HomeMy WebLinkAboutTPO85_TS84 Gregg A. Kinney C.E.O. Serving the Health Care Community NBWPORT BFACN CORPORATE OFFICE 2650 Park Nmpen 1165 South ManbaB S"Ot Lakewood,Colorado 80232-5665 No on Bm ll,CabfOma 92660 CORP: (303)9J]-0642 DIRECT (714)6404967 FAX(; (303)937-0442 FAX: (714)640.6968 CbrMMSSIONERS MINUTES .oO+t� 4'l ��dr •Ocp � r�� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 8, 1992 INDEX ROLL CALL Traffic Study No 84 (Public Hearing) Item No.1 Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow an existing 12,950 TS No.84 square foot building used for general offices to be converted to Approved_ medical office use. LOCATION: Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 84-706 (Resubdivision No. 776), located at 1601 Avocado Avenue, on the northwesterly side of Avocado Avenue, between San Joaquin Hills Road and San Nicholas Drive, in Newport Center. ZONE: C-O-H APPLICANT: The Carlson Company, Irvine OWNER: Pacific Mutual, Newport Beach sss Traffic Study No 85 (Public Hearing) Item No.2 Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow an existing 12,950 TS No.85 square foot building used for general offices to be converted to proved_ medical office use. LOCATION: Parcel 3 of Parcel Map 84-706 (Resubdivision No. 776), located at 1605 Avocado Avenue, on the northwesterly side of Avocado Avenue, between San Joaquin Hills Road and San Nicholas Drive, in Newport Center. ZONE: C-O-H APPLICANT: Newport Diagnostic, Newport Beach -2- ooNIM SSIONER3 , , MINUTES r�� os"o CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 8, 1992 ROLL CALL INDEX OWNER: Kanaflex Corporation, Compton Commissioner Merrill requested that the public hearing concerning Items No. i and No. 2 be heard simultaneously inasmuch as the locations are adjacent properties and the applications are similar requests. The Planning Commission concurred with the recommendation. James Hewicker, Planning Director, requested that the following changes be made to Item No. 1, Traffic Study No. 84, 1601 Avocado Avenue, page 3 of the staff report, paragraph 1: correct the paragraph to indicate that there are currently 53 parking spaces in the parking lot as opposed to 43 parking spaces; that the subject site has a parking agreement with the parcel located adjacent to its northerly boundary located at 1605Avocado Avenue. The agreement reserves four parking spaces from 1601 Avocado Avenue for use of the tenants at 1605 Avocado Avenue at all times. Therefore, the total number of parking available for the proposed project is 49 parking spaces and the project meets the City's parking requirements. Mr. Hewicker explained that when the buildings at 1601 Avocado Avenue and 1605 Avocado Avenue were constructed, there was a parking agreement entered into which provided for four additional parking spaces at 1601 Avocado Avenue that had surplus parking to the benefit of the parcel located at 1605 Avocado Avenue that had deficient parking. He said that the parking agreement is being recognized in the request to convert the tenancy of the buildings from typical office use to medical office use. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Debay, Mr. Hewicker explained that the 1 percent volume test conducted at the six study intersections addressed the two subject locations. The public hearing was opened in connection with the Traffic Studies. -3- QbmUSSIONERS + ` MINUTES �o pro A,r , CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 8, 1992 ROLL CALL INDEX Mr. Paul Coulter appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of the applicant,The Carlson Company,Item No. 1, Traffic Study No. 84, property located at 1601 Avocado Avenue. Mr. Coulter concurred with the findings in Exhibit "A'. Motion * Motion was made and voted on to approve Traffic Study No. 84 Ayes * * * * * subject to the findings in Exhibit "A'. MOTION CARRIED. Absent FINDINGS: A. CEQA COMPLIANCE That the proposed project is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of CEQA (Class 1 - Existing Facilities) B. TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE STUDY NO. 84 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the morning and afternoon peak hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Council Policy S-1. 2. That the traffic study indicates that the traffic projected one year after project completion, during any a.m. or p.m. 2.5 hour peak traffic period on each leg of each critical intersection, will be increased less than 1% by traffic generated from the project during any a.m. or p.m. 2.5 hour period. Mr. Gregg Kinney appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of the applicant,Peregrine Management Corporation,Item -4- I , Cph MISSIONERS MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 8, 1992 INDEX ROLL CALL No. 2, Traffic Study No. 85, property located at 1605 Avocado Avenue. Mr. Kinney concurred with the findings in Exhibit "A There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed at this time. Motion * Motion was made and voted on to approve Traffic Study No. 85 Ayes * * * * * subject to the findings in Exhibit "A". Commissioner Debay Absent * * explained that inasmuch as the buildings are currently vacant that the proposed use will assist the economic base around Newport Center. MOTION CARRIED. FINDINGS: A. CEQA COMPLIANCE That the proposed project is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of CEQA (Class 1 - Existing Facilities) B. TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE STUDY NO. 85 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the morning and afternoon peak hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Council Policy S-1. 2. That the traffic study indicates that the traffic projected one year after project completion, during any a.m. or p.m. 2.5 hour peak traffic period on each leg of each critical intersection, will be increased less than 1% by traffic generated from the project during any a.m. or p.m. 2.5 hour period. -5- Planning Commission Meeting October 8. 1992 Agenda Item No. 2 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Traffic Study No. 85 (Public Hearing) Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow an existing 12,950 square foot building used for general offices to be converted to medical office use. , LOCATION: Parcel 3 of Parcel Map 84-706(Resubdivision No.776)located at 1605 Avocado Avenue,on the southwesterly corner of Avocado Avenue and San Joaquin Hills Road, in Newport Center. ZONE: C-O-H APPLICANT: Newport Diagnostic/Peregrine Management Corp., Newport Beach OWNER: Kanaflex Corporation Applications This application is a request for approval of a Traffic Study (TPO#85)which would permit the conversion of an existing 12,950 sq.ft. general office building to medical office in Newport Center. Traffic Study procedures are contained in Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Environmental Significance The proposed project is an existing building and is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of CEQA (Class 1 - Existing Facilities). TO: Planning.Commission - 2. t Conformance with the General Plan and Zoning The site is a parcel of Block 500 of Newport Center located in Statistical Area L1. The Land Use Element of the General Plan.designates the site for"Administrative,Professional and Financial Commercial" use. Medical office is considered a permitted support use that would conform to the General Plan Guidelines. The Zoning is C-O-H for the subject property which allows professional medical office uses without the requirement of a Use Permit. -The project is outside the Coastal Zone Boundary and approval of a Coastal Development Permit is not required. Subject`Prod and Surrounding Land Uses Currently, the site is-developed with a two story building which contains 12,950 square feet. The subject property has been used for general office purposes and presently is remaining vacant. To the north,south and west of the project°are-office and financial buildings; to the east, across Avocado Avenue, is a Park-N-Ride facility of the Orange County Transit District r Analysis The proposed use of medical officewould generate a higher traffic volume than the general office operation. Therefore, a traffic study was required io determine the compatibility of the proposed project under-the guideline's'of the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance: A Traffic Study has been prepared for the proposed project in conformance with the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance and City Council Policy S-1 to examine the consistency and conformity of the project with the City's Circulation Element. The City Traffic Engineer identified six (6) intersections which could be affected by the project at full occupancy as follows: 1. Coast Highway at MacArthur Boulevard 2. Coast Highway at Avocado Avenue 3. Coast Highway at Jamboree Road 4. Jamboree Road at San Joaquin Hills Road 5. MacArthur Boulevard at San Miguel Drive 6. MacArthur Boulevard at San Joaquin Hills Road The first step in evaluating intersections is to conduct a 1% traffic volume analysis, taking into consideration existing traffic, regional growth, and committed projects' traffic. For any intersection where, on any approach leg, project traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of the projected peak 2-1/2 hour volume in either the morning or afternoon, Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis would be required. The 1% volume test conducted at the six study intersections indicated that the traffic increase at each intersection leg from the proposed project was less than 1% of the projected 21/2 hour peak volume at all intersections evaluated. Therefore,no Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) calculation or any further analysis is required. TO: Planning d"ion - 3. •• Site Access and Parking The primary access to the site is provided from Avocado Avenue. A mutual ingress and egress access exists between the subject property and the parcel located to the west of it. Currently, there are 43 parking spaces provided on the subject site. Section 20.30.035 of the Municipal Code requires for all medical offices to provide one parking space for each 250 square feet of gross building floor area. Based on the architecturalplans,the gross building area is 11,750 sq.ft. which requires 47 parking spaces (11,750 / 250 = 47). The subject site has a parking agreement with the parcel located adjacent to its southerly boundary (1601 Avocado Ave.). The agreement reserves four (4) parking spaces from 1601 Avocado Avenue for use of the tenants of the building located at 1605 Avocado Avenue at all times. Therefore, the total number of parking spaces available for the proposed project is 47 parking spaces and the project meets the City's parking requirements. Specific Findings The conversion of the existing building to a medical office facility does not create any problem-from a planning standpoint. Based on the review of the traffic report prepared for the proposed project, the requested change to a medical office would have nominal impact upon the circulation network. Specific findings and conditions must be made to approve a project pursuant to the Traffic Phasing Ordinance, and are set forth in Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Should the Commission desire to approve the Traffic Study, findings for approval are included in the attached Exhibit "A". No suggested findings for denial are provided since the project is in conformance with all City plans and requirements. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By 4 Aziz UPAslanu Associate Planner ...\aziz\trafric\Wsr pc Attachments: 1. Exhibit "A" 2. Vicinity Map 3. Traffic Study TO: Plannin#'Onission - 4. • t EXHIBIT "A" Findings for Approval Traffic Study No. 84 .may:-rt}1'f�if"� J • ..•�i'tw�•^V.:lyf:V,ry:(!C• • °;C s. }�T:^,'••�a�•%`;L:,•°x">I;.' ...'•���-uy�13%S•9:4!�t;i:.�'• . FINDINGS: A. CEQA COMPLIANCE That the. proposed project is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of CEQA (Class 1 -Existing Facilities) B. TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE-STUDY NO. 84 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the;irop ,pkoje0t icb thq.mQrmng.�nd' tgxYoon pea'iz hour traffic • and .circulg#on,-,Vstetq in:accor4anee avith.GhagtCr 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal,Code;dnd G5}ty_Copricil Policy S-1. iT•��i•;:::;`< '= o . -_i d••`Ft "� d: f%_��:• Orr i 2. That the tiaffi`c study indicates ihat the tra-9c projected one year'after project completion,during any am.or p.m.2.5 hour peak traffic'period on each leg of each critical intersection,will be increased less than 1010 by traffic generated from the project during any,am, or p.m.25 hour period. 0. a ' VICINITY MAP Traffic Study No. 85 ry ff'f r OP N u.u. N 1 94Nt� e a e PROJECT LOCATION SAN i N,DDA'fN ++N dR J 4` +y y� not IJ Dq N +y JP pn 4p o Pt Y+ 4�B e �f p0 4' y ;e P t iQ 9� fnfn nD ,. J+ iE 9/N O MAMA IIA e/ flLf 04 15� J Report On: TRAFFICAND CIRCULATIONSTUDY MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 1605 A VOCADO A VENUE, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA V Prepared For.• CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MR. AZIZASLAMI, ASSOCIATE PLANNER 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH; CALIFORNIA Submitted By.• JUST/N F. FARMER TR4NSPORTAT/ON ENGINEERS, INC. 223E /MPER/AL HWY, SUITE 155 FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92635 447-6070 fax(7�4) 447--6070 Our Rife#P979 September, ll, 1992 INTRODUCTION & PROJECT DESCRIPTION At the present time the development at 1605 Avocado Avenue in :.he City of Newport Beach is vacant. Current land use of the subject development is general office containing approximately 12, 950 square feet. A proposal has been made to convert the existing general office land use to a medical office. i.e. , the entire project would produce a total of 12 ,950 square feet of medical office building. Main accesses to the site are from Avocado Avenue to the east, however, site users may choose to access the site from Santa Rosa Drive to the west, from San Nicholas Drive to the south or from San Joaquin Hills Road to the north. At the project vicinity, Avocado Avenue is two-way south of the site and one-way, southbound only, north of the site. Figure 1, on the following page, illustrates the Project Site Vicinity Map while Figure 2, Page 3 , is the Project Site Plan and Figure 3, Page 4 illustrates site photographs. The purposes of this report are to: 1) Forecast the amount and distribution of traffic of the proposed land use and determine the net change in traffic patterns as a result of converting the existing land uses to medical office only. 2) Assess the impact the project will have upon the adjacent street system, per the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Data pertaining to this project was obtained from the City of Newport Beach active file. This data houses peak hour traffic counts, peak 2-1/2 hour traffic counts, additional traffic as a result of cumulative projects and previous traffic analyses which were performed for the same parcel prior to construction. The data and the analysis is presented in the following pages. TRIP GENERATION FORECAST Daily and peak hour trip generation for projects such as that being proposed here is normally expressed in terms of trip ends per 1 000 square feet KSF of cross floor area. A grip is P � q ( ) _ defined as a one-way vehicular journey either to or from the site, or it may be a journey totally within the site. The latter is usually referred to as an internal trip. Each trip will have two trip ends, one at the beginning and one at the end of the destination. Because of the nature of the proposed project, there will be a minimal number of internal trips. y JUSTIN F. FARMER 1 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. , rr 0 �,. v/xw4 !,^n//,,fp',u,if is••'..=ia„ d:v,'P'? i—., 4: >'• 'r'..... 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IL a - � � i � � 17r• •,:, ra t " " Looking toward 1605 Avocado Avenue, the arrow points to the projects main access. 1 M; Looking south along Avocado Avenue. The arrow points toward San Nicholas Drive. i» I 41 ,• Looking North along IaL. � I�ibo i, Avocado Avenue; Note ! �s-_ ••iC+�h "DO NOT ENTER, WRONG I` f � WAY SIGNS". r^ FIG PHOTOGRAPHS OF PROPOSED SITE 3 y JUSTIN F.FARMER 4 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. 'V Traffic generation forecasts have been prepared for the proposed project based upon trip generation factors as compiled by the City of Newport Beach. Traffic currently generated by the existing development was calculated and compared with future traffic to arrive at a net change. Table 1, below, summarizes the trip generation forecasts. It indicates a net decrease in the number of trips during the morning peak hour and a net increase during the evening peak hour. A primary reason for that is• the different type of site users and operation associated with the medical office building, as compared to the general office building. TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION FORECAST MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 1605 AVOCADO AVENUE 12,950 SQUARE FEET AM PM IN OUT IN OUT Proposed Land Use (FUTURE) Medical Office Building 12,950 Square Feet 0.6 0. 2 1.9 8.4 7 2 23 29 Peak 2 1/2 Hours. 14 4 46 58 Existing Land Use (NOW) - General Office 2.0 0.4 0.6 1.7 12,950 Square Feet 24 5 7 20 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 48 10 14 40 Net Change - Peak 1 Hour -17 -3 +16 +9 - Peak 2 1/2 Hours -34 -6 +32 +18 NOTE: - Top number is trip rate and bottom number is the number of trips - Peak 1 hour is 500 of peak 2 1/2 hours JUSTIN E FARMER 5 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. v TRIP DISTRIBUTION I •� It is recognized that the distribution of project trips will vary considerably, depending upon the type of land use proposed, the day of the week and the time of the day. For an office development, the morning and evening peak hours are critical time periods. The predominant trip maker during both hours is the employee and the trip will be a home-work journey. As a consequence, the trip distribution is based, to a large degree, on the spatial location of residences in the service area of the site. Trip distribution patterns are, however, different for a medical office building where trips are made predominantly by patients and medical staff. General trip length associated with such proposed medical office building would be less than those associated with general office, i.e. , . the medical office is proposed to attract more trips from the surrounding vicinity than a general office would, Based on familiarity with traffic patterns near the study area, the location of potential users and the observation of peak hour traffic, directional distribution patterns were determined and li . were used to forecast the distribution of project trips. Inasmuch as Table 1 indicates a net decrease in trips during the AN peak hour, morning peak hour trip distribution is not needed for this analysis. Figure on the following page, graphically illustrates the �,q 4 ng p 9 grail Y evening peak one hour trip distribution for the subject project, while Figure 5 illustrates the project peak 2 1/2 hour volume. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Inasmuch as the trip generation forecast presented in Table 1 indicates that there will be a decrease in traffic volumes during the morning peak hour as a result of the project, only the evening peak hours will be considered in the following section of this analysis. A. Cumulative Protects The City of Newport Beach's traffic engineering staff has completed a list of cumulative projects which may impact this portion of the City's street network. The list includes 141 projects, of which approximately 40% are not occupied, 43% I� are fully occupied, and 17% are partially occupied. /.7 L JUSTIN -F. FARMER 6 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. L �9 Q9 OP �� N xor ro scue c - 'oy�y SITE �\ , O FASHION ISLAND PM PEAK HOUR DR. WpOeT BEACH oR NET INCREASE t IN 16 -'o O1 T 9 • QP c � e' z JAMBOREE RD. 9 FIG w PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION 4 PEAK 1 HOUR 7 O� �1 N � � z NOT TO SCALE r Z. SITE 'F• FASHION V ISLAND PORT BEPGN: Y�� R i R u OR. FORT BEACH °k- iPM PEAK i NET INCREASE *pOb !IN 32 Q!d OUT 18 y� ✓ryry III JAMBOREE RD. FIG PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION 5 PEAK 2-1/2 HOUR B. Regional Growth The Newport Beach City Traffic Engineer has prepared a list of specific regional annual growth rates which are associated with the study area and are summarized as follows: Jamboree Road Coast Highway to MacArthur Boulevard 1% MacArthur Boulevard Coast Highway to Jamboree Road 3% Coast Highway Jamboree Road to Newport Boulevard 1% MacArthur Boulevard to Jamboree Road 2% East .City limit to MacArthur Boulevard 4% C. Intersections to be Analyzed City of Newport Beach Traffic Engineer has identified that the primary impact from project traffic will be on the site vicinity intersections of: 1) Coast Highway at MacArthur Boulevard - 2) Coast Highway at Avocado Avenue 3) Coast Highway at Jamboree Road 4) Jamboree Road at San Joaquin Hills Road 5) MacArthur Boulevard at San Miguel Drive 6) MacArthur Boulevard at San Joaquin Hills Road Figure 6, on the following page, illustrates the locations of these study intersections. D. "One Percent Test" The methodology presented below is for the 1% traffic volume analysis per the City of Newport Beach's Transportation Phasing Ordinance. - Volumes used are the 2 1/2 hour traffic volumes. - Volumes were extrapolated to the year 1993 , 1 years hence. - Regional annual growth rates were used. - Traffic volumes associated with the cumulative projects were added to the extrapolated volumes and 1% of the pro- jected peak 2 1/2 hour volumes were determined. - If project traffic exceeded 1% of the projected peak 2 1/2 hour volumes, intersection analyses were conducted for the impacted intersection. The 1% test conducted at the six study intersections indicates that the increase at each intersection leg was less than 1% of the projected 2 1/2 hour peak at all inter- sections, therefore no Intersection Capacity Utilization calculations will be required for this analysis. u JUSTIN E FARMER 9 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. •L ^ wILDUrF i Sun FY i{/.yy V'.'•�nlr�w<•- iy 1 UMIIf NmlT,f Mi r: 'c..;• �� 1 \•� 1/ _IF f3��,��,, � .^^•�f.`u`�i: d •o � "0rj j !.v .�.+��gyy� �a �W?.%W♦'^!�j. r d '_ i. p ro■u l v: / n dypap�y `•♦' �' ' bit `\ ` •r 1y M�"rnl C ^" 4i.•.ar n 1 C'I 6. wanpm3 ar��h � •. ' �� 1 INE PORT ~'� ao ` rrnnu■ an %4LWr /Z�ir' to♦iuu A ' ��'' S r ,pp,', ' (,uq..w Can r wlmw�,l� W' Yr �,�,' dwr o`•.n �f ,� =l] rN�f t , 1 ♦ \1' ._ .`��. 1 � 'an♦ t/ 1 ,■wi■(I �Sd � \• i `et�'t`a.�I+t y` arr ra• y v •- •if �// `pan/nut ♦'..K,i E3 ■ Q0 , j I _ x,,,, , � r uls I r � �`y J1(ra•nvq. v le a,e rJtII 1 i w`d, � , � EI k1j`• `� a¢t� �pl l I nCt� � ♦`♦ .• I 'r 4 efa,+;,n ` . ° f• ar' �.l' �- a .�• "� 1 �, ` .ram.q 1 Kl .j�,,. � - •� AN u . B hoa island r r r I ` ' . ""�^¢p/p•B ' S\i �Balhoa 4 Tfi<_ vi pp n. Cot M lrr P ♦ t /Woiw 1 mnn �• n m nm 1 uunm �• ^ . ' � unum,pw ` pr �n, s 1 A Rod i s+u+« veu.mnl FIG STUDY INTERSECTIONS 6 l� JUSTIN F. FARMER 10 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC, SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION o A proposal has been made to convert the General Office Building located at 1605 Avocado Avenue in the City of Newport Beach to accommodate a total of approximately 12,950 square feet of Medical Office Building. o The building is currently unoccupied and it is served by the site main driveway on Avocado Avenue. Additional access is provided onto San Nicholas Drive, Santa Rosa Drive and San Joaquin Hill Road. o The City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance was utilized and information was collected regarding existing traffic volumes, cumulative project traffic and growth factors. o Trip generation forecast for the existing and future develop- ments are summarized as follows: TRIP GENERATION FORECAST MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 1605 AVOCADO AVENUE 12,950 SQUARE FEET AM PM IN OUT IN OUT Proposed Land Use (FUTURE) Medical Office Building 12,950 Square Feet 0.6 0.2 1.9 8. 4 7 2 23 29 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 14 4 46 58 Existing Land Use (NOW) - General Office 2.0 0.4 0.6 1.7 132950 Square Feet 24 5 7 20 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 48 10 14 40 Net Change - Peak 1 Hour -17 -3 +16 +9 - Peak 2 1/2 Hours -34 -6 +32 +18 NOTE: - Top number is trip rate and bottom number is the number of trips - Peak 1 hour is 50% of peak 2 1/2 hours I / JUSTIN E FARMER 11 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC W o The conversion to Medical Office Building will result in a decrease in the morning peak hour traffic and an increase in the evening peak hour traffic therefore, the analysis of this report was based only on the PM peak hour only. o The following intersections were selected to be analyzed using the above referenced Traffic Phasing Ordinance. 1) Coast Righway at MacArthur Boulevard 2) Coast Highway at Avocado Avenue 3) Coast ,Highway at Jamboree .Road 4) Jamboree Road at San Joaquin Hills Road 5) MacArthur-Boulevard at San Miguel Drive 6) MacArthur Boulevard at San Joaquin Hills Road o When the 1% test was conducted, project peak 2 1/2 hour trips were found to be less than 1% of the projected 2 1/2 hour volumes for all intersections, therefore Intersection Capacity Analysis were not required. o Project traffic will have nominal impact upon the six study intersections. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. #Respefully submitted;F. FARMER, TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. F. Farmer, P.E. , President oQ�pFESS/0�9� JFF:dk cD #1 rn wcc 86 Exp. 9TFOF CA11F�� rV JUSTIN E FARMER 12 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC �� . A pp��n_rx �.. �f t 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/MACARTHUR BL (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter pr ng 92) PM ` Peak 2h Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Protected iX of Protected Profeet I Direction Peek 2h Hour Grovrth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Volume 'Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound —0— —0— —0— —0— South oun 2475 2550 1669 1 4219 1 42 1 2 Eastbound 4280 4365 1058 5423 54 i —0— Westbound 3532 3675 588 4263 43 6 a Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected [] Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection �Capacity Utilization, (I.C:U.) Analysis is required. Medical Office Building 1605 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92_ _ D PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/AVOCADO (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 92 pM Peak 2;1 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2J1 Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I � Northbound 665 665 2 667 7 2 Southbound 818 818 1 104 992 1 9 8 Eastbound 3493 3563 290 3853 39 10 i Westbound 2708 2762 241 3003 30 4 MX Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected . Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 24 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. �r Medical Office Building 1605 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I 4 � 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/JAMB,OREE RD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on' Average inter pring 92 pM Peak 2k Hour Approved ` Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Protect Direction Peak 2y Hour Growth Peak 2� Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2$ Hour Peak 2h Hour II Volume Volume Volume Volume Yotume Volume Northbound 942 942 ' 626 1568 16 j 4 Southbound 4218 4260 2131 6391 1 64 . I 2 Eastbound 4657' 4704• 3433 8137 81 i 4 Westbound3730 3805 1195 5000 50 4 J V Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected„ 'Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 211 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. t Medical Office Building 1605 Avocado Avenue y2 � - DATE: 9/9/92 PROJECT: Newport: Beach v FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE RD/SAN JOAQUIN HILLS RD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring ir92 M ` Peak 2k Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 21S Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I Northbound 3401 3435 3363 6798 68 Southbound 5055 1 5106 3728 1 8834 88 4 Eastbound 414 414 62 476 5 Westbound 1558 1558 678 2236 22 I 2 I v Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 21. Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. L t. 13 Medical Office Building 1605 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I 4 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MACARTHUR BL/SAN JOAQUIN HILLS RD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average In er pring M Peak 2y Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2)% Hour Growth Peak 24 Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume � I Northbound 2755 2838 356 3194 32 2 , Southbound 4346 1 4476 1328 1775 1 18 2 Eastbound 1957 1957 495 2452 25 I 2 Westbound 1015 1015 238 1253 13 f 2 k ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected [] Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. I 4.. Medical Office Building 1605 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 q PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MACARTHUR BL/SAN MIGUEL DR (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter pH ng 19 92) PM Peak 2h Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I � Northbound 1962 2021 753 2774 28 j 2 southbound 2743 2770 581 3351 34 i 4 Eastbound 2101 2101 1020 3121 31 i 6 i L westbound 701 580 1281 13 6 i Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 23,. Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected L Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. u u L Medical Office Building 1605 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 a PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I • 0 JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. 223 EAST IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 155 FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92635 TEL.(714) 447-6070 FAX (714) 447-6080 Transmittal To: e (4y 0-:F- fJT=IAt PDIe'r Date: I I y 9'L 330d K*VflogT &aVL�urk +� Proj. No.: g-g rfi5WPO(2-T C44 Re: ILA:c416+L y f R c c E3 Ul LD�7n/C� cc: Attn: .1� A S LZ We are sending you: ❑ Aft ched ❑ Under Separate Cover ❑ Personal Delivery Via US Mail ❑ Delivery Service ❑ FAX ❑ The Following deports ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ ❑ Plans ❑ Specifications ❑ ❑ Prints ❑ Data ❑ If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. For: ❑ Your Use ❑ Your Files Review & Comment ❑ Use on Job ❑ Approval ❑ ❑ As Requested ❑ For Corrections ❑ Description: `4-a� bc"00 CPRe.UI,pkTLOrl s`NDt-tw'S FO(I-THE Pt2Dl?Ncb I� DI �l�I nF�c< $'jt-Dt3 C� 1 19r0a- 0 Va�T 1bDS PrUbrA1» Remarks: V kV D 1-1 Prq E� "Y Q�YT!Q M S OF- Kb MD I-nnNA-L -f--J (:r, M47-7DA/ Respectfully, SEW PO�,r CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH iU P.O.BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 cq<i FO fL PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 644-3225 September 1, 1992 Shahir Gobran Justin F Farmer Transportation Engineers Inc. 223 E. Imperial Hwy # 155 Fullerton, CA 92635 Subject: Traffic Phasing Ordinance Study for 1601 and 1605 Avocado Ave, Newport Beach ( TPO # 84 & 85 ) Dear Mr. Gobran: Per our telephone conversation, I have enclosed copies of the "Proposal Acceptance", for your file, regarding the two projects located in Newport Center in the City of Newport Beach. For traffic data or technical questions please contact Rich Edmonston, the City's Traffic Engineer at (714) 644-3344. Should you have any other questions regarding this project, or need copies of development plans, please contact me. Very truly yours, PLANNING DIRECTOR JAMES D. HEWICKER, DIRECTOR By a" Y ' �641, Aziz M. Aslami Associate Planner F.\WP51\...\nziz-A\Trarrc\zsssucz 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach 1 SEW PORT ° CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U T P.O. BOX 1768,NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 Cg41FOTL PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 644-3225 August 27, 1992 Mr. Gregg A. Kinney 2650 Park Newport Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Traffic Phasing Ordinance Study for 1605 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach (TPO # 85) Dear Mr. Kinney: Enclosed please find a copy of a proposal submitted by Justin F. Farmer Transportation Engineers Inc. regarding Traffic Engineering Services required for traffic phasing analysis for the proposed Medical Facility at 1605 Avocado Avenue in Newport Beach. The proposal contains an outline of the required work, schedule of time, and estimated fee required for preparation of the task. The requested Traffic Consultant fees have been reviewed by the City and are considered appropriate and warranted. The fees are as follows: Consultant Fees $ 2,750 City Fees (10%) 275 Total Request: $ 3,025 Please submit a check in the amount of$3,025 payable to the City of Newport Beach. Your prompt response in this matter is appreciated. Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWIC/KER, Director B 0 42 M 44/ltt. Aziz M. Aslami Associate Planner F.\wrsi\...\A*�\Trafrc\zsascmz 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Q SEW PORT }° em CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U P.O.BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 e� C'9</Fp 0.N�P lii PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 644-3225 August 21, 1992 Shahir Gobran Justin F Farmer Transportation Engineers Inc. 223 E. Imperial Hwy # 155 Fullerton, CA 92635 Subject: Traffic Phasing Ordinance Study for 1605 Avocado Ave, Newport Beach ( TPO # 85 ) Dear Mr. Gobran: The City of Newport Beach Planning Department has received an application for a Medical Office facility on a site that is located at 1605 Avocado Avenue in the City of Newport Beach. The proposed project would require a TRAFFIC STUDY to determine the impact of the subject Medical Office on the City's Traffic Circulation System. The City invites you to submit a proposal to prepare a Traffic Phasing Ordinance Study for this project. If you are interested, at your earliest convenience, please submit a proposal to the City including project tasks, budget, and timing. For traffic data or technical questions please contact Rich Edmonston, the City's Traffic Engineer at (714) 644-3344. Should you have any other questions regarding this project, or need copies of development plans, please contact me. Very truly yours, PLANNING DIRECTOR JAMES D. HEWICKER, DIRECTOR By Qi'I - Aziz M. Aslami Associate Planner F:\W P51\...\Aziz-A\Tmffic\TWLet 1 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND ` WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: 2/yam/gam City of Newport Beach c' Planning• Director 3300 Newport Boulevard 9p r C F"`� arning C Newport Beach, CA 92663 ..., Qenarin,a�t g FEB u 1985 NEWPORT REACH, �Q CALIF. W N DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS T is eclaration of Restrictions is hereby made on the -9— day of February, 1985, by Newport Financial Square, Ltd. , a California limited partnership, Albert J. Auer & Associates , general partner (hereinafter "Auer" ) , with reference to the following: A. Auer is the owner in fee of two (2) parcels of real property located in' Newport Center at 1601 and 1605 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, California, more particularly described as: Parcel No. 2 and Parcel No. 3 of a portion of Block 93 of Irvine 's Subdivision per Map filed in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Record Maps of the County of Orange B. Auer has received approval from the City of Newport Beach to construct one (1) two-story office build- ing on each of said parcels. C.. Issuance of building permits for construction of the two (2) office buildings is conditioned on the Municipal Code required parking for both office buildings being satis- fied under a reciprocal easement binding both parcels. NOW. -THEREFORE, Auer hereby irrevocably covenants with the City of Newport Beach that there be and hereby is created the following restriction on the property described herein, which restriction shall bind Auer and Auer ' s heirs, �4 assignees, and successors in interest unless removed by a written recorded release from the City of Newport Beach as follows: 1. ' Reciprocal non-exclusive easements and rights-of- way for motor vehicle parking over and on the motor vehicle parking areas and parking access driveways for Parcels No. 2 and No. 3 of a portion of Block 93 of Irvine ' s sub- division which are constructed pursuant to the City of Newport Beach approved plans for the Auer Newport Financial Square office buildings. 2. This covenant shall be recorded in the Recorder ' s Office for the County of Orange. NEWPORT FINANCIAL SQUARE, LTD. , ALBERT J. AUER & ASSOCIATES, GE ERAL RTNER By: _ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss: COUNTY OF ORANGE ) EE On this the vr— _ day of F_j2_dIUAaAA 1985, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Pu c in and for said County and State, personally appeared Al ert J. Auer , proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the General Partner of Newport Financial Square, Ltd. , a California partnership, that executed the within instru- ment, and acknowledged to me that such partnership executed the same. i 1III111111111111IIIII III III IIII IIII IIII IIII II U II III IIII 111 IIIII lll� ;' OFFICIAL SEAL SALLY LOU UHLIR P NOTARYPuuuC-CALIFORNIA =_ PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN = o ORANGECOUMY = M Commissio Y n Expires August 8 198 - iiuulrauuuuunnuuuuuuuuuul 8 -uuul I nuununur —2— t` .,, ` AE4u�srEDc•r a /pGa �u �c <-��Oz��n S�v. 86-120753 f RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND j WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City of Newport Beach Planning Director RECORDED IN OFFICIALREC)ORD8 3300 Newport Boulevard ffl3.00 OF ORANGE COUNV,CALIFORNIA I _Newport Beach, CA 92663 16 _gss pM 0 26 '86 co cmwy AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS This Amendment to Declaration of Restrictions is hereby made on the 31st day of January, 1986, by Newport Financial Square, Ltd. , a California limited partnership, Albert J. Auer & Associates, general partner (hereinafter "Auer") , with reference to the following: A. Auer is'-the--owner in fee of two (2) parcels of _ real property located in Newport Center at 1601 and 1605 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, California 92660, more particularly described as: Parcel No. 2 and Parcel No. 3 of a portion of Block 93 of Irvine 's Subdivision per Map filed in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Record Maps of the County of Orange B. Parcel No. 2 and Parcel No. 3 have each been improved with a two-story office building. C. The parking standards set forth in the Newport Beach Municipal Code requires 47 parking spaces for each office building for a total of 94 automobile parking spaces. Parcel No. 2 (1605 Avocado Avenue) has located thereon 43 parking spaces and Parcel No. 3 (1601 Avocado Avenue) has located thereon 51 parking spaces. D. In order to satisfy the City of Newport Beach parking requirements, Auer executed a Declaration of Restrictions dated February 6, 1985, recorded in Official 86- 120753 Y Records of Orange County, California, on February 8, 1985, granting reciprocal non-exclusive easements and rights- of-way for motor vehicular parking over and on the motor vehicle parking areas and parking access driveways for Parcel No. 2 and Parcel No. 3 . Auer now proposes to establish 32 reserved parking spaces on Parcel No. 3 (1601 Avocado Avenue) for the exclusive use of the occupants of the 1601 Avocado Avenue office building. NOW, THEREFORE, Declaration of Restrictions dated February 61 1985, recorded in Official Records of Orange County, California, on February 8, 1985, granting recip- rocal non-exclusive easements and rights-of-way for motor vehicle parking over and on the motor vehicle parking areas and parking access driveways for Parcel No. 2 and Parcel No. 3 of a portion of Block 93 of Irvine 's Subdivision per Map filed in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Record Maps of the County of Orange is hereby amended to provide as follows: 1. Auer irrevocably covenants with the City of Newport Beach that a total of 94 parking spaces shall be maintained on the combined parking areas of Parcel No. 2 and Parcel No. 3 for satisfying the Newport Beach parking standard requirements for the two office buildings located thereon at 1605 Avocado Avenue and 1601 Avocado Avenue, respectively. 2. 32 parking spaces shall be set aside and reserved for the exclusive use of parking automobiles for the occu- pants of the 1601 Avocado office building (Parcel No. 3) , as shown on the attached diagram marked Exhibit "A" and made a part herein by this reference. Fifteen (15) park- ing spaces shall be maintained on Parcel No. 3 as common parking. 3. At all times subsequent to the recording of this Amendment to Declaration of Restrictions, a minimum of four (4) automobile parking spaces shall be set aside and I -2- 1 � . 86-OZ0758 ' maintained in the motor vehicle parking areas located on f Parcel No. 3 for the common use by the occupants of the 1605 Avocado Avenue office building (Parcel No. 2) . 4. The owners, occupants and users of the office building located at 1601 Avocado Avenue (Parcel No. 3) , shall relinquish all rights to park automobiles in any of the common motor vehicle parking areas located at 1605 Avocado Avenue (Parcel No. 2) . 5. The reciprocal non-exclusive easements and rights- of-way for the parking access driveways for Parcels No. 2 and No. 3 of a portion of Block 93 of Irvine 's Subdivision as established by Declaration of Restrictions dated February 6, 1985, recorded in Official Records of Orange County, California, on February 8, 1985, is unaffected by this Amendment to Declaration of Restrictions. 6. This Amendment to Declaration of Restrictions shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder for the County df Orang_e, _California, and shall supersede Dec- laration of Restrictions dated February 6, 1985, recorded in Official Records of Orange County, California, on February 8, 1985. NEWORT FINANCIAL SQUARE, LTD. , ALBERT J. AUER & ASSOCIATES, GENERAL PARTNER By: Am i -3- 86: 1Z0753 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) b ) ss: COUNTY OF ORANGE ) On this _3.4— day of January , 1986, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Albert J. Auer , proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the General Partner of Newport Financial Square, Ltd. , a California partnership, that executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that such partnership executed the same. J L rnULn rid. r,�nufi'z�o i r Notary iPublic•California I \ � F'r7'ctpal Office In ORRt^.OE COUNTY MY commission expires 3.27.89 -4- I;,U, yz� 4V4 '7 M-3 72 "XII marks reserved parking 41P 0 'o-lo 0 > ,IRj ...... EXHIBIT A SAN JOAQUIN HILLS RD. ro "Ali Mt W►MY♦MMR710110RRARR - M�y{�IIYM117�MI{I ARp 442-08 I•� RRAcc1MK�11R11RRR1RIRARA/t�Nalit t►WIOMIIIMRlta7�r� :._::i:_:pi'-.. !.. JN►i� -'..t- . . . _:goy., .mil+ i 13 y�.::v :t:,-ut'. 3 ';,.;fit• >:atR-e:i. N n 's :- ..ems;.•. - - +.�-' v-pr_- - O ..-..:.i. «.t 11 dTe:- i._J•... 'r ft�1.1..:<:��%y.... p�y.��y^.yy'.��^ {tr.< iJ :..r,.. '�f-:>'f s `s3` O'• 'k. ` _ <:'x..��i.: �ki>,n4'�'I.i�Y11LAW� � �at'' r� f. yAL Mot O aSF-as • ' • ZF C OBI O ,+ �+ ,�. . L3rAe •>='� • 7 ♦ IARI asT O : a. e' lO7C 332E J O O� 3� T IN a7OP. 193-17 7 ,r J• ♦p AG L/7K Awl ♦; 02 AtARCN Im 1.0TE ASSESSORS KOCK i ASSESSORS AMP Aw'E Wa At At /-88 PARCEL Numults ROOK442►AGEO8 Ci1 MlCrM L 6015 At At 259-26704/AWX.IAAL[/3 aerl snowN IN CIRCLES COLWM OF ORANGE PAIMU ASAP PM 54-23,6/-/0,9/-I9,37-23•/92-I,I93-17 ' •.t Y.r�y^1i • 03 PM p'lr 1UMASASPA OEPT�r ,,,, 23: ` NOR f je TJCAS5ESSOR No STOITSAWXO � O fm OilEit NOT10� • Cwr �' ILLI�= � w• w 22 ' Y So VIALF Ta.. i t GI/ nQ - ' Sara.., ..J w \ � y:;.i .[ - .: • t. . �rj rY n"AN/ 0 S. PM37.f➢ Eu:_1R J '%7*f Co:Sr :,w.r:+r ru» =� •, f�sa :- 1 `s O M m r <<', cod 014 n ,., a(c s5 s . - 52 R3�Cs��'•i' A S N-Lt t wat QO.iJJACMJ Y[.O.1V .� W 22 ►M►• . 'w�S�.' i - LtAIAC W h ..�. N� /tie 3 Ste i @- t- .a ' wS w-.0 No7E- ` /+osAt `. .- • Moot � ASSESS BEB AMC& u.0 s• 54 S/pWN AN C/R fAM MARCH /967 41 27 qK 50-ZH rrw ASSESSOR'S M 50'2� 30- "^T•„50-36 eoox442 PACE t t =F•" iP PARCEL MAP • PAC �.i 7?-33, 92-/3,/52-/7,253-34 CobNTr OF OR • z"50-26 7RAC7 Na 6O15(S7REEM) mm.. M.W704( (RV/NE SUB t 445-07 u _ JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. 223 EAST IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 155 FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92635 TEL.(714) 447-6070 FAX (714) 447-6080 August 24, 1992 I LANNING DEPARTMEta, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 2 AUG " 1992 AM R.1 Mr. Aziz M. Aslami 7181911011111211121v1n1"15 Associate Planner City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, Ca. 92658 Re: Proposal for Traffic Phasing Ordinance Study for 1605 Avocado Ave. , Newport Beach Land Use Modification Dear Aziz: First let me thank you for selecting us to conduct the traffic study for the above referenced project. As you are aware, we have conducted a number of such studies in the City of Newport Beach and are therefore familiar with the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. I have spoken with Rich Edmonston, the City Traffic Engineer, and I believe that I have an understanding of his concerns. We therefore offer the following scope of service. SCOPE OF SERVICES We will visit the site and inventory those street environmental features that will affect or be affected by the project. Specific attention will be directed to the location of driveways, both on the site and on adjacent properties. It is my understanding that approximately 6 intersections may be impacted by the proposed modifications. These intersections will be analyzed using the City of Newport Beach's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. A forecast will be made of the net increase in trip generation and distribution of project traffic and its impact on the level of service at the subject 6 study intersections. Our forecast will include trips associated with the proposed land use minus trips associated with original land use. An assessment will also be made on each of the proposed access driveways to the site with respect to adjacent streets and intersections. DELIVERABLES Our study and its findings will be summarized in a report with a format customarily used for traffic impact reports. Up to 10 copies will be prepared. TIME SCHEDULE We will deliver our report in two weeks after receipt of your signed notice to proceed or signature on this proposal. FEE PROPOSAL We propose a lump sum of $2,750 .00. This fee considers our analysis of one site development plan. Should that plan be revised, or should additional work effort be requested after start of our analysis, the fee will be amended to reflect only that amount of work which was necessitated by the revision. Submittal of a revision or a request for additional analysis by you, or by the City, will constitute authorization to amend the scope of service. The fee assumes that the manual traffic counts and cumulative trip data per the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance will be provided to us for the key six intersections. The fee does not include attendance at public hearings. Should we be requested to attend meetings with either the City or local residents, we will invoice at our regular hourly rates for the person attending such meetings. The proposed fee includes all costs, overhead, and profit for performing those work efforts resulting in the printed report. If this proposal is acceptable, please so indicate by signing in the space provided on the following page and return a copy for our files. JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. Thank you again for considering us for this work, as we look forward to working with you on this project. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, , USTIN F. FARMER, TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. s � 6a Shahir Gobran, Manager of Transportation Planning SG:sf THIS PROPOSAL IS ACCEPTED COMPANY ADDRESS SIGNATURE TITLE DATE TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER JUSTIN F. FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA 92663 (714) 644-3225 A. General Information 1. Applicant: Newport Diagnostic and Treatment Center (in formation) Hazem H. Chehabi, M.D Ph: 714-760-3025 Address: 1441 Avocado Avenue, Suite 203, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Agent: Peregrine Management Corporation Gregg A. Kinney, C.E.O. / John E. Pike, President Ph: 714-640-6967 Address: 2650 Park Newport, Newport Beach, CA 92660 2. Property Owner: Kanaflex Corporation Ph: 310-637-1616 Address: 750 West Manville, Compton, CA 90220 B. Proiect Description Please attach the following materials for the project: * Vicinity map * Plans drawn to scale * Proposed revisions to zoning map * At least 3 different site photos mounted and text using underline and on 8 1/2 x 11 cardboard with a key map strikeew notation, if applicable showing the photo locations and direction of view 1. Project name: Newport Diagnostic and Treatment Center (in formation) 2. Project location: 1605 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660 3. Assessor's parcel #1: 4. Permit application #1: 5a. Proposed use: Medical imaging and treatment center/medical practice offices 5b. Project size: 11,750 square feet on plans, 12,160 on permit 5c. Site size: approximately 33,236 square feet 5d. Two story - approximately 34 feet 6. Existing land use designations: General Plan: Zoning: C-O-H Specific Plan: LCP: 7. Previous governmental approvals: 8. Other governmental approvals required: Federal: State: Regional: Local: 9. Begin construction: approx. Nov 1992 Estimated occupancy approx. Mar 1993 (date) (date) C. Potential Environmental Effects - None. This application pertains to conversion of an existing building to permit medical use. All planned construction is anticipated to be to interior remodeling. No exterior construction is planned. 1. Earth - None L v� 2. Air - None 3. Water - None 4. Biological Resources - Not applicable 5. Noise - Not applicable 6. Light and Glare - Not applicable 7. Land Use - a. The land is currently occupied by the building that will be remodeled. All adjacent sites are completed and this project should have no effect on adjacent properties. b. The project's planned use conforms with the existing zoning. c. The project will be compatible with surrounding land uses. 8. Public Health and Safety - The site will be used for medical diagnostic and treatment facilities which, in some cases, require the use of medical radiation devices (X-Ray, Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Therapy). The site will comply with all federal and state regulations and guidelines regarding the safe use and disposal of any radioactivity and biological agents and will comply with appropriate on site inspection schedules required by state and federal agencies. These regulations and guidelines, when properly adhered to, represent no public safety or environmental hazard. 9. Ponulation/Housing/Employment a. Not applicable b. The building would be occupied by medical imaging, radiosurgical treatment devices and medical practices. Employees would number in the 25-30 range. 10. Transportation/Circulation/Parking -The project will provide adequate parking to satisfy the requirements for medical usage of the building. The building size indicates 45 parking spaces will be needed for medical usage and 47 are provided. Improvements to the existing circulation system will be determined, if any are needed, by a traffic study. 11. Public Services/Utilities - all are present and available 12. Aesthetics - Not applicable 13. Cultural and Historic Resources - Not applicable Certification I certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits are correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am the legal owner of the property that is the subject of this application or have been authorized by the owner to act on his behalf regarding this application. I further acknowledge that any false statements or information presented herein may result in the revocation of any approval or permit granted on the basis of this information. Peregrine Management Corporation/Grego A. Kinney, C.E.O. Print name of owner or representative Signatur ��1 �IR2 Date Date filed: Fee: Receipt No: By: saved as:c:\wpwin\chehabi\environ.frm NEWPORT DIAGNOSTIC CENTER Newport Nuclear Medicine Center Newport Cardio August 11, 1992 Testing Center Newport Metabolic City of Newport Beach Imaging Center Attn: John Douglas, Principal Planner 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Re: 1605 Avocado Avenue Dear Mr. Douglas, I hereby authorize Peregrine Management Corporation and its officers, Gregg A. Kinney and John E. Pike, to seek entitlements from the City of Newport Beach for 1605 Avocado Avenue. Specifically, they will be seeking to obtain permission to convert the subject property from its current usuage to medical and diagnostic treatment usage. They will be preparing the Environmental Information Form and other documentation necessary to process the request. Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Hazen H. Chehabi, M.D. cc: Doug Killian Richard Aprahamiau Don Malouf Peregrine Management Corporation 1441 Avocado Avenue Suite 203 Newport Beach,CA 92660-2020 Phone (714)760-3025 FAX (714)720-3944 It Dom_ qq _ 1 LI`� Pvc VE» f - SITE PLAN a P.2, _ FACSIMILE COVER PACE To: Doug Killian From: Peregrine Management Carp Time: 17:05:34 Date: 8/10/92 i Pages (including rover): 1 RE: City of Newport Beach Zoning" FROM. Gregg Kinney COMMENTS: PER OUR DISCUSSION, KANAFLEX CORPORATION HEREESY AUTHORIZES HAZEM H. CHEHASI, M.D. AND/OR HIS ASSIGNS TO FROM THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING PARKING REOUIREMEN' OUTLINED IN THE LETTER OF INTENT TO PURCHASE 1605 AVOCADO AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH. CA REPLY REQESTED: - YES. THIS FAX WILL NOT BE MAILED. NOTICE: This message is intended,only for the use of the individua! or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt-from disclosure under applicable law. it you have received this communication in error, please,notify us immediately by telephone and. return the original message to us at the address below via the U.S. Postal Service. Thank you. Peregrine Management Corporation 2660 Park-Newport Newport Beach, CA 92660 WAFLEX CORPORATION Masaka'tUmauchi, Vice President ?ellr t F t0 01 �—�qy • S.q�v S4N � t, e',��, 05 o 5 N m " c QU/v C ' RC n C-o'N C, 0 N cR 05 A-P c o y H Q P-C s�• C_0_H n ap C O- os C 5AJV NiCacaS \ �. :p o R NEwpO 4 f ' P� aeq pe. _ 'rowN P'L _ S os i m CEAl TEA e i- NO• C-0-N 'in o P N ��� os u ST u COAgT %. Off PC 1\ NTRy sr.e� •OV - a P � g P-C P-C A t4 - L � -� U. P-C 05 09 PC dio o R I F bB o I c RI RI RI PARK u' RI t CI R2 R2 CI R2 CI U RI RI RI RI N RS CI W U" .U_ RI a RI � R2 � R2 � R2 � RI RI RI Ac Rl v` v K R2 R2 R2 R _ -[" \ \� RI R2 R2 P-G ,a �c:� . � moo,.. _ .. Lop 1. fo rly6 � I r(r nr • Wa66 Mw s i j itl � i � O • ' LOV.i p01iR.SWT! �N ry[OCMaeR! �i 1 •0 iT�ul0 p e�7(te w�WNFLSaw to AREA 1 I • Mw�l1r 1�P'O 1 = � •� Yr eloe»Is ptriMlJ(S) —�� '• sar t —• "' lerla• _ ® rro 1 TBL a 4"9 4 e ecro a �' K I wnu. kf� a�tea Grua i VV ' • ►e ♦alas& 1 1 K APPIWAHMM 1 TT► �, �I M��e M4e wld •Y'�I/1SI�Or MIS : 4 O!I.Oe GROUND FLOOR PLAN I (,OS A-VOL4 A-1, W8160 I 1 ttN+TOI• . s 1 i Law arrm Law" I 7.otiN irlacta�e�c' o t AREA 2 roue+' Pi 1 - tD to� eY ei4 1 7 1 �• 1�. 'Y 1 1 � 6 �3010""� , a :p ICCIIr RM,G"1 + ME 1 I * I ' � r ?vIIR►2 xl 1 1 Mniwttee � � •� ,,• . ' AREA 3 ,t,R ye AREA 4 --_ 1 N � * iM/LOY�l9 I rv' Mw go-go M� K t.� w.. SECOND FLOOR ;PLAN. I Lco5 r 14VO 4OJ9mo�W ^^~ ""�"'�"` x.+ue Hs SEW Pp�,T CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U S P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 �gtiFoaN�r NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of The Carlson Company. for Traffic Study No.84 on property located at 1601 Avocado Avenue. The Mlication includes a request to approve a traffic study to allow conversion of 12,950 square feet of general office use to professional medical office. AND Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of Newport Diagnostic for Traffic Study No. 85 on property located at 1605 Avocado Avenue. The anolication includes a request to approve a traffic study to allow conversion of 12.950 square feet of general office use to professional medical office. Theses projects have been reviewed, and it has been determined that they are categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the tthh day of October 1992, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the public hearing. For information call (714) 644-3200. Harry Merrill, Secretary, Planning Commission, City of Newport Beach. NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach pCD Irvine Co. Newport Center Medical 1122ZI Acacia Pkwy. I 550 Newport Center Dr. 1401 Avocado Ave.#901 Garden Grove, CA 92642 I Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach,CA 92660 _ Irvine Co. of W. VA Irvine Co. of W. VA i Pacific Mutual Life Ins. 911 Wilshire Blvd. #850 2029 Century Park E. #960 700 Newport Center Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90017 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Newport Beach, CA 92660 First American Trust Co. 421 N. Main St. Santa Ana, CA 92701 -- '---- - - -- - - ---------- u;.{t t^wvmc acn' .-*,51 i 5 . { 1 ,< ! •ou= 'so*rmouooa orTgna $ o-ronomo ;-4ueQ �EWPp�,T CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH p� a Building Department ( 3300 Newport Blvd. )" t P.O. Box 1768 C9 C,pO pt��P Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 (714) 644-3288/3289 PLAN CHECK NO. FEE RECEIPTS F-) eliT,ceived Fromr Job Address Building Plan Check - Valuation $ 010-5002 5 Grading Plan Check - Cu. Yds. 010-5004 $ Overtime Plan Check - B G..............................010-5002/5004 $ Special Inspection..........................................01OZ5008 $ Reinspection B E H P.............. .......................010-5008 $ TemporaryElectric..........................................010-4612 $ Temporary Gas...............................................010-4616 $ Grease Interceptor..........................................010-4620 $ Planning Department Fees............................ .. ....010-5000$ Sale of Maps&Publications.... .................... ...... ...010-5812$ Other T�,96FRC 086- ala .zeros a�60 G i 7 GEC 49163� 6DiDs ��S PAID RECEIVED BY: AUG 3 T OTAALL FEES $ NOTICE: Plan Check expires I8Wb9YsQitKEWfflWtD&CH r FEE RECEIPT N0. (4/92fVeercpt) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CASH RECEIPT NEWPORT BEACH,CA'92663 C,4FOR�P 12077 RECEIVED BY: C•M CUST0MER: NEWPORT DIAGNOSTIC• CENTER ZONING & SUBDIVISION FEESTPO ##85 $278. 00 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 0102243- r_:O,X6• ER$ F LING $25. 00 i TOTAL DUE ( * bap $303.0c) CASH PAID CHECK: RAID HEC:I^:'NCi . r' TENDERED CHANGE $.00 v303:00 ysi- $303.00 $. Q0 DATE — _hH/1'7f 3 fS'ME .— 03: 24. 07 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH �(�gW PORT Building Department 3300 Newport Blvd. \? P.O. Box 1768 cN<,pONt��P Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 (714) 644-3288/3289 PLAN CHECK NO. FEE RECEIPTS Receive From Job Address Building Plan Check - Valuation $ 010-5002 $ Grading Plan Check - Cu. Yds. 010-5004 $ Overtime Plan Check - B G..............................010-5002/5004 $ Special Inspection..........................................010-5008 $ Reinspection B E H P.....................................010-5008 $ Temporary Electric..........................................010-4612 $ Temporary Gas...............................................010-4616 $ Grease Interceptor..........................................010-4620 $ Planning Department Fees..WPQ '�.............. . .. . . . .010-5000$ Sale of Maps&Publications.............................. ...010-5812$ 7E Other eeyI AYIA U-91IOXIC" 0/0'122`lg$ 5. 00 $ PA RECEIVED BY: fE�SL $ 3 gF�NEWPORT BEACH //J / NOTICE: Plan Check expires 180 days of pp f FEE RECEIPT N0. (4/92f\feercpt) _ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH �gW PORr Building Department • 3300 Newport Blvd. = P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 (714) 644-3288/3289 CHECK NO. 17 005t 1-6s FEE RECEIPTS nA, VtA14-Do Job Address eceived From Building Plan Check - Valuation $ 010-5002 $ Grading Plan Check - Cu. Yds. 010-5004 $ Overtime Plan Check - B G. ..... ..... ...............010-5002/5004 $ Special Inspection.. ... . . ... . .... .............. .........010-5008 S Reinspection B E H P... ... . . .... .... .................010-5008 $ Temporary Electric... .... .... . .... .... .......... ........010-4612 $ Temporary Gas...... ... ... ..... . ... . .....................010-4616 $ Grease Interceptor....... ........ .......................010-4620 $ ,s - Planning Department fees.. . ... ..........................010- 0a S"�p Sale of Maps & Publications........... ......... .........0WL810 grjZR Inn A — Determination of Unreasonable Hardship..............C17y039 NF.WFr3"TBEACH Microfilm Copies/Photocopies............................010-5019 S " Hazardous Material Disclosure............................010-5021 $ Other 1—gof�c' S-rVp/ 4r j�* (4.99 /'2. 16o ¢ X 3." = 41,`158 TOTAL FEES $ 41, a RECEIVED BY: ('9 -oK peal A" 1;dwu,Osn,J� � NO ICE: Plan Check expires 180 days ofYer application. FEE RE z CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CASH RECEIPT a = NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 C+4aoa"r REC:EI :F_.0 BY, ' ,' CUST7MEi 'A'_ MUTUAL, !F'E [NIS —,PC & NS i " t"+x�ram. f•-.. _ i 'Jr:A il. 2GO"..59le i TF'A v� �'JNI r..," " n'.f 41 . 9i8. t"1U "f0"fAL DUE $41 . 958. oc? CASH PAID _:;E' - 1I,7 ' HE':I: ND I'ENOERED CHANGE $. c,c: $4: 95i':, 00 DATE - 07/08/94 T T_P1E tti CpOMUS&IONERS MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 8 1992 INDEX :OLL CALL Traffic Study No 84 (Public Hearing) Item No.1 Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow an existing 12,950 TS No.84 square foot building used for general offices to be converted to Approved_ medical office use. LOCATION: Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 84-706 (Resubdivision No. 776), located at 1601 Avocado Avenue, on the northwesterly side of Avocado Avenue, between San Joaquin Hills Road and San Nicholas Drive, in Newport Center. ZONE: C-O-H APPLICANT: The Carlson Company, Irvine OWNER: Pacific Mutual, Newport Beach Traffic Study.No, 85 (Public Hearing) em No:2; Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow an existing 12,950 iTS rio:.8'' square foot building used for general offices to be converted to �seaq medical office use. LOCATION: Parcel 3 of Parcel Map 84-706 (Resubdivision No. 776), located at 1605 Avocado Avenue, on the northwesterly side of Avocado Avenue, between San Joaquin Hills Road and San Nicholas Drive, in Newport Center. ZONE: C-O-H APPLICANT: Newport Diagnostic, Newport Beach -2- y � IIl 9C Y y p L,p ✓ b �a � Q I 2 N07 70 SCALE C r � F POTopQeO {SITE � � Q h co DOPSt Mv7+ Lr �p ✓,��ORe� qo �yP� P 9`9090 miry p FASHION ISLAND Q NfW ORT BEAO� Je � PM PEAK HOUR DR. POR7 BEACH OR, NET INCREASE zt�U y *r 16 p� -OUT 9 0 j Q i 0 JAMBOREE RD. 5P � FIG PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION 4 PEAK 1 HOUR 7 • fan r e• IN 0r • ©���■�■�■III�■�©®0 �r�■�■m©®v v■m■m■m■ o m■�■m■m■��■m■�©mn ��■■�■m■m■ram■■ m■ • i � 'e w a� J • WINNE ISO mu - a ©®. MMMIMIMMIM .�.■�.�.r�.. IMMIMME J mi ®C © ■r�■�■®© ■��■■■■�■ ■■.■�■ m C■r�■■�■�■ r • Mill • MMWIAM�m Ell If•7] m ■MMA.�.M■ ■WAMM gym® M M M■ M■ ■�■//■�■�.� �i�i�nMi®©W�M.�i�i�i • m■■i�i■■i�i■■i�i� .r■ • ©C.�.�.�.■...■.■�.©. i • ` b MCG Su ee1 Von Karen 250 ornieg AvSn aMcClellan/Cruz I Gaylord&Associates 7141553.1117 architects Architecture Planning Interiors Pasadena Irvine San Francisco December 23, 1993 Mr. John Douglas City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92660 Regarding: Newport Diagnostic Center 1605 Avocado Newport Beach, CA 92660 MCG Project No. 93.271.01 Dear John: I have enclosed a copy of a letter sent to Dr. Chehabi regarding information on the proposed location of a treatment vault to the existing building located on Parcel 3. Please let me know if I need to clarify any issues or if I missed something. Thanks again for your assistance! Yours truly, MCG ARCHITECTS Susan Sebastian Project Manager SS:sr cc: Hazen H. Chehabi, M.D. Rick Gaylord John Baker iot.,•s Mark Mikelson ` OF 40 N�pO ki 2� 1003 e�► OEO 2�g�4�5�6 r� • • y MCG McClellan/Cruz/Gaylord B Associates rm 18201 Von Kean Avenue Suite 250 Irvine,California 92715 714/553.1117 architects Architecture Planning Interiors Pasadena Irvine San Francisco December 23, 1993 Hazen H. Chehabi, M.D. 1441 Avocado, Suite 203 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Regarding: Newport Diagnostic Center&Stereotactic Surgery Facility 1605 Avocado Newport Beach, CA 92660 MCG Project No. 93.271.01 - Dear Dr. Chehabi: Following the fax transmittal dated December 22, I have had further conversations with John to clarify the process of applying for the amendment. I have noted these items as well as forwarded a copy for his files. John Douglas has responded to our inquiry concerning the opportunity to locate the treatment vault on the outer face of the existing building with the following comments: During his research he analyzed parking and existing building areas versus allowable building areas. He also reviewed the format of the General Plan concerning the criteria in which a project is to be considered and if any exceptions were noted. The General Plan defines the allowable building area as a combined total of a designated "Block" and not a portion or Parcel of the Block. In his analysis of your project,he noted the allowable building area for the 'Block"encompassing Parcel 3 has been consumed. The General Plan being very specific,uses square footage with no exceptions or considerations for proposed use of the square footage. Therefore,to locate the vault on the outer face, an amendment to the General Plan will be required to accommodate your request. The procedure requires a submittal of your request in a letter to John by mid-January for a meeting session in February. He will prepare the information in a staff report to be submitted to the Planning Commission. It is to our advantage to provide a conceptual layout included as an exhibit for review. The agenda will include a public hearing. A similar process will be conducted for City Council approval. An estimated completion time for this process is April/May 1994 with the project going straight to the Building Department for permit processing. On a positive note,John mentioned there are no fees for submittal on the amendment and will not require a zone change or use change which greatly simplifies and expedites the process of meeting your request. The required parking,based on 1/250 square feet for approximately 750 square feet is three (3) additional spaces; two(2)can be utilized from Parcel 2 and the remainder from leased ' Hazen H. Chehabi, M.D. MCG Project No. 93.271.01 December 23, 1993 Page Two spaces elsewhere per the parking agreement. John has been diligent in working with us and has offered to provide assistance in the processing should we continue forward. He feels the request is not unreasonable and suggests when presenting the square footage increase,we aim to meet your anticipated needs since a difference of a couple hundred square feet is inconsequential. Based on this information the ultimate decision is a matter of processing time versus the economic issues. We will be awaiting your decision to proceed further. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance. Yours truly, MCG ARCHITECTS Susan Sebastian _ Project Manager SS:sr cc: 'Kfol"Dougfas= George Gouvis Rick Gaylord John Baker Mark Mikelson i • • .tee m • Report On: • TRAFFICAND CIRCULATIONSTUOY MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 1605A VOCADO A VENUE, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNM • Prepared For. • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MR. AZIZASLAMI, ASSOCIATE PLANNER 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA • Submitted By. • JUSTIN F FARMER TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. 223 E. IMPERIAL HWY, SUITE 155 FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92635 (714) 447-6070 • fax(714) 447-6070 Our File#F978 September, 11, 1992 • 6 • INTRODUCTION & PROJECT DESCRIPTION • At the present time the development at 1605 Avocado Avenue in the City of Newport Beach is vacant. Current land use of the subject development is general office containing approximately 12,950 square feet. A proposal has been made to convert the existing general office • land use to a medical office. i.e. , the entire project would produce a total of 12, 950 square feet of medical office building. Main accesses to the site are from Avocado Avenue to the east, however, site users may choose to access the site from Santa Rosa Drive to the west, from San Nicholas Drive to the south or from San Joaquin Hills Road to the north. At the project vicinity, • Avocado Avenue is two-way south of the site and one-way, southbound only, north of the site. Figure 1, on the following page, illustrates the Project Site Vicinity Map while Figure 2, Page 3 , is the Project Site Plan and Figure 3, Page 4 illustrates site photographs. • The purposes of this report are to: 1) Forecast the amount and distribution of traffic of the proposed land use and determine the net change in traffic patterns as a result of converting the existing land uses to medical office only. • 2) Assess the impact the project will have upon the adjacent street system, per the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Data pertaining to this project was obtained from the City of Newport Beach active file. This data houses peak hour traffic • counts, peak 2-1/2 hour traffic counts, additional traffic as a result of cumulative projects and previous traffic analyses which were performed for the same parcel prior to construction. The data and the analysis is presented in the following pages. TRIP GENERATION FORECAST • Daily and peak hour trip generation for projects such as that being proposed here is normally expressed in terms of trip ends per 1,000 square feet (KSF) of gross floor area. A trip is defined as a one-way vehicular journey either to or from the site, or it may be a journey totally within the site. The latter • is usually referred to as an internal trip. Each trip will have two trip ends, one at the beginning and one at the end of the destination. Because of the nature of the proposed project, there will be a minimal number of internal trips. JUSTIN R FARMER 1 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC j/ .,`k Q+ri ©J 4i�:V.��4�, 414g�� `'t �G. '• a. ' ` l •�P fft/. PRESERVE • �\ 'f ws,��:�l 'i- '""'°^ Jdfq% ��� •I \.n_— !,�_. 1 , 1�Wc ;lr, ✓3 ,�y ty7 `�' f UPPER RMFORT B Y •' 1, _ I / t IY., L/ � i l44 Uyl h. b 4a:Jf 2.%A V.N ]£ � ECOlOO1CAl \ `2• _ JI � � '_p;- o• e I J � i A I�``I RESERVE / p-+. a_ qY4 •E(�� "P . ,a�na„`%� `` 1,�, o < I�,:rr °',�3" • •��.r `d FM-•ru ° I I \,-�•'/ r. INM � R/ ` ` 1 !" • r mu R N o f ��t}y^: J ,�j4 � I W. o m � ,@ , - 1 Qi ° ' ° °aFF:` Vie',,' •;;7'° � / ?�'g 4+0a N§JE 4o t Pal _ 44-� L 14 MhUt}°t5 J`F„ ,Sh• 14 I)/ � ( P 4 � 1� , E ''4,R°U+r • 11 INE PORT BEACH xtlbR.�l,l, R ST"'! d C. ' Ov �• 1 •H 3• - •vr `rra^owus .7 ��•�d y�.. ___•—a' r _ •� :ru S� � ,v\ �,�,„µ� �r jbJ "�.o� .`q .___'_ • 1g �dl'f4 wu 1:+ 'la [r e°r , 1 �hw ` '�(u. 1 ('1°,r'u �wr�'NI• w.r�l le�l�� vl /�Ga.wa ,. �� , wprr�-•6� � +°Z'1FMMr�;,�,i �.:`y.�w.+. 1 , w,rrti 1Tv'-xv I d wl P 1 ': . d"a �§E\ 'F, �'nic, cr�'I � IRY",,ru..x,-"u y, I •. 1 -• -'-1=- 1 / I wlpr• �yyr a[MINI[W f �, r�RM � a•14�`�` [0 }W 'V/,��� !°'� \`1G �/ IJ I `/1�S/'`uvfavu \ JI G� Z i.`Iu e�wnl ��1 �y ,' :f17."�.�`�• 7�,.b'�N`��p'L-k$_.. h'wil J { %'aw•.'% ` C J f wlNyO, 1 + / �� , S/ 3 f I J-f........... • _ /�G'1�1 _ •°`�O4' ,� 8 11 ^-°, ruwoN �=N^ p 2C/1�'-'��` wn 4�..a 1y •��5. r(��`�:x'�`•l� l�nu yory �` _ rts e. \\ � nuxR � n�q � d�a ,��� , `� `A•y*- 02 -4 �I -•r4 I��%•,,ra§'• \. �� r `\l r /�O is 'w }3v}s '.'vm. G J,u+kV,.0�,u�M�.N•Mi�,.���4 _ 4'P m..` Iwwn�d � u :?:•L"'� b� e[ "++�aM °, f /F a5 s�{,S•d ,�Clrr./i C`�� q •`�p,,, s; 1 • \'' E__ Balboa Island - arvlo �S:ss;E„ Er.° oe 'lif � Ri}`.`�•�»:a.�• wu, �`__�/�G3 Mkaiyln e' a ,r(ma� 'e F� 4, ` 'Cd�• II 4` .. :'' �y. P t., T4 � wu.._n �. �i G�`'��`�PIL� 1 T• �aa+^,i/ P-3-a r�-v ^��� ti '�.qA� , 'br±� aO� - 4♦- .�8 �'�,<.""`� `I��[`.fi� Gull r ~8 iLa��,18L�'-fir mw �a':. ° ♦ 'P 4. C�''f�.• � .0 `BalboaTL • h +rl kI»k \� d4. `P rN + Xhry- Y q•,wyyy '4 d auewaRa \� 1, �. '" 11 � . , eV \ ��3 Vr• pra �._d ° • rNl w! 1 11 =014-a,yµ r ' 4° Pt1IOn Hal rtmxuoi n d r�m W anb nnr 1 Inumr iaV•s� "v ' �, arr :R Rk FIG SITE VICINITY MAP 1 JUSTIN F. FARMER 2 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. i PS SPN N`CNO` 1 • z • �Q • U Ww 6 w V) o a �4 • • SAN JOAQUIN HILLS - • FIG PROJECT SITE PLAN 2 • 9 JUSTIN F. FARMER 3 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. ' il 1 W Looking toward 1605 Avocado Avenue, the arrow points ints to the projects main access. 11 I Looking south along Avocado Avenue. The • ^I.�� arrow points toward San Nicholas Drive. • Looking North along Avocado Avenue; Note • :-_ "DO NOT ENTER, WRONG WAY SIGNS" . FIG PHOTOGRAPHS OF 3 PROPOSED SITE JUSTIN F. FARMER 4 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS,INC. 'D • Traffic generation forecasts have been prepared for the proposed project based upon trip generation factors as compiled by the City of Newport Beach. Traffic currently generated by the • existing development was calculated and compared with future traffic to arrive at a net change. Table 1, below, summarizes the trip generation forecasts. It indicates a net decrease in the number of trips during the morning peak hour and a net increase during the evening peak hour. A primary reason for that is the different type of site users and operation associated with the medical office building, as compared to the general office building. TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION FORECAST MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 1605 AVOCADO AVENUE 12,950 SQUARE FEET AM PM IN OUT IN OUT Proposed Land Use (FUTURE) • Medical Office Building 12,950 Square Feet 0 .6 0 . 2 1. 9 8.4 7 2 23 29 Peak 2 1/2 Hours. 14 4 46 58 Existing Land Use (NOW) • - General Office 2.0 0.4 0.6 1.7 12,950 Square Feet 24 5 7 20 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 48 10 14 40 Net Change • - Peak 1 Hour -17 -3 +16 +9 - Peak 2 1/2 Hours -34 -6 +32 +18 NOTE: - Top number is trip rate and bottom number is the number of trips • - Peak 1 hour is 50% of peak 2 1/2 hours I • JUSTIN R FARMER 5 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. TRIP DISTRIBUTION • It is recognized that the distribution of project trips will vary considerably, depending upon the type of land use proposed, the day of the week and the time of the day. For an office development, the morning and evening peak hours are critical time periods. The predominant trip maker during both hours is the employee and the trip will be a home-work journey. As a consequence, the trip distribution is based, to a large degree, on the spatial location of residences in the service area of the site. Trip distribution patterns are, however, different for a medical office building where trips are made predominantly by patients and medical staff. General trip length associated with such proposed medical office building would be less than those • associated with general office, i.e. , the medical office is proposed to attract more trips from the surrounding vicinity than a general office would. Based on familiarity with traffic patterns near the study area, the location of potential users and the observation of peak hour traffic, directional distribution patterns were determined and • were used to forecast the distribution of project trips. Inasmuch as Table 1 indicates a net decrease in trips during the AM peak hour, morning peak hour trip distribution is not needed for this analysis. Figure 4 on the following page, graphically illustrates the • evening peak one hour trip distribution for the subject project, while Figure 5 illustrates the project peak 2 1/2 hour volume. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS • Inasmuch as the trip generation forecast presented in Table 1 indicates that there will be a decrease in traffic volumes during the morning peak hour as a result of the project, only the evening peak hours will be considered in the following section of this analysis. • A. Cumulative Proiects The City of Newport Beach's traffic engineering staff has completed a list of cumulative projects which may impact this portion of the City's street network. The list includes 141 projects, of which approximately 40% are not occupied, 43% are fully occupied, and 17% are partially occupied. JUSTIN R FARMER 6 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. i j 4 P NOT TO SCALE � 1 � • 9o��y SITE 2� ' • v SA/yTq CMG P�J\� ��oQ. R�� °11�y 10, GOPs� HW FASHION q ' • ISLAND fie 2�t OR BEAON TA BAftB , PM PEAK HOUR • DR. FORT BEACH OR. NET INCREASE P5� IN 16 ,'0 0o OUT 9 • 0 QP ', • z . O SOP 2 JAMBOREE RD. • FIG PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION 4 PEAK 1 HOUR • 13 4 �9 I t cq�'3 t Gp �ry r, Z cn NOT TO SCAlF i c ell • 90� e° SITE x • v9 SA�Tq 1rGojFl �Q fie? �L9c9 ��(ylK QPG\c� �O FASHION • ti ISLAND 9 • �� N�PO R T BEp`ON � R A $ARg DR. OR T BEACH DR � PM PEAK NET INCREASE P 1p090 I N 32 OUT 18 J • � r 6 ,OP ¢ JAMBOREE RD. FIG PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION 5 • PEAK 2-1/2 HOUR r 8 • B. Regional Growth The Newport Beach City Traffic Engineer has prepared a list • of specific regional annual growth rates which are associated with the study area and are summarized as follows: Jamboree Road Coast Highway to MacArthur Boulevard 1% MacArthur Boulevard • Coast Highway to Jamboree Road 3% Coast Highway Jamboree Road to Newport Boulevard 1% MacArthur Boulevard to Jamboree Road 2% East .City limit to MacArthur Boulevard 4% • C. Intersections to be Analyzed City of Newport Beach Traffic Engineer has identified that the primary impact from project traffic will be on the site vicinity intersections of: 1) Coast Highway at MacArthur Boulevard • 2) Coast Highway at Avocado Avenue 3 ) Coast Highway at Jamboree Road 4) Jamboree Road at San Joaquin Hills Road 5) MacArthur Boulevard at San Miguel Drive 6) MacArthur Boulevard at San Joaquin Hills Road • Figure 6, on the following page, illustrates the locations of these study intersections. D. "One Percent Test" The methodology presented below is for the 1% traffic volume analysis per the City of Newport Beach's Transportation • Phasing Ordinance. - Volumes used are the 2 1/2 hour traffic volumes. - Volumes were extrapolated to the year 1993 , 1 years hence. - Regional annual growth rates were used. - Traffic volumes associated with the cumulative projects • were added to the extrapolated volumes and 1% of the pro- jected peak 2 1/2 hour volumes were determined. - If project traffic exceeded 1% of the projected peak 2 1/2 hour volumes, intersection analyses were conducted for the impacted intersection. . The 1% test conducted at the six study intersections indicates that the increase at each intersection leg was less than 1% of the projected 2 1/2 hour peak at all inter- sections, therefore no Intersection Capacity Utilization calculations will be required for this analysis. /6 • JUSTIN E FARMER 9 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. u 0y c .i.wlo'+rr .PW _.41�9 �touEE' ♦♦ C` L 414t °4 �` r 4 • t ' it; ♦♦� \���` yi \ PR E`RVE /♦ I I F 77 ^,wlxar d 3 - Sun I11em, \♦ �.. .t ti"r~°t•'};1 1 G"ER KFWMRT 0 Y.• er x'yi� .+lq.�bi-•, I I .._.. -.� .. ,_. ,lV+ .:II_. _ � _- �__ "_ '•pr 4 �2,' 4 4 1 ECOIGGIGI• � 4. t>N + .\' �4r .i\ A W•n1% Ji�RESERVE ;�ub.Aa� j/- �.w1{ i 1 ��__�R/' ` � •a� mpg /( •C (• a� ,v�"� '. ^ 9H `0�3 I �;>',�_ •• ' Y A, .�,y 'f3 r 1 .•`� `un�i °,• + y�.,,y5�y ; • �+°C^0'l��+xirc�� a •!,♦,�.�Mi�� p i i J � ° °p aP,.a� e � 1 R�'.'i �'n n—.�,�.__' . p� ` g, S�� `\ w ip.°M1�p4y� � 1 ~ p•pbr• n� �I Ca �r'�+�0 R it rlrl t' / —Y ; R O�S � ; • AE PORT -BEACH�p� Resemuer § t `. v� W, � I �Olv \ F r •�`1 ♦sir,p•- \ror °�iu�i'tlu5 . ( • 7,3���a'Pi���d /wrr�uw/y— ;/ �l aI f rl �� •rl 1'dl � I •C r�!�'.'��y�r,),,�uwi.`n'! °'J �y,�R , yu, 4' µ'p`3 i d. i�tlµ Iu•iu �Ra Ri'aF'• laa/ s '� Mn ^^0��• H . nlrcM�n _rK �'�/-/I� m.w `• ml" °� � /� ^Er al �Ir.un 0%"•'•1° .rdll � I _;,�'I`2p_."-y U I // -rx11 P 1 '. • J •p \ 1! w.l i`3 V rorr ru�Il[_�Yfp uynol •\ I (/ Ixl.Nrlll s.YI1 OI.WNnq y ��'rHl Y 4• ��•^/�p% v 4�, - �, JF GalfcWrl F: • „I:f y •YM•y. 1 • S � S�- 1 �$ t���,I, •Axlllll//1 / rc 4tIpJ 7 . '� Y°r a i w`� '\i / S pet .'Z O'1 11fr•.r•rrlHr . - • /`` II - $T 1 p. I11XMN Cr-r✓ ° ,L 1•_ r �� ^1'�"�\+• � \ 11 -j t,�_•� i IHWO r •, ~ �°.• '+ � f , art �`� I �Ql� '1(jR\ ®` S — \�• .• •`I� % t a °' `�J now�'`tw�c. .37 la�yr"�-9, 4\� RRCR\��1 _ ` , • `♦ 's•/'I �� 9S M ° a qC � k •'W IS\`1 I.�,r mJ'9�� �- • ,{�g � 4 Y 1 fn 1'll I .Ik. �9 4Jn net' '1 \.� F n "R 0/ °N '.p`I°^i ` f eP t6 .� �I 1 •x I �`t��•,+ � -vBNE Island vrvo / F.•°F F F 3p i mar �' .y . • 'n°'•r n r+vl +♦. �/¢' � 3 49= �°" Jp FT- 1 p° ,,r`./.r —Q.3 �` � a 4° 4 • a'��.Oo°• C .¢' y�S�J _. •A• I a ° �u.o— .• • Gully _._—_._-_ • Balboa 1V auW'vt �•<;"• }` 11 F 1 ,n' •p +fT^'��°C Ang �w ,_;�' Ilq •:Cat l ,• ` v- '��'--�•°--._.--- — .._..- - . . a =4- • t5o '�y n nll Ft ; ,�°,L,ul, s, FNIdI Htl • 1 RnRr4Gl � � [L rrt m wm 1 Art um d` I um p y A Rxk L.IA� / fliddLGGVR --------- FIG STUDY INTERSECTIONS 6 l� JUSTIN F. FARMER 10 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS INC. • SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION o A proposal has been made to convert the General Office • Building located at 1605 Avocado Avenue in the City of Newport Beach to accommodate a total of approximately 12,950 square feet of Medical Office Building. o The building is currently unoccupied and it is served by the site main driveway on Avocado Avenue. Additional access is provided onto San Nicholas Drive, Santa Rosa Drive and San Joaquin Hill Road. o The City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance was utilized and information was collected regarding existing traffic volumes, cumulative project traffic and growth factors. o Trip generation forecast for the existing and future develop- ments are summarized as follows: TRIP GENERATION FORECAST MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 1605 AVOCADO AVENUE 12,950 SQUARE FEET AM PM IN OUT IN OUT . Proposed Land Use (FUTURE) Medical Office Building 12, 950 Square Feet 0. 6 0.2 1. 9 8 .4 7 2 23 29 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 14 4 46 58 • Existing Land Use (NOW) - General Office 2. 0 0.4 0. 6 1. 7 132950 Square Feet 24 5 7 20 Peak 2 1/2 Hours 48 10 14 40 • Net Change - Peak 1 Hour -17 -3 +16 +9 - Peak 2 1/2 Hours -34 -6 +32 +18 NOTE: - Top number is trip rate and bottom number is the number of . trips - Peak 1 hour is 50% of peak 2 1/2 hours 17 A JUSTIN R FARMER 11 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC it • o The conversion to Medical Office Building will result in a decrease in the morning peak hour traffic and an increase in the evening peak hour traffic therefore, the analysis of • this report was based only on the PM peak hour only. o The following intersections were selected to be analyzed using the above referenced Traffic Phasing Ordinance. 1) Coast Highway at MacArthur Boulevard • 2) Coast Highway at Avocado Avenue 3) Coast Highway at Jamboree Road 4) Jamboree Road at San Joaquin Hills Road 5) MacArthur Boulevard at San Miguel Drive 6) MacArthur Boulevard at San Joaquin Hills Road ' o When the 1% test was conducted, project peak 2 1/2 hour trips were found to be less than 1% of the projected 2 1/2 hour volumes for all intersections, therefore Intersection Capacity Analysis were not required. o Project traffic will have nominal impact upon the six study intersections. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully submitted, • AJustin . FARMER, TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. . Farmer, P.E. , President OQR�FESS/Oy�l • JFF:dk F. FqR� F�� J F9 m LLJ #186 rn Exp.3-3l-96 • J'T TRAFF- �Q 9TFOF CAL\F0� • l� • JUSTIN F. FARMER 12 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, INC. � .. • • APPENDIX � � • 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/MACARTHUR BL (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter pring 19 92 pM • Peak 2h Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2h Hour Growth Peak 2� Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I Northbound —0— —0— —0— —0— —0— • Southbound 2475 2550 1669 4219 42 I 2 Eastbound 4280 14365 1058 5423 54 i —0— Westbound 2 3675 588 4263 43 6 • Q Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected • �] Peak 23-, Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. 1 • • ,),d Medical Office Building 1605 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 • PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I •' 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/AVOCADO (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter Spring 9 92 pM Peak 2.1,,Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project ! Direction Peak 2h Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2� Hour I Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 665 665 2 667 7 2 5outhbound 818 818 104 992 9 8 Eastbound 3493 3563 290 1 3853 39 10 i Westbound 2708 2762 241 3003 30 4 E Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected - Peak 2Z Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected ! �] Peak 232 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. ! • �1 Medical Office Building 1605 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 PROJECT: Newport Beach � FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection COAST HIGHWAY/JAMBOREE RD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on verage inter pring 9 92 pM S Peak 2h Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2h Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume Yolume Volume Volume Northbound 942 942 ' 626 1568 16 ! 4 0 5outhbound 4218 4260 2131 1 6391 64 I 2 Eastbound 4657 4704 3433 8137 81 i 4 Westbound 3730 1 3805 1195 5000 50 4 a Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. • ZZ Medical Office Building 1605 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE RD/SAN JOAQUIN HILLS RD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter Spring 9 92 M Peak 2� Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 2y Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 3401 3435 3363 6798 68 Southbound 5055 5106 3728 8834 88 4 Eastbound 414 414 62 476 5 Westbound 1558 1558 678 2236 22 2 I • MRProject Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected • M Peak 212 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. • i 13 Medical Office Building 1605 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MACARTHUR BL/SAN JOAQUIN HILLS RD (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter pang 9 _ PM Peak 24 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2h Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I Northbound 2755 2838 356 3194 32 I 2 • Southbound 4346 4476 1328 1775 18 2 Eastbound 1957 1957 495 2452 25 i 2 Westbound 1015 1015 238 1253 13 I 2 • ® Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 21, Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. • Medical Office Building 1605 Avocado Avenue DATE• 9/9/92 a N PROJECT: Newport Beach • FORM I 0 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MACARTHUR BL/SAN MIGUEL DR (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter pring T9 92 pM Peak 2;1 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2� Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2y Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2� Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume I Northbound 1962 2021 753 2774 28 2 5outhbound 2743 2770 581 3351 34 j 4 EEastbound 2101 2101 1020 3121 31 i 6 estbound 701 580 1281 13 ! 6 a Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2= Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected M Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U. ) Analysis is required. • Medical Office Building 1605 Avocado Avenue DATE: 9/9/92 5 PROJECT: Newport Beach FORM I VICINITY MAP Traffic Study No. 85 OT' m u pQSA h 07 �� 0� C O PROJECT LOCATION • 9AN i N,C��<•T <<�n �R 4`=4`e mh h<C 044 eA 0 JF e P4J e e e ° P i AJ S JN IO1� GP { < aE 5; SAN ol J4 �4J _ '♦ C .µ 0 5 I 9O'�P NOT 70 SCALE f c v PO � SITE 2\ � c'pG ppJ 01�n 4z FASHION ISLAND i Pal BEPGN A B /1 hJ PM PEAK HOUR ' DR. PORT BEAON 'D - NET INCREASE � I IN 16 -po c� OrT 9 Pc Q ^� I J cr f Z o ' �oQ JAMBOREE RD. yQ2 N FIG W PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION 4 PEAK 1 HOUR 7 z NOT TO SCALE c I '40� � ! SITE oOPg'( HWY G G FASHION ✓ry ISLAND PO RT BEAo� A BAR J I O OR' kPORT BEACH °R, iPM PEAK NET INCREASE P �O$ FGGo !IN 32 QP� ;OUT 18 a ryry v O " SOP s JAMBOREE RD. 5 FIG -4- PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION 5 PEAK 2-1/2 HOUR I