/Bayshore Drive ' A review of the individual' intersection worksheets indicates that project traffic would exceed one percent of the existing, plus approved project traffic volumes on at least one approach at the Newport Boulevard/Hospital Road intersection and ' four approaches of the Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue intersection. ' The one percent analysis worksheets are included in Appendix A. 6 w h� 55 2% INDUSTRIAL WAY 16TH ST. a b+e 2/3 p �� hMti ti0 �15TN ST. 2% 11 10 tip a ti�tio .v 12 25 1/3 11 19 PJ4 �12x g~� �tioi tio� �nI HOSPITAL ROAD 2% 1 N N 5 11 �a SJQ�Q 18 27 m i B II HOAG HOSPITAL co a ? s Iq P J� MST NWY t l�Qi► 1 oo Ifr,A I BIB �J`Qo KEY D SCHEMATIC 00 00 PM PK HR/PM PK 21 HR 3 NOT TO SCALE 00 24 HR VOL N0"' PERCENT OF DISTRIBUTION PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES Linscott, Law& Greenspan, Inc., Engineers INTERSECTION ANALYZED (1%) HERITAGE BANK BRANCH Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers ' INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION An Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis ' has been conducted for the total of existing, plus regional growth, plus committed projects, plus the project traffic ' volumes at the two intersections identified above. Worksheets for these calculations are included in Appendix B. The ICU calculations at the intersection of Placentia ' Avenue/Superior Avenue indicated that the addition of project traffic would produce an ICU value of 0.6060. The ICU value calculation for the intersection of Newport Boulevard and Hospital Road indicates that the addition of project traffic ' would produce an ICU value of 0.8346. ' CONCLUSIONS An analysis of seven key intersections in the vicinity ' of the proposed Heritage Branch Bank site indicated that forecasting project traffic volumes would exceed one percent of the existing volume on at least one approach at two of those ' locations. Further analysis indicated that the existing traffic ' volumes plus project traffic volumes of the two intersections would have an ICU value of less than 0.90. Mitigation would not ' be required at those intersections. 1 ' 8 tLinscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers 1 ' APPENDIX A 1% TRAFFIC VOLUME ANALYSIS ' Superior Avenue/Placentia Avenue ' Hospital Road/Newport Boulevard Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard Coast Highway/Prospect Street Coast Highway/Orange Avenue Coast Highway/Riverside Drive ' Coast Highway/Dover Drive/Bayshore Drive . 1 1 1 APPENDIX A ' 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection NEWPORT BOULEVARD 0 HOSPITAL ROAD ' — (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter Spring 19 — Peak 2� Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project I� ' Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2� Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2y Hour ' Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 3012 0 123 3135 31 22 I' southbound 3514 0 73 3587 36 0 �) Eastbound 1728 0 316 2044 1 20 29 Westbound q 789 0 63 852 9 3 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ' Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected XQ Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization ' (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 1 ' DATE: 6-24-82 ' PROJECT: HERITAGE BANK FORM- I APPENDIX A ' 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection PLACENTIA •AVENUE @ SUPERIOR AVENUE ' (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter Spring 19 82 ) _ Peak 21s Hour Approved I' ' Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2y Hour Growth Peak 2p Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 2; Hour Peak 2� Hour '• Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume i ' Northbound 740 0 221 961 10 ; 25 ; southbound 1371 0 94 1465 15 23 ' Eastbound 1443 0 31 1474 15 16 Westbound 1545 0 69 1614 16 29 ' Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ' Q Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. DATE: 62 4-82 PROJECT: HERITAGE BANK t FOR.M I APPENDIX A ' 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY@ DOVER DRIVE/BAYSHORE DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter Spring 19 8 tPeak 2� Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project ' Direction. Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2; Hour j Peak 2§ Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 259 0 7 264 3 0 Southbound 2190 0 85 2275 23 0 I Eastbound 3302 19 679 4000 i 40 21 Westbound 2 37 1208 7647 77 16 I ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume a Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ' Peak 212 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. i DATE: 6-24-82 ' PROJECT: HERITAGE BANK FORM I APPENDIX A ' 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection RIVERSIDE AVE. COAST HWY. ' — (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Verage Winter Spring 19 82— Peak 2� Hour Approved ' Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1", of Projected Project 'I Direction Peak 2� Hour I Growth Peak 2� Hour Peak 232 Hour Peak 2; Hour I Peak 2y Hour Volume Vol Volume Volume Volume II ume Volume i ' I Northbound 15 0 0 15 1 0 sorthbound 1066 0 82 1148 12 0 ' r Eastbound 3977 - I — 23_ ! 644 4644 1 46 21 Westbound 4115 24 I 1181 5320 53 16 I ' Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected X Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization ' (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. ' DATE: 6-24-82 ' PROJECT: HERITAGE BANK FORM-1 voln H 1 r ' 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY @ BALBOA BOULEVARD SUPERIOR AVENUE r (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter Spring 19 82) _ Peak 2� Hour Approved I ' Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected M of Projected Project Direction Peak 2; Hour Growth Peak 231 Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 211 Hour Peak 2y Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume i ' Northbound 1537 0 37 1574 16 3 Southbound 2441 0 108 2549 26 23 ' Eastbound 3330 1 19 527 3876 39 it Westbound 3538 20 1054 4612 46 2 r ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rDATE: 6-24-82 PROJECT: HERITAGE BANK FORM I APPENDIX 'A ' 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HTG. Al @ PROSPECT STREET ' (Existing Traffic Volumes base on verage Winter/Spring 1982 Peak 2h Hour Approved ' Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour j Peak 2; Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume ' Northbound 119 0 0 119 1 0 i I Southbound 207 0 2 209 2 0 ' Eastbound 2932 17 532 3481 1 35 11 Westbound 5011 1 29 1084 6124 61 1 14 � ' ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. DATE: 6-24-82 ' PROJECT: HERITAGE BANK FORM 1 APPENDIX A 1 ' 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HWY . @ ORANGE ST. — (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter Spring 19 82 — Peak 2y Hour Approved ' Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1-; of Projected Project ' Direction Peak 2h Hour Growth Peak 2; Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 211 Hour Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 231 0 2 532 5 0 II southbound 109 0 1 110 1 0 j C— - Eastbound 2610 1 15 � 532 3157 i 32 i 11 I Westbound 4492 26 1084 5602 56 14 o Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 1 ' DATE: 6-24-82 PROJECT: HERITAGE BANK FORM, I ' Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers ' APPENDIX B TCTT ANALYSTS ' Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue ' Newport Boulevard/Hospital Road INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS Intersection NEWPORT BOULEVARD @ HOSPITAL ROAD ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1982) ' PROJECTED EXISTING PROPOSED EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL PROJECTED V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Movement PK.l. RatVicio GROWTH volume Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. Vol. Ratio Volume Volume Vw/ool Project Volume V/C Ratio ' Volume NL 1600 160 .1000* 29 .1181* 11 .125 ' NT 4800 1031 .2262 43 .2352 .2352 NR 55 SL 1600 29 .0181 .0181 .01818 ' ST 4800 1276 .2966* 25 .3017* .3017* SR 147 ' EL 1600 183 .1144 127 .1938* . 1938* ET 3200 1 152 . 1609* 8 .1716 1 .1763 ' ER 363 26 14 WL 145 20 WT 3200 182 . 1066* 4 .1141* .1141* WR 14 YELLOWTIME 1000* i EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .7641 1 i ' EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.C.U. EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 8346 ' ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ' ❑ Projected plus project traffic' I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be . less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Description of system improvement: t ' DATE: 6-24-82 PROJECT HERITAGE BANK FORM II INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS ' Intersection PLACENTIA AVENUE/SUPERIOR AVENUE ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 19 82) EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED Movement EXISTING PROPOSED pK.HR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. Vol. Ratio Volume Volume w/o Project Volume Y/C Ratio Volume • NL 11 NT 3200 2 jEXIST. 950* 26 .1147* 6 1184* N 35 37 6 SL 1600 5 .0031 5 .0063 5 .0094 ' ST 1600 253 .1581* 24 .1731* 15 .1825 SR 1600 343 .2144 5 .2175 8 .2225 EL 1600 14 .0088* .0088* .0088* ET 3200 310 .0969 .0969 7 .0991 ER N.S. 261 .1631 3 .1650 .1650 WL 1600 43 .0269 20 .0394 10 .0456 ' WT 3200 623 ,1947* .1947* 5 .1963* WR N.S. 4 .0025 25 .0025 .0181 ' YELLOWTIME 1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .5566 ' EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.C.U. .59 3 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. .6060 ' ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic' I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Description of system improvement: ' DATE: 6-24-82 ' PROJECT HERITAGE BANK FORM II LINSCOTT)LAW & GREENSPAN, INC., ENGINEERS TRANSPORTATION,TRAFFIC,PARKING,CIVIL ENGINEERING 150 C PAULARINO,SUITE 120, COSTA MESA,CALIFORNIA 92626 (714) 641-1587 June 25, 1982 Mr. Fred Talarico, Senior Planner Community Development Department CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 Subject: Traffic Phasing Ordinance Report Heritage Branch Bank Site 1522 Placentia Avenue Dear Mr. Talarico: Transmitted herewith, are four copies of our Traffic Phasing Ordinance Report for the Heritage Bank site located at 1522 Placentia Avenue. The proposed three-story building (36,888 Total Gross Square Footage) consists of the following uses: Bank (6100 SF) , Medical Office (13 ,232 SF) and General Office (17,465 SF) Gross Floor Area. Briefly, we find that forecasted traffic volumes would exceed one percent of the existing volume on at least one approach at two of the seven intersections. Further analysis of the two identified intersections indicates that an ICU value of less than 0.90 would be attained. No mitigation measures are deemed necessary for the intersection. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to phone. Very t y yours, Donald W. Barker, P.E. Transportation Engineer DWB:jcm 0-341 enclosure 1199 EAST WALNUT STREET, PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91106 (213) 796-2322 „ 0 • LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, INC., ENGINEERS TRANSPORTATION,TRAFFIC,PARKING,CIVIL ENGINEERING 150 C PAULARINO,SUITE 120,COSTA MESA,CALIFORNIA 92626 (714) 641-1587 December 7, 1981 Mr. Fred Talarico Senior Planner Community Development Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 Subject: Updated Traffic Phasing Ordinance Report Heritage Branch Bank Site 1522 Placentia Avenue Dear Mr. Talarico, Transmitted herewith, are four copies of our updated Traffic Phasing Ordinance Report for the Heritage Branch Bank Site located at 1522 Placentia Avenue. This report incorporates Phase I; 1% analysis and Phase II; ICU analysis for that project. Briefly we find that forecasted traffic volumes would exceed one percent of the existing volume on at least one approach at two of the seven intersections . Further analysis of the two identified intersections indicates that an ICU value of less than 0.90 would be attained. The 1% Traffic Volume Analysis and Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis reflect the committed project volumes and project volumes of information provided in the "Hospital Medical Office Building” project dated 8/13/81. In view of the planned system improvements at the intersection of Pacifc Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard, no mitigation measures are deemed necessary for the intersections. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to phone. Very truly yours, LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, INC. I N i w� RECEIVED 0/ Planning Donald W. Barker, P.E. a"Imant Transportation Engineer 6 DE08 19 —� DWB:a Attach. 0-341-1 J 4k. T ; ,:�'. _ i'AE4 a 4 :_ K 6 213, •d6.2322 Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE REPORT z HERITAGE BANK BRANCH 1522 Placentia Avenue Newport Beach, California PREPARED FOR: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Community Development Department 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 PREPARED BY: LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, INC. 150-C Paularino Avenue - Suite 120 Costa Mesa, California 92626 714-641-1587 June 1981 UPDATED DECEMBER 1981 0-341 0-341-1 • Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS HERITAGE BANK BRANCH 1522 Placentia Avenue Newport Beach, California Project Description The proposed site is located within the City of Newport Beach, at 1522 Placentia Avenue and is presented in Exhibit 1. Traffic access to the site would be provided by Placentia Avenue on the west, Superior Avenue on the east, and 15th Street on the south. Superior Avenue and 15th Street are master-planned as primary arterial highways, each having four travel lanes and a median island. Placentia Avenue is master-planned as a secondary arterial highway, adjacent to the site. The City of Newport Beach Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) indicates Placentia Avenue as a secondary classification between the north city limits of the City of Newport 'Beach and Newport Boulevard. Superior Avenue is classified in the MPAH as a primary between its intersection with Newport Boulevard to just north of its intersection of Pacific Coast Highway, where the classification ends in a route that will require further coordination with a proposed realignment of Pacific Coast Highway. Although -15th Street is built to a primary classification standard between Superior Avenue and Placentia Avenue, the street is designated as a secondary arterial highway from Placentia Avenue to west of Monrovia Avenue. The proposed project would produce a total of 37,452 square feet of gross floor area situated within three floors and is shown in Site Plan, Exhibit 2. A total of 161 parking spaces would be provided on the site, 30 of which would be for compact vehicles and 7 for handicapped persons. As shown in Exhibit 2, the 2 level parking deck would be provided access via driveways on Placentia Avenue and on Superior Avenue. An additional driveway on 15th Street would serve the surface parking adjacent to that street. An exit-only driveway would enter on Placentia Avenue south of the parking deck access serving only drive-up window patrons. The project site currently houses a single story bank branch office which is proposed to be replaced by the project construction. Project occupancy is en- visioned in late 1983. t • ._:e— t. .�;` v v ��.'�,,�. -1 p.i.� _ , a"_ -�•W�,, :a , rovy�3�-_ +•r%S�^ �t 3. u.aa.__ a ♦� '1u.rra. ��L, �.. 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HYw g ruwsr<: �� P '`+_ S S«n �9 •M ;.�� � 1 Sy3Eu°+a'� tiY yp �o.nr. � y♦ Na+'s��r'O .t.�+,t<° .\''Fa�•''':'•o'= '�"� �I• ' P':40.a°"•,u` x II �gy^��j���;C'1 r..: _- a+1.•u�•^' of a ��R�`'• +y S,$qr y •i} ; .Yi{t�^3�F Y"•E . �" - •s.+. +./.( _\�� .....n•��I ��r Tix Y �J ,� ��W k9. '!'�1`� �' 4 �,./I�}yr•. '. . ��I'any �+j, �7. •:'✓,�,` o:'��e J p ��'� R r.t ' ':C.q�Ci,�sT�/.t.a'�� '��o•^ �� tit. t 1' , yA. '�.'\A� t , t ; •(v�.e..¢ .F�`�� -a I� L .. •: �.' 0 q ,N }t :?: `,�.. w _ 'Erry• _s t= $ ' i: °i ..,. _.rnr T•w ...�s.:5� �`.1=',': /- �•� j . SITE''' `.00 :., � y !� �#�'\ '� Sr•�. 00 `ca•���..o.M .S�IA{iy max•',.. ,'. ie��• �• •',�`ni�C,G�`' .t•.�,;.erydv �--� + _ ,^��•,y�'�,r11 A+ a i�.'c:cr«n�E v i�� .r �3 .7 ,A�,9°� `� u• r'r� w. Ir i �i:�sa`�.` r 4 H j � �as�% � �ps•o ,� v�?Yl ,tea .•,R amvre � v \h� •�� f, dd,..R sE r®.'•. ♦a .�•�ii ,\ .�a'f # r r - �v[wwar � �- �":v' .v!<i "'q', . M1'' t'�\ 'c 4• ,hR w+'r8n" ''-^'>•`^\`� ,..w :'snf, .F? s \� >•r'm.. d lilt ��ii'<> `..a i+jlir:c:T+ ♦ .c n'.'...n••.:v :r� _ t I "';+M • + tr r rrE,A��BAY /�� rW r.lr .♦ U �� i y:!� �\ SOURCE: THOMAS BROS. MAPS vv a D VICINITY MAP TH r,ow Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers HERITAGE 'BANK BRANCH 'mot' •u � � •_ u,d /' ♦q.Y.r 10 ♦ :p Iwt d.alN la r a uvP, �_— % a s m J 4 •'i' `I,i� .:sn���:K�." � ' l�tY_9'. ,q.'_4.,: l� OQ. �.s}�,�• ..�T�'!'!2 �l orxyVO1t? 1cc<ei'nsTn�rte iw,uR`a...al"rr�4Mdi . r: qar; 41AM.nrt. . �z'e •:�• _ __ Y+tJ� .YLttlLH� ! Qlo�t,ytlr 1•._�as11 tM �a �& __ _' t•d Pot O _O �°� a.Yiaq::nu. p�mai'' . weer I is LlbA itma A.uDI� LLM1gPx IISel6� am Trot law'" __ ISTN 6TREET Lueeaeu u.eelsr U(YaQq..*a.11Y _ G b1KtlW GM1Sfr �.'A5Z'T ll4GUPXCiOPL y1.11W1L11YY. WILCYr1a•PES CCdlAIL4TG Fx M.x11W) P qaw wvaa,sgm I lY[ella4Pe gVoro04P NItP rlmP9 1M64gd... D nal.'r. W4l WK A (I'd WiR�4_rpal�a �?It 4G CGN Y['O VPMO`IICa LleLflp[C YLTI Pr y,'.P. ��alx/}/p.,t�PAP�IJLw6q OPutq i YGI rlmab YnK llitaapt �MiP4P Oy1MINO.w IPM1Ch P.4xI4q P9VIPaD. ' IYLI4e L4NID drl�•�� QrYLLR.PaaW IALI q% wm"�'wur n�l�piy�i Iwri ebWM'�� a4rM% ;' mr<L re�nom- MAP SOURCE: UHL & VAN TUYLE ASSOCIATES aD 2 NORTH SITE PLAN 4G Linscott, Law& Greenspan, Inc., Engineers HERITAGE BANK BRANCH Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers Traffic Generation Traffic generation forecasts have been prepared for the proposed project based upon trip generation factors as compiled by the City of Newport Beach and Caltrans, 10th Progress Report on Trip Generation. As shown in Table 1, the proposed project has been credited for trips generated by the existing bank branch office to be removed. The proposed project is expected to generate a total of 820 vehicle trip ends daily (410 inbound, 410 outbound), where a trip end is a one-way vehicular movement either arriving at, or departing the generating land use. An estimated 191 vehicle trip ends would be produced during the afternoon peak 21 hour period. (65 inbound, 125 outbound) with 62 of these vehicle trips occurring during the peak PM peak hour. Traffic Distribution Project generated traffic has been distributed and assigned in accordance with anticipated travel orientations and route into and out of the site area. Exhibit 3 presents the traffic distribution of vehicle trips generated, (Table 1) on a PM peak hour, PM peak 2J hour and 24 hour basis at selected locations. The percentage assignment (of total traffic) to each roadway segment is also indicated. Intersection Evaluation - 1% Analysis A total of seven intersections have been identified for analysis during the 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM period. They are as follows: 1. Superior Avenue/Placentia Avenue 2. Hospital Road/Newport Boulevard 3. Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard 4. Coast Highway/Prospect Street 5. Coast Highway/Orange Street 6. Coast Highway/Riverside Drive 7. Coast Highway/Dover Dr/Bayshore Drive A review of the individual intersection work sheets indicates that project traffic would exceed one percent of the existing, plus approved projects traffic volumes on at least one approach at the Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Avenue intersection and three approaches of the Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue intersection. The l% Traffic Analysis work sheets are included in the appendix. r TABLE 1 TRAFFIC GENERATION FORECAST Heritage Bank Branch 37 , 350 Square Foot Building Area PM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK 22 HOURS 24 HOUR Land Square Rate/Trips Rate Trips Rate/Trips Rate Trips Rate s Use Footage Inbound Outbound Total Inbound Outbound Total 2-WayTotal • r Office 31350 0. 6011'19 1 . 70Y53 2.30'J72 1 . 20Y38 2. 60'/107 3. 80'/145 13. 0'/408 y sq. ft. o r Bank 6100 5.29Y32 3.53Y22 8. 82Y54 10. 38� 65 7 . 06'/44 17. 44�109 164. 5YI004 sq . ft . Q° Sub Total 51 75 126 103 151 254 1412 d (Credit) Bank (3600 5 . 29� (19) 3.53M3) 8. 82� (32) 10.38Y (38)7. 06� (25) 17. 44' (63) 164. 57 (592) sq . ft. ) Total 32 62 94 65 126 191 820 12. • N iSource: City of Newport Beach, Traffic Engineering Department 2Report #228, Caltrans, 10th Progress Reports on Trip Ends Generation Research Counts , July, 1975 . • W L i ,Q W ae u ae INDUSTRIAL WAY ppti i 16TO IT 23 46 1 7115 9� SITE 71s �"� MNm" ti� 16TH IT m N O.� 24 !L P � HOSPITAL ROAO qy�" 1 3 0l� I" HOSPITAL 3 � fj 16 17 p4 sa R 6 COAST py11. �Pr B Illea��� a KEY 00 00lo PM PK HR/PM PK 21 HR D SCHEMATIC 00 24 HR VOL 3 NOT TO SCALE NaMTN 00% PERCENT OF DISTRIBUTION PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES 4G Linscott, Law& Greenspan, Inc., Engineers INTERSECTION ANALYZED (1%) HERITAGE BANK BRANCH ' i • Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers Intersection Capacity Utilization An Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis has been conducted for the total of existing, plus regional growth, plus committed projects, plus the project traffic volumes at the two intersections identified above. Work sheets for these calculations are included in the Appendix. The ICU calculations• at the intersection of Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue indicated that the addition of project traffic would produce an ICU value of 0.6334. Thd ICU value calculation for the intersection of Coast Highway/Balboa Boulevard/ Superior Avenue incorporating the planned system improvements of one westbound through lane, one southbound left-turn lane and one southbound right-turn lane, indicates that the addition of project traffic would produce an ICU value of 0.8896. Conclusions An analysis of seven key intersections in the vicinity of the proposed Heritage Branch Bank site indicated that forecasted project traffic volumes would exceed one percent of the existing volume on at least one approach at two of those locations. Further analysis indicated that the existing traffic volumes plus project traffic volumes of the two intersections would have an ICU value of less then 0.90. Mitigation would not be required at those intersections. Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers APPENDIX 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Superior Avenue/Placentia Avenue Hospital Road/Newport Boulevard Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard Coast Highway/Prospect Street Coast Highway/Orange Avenue Coast Highway/Riverside Drive Coast Highway/Dover Drive/Bayshore Drive ICU Analysis Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard with System Improvements L 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter Spring 19 — Peak 2h Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1'; of Projected Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2, Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 21, Hour ; Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume r Northbound 1111 0 126 1237 12 14 Southbound 1620 0 44 1664 17 20 Eastbound 1552 _ 0 i 31 1.590 j 16 18 Westbound I 1767 I 0 65 1806 18 7 I: Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 21.. Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected QX Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue DATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT: FORM- I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Coast Hi hwa /Balboa B1 .-Superior Ave. (Existing Traffic Volumes base on Average inter Spring 19 81 Peak 2� Hour Approved �I Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected I% of Projected I Project ' Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2� Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 2, Hour Peak 2� Hour II Volume Volume Volume Volume. Volume Volume Northbound 1823 0 12 1835 18 4 �• Southbound 2901 0 76 2977 30 34 Eastbound 1 3311 30 437 3778 38 7 i Westbound 3485 31 971 4487 45 3 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ❑X Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue DATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT: FORM- I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Coast Highway/Orange Street (Existing Traffic volumes based on Average inter Spring 19 81 Peak ur Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1 , of Pojected 1 Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2�, Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 2y Hour I Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume �I I Northbound 537 0 2 539 5 0 sorthbound 153 0 1 154 2 0 ! PEastbound 2772 24 _ 442 3238 1 32 7 stbound 5159 46 1 1022 6227 62 16 O Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue DATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT: FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Coast Highway / Prospect Street (Existing Traffic Volumes* based on Average l•nter Spring 19 1 Peak 2k Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected B; of Projected Project Oirection Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2y Hour Peak 21, Hour Peak 2s Hour Peak 2y Hour Volume Volume Volume' Volume Volume Volume �I Northbound Sou thbound 260 0 1 2 262 3 0 Eastbound 2530 22 i 442 2994 j 30 7 �I I Westbound 4920 43 1022 5980 60 16 © Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue DATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT: FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Coast Hi hwa Dover Drive-Ba shore Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes base on verage Inter Spring' 19 61) — Peak 2; Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1;l of Projected Project Direction Peak 2h, Hour Growth Peak 2; Hour Peak 2k, Hour Peak 21s Hour j Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 278 0 4 282 3 0 southbound 2273 0 44 2317 23 0 �I i Eastbound 3401 30 ' 477 3908 •j 39 9I Westbound 5473 49 1027 6549 66 6 © Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2i Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue DATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT: FORM- I INTERARTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALOS Intersection Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1981) EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED ' EXISTING PROPOSED V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Movement Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. PK.HY/C VolumGROWTe PROJECT W/o Project Volume V/C Ratio Vol.Yol, Ratio Volume Yolume Volume NL 32 NT 3200 321 .12097E 25 .1403 6 .1422 NR 34 J 37 SL 1600 6 .0038* - .0038 1 .0038 ST 1600 247 .1544 4 .1568* 9_ .1625 SR 1600 418 .2613 `5 .2643 - .2643 EL 1600 244 .1525* - .1525* - .152511 ET 3200 297 .0928 - .0928 1 .0931 ER 1600 22 .0138 3 .0156 7 .0200 WL 1600 46 .0288 20 .0412 - .0412 WT 3200 699 .2184* - .2184* - .2184 WR 1600 1 5 .0031 - .0031 1 4 .0056 YELLOWTIME . 1000* 1000*; .1000 i , f EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION 1 .5956 j I EXISTING PLUS C"ITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.C.U. .6277 1 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 6334 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue DATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT FORM II INTEOCTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION AN#IS Intersection Coast Highway/Balboa Blvd.-Superior Ave. ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1981) EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED Movement EXISTING PROPOSED PK-HR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Lanes Cap. lanes Cap. Vol. Ratio Volume Volume wr/o Project Volume V/C Ratio Volume NL 2400 421 .1754* - - .1754* - .1754* NT 2400 265 .1104 - 4 .1120 2 .1129 NR 1600 N.S-1 58 .0363 1 - .0363 - .0363 SL 146 ST 3200 473 . 1934 - 10 .1965 8 .1991 SR 1600 708 .4425* - 28 .4600* 8 .4653* EL 3200 244 .0763 16 .0812* 3 .0822* ET 3200 828 .2588 1 13 205 .3269 - .3269 ER 1600 N.S. 401 .2506 - - .2506 - .2506 WL 1600 85 .0531 - - .0531 - .0531 WT 3200 1329 .4153* 13 481 .5697* - .5697*s' WR 1600 N.,S. 77 .0481 - - .0,481 1 .0488 YEILOMTIME1 .1000* .1000* 1 .1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION 3 j EXISTING PLUS COFMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U.r 1.3863 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. U1.3923 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue DATE 12-3-81 -- ------ ------ - - - - - --------- _ - PROJECT FORM 11 INTEROTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANA10IS Intersection Coast Highway/Balboa Blvd.-Superior Ave. ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1981) EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COITTED PROJECTED EXISTING PROPOSED MM Vol. Y/C GROWTH PROJECT V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT 1 lbrene"t Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. T w/o Project VoI wne V/C Ratio Vol. Ratio Vol unx Volume Volume NL 2400 421 . 1754* - - .1754* - 1754* NT 2400 265 .1104 - 4 .1120 2 .1129 NR 1600 N.S 58 .0363 - - .0363 - ff .0363 SL 1600 146 - - .0913 4 .0938 ST 3200 3200 473 .1934 - 10 .1509* 4 . 1522* SR 1600 3200 708 .4425* - 28 .2300 8 .2325 EL 3200 244 .0763 - 16 .0812* 3 .0822* ET 3200 828 .2588 13 205 .3269 - .3269 . ER 1600 N.S4 401 .2506 - - .2506 - .2506 WL 1600 85 .0531 - - .0531 - .0531 WT 3200 4800 1329 .4153* 13 481 ,3798* - .3798* WR 600 N.S. 77 .0481 - - .0481 1 .0488 YELLOMTIME . 1000* .1000* 1 1 .1000* I & i EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATIONI 1 , 13321I 1 I EXISTING PLUS C"ITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.C.U. .887 EXISTT4G PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. •8896 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -• - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: lAddition of: 1-WT, 1-SL, 1-SR. Eastbound left turn V/C and southbound through V/C Combine to exceed the southbound right V/C requirement. HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue _ __ r _ 0„Tc ; 12`3-81 F0R'l I ! LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, INC., ENGINEERS TRANSPORTATION,TRAFFIC, PARKING,CIVIL ENGINEERING 150 C PAULARINO,SUITE 120,COSTA MESA,CALIFORNIA 92626 (714) 641-1587 December 7, 1981 Mr. Fred Talarico Senior Planner Community Development Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 Subject: Updated Traffic Phasing Ordinance Report Heritage Branch Bank Site 1522 Placentia Avenue Dear Mr. Talarico, Transmitted herewith, are four copies of our updated Traffic Phasing Ordinance Report for the Heritage Branch Bank Site located at 1522 Placentia Avenue. This report incorporates Phase I; 1% analysis and Phase II; ICU analysis for that project. Briefly we find that forecasted traffic volumes would exceed one percent of the existing volume on at least one approach at two of the seven intersections. Further analysis of the two identified intersections indicates that an ICU value of less than 0.90 would be attained. The 1% Traffic Volume Analysis and Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis reflect the committed project volumes and project volumes of information provided in the "Hospital Medical Office Building" project dated 8/13/81. in view of , the planned system improvements at the intersection of Pacifc Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard, no mitigation measures are deemed necessary for the intersections. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to phone. Very truly yours, LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, INC. �"CE Fia !V E Y'?nIng D Donald W. Barker, P.E. & "",lent Transportation Engineer 1981.,, 3 N`'N:P 4,�OF t<1 DWB:a U. Cy g Attach. 0-341-1 y Im 1199 EAST WALNUT STREET, PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91106 (213) 79&2322 a _ LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, INC„ ENGINEERS TRANSPORTATION, TRAFFIC,PARKING,CIVIL ENGINEERING 150 C PAULARINO,SUITE 120, COSTA MESA,CALIFORNIA 92626 (714) 641-1587 UP h December 16, 1981 t, Nfltav�Q � Mr. Fred Talarico Senior Planner Community Development Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 Subject: Updated Traffic Phasing Ordinance Report Heritage Branch Bank Site 1522 Placentia Avenue Dear Mr. Talarico, Transmitted herewith, are four copies of the revised Traffic Phasing Ordinance Report for the Heritage Branch Bank Site located at 1522 Placentia Avenue. This report incorporates Mr. Edmonston's comments of December 11, 1981. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to phone. Very truly yours, LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, INC. Donald W. Barker, P.E. Transportation Engineer DWB:a Attach. 0-341-1 -232Z P,:,,A� E%A. CAL FGR`,lA 91 !06 1213) 796 • • Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE REPORT HERITAGE BANK BRANCH 1522 Placentia Avenue Newport Beach, California PREPARED FOR: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Community Development Department 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 PREPARED BY: LINSCO`iTr LAW & GREENSPANr INC. 150-C Paularino Avenue - Suite 120 Costa Mesar California 92626 714-641-1587 June 1981 UPDATED DECEMBER 1981 0-341 0-341-1 •nscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS HERITAGE BANK BRANCH 1522 Placentia Avenue Newport Beach, California Project Description The proposed site is located within the City of Newport Beach, at 1522 Placentia Avenue and is presented in Exhibit 1. Traffic access•to the site would be provided by Placentia Avenue on the west, Superior Avenue on the east, and 15th Street, on the south. Superior Avenue and 15th Street are master-planned as primary arterial highways, each having •four travel lanes and a median island. Placentia Avenue is master-planned as a secondary arterial highway, adjacent to the site. The City of Newport Beach Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) indicates Placentia Avenue as a secondary classification between the north city limits of the City of Newport Beach and Hospital Road. Superior Avenue is classified in the MPAH as a primary between its intersection with Newport Boulevard to its intersection of Pacific.Coast Highway. Although 15th Street is built to a primary classification standard between Superior Avenue and Placentia Avenue, the street is designated as a secondary arterial highway from Placentia Avenue to west of Monrovia Avenue. The proposed project would produce a total of 37,452 square feet of gross floor area situated within three floors and is shown in Site Plan, Exhibit 2. A total of 161 parking spaces would be provided on the site, 30 of which would be for compact vehicles and 4 for handicapped persons. As shown in Exhibit 2, the 2 level parking deck would be provided access via driveways on Placentia Avenue and on Superior Avenue. An additional driveway on 15th Street would serve the surface parking adjacent to that street. An exit-only driveway would enter on Placentia Avenue south of the parking deck access serving only drive-up window patrons•. The project site currently houses a single story bank branch office which is proposed to be replaced by the project construction. Project occupancy is en- visioned in late 1983. •,5�1�._r (w.•N°tii ii`,`^sV. a�i• vl f ' -�Y•!•Sr-_� LL Kid �f.''uN✓a• . ,� � • •'^CY:LI�`!r!r f''—'yM1"(-X�A�>Y,.,,L:�i �• '��� --_�_\\ _ N �W a 3 � yt r • • .TI• I °4. .du3. .a - -�Y-� - _�-_ 6.. •.t- "�''yya R S:Ljl� ;.^"E _.[n.tea.° r , �I b'..�., •n , . P � ( j'•i„ ,a ,a��r,n..,°�' V •„ ...•NN ' nuN.., nn�• • J Nn4rM..r•_! ` �' •'1 • Y j ~ ,4 r,� •e` �^•, t� ..a o�R-2•"-k�- :o��ns_•n u� a °sPl•�� d.,A>'T p. ',a � 9 r'w \ >.^• • .,, ;�rry-.Nv, :ar ='` �� as ,+,�� �'r`•K Q:��l;'a'e•'W ` 4�V, I� .'.✓ .p.5:�.�''�,� •••s •��,..... ail •�•••n ., � •y .r,Na--��i9 a1v �I .� .`"i a '. ' L � '.2 rpr a i.s +.,u • n r a t`i.,. J ,t a� �f' ,� w�.� wN r_ y ,� ..»° �G„•7 y T, ,1, `� Pa tt ,c.' �v I/ [ ,. gip <awu[ Omu.an ,nOroxu x ••'+�'. II r,�, i ,fz •—,—. /•` r nl .;i L ♦I:' wK •r .au.ra's �$ ,$�1Y 9��,.'d "�`•F` a�'.e: yb �'' _�\ / . . r• °3O•xa ` .B ,ajl, hb �..,.'—aaa,.i»+aar\.. - . jr .n . � ;; — f ... RN• '•'. '' nr o � r ?Nxs r j3�` 4an 9 •o� •� ° +c. '=''� r• _ ,w "` ii 2 a°'° � � : .o,sr w /'•d •'�, 4 � a r'+ •• `. � i•avay."s".•• .. anti •"a "I•�,, ° JI ' • >'Z�yJ'' �,• •r • �• • '�' a. 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Jt S 3, j., rnoa "®•"� ?3�•t.r�•,� p +�1°r •l•, as MWY •3•. � 3 .' • ry .t O�Y' °" d SITE A` _ a.. i �:)4 JtsC N r r�R, •.� :� \ I #'a`y�- _ ,+r•r, � a ! ,.tea:. 4•At� ✓, s3. °q �•�• •,�i Ye." � '''s.a. �q r ! •wee` F: ! -�'"�' r"\�'* '\' ���'•°u. ra,a,• • 1"se A"r •��a §i.o A _ .,. +�•,y`a, i.'R 6 z J„ a zEa♦i a -_ ..r.�J.. � '� ; , '�.'L ``a .o.N Sr/.rK ;, J Xa1'�'.L ••.:5 Ivy ,, tit �s�i _ . �.n �� a fLalFi-� , >�°,...-,."•t7g�;�"vi +! r .73... Z�,' : • SOURCE: THOMAS BROS. MAPS V v a .D VICINITY MAP TH " Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers HERITAGE BANK BRANCH I yet T � w�l•,t•�•.. ' Fri L ISV.'Na tdd- ' � ••' wr�Y tp �w4 r ��.��, O < q ei eliO4 40, �r� l^J'�f c '�M� JtzsJer•ns:ruorrtw no'NW�aw�.r,�'»w 4•u+vr_ . i '.•,cma is y��e...,m�. '•j. ,•V• .� r.;�.-.+ waau nnurm.,IrlYr..,u.a )�b ' .4•• .tl !f'`7� . ,�/� .e.,'wr".- rnp••5rerr-. _ y 'g _ rdoe'• q _O �°� '�si• •tmo r,ma ts,•dv� i •4 / ,a�p•ace n�cdv , ron¢eAvpt_n NMJ4 norm.an ru�va rvoa Isursx ISTH STREET �r..,er�+ "a•I� er.+ umir euww ca+++ 3ra+szrr trJcn.xc:aal. 'n,HWUn►s bIILpN]I.6diG�aWta�rOs M•aplp) � I TI`'�i•'�iaarkti.evm bN T4lro ItmW ObH wa rYtaQ.RaNs iMGMNNJL V,.FK ter.- Wµt wro�4'dvnoe Gnrtes,.Wales ' WIMO/ICr LCtGHRLC a6Tl Or 34-0. � ' �t�GYI.t�4.I1�1�t.IGNYV�.tO L 1W1 F1f-0t L 4 W euwra WY!WC r•I,.�NWWICRIfY r1iCIM4 rbJloaD. ' m.nw wwe . � p.u,��s•M.r ..ca.•dd.n�d i�fY,rcT e¢C HttuY aMC•.'r11 I�� � w•raur psnylw+u ab an'o� � nunvo•4u ara a•�w•o. w..a• e� .YD'.a% MAP SOURCE: UHL & VAN TUYLE ASSOCIATES a� z NORTH SITE PLAN 4G Linscott, Law& Greenspan, Inc., Engineers HERITAGE BANK BRANCH Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers Traffic Generation Traffic generation forecasts have been prepared for the proposed project based upon trip generation factors as compiled by the City of Newport Beach and Caltrans, loth Progress Report on Trip Generation. As shown in Table 1, the proposed project has been credited for trips generated by the existing bank branch office to be removed. The proposed project is expected to generate a total of 820 vehicle trip ends daily (410 inbound, 410 outbound), where a trip end is a one-way vehicular movement either arriving. at, or departing the generating land use. An estimated 191 vehicle trip ends would be produced during the afternoon peak 2J hour period. (65 inbound, 125 outbound) with 62 of these vehicle trips occurring during the peak PM peak hour. Traffic Distribution Project generated traffic has been distributed and assigned in accordance with anticipated travel orientations and route into and out of the site area. Exhibit 3 presents the traffic distribution of vehicle trips generated, (Table 1) on a PM peak hour, PM peak 22 hour and 24 hour basis at selected locations. The percentage assignment (of total traffic) to each roadway segment is also indicated. Intersection Evaluation - 1% Analysis A total of seven intersections have been identified for analysis during the 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM period. They are as follows: 1. Superior Avenue/Placentia Avenue 2. Hospital Road/Newport Boulevard 3. Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard 4. Coast Highway/Prospect Street 5. Coast Highway/Orange Street 6. Coast Highway/Riverside Drive 7. Coast Highway/Dover Dr/Bayshore Drive A review of the individual intersection work sheets indicates that project traffic would exceed one percent of the existing, plus approved projects traffic volumes on at least one approach at the Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Avenue intersection and three approaches of the Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue intersection. The 1% Traffic Analysis work sheets are included in the appendix. TABLE 1 TRAFFIC GENERATION FORECAST Heritage Bank Branch 37 ,350 Square Foot Building Area PM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK 22 HOURS 24 HOUR Land Square Rate/Trips Rate Trips Rate/Trips Rate Trips Rate s Use Footage Inbound Outbound Total Inbound Outbound Total 2-Wa Total • Office 31350 0. 60}'19 1 .70Y53 2.30'/72 1 . 20Y38 3.40 Y107 4.60 Y145 13. 0'/408 H sq. ft. g Bank 6100 5. 292/32 3.532 22 8.82'/54 10.382 65 7. 06' 44 17. 40109 164. 5�1004 s . ft. sp Sub Total 51 75 126 103 151 254 1412 N (Credit) Bank (3600 5. 29Y (19) 3. 532/ (13) 8. 822/ (32) 10.3820 8)7 . 06'/ (25) 17. 442/(63) 164. 5% (592) sq . ft. ) Total 32 62 94 65 126 191 . 820 N iSource: City of Newport Beach, Traffic Engineering Department 2Report #228, Caltrans, loth Progress Reports on Trip Ends Generation. Research Counts , July, 1975. p W INDUSTRIAL WAY 16TH ST 23 46-1151 7 15 SITE 7 15 ��� 49 I � g -+ ~ i7 N ti� xy • ,� .f2JJ ,�y a 15TH ST m o A `oR' 24 -.9-6—S HOSPITAL ROAD m �Bljy, ti Q m 1 3 0 A if �ryq NOIW HOSPITAL �^ COAST Mlry KEY 00 00 PM PK HR/PM PK 21 HR l� v SCHEMATIC 00 24 HR VOL 3 NOT TO SCALE NORTH 00%— PERCENT OF DISTRIBUTION PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES Linscott, Law& Greenspan, Inc., Engineers INTERSECTION ANALYZED (1%) HERITAGE BANK BRANCH Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers _ Intersection Capacity Utilization An Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis has been conducted for the total of existing, plus regional growth, plus committed projects, plus the project traffic volumes at the two intersections identified above. Work sheets for these calculations are included in the Appendix. The ICU calculations at the intersection of Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue indicated that the addition of project traffic would produce an ICU value of 0.6334. The ICU value calculation for the intersection of Coast Highway/Balboa Boulevard/ Superior Avenue incorporating the planned system improvements of one westbound through lane, one southbound left-turn lane and one southbound right-turn lane, indicates that the addition of project traffic would produce an ICU value of 0.8896. Conclusions An analysis of seven key intersections in the vicinity of the proposed Heritage Branch Bank site indicated that forecasted project traffic volumes would exceed one percent of the existing• volume on at least one approach at two of those locations. Further analysis indicated that the existing traffic volumes plus project traffic volumes of the two intersections would have an ICU value of less then 0.90. Mitigation would not be required at those intersections. Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers - APPENDIX 1% Traffic Volume ,Analysis Superior Avenue/Placentia Avenue Hospital Road/Newport Boulevard Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard Coast Highway/Prospect Street Coast Highway/Orange Avenue Coast Highway/Riverside Drive Coast Highway/Dover Drive/Bayshore Drive ICU, Analysis Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard with System Improvements 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter Spring 19 Peak 2y Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1S; of Projected j Directiqn Peak 2h, Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour "Peak 2k Hour Peak 2� Hour ! Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume _ Volume Volume Volume Volume + !' Northbound 1111 0 126 1237 12 14 jt southbound 1620 0 44 1664 17 20 Eastbound 1552 _ _ 0 ! 31 1590 i 16 18 l Westbound 1767 0 65 1806 18 7 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ❑X Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue DATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT: FORM- I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Coast Hi hwa /Balboa B1 .-Superior Ave. (Existing Traffic Volumes basea on Average inter Spring 19 81 Peak 2� Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1:; of Projected Project Direction Peak 2y Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 2� Hour I) Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 1823 0 12 1835 18 4 southbound 2901 0 76 2977 30 34 i) Eastbound — i I 3311 30 ; 437 3778 i 38 7 Westbound 1 348 _ 31 971 4487 45 3 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ❑X Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue DATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT: FORM- I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection New ort Boulevard/Hospital Road (Existing Traffic Volumes base on Average inter Spring 19 81 Peak 2� Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1., of Projected I Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2, Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2; Hour Peak 2k Hour Ii Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 3229 0 56 3285 33 3 I Southbound �I 3482 0�_ 89 3571 1 36 0 1laS'bound 1527 0 i 308 1'835 i 18 4 j westbound 972 0 48 1020 10 4 i Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected 0 Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ❑ Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue DATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT: FORM- I • • 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Coast Highway/Orange Street (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter Spring 19 81 Peak 2� Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2, Hour "Peak 2� Hour Peak 2, Hour Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I Northbound z 537 0 2 539 5 0 Southbound 153 0 1 154 2 0 Eastbound 2772 24 i 442 3238 i 32 ? 7 Westbound 5159 46 1022 6227 62 16 O Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis -is required. HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue DATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT: FORM I 1%•Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Coast Highway / Prospect Street (Existing Traffic Volumes' based on Average Winter/Spring 19 1 Peak 2> Hour Approved � Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project f Direction Peak 2y Hour Growth Pdak 2> Hour 'Peak 2> Hour - Peak 2)s Hour j Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume �I Northbound z —__— --_' ---- ---- t ---- �� I southbound 260 0 2 262 3 O II I' Eastbound 2530 I 22 i 442 2994 j 30 i 7 Westbound 4920 43 1022 , 5980 60 16 © Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected (] Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis 'is required. HERITACF_RANK,_1522 Placentia Avenue DATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT: FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Coast Highway/Riverside Avenue (Existing Traffic Volumes based on vera'ge inter Spring 19 81 Peak 2� Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1 . of Projected Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour ' Peak 2h Hour Peak 2; Hour Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 21 0 0 21 0.2 0 LE bound 1267 0 76 1343 13 0bound4248 I 38 547 4833 48 9 I ; 'bound 3752 33 1113 4898 49 3 '— — — — --- Q Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2Z Hour Traffic Volume a Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis -is required. HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue DATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT: FOM, N 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Coast Hi hwa Dover Drive-Ba shore Drive (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on verage inter Spring 19 — Peak 2� Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1": of Projected Project Direction Peak 2§ Hour Growth Peak 2; Hour ' Peak .2> Hour Peak 2� Hour I Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 278 0` 4 282 3 0 Southbound P273 0 44 2317 23 0 Eastbound 3401 30 i 477 3908 1 39 9 westbound 5473 49 1027 6549 66 6 © Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 23-2 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis -is required. HERITAGE BANK, 1522' Placentia Avenue DATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT: FORM• I INTERSEftN CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALY10 Intersection Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1981) EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMMITTED PROJECTED Movement EXISTING PROPOSED PK.HR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. Vol. Ratio Volume Yotume W/o Project Volume Y/C Ratio Volume NL 32 NT 3200 321 :1209 A 25 .1403 6 .1422 NR 34 37 SL 1600 6 .0038* - .0038 1 .0038 ST 1600 247 .1544 4 .1568* 9 .1625 SR 1600 418 .2613 `5 .2643 - .2643 EL 1600 244 .1525* - .1525* - .1525 ET 3200 297 .0928 - ' .0928 1 .0931 ER 1600 22 .0138 3 .0156 7 .0200 WL 1600 46 .0288 20 .0412 - .0412 WT 3200 699 .2184* - .2184* - .2184 WR 1600 5 .0031 - .0031 4 .0056 YELLOWTIME 1000* 1000*; i .1000 EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION .5956 j 1 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH H/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I,C.U. .6277 11 EXISTING PLUS C"ITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROMTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 63 ® Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue __ DATE: 12-3-81 PROJECT FORM II INTERWON CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANAL , Intersection Coast Highway/Balboa Blvd.-Superior Ave. ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1981) EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMi1TTED PROJECTED Movement EXISTING PROPOSED PK.HR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT V/C Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. Vol. Ratio Volume Volume w/o Project Volume V/C Ratio Volume NL 2400 421 .1754* - - .1754* - .1754* NT 2400 265 . 1104 - 4 .1120 2 .1129 NR 1600 N.S. 58 .0363 - - .0363 - 1 .0363 SL 146 ST 3200 473 . 1934 10 .1965 8 .1991 SR 1600 708 .4425* - 28 .4600* 8 .4653* EL 3200 244 .0763 16 .0812* 3 .0822* ET 3200 828 .2588 1 13 . 205 .3269 - .3269 ER 1600 N.S. 401 .2506 - - .2506 - .2506 WL 1600 85 .0531 - - .0531 - .0531 WT 3200 1329 .4153* 13 481 .5697* _WR1600 N.S. 77 .0481 - - 0481 1 ±�.5697* YELLOWTIMfI .1000*1 1000* 1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION' EXISTING PLUS COFMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 1,C.U.1 1.3863 1I EXISTING PLUS COMIITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 1.3923 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be 'less than or equal to 0.'90 ® Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 Description of system improvement: HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue DATE-12-3-81 -- ------ -----. . . . . - ---------- - PROJECT FORM 11 ` INTERSJWN CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYt Intersection Coast Highway/Balboa Blvd.-Superior Ave. ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1981) EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COtMITTED PROJECTED Movement EXISTING PROPOSED PK.HR. VIC GROWTH PROJECT VIC Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Lanes Cap. Lanes Lap. Vol. Ratio Volume Volume w/o Project Volume V/C Ratio Volume NL 2400 421 . 1750 - - 1754* - .1754* NT 2400 265 .1104 - 4 .1120 2 .1129 NR 1600 N.SJ 58 .0363 - - .0363 - .0363 SL 1600 146 - - .0913 4 .0938 ST 3200 3200 473 . 1934 - 10 ..1509* 4 .1522* SR 1600 3200 708 .4425* - 28 .2300 8 .2325 EL 3200 - 244 .0763 16 .0812* 3 .0822* ET 3200 828 .2588 13 205 .3269 - .3269 : ER 1600 N.'S 401 .2506 - - .2506 - 2506 WL 1600 85 , .0531 - - .0531 - .0531 WT , 3200 4800 1329 .4153* 13 481 ,3798* - .3798* WR 600 N.S. 77 .0481 - - .0481 1 .0488 YELLOWTIME 1000* 1000* 1000* EXIST-IN INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION L 1 , 1332_ j 1 � EXISTING PLUS CIMIITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.C.U. . 87 1 EZISTING PLUS C"ITTEO PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 8896 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ® Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: lAddition of: 1-WT, 1-SL, 1-SR. Eastbound left turn V/C and southbound through V/C Combine to exceed the southbound right V/C requirement. HERITAGE BANK, 1522 Placentia Avenue 0„Tr ; 12-3-81 i Uhl &VanTuyle Associates Architects Planners 2729A Saturn St. Brea,Calif. 92621 714-996.5720 October 22, 1981 Community Development Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California ,92663 Attention: Fred Talarico-Senior Planner RE: Heritage Bank 1522 Placentia Avenue Project No. 8103 Dear Fred: Please update at your earliest convenience the Traffic Study dated June 2, 1981 by Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc. Please note that our project now has 145 parking spaces instead of the earlier amount of 161 parking spaces. Of these 145 spaces 135 are fixed and a 10 space allowance is requested in the Use Permit applicat- ion for the drive-up tellers. �Si c ref ( � Jim Van Tuyle c.c. : Rod Crane Heritage Bank 9 JVT:ju ro NE1Hpoof BEACH. A 2 LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, INC., ENGINEERS TRANSPORTATION,TRAFFIC, PARKING,CIVIL ENGINEERING 150 C PAULARINO,SUITE 120, COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 (714) 641-1587 June 2, 1981 N w 9 E0E1vFp R Mr. Fred Tal ari co Senior Planner SUN 3.2198��" Community Development Department City of Newport Beach NVNpnz1 " M' 3300 Newport Boulevard cH �E Newport Beach, California 92663 4 6' Subject: Traffic Phasing Ordinance Report Heritage Branch Bank Site 1522 Placentia Avenue Dear Mr. Talarico, Transmitted herewith, are four copies of our Traffic Phasing Ordinance Report for the Heritage Branch Bank Site located at 1522 Placentia Avenue. This report incorporates Phase I; 1% analysis and Phase II; ICU analysis for that project. Briefly we find that forecasted traffic volumes would exceed one percent of the existing volume on at least one approach at two of the six intersections. Further analysis of the two identified intersections indicates that an ICU value of less than 0.90 would be attained. No mitigation measures are deemed necessary for the intersections. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to phone. Very truly yours, LINSCOTT LAW & GREENSPAN INC. Donald W. Barker, P.E. Transportation Engineer DWB:am Attach. 0-341 1199 EAST WALNUT STREET. PASADENA. CALIFORNIA 91106 (213) 796-2322 Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE REPORT HERITAGE BANK BRANCH 1522 Placentia Avenue Newport Beach, California PREPARED FOR: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Community Development Department 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beachr California 92663 PREPARED BY: LINSCOTTr LAW AND GREENSPAN, INC 150-C Paularino Avenue - Suite 120 Costa Mesa, California 92626 714-641-1587 June 1981 0-341 Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS HERITAGE BANK BRANCH 1522 Placentia Avenue Newport Beach, California Project Description The proposed site is located within the City of Newport Beach, at 1522 Placentia Avenue and is presented in Exhibit 1. Traffic access to the site would be provided by Placentia Avenue on the west, Superior Avenue on the east, . and 15th Street on the south. Superior Avenue and 15th Street are master-planned as primary arterial highways, each having four travel lanes and a median island. Placentia Avenue is master-planned as a secondary arterial highway, adjacent to the site. The City of Newport Beach Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) indicates Placentia Avenue as a secondary classification between the north city limits of the City of Newport Beach and Newport Boulevard. Superior Avenue is classified in the MPAH as a primary between its intersection with Newport Boulevard to just north of its intersection of Pacific Coast Highway, where the classification ends in a route that will require further coordination with a proposed realignment of Pacific Coast Highway. Although 15th Street is built to a primary classification'standard between Superior Avenue and Placentia Avenue, the street is designated as a secondary arterial highway from Placentia Avenue to west of Monrovia Avenue. The proposed project would produce a total of 37,452 square feet of gross floor area situated within three floors and is shown in Site Plan, Exhibit 2. A total of 161 parking spaces would be provided on the site, 30 of which would be for compact vehicles and 7 for handicapped persons. As shown in Exhibit 2, the 2 level parking deck would be provided access via driveways on Placentia Avenue and on Superior Avenue. An additional driveway on 15th Street would serve the surface parking adjacent to that street. An exit-only driveway would enter on Placentia Avenue south of the parking deck access serving only drive-up window patrons. The project site currently houses a single story bank branch office which is proposed to be replaced by the project construction. r ,�^S— .•Z^,_r��•x��+-,\7•lv Aim _ i.....¢p.7n -a!� - v u S J .N __La .w;L<{}�O_ �.iL �;. � p♦ 1a 1: Co`a. e a _��' ....�.�`• ni a '� ate;. '.�. VV_v �• /]( HWv •j7`a�a s "�-.i - . t,:C-..'" B • ♦' y...,r .::::, -� �n j• i:..mr_ra' �-�s•^; / j• >r _ '� .. + �. :-..i +y 14 !, a o-ap• w.n ral,a,w•+aM•' ,� •'L e � (/ iA.+s,e•<`/: � .•>� -...,...."' e:r. � � Seµ -1 r�„�_�*_�� °� p .C..Jj "•�` �'-� � t{r:' a itw• •.•....e.-a. i r,. .'S. 4. . fie. q• �a1 L. irq+ ��.•O �' t�% •? �FP•T� .v 13� a i3�•.jsr5 gQ� 1 y, w °�d , �••m �' ��,::'•��. �: y..'a`R•3a. :11C�� =f '�- (il � � �wLo'o2 7�� ��Y"� ' sp�tp r�. c'�• Y�.c I •'� yf/• m<..m "sa iwi:•K.o+ 'i . ld� J t, r f. +4 4`°2. !rsr' �I. R >•C °i i .,. -i : i.+rr � �^�s a g g'.�s J ebk 0% ' 6``L, q //���r,�'� •\ f' _ u.+vr ve�:�au srl�F -! .a.am.ua.[urt -- :$ 31.ac.'..� tl O� � f °l°ra.. � !• � uvm�wnr 1. ���;;;, .sip e a 4 a � i a a e.. ar >n g$ � ... 3 y�,,,. �} ,�• r a�v� •':fir •.yy4 it 2 e•° . � : MA sr n C a � - 16 J �4.ti.4 �rn\'„i •: uuv afnn k � G '7ryuy°' jE . •` p _ ... :a+ •'R �_!,`l. J 1� i aw<r t ^ 'a-� sr �e .✓ .. J7'�', ��� �p. _rx .� �-y n \pr _b m- _ rt �M •r'r"�+ ,.d 4 c. � �Wk � -a ��S+'•^n. ". ""��\\f ao<rm ' n- s � . a � � 1 ii.:3/tY ?2: • ;lr.- ore'v � i s• rk { b �sr �a& �i'y`k'' .` ''= 3 2; \ *�_.r•31.yyf�YT�;4L r�^- `•4aa I g n �8 p4 '� °p.' O 4, •'t� `r� p�:i`.. s.c • i � '' ` !'t n•j„ e .♦ I .��y�,, i r � ` 9T Y� . a+� r au.yy. 4v'p`��!�r t • �• /V.tn\rr,- , � ,♦+: ,II D�}r�5 "`' `r '\4,1e F .J xd•, \,�,\•'• �� • 4,q°4,2; d{p'°' /� r a+"d �� ��\ ♦ �'•�. . r. � e..4S� G j Et�t- �• .V.4 �♦• t , O l~ '+ 9F"� a, l tr _�l a' �.^'\ <�a{ ::•T�.� raw s d !.� .i' ° r�. ' • m $S��fi `,r'C .+.•yy)•"f"`t„�".•'lr 3 :.rr t Vy' � s, d� .n.arirwa +r '"®.m= �- < w 1 •,�,� � SITE no-.; +'/y\�-\♦\, � w / nR• g - _-- :. ;. ' �,;:::, - S at .7 � ,� ••n.a.,. 4 r a . ,�r ^�„ • anwl P •Pro �•• ` ` + < ! <Li� rox<A J• + ~'• f•�� f \ ` :- r + C�. rcw EL-n <<e�y<.. Md�/ .T N^•r.._..}'§ :12 1 k \',�� N i '4•.. _ :SAY a ., t= + SOURCE: THOMAS BROS. MAPS i v v VIC INITY MAP NORTH VLinscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers HERITAGE BANK BRANCH •1._�Ir� Ilxr •II D9•Ii'eb"L II ' b .�I . 1 . . '� I , t• uni I � 0 0 "'" . Y I ti •Y`1t' xi' ` �I ,Y ��j• � `n© / • .xi!d• r I �. W wtbr.,,Ly:� T' " '' I •�`6&d":ea". . 1 < b 6 6• F o u }Y,e� p:d �.e?�=z� � 'Li' :•7a,i •I W 0 O, O b 0 {! '•'• a t, "-,✓F i, .I �.5 a,. '. •tY,'7-•r y. l..�,I•r1.y; 'T ., I x ,t.. N d"'.'' " y. 8 � ' p .T ,�aL6¢Tor7a• . �K•.4_�.I,��:'Sti li O °�e QG� ,.'li L �,•' .\;.: ':N✓.gyp• .�`�' y, �, :.0� Mp ::', t:'. ! �y mJ , .i�'�r'-"• •' li •.'' wf 1 ¢ " n? x0�+¢ n �ii�ucwrz.t44�.aT-• •I-: "i<,I•p,tf,,� n•,�• �¢«L! i wee renawwMMc4+-,+'+eaua ran 1 . .[t,+,{.fin' ;:k a1.♦ o 'rf�d ' ^\'4 1,P .(,3gi�JY�. :' •L�/.t' 1{ 1' I I I. •-T.Fi MM; 4]Attl4yrR` a�y. 1.+-1" � 1 114Y1 aTo+V J'.1•1i,T'b1.1j 4r.•. "cam ' -I 1 (i'O�t Z} V r �ti4�' 0 •, D1wt �.5.�jcV.Y•:4 1 - NJ L✓ ' DA9.Mi�D1. Cifb+r. • ed11r� ueva, n Y{ a MnaL 4a].r. I} 157N STREET Lvrer.�ca,�yl�a+afar � P�dv�AATII.l�Nf4F dtou0 4'vH �1]'I5Z6'T l W.MvioG Ta1L.,+.i,1 xUw,bn.YK i WILOI11+1¢CY(Cd1A1L%M[ N4¢INO) I. .FTMbtldQlPll'1.1+IlAM dYC TYI.O µrye+ ewxf W W+W VnT,RIH W.LLI WK A L'd WIbL CTIRIt.CP•I <M64I.MCV. WIt40/ICt LCK.'iNC6 CIT .r aV%T, 1ZpY'ie "�'Sro 1 I/=MEH NMPSO L tWl rout v uavt tulv'.mt later wv "�l+.11}�rMtk/G14� Mtwarww]v'Lert r�a¢lua raalnotP. .. • ra+ca+ Lrsn,e ' � � pIUaw.a wet.i:d•Itle" ' ❑wwar nl�l naet nb/ws rwn s •M�n. n,vo: MAP SOURCE: UHL & VAN TUYLE ASSOCIATES " a 2 NORTH SITE PLAN 4G Linscott, Law& Greenspan, Inc., Engineers HERITAGE BANK BRANCH . 1 Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers r 'Traffic Generation Traffic generation forecasts have been prepared for the proposed project based upon trip generation factors as compiled by the City of Newport Beach and Caltrans, loth Progress Report on Trip Generation. As shown in Table 1, the proposed project has been credited for trips generated by the existing bank branch office to be removed. The proposed project is expected j to generate a total of 820 vehicle trip ends daily (410 inbound, 410 outbound), where a trip end is a one-way vehicular movement either arriving at, or departing the generating land use. An estimated 191 vehicle trip ends would be produced during the afternoon peak 21 hour period. (65 inbound, 125 outbound) with 62 of these vehicle trips occurring during the peak PM peak hour. Traffic Distribution Project generated traffic has been distributed and assigned in accordance with anticipated travel orientations and route into and out of the site area. Exhibit 3 presents the traffic distribution of vehicle trips generated, (Table 1) on a PM peak hour, PM peak 212 hour and 24 hour basis at selected locations. The percentage assignment (of total traffic) to each roadway segment is also indicated. Intersection Evaluation - 1% Analysis A total of six intersections have been identified for analysis during the 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM period. They are as follows: 1. Superior Avenue/Placentia Avenue 2. Hospital Road/Newport Boulevard 3. Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard 4. Coast Highway/Prospect Street 5. Coast Highway/Orange Street 6. Coast Highway/Riverside Drive A review of the individual intersection work sheets indicates that project traffic would exceed one percent of the existing, plus approved projects traffic volumes on at least one approach at the Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Avenue intersection and three approaches of the Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue intersection. The 1% Traffic Analysis work sheets are included in the appendix. W / 5 4 • 6 i � W ^o d O INDUSTRIAL NAY bb 16TH Si 23 46 �m 7 15 SITE i', pie o . 49S z ,•-� ti�'y - mom^ ry0 L ISTH ST o,m 0 1 �a �Q1°V- 24 t 6Z HOSPITAL ROAD m6 ~ 0 m A a ' V v° HOAG HOSPITAL �l16 7 y~°! Irk COASt NW KEY 00 00 PM PK HR/PM PK 21 HR SCHEMATIC 00 24 HR VOL 3 a D NOT TO SCALE 0- �S PERCENT OF DISTRIBUTION?MTM PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES q� 4G Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers -`i'- INTERSECTION ANALYZED (1%) " HERITAGE BANK BRANCH Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers Intersection'Capacity Utilization An Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis has been conducted for the total of existing, plus regional growth, plus committed projects, plus the project traffic volumes at the two intersections identified above. Work sheets for these calculations are included in the Appendix. The ICU calculations at those intersections identified above indicated that the addition of project traffic would produce ICU values less than 0.90. Conclusions An analysis of six key intersections in the vicinity of the proposed Heritage Branch Bank site indicated that forecasted project traffic volumes would exceed one percent of the existing volume on at least one approach at two of those locations. Further analysis indicated that the existing traffic volumes plus project traffic volumes of the two intersections would have an ICU value of less than 0.90. Mitigation would not be required at those intersections. Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Inc., Engineers u APPENDIX 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Superior Avenue/Placentia Avenue Hospital Road/Newport Boulevard Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard Coast Highway/Prospect Street Coast Highway/Orange Avenue Coast Highway/Riverside Drive ICU Analysis Placentia Avenue/Superior Avenue Coast Highway/Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/ORANGE STREET (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980) Approach Existing Peak 2y Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project 1 rection i Peak 2y Hour Regional Projects Peak 2y Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour' 1 Volume Growth Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume i Vol une Volute [Northbound 250' - - 250 2.5 - �• IrSouthbouna j 132 - - 132 1.32 - Eastbound 2605 31 5 2641 26.0 7 I i estbound 4305 51 40 4396 44.0 16 © Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 23-, Hour Traffic Volume Cj Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 1522 PLACENTIA AVENUE DATE• MAY/1981 PROJECT: 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST VA RIVERSIDE AVENUE ; (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980) Approach Existing Peak 211 Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction j Peak 211 Hour Regional Projects Peak 21, Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 2k Hour'. I I Volume Growth Peak 21, Hour Volume Volume Volune i Volume Vol ume �Northbound southbound ; 1106 - - 1106 11 01 Eastbouue 4401 23 20 4444 44 9 estbound 4082 18 4 4104 41 3 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 1522 PLACENTIA AVENUE DATE: MAY/1981 PROJECT: 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection OAST urru,ipV/DRl1CPFfT CTRFFT (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980) Approach Existing Peak 2y Hour Approved Projected F rojected Project Direction Peak 2�1 Hour Regional Projects Peak 2h Hour Hour Peak 211 HourVolume Growth Peak 2)y Hour Volume Volume i Volume Volume , I IHorthbound ISouthbound 275 2 3 280 3 0 j Eastbound 2270 13 437 •2720 27 7 estbound 4266 1 25 1015 5306 1 53 16 © Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2, Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 1522 PLACENTIA AVENUE DATE- MAY/1981 PROJECT:__ 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection NEWPORT BOULEVARD/HOSPITAL ROAD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980) Approach ! Existing Peak 21, Hour Approved Projected 15 of Projected Project Direction I Peak 21, Hour Regional Projects Peak 212 Hour Peak 25 Hour Peak 2y Hour' I } Volume Growth Peak 21, Hour Volume Volume Vol" i Volume Volume ;;Northbound 4055 101 4156 42 3 outhbound 3719 72 3791 38 0 astbound 1645 158 1803 18 4 I .estbound 1448 ' 55 1503 15 4 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 1522 PLACENTIA AVENUE DATE: MAY/1981 PROJECT -- FORM I i 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection PLACENTIA AVENUE/SUPERIOR AVENUE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980) Approach Existing Peak 2�t Hour Approved Projected 12 of Projected Project �Uirection Peak 2h Hour Regional Projects Peak 2y Hour Peak Zy Hour Peak Zy Hour' I I Volume Growth Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume } Volume Volume ; 'Northbound 1 732 44 776 8 14 outhbound j 678 95 773 8 20 ' Eastbound ' 1202 7 1209 12 18 f estbound 798 8 806 8 7. Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 23-, Hour Traffic Volume ® Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 1522 PLACENTIA AVENUE DATE: MAY/1981 PROJECT: i 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BALBOA AVENUE/SUPERIOR AVENOL@('OAST HIGHWAY (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 1980 (IApproach Existing Peak 2� Hour Approved Projected 1% of Projected Project i0irection Peak 2k Hour Regional Projects Peak 26 Hour Peak 211 Hour PeaPo k 21, Hour' 1 Volume Growth Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume i Vol une Volume , 1 Northbound 1221 = Southhound j 2271 88 1 2359 24 34 ,Eastbound 2857 66 205 '3125 31 7 i estbound 3355 76 483 3914 39 3- Pr.oject Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume 1]X Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 1522 PLACENTIA AVENUE DATE: MAY/1981 PROJECT:___ MOM, T INTER#TION CAPACITY UTILIZATION AN#SIS Intersection BALBOA AVENUE/SUPERIOR A UE @COAST HIGHWAY ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 19-0) EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMIITTEU PROJECTED EXISTING PROPOSED VIC Ratio PROJECT PROJECT Movement PKAR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT w/o Protect Volume V/C Ratio I Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. Vol. Ratio Volume Volume Vol we NL - 308 - - - - - - NT 4800 4800 173 .1002* 6 0.1015* 2 0.1019* NR N.S. - 64 - I - - - - - SLP32200 1600 133 - - 10 0.0894* 4 0.0919* ST 4800 300 .1353* - 18 0.1840 4 0.1881 SR - 545 - - 20 - 16 - EL - 218 .0681* - 3 0.0691* 3 0.0700* ET - 660 .2063 12 - 0. - 0 - 0.2100 ER - 270 .1688 - - 0.1688 - 0.1688 WL 1600 - 69 .0431 - - 0.0431 - 0.0431 WT 3200 - 1301 .4066* 17 - 0.4119* - 0.4119* WR 1600 - 83 .0519 - 1 0.0525 1 0.0531 YELLOWTIME 1000* 0.1000* 0.1000* EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION •8102 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS I.C.U.1 0.7719 11 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. 0.7757 Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I .C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: 1522 PLACENTIA AVENUE, HERITAGE BANK BRANCH DATE: MAY/1981 PROJECT FORM II INTER#TION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANWIS Intersection PLACENTIA AVENUE/SUPERIOR AVFNIIF ( Existing Traffic Volumes Bases on Average Daily Traffic Winter/Spring 1980) EXIST. EXIST. REGIONAL COMiITTED PROJECTED EXISTING PROPOSED V/C Ratio PROJECT _ PROJECT Movement Lanes Cap. Lanes Cap. PK.HR. V/C GROWTH PROJECT w/o Project Yolume V/C Ratio Vol. Ratio Volume Vol we Vol wne NL 15 NT 3200 216 0. 1613 22 0. 1681* 6 0..1700 NR 285 SL 1600 29 0.0181* 5 0.0213* 1 0,0219 ST 1600 277 0.1731 45 1 0.2013 9 0.2069* SR 1600 33 0.0206 0 0.0206 0.0206 EL 1600 40 0.0250 0.0250 0.0250 ET * * 1 0.1788* ER 5 F4 7 WL 1600 161 0.1006* 0.1006* 0.1006* WT WR 12 3 4 YELLOWTIME 0.1000* 0.1000*; It 0. 1000* 1 ' EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION t 0.5553 I 1 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH W/PROPOSED INPROYEMENTS I.C.U. 0. 56631 1 EXISTING PLUS COMMITTED PLUS REGIONAL GROWTH PLUS PROJECT I.C.U. ® 'Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 ❑ Projected plus project traffic I.C.U. with systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Description of system improvement: 1522 PLACENTIA AVENUE, HERITAGE BANK BRANCH DATE: MAY/1981 PROJECT FORM II 1 n :SNawJ3a Nan13a q .1N3WWOO $ M3IA3a M N0I1MOANI M 371 d M NOIilSOdSIQ $ NOI1.0d> W:l 'Aa3S "Itla3N39 t3 sminI1l1 a 3aId ❑ Olddt/al.a 3ONVNId ❑ 9NisvHOHnd Cl 'SS3008d d1tlQ 0 SANOM 0I191d II N8310 OUIO 3OI-10d 0 9NIC lIna LI ONINNtfld II A3Na011 c 13NNOSa3d II %9W 01 11SSv 0 '03H 2 S)iWdd3 839dNVW 0 3NIadWt1 IIONnM M AMEII"I CI aOAFIWZ]� :Ol 1 �o � 31tlQ AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on this 14th day of June 1982, by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY," and LINSCOTT, LAW and GREENSPAN, INC. , ENGINEERS, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT." W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the CITY has determined that it requires a Traffic Phasing Ordinance - "Traffic Study"; and WHEREAS, CONSULTANT agrees to prepare the Phase One - Traffic Study pursuant to the "Traffic Phasing Ordinance" - Newport Beach Municipal Code, Section 15.40 and "Administrative Guidelines" for Implementing the Traffic Phasing Ordinance - City Policy S-1; and WHEREAS, CITY desires to have said Traffic Study prepared; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. GENERAL CONSULTANT agrees to prepare the subject study in accordance with the requirements set forth in Paragraph 2 of this Agreement. CITY agrees to remit to CONSULTANT the amounts set forth in paragraph 3 of this Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this document. 2. SCOPE OF WORK The subject study will be prepared in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code, Section 15.40 and City Policy S-1 respectfully and by reference incorporated herein at this point as if fully set forth. 3. BILLING AND PAYMENT CONSULTANT shall be paid under this Agreement on a time and material basis and shall not exceed Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750.00) . Partial payments shall be made by CITY to CONSULTANT upon CONSULTANT'S presentation of statements verifying the time and material costs incurred by it in connection with this Agreement. L _ - 0 4. FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE CONSULTANT shall use diligent efforts to complete this contract within twenty-one (21) days after execution of this Agreement. The subject study must meet the approval of the City Traffic Engineer. 5. TERMINATION This Agreement is subject to termination by the CITY at any time upon serving written notice to CONSULTANT. The CITY shall be thereafter liable to CONSULTANT only for fees and costs incurred as of the date CONSULTANT receives such notice of termination. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties here to have entered into this Agreement as of the date and year first above written. APPROVED AS TO FORM By_1�G22� City Attorney CITY CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH LINSCOTT,LAW AND GREENSPAN, INC. Bt: QLJ/ BY N V a v,u, �ti) IRECTOR CONSULTANT 0 y NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ` � 1 Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of Uhl and Van Tuyle Associates for a Traffic Study on property located at 1522 Placentia Avenue. Request to consider a Traffic Study for a 36,888 square foot combined use office building including banking and general offices and medical offices. This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Qualities Act. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 22nd day July of 1982, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. Joan Winburn, Secretary Planning Commission City of Newport Beach NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby' given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of Uhl and Van Tuyle Associates for a Traffic Study on property located at 1522 Placentia Avenue. Request to consider a Traffic Study for a 36,888 square foot combined use office building including banking and general offices and medical offices. This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Qualities Act. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 22nd day July of . 1982, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. Joan Winburn, Secretary Planning Commission City of Newport Beach NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. 425-373-01 5-373-02 1425-373-03 James B. Massey 4*ck S. Hubbard Jack O_. Vance 979-C W. Pine St. 10122 Cynthia Dr. 218 Morning Canyon Rd. ':pland, CA 91786 iHuntington Beach, CA 92646 Crona Del Mar, CA 92625 425-373-04 ' 425-373-05 425-373-06 Lynne R. Valentine Michael T. Emrick Melvin' Olson 15 Toulon 151 Granada #C 438 Bolero Way Newport Beach, CA 92660 Long Beach, CA 90803 Newport Beach, CA 92663 425-373-07 425-373-08 425-373-09 Melvin L. Hauge Donald -Fiduccia Helen J. Mix 440 Bolero Way , 14971 Rancho Circle 452 Bolero Way Newport Beach, CA 92663 Irvine, CA 92714 Newport Beach, CA 92663 425-373-10 425-373-11 425-373-12 Mary M. Dyer Lauren G. Stomel Curtis L. Nelson 454 Bolero Way 456 Bolero Way 351 Hospital Rd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Suite 41Newport Beach, CA 92663 425-373-IA 425-373-14 425-373-15 Yandel E. Shell Thomas Straza Peyton P. Callaway 464 Bolero Way 468 Bolero Way 467 Bolero Way Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92663 425-373-16 425-373-17 425-373-18 Edward F. Somers Henry L. Storti Forrest C. Baldwin, Sr. 465 Bolero Way 463 Bolero Way 461 Bolero Way Newport Beach, CA• 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach,. CA 92663 425-373-19 425-373-20 42,5-373-21 David L. Silim Anthony De Sousa_ Delia E. Maurice 457 Bolero Way. 455 Bolero Way 453 Bolero Way Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92663 425-373-22 425-373-23 425-373-24 Wanda I. Schmaneke Harry S. Molley Bruce M. Dentom, Jr. 451 Bolero Way 1441 Fulbright 437 Bolero Way Newport Beach, CA 92663 Redlands, CA 92373 -• Newport Beach, CA 92663 425-373-25 425-373-26 425-373-27 Jacquiline S. Cover Marie R. English Alan R. Campagna 4307 Hilaria Way 433 Bolero Way 429 Bolero Way Newport- Beach., CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92663 425-373-28 425-373-29 425-373-30 Edna M. Little Frances D. O'Hearn John E. Randall 427 Bolero Way 425 Bolero Way 423 Bolero Way Newport Beach, CA 92669 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92663 425-373-40 425-373-41 425-373-42 Eleanor B. Olis William 0. Nix Edward Carlick 4305 Hilaria Way 4307 Hilaria Way 4308 Hilaria Way Newport Beach, CA 92663 I Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92663 425-373-43 425-373-51 1 425-373-52 Edward W. Lutze nald E. Pugh Cecelia Clock 4304 Hilaria Way 05 Dana Rd. 4307 Dana• Rd. ' : wport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach, 92663 424-011-32 424-012-01 425-372-01 4eltzer Enterprises Stafac Inc. Foulton Foster 740 N. La Brea Ave. Shell Oil Co. 418 Bolero Way Los Angeles, CA 90038 P.O. Box 4898 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Anaheim, CA 92803 425-372-02 ; 425-372-03 425-372-04 Milton J. Meehan Richard Nunez Violet A. Clark 2319 Margaret Dr. -- i . 414 Bolero Way 412 Bolero Way Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92663 424-151-04 424-151-05 424-151-06 Americana Land Associates Visser-Lambert Investments Mark Kornwasser 13921. Artesia Blvd. 1732 N. Mountain View Pl. 8222 Melrose Ave. Cerritos, CA 90701 Fullerton, -CA 92631 Los Angeles, CA 90046 424-161-01 424-161-02 424-161-03 James E. Phillips Ben Indes Roland N. Peterson 1544 Placentia Ave. K & M Enterprises Inc. 129 E. Bay Ave. 4ewport Beach, CA .92660 10000 Jefferson Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92661 Culver City, CA 90230 424-161-04 424-161-05 424-161-06 Ross Mollard George Wilson Ross Mollard % United Dominion Capital 1504 Beech St. % United Dominion Capital 2081 Business Center Dr. So. Pasadena, CA 91030 2081 Business Center Dr. Irvine, CA 92715 _Irvine. CA 92715__. 424-161-08 Jim Van Tuyle 4ary A. Morrison 2729 A Saturn St. 3061 Carob St. Brea, CA 92731 4ewport Beach, CA 92660 425-181-01 424-011-12 Heritage Bank 3ughes Aircraft Co. Ken Richardson Mr. Rod Crane ?:O. Box 90515 891 Maple Ave. 1700 W. Adams Blvd. T100/C509 Lindsay, CA 93247 Suite 204 cos Angeles, CA 90009 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Uhl & Van Tuyle Assoc. Inc. i 2729A Saturn St. i Brea Ca 92621 Heritage Bank/Irvine National 1700 Adams Ave. , Suite 204 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 - Aoz- Am - dog I � - - u�t scorz'� - dla G dlcp . Fcc ---- --- - ------- ------ - -------------- -- ----- ------ -------- .� I ss n - -- -- - - - ------- ------- - - - -- - --- ---- - --- - - --- ------ ----- ---- --------- - ------ ----- - --- - -- ------- - --------------- I I ---- - --- ---------- -- --- -- -- -- ------- ------------------ ---- -- t w wwwwwwwwwww� RECEIPT j w �gWPpRT wwww CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ' A NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92663 No. 18378 C9<�OPNaP 1 O� �O 79� IV ATE 001 RECEIVED FROM 7Lo�4r ip, 4 ' � ! I ! ACCOUNT NO ACCOUNT NO a J� DEPARTMENT BY ri----.�..�..�.»..�..«.�.w.«wwwww.�..�..�.ww.�. .�. .�..�..�.www.�.w.«ww I -CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECEIPT 1 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92663 No. 17921 E ! tOO�taOPN�P``Dj 57— ��9T DATE 00 RECEIVED FROM FORM ! T P ! ACCOUNT NO ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT EWPO G.ITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECEIPT RA D� pm NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA No. 22389 �FORNIA 92883 p �[IpOPN P 19 DATE RECEIVED FROM - - �J `:' 000; 7-� ' FOR: ��lL ! S ' � ACCOUNT NO. AMOUNT X2 E YZ 0 -/b ;45. DEPARTMENT . BY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on this 1st day of May, 1981 , by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH , a municipal corporation , hereinafter referred to as "CITY " , and LINSCOTT, LAW and GREENSPAN, INC . , hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT" W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, CITY desires to have the CONSULTANT prepare a Traffic Study for a proposed Thirty-five thousand square foot office building, ( Irvine National Bank) project in the City of Newport Beach . WHEREAS , CONSULTANT desires to prepare said Traffic Study. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the parties hereto agree as follows : 1 . GENERAL CONSULTANT agrees to prepare a Traffic Study on the proposed project in the City of Newport Beach , in accordance with the require- ments setforth in paragraph 3 of this Agreement in accordance with the terms and 'conditions set forth in this document. 2. SCOPE OF WORK The subject Traffic Study will be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the City Traffic Engineer for the preparation of such studies , in accordance with Chapter 15 .40 of the Municipal Code of the City, and City Council Policy S-1 . 3. BILLING AND PAYMENT CONSULTANT shall be paid under this Agreement on a time and material basis . In no event shall the maximum amount of this Agree- ment exceed Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars , ( $450. 00) . Parti-al payments shall be made by the CITY to CONSULTANT upon CONSULTANT ' s presentation of statements verifying the time andmateri•a1 costs incurred by it in connection with this Agreement. -1 - 4. FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE CONSULTANT shall use diligent efforts to complete the provisions within thirty ( 30 ) days after execution of this Agree- ment. This subject Traffic Study must meet the approval of the Environmental Coordinator and Traffic Engineer of the City . 5 . TERMINATION This Agreement is subject to termination by the CITY at any time upon serving written notice to CONSULTANT. The CITY shall be thereafter liable to CONSULTANT only for fees and costs incurred as of the date CONSULTANT receives such notice of termination . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the parties hereto have entered into this Agreement as of the date and year first above written. APPROVED AS TO FORM CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Q- 4"� - A sistant City Attorney ePlanior artment CITY Linscott, Law and Greenspan , Inc . CONSULTANT TRAFFIC STUDY APPLICATION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPLICANT Uhl & Van Tuyle Associates PHONE 996-5720 MAILING ADDRESS 2729A Saturn St. ; Brea, California 92621 PROPERTY OWNER Irvine National Bank PHONE 851-4054 MAILING ADDRESS 2171 Campus Dr. ; Irvine, California 92715 Attn. : Rod Crane ADDRESS OR LOCATION OF PROJECT 1522 Placentia Av. ; Newport Beach Lot 716, Newport Mesa Tract, AP #424-161-09 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Construct three story bank/office building of approx- imately 35',000 sq.ft. with drive-up teller facilities and parking struct- ure. Remove an existing 3,600 sq. ft, temporary single story bank branch. DEVELOPMENT PHASING: Beginning Construction Completion Project Initial Occupancy Total Occupancy 2 Month/Year 1982 12 -,Month/Year 1982 12 Month/Yearl982 12Month/Year 1983 MITIGATION MEASURES: Possibility of staggered hours for bank employees. Do Not Complete Application Below This Line Date Filed Fee Paid Receipt No. City Traffic Engineer Approval Date Planning Commission Action Date City Council Action Date DONALD W.BARKER,F.E. Transportation Engineer II, � 41NSCOYT,LAW& GREENSPAN,INC.,ENGINEERS ,i TRANSPORTATION,TRAFFIC,PARKING,CIVIL ENGINEERING F NOMEOFFICE 8405 PERSHING DRIVE, CA <PLAYA DEL REV, 91 l� TELEPHONE 23-821 U57 ORAN[E CO 150.0 PPVLARiNO A-r •1R 120 CO'TA MESA,CA-0.'36E6 -� I iELEPHONi ]34.6411�b> d arm __f i j Heritage Bank - iI , ROD CRANE Property Manager 2171 Campus Drive Irvine, California 9271-5 (714) 851.4054 Barr ire ROD CRANE Properly Manager Orange oast Savings & Loan Bldg. p 1700 Adams Ave Suite 204,Costa Mesa, CA 92626 - — (714) 851-4217