HomeMy WebLinkAboutTPO84_TS85 :/COMMISSIONERS MINUTES .00�r, pro rd�$s c� r 'rr��o CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 8 1992 INDEX tOLL CALL Traffic Study No 84 (Public Hearin e) e =1 Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow an existing 12,950 square foot building used for general offices to be converted to Apro�,ed medical office use. LOCATION: Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 84-706 (Resubdivision No. 776), located at 1601 Avocado Avenue, on the northwesterly side of Avocado Avenue, between San Joaquin Hills Road and San Nicholas Drive, in Newport Center. ZONE: C-O-H ,APPLICANT: The Carlson Company, Irvine OWNER: Pacific Mutual, Newport Beach Traffic Stuff No 85 (Public Hearin e) item No.2 Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow an existing 12,950 TS No.85 square foot building used for general offices to be converted to Approved medical office use. LOCATION: Parcel 3 of Parcel Map 84-706 (Resubdivision No. 776), located at 1605 Avocado Avenue, on the northwesterly side of Avocado Avenue, between San Joaquin Hills Road and San Nicholas Drive, in Newport Center. ZONE: C-O-H APPLICANT: Newport Diagnostic, Newport Beach A -2- c 'I N • � � � ' Planning Commission Meeting .October 8. 1992 ' G Agenda Item No. 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Trafiic'Study No 84 (Public Hearing) Request t approve a traffic study so as to allow an existing 12,950 square foot building used for general offices to be convbrted �to medical office use. LOCATION: Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 84-706 (Resubdivision No.776)located.at 1601• Avocado Avenue,on the northwesterly comer of Avocado Avenue and San Nicholas Drive, in Newport Center. ZONE: C-O-H APPLICANT: The'Carlson Company, Irvine " OWNER: Pacific Mutual Applications This application is a request for approval of a Traffic Study,(TPO#84)which would permit the conversion of an existing 12,950 sgfL general office building't6 medical office in Newport Center. Traffic Study procedures are contained in Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Environmental Sieniricance The proposed project is an existing building and is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of CEQA (Class 1 - Existing Facilities). A 0 TO: Plannin r Commission -2. , Conformance with the General Plan and Zoning The site is a parcel of Block 500 of Newport Center located in Statistical Area Ll. The Land Use Element of the General.Plan-designatesthe site for"Administrative,Professional and Financial Commercial" use. Medical office is-considered a permitted support use that would conform to the General Plan Guidelines. The Zoning is C-O-H for the subject property which allows professional medical office uses without the requirement of a Use Permit:: ;The project is outside the Coastal Zone Boundary and approval of a Coastal Development Permit is not required. r . „ . .i- Subject ProR21U and Surrounding band Uses Currently,11fe site is developed:mith a two story building which contains 12,950 square Seet. The subject property has been used'for general office purposes and presently is remaining vacant. 'To the north,,south=and'west of"thetpioje'diri'iof6ce and financial buildings;to the east, across Avocado Avenue, is a Park-N-Ride facility' of the Orange County Transit District. .� ! ' , I. Analals The proposed use of medical office would generate a higher traffic volume than the general office operation:; lberefore; a traffic'study°was tegilf ddAo deterh"dtthe'c dVitibility of the proposed project under`the{guidelines of the..CiW.,s•Traffi6 Phasing`Ofdihbdd.'A Traffic Study has been,prepared for-the proposed•ptcjavin'c6ddrmance,Nwith4V6i City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance.and City-Coiinbil IPolicy,,S=1I'to�ekkttiine the=consistency and conformity of the projecomth the City's Circulation Element. The City Traffic Engineer identified.six (6) intersections which could be affected by the project at full occupancy as follows: 1. Coast Highway at MacArthur Boulevard 2. Coast Highway at Avocado Avenue 3. Coast Highway at Jamboree Road 4. Jamboree Road at San Joaquin Hills Road 5. MacArthur Boulevard at San Miguel Drive 6. MacArthur Boulevard at San Joaquin Hills Road The first step in evaluating intersections is to conduct a 19o' traffic volume analysis, taking into.consideration existing traffic, regional growth, and committed projects' traffic. For any intersection where, on any approach leg, project traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of the projected peak 2-1/2 hour volume in either the morning or afternoon, Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis would be required. The 1% volume test conducted at the six study intersections indicated that the traffic increase at each intersection leg from the proposed project was less than 1% of the projected 21/2 hour peak volume at all intersections evaluated. Therefore,no Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) calculation or any further analysis is required. TO: Planning Commission - 3. Site Access and Parking The primary access to the site is provided from Avocado Avenue. A mutual ingress and egress access exist between the subject property and the parcel located to the west of it. Currently,there are 53 parking spaces provided on the subject site. Section 20.30.035 of the Municipal Code requires for all medical offices to provide one parking space for each 250 square feet of gross building floor area. Based on the architectural plans, the gross building area is 11,750 sgft. which requires 47 parking spaces (11,750 / 250 = 47). The subject site has a parking agreement with the parcel located adjacent to its northerly boundary(1605 Avocado Ave.). The Agreement reserves four(4)parking spaces from 1601 Avocado Avenue for use of the tenants of the building located at 1605 Avocado avenue at all times. Therefore, the total number of parking available for the proposed project is 49 parking spaces and the project meets the City's parking requirements. Suecitic Findines The conversion of the existing building to a medical office facility does not create any problem from a planning standpoint. Based on the review of the traffic report prepared for the proposed project,the requested change to a medical office would have nominal impact upon the circulation network. Specific findings and conditions must be made to approve a project pursuant to the Traffic Phasing Ordinance,and are set forth in Chapter 15AO of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Should the Commission desire to approve the Traffic Study, findings for approval are included in the attached Exhibit "A". No suggested findings for denial are provided since the project is in conformance with all City plans and requirements. PLANNING DEPARTMENT DAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By. � � Aziz M. Aslami Associate Planner -.\ar7z\trafrJC\tSftr po Attachments: 1. Exhibit "A" 2. Vicinity Map 3. Traffic Study TO: Planning*mmission - 4. EXHIBIT"A" Findings for Approval Traffic.Study No. 84 �5"r. •'rtw�x„<, r , 'fib;}�p�+.Y:G�_u�....r,c-• » sy;.'�i?5ir'.r .h.1i�•.r•7.'n�'•.".'piy..- ' FINDINGS: A. CEQA.COMPLIANCE That the,proposed project is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of, CEQA(Class 1 -Existing Facilities) . . ••• B. TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE'STUDY NO. 84 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of thc.;�pioO*d,,project;ojPft ri qii► dg,�t.4. Moon peak hour traffic 4 and .circiil o�C system lit;accq,gnge writl�L Ghapfer 15.40 of.the Newport Bea51t�,Munioipal;C4de;�tid,CityGonncix Policy 5-1.. im?�'' `L.�. �•,. 2. That the trc study inchcates tia the traf c projected one year after project completion,during-any a.m.or p.m.2.5 bour.pbak'traffic period ' on each leg of each critical intersection,will be increased less than 1% by traffic generated from the.pr"ect during anyL a.m. or p,m 2.5 hou# period ; r= L?SL3'••vii�if?g[;fi3'?i"tg3T"•f^i�3.PT'i i""�f?:"ri�¢f11:.Tif!fififfffA?^.� ,:: � ._ a�:•s:_ ,;.i.t ..:.t:L_,f: t.;•t:.i_ __ .,r.�z_ ._u;-v. �_t•:•::;a:>;�:.:••• : ::a:.t•a:::• VICINITY MAP Traffic Study No. 84 NI i ~ NISI M w Y Qe1� ! S�Mt/ o� y11 v� J t PROJECT LOCATION AAA, 6 x�Op4 � °x J 4!! IN w�C 04 J Ax Jww !!! 1. 4 e oa i! e J d w i ♦! Nnn • b . w� LyT yLL SAN bx��J Il. N NIf 0! i 4 Report On: TRAFFICAND CIRCULATIONSTUDY MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 1601 AVOCADO A VENUE, NEWPORTBEACH, CALIFORNIA Prepared For. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MR AZIZASLAMl, ASSOCIATE PLANNER 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD ? NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA .submitted By. JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTAT/ON ENG/NEERS, /NC. 223 E. IMPERIAL HWY, SUITE 155 FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92635 (714)447-6070 fax(y14)447-6070 Our,File#P777 September, 11, 1992 INTRODUCTION & PROJECT DESCRIPTION At the present time the development at 1601 Avocado Avenue in the 4 City of Newport Beach is vacant. Current land use of the subject development is general office containing approximately 12,950 square feet. A proposal has been made to convert the existing general• office land use to a medical office. i.e. , the entire project would produce a total of 12,950 square feet of medical office building. Main accesses to the site are from Avocado Avenue to the east, however, site users may choose to access the site from Santa Rosa Drive to the west, from San Nicholas Drive to the south or from San Joaquin Hills Road to the north. At the project vicinity, Avocado Avenue is two-way south of the site and ' one-way, southbound only, north of the site. Figure 1, on the following page, illustrates the Project Site Vicinity Map while Figure 2, Page 3, is the Project Site Plan and Figure 3, Page 4 illustrates site photographs. The purposes of this report are to: 1) Forecast the amount and distribution of traffic ' of the proposed land use and determine the net change in traffic patterns as a result of converting the existing land uses to medical office only. 2) Assess, the impact the project will have upon the adjacent street system, per the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Data pertaining to this project was obtained from the City of Newport Beach active file. This data houses peak hour traffic counts, peak 2-1/2 hour traffic counts,, additional traffic as a result of cumulative projects and previous traffic analyses which were, performed for the same parcel prior to construction. The data and the analysis is presented in the following pages. TRIP GENERATION FORECAST _ Daily and peak hour trip generation for projects such as that being proposed here is normally expressed in terms of trip ends per 1,0.00 square feet (KSF) of gross floor area. A trip is defined as a one-way vehicular journey either to or from the site, or it may be a journey totally within the site. The latter is usually ;referred to as an internal trip. Each trip will have two trip ends, one at the beginning and one at the end of the destination. Because of the nature of the proposed project, there will be a minimal number of internal trips. -JUSTIN E FARMER 1 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, ING /�� X. `�, �1$, Jf y t \ ISE)[\SVE ♦ �y, t 't \n7! Qrrcu ,� ••' r \ 10 ii,i rir � •jAL � • / v\\ �"'wi. r 11�_ �«� � li� Jl p/ y. ' gam.* t >'rfr �i\ t _ // aes[pvi % —' = Y �r �'_' I �• �/ t p,'��.)y�1�: 1''•'•tr / o ^rr &'a 1 GGG w @>fH en�'Irr 'roar w4 NE PORT Y • • ! �0�. \\. -BEACH � //. �,`� ,• \ aQ \ r !lrernwir \ '• r4o Mu ! rr • .L r W •YIt,P (. ru.,�'fy \' is 1pr [r>'w�'(L'L �f 7J11� I �1 •, wuvu �.mz: I ;t r w dS' I r v Ji i a. r_ e .1 •• ' �Sw wf. • I i a-, d r `.�nl a � _ er rcw ` l //�+ 5 Cw/fawlr �• \W;awunl la '� i _ Sao / �� _ , b•i V' n L:�fa '11•LFrs'yEi w \ ` • �,• '• 3 .� lulur1114 �vl r7 ... _ --i q n Y r •'Ym \__../9 �sW0y1 A a•°nw' S u ell. Owl, .Y=w> Il4Y'YIL_P1V w.�a'wl�. u r. va♦ ^"�4�� 1=!` > � �Bal6oa BQ '" aklW , Lw s4 0 �«•_._.ea a.. .� \� , .yam a, ti— __ IFS o ru wu.lr � _ , •n. 1� C°r Iwv [ mxw M7¢ai lra Rmh ' 1 mr�[n rwwlF v rl FI G SITE VICINITY MAP JUS11N F. FARMER 2 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. !1 r,. so n • n r f rl,t .N' ..'.• , .r 1 1 U 1` 1 ' • •9 SAN JOAQUIN• _ HILLS FIG PROJECT SITE PLAN 2 JUSTIN F. FARMER 3 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. 4 t. + , . 1 ,. sa .L, ems• r ••h,l tY R:3:G�t •' it ♦ it f . . Looking topnrd '1601 Avocado •Avenue. the arrow 'points to Fthe projects' main access. ZI Looking south along Avocado Avenue. The arivow• •points toward .=�•--=�•-. San 'Nicholas-•Drive. V - w�. . .. �• 4• • .•`IUD' Looking 'North along1 Avocado.- avenue; Note • �" r•. • eDo xot'ENTER,t -,WkONG NAY SIGNS!'.I ` - FIG PHOT OGRAPHS OF PROPOSED SITE 3 JUSTIN F.FARMER 4 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS.INC. D Traffic generation forecasts have been prepared for the proposed project based upon trip generation factors as compiled by the City of Newport Beach. Traffic currently generated by the existing development was calculated and compared with future traffic to arrive at a net change. Table 1, below, summarizes the trip generation forecasts. It indicates a net decrease in the number of trips during the morning peak hour and a net increase during the evening peak hour. A primary reason for that is the different type of site users and operation associated with the medical office building, as compared to the general office building. TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION FORECAST MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 1601 AVOCADO AVENUE 12,950 SQUARE FEET AN PM Qom' N OUT Proposed Land Use (FUTURE) Medical Office Building ' 12,950 Square Feet 0.6 0.2 1.9 •8-4 7 2, 23 29 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 14 4 46 58 Existing Land 'Use (NOW) General Office 2.0 0.4 0.6 1.7 12,95O Square Feet 24 5 7 20 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 48 10 14 40 Net Change Peak 1 Hour -17 -3 +16 +9 Peak 2 1/2 Hours -34 -6 +,32 +18 NOTE: - Top' number is trip rate and bottom number is the number of trips - Peak 1 hour is 50% of peak 2 1/2 hours JUSTIN E FARMER 5 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC.' r ,TRIP DISTRIBUTION it is recognized that the distribution of project trips will vary ' considerably, depending upon the type of land use ,proposed, the day of the week and the time of the day. For an office ' development, the morning and evening peak hours are critical time periods. The predominant trip maker during both hours is the employee and the trip Will be a home-work journey. As a consequence, the trip distribution is based, to a large degree, on the spatial location -of residences in the service area of the site. Trip distribution patterns. are, however, different for a medical office building where trips are made predominantly by patients and medical staff.• General trip length associated with such proposed rmedical office building would be less than those associated with general -.office, i.e. , the medical office is proposed-to< attradf, more, trips from'the surrounding vicinity than a general office would. Based ort familiarity with traffic patterns ` near the study area, the location of potential users and the observation of peak hour traffic, directional distribution ,patterns were determined and were ' used to • forecast .-the distribution of project trips. Inasmuch $s stable 1, indicates a net decrease in •trips during the AM peak hour, : morning`� peak -hour trip distribution is'•• not needed for this analysis. i . - Figure 4 on -the , following page, graphically illustrates the evening peak one hour trip distribution for the subject project, while Figure 5"•illustrates the project peak 2. 1/2 hour volume. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS . Inasmuch as the trip generation `•forecast presented in Table 1 indicates that there will be a decrease in traffic volumes during the morning peak hour as a, result of the project, only the evening peak hours will be considered in the following section of this analysis. A. Cumulative Projects The City of Newport Beach's traffic engineering staff has completed a list of cumulative projects which may impact this portion of the City's street network. The list includes 141 projects, of which approximately 40% are not occupied, 43% are fully occupied, and 17% are partially occupied. �z JUSTIN E FARMER 6 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC Zx Nor m SME SITE �� \ � J CID 'rt` .�Q•tp ✓fry Q! FASHION ISLAND a PM PEAK HOUR °R' BEACH 2 NET INCREASE t IN 16 +o OPT 9 to Qld@° I �! J JAMBOREE RD. N FIG PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION I PEAK 1 HOUR 7 NOT N SCAlE {SITE i \\ J FASHfON ry ISLAND a RT DR. T eEACN OR, i 10 _GPM PEAK AT -INCREASE • 'pob !IN 32 -OUT 18 a /M1 " JAMBOREE M. - FI( PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION E PEAK 2-1/2 HOUR 4 B. Regional Growth The Newport Beach City Traffic Engineer has prepared a •1'ist of specific regional annual growth rates which are associated with the study area and are ,summarized as follows:. Jamboree Road Coast Highway to MacArthur Boulevard 1$ MacArthur Boulevard Coast Highway to Jamboree Road 3% Coast Highway Jamboree Road to Newport Boulevard 1$' MacArthur Boulevard to Jamboree Road 2% East City limit to MacArthur 'Boulevard _ 4% ' C. Intersections to be Analyzed City of Newport Beach Traffic Engineer has identified that the primary -impact from project traffic will be- on the site vicinity intersections of: 1) Coast Highway at MacArthur Boulevard , 2:) Coast' Highway at Avocado Avenue 3) Coast Highway at Jamboree Road 4) Jamboree Road at San zoaquin Hills Road 5) MacArthur Boulevard at San Miguel Drive 6) MacArthur Boulevard at San Joaquin Hilis 'Road Figure• 6, on the following page, illustrates the locations of these study intersections. D. "One Per Test" The methodology presented below is for -the' 1%' traffic volume analysis per- the City of • Newport Beach's`Transportation Phasing Ordinance. - Volumes used are the 2 1/2 hour traffic volumes. - Volumes were extrapolated to the year 1993, 1 years hence. - Regional annual growth rates ,were used. - - Traffic volumes associated with the cumulative projects were added to the extrapolated 'vo'lumes and 1% of the pro- jected peak 2 1/2 hour volumes were determined. If project traffic exceeded 1% of the projected peak 2 1/2 hour volumes, intersection analyses were conducted for the impacted ,intersection. The 1% test conducted at the six study- ' intersections indicates that the increase at each intersection leg was less than 1% of the projected 2 1/2 hour peak at all inter- sections, . therefore no Intersection Capacity Utilization calculations will be required for this analysis. JUSTIN E FARMER 9 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC �5 t�\ !=tSUVE 73 '�" S� AIIRi/'' -�eisuvi'r♦��\'•,'-.1 ��• C >! 7,' , •-. i i, 1. . ., .y . 1• bey. ; �•ulrwwr t � / • � 6. yy Y �o rhA d1'� - 1 , 1 •Y' ,. _ _, �r_,y. ;N• PORT• _ � j� - �1 . iWnlr,Y :w BEACH.. a%, '' x♦,=/vW. •)pv � _ wowut I 4 - •�� 'y11I1 n:� 1' + `{`•1� Jeuplitt • �� \ � R IIINY(y � ��ry 15 \\� 1 "`ra �'YR!•�_ - . .' `\ I Gull! �O A•1. t' .N 1 rl.Wt - MNn IL 1 /INtgIA ♦Iw , L!N rt wrr 1 Iwim - 1 i L•rLlM / f•f�N4fIM FIG STUDY INTERSECTIONS 6 l� JUSTIN F. FARMER 10 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS-INC. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION o A proposal has been made to convert the General Office Building located at 1601 Avocado Avenue ' in the City of Newport Beach to accommodate a total of approximately 12,950 square feet of Medical Office Building. o The building is currently unoccupied and it is served by the site main driveway on Avocado Avenue. Additional access is provided onto San Nicholas Drive and Santa Rosa Drive and San Joaquin Hill Road. o The City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance was utilized and information was collected regarding existing traffic volumes, cumulative project traffic and growth factors. o Trip generation forecast for the existing and future develop- ments are summarized as follows: TRIP GENERATION FORECAST MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 1601 AVOCADO. AVENUE 12,950 SQUARE FEET AM PM Q Z s Promied Lan Use (FUTURE) Medical Odffice Building 12,950 Square Feet 0.6 10.2 1.9 8.4 7 2 23 29 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 14 4 46 58 " Existing Landf - General OfficeUse (NOW) 2.0 0.4 0.6 1.7 132950 Square Feet 24 5 7 20 Peak, 2 1/2 Hours 48 10 14 40 Net Change Peak 1 Hour -17 -3 +16 +9 Peak 2 1/2 Hours -34 -6 +32 +18 NOTE: • - Top number is trip rate and bottom number is the number of trips - Peak 1 hour is 50% of peak 2 1/2 hours JUSTIN E FARMER" 11 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. o The,..congersi,on tq Medical ,Office ,.wilding will result in a decrease i in f he:jporning- peaK-Ajour , ;traffic,;and an -increase in " "the evening peak ' fiour traffic uflere'fore, the analysis of 'this- report was based only on the PM peak hour only.:- - - o The: ,following,`intersections werec •iselected • to -be: analyzed -using-the above• referenced Traffic6 Phasing Ordinance. T) -Coast Highway at MacArthur -Boulevard 2), Coast Highway at Avocado .Avenue 3) , Coast Highway -at Jamboree 'Road- - 4.} 4 Jamboree Road at San Joaquin Hills Road -5`) --''MacArthur Boulevard at San Miguel Drive -4)R 'MacArthur Boulevard ,at San Joaquin Hills Road o When, the 1% test was conducted, project pear 2 1/2 hour trips - wer'-e'.' found- to 'be less than=-14 - of tha projected-2 11-2-hour 'volumes' ' for ' all intersections, therefore , Intersection Capacity Analysis were not required. o : Project, traffic, ,w,ill have nominal impact upon the six study intersections. If xou`haye'any„quesirions'I ple se`.do,,not, hesitate. ; o. call. Respectfully submitted, ST F. FARMER TRAN RTATION ENGINEERS, INC. ust:in F. Farmer, P.E. , President Fa�fESS311 JFF:dk co W ' m Exp, OF CA�� IS JUSTIN F.,FARMER 12 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC y i 9' � • 1 1% Traffic Volume Analysis .Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/AVOCADO, (Existing Traffic Volumes Med on Average Wintert5pring 3 42 FPM Peak 2$ Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected i% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2y dour Growth Peak 21t Hour Peak 211 Hour Peak $$•Hour Peak Zk Hour Volume Volume volume Volume Vol Low Volume Northbound '665 -'665 2 667 7 2 southbound 818 - 818 104 992 -- 9 _ -8 Eastbound 3493 3963, 290 3853 39 - _ 10 i ilestbound s 8 2762 2'41 _ . 3003 . _ 30 _ ... 4 � Project Traffic is estimatedi tog be- less tharn 1% of Projectedi 0 Peak 2's Hour Traffic Volume Q Project Traffic is esti'mate'd: to. tie- greater than 1% of Pr03ected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume., Intersection Capacity 'UtfTi,tati'on (I.C.U.) Analysi's' i•s required'. {f , dam' Medical OfficL- Building 1601 Avocado Avenue DAME: 9/9/4.2. • PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/JAMBOREE RD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on verage In er , pr ng 22)PM Peak 24 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2h Hour Growth Peak 21* Hour Peak 21t Hour Peak 2$ flour Peak 21y Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume, Volume Volume - i Northbound 942 942 626 1568 16 4 Southbound 4218 4260 2131 6391 64 2 ' Eastbound 4657 4704 3433 8137 81 4. Westbound 3805 1195 5000 50 4 3730 i Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected M Peak 2;g Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of projected [] Peak 211 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. j . ai Medical Office Building 1601 . Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/•92 PROJECT: ewpor eac FORM I 1 1% Traffic Volume.•Analysis , intersection-, JAMBOREE 'EtD/$AN;,JQAQUIN, HILLS RD ; (Existing,Traffic_Volumes :se' on; yerage• p,er . pr, n9 ,• 9_2 , - - Peak 2h Ho'ur Approved Approach, EydAting Regiodal Projects Projected 1% of,Projected Project, Direction Peak0004r Groirth Peak 24 Hour Peak 20our Peak 2y-Hour Peak 2y Hour Volume Voluar Volume Volume Yq?. Volume Northbound,, 3401- 3435, 3361 6798 68 - • - ---- — -- - - -- Southbound 5055 , 5106 . 3728 - , 8834. , 88 4 Eastbound 4.14 414 62 476 . - 5 Westbound 1558• 1558 , 2 - - - - Project-Traffic- is, estimatedi to, be less• than 1%-of Projected �- Peak. 2h Hour Traffic- Volume i` Project,-Traffic- is estimated) to. be greater than,, M of, Projected, Peak 21s Hour-Traffic •Volume. Intersection, Capacity Utill-A�Ign (I�C.41.) •Analysis is required. W • W Medical 0££ice Building 1601 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9,/919', PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MACARTHUR BL/SAN JOAQUIN HILLS RD ; (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 _) PM. Peak 211 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2)1 Hour Peak 2h Hour Pel Peak2h Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I Northbound 2755 2838 356 3194 32 2 Southbound 4346 4476 1328 1775 18 , j 2 Eastbound 1957 1957 495 2452 2'5 2 Westbound 1015 1015 238 1253 1,3 2 ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume O Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak. 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. i r I z3 Medical Office Building 1601 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MACARTHUR BL/SAN MIGUEL DR (Existing traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 pM Peak 2y Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional- Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project I Direction Peak 24 Hour Growth Peak 2y Hour Peak 2k Hour Peek 2§'Hour Peak kh Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Yolume 1 Northbound 1962 2021 753 2774 28 ! 2 I South bound 2743 2770 1 581 1 3351 34 i 4 Eastbound 2101 2101 1020 3121 31 I 6 Westbound 701 580 1281 13 6 L Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1'% of Projected M Peak 23S Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 24 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization* (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 2� Medical Office Building 1601 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 PROJECT: Newport Beach �__ -- — — -- FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/MACARTHUR BL (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 jg)PM Peak 2k Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project , Direction Peak '2k Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 211 Hour Peak 2y Hour ' Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- southbound 2475 1 2550 1 1669 1 4219 1 42 2 Eastbound 4280 4365 1058 5423 54 -0- Westbound 3675 588 4263 43 6 Project Traffic is estimated to be less -than 1% of Projected n Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to-be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U:) Analysis is required. w A5 Medical Office Building 1601 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I 0 JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. iuol 223 EAST IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 155 � FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92635 TEL.(714) 447-6070 FAX (714) 447-6080 Transmittal To: G I'1'`/ 0h Ij'tan!eb 0;F eRE, Lt Date: 3300 Kj�dP041- 3m1Lcr/,42/I Proj. No.: Nil I✓r�n/t�0/ZT (��tt// /A Re: tM :WIL tt. cc: / 00/ 1}7OC,ADt) Attn: (I/J A-7,I� R-SL 02T- We are sending you: ❑ Attached ❑ Under Separate Cover ❑ Personal Delivery Via P'US Mail ❑ Delivery Service ❑ FAX ❑ The Following Reports ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ ❑ Plans ❑ Specifications ❑ ❑ Prints ❑ Data ❑ If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. For: ❑ Your Use ❑ Your Files j:24eview & Comment ❑ Use on Job ❑ Approval ❑ ❑ As Requested ❑ For Corrections ❑ Description: �TFft? �C� 12AF�ic� Prrt) cIpaCII('4-nopi S7VD11z--S F04 Th-lc P,�o �as�nn'! m�o�car c o r� � �ut�p-2-i✓C Goc�-sr�.� ,9-� �dn i /TUiT�i�U fh/�NU� Remarks: PI;r5l�S� CAtL- tf YDU tt-t - Ai-Nu ©or 77nds 0 cn i Respectfully, ��(a lily (��JI'z�i1rL Q SEW POD ° a CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Ur) P.O. BOX 1768,NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 C,9Gr Fp 0.��P PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 644-3225 September 1, 1992 Shahir Gobran Justin F Farmer Transportation Engineers Inc. 223 E. Imperial Hwy # 155 Fullerton, CA 92635 Subject: Traffic Phasing Ordinance Study for 1601 and 1605 Avocado Ave, Newport Beach ( TPO # 84 & 85 ) Dear W. Gobran: Per our telephone conversation, I have enclosed copies of the "Proposal Acceptance", for your file, regarding the two projects located in Newport Center in the City of Newport Beach. For traffic data or technical questions please contact Rich Edmonston, the City s Traffic Engineer at (714) 644-3344. Should you have any other questions regarding this project, or need copies of development plans, please contact me. Very truly yours, PLANNING DIRECTOR JAMES D. HEWICKER, DIRECTOR By 0_ Y Aziz M. Aslami Associate Planner F.\WP51\...\Aziz-A\Traffic\TWLct2 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach aEwaORT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U Z P.O.BOX 1768,NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659-1768 C'9</ppR��P PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 644-3225 August 27, 1992 Mr. Paul J. Coulter 2081 Business Center Dr. Suite 250 Irvine, CA 92715 Subject: Traffic Phasing Ordinance Study for 1601 Avocado Avenue. Newport Beach (TPO # 84) Dear Mr. Coulter: Enclosed please find a copy of a proposal submitted by Justin F. Farmer Transportation Engineers Inc. regarding Traffic Engineering Services required for traffic phasing analysis a for the proposed Medical Facility at 1601 Avocado Avenue in Newport Beach. The proposal contains an outline of the required work, schedule of time, and estimated fee required for preparation of the task The requested Traffic Consultant fees have been reviewed by the City and are considered appropriate and warranted. The fees are as follows: Consultant Fees $ 2,750 City Fees (10%) $ 275 Total Request: $ 3,025 Please submit a check in the amount of$3,025 payable to the City of Newport Beach. Your prompt response in this matter is appreciated. Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By Aziz M. Aslami Associate Planner F.\WP51\...\Aziza\Traffic\1M4LM 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach SEW Po �m CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U ) � T P.O. BOX 1768,NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 cg41 Fo fL PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 644-3225 August 13, 1992 Justin F Farmer, Transportation Engineers Inc. 223 E. Imperial Hwy # 155 Fullerton, CA 92635 Subject: Traffic Phasing Ordinance Study for 1601 Avocado Ave, Newport Beach ( TPO # 84 ) Dear Mr. Farmer: The City of Newport Beach Planning Department has received an application for a Medical Office facility on a site that is located at 1601 Avocado Avenue in the City of Newport Beach. The proposed project would require a TRAFFIC STUDY to determine the impact of the subject Medical Office on the City's Traffic Circulation System. The City invites you to submit a proposal to prepare a Traffic Phasing Ordinance Study for this project. If you are interested, at your earliest convenience, please submit a proposal to the City including project tasks, budget, and timing. Copies of development plans can be obtained from Mr. Paul J. Coulter of the Carlson Company, 2081 Business Center Dr. Suite 250, Irvine, CA 92715 (714) 757-1960. For traffic data or technical questions please contact, Rich Edmonston, the City's Traffic Engineer at (714) 644-3344. Should you have any other question regarding this project, please contact me. Very truly yours, PLANNING DIRECTOR JAMES D. HEWICKER, DIRECTOR By . 01 m Aziz M. Aslami Associate Planner F:\W P51\...\Mz-A\Traffic\TWLct 1 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH THE CARLSON COMPANY Ay JUL 27 1992 PM 718191101U11211121314AS July 24, 1992 John Douglas Environmental Coordinator City of Newport Beach Coordinator VIA TELEFAX 3300 Newport Boulevard ORIGINAL TO FOLLOW Newport Beach, CA. 92663 644-3339 RE: 1601 Avocado Avenue Newport Beach Dear John: Rich Edmonston, Traffic Department, indicated that a traffic study will be required based on the information in my letter of July 23, (Please see attachment). I am anxious to get this process started so please prepare the initial proposal and an estimate of costs so that I can present this to the owner for approval. If you have further questions or need additional information please contact me at (714) 757-1960. Your promptness in responding will be greatly appreciated. `. erely, I I�So� gf0e5 ! 2-5D C,� Paul Coulter Property Manager 146" 1 cc: Dave Honerkamp, Pacific Mutual Q� PC/mw -M 60l — Sl spans �3� r V--d 11605- 43 sreas 4 ra &-.ma n (Got 9f CORPORATE OFFICE: 3 Corporate Plaza, Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 640-1922 FAX(714) 640-2043 BRANCH OFFICES: ❑2092 Omega Road,Suite C-2 ❑39213 Fremont Hub,Suite B ❑39136 Paseo Padre Pkwy. ❑2460 Las Posaa Road,Suite E ❑23353 Mulholland Dr. San Ramon,CA 94583 Fremont,CA 94638 Fremont,CA 945M Camarillo,CA 93010 Woodland Hills,CA 91364 (510)838-8561 (510)792-1720 (510)505-M r (805)389-4783 (818)222-2044 ❑818 N.Mountain Ave.,Sude 101 ❑285 South Palm Canyon,Suite D-9 ❑ 14752 Beach Blvd.,Suits 207\Crr(jiV,2081 Business Center Dr.,Suite 260 ❑5115 Awnida Endnas,Suite H d Upplan ,CA 91786 Palm Springs.CA 92262 La Mirada,CA 90638 Irvine,CA 92715 Carlsbad,CA 92008 (714)949-2216 (619)322-4168 (714)521-5580 (714)757-1960 (619)4$1-8.354 THE CARLSON COMPANY July 23, 1992 Rich Edmonston VIA TELEFAX Traffic Department ORIGINAL TO FOLLOW City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, Ca 92663 RE: 1601 Avocado Avenue Newport Beach Dear Rich: Per our recent telephone conversation the information you requested for the above referenced property is as follows: Gross Floor Area: 13, 112.7E s.f. Net Floor Area: 11,033.22 s. f. Parking Spaces: 51 As we discussed, the owner is considering leasing the vacant building as professional/medical instead of professional/office, as it was formerly leased. A site plan is attached for your use. Please advise me if a traffic study is required since the owner is anxious to get things going if the city will require a study. If you have further questions or need additional information please contact me at 757-1960. Your promptness in responding will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Paul Coulter Property Manager cc: Dave Honerkamp, Pacific Mutual CORPORATE OFFICE: 3 Corporate Plaza, Suite 100, Newport Beach,CA 92660 (714)640-1922 FAX(714)640-2043 BRANCH OFFICES: ❑2092 0mega Road,Suite C-2 ❑39213 Fmmonl Hub,Suite B O 39138 Paseo Padre Pkwy ❑2460 tas Posers Road,SuRe E ❑23353 Mulholland Dr. San Ramon,CA 94583 Fremont,CA 94538 Fremont,CA 94638 Camarillo,CA 93010 Woodland Hills,CA 91364 (510)838.8581 (510)792.1720 (510)505.9304 (BD5)389-4783 (818)222.2044 ❑818 N.Mounlain Ave.,Suite 101 0 285 South Palm Canyon,Suite D-9 ❑14752 Beach Blvd.,Suite 207 O 2081 Business Center Dr.,Suite 250 ❑5115Avenida Enpnas,Suite H and,CA 91788 Palm Springs.CA 92262 to Mirada,CA 90638 Irvine,CA 92715 Carlsbad,CA 9200E 14)949.2216 (619)322-4158 (714)521.5580 (714)757.1960 (619)431.8354 n ..•. .. - •!q' •i.^ 't`:..4F,y`• _R` - y'` ., _ ,• .Y•. ?pw i.lea,\: 1 .•:City ... [�••yr \r` t � lti t•�C• 1 - ;,+f.. r ��� •. � \ • �R: ::.. i y �tpyv,��t,l� , ,c� - .f •: -_ 1 r � 66 d; ` 61 : parking r 4► ijl�•+:• Win. ZA 11 1 t�:a'• 'G• ' i 0 - - son am IN `'b'i,.' ��LT�*01��?` �la�F'L��r� • - � irGrtL'� I Lai so Is ZA • i �• s`' 1 a - r, w411 Ir Jul be 011 ' �♦ A�•T .'�..y.ry.r�y,�...-+ 'Y•Tr� -•.`r.�.f�.'�'R,.1-.�:'IR`�!�` .�--. -.��.-..r. -- ��ccsTr�1_ �svUft.PI wS �Cps --- --- - --- ---- --- --- --- iP�E-- --(�-S�'-PrC-ems ---- - --. ___ _ _ _.__ - ATy�y- ---le----��q-/--/—�-�,h,`a�a/-h�//t-�J�LCr-�➢'-AQ-��/-�5 ��y�n RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND �• Bi ttt/�nst, WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: ca City of Newport Beach ¢- "'-' Planning' Director P�C IvZ.o c� 3300 Newport Boulevard 9 riannfn Newport Beach, CA 92663 O''3Tt" zot }1 g FEB G 1985 CITY CF NEWPOP,T BEACH, rl? CALIF. w � N DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS T is eclaration of Restrictions is hereby made on the day of February, 1985, by Newport Financial Square, Ltd. , a California limited partnership, Albert J. Auer & Associates, general partner (hereinafter "Auer" ) , with reference to the following: A. Auer is the owner in fee of two (2) parcels of real property located in Newport Center at 1601 and 1605 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach,—Ca-lifornia, more particularly described as: Parcel No. 2 and Parcel No. 3 of a portion of Block 93 of Irvine ' s Subdivision per Map filed in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Record Maps of the County of Orange B. Auer has received approval from the City of Newport Beach to construct one (1) two-story office build- ing on each of said parcels. C. Issuance of building permits for construction of the two (2) office buildings is conditioned on the Municipal Code required parking for both office buildings being satis- fied under a reciprocal easement binding both parcels. NOW, THEREFORE, Auer hereby irrevocably covenants with the City of Newport Beach that there be and hereby is created the following restriction on the property described herein, which restriction shall bind Auer and Auer ' s heirs, y assignees, and successors in interest unless removed by a written recorded release from the City of Newport Beach as follows: 1. ' Reciprocal non-exclusive easements and rights-of- way for motor vehicle parking over and on the motor vehicle parking areas and parking access driveways for Parcels No. 2 and No. 3 of a portion of Block 93 of Irvine 's sub- division 'which are constructed pursuant to the City of Newport Beach approved plans for the Auer Newport Financial Square office buildings. 2. This covenant shall be recorded in the Recorder ' s Office for the County of Orange. NEWPORT FINANCIAL SQUARE, LTD. , ALBERT J. AUER & ASSOCIATES, GE ERAL RTNER /�Z��" By: 47 _ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss: COUNTY OF ORANGE ) On this the day of f=2ki-Aa ' 1985, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Pu � c in and for said County and State, personally appeared Al ert J. Auer , proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the General Partner of Newport Financial Square, Ltd. , a California partnership, that executed the within instru- ment, and acknowledged to me that such partnership executed the same. ?JInIIIIIIINII IIIIIIillllll llllllll lill it UIII IIII IIIII IIIII11111� OFFICIAL SEAL = ' SALLY LOU UHLIR c NOTARYPUOLIC-CALIFORNIA = v PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN = ORANGE COUNTY c My Commission Expires August 8, 1986 nnunuuuunuuullllllllllllunnuununununuuuuc -2- I' a R ,rsrEo 13v a 11��0 u* C G6,a62fc1V 8E I Z0753 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City of Newport Beach Planning Director RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS 3300 Newport Boulevard $1300 OF ORANGE COUNW,CALIFORNIA �\wport Beach, CA 92663 C16 ,35E pM MAR Z6 '86 COUNly 19, AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS This Amendment to Declaration of Restrictions is hereby made on the 31st day of January, 1986, by Newport Financial Square, Ltd. , a California limited partnership, Albert J. Auer & Associates, general partner (hereinafter "Aue-r") , with reference to the following : A. Auer is' the•-owner in fee of two (2) parcels of real property located in Newport Center at 1601 and 1605 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, California 92660 , more particularly described as: Parcel No. 2 and Parcel No. 3 of a portion of Block 93 of Irvine 's Subdivision per Map filed in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Record Maps of the County of Orange B. Parcel No. 2 and Parcel No. 3 have each been improved with a two-story office building. C. The parking standards set forth in the Newport Beach Municipal Code requires 47 parking spaces for each office building for a total of 94 automobile parking spaces. Parcel No. 2 (1605 Avocado Avenue) has located thereon 43 parking spaces and Parcel No. 3 (1601 Avocado Avenue) has located thereon 51 parking spaces. D. In order to satisfy the City of Newport Beach parking requirements, Auer executed a Declaration of Restrictions dated February 6, 1985, recorded in Official xZ _ • 86-IZOT53 l f Records of Orange County, California, on February 8, 1985, granting reciprocal non-exclusive easements and rights- of-way for motor vehicular parking over and on the motor vehicle parking areas and parking access driveways for Parcel No. 2 and Parcel No. 3. Auer now proposes to establish 32 reserved parking spaces on Parcel No. 3 (1601 Avocado Avenue) for the exclusive use of the occupants of the 1601 Avocado Avenue office building. NOW, THEREFORE, Declaration of Restrictions dated February 6, 1985, recorded in Official Records of Orange County, California, on February 8, 1985, granting recip- rocal non-exclusive easements and rights-of-way for motor vehicle parking over and on the motor vehicle parking areas and parking access driveways for Parcel No. 2 and Parcel No. 3 of a portion of Block 93 of Irvine 's Subdivision per Map filed in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Record Maps of the County of Orange is hereby amended to provide as follows: 1. Auer irrevocably covenants with the City of Newport Beach that a total of 94 parking spaces shall be maintained on the combined parking areas of Parcel No. 2 and Parcel No. 3 for satisfying the Newport Beach parking standard requirements for the two office buildings located thereon at 1605 Avocado Avenue and 1601 Avocado Avenue, respectively. 2. 32 parking spaces shall be set aside and reserved for the exclusive use of parking automobiles for the occu- pants of the 1601 Avocado office building (Parcel No. 3) , as shown on the attached diagram marked Exhibit "A" and made a part herein by this reference. Fifteen (15) park- ing spaces shall be maintained on Parcel No. 3 as common parking. 3. At all times subsequent to the recording of this Amendment to Declaration of Restrictions, a minimum of four (4) automobile parking spaces shall be set aside and -2- 80Z0T58 maintained in the motor vehicle parking areas located on Parcel No. 3 for the common use by the occupants of the 1605 Avocado Avenue office building (Parcel No. 2) . 4. The owners, occupants and users of the office ` building located at 1601 Avocado Avenue (Parcel No. 3) , shall relinquish all rights to park automobiles in any of the common motor vehicle parking areas located at 1605 Avocado Avenue (Parcel No. 2) . 5. The reciprocal non-exclusive easements and rights- of-way for the parking access driveways for Parcels No. 2 and No. 3 of a portion of Block 93 of Irvine 's Subdivision as established by Declaration of Restrictions dated February 6, 1985, recorded in Official Records of Orange County, California, on February 8, 1985, is unaffected by this Amendment to Declaration of Restrictions. 6. This Amendment to Declaration of Restrictions shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder for the County 6f Orang_er California, and shall supersede Dec- laration of Restrictions dated February 6, 1985, recorded in Official Records of Orange County, California, on February 8, 1985. NEWORT FINANCIAL SQUARE, LTD. , ALBERT J. AUER & ASSOCIATES, GENERAL PARTNER j I i -3- 86r12075 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) i ) ss: 1 COUNTY OF ORANGE ) { On this _130 _ day of jnnuary , 1986, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Albert J. Auer , proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the General Partner of Newport Financial Square, Ltd. , a California partnership, that executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that such partnership executed the same. h � UirFICIAL 8E4L • � �t�`— �l ��i CCGC/L!• /� [1FlUR210 f ,�?;,•^:,,c.1 Notary public.California Pr;ndpal Office in ORANGE COUNTY My commission expires 3.27-89 >..R..R..hH.Aw.A:6rfx.nn.-1..M1..1.x1•.^- -4- r .nn'A'!'+fiti mt"• " ,y, p a v • j f,,yrx,Iwr w'vt'�: 5 t6',Fl.,bn ,'�+,M,'r n;x;•;t"y: ..xl...,C,z....p.�..c.5w1,u-,a:•j.. y.iRVA _s�' .54 r1.n �.i'I.' ;:i'i "�j.`Yew'••"S, Y.,.�4 , i;.'a �.i t. .nr i y' 1 y ,r' ,r rJ`'." ••'s.'f;$!' t .. !�%�,'.i. „i ti� •,kt L%'. f i 1. ,i'•ti ry.:'.,,u�. :A'P,}q� nirl ,{ « '• ;1, ::����: „air a; i•',�'r.. A.. t:: :A�f,Y,j`,..�.. _y r ..4'::�y'' .� '{l" ;A I �i, i a{ 4, >•ir-. �' t jN'.�' ,r4+ .: "yy,'S5, ' `h'cF' t v,JY"'.V f♦♦ ���� !''t:rv!(�:,', `kh y�•r,',`2.9 �=X.},:,3'.'v. q, i�« , t,, }•v. 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SUB. . �•` rW" r.� 02 May IM •.:)Tf ASSESSORS BLOCK i ASSESSOR'S MAP MrE SUE( A(M. 1-88 PARCEL NUMBERS 6 MtM2PAGE 08 G 1 7AIR?AA26015 MA( 239-28 704/0CL.ImiW=OKY) SHOWN 1N ORCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE PARa MAP P.M 54-23,61-/0,91-19.37-23,192-1IW-/7 q'1�11rC/��Jn• p: PM a x jN TV ASSESO��l1 �ALT 23: ` lr� 7KPSSESSOR �WMASTO �n O of 39j ?. `� EpROitER N0110 110D11C�• � Mi + 6' A�L�l\�RpNyi�1yTyS1A� 1991 ,, o SAG`,�{/.�,c. • t 22 la60 0 k s . .N^aS'a'C. •. j nY N.� O O rt S•�[ Y+ I.Y! ./) yam- tlj. ~ •'1qY -�' 24 PANS i ' axvf tJ:Sr :JVR:+ti CaOI " y �r• �`'=4;^';^��'. i � M Sol I 014 n ♦ M BJC 55 If Yip t ' •��R:d•=•z,• R S rF2J t 4a. ao.rJ1A(.•/C! tr.o.av � ''�..aa{�...j'{..•�` 2� 7 r- 10 SUR i ��" �./ 7•• Alt -�.� RS M-54 yi MOTE- Ste. 14"AC `• "� ASSESSORS B 93 � Kl/GCEL Nl/.YBE Ald•7 53 •• 1• ♦'!• O •. SHOWN /N C/R MARCH /967 41 .<r 27 50-Z8 ...refr ASSESSOR'S M 50-36 Wor442 PAGE t PARCEL MAP , P.At IMOU 92-/3,/52-/7,253-34 COUNTY OF OA -26 77AG7 HQ 6015(STREETS) MM. ZFS09104! /RV/Nf SUbt AL A[ /-88 445-07 r a . 1 JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. 223 EAST IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 155 FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92635 TEL.(714) 447-6070 FAX (714) 447-6080 I LANNING DEPARYWEic, August 24, 1992 CITY OF NEtYPORT REACH AM AUG 21 1992 PrI Mr. Aziz M. Aslami �18�9�IDIllI]2111218s�,r:r Associate Planner City of Newport Beach ` 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, Ca. 92658 Re: Proposal for Traffic Phasing Ordinance Study for 1601 Avocado Ave. , Newport Beach Land Use Modification Dear Aziz: First let me thank you for selecting us to conduct the traffic study for the above referenced project. As you are aware, we have conducted a number of such studies in the City of Newport Beach and are therefore familiar with the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. I have spoken with Rich Edmonston, the City Traffic Engineer, and I believe that I have an understanding of his concerns. We therefore offer the following scope of service. SCOPE OF SERVICES We will visit the site and inventory those street environmental features that will affect or be affected by the project. Specific attention will be directed to the location of driveways, both on the site and on adjacent properties. It is my understanding that approximately 6 intersections may be impacted by the proposed modifications. These intersections will be analyzed using the City of Newport Beach's Traffic Phasing ordinance. A forecast will be made of the net increase in trip generation and distribution of project traffic and its impact on the level of service at the subject 6 study intersections. Our forecast will include trips associated with the proposed land use minus trips associated with original land use. An assessment will also be made on each of the proposed access driveways to the site with respect to adjacent streets and intersections. % . • DELIVERABLES Our study and its findings will be summarized •in a report with a format customarily used for traffic impact reports. Up to 10 copies will be prepared. TIME SCHEDULE We will deliver our report in two weeks after receipt of your signed notice to proceed or signature on this proposal. FEE PROPOSAL We propose a lump sum of $2,750 .00. This fee considers our analysis of one site development plan. Should that plan be revised, or should additional work effort be requested after start of our analysis, the fee will be amended to reflect only that amount of work which was necessitated by the revision. Submittal of a revision or a request for additional analysis by you, or by the City, will constitute authorization to amend the scope of service. The fee assumes that the manual traffic counts and cumulative trip data per the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance will be provided to us for the key six intersections. The fee does not include attendance at public hearings. Should we be requested to attend meetings with either the City or local residents, we will invoice at our regular hourly rates for the person attending such meetings. The proposed fee includes all costs, overhead, and profit for performing those work efforts resulting in the printed report. If this proposal is acceptable, please so indicate by signing in the space provided on the following page and return a copy for our files. JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. Thank you again for considering us for this work, as we look forward to working with you on this project. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, JUSTIN F. FARMER, TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. 61,60 Shahir Gobran, Manager of Transportation Planning SG:sf THIS PROPOSAL IS ACCEPTED COMPANY ADDRESS SIGNATURE TITLE DATE TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER JUSTIN E FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FOO City of Newport Beach Planning Department r. 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA 92663 (714) 644-3225 A. General Information 1. Applicant/Agent: The Carlson Company Phone: 757-196n Address: 2081 Business Center Drive Suite 250 Irvine CA 92715 - 2. Property Owner: Pacific Mutual Phone: 640-3773 Address: 700 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach CA 90660 --- B. Project Description Please attach the following materials for the project: • vicinity map • Plans drawn to scale • Proposed revisions to zoning map • At least 3 different site photos mounted and text using underline and on 8 1/2 X 11 cardboard with a key map ^t-• '. a notation, if applicable showing the photo locations and direction of view 1. Project name: Newport Financial Square 2. Project location: 1601 Avocado Avenue Newport Beach CA 926607 dated 3. Assessor's parcel #: 442-081-11 4. Permit application 0: 15864 9/26/86 5a. Proposed use: Professional/Medical 5b. Project size (dwelling units, gross floor area, etc. ) 13 112.78 sq. ft. gross floor area Sc. Site sizes 39 000 sq. ft. 5d. Building height: 2-story, approx. 45 f>et 6. Existing land use designations: General Plan: C. 0. B. Zoning: PC Specific Plan: LCP• 7. Previous governmental approvals: 8. Other governmental approvals required: Federal: State: Regional: Local: 9. Begin construction: N/A Estimated occupancy: 6/93 (date) (date) C. Potential Environmental Effects On a separate page, please provide the following information. If the question is not applicable, indicate "Not applicable" or "None". r 1. Earth Please describe the earthwork that will be required for the project. Include grading quantities, and the location of borrow or stockpile sites, and haul routes, if applicable. Describe any geotechnical or soils investigations that have been conducted. Include exhibits showing existing and proposed topography, retaining walls, and erosion control devices. 2. Air Describe any air emissions or odors that could result from the project, including emissions during construction, and any measures that are proposed to reduce these emissions. 3. Water Describe existing and proposed site drainage, and measures that will be employed to reduce erosion and prevent contaminated runoff from entering the storm drain system, groundwater or surface water. Describe any changes that could occur in groundwater level's or bodies of surface water. Is the project located in a flood hazard zone? 4. Biological Resources Describe the existing vegetation on the site, and any trees or 'large shrubs that' are to be removed. Identify any fish or wildlife that inhabit the site. 5.* Noise Describe any sources of noise that impact the site, and any noise-generating equipment that will be utilized on the property, either during construction or after occupancy. What means to reduce noise impacts on surrounding properties or building occupants are proposed? 6. Light and Glare Describe exterior lighting that is proposed for the project and means that will be utilized to reduce light and glare impacts on surrounding properties. 7. Land Use Describe: a) the existing land uses and structures on the project site and on adjacent parcels; b) the project's conformance with existing land use plans and regulations for the property; and c) its compatibility with surrounding land uses. 8. Public Health and• Safety Identify any aspects of the project that could present a risk to public health due to normal operations, or due to an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or spill. Is there any possibility that the site could be contaminated due to previous uses or dumping? If so, what measures are proposed to eliminate the hazard or contamination? 9. Population/Housing/Employment a. If the project is residential, please explain how the project will comply with the affordable housing policies contained in the Housing Element of the General Plan, and the average household size expected, b. If the project is commercial, industrial, or institutional, please identify the tenants and/or uses and the estimated number of employees. 10. Transportation/Circulation/Parking Please describe how the project will comply with parking regulations, and identify any changes or improvements to the circulation system that are proposed as part of the project. 11. Public Services/Utilities Please identify whether adequate capacity currently exists for the following public services and utilities. If expansion is needed, explain how it will be accomplished. Please attach any written confirmation of capacity you have received from service providers. • Communications Systems • Electrical power • Fire protection • Natural gas • Parks/recreational facilities • Police protection • Schools • Sewer systems or septic tanks • Solid waste and disposal Storm water drainage systems 12. Aesthetics Describe whether the project could potentially obstruct any scenic vista or view open to the public, or create an aesthetically offensive site open to public view. Could the project block any private views? 13. Cultural and Historic Resources Please identify any known archaeological or paleontological resources that exist on the site. Would the project result in any adverse physical or aesthetic effects to any building, structure, or object having historical, cultural, or religious significance? Certification I certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits are correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am the legal owner of the property that is the subject of this application or have been authorized by the owner to act on his behalf regarding this application. I further acknowledge that any false statements or information presented herein may result in the revocation• of any approval or permit granted on the basis of this information. Print name of owner o representative Signature, ,Opner: Pacific Mutual - ncial Square ! '� '"r4"�.--_ Agent for Owndr: The Catlson Company, Date Paul Coulter, Proper Man ecy r ( _ Date filed: Fee: Receipt No: � JJ By: f:\...\JOVORMENV-100. Re . 2/9, I C. Potential Environmental Effects 1. Not Applicable 2. Not Applicable 3. Not Applicable 4. Not Applicable 5. Not Applicable G. Not Applicable 7. Not Applicable 8. Not Applicable 9. Not Applicable 10. Transportation/Circulation/Parking Owner is considering leasing the vacant building as professional/medical per Exhibit "A" as follows: Gross Floor Area: 13, 112. 78 s. f. Net Floor Area: 11, 033. 22 s. f. Parking Spaces: 51 No impact to circulation of property. 11. Not Applicable 12. Not Applicable 13. Not Applicable I I I THE CARLS�PANy Paul J. Coulter PROPERTY MANAGER 2081 Business Center Dr.,Suite 250 Irvine,CA 92715 (714)757-1960 Fax#(714)757-1962 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Building Department 3300 Newport Blvd. P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Phone: (714) 644.3288 Plan Check No: FEE RECEIPT&� C4 Received From Gfl Job Address 010-5002 Building Plan Check- Valuation $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ❑ 010-5004 Grading Plan Check- Cu.Yds. . . . . . . . . . . $ ❑010-5002/5004 Overtime Plan Check-B G ❑ 010-5008 Special Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ❑ 010-5008 Reinspection B E H P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ❑ 010-4612 Temporary utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $' ❑ 010-4616 Temporary Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . $ ,mil Planning Planning Department Fees. . . . .Ino.t/y. . . $ . ❑ 010-5812 Sale of Maps&Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ of6. �Zq3 �Qtn�c $ TOTAL FEES: $ When validated this is a receipt for the amount of fee collected as shown in space above. The serial number, date and amount validated hereon have also been validated on your application or other document and have become a part of the records CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH from which this receipt maybe identified. � V o RECEIVED BY: Serial No. ��� Fee NOTICE: Plan Check expires 180 days afteJUP1004992 I1-91 DISTRIBUTION: Original - Permittee; CGLTtYeARNEWMT DRACH W�r�ti r.Y•Sc• .iil,�. �+/•�. _ � .. .s••r- _ . rVI INITY, - '�"+.'C:^�` •i::R..r'.ti A 1'As`Oo{Rj�a 1 -"'�:4in:tr'z+t,,t. b.oi�s.. . . .,�:;IA t.d �"�� tAv� � �°F o� .�� a`wy � �+'d F 1 ; .• \ \ C S A 69 I >5lpp_iRU1F 7I '\ � °' • / _ f 1/ .F —t U[[ER EW10Ri'R Ti_ ' 1 'ltiaoolu ' � 1It ' F 4 \ /r r� :SP J,•:O�µVR l d, o- 4 I 1, / nt. �, •� mw.nlM�r 44 / ..sTay.wQ,['�•^-�' �� I ♦ I�j � !+` f d j - ! ``turaur d � - `• � � / UMYlRpA Or U1XP11M .2 1 / YM11r ' tY.� •1y f t INE PORT fib° J nn,tf7a R " BEACN i Va ' '� ( ffmrmnir xwrar � I .- '�'f:wrr fa r. ,��t $��..• � � '� � I.R�IR ;��� t rnox wAOt 'nrcui,uct . I \ I i ■w •i' tm""� 1 Olt rnuaeau wwxnw inn `t S [� d _ — l ,j': ` R .1 i •. �.: y1 ��,, � � 4 hggturr i�0 gn 6 T c ZY °/ �d r • QII !j . mAxo G/ F i ' o '.^ b 4♦ u eru r\_ / Q Tlld !'4', 1rt. v l ,e.4. j i C t w • o .� � �.. u 9lAlRM BBIANO ,�Tq '♦♦ w..: r/1 4 4 Rya I d F mr a �� f a-, `} �'�' ':sir: .. � 'r'f':4:T . . /. •r �`+ n . .I 11 .bat- .c e:'+�4 / _ 't. -. Todd l6: �� • A.�,/. r'1 SENT BY:aw �W 7-22-02__ 8:21AM ; PACI_FiC MQUALyTHE CARLSON COMPANY ;# 2/ 3 �f ,.•• •ti, ' ' •EXHIBIT:A ' , .,.,. p.ii�Ypy�d':, It!,l•x,'�r,y •, � 1: r •, 1 �h,'• i.y.. .' .. (' .f RQRpIWYAMAFUJt AND PARTNEAS,INCI hL +' L'•,a:'i,:.,;:r., FYlELhtRE/PLAWNrp t:x;.1• .: 3:r•. rYS >:,. N i}ri.^ li)} ('•1fN ••Sr •S 1 •,•4.:; ' .i•.r. v'.t . '.q •,'• ff,• pi„-•.t.,,.��.�'. ,:Yr.S lli: .,r::w^1Sa,.Af� M1•'. ' r .y. i �t '`.I��. ' Y .,• ••�'1'�'1}•t' •t(tu.l• ;M a, af. { ,' ,nl'G'ii:t•. 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T, rl«� ifs S•'1 ..IHi^: 'rr`'.I ., ,, �t n !:J, r et"C .,P,iff: M + 1 ,. 3 1yJ r','}4' ' JR"1Ai: • �F,•:?d• •r rlirL ''' r.hi ' r7f'"• ,.; „- �41 , ,,IN ,n .t . , 1' +;w �i�st F1oae•(640Q 89 9 R Grass Area) ,�,' ,.,. r . .�F 77 T� •'.L�'t'1. 7;(I F' 4•r+ 5'i r .a �-� Y• �'.'� r r .rr',•.'i'.L: 1 7rf, !, ar rry„'b,• Y1�} �e,°:; * 'Syy��h 7Y_(� '� lohby' a;l \ ,„,:2s6.00 S.F. •,�::; ::t�.r,- ;:'a= ... •;;: �;�',yr . -N, J'W.Yf' Itr qiC I, it ''y, irrt;a. .i f'''.+.}:ii i���,. Ins My1'y. 1. •i:�:"4 t:Y ' r Stair #1 r;i 170f05 S.F. „ ,•:, x.r,o.',. 1.,.' : , t� 'L, •::: r •.. ?:..,.,N ..Y.,1•;:y Ji'r r„J' J , , ^ wStai r ix ::: .. :-„' S.F.. i:!.,.f,. •-fi r4�'.:'.! ,y'a.N>ti'j}� �i!p; t .:1::•a'.. •' �t•� 40 S.F. ny�•1j11'}'r,'r :L;t, )�a Y :.:TE116tric F`ROOdI .70 f +tlt' r �•st�t. 1 • ,1t+;.'FdF rS•1',f 'r ;f .:,'f,�:ri,�,� {-4i"'l g r la11 , h ,fa,,µ('A, ",, i'CY:1'.�Fti.: ,Y.^. •. .... ' �,., •; +;•` '' {' '. I i.%r"f';''•"b400.89 S. .�{6NOa4 ArME:� .: j `' Y';j",;ri,';: :�gar'•Is;.; N 'rtl, �l, � ! -/•p'�'. y „! ',:., �' 'D!Ni }III. tl.:'y�!S•,' a;+s.( -r. �,:� j}f . /,,:IrS i,rr�•606. 5 S. :. .:.. . ' t. l: n ,••l y. . i'.::.. ' 1' Net Clear Aran ;r'N ', ;z;;,+ • ''s; t,{y�' �r,j':it".a'+�'ti�T.xrMli:li•4}, "??'inf1,",.',.n...r.'1,.-M-" ir, ! ,•• ':r,.,ti;` w': f,'yi. •,'t , '••"�' '!' +wW{CCSteond.Flaor (8711.89 ¢.Er;Gross, Area) ,.•,:,,.:+.1.Y,I ,;',Y5,7,h Y.•��(�M,. .r,��'� ':,': t�4° ' i ft g,,, bby ,,.a.;.i,'. =in t•'• ... 5 5!Al2f FF.: 7r5 .•'.... ':,` r'. ;;;k:;Jt',; ,640.00 S.Aces'. 410r'4 . c: : ,..k::r" r� ;rAcaf. Access ;';' ;,'r 30.00 SrF.gr: {s'ha31,a'wxlati�'�Wall Furring. • '41' ;:,; J " 'Tisch ,-Shaft- 'r'46 28' S.F. i,�,.,•'•:r:!:. •..a•� �•! >:!•.;t""'Uy','tw'INiQ'�,",4f. i n . ,�• r � .ate,• ::'. .�:ti�N.'ti: ,n'W,,#, z; t:',• . .A� ".fY•t3!•t•r�},'!(4 '•• ', :;;i0pen 'Areal Stair_'11 :•;486.83•S. ell •pj"�i7}i:.;.;'.C:,!f�',r'tF{tf'•;.i•"�':,Sl,;•'.i.y tY,,a�2yf/^rt.Nln.�!"}iiyQiJr:y r�.r,`1a rt..AC,�'�A,,.'7:�tirPa,.�:,r t�:yii`}V'H;i''"K{,iCiI�A(tijt�ri��M'r 4fi1`'44�`S,?ttrr'"1],�.�'}j�,�1!.�('�,,;'1••,�l�'f�•L z,.,�L`j•.i,'•+'6•Y'',u7 1,:14i:...s8 1'=91r Lt i ffi.r,:s:`'n..�r...J:.•.M':'r'•���trt'Y.,t,r.%n{<..5a;...',a:c.•�;,}•!,r' 2y'9i .:0rr�0.r.:'rw••r;';'t..'F.; .2, ,•-:•!,,Y:;f,'r'.,:+t.q4 sj otal' yK.,•,.:,„ r :,,�`1'.''t y'1'•�*�{"n:lv4itl°•r .":w �ry%'.1yAtI•,wt;,1 fa,l 1 F (Goss.Area) ; T ? S.F.. 47 :{:5�•S,j�Jr�;~.'•/r\'+`,''D17!j`''(•y`'ryiy,::1'h,I.l u•�:,�1 'l1�r ::• . =n i„1,ry•flt'.f... '[J. ^f'!'W„'�J�:, 'tj1;�Nr'T14'•�•1,��,�'tr Y{'C•,nSrT�rlrS'tw •rl fir. 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COMP. a 1191 Itlfr tlj5MLAAQP0= MAX CONTG. o ✓ u \`.0 SUBJECT Newport Financial Square 12.540 a ► .SANJO 1501 Avocado Avenue 12,540 w A S 7 tz f � Q Q Aa �Lu Mp,�0 /2.546 CMC►LAZA ✓ O D C c�„ POONSEASOMS . s° I 1.Home Savings Building 12.500 FINANCIAL 1005 Avocado Avenue 12.500 '!A o�EJE�E F O (� �v4• ►LAZA _ r Ca (twln building neat door) 12.500 2.Pacllle Financial rtCn Plaza 220.000 500 6 B40 Newport Center O 28.3355,335 M +� MCOLAS D" 11.427 �p L 'P a� op 3.Blrlchefirrina Co.JV 47.000 yIs ►ACIFICMUTUAL am "' 23 Corporate Plaza 87,000 PLAZA 42.000 IFa10 s00 (—j, S �t`PLAZAL ^54.Oeotge Elkins Building 22.000 ASHION ISLAN `„I J U A.Sled Motors /7 Corporate Plaza 22.000 offf) Rau Royco 12,000 sOl_I 4 PoFOCINtles lke i Fire e 4 �� t�t OlavE C.CIVIC P1aa 5 1,2,3,6 4 Civic Plaza 145,107 45,433 MA IOTr P A D.Newport L BNCIf 13,756 �i� E = E Newport Harbor Lr Ad is Mutual S.Bank of America t oflding Drive /25,e09 � F.Pacific MU[IYt 500 Newport linter Drive 23,e1K Plea /1,200 ®�A G Four 54vsa0na N.Fikurclal Plea 7.The Carson Company Bidg. 20.000 1gS>il 3 Corporate Plaza 5.211 L Mod"Plea 2.502 CL \ J. Design Plaza � Also1�J \ ,292 y K Gateway Plaza a.Gateway Plaza 10.124�® O � 120,130,i/50 0124 L.Corporate plea Newport Center Drive 3,555 U SE•ISLAND 'IHVINE COAST COUNTRY CLUB j, rAMa 0� L.M.Nelman Mantle S.Groser/Rouch Building 21.124 - 1� N.Broodway 2Corporale Plaza 3,490 O.sufloc is wusm a 3,450 ��ONI O — 0 P.Mordolisultum violet +<s p R.Roih5n5 10.Design Plaza 11,000 g E ° ®� SS..Ab Co t 1,500 g r Y' T.Action Wordy 1.000 w .lam (� IL Sao Island - -- 2 \\ O v V.NeWp Rosorl 1/. WesternBuilding 51,421 YE MrbWngs Nursery 450 Newport Center Drive 5,745 ATEA 3 O _ X.Newport Harbor 3.052 RT .__ - ° Chamber of Commerce 4 C Balboe Bay Club 12.Union Bank 270,533 Tennis Ckuh 510 Newport Center Drive 47,53/ PKarICCOASTI1,0110fAT Z. Edwards Cisterns 15.000 P� IRVINETERRACE 13.520 Newport Center Drive 223.170 *yt 2,a37 FCIO • ® • 14,Walla Fargo Bank Building 245,254 550 Newport Canter Drive 15,507 NEWPORT CENTER ' 4,309 J -� • TS gel o��EwPpk em CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U P.O. BOX 1768,NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659-1768 C'g41FOTL % NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of The Carlson Company. for Traffic Study No. 84 on property located at 1601 Avocado Avenue. The application includes a request to approve a traffic study to allow conversion of 12.950 square feet off general office use to professional medical office. AND Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of Newport Diagnostic for Traffic Study No. 85 on property located at 1605 Avocado Avenue. The application includes a request to approve a traffic study to allow conversion of 12,950 square feet of general office use to professional medical office. Theses projects have been reviewed, and it has been determined that they are categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 8th day of October 1992. at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the public hearing. For information call (714) 644-3200. Harry Merrill, Secretary, Planning Commission, City of Newport Beach. NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach '.. `"'r + (S 3-4 6 � l /YI'v""''' 13�t4o.5� 53 I tb�5 43t�- = �`� 11� 6i6. asrP 5 ! � �.On �P.vua �(�� Oca `~ �rvine Co. j Newport Center Medical 11222 Acacia Pkwy. 550 Newport Center Dr. • 1401 AvocadoAve.#901 Garden Grove, CA 92642 i Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach,CA WO Irvine Co. of W. VA Irvine Co. of W. VA Pacific Mutual Life Ins. 911 Wilshire Blvd. #850 2029 Century Park E. #960 I 700 Newport Center Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90017 Los Angeles, CA 90067 I Newport Beach,CA 92660 First American Trust Co. 421 N. Main St. Santa Ana, CA 92701 Y- ' ,_ _y--..«..--_« �).. ,. - ,....tip. .t..''Ry'(V`:;tSn.h- .__`. —« - -, � ���"i4`z2 ;.Y ty)c•, -..i 4 -I 1 :';' 'r;•; •ou= 'soTarouooa oTtgnd ., oTonurno aquEQ S 1 ENTER NUMBER OF RECORDS TO BE PRINTED, OR PRESS RETURN TO PRINT ALL RECORDS > PRESS RETURN WHEN PRINTER IS READY > REAL ESTATE DATA - DETAIL COPYRIGHT (C) 1992 DATAQUICK INFORMATION NETWORK ( 714) 553-8535 ORANGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARCEL-NO: 442-014-22 USE DESC: WHOLLY - VACANT OWNER: ORANGE COUNTY TRANSITDISTRICT 2ND OWNR: NONE SITE NO SITUS MAIL : 11222 ACACIA PKWY : GARDEN GROVE,CA 92642 PAGE-GRID: (old) (new) PHONE: ASSESSMENT/TAX INFO. PROPERTY CHAR. SALE/LOAN INFO. -------------------- -------------- --------------- ASSESSD VAL: $2 ,167 ,812 LOT SIZE : UNAVAIL LAST SALE : UNAVAIL LAND VALUE : $2,167 ,812 # OF UNITS: AMOUNT: UNAVAIL PERCENT IMP: °a YEAR BUILT: COST/SQ FT: EXEMPTION : NONE SQ FOOTAGE: DOC NUMBER: 393043 TAX RT AREA: 007041 ROOM COUNT: TITLE CO. N/A ANNUAL TAX : $ . 72 BEDROOMS LENDER TAX STATUS : CURRENT BATHROOMS : FIRST TD TRACT 00000 # STORIES : ADDT ' L TDS: BLOCK GARAGE PREV SALE : UNAVAIL LOT POOL AMOUNT: UNAVAIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 • REAL ESTATE DATA - DETAIL COPYRIGHT (C) 1992 DATAQUICK INFORMATION NETWORK (714) 553-8535 ORANGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARCEL-NO: 442-014-24 USE DESC: VACANT - COMMERCIAL OWNER: IRVINE CO 2ND OWNR: NONE SITE NO SITUS MAIL : 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR : NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 PAGE-GRID: (old) (new) PHONE: ASSESSMENT/TAX INFO. PROPERTY CHAR. SALE/LOAN INFO. -------------------- -------------- --------------- ASSESSD VAL : $2 ,953,807 LOT SIZE : UNAVAIL LAST SALE : UNAVAIL LAND VALUE : $2,953 ,807 # OF UNITS: AMOUNT: UNAVAIL PERCENT IMP: % YEAR BUILT: COST/SQ FT: EXEMPTION : NONE SQ FOOTAGE : DOC NUMBER: 000045 TAX RT AREA: 007041 ROOM COUNT: TITLE CO. N/A ANNUAL TAX : $29,909. 48 BEDROOMS LENDER TAX STATUS : CURRENT BATHROOMS : FIRST TD TRACT 00000 # STORIES : ADDT ' L TDS: BLOCK GARAGE PREV SALE : UNAVAIL LOT POOL AMOUNT: UNAVAIL REAL ESTATE DATA - DETAIL COPYRIGHT (C) 1992 DATAQUICK INFORMATION NETWORK ( 714) 553-8535 ORANGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARCEL-NO: 442-082-08 USE DESC: COMMERCIAL - MISC OWNER: NEWPORT CENTER MEDICAL BLDG 2ND OWNR: NONE SITE : 1441 AVOCADO AV MAIL : 1401 AVOCADO AVE #901 : NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 : NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 PAGE-GRID: (old) 32-B6 (new) - PHONE : ASSESSMENT/TAX INFO. PROPERTY CHAR. SALE/LOAN INFO. -------------------- -------------- --------------- ASSESSD VAL: $6,954,260 LOT SIZE 3 . 46 A LAST SALE : 12/05/91 LAND VALUE : $1,352 ,626 # OF UNITS: AMOUNT: $2,432, 500F PERCENT IMP: 80% YEAR BUILT: COST/SQ FT: EXEMPTION : NONE SQ FOOTAGE: DOC NUMBER: 0669089 TAX RT AREA: 007041 ROOM COUNT: TITLE CO. : CHICAGO TITLE ANNUAL TAX : $70,416 . 06 BEDROOMS LENDER : WESTCO REAL ESTA TAX STATUS : CURRENT BATHROOMS : FIRST TD $6 ,750,000 TRACT 00000 # STORIES : ADDT' L TDS: BLOCK 19 GARAGE PREV SALE : 11/27/91 LOT 00001 POOL AMOUNT: $2, 671,000F ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------------------*------------------------- ------------------ 1JAhUML-14U'. 4 - - 1 OWNER: IRVINE CO . 2ND OWNR: NONE SITE : NO SITUS MAIL : 550 NEWPORT NTER DR C , : NEWPORT BEACH, CA. : NEWPORT BEACA 92660 PAGE-GRID: (old) (new) PHONE: ASSESSMENT/TAX INFO. PROPERTY CHAR, SALE/LOAN INFO. -------------------- -------------- --------------- ASSESSD VAL: $7 , 575 LOT SIZE 9148 LAST SALE : 02/01/73 LAND VALUE : $7, 575 # OF UNITS: AMOUNT: UNAVAIL PERCENT IMP: % YEAR BUILT: COST/SQ FT: EXEMPTION : NONE SQ FOOTAGE: DOC NUMBER: 000045 TAX RT AREA: 007041 ROOM COUNT: TITLE CO. N/A ANNUAL TAX : $77 . 42 BEDROOMS LENDER TAX STATUS : CURRENT BATHROOMS : FIRST TD TRACT 00000 # STORIES : ADDT' L TDS: BLOCK 19 GARAGE PREV SALE : UNAVAIL LOT A POOL AMOUNT: UNAVAIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** DETAIL FINISHED *** 2 RECORDS PRINTED PRESS RETURN TO CONTINUE > REAL ESTATE DATA - DETAIL COPYRIGHT (C) 1992 DATAQUICK INFORMATION NETWORK (714) 553-8535 ORANGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARCEL-NO: 442-081-03 USE DESC: OFFICE - LOW RISE OWNER: IRVINE CO OF W VA 2ND OWNR: NONE SITE : 2101 SAN JOAQUIN HILL MAIL : 911 WILSHIRE BLVD #850 : NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 : LOS ANGELES,CA 90017 PAGE-GRID: (old) 32-B5 (new) 889-F7 PHONE: ASSESSMENT/TAX INFO. PROPERTY CHAR. SALE/LOAN INFO. -------------------- -------------- --------------- ASSESSD VAL: $876,695 LOT SIZE 29447 LAST SALE UNAVAIL LAND VALUE : $195,855 # OF UNITS: AMOUNT: UNAVAIL PERCENT IMP: 77% YEAR BUILT: 69 COST/SQ FT: EXEMPTION : NONE SQ FOOTAGE: 12793 DOC NUMBER: 000045 TAX RT AREA: 007041 ROOM COUNT: TITLE CO. N/A ANNUAL TAX : $9 , 563 . 64 BEDROOMS LENDER TAX STATUS : CURRENT BATHROOMS : FIRST TD TRACT 00000 # STORIES : ADDT ' L TDS: BLOCK 93 GARAGE PREV SALE : UNAVAIL LOT 00000 POOL AMOUNT: UNAVAIL REAL ESTATE DATA - DETAIL COPYRIGHT (C) 1992 DATAQUICK INFORMATION NETWORK (714) 553-8535 ORANGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARCEL-NO: 442-081-05 USE DESC: OFFICE - HIGH RISE OWNER: IRVINE CO OF W VA 2ND OWNR: NONE SITE : 567 SAN NICOLAS DR MAIL : 2029 CENTURY PARK E #960 : NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 : LOS ANGELES,CA 90067 PAGE-GRID: (old) 31-F5 (new) 889-D6 PHONE: ASSESSMENT/TAX INFO. PROPERTY CHAR. SALE/LOAN INFO. -------------------- -------------- --------------- ASSESSD VAL: $2 ,088,074 LOT SIZE 32583 LAST SALE : UNAVAIL LAND VALUE : $217 ,226 # OF UNITS: AMOUNT: UNAVAIL PERCENT IMP: 89% YEAR BUILT: 71 COST/SQ FT: EXEMPTION : NONE SQ FOOTAGE: 40036 DOC NUMBER: 000045 TAX RT AREA: 007041 ROOM COUNT: TITLE CO. N/A ANNUAL TAX : $23,291, 06 BEDROOMS LENDER TAX STATUS : CURRENT BATHROOMS : FIRST TD TRACT 00000 # STORIES : 4 ADDT' L TDS: BLOCK GARAGE PREV SALE : UNAVAIL LOT POOL AMOUNT: UNAVAIL ------------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------ OWNER: IRVINE CO OF W VA is OWNR: NONE SITE : NO SITUS MAIL : 550 NEWPORT NTER DR : NEWPORT BEACH, CA. : NEWPORT BEAC ,CA 92660 PAGE-GRID: (old) 31-F5 (new) 889-D6 PHONE: ASSESSMENT/TAX INFO. PROPERTY CHAR. SALE/LOAN INFO. -------------------- -------------- --------------- ASSESSD VAL : $1,325 , 580 LOT SIZE 46173 LAST SALE : UNAVAIL LAND VALUE : $1, 325 , 580 # OF UNITS : AMOUNT: UNAVAIL PERCENT IMP: % YEAR BUILT: COST/SQ FT: EXEMPTION : NONE SQ FOOTAGE: DOC NUMBER: 000045 TAX RT AREA: 007041 ROOM COUNT: TITLE CO. N/A ANNUAL TAX : $13 ,422 .88 BEDROOMS LENDER TAX STATUS : CURRENT BATHROOMS : FIRST TD TRACT 00000 # STORIES : ADDT'L TDS: BLOCK 93 GARAGE PREV SALE : UNAVAIL LOT 00000 POOL AMOUNT: UNAVAIL ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ REAL ESTATE DATA - DETAIL COPYRIGHT (C) 1992 DATAQUICK INFORMATION NETWORK ( 714) 553-8535 ORANGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARCEL-NO: 442-081-08 USE DESC: MISCELLANEOUS OWNER: IRVINE CO OF W VA 2ND OWNR: NONE SITE : NO SITUS MAIL : 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR : NEWPORT BEACH, CA. : NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 PAGE-GRID: (old) 31-F5 (new) 889-D6 PHONE: ASSESSMENT/TAX INFO. PROPERTY CHAR. SALE/LOAN INFO. -------------------- -------------- --------------- ASSESSD VAL: $9,722,471 LOT SIZE 7 . 64 A LAST SALE : UNAVAIL LAND VALUE : $9,550,170 # OF UNITS: AMOUNT: UNAVAIL PERCENT IMP: 196 YEAR BUILT: 69 COST/SQ FT: EXEMPTION : NONE SQ FOOTAGE: DOC NUMBER: 000045 TAX RT AREA: 007041 ROOM COUNT: TITLE CO. N/A ANNUAL TAX : $98, 544. 34 BEDROOMS LENDER TAX STATUS : CURRENT BATHROOMS : FIRST TD TRACT 00000 # STORIES : ADDT' L TDS: BLOCK 93 GARAGE PREV SALE : UNAVAIL LOT 00000 POOL AMOUNT: UNAVAIL - - L;: OFFicE - LOW RISE OWNER: FIRST AMERICAN TRUST CO 2ND OWNR: NONE SITE : 2161 SAN JOAQUIN HILL MAIL : 421 N MAIN ST : NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 : SANTA ANA CA 92701 PAGE-GRID: (old) 32-B5 (new) 889-F7 PHONE: ASSESSMENT/TAX INFO. PROPERTY CHAR. SALE/LOAN INFO. -------------------- -------------- --------------- ASSESSD VAL: $1,489, 497 LOT SIZE 21518 LAST SALE : 01/17/92 LAND VALUE : $301,179 # OF UNITS: AMOUNT: $407 ,000F PERCENT IMP: 79% YEAR BUILT: 73 COST/SQ FT: $56. 47 EXEMPTION : NONE SQ FOOTAGE: 7207 DOC NUMBER: 0032778 TAX RT AREA: 007041 ROOM COUNT: TITLE CO. FIRST AMERICAN T ANNUAL TAX : $15 ,499 . 64 BEDROOMS LENDER TAX STATUS : CURRENT BATHROOMS : FIRST TD TRACT 00000 # STORIES : ADDT 'L TDS: BLOCK 23 GARAGE PREV SALE : UNAVAIL LOT------- s ---------00001----POOL ---------------------AMOUNT: UNAVAIL ----- ----- REAL ESTATE DATA - DETAIL COPYRIGHT (C) 1992 DATAQUICK INFORMATION NETWORK ( 714) 553-8535 ORANGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARCEL-NO: 442-081-11 USE DESC: OFFICE - LOW RISE OWNER: PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO 2ND OWNR: NONE SITE : NO SITUS MAIL : 700 NEWPORT CENTER DR : NEWPORT BEACH, CA : NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 PAGE-GRID: (old) 31-F5 (new) 889-D6 PHONE: ASSESSMENT/TAX INFO. PROPERTY CHAR. SALE/LOAN INFO. -------------------- -------------- --------------- ASSESSD VAL : $2 ,605 ,551 LOT SIZE 39204 LAST SALE : 07/08/92 LAND VALUE : $1,132,362 # OF UNITS: AMOUNT: $2,527 ,300T PERCENT IMP: 56% YEAR BUILT: 86 COST/SQ FT: EXEMPTION : NONE SQ FOOTAGE: 12789 DOC NUMBER: 0459250 TAX RT AREA: 007041 ROOM COUNT: TITLE CO. CONTINENTAL LAND ANNUAL TAX : $27 ,068. 96 BEDROOMS LENDER TAX STATUS : CURRENT BATHROOMS : FIRST TD TRACT 00000 # STORIES : 2 ADDT' L TDS: BLOCK 1 GARAGE PREV SALE : 06/25/92 LOT 00002 POOL AMOUNT:TRUSTEE DEEDF ------------------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------ eA u _mu: 6- -1z u;t1r, Otbui - LUW Albti OWNER: KAN C P • 2ND OWNR: XNESITE : 1605 AVO DO AV MAIL : 750as ST NEWPORT CHCA 92660 COM90220 PAGE-GRID: (o d) 31 5 (new) 889-D6 PHONE: ASSESSMENT/T X INFO. PROPERTY CHAR. N INFO. ------------ ----------- -------- -------------- ASSESSD V $4,170,547 LOT SIZE 33236 LAST SALE 04/20/88 LAND VALUE : $1,763,728 # OF UNITS : AMOUNT: $325,000F PERCENT IMP: 57% YEAR BUILT: 86 COST/SQ FT: $25 .41 EXEMPTION : NONE SQ FOOTAGE: 12789 DOC NUMBER: 0180374 TAX RT AREA: 007041 ROOM COUNT: TITLE CO. : CONTINENTAL LAND ANNUAL TAX : $42 ,915 . 34 BEDROOMS LENDER : COUNTRYWIDE FUND TAX STATUS : CURRENT BATHROOMS : FIRST TD $168, 700 TRACT 00000 # STORIES : 2 ADDT ' L TDS: BLOCK 1 GARAGE PREV SALE : UNAVAIL LOT 00003 POOL AMOUNT: UNAVAIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARCEL-NO: 442-081-13 USE DESC: VACANT - COMMERCIAL OWNER: IRVINE CO 2ND OWNR: NONE SITE : NO SITUS MAIL : 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR : NEWPORT BEACH, CA : NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 PAGE-GRID: (old) 31-F5 (new) 889-D6 PHONE: ASSESSMENT/TAX INFO. PROPERTY CHAR. SALE/LOAN INFO. -------------------- -------------- --------------- ASSESSD VAL: $0 LOT SIZE 9322 LAST SALE : UNAVAIL LAND VALUE : # OF UNITS: AMOUNT: UNAVAIL PERCENT IMP: % YEAR BUILT: COST/SQ FT: EXEMPTION : NONE SQ FOOTAGE: DOC NUMBER: 000045 TAX RT AREA: 007041 ROOM COUNT: TITLE CO. N/A ANNUAL TAX : $. 72 BEDROOMS LENDER TAX STATUS : CURRENT BATHROOMS : FIRST TD TRACT 00000 # STORIES : ADDT'L TDS: BLOCK 1 GARAGE PREV SALE : UNAVAIL LOT 00004 POOL AMOUNT: UNAVAIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL ESTATE DATA - DETAIL COPYRIGHT (C) 1992 DATAQUICK INFORMATION NETWORK (714 ) 553-8535 ORANGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARCEL-NO: 442-081-14 USE DESC: MISCELLANEOUS OWNER: IRVINE CO 2ND OWNR: NONE SITE : NO SITUS MAIL : 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR : NEWPORT BEACH, CA : NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 PAGE-GRID: (old) 31-F5 (new) 889-D6 PHONE: ASSESSMENT/TAX INFO. PROPERTY CHAR. SALE/LOAN INFO. -------------------- -------------- --------------- ASSESSD VAL: $0 LOT SIZE 8320 LAST SALE : UNAVAIL LAND VALUE : # OF UNITS: AMOUNT: UNAVAIL PERCENT IMP: % YEAR BUILT: COST/SQ FT: EXEMPTION : NONE SQ FOOTAGE : DOC NUMBER: 000045 TAX RT AREA: 007041 ROOM COUNT: TITLE CO. N/A ANNUAL TAX : $ . 72 BEDROOMS LENDER TAX STATUS : CURRENT BATHROOMS : FIRST TD TRACT 00000 # STORIES : ADDT' L TDS: BLOCK 1 GARAGE PREV SALE : UNAVAIL LOT 00001 POOL AMOUNT: UNAVAIL ---------------------- *** DETAIL FINISHED *** 4 RECORDS PRINTED �EWpoRr 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH o� Building Department (: n 3300 Newport Blvd. x P.O. Box 1768 CNC�FO µNAP Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 (714) 644-3288/3289 PLAN CHECK NO. FEE RECEIPTS Re eived 'From Job Address Building Plan Check - Valuation ; 010-5002 ;- Grading Plan Check - Cu. Yds. 010-5004 ; Overtime Plan Check - B G..............................010-5002/5004 ; Special Inspection................................I.........010-5008 ; Reinspection B E H P.....................................010-5008 ; Temporary Electric..........................................010-4612 $ TemporaryGas...............................................010-4616 $ Grease Interceptor..........................................010-4620 $ Planning Department Fees....... ...........................010-5000; Sale of Maps&Publications......n...................... .010-5812$ Other �zy $ o RECEIVED BY: TOTAL FE�S $ s 1 '1992 NOTICE: Plan Check expires 180 days after ap i o CITY OFF IV BEAC E RECEIPT N0. (4/92f\feercpt) Y Y:, NOT TO SXE g z w SITE 6 t AVK {. ' FASHION ISLAND ti A e PM PEAK HOUR °R. T sEkCN NET INCREASE NCb pp°P�s L OUT �9 F � Q�d J xYi• � � cJ O www JAMBOREE RO PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBU71ON PEAK 1 HOUR 7 • • .• 0 Cm�II■■.�■■■■.r/I�..■.�. lift :IMM"Weigm • GI • INTERSECTI ® ■�ii�i�i�i�i i�i���e • Elm • • e Ma us — ILS �s ■.■�..�.�.C.�..�..■. © ■wlm.�.®e�.....�.■.■ ®C■.AM■�■�.MMMMM�M� m�■�■�■�m .�m�m� ©�mr�m�■� ■C■■w�M�M�m oC:�:�:C:� C:�:�■: m ■�M�M� �! GPI ■ � �1 � ■ m i�i�i�■�i�Il�i�■ m i�/i�i�■�i�I■�i�i•0 !�J III�i�i�■�I/�i�i�■ ��i�i�e®��i■�ii�i�i ��i�i�e�el�i�i�i�■ m�i�i�i�■�i�I�i�■ GO�i�/i�i�■�i�Ii�i�■ ©�i//i�i�■�i�Ii�i�■ m�i�i�i�■�i�i�i�■ O�II�i�i�■�Il�i�i�■ C3�/i�i�i�■�/i�iai�■ ��i�i�i�■�i�i�i�■ m�i�i�i�■�i�i�i�■ m�i�i�i�■�i�i�i�■ ©�i�i�i�■�i�i�i�■ m�i�i�i�■�i�i�i�■ w � CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH SEW PART p¢ m Building Department u3300 Newport Blvd. e P.O. Box 1768 cq�,Foa, Newport Be 64,4 C 1768 288/3289 W�itF CHECK NO. I?0051 4-63 FEE RECEIPTS G /iQ/ �/OG19'DO Received From Building Plan Check - Valuation $ 010-5002 $ Grading Plan Check - Cu. Yds. 010-5004 $ Overtime Plan Check - B G..........................010-5002/5004 $ Special Inspection—... ........ .... ....................010-5008 nspection.. .... ........ .... ....................010-5008 $ Reinspection B E H P. .. .... . .......... . ... ..... . .....010-5008 $ Temporary Electric... . ..... ..... . . ..... . . ...............010-4612 $ Temporary Gas.............. .............. ...............010-4616 $ ............ Grease Interceptor................. ....... .010-4620 $ ��,, Planning Department Fees.......... .... ......... .........010-500g Ei _ Sale of Maps & Publications.............................0 810 8 Imn _ Determination of Unreasonable Hardship........... ...CITY089-5018 $IQT BEACH Microfilm Copies/Photocopies.. ....... . ..................010-5019 S Hazardous Material Disclosure...........................010-5021 S Other !��11L Sl uti2E /�� �sen ce�'v Mil kl S 4J� TIC— 57VPY /2.-160 96 X 3•av = 41,`156•`E oc RECEIVED BY: TOTAL FEES $ �Olc(! -aK prat /l�ul 1 stwu Ism.J) NO ICE: Plan Check expires 180 days of er application. FEE RECEIPT NO. �?EW P�Rr m� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CASH RECEIPT 2 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 �4coPN� REGET''Vr— By. T, i'LS .'0"!L'I '. 'AC MIS' Urgl_ ..II''I? I':3 i l%C °a TRANS ° 'JNJT, - . ._ .. r,',TX ADL- 2GO-5901 -41 . '358. 00 TD-rAL DUE $41 . 95f-'. 00 CASH PAID :;L=:C1 "11P ='HE'r'r' NO TENOERE_D i:HANG $. >al . 958. 00 '_lATC 07/08/cI4 T 1ME - 14: 11 -,4"' 1f c� �au9'rtKc '�aragaxeKt�io�jhauetla.c i Gregg A. Kinney C.E.O. Serving the Health Care Community CORPORATE OFFICB NMMRT BEACH 1165 South Mahan Street 2650 Pa k-New wn Lakewood,Colorado 80272-5665 Nnrn Beaeh,CaU mla 92660 � CORP: (303)9774/13 DIRECT. (7I4)610-6967 FAX' (303)937-0442 FAX: (714)640-6968 � I III �',>; r: � �� .1 d'. r. �.. F � F ��r� � u rr l _� �f O ''1�" � _ i� � i s �� j � - ��. ! t i =t 00 z �nil I N�r -- �' � 1pul _ _ _ _. 'F.�.4: / � ,h "��- r. ,_ i V . 1_ �'` i �r ?. - � � + .I � � _ -- �..- a '� - I i / !� ����` + '� . , - , Mb . _ �yy � .. ��,R •� :� - _ ELI STOP a r MEMO ■ 1605 loot 7pq r -- L 1605 Avocado, Newport Beach FEATURES : On • 12,546 square foot free standing office ,T building q • Free private parking •Major signage available •Ocean views • Unparalleled access to fine dining, retail shops and world-class hotels •i r j F~ .r4' ^'fir .../� > t .'� �.,A a. a M. J >_ t rY �" Ra r I s Newport=lCentei" �. , ON I - � �y ,,,..•ruaa.u.r Y _ �o N o� �a SITE �T Nma V,O Or Center Ors Anacapa 6 E s COAST � d� Mt Ae iiV p ti PfU iAr e I=rn'I iirther informntinn. c,)n=: S SCHER•VO/T p❑1 11 Douglas L. Killian v COMMERCIAL BROKERAGE (714) 851.5110 i, SOX Inn Fannin At,Iuir,'iwic 150. hrine, ,A 9'7 15 The intormatmn contained nerein has been obtained from sources we deem reliable.While we have no reason to doubt its accuracy we do not guarantee It. 9102 . 1605 r� t 1605 Avocado, Newport Beach FEATURES : • 12,546 square foot free standing office �O building •Free private parking •Major signage available •Ocean views • Unparalleled access to fine dining, retail shops and world-class hotels PACIFIC COAST N1 HWy Ja��r -� � � t� ■ s s � I .Newportk�enter p `� •7 �' �~` ,:Sli ter« `}t .'�, + - �r � z mac' � e� San,►oaqutn Nttts aa. d' r s do N Vo Pb ao��9 Fo° 9a SITE NewE Center `naca;a Or. 0 N t COAST ° M ais Farallon Or ,n°P S F For further infornuatiun,contact S SCHER•VO/T Douglas L. Killian v COMMERCIAL BROKERAGE (714) 851.5110 1 S500Von Karnum Atenuc.Suit: I?C. IrrFne,CA 92715 Tne information contained herein has been obtained Imm sources we deem rahable.While we have no reason to doubt its accuracy.we do not guarantee it. 31 2 • • • Report O2 • TRAFFICAND CIRCULATIONSTUOY MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 1601 A YOCADO A VENUE, NEWPORTBEACH, CALIFORNM • Prepared For.- • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MR. AZZ7ASLAMI, ASSOCIATE PLANNER 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA • Submitted By.' • JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. 223 E. IMPERIAL HWY,, SUITE 155 FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92635 (714) 447-6070 fax(714)447-6070 • Our File#F977 September, 11, 1992 I • INTRODUCTION & PROJECT DESCRIPTION • At the present time the development at 1601 Avocado Avenue in the City of Newport Beach is vacant. Current land use of the subject development is general office containing approximately 12,950 square feet. A proposal has been made to convert the existing general office land use to a medical office. i.e. , the entire project would produce a total of 12, 950 square feet of medical office building. Main accesses to the site are from Avocado Avenue to the east, however, site users may choose to access the site from Santa Rosa Drive to the west, from San Nicholas Drive to the south or from San Joaquin Hills Road to the north. At the project vicinity, Avocado Avenue is two-way south of the site and one-way, southbound only, north of the site. Figure 1, on the following page, illustrates the Project Site Vicinity Map while Figure 2, Page 3, is the Project Site Plan and Figure 3, Page 4 illustrates site photographs. . The purposes of this report are to: 1) Forecast the amount and distribution of traffic of the proposed land use and determine the net change in traffic patterns as a result of converting the existing land uses to medical office only. 2) Assess the impact the project will have upon the adjacent street system, per the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Data pertaining to this project was obtained from the City of Newport Beach active file. This data houses peak hour traffic counts, peak 2-1/2 hour traffic counts, additional traffic as a result of cumulative projects and previous traffic analyses which were performed for the same parcel prior to construction. The data and the analysis is presented in the following pages. TRIP GENERATION FORECAST Daily and peak hour trip generation for projects such as that being proposed here is normally expressed in terms of trip ends per 1,000 square feet (KSF) of gross floor area. A trip is defined as a one-way vehicular journey either to or from the site, or it may be a journey totally within the site. The latter is usually referred to as an internal trip. Each trip will have two trip ends, one at the beginning and one at the end of the destination. Because of the nature of the proposed project, there will be a minimal number of internal trips. 7 JUSTIN F. FARMER 1 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC n.;'>� / � S J• 4• j _/.h`R p' AWS Iy/ y' a � •4' �� e�.:f. •i� �\ �.•'i r try' 4t '%�� /..'•�xA` p r � �!! �'�- 1 uNnr:ifi,-" � /� .T Imo }.[�u�• S ��N y 1 UPPE0.kkwmRT R Y. I • .D.`A`'\ \�4I w. . . �3 1 ECOIOGIGI, '+`ye 4 j A /1� ` . %uC'n-1�''�_- l 1� �! ',vr'x i� 1 1' e: j♦ + v r IrT\ r• _ ',, I..... ��.,r C r"" ,ad � Vrd b I ♦� � lfi r,. 4y �d ,�3ed .' '' °i 1�y s ,!t y 'DJ p o ro■II" o / ^ �p,Ja lia ``\ Y .� ' ` -LCy \ w �wo 11nna, w D nn Wp^we tr xl ! •f tr E UPOR 4 d +. \ �i Bonita .an 9 _ NT F BEACH Res /'v u1 l ` c 4��� \ u\ 1 BL'YL'fUalf 2 i IR �V > u /I O F ' M WrIDU'NILLS I Vai 4N .�tl r , u fix, / ye•�,,A .1�• 1,74a/ • es y� I 'i ■ D'S \ 3 y lon wD. .� wwo J \1 w'il a`to'1 ✓� � ■\ � Inr p S'm .e L" 4�`e(1 < lfr•iri r x�. rc Bt �'� Fr^.J``¢ Ra+ A ,.S\"�,`*i/ , a , A, .tH3 p - v:0 1 °`''M 1 pp I[Ix�Ox :1. 6 KI .i� 1.. • ,ya t' .1n _ryn! ,: � 3 nl.wD 9 Ni � .�- e p1� 1�......//_—vj C��t •✓ ` , � � j r� ��, u 'u�\II 4 Z D1 �•' lw�- e '� ' '/�Dul+ •r 9 . �q V ���Nµ ,1\ Nryx7 I -I- A.ai .ru., o[ ""C'` 1 ppae "�,. ^ `/ '.wlw- IPM,d 'qa \ J � � !• �� 1A. 1 hull I � � �- _LNUgYi..tgir wrw[wl� � ..�♦ . ii ��� � p` ,� ��`t� r HaluDa • J o _ r MSmr �_;tJw . Rr :iLL rn wn nrtr 1 unrtn 'gy0 1. ' 1 utM Coe . y I Ar RD°kfA I % i -/ Todd Pr C?'EfALCDVE / ecvE / FIG SITE VICINITY MAP JUSTIN F. FARMER 2 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. PS • � U y• w • a a 0 a 0 '7Q • SAN JOAQUIN HILLS FIG PROJECT SITE PLAN 2 '• 9 JUSTIN F. FARMER 3 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. • ♦n E ^:,''[:. ' '' �t fi r(' �j.- ',rA: ,ONE WAY r � Aw 4 t � a Looking toward 16ol Avocado Avenue, the arrow points to the projects main access. ti3 Looking south along Avocado Avenue. The arrow points toward San Nicholas Drive. • old • �a 2 • Looking North along Avocado Avenue, Note - ,�T -• "DO NOT ENTER, WRONG WAY SIGNS°. • FIG PHOTOGRAPHS OF 3 PROPOSED SITE • JUSTIN F. FARMER 4 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS.INC. �b • Traffic generation forecasts have been prepared for the proposed project based upon trip generation factors as compiled by the City of Newport Beach. Traffic currently generated by the • existing development was calculated and compared with future traffic to arrive at a net change. Table 1, below, summarizes the trip generation forecasts. It indicates a net decrease in the number of trips during the morning peak hour and a net increase during the evening peak hour. A primary reason for that is the different type of site users and operation associated with • the medical office building, as compared to the general office building. TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION FORECAST MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 1601 AVOCADO AVENUE •' 12,950 SQUARE FEET AM PM IN OUT IN OUT Proposed Land Use (FUTURE) Medical office Building 12 ,950 Square Feet 0. 6 0.2 1. 9 8. 4 7 2 23 29 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 14 4 46 58 Existing Land Use (NOW) • - General Office 2.0 0. 4 0. 6 1. 7 12,950 Square Feet 24 5 7 20 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 48 10 14 40 Net Change - Peak 1 Hour -17 -3 +16 +9 - Peak 2 1/2 Hours -34 -6 +32 +18 NOTE: - Top number is trip rate and bottom number is the number of trips • - Peak 1 hour is 50% of peak 2 1/2 hours • • JUSTIN F. FARMER 5 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC • TRIP DISTRIBUTION • It is recognized that the distribution of project trips will vary considerably, depending upon the type of land use proposed, the day of the week and the time of the day. For an office development, the morning and evening peak hours are critical time periods. The predominant trip maker during both hours is the employee and the trip will be a home-work journey. As a • consequence, the trip distribution is based, to a large degree, on the spatial location of residences in the service area of the site. Trip distribution patterns are, however, different for a medical office building where trips are made predominantly by patients and medical staff. General trip length associated with such proposed medical office building would be less than those associated with general office, i.e. , the medical office is • proposed to attract more trips from the surrounding vicinity than a general office would. Based on familiarity with traffic patterns near the study area, the location of potential users and the observation of peak hour traffic, directional distribution patterns were determined and • were used to forecast the distribution of project trips. Inasmuch as Table 1 indicates a net decrease in trips during the AM peak hour, morning peak hour trip distribution is not needed for this analysis. Figure 4 on the following page, graphically illustrates the evening peak one hour trip distribution for the subject project, • while Figure 5 illustrates the project peak 2 1/2 hour volume. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS • Inasmuch as the trip generation forecast presented in Table 1 indicates that there will be a decrease in traffic volumes during the morning peak hour as a result of the project, only the evening peak hours will be considered in the following section of this analysis. • A. Cumulative Proiects The City of Newport Beach's traffic engineering staff has completed a list of cumulative projects which may impact this portion of the City's street network. The list includes 141 projects, of which approximately 40% are not occupied, 43% are fully occupied, and 17% are partially occupied. • • JUSTIN F. FARMER 6 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. i i i • P° � 2 NOT TO SCALE • C D LA • 90,E °' �SITE ?� J- GOPS,� F1Y'fl FASHION • ISLAND 9 � ti v ?� N�wPORT BE TA BARB P \� • k� e� PM PEAK HOUR DR. PORT BEACH DR. �y NET INCREASE P5� IN 16 l'oy G° OUT 9 QP h ~f r 4 �oP JAMBOREE RD: P� N 40 Fl G PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION 4 PEAK 1 HOUR 13 • 7 ' I �9 TyG,p I O O /y z NOT TO SCALE D �O ti SITE • v,9 'SgiVTq o�G� OP�J\� bc�� GOPS�' N� �eOFF FQ �P? �0 JK PG\� F q00 � Q FASHION 1p a ti ISLAND 9 V �� °O R T BEACN • A BARB 0 1 DR. FkpORT BEACH DR. � PM PEAK NET INCREASE P • �090 ��°a� IN 32 OUT 18 SOP 4 JAMBOREE RD. . FIG PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION 5 PEAK 2-1 /2 HOUR jq 8 1 • B. Regional Growth The Newport Beach City Traffic Engineer has prepared a list • of specific regional annual growth rates which are associated with the study area and are summarized as follows: Jamboree Road Coast Highway to MacArthur Boulevard 1% MacArthur Boulevard • Coast Highway to Jamboree Road 3% Coast Highway Jamboree Road to Newport Boulevard 1% MacArthur Boulevard to Jamboree Road 2% East City limit to MacArthur Boulevard 4% • C. Intersections to be Analyzed City of Newport Beach Traffic Engineer has identified that the primary impact from project traffic will be on the site vicinity intersections of: 1) Coast Highway at MacArthur Boulevard • 2) Coast Highway at Avocado Avenue 3) Coast Highway at Jamboree Road 4) Jamboree Road at San Joaquin Hills Road 5) MacArthur Boulevard at San Miguel Drive 6) MacArthur Boulevard at San Joaquin Hills Road Figure 6, on the following page, illustrates the locations of these study intersections. D. "One Percent Test" The methodology presented below is for the 1% traffic volume analysis per the City of Newport Beach's Transportation • Phasing Ordinance. - Volumes used are the 2 1/2 hour traffic volumes. - Volumes were extrapolated to the year 1993, 1 years hence. - Regional annual growth rates were used. - Traffic volumes associated with the cumulative projects • were added to the extrapolated volumes and 1% of the pro- jected peak 2 1/2 hour volumes were determined. - If project traffic exceeded 1% of the projected peak 2 1/2 hour volumes, intersection analyses were conducted for the impacted intersection. The 1% test conducted at the six study intersections • indicates that the increase at each intersection leg was less than 1% of the projected 2 1/2 hour peak at all inter- sections, therefore no Intersection Capacity Utilization calculations will be required for this analysis. • JUSTIN R FARMER 9 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. I� i pl/d. "r Gy ° •il. y2r�..y�y \���J 1�� d CGw) � II�UiucnI I\ ��uF�\;♦ �� r i n 1t4i iM� S • a •Y aq _4t `r`,'q`� 4-nt o ` ♦♦ \✓ \` 1• A. � .d' s.� , / , a • � °y� T q , ,\\PRESERVE �♦ � r �l r'r°1ia, `�!� ��.n,•ar ..j3a, 0_j„ad I Sml ♦ ".. .:�;.��"•I' Cr ' �uneR"MIT a r:; wwv ,T r: cx 3d � Ecomwul:� .- i ° i tp i .e'°� ♦ VL r S� - y RESERVE f y)yo.��•y: '^J y pp x 1 ,r\y�'�9mixry rA ° 1{ Q 1 u• •. %O 3 1 � r.� / r ` )w/ ` �S L�j 'G /` �+• r •v.' y � od a: `' " j ayni ' .., ' �iyr • 4.�+q�p/dye', � In I 1 uuuau •v ' 0 £ ? / r N v�p. t e ' �\ ♦ s w d \ ,♦ �,a°n: i,� ^o °wW�y'W� n 1 1 'YI `P wrcxfx,n p,xu' G �r f II ° 8Y ,� (Z `NE PDRT �G ;��b� HI„lae :Jrc [ n < f� �„ a� ;;::'s `♦ -BEACH / w;�-: 't,` \ Huxeruuir i ct • ij"x • , OlOi \ EI°H ,v�, `,'4 •Otro• urw'L • t � a d 'uqu./ — +J _ , rat ,� ry � wiM IXJ e' .�... � ter• � '•-�f �y �1 '3'/��.9'' 'ru '14 i•N.JB ;i�� _ ".M'<I ' , • •y1Aryi Lran�. �/g 1 aw ♦Iux. °f'W C' A 4�i S' wn ry•r.ux r .u•.mr.'. 4'w yr I / m:r'a ,� • .�, 1 /aS r�. "�.!' E•,^x,l n'i �^: •a, .I 1` mm_•_-=i+� I � '�r� P 1 'i iu"�`'o 'ice\ 1 �'�fC�t'�. .a�• m" ,m� r��`yf�r/� � <:'.•w•a� •\I � -'S. r�` ♦r u 1 . �•.'/F.'� �a�' '. •\ �, iG Sr •• � �'/z �y jo rX Am'luiu / ' 'rc 4y Y 4 ' ; '; °y ate p wpr ." � `Pr //..S �F' !L•.rr rut -t__-1\ \ �' Y �_ ;y,6_�\ 3 nova .^ ♦ •' w•�o � l e � 81 c♦ $ _ 11..• ••-••-� a��� � -~e♦' , \�\ ! 'll % . t ry 4 � °��w ` �^.rn,�,�c��,g5a��lE;ri' Eck _ �\1/'l"1 Reae� w xr. .d: r;'/ om �♦ui°w� }. B �•¢,!'+ ♦\ 1 •n i � � •'•, 'ry,� � ruAvo mua ., `�'J--Ba'11 hl1aa lsiand I'i\ '. °r `J" < °`r' .4.4A' rn�o�<xd'.A JpJw 4 �SL•' . •/')) rc„x,l Egr::Ep' LaF o i/ `•� "u •. xnu •s\'__'rpQ ''a• Y �o xna uyam ::Ga ncp a ; fvnt�°d x • ["[� 11 rt.'sna"�' 4 q0 ' 9 •a,. �- v ryunF u n wm 1 urt nnr °}la ar f 1 um, =.A „♦arF u ° I - mrn° gG ,p° • , ° I Arc R"k 1 r. -/ Tn.la e• � f11imA4MVR ------ FIG STUDY INTERSECTIONS 6 JUS11N F. FARMER 10 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. 16 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION o A proposal has been made to convert the General Office Building located at 1601 Avocado Avenue in the City of Newport Beach to accommodate a total of approximately 12,950 square feet of Medical Office Building. o The building is currently unoccupied and it is served by the site main driveway on Avocado Avenue. Additional access is ' provided onto San Nicholas Drive and Santa Rosa Drive and San Joaquin Hill Road. o The City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance was utilized and information was collected regarding existing traffic volumes, cumulative project traffic and growth i factors. o Trip generation forecast for the existing and future develop- ments are summarized as follows: TRIP GENERATION FORECAST MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 1601 AVOCADO AVENUE 12,950 SQUARE FEET AM PM IN OUT IN OUT Proposed Land Use (FUTURE) t Medical Office Building 12 ,950 Square Feet 0. 6 0. 2 1.9 8. 4 7 2 23 29 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 14 4 46 58 Existing Land Use (NOW) - General Office 2.0 0.4 0.6 1. 7 132950 Square Feet 24 5 7 20 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 48 10 14 40 • Net Change - Peak 1 Hour -17 -3 +16 +9 - Peak 2 1/2 Hours -34 -6 +32 +18 NOTE: - Top number is trip rate and bottom number is the number of trips - Peak 1 hour is 50% of peak 2 1/2 hours 17 JUSTIN E FARMER 11 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. • o The conversion to Medical Office Building will result in a decrease in the morning peak hour traffic and an increase in the evening peak hour traffic therefore, the analysis of • this report was based only on the PM peak hour only. o The following intersections were selected to be analyzed using the above referenced Traffic Phasing Ordinance. 1) Coast Highway at MacArthur Boulevard 2) Coast Highway at Avocado Avenue 3) Coast Highway at Jamboree Road 4) Jamboree Road at San Joaquin Hills Road 5) MacArthur Boulevard at San Miguel Drive 6) MacArthur Boulevard at San Joaquin Hills Road o When the 1% test was conducted, project peak 2 1/2 hour trips • were found to be less than 1% of the projected 2 1/2 hour volumes for all intersections, therefore Intersection Capacity Analysis were not required. o Project traffic will have nominal impact upon the six study intersections. • If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully submitted, • ;Ust;it F. FARMER, TTR"AN RTATION ENGINEERS, INC. F. Farmer, P.E. , President �ES$/0Al • �c�Y��`\�1 V. iq JFF:dk I-) CD #186 w � Exp. 3-3/ OF CA+14� III 16 • JUSTIN F. FARMER 12 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. • • APPENDIX �9 • 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/AVOCADO (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter pring 9 92 PM • Peak 2� Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2;S Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I I • Northbound 665 665 2 667 7 2 Southbound 818 818 104 992 9 8 Eastbound 3493 3563 290 1 3853 39 10 i Westbound I L 2708 _2762 241 3003 30 4 JI Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume • Q Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. • • • �D Medical Office Building 1601 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 • PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/JAMBOREE RD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter pring 9 92 PM Peak 2y Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2y Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume i Northbound 942 942 626 1568 16 , 4 Sorthbound 4218 4260 1 2131 1 6391 64 I 2 Eastbound 4657 4704 3433 8137 81 i 4 Westbound 3730 3805 1195 5000 50 4 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected M Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume L � ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 1 • I. ai Medical Office Building 1601 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 0 PROJECT: ewpor Beac FORM I • 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE RD/SAN JOAQUIN HILLS RD (Existing Traffic Volumes basedon Average inter pring 9 92 M • Peak 2)1 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2� Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I Northbound 3401 3435 3363 6798 68 Southbound 5055 5106 1 3728 1 8834 88 j 4 Eastbound 414 414 62 476 5 Westbound ! . I 1558 1558 678 2236 22 2 MRProject Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume • Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected❑ Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. • • �Z- Medical Office Building 1601 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 • PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I A 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MACARTHUR BL/SAN JOAQUIN HILLS RD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter pring 9 _ PM • Peak 2h Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2h Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2s Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2> Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 2755 2838 356 3194 32 2 Southbound 4346 4476 1328 1775 18 j 2 Eastbound 1957 1957 495 2452 25 i 2 Westbound 1015 1015 238 1253 13 2 © Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume • O Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. • )-3 Medical Office Building 1601 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 • PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MACARTHUR BL/SAN MIGUEL DR (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 92) M Peak 2h Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 21s Hour Growth Peak 21s Hour Peak 2s Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 211 Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I i Northbound 1962 2021 753 2774 28 i 2 south bound 2743 2770 581 3351 1 34 j 4 Eastbound 2101 2101 1020 3121 31 { 6 i Westbound � _ 701 580 1281 13 6 � O Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume l� ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. Zq Medical Office Building 1601 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I • 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/MACARTHUR BL (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 92) pM w Peak 2-� Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 211 Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2y Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I Northbound _0_ -0- -O- -0- i -0- • southbound 2475 2550 1669 4219 42 I 2 Eastbound 4280 4365 1058 5423 54 i -O- Westbound • 1 3532 3675 588 4263 43 L 6 a Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume • O Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. • • a� Medical Office Building 1601 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 • PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I �9 09 R z NOT TO SME i fO 1 Top�y ems} SITE 21 , 9 G p<' FASHION 9 '� ISLAND ✓ ti v PORT BEACN 2\ R PM PEAK HOUR DR. PORT 6EACH oR - NET INCREASE P5t IN 16 'Po9 pip OPT 9 0 e y ✓f T� ? JAMBOREE RD. yP� N FIG W PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION 4 PEAK 1 HOUR 7 �9 2 NOT TO SCALE c v SITE x� S` GOPg'( NW'L G FASHION q 2�Ar ry ISLAND 22 K PORT BEAO B R i DR. ORT BEAON OR, ,o y� iPM PEAK I Po NET INCREASE x 90 P° ,!N 32 i QPd :OUT 18 ryry t ✓f E SOP S JAMBOREE RD. r r FIG PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION 5 PEAK 2-1/2 HOUR L Y t. �J o q-7 {.- •ywi '•• i;.\•.•yy,•.•,••. ..i::Alt;::�:.0 Fri.: :•'�s.: ti••L i4,• .per• \ i F t,�.__ _ ..�.. �! ., -•.�."��'�•..K`�a:ii�a..i..:•. 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RF�ls/GOl' BASIS OF BEARINGS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION• ,• NOTES o „ FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT NO. OR- ,,.. ` k/LY.. . . . . . . W�S7��Y F.f/, , , ,, , , , , , ,, , , ,„ . , Al-RE A/Y5P.; 4NT BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 THE LAND REFERRED TO IIJ THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF 1453638 DATED NOVEMBER 14, 1986, WAS USED AS THE BASIS FOR PREPARING THIS /t/k/'L Y.. .. . . ND/eTf/k/Ex7zLY Do4 .... . ... .. . . .. .. . . . F/R� f�/YG�P�4�V`l' •• BEING NORTH 44 06 14 EAST PER PARCEL MAP NO. 84-706 AS PER MAP FILED IN CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, AND IS DESCRIBED AS MAP. THE SURVEY AND MAP ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ERRORS OR DISCREPANCIES /t/E'LY . . .. . . A1,0R7X/EA.ST&�!LY 4: A77. . .. .. . . . .. . . . ..'. , ,'"*ZIIF Fbl.VT BOOR 192, PAGES 1 AND 2 OF PARCEL MAPS , RECORDS OF ORAIJGE COUNTY. FOLLOWS: STATED IIJ THIS REPORT, NOR FOR ANY INFORMATION OR FACTUAL DATA Ot4ITTED BY THE REPORT, EXCEPT AS NOTED BY THIS SURVEY. Sk/'LY. ... . . . SGr/T7/k/EST�'CY FAG. ... . ... . .. . . . . . . . . Fes/ f�E PARCEL A: PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 84-706 , AS PER MAP FILED IN BOOR . . . . /T&lPE,`7`Y G/,UE . 192, PAGES 1 AND 2 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF 1. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES. .Sz LY. . . . . . . S EASTERLY SAID COUNTY. 2. LIEN OF SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES. Az. . .. . . .. . . ���ls[T CO,t E�t/C. . ... . . . . . .•. . . . . . . EX/LLoSU,P�'- S . . . . . . . . ...: 5&7k/E� 6-L�T. . .. . ... .. . . .. . . . �ZECTX/"Z - 3. AN EASEMENT TO THE COUNTY OF ORANGE FOR, A PERPETUAL AIR OR FLIGHT ; MONUMENT NOTES: EXCEPT ANY AND ALL OIL, OIL RIGHTS , MINERALS , MINERAL RIGHTS, NATURAL GAS EASEMENT BY DEED RECORDED MARCH 17 , 1964 IN BOOK 6965, PAGE 721, 'OF 4w .. . . .. . . . .. w.or reaNs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rno•NSFoe/dE� / —0-- - INDICATES FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED. RIGHTS,AND OTHER HYDROCARBONS BY WHATSOEVER NAME KNOWN, GEOTHERMAL STEAM, OFFICIAL RECORDS . —O- - SET LEAD � TAG . STAMPED "L.S. :5347- AUNND ALL PRODUCTS DERIVED FROM ANY OF THE FOREGOING, THAT MAY BE WITHIN OR 4 . THE FACT THAT THE OWNERS OF SAID LAND HAVE. NO RIGHTS OF VEHICULAR S"..// . , , „ , , S__wl9w .4W,",/GtGE R,jF . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .�4 TAWMIN6 ! k/14[G� ER THE LAND, TOGETHER WITH T E ACCESS TO: AVOCADO AVENUE, EXCEPT FOR ONE ENTRANCE FOR IIJGRESS AND ��� ' H PERPETUAL RIGHT ' OF DRILLING, MINING, E.P. ,;,, , , , , , , �sE OF l�EME.t/T � k/ . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . 0�/V�dt/.4Y EXPLORING AND OPERATING THEREFOR AND STORING IN AND REMOVING THE SA EGRESS . �. C.F. .. . . , , .. . L!J/e6 FsiLE - — , , , , , ,, ,, ,, , ,GENrE,2U,t/� ME FROM 5. AIJ EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FOR BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN .. . . .. . . . . . . . P,�20PL��TY !/.t/E NOTES: THE LAND OR ANY OTHER LAND, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO WHIPSTOCK OR - . WALKWAY PURPOSES. AS RECORDED SEPTEMBER 26, 1984 AS DOCUMENT NO. 84- 1 . DATE OF SURVEY: DECEMBER 10, 1986. DIRECTIONALLY DRILL AND MINE FROM LANDS OTHER THAN THOSE CONVEYED HEREBY, . 5T. L.T. . . . . . .. S7XE-ET L/6,GlT 7YP , rYP/G4L 399620 . OF OFFICIAL RECORDS . NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES: 53 OIL OR GAS WELLS, TUNNELS AND SHAFTS INTO, THROUGH OR ACROSS THE 6. A DECLARATION OF ACCESS EASEMEIJTS EXECUTED BY THE IRVINE COMPANY AND - 3. PER THE CITY OF NEWPORT THIS PROPERTY LIES WITHIN FLOOD ZONE "C" SUBSURFACE OF THE LAND, AND TO BOTTOM SUCH WHIPSTOCKED OR DIRECTIONALLY ' . (AREAS OF MINIMAL FLOODING) PER FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, COMMUNITY DRILLED WELLS, TUNNELS AND SHAFTS INTO, THROUGH OR ACROSS THE SUBSURFACE RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27 , 1984 AS DOCUMENT NO. 84-402558 OF OFFICIAL , PANEL NUMBER 060227-0005B WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF SEPTEMBER 1 , OF THE LAND, AND TO BOTTOM SUCH WHIPSTOCKED OR DIRECTIONALLY DRILLED RECORDS. ' . 1978, AND PUBLISHED BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY. WELLS, TUNNELS AND SHAFTS UNDER AND BENEATH OR BEYOND THE EXTERIOR LIMITS 7. COVENANTS , CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN IN A DEED RECORDED . 4. THE BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE WAS SUPPLIED' BY OTHERS . THEREOF, AND TO REDRILL, RETUIJNEL, EQUIP, MAINTAIN, REPAIR, DEEPEN AND SEPTEMBER 27 , 1984 AS DOCUMENT NO. 84-402558 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AND i . 5. THE HEIGHT OF THE BUILDING AT 1601 AVOCADO IS 30 ABOVE THE FIRST OPERATE ANY SUCH WELLS, OR MINES, WITHOUT, HOWEVER, THE RIGHT TO DRILL, EXECUTED BY THE IRVINE COMPANY. • • FLOOR TO THE TOP OF THE PARAPET. (THIS INFORMATION WAS SUPPLIED BY MINE, STORE, EXPLORE AND OPERATE THROUGH THE SURFACE OR THE UPPER 500 FEET 8 . THE EFFECT OF REQUIRED STREET IMPROVEMENTS PER PARCEL MAP NO. 84-706 , OTHERS. ) OF THE SUBSURFACE OF THE LAND AS RESERVED IN THE DEED FROM THE IRVINE AS FILED IIJ BOOK 192, PAGES 1 AND 2 OF PARCEL MAPS . G. P TNT CtT( OF NEWfb2'r BEACH -R.1E2E ,sty No McJrC.OlM(a SETSAC� COMPANY, A MICHIGAN CORPORATION, RECORDED OCTOBER 16, 1984 AS DOCUMENT N0. 9. NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENTS AS RESERVED IN THE DEED FROM THE IRVINE . R64UJK&AA6UT5 For_ 'tH%5 DE�fC(pPMF&jT-. 84-426594 , OFFICIAL RECORDS. COMPANY AiJD RECORDED OCTOBER 16 , 1984 AS DOCUMENT NO. 84-426594 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ALSO EXCEPT ANY AND ALL WATER, RIGHTS OR INTERESTS THEREIN, NO MATTER HOW 10. NOIJ-EXCLUSIVE EASEMEIJTS AS RESERVED IN THE DEED FROM THE IRVINE ACQUIRED- BY GRANTOR, AND OWNED OR USED BY GRANTOR IN CONNECTION WITH OR COMPANY AND RECORDED OCTOBER 16 , 1984 AS DOCUMENT NO. 84-426594 OF `/ WITH RESPECT TO THE LAND, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT AND POWER TO EXPLORE, OFFICIAL RECORDS . DRILL, REDRILL, REMOVE AND STORE THE SAME FROM THE LAND OR TO DIVERT OR 11 . THE CONDITION RELATING TO ANY CONVEYANCE, TRANSFER, SALE, EXCHANGE OR ! OTHERWISE UTILIZE SUCH WATER, RIGHTS OR INTERESTS ON ANY OTHER PROPERTY OTHER DISPOSITION OF SAID LAND AS SET FORTH IN THE DEED RECORDED r OWNED OR LEASED BY GRANTOR, WHETHER SUCH WATER RIGHTS SHALL BE RIPARIAN, ocTOBER 16 , 1984 AS DOCUMENT IJo. 84-426594 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. f OVERLYING, 12. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, LIENS, RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS AS ' �� APPROPRIATIVE, LITTORAL, PERCOLATIIJG, PRESCRIPTIVE RECORDED OCTOBER 16, 1984 AS DOCUMENT NO. 84-426593 OF .OFFICIAL _ / - - ADJUDICATED, STATUTORY OR CONTRACTUAL, BUT WITHOUT, HOWEVER, ANY RIGHT TO RECORDS. / ENTER UPON THE SURFACE OF THE LAND IN THE EXERCISE OF SUCH RIGHTS, AS . RESERVED IN..THE DEED FROM THE IRVINE COMPANY, A MICHIGAN CORPORATION, 13. A DEED OF TRUST AS RECORDED OCTOBER 16 , 1984, AS DOCUMENT NO. 84- 426597 , OFFICIAL RECORDS. RECORDED OCTOBER 16, 1984 AS DOCUMENT NO. 84-426594, OFFICIAL RECORDS. 14 . A MORTGAGE WITH THE POWER OF SALE EXECUTED BETWEEN THE IRVINE COMPANY , • PARCEL B: TOGETHER WITH THOSE EASEMENTS PERTINENT THERETO AS SET FORTH IN AND ALBERT J. AUER. 15. A DEED OF TRUST AS RECORDED JANUARY 25, 1985 AS DOCUMENT NO. 85- PARAGRAPH 1 OF, AND AS DELINEATED ON EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED T0, THAT CERTAIN . DECLARATION OF ACCESS EASEMENTS RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27 , 1984 AS DOCUMENT 028982, OFFICIAL RECORDS , AND MODIFIED BY DEED RECORDED JUNE 6, 1985 NO. 84-402558 , OFFICIAL RECORDS , UPON ALL THE TERMS , COVENANTS AND AS DOCUMENT N0. 85-206329., OFFICIAL RECORDS. CONDITIONS CONTAINED THEREIN. 16 . COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN IN A DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 8 , 1985 AS DOCUMENT NO. 85-046416, OFFICIAL RECORDS . 17 . AN EASEMENT TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON FOR UTILITY PURPOSES BY - 1 DEED RECORDED AUGUST 7 , 1985 . AS DOCUMENT NO. 85-293041 , OFFICIAL \\ I O RECORDS. - �- ! '�, 4E4 _ 18. COVENANTS , CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS AS SHOWN IN A . 1 . :� _1 3Z4'6 T'� s�,4 DEED RECORDED APRIL 11, 1986 AS DOCUMENT NO. 86-145082 OF OFFICIAL . $1.I L \- '�/1.1. 8q o, So;yib•�Ij - RECORDS. . 1; wth " - ��� R F�' 19 . ANY CLAIMS OF LIEN AS MAY BE DISCLOSED BY A NOTICE OF COMPLETION �`I m y B ✓92 _ RECORDED OCTOBER 23 1986 0 �, J 0 N1f - . //2 AS DOCUMENT NO. 86-504800 OF OFFICIAL �. fi I RECORDS. / 1� .20. THIS REPORT IS PREPATORY TO THE ISSUANCE OF AN ALTA POLICY OF TITLE ;�' v/ - -c -.,, `e, c INSURANCE \.,� �,,c.. :�� 4r .V � � •4, C. 1; )k I , , ,C,.. , E,,¢SE� k. Y Vilh 4 l i''' _ or Z:////+k%L r - �t/45 0 5►3 '4c",f/ "- �_'� Q` �1 I ; �• •�i�j��'`•7E-? .m, �'' v�E� i ' t .' aE,c.."a?t1I,?zlIr m-I_l%�4�r..`,I'.Y, "Aearlt ,PE'T' k/.dL a ! L,• , U✓i� %/` \G W �' k �_�` _ ' ! ,P,E/Cy ea.-fT fid+�/EG • ,�•.S __ S I oa• "i l - ! /-....Il-z 4 --I,4-f_."k-.,N.."_.: %-.I.,;.:,.­"4*.-*7-.­ ,I./I*f-"0�!I.II�-,'.....,.P I?!I1,I'�-I,�I/,�!I.�I''1I/.-,%.....�4,1.f/'_/-,. 7/,I.Iu1.0- p..,I.-..f I..,,—l-/�,,=,,I.4,0-j Q.10.I,1%.I..../.-.,L-I'—..N_,(.j/T_.:.�(_�c.I,,Iz.- lr_.­/.\01._"'1w/�I.-,,z.._/:-/".I-.-I.I-;*�_"-,10j'\.Ii1*',s­,".Lor.,.­_'-Z-..;1�l­1-:r1-1�-/1w1':I�''-:I.A�zI,--/,N/.4_3A'..-�-..C.I­�-,Z_'q.-__-";.I,/%�& _A-_Ze1---c 7 L1�)_l I.�,_��-_r­_�I.j0_Ir-.,1,,.1,�.\-).-z-1t_,4-,.c 1._._.J--.-­_-._._'.e-4k4"�-L.v_,.).'.i: ._i/.,�..l_.i.-VIi i..,%.._i_4--..��._('-I-_, ;ti-,:..."_I'1---d%:z;4-',_F.-.l_-A.1�-1I�I..._,i 4L:..�l�/I..l_:I!_c.�,I.-..r 44__.-",-0.,3*'"_0"*­­'..,. ;4 1�ft,1.pI; t 1 1.I 1/-.,-Q1,N­.1 1.#I:a�1 .;..I.../_.-i­..I I_.,a II.I.*1 Ii.:1_.t.,I[_l-+7-m_,.-%.,.-.-i.%.,-.._-I-..I ,.-.;7 II--_+'rI",/-.I-_-,1_.;r1 57/_-.--_-_- 9/-. -/N5I J-__--I 7�V-/-I­/A__-_�,_- .-ll1_.1:...._. .___i-��I.. 1.1,-_.-/'],__-.-,4_ Zz I__I L- - ./;�� I,.....,..._X ._".".I./_... Z• ,,�,SE�_.w�/0 r,- �__--- - • _.. /2..A _ e t;, O �,� �' ,'' SU2VEYbf2 STATEMENT tt.�-z .. / . - 4I I , / / ' . ' -� I HEREBY STATE TO PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AND FIRST AMERICAN l TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY THAT THE SURVEY SHOWN HEREON WAS MADE UNDER MY-.,Z,!-_--1_._7,_-.11;:.-I";Z1--f>_ij-)_-­I:7 _I:k I. .,II. i i Zx2'co < SpSr / 6,47' EL>' %., -- 3• icy-- - __ . __.-_-I'.7. -.1..­-.-­._._--,:__: .� �/ /.//I./I .,II.,. 1i!iII�:.�16- 11 .- ,._/ '�" "c�'1•C.P �C �--� N -- - I I I' SUPERVISION ON DECEMBER 10 , 1986 , THAT ALL CURVE DATA, BEARINGS AND j • —/lT e a•F'[.T s y � - ,.r _•..__fir f - �''�- t ' . I ^ ,c `� I ; '~- 19! DISTANCES SHOWN ON THIS PLAT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY �'�"s°'r__ �' 1 ' . Z. S/4 '�'Q0. A ...�-. -�` QL". r : I ^� 89•ao., _ - S%aMgQ- 0' i I" KNOWLEDGE AND' BELIEF; THAT THE IMPROVEMENTS ON THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PARCEL ;II I 1\!f!_/.. •�9rc' E LY p� Y Q \Crz` .�? a1,�<ep �'"E - �``''--: `� -;� Q !� _ - ! ;, f f�f / ! .. I. .i .. 14 I ' i-\ % q / N •ty L w T _ r• f p fir, �£1: ARE AS SHOWN WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PARCEL; THAT THERE ARE NO j / �C'- - 5 4 _ 3 -� _ %' . E ENCROACHMENTS UPON THE DESCRIBED PREMISES BY IMPROVEMENTS ON ANY ADJOINING ' It +o� 4 sr`7'�y'1 �Y, �.-; 4,-:- 7p <q6,. �G / fJd -__ _ _ i L -,r?,Z/ /-� �' �\ _ g ! , ;' I G' iy EQ i I moo- j ! f PREMISES EXCEPT AS SHOWN.; AND THAT THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OR SIGN OF ANY I 6 � `':ifs. /9��j• i _ Pf li . EASEMENT CROSSING OR BURDENING ANY PART OF SAID PARCEL, EXCEPT AS SHOWN. '1 I \ *G 'z `\ / %'q .'�;"' /, kl /l , T-f'Ezt`k_E� ,! j - - ��11 T� = y �` 1,''' i''rr _ ` ,r ' , �' y�`�'\ •yam f � �____ ! ' /. <,� ;. • 'cam• \\ -. .•\ E-s' �-� j, / C�.r"' 1 --'�� 0. _ -, ,.,A,.A,l'..,.cx.-. DAVID L WALDEN L S. 3347 v _�` .�.� t \ qI.` \=4`�-` RAu `--� :r /`=1`-= ' '- �` !B'`-'O ,.e_""Y --._ - i'' `� ,gyp -se.at I . 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ALTA SURVE _ . _ . . FOR . - PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP . . . ; I NOI4- 0YMB192 / - 2 PR`EP�1/PEA FOR: ' . - ,4zoffseT ✓. AUER E A.S'-OIC/.ITE.S .S3oo I,ev1, /_ .4mf.-V�/E . .. I . ; , SU/TE /DO . . - .. . ; • NE�/PD.eT' q. Gd. 924140 . P,f20s. J,eEIt> BY - A/ALpEiS/ E Al.SSGY/ATE.S, INC • rGwZ A/. emd,CA Y Al/ENUE' . . - 64MT�4 .4�(/�1, G4. 9Z7 _ _. f L� 5MaEA IV,66 c,T/4) "17- 66¢g .1A10 6-G167-Z - _ - .-..... _. _ _. -- - - - --- __.-..' . . _ ._ - . . .- . :.. .. ~. _ . . . . _. - . . . _ . . . - - - --•_ - . :. . -..-- .. . _.__ -_--_ _. _