HomeMy WebLinkAboutTPO061_OUR LADY, QUEEN OF ANGELS EXP IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �IIIIIIIIIIIIIII TPO061 r . Ary OF NEWPORT BEA� P O T v D FL 3300 Newport Boulevard-P.O.Box 1768 Newport Beach,CA 92659-1769 MAR l g j9 MAR 191990 P oumv cierkNOTICE OF DETERM INATICW 1.. GPAWl.LE ouoty GARY L. G clerk l y DEP From: City of Newport Beach '�'OAkl t 6PPtmnin d Research Planning Department ❑ 1400 Tenth Street,Room 121 3300 Newport Boulevard-P.O.Box 1768 Sacramento,CA 95814 Newport Beach,CA 92659-1768 County Clerk,County of Orange (Orange County) Public Services Division P.O.Box 838 Date received for filing at OPR: Santa Ana,CA 92702 Subject: Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 21108 orall� � etg� �{i Public Resources Code. rr tY �r a 't"gMp.+ FI ;4 ANid Name of Project. Our Lady, Queen of Angels Church Expansion State Clearinghouse Number: Lead Agency Contact Person: Telephone No.: Patricia Temple 714 / 644-3225 Project Location: 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach, CA Project Description: Construction of a new parish hall and-addition-of classrooms. This is to advise that the City of Newport Beach has approved the above described project on March 12. 1990 and has made the following determinations regarding the above described project: (Date) 1. The project❑will ® will not have a significant effect on the environment. 2. ❑ An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. ® A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. 3. Mitigation measures❑ were® were not made a condition of the approval of the project. 4. A Statement of Overriding Considerations❑was 0 was not adopted for this project. 5. Findings B were❑ were not made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. This is to certify that the final EIR with comments and responses and record of project approval is available to the General Public at the Planning Department of the City of Newport Beach,3300 Newport Boulevard,Newport Beach, CA 926659-1768;714/644-3225 � .- G f- 1 QuLLY(Q March 13, 1990 Principal Planner SiguaBtre Date Trtle C�Y OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCIL MEMBERS REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Z PLACE: Council Chambers TIME: Marc P.M. DATE: March 12, 1990 ROLL CALL INDEX Pledge of Allegiance and presentation of the flag by GIRL SCOUT TROOP 1227. Mayor Plummer presented Proclamation recognizing GIRL SCOUT WEEK, March 11 - 17, 1990. Mayor Plummer presented SPECIAL PIN AWARDS to Girl Scouts Caty Shull and Kelly Weber honoring em for their outstanding scholastic ac vements, and service to the community. Council Me er Strauss made an announcement concerning ERS SCHOOL CHILDRENS' DONATION TOWARDS OIL SPILL. Present x x x x x x x A. ROLL CALL. Motion x B. Reading of Minutes of Meet of Ayes x x x x x x February 26, 1990, was waived, proved as Abstained x written, and ordered filed. Motion x C. Reading in full of all ordinances and All Ayes resolutions under consideration was waived, and City Clerk was directed to read by titles only. HEAREN 1. Mayor Plummer opened the continued public hearing for: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 89-3(E) - GPA 89-3(E) Request to amend the Land Use Element of Our Lady the General Plan so as to increase the Queen Angels allowable Floor Area Ratio of Our Lady Church Queen of Angels Church from 0.15 to 0.17; (45) and the acceptance of an Environmental j Document; AND TRAFFIC STUDY NO. 61 - Request to approve Traffic a traffic study so as to permit the Stdy 61 construction of a 23,534 square foot addition to Our Lady Queen of Angels Church; AND USE PERMIT NO. 991 (AMENDED) - Request to /P 991(A) amend a previously approved use permit which allowed the establishment of the existing Our Lady Queen of Angels Church located at 2046 Mar Vista Drive. The proposed amendment involves a request to permit the construction of a 23,534 square foot addition which will include a new parish hall, administrative offices, new classrooms and a new garage for the parish rectory. Volume 44 - Page 75 RTY OF NEWPORT 80ACH COUNCIL MEMBERS MINUTES March 12, 1990 ROLL CALM INDEX Supplement report and recycled report Our Lady dated February 26, 1990 from the Planning Queen of Department. Angels Church Letter from The Bluffs Homeowners Community Association. The City Manager explained that a week ago, Council Member Turner called a meeting with a representative of Our Lady Queen of Angels Church and The Bluffs, Homeowners Community Association who had ,expressed some concern for this particular development. He stated that as a result of that meeting the Association has withdrawn their objection, as referenced in the foregoing letter, realizing that the impact from the church's planned expansion on this area would be very minimal. He further stated the referenced letter asks that the City Council approve a traffic study of the Mar Vita, Vista del Oro and Eastbluff streets during high traffic periods related to the morning school session (7:45 a.m.- 8:15 a.m.) at the Jamboree, Eastbluff, and Ford Road intersections. With regard to the Association's request, the City Manager stated the traffic problem here is severe enough that a traffic study should be done, which is estimated to cost between $10,000 - $12,000, and within two weeks the Council would be asked to review a proposed study, and approve a budget amendment to accomplish the work. Discussion ensued concerning solutions to j the traffic congestion at the schools during the peak morning hours, and the impact anticipated from the future student increase when the Newport Beach Downcoast area is built out. Glen Gellatly, 446 Old Newport Boulevard, Bissell Architects, addressed the Council, representing Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, stating that he was available for questions, and urged approval for this very important project. Hearing no one else wishing to address the issue, the public hearing was closed. Motion x Motion was made to: (a) Adopt ResolUtion No. 0-22 Res 90-22 approving General Plan Amendment No. 89-3(E) amending the Land Use Element of the General Plan: and Volume 44 - Page 76 • " j PTY OF NEWPORT B?ACH COUNCIL MEMBERS c� MINUTES AG� y9�� March 12, 1990 ROLL CALL INDEX (b) Sustain the action of the Planning Commission and approve Traffic Study No. 61_ and Use Permit No. 991 (Amended) , subject to their findings and conditions.. Mayor Plummer announced that she had listened to the tape recording of the meeting of February 26, 1990, and she was prepared to vote on the subject development. All Ayes The motion was voted on and carried. regarding proposed ORDINANCE NO. 90-4, . Carnation being, Avenue/ Zoning AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF (94) THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING A PORTION OF DISTRICTING MAP NO. 17 SO AS TO ESTABLISH A 10 FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK ALONG CARNATION AVENUE (PRIVATE STREET) LOCATED AT 308-312 CARNATION AVENUE, WHICH WILL BE MEASURED FROM THE ORIGINAL RIGHT-OF- WAY LINE OF CARNATION AVENUE (PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDMENT NO. PCA 696 696) . Report from the Planning Department. The City Manager summarized the scope of the proposed ordinance as follows: \Znlic tly there are two building in the subject application; intains a 10-unit apartment, e other a 5-unit apartment. he applicant proposes to do is sh the apartments and uct something consistent with ning and the General Plan. of the staff report, aph 2 states: "Reasons for ion - Establishment of this 10-foot Ns ont yard setback along the old Carnat Avenue right-of-way line is equi lent to 20 feet off the face of cu This application is made so that a future design criteria is clearl established prior to any future Nevelopment at 308 and at 312 Carnat Nn Avenue. Existing property at 30 and 312 Carnation Avenue is so of that there has never been establ hment Volume 44 - Page 77 WY OF NEWPORT B*CH , COUNCIL MEMBERS MINUTESIL(\\TP \March ZROLL CALL 12, 1990 INDEX of a front yard setback. When this front yard setback has been established, it will conform to the other properties in the area." Hearing no one in the audience wishing to address this issue, the public hearing was closed. Motion x Motion was made to adopt Ordinance All Ayes No. 90-4. 3. Mayor Plummer opened the public hearing Vacation/ regarding VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF AN Abandm Esmt EASEMENT YOR SEWER PURPOSES crossing lots fr Swr Prp 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Tract No. 1218, located (90) at 800 15th Street, and 609, 615 and 619 Saint James Road in Cliff Haven area. Report from the Public Works Department. The City Manager stated the staff report indicates that a sewer easement has been abandoned for use, and the subject homes in the vicinity of Saint James Road and 15th Street have connected into the City's new sewer main located in Saint James Road, and the 8" sewer main running across their properties is no longer in use. Hearing no one in the audience wishing to dddress this issue, the public hearing s closed. Motion x Mot n was made to: All Ayes Adopt Resolution No. 90-23 Res 90-23 ordering the vacation and abandonment of a portion of an existing sewer easement; and (b) rect the City Clerk to have th resolution recorded by the Ora a County Recorder. E. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. Volume 44 - Page 78 i CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCIL MEMBERS REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES G fq N pp� PLACE: Council Chambers � _J� � TIME: 7:00 P.M. Z� .► G� DATE: FebYuary.26;! 1'990„ __.._ r._.-� ..:.. :.:z�.., INDEX ROLL CALL Present x x x x x x A. ROLL CALL. Absent x Mayor Pro Tem Sansone announced that Mayor `4. Plummer was in Washington, D.C., representing he City relative to Offshore Drilling. Motion x B. Rea of Minutes of Adjourned Meeting All Ayes of Januar , and Regular Meeting of February 12, 1 was waived, approved as written, and order iled. Motion x C. Reading in full of all ordinance d All Ayes resolutions under consideration was waived, and City Clerk was directed to read by titles only. v. HEARtNes. 1. Mayor Pro Tem Sansone opened the public hearing regarding: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 89-3(E) - :;GP,Ad89=3(S), Request to amend the Land Use Element of (45) the General Plan so as to increase the allowable Floor Area Ratio of Our Lady Queen of Angels Church from 0.15 to 0.17; and the acceptance of an Environmental Document; AND •rLr t{�•�� TRAFFIC STUDY NO. 61 - Request to Traffic- .•yxr approve a traffic study so as to permit $tudyr6l"� the construction of a 23,534 square foot addition to Our Lady Queen of Angels Church; AND USE PERMIT NO. 991 (AMENDED) - Request to amend a previously approved use Our Lady permit which allowed the establishment Queen of of the existing Our Lady Queen of Angels Angels Church located at 2046 Mar Vista Drive. The proposed amendment involves a request to permit the construction of a 23,534 square foot addition to the church which include a new parish hall, administrative offices, new classrooms and a new garage for the parish rectory. Report from the Planning Department. The City Clerk advised that after the agenda was printed, a letter was received from the Bluffs Homeowners Community Association requesting this hearing be continued to March 12, 1990, to allow the Association to review the proposed Amendment and Traffic Study. Volume 44 - Page 57 '1 1 N 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCIL MEMBERS MINUTES February26, 1990 ROLL CALL INDEX Arthur Barlow, President, The Bluffs Our Lady Homeowners Community Association, Queen of addressed the Council regarding their Angels request for continuance stating they are very concerned with the traffic and parking on Mar Vista and Vista Del Oro as a result of the proposed addition to the church. He added that there are 102 homes in the immediate area and approximately 200 apartments on Dominguez and Amigos which ingress/ egress on Mar Vista. Also, there are approximately 1142 students at Corona del Mar High School which could increase in the next few years, and he felt there should be a new traffic study of the area which includes Mar Vista and Vista Del Oro prior to approval of the proposed church expansion. Jean Wegener, Member of the Board of Directors of Eastbluff Homeowners Association, addressed the Council and concurred in the remarks of Mr. Barlow. She stated she was not opposed to the church expanding, but felt the City Council should address the "total" issue of traffic in this area, rather than in a "piecemeal" fashion. Glen Gellathy, Architect for this project, addressed the Council and stated that the applicant has been working on the subject proposal for over three years; their project did receive unanimous approval from the Planning " Commission last month; they need to i begin construction on, the school portion of the project by the beginning of Summer; and that a delay of any more than two weeks would definitely create a hardship. In response to question raised by Council Member Turner, the Public Works Director reported that the trip generation forecast for this project for the morning 2' hour peak is 31 cars entering and 28 cars exiting, and if those 31 cars entering were spread out over the 2'k hours, it would be approximately 12 cars per hour. With respect to the Traffic Study prepared for this development, the Planning Director advised that said Study was done in conformance with the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance and Council Policy, and that the streets mentioned by Mr. Barlow were not included, in the study as they do not fall under the criteria of an arterial highway or signalized intersection. Volume 44 — Page 58 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCIL MEMBERS MINUTES � � � g V `� February26, 1990 ROLL CALL INDEX Father William McLaughlin, Pastor, Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, addressed the Council in support of their request. He added that the church has been at its present site for 27 years; they have 2800 families as members with 310 students enrolled in their school; their goal is to commence the school portion of their project while the children are not in school between June and September; and therefore, they would request this item be delayed no longer than two weeks. Motion x Following discussion, motion was made to All Ayes continue this public hearing to March 12, 1990; that staff report back on the projected population increase for Corona del Mar High School; and that the consultant who prepared the Traffic Study for this project be invited to the hearing to answer questions relative to his report. hearing regarding proposed ORDINANCE NO. Mariners 90-3, being, Mile Zoning (94) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING CHAPTER 20.62 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE FOR THE MARINERS MILE SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-5), REVISING THE PERMITTED LAND USES IN THE RECREATIONAL AND MARINE COMMERCIAL AREAS CONSISTENT WITH THE NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN AND LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM, LAND USE PLAN. OTHER AMENDMENTS INCLUDE CHANGES TO THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO ELIMINATE THE CONCEPT OF INCREASED FLOOR AREA IN ASSOCIATION WITH ERTAIN INCENTIVE USES AND OTHER MINOR CHANGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT STAS (PLANNING COMMISSION L?C�s6 AMENDM T N0. 697) . Report from the nning Department. The City Manager state his request is to change the permitted nd use provisions of the Mariners le Specific Plan and Local Coastal Progra and make additional minor changes to the development standards. Hearing no one wishing to address the Council, the public hearing was closed. Motion x Motion was made to adopt Ordinance No. All Ayes 90-3 amending Chapter 20.62 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code for the Mariners Mile Specific Plan (SP-5). Volume 44 - Page 59 III THE BLUFFS HOMEOWNERS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8167 • Newport Beach, California 92658-8167 Telephone (714) 759-1200 March 6, 1990 Fax (714) 759-6620 Mayor Ruthelyn Plummer City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 RE: Bissell Architects/ Our Lady Queen of Angels Church for General Plan Amendment No. 89-3E, Use Permit No. 991 (Amended) , and Traffic Study No. 61. Dear Mayor Plummer; This Association appreciated the time given us to study the proposed General Plan Amendment. In our meeting of March 5, 1990 with the City staff, Councilman Clarence Turner and parish representatives, it was agreed that the City Council would be asked to approve a traffic study of the Mar Vista, Vista del Oro and Eastbluff streets during high traffic periods. With the approval of this study to improve safety and congestion in this area, our Association withdraws our objection to the church's planned expansion and Amendment to the General Plan. We thank you for the consideration you and the City Council have given to our concerns. Respectfully Submitted, 0) ,-0 F 3 C:J-0- A.B.F. Barlow President cc: Newport Beach City Council Bob Wynn Planning Commission RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MAR 6 1990 AM PM 71819110111112111213141516 2414 Vista Del Oro Newport Beach, California 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 3300 Newport Boulevard-P.O.Box1768 Newport Beach,CA 92659-1768 NOTICE OF DETERMINATION To: Office of Planning and Research From: City of Newport Beach ❑ Sacramento,CA 95814 1400 Tenth Street,Room 121 Planning Department 3300 Newport Boulevard-P.O.Box 1768 Newport Beach,CA 92659-1768 County Clerk,County of Orange (Orange County) F7 Public Services Division P.O.Box 838 Date received for filing at OPR: Santa Ana,CA 92702 Subject: Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code. Name of Project. Our Lady, Queen of Angels Church Expansion State ClearinghouseNumber.• Lead Agency Contact Person: TelephoneNo.: Patricia Temple 714 / 644-3225 Project Location: 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach, CA Project Description: Construction of a new parish hall and addition-of classrooms. This is to advise that the City of Newport Beach has approved the above described project on March 12. 1990 and has made the following determinations regarding the above described project: (Date) 1. The project❑will ® will not have a significant effect on the environment. 2. ❑ An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. ® A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. 3. Mitigation measures❑ were® were not made a condition of the approval of the project. 4. A Statement of Overriding Considerations❑was [@ was not adopted for this project. 5. Findings B were❑ were not made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. This is to certify that the final EIR with comments and responses and record of project approval is available to the General Public at the Planning Department of the City of Newport Beach,3300 Newport Boulevard,Newport Beach, CA992659-1768;714/644-3225 Ra ule ! Q March 13, 1990 Principal Planner Signature Date Title I� • City Council Ming March 12, 1990 Agenda Item No. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: City Council FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: A. General Plan Amendment 89-3(E) Supplemental Report Request to amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan so as to increase the allowable Floor Area Ratio of the Our Lady Queen of Angels Church from 0.15 to 0.17; and the acceptance of an environmental document. INITIATED BY: The City of Newport Beach AND B. Traffic Study No. 61 Request to approve a traffic study so as to permit the construction of a 23,534± square foot addition to the Our Lady Queen of Angels Church. AND C. Use Permit No. 991 (Amended) Request to amend a previously approved use permit which allowed the establishment of the existing Our Lady Queen of Angels Church. The proposed amendment involves a request to permit the construction of a 23,534± square foot addition to the church which will include a new parish hall, administrative offices, new classrooms and a new garage for the parish rectory. LOCATION: Record of Survey 63-46, (Resubdivision No. 173), located at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, on the southwesterly corner of Mar Vista Drive and Domingo Drive, across from the Corona del Mar High School. ZONE: R-3-11 APPLICANT: Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, Newport Beach OWNER:, Roman Catholic Bishop of Orange, Orange r TO: City10ouncil - 2. • Suggested Action Hold hearing; close hearing; if desired, Adopt Resolution No. , approving General Plan Amendment No. 89-3(E) amending the Land Use Element of the General Plan. AND Sustain the action of the Planning Commission and approve Traffic Study No. 61 and Use Permit No 991 (Amended), subject to their findings and conditions. Background On February 26, 1990, the City Council held a public hearing on this item. During the course of the hearing, several questions were raised regarding the traffic problems in the area which are primarily related to Corona del Mar High School, and the swimming pool facility which has recently been added to the school. The information provided in this report will supplement the information found in the original staff report to the City, including the Negative Declaration prepared for the project. i Discussion Prior to a point by point discussion of the various issues raised during the previous public hearing, some additional discussion of the traffic increases which may be related to the expansion of the Our Lady, Queen of Angels facility is warranted. Discussions with the Church at the outset of the studies indicated that the facilities proposed where intended to sustain existing programs, and that no significant increase in parishioners or students was anticipated. For example, while some increase in students could be sustained by the expanded facilities, the addition of classrooms will allow for the relocation of existing classes from other parts of the existing church facility into a building which is designed for classroom use. Also important to note, are the specific operational differences between a Catholic parish and other non-denominational or Protestant congregations. Parishes in the Catholic Church are territorial in nature, and a parish does not solicit members from the region as a whole, but concentrates its efforts on Catholics within its specific area. As a result, these churches are more "neighborhood" oriented than many other types of churches which have a tendency to serve much wider areas. Marian Bergeson Memorial Pool, The Newport Mesa Unified School District recently constructed a pool facility on the campus of Corona del Mar High School. Concern has been raised regarding the cumulative effects of this project in association with the pool facility, since it will be jointly used by the school district and the City. 1 • I TO: City ouncil - 3. The shared use of this facility has been defined for weekdays only. Weekend use has not yet been delineated, but it is assumed that there will be use of the facility on week- ends. During the school year, the facility will be used exclusively by the school from 6:00 AM to 3:00 PM, joint use will occur from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, and city use from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. During the summer, the facility will be used exclusively by the school from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM, and the City will have use of the facility from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. It appears that primary potential for conflicts between the pool and the church facility would be if a major swim event, such as a multi-school meet were to occur on Sunday morning, when the church could be anticipated to generate the greatest amount of traffic. The expansion of the church will not increase traffic impacts, because expansion of the sanctuary is not a part of this proposal, and an increase in Sunday usage of the church is not currently envisioned. Corona del Mar High School Expansion. Staff knows of no plans to expand Corona del Mar High School. Currently, this campus provides facilities for both intermediate and high school students. "Expansion!', if that is the term to be used, really is the potential for re-opening Lincoln Middle School. If re-opened, Lincoln School will be an elementary school. This may be evidence of an increasing student population in this part of Newport Beach, or may be attributable to new development in the Newport Beach Downcoast. Currently, Corona del Mar High School has 1568 students in 6 grade levels, or 53 % of capacity. The five year projection provided to the City by the Newport Mesa Unified School District indicates that 1800 students are anticipated by the 1994-1995 school year, which is 67% of capacity. This estimate includes children which will come from the Newport Beach Downcwast area. It is the opinion of staff that the traffic problems which have generated the concerns about the church project really relate to traffic problems associated with Corona del Mar High School. The church and its school are a very small portion of the traffic experienced in the area. This is supported by the fact that the primary concern seems to be regarding traffic in the morning. This is the only time of day that school traffic occurs concurrent with a peak traffic hour. There is no doubt that the morning peak hour traffic in the area is bad. The City Traffic Engineer has indicated that the worst congestion occurs from 7:45 AM to 8:05 AM, coinciding with the 8:00 AM start of classes. The Traffic Engineering Division and the City Police Department have tried various ways to improve the situation, but there is actually little that can be done, unless the school can stagger the start of classes. The information in the Traffic Study shows that the church project will add 59 trips during the 21/2 hour peak period from 6:30 AM to 9:00 AM. The peak hour traffic is estimated to be 50 trips. The Newport Beach City Traffic Engineer counted ,the peak hour traffic at Eastbiuff Drive and Alba on the morning of March 5, 1990, and the existing traffic was counted at 1500 cars in the peak hour. Therefore, the increase in TO: City Council - 4. traffic from the church expansion is estimated to be 3% of the traffic generated by the high school. This percentage increase is not considered to be cumulatively significant. Staff understands the frustration of local residents relative to the morning traffic at the high school. Is should be noted that this is in large part due to the changing socio- economics of the community. Children acquire automobiles and commence driving earlier than ever before. Twenty years ago, most students arrived via bicycle, public transportation or school busses. Now many students drive to school, or are driven to school by parents. The addition of the intermediate school students also increased the number of student drivers. It appears that additional high school students were allowed to drive to school when a younger sibling also attended the same campus. General Plan Analysis. The amendment to the General Plan will increase the square footage allowed on the site from 52,272 sq.ft. to 57,597 sq.ft. The General Plan allocation will increase 5,325 sq.ft. However, the proposed project is the construction of an additional 23,534 sq.ft. As required by the California Environmental Quality Act, the analysis of the project assesses the impact of the additional 23,534 sq.ft. of church facilities. Growth in Eastbluff. The General Plan does not currently envision any additional dwelling units in the Eastbluff area. There has been a General Plan Amendment request submitted by an owner of a multi-family property along Domingo Drive which, if approved, may result in a small amount of additional residential entitlement in this area. Respectfully submitted, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By Patricia I.. Temple Principal Planner PLT CC\GPA89-3E.SR1 City Council .M eting February 26, 1990 Agenda Item No. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: City Council FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: A General Plan Amendment No. 89-3(E) Request to amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan so as to increase the allowable Floor Area Ratio of the Our Lady Queen of Angels Church from 0.15 to 0.17; and the acceptance of an environmental document. INITIATED BY: The City of Newport Beach AND B. Traffic Study No. 61 Request to approve a traffic study so as to permit the construction of a 23,534± square foot addition to the Our Lady Queen of Angels Church. AND C. Use Permit No. 991 (Amendedl Request to amend a previously approved use permit which allowed the establishment of the existing Our Lady Queen of Angels Church. The proposed amendment involves a request to permit the construction of a 23,534± square foot addition to the church which will include a new parish hall, administrative offices, new classrooms and a new garage for the parish rectory. LOCATION: Record of Survey 63-46, (Resubdivision No. 173), located at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, on the southwesterly corner of Mar Vista Drive and Domingo Drive, across from the Corona del Mar High School. ZONE: R-3-B APPLICANT: Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, Newport Beach OWNER: Roman Catholic Bishop of Orange, Orange TO: City Council - 2. Application These applications involve a request to construct a 23,534± square foot expansion of the existing Our Lady Queen of Angels Church located on property within the R-3-B District. The applications under consideration include the following: 1. General Plan Amendment No 89-3(E)(Public Hearing) Request to amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan so as to increase the allowable Floor Area Ratio of the Our Lady Queen of Angels Church from 0.15 to 0.17; and the acceptance of an environmental document. 2. Traffic Study No 61 (Public Hearing) Request to approve a traffic study so as to permit the construction of a 23,534± square foot addition to the Our Lady Queen of Angels Church. 3. Use Permit No 991 (Amended)(Public Hearing) Request to amend a previously approved use permit which allowed the establishment of the existing Our Lady Queen of Angels Church. The proposed amendment involves a request to permit the construction of a 23,534± square foot addition to the church which will include a new parish hall, administrative offices, new classrooms and a new garage for the parish rectory. General Plan amendment procedures are set forth in Council Policy Q-1. Traffic study procedures are set forth in Chapter 15.40 of the Municipal Code and use permit procedures are set forth in Chapter 20.80 of the Municipal Code. Suggested Action Hold hearing; close hearing; if desired, (a) Adopt Resolution No. approving General Plan Amendment No. 89-3(E) amending the Land Use Element of the General Plan. (b) Sustain the action of the Planning Commission and approve Traffic Study No. 61 and Use Permit No. 991 (Amended), subject to their findings and conditions. Planning Commission Recommendation At its meeting of January 18, 1990, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend to the City Council the approval of these items. Copies of the Planning Commission staff report and an excerpt of the Planning Commission minutes are attached TO: -City Council - 3. for the Council's information. A copy of the proposed development plans will be on dispay at the City Council meeting. Proposed Development The applicant is proposing to demolish an existing 5,000± square foot parish hall and construct a new parish center containing 20,220 square feet. The new parish center will contain a multi-purpose room/teen room, a full kitchen and pantry, administrative offices for the church and school, conference rooms, a staff lounge, a teachers' lounge, a hospitality room and related bathrooms and storage areas. The proposed construction also includes two new school buildings containing a total area of 7,114 square feet. One of the school buildings will be used for a kindergarten and extended day-care and a new pre-school operation. The other proposed school building will be used for a new library, a computer science lab and a general science lab. The applicant is also proposing to construct a new garage for the rectory which will contain 1,200 square feet. The existing garage building will remain and be converted to general storage. The applicant has also indicated that the parish center and classrooms will also be used during the evening, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for various adult activities and meetings. Respectfully submitted, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By-'�� k W. WILLIAM WARD Senior Planner Attachments: Vicinity Map Planning Commission Staff Report dated January 18, 1990 with attachments Excerpt of the Planning Commission minutes dated January 18, 1990 City Council Resolution approving General Plan Amendment No. 89-3(E) W W W:dee w ne ml p �r�r � 0 a A 4 ,a P-C ew,a.[ c�anl yn C V ' a� VYy ✓ � 0`R �\ �/� �4 $m > R \ HIG \ FORO OR' R-3-B R10 yj6u n �-otR �h� I✓15101'I JIS1P (o a �p �p 5 ��a a- . E -433 8 ~ IR�Ih� �IMC'� Il jbP p R[Rs. 9 .3-B . RIT. p0 ps. M1 H •,• wTRlw ti' °0 to `$ A M1 3 P-C Pars-n '•9 a R'3-8 I. { � � a Zs e ���� �eereoaEe P-C SQ wI No (O SM MAP 10 60 rRICTINQ•-MAP-CITY-OF-NEWPORT�--BEACH-CALIFORNIA - M)M NO. ; YYIRI-RCYOCMinI glMNT QM MpMYMIpGO CpY1CRC4L OICTRIR IYwNN[ REVISIONS WIMNIfT MTi YR1101`ITT .�1TM�.Y[ RT MYLY dCTRIR fi0 LIYIiCO pJYYCRCI4-MIITYI[RCMD[IIInL d(TICCT pp qNN YwLY MYM awtNUt C-11-n A Ne�t.[n �. Y.Ie.N RCp MAL DICM= C-1 LICNT COIIMMC 01YMICT ['p1'p11 Yl p+l ryN Y•V•n•rL• Ntcs /+•+I N YYv o.na[ Yo[nn[rt dRw suYYRn a-Y•n Ip YKilrt[ RGIOIMTYLL C-C gIQRI. COYYCIIGRL OItTRICT �`Y°av NY+NwvR Rao M^Y (� M In[4�o0�clT IR[MI It IKY10[MUL Wn" MTPY°DIRTC q.MILT MGY4INR M[I dpYMM YMM p 1•N•N a �� V VYCLRCCMICO W MCT �y N Y M pCiMCi O YRMf[wY0 O[M•p[��y Tr��/C Planning Commission Meeting January 18. 1990 Agenda Item No. 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: A General Plan Amendment No 89-3(B)(Public Hearing) Request to amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan so as to increase the allowable Floor Area Ratio of the Our Lady Queen of Angels Church from 0.15 to 0.17; and the acceptance of an environmental document. INITIATED BY: The City of Newport Beach AND B. Traffic Study No 61 (Public Hearing) Request to approve a traffic study so as to permit the construction of a 23,534± square foot addition to the Our Lady Queen of Angels Church. AND C. Use Permit No 991 (Amended)(Public Hearing) Request to amend a previously approved use permit which allowed the establishment of the existing Our Lady Queen of Angels Church. The proposed amendment involves a request to permit the construction of a 23,534± square foot addition to the church which will include a new parish hall, administrative offices, new classrooms and a new garage for the parish rectory. LOCATION: Record of Survey 63-46, (Resubdivision No. 173), located at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, on the southwesterly comer of Mar Vista Drive and Domingo Drive, across from the Corona del Mar High School. ZONE: R-3-B APPLICANT: Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, Newport Beach OWNER: Roman Catholic Bishop of Orange, Orange 0 • TO: Planning Commission - 2. Appliicati These applications involve a request to construct a 23,534± square foot expansion of the existing Our Lady Queen of Angels Church located on property within the R-3-13 District. The applications under consideration include the following: 1. General Plan Amendment No 89-3(E)(Public Hearing) Request to amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan so as to increase the allowable Floor Area Ratio of the Our Lady Queen of Angels Church from 0.15 to 0.17; and the acceptance of an environmental document. 2. Traffic Study No. 61 (Public Hearing) Request to approve a traffic study so as to permit the construction of a 23,534± square foot addition to the Our Lady Queen of Angels Church. 3. Use Permit No 991 (Amended)(Public Hearing) Request to amend a previously approved use permit which allowed the establishment of the existing Our Lady Queen of Angels Church. The proposed amendment involves a request to permit the construction of a 23,534± square foot addition to the church which will include a new parish hall, administrative offices, new classrooms and a new garage for the parish rectory. General Plan amendment procedures are set forth in Council Policy Q-1. Traffic study procedures are set forth in Chapter 15.40 of the Municipal Code and use permit procedures are set forth in Chapter 20.80 of the Municipal Code. Environmental Significance In accordance with the California Environmental Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and City Council Policy K-3, an Initial Study has been prepared for the proposed project. Based on the information contained in the Initial Study, it has been determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. Therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared for the project and is attached for the Planning Commission's information. Background At its meeting of October 17, 1963, the Planning Commission approved Use Permit No. 991 which involved a request to establish a church facility, including an 872 seat sanctuary, a social hall, an elementary school, a rectory and convent on the subject property. Said approval also included Resubdivision No. 173 (required as a condition of Use Permit No. 991) which created the parish site. Said approval was subject to the condition that all streets and utility improvements be in accordance with the requirements of the Public Works Department. 1 1 • • TO: Planning Commission - 3. At its meeting of July 19, 1984, the Planning Commission approved an amendment to Use Permit No. 991 which involved a request to locate a temporary relocatable building on the subject property to be used for temporary church offices. Said action was taken with the findings and subject to the conditions of approval set forth in the attached excerpt of the Planning Commission minutes dated July 19, 1984. In accordance with Condition No. 3, said approval was granted for three years with a provision to extend the use permit subject to the approval of the Modifications Committee. On July 28, 1987, the Modifications Committee approved a two year extension of Use Permit No. 991 (Amended) and on July 25, 1989, a second two year extension was granted. Said temporary building will be removed from the site as a result of the proposed project; therefore, the approval for the use of the temporary building will expire on August 10, 1991 or at the time of its removal, which ever occurs first. ,Subject Property and Surround Land Uses The subject property is currently the site of the Our Lady Queen of Angels Church and related elementary school. The existing church includes an 872 seat sanctuary, a 5,000± square foot parish hall, a church school containing 10,991 square feet of floor area, a rectory containing 6,312 square feet and a related garage containing 710 square feet. The existing school operation includes kindergarten through 8th grade and a day care facility. To the north, across Mar Vista Drive, is the Corona del Mar High School; to the east, across Domingo Drive, is the church and synagog facilities shared by St. Mark Presbyterian Church and Shir Ha-Ma's Lot Reformed Temple; and to the south and west, across Domingo Drive, are multi-family residential developments. Conformance with the General Plan In accordance with the Land Use Element of the General Plan, the subject property is designated for "Governmental, Educational & Institutional Facilities". The existing church and related school uses are permitted within this designation. However, said facilities are limited to a maximum Floor Area Ratio of 0.15 times the site area. Based on such a provision, the 8 acre site would be permitted a total development allocation of 52,272 square feet. Inasmuch as the applicant is proposing to increase the total square footage of development to 57,597 square feet, a request to amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan so as to increase the allowable FAR to 0.17 is proposed. Analysis The applicant is proposing to demolish an existing 5,000± square foot parish hall and construct a new parish center containing 20,220 square feet. As indicated in the attached plans, the new parish center will contain a multi-purpose room/teen room, a full kitchen and pantry, administrative offices for the church and school, conference rooms, a staff lounge, a teachers' lounge, a hospitality room and related bathrooms and storage areas. The proposed construction also includes two new school buildings containing a total area of 7,114 square feet. One of the school buildings will be used for a kindergarten and extended day-care and a new pre-school operation. The other proposed school building will be used for a new library, a computer science lab and a general science lab. The 7 TO: Planning Commission - 4. applicant is also proposing to construct a new garage for the rectory which will contain 1,200 square feet. The existing garage building will remain and be converted to general storage. The applicant has also indicated that the parish center and classrooms will also be used during the evening, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for various adult activities and meetings. A list of these various activities is included in the appendix of the attached traffic study. Off-Street Parking_Requirement At the time the church was originally established on the subject property, the offstreet parking requirement was based on a formula of one parking space for each 5 seats in the principal area of worship. Based on such a formula, 175 parking spaces were required for the existing church facility (872 seats _ 5 = 174.4 or 175 parking spaces). In accordance with the approved plans 'for the original use permit, 205 parking spaces were provided for parish parking. Therefore, the original church had 30 excess parking spaces. However, in 1988 the City amended the off-street parking requirement for churches and other public assembly uses so as to require one parking space for each 3 seats. Therefore, if the church were established today, 291 parking spaces would be required (872 seats _ 3 = 290.6 or 291 spaces). Inasmuch as there are only 213 parking spaces currently on the property, the existing church is technically nonconforming relative to the current off-street parking requirement. Based on the attached plans, the church will continue to provide a total of 213 parking spaces in conjunction with the proposed project . In order to assess the adequacy of the existing parking supply, staff has requested the consulting traffic engineer to prepare a parking analysis for a typical Sunday peak parking period. For the purpose of completing such an analysis, a parking survey of the church was conducted on December 3, 1989, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Said survey indicates that the peak parking accumulation for the church occurs at 10:30 a.m. with a total parking accumulation of 266 automobiles. At this time of 10:30 a.m., there exists a parking deficit of approximately 53 parking spaces. Based on the parking survey results (see page 14 of the attached traffic study), it would appear that from 10:15 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., the total parking accumulation would exceed 213 parking spaces and therefore result in a parking deficit. The parking analysis further indicates that during this period, the 53 parking space deficit would be satisfied by on-street parking on Domingo Drive and Mar Vista Drive which provide in excess of 150 parking spaces. The applicant has also indicated that arrangements have been made on an informal basis, so as to allow the use of the Corona del Mar High School parking lot on Sundays. In light of these circumstances, along with the fact that the proposed project will not technically result in an increase in parking demand on Sundays, staff has no objections to the proposed construction from a parking standpoint. Traffic Study In accordance with the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance, the applicant is required to obtain the approval of a traffic study for the proposed development. Said traffic study has been prepared and is attached for the Planning Commission's review. TO: Planning Commission - 5. The project is expected to be completed in 1991. Analyses were therefore proposed P J completed for 1992. The City Traffic Engineer identified five intersections which could be affected by the project at full occupancy. Said intersections are listed on page 11 of the attached traffic study. The first step in evaluating intersections is to conduct a 1% Traffic Volume Analysis, taking into consideration existing traffic, regional growth and the traffic of previously committed projects. For any intersection where, on any approach leg, the project traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of the projected morning and afternoon peak two and one-half hour volume, Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) is required. Results of the one percent test indicate that the project traffic did exceed 1% of projected traffic on any approach leg at the intersection of Jamboree Road and Eastbluff Drive/Ford Road during the AM peak hour period. Therefore an ICU analysis was conducted for this intersection which indicated that the project will have no impact upon the intersection of Jamboree Road and Eastbluff Drive/Ford Road inasmuch as the ICU did not exceed .90 after adding in the additional trips generated by the project during the morning peak traffic period. Specific Findings and Suggested Actions The adoption and amendment of the General Plan is considered a legislative act on the part of the City, and State Planning Law does not set forth any required findings for either approval or denial of a General Plan Amendment. This also applies to amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. Section 20.80.060 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code provides that in order to grant any use permit, the Planning Commission shall find that the establishment, maintenance or operation of the use or building applied for will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Should the Planning Commission wish to approve the subject applications, the attached Exhibit "A" includes the various actions for approval. Should the Planning Commission wish to deny the General Plan Amendment and related applications, the actions and findings set forth in the attached Exhibit 'B" are suggested. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director B 0:2 W. William Ward Senior Planner P TO: Planning Commission - 6. Attachments: Exhibit "A" Exhibit 'B" Vicinity Map Excerpt of the Planning Commission minutes dated July 19, 1984 Planning Commission Resolution Negative Declaration Traffic Study Plans showing locations of existing and proposed church activities, Site Plan, Floor Plans and Elevations F\WPSO\BILL W\UP\UP991A TO: Planning Commission - 7. EXHIBIT "A" ACTIONS, FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-3(E) TRAFFIC STUDY NO. 61 AND USE PERMIT NO. 991 (AMENDED) A ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT Findings: 1. That an Initial Study has been prepared for the project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and City policy. 2. That based upon the information contained in the Initial Study, the project is not anticipated to have a significant effect on the environment. A Negative Declaration has, therefore, been prepared. 3. That the information contained in the environmental document has been considered in the decision on the project. B. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-3(E) Adopt Resolution No. , recommending approval of General Plan Amendment 89-3(E) to the City Council. TRAFFIC STUDY NO, 61 Findinfis: 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and Council Policy S-1. 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project-generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any 'major', 'primary-modified, or 'primary' street. + TO: g Plan• Commission - 8. • D. USE PERMIT NO 991 (AMENDED) Fin in 1. As approved, the proposed project is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. 3. That the use of on-street parking for some of the church parking will not adversely affect surrounding properties. 4. That the proposed parish center, classroom additions and garage added to the church will not result in the increase in the demand for off-street parking during the peak hours of activity on Sundays. 5. That public improvements may be required of the applicant per Section 20.80.060 of the Municipal Code. 6. That the establishment, maintenance of operation of the existing and proposed church facility will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Conditions: 1. That the proposed development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and elevations, except as noted below. 2. That the Use Permit No. 991 (Amended), as approved by the Planning Commission on July 19, 1984 shall become null and void and that the temporary building shall be removed from the site at the time construction begins. 3. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. TO: Planning Commission - 9. 4. That a standard use permit agreement and accompanying surety be provided in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements, if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 5. That the on-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation system be subject to further review by the Public Works Department and the City Traffic Engineer. 6. That a curb access ramp be constructed at the comer of Mar Vista Drive and Domingo Drive (north) and at the corner of Mar Vista Drive and Domingo Drive (south); that the existing trees be root pruned and the displaced curb, gutter and sidewalk be reconstructed along the Mar Vista Drive frontage; that the displaced curb and gutter at the bus stop on Domingo Drive southerly of Domingo Way be reconstructed along with any other displaced sections of sidewalk along the Domingo Drive frontage. All work shall be completed under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 7. That all mechanical equipment and trash areas shall be screened from public streets and adjoining properties. 8. That the required number of handicapped parking spaces shall be designated within the on-site parking areas and shall be used solely for handicapped self-parking. One handicapped sign on a post and one handicapped sign on the pavement shall be required for each handicapped space. 9. That the Planning Commission may add to or modify conditions of approval to this Use Permit or recommend to the City Council the revocation of this Use Permit, upon a determination that the operation which is the subject of this Use Permit, causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 10. That this Use Permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.090A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. /3 A J • • TO: Planning Commission - 10. EXHIBIT 'B" ACTIONS AND FINDINGS FOR DENIAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-3(E) TRAFFIC STUDY NO. 61 AND USE PERMIT NO. 991 (AMENDED) A ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT Finding: 1. That an environmental document is not needed for a project which is denied. B GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-3(E) 1. That the approval of a development allocation in excess of 0.15 times the site area is inappropriate in this case inasmuch as the subject property is located within a residential neighborhood which would be adversely affected by such a level of development. 2. That the proposed additions to the church have the potential of increasing the off-street parking demand during times of peak activity on Sunday mornings. 3. That the increased development allocation represents an intensification of use beyond which the subject property could adequately handle. C TRAFFIC STUDY NO. 61 Finding: 1. That a traffic study is not required for projects that are denied. D. USE PERMIT NO. 991 (AMENDED) Findings: 1. That the proposed project is inconsistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan. 2. That the expansion of the existing church facility will, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons ly TO. Pla•g Commission - 11. • residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. 3. That the existing church does not currently provide adequate off-street parking during peak activity periods on Sunday mornings. c I-s� A A Y�f I/#/rq YAP NO I/ It to+d9am •FS qo m 1 5Lm 2 3 y � f• �6 �m�G... •Y�9`I 1��� •. 0 •A J) 01 9 ' LA a •/O. y � .o -� � d �r�• n° 1 P Y m 3. �pp' R-3-S AII. It `,,•� R556-2 AMP _Ll R a-B �E0 u p19�� �VIS�ON 11 tP p(o If. w, g�g0 !03 nA R•5.1 R3 B u� PIE Ab le 0 2 '. 5435 IRV / R-3'8 I It R'3-8 eudrtA 00MI ; 11 •4 nrNIN '.mow'/ 7 0 6 3 P-C a c� a B+� -U- 5 7 25 b rY� IRMNORlE -U- \Il\ -U- \ F-0 Saa WP No. GO SEE MAP NO 60 ffRICTING•—MAP—CITY—OF—NEWPORT—BEACH—CALIFORNIA '°°PTO no MTMµ•A[MDOrtiAL aNIILIGf C•N Ndxbl[nOOD C0•xIO1LTAL DIal111CT •M[»Af REVISIONS •vrcriv urs r Dxm EATIION11 DATE A POKY mmff C•0 Ltd=COYY[ngAL-MKTI"L[11LN0O"" weir M 1[Cr pglpllN wYYM Mw OPP.WLI [-11-it u. ...... »m ra• Y•L•N •a U111094TIAL OISIIIICT C-1 Liam mm"CIAl. DISIAl T {[[•IYr xi WI o+e AL C "'u•ID•Nc• r t w /l.uN 0Iro 41N0 MM}M[R V.MIEI Y/YINIrt II•Y•iL NCTlD WI,TVIa ACMD[xTIAL C-! [OIpUI rAYYCMlAI gNCxICT AYLY uo AL•IOMIW•NO[DnY tN•�u1�»b0101f A].L»t Ina xanISanISL arnrer C] I141TJILm1Ala aanxcr dG»31N• N�""[.I M.Y°a�':�rK yNwypra� I-».» 10° ° YISlla a 'D'aaT11KT VO IIYCLAanIlllo DISTRICT urtrm NYD M ilR[a�NN [GLI[ Ix YN�[AOW OY iN 11NLIMi Copo Y•LY CILYPCYAr YP i»I l4 P"Z lI 4N M . Dh�1 IT NO., �•3 `tXOPIc SWAY eta 613 USM FEWrr Il COMMISSIONERS, (,•19, 1984 �• MINUTES m n x m City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Motion x, Motion was made nni mnis that the Plasion extend Ayes x x x x x x Resubdivision No. 717 for a six-month pe e. , until Absent x July 29, 1985, which MOTION CARRIED. Use Permit No. 991 (Amended) (Public Hearing) Item #2 Request to .amend a previously approved use permit which U.P. JL291 allowed the establishment of a church in the R-3-B Dis- (Amended) trict. The proposed amendment is a request to locate a temporary relocatable building on the subject property Approved to be used for temporary church related offices. Condi- tionally LOCATION: Record of Survey 63-46, (Resubdivision No. 173) , located at 2046 Mar Vista Drive on the southwesterly corner of Mar Vista Drive and Domingo Drive, across from the Corona del Mar High School. ZONE: R-3-B APPLICANT: Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, Newport Beach OWNER: Roman Catholic Bishop of Orange, Orange Planning Director Hewicker explained that the issue before the Planning- Commission is a request of Our Lady Queen of Angels Church to permit them to establish a temporary office facility on their property. Mr. Hewicker added that staff has not received any phone calls or corres- pondence relative to the subject request. The public hearing was opened in connection with this agenda item and James Parker, 1201 Dove Street, appeared before the Planning Comnission on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Parker relayed the Church's objection to proposed Condition No. 6, which provides that the applicant shall pay Fair-Share for circulation system improvements and noise walls. Mr. Parker requested that the subject Condition be waived. Mr. Parker questioned the "fairness" -4- COMMISSIONERS J, ,y 9, 1984 • MINUTES m s x f o ` m q m City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX of the Fair-Share Ordinance and opined that the Ordinance is of questionable constitutionality inasmuch as he felt it to be a regressive tax that puts an unequal distribu- tion of taxes on one segment of the community and there- fore denies equal protection of the laws. Additionally, Mr. Parker discussed his belief that the Fair-Share Ordi- nance discourages development of the community. Mr. Parker pointed out that a temporary building is proposed and questioned whether the City would be willing to refund the Fair-Share monies in the event the Church elects not to utilize the temporary facility for the full three years as proposed, and/or in the event the Church abandons the idea of building a permanent structure. Mr. Parker expressed his opinion that if all the churches in Newport Beach were to add 700 sq. ft. to their office space, there still would be no impact on street usage in the City. In closing, Mr. Parker reiterated his opinion that Condi- tion No. 6 should be waived due to the unusual and extra- ordinary circumstances surrounding the subject application. Planning Director Hewicker stated that the Planning Commis- sion does not have the authority to waive the Fair-Share contribution. Mr. Hewicker went on to explain that the City will determine whether or not the Ordinance applies to the subject application prior to the time the building permit is issued for the temporary building. Mr. Hewicker added that the applicant will be obliged to pay if it is found that the Ordinance does apply to the subject applica- tion; if, however, it is found that the Ordinance does not apply, the City will not ask for the funds. Assistant City Attorney Gabriele stated that the Fair-Share Ordinance was prepared to comply with the substantive and procedural constitutional rights of applicants. Mr. Parker responded that some Ordinances passed by govern- mental bodies have been declared unconstitutional in the past, despite the fact that vast public hearings had been conducted and numerous legal opinions provided. Mr. Parker stated that the application of the Fair-Share Ordinance under the circumstances of the subject project would not be fair and again requested the waiver of Condi- tion No. 6. -5- COMMISSIONERS s•19, 1984 MINUTES m o C v � m City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX During the course of discussion, Planning Director Hewicker noted that the Planning Commission can, if desired, delete Condition No. 6 from the specified Condi- tions of Approval of the Use Permit. Mr. Hewicker added, however, that the issue of the Fair-Share contribution is not a matter of debate, and pointed out that the Fair- Share determination will be made regardless of whether or not the subject Condition is included in the imposed Conditions of Approval. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed. Motion x Motion was made for approval of Use Permit No. 991 All Ayes (Amended) , subject to the Findings and Conditions con- tained in Exhibit "A", which MOTION CARRIED. Findings: 1. The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan, and is compatible with existing and surrounding land uses. 2. The proposed project will not have any significant environmental impact. 3. The Police Department has indicated that they do not contemplate any problems. 4. The approval of Use Permit No. 991 (Amended) will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detri- mental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Conditions: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan, floor plan and elevations. 2. That the temporary structure shall be removed from the site and the premises shall be restored to its former condition upon the termination of the pro- posed use on the site. COMMISSIONERS Jul•9, 1984 �• MINUTES m x � � c 0 m a m City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX 3. That the approval of this use permit shall be for a period of three years. Any extension of time shall be approved by the Modifications Committee. 4. That the proposed temporary building shall maintain the minimum required separations from existing structures as required by the Uniform Building Code (1979 Edition) . 5. That the installation of the proposed temporary building shall be subject to the issuance of a building permit. 6. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the appli- cant shall pay Fair-Share for circulation system improvements and noise walls as established by Ordi- nance. 7. This use permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.090,A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. variance No. 1114 (Public Hearing) Item #r3 Request to permit the construction of a single-family Variance dwelling on property located in the R-3 District which No. 1114 exceeds the maximum allowable building height on the front one-half of the property, located in the 24/28 Deferred t Height Limitation District. to end of Agenda LOCATION. Parcel No. 2 of Parcel Map 36-3, (Resubdivision No. 274) , located at 2501 Ocean Boulevard, on the south- terly side of Ocean Boulevard, at southwesterly terminus of Carnati Avenue, in Corona del Mar. ZONE: R-3 APPLICANT: John R. McIntosh, Coro del Mar OWNER: Same as applicant -7- • Resolution No. _ • A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-3(E) AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN SO AS TO INCREASE THE ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA RATIO FROM 0.15 TO 0.17 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2046 MAR VISTA DRIVE KNOWN AS OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELES CHURCH WHEREAS, as part of the development and implementation of the City's General Plan, the Land Use Element has been prepared; and WHEREAS, said element, of the General Plan sets forth objectives and supporting policies which serve as a guide for future development of the City of Newport Beach; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 707 of the Charter of the City of Newport Beach, the Planning Commission has held a duly noticed public hearing to consider certain amendments to the above referenced element of the Newport Beach General Plan; and WHEREAS, it has been determined, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, that the project will not have an adverse effect on the environment. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach that an amendment to the Land Use Element be recommended to the City Council for approval, as follows: That the property located at 2046 Mar Vista Drive comprising all of the land bounded by Domingo Drive and Mar Vista Drive shall be permitted a maximum Floor Area Ratio of 0.17 times the gross site area. ADOPTED THIS _ day of 1990. AYES- NOES- ABSENT Gary W. Pomeroy, Chairman Jan Debay, Secretary r s • O�SEW PpR� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U P.O.BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659-1768 c40i Fo aN�t NEGATIVE DECLARATION T0: Office of Planning and Research FROM: Planning Department j Q1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 City of Newport Beach Sacramento, CA 95814 P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 ® County Clerk of the County of Orange P.O. Box 838 Santa Ana, CA 92702 NAME OF PROJECT: D r Q((QQ,� e% Chu/G1[ X Arl'Ji�K' PROJECT LOCATION: 2 16 / QY Yb t DYire, Ne rf .gQdG,(, C,4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: �JjyjT/L4( 10iJ O d 'Iew)0al-61. hall d1d&dif/0'f dV �/a55lvOm9. FINDING: Pursuant to the provisions of City Council Policy K-3 pertaining to procedures and guidelines to implement the California Environmental Quality Act, the Environmental Affairs Committee has evaluated the proposed project and determined that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. MITIGATION MEASURES: ,/_ _e. INITIAL STUDY PREPARED BY: AW1400,14 INITIAL STUDY AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT: 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA DATE RECEIVED FOR FILING: Environmental Coordinator DATE:�0QH1b&-0//�O �a 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach ��i ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I. Background g 1. Name of Proponent 0a �[/ 11l &*1VL 2. Address and hone Number of Proponent 3. Date Checklist Submitted 'Wy4ftr'b&- 4. Agency Requiring Checklist 5. Name of Proposal, if applicable Of/iYli Y). II. Environmental Impacts (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) Yes Maybe No 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in v geologic substructures? — L� b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovering of the soil? — C. Change in topography or ground surface k relief features? — — d. The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? _ e. Any increase in wind or water erosion of v Soils, either on or off the site? — C f. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? — g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, x mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? - 1 - a3 • 0 Ycs Maybe No 2. Air. Will the proposal result in: a. Substantial air emissions or deterioration v of ambient air quality? b, The creation of objectionable odors? _— C. Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, k either locally or regionally? — 3. Water. Will the proposal result in: a. Changes in currents, or the course of direction of water movements, in either X marine or fresh waters? — — b, Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of X surface runoff? c. Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? d, Change in the amount of surface water y in any water body? 2 e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground water? g. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public v water supplies? — 4 i. Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? — I� - 2 1 Yes Maybe No 1 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- ber of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? — b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare i or endangered species of plants? YL c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? x 5. Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- bers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shell- i fish, benthic organisms or insects)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, x rare or endangered species of animals? — c. Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migra- tion or movement of animals? d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife k habitat? 6. Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? — b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? _ 7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new X light or glare? — 8. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a sub- stantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? 3 - ,�S Yes Maybe No 9. Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural v resources? !� 10_ Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: a. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? — b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? — 11. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human y population of an area? — L� 12. Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing V or create a demand for additional housing? — d 13. Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a. Generation of substantial additional — vehicular movement? b. Effects on existing parking facilities, or — — demand for new parking? C. Substantial impact upon existing trans- portation systems? — d. Alterations to present patterns of circula- tion or movement of people and/or goods? — e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic?— f. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians? 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered gov- ernmental services in any of the following areas: - 4 - Yes Maybe No a. Fire protection? �k b. Police protection? — C. Schools? — d. Parks or other recreational facilities? — e. Maintenance of public facilities, including 4 roads? -- f. Other governmental services? 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? — b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources or energy, or require the development v of new sources of energy? — L� 16. Utilites. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: �( a. Power or natural gas? — b. Communications systems? — C. Water? �( d. Sewer or septic tanks? e. Storm water drainage? f. solid waste and disposal? — 17. Human Health. Will the proposal result in? a. Creation of any health4azard or potential x health heazard (excluding mental health)? b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? - S - Yes Maybe No 18. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? 19. Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? — 20. Cultural Resources. a. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or X historic archaeological site? — b. Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? 1 C. Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect y unique ethnic cultural values? — A d. Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses with the potential impact area? 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? — 6 - c� Yes Maybe No b. Does the project have the potential to achieve i short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a rela- tively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) —' C. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively con- siderable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on y the environment is significant.) d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly?_ III. Discussion of Environmental Evaluation (Narrative description of environmental impacts.) IV. Determination On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find that although the proposed project could have a signif- icant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. i A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. Q Date Signature C\PLT\EIRLIST.FRM For - 7 - Co- DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Lb. The proposed project will result in the construction of buildings which are larger and cover more land than those which currently occupy the church site. This effect is considered to be insignificant due to the fact that the church site is already developed and exists within an area of the City which also fully developed. 7. The additional classrooms and expanded parish hall will produce new light sources on-site. No adverse environmental effects are anticipated from this due to the location of the new facilities, which are internal to the church facility. 13.a. The project has the potential to generate additional traffic from new or expanded programs which can be accommodated by the expanded facilities. Most of these activities occur outside of normal peak traffic hours. A traffic study prepared for the project shows that no significant effect on the circulation system will result from the project. 13.b. The project has the potential to generate additional parking demands from new or expanded programs. All parking requirements which can be expected from this increase can be accommodated on-site, and no impacts are anticipated. 4A �� ' I Report on: TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION STUDY OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELES CHURCH 2046 MAR VISTA DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92658 PER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE Prepared for: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MS. PATRICIA LEE TEMPLE ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92658 Prepared by: JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. 207 S. BREA BOULEVARD BREA, CALIFORNIA 92621 II December 28, 1989 Our File F763 t TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 THE PROJECT. . . . . 1 Figure 1 - Site�Vicinity Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Figure2 - Site Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 SETTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Figure 3 - Photograph - Sanctuary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Figure 4 - Photograph - School Building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Figure 5 - Photograph - Kindergarten etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Figure 6 - Photograph - Parish Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 SITE AREA STREETS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Figure 7 - Photograph - Mar Vista Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Figure 8 - Photograph - Amigo Way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Figure 9A- Photograph - Mar Vista Drive. . . . , . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 9B- Photograph - Mar Vista Drive. . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 SITE AREA DEVELOPMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 TRIP GENERATION FORECAST. . . . . - - - - - • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Table 1 - Trip Generation Forecast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 TRIP DISTRIBUTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS. . 10 A. Cumulative Projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 B. Regional Growth. . . . . . . . . . 10 C. Intersections to be Analyzed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 D. "One Percent Test". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Figure 10- Project Trip Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Table 2 - Summary of V/C and LOS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 PARKING ANALYSIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 SITE ACCESS. . . . . . . . 13 Table 3 - Parking Accumulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 SUMMARY. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3� JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. a INTRODUCTION •A proposal has been made to expand the current church and school facilities at OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGLES church/school , which is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Mar Vista and Domingo Drives in the city of Newport Beach (see figure 1 , page 2) . Because of the rather large size of the expansion, it has been determined that a traffic study is needed to assess the impact that may result, and to comply with the city's Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TPO) . The study which is summarized in this report, is based upon the following format: 1 . A forecast was made of the amount of new traffic to be generated by the project, the time periods during which that traffic would be taking place, the spatial distribution of those autos, the impact those autos will have on specific intersections, and an assessment of remedial actions, where necessary. 2. An assessment was made regarding adequacy of vehicular parking spaces within the area during critical time periods. THE PROJECT At the present time, Our Lady Queen of Angels consists of a church sanctuary, a rectory, a parochial school, parking lots and attendant athletic facilities. The project will consist of adding: 1. approximately 7 ,114 SF school building 2. approximately 20 , 220 SF Parish Center 3 . approximately 1, 200 SF of garage A portion of the currently paved play area, which is located immediately north of the school building will be striped for parking. The grass area to the northwest of the school buildings will remain as athletic fields or for civic uses. Figure 2 , Page 3 , shows the site plan. It should be emphasized that the proposed expansion will add square footage but very few new uses. Please refer to the TRIP GENERATION chapter for a description of current and proposed activities at the church. �v/33 JUSTIN F. FARMER 1 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. D ` )�lr1� }v'rrrt /r f <,°r e.� 'an [ / is )'.4rr� rkl ripe o°x'Y, t'r. •' ¢ 'I Sf \1 PRES\\�.ERVE 't\ !/h'S °d .�•.c oM+; 'i C n .�. <..•c is // Nvr� \ fl r♦ i i` '•.f // ny w��'er '°'..l r� nVi+Y'fi'� 1F. \ eAr` 9r, - -.,�R[ A[ °NIvf4511Y ,./r!'♦ ,Ss- I,/C r• \� PARK//jam;` NEW PORT BAY \� /�_ tC\� '•\ \�� _--_.__. ..I -•�4�. ECOLOGICAL•\ r;; I Pf1\NMANI RVE qr _ WIH°3/ ` RESE r N FIR M �'I� fAS(R(VE/ o `Q .r.°H. 'O Q Qr nrh/}, Op vep PARK- SRO °V //yt,�111141 utu00m 1 / ' ♦ hf4 J , ` 4* aY[/SIR \X A F 1 1 vo ��n?4�` .(rp ■ it� . / + ,f.,``iA3i 4' b1+ih r''i`1— # Q RI v:._ h�r ♦ SAW __�.. rRl ry/V / ' �' _ l� V 5, ♦ ♦i4h-C`Atp'C. 6Ell>J � �4II�Q11 I .�sO n 4VRY' 1 fjH ,'.SJns q v1-,`v+14i"'. rq'l nl : °P £! C[ 1 H •S\n'i`H4✓y�°t: ' c\\CiptS' ',r 4' ;Y lGt 6 5 9tDka '4 H ).i-.•✓�•�•.,C'� Nt O W [Cr SNMF ( C r O'tOf 4�K}/r �y _\{\\\¢ �'j1��W COgdu ON o- MY WIN ,\1fY 9'�G,'T'AxA O(t AMR u• el R4R4fry IT 9S 104°l \• \: \n Sb NIGx sC1100yt�•. 0 1 1tN�yP ••••_ °i 1 y . 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Dot ad` x. ,'4 �• 1 rn" r { \ g'H mire p,,`wr4 P O \ /o L uk-F�:i[ Nr:•�, \pfA S '�M' r > t( './r '1•\ �NII t1.. tl l(5 f I 1>S'. f[ t p V y5 I ilil <<� � < �i, yt0 t(< pnR9` !q O YrnV J,2, P` •,yh� 1p �41n . : �" ', f 4r \ ��f/ /,Cal'R� n LA I4M19An 4flAh 1 1 .n.. •' n t� pa 6 tr nq 4s!f :j. y N r ct+' U, _I�•C<` - '.r r`( in "P<q 4�. ^� �;rJ 8 °o /``ap♦ )... . 'lu4 E',`ot�' < <'. '\. r, �+tP"59 �' •; • - �[ �-•- `f aYy`;'4 n�`i,:rd;'- K(5 r�'RwE P49R ' AYE E^nm ir[ y< z 0'c0 re.•,p0 rN. `\`t �,� VR rP rA 0.1T,n�", n 2 .L',:f:0'Q'.i• • v yAl�Ji. C4. ♦�,f °4. V (� 4`Y! ftr °f F•Y• i9 I 3^ <> °e>1" W,�4:PSe n\/ ♦ F, (7.ie. •<4°�?4rko��./'1 eat tll3 Map Source : Auto Club Of So. Cal. FIG . SITE VICINITY MAP r . .. . . , ON' EV NFCR>, I\C. a • � I � Iliil � � ; li1i 40i ; � 1 fil �1I ra a i — \-- 1 I 1p.i t__I I ' _ t• K, ._—. -__.-_.... - cook t Av�r✓i��1 of 2s K 3 S'II SETTING The existing church is located at the southwest corner of Mar Vista and Domingo Drives in the Eastbluff area of the City of Newport Beach. Buildings and facilities at the site consist of a sanctuary (see Figure 3 , below) , a rectory, a series of school building (see Figures 4 & 5) , a large athletic field, and vehicular parking. Figure 3 Figure 4 Looking northerly across Domingo Looking northwesterly across toward the sanctuary. The Rect- Domingo toward the school tory is on the left. classrooms. 'Y R92it I Q!' Vt 1� '' — T .-.a311g1W14W Figure 5 Figure 6 Kindercare and Temporary Looking south across open building. area site of Parish Center. JUSTIN F. FARMER 4 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. 3� The area proposed for. the Parish Center is currently landscaped as an open lawn area between the sanctuary and school , and is shown in Figure 6, on the preceding page. A portion of the lawn area south of the rectory will be used for future parking. SITE AREA STREETS Domingo Drive, a 40 foot wide residential street, borders the site on the east, the south and the west. This street is shown in Figure 7 below. 4 Figure 7 Looking north on Domingo •'!'�ry�y��1 �1u1:!_�� Dr. from front of Rectory. ILMJJ�1 -M.C� DtL�� •� L'Y Amigo Way is a 40 foot wide looped residential street that joins Domingo Drive twice, once at the southeast and once at the south- west corner of the school classrooms, at shown in Figure 8 , below. i Figure 8 Looking south on Amigo Way from Domingo Drive. Mar Vista Drive, a 40 foot wide local street, borders the site on the north, as shown on Figure 9A and 9B, on the following• page. 3� JUSTIN F. FARMER 5 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. •� I '/ h 1 ' }"lam• ,• `. . w1 ��I• '� Figure 9A Figure 9B Looking west on Mar Vista Drive Looking East on Mar Vista athletic fields are on the left. Dr. Sanctuary is on the right. Eastbluff Drive is a 64 foot wide, 4 lane arterial street that serves as the central collector for the Eastbluff residential area. It intersects with Jamboree Road twice, once near University Drive and again opposite Ford Road a short distance east of the site. Jamboree Road is a major north-south arterial which connects Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) and the Route 73 (Corona Del Mar) Freeway. There are traffic signals at the two intersections of Jamboree Road and Eastbluff Drive. SITE AREA DEVELOPMENT Properties to the east of the site are utilized as a church, there being a St. Marks Presbyterian Church and the Shir Ha-Ma'alot Harbor Reform Temple, which are bordered by Domingo, Mar Vista, and Eastbluff Drives. Properties to the south and west are largely multiple family dwellings with numerous driveways entering Domingo Drive. Corona Del Mar High School is located on the north side of Vista Del Mar Drive. School parking is located to the east and west of the school buildings. Parking for the church is permitted at-curb on Domingo Drive and at scattered locations throughout the site. 3 JUSTIN F. FARMER 6 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS.INC. �� TRIP GENERATION FORECAST i At the present time there are approximately 44 separate activities that take place at this location, either on a regular or on an occasional basis. These activities are listed in the appendix hereto, together with the number of persons, meeting place, day of the week, and frequency. Of those activities, the following take place on . a Saturday or Sunday and thus do not impact level of service at key nearby intersections during peak periods. Also listed below are the activities that take place at a time that does not coincide with the weekday peak periods. 1. Men's Breakfast . . . . . . 40 persons , 1 Sat/month no change 2. Women's Breakfast . . . . . . 60 persons, 1 Sat/month no change 3 . Classic Friends . . . . . . . . 75 persons, 1 Sun/month no change 4. Coffee and Donuts . . . . . . 3 persons, 4 Sun/month no change 5. Alter Servers . . . . . . . . . . 12 persons, 4 Sun/month no change 6. School of Rel.Ed. . . . . . . . 45 persons, 4 Sun/month no change 7. Welcoming 4 persons, 4 Sun/month each mass 8. Hand-in-hand 20 persons, 1 Sun/month no change c 9. Choir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 persons, 4 Sun/month no change 10. Contemporary Choir . . . . . 7 persons, 4 Sun/month no change 11. Widowed (WINGS) . . . . . . . . 25 persons, 1 Sun/month no change The following activities occur at time periods that do not correspond with the conventional peak traffic periods. 1. Corpus Cristi . . . . . . . . . 70 persons 3 times/yr no change 2. Youth Ministry . . . . . . . . 30 per. ea. Wed. 7:30 PM no change 3. Backyard Theology . . . . . 70 per. 6 /yr 6:30 PM no change 4. Religious Education . 150 per ea. Tue eve. 7: 30 PM no change 5. Casa Teresa Board . . . . . 25 per. 1/mo, mid morn no change 6. Baptism Bunch . . . . . . . . . . 4 per. 1/mo, mid morn no change 7 . Parish council . . . . . . . . 21 per. 1/mo, 7:30 PM no change 8 . RCIA . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 per. 1/mo, 7: 30 PM no change 9 . Bible study . . . . . . . . . . 150 per. 1/wk, 7:30 PM no change 10. Bible study . . . . . . . . . . . 43 per. 1/wk, mid morn no change 11. Bereavement . . . . . . . . . . . 11 per. 1/mo, 10:00 am no change 12. Liturgy Committee . . . . . 11 per. 1/mo, 7 :00 PM no change 13 . Choir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 per. 1/wk,7: 30 PM no change 14 . Contemporary Choir . . . . 7 per. ea. wed eve 7 :00 PM no change 15. Beginning again . . . . . . . 16 per. 1 eve/mo,7 : 30 PM no change 16. Mothers' study . . . . . . . . 20 per. 1 morn/wk. 9 : 30 am no change 17. Co-Dependency . . . . . . . . . 50 per. 3/mo, 7 : 30 PM no change 11. Co-Dependency . . . . . . . . . 50 per. 3 eves/month no change 12. Police Dept. dog train "several" during day no change 3 % JUSTIN F. FARMER 7 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. Those activities that take place during the conventional peak traffic periods are listed below. 1. SPIN (st. people in need) 14 pers. 1/wk 4 : 00 PM no change 2. Evening mass . . . . . . . . . . . unk. every eve. 5: 30 PM no change Based upon the above described church related activities, it appears that there will be virtually no ADDITIONAL traffic to be generated during the conventional peak traffic periods as a result of this project except as noted in the following. Figure 2 , the site plan, however, indicates that a school addition is being proposed immediately north of the current classrooms and near the site of the portable building. Although there are no provisions to increase enrollment, this addition will enable the school to accept the 310 students allowed by the state. There will also be provisions for an increase of 35 children in + the pre-kindergarten facility, of which 50% will be a sibling of a parochial student. Therefore, for purposes of this analysis, it will be assumed that the project will result in an enrollment of 310 students, up from the present 282 , with an increase of one teacher. It will also be assumed that because of available space, there will be an increase of two staff members. The overall increase in traffic is therefore assumed to be as follows: Students: Parochial 310 capacity 282 existing 28 INCREASE arrive 7: 45 to 8 : 10 AM 28 autos depart 2:30 to 3 :00 PM 28 autos Pre-Kindergarten 35 students less 50% for siblings 18 autos arrive 9 :00 - 10:00 AM depart 3 :00 - 6: 00 PM (50% in peak period) �[� JUSTIN F. FARMER 8 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. 3 b Employees: 3 new person = 3 new autos arrive 7:30 - 8:00 AM depart 4:30 - 5: 30 PM Summarized very briefly, the amount of NEW TRIPS during the peak hour is as follows; to be generated AM 28 autos, 7:30 to 8 :10 enter and leave 3 autos 7:30 to 8:00 enter only PM 9 autos 4 :30 to 5: 30 exit only 3 autos 5:00 to 6: 00 exit only The above discussed trip generation estimates are summarized on Table 1, Below. TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION FORECAST OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGLES CHURCH Net Increase AM 2-1/2 hour peak 6:30 - 9:00 AM Enter 31 Exit 28 PM 2-1/2 hour peak 4:00 - 6:30 PM Enter N 12 Exit 12 TRIP DISTRIBUTION The distributional pattern for vehicles which are added as a result of this project is dictated primarily by the spatial or location of residences of those students which will be delivered Picked up during the distributional patte conventional peak periods. That Page 10. distributional is depicted graphically on Figure 10, on JUSTIN F. FARMER 9 TRANSPORTATION ENGINFERS,INC. 7 IV R,ST V O� 00 �S TOE ST / TRIP GE—ON FORECAST NET GENERATION LEGEND A MAM p_K_ PMe_PIC n co AM IN 31 2�0 OUT 23 v PM IN D OUT 12 6-0 UNIVERSITY �— DRIVE DRIVE nor EASYBLUFF 0 dp i N O 3-0 ll BISON o 1 3-24 1 O EASTBLUFF 11- . DRIVE 11-6 11=T o FORD w —0 ROAD m ry� c SAN JOAQUI Hll e N LS �n 1 � �c N Q O N f ¢ ROAD x F a U FIG PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION 10 JUSTIN F. FARMER 10 TRANSPORTATIO,NFNGI\IiEN$,I.NC. I�� TTRAP'FIC IMPACT ANALYSIS A. Q=il a, atJV4§ Proie� The City of Newport Beach's traffic engineering staff has completed a list of cumulative projects which may impact this: portion of the City's street networK. The list includes 121 • projects, .of which approximately 41% are not occupied, 47% are fully occupied, and 12% are partially occupied. ' B. onal Mouth The _Newport Beach City Traffic Engineering Department has prepared a list of specific regional annual growth rates which are associated with the study area. The growth rate associaged with •that section of Jamboree Road between Coast Highway and MacArthur Boulevard is It per year. C. =&arrijSajons to be Analyzed The Newport Beach Traffic Engineering Department has indicated that the primary impact from project traffic might be on -the following site vicinity intersections. 1) Jamboree Road & East Bluff Drive - Ford Road 2) Jamboree 'Road & Bison Road 3) Jamboree Road &• East Bluff Drive - University Drive 4) 'Jamboree Road & Bristol Street 5) -Jamboree Road & (N) Bristol Street D. None perro„t Test- .The methodology presented below for the 1% traffic volume analysis is the one utilized by the City of Newport Beach. - volumes used are the 2-1/2 hour traffic volume Volumes were extrapolated to the year 1992, i.e. 3 year - A regional annual growth rate was used - Traffic volumes associated with the cumulative projects were added to the extrapolated volumes and 1% of the projected peak 2-1/2 hour volumes were determined. - If project traffic exceeded it of the projected peak 2-1/2 hour•volume', intersection analyses were conducted for the impacted: intersections. JUS1'tN F.FARMER 11 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. JAN 12 ' 90 00!51 The 1% test conducted at the five study intersections indicated that the increase at each intersection leg was less than It of the projected 2-1/2 hour peak except at- the intersection of Jamboree Road at East Bluff Drive-Ford Road during the morning peak hour. A level of service analysis was therefore conducted at that intersection using the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) procedure. City data forms entitled "1% Traffic Volume Analysisn for the hereointersections are included Appendix attached t . Also enclosed is the ICU calculation Results of that ICU Analysis are listed in the table below: TABLE 2 SMUJARY OF V/C & LOS Jamboree Road & Sast Bluff Dr./Ford Rd. AX peak Hour y/C Rat]Q T W1 Existing 0.77 C 1990 + Cumulatives 0.89 D 1990 + Cumulatives + 0.89 D Project Table 2 suggests that the project will have no impact upon the intersection of Jamboree Road and East Bluff Drive/Ford Road. The V/C ratio did not change after adding project trips during the morning peak hour. JUSTIN F.T`A,YZMER 12 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. �v PARKING ANALYSIS Based on the City of Newport Beach Parking Code, churches are required to provide 1 parking space per 5 seats of Sanctuary area (new code calls for 1 parking space per 3 seats of Sanctuary area, however since the Sanctuary is not being expanded, the old code applies to this project) . Therefore, since a total of 872 seats are provided in the Sanctuary area, 175 parking spaces will be required. Our Lady Queen of Angels, after the proposed addition of a parish center and expansion of the school, will have a total of 213 parking spaces. This will be more than is required and hence the code will be met. In order to check the adequacy of parking supply, particularly during a Sunday Mass, an actual parking survey was conducted at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church and adjacent Domingo and Mar Vista Drives on Sunday, December 3 , 1989 between 7: 30 AM and 12:30 PM. Table 3, on the following page, presents those parking accumulations. " Table 3 , shows that peak parking accumulation occurs at 10:30 AM with a total parking accumulation of 266 parking spaces (218 vehicles were parking on site and 48 vehicles on Domingo and Mar Vista Drives) . With a total of 213 available spaces, an approximate parking deficit of 53 parking spaces will exist; however, Domingo Drive and Mar Vista Drive can accommodate this deficit on Sundays. Arrangements have also been made to utilize school parking on Sundays. r Domingo Drive which has a length of 0.4 miles can by itself accommodate approximately 150 vehicles (parking is allowed on both sides of the roadway) . It could, therefore, be concluded that although the project provides 53 parking spaces less than the peak parking demand on Sundays, the use of Domingo Drive and Mar Vista Drive would easily offset that deficiency. SITE ACCESS Access to the site will be from four driveways on Mar Vista Drive and two driveways on Domingo Drive. All driveways have widths of 25 feet which meet the City of Newport Beach code that calls for minimum driveway widths of 24 feet for commercial and institutional projects. �s JUSTIN F. FARMER 13 TRANSPORTATION F,NGINEERS,INC. TALE 3 PARKING ACCUMULATION Our Lady Queen of Angeles Church Sunday, December 3, 1989 Time Pew_ Parkins Accumulation 7:30 AM Church Street Total 7:45 40 15 8:00 47 22 55 8:15 32 22 69 8:30 40 27 54 8:45 112 42 67 9:00 118 46 164 9:15 159 46 205 9:30 147 49 196 196 9:45 115 45 160 10:00 113 24 137 10:15 178 34 212 10: 30 206 39 10:45 218 48 245 11:00 216 266* 11:15 206 49 265 i0 48 11:30 124 254 22 146 11:45 109 27 136 12:00 124 38 62 12:15 134 36 1 12:30 157 39 170 104 21 196 125 * Peak accumulation equals 1 car per 3. 28 seats. JUSTIN F. FARMER 14 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. SUMMARY o A proposal has been made to expand the current church and school facilities at Our Lady Queen of Angeles Church/School. 0 The project will consist of adding approximately 7„ 114 square feet of school building, 20, 220 square feet of Parish Center, and 1, 200 square feet of garage. 0 The proposed expansion will add square footage, but very few new uses. 0 Information regarding existing and future activities were collected from Our Lady Queen of Angeles Church representatives. o Based on their information, a weekday trip generation forecast was made for the additional activities, and is summarized below. r TRIP GENERATION FORECAST OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELES CHURCH Net Increase TIME No. of Trips Morning 2-1/2 Hour Peak Enter 31 Exit 28 Evening 2-1/2 Hour Peak Enter Nom Exit 12 o The City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TPO) and information obtained from the City regarding existing traffic volumes, cumulative projects and growth factors were utilized in capacity analyses. o The following intersections were chosen to be analyzed using the above referenced traffic phasing ordinance. 1. Jamboree Road and East Bluff Drive - Ford Road 2. Jamboree Road and Bison Road 3 . Jamboree Road and East Bluff Drive - University Drive 4 . Jamboree Road and Bristol Street 5. Jamboree Road and (N) Bristol Street JUSTIN F. FARMER 15 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. /7 o When the 1% test was conducted, project trips were found to be less than 1% of the projected 2-1/2 hour volume for all intersections, except for the intersection of Jamboree Road and East Bluff Drive/Ford Road during the morning peak. o An intersection capacity analysis was then conducted at this intersection for the morning peak hour. o Additional project traffic will not change the V/C ratio or the level of service at the intersection of Jamboree Road and East Bluff Drive/Ford Road during the morning peak hour. o Based on a field survey conducted on Sunday, December 3, 1989 at the existing Our Lady Queen of Angeles Church site, existing and future parking needs on a Sunday Mass is 266 parking spaces. o After the proposed addition of the parish center and expansion of the school, there will be a total of 213 parking spaces available. o The survey indicated that the existing and future deficiency at the site on Sundays will be offset by the use of Domingo and Mar Vista Drives. o All six driveways meet the minimum width requirements of the City of Newport Beach for institutional projects. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us. Respectfully submitted, F. FARNER4, SggRTATION ENGINEERS, INC. , �pFESStpN tJ7FF: tin F. Farmer, P.E. , President Oe q� t� F. Fq dr m Exa. 3 t-_�z � w d � �s> aTF OZi F C& JUSTIN F. FARMER 16 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. Lo I APPENDIX 1989 . OUR LADY QUIIN a ANGLLS !0.16 Mar Vista Drive • Newport Beach. California 92660 • (214) 644.0200 October 18 , 1989 To Whom It May Concern: Our Lady Queen of Angels School Addition The purpose of the new addition is to accommodate our present needs. At present, the school enrollment is 282. We do have the capacity of 310, which was established twenty five years ago when the school was founded. The daily schedule of our school day is 8(-10 a.m. to 2: 30 p.m. The new construction of an extended dayhclassroom is needed to accommodate the cur- rently enrolled 21 students and to extend the day to 6: 00 o.m. This is necessary because of our single working parents and has become a definite need at this time. At present., the classrooms are used some evenings from 7: 00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for our Music Programs (approximately 35 adults) , School Board Meetings (15 adults) , teaching of Spanish to adults (20 present) and a soccer clinic for 10 parents. Also see Center schedule. The proposed addition also has a computer room, library & science lab which have been combined either into one small room off of the present hall or integrated into the classrooms. The growing technology surfaces as a need, not a luxury. 5� The new administration offices are needed to carry out the present administrative duties. The present offices will fill the need of space for tutoring programs, counseling rooms, parent/teacher conference rooms and additional storage. The only new-'addition will be Pre-Kindergarten with an enrollment of 35 students. We anticipate that at least fifty percent of our enrollment for Pre-Kindergarten will come from siblings of. students currently enrolled. Today was a typical day at Our Lady Queen of Angels. At 8:30 a.m. the hall was used for a meeting of the Board of Directors of Casa Teresa, the SRE room for a Bereavement meeting . We were in need of the hall for a meeting of our seventh and eighth grade students to meet with counselors from 2 high schools and our own counselor to meet with individual students. After switching everyone to different rooms so that all meetings could continue, the Our Lady Queen of Angels counselor was left standing in the hallway; therefore , she did not have a room to meet with students or parents. q_6 Parish Center ! i Information on the ministries using the new Parish Center is outlined on the attached sheets. II 1 I I i I ' Number of meeting Day of ` Ministry People Place Week Frequency SPIN* 14 Hall Tues/Th. p.m. Weekly S 2/) Men's Breakfast 40 Hall 1st Sat. a.m. Monthly .S 3) Women's Breakfast '60 Hall 2nd Sat. a.m. Monthly S Classic Friends 75 Hall 2nd Sun. 1/month Will use new facility weekly �) Corpus Christi** 70 Hall 3/year NA. In-Betweeners** 15 ' Home Wed. p.m. Weekly Youth Ministry (Teens) We hope this will increase 30 Kinder. Wed. p.m. j:7 0 6> Backyard Theology 70 Hall Mon nday p.m. SummerSix n. in coffee and Donuts 3 Patio Sunday a.m. Weekly Alter Servers 12 Church Sunday a.m. weekly School of Religious Ed. 45 school Sunday a.m. Weekly 150 Hall & Sch. Tuesday p-m. Weekly 7:3 v PM 45 Hall Sun. /Mon. 1/month /z) Casa Teresa Board 25 Hall Wed. �rnio/ 1/month 1(j 4 Rector /Welcoming y Church Sunday Each Mass �✓ /4`, Hand-in-Hand 20 Rectory/ Hall Sunday Monthly Project Aware Hall/ School Seaview Plaza Mass 10 Tuesday Monthly /?) SOS 4 Costa Mesa f�\ Meal-A-Month 25 CommunCSCtr. Tuesday Monthly /Y6. /`J 1women's Guild 100 B. Bay Club Fr.idav Monthly i .) z h People Meeting Day of t41n151'ry Involved Place Week Frequency \ 4 Church 4th Tues. 1/month Baptism Bunch Mid M o/A 21 Rectory 2nd Mon. 1/month 22) Parish Council Tao P` Hall Mon. p.m. Weekly RCIA* 60 17•'3 0 �[F) Bible Study 43 Hall M ,-L m D in M Weekly r Z S� Bible Study 150 Hall 6 -� School �urssday p.m. Weekly Hall Tuesday 1/week for NA 7 JOURNEYS*** 20 6 weeks Fall & Winter SRSPY, Room/ 1/month `L ) Bereavement 11 Trvyoty 3rd.Wed. Liturgy Committee 11 Rectory Monday 1/month 46 Hall Pled. P.M. Weekly Choir Church Sunday Weekly S 3�) Contemporary Choir 7 Church Wednesday Weekly Sunday Weekly Eucharistic Ministers 101 Hall 1/year Ministers to Sick 32 4< Hall ✓A" t 2/year ,..5 33, Widowed (WINGS) 25 Hall Last Sun. 1/month Beginning Again 16 Hall 3rd Tues. 1/month 35) Mothers' Study 20 Hall Thursday a.m. Weekly Co-Dependency 50 Hall Friday p.m. 3/month 15-3 �-/ • • Number of i Meeting Day of \ Ministry People Place ' Week Frequency 31J / Wedding Coordinators 2 Rectory Altar Guild 6 Rectory 37) Bookkeeping 1 Rectory M-F gD> Computer 1 Rectory M-F 4 1) Recep/sec'y., 1 Rectory M-F Priests 3 Rectory Full Time Staff 16 Rectory. Monday Monthly * Serves.bag lunches - Street ,People In Need ** Usual meeting Promontory Point *** -Most of this group meets in homes.' This will not change. Current Community Functions on our-pl'aying field AYSO­soccer• uses the: field on Saturdays `dozing 'the 'entire season... They, also piactice during the:fall each Monday. through Friday. " :. ' S) The N.-B. Police Department has used it for"dog training. 4.6 > CDM,'High School holds practices for their soccer team. 4,7 ) Little League and Club Soccer have also used the field for practice. .C� ✓ 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection Jpl$13gREE RD/EASTBLUFF DR—FORD RD pryng AMin e (Existing Traffic Volues o a Peek 2§ Hour Approved Existing Regional Protects Projected 1peek 2roHoured Peak 2�oHour 1 ApproachI Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2�S Hour Peak volume Volume Volume volume Volume _ 1 ' Northbound. ... ....5878 170 ; 752 68©6 Ez$ 8 Southbound 3442 103 598i4.g 41 12 13 28 Eastbound 1289 0 26 i Westbound 908 0 3 911 9 lI Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Q Peak 2), Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ® Peak 2k.Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE- 12-14-89 PROJECT: our Lady Queen. of Angles Church FORM I S-f JAN 12 '90 88:52 . • �'"' t e JA4980AM INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION; JAMBOREE ROAD i EASTILUFF DRIVE/FORD AM 4960 EXtsr TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC YINTERJSPRINO 1939 AM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I IEXISTINGIPROPOSEDIEXISTINCIEXISTINSIREGIONALICgWITTEDI PROJECTED IPROJECT[PROJECTI IMovementl Lanes I Lene6 I PK MR I WC I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio IVOltthe I V/C i 1 ICapacitylCapecityl Volume I Ratio I VOtUR* 1 VOLUme Iw/o ProjeCtl I Ratio 1 i I I I I I I I Volume I I I 1------------------------•---------------------------------------------------------•--------I NL 1 3200 1 1 635 1 0.20 15%=191 0 1 0. 20 1 8 10. 201 1..................................•--••-•--•....---••••--....--•--•----•---•...............i I NT I I z.ot_ 0.51 :. ..._ 424.....¢.62....._.....4:62j MRI •---•--i--- -------I---1— .�. ...8.._.�...._....._�...52..�._.....j 1 SL 1 1600 1 1 33 1 0.0' 3%_ 1 I 9 ( 0.03* 1 0 -.01 ......................................•------•--------- ----------------------------1-- ST 1 48001 I 146a 1 0.31 13P6= 441 312 1-.- 0.38 1 0 10.38( I - ----------I-------------- •-------— - ] SR i 1600 1 1 16 1 0.01 13%=0' ( 1 1 0.01 1 12 10.021 i•••---•.....................---1-----•--••••--......_.............._..........••......... 1 EL 1 1600 1 1 161 i D.11 I _ (__ 1 __ 1 0.1E 111 10. 12 .................. .......1....221 . 0.14 .....,.1 0 -I 0.14* 110_-10.14I 1 .................. .....................•- ••-- . - -- •• ER 1 1600 1 I 313 I 0.20 i _ 1 0 10.20 1 7 10:29.' ----------—..... . ...................••----...... -- --------- I wL l I 79I — 113 1 a.a�o*•�••...... :go- 3411 i =•---- 0 I.-•-------- -11 ...---....1 06 J uR 1 1--- I .------I--- ---L..� ....:....�.39._.---—_�5...'...Q..Iq.:SZB ]EXISTING •••• •-• 1 0.77 1 1 1.................------•------I.........._...-----------------...._......... (EXIST + REG GROWTH + C0MMtTTFD WPROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. 10.8 9 I I..--------------------...............•--•--------------....---•----•----•-•--•---•- ---•--i (EXISTING + COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWTH + PROJECT I.C.U. ........................................................................... . >xi Projected + project traffic I.C.U. wilt be less than or eWaL to 0.90 ]_I Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. w/system fRprovement will be less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. with project improvements wilt be less than I.C.U. without project ..................... -----------------------------.......................--------....... Description of system improvement, Our Lady Queen of Angeles Church PROJECT FORM 11 3 IJNn !2 '?0 04t5Z . • r.uo 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE RD/EASTBLUFF DR—FORD RD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 _) PM _ — Peak Re 2y Hour 1 approved 40proach Existing Regional ( Projects Projected 1A of Projected Project N rection Peak 2k Hour Growth I Peak 2k Hour Peak 24 Hour ( Peak h Hour Peak 2y Hour Volume Volume I Volume Volume Volume , Volume 11 Northbound 0 i 5515 =.16.5`= 675 6055 64 southbound _4741 142 1017 5300 '' 0 Eastbound 1461 _ ' 0 i 4 1465 15 12 !� Westbound ' 786 _ 0 17 803 8 0 T-- a Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2& Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (1.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: 12-14-89 PROJECT: our Lady Queen of Angles Church FORM I A ' a JAN 12 19U e41511 • r.V* 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Sntersection _JAMBOREE RD BISON AV (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on Average n er pring $ AM Peek 24 Hour Approved 1 approach Existing Regional Projects Projected l of Project Project Lireetion Peak 21; Hour Growth Peak 2$ Hour Peek 2h Hour Peak 2y Hour I Peak 2h Hour { Volume Volume volume Volume volume Volume f _ 1 Rcrthbound '139 5562 56 j 4641 southbound 4010 1.20 - 709 4839 48 9 IEastbound 317 — 0 i Westbound 513 _j_ 0 49 562 -6, 3 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected (� Peak 23% Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: 12-14-89 PROJECT: our Lady Queen of Angles Church FORM I S� JRN lY '90 04:54 r.ur 1% Traffic Volume Analysis intersection JAMBOREE RD BISON AV (Existing Traffic Volumes asb d on Average Winter/Spring 9 89 P14 Peak 211 Hour Approved FA-oproach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1t of Projected Project Direction Peak 24 Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2g Hour Peak 2k Nour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I Volume I Northbound 4255� 28 688 51 6 !{ Southbound 4826 _ 145 957 '5928 59 0 I, Eastbound 216 0 3 219 1 2 0 !! 'Westbound 580 689 -- -- - - _.. Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected 0 Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected El Peak 2' Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. I I .DATE: 12-14-89 PROJECT: Our Lady Queen of Angles Church FORM I J M1, l� lV VY•JJ . L l 1% Traffic Volume Analysis in4nterSe ciVo7umes$OREE /verageLUF tDR—UNIVERSITY R—pNn9ERS89YA14 (Existing r Peak 2h Hour Approved 1% of Projected I Project Regional Projects Projected Peak 24 Hour Peak 2k Hour fl '�4ppro7� , Existing Peak 2y Hour Peak 2>f Hour Volume "Direction eak 2k Hour Growth Volume Volume volume Volume Voturte LNOrthhfbUnd 769520252 e' 4304' 129 4861. 146 816 5823 58 9 �j 1— —� i 11 i 0 0 �1 Easthound 917 160 077 i` ..--i lg 0 I• westbound 1858 0 2 1--186' Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected © Peak 21, Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: 12-14-89 PROJECT' our Lady Queen of Angles Church FORM I onn i[ yn ny, as • • , .o. 'i 1 i• 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE RD/EASTBLUFF DR-UNIVERSITY DR (Existing Traffic Volumes 5-ased on Average Winter/Spring 89)PM {r—�- Peak 2h Hour Approved! Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected lr of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 24 Hour Peak 2's Hour Peak 2k Hour i Peak 24 Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume ' Northbound .5Q43_. _ .. 151 729' .'• 5923 59- ' 4 Scuthboond .6241 187 1089 7517. 75 0 Eastbound 747 0 i 33 780 8 0 Westbound 0 63 1674 17 0 ! Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected MX Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected El Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: 12-_1.4-89 PROJECT: Our Lady Queen of Angles Church FORM I �/� JAN 12 '90 04tbb • • " "' t x 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAM130REE 72D/Hf2ISTCIL ST (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on verage In er p a ng I 89 AM Peak 2i1 four Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1 of Projected Project riw4hPeak 2$ Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 24 Hour Jireetton PeaYo1 Hour vollumee volume Volume Volume i Volume Northbound 5669 170 769 6608. 66 8 Southbound .830 . 25 753 1608 16 7 Eastbound 6335 0 1 1225 7560 76 2 i Westbound Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected n Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: 12-14-89 PROJECT: Our Lady Queen of Angles Church FORM I ba t �JAN 12 '9e 04t56 • . Y. il 1% Traffic Volume Analysis intersection JAMBOREE M/BR=smOL sT n er pr g 9 PM (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on Wage n Approved 1% of Projected Project Peak io Hour Projects Projected Peak 24 Hour I peak 24li ur I Existing RegSonal Peak 2k Hour Peak 2h Hour volume Approach Gro+rth Volume i lume Direction P�Volu e°Pr YoluaY= Volume I Nortabound 5141 154 878 6173 0 Southbound 74 714 3268 33 0 0 Eastbound 4923 0 i 1091 6014 6 1 westbound Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: 12— 4-89 PROJECT: Our Lady Queen of Angles Church FORM I /,j IAN 12 ' q0 0 4:56 • . �• " 1% Traffic Volume Analysts Intersection JAMBOREE RD/BRISTOL ST N (Existing Traffic Volumes basea on Average winter/Spring s3 AM Peak 2h Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 10. of Projected Project I Direction Peak 211 Hour Growth Peak 234 Hour Peak 2N Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 211 Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume i Volume Northbound 8819 765" 857••• 9941 99 Southbound 8 1 54 874 2736 1 27 i 7 Eastbound Westbound 6 6 NOM 0 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 23 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2� Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. _ DATE• 12-14—a 9 PROJECT: Our Lady Queen of Angles Church FORM I I �Y lv6 • r. :a E +JPN : 1 5u n4:Jr 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE RD/BRISTOL ST NO (Existing Traffic Volumes sed an 111iverage nter pr ng 89 YM Peak 2]g Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected T�li ! Direction Peak 2� Hour Gronth Peak 211 Hour Peak 2k tour Peak 2k Hour Pur 1 Volume Volume Volume Volume volume Volume Northbound 6866 206 10051, 8077 81 I 4 southbound 4154, 125 . 1008 5287 53 0 i Eastbound ------------------- Westbound 61 61 1 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume' Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE- 12-14-89 PROJECT; our Lady Queen of Angles Church FORM I 6S- _c • . January 18, 1990MINUTES COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX Mr. John Newcomb, applicant, appeared before the Pla ng Commission wherein he concurred with the finding and c dition in Exhibit "A". Motion Motion was made and voted on to approve t Final Map of All Ayes Tract No. 14025 subject to the finding and ondition in Exhibit "A". MOTION CARRIED. Finding: 1. That the Final Ma of Tract No. 14025 substantially conforms to the tative Map of said Tract and with all changes per ' ed and all requirements imposed as conditions its acceptance. Condition: 1. hat all conditions imposed by the City Council in conjunction with its approval of the Tentative Map of Tract No. 14025 shall be fulfilled. A General Plan Amendment No 89-3(E)(Continued Public Item No.3 Hearin GPA 89-3E Request to amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan so as to increase the allowable Floor Area Ratio of the Our T8 61 Lady Queen of Angels Church from 0.15 to 0.17; and the acceptance of an environmental document. UP991A INITIATED BY: The City of Newport Beach Approved (Resolution AND No. 1211) B. Traffic Study No 61 (Continued Public Hearinel Request to approve a traffic study so as to permit the construction of a 23,534± square foot addition to the Our Lady Queen of Angels Church. AND -5- • • January 18, 1990MINUTES COMMISSIONERS 16 A �0f � CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX ROLL CALL C. Use Permit No 991 (Amended)(Continued Public Hearin Request to amend a previously approved use permit which allowed the establishment of the existing Our Lady Queen of Angels Church. The proposed amendment involves a request to permit the construction of a 23,534± square foot addition to the church which will include a new parish hall, administrative offices, new classrooms and a new garage for the parish rectory. LOCATION; Record of Survey 63-46 (Resubdivision No. 173), located at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, on the southwesterly corner of Mar Vista Drive and Domingo Drive, across from the Corona del Mar High School. ZONE: R-3-B APPLICANT: Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, Newport Beach OWNER: Roman Catholic Bishop of Orange, Orange The public hearing was opened in connection with this item, and Mr. Glen Gellatly, architect, appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of the applicant, wherein he concurred with the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A'. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Edwards with regard to neighbors indicating concerns relating to a potential increase in traffic, Mr. Gellatly responded that the applicants have not received any inquiries with respect to the proposed project. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed at this time. Motion * Motion was made and voted on to approve General Plan All Ayes Amendment No. 89-3(E) (Resolution No. 1211), Traffic Study No. 61, and Use Permit No. 991 (Amended) subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A". MOTION CARRIED. -6- . '. • •. January 18, 1990MINUTES COMMISSIONERS �0� �N CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX A. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT Findings: 1. That an Initial Study has been prepared for the project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and City policy. 2. That based upon the information contained in the Initial Study, the project is not anticipated to have a significant effect on the environment. A Negative Declaration has, therefore, been prepared. 3. That the information contained in the environmental document has been considered in the decision on the project. B. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-3(E) Adopt Resolution No. 1211, recommending approval of General Plan Amendment 89-3(E) to the City Council. C. TRAFFIC STUDY NO. 61 Findin s: 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15AO of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and Council Policy S-1. 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project-generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any 'major', 'primary-modified', or 'primary' street. D. USE PERMIT NO 991 (AMENDED) Findings: 1. As approved, the proposed project is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and is compatible with surrounding land uses. -7- • • January 18, 1990MINUTES COMMISSIONERS cr G q 9 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL IIUDEX 2. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. 3. That the use of on-street parking for some of the church parking will not adversely affect surrounding properties. 4. That the proposed parish center, classroom additions and garage added to the church will not result in the increase in the demand for off-street parking during the peak hours of activity on Sundays. 5. That public improvements may be required of the applicant per Section 20.80.060 of the Municipal Code. 6. That the establishment, maintenance of operation of the existing and proposed church facility will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Conditions: 1. That the proposed development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and elevations, except as noted below. 2. That the Use Permit No. 991 (Amended), as approved by the Planning Commission on July 19, 1984 shall become null and void and that the temporary building shall be removed from the site at the time construction begins. 3. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. I 4. That a standard use permit agreement and accompanying surety be provided in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements, if it is desired to -8- �I 4 • . January 18, 1990 COMMISSIONERS MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 5. That the on-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation system be subject to further review by the Public Works Department and the City Traffic Engineer. 6. That a curb access ramp be constructed at the corner of Mar Vista Drive and Domingo Drive (north) and at the corner of Mar Vista Drive and Domingo Drive (south); that the existing trees be root pruned and the displaced curb, gutter and sidewalk be reconstructed along the Mar Vista Drive frontage; that the displaced curb and gutter at the bus stop on Domingo Drive southerly of Domingo Way be reconstructed along with any other displaced sections of sidewalk along the Domingo Drive frontage. All work shall be completed under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 7. That all mechanical equipment and trash areas shall be screened from public streets and adjoining properties. 8. That the required number of handicapped parking spaces shall be designated within the on-site parking areas and shall be used solely for handicapped self-parking. One handicapped sign on a post and one handicapped sign on the pavement shall be required for each handicapped space. 9. That the Planning Commission may add to or modify conditions of approval to this Use Permit or recommend to the City Council the revocation of this Use Permit, upon a determination that the operation which is the subject of this Use Permit, causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 10. That this Use Permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.090A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. -9- 7 L 4 � J � • Resolution No. _ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADOPTION GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-3(E) AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN SO AS TO INCREASE THE ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA RATIO FOR THE OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS CHURCH FROM 0.15 TO 0.17 WHEREAS, as part of the development and implementation of the Newport Beach General Plan the Land Use Element has been prepared; and WHEREAS, said element of the General Plan sets forth objectives, supporting policies and limitations for development in the City of Newport Beach; and WHEREAS, said element of the General Plan designates the general distribution and general location and extent of the uses of land and building intensities in a number of ways, including residential land use categories and population projections, commercial floor area limitations, and floor area ratio ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Land Use and Circulation Elements are correlated as required by California planning law; and WHEREAS, the provisions and policies of the Land Use and Circulation Elements are further implemented by the traffic analysis procedures of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance and the implementation programs of that Ordinance and the Fair Share Traffic Contribution Fee Ordinance; and WHEREAS,pursuant to Section 707 of the Charter of the City of Newport Beach, the Planning Commission has held a public hearing to consider a certain amendment to the Land Use Element of the Newport Beach General Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach has recommended approval of General Plan Amendment 89-3(E) to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the proposed project is compatible with the existing land uses within the neighborhood; and WHEREAS, the circulation system will not be significantly impacted by the proposed project; and I/ , .. . . WHEREAS, the City of Newport Beach has determined that the subject project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach that an amendment to the Land Use Element of the General Plan, increasing the allowable Floor Area Ratio of the Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, located at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, from 0.15 to 0.17, is approved. ADOPTED this 26nd day of February , 1990. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK 7� Report on: TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION STUDY OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELES CHURCH 2046 MAR VISTA DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92658 • PER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE • Prepared for: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MS. PATRICIA LEE TEMPLE ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR • 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92658 • Prepared by: JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. 207 S. BREA BOULEVARD BREA, CALIFORNIA 92621 • • December 28, 1989 Our File F763 • • TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 THE PROJECT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Figure I - Site Vicinity Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Figure 2 - Site Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 SETTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 • Figure 3 - Photograph- Sanctuary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Figure 4 - Photograph - School Building. . . . . . . . . 4 Figure 5 - Photograph - Kindergarten etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Figure 6 - Photograph - Parish Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 SITE AREA STREETS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Figure 7 - Photograph - Marvista Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 • Figure 8 - Photograph - Amigo Way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Figure 9A- Photograph - Mar Vista Drive. . 6 Figure 913- Photograph - Mar Vista Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 SITEAREA DEVELOPMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 TRIP GENERATION FORECAST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Table 1 - Trip Generation Forecast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 TRIP DISTRIBUTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 • TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 A. Cumulative Projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 B. Regional Growth. . . . 10 C. Intersections to be Analyzed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 D. "One Percent Test". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . est" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Figure 10- Project Trip Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Table 2 - Summary of V/C and LOS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 PARKING ANALYSIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 SITE ACCESS. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Table 3 - Parking Accumulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 SUMMARY. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 • • • • JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. INTRODUCTION • A proposal has been made to expand the current church and school facilities at OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGLES church/school , which is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Mar Vista and Domingo Drives in the city of Newport Beach (see figure 1, page 2) . Because of the rather large size of the expansion, it has been determined that a traffic study is needed to assess the impact that may result, and to comply with the city's Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TPO) . The study which is summarized in this report, is based upon the following format: • 1. A forecast was made of the amount of new traffic to be generated by the project, the time periods during which that traffic would be taking place, the spatial distribution of those autos, the impact those autos will have on specific intersections, and an assessment of remedial actions, where necessary. • 2. An assessment was made regarding adequacy of vehicular parking spaces within the area during critical time periods. THE PROJECT At the present time, Our Lady Queen of Angels consists of a church sanctuary, a rectory, a parochial school, parking lots and attendant athletic facilities. The project will consist of adding: 1. approximately 7,114 SF school building . 2. approximately 20,220 SF Parish Center 3 . approximately 1, 200 SF of garage A portion of the currently paved play area, which is located immediately north of the school building will be striped for parking. The grass area to the northwest of the school buildings will remain as athletic fields or for civic uses. Figure 2, Page • 3 , shows the site plan. It should be emphasized that the proposed expansion will add square footage but very few new uses. Please refer to the TRIP GENERATION chapter for a description of current and proposed activities at the church. • JUSTIN F.FARMER 1 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. I A ���<q�eu B /b 'I, �F. r h •.I's 1\jI Ya(srory e.3 c4 syti�°alY °W\ �~�H yrJ a•`h'/o oyv�4yw• ! C \� \\ �. \ g 5 oud sFy�ga i'oP � OR SH /� s C� Rc4'944 g I; PRESERVE \/ P/ °q`: <� _ ///UPPER \ p °♦^^ 12 � 9 / ter' ` t0•� ��� \�`/i,� \" ��J rN fLre /r R i ` PEG AL/�f �9 yrh o 9" I \PARK//NEWPORT BAY _ ECOLOGICAL ytP_ �P��s RESERVE l !'.�SNM�s �:rws1A •'iw\� lR ,7r rcyp/a'`akr 1 ! • R 11 � sr� /♦ Y J Q .I �` `rr LAt rsq ��1"� tSt t.q •krgl a 'Ap v mtil aL.fo tP AfY; qP a. oo- cob 1 �oP J/Po- 43\1 ' X> It v yr<^r a'1' �1 fr s rre< 4 NotN LA �z '�^'P tejJo J '/At`M 9' 1c / fAS/B.0 4 •pP St H J P''jtr ^leS i ' 4 PA \ 4 y^ PARK- O ♦ a 0 C)• 4 u / P \' Cr 4' O?4r\'Vn 'Allo � ��rha\"6 '! P�cprR \', o-hoF.?4/�aEy�,(Y, -• Po ■ sr � $Q s°%. fE !ems � i!v �.yr �,".�(�ae y• r y/r/ea-• s'F r.�Roy_ ^ • o\F_z r f 1 �._ l Rim b J•vgiami`h" _ ,�mpPn.'..1�_ / r: � I __.._.. _.___.—__ S_..p //) /r S•f�a0 r �o�o PYa AVE i LC.E4 �O_f ! U °/ 4^I WIrOT D o S. ! ORO i IA VflY/ t•Y .?s YT' AL R Cr I OSS/9 qO/� (�J C t05'• 4� aD`6 4 e y ER PP `�4 r,Y J\I� \`, N • Y\StP tt a 7 ! N D W IECSi IRE C NAP r F4 4 ORO F ON r Ci cN 91 \\`� I evE4 O[l MAR D H Pt Oft WEY �iN' r O a1V- t V l eax. OOL A w BA OHIGN SCH F C A'C, ST NS SV HA°sp4 h f uPr AI ; Sv 4i�$ A..■� Q R • •fE_aiXl�_;.iDP E 1 s C 'NEWPORT ogO ^p G1 ,, �yf �c� c31,Nr1Lr � P y IN 4 \ 4 NAM 9 RCB@PC01T it < GALAX•_ \ sI- BEACH ✓.iy4g4F� �_a H °Iz`'_/mod �4° PAI I\'ej�. O�p\O\RP CAIlIbH4y4 '\�°°j r4a O w•� \ I BVIfAtO NIELS b I $ c- \ •v �,fy. �nrrr 1 \ Po PARK J tP\pxY OPO � �—.._._�_ __ :-j♦r^ 4/ � eO,p,y :'3_ _ SN}igrtS ��R—��h� • 7-4`./ Y O � "P� �.pf �y. P� \ Rte FY PE,P� PoRT rs jOo /-� / 1 4 4J,PO O a HINfrL z0 \ ��.` ICOANCREST PoR! 4rRO1iF Pl PO0.T Oi / 3TA H N J P I R4 if PoRr ERIt RAMSEv R / NOAII)SfAR .L 1 r 1 ? s�O a Ciri•kr 1 G i hxleYil 'I LN Ar.• PI `r : q \Nl0.0 r W y OR. 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C ` pp I O PO q\ / JtPJYYY 1{' PA a A♦^ o .:\ Ei v fA5N10IJ • iE L_.�._.- \Aarz1 ISIANO =Y JN'Oh aOS4 P PM t nqWS"'N Py\_ (�*Bo}p'U{�IAf�F Aal PY A�SLa�\tY/t¢l tj4�0.•Jr4„.II`'+I1C6 NLIi 41,��..e O / O \ \r V d?pCrl�yr/Y�fO JI B�,r•y•TJr 4}�pCO'urN' zi.. I .: �FJ 9,y 1 ♦tP IBA O N•IGVEI \� ��\r''' �`yr Sr^1P^ tJ t, ^x+Sr \ "•'-'.l _ .. /%k_S r IS N qc Oo- ,(.Wx r a'!} IAR 1f1'tt�om.. OHC VNW WHWSt. ! F ZAUa h�OH Yt I l I V, AP P •o. °p 4.{S < �' / Im �O p s O f� ♦J ('N/I l'N/• I I '4: R• OR S �Nrf�_ +f\ /OAr PP y o-t\LioM. a �` \ I 1 t\O�Y. 1°\a •r�r. 1 M1CS PANr )// fARA N 9 h SVl'N P 9 520 i V \f. /\L" 1 4tYLS/. RH lf0 A 2 d ` t_^ u'h4� tF Oq C o-P S ^P Pf i�F O4 Lrf\ J IMIMRK,,, ,14S OV�' • I----- 4 ' p�F f 4 1. N' •L / PARK ^� J {+ O , CD Z LN dI Or alboa Island a`� O� P pp J `'. WY/P.�tyY rgyfO\hp OP,a /) ID<�\ YY, 1 VINE 'Y( �1' J ', / `^_ /O(4 )AN MA� J. D AQ O 5 r! /y R� <N 10A0{IrN Nlgi r `-- L Ij IvW 1 ES cr� y f4\ P Mt's,.�Sy�/r i j' Nv t "'t �1<•<.<Iw� W T' PSIO Sfq PAPX p /W 00 •�Era fA •CI%N h a Re rRCX 1 \ l 41. r 4 4' pqr N IPMAPAN OCIAH A T`�'k'r<' _' � vaPA 36A r ti•. i �r' o Al 'o��"ya o-1 1 1 1 \ ':\ q. ". Q}yesi o- Yt\' �}• �J4& \ •i PB rcn ew, ..: PAR 1 I (AYE f .n�r{y N'z SO•.CO ♦ fi/ era\�OJro- lOr-.$r1;TS iORZ�I:TY.n r•:� t. •r ro+�+�r z2'a5. .e:•lok(-5 t`* 04, _ A : o+f"'.`I`i, ��•ZZZ r4r. 1 •u i.. nl"Dl"-'ts�s At/ P � L}q �,.� `L{z >,,._.F _:_ ..i&sf `� Hs , r,.;2. •A�< _ 'F > ?� Sl,..s :.•R�� _ x • Map Source : Auto Club Of So. Cal. FIG SITE VICINITY MAP 1 • JUSTIN F. FARMER 2 TRANSPOR•rATION ENGINEERS, INC. i 2X16TING AR`45 (,PJJCTDStO) y 1 SOIOOL 10.991 E•R s.GwT DM S�IiS) 19 - r• 4.�RAGc Tlo NEW PRGAS(ENCL03eOl I• PAKI 0 AOONIOV Q22 P. A cCNIER 2Q220 '�. fJRGG 4200 GOOE CLASSIPICKTIONS I SCHOOL AOOITNJN e-5 �t 2. PARISH CgH.K 3 WRAOe )A J ALLOWW-0 AROAS CONSTRUOTION 1T}t L SCHOOL A9ONC+N,TTEY.IMR ALLOWABLE ARt 15700 SA 2.PARISH C',mm,T r N • SPKINK Km ALL9W.PM14cti,60O PARKING 1. PARKIAP RlO. (IS,) ITS CAl 2. BARKING PROP o c 417 L 5i. • P/eO..TCGT GF➢TiA . n Y M I N H f5 � 1 •:yr \ '7 t v"1 m 7 4 an .Y61 _._. _ __ __. 1 -N •• p tEi �E - e AGO?N ry•` 1 _ I v ---- F I G s SITE PLAN 2 SETTING The existing church is located at the southwest corner of Mar Vista and Domingo Drives in the Eastbluff area of the City of Newport Beach. Buildings and facilities at the site consist of a sanctuary (see Figure 3 , below) , a rectory, a series of school building (see Figures 4 & 5) , a large athletic field, and vehicular parking. S. �{30i •Z':.yes t.x� -.:u _.. i` f$Y" _ - _• Figure 3 Figure 4 Looking northerly across Domingo Looking northwesterly across toward the sanctuary. The Rect- Domingo toward the school tory is on the left. classrooms. t. r � y � I _ ^IM %'�.n .y .XV L/tyn('S�'�� ��n r....mn�'nT.:.r..YY~•v. �.- :_ • Rim Figure 5 Figure 6 Kindercare and Temporary Looking south across open building. area site of Parish Center. JUSTIN F. FARMER 4 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. • The area proposed for the Parish Center is currently landscaped as an open lawn area between the sanctuary and school , and is shown in Figure 6 , on the preceding page. A portion of the lawn area south of the rectory will be used for future parking. SITE AREA STREETS • Domingo Drive, a 40 foot wide residential street, borders the site on the east, the south and the west. This street is shown in Figure 7 below. Figure 7 ti';' ''' T �• r r Looking north on Domingo Dr. from front of Rectory. Amiao Way is a 40 foot wide looped residential street that joins Domingo Drive twice, once at the southeast and once at the south- west corner of the school classrooms, at shown in Figure 8 , below. Figure 8 • Looking south on Amigo Way from Domingo Drive. Mar Vista Drive, a 40 foot wide local street, borders the site on • the north, as shown on Figure 9A and 9B, on the following page. • JUSTIN F. FARMER 5 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. • y qq ar t ,,4t fig • Figure 9A Figure 9B Looking west on Mar Vista Drive Looking East on Mar Vista athletic fields are on the left. Dr. sanctuary is on the right. • Eastbluff Drive is a 64 foot wide, 4 lane arterial street that serves as the central collector for the Eastbluff residential area. It intersects with Jamboree Road twice, once near University Drive and again opposite Ford Road a short distance east of the site. • Jamboree Road is a major north-south arterial which connects Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) and the Route 73 (Corona Del Mar) Freeway. There are traffic signals at the two intersections of Jamboree Road and Eastbluff Drive. SITE AREA DEVELOPMENT • Properties to the east of the site are utilized as a church, there being a St. Marks Presbyterian Church and the Shir Ha-Ma'alot Harbor Reform Temple, which are bordered by Domingo, Mar Vista, and Eastbluff Drives. Properties to the south and west are largely multiple family dwellings with numerous driveways • entering Domingo Drive. Corona Del Mar High School is located on the north side of Vista Del Mar Drive. School parking is located to the east and west of the school buildings. Parking for the church is permitted at-curb on Domingo Drive and at scattered locations throughout the site. • JUSTIN F. FARMER 6 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. • TRIP GENERATION FORECAST • At the present time there are approximately 44 separate activities that take place at this location, either on a regular or on an occasional basis. These activities are listed in the appendix hereto, together with the number of persons, meeting place, day of the week, and frequency. of those activities, the • following take place on a Saturday or Sunday and thus do not impact level of service at key nearby intersections during peak periods . Also listed below are the activities that take place at a time that does not coincide with the weekday peak periods. 1. Men's Breakfast . . . . . . . . 40 persons, 1 Sat/month no change • 2. Women's Breakfast . . . . . . 60 persons, 1 Sat/month no change 3 . Classic Friends . 75 persons, 1 Sun/month no change 4 . Coffee and Donuts . . . . . . 3 persons, 4 Sun/month no change 5. Alter Servers . . . . . . . . . . 12 persons, 4 Sun/month no change _ 6 . School of Rel .Ed. . . . . . . . 45 persons, 4 Sun/month no change 7. Welcoming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 persons, 4 Sun/month each mass 8. Hand-in-hand . . . . . . . . . . . 20 persons, 1 Sun/month no change • 9 . Choir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 persons, 4 Sun/month no change 10. Contemporary Choir . . . . . 7 persons, 4 Sun/month no change 11 . Widowed (WINGS) . . . . . . . . 25 persons, 1 Sun/month no change The following activities occur at time periods that do not correspond with the conventional peak traffic periods. 1. Corpus Cristi . . . . . . . . . 70 persons 3 times/yr no change 2 . Youth Ministry . . . . . . . . 30 per. ea. Wed. 7: 30 PM no change 3 . Backyard Theology . . . . . 70 per. 6 /yr 6: 30 PM no change 4. Religious Education . 150 per ea. Tue eve. 7:30 PM no change 5. Casa Teresa Board . . . . . 25 per. 1/no, mid morn no change • 6. Baptism Bunch . . . . . . . . . . 4 per. 1/mo, mid morn no change 7. Parish council . 21 per. 1/mo, 7: 30 PM no change 8. RCIA 60 per. 1/mo, 7: 30 PM no change 9. Bible study . . . . . . . . . . 150 per. 1/wk1 7: 30 PM no change 10 . Bible study . . . . . . . . . . . 43 per. 1/wk, mid morn no change 11 . Bereavement . . . . . . . . . . . 11 per. 1/mo, 10: 00 am no change 12. Liturgy Committee . . . . . 11 per. 1/mo, 7: 00 PM no change • 13 . Choir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 per. 1/wk, 7: 30 PM no change 14. Contemporary Choir . . . . 7 per. ea. wed eve 7 :00 PM no change 15. Beginning again . . . . . . . 16 per. 1 eve/mo,7 : 30 PM no change 16. Mothers' study . . . . . . . . 20 per. 1 morn/wk. 9 : 30 am no change 17. Co-Dependency . . . . . . . . . 50 per. 3/mo, 7:30 PM no change 11 . Co-Dependency . . . . . . . . . 50 per. 3 eves/month no change • 12 . Police Dept. dog train "several" during day no change • JUSTIN F. FARMER 7 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. • Those activities that take place during the conventional peak • traffic periods are listed below. 1. SPIN (st. people in need) 14 pers. 1/wk 4 : 00 PM no change 2 . Evening mass . . . . . . . . . . . unk. every eve. 5: 30 PM no change • Based upon the above described church related activities, it appears that there will be virtually no ADDITIONAL traffic to be generated during the conventional peak traffic periods as a result of this project except as noted in the following. Figure 2 , the site plan, however, indicates that a school • addition is being proposed immediately north of the current classrooms and near the site of the portable building. Although there are no provisions to increase enrollment, this addition will enable the school to accept the 310 students allowed by the state. There will also be provisions for an increase of 35 children in • the pre-kindergarten facility, of which 50% will be a sibling of a parochial student. Therefore, for purposes of this analysis, it will be assumed that the project will result in an enrollment of 310 students, up from the present 282 , with an increase of one teacher. It will also be • assumed that because of available space, there will be an increase of two staff members. The overall increase in traffic is therefore assumed to be as follows: Students: Parochial 310 capacity 282 existing 28 INCREASE arrive 7:45 to 8 : 10 AM 28 autos depart 2: 30 to 3 :00 PM 28 autos Pre-Kindergarten • 35 students less 50% for siblings 18 autos arrive 9 :00 - 10: 00 AM depart 3 :00 - 6: 00 PM (50% in peak period) • • JUSTIN F. FARMER 8 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. • Employees: 3 new person = 3 new autos • arrive 7: 30 - 8:00 AM depart 4: 30 - 5: 30 PM Summarized very briefly, the amount of NEW TRIPS to be generated during the peak hour is as follows; AM 28 autos, 7:30 to 8 : 10 enter and leave 3 autos 7 :30 to 8 : 00 enter only PM 9 autos 4:30 to 5:30 exit only 3 autos 5:00 to 6 :00 exit only • The above discussed trip generation estimates are summarized on Table 1, Below. TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION FORECAST • OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGLES CHURCH Net Increase AM 2-1/2 hour peak Enter 31 6: 30 - 9: 00 AM Exit 28 PM 2-1/2 hour peak Enter NOM 4 :00 - 6 :30 PM Exit '12 TRIP DISTRIBUTION • The distributional pattern for vehicles which are added as a result of this project is dictated primarily by the spatial location of residences of those students which will be delivered or picked up during the conventional peak periods. That distributional pattern is depicted graphically on Figure 10, on • Page 10 . • • JUSTIN F. FARMER 9 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. N SR�Sl O� • eR/STOP ST ^� TRIP GENERATION FORECAST NET GENERATION LEGEND r ,AM PK - PM PK rO AM IN 39 2 0 OUT 28 r� 0 PM IN 0 OUT 12 ,{ • of 6-0Upl1V ER51Y o it OR1VE CD � oC OR1VE p ae SASTBLUFF w ae/ TTTi 0 m I 0 3-0 o 4f BISON m _____ROAD______ cv • w �i EASTBLUFF N »11-0 DRIVE 1=f FORD r • O M 10-3. S-0 ROAD , � =3� �1 m SAN JOAQUIN HILLS 4z' I j 4 N of ROAD rr, yt • ) N m F- 7e Q 6 U a • FIG PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION 10 • JUSTIN F. FARMER 10 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. JAN 12 '90 04152 P.02 TRAFFIC INPACT ANALYSIS A. The Cityy of Newport Beach's traffic engineering staff has c©mpportion of the C let ed a list of cumulative projects which may impact this ity's street network. The list includes 121 , projects, .of which approximately 41% are not occupied, 47% are fully occupied, and 12% are partially occupied. ' B. 269i=1 Gray= The . Newport Beach City Traffic Engineering Department has prepared a list of specific regional annual growth rates which are associated with the study area. The growth rate associaged with that section of Jamboree Road between Coast Highway and Mac Arthur Boulevard is it per year. �. jn&ojzjctjons to be Analyzed The Newport Beach Traffic Engineering Department has indicated that the primary impact from project traffic might be on .the following site vicinity intersections. i) Jamboree Road & East Bluff Drive - Ford Road 2) Jamboree 'Road '& Bison Road 3) Jamboree Road &• East Bluff Drive - University Drive 4) 7jabboree Road & Bristol Street 5) ;jamboree Road & (N) Bristol Street D. None ft=mt Tests .The methodology presented below for the it traffic volume analysis is the one utilized by the City of Newport Beach. volumes used are the 2-1/2 hour traffic volume volumes were extrapolated to the year 1992, i.e. 3 year - A regional annual growth rate was used - Traffic volumes associated with the cumulative projects were added to the extrapolated volumes and 1% of the projected peak 2-1/2 hour volumes were determined. if project traffic exceeded 1% of the projected peak 2-1/2 - hour,volume; intersection analyses were conducted for the impacted intersections. JUSTIN F.FARMER 7.1 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. JAN 12 '90 08:51 11,02 The it test conducted at the five Study intersections indicated that the increase at each intersection leg was less than 1$ of the projected 2-1/2 hour peak except at- the intersection of Jamboree Road at East Bluff Drive-Ford Road during the morning peak hour. A level of service analysis was therefore conducted at that intersection using the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) procedure. City data forms entitled "19 Traffic Volume Analysis" for- the five intersections are included in the Appendix attached hereto. Also enclosed is the ICU calculation forms. Results of that ICU Analysis are listed in the table below: TABLE 2 SUXMRY OF V/C & LOS Jamboree Road & East Bluff Dr./Ford Rd. AX Peak Hour v/C Ratio LOS— Existing 0.77 C 1990 + Cumulatives 0.89 D 1990 + Cumulatives + 0.89 D Project Table 2 suggests that the project will have no impact upon the intersection of Jamboree Road and East Bluff Drive/Ford Road. The v/c ratio did not change after adding project trips during the morning peak hour. JU1 TIN F.FARMER 12 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. • PARKING ANALYSIS • Based on the City of Newport Beach Parking Code, churches are required to provide 1 parking space per 5 seats of Sanctuary area (new code calls for 1 parking space per 3 seats of Sanctuary area, however since the Sanctuary is not being expanded, the old code applies to this project) . Therefore, since a total of 872 • seats are provided in the Sanctuary area, 175 parking spaces will be required. our Lady Queen of Angels, after the proposed addition of a parish center and expansion of the school , will have a total of 213 parking spaces. This will be more than is required and hence the code will be met. • In order to check the adequacy of parking supply, particularly during a Sunday Mass, an actual parking survey was conducted at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church and adjacent Domingo and Mar Vista Drives on Sunday, December 3 , 1989 between 7: 30 AM and 12:30 PM. Table 3 , on the following page, presents those parking accumulations. Table 3 , shows that peak parking accumulation occurs at 10: 30 AM with a total parking accumulation of 266 • parking spaces (218 vehicles were parking on site and 48 vehicles on Domingo and Mar Vista Drives) . With a total of 213 available spaces, an approximate parking deficit of 53 parking spaces will exist; however, Domingo Drive and Mar Vista Drive can accommodate this deficit on Sundays. Arrangements have also been made to utilize school parking on Sundays. • Domingo Drive which has a length of 0 .4 miles can by itself accommodate approximately 150 vehicles (parking is allowed on both sides of the roadway) . It could, therefore, be concluded that although the project • provides 53 parking spaces less than the peak parking demand on Sundays, the use of Domingo Drive and Mar Vista Drive would easily offset that deficiency. SITE ACCESS • Access to the site will be from four driveways on Mar Vista Drive and two driveways on Domingo Drive. All driveways have widths of 25 feet which meet the City of Newport Beach code that calls for minimum driveway widths of 24 feet for commercial and institutional projects. • • JUSTIN F. FARMER 13 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. • TABLE 3 PARKING ACCUMULATION • Our Lady Queen of Angeles Church Sunday, December 3, 1989 Time Period Parking Accumulation Church Street Total • 7 : 30 AM 40 15 55 7 : 45 47 22 69 8 :00 32 22 54 8: 15 40 27 67 8 : 30 112 42 154 8: 45 118 46 164 . 9:00 159 46 205 9:15 147 49 196 9:30 115 45 160 9:45 113 24 137 10 :00 178 34 212 10:15 206 39 245 10 : 30 218 48 266* • 10: 45 216 49 265 11: 00 206 48 254 11:15 124 22 146 11: 30 109 27 136 11:45 124 38 162 12:00 134 36 170 •, 12:15 157 39 196 12: 30 104 21 125 * Peak accumulation equals 1 car per 3 . 28 seats. • • • JUSTIN F. FARMER 14 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. • SUMMARY • o A proposal has been made to expand the current church and school facilities at Our Lady Queen of Angeles Church/School. o The project will consist of adding approximately 7,114 square feet of school building, 20, 220 square feet of Parish • Center, and 1, 200 square feet of garage. o The proposed expansion will add square footage, but very few new uses. o Information regarding existing and future activities were • collected from Our Lady Queen of Angeles Church representatives. o Based on their information, a weekday trip generation _ forecast was made for the additional activities, and is summarized below. • TRIP GENERATION FORECAST OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELES CHURCH Net Increase TIME No. of Trins • Morning 2-1/2 Hour Peak Enter 31 Exit 28 Evening 2-1/2 Hour Peak Enter Nom Exit 12 • o The City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing ordinance (TPO) and information obtained from the City regarding existing traffic volumes, cumulative projects and growth factors were utilized in capacity analyses. o The following intersections were chosen to be analyzed using • the above referenced traffic phasing ordinance. 1. Jamboree Road and East Bluff Drive - Ford Road 2. Jamboree Road and Bison Road 3 . Jamboree Road and East Bluff Drive - University Drive 4 . Jamboree Road and Bristol Street • 5. Jamboree Road and (N) Bristol Street 'I • JUSTIN F. FARMER 15 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. l • o When the 1% test was conducted, project trips were found to be less than 1% of the projected 2-1/2 hour volume for all • intersections, except for the intersection of Jamboree Road and East Bluff Drive/Ford Road during the morning peak. o An intersection capacity analysis was then conducted at this intersection for the morning peak hour. • o Additional project traffic will not change the V/C ratio or the level of service at the intersection of Jamboree Road and East Bluff Drive/Ford Road during the morning peak hour. o Based on a field survey conducted on Sunday, December 3 , 1989 at the existing Our Lady Queen of Angeles Church site, • existing and future parking needs on a Sunday mass is 266 parking spaces. o After the proposed addition of the parish center and expansion of the school , there will be a total of 213 parking spaces available. • o The survey indicated that the existing and future deficiency at the site on Sundays will be offset by the use of Domingo and Mar Vista Drives. o All six driveways meet the minimum width requirements of the City of Newport Beach for institutional projects. • If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us. Respectfully submitted, • F. FARMER S TATION ENGINEERS, INC. , Justin F. Farmer, P.E. , President <) �( • JFF:dr 'c,�`� � �c rn Z EXB.'3fl=z Jr- `IT RAF OF• �TF OF CN\YF JUSTIN F. FARMER 16 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. • • • APPENDIX • REC _: .. . )'r . i 7 sas OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS 2046 Mar Vista Drive • Newport Beach, California 92660 • (714) 644-0200 October 18 , 1989 To Whom It May Concern: Our Lady Queen of Angels School ,Addition The purpose of the new addition is to accommodate our present needs. At present, the school enrollment is 282. We do have the capacity of 310, which was established twenty five years ago when the school was founded. The daily schedule of our school day is 8(R-.0 a.m. to 2: 30 p.m. The new construction of 71 an extended dayNclassroom is needed to accommodate the cur- rently enrolled 21 students and to extend the day to 6: 00 p.m. This is necessary because of our single working parents and has become a definite need at this time. At present, the classrooms are used some evenings from 7: 00 p.m. to 9: 30 p.m. for our Music Programs (approximately 35 adults) , School Board Meetings (15 adults) , teaching of Spanish to adults (20 present) and a soccer clinic for 10 parents. Also see Center schedule. The proposed addition also has a computer room, library & science lab which have been combined either into one small room off of the present hall or integrated into the classrooms. The growing technology surfaces as a need, not a luxury. The new administration offices are needed to carry out the present administrative duties. The present offices will fill the need of space for tutoring programs, counseling rooms, parent/teacher conference rooms and additional storage. The only new~addition will be Pre-Kindergarten with an enrollment of 35 students. We anticipate that at least fifty percent of our • enrollment for Pre-Kindergarten will come from siblings of students currently enrolled. Today was a typical day at Our Lady Queen of Angels. At 8 : 30 a.m. the hall was used for a meeting of the Board of Directors of Casa Teresa, the SRE room for a Bereavement meeting. We were in need of the hall for a meeting of our seventh and eighth grade students to meet with counselors from 2 high schools and our own counselor to meet with individual students . After switching everyone to different rooms so that all meetings could continue, the Our Lady Queen of Angels counselor was left standing in the hallway; therefore , she did not have a room to meet with students or parents. Parish Center Information on the ministries using the new Parish Center is outlined on the attached sheets. r Number of Meeting Day of Ministry People Place Week Frequency • y /� SPIN* 14 Hall Tues/Th: p.m. Weekly S Z) Men's Breakfast 40 Hall 1st Sat. a.m. Monthly S 3� Women's Breakfast '60 Hall 2nd Sat. a.m. Monthly .S 4) Classic Friends 75 Hall 2nd Sun. 1/month • Will use new facility weekly 5) Corpus Christi** 70 Hall 3/year NA G). In-Betweeners** 15 '• Home Wed. p.m. Weekly 7) Youth Ministry (Teens) • we hope this will increase 30 Kinder. Wed. p.m. ?:y0 �> Backyard Theology 70 Hall Monday p.m. Six Mon. in G: 9'0o Summer ✓C 9\� Coffee and Donuts 3 Patio Sunday a.m. weekly • �$ rJ, Alter Servers 12 Church Sunday a.m. weekly School of Religious Ed. 45 School Sunday a.m. weekly 150 Hall & Sch. Tuesday p.m. weekly 7:3 o PM 45 Hall Sun. /Mon. 1/month • "'•� ��) Casa Teresa Board 25 Hall Wed. A4/d 1/month MO/n in y S (3 Welcoming 4 Rectory/ Church . Sunday Each Mass S 114') Hand-in-Hand 20 Rectory/ • Hall Sunday Monthly 1 ) Project Aware Hall/ School n/A 16) Seaview Plaza Mass 10 Tuesday Monthly • /`/� /7 SOS 4 Costa Mesa Meal-A-Month 25 Southwest Commun. Ctr. Tuesday Monthly M. /9) Women's Guild 100 B. Bay Club Friday Monthly Ail h People Meeting Day Week f Frequency • \ Ministry Involved Place 2�) Baptism Bunch A Church 4th Tues. 1/month 22 Parish Council 21 Rectory 9n30 PMn. 1/month 23� RCIA* 60 Hall Mon. p.m. Weekly 7!J A Bible study 43 Hall %v7 dday Mo�n �� Weekly 7 5) Bible Study 150 Hall & School Thursday p.m. Weekly 30 NJ4 \ Tuesday 1/week for J( ) ' JOURNEXS*** 20 Hall y 6 weeks Fall & Winter Bereavement 11 SRE Room/ Trvyoty 3rd Wed. 1/month Rector Liturgy Committee 11 y Monday 1/month 2.9) Choir 46 Hall Wed. p.m. Weekly Church Sunday Weekly (7) Contemporary Choir 7 Church Wednesday Weekly Sunday Weekly Eucharistic • Ministers 101 Hall .5A-1- 1/year ;qZ Ministers to Sick 32 0 Hall 2/year , 5 .33 Widowed (WINGS) 25 Hall Last Sun. 1/month Beginning Again 16 Hall 3rd Tues. 1/month - 35J Mothers' Study 20 Hall Thursday a.m. Weekly - j�� Co-Dependency 50 Hall Friday p.m. 3/month G�/,��2 c /�' ,•mil c-1iv ,f i�= 1 3 a.��.3 • Number of i Meeting Day of Ministry People Place ' Week Frequency_ • 579) Wedding Coordinators 2 Rectory 3?f Altar Guild 6 Rectory 3CP) Bookkeeping 1 Rectory M-F • ¢0) Computer, . 1 Rectory M-F Recep/Sec'y.. 1 Rectory M-F Priests 3 Rectory Full Time �✓� Staff 16 Rectory. Monday Monthly * Serves.bag lunches - Street,People In Need ** Usual meeting Promontory Point • *** .Most of this group meets in homes. This will not change. Current Community Functions on'•our•pl'aving field AYSO"soccer uses the: field on: Saturdays"during 'the entire season... They, also practice during:the:fall each Monday through Friday. s) The N:B. Police Departmenti has used it for' dog• training, !� ) CDM, High School holds practices for their .soccerr team. • 47 ) Little League and Club Soccer have also used the field for practice. JRN 12 '90 04t53 • P.03 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE RD/EASTBLUFF DR-FORD RD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average winter/Spring 19 9 AM Peak 24 Hour Approved projected in of ProjectedT Project Existing Regional Projects Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2is Hour Peak 24 Hour Peavo�uHour Peayolumeour Volume Volume Volume Volume me [LAc .. .- -S&78 1.7. 752 Southbound 3442 103 598 4 43 41 12 Eastbound p 26 13 28 1289 westbound 908 0 g 911 g 11 —--- - Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Q Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected 5 Peak 2h.Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE- 12-14-89 PROJECT- Our Lady Queen of Angles Church FORM I JRN 12 '90 08252 P.03 • JA4980AM • • INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: JAMBOREE ROAD B EASTBLUFF DRIVE/FORO ROAD 4980 EXIST TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC MINTER/SPRtNG 1989 AN I IEXISTINGIPROPOSEDIEXISTINGIEXISTINGIREGIONALICOWITTEDI PROJECTED IPROJECTIPROJECTI JMovementl LOMS I Lanea I PK OR I WC I GROWTH I PROJECT I VC Ratio IYolume I VC I I IeapaoitylCapaoityl Volume I Ratio I Volume I VOLume 1W/o 1`1`01eotl I Ratio I I I I I I I I I volume I I I I----------------------------------•-------------------------------------------------------- NL 1 3200 1 1 63s I o.m 13%•=191 0 I 0. 20 1 8 10. 201 I...........................................................................................I -- ? 4800 I I .... ) 0.51 .. 21 424 I Q.b2*-I--------f3:62j I OR 1 1 54 13%='2 1 S I 1 S2__1.......I ............................................................................... 1 SL 1 16M [ 1 38 1 0.02 *3%= 1' 1 9 1 0.03* 1010.011 I------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ _-- „ I ST 1 4800 1 1 1468 1 0.31 13%= 44' 312 1 0.38 1 0 10: 381 i--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I SR 1 1600 1 1 16 1 0.01 13t=0' 1 1 1 0.01 1 12 10.021 Ie� j 1600 1 i- 181 1 . 0.11.1__ _ ...I....1....1 '0.11 1 1.1 10. 121 . .ET...1 1600 '... ....; D.14 *....221 1 - ...�....i 0... ...i'_0. 14* 1 10 10.14 I----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ER I 1600 1 1 3181 0.201 _ 1 0 1 0.20 1 7 10.2 I------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 1wL l I -s I - 11 3 I I _....3 4=0 ' 0.10 ..._._.__. o-r3:0*---------- I WT 38 -- ------------------------_ ------------..:.------------ -------------)LI ..........t1: I I WR 1 1600 1 1 92 1 0.06 1 _ 1 39 (_ 0.OS_..'...9..19.-g6LI I........ .. ....... ............L....--.i............I------ ---- 0.77 i I-------------------------------------------------•---------- ....._......... i [EXIST + REG GROWTH + COMMITTED W/PROPDSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. ID 9 I I 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------I (EXISTING + COMRITTEO + REGIONAL GROWTH + PROJECT I.C.U. I pg I ..... .................................................................................Q.r El Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. w/systems improvement will be Less than or equal to 0.90 f_I Projected + project traffic I.C.U. with project improvements will be less than I.C.U. without project .....................................................`................................... oeseription of system improvement: Our Lady Queen of Angeles Church PROJECT FORM II 31 '� JAN 12 190 04:53 P.05 1% Traffic Volume Analysis 4ntersection JAMBOREE RD/EASTSLUPF DR—FORD RD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inteerr—pr^ngg 19^19_ PM Peak 2§ Hour Approved, Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 106 of Projected Project Direction Peak 2h Hour Drowth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2h Hour I Peak 2$ Hour Peak 2� Hour, volume Votume volume volume volume , Volume Northbound SS15�^ =-7' 5� 675 6355 6g t 0 E Southbound 47.41 , . . . 142 1017 5s00 1' S9."_.• 0 Eastbound 1461 _ 0 i 4 1465 15 12 i Westbound 786 0 17 803 8 S 0 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2J Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2� Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. DATE: 12-14-89 PROJECT: Our Lady Queen of Angles Church FORM I JAN 12 190 04154 P.06 it 1% Traffic Volume Analysis interSeGtion JAMBOREE RD/BISON AV (Existing Traffic Volumes aSe on verage n er pr ng _ AM Peak 2k Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected I;. of Projected Frojett sirection Peak 2+, Hour Growth Peak 2)l Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2�- Hour ! Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 4641 - 39 5562 56 a southbound 4010 120 • 709 �}839 48 9 Eastbound 317 014 Westbound 513 0 49 562 _6 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected n Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 21g Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (1.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: 12-14-88 PROJECT: Our Lady Queen of Angles Church FORM I JAN 12 '90 04!54 P.07 1% Traffic Volume Analysis 4ntersection JAMBOREE_ RD/BISON AV (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on Average winter/Spring 19 89) Pm rPeak 2y Hour Approved j Npproach Existing Regional Projects Projected lA of Projected Project Direction Peak 2h Hour Growth Peak 24 Hour Peak 21s Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 4255� -28 588 5071 51 6 I SOuthbound 4826 _ 145 957 :5928 59 0 I; Eastbound 216 0 3 219 I 2 0 k Westbound 58 0 0 109 6897 ! i — -- - - - - Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. D E- 12-14-89 PROJECT- our Lady Queen of Angles Church FORM I JRH 12 '90 04255 P.08 1% Traffic Volume Analysis intersection 7AMBt7REE RU�RAgT>3LUFF DR—UNIVERSITY DR (Existing Traffic Volumes basedon verage rater pr rag 89 AM Peak 2k Hour ApprovedPro Approach Existing Regional Peak 2j Ho ts Projected 1.", of Projected Peak 2�,cHour Direction Peak 2)1 Hour Growth Peak 2, Hour Peak 2�t Hour PeaVolumeour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I Northbound ' 4'304'^ 129 769 5202— 52T 146 8I6 5823 58 9 �� Southbound 4861� ; Eastbound ' 917^ ^+ 0 1� I6O 1077 ' lg 0 h westbound 1858 0 2 1860 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak Zi Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 231 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. DATE: 12-14-89 PROJECT: our Lady Queen of Angles Church FORM I JAN 12 190 04155 P•09 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE RD/EASTBLUFF DR—UNIVERSITY DR (Existing Traffic Volumes bised on verage nter pring 19 89)nM Peak 215 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1; of Projected Project Direction Peak 2lt Hour Growth Peak 2� Hour Peak 211 Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2§ Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume volume Volume � � I Northbound 5043.. _ ._ 151 729' ,- 5923 59- 4 . 187 .. . _ 1089 .. 7517. 75 0 5orthbound - Eastbound 747 0 33 780 8 0 Westbound 0 63 1674 17 0 � Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected MX Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project 'traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2, Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: 12-14-89 PROJECT: Our Lady Queen of Angles Church FORM I JAN 12 '90 04155 P. 10 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE RD/BRISTOL ST (Existing Traffic Volumes baSeO on Average W1nLU -1,Jpring 89 AM Peak gh Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 21, Hour Growth Peak 2$ Hour Peak 21s Hour Peak 2k Hour peak 21S Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume f � Northbound ..5 _669 170 769 6608. 66 ; 8 Southbound 83p . 25 753 1608 16 7 Eastbound 6335 0 i 1225 7560 76 2 Westbound Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2� Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected [� Peak 231 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: 12-14-89 PROJECT: Our Lady Queen of Angles Church FORM I JAN 12 '90 04356 P. 11 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE RD/BRISTOL ST 9 PM (Existing Traffic Volumes ash on veRge in er pr ng �^ Peak 2), Hour Approved Projected In of Projected Project Existing Regional Projects Peak 2k Hour Peak lu. Hour Approach Growth Peak 2h Hour Peat/ icy Hour Volume ! Volume 'Direction Peak 2%i Hour Growth Volume I Volume Northbound 5141 154 878 173 Southbound 74 714 3268 33 i 0 Eastbound 4923 0 1091 6014 1 6O 0 i westbound Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected El Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2§ Hour Traffic Volume. intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: 12-14-89 PROJECT: Our Lady Queen of Angles Church FORM I Q aEW PpR T _° CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92658.8915 c�� �pos PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 644-3225 November 6, 1989 Reverend William P. McLaughlin, Pastor Our Lady, Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vista Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Our Lady, Queen of Angels Expansion - Traffic Study Dear Reverend McLaughlin: The City of Newport Beach has received a proposal to provide a Traffic Study for Our Lady, Queen of Angels Church Expansion, from the consultant firm of Justin T. Farmer, Transportation Engineers Inc. The proposal contains an outline of the scope of work services required, estimated time schedule, and estimated budget for the preparation of the study. The fee requested has been reviewed by the City and the amount submitted for the tasks required is considered appropriate and warranted. To proceed with the study, please deposit the requested fees into your City account: Traffic Study $3,200.00 City Fee (10%)" 320.00 Total: $3,520.00 Please make your check payable to the City of Newport Beach. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By Patricia Temple Principal Planner JM\EIR-DOCS\ANGELS.TPO Enclosure 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. iZu; 207 S. BREA BLVD. BREA, CALIFORNIA 92621 (714) 671-0226 FAX NO: (714) 255-9932 9 y Eb t3>; ti� •' November 2, 1989 Ms. Patricia Lee Temple �Q CO City Environmental Coordinator 3300 Newport Blvd. j.,rYY Newport Beach, Calif. 92658 RE: Proposal for traffic study Our Lady Queen of Angles Church" Dear Ms. Temple: First let me thank you for selecting us to conduct this traffic study. As you are aware, we have conducted a number of such studies in the city of Newport Beach and are therefore familiar with your Traffic Phasing Ordinance. We have also performed traffic studies on numerous churches and thus are familiar with l traffic and parking characteristics at many churches. I have spoken with Rich Edmonston and I believe that we have an understanding of his concerns. We therefore offer the following scope of services. SCOPE'OF SERVICES We will visit the site and inventory those street environmental features that will affect or be affected by the project. Specific attention will be directed to the location of driveways, both on the site and on adjacent properties. Attention will also be directed toward parking facilities and their relationship to pedestrian circulation. Contact will be made with representatives of the church in order to better understand the intended use of the proposed modificat- ions, specifically those activities that will take place in the parish center. Data so developed will be equated to both trips and parking needs. It is my understanding that approximately 6 intersections may be impact by the proposed modifications. These intersections will be analyzed per Newport Beach's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Although the project technically meets city parking code, a review will be made of attendance practices insofar as they affect parking accumulation. If it appears that there will be a parking shortfall, alternate parking space availability will be addressed to assure that there is no overflow of parked vehicles into residential areas. A Sunday morning parking survey will be conducted to determine current parking utilization and the extent of parking spill over. DELIVERABLES our study and its findings will be summarized in a report with a format customarily used for traffic impact reports. Up to 10 copies will be prepared. TIME SCHEDULE 1 We will deliver our report in three weeks after receipt of your l signed notice to proceed or signature on this proposal. FEE PROPOSAL We propose a lump sum of $3200.00. This fee considers our analysis of one site development plan. Should that plan be revised, or should additional work effort be requested after start of our analysis, -,-the fee will be amended to reflect only that amount of work which was necessitated by the revision. Submittal of a revision or a request for additional analysis by you, or by the City, will constitute authorization to amend the scope of service. The fee assumes that manual traffic counts and cumulative trip data per the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance will be provided to us for approximately six intersections. The fee does not include attendance at public hearings. Should we be requested to attend meeting with either the city or local residents, we will invoice at our regular hourly rates for the person attending such meetings. The proposed fee includes all costs, overhead and profit for performing those work efforts resulting in the printed report. If this proposal is acceptable, please so indicate by signing in the space provided and return a copy for our files. JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. Thank you again for considering us for this work, and we look forward to working with you on this project. If there are any questions please feel free to contact me at your convenience Sincerely, p F. FARMER, TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. , F. Farmer, P.E. , President JFF:dr THIS PROPOSAL IS ACCEPTED COMPANY ADDRESS SIGNATURE TITLE DATE TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. T REVISIONS BY r I I too. 00 lin ✓�/ pp o a .y lili/t✓��� Ov�L1 co x , �-vv/yJ 20,x 2oJ oy � � Fi`'�/mil" •,_3rir.,�.� � �� ���� _ ___ /�T/✓G T/`39 .,. .__._.____�.__—_— ,mac/�3T/I✓F3 ..,�i`�/oG -� df// ,yfyy,�;�'_iy1�%✓T' r9F�,OG;r� i (� ✓ter' � �i✓v ��.r-�-- �.g�i�� � U G/r�rr✓c-a �j ;�IP.�/n�i�r��r/v,� ©����,� � 03 ��.�i� ,�i���pj¢,.Gix/�> a �o���✓r�rr;�r/a,� ' t i j � � � /fC-,(i' �i?�✓�T/N'c'� dG1'4�'i��'v0/�l�a 1J.5,6t7 �� ��� l 1 , O i :ems l � t ; rr LL Uj 1.4 1 ILL Z El ui CrUj C . 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ECM I TE M , P T ,, ., i , I,I ,`i 1. �Ir� Il +1 r ' Y1 , REVISIONS BY r..: ^ i Y ' F " O �41 • N 7 '3 II G�/uTEJe- !i1/EvT ,EG�!/f/T/�/✓ - �!'/B -/-o a. -71 cc �4 f Q Y \� w, - z o _ U - E-- o U o _ A6—h IPA N = Q U LL = o0 z l��ie/✓f/ G�=N7,E,•� - ,��9�T �G�-�!�ftT/�/�/ / �'�8 s�� �` Q � a LL) w rrW W m z W a z Q o rr Q W - - CL 0 1 ' Date Scale lig Drawn Job Sheet I Of Sheet: .,. 30 R 42 PRINTED ON NO.IWON CEARPRINT• '' r REVISIONS BY 1 1 r a s T 1 9 { i I Y • • z or _< 7FT. o L I:- a I 5GHOOL ADDITION - SOUTH ELEVATION sc: ve, 1'-0" J . o U '� • 1 LL z • • � W 00 W I z ---- W SCHOOL ADDITION - NORTH E-LEVA71ON sc : '/a'"= 1'-0Z. " r a. y.. Date Scale Drawn �e i P Job Sheet EAST ELEVATION `3C:�/a"'�'-o" WEST ELEVATION sc, I�a11�1,_0" Of Sheets 30 M 42 PRINTED ON NO 1000H CLEARPRINT r JAN 12 •90 04,57 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE RD/BRISTOL ST NO (Existing Traffic Vol—UM—e—S-EFS-0-9 on Average winter/Spring Do 89 PM Peak 2k Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project I Direction Peak 2$ Hour Growth Peek 2�j Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2+ Hour Peak 211 Hour Volume volume Volume Volume Volume i volume _ I Northbound 6866 206 . 1005 ' 8077 81 i 4 Southbound _..._. . .. .415.4.. .. ... .. . 125 . .. 1008 5287 53 0 Eastbound i Westbound 61 61 1 — Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 21� Hour Traffic Volume' Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2;k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: 12-14-89 PROJECT: our Lady Queen of Angles Church CORM T �p4 r OUR LADY QUEEN Of ANGELS 2046 Mar Vista Drive • Newport Beach, California 92660 • (714) 644-0200 October 18 , 1989 To Whom It May Concern: Our Lady Queen of Angels School Addition The purpose of the new addition is to accommodate our present needs. At present, the school enrollment is 282. We do have the capacity of 310, which was established twenty five years ago when the school was founded. The daily schedule of our school day is �81��10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The new construction of an extended day classroom is needed to accommodate the cur- rently enrolled 21 students and to extend the day to 6: 00 p.m. This is necessary because of our single working parents and has become a definite need at this time. At present, the classrooms are used some evenings from 7: 00 p.m. to 9 :30 p.m. for our Music Programs (approximately 35 adults) , School Board Meetings (15 adults) , teaching of Spanish to adults (20 present) and a soccer clinic for 10 parents. Also see Center schedule. The proposed addition also has a computer room, library & science lab which have been combined either into one small room off of the present hall or integrated into the classrooms. The growing technology surfaces as a need, not a luxury. The new administration offices are needed to carry out the present administrative duties. The present offices will fill the need of space for tutoring programs, counseling rooms, parent/teacher conference rooms and additional storage. The only new addition will be Pre-Kindergarten with an enrollment of 35 students. We anticipate that at least fifty percent of our enrollment for Pre-Kindergarten will come from siblings of students currently enrolled. Today was a typical day at Our Lady Queen of Angels. At 8:30 a.m. the hall was used for a meeting of the Board of Directors of Casa Teresa, the SRE room for a Bereavement meeting. We were in need of the hall for a meeting of our seventh and eighth grade students to meet with counselors from 2 high schools and our own counselor to meet with individual students. After switching everyone to different rooms so that all meetings could continue, the Our Lady Queen of Angels counselor was left standing in the hallway; therefore, she did not have a room to meet with students or parents. l J % Parish Center Information on the ministries using the new Parish Center is outlined on the attached sheets. l l _ � .i i Number of Meeting Day of Ministry People Place Week Frequency SPIN* 14 Hall Tues/Th. p.m. Weekly Men' s Breakfast 40 Hall lst Sat. a.m. Monthly Women's Breakfast "60 Hall 2nd Sat. a.m. Monthly Classic Friends 75 Hall 2nd Sun. 1/month Will use new facility weekly Corpus Christi** 70 Hall 3/year In-Betweeners** 15 Home Wed. p.m. Weekly Youth Ministry (Teens) We hope this will increase 30 Kinder. Wed. p.m. Backyard Theology 70 Hall Monday p.m. Six Mon. in Summer Coffee and Donuts 3 Patio Sunday a.m. Weekly Alter Servers 12 Church Sunday a.m. Weekly School of Religious Ed. 45 School Sunday a.m. Weekly 150 Hall & Sch. Tuesday p .m. Weekly 45 Hall Sun. /Mon. 1/month Casa Teresa Board 25 Hall Wed. 1/month Welcoming 4 Rectory/ Church Sunday Each Mass Hand-in-Hand 20 Rectory/ Hall Sunday Monthly Project Aware Hall / School Seaview Plaza Mass 10 Tuesday Monthly SOS 4 Costa Mesa Meal-A-Month 25 Southwest Commun. Ctr. Tuesday Monthly Women ' s Guild 100 B. Bay Club Friday Monthly i People Meeting Day of Ministry Involved Place Week Frequency Baptism Bunch 4 Church 4th Tues. 1/month Parish Council 21 Rectory 2nd Mon. 1/month RCIA* 60 Hall Mon. p.m. Weekly Bible Study 43 Hall Tuesday a.m. Weekly Bible Study 150 Hall & School Thursday p.m. Weekly JOURNEYS*** 20 Hall Tuesday 1/week for 6 weeks Fall & Winter Bereavement 11 SRE Room/ Trvyoty 3rd Wed. 1/month Liturgy Committee 11 Rectory Monday 1/month Choir 46 Hall Wed. p.m. Weekly Church Sunday Weekly Contemporary Choir 7 Church Wednesday Weekly Sunday Weekly Eucharistic Ministers 101 Hall 1/year Ministers to Sick 32 Hall 2/year Widowed (WINGS) 25 Hall Last Sun. 1/month Beginning Again 16 Hall 3rd Tues. 1/month Mothers' Study 20 Hall Thursday a.m. Weekly Co-Dependency 50 Hall Friday p.m. 3/month J i Number of i Meeting Day of Ministry People Place ' Week Frequency Wedding Coordinators 2 Rectory, . Altar Guild 6 Rectory Bookkeeping 1 . Rectory M-F Computer • 1 Rectory M-F Recep/Sec'y., 1 Rectory M-F Priests 3 Rectory Full Time Staff 16 Rectory Monday Monthly * Serves. bag lunches- - Street People In Need ** Usual meeting Promontory Point *** Most of this group meets in homes.- This will not change. Current Community Functions on' our pl-aving field AYSO 'soccer• uses the field on' Saturdays;'during the 'entire season.. . Theyalso practice during the fall each Monday. through Friday. The N.B. Police Department has used it 'for dog training. CDM; High School holds practices for their .socce'r team. Little League and Club Soccer have also used the field for practice. '