HomeMy WebLinkAboutTPO074_4501 BIRCH ST TP0074 jN " June 20, 1991M1NUTES COMIa1`SSiONERS AA � d.d CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ' ' ROLL CALL 1No�x r lied that Code Enforcement has received complaints regarding me anical equipment noise. In res nse to a question posed by Commissioner Pomeroy regarding he installation of a window mount air conditioner in a side yard, Hewicker replied that the proposed side yard requirement ould apply wherein Commissioner Pomeroy responded that n older structure would be required to install a central air conditi ning system. Commissioner Merril tated that often CC&R noise regulations with respect to air co itioners, heaters, saunas, pumps, etc., require that the is be and attenuated so it will not be heard from the street or on thea dl cent property. He suggested that the noise standards regulate a spe ' is noise level only at the property line, and the enforcement eithe be conducted by compliance or complaint. Motion X Motion was made to continue Amend nt No. 736 to the July 18, 1991, Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Pomeroy concurred that to s the noise at the property line by any method is an appropriate solution that can feasibly be used without setting forth an elemen that would be expensive and perhaps unnecessary in many cases. Ms. Temple stated that the proposed noise level Stan ds is an interim change inasmuch as the City is in the process of r writing the Noise Element, and subsequently a comprehensive oise Ordinance will address noise concerns beyond the noise relatin to mechanical equipment. Substitute Substitute motion was made and voted on to remove Amendment Motion X No.736 from calendar to allow staff additional time to address the All Ayes Planning Commission's suggestions. MOTION CARRIED. ses A. Traffic Study No. 74 Public Hearin Request to approve a traffic study so as to permit the conversion f an existing office building into a medical office use. -10- ♦N 0 • June 20, 1991MINUTES COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH roin ROLL CALL AND B. Use Permit No 3417 (Public Hearing) Request to permit the establishment of a medical office use in an TS74 existing office building on property located in the M-1-A District. UP3417 LOCATION: Lot 12, Tract No. 5169, located at 4501 Birch AAp r�ovefl Street, on the northwesterly side of Birch Street, between Dove Street and MacArthur Boulevard, across from the Newport Sheraton Hotel. ZONE: M-1-A APPLICANT: Sola Development Inc., Long Beach OWNER: Gerald J. Chazan, Glendale Commissioner Merrill stepped down from the dais because of a possible conflict of interest. The public hearing was opened in connection with this item, and Mr. Michael Lyon appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Lyon concurred with the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A". There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed at this time. Motion x Motion was made and voted on to approve Traffic Study No. 74 Ayes * * * * * and Use Permit No. 3417 subject to the findings and conditions in Absent * Exhibit "A". MOTION CARRIED. A. Traffic Study No. 74 Findings 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and Council Policy S-1. 11 t . June 20, 1991 COMMISSIONERS MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project-generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any 'major', 'primary-modified', or 'primary' street. B. Use Permit No. 3417 Findings: 1. That the proposed application is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That adequate parking exists on-site for the proposed change in use. 3. That the change in the permitted use to allow medical and dental offices will not have any significant environmental impact. 4. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. 5. That public improvements may be required of the developer in accordance with Section 20.80.060 of the Municipal Code. 6. That the approval of Use Permit No. 3417 will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Conditions: 1. That the proposed development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan. -12- June 20, 1991 COMMISSIONERS MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL TTnhe 2. That dental and medical office uses shall be permittemedical uses shall be restricted to performing onlysurgical procedures, and only on an out-patient basi 3. That arrangements be made with the Public Works Department in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements, if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 4. That the on-site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation systems be subject to further review by the City Traffic Engineer. 5. That the deteriorated and displaced drive apron and gutter be reconstructed at the easterly side of the property in the Birch Street right-of-way and that the site drainage be picked up on-site and outletted through the curb using a curb drain. All work shall be completed under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 6. That the Planning Commission may add or modify conditions of approval to this use permit, or recommend to the City Council the revocation of this use permit, upon a determination that the operation which is the subject of this use permit causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 7. This use permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.090A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. ermit No. 341 Public Hearin Request to Chan a operational characteristics of the existing nonconforming Deland estaurant which includes on-sale alcoholic beverages, located on p rty in the P-C District. This roposal involves a request to establis outdoor dining and drinking area to be used during the daytime o his proposal -13- Planning Commiss n Meeting June 20.1991 Agenda Item No. 6 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: A Traffic Study No 74 (Public Hearing) Request to approve a traffic study so as to permit the conversion of an existing office building into a medical office use. AND B. Use Permit No. 3417 (Public Hearing) Request to permit the establishment of a medical office use in an existing office building on property located in the M-1-A District. LOCATION: Lot 12, Tract No. 5169, located at 4501 Birch Street, on the northwesterly side of Birch Street, between Dove Street and MacArthur Boulevard, across from the Newport Sheraton Hotel. 'ZONE: M-1-A APPLICANT: Sola Development Inc., Long Beach OWNER: Gerald J. Chazan, Glendale Application This is a request to permit the establishment of a medical office use in an existing office building on property located in the M-1-A District. Section 20.42.025 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code permits medical and dental office uses in the M-1-A District, subject to the securing of a use permit in each case. Use permit procedures are set forth in Chapter 20:80 of the Municipal Code. The proposal also includes a request to approve a traffic study for the proposed medical office use. Traffic study procedures are set forth in Chapter 15.40 of the Municipal Code. Environmental Significance This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt from the requirements of the-California Environmental Quality Act under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). TO: Pl 'ng Commission - 2 Conformance with the General Plan The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the site for "Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial" use. The existing use is allowed under support retail and service use. The Land Use Element has also established area spec land use policies throughout the City. These"area"policies set a site-by-site floor area ratio (FAR.) development limit of 0.5/0.75. Given that the application is for a change in the existing building to allow medical/dental office use and the proposed does not include any additional square footage to the existing structure, the proposal is consistent with the requirements of the Land Use Element of the General Plan policies and guidelines. Mject Property and Surrounding Land Uses The subject property has an average width of 144.15 (88.3± ft + 200 ft 2 = 144.15 ft.) and depth of 290.12 feet with approximate land area of 41,821± square feet. The subject property is currently developed with a single-story office building and related parking area. To the northeast,southwest, and northwest are existing office buildings,support commercial uses and related parking areas; and to the southeast, across Birch Street, is the Sheraton Newport Hotel. Back around The Planning Commission, at its meeting of April 18, 1991, removed Use Permit No. 3417 from the agenda to allow time for a traffic study to be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15.40 of the Municipal Code. Records maintained by the Building Department indicate that the existing 11,280 sq.ft.office building was constructed in 1967, at which time Section 20.42.045 of the Municipal Code required that one parking space be provided for each 350 square feet of gross floor area in any, building in the M 1-A District. Thus, 33 parking spaces were required, to serve the building (11,280 sq.ft. _ 350 sq.ft. = 32.2 or 33 spaces). On September 12, 1977, the City Council adopted' Ordinance No. 1751, approving Amendment No. 497 to the Zoning Code, which amended the Code so as to require one parking space for each 225 sq.ft. of net floor area for office uses in the M4-A District. In accordance with the amended Section 20.42.045 of the Municipal Code,the existing building, having 11,280 netsq.ft. of office space,would now generate a demand for 51 parking spaces (11,280 sq.ft. _ 225 sq.ft. = 50.2, or 51 spaces). There are currently 61 legal parking spaces on the site. Analysis The applicant has indicated that the proposed change to allow medical and'dental offices, will divide the building into possibly three or more tenant spaces with each having a receptionist's office, examination rooms and surgical rooms for outpatient surgical procedures. 7 ' ' TO: Planning Commission - 3 Traffic Study In accordance with the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance, the applicant is required to obtain the approval of a traffic study for the conversion of the use to medical office. Said traffic study has been prepared and is attached for the Planning Commission's review. Inasmuch as the project is to be operational in 1991, analyses were therefore completed for 1992. The City Traffic Engineer has identified seven (7) intersections which could be affected by the project at full occupancy. Jamboree Road/MacArthur Boulevard Jamboree Road/Birch Street Jamboree Road/Campus Drive Bristol Street/Campus Drive/Irvine Avenue Bristol Street/Birch Street Bristol Street North/Campus Drive Bristol Street North/ Birch Street The first step in evaluating intersections is to conduct a 1%Traffic Volume Analysis, taking into consideration existing traffic, regional growth and the traffic of previously committed projects. For any intersection where, on any approach leg, the project traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of the projected morning and afternoon peak two and one-half hour volume, Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) is required. The results of the one percent test indicate that the project traffic will not exceed 1% at the intersection of any of the critical intersections listed above during the A.M. and P.M. peak periods. Therefore, an Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis was not required and not conducted. Therefore, no further analysis is required. Parking Access and Circulation From Birch Street As shown on the attached parking plan, the applicant has provided direct on-site parking and access (northeasterly driveway entrance)by a shared drive between the subject.property and the property located to the northeast. The traffic study also recommended that the exit drive (southeasterly driveway) be signed to prohibit left turns onto Birch Street from the subject property during the peak hours from 7:00-9:00 a.m. and 5:00-6:00 p.m., due to the project's close proximity to the intersection of MacArthur Boulevard and Birch Street. It was also stated that this access is shared between the subject property and the property located to the southwest, which is not the case. The City Traffic Engineer does not concur with the recommendation of the traffic study for the prohibition of left turns, inasmuch as there have not been any problems associated with this situation in the past. Should the Commission concur with the recommendation of the Traffic Study, Condition No. 8 is suggested and should be incorporated into the attached Exhibit "A": 8. That the exit drive be appropriately signed to prohibit left turns onto Birch Street from between the hours of 6:00-7:00 a.m. and 5:00-6:00 p.m.,weekdays. 4 s TO: Planning Commission - 4 • However, should the Commission concur with the City Traffic Engineer that the existing situation is not a problem, no change to the attached Exhibit "A" is necessary. 5pecific'Findings Section 20.80.060 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code provides that in order to grant any use permit, the Planning Commission shall find that the establishment, maintenance or operation of the use or building applied for will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Should the Planning Commission wish to approve Use Permit No..3417, the findings and conditions of approval set forth in the attached Exhibit "A" are suggested. Staff has not included an exhibit for denial inasmuch as the subject project conforms with the requirements of the General Plan and Zoning,Code. However,there may be additional information presented at the public hearing which may provide grounds for denial of the use permit. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By lk�&- JAVIER S. 'ARCIA Senior Planner Attachments: Exhibit "A" Vicinity Map Copy of the Traffic Phasing Analysis Photographs Plot Plan and Existing Floor Plan UP\UPM17sR r TO: Plan3mg Commission - 5 EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR USE PERMIT NO. 3417 AND TRAFFIC STUDY NO. 74 A Traffic Study No. 74 Fin in 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and Council Policy S-1. 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project-generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any 'major', 'primary-modified', or 'primay street. B. Use Permit No. 3417 Findings: 1. That the proposed application is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That adequate parking exists on-site for the proposed change in use. 3. That the change in the permitted use to allow medical and dental offices will not have any significant environmental impact. 4. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. 5. That public improvements may be required of the developer in accordance with Section 20.80.060 of the Municipal Code. 6. That the approval of Use Permit No. 3417 will not, under the circumstances of this case,be detrimental to the health, safety,peace,morals,comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. TO: Planning Commission - 6 Conditions: 1. That the proposed development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan. 2. That dental and medical office uses shall be permitted. The medical uses shall be restricted to performing only minor surgical procedures, and only on an out-patient basis. 3. That arrangements be made with the Public Works Department in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements, if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 4. That the on-site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation systems be subject to further review by the City Traffic Engineer. 5. That the deteriorated and displaced drive apron and gutter be reconstructed at the easterly side of the property in the Birch Street right-of-way and that the site drainage be picked up on-site and outletted through the curb using a curb drain. All work shall be completed under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 6. That the Planning Commission may add or modify conditions of approval to this use permit, or recommend to the 'City Council the revocation of this use permit, upon a determination that the operation which is the subject of this use permit causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 7. This use permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.090A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. lid VICINITY Mkt' CAMPUS norvr Z �~ oW ND nN RDM11 n t,4, Mr "1 AYSV Y' P-C P c a m Iv i P I A la / BIRCH STREET / K I I 9� aq 4P 1 2 n o P-C q P-C .. Y t° Rcs�e+31i 9L el 1 P-C n a I t�A I . It a 5 1 o , P-C u,w pRa a y ItM0. I ¢�• Ea I p rav 2 P-C c� LD 1 AE TRAcT (iD 1391 'al P-c P-C InT ', I aI � 16.92aa+G e¢ uar xo. Sa RGV. D-14-92' R DISTRICTING MAP NEWPORT—BEACH CALIFORNIA R-A Ad11cwURAI RTADENTYL R-� xULTPLC REROFI1nAl q-1 SINDLE FRxIIY RESIDENTIAL C-t LICK COMMERCIAL R-L DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL C-! GENWI DDLIK"CAL P-S RFnRI SRNYIRE FAMILY REINDEWAL Y-1 VANURR T INp E: D xW LYK-Lee81iIED aW C owm DISTN" 4 GAT E USE PERMIT NO . : 4- 171111111111111111m TRAFFIC STUDY NO. . "74. r 1 • 3 9Pbberl �Beisl, William fFrost 6&associates PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS May 31, 1991 JN V765 Ms. Patricia L. Temple Advance Planning Manager CITY OF NEWP.ORT BEACH 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach,,CA 92659-1768 Subject: Traffic Phasing Analysis ;Sella Development Medical Office Building City,of Newport Beach, California Dear Ms. Temple: In,accordance with your written.authoirization,Herman)Kimmel and Associates, the Traffic Division of Robert Bein, 'William Frost,and Associates (HKA/$Bk'),performed,a"Traffic Phasing Analysis" for the,,prooposed,Sola 'D.evelopmetit MeOical,Office Building•Project in the City of 'Newport Beach, .California. The analysis was prepared to satisfy the requirements,of the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Project Description The Sola Development Office ;Building is located at 4501 'Birch Street, just west of MacArthur Boulevard,,(see'Exbibit 1, L.ocation'Map). �Jn,the.past, this 11,280 square foot office building has been utilized as a general.office boilding,;but the,propos@d Project plans to utilize this building as a medical ,office building. Access to the site is visa a -shared entrance with the,adjacent commercial establishment,west of MacArthur Boulevard on the east side of the building and a solitary exit on the.west side of-the office,building. Exhibit 2 illustrates the site plan,for the proposed Medical Office Building and,the access relationship to Birch Street. Trip Generation for Project-Site lnorder to examine the potential impact of theproposed Project, it is necessary to estimate the number of vehicle trip ends that would be generated by the site. A trip•end is defined as a one-way vehicular movement either,entering or departing a particular land use. Each vehicle triphas two en ds, one at its origin and one at its destination. , cPro miorlal Service Since 1944 � J '4725 ALTON PARKWAY - P.O. BON 19139 - IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92713.9730 - (714) 472-3505 - FAX(714)472,8373 (� OFFICES IN CORONA - PALM DESERT- SACRAMENTO - RAN DIEGO - TEME CULA a f ' � J� �P �P �Q O� J J� OQ J5 et 4P S�Q� QG 0� a w J om NOPo PJ �NN pF� o`sp9FFr sro`sr�f�9�r �s aProject Location ® Not to scale 1-�erman Project Location Map Kimmel and Associates TRAGPIC ENGINEERING CON9ULTA S Exhlblt 1 may. 5qf JN2nE5J7W /// } a � `'�� %', • '.. .. n�' .mow '• w I • ' � I f 3 =oi w • .3 T W= i 7 1 .:4 '.il•. - .7 iC r it mul E5x ffi • ,:• Ejj <II Y i• n rt rl ii 11 : Q Z j If 11t w 41 <I e� U a .• H •. H 41 41Eu .• U 0 (6 z •t' ' i 1 i i r � C m� Exhibit 2 �� Ms. Patricia L. Temple May 31, 1991 Page 2 With regard to the Project site, trip generation rates were available from the City of Newport Beach. Per the City of Newport Beach Standards, the two and one-half hour peak period is defined as twice the peak hour trip generation. Therefore, trips were generated for the project for the peak hour, and then multiplied by two to establish volumes for the two and one-half hour peak period. Since the building for the proposed project currently exists, trip generation rates for the existing land use, general office, and the proposed land use, medical office, were compared, (see Table la, and lb Trip Generation Rates and Forecast). As noted in Table lb, the medical office use will actually result in a decrease in TABLE la TRIP GENERATION RATES' SOLA DEVELOPMENT TRIP GENERATION RATES LAND USE AM PM ADT2 IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL Existing Land Use 13.0 General Office - 11,280 S.F. Peak Hour 2.0 1 .4 2.4 .6 1.7 2.3 2 1/2 Peak Hour 4.0 .8 1 4.8 1.2 1 3.4 4.6 Future Land Use 45.0 Medical Office - 11,280 S.F. Peak Hour .6 .2 .8 1.9 2.4 4.3 2 1/2 Peak Hour 1.2 .4 1.6 3.8 4.8 8.6 LEGEND 1 - Trip Generation rates based upon the City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance Guidelines. 2 - ADT = Average Daily Traffic JN 27765 II Ms. Patricia L. Temple • 1 May 31, 1991 Page 3 TABLE 1b TRIP GENERATION FORECAST" SOLA DEVELOPMENT TRIP GENERATION FORECAST LAND USE AM PM ADV IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL Existing Land Use 147 General Office - 11,280 S.F. Peak Hour 23 5 28 7 19 26 2 1/2 Peak Hour 46 10 56 14 38 52 Future Land Use 508 Medical Office - 11,280 S.F. Peak Hour 7 2 9 21 27 48 2 1/2 Peak Hour 14 4 18 42 54 96 Differential 361 Peak Hour <16> <3> <19> 14 8 22 21/2 Peak Hour <32> <6> <38> 28 16 44 LEGEND 1 - Trip Generatibn rates based upon the City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance Guidelines. 2 - ADT = Average Daily Traffic <xx> - Designates negative results. JN 27765 12, Ms. Patricia L. Temple May 31, 1991 • •' Page 4 trips generated for the project site jn the AM peak hour and,two and one-half hour AM peak period. Based on discussions'with the City Traffic Engineer, the AM peak hour and AM two and one-half hour peak hour will not be analyzed, due to the decrease in AM trips. The Project is expected to increase in trips in the PM peak hour by 14 vehicles inbound and 8 vehicles outbound and 28 vehicles inbound and 16 vehicles outbound in the PM two and one-half hour peak period. Trip Distribution and Assignment The distribution and assignment of the differential PM Project traffic volumes was based upon existing traffic flow patterns and minimum time paths, and were approved by the City Traffic Engineer before utilization. Exhibit 3 illustrates the expected geographical distribution of the Project traffic volumes, expressed as a percentage of the traffic data presented in Table lb. Exhibits 4 and 5 illustrate the Project traffic volume assignment and distribution for the PM peak hour,which results from using the previously mentioned geographic traffic distribution percentages. Traffic Impact'Analysis In conformance with the Traffic Phasing Ordinance of the City of Newport Beach, the City Traffic Engineer was contacted and asked to identify the critical intersections to be analyzed. The intersections which were identified for inclusion in this analysis are as follows: Jamboree Road at MacArthur Boulevard, Jamboree Road at Birch Street, Jamboree Road at Campus Drive, Bristol Street at Campus Drive/Irvine Avenue, Bristol Street at Birch Street, Bristol Street-North at Campus Drive and Bristol Street-North at Birch Street. The first step in the analysis was the "One Percent" test. An intersection is defined as critical by the Ordinance when the Project traffic exceeds one percent of the existing plus approved (committed) Project traffic plus regional growth traffic on any approach to an intersection during the two and one-half hour peak period. A list of approved projects was provided by the City for inclusion in this analysis and is shown in Table 2. Since the Project is expected to be completed in 1991, the analyses were completed for 1992 as required by the Ordinance (2 year period). Table 3 describes the regional traffic annual growth rates which were used to calculate the regional growth volumes for the "One Percent" test. The "One Percent" test analysis indicated that all critical intersections will have differential Project traffic volumes below 1% of the total traffic volumes projected one year after Project completion during the PM 21/2 hour peak traffic period on each leg of each critical intersection. Since all intersections passed the "One Percent" test,the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis was not conducted. The results of the "One Percent" test area summarized in Table 4 and the calculation sheets are contained in the Appendix of this report. JN 27765 '3 . t 0 10 25 �h e 25 • 30 cc e Ry-NOF� 9FFr �rclsr9,�9,��i- 10 3 roc.Distribution Percentage ® Not to wale Two-way Geographic Herman Traffic Distribution qKmFKimmel and Associates TlWT10lIa0M!lPNq GONfULTANfC sai ,nxn,,,,m Exhibit �� ry JQ ♦�P N 21 2 QQ P 0NV ? ? �4 !J ry 54 e 6 ♦Q c �sr s sr9ssr,cq� ♦ N ® Not to scale Project Trip Assignment c {-�e�man PM Peak Hour Volumes (Differential) Kimmel and Associates Exhiblt4 � "I JN 2'ne5J70] ` IJ J f 2� 4� �A OQ G� 6~Q� ,` ry�i�► OQ� t �d rR ti c e �oq sTDc N sr9� NN e9rSlp�E<'kg9 6f Sf9SSr.cA�"Y ti � ' Not to wale Project Trip Assignment 1-{erman 21�/2 Hour PM Peak Period (Differential) Kimmel and AssociAtbs rn FICE INWAInce� Lr�a Exhibits w� �2nasmro ' Ms. Patricia L. Temple May 31, 1991 Page 5 TABLE 2 APPROVED PROJECTS Project Approved Volume is Number All Projects on File Weighted by 001 Hughes Aircraft #1 100 % Occupancy 002 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 003 Far West Savings and Loan 100 % Occupancy 004 Superseded 000 % Occupancy 005 Aeronutronic Ford 100 % Occupancy 006• Back Bay Office 100 % Occupancy 007 Boyle Engineering 100 % Occupancy 008 Cal Canadian Bank 100 % Occupancy 009 Civic Plaza 089 % Occupancy 010 Corporate Plaza 030 % Occupancy 011 Koll Center Newport 100 % Occupancy 012 MacArthur Court 100 % Occupancy 013 Superseded 000 % Occupancy 014 . Superseded 000 % Occupancy 015 Orchard Office 100 % Occupancy 016 Pacific Mutual Plaza 100 % Occupancy 017 3701 Birch Office 100 % Occupancy 018 Newport Place 086 % Occupancy 019 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 020 Bank of Newport 100 % Occupancy 021 Bayside Square 100 % Occupancy 022 Sea Island 100 % Occupancy 623 Baywood Apartments 100 % Occupancy 024 Harbor Point Homes 100 % Occupancy 025 Roger's Gardens 100 % Occupancy 026 Seaview Lutheran Plaza 100 % Occupancy 027 Rudy Baron 100 % Occupancy 028 Quail Business Center 100 % Occupancy 029 441 Newport Boulevard 100 % Occupancy 030 Martha's Vineyard 100 % Occupancy 031 Valdez 000 % Occupancy 032 Coast Business Center 100 % Occupancy 033 Koll Center Npt No. 1 TPP 000 % Occupancy 034 See Projects 340 to 343 000 % Occupancy 035 Ross Mollard 100 % Occupancy 036 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 039 Hughes Aircraft #2 100 % Occupancy 040 Superseded 100 % Occupancy 041 Flagship Hospital 100 % Occupancy 042 Big Canyon 10 029 % Occupancy JN 27765 i Ms. Patricia L. Temple May 31, 1991 Page 6 TABLE 2 (CONTINUED) APPROVED PROJECTS 043 Fun Zone 100 % Occupancy 044 Marriot Hotel 100 % Occupancy 045 St. Andrews Church 100 % Occupancy 046 YMCA 000 % Occupancy 047 Allred Condos 100 % Occupancy 048 Morgan Development 100 % Occupancy 049 Four Seasons Hotel 100 % Occupancy 050 Univ Atli. Club TPP 4 Emkay 100 % Occupancy 051 Block 400 Medical 100 % Occupancy 053 See Projects 530 to 533 000 % Occupancy 054 Amend No. 1 MacArthur Court 052 % Occupancy 056 Amendment No. 2 Ford Aero. 100 % Occupancy 057 Carver Granville Office 100 % Occupancy 058 Corona Del Mar Homes 100 % Occupancy 059 Big Canyon Villa Apartments 000 To Occupancy 060 1400 Dove Street 000 % Occupancy 061 1100 Quail Street 000 % Occupancy 062 Superseded 000 % Occupancy 063 Koll Center TPP Amend. 4A 000 % Occupancy 064 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 065 Rosan's Development 090 % Occupancy 066 Block 500 Npt. Ctr. Project 100 % Occupancy 068 Newport Aquatics Center 045 % Occupancy 069 2600 E. Coast Highway 100 % Occupancy 070 Jasmine Park 100 % Occupancy 071 Sunsetted 000 %Occupancy 072 Newporter Inn Expansion 100 % Occupancy 073 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 074 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 075 Fashion Is Renaissance 100 % Occupancy 076 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 077 CDM Senior Project 100 % Occupancy 078 Point Del Mar 100 % Occupancy 079 Pacific Club 100 %-Occupancy 080 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 081 Newport Seacrest Apartments 100 % Occupancy )083 3800 Cam M-Storage)a.Dr Campus 000 % Occupancy p ( g 084 Hoag Cancer Center 000 % Occupancy, 085 Edwards Newport Center 000 % Occupancy 086 Seaside Apts. (Mesa II) 100 % Occupancy JN 27765 Ms. Patricia L. Temple • • May 31, 1991 Page 7 TABLE 2 (CONTINUED) APPROVED PROJECTS 087 Victoria Station (Office) 100 % Occupancy 088 3760 Campus Dr. (M-Storage) 000 % Occupancy 090 Superseded 000 % Occupancy 092 Mariners' Mile Marine Center 100 % Occupancy 093 15th Street Apartments 100 % Occupancy 094 Seaside Apartment I11 100 % Occupancy 095 Npt. Bay Retirement Inn 000 % Occupancy 096 Newport Classic Inn 000 % Occupancy 097 Mariners' Church Expansion 000 % Occupancy 098 McLachlan-Newport Place 000 % Occupancy 099 1501 Superior Medical 000 % Occupancy 100 Fashion Island #2 000 % Occupancy 101 Newporter Resort Expansion 000 % Occupancy. 103 Newport Lido Medical Center 000 % Occupancy 104 Villa Point 000 % Occupancy 105 Shokrian 000 % Occupancy 106 15th Street Apartments 000 % Occupancy 107 Rockwell Expansion 000 % Occupancy 108 Andrew Restaurant 000 % Occupancy 109 Balboa/Washington 000 % Occupancy 110 Newport Imports Restaurant 000 % Occupancy ill 28th St. Marina Project 000 % Occupancy 112 Ambrosia Restaurant 000 % Occupancy 113 Calty/Toyota Expansion 000 % Occupancy 114 Our Lady Queen of Angels 000 % Occupancy 115 Zonta Club Restaurant 000 % Occupancy 117 Villa Point II 000 % Occupancy 118 Taco Bell (Fast Food) 000 % Occupancy 340 Amendment No. 1 Ford Aero 100 % Occupancy 341 Amendment No. 1 Ford Aero '000 % Occupancy 342 Amendment No. 1 Ford Aero 000 % Occupancy 343 Amendment No. i Ford Aero 000 % Occupancy 530 Amendment No. i North Ford 100 % Occupancy 531 Amendment No. i North Ford 100 % Occupancy 532 Amendment No. 1 North Ford 100 % Occupancy 533 Amendment No. 1 North Ford 000 % Occupancy 910 Newport Dunes 000 % Occupancy 920 Bayview 000 % Occupancy 930 City of Irvine Development 000 % Occupancy JN 27765 � y Ms. Patricia L. Temple 4 May 31, 1991 Page 8 TABLE 3 REGIONAL TRAFFIC ANNUAL GROWTH RATE COAST HIGHWAY East City limit to MacArthur Boulevard 4 % MacArthur Boulevard to Jamboree Road 2 Jamboree Road to Newport Boulevard 1 %p Newport Boulevard to West City Limit 2.5% IRVINE AVENUE All 1,5% JAMBOREE ROAD Coast Highway to MacArthur 1 MACARTHUR BOULEVARD Coast Highway to Jamboree Road 5 % CY Jamboree ,Road to North City Limits 1 NEWPORT BOULEVARD Coast Highway to North City Limits 1 % Street segments not Jisted have'0% regional growth. JN 27765 �0 Ms. Patricia L. Temple • • May 31, 1991 Page 9 TABLE 4 ONE PERCENT TEST RESULTS FOR CRITICAL INTERSECTION APPROACHES PM 2 1/2 HOUR PEAK PERIOD PERCENTAGES - 1992 INTERSECTION NB SB EB WB Jamboree Rd./MacArthur Blvd. .14 .11 .15 0 Jamboree Rd./Birch St. 0 .16 .25 0 Jamboree Rd./Campus Dr. .08 .10 0 .21 Bristol St./Campus Dr./Irvine Ave. .10 .06 .11 0 Bristol St./Birch St. 0 0 .23 0 Bristol St. - North/Campus Dr. 0 0 0 .08 Bristol St. - North/Birch St. .79 1 .15 0 0 Note: NB = Northbound intersection approach SB = Southbound intersection approach EB = Eastbound intersection approach WB = Westbound intersection approach JN 27765 IL Ms. Patricia L. Temple• • , May 31, 1991 Page 10 Mitigation Measures Since all seven critical intersections identified passed the "One Percent" test, mitigation measures are not required for the proposed Sola Development Medical Office Building Project. On-Site Circulation and Parkine According to the City's Parking Ordinance, the required parking for a medical office building is one parking space per every 250 square feet. The parking rate would require the proposed medical office to provide approximately 45 parking spaces. The existing parking for this building includes 61 parking spaces, and therefore, meets the parking requirements of the City. As to the internal circulation, a review of the existing site plan indicates that no operational problems are expected with the proposed design. Site Access The proposed Project was also reviewed in terms of the location and adequacy of the site access points. Based upon a review of the existing roadway systems, the proposed access designs and the project traffic volumes, it was determined that the access points are adequate to handle the forecasted traffic volumes. However, it is recommended that consideration be given to signing the exiting driveway on Birch Street as "right turn only" during the peak hours from 7-9 AM and 5-6 PM, due to its close proximity to the MacArthur Boulevard/Birch Street intersection. Field observation has noted difficulty for motorists making a left turn onto Birch Street during peak hours. SummaIX This traffic phasing analysis has examined the potential traffic impacts of the proposed Sola Development Medical Office Building Project in the City of Newport Beach, California. The analysis was completed to conform to the ClWs Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Existing plus approved projects plus regional growth traffic were considered in addition to Project traffic. Based upon these stated traffic conditions,the proposed Project will have no adverse traffic impacts at any of the seven identified critical intersections. In conclusion, it can be stated that the proposed Sola Development Medical Office Building Project can be safely implemented under existing and future traffic conditions. All seven critical intersections passed the "One Percent" test. JN 27765 �y Ms. Patricia L. Temple • • May 31, 1991 Page 10 Thank you for selecting HKA/RBF to prepare this Traffic Phasing Analysis. If you have any questions regarding our evaluation and analysis or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (714) 855-5760. Very truly yours, aDe�nn�isD�Bam�es, P.E. erman166i eP.E. Director President Transportation Studies and Operation Services :blj Attachments ROfESS/ oQPOF[SSp�9`\ No. 1171 W No. C•041454 m *� * p.12.31-91 Ex * Exp. 6.30-91 l slgr lRAFF1C �l CIVIL gjF OF CAlP F0 CALIF JN 27765 APPENDIX ONE PERCENT TEST WORKSHEETS ,�7 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE RD MACARTHUR BL (Existing Traffic Volumes basedon Average toter - pring 90) M --------------------- Peak 2k Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 211 Hour Peak 2k Hour Peako2�Hour Peak lumeour Volume Volume volume Volume Northbound 1496 15:5 Ll 9F L 7 ' 3 southbound 2693 5°/ 7P3E 3 a 35 Eastbound 17 2 �5 /6 1-3 ,270D a 7 j Westbound 3138 0 9g9 y/27 L'l' ' 0 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ® Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: PROJECT: FORM I 2 5 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE RD/BIRCH ST (Existing Traffic Volumes axe on Average winter/spring _ PM Peak 24 Hour Approved Approach Existing Ragional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2y Hour growth Peak 2y Hour Peak N Hour Peek gh Hour Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 2585 U I1a95 y, 2.80 i O Southbound 343.1 BG6 7 1y 3 i Eastbound 1420 p ITI $71 (o Westbound 54 O / 0 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak A Hour Traffic Volume Protect Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected [] Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: PROJECT: FORM T �' • 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE BLVD CAMPUS DR (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on AveAgW W1oter pring 90 PM ; Peak 2k Hour Approved Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Approach Existing Regional Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 3494 0 ��� 53/S ✓`"3 `� Southbound 0 /y 03✓`- 3221 Eastbound 0 a 3 Westbound 1261 0 ��a l 3 ' 3 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ® Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: PROJECT: FORM I � 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BRISTOL ST/CAMPUS, DR—IRVINE AV (Existing Traffic Volumes based on verage nter pring . 9 90 PM Peak 24 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected7PePark0'V1cHto]Ur , Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peek 2k Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 2587 77 a?65 2,93Southbound2889 Eastbound �tv6 '� $ 7 7G ' g Westb7011 ound o O o 0 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected El Peak 24 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: PROJECT: rnani T � 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BRISTOL ST/BIRCH ST (Existing Traffic Volumes based on verage inter pring 19 _ M Peak 2k Hour Approved Approach Existing, Regional Projects Projected 1X of Protected Project Direction Peak 2y Hour Growth Peak 2$ Hour Peak 211 Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 24 Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 587 ?� /� G southbound 1792 (p �S(a 9 Eastbound 4030 (W3 t 7/3 y 7 Westbound ail O Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 24 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: PROJECT: FnRM T a 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BRISTOL ST N CAMPUS DR (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on verage n er pring 90 PM Peak Z4 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project I Direction Peak 2y Hour Growth Peak 2y Nour Peak 2k'Hour Peat igHour PenVoli Hour Volume Volume volume Volume Northbound 7 7 3106 Southbound 3856 0 r2✓rs y l Eastbound 0 40 O 0 i O -Westbound 6206 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ® Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 23j Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: PROJECT: MRM i 30 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BRISTOL ST N/BIRCH ST PM (Existing Traffic Volumes as on verage inter pring _ Peak 2k Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2;1 Hour Peak 211 Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 1314 41�8 r southbound 3645 D �gs 95�19 39 b Eastbound ' O Westbound 14.2 5�7� Sg 6 nI�1 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Yy Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: PROJECT: FORM I �1 v rman mmel and Associates TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSUL-rANTS May 31, 1991 JN 27765 Ms. Patricia L. Temple Advance Planning Manager CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Subject: Traffic Phasing Analysis Sola Development Medical Office Building City of Newport Beach, California Dear Ms. Temple: In accordance with your written authorization, Herman Kimmel and.Associates, the Traffic Division of Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates (HKA/RBF), performed.a 'Traffic Phasing Analysis" for the proposed Sola Development Medical Office Building Project in the City of Newport Beach, California. The analysis was prepared to satisfy the requirements of the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Project Description The Sola Development Office Building is located at 4501 Birch Street, just west of MacArthur Boulevard, (see Exhibit 1, Location Map). In the past, this 11,280 square foot office building has been utilized as a general'office building,but the proposed Project plans to utilize this building as a medical office building. Access to the site is via a shared entrance with the adjacent commercial establishment,west of MacArthur Boulevard on,the east side of the building and a solitary exit on the west side of the office building. Exhibit 2 illustrates the site plan for the proposed Medical Office Building and ,the access relationship to Birch Street. Trip Generation for Project Site In order to examine the potential impact of the proposed Project, it is necessary to estimate the number of vehicle trip ends that would be generated by the site. A trip end is defined as a one-way vehicular movement either entering or departing a particular land use. Each vehicle trip has two ends, one at its origin and one at its destination. 'PrgJessiotlal eServiw, Sitice 1944 A DIVISION OF `7 obert-1Beitj,�William Trost 6&c,51ssociates 9501 JERONIMO - P.O. BOX 19739 - IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92713.9739 - (714)855-5760 - FAX(714)837-8007 OFFICES IN CORONA - PALM DESERT- SACRAMENTO - SAN DIEGO -TEMECULA ��� r!� • O� J �O OQ 5 QO 0� �d7 7 ,�0 Ne9 s 04 Sr9F��� �3 F7Project Location ® Not to scale 1-�erman Project Location Map Kimmel and Associates TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CO WLTA G Exhibit 1 541 W 277650703 .33 Ms. Patricia L. Temple May 31, 1991 Page 2 With regard to the Project site, trip generation rates were available from the City of Newport Beach. Per the City of Newport Beach Standards,the two and one-half hour peak period is defined as twice the peak hour trip generation. Therefore, trips were generated for the project for the peak hour, and then multiplied by two to establish volumes for the two and one-half hour peak period. Since the building for the proposed project currently exists, trip generation rates for the existing land use, general office, and the proposed land use, medical office, were compared, (see Table 1, Trip Generation Forecast). As noted in Table 1, the medical office use will actually result in a decrease in trips generated for the TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION FORECASTI SOLA DEVELOPMENT TRIP GENERATION FORECAST LAND USE AM PM IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL EXISTING LAND USE GENERAL OFFICE - 11,280 S.F. PEAK HOUR 23 5 28 7 1 19 26 2 1/2 PEAK HOUR 46 10 56 14 138 52 FUTURE LAND USE MEDICAL OFFICE - 11,280 SY, PEAK HOUR 7 12 9 21 27 48 2 1/2 PEAK HOUR 14 14 18 42 54 96 DIFFERENTIAL PEAK HOUR <16> <3> <19> 14 8 22 2 1/2 PEAK HOUR <32> <6> <38> 28 16 44 LEGEND 1 - Trip Generation rates based upon the City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance Guidelines. <xx> - Designates negative results. JN 27765 f �1 w � a 133H1S HOHIB � w 1 O � I f ...�� '�•. tuLz7C7C mW I v. . COY ri 1,• _� -- •• �� l w T�''E fY•-' _♦ `-� -�^Jw:II f Ns�w +�}w� ansN%�••••—✓/i///f� µv lCtl b If 111 T YI NI r) 11 w L I• N f• N 1i q .' 0 EE Exhibit 2 35 Ms. Patricia L. Temple 0 May 31, 1991 Page 3 project site in the AM peak hour and two and one-half hour AM peak period. Based on discussions with the City Traffic Engineer, the AM peak hour and AM two and one-half hour peak hour will not be analyzed, due to the decrease in AM trips. The Project is expected to increase in trips in the PM peak hour by 14 vehicles inbound and 8 vehicles outbound and 28 vehicles inbound and 16 vehicles outbound in the PM two and one-half hour peak period. Trip Distribution and Assignment The distribution and assignment of the differential PM Project traffic volumes was based upon existing traffic flow patterns and minimum time paths, and were approved by the City Traffic Engineer before utilization. Exhibit 3 illustrates the expected geographical distribution of the Project traffic volumes, expressed as a percentage of the traffic data presented in Table 1. Exhibits 4 and 5 illustrate the Project traffic volume assignment and distributionfor the PM peak hour,which results from using the previously mentioned geographic traffic distribution percentages. Traffic Impact Analysis In conformance with the Traffic Phasing Ordinance of the City of Newport Beach, the City Traffic Engineer was contacted and asked -to identify the critical intersections to be analyzed. The intersections which were identified for inclusion in this analysis are as follows: Jamboree Road at MacArthur Boulevard, Jamboree Road .at Birch Street, Jamboree Road at Campus Drive, Bristol Street at Campus Drive/Irvine Avenue, Bristol Street at Birch Street, Bristol Street-North at Campus Drive and Bristol Street-North at Birch Street. The first step in the analysis was the "One Percent" test. An intersection is defined as critical by the Ordinance when the Project traffic exceeds one percent of the existing plus approved (committed) Project traffic plus regional growth traffic on any approach to an intersection during the two and one-half hour peak period. A list of approved projects was provided by the City for inclusion in this analysis and is shown in Table 2. Since the Project is expected to be completed in 1991, the analyses were completed for 1992 as required by the Ordinance (2 year period). Table 3 describes the regional traffic annual growth rates which were used to calculate the regional growth volumes for the "One Percent" test. The "One Percent" test analysis indicated that all critical intersections will have differential Project traffic volumes below 1% of the total traffic volumes projected one year after Project completion during the PM 21/2 hour peak traffic period on each leg of each critical intersection. Since all intersections passed the"One Percent"test,the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis was not conducted. The results of the "One Percent" test area summarized in Table 4 and the calculation sheets are contained in the Appendix of this report. JN 27765 10/� +�y oe 25 e y v'O O� `Q oq9 �sro< sT 9 C�s 'AFFr�ry 10 xx.Distribution Percentage ® Not to scale Two-way Geographic GTXs Herman Traffic Distribution '�` Kimmel and Associates '"�. W2r/6" M Exhibit 37 1* N CV n t�J 2� 2'� OQ eb I ry �oo �RA m ko s Ck t� h T N ® ,NottoscWe Project Trip Assignment 1�erman PM Peak Hour Volumes (Differential) Kimmel and Associates C" LT^ ff Exhibtt4 sai r�amsarro v 9�d � J0 N z� 4� 4 OQ �3 CO ^ q•�/ 0�Q4 f o !O CO NN M ti A� T ! Not towWo Project Trip.Assignment GM® (Differential) Ferman 21/2 Hour PM Peak Period Kimmel and Associates Exhibit sot J 2MS4M Ms. Patricia L. Temple • r� Y May 31, 1991 Page 4 TABLE 2 APPROVED PROJECTS Project Approved Volume is Number All Projects on File Weig ited by 001 Hughes Aircraft #1 100 % Occupancy 002 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 003 Far West Savings and Loan 100 % Occupancy 004 Superseded 000 % Occupancy 005 Aeronutronic Ford 100 % Occupancy 006 Back Bay Office 100 Yo Occupancy 007 Boyle Engineering 100 % Occupancy 008 Cal Canadian Bank 100 Yo Occupancy 009 Civic Plaza 089 % Occupancy 010 Corporate Plaza 030 % Occupancy 011 Koll Center Newport 100 % Occupancy 012 MacArthur Court 100 % Occupancy 013 Superseded 000 % Occupancy 014 Superseded 000 % Occupancy 015 Orchard'Office 100 % Occupancy 016 Pacific Mutual Plaza 100 Yo Occupancy 017 3701 Birch Office 100 % Occupancy 018 Newport Place 086 % Occupancy 019 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 020 Bank of Newport 100 % Occupancy 021 Bayside Square 100 % Occupancy 022 Sea Island 100 % Occupancy 023 Baywood Apartments 100 % Occupancy 024 Harbor Point Homes 100 % Occupancy 025 Roger's Gardens 100. % Occupancy 026 Seaview Lutheran Plaza 100 % Occupancy 027 Rudy Baron 100 % Occupancy 028 Quail Business Center 100 % Occupancy 029 441 Newport Boulevard 100 % Occupancy 030 Martha's Vineyard 100 % Occupancy 031 Valdez 000 % Occupancy 032 Coast Business Center 100 Yo Occupancy 033 Koll Center Npt No. 1 TPP 000 % Occupancy 034 See Projects 340 to 343 000 % Occupancy 035 Ross Mollard. 100 % Occupancy 036 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 039 Hughes Aircraft #2 100 % Occupancy 040 Superseded 100 % Occupancy 041 Flagship Hospital 100 Yo Occupancy 042 Big Canyon 10 029 % Occupancy IN 27765 y� 'Ms. Patricia L. Temple . • May 31, 1991 Page 5 TABLE 2 (CONTINUED) APPROVED PROJECTS 043 Fun Zone 100 % Occupancy 044 Marriot Hotel 100 % Occupancy 045 St. Andrews Church 100 % Occupancy 046 YMCA 000 % Occupancy 047 Allred Condos 100 % Occupancy 048 Morgan Development 100 % Occupancy 049 Four Seasons Hotel 100 % Occupancy 050 Univ Ath. Club TPP 4 Emkay 100 % Occupancy 051 Block 400 Medical 100 % Occupancy 053 See Projects 530 to 533 000 % Occupancy 054 Amend No. 1 MacArthur Court 052 % Occupancy 056 Amendment No. 2 Ford Aero. 100 % Occupancy 057 Carver Granville Office 100 % Occupancy 058 Corona Del Mar Homes 100 % Occupancy 059 Big Canyon Villa Apartments 000 % Occupancy 060 1400 Dove Street 000 % Occupancy 061 1100 Quail Street 000 % Occupancy 062 Superseded 000 % Occupancy 063 Koll Center TPP Amend. 4A 000 % Occupancy 064 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 065 Rosan's Development 090 % Occupancy 066 Block 500 Npt. Ctr. Project 100 % Occupancy 068 Newport Aquatics Center 045 % Occupancy 069 2600 E. Coast Highway 100 % Occupancy 070 Jasmine Park 100 % Occupancy 071 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 072 Newporter Inn Expansion 100 % Occupancy 073 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 074 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 075 Fashion Is Renaissance 100 % Occupancy 076 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 077 CDM Senior Project 100 % Occupancy 078 Point Del Mar 100 % Occupancy 079 Pacific Club 100 % Occupancy 080 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 081 Newport Seacrest Apartments 100 % Occupancy 083 3800 Campus Dr. (M-Storage) 000 % Occupancy 084 Hoag Cancer Center 000 % Occupancy 085 Edwards Newport Center 000 % Occupancy 086 Seaside Apts. (Mesa II) 100 % Occupancy JN 27765 yi Ms. Patricia L. Temple • • May 31, 1991 Page 6 TABLE 2 (CONTINUED) APPROVED PROJECTS 087 Victoria Station (Office) 100 % Occupancy 088 3760 Campus Dr. (M-Storage) 000 % Occupancy 090 Superseded 000 % Occupancy 092 Mariners' Mile Marine Center 100 Yo Occupancy 093 15th Street Apartments 100 % Occupancy 094 Seaside Apartment III 100 %Occupancy 095 Npt. Bay Retirement Inn 000 % Occupancy 096 Newport Classic Inn 000 % Occupancy 097 Mariners' Church Expansion 000 % Occupancy 098 McLachlan-Newport Place 000 % Occupancy 099 1501 Superior Medical 000 % Occupancy 100 Fashion Island #2 000 % Occupancy 101 Newporter Resort Expansion 000 % Occupancy 103 Newport Lido Medical Center 000 % Occupancy 104 Villa Point 000 % Occupancy 105 Shokrian 000 %Occupancy 106 15th Street Apartments 000 % Occupancy 107, Rockwell Expansion 000 % Occupancy 108 Andrew Restaurant 000 % Occupancy 109 Balboa/Washington 000 % Occupancy 110 Newport Imports Restaurant 000 % Occupancy ill 28th St. Marina Project 000 % Occupancy 112 Ambrosia Restaurant 000 % Occupancy 113 Calty/Toyota Expansion 000 % Occupancy 114 Our Lady Queen of Angels 000 % Occupancy 115 Zonta Club Restaurant 000 % Occupancy 117 Villa Point II 000 % Occupancy 118 Taco Bell (Fast Food) 000 % Occupancy 340 Amendment No. 1 Ford Aero 100 % Occupancy 341 Amendment No. 1 Ford Aero 000'% Occupancy 342 Amendment No. 1 Ford Aero 000 % Occupancy 343 Amendment No. 1 Ford Aero 000 % Occupancy 530 Amendment No. I North Ford 100'% Occupancy 531 Amendment No. 1 North Ford 100 % Occupancy 532 Amendment No. 1 North Ford 100 7o Occupancy 533 Amendment No. 1 North Ford 000 % Occupancy 910 Newport Dunes 000 % Occupancy 920 Bayview 000 % Occupancy 930 City of Irvine Development 000 % Occupancy JN 27765 y2- 'Ms. Patricia L. Temple . • May 31, 1991 Page 7 TABLE 3 REGIONAL TRAFFIC ANNUAL GROWTH RATE COAST HIGHWAY East City limit to MacArthur Boulevard 4 % MacArthur Boulevard to Jamboree Road 2 % Jamboree Road to Newport Boulevard 1 % Newport Boulevard to West City Limit 2.5% IRVINE AVENUE ,All 1.5% JAMBOREE ROAD Coast Highway to MacArthur 1 % MACARTHUR BOULEVARD Coast Highway to Jamboree Road 5 % Jamboree Road to North City Limits 1 % NEWPORT BOULEVARD Coast Highway to North City Limits 1 % Street segments not listed have 0% regional growth. JN 27765 L3 Ms. Patricia L. Temple May 31, 1991 Page 8 TABLE 4 ONE PERCENT TEST RESULTS FOR CRITICAL HfIERSECTION APPROACHES PM 21/2 HOUR PEAK PERIOD PERCENTAGES - 1992 INTERSECTION NB SB EB WB Jamboree Rd./MacArthur Blvd. .14 .11 .15 0 Jamboree Rd./Birch St. 0 .16 .25 0 Jamboree Rd./Campus Dr. .08 .10 0 .21 Bristol St./Campus Dr./Irvine Ave. .10 .06 .11 0 Bristol St./Birch St. 0 0 .23 0 Bristol St. - North/Campus Dr. 0 0 0 .08 Bristol St. - North/Birch St. 79 .15 0 0 Note: NB = Northbound intersection approach SB = Southbound intersection approach EB = Eastbound intersection approach WB = Westbound intersection approach JN 27765 y�/ Ms. Patricia L. Temple • • May 31, 1991 Page 9 Mitigation Measures Since all seven critical intersections identified passed the "One Percent" test, mitigation measures are not required for the proposed Sola Development Medical Office Building Project. On-Site. Circulation and Parking According to the City's Parking Ordinance, the required parking for a medical office building is one parking space per every 250 square feet. The parking rate would require the proposed medical office to provide approximately 45 parking spaces. The existing parking for this building includes 61 parking spaces, and therefore, meets the parking requirements of the City. As to the internal circulation, a review of the existing site plan indicates that no operational problems are expected with the proposed design. Site Access The proposed Project was also reviewed in terms of the location and adequacy of the site access points. Based upon a review of the existing roadway systems, the proposed access designs and the project traffic volumes, it was determined that the access points are adequate to handle the forecasted traffic volumes. However, it is recommended that consideration be given to signing the exiting driveway on Birch Street as "right turn only" during the peak hours from 7-9 AM and 5-6 PM, due to its close proximity to the MacArthur Boulevard/Birch Street intersection. Field observation has noted difficulty for motorists making a left turn onto Birch Street during peak hours. It should be stated that this access point is a shared access driveway and that permission would most likely have to be obtained from the adjacent property owners to implement the turning restriction. Summary This traffic phasing analysis has examined the potential traffic impacts of the proposed Sola Development Medical Office Building Project in the City of Newport Beach, California. The analysis was completed to conform to the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Existing plus approved projects plus regional growth traffic were considered in addition to Project traffic. Based upon these stated traffic conditions,the proposed Project will have no adverse traffic impacts at any of the seven identified critical intersections. In conclusion,it can be stated that the proposed Sola Development Medical Office Building Project can be safely implemented under existing and future traffic conditions. All seven critical intersections passed the "One Percent" test. JN 27765 I,� Ms. Patricia L. Temple • • May 31, 1991 Page 10 s t � Thank you for selecting HKA/RBF to prepare this Traffic Phasing Analysis. If you have any questions regarding our evaluation and analysis or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (714) 855-5760. Very truly yours, Reviewed By: Dennis D. Barnes, P.E. HermannP.E. Director President Transportation Studies and Operation Services :blj Attachments QROFESSII of SS/p� y��O��S D. Bg9yNFyr y����a\S C' 899yN�<"ym W N0. 1171 m W No. C. 1454 m * Exp. Q�31.91 * Exp.12-31.91 # VIL OF CFf EOQ Q �l9lF F 1. JN 27765 q6 APPENDIX ONE PERCENT TEST WORKSHEETS 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE RD MACARTHUR sL (Existing Traffic Volumes baied on Awerage Winter/Spring 1990 PM Peak 231 Hour Approve Approach Existing Regional Protectsd Projected iS of Projected Protect Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 24 Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 211 Hour Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 1496 11,99 Al 3 Southbound 2693 Eastbound �7 2 lf 00 2'1 Af Westbound 3138 0 9g9 `l 27 N� 0 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ® Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than U of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: PROJECT: FORM T 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE RD/BIRCR Sx (Existing Traffic Volumes se on Average nter pr ng 19MI14 Peak 24 Hour Approved Approach Existing Rrglonal Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak2'HHour ume Volume Peak Hour Peako2k Hour Peaume k H Hour Peaolume ko,kkHHour Northbound 2585 O ' !ln95 ✓ 2 80 3 O Southbound 3431 1 O gGb 7 Eastbound 1420 p 5./ / 57/ /lv Wastbound S4 U O / Q ElProject Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 24 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2)l Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE- PROJECT: y j FnRM 7 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE BLVD CAMPUS DR (Existing Traffic Volumes basedon verage nter pr ng 90 PM Peak 2y Hour Approvedpro Approach Existing Regional Peek 2k Hour Peak 2y Hour ectedProjects Projected 1Peak 2y Hourcd Peak 2y Hour Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 3494 /?a'/ .5"3/5 Southbound Eastbound �g b a 3 0 Westbound 1261 40� 3 /y 3 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ® Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE• 5/28�9 PROJECT: FORM I SO . w w 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BRISTOL ST/CAMPUS' DR—IRVINE AV (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 90) PM Peak 2k Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 2587 29 i Southbound 2889 .3r 3 5;Y 13 Z Eastbound jlp6 $ 7 -7�O g i Westbound O Q 80 So ' D Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE ��Z? 9/ PROJECT: Fnom r S( 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BRISTOL ST/BIRCH ST (Existing Traffic Volumes base on verage nter pr ng _ M Peak 24 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Di on Peako2hsHour Growth Pealume k Hour Peame k Hour Peaume k Hour PenVol Hour Northbound 587 /Q --.Lq ri G Southbound 1792 (p� �$(� 19 1 0 Eastbound 403o O (Ofv 17/3 y 7 11 61 Westbound d Q $p Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected MA Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 231 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: Ij PROJECT: Ff10N1 7 �� 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BRISTOL ST N CAMPUS DR (Existing Traffic Volumes basea on Average wJ1,1tut-1.5pring 9 90 PM Peak 2h Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak Hour PbnY lu ur Volume Volume Volume Volume I Northbound 0 3106 'y 32 Southbound B p /// y Eastbound 0 v0 O D !o 6 Westbound 6206 /7�a 71P2y Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ® Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 231 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE• S�29119 PROJECT: FiIRM T 3 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BRISTOL ST N/BIRCH ST PM (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on verage I11 nter pr ng _ Peak 24 HourT2k Approach Existing Regional Projected iS of Projected, Protect Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak2k Hur Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 131A D y yg Ell 5outhbound 3695 0 '295 gva Eastbound O 0 0 O O Westbound O /�'� j f ! 6 run Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Inil Peak -2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater thdn 1% of Projected 1-3 Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE• 6;���'�9/ PROJECT: FORM I S� 1 _ MEW: R NT, Soy irrl Stt yam. •P' _h. �5s`:.},a5-(•..1.� y jvn:<::1L..:.. ��i. _-aem •.:. lT �.F � � ` l'v..v�{Jay•'yR'}.a•.. ix`,'It'X`.+W`R_��"' _�-•� .�ky�-�'� � ��M �`' '�f":ri_ .- Jxna= w•~;��_S'..'�'�ti:_:..". .�r�:).:... .-...�.. ,�. 51 �,:.A�.� ;�Y�• � ti l .�;� 4 'R'.[f-sH-.f.�f - , f-- }[ ..�xl�{✓ 'ti. 'ifi•. j tz Ln W . GEMENT.INC. � Z _ wyr {S I ,7.:.:. f1't 7.. •...;.ttit\.-::��aPx•�'^�•`..fS.�' k-W p+.sii,,._�,*.v gr �:f�.r,• ���__ — — rVIN - _. L _ a L y5�1 �IR�N 5/ NEG�vr'�yRT Bc�lcfa, Q F- �� W W IL w tD 2 9c 1 .y y.,� J-..'aim •�Y':C=d.'�v T • _— ...'A. y •� �� •1`5.�� 'T• '!yY_ �•� ~„ to .. y�Z�i OPM Sf �qt (+1 Atml e�' '4� �w � _'� +r'•4.�w.nor,,.RiC ,� Y`�• }t, .$) • 2� ,+ _; d w�, nth � S•_ j� -C ,� _ wry \�` r• f - p \_ J 141 ell � �f {alb {y ME � >k- r�i'f .M[*aA"+�any. ^"e:,-` _ • �^� ,S � 'v. i .""�.t=.' i:t+.a SEW PO CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U Z P.O. BOX 1768,NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659-1768 C'9Cl FORN�P PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 644-3225 May 20, 1991 Dennis Barnes Herman Kimmel and Associates 9501 Jeronimo P.O. Box 19739 Irvine, CA 92713-9739 Subject: 4501 Birch Street Traffic Phasing Analysis Dear Mr. Barnes: This is authorization to commence work on a traffic phasing analysis at the subject location pursuant to your proposal dated May 15, 1991. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMESS D. HEWIC-KEER-, Director By N n�t r k ,x lG.Lc Patricia Temple Advance Planning Manager jam\eirndocs\4501Birc.h 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport: Beach ��'W PQRT s e CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH US P.O.BOX 1768,NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659.1768 Cq<lFOlk PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 644-3225 May 17, 1991 Mr. Bruno Duardo Sola Development Inc. 3050 Airport Way Long Beach, CA 90806 SUBJECT: Traffic Study No. 74 for 4501 Birch Street Project Dear Mr. Duardo, Attached is a copy of the approved Scope of Services proposed by Herman Kimmel and Associates for the above referenced Traffic Study. The City of Newport Beach is prepared to authorize commencement of work upon receipt of the following fees: Consultant costs: $ 5,100.00 City fees (10%): 510.00 Total fees: $ 5,610.00 Please make the check—payable to the City of Newport Beach. Please note that the consultant can complete the draft report within ten days of receipt of authorization. Since time is of the essence,please provide funding as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding this request or the proposal, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director BY (,4.G1�(GiGE.> 2 Patricia Temple Advance Planning Manager Enclosure PLT:..\LTR\TS.PEE 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach mAY-17-191 FRI 09:01 ID:RBF PLANNING DEPT TEL NO:?14 454-000I UGEIS P02 rman immel and Associates TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS May 15, 1991 JN 27765 Ms. Patty Temple CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 926S9-1768 Proposal - Traffic Consultant Services Traffic Phasing Analysis for Sola Development 4501 Birch Street Oily of Newport Beach, California 4 Dear Mo. Temple: In accordance with your request and based on discussions with the City Traffic Engineer, Herman Kimmel and Associates, the Traffic Division of Robert Bc1n, William Frost and Associates (HKA/RBF), is pleased to submit this proposal for providing Traffic Consultant Services which are required for the preparation of a traffic phasing analysis at the subject location. Based on our understanding of the proposed Project,we have prepared the following Scope of Services. SCOPE OF SERVICES liKA/RBF'vn'U contact the City of Newport Beach Traffic Engineer to determine the extent of the required traffic study and obtain the necessary data sheets. In addition, a field review of the site will be conducted, and traffic volume data collected from the City for daily traffic t-A� Ionpl Service c5itse 1944 A DIVISION 01`9gbert'WeAl,%V1111am %ost 6&c%sociates 9501 JERONIMO - P.D. BOX 19739 0 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92713-9739 - (714)865.6700 * FAX(714) 637-8007 OFFICES IN CORONA- PALM DESERT- SACRAMENTO* SAN DIE(30 * TEMECULA -- MAY-17-191 FRI 09:02 ID:RHF PLANNING DEPT TEL N0:714 454-0601 #689 P03 ,Ms. Patty Temple May 15, 1991 qr's Page 2 volumes and peak hour turning movement volumes at those intersection locations identified' by the City Traffic Engineer. We will then determine the trip generation characteristics for the site and distribute the difference in traffic volumes generated by the existing office and the proposed medical office land uses to analyze the impacts of the Project on the adjacent circulation system at eight intersections. Any mitigation measures required as a result of the Project will be identified in accordance to the City's traffic phasing ordinance. N The product of our work efforts will be a written report which documents our work effort V' and contains the necessary graphics in the City's required format. HKA/RBF will submit five (5) copies of the final report to the City of Newport Beach. •'n I EXCLUSIONS Revised or added tasks will be considered as extra work and will be completed by HKA/RBF, if requested, under an Addendum to this contract for an additional fee. No extra work will be performed without your prior written authorization. SCHEDULE HKA/RBF is aware of the need to complete the traffic study within a reasonable time period. Based on our projected work backlog, HKA/RBF estimates it can complete the draft traffic study within ten (10) working days after receipt of a Purchase Order. T� COMPENSATION w. HKA/RBF's fee for these services is as follows: ; A Traffic Engineering Study - $5,100.00 JN 27765 �f MAY-17-'91 FRI 09:02 ID:RBF PLANNING DEPT TEL N0:714 454-0601 H689 PO4 Ms. Patty Temple ; -Ms. 15, 1991 Page 3 Progress billings will be forwarded to you on a monthly basis. These billings will include the fees earned for the billing period plus all direct costs advanced by HKA/RBF. The above fee does not include attendance at Planning Commission and/or City Council hearings that may be held. Such attendance, if requested, would be invoiced separately on a time and materials basis in addition to the fee amount shown herein, based on the hourly rate schedule attached hereto. 4 r f r Thank you for considering HKA/RBF to support you on this Project. We look forward to working with you. This proposal and the costs concerning conduct of the Project will remain valid for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of submission. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact me at (714) 855.5760. Respactfully submitted, L �cl�Yw�d..� � �i�'•�d . Dennis D. Barnes, P.E. ,.: Director Transportation Studies and Operation Services • cb� k! :s `P«y an 5• JN 27765 MAY-17-191 FRI 09:03 ID:RBF PLANNING DEPT TEL NO:714 454-0601 A689 P05 .�c •• M .✓ • • y %mmel rman and Associates TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS ,se HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Effective August 1, 1990 through August 1, 1991 OFFICE PERSONNEL Principal $ 125.00 Project Director 110.00 Project Manager/Engineer 85.00 Senior Traffic Engineer 80.00 Registered Engineer 15.00 Design Engineer 65.00 Designer (CARD) 60.00 Designer 55.00 Senior Draftsman/Technician 51.00 Draftsman/Graphic Artist 46.00 Engineering Aide 35.00 ;. CONU'UTBR & OTHER SERVICE FEES Computer Aided Design and Drafting $ 60.00 Computer Time 30.00 Clerical 30.00 Consultation Relative to Legal Actions 225.00 NOTE: Blueprinting, reproduction, messenger service and other direct expenses will be charged at cost. A Subconsultant Management Fee of fifteen (15) percent will be added to the direct cost of all subconsultant services to provide for the cost of administration, subconsultant consultation, and insurance. 4 iJ- •4. 9Wessiotpi service Sittcc 1944 A DIM ON oa 9�bbw`Bei.Z, William 9%st MC54.9sociates 9501 JERONIMO • P,O, BOX 19739 • IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92713-9739 • (714)855-5760 • FAX(714) 837-8007 OFFICES IN CORONA• PALM DESERT • SACRAMENTO • SAN DIEGO •TEMECULA �,E•wP°Rr CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U Z P.O. )OX 1768,NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659-1768 law C"ZI FOVL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of Sola Development Inc., for Use Permit No. 3417 and Traffic Study No. 74 on property located at 4501 Birch Street, a request to permit the establishment of a medical office use in an existing office building on property located in the M-1-A District. This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 20th day of June. 1991, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the public hearing. For information call (714) 644-3200. Thomas C. Edwards, Secretary, Planning Commission, City of Newport Beach. NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach r rman mmel and Associates TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: City of Newport Beach, Planning Dept. DATE June 6, 1991 3300 Newport Boulevard RBFJOB NO. 27765 Newport Beach, CA 92659 DESCRIPTION Traffic Phasing Analysis ATTN: Ms. Patricia Temple for Sola Development WE ARE FORWARDING: ❑ BY MAIL N BY MESSENGER ❑ BY BLUEPRINTER NO.OF COPIES DESCRIPTION 5 Bound copies of Traffic Phasing Analysis for the Sola Development Proj. 1 Unbound copy of Traffic Phasing Analysis for the Sola Development Proj. STATUS: SENT FOR YOUR: PLEASE NOTE: X PRELIMINARY X APPROVAL ❑ REVISIONS ❑ REVISED ❑ SIGNATURE ❑ ADDITIONS ❑ APPROVED ❑ USE ❑ DELETIONS ❑ RELEASED ❑ FILE ❑ CORRECTIONS ❑ REVIEWED ❑ INFORMATION ❑ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ❑ ❑ REVIEW ❑ REMARKS In accordance with your request and our proposal I am sending five bound copies and one unbound copy of the above mentioned report. The main conclusion is that the project can be safely implemented. HERMA I M M E L A N D A SOCIATES BY COPIESTO: Dennis D. Barnes, P.E. Director, Transportation Studies and Operation Services File :go/27765trn cprgfessiorLal Service SuLce 1944 A DIVISION OF 9 bbert GBehj,William WI-ost 6&c,9ssociates 9501 JERONIMO • P.O. BOX 19739 • IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92713-9739 • (714) 855-5760 • FAX (714) 837-8007 OFFICES IN CORONA • PALM DESERT • SACRAMENTO • SAN DIEGO •TEMECULA 9tbber't �Beirt,`William cFftost 6&Associates PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS �I May 31, 1991 JN 27765 Ms. Patricia L. Temple if Advance Planning Manager CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Subject: Traffic Phasing Analysis i Sola Development Medical Office Building City of Newport Beach, California Dear Ms. Temple: In accordance with your written authorization, Herman Kimmel and Associates, the Traffic Division of Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates (HKA/RBF), performed a '"Traffic Phasing Analysis" for the proposed Sola Development Medical Office Building Project in the City of Newport Beach, California. The analysis was prepared to satisfy the requirements of the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Project Description The Sola Development Office Building is located at 4501 Birch Street, just west of MacArthur Boulevard, (see Exhibit 1, Location Map). In the past, this 11,280 square foot office building has been utilized as a general office building, but the proposed Project plans to utilize this building as a medical office building. Access to the site is via a shared entrance with the adjacent commercial establishment, west of MacArthur Boulevard on the east side of the building and a solitary exit on the west side of the office building. ' Exhibit 2 illustrates the site plan for the proposed Medical Office Building and the access relationship to Birch Street. Trip Generation for Project Site In order to examine the potential impact of the proposed Project, it is necessary to estimate the number of vehicle trip ends that would be generated by the site. A trip end is defined as a one-way vehicular movement either entering or departing a particular land use. Each vehicle trip has two ends, one at its origin and one at its destination. `ProfessioiLaf service cSoLce 1944 14725 ALTON PARKWAY • P.O. BOX 19739 • IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92713-9739 • (714) 472-3505 • FAX (714) 472-8373 OFFICES IN CORONA• PALM DESERT • SACRAMENTO • SAN DIEGO •TEMECULA J .� 2P O a� J J� P O u� eQ w J mPO QO �J0 ` U 'P�0OQ0 P � 9�H9 cF< o`sr9��T ' sr01 sr9 9 f�9 �3 Project Location Not to scale I Norman Project Location Map Kimmel and Associates Ti IC ENGINEERINGCCNE Ll�u Exhibit S,p� JN 2776537W W FL _..- . .. �.. 133N1S HOHis ` l� ti •��,/�`Y,_r •..•t.mil' I I ' ` LU W m� 1 ¢K m W •k• :y..L �: ar ass r• ..0,n.. .ww •.W'�zJT'��• NnFE• 9 i FZZ ri :i tl I N U %sw:ra i taa:.c=q a m.srNi �F wr,+p C w�• pl 41 wi 11 w L r1 .1 co a mEt i I Z Exhibit 2 Ms. Patricia L. Temple May 31, 1991 Page 2 With regard to the Project site, trip generation rates were available from the City of Newport Beach. Per the City of Newport Beach Standards, the two and one-half hour peak period is defined as twice the peak hour trip generation. Therefore, trips were generated for the project for the peak hour, and then multiplied by two to establish volumes for the two and one-half hour peak period. Since the building for the proposed project currently exists, trip generation rates for the existing land use, general office, and the proposed land use, medical office, were compared, (see Table la, and lb Trip Generation Rates and Forecast). As noted in Table 1b, the medical office use will actually result in a decrease in TABLE la TRIP GENERATION RATES' SOLA DEVELOPMENT TRIP GENERATION RATES ■J) LAND USE AM PM ADV IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL Existing Land Use 13.0 General Office - 11,280 S.F. Peak Hour 2.0 .4 2.4 .6 1.7 2.3 2 1/2 Peak Hour 4.0 .8 4.8 1.2 3.4 4.6 Future Land Use 45.0 Medical Office - 11,280 S.F. Peak Hour .6 .2 .8 1.9 1 2.4 4.3 2 1/2 Peak Hour 1.2 .4 1.6 3.8 4.8 8.6 LEGEND 1 - Trip Generation rates based upon the City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance Guidelines. It - ADT = Average Daily Traffic JN 27765 Ms. Patricia L. Temple May 31, 1991 Page 3 TABLE lb TRIP GENERATION FORECASTl SOLA DEVELOPMENT TRIP GENERATION FORECAST LAND USE AM PM ADV IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL Existing Land Use 147 General Office ■U, - 11,280 S.F. Peak Hour 23 5 28 7 19 26 2 1/2 Peak Hour 46 10 56 14 38 52 Future Land Use 508 Medical Office - 11,280 S.F. Peak Hour 7 2 9 21 27 48 2 1/2 Peak Hour 14 4 18 42 54 96 f Differential 361 " Peak Hour <16> <3> <19> 14 8 22 2 1/2 Peak Hour <32> <6> <38> 28 16 44 LEGEND 1 - Trip Generation rates based upon the City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance Guidelines. 2 - ADT = Average Daily Traffic <xx> - Designates negative results. II � JN 27765 Ms. Patricia L. Temple May 31, 1991 Page 4 trips generated for the project site in the AM peak hour and two and one-half hour AM peak period. Based on discussions with the City Traffic Engineer, the AM peak hour and AM two and one-half hour peak hour will not be analyzed, due to the decrease in AM trips. The Project is expected to increase in trips in the PM peak hour by 14 vehicles inbound and 8 vehicles outbound and 28 vehicles inbound and 16 vehicles outbound in theTM two and one-half hour peak period. Trip Distribution and Assignment The distribution and assignment of the differential PM Project traffic volumes was based upon existing traffic flow patterns and minimum time paths, and were approved by the City Traffic Engineer before utilization. ' Exhibit 3 illustrates the expected geographical distribution of the Project traffic volumes, expressed as a percentage of the traffic data presented in Table lb. Exhibits 4 and 5 illustrate the Project traffic volume assignment and distribution for the PM peak hour,which results from using the previously mentioned geographic traffic distribution percentages. Traffic Impact Analysis In conformance with the Traffic Phasing Ordinance of the City of Newport Beach, the City Traffic Engineer was contacted and asked to identify the critical intersections to be analyzed. The intersections which were identified for inclusion in this analysis are as follows: Jamboree Road at MacArthur Boulevard, Jamboree Road at Birch Street, Jamboree Road at Campus Drive, Bristol Street at Campus Drive/Irvine Avenue, Bristol Street at Birch Street, Bristol Street-North at Campus Drive and Bristol Street-North at Birch Street. The fast step in the analysis was the "One Percent" test. An intersection is defined as critical by the Ordinance when the Project traffic exceeds one percent of the existing plus approved (committed) Project traffic plus regional growth traffic on any approach to an intersection during the two and one-half hour peak period. A list of approved projects was provided by the City for inclusion in this analysis and is shown in Table 2. Since the Project is expected to be completed in 1991, the analyses were completed for 1992 as required by the Ordinance (2 year period). Table 3 describes the regional traffic annual growth rates which were used to calculate the regional growth volumes for the "One Percent" test. The "One Percent" test analysis indicated that all critical intersections will have differential Project traffic volumes below 1% of the total traffic volumes projected one year after Project completion during the PM 21/2 hour peak traffic period on each leg of each critical intersection. Since all intersections passed the "One Percent"test,the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis was not conducted. The results of the "One Percent" test area summarized in Table 4 and the calculation sheets are contained in the Appendix of this report. I JN 27765 ,moo 10 �h 25 25 QA U 9� S O me` ao r 1 R , o O'O N sr 9� �O<s��r�� 10 �s n� fi xx.Distribution Percentage ® Not to scale Two-way Geographic G]WI-{erman Traffic Distribution Kimmel and Associates lRMFIC ENOMEERINO CON9ULTMlfII 541 A2776"7M Exhibit 3 II ry JF PJ p? N 2� oQ uP y�e � y .Q c sr sr ,. 9��s<'ltgq` 9FE? o� 4� 1 ti N r ® Not to scale Project Trip Assignment PM Peak Hour Volumes (Differential) JVHerman i 10 9N and Associates 'fNl1FFl0 ENOINEGRINO CON 277T f 3 Exhibit 4 se+ .x+zncsa7m J4. P CV p� 4� 4 OQ� OP C2lvr 0Qu mcc QOPo /ry B 0� .Q o sr sr sro /rl Sr9FFr'`k'yr / ry ro a� t fi. 1 ® Not to scale Project Trip Assignment CM Ferman 21/2 Hour PM Peak Period Differential Kimmel and Associates lRKFIC ENOINEERINO CON9ULTAN(O Exhibit 5 541 a+xnsso7ai 't Ms. Patricia L. Temple May 31, 1991 Page 5 TABLE 2 MAPPROVED PROJECTS Project Approved Volume is Number All Projects on File Weighted by 001 Hughes Aircraft #1 100 % Occupancy 002 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 003 Far West Savings and Loan 100 % Occupancy 004 Superseded 000 % Occupancy 005 Aeronutronic Ford 100 % Occupancy 006 Back Bay Office 100 % Occupancy 007 Boyle Engineering 100 % Occupancy 008 Cal Canadian Bank 100 % Occupancy 009 Civic Plaza 089 % Occupancy 010 Corporate Plaza 030 % Occupancy 011 Koll Center Newport 100 % Occupancy 012 MacArthur Court 100 % Occupancy 013 Superseded 000 % Occupancy 014 Superseded 000 % Occupancy 015 Orchard Office 100 % Occupancy 016 Pacific Mutual Plaza 100 % Occupancy 017 3701 Birch Office 100 % Occupancy 018 Newport Place 086 % Occupancy 019 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 020 Bank of Newport 100 % Occupancy 021 Bayside Square 100 % Occupancy ' 022 Sea Island 100 % Occupancy 023 Baywood Apartments 100 % Occupancy 024 Harbor Point Homes 100 % Occupancy 025 Roger's Gardens 100 % Occupancy 026 Seaview Lutheran Plaza 100 % Occupancy 027 Rudy Baron 100 % Occupancy 028 Quail Business Center 100 % Occupancy 029 441 Newport Boulevard 100 % Occupancy 030 Martha's Vineyard 100 % Occupancy 031 Valdez 000 % Occupancy 032 Coast Business Center 100 % Occupancy 033 Koll Center Npt No. 1 TPP 000 % Occupancy 034 See Projects 340 to 343 000 % Occupancy 035 Ross Mollard 100 % Occupancy 036 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 039 Hughes Aircraft #2 100 % Occupancy 040 Superseded 100 % Occupancy 041 Flagship Hospital 100 % Occupancy ■ 042 Big Canyon 10 029 % Occupancy JN 27765 Ms. Patricia L. Temple May 31, 1991 Page 6 TABLE 2 (CONTINUED) APPROVED PROJECTS 043 Fun Zone 100 % Occupancy 044 Marriot Hotel 100 % Occupancy 045 St. Andrews Church 100 % Occupancy 046 YMCA 000 % Occupancy 047 Allred Condos 100 % Occupancy 048 Morgan Development 100 % Occupancy 049 Four Seasons Hotel 100 % Occupancy 050 Univ Ath. Club TPP 4 Emkay 100 % Occupancy 051 Block 400 Medical 100 % Occupancy 053 See Projects 530 to 533 000 % Occupancy 054 Amend No. 1 MacArthur Court 052 % Occupancy 056 Amendment No. 2 Ford Aero. 100 % Occupancy 057 Carver Granville Office 100 % Occupancy 058 Corona Del Mar Homes 100 % Occupancy 059 Big Canyon Villa Apartments 000 % Occupancy 060 1400 Dove Street 000 % Occupancy 061 1100 Quail Street 000 % Occupancy 062 Superseded 000 % Occupancy 063 Koll Center TPP Amend. 4A 000 % Occupancy 064 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 065 Rosan's Development 090 % Occupancy 066 Block 500 Npt. Ctr. Project 100 % Occupancy 068 Newport Aquatics Center 045 % Occupancy 069 2600 E. Coast Highway 100 % Occupancy 070 Jasmine Park 100 % Occupancy 071 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 072 Newporter Inn Expansion 100 % Occupancy 073 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy ' 074 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 075 Fashion Is Renaissance 100 % Occupancy 076 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 077 CDM Senior Project 100 % Occupancy 078 Point Del Mar 100 % Occupancy 079 Pacific Club 100 % Occupancy 080 Sunsetted 000 % Occupancy 081 Newport Seacrest Apartments 100 % Occupancy 083 3800 Campus Dr. (M-Storage) 000 % Occupancy 084 Hoag Cancer Center 000 % Occupancy 085 Edwards Newport Center 000 % Occupancy 086 Seaside Apts. (Mesa II) 100 % Occupancy JN 27765 Ms. Patricia L. Temple May 31, 1991 Page 7 TABLE 2 (CONTDWED) APPROVED PROJECTS 087 Victoria Station (Office) 100 % Occupancy 088 3760 Campus Dr. (M,Storage) 000 % Occupancy 090 Superseded 000 % Occupancy 092 Mariners' Mile Marine Center 100 % Occupancy 093 15th Street Apartments 100 % Occupancy 094 Seaside Apartment 11I 100 % Occupancy 095 Npt. Bay Retirement Inn 000 % Occupancy 096 Newport Classic Inn 000 % Occupancy 097 Mariners' Church Expansion 000 % Occupancy ' 098 McLachlan-Newport Place 000 % Occupancy 099 1501 Superior Medical 000 % Occupancy 100 Fashion Island #2 000 % Occupancy 101 Newporter Resort Expansion 000 % Occupancy �. 103 Newport Lido Medical Center 000 % Occupancy 104 Villa Point 000 % Occupancy 105 Shokrian 000 % Occupancy 106 15th Street Apartments 000 % Occupancy 107 Rockwell Expansion 000 % Occupancy 108 Andrew Restaurant 000 % Occupancy 109 Balboa/Washington 000 % Occupancy 110 Newport Imports Restaurant 000 % Occupancy 111 28th St. Marina Project 000 % Occupancy 112 Ambrosia Restaurant 000 % Occupancy ' 113 Calty/Toyota Expansion 000 % Occupancy 114 Our Lady Queen of Angels 000 % Occupancy 115 Zonta Club Restaurant 000 % Occupancy 117 Villa Point II 000 % Occupancy 118 Taco Bell (Fast Food) 000 % Occupancy 340 Amendment No. 1 Ford Aero 100 % Occupancy 341 Amendment No. 1 Ford Aero 000 % Occupancy 342 Amendment No. 1 Ford Aero 000 % Occupancy 343 Amendment No. 1 Ford Aero 000 % Occupancy 530 Amendment No. 1 North Ford 100 % Occupancy. 531 Amendment No. 1 North Ford 100 % Occupancy 532 Amendment No. 1 North Ford 100 % Occupancy 533 Amendment No. 1 North Ford 000 % Occupancy 910 Newport Dunes 000 % Occupancy 920 Bayview 000 % Occupancy 930 City of Irvine Development 000 % Occupancy JN 27765 Ms. Patricia L. Temple May 31, 1991 Page 8 TABLE 3 REGIONAL TRAFFIC ANNUAL GROWTH RATE COAST HIGHWAY East City limit to MacArthur Boulevard 4 % MacArthur Boulevard to Jamboree Road 2 % Jamboree Road to Newport Boulevard 1 % Newport Boulevard to West City Limit 2.5% IRVINE AVENUE All 1.5% JAMBOREE ROAD Coast Highway to MacArthur i •% MACARTHUR BOULEVARD Coast Highway to Jamboree Road 5 % ' Jamboree Road to North City Limits 1 % NEWPORT BOULEVARD Coast Highway to North City Limits 1 % Street segments not listed have 0% regional growth. JN 27765 ' Ms. Patricia L. Temple May 31, 1991 Page 9 TABLE 4 ' ONE PERCENT TEST RESULTS FOR CRITICAL INTERSECTION APPROACHES PM 2 1/2 HOUR PEAK PERIOD PERCENTAGES - 1992 1 INTERSECTION NB SB EB WB Jamboree Rd./MacArthur Blvd. .14 .11 .15 0 Jamboree Rd./Birch St. 0 .16 .25 0 Jamboree Rd./Campus Dr. .08 .10 0 .21 Bristol St./Campus Dr./Irvine Ave. .10 .06 .11 0 Bristol St./Birch St. 0 0 .23 0 Bristol St. - North/Campus Dr. 0 0 0 .08 Bristol St. - North/Birch St. r .79 .15 0 0 Note: NB = Northbound intersection approach SB = Southbound intersection approach EB = Eastbound intersection approach WB = Westbound intersection approach r JN 27765 Ms. Patricia L. Temple May 31, 1991 Page 10 Mitigation Measures Since all seven critical intersections identified passed the "One Percent" test, mitigation measures are not required for the proposed Sola Development Medical Office Building Project. On-Site Circulation and Parking According to the City's Parking Ordinance, the required parking for a medical office building is one parking space per every 250 square feet. The parking rate would require the proposed medical office-to provide approximately 45 parking spaces. The existing parking for this building includes 61 parking spaces, and therefore, meets the parking requirements of the City. As to the internal circulation, a review of the existing site plan indicates that no operational problems are expected with the proposed design. Site Access The proposed Project was also reviewed in terms of the location and adequacy of the site access points. Based upon a review of the existing roadway systems, the proposed access designs and the project traffic volumes, it was determined that the access points are adequate to handle the forecasted traffic volumes. However, it is recommended that consideration be given to signing the exiting driveway on Birch Street as "right turn only" during the peak hours from 7-9 AM and 5-6 PM, due to its close proximity to the MacArthur Boulevard/Birch Street intersection. Field observation has noted difficulty for motorists making a left turn onto Birch Street during peak hours. Summau This traffic phasing analysis has examined the potential traffic impacts of the proposed Sola Development Medical Office Building Project in the City of Newport Beach, California. The analysis was completed to conform to the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Existing plus approved projects plus regional growth traffic were considered in addition to Project traffic. Based upon these stated traffic conditions,the proposed Project will have no adverse traffic impacts at any of the seven identified critical intersections. In conclusion, it can be stated that the proposed Sola Development Medical Office Building Project can be safely implemented under existing and future traffic conditions. All seven critical intersections passed the "One Percent" test. i JN 27765 Ms. Patricia L. Temple May 31, 1991 Page 10 . . s Thank you for selecting HKA/RBF to prepare this Traffic Phasing Analysis. If you have any questions regarding our evaluation and analysis or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (714) 855-5760. Very truly yours, Demu�s B es, P.E. erman P.E. Director President Transportation Studies and Operation Services :blj Attachments ROFESS/Q4, oQpOF[SSlpy9l Q A� Qh S D. Bq D. Bgy2 Fy W N0. 1171 N m W No. C 041454 m` m * Exp.12-31.91 * EXP.6.30.91 'Tlgl TRAFFIC ���P N�gj�,o�IVlIFO��\e F0 CAUFp CAL JN 27765 APPENDIX ONE PERCENT TEST WORKSHEETS i ' 1% Traffic Volume Analysis ' Intersection JAMBOREE RD MACARTHUR BL (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter ®ring 19 90) P14 Peak 2h Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2), Hour Growth Peak 2's Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 2 Hour Volume Volume Volume volume Volume Volume Northbound 1496 Ll 9� 1'�7 ! 3 Southbound 2693 5`1 7,,13 3 D 35 ' Eastbound 1752- a'S q/3 2700 a 7 Westbound 3138 0 989 ylz7 `�� Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ® Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: PROJECT: FORM I Oc111,u1 •ncwrvni ucMvn + o—co—VI + a•corm + Llvtwat U1VlolV14' 714 047 ouv7+8 d 1% Traffic•Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE RD/BIRCH ST (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/spring _) aM Peak 2k Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2h Hour Growth Peak 2y Hour Peak 2h Hour Peek 2k Hour Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume ' Northbound 2585 U '' 11pg5 y, 2 So .3 Southbound 3431 O $•G67 f 7 Al 3 i ' Eastbound 1420 O 1, 671 1 /6 ' Hesthaund 54 0 O �• Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected [� Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection• Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 1 DATE: PROJECT: FORM 7 ' 1% Traffic Volume Analysis ' Intersection JAMBOREE BLVD CAMPUS DR (Existing Traffic Volumes based on verage Inter pring 9 90 PM Peak 21, Hour Approved Existing Regional Projects Projected 1X of Projected Peak ae Growth Peak 2)S Hour Peak 2xs Hour Peak 2y Direction Peak 2�S Hour Hour k 2k Hour Approach Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 3494 ' southbound3221 Eastbound 0 19/ b o?3 ' Westbound 3 1261 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ® Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. I , DATE: PROJECT: FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BRISTOL ST/CAMPUS DR—IRVINE AV (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average 91nter pring .19 90) PM ; ' Peak 2h Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1�"of Projected Project Direction Peak 211 Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 211 Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 211 Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 2587 7� oZ�D.7 2,9.30 29 ? 3 ' southbound 2889 v S 3 3 3 Y 3 Eastbound 5 _ 7011 i ' Westbound 0 ' I�1 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected J�v Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected 'Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: PROJECT: FnaM T ' 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BRISTOL ST/BIRCH ST (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 _) l?M ' Peak 211 Hour Approved Apprdach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Pe nk 2� Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 587 /Q rJ G Q /a ' Southbound 1792 O (p� FS(o Eastbound 4030 0 /F3 1/7/3 y 7 i Westbound 0nX Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ' Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected El Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. DATE: PROJECT: FnRM T ' 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BRISTOL ST N CAMPUS DR (Existing Traffic Volumes ase on verage Inter pring 9 90 PM Peak 24 Hour Approved Protected 1� of Protected Protect Approach Existing Regional Projects Direction Peak 2& Hour Growth Peek 2�, Hour Peak 2 Hour Peak 2u Hour PeeVolk Volume volume volume Volume Hour Volume ' Northbound 7'1 32 3106 Southbound 8 02 Ss ' /// y Eastbound 'Jv 0 O Westbound 6206 J�8 7 ' ' Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected ® Peak 2x Hour Traffic Volume ' Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 231 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. I ' DATE: ' PROJECT: FnQM T ' 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection BRISTOL ST N/BIRCH ST (Existing Traffic Volumes basedon Average inter pring 9 _ pM Peak 2h Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2y Hour GrowthPeak 24 Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume volume Volume Volume Volume ' Northbound 1314 southbound 3645 O oz9s 9ya 39 b Eastbound 0 O I 0 Westbound /4.2 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 1 ill ' DATE: ' PROJECT: FORM I • �?V 02-219- �l TRAFFIC STUDIES DAPPLICANT: CONSULTANTS: / NAME: ' PHONE: PROJECT NAME: DESCRIPTION: DATE DEPOSIT FEES PAYMENT REMAINING BALANCE �-- rgVPDR� --~!- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ,1 RECEIPT ! }� Om NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA 92663 No. 71341 C q / 0!9.a �<ILOPN� 19 T ` RECEIVED FROM FOR: {' ACCOUNT NO. AMOUN DEPARTMENT BY .�j�..... .. .--+.....--...---....--.r.�..�..+..�..�..�..�......w.�.,�..�..�..�..�..,.......�..�..�..r......�..�....» & 7Dy- as CITY CF ��WPORr - DEMAND FOR NEWPORT e� •'`� PAYMENT BEACH ��q� oRN,Pz Demand Of. Robert Bein, William Frost & Assoc. Date: July 31, 1991 Address: 14725 Alton Parkway P.O. Box 19739 Irvine CA 92213-9739 In the amount of: $510.00 Item of Expenditure Budget # Amount For professional services rendered June 1991 Invoice No. 1-6103 TOW $510.00 Approved For Payment: Apting DepartrpemtHdad Audited and Approved: Finance Director INVOICE ^- - .•.: ,.ONIX ; � � �3eitL,�lliam�Ffost�Esc tROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS$ SURVEYORS 14725 ALTON PARKWAY,P.O.BOX 19739, IRVINE,CALIFORNIA 92713-9739.. July 17� . DATE— To City of Newport Beach YOUR ORDER . . P. O. Box 1760 JOB NO. 2"65 Newport Beach, California 92659-1768 - Attention: Me. Pats TemplePROGRESS BILL NO. 2 INVOICE NO. 1-610 3 .. - INVOICE-DUEW"9"4*NVERED-INTEREST OHARSED ONIPAST DUE ACCOUNTS`• - , PLEASE RETURN DUPLICATE COPY WITH REMITTANCE Professlonal traffic engineering services rendered to prepare a 'traffic Phasing Analysis for SOla Development, City of Newport reach, orange County, C-111fornia. Professional. fees earned during JUNK 1991, Completion to dater 100% $5, 100.00 Previously billed _g 5 0. •yo- 9 51q,.A0 Contract dated say 15, 1991 ($5,100) ;- s t - a PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE— NO STATEMENT WILL BE MAILED DEMAND FOR CITY CF o��E�vaoR e NEWPORT • PAYMENT BEACH G� oRN,r z Demand of Robert Bein, William Frost & Assoc. Date: July 2, 1991 Address: 14725 Alton Parkway P.O. Box 19739 Trvine,_ .A 9 71 -9739 In the amount of $4,590.00 Item of Expenditure Budget # Amount 4501 Birch Street Traffic Analysis 02-219-01 $4,590.00 professional services rendered during MAY 1991 Total $4,590.00 Approved For Payment: NanA Department Hea Audited and Approved: Finance Director INVOICE ' IAL E INEERS, PLANNER&A SLI wt f3• ` 'f �. `'7i -/1LTON'PAI`$CWAY Paa=19T'er9-�'IRVINE,CALIFORNIA>�873R�"� a3 d 2,,... b 1I" 141 DATE • a .o-.,., .; .,:,,a,' -, .. YOUR ORDER 1 City of Me Y IP Boa 1768 27��ii5 Hewp4nt Reach, Cif } Focrai3 `s2659 174-tt JOB NO . - PROGRESS SILL NO: + Nei a� Atr,�Ittiur�: M3 . E'at� T:-aai+ir- INVOICE Na .•:0r-.1 -'. --. �.• •� UfMG6DUEAVHeN-WNDERED=YNTERESTC*A -Accof{NTS PLEASE RETURN DUPLICATE COPY MTN REMITTANCE a .c: fUOftZ.S),rsfcal tzvffis: r_rayln t: ira�t a�,xuice r na9rre�,4 ?.�: rC✓; ictl4.° 2 TT-jff. e,:_ f fk-A:,lIii } Ara-41yWi.:. t. _,r 801 a •� 3 jNvayl,_>�,mrnL� i^ity 4ai td:3yfnsr.t Fi: ,arh, t>r.+ta�i�' `'•;sstttt%i i �- :3IRf6I'illa, a{ • . L'Co RSt{,,il,.l 1, i,r`:i'S ;'.�sF tier.I 0c 1.tat) (•Af ).:'I'x'1.: 1 ;. 1 kl I'ttv't )+amt.y'; hI,11e*A S $4f59&" .`<�rt.;t:'i<'•�' ;'131:^'.x3 H:"+. i .I.s, I ?`+.1 �2 3F>S 41 t PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE- NO STATEMENT WILL BE MAILED �gW Pp�,T • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH VP.O.BOX 1768.NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659-1768 law C-111FOAt��T PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 644-3225 May 17, 1991 Mr. Bruno Duardo Sola Development Inc. 3050 Airport Way Long Beach, CA 90806 x SUBJECT: 'traffic Study No. 74 for 4501 Birch Street Proiect Dear Mr. Duardo, Attached is a copy of the approved Scope of Services proposed by Herman Kimmel and Associates for the above referenced Traffic Study. The City of Newport Beach is prepared to authorize commencement of work upon receipt of the following fees: Consultant costs: $ 5,100.00 City fees (10%): 510.00 Total fees: $ 5,610.00 Please make the check-payable to the City of Newport Beach. Please note that the consultant cametehrft within ten days of receipt of authorization. Since time is of the essence,please provide funding as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding this request or the proposal, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director - Patricia Temple Advance Planning Manager Enclosure 1 PLr..\LTR\TS.PP3.'. AkI � Newport Beach New port Boulevard N 3300 p F •.:per-wT .'1 ay. 73'.:a.'i.:':-.^S7 •wc:.r.{`.� V9