HomeMy WebLinkAboutTPO048_SHOKRIAN OFFICE BLDG. TP0048 ,1/:J RLs�g . s i F INAL JZEMGD TRAFFIC STUDY for SHOKRIAN DEVELOPMENT } at 2912 WEST COAST HIGHWAY } NEWPORT BEACH } I ...J y } Prepared for the City of } Newport Beach I - 1 IPrepared by DKS Associates J 1 � A ( DKSAssoaates _ ____-_____ j 411 Must rilrh Strout Sure 500 Los Angeles,CA 90013 (213)627-0419 November 21, 1988 I Ms. Patricia Temple Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 RE: Traffic Study for Shokrian Development P88076x1 i Dear Ms. Temple: We are pleased to submit this revised traffic study for the proposed retail/office development i on the Shokrian Property at 2912 West Coast Highway. Based on the presently proposed program, the project would consist of 6,750 square feet of retail use and 9,200 square feet of i office space. 1 The proposed project would eliminate existing uses consisting of a 2,050 square foot restaurant and a 460 square foot electronics store. The report has also been revised to include comments received from the City's Traffic Engineering Department regarding trip generation rates applied to the existing restaurant uses on the site. iIf you have questions, comments, or require additional information, please feel free to call. i Sincerely, DKS Associates Catherine Higley Q Senior Transportation Planner aca OOO.p8076pt4.ltr l l TRAFFIC STUDY FOR SHOKRIAN DEVELOPMENT AT 2912 WEST COAST HIGHWAY l _I I ! Prepared for BRION S. JEANNETTE ASSOCIATES INC. AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Prepared by I DKS ASSOCIATES 411 West Fifth Street Los Angeles. CA 90013 I April 18. 1988 Revised July 13. 1988 Revised October 13. 1988 P88076X1 l 1 r , I ITABLE OF CONTENTS IINTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS 1 EXISTING PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 JESTIMATED PROJECT TRAFFIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 TRIP GENERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 I TRIP DISTRIBUTION . . . . . . . . . . 5 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS . . . . . . . • . • • . • • . • • . . . B APPROVED PROJECTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 REGIONAL GROWTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ONE PERCENT ANALYSIS 12 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS . . . . 12 ISITE ACCESS. INTERNAL CIRCULATION AND PARKING . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 SITE ACCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 >r INTERNAL CIRCULATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 lAPPENDIX A - INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION (ICU) ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS APPENDIX B - ONE PERCENT ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS J 1 l 1 y . IINTRODUCTION The purpose of this study is to assess the traffic-related impacts of proposed commercial office/retail development on the site located at 2912 West Coast Highway in Newport Beach. The study will address the existing traffic conditions in the area surrounding the proposed project, including the eleven critical intersections identified by the City Traffic Engineer. It will provide an estimate of trip generation and distribution for the proposed development, as well as identify the potential traffic impacts of the project in the context of conditions including other committed develop- ment in the area. The study is intended to satisfy the requirements of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance of the City of Newport Beach and includes the necessary analyses of peak-period and peak hour traffic flow conditions at critical intersections. On-site circulation and parking provisions will be evaluated as well as the adequacy of site access._ i I PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project site is located along the north side of West Coast Highway, west of Riverside Avenue, in the area known as Mariners' Mile. Figure 1 shows the location of the proposed project. Proposed development would consist of approximately 6,750 square feet of retail space and 9.200 square feet of office space. Parking would be provided (65 spaces) on the rear portion of the site. Access to/from the project would be along Avon Street. Figure 2 is the proposed project site plan. With the development of the proposed project. an existing 2.050 square foot restaurant and 460 square foot electronics store would be eliminated. EXISTING CONDITIONS Existing land uses surrounding the project site include marine-related uses, retail uses. restaurants and commercial office space. ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS Arterials immediately surrounding and serving the project site include 1 West Coast Highway. Avon Street and Riverside Avenue. To a lesser degree. project traffic would be expected to use Newport Boulevard. Tustin Avenue and Dover Drive. The following provides a brief description of the three arterials surrounding and serving the project. l _ - 1 - y . DKS Associates ! 55 J 4 p�P 'J• �. ' H03FY/.�L Rom. 6 U� J� f w PJ• �R D� I 'u A t AYpv`,tt UO M F7 U� LL� I . 5 PROJECT f SITE �•• ywr 1 v 32 AA0.sr RG. '•� ..,���.��.�• ... •N�"�'`eer � LOWER .!/EWi�127' o. c�ANNEC .. BdY •vcwwRr .. 'Figure 1 LOCATION MAP J DKS Associates i TT •OrG YftK '%� � \O I � i-cJ tre R po9•iq� N'te'ri ai e ' _. A i\i"•�e�a. e-ve f rT Fl dl • t -'JI 1 Vo wui. OOO ➢N� �J[' c.0 5 TR 0`)v _4V Figure 2 SITE PLAN r l Coast Highway (State Route 1) parallels the coastline throughout the City of Newport Beach. It connects Newport Beach with the coastal cities of Huntington Beach, Seal Beach and Long Beach to the north and Laguna Beach, South Laguna and Dana Point to the south. It serves as an alternative travel route to the I-405 Freeway between the south County and the Irvine/- Newport Beach/John Wayne Airport areas during congested peak hours. Within Newport Beach. it is one of two routes (the other being the Bristol Couplet) around Newport Bay. Because of this, it serves a significant amount of "around the Bay" travel between the eastern and western sections of the City. In the vicinity of the proposed project. Coast Highway consists of three westbound travel lanes and two eastbound travel lanes. Based on traffic count data collected in 1986. Coast Highway in the vicinity of the proposed project carries approximately 54.000 vehicles per day. During peak summer months. the volume of traffic increases to approximately 54,000 vehicles per day. + Riverside Avenue, immediately north of Coast Highway, has two lanes in each direction. North of Avon Street. Riverside Avenue becomes a two-lane roadway, serving the residential areas of Newport Heights. Avon Street is presently a local roadway extending west of Riverside Avenue and east of Riverside to Tustin Avenue. At the present time. it serves as secondary access to development along Riverside Avenue. Most importantly, it provides access to the Post office customers and service/delivery vehicles. EXISTING PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS Analysis of peak hourly traffic operating conditions at critical Intersec- tions provides an indication of traffic flow and locations of potential congestion in the area surrounding the proposed project. Eleven critical intersections in the vicinity of the proposed project have been identified for analysis by the City's Traffic Engineer. Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analyses have been performed for the morning peak hour and the evening peak hour at each of these inter- sections. The data used in these analyses represent conditions as of Winter/Spring 1987. Table 1 summarizes the results of these analyses. Review of Table 1 shows that all of the intersections within the vicinity of the proposed project are operating acceptably. with ICU values of 0.90 or better during peak hours, except the intersection of Coast Highway at Superior Avenue/Balboa Boulevard. During the morning peak hour. this intersection presently operates with an ICU ratio of 0.98. Copies of the 1 ICU worksheets are included in Appendix A of this report. t - - 3 - f ITABLE 1 SUMMARY Of EXISTING (1987) INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSES Existing Conditions ICU j Critical intersection AM Peak Hour PM Peak hour i Coast Highway at: Orange Street 0.57 0.85 Prospect Street 0.60 0.89 Balboa Boulevard/ Superior Avenue 0.98* 0.86 Riverside Avenue 0.76 0.76 Tustin Avenue 0.78 0.63 Dover Drive/ Bayshore Drive 0.65 0.76 Bayside Drive 0.79 0.90 f Newport Boulevard at: i Via Lido 0.73 0.73 Hospital Road 0.55 0.76 I *Indicates that existing operating conditions are less than satisfactory, defined as a ICU greater than 0.90. l 1 i ESTIMATED PROJECT TRAFFIC TRIP GENERATION To assess the impacts of the proposed development on the surrounding cir- culation system, tripmaking to/from the proposed project has been estimated. Table 2 shows the trip generation rates approved by the City of Newport Beach for estimating project tripmaking. These rates have been applied to the quantities of land use proposed for the project and the resulting estimate of tripmaking attributable to the proposed project is presented in Table 2. It has been assumed that approximately 15 percent of the estimated travel demand attributable to the project could be satisfied within the site. It would be expected that the businesses and their employees in the project office space would utilize the on-site retail . The retail space could include office supplies. services such as copying or printing, or snacks and sundries. The project is estimated to generate approximately 390 average daily trips. Approximately 30 trips are estimated to occur during the morning peak hour and 44 during the evening peak hour. Of these, approximately 331 average daily trips would be external to the project site. with approximately 26 occurring during the morning peak hour and 38 occurring during the evening peak hour. Existing uses which would be eliminated with the development of the proposed project include a 2.050 square foot restaurant and a 460 square foot elec- tronics store. To determine the increase in traffic which could be expected to occur with the proposed uses, estimated trip-making for the existing uses which will be eliminated must be subtracted from estimated trip-making for the proposed uses. Table 3 summarizes estimated trip-making for the existing uses and the net increase in traffic which would be expected with the proposed uses. Review of Table 3 shows that the project is expected to add approximately surrounding roadway system. trips to the 9 159 additional average daily p Approximately 22 trips (18 inbound. 4 outbound) are estimated to occur during the morning peak hour and 20 trips (2 inbound, 18 outbound) are estimated to occur during the evening peak hour. TRIP DISTRIBUTION The trip distribution characteristics for the proposed project and for the existing uses were estimated based on distribution assumptions contained in previous studies for the site and surrounding sites, and on conversations ! - - 5 - 1 TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF TRIP GENERATION CHARACTERISTICS Trip Generation Rates AM Pk 2-/12 Hr AM Peak Hour PM Pk 2-1/2 Hr PM Peak Hour L..nd Use Units Daily In Out In Out In Out In Out Retail (General ) 1.000 SF 40.0 1.4 1.0 0.7 0.5 3.0 4.0 1.5 2.0 Office 1.000 SF 13.0 4.0 0.8 2.0 0.4 1.2 3.4 0.6 1.7 Estimated Trip Generation AM Pk 2-/12 Hr AM Peak Hour PM Pk 2-1/2 Hr PM Peak Hour Land Use Units Daily In Out In Out In Out In Out Retail (General ) 6.750 SF 270 9 7 5 3 20 27 10 13 Office 9.200 SF 120 37 7 18 4 11 31 5 16 Subtotal 390 46 14 23 7 31 58 15 29 Less-15% Internal Trip-making 58 7 2 3 1 5 9 3 4 331 39 12 20 6 26 49 13 25 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF TRIP GENERATION CHARACTERISTICS Trip Generation Rates AM Pk 2-/12 Hr AM Peak Hour PM Pk 2-1/2 fir PM Peak Hour Land Use Units Daily In Out In Out In Out In Out Restaurant 1.000 SF 75.0 2.0 v`'�O 1.0 0.5 10.0 6.0 5.0 3.0 Retail (General ) 1.000 SF 40.0 1.4 1.0 . 0.7 0.5 3.0 4.0 1.5 2.0 Estimated Trip Generation AM Pk 2-/12 Hr AM Peak Hour PM Pk 2-1/2 fir PM Peak Hour Land Use Units Daily In Out In Out In Out In Out Restaurant 2.050 SF 154 4 2 1 1 21 12 10 6 Retail (General ) 460 SF 18 1 Nom Nom Nom 1 2 1 1 Subtotal 172 5 2 2 2 22 14 11 7 Proposed Project 331 39 12 20 6 26 49 13 25 Existing Uses 172 5 2 2 2 22 14 11 7 Net Increase With Proposed Project 159 34 10 18 4 4 35 2 18 with the City' s Traffic Engineer. The most significant feature of the project affecting trip distribution is the inability to provide direct access to/from Coast Highway. Vehicles must enter/exit the site from Avon Street. Figure 3 shows the trip distribution to/from the project site. In general . approximately 48 percent of the project traffic is estimated to be oriented to/from the west along Coast Highway and approximately 38 percent is oriented to/from the east. This is consistent with the assump- tions used in the Mariners' Mile Specific Plan Traffic Study and in the previous study for this project site. The additional trips estimated to be generated by the proposed project have been distributed to the surrounding roadway system based on the trip distribution patterns depicted in Figure 3. Figure 4 shows the resulting project-related peak hour traffic volumes along roadways in the vicinity of the proposed project. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Under the City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance. project traffic impacts are estimated and evaluated for morning and evening peak conditions at critical signalized intersections within the City, as identified by the i City's Traffic Engineer. If estimated project traffic for the morning peak 2 1/2 hour period or the evening peak 2 1/2 hour period at an inter- section is greater than 1 percent of the existing condition traffic volume. plus regional growth, plus estimated traffic for projects which have been approved but not yet constructed, an Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis is performed. If the additional increment of traffic attri- butable to the proposed project results in or makes worse an ICU value i greater than 0.90. further analysis is required to develop specific miti- gation measures. y As discussed previously, the City's Traffic Engineer has identified 11 J critical intersections within the City which might be impacted by the proposed project. Project impacts at each of these intersections have been estimated and evaluated for 1990 conditions, as defined by the City's Traffic Engineer. This would represent traffic flow conditions approxi- mately one year after completion of the proposed project. APPROVED PROJECTS To develop estimates of traffic for 1990. the City provides estimates of traffic to/from projects which have been approved for future construction but are not yet completed, occupied and generating traffic. This additional traffic is to be added to existing traffic volumes and regional growth to obtain an estimate of cumulative traffic for a desired timeframe. Table 4 ,� - - 8 - DKS Associates 55 �t 9`' f'� J• scH�.+-arc: EW P ,VDT 7'0 SCAGE y0.SPiT.CG � .t'D. 1% 1% *4?� 1276 AI%v 100% 8 %� tines �h�p� b� ? J ?� 48% C� \ 1 Cy syy we e C i I F-Oti _ Figure 3 TRIP DISTRIBUTION TO/FROM THE PROJECT SITE ( DKS Associates 55 B r �� Iv� p �A SCHEMAr�c : f' !_ NOT TO 5`,41-E f/OsHTT.K A101-flA WI �'Q NOM Nqy� �► o'FN pM je,JF/z5�0� 1 \ LEGEND .0 \. \ (2zz) = AvE.24G6 oaicY 724A,-7c Vxx/y y =4"566 L grzG W) AM FVA<I'VUR VOLUME YY Nou2 ✓oLUME \ -Figure 4 ESTIMATED PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC TO/FROM THE PROJECT I iTABLE 4 THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TPO APPROVED PROJECTS Hughes Aircraft #1 Amendment No. 1 MacArthur Court YMCA Amendment No. 2 Ford Aero Far West Savings & Loan Carver Granville Office Aeronutronic Ford Corona del Mar Homes Back Bay Office Big Canyon Villa Apartments Boyle Engineering 1400 Dove Street Cal Canadian Bank 1100 Quail Street Civic Plaza Koll Center TPP Amendment 4A Corporate Plaza Rosan' s Development Koll Center Newport Block 500 Newport Center MacArthur Court Newport Aquatic Center National Education Office 2600 E. Coast Highway North Ford Jasmine Park Orchard Office Newporter Inn Expansion Pacific Mutual Plaza Fashion Island Renaissance 3701 Birch Office Crown House Newport Place Corona del Mar Senior Project Bank of Newport Point Del Mar Bayside Square Pacific Club Sea Island Riverside Retail Building Baywood Apartments Newport Seacrest Apartments Harbor Point Homes 20th Street Bed/Breakfast Inn Roger' s Gardens 3800 Campus Drive Mini Storage Seaview Lutheran Plaza Edwards Newport Center Rudy Baron Seaside Apartments (Mesa II) Quail Business Center Victoria Station Office 441 Newport Boulevard 3760 Campus Drive Mini Storage Martha's Vineyard Newport Imports Valdez ..,- -Newport Place Tower Coast Business Center Fidelity National Title Koll Center Newport No. 1 TPP Mariners' Mile Marine Center Ross Mollard 15th Street Apartments Hughes Aircraft #2 Seaside Apartments III Heritage Bank Newport Bay Retirement Inn Flagship Hospital Amendment No. 1 Ford Aero Big Canyon 10 Amendment No. 1 North Ford Fun Zone Newport Dunes Marriott Hotel Bayview St. Andrews Church City of Irvine Development Allred Condos University Athletic Club TPP 4 Morgan Development Block 400 Medical 1 Four Seasons Hotel Sheraton Expansion -1 I is a list of projects which have been approved by the City of Newport Beach for construction but which are not yet completed, occupied and gene- rating traffic. REGIONAL GROWTH The City has developed estimates of the annual rate of growth along region- ally significant arterials within the City. This is because traffic volumes along these roadways would be expected to increase not only as a result of additional approved development within the City. but also due to additional growth and development in the surrounding region. Within the study area of the proposed project. the following annual growth rates were applied to the existing volume at critical intersections: Coast Highway: IJamboree Road to Newport Boulevard 1% Newport Boulevard to West City limits 2.5% Newport Boulevard: Coast Highway to North City Limits 1% ONE PERCENT ANALYSIS The estimated morning peak 2 1/2 hour traffic volume and evening peak 2 1/2 hour traffic volume to/from the proposed project have been compared to the base volume (existing traffic plus regional growth plus approved projects' traffic) for 1990 conditions at each of the critical inters- ections. The estimated peak 2-1/2 hour project volume was greater than 1 percent of the base- volume at only one intersection: Coast Highway at Riverside Avenue. Therefore. ICU analyses have been performed for 1990 conditions at this intersection. Table 5 summarizes the results of this analysis. The One Percent Analysis worksheets are included in Appendix B of this report. INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS Table 6 is a summary of the ICU values estimated at the intersection of Coast Highway and Riverside Avenue for existing conditions. 1990 base condi- tions (existing traffic plus regional growth plus estimated approved pro- jects' traffic). and 1990 conditions plus the proposed project. - 12 - i TABLE 5 I SUMMARY Of 1 PERCENT ANALYSIS i Does Project Traffic Constitute Less Than 1% of Peak 2.5 Hour Volume? Critical Intersection AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour i Coast Highway at: Orange Street Yes Yes Prospect Street Yes Yes Balboa Boulevard/ Superior Avenue Yes Yes i Riverside Avenue Yes No Tustin Avenue Yes Yes Dover Drive/ Bayshore Drive Yes Yes Bayside Drive Yes Yes Newport Boulevard at: Via Lido Yes Yes Hospital Road Yes Yes i I I !I 1 i I TABLE 6 I i SUMMARY OF 1990 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSES i 1990 1990 Background Existing Background Plus Project I Intersection AM PM AM PM AM PM With Existing Intersection Configuration: Coast Highway at: Riverside Avenue N.A. 0.76 N.A. 0.95 N.A. 0.95 i N.A. means not applicable: the intersection satisfies the 1 percent analysis for the morning peak period, therefore it is not necessary to perform ICU analysis for the morning peak hour. i i i 1 Review of Table 6 shows that Riverside Avenue is estimated to operate with ICU values greater than 0.90 during both peak hours in 1990 without the additional traffic attributable to the proposed project. The proposed project has no effect on the ICU values at this intersection. The morning and evening peak hour ICU values are estimated to remain at 0.95 with the additional increment of traffic to/from the proposed project. ' SITE ACCESS. INTERNAL CIRCULATION AND PARKING SITE ACCESS As discussed previously and depicted in Figure 2. project access is to be provided along Avon Street. The access is adequate to accommodate the level of tripmaking estimated for the proposed project. The dominant demand will be outbound during the evening peak hour, at which time approximately 25 vehicles are estimated to exit the site. Since the movement of vehicles from the site will be made by right turns from the access drive (Avon Street does not presently extend west of the project). the estimated exiting traffic can be easily accommodated by one outbound lane. INTERNAL CIRCULATION Traffic circulation within-the project site is limited to ingress/egress of the parking area. A 25-foot wide driveway along Avon Street provides access to/from the parking area. Parking Based on the City' s Zoning Code, the uses proposed for the site would require parking space be provided at a rate of 1 stall per 250 square feet of gross floor area. This equates to a requirement of 64 on site parking stalls. As proposed, the project would provide 65 parking stalls in an at-grade parking area. Sixteen parking stalls, or approximately 25 percent of the parking supply, are to be compact car stalls. This is consistent with the City's parking standards. i - - 15 - 1 SUMMARY o The proposed project is to consist of approximately 6,750 square feet of retail space and 9,200 square feet of office space. Parking is to be provided (65 stalls) on a surface lot at the rear of the site, and in an amount consistent with the requirements of the City's Zoning Code. Access to/from the project is along Avon Street. o The project is estimated to generate approximately 390 average daily trips. Approximately 30 trips are estimated to occur during the morning peak hour and 44 trips are estimated to occur during the evening peak hour. It is estimated that approximately 15 percent of the estimated travel demand for the proposed project would be satisfied on-site due to the mix of office and retail opportunities proposed for the site. ! These trips, which remain internal to the site, would therefore not impact the surrounding roadways. Also, there are presently uses on the site which have been estimated to generate approximately 172 average daily trips (4 during the morning peak hour, 18 during the evening peak hour). and which will be eliminated to accommodate the proposed project. Therefore. the net increase in trips which is estimated to be added to the surrounding roadways with the proposed project is 159 average daily trips (22 during the morning peak hour and 20 during the peak hour). o The 1 Percent Analysis was performed for the eleven critical inter- sections in the vicinity of the project, as identified by the City' s Traffic Engineer. Project traffic is estimated to exceed i percent of the base traffic volume (existing traffic plus regional growth plus approved projects traffic) only at the intersection of Coast Highway at Riverside Avenue. o Intersection Capacity Utilization analysis performed for this inter- section indicates that with existing traffic plus regional growth and approved projects' traffic. this intersection will operate with an ICU i ratio of 0.95 during both the morning and the evening peak hour. The addition of project traffic has no impact on ICU values at this inter- section. o The proposed access along Avon Street would be adequate to accommodate estimated project traffic. OOO.p8076shk.rpt 1 - 16 - I � i I i 1 I APPENDIX A INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION (ICU) ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS I 1 I I I f INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: COAST HIGHWAY & RIVERSIDE AVENUE 2630 EXIST TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING--------------1987 PM- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------ r I I EXISTINq PROPOSED EXISTING EXISTING[ REGIONAL{ COMMITTED PROJECTED I PROJEC11 PROJEC11 Movementl Lanes I Lanes I PK HR I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio I Volume ( V/C I I I Capacityl Capacityl Volume I Ratio I Volume I Volume 1 w/o Project] I Ratio I I I I I I I I I Volume I I I ------------------ -----------------------------------I 12 1 1 1 1 1 I I --------) ------------------} ----- -------- ---------------------I 1 1 NT 16001 1 2 0.02I 1 0 1 04 1 1 07 - i ------------------------- --- 1 - NR --} I 1 10 1 1 0 1 1 1 I 1 1 SL 1 1 71 1 1 22 I o6* 1 7. 1 0.06*1 1 --------) 1600 ------------------) 0.05 "----------------------------------------------I I ST 1 1 3 I 1 0 1 1 1 I I --- --------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------- SR 1600 438 0.27 I 1 r I 1 9 .z9 . --I I I --------------------------------------------------------------- -I----- . i* --I---i---I- - I EL 1 1600 1 1 312 1 0 20`I 1 24 .zI( " I ---------------------------------- --- ------- ------------------------------I 1 ET I 1 1815 1 36 1 452 I .72 I I .7i I 3200 ---------------1 1--) 0.57 --------'----G---I-----------I-------I------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 WL I 1600 1 1 ao I 0.03 1 ----o I .03 -------- I I o3 ------------------------------ WT 1 4800 1 1 2467 1 0.51-1 49 I 510 1 * 1 .63*1 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -----------'------- WR I ( 9I004 I 04 ---- ------- ----5 -- - -------I----,- ( EXISTING Ii I.C.U. ------------------ 0.76 j 1 EXIST + REG GROWTH + COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. I 0.95 . 1 i I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------I 1 EXISTING + COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWTH + PROJECT I.C.U. 1 0.95 I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I J Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than •0.90 I J Projected + project traffic I.C.U. w/systems improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 I J Projected + project traffic I.C.U. with project improvements will be less than I.C.U. without project ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of system improvement: PROJECT FORM II CH263OPH i i 1 i l APPENDIX B ONE PERCENT ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS i i _ l i • 1% Traffic Volume Analysis �I I Intersection COAST HIGHWAY ORANGE STREET (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Mrage Winter pring 1987 AM Peak 2+1 Hour Approved li Approach Existing Regional Projects 7Peak jected T1% of Projected Project Direction I Peak 21 Hour I Growth Peak 21s Hour 2y Hour Peak 2k Hour I Peak 2k Houi Volume Volume Volume lume Volume Volume Northbound 283 783 'A 1 'I Southbound 183 I 183 0 1 Eastbound 4697 �_238 860 5795 i 58 7 _ I westbound 2432 123 ^cp 2947_f _ 29 2 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume I • Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. I 10 /13/88 -- SHOKRIAN DEVELOPMENT DATE: •� �n ,.-r r. 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/PROSPECT STREET (Existing Traffic Volumes base on Average Winter Spring 19 87 PM �— Peak 2$ Hour Approved ii Fc roach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1, of Projected , Project G•rection Peak 2,1 Hour Growth I Peak 2's Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 2� Hou volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I' Nc-tnbound 302 ; I 02 1 i cc_tnbound 304 I py -- i Eastbound 1 1 1 3819 _.__.�. 193 --Abb6 — j q7 ' .estbound I 7A82 —75___ 9 — d I 63n l 3.19 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected i R Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume ' Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I .C.U. ) Analysis is required. I —SHOKRIAN DEVELOPMENT 10/13/88 DATE_ o� 1rrT- I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/BALBOA BOULEVARD—SUPERIOR AVENUE (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on verage inter Spring 19 8 AM ' Peak 2k Hour Approved i d 1� of Projected Project Approach Existing Regional Projects Projecte Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2� Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2y Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume i Volume i Northbound 1877 I 10 1887 19 Southbound 1376 i I 12 ( 1388 i t4 Eastbound 6397 324 ! 851 I 757+E 76 9 _ '1 I Westbound 1899 _ 96 I 379 2374 I 24 3_ Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected © Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume I Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected [� Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. I i I i SHOKRIAN DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/13/88 I PROJECT: I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/BALBOA BOULEVARD—SUPERIOR AVENUE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on verage inter Spring 19 8 PM Peak 2; Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1� of Projected Project Direction Peak 211 Hour Growth Peak 2y Hour Peak 2� Hour I Peak 2h Hour Peak 2k Hour Volume i Volume Volume I Volume Volume Volume Northbound 1861 44 1905 19 -- Southbound 3758 60 1 3818 ; 38 -- i I Eastbound I 4794 _ 243 648 I 5685 57 1 II westbound i 4784 _ 242 I 794 5820 1 58 _ 9 _ Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected © Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 231-, Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 1 I I 4 SHOKRIAN DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/13/88 JPROJECT: 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/RIVERSIDE AVENUE (Existing Traffic Volumes base on verage Winter pring 19 87 AM — ; Peak 2y Hour Approved Roach Existing Regional I Projects Projected 1;: of Projected Project �irecLion Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 21s Hour Peak 211 Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2y Hou �I I Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volure northbound I 28 34 62 6 Suthbound I I 60 _ 4�1 In - — g Eastbound i I ! 16 5741 __ 115 1nt9 6875, 69— — — _ .estbound 3351 628 1 — 046_—I 40 -- 13 f Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected I n Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be equal to 1% of Projected Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 1 I i l l - SHOKRIAN DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/13/88 , I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY RIVERSIDE AVENUE (Existing Traffic Volumes base on verage Winter pring 19 — PM Peak 2k Hour Approved Approach Existing 1 Regional Projects Projected III ofProjected Project k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour j Peak 2�, Hour Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2 Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume northbound 61 61 ^bound 1247 1 62 1309 30. Eastbound 1 5217 _ 105 967 I _.6289 1 =63 2 — 1 , Westbound I 8 117 1 1031 698 2 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ❑ Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic .is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Ed Peak 23-, Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization j (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 1 i i II I - — —SHOKRIAN DEVELOPMENT -- DATE : 10/13/88 l • 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/TUSTIN AVENUE (Existing Traffic Voldm—esbased on Average Winter pring 19 87 AM I Peak 2$ Hour Approved Approach , Existing Regional i Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project �I Direction I Peak 2h Hour i Growth Peak 2D Hour Peak 2$ Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 2y HOUT �. Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume northbound 2 I ' 7 l4 21 Sc. thbound 138 1 Eastbound i 5134 103 950 6187 i 62 4_ stbound i 3105 62 I 615 I 3782 38 13 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected I ® Peak 2),2 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected' Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I .C.U. ) Analysis is required. f I iI 3 SHOKRIAN DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/13/88 I I i 1% Traffic Volume Analysis } Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/TUSTIN AVENUE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter spring 19 87) PM I Peak 2+s Hour Approved :zproach Existing Regional i Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project -section Peak 2y Hour I Growth I Peak 211 Hour Peak 2)s Hour it I Peak 2+1 Hour , Peak 2� Hou Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume tc-thbound 21 ; 11 32 3 -- 4 S:..thbound i 26 331 t 3 It i 305 E-stbound i 4150 _ 83 948 5181 52 13 `.estbound i 5839 117 I 1024 j 6980 70 —2 I� Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Ixl �o Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected [l Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 1 1 I J SHOKRIAN DEVELOPMENT --- — DATE. 10/13/88 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/DOVER DRIVE—BAYSHORE DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 9 87 AM Peak 2k Hour Approved , Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1; of Projected Project Direction Peak 2y Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 21s Hour I Peak 24 Hour Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Hortnbound 312 312 3 Southbound 131 2381 24 1 i 2250 4 Eastbound 4717 _ 95 i 940 5752 57 it westbound 4862 98= 673 5613 55 l0 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume Q Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 21-, Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. I I SHOKRIAN DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/13/88 _ P?DJEC7: 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/DOVER DRIVE—BAYSHORE DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter pring 9 87 PM Peak 2 Hour Approved Approach isting •? Regional Projects Projected ? IK of Projected Project Direction [Pea�k,2� Hour j Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2u Hour Peak 2y Hour Vlume i Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound i 245 ! 245 2 s—ou—n50—une— 2990 85 3075 31 1 Eastbound 3683 _74 _ 948 I 4705 47 13 _ IIWestbound 8270 J 166 1123 9559 qti 1 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Q Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I .C.U. ) Analysis is required. 1 I i I SHOKRIAN DEVELOPMENT 10/13/88 DATE : PROJECT: I , 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY BAYSIDE DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter pring 19 8 Art Peak 2. Hour Approved ' Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected IS of Projected 1 Project Direction Peak 21,, Hour I Growth Peak 24 Hour Peak 2h Hour i Peak 2� Hour Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume northbound 1459 1 8 1467 1 15 1 'j Sc_thbound 193 153 I 346 3 �i Eastbound _ 3 6501 131 10'28 1 7670 77 i �Esibound i I — _41 - 10 3493 1 69� 614 4126 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume IProject Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2: Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 1 l i SHOKRIAN DEVELOPMENT DATE to i13i88 PROJECT: 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/BAYSIDE DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 87) PM � Peak 211 HourFAdApproach Existing I Regionals Projected I 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2h Hour Growth our Peak 211 Hour i, Peak 24 Hour , Peak 2y Hour Volume I Volume Volume ' Volume i Volume Northbound I 1735 1 2 1737 17 ! -- soutHbound i 194 249 I 443 4 -- Eastbound I ! 6056 121_ I 986 I 7164 72 Westbound 6775 ! 136 1036 I 7947 ! 79 1 _ 1 - --_ nx Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected [� Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. I I I i SHOKRI"AN DEVELOPMENT 10 •/13/88 DATE: PROJECT: 1% Traffic Volume Analysis 4ntersection NEWPORT BOULEVARD/VIA LIDO i (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter Spring 1g 8 Art IIr-- Peak 2k Hour Approved :-•proach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1. of Projected Project �I :irection Peak 2y Hour ( Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 211 Hour Peak 2i Hour Peak 2y Hou- Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume i Northbound 3400 �— 95 3495 ! 1 l 5uthbound 3066 45 311 Eestbound li 1.estbound -- q 1031 _f_ 10's1 10 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2}, Hour Traffic Volume i Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 24 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. :l f I l SHOKRIAN DEVELOPMENT 10 /13/88 •1 DATE: l PPn,)Ff,7• I . . 1% Traffic Volume Analysis dntersection NEWPORT BOULEVARD/VIA LIDO (Existing Traffic Volumes base on verage Winter Spring 19 87 PM I Peak 2§ Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1� of Projected I Project Direction Peak 2y Hour I Growth I Peak 2+ Hour Peak 231 Hour I Peak 2l Hour Peakme Hour i Volume ! Volume Volume Volume ,I Northbound 3647 — 178 3825 38 -- !' Southbound 5509 I 1 684 -- Ezstbound �i west tbound � I I16 3568 — i Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ® Peak 2�, Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2, Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. I I I I I1 J SHOKRIAN DEVELOPMENT onrE: M/13/88 1 _ PRO,1FfT - 1% Traffic Volume Analysis 4ntersection NEWPORT BOULEVARD/HOSPITAL ROAD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on verage Winter Spring 19 8 AM IrI Peak 211 Hour Approved I Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1;Peak a Projected Project II Direction Peak 2y Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2� Hour I k 2', Hour Peak 2k Hc�I Volume Volume Volume Volume ! Volume I Volume I i h and 4045 81 109 4235 " -42 southbound Ait 2495 — __T I �I East -- � 1235 .- -� � 27 t262 13 li Westbound 5 00 ,I 895 ( — — I Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected 0 Peak 2�2 Hour Traffic Volume I I Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected El Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. i 3 1 - ' ' SHOKRIAN DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/13/88 PROJECT: 1% Traffic Volume Analysis intersection NEWPORT BOULEVARD/HOSPITAL ROAD TT (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter Spring 1987 PM Peak 2;s Hour Approved Approach Existing I Regional Projects Projected 1'•: of Projected Project Direction Peak 2y Hour Growth Peak 2> Hour Peak 2� Hour � I Peak 211 Hour ! Peak 2y Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume ! I Northbound 4430 I 89 j -T_ 26 782 .484 Southbound 78 417 423896 11 Eastbound -2016 _y 60 20 6 ! 21 �I Westbound 1045 I 10 loss I••— -- -"— - -• . - ! Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ® Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume _ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. I i l I -- SHOKRIAN DEVELOPMENT DATE: 16/13/88 PROJECT: