HomeMy WebLinkAboutTPO038_AIRPORT SELF STORAGE I IINIIII IIII III IIIII IIIIIII IIIII IIIIII IIII III IIII TP0038 COMMISSIONERS MINUTES August 21, 1986 mP 9 99 .oy GpytA m0 9i�9 t^ �2 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX o additional auditoriums in Newport Center, be continue the Planning Commission meeting of September 4, 1 Motion x Motion was made to continue No. 71 Use Permit No. All Ayes 3222, and Item No. 8, Use Permit 27 (Amended) and Traffic Study, to the September 4, Planning Commission meeting. Motion voted on, MOTION C Traffic Study (Public Hearing) Item No.l Request to consider a traffic study so as to allow the Traffic expansion and conversion of an existing one-story Study office and industrial building to a two-story self storage facility, with related storage and office Approved areas. LOCATION: Lot 8, Tract No. 3201, located at 3800 Campus Drive, on the easterly side of Campus Drive, between Bristol Street and Quail Street, across from the John Wayne Airport. ZONE: M-1-A APPLICANT: Don Jones, Newport Beach OWNERS: Robert P. Forbes and George S. Fruehling, Newport-Beach James Hewicker, Planning Director, explained that the Traffic Study, if approved, would be effective for two years. He said that if the project is not exercised within that two year period, then the approval would become null and void, and the applicant would have to submit the application again. In response to a question posed by Chairman Turner, Mr. Hewicker replied that the Planning Commission could extend the subject application beyond the two years; however, the extension could only be limited to twelve months beyond the date of start of construction. The public hearing was opened in connection with this item, and Mr. Mark Jones, 41 Hartford Drive, appeared before the Planning Commission. Mr. Jones stated that the applicant concurs with the findings and conditions -2- j' M COMMISSIONERS MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 21, 1986 y�lyy�N��y9yCoAA�yF ROLL CALL INDEX in Exhibit "A". He explained that the tenants currently leasing offices at the subject site will be vacating the property on January 31, 1989, and that the conversion of the subject facility will commence immediately after the tenants have left the premises. Mr. Jones asked that the application be extended beyond the two year period. Discussion followed regarding an extension of no more than twelve months beyond the allowable two year period from the date of approval if a Building Permit has not been issued prior to the two year expiration date. Mr. Jones stated that the conversion of the one-story office and industrial building to a two-story self storage facility would take no more than three or four months after the facility has been vacated. Commissioner Person agreed that an extension of twelve months beyond the allowable two years is important because the proposed facility would be a decrease in density. The public hearing was closed at this time. Motion x Motion was made to approve Traffic Study subject to the Findings for approval, and to add Condition No. 1: All Ayes "That the Traffic Study will expire on January 31, 1990." Motion voted on, MOTION CARRIED. FINDINGS: 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the peak hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Policy S-1. 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the proj- ect-generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any 'major, ' 'primary-modified, ' or 'primary' street. 3. That the project reduces traffic on both a peak hour and daily basis. CONDITIONS: 1. That the Traffic Study will expire on January 31, 1990. * x -3- r 4 0 Planning Commission Meeting August 21, 1986 Agenda Item No. 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Traffic Study (Public Hearing) Request to consider a traffic study so as to allow the expansion and conversion of an existing one-story office and industrial building to a two-story self storage facility, with related storage and office areas. LOCATION: Lot 8, Tract No. 3201, located at 3800 Campus Drive, on the easterly side of Campus Drive, between Bristol Street and Quail Street, across from the John Wayne Airport. ZONE: M-1-A APPLICANT: Don Jones, Newport Beach OWNERS: Robert P. Forbes and George S. Fruehling, Newport Beach Application The application under consideration will, if approved, allow the expansion and conversion of an existing industrial and office building to a self storage facility of 28,880 sq.ft. Traffic study procedures are contained in Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Environmental Significance The proposed project has been reviewed and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt (Class 3: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) from the provisions of the California Environ- mental Quality Act (CEQA) . Conformance with the General Plan The Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan designates the site for a mixture of "General Industry" and "Administrative, Profes- sional and Financial Commercial" use. The General Plan also requires that development may not exceed a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.5, unless it is demonstrated that the project traffic is less than that J � TO: Pl*ng Commission - 2. which would be generated by a typical office development at 0.5 FAR, in which case a development may be up to a 1.0 FAR. A self-storage development is considered an industrial use and is consistent with the General Plan land use designation. The project has a floor area ratio. of 0.95 times the buildable area of the site. Based upon information contained in the traffic study, the average daily traffic generated by the project will be 80 automobile trips per day. An office use with a floor area ratio of 0.5 will generate 197 daily trips, therefore, the project is consistent with the General Plan. Subject Property and Surrounding Land Use The subject property is currently occupied by a one-story building housing a light industrial business and an automobile repair facility, To the north, east, and south are similar one- and two-story struc- tures containing mixed industrial, office and retail uses. To the west, across Campus Drive, are businesses associated with John Wayne Airport. Analysis A traffic study has been prepared for the proposed project in confor- mance with the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance and City Council Policy S-1. The Traffic Phasing Ordinance procedures allow for credit to be granted for existing development in redevelopment projects. The traffic generated by existing uses compares to the proposed project as follows: TRAFFIC GENERATION COMPARISON EXISTING MIXED USE VS. PROPOSED PROJECT Total Trips Generated Time Period Existing Use Proposed Use Evening Peak Hour: Inbound 8 5 Outbound 17 5 Total: 25 10 Morning Peak Hour: Inbound 15 5 Outbound 5 5 Total: 20 10 Daily Two-Way Total: 104 80 The proposed project will reduce traffic on a daily basis as well as in the morning and evening peak hours. The project meets the criteria of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. TO: Planning Commission - 3. Conclusion and Recommendation In order to approve a traffic study, the Planning Commission must find that the project neither causes nor makes worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic service on any major, primary-modified, or primary street. The proposed project reduces traffic from the development which exists on the site. Staff recommends approval of the Traffic Study. Findings for Approval are attached as Exhibit "A". PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By PATRICIA L. TEMPLE Environmental Coordinator SR16/jm Attachments: 1. Exhibit "A" 2. Traffic Study 0 Exhibit "A" TRAFFIC STUDY FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL FINDINGS• 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the peak hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and 'City Policy S-1. 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the proj- ect-generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any 'major,' 'primary-modified,' or 'primary' street. 3. That the project reduces traffic on both a peak hour and daily basis. SR16/J'm y JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. I I I ALDER ST., BREA, CALIFORNIA 92621 (714) 671-0226 July 21 1986 Ms. Patricia Temple Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92663 RE: Traffic Study per Traffic Phasing Ordinance Airport Self Storage, 3800 Campus Drive Our File F370 Dear Ms. Temple: We have been requested to conduct a trip generation and trip distribution study for the proposed self/mini storage facility located on the east side of Campus Drive, in the northern por- tion of the City of Newport Beach (see figure 11 page 2) . Our analysis have shown a net decrease in trips during the AM and PM peak hours , as well as the 24 hour day. That analysis and its findings are summarized in the following pages. THE PROJECT The project proposes the conversion of an existing one-story building, located at 3800 Campus Drive in the City of Newport Beach, to a two-story, self mini storage facility (see site plan on figure 2, page 3) . The project also proposes a two- story addition to the rear of the existing building. The front part of the existing building will remain one-storied, for use of the service office and record storage. The total project area will be 28,880 square feet which are classified as follows: 27,430 square feet - self mini storage 1,000 square feet - record storage 450 square feet - service office 28, 880 square feet - total area Parking and circulation will remain at the same location, with the exception of the rear parking area, which will be used for the two-story, mini storage addition. page Z .f d n Y W! 555 1 k _ 1 R.Ylast IIRI ttA.CIE � j t ku IF "IM I \y oANu[E ovem sK emir aR .I`uvll It w t a``ao kt 8 AYI[ RAH MA SA tM l�lK 4K� Anrti aR°R �qPJ � IjRf aw fRrk RAKER JOH WAYNE �I I ` � MMINONNI y Airmommlyl ..p yWI➢H I f �yf GILf0N �. ,8 d/ VQ.IR , R�� set 4 ; �� °. � ;r SITE ' Y '_ � �rON VV AVE 40 movit 1« wroK t ic. V�EwoarvAW Ne It'4q�� 1�y.0 �,v�yr �•=`t �Y Q I STAT � i I • � t, �" �?�xrEwtaMt ,�llip ` `SE` scNoat �4 c 4r.W4._ Jr�a � Mw� t� !PR ERVESan Digggo NIVERSITY _ 1 s 1 RESERVE 19 v � to ♦� �� �/ g 'I �T fi i Vol fo t J p� , 4EASERWEf UNIVERSITY ?N,�A`> MAP SOURCE: AUTO CLUB OF SO, CAL. FIG 'I SITE VICINITY MAP JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. 6 t ro w c. a PROJECT DESCRIPTION/OATA_-- +�^•"'1 I bWRM V RIRI..I RF.w.OMfM1IM �- IWn1..M.tC i RT Lf rtu.i. _ 9r-- .a s n,nnu i m.lu"c,°Oiw l• •a• Y"V EZISTM MUSTRAL MMT TENANT . C�7 miM oo vM�:'•�«u,R , '®m°` ' NOT APAU I is STORAGE_ Z '...::i�• �1t.700 SO.FT. ` - i O) 2 STORY � ,� iRu.n.e _�.INRR.• ADORION O r P740 SO. i Li c- Y L II m ZJOROAN ARCHTECf8 NG • "1""""" '" ° AIRPORT SELF STORAGE NEWPORT BEACH, CA `ef N f Page 4 EXISTING CONDITION At the present time, the site is occupied by a one-story buil- ding containing two different types of facilities (see photo- graphs, figure 3 below) . i 4 - .Y J u , FIGURE 3 Looking southeast from Campus Drive toward the site. The arrow points to the existing one-story building, which will be converted to a two- story, mini storage facility. The two facilities are described as follows: 1. Liston scientific Corp. , a manufacturing/light industrial development located in the front portion of the existing building. It contains a total area of 91765 square feet, has 27 parking spaces and 15-20 employees. 2. Alfa Romeo Specialty Auto Repair Co. , is located in the rear portion of the building. It contains a total area of 4,126 square feet, has 14 parking spaces and 4 employees. JUSTIN F.FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. Q i . Page 5 IMPACT ANALYSIS PROCEDURE USED In the course of the impact analysis, the following procedures were used: 1. The site was visited and an inspection was made of the site vicinity arterials and street environment. 2. A forecast was made of the amount of traffic that will be generated by the project during the AM and PM peak periods as well as the 24 hour day. TRIP GENERATION FORECAST Daily and peak hour trip generation for projects such as that being proposed here is normally expressed in terms of trip ends per 1,000 square feet (KSF) of gross floor area. A trip is de- fined as a one-way vehicular journey either to or from the si- te, or it may be a journey totally within the site. The latter is usually referred to as an internal trip. Each trip will have two trip ends, one at the beginning and one at the end of the destination. Because of the nature of the proposed pro- ject, there will be a minimal number of internal trips. There- fore, as a "worst case" condition, it will be assumed that there will be no internal vehicular trips. Trip making characteristics for a variety of land use types have been collected from a number of field studies at actual projects, both in Southern California and elsewhere throughout the United States. The results of these studies have been reported upon by ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) , San Diego Association of Governments, Arizona Department of Transportation, and various published and unpublished private studies . A review of the data for developments similar to that being proposed, indicates that the ITE rate yields a greater amount of forecasted traffic. Therefore, as a "worst case" condition, the ITE trip rates were used to forecast future pro- ject trips. Traffic currently .generated by the existing devel- opment was calculated and deducted from future traffic to arrive at a net increase. The trip generation forecast for the proposed development is summarized in table 1, page 6. JUSTIN F.FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. 9 Page 6 • TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION FORECAST SELF MINI STORAGE (28,880 Square Feet) Trip No. of ITE Rate #151 Rate Trips* AM Peak Hour - Enter 0.09 5 - Exit 0 .,08 5 PM Peak Hour - Enter 0.15 5 - Exit 0 .14 5 24 Hours - Enter 1.40 40 - Exit 1.40 40 *Trips were rounded to the nearest 5 At the present time, the site is occupied by Liston Scientific Corporation which is located in the front portion of the building and Alfa Romeo, which is located in the rear portion of the building, as previously mentioned. The Institute of Transportation Engineers has issued different rates for Light Industrial and Manufacturing; however, because the distinction between the two is sometimes vague, the average rate of the two was used to estimate the number of trips associated with Liston Scientific Corporation, and is summarized in table 2A below. TABLE 2A TRIP GENERATION EXISTING LIGHT INDUSTRIAL/ MANUFACTURING FACILITY (9,765 Square Feet) Trip No. of Rate Trips* AM Peak Hour - Enter 0.72 7 - Exit 0.17 2 PM Peak Hour - Enter 0.42 4 - Exit 0.51 5 24 Hours - Enter 2.33 25 - Exit 2.33 25 *Daily trips were rounded to the nearest 5 It should be -noted that; 1) if the existing trip generation for Liston Scientific were to be calculated based on the number of employees at the facility (15-20) , the number of trips would be 30% higher than those listed in table 2A above and 2) during the AM peak hour field observation, 18 parking spaces out of 27 provided for Liston Scientific were occupied (see figure 4 on the following page) . As a worst case condition, however, the JUSTIN F.FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. /ll r •Page 7 number of trips listed in table 2 were used in this analysis. 4t ` FIGURE 4 View northwest along the subject parking lot. The arrows indicate the parking spaces associated with Liston Scientific, Inc. The Alfa Romeo Auto Repair Shop, located at the rear of the existing building, is a specialty auto repair facility with an different operation from that of a regular auto repair store; i.e. some cars may stay at the station for up to one week waiting for a spare part. The facility contains 3 hydraulic lifts and employs 4 people. Based upon information on the current operation, approximately 6-8 cars per day are served at the site, of which 50% arrive prior to 8 :00 AM and are picked up after 5:00 PM. Table 2B, which follows, provides an esti- mate of the traffic which currently is being generated from this facility. JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. // Page 8 TABLE 2B TRIP GENERATION EXISTING AUTO REPAIR STORE (4,126 Square Feet) Customers*: Arrive Depart 7:00 - 8:00 AM 6 3 Midday 8 7 5:00 - 6:00 PM 4 8 Employees: 6:00 - 7:00 AM 2 0 7:00 - 8:00 AM 2 0 Midday NOM NOM 5:00 - 6:00 PM 0 4 Others: NOM NOM 7:00 - 8:00 AM ; Midday 3 3 5:00 - 6:00 PM NOM NOM Operation** 7:06 - 8:00 AM NOM NOM Midday 2 2 5:00 - 6:00 PM NOM NOM * This estimate considered that most auto owners will have a second person drive them to the auto repair store and then drive them back (after work) to pick up their cars; or that a similar number of trips would be made if a service employee ferries the car owner back to his destination. **Auto test drives The foregoing tables 1, 2A and 2B detail the -trip generation for each of the existing and the proposed facility. Table 4, page 9, summarizes the net trip generation forecast. JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. y Page 9 • TABLE 4 NET TRIP GENERATION FORECAST SELF MINI STORAGE 3800 Campus Drive DAILY AM PM Land Use 2-Way IN OUT IN OUT Liston Scientific 50 7 2 4 5 9,765 S.F. Alfa Romeo Auto 54 8 3 4 12 Repair 4,126 S.F. Total 104 15 5 8 17 Proposed Mini Storage 80 5 5 5 5 28,800 S.F. NetImpact (-)24 (-)10 0 (-)3 (-)12 IMPACT ANALYSIS/ CONCLUSION Table 4 above summarizes the net trip generation forecast for the proposed mini storage facility. It indicates a net decrea- se in trips during the AM and PM peak hours as well as the 24 hour day, with the exception of the number of vehicles exiting during the AM peak hour which was equal to the proposed project trips . A primary reason for the decrease in trips is the dif- ferent type of land use and operation associated with the pro- posed project, as compared to the existing developments. A net decrease in the number of trips will also result in a net benefit to the circulation system at Campus Drive. Due to the fact that the proposed project will result in a net decrease in the amount of trips generated, neither trip dis- tribution, nor ICU analysis is required at any of the site vi- cinity intersections , based on the recommendation made by the staff of the City of Newport Beach. I hope that the above addresses all your concerns. If there are any questions, please feel free to call us at your conveni- ence. JUSTIN F. FARMER, TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. 5•`6 - C_v Shahi Y. Gobran,Project Supervisor for Justin F. Farmer, P.E. , President SYG:JFF:mb JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. / 3 OS•t AMEBIC 1 9 First American Title Insurance Company 114 EAST FIFTH STREET, (P. 0. BOX 267)SANTA ANA,CALIFORNIA 92702 • (714)558-3211 Affidavit on Property Ownership List The Attached List represents the Names and Addresses of all property owners located within 300 feet of the Exterior Boundaries of Property located at 3800 Campus Drive, Newport Beach as obtained from the latest Orange County Assesment Rolls. (Signature) Christopher J. Rouly Assistant Secretary Director of Special Services First American Title Insurance Co. 114 E. Fifth Street Santa Ana, CA 92702 (714) 558-3211 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of Don Jones for Traffic Study on property located at 3800 Campus Drive. Request to consider a traffic study so as to allow the conversion of an existing one-story office and industrial building to a two-story self storage facility, with related storage and office areas. This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 21st day of August, 1986, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. For information call (714) 644-3200. Pat Eichenhofer, Secretary, Planning Commission, City of Newport Beach NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of Don Jones for Traffic Study on property located at 3800 Campus Drive. Request to consider a traffic study so as to allow the conversion of an existing one-story office and industrial building to a two-story self storage facility, with related storage and office areas. This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 21st day of August, 1986, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. For information call (714) 644-3200. Pat Eichenhofer, Secretary, Planning Commission, City of Newport Beach NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. County of Orange 427-042-27,29,34,37,39,41, State of California Department of Transportation 427-042-59,60 County of Orange 400 W. Civic Center Drive Santa Ana, CA 92701 i 427-042-67 i Irvine Industrial Complex I i 2346 Hyperion Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90027 427-151-03,05,07,08,10,11,12 ' 14„15 i Irvine Co. 101 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa, CA 92661 427-151-04,09 Schoor, Mildred J. • R & S Co. Whisler, Elmer H. 2346 Hyperion AVe. 101 E. Balboa Blvd. 41 P.O. Box 462 Los Angeles, CA 90027 Balboa, CA 92661 E1 Toro, CA 92630 Mahoney-Grau Inc. Campus & Quail Blvd. Univ. Industrial Center 1300 Quail St. , STE.109 Joint Adventure, 3835 Birch St. Newport Beach, CA 92660 3400 Irvine Ave. Ste.101 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 M. J. Hogan Cabinet Co. Birch-Bristol Investment Group 3723 Birch St. Assoc. 2551 Skyline Dr. 3737 Birch St. 5000 Birch St. #330 Salt Lake City, UT 84108 Newport Beach, CA 92660 East Tower Newport Beach, CA 92660 3700 Building 3701 Birch Company 2909 S. Halladay St. P.O. Box 280 Santa Ana, CA 92707 Friant, CA 93626 L County of Orange 427-042-27,29,34,37,39,41, state of California Department of Transportatio 427-042-59,60 County of Orange 400 W. Civic Center Drive Santa Ana, CA 92701 427-042-67 Irvine industrial Complex 2346 Hyperion Ave: Los Angeles, CA 90027 427-151-03,05,07,08,10,11,1 - Irvine Co. 101 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa, CA 92661 427-151-04,09 - I i i i i i i County of orange 427-042-27,29,34,37,39,41, I State of California Department of Transportation; 427-042-59,60 County of Orange 400 W. Civic Center Drive Santa Ana, CA 92701 427-042-67 Irvine Industrial Ccm-plex 2346 Hyperion Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90027 427-151-03,05,07,08,10,11,1 - - -- 14;;15- -- ---- --- Irvine Co. 101 E. Balboa Blvd. I ! Balboa, CA 92661 427-151-04,09 - ------ --- --- --- -------- -- f I I I I I II I i 1 I ' I , 1 42'_,=, 4 /"=6Oo, 19 O8 4 m 29 Y PORLor/!A PmLorI! o to :,o �— -- — — — --- — —— -- — — O POR BGK 7 .., �• �I R S. Be /0 5 0421 I PORT ;7 v AIR � „ 1 6 JP A< e 6 CmUNT Y 1787.L < �•g -� ' o I POP LO /51 POP LOT/!P 'Jr c W POP Li' <'-'. I <� « I SUB. o F w�srAERw RANGE I - m ® : x.MA AL/O 62 1421 /1.19 AL.c : I 4.9PxAC. >+• ° —ION 'U 31./3 AC. � £ FP,.., POR , I GAff i r.. 36' ':+>:6� 1 66 ® Q "� ° ® I � OO FpEEW AV p+ 'i6.L •,. L L .x - tdAC 6lq.�LE]AG. •2EIAL'3O: •L%AL. •� °>'�x'a Y � ,44$-00 F/M'LCr/J9 RC, sr r,u d45-11 12 PCPsn MA 0 ASSESSOR MAP OF O MARL/ COUN /9E6 tsl' 'll 11 j�J N BOO�r427PAA4 O4O C- TY RANGE 42i- _`- r=600, 09 19 y n 08 Z 29 _ m POP.LOT UA POP LOT/J! O L0 POR BLK 7 16 A 0421 PART ,. 5, -- I AIR t 1 l l6 AC 6 O I 1 BLK 6 378TAC �LjN7 • ✓ d • LOP /OO 67 POP LO /35 POP LOT w W ,zo :, L_-/O? / ISUB. w G o ~ �� R q I - p, O e I_/RPACl6/ 62 142) d.91uCffi/ aa• 33./3AC. PP" 41 poR J� M �•�• To_ .�. 66 ® a 31 ^`�� .».,: •� 6 v FREEWAY N h n.PiAC 11.36E i�Ae i eO 2.61AC. �zezAc. '•+fie :,t445-OS.... e i m P — t.CAL/d 3T! _—.nR(C'/39 i_ R ..y A45-11 x .. 5 I� 12 RGKSO Ac A iNU ASSESSOR$ MAP 5 MARCH' /9EF {-:, • BOOK427 PA�f 04 -_O 3l CSC "• couNn-OF ORANGE 427-' Z,Z�y / 600, • n 08 z m 29 F POR COT/3a POP LOT 133 p O ` POR BLK 7 S. 60 /0 16 PORT f ems) I T 67 I AIR n 1 ue Ac. 6 s>R>dc O BLK 6 CUNT Y n s.i� r fiZ I aOw LO /35 POR LOT/JY FOR L 043 LOl 100 w SUB. RANGE :L._.:q e4XV62 421! 11.59AC.° poR_1o�1 $ 'EJ• ,2.9 EWAV LV FRE 66 R&dC l 267A6 262dC 445 I� RLR Sn R N� ASSESSORSwMAP �� 12 M" 4€ O 5 e AgAR.-4, /9E6 f-; COUNTY 04 _ S/ SSG k•� COUNTI'OF ORANGE / (4• e•01 _ i 04 /",Z"oo 777777-1 ' CAMPUS (AcAcIA sr) DRIVE — AVEvc 5 • ti TRACT i k W I i W ti m Paw/ � h Q , 0 rJ a O G G s �� , I M I /22Ac I I FA£EA'AY I I a I I I m •• sr /I . PI E JI i 1 6 1 9 /Oe. fQ m z_ -_ _ __ ___ ___�__ __•__Y____ g G59i uvvv' JP J) 56 .•� SSI a 30, SJIJZ v»' 1 I I I I I I FM /01-57 I I. I I I I I I .R 0 M "' PIS 2 11 10 I l G I1J Ar 1 I Z22AC I I I I I j I n:•e I vv' b * BIRCH ST'R£Er— 4 4 23 MARCH /972 _ _ ASSESSOR'S MAP —� BOOK 427 PAGE 15 COUNTY Of ORANGE Planning Commission Meeting August 21, 1986 Agenda Item No. 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Traffic Study (Public Hearing) Request to consider a traffic study so as to allow. the expansion and conversion ' of an existing one-story office and industrial building to a two-story self storage facility, with related storage and office areas. LOCATION: Lot 8, Tract No. 3201, located at 3800 Campus Drive, on the easterly side of Campus Drive, between Bristol Street and Quail Street, across from the John Wayne Airport. ZONE: M-l-A APPLICANT: Don Jones, Newport Beach OWNERS: Robert P. Forbes and George S. Fruehling, Newport Beach Application The application under consideration will, if approved, allow the expansion and conversion of an existing industrial and office building to a self storage facility of 28,880 sq.ft. Traffic study procedures are contained in Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Environmental Significance The proposed project has been reviewed and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt (Class 3: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) from the provisions of the California Environ- mental Quality Act (CEQA) . Conformance with the General Plan The Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan designates the site for a mixture of "General Industry" and "Administrative, Profes- sional and Financial Commercial" use. The General Plan also requires that development may not exceed a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.5, unless it is demonstrated that the project traffic is less than that r TO- Pl a•....ing Commission - 2. which would be generated by a typical office development at 0.5 FAR, in which case a development may be up to a 1.0 FAR. A self-storage development is considered an industrial use and is consistent with the General Plan land use designation. The project has a floor area ratio of 0.95 times the buildable area of the site. Based upon information contained in the traffic study, the average daily traffic generated by the project will be 80 automobile trips per day. An office use with a floor area ratio of 0.5 will generate 197 daily trips, therefore, the project is consistent with the General Plan. Subject Property and Surrounding Land Use The subject property is currently occupied by a one-story building housing a light industrial business and �an automobile repair facility. To the north, east, and south are similar one- and two-story -struc- tures containing mixed -industrial, office and retail. uses. To the west, across Campus Drive, are businesses associated with John Wayne Airport. Analysis A traffic study has been prepared for the proposed project in confor- mance with the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance and City Council Policy S-1. The Traffic Phasing Ordinance procedures allow for credit to be granted for existing development in redevelopment projects. The traffic generated by existing uses compares to the proposed project as follows: TRAFFIC GENERATION COMPARISON EXISTING MIXED USE VS. PROPOSED PROJECT Total Trips Generated Time Period Existing Use Proposed Use Evening Peak Hour: Inbound 8 5 Outbound 17 5 Total: 25 10 Morning Peak Hour: Inbound 15 5 Outbound 5 5 Total: 20 10 Daily Two-Way Total: 104 80 The proposed project will reduce traffic on a daily basis as well as in the morning and evening peak hours. The project meets the criteria of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. TO: Planning Commission - 3. Conclusion and Recommendation In order to approve a traffic study, the Planning Commission must find that the project neither causes nor makes worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic service on any major, primary-modified, or primary street. The proposed project reduces traffic from the development which exists on the site. Staff recommends approval of the Traffic Study. Findings for Approval are attached as Exhibit "A". PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director ByG� � �� PATRICIA L. TEMPLE Environmental Coordinator SR16/jm Attachments: 1. Exhibit "A" 2. Traffic Study j Exhibit "A" TRAFFIC STUDY FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL FINDINGS: 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the peak hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Policy S-1. 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the proj- ect-generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any , 'major, ' 'primary-modified, ' or 'primary' street. 3. That the project reduces traffic on both a peak hour and daily basis. SR16/jm c JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. I I i ALDER ST., BREA, CALIFORNIA 92621 (714) 671-0226 July 2, 1986 Ms. Patricia Temple Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92663 RE: Traffic Study per Traffic Phasing Ordinance , Airport Self Storage, 3800 Campus Drive Our File F370 Dear Ms. Temple: We have been requested to conduct a trip generation and trip distribution study for the proposed self/mini storage facility located on the east side of Campus Drive, in the northern por- tion of the City of Newport Beach (see figure 11 page 2) . Our analysis have shown a net decrease in trips during the AM and PM peak hours , as well as the 24 hour day. That analysis and its findings are summarized in the following pages. THE PROJECT The project proposes the conversion of an existing one-story building, located at 3800 Campus Drive in the City of Newport Beach, to a two-story, self mini storage facility ( see site plan on figure 2, page 3) . The project also proposes a two- story addition to the rear of the existing building. The front part of the existing building will remain one-storied, for use of the service office and record storage. The total project area will be 28,880 square feet which are classified as follows: 27, 430 square feet - self mini storage 1 ,000 square feet - record storage 450 square feet - service office 28, 880 square feet - total area Parking and circulation will remain at the same location, with the exception of the rear parking area, which will be used for the two-story, mini storage addition. page 2 "� � ! /fpps•��" ��v � E� �YK°"o ,� . Rk 1 �MVG H 3� IUR ERGION IOH y"• L SE IIBf SfA. B y f7q1'r IONi BAwrI f WERE t �/p S SKYVVIEW l 'DEL.{ 6i[1F OR CO M41 SFAVIIEW GRAN MAYfNIK `� N a 4'Y ATETfE ORCIK �r J w d / W STA irR TAKER d' �.r�� ,, I I LO r S EO // S Ve'� ' .lif 4•yti, NNINGMMI "I AUSOAIOf1VfAVE yL E— P" /� yEE, USEUW e a / I IICNELfpk \. UNTY T.E / �I � SON ' :�rni•, / MOVIEEA t� yn 0.1KER T '�S.•SY> IDS i ``• `;n r ���y Sr� � L'NM' �W� ` '' e'• • S` HEwwRt oa £ a 4 ! ' 'oo aLu' oil 00 Wfl 111 FED `\� R BAW "'• 1 U*�� 10 y't� IHSERMEBIAif v� � } 4 y \y yLF O an Diego VEWPORT 8 L.Y IGICAL RESERVEit ♦ �/ q� 2 UNIVERSITY •Y,{�� MAP SOURCE: AUTO CLUB OF SO, CAL. FIG 1 SITE VICINITY MAP JUSTIN F. FAREIMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. h Page .S —' — --- Mfk SI1dWtl0 OU oI 9 N W e —= W H NCL a. cc z iY LL i !} ( Y riF �' Nam. • \ . N Y/AD 1. a l` 3 1 1 � A I- `It A hi b9 IHd ie I p ai t�1T 3 ik 9 s'9k3 � t $1 ag i xg egi± # FIG 2 PROJECT SITE PLAN JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. � Page 4 I EXISTING CONDITION At the present time, the site is occupied by a one-story buil- ding containing two different types of facilities (see photo- graphs, figure 3 below) . a FIGURE 3 Looking southeast from Campus Drive toward the site. The arrow points to the existing one-story building, which will be converted to a two- story, mini storage facility. The two facilities are described as follows: 1. Liston Scientific Corp. , a manufacturing/light industrial development located in the front portion of the existing building. It contains a total area of 9,765 square feet, has 27 parking spaces and 15-20 employees. 2. Alfa Romeo Specialty Auto Repair Co. , is located in the rear portion of the building. It contains a total area of 4,126 square feet, has 14 parking spaces and 4 employees. JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS.INC. ' r Page 5 IMPACT ANALYSIS PROCEDURE USED In the course of the impact analysis, the following procedures were used: 1. The site was visited and an inspection was made of the site vicinity arterials and street environment. 2. A forecast was made of the amount of traffic that will be generated by the project during the AM and PM peak periods as well as the 24 hour day. TRIP GENERATION FORECAST Daily and peak hour trip generation for projects such as that being proposed here is normally expressed in terms of trip ends per 1,000 square feet (KSF) of gross floor area. A trip is de- fined as a one-way vehicular journey either to or from the si- te, or it may be a journey totally within the site. The latter is usually referred to as an internal trip. Each trip will have two trip ends, one at the beginning and one at the end of the destination. Because of the nature of the proposed pro- ject, there will be a minimal number of internal trips. There- fore, - as a "worst case" condition, it will be assumed that there will be no internal vehicular trips. Trip making characteristics for a variety of land use types have been collected from a number of field studies at actual projects, both in Southern California and elsewhere throughout the United States. The results of these studies have been reported upon by ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) , San Diego Association of Governments, Arizona Department of Transportation, and various published and unpublished private studies . A review of the data for developments similar to that being proposed, indicates that the ITE rate yields a greater amount of forecasted traffic. Therefore, as a "worst case" condition, the ITE trip rates were used to forecast future pro- ject trips . Traffic currently generated by the existing devel- opment was calculated and deducted from future traffic to arrive at a net increase. The trip generation forecast for the proposed development is summarized in table 1, page 6. JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. Page 6 TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION FORECAST SELF MINI STORAGE (28,880 Square Feet) Trip No. of ITE Rate #151 Rate Trips* AM Peak Hour - Enter 0.09 5 - Exit 0'.08 5 PM Peak Hour - Enter 0 .15 5 - Exit 0 .14 5 24 Hours - Enter 1.40 40 - Exit 1.40 40 *Trips were rounded to the nearest- 5 At the present time, the site is occupied by Liston Scientific Corporation which is located in the front -portion df the building and Alfa Romeo, which is located in the rear portion of the building, as previously mentioned. The Institute of Transportation Engineers has issued different rates for Light Industrial and Manufacturing; however, because the distinction between the two is sometimes vague, the average rate of the two was used to estimate the number of trips associated with Liston Scientific Corporation, and is summarized iri table 2A below. TABLE 2A TRIP GENERATION EXISTING LIGHT INDUSTRIAL/ MANUFACTURING FACILITY (9,765 Square Feet) Trip No. of Rate Trips* AM Peak Hour - Enter 0 .72 7 - Exit 0 .17 2 PM Peak Hour - Enter 0 .42 4 - Exit 0.51 5 24 Hours - Enter 2.33 25 - Exit 2.33 25 *Daily trips were rounded to the nearest 5 It should be noted that; 1) if the existing trip generation for Liston Scientific were to be calculated based on the number of employees at the facility (15-20) , the number of trips would be 30% higher than those listed in table 2A above and 2) during the AM peak hour field observation, 18 parking spaces out of 27 provided for Liston Scientific were occupied (see figure 4 on the following page) . As a worst case condition, however, the JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. /U Page 7 number of trips listed in table 2 were used in this analysis. WM MAI • >;•.:,,r•h'�l:^;-. ��"Y''.'!x�k ,n��rr elf _',.`ykP,`'S "—,:y•�..�..........+.....<,-,.. Yw• yta) -',iiP=•-'kxr �x•.y- ;',C x:':q•! %`4a1 .. m° '•'a. w�` ivi�ri`,v�= :�k Kj .. a-.n. K: - ;t'Y+.�9�,y:f:••S»., FIGURE 4 View northwest along the subject parking lot. The arrows indicate the parking spaces associated with Liston Scientific, Inc. The Alfa Romeo Auto Repair Shop, located at the rear of the existing building, is a specialty auto repair facility with an different operation from that of a regular auto repair store; i.e. some cars may stay at the station for up to one week waiting for a spare part. The facility contains 3 hydraulic lifts and employs 4 people. Based upon information on the current operation, approximately 6-8 cars per day are served at the site, of which 50% arrive prior to 8 :00 AM and are picked up after 5:00 PM. Table 2B, which follows, provides an esti- mate of the traffic which currently is being generated from this facility. JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. ,/ Page 8 4 TABLE 2B TRIP GENERATION EXISTING AUTO REPAIR 'STORE (4,126 Square Feet) Customers*: Arrive Depart 7:00 - 8:00 AM 6 3 Midday 8 7 5:00 - 6:00 PM 4 8 Employees: 6:00 - 7:00 AM 2 0 7:00 - 8:00 AM- 2 0 Midday NOM NOM 5:00 - 6-:00 PM 0 4 Otheis: 7:00 - 8 :00 AM ; NOM NOM Midday 3 3 5:00 - 6:00 PM NOM NOM; Operation** 7:00 - 8:00 AM NOM NOM Midday 2 2 '5 :00 - 6 :00 PM NOM NOM * This estimate considered that most auto owners will have a second person drive them to the auto repair store and then drive them back (after work) to pick up their cars; or that a similar number of trips would be made if a service employee ferries the car owner back to his destination. **Auto test drives The foregoing tables 1, 2A and 2B detail the trip generation for each of the existing and the proposed facility. Table• 4, page 9 , summarizes the net trip generation forecast. JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. /� C Page 9 TABLE 4 NET TRIP GENERATION FORECAST SELF MINI STORAGE 3800 Campus Drive DAILY AM PM Land Use 2-Way IN OUT IN OUT Liston Scientific 50 7 2 4 5 9,765 S.F. Alfa Romeo Auto 54 8 3 4 12 Repair 4,126 S.F. Total 104 15 5 8 17 Proposed Ming. Storage 80 5 5 5 5 28 ,800 S.F. Net .,Impact (-)24 (-)10 0 (-)3 (-)12 IMPACT ANALYSIS/ CONCLUSION Table 4 above summarizes the net trip generation forecast for the proposed mini storage facility. It indicates a net decrea- se in trips during the AM and PM peak hours as well as the 24 hour day, with the exception of the number of vehicles exiting during the AM peak hour which was equal to the proposed project trips . A primary reason for the decrease in trips is the dif- ferent type of land use and operation associated with the pro- posed project, as compared to the existing developments. A net decrease in the number of trips will also result in a net benefit to the circulation system at Campus Drive. Due to the fact that the proposed project will result in a net decrease in the amount of trips generated, neither trip dis- tribution, nor ICU analysis is required at any of the site vi- cinity intersections, based on the recommendation made by the staff of the City of Newport Beach. I hope that the above addresses all your concerns. If there are any questions, please feel free to call us at your conveni- ence. JUSTIN F. FARMER, TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. Shahi Y. Gobran,Project Supervisor for Justin F. Farmer, P.B. , President SYG:JFF:mb JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. 13 JUSTIN F: FARMER` TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. 111 ALDER ST., BREA, CALIFORNIA 92621 (714) 671-0226 July 2, 1986 Ms. Patricia Temple Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92663 RE: Traffic Study per Traffic Phasing Ordinance Airport Self Storage, 3800 Campus Drive Our File F370 i Dear Ms. Temple: We have been requested to conduct a trip generation and trip distribution study for the proposed self/mini storage facility located on the east side of Campus Drive, in the northern por- tion of the City of Newport Beach (see figure 1, page 2) . Our analysis have shown a net decrease in trips during the AM and PM peak hours, as well as the 24 hour day. That analysis and its findings are summarized in the following pages. THE PROJECT The project proposes the conversion of an existing one-story building, located at 3800 Campus Drive in the City of Newport Beach, to a two-story, self mini storage facility (see site plan on figure 2, page 3) . The project also proposes a two- story addition to the rear of the existing building. The front part of the existing building will remain one-storied, for use of the service office and record storage. The total project area will be 28,880 square feet which are classified as follows: 27,430 square feet - self mini storage 1,000 square feet - record storage 450 square feet - service office 28, 880 square feet - total area Parking and circulation will remain at the same location, with the exception of the rear parking area, which will be used for the two-story, mini storage addition. page 2 2 sky .RAfN� � n AS Rk 'k0 AfE `b �� I�I�jMVERSF�OR_ / Sr f1AE STA If R 3' ERPOEEr w �° N 'un \V AWr E ���E...RRR ROUEWE sRYVIEW i R ISTIE OR ppRVIE O LMfSA1PR, P SfAIA MN M4VEN AYETA ORCIR a � W o ° 51P JOHN WAYNE •f LO f NRN�INGHAM VO //a W / i7 f i� 'M1• AUEOMOTIVE ? 1 ,C"WIPN +{E, UHUM +�' CNEISOH I \, AVE QfEg %IRPOR�� f � N 1 �r SITE ,"lJTY F AVE ,p♦ �r MOVIE LA ydVW`°s ��•J %�i';: 'J / OFTHEAI ° u of tTYpCLUB: its RG.` NEEYPORTREAOI �Y� WN4q*W� a f�„cy/ � ' ,/TYsP J/ •' � z� STATE T Z J'«a r-n4a%id 4 J I c a'R ppz \\\ y W g � ad, F'W \\ L WIL\Wi - 1 O RAYVIEW \ y \ �IN SOIoOL TE '�*;• w� �R I �\ - q ORf C4r. 411 o6rEy4Ro : Amc \ iPR ERVE , Diego \� •V `/ UNIVERSITY VEWPORTB Y - GILL RESERVESAt +°` '•',`o-oR� /q' i kw \ .* N I �a IASTRLUfF •+o- V} ri UNIVERSITY T►�� MAP SOURCE: AUTO CLUB OF SO, CAL. F I G SITE VICINITY MAP JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. Page 3 -- — 3AI O S�WdO — OU o — W� � H d I— O W CLZ &� M1/ - S � o }III .3 - come Some -2- ,-�,ut I 'eY s It pax a ` s s a f ; gggg a $s e p ¢ 6� #e 3� g;g s��R• 4 _��d P� �?e I 'Ba g�ii °-� � S 3Fe6Eei 9393 @ f5 lI I ls ?' I W al § k � Ysc FIG 2 PROJECT SITE PLAN JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS.INC. Page 4 EXISTING CONDITION At the present time, the site is occupied by a one-story buil- ding containing two different types of facilities (see photo- graphs, figure 3 below) . FIGURE 3 Looking southeast from Campus Drive toward the site. The' arrow points to the existing one-story building, which will be converted to a two- story, mini storage facility. The two facilities are described as follows: 1. Liston Scientific Corp. , a manufacturing/light industrial development located in the front portion of the existing building. It contains a 'total area of 9,765 square feet, has 27 parking spaces and 15-20 employees. 2. Alfa Romeo Specialty Auto Repair Co. , is located in the rear portion of the building. It contains a -total area of 4,126 square feet, has 14 parking spaces and 4 employees. JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. Page 5 0 0 IMPACT ANALYSIS PROCEDURE USED In the course of the impact analysis, the following procedures were used: 1. The site was visited and an inspection was made of the site vicinity arterials and street environment. 2. A forecast was made of the amount of traffic that will be generated by the project during the AM and PM peak periods as well as the 24 hour day. TRIP GENERATION FORECAST Daily and peak hour trip generation for projects such as that being proposed here is normally expressed in terms of trip ends per 1,000 square feet (KSF) of gross floor area. A trip is de- fined as a one-way vehicular journey either to or from the si- te, or it may be a journey totally within the site. The latter is usually referred to as an internal trip. Each trip will have two trip ends, one at the beginning and one at the end of the destination. Because of the nature of the proposed pro- ject; there will be a minimal number of internal trips. There- fore, as a "worst case" condition, it will be assumed that there will be no internal vehicular trips. Trip making characteristics for a variety of land use types have been collected from a number of field studies at actual projects, both in Southern California and elsewhere throughout the United States. The results of these studies have been reported upon by ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) , San Diego Association of Governments, Arizona Department of Transportation, and various published and unpublished private studies. A review of the data for developments similar to that being proposed, indicates that the ITE rate yields a greater amount of forecasted traffic. Therefore, as a "worst case" condition, the ITE trip rates were used to forecast future pro- ject ,trips. Traffic currently generated by the existing devel- opment was calculated and deducted from future traffic to arrive at a net increase. The trip generation forecast for the proposed development is summarized in table 1, page 6. JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. Page 6 • TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION FORECAST SELF MINI STORAGE (28,880 Square Feet) Trip No. of ITE Rate #151 Rate Trips* AM Peak Hour - Enter 0.09 5 - Exit 0 .08 5 PM Peak Hour - Enter 0 .15 5 - Exit 0.14 5 24 Hours - Enter 1.40 40 - Exit 1.40 40 *Trips were rounded to the nearest 5 At the present time, the site is occupied by Liston Scientific Corporation which is located in the front portion of the building and Alfa Romeo, which is located in the rear portion of the building, as previously mentioned. The Institute of Transportation Engineers has issued different rates for Light Industrial and Manufacturing; however, because the distinction between the two is sometimes vague, the average rate of the two was used to estimate the number of trips associated with Liston Scientific Corporation, and is summarized in table 2A below. TABLE 2A TRIP GENERATION EXISTING LIGHT INDUSTRIAL/ MANUFACTURING FACILITY (91765 Square Feet) Trip No. of Rate Trips* AM Peak Hour - Enter 0.72 7 - Exit 0.17 2 PM Peak Hour - Enter 0 .42 4 - Exit 0.51 5 24 Hours - Enter 2.33 25 - Exit 2.33 25 *Daily trips were rounded to the nearest 5 It should be noted that; 1) if the existing trip generation for Liston Scientific were to be calculated based on the number of employees at the facility (15-20) , the number of trips would be 30% higher than those listed in table 2A above and 2) during the AM peak hour field observation, 18 parking spaces out of 27 provided for Liston Scientific were occupied (see figure 4 on the following page) . As a worst case condition, however, the JUSTIN F.FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. Page 7 • • number of trips listed in table 2 were used in this analysis. FIGURE 4 View northwest along the subject parking lot. The arrows indicate the parking spaces associated with Liston Scientific, Inc. The Alfa Romeo Auto Repair Shop, located at the rear of the existing building, is a specialty auto repair facility with an different operation from that of a regular auto repair store; i.e. some cars may stay at the station for up to one week waiting for a spare part. The facility contains 3 hydraulic lifts and employs 4 people. Based upon information on the current operation, approximately 6-8 cars per day are served at the site, of which 50% arrive prior to 8:00 AM and are picked up after 5:00 PM. Table 2B, which follows, provides an esti- mate of the traffic which currently is being generated from this facility. JUSTIN F.FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. Page 8 • • TABLE 2B TRIP GENERATION EXISTING AUTO REPAIR STORE (4,126 Square Feet) Customers*: Arrive Depart 7:00 - 8 :00 AM 6 3 Midday 8 7 5:00 - 6:00 PM 4 8 Employees: 6:00 - 7:00 AM 2 0 7:00 - 8 :00 AM 2 0 Midday NOM NOM 5 :00 - 6 :00 PM 0 4 Others: 7:00 - 8 :00 AM NOM NOM Midday 3 3 5:00 - 6:00 PM NOM NOM Operation** 7:00 - 8 :00 AM NOM NOM Midday 2 2 5:00 - 6:00 PM NOM NOM * This estimate considered that most auto owners will have a second person drive them to the auto repair store and then drive them back (after work) to pick up their cars; or that a similar number of trips would be made if a service employee ferries the car owner back to his destination. **Auto test drives The foregoing tables 1, 2A and 2B detail the trip generation for each of the existing and the proposed facility. Table 4, page 9, summarizes the net trip generation forecast. JUSTIN F.FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. Page 9 • TABLE 4 NET TRIP GENERATION FORECAST SELF MINI STORAGE 3800 Campus Drive DAILY AM PM Land Use 2-Way IN OUT IN OUT Liston Scientific 50 7 2 4 5 9,765 S.F. Alfa Romeo Auto 54 8 3 4 12 Repair 41126 S.F. Total 104 15 5 8 17 Proposed Mini Storage 80 5 5 5 5 28 ,800 S.F. Net Impact (-)24 (-)10 0 (-)3 (-)12 IMPACT ANALYSIS/ CONCLUSION Table 4 above summarizes the net trip generation forecast for the proposed mini storage facility. It indicates a net decrea- se in trips during the AM and PM peak hours as well as the 24 hour day, with the exception of the number of vehicles exiting during the AM peak hour which was equal to the proposed project trips. A primary reason for the decrease in trips is the dif- ferent type of land use and operation associated with the pro- posed project, as compared to the existing developments. A net decrease in the number of trips will also result in a net benefit to the circulation system at Campus Drive. Due to the fact that the proposed project will result in a net decrease in the amount of trips generated, neither trip dis- tribution, nor ICU analysis is required at any of the site vi- cinity intersections, based on the recommendation made by the staff of the City of Newport Beach. I hope that the above addresses all your concerns. If there are any questions, please feel free to call us at your conveni- ence. JUSTIN F. FARMER, TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. S. 16 • (276 Shahi Y. Gobran,Project Supervisor for Justin F. Farmer, P.E. , President SYG:JFF:mb JUSTIN F.FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. I