HomeMy WebLinkAboutTS86 �D i Anthony J. Actisdano Vice President ace parking,mc• Newport eachrCA 92Counfi60-116 6 (714)724-0963/FAX(714)724-1165 645 Ash Street San Diego,CA 92101-3211 (619)233-6624/FAX(619)233-0741 Robert R. Laser President f 645 Ash Street ace parking,inc San Diego,CA 92101-3211 (619)233-6624/FAX(619)233-0741 4680 MacArthur Court,Suite A Newport Beach,CA 92660-1826 (714)724-0963/FAX(714)724-1165 CbUMSSIONERS - MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH April 22, 1993 ROLL CALL INDEX Request to Withdraw Application: Request to With- Director Hewicker stated that resentative for the applicant, draw International Specialty p, Inc.,has requested that Item No.5,, Applicatio! Use Permit No (Amended), regarding a restaurant located at 900 ide Drive, be withdrawn. • s * Traffic Study No 86 (Public Hearing) Item No.1 Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow conversion of TS 86 existing 200 excess parking spaces in conjunction with an existing office development to a pay parking facility which would mainly be Approved used for the John Wayne Airport passengers. LOCATION: Parcel 1, Parcel Map 196/40-43 (Resubdivision No. 786) located at 4680 MacArthur Court, on the northeasterly corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Birch Street in Koll Center Newport. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: Ace Parking, Inc., Newport Beach OWNER: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach The public hearing was opened in connection with this item, and Mr. Lyle Overby appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of the applicant and he concurred with the findings and condition in Exhibit "A". In response to a question posed by Commissioner Glover, Mr. Overby replied that it is necessary to obtain approval from the Airport Authority to provide shuttle service to the airport; however, it is necessary to first obtain approval from the City. -2- COMMISSIONERS MINUTES �q�orG``'P �o�Poo CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Apt 22, 1993 ROLL CALL INDEX In response to a question posed by Commissioner Ridgeway, Mr. Overby explained that the subject location at MacArthur Court was originally master planned for an additional building and the excess parking spaces would have provided parking spaces for the . planned structure. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed at this time. Motion * Motion was made and voted on to approve Traffic Study No. 86 Ayes * * * subject to the findings and condition in Exhibit "A". MOTION Absent * CARRIED. FINDINGS: A. CEQA COMPLIANCE That the proposed project is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of CEQA (Class 1 - Existing Facilities) B. TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE STUDY NO. 86 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the morning and afternoon peak hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15AO of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Council Policy S-1. 2. That the traffic study indicates that the traffic projected one year after project completion, during any a.m. or p.m. 2.5 hour peak traffic period on each leg of each critical intersection, will be increased less than 1% by traffic generated from the project during any a.m.or p.m.2.5 hour period. -3- COAMSSIONERS • • MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH April 22, 1993 ROLL CALL INDEX 3. That no significant traffic impact is expected at either the intersection of Campus Drive at Jamboree Road or Campus Drive at MacArthur Boulevard.I CONDITION: 1. That the Planning Commission may add conditions of approval to Traffic Study No. 86, or recommend to the City Council the revocation of traffic study No. 86, upon a determination that the operation and conduct of the pay parking facility and shuttle service, operated by Ace- Parking Inc. or any of its successors, granted by the approval of this traffic study, is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, or general welfare of the community. NVariance No. 1184 Amended Public Hearin Item No.2 Reque to amend a previously approved variance that permitted v1184A alterations nd additions to an existing single-family dwelling located in the -3 District which is nonconforming with regards to Aggro°ea allowable height ' asmuch as the existing structure extends above the top of curb ele ion along Ocean Boulevard. The previous approval included the owing construction above the top of curb elevation on Ocean Boule d: the expansion of the existing living area of the dwelling; the a ension and reconstruction of an existing deck and handrails inclu 'ng a new roof extension over a portion of the deck; the replacemen f a composition roof with a new tile roof; the reconstruction and a nsion of an existing wall and wind screen that encroaches into the oot side yard setback; and the construction of a new circular stai The proposed amendment includes the following additional erations which extend above the top of curb elevation of Ocean oulevard: a request to enclose an existing covered porch at the f t of the structure; a modification to the Zoning Code to al the construction of three bay windows along the front of the buil ' g, whereas the Zoning Code permits only two bay windows; -4- *�' • Planning Commission i+eeting April 22. 1993 Agenda Item No. 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO. Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Traffic Phasic Ordinance Stud for MacArthur Court E-Z Aimark. Newport Beach, TPO No. 86 (Public Hearing) Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow the conversion of existing 200 excess parking spaces in conjunction with an existing office development to a pay parking facility which would be mainly used for John Wayne Airport passengers. LOCATION: Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 196/40-43(Resubdivision No. 786) located at 4680 MacArthur Court, on the northeasterly corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Birch Street in Koll Center Newport. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: Ace Parking Inc., Newport Beach OWNER: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach Applications This application is a request for approval of a Traffic Study (TPO#86) which would permit the conversion of existing 200 excess parking spaces in conjunction with an existing office development to a pay parking facility that would provide automobile parking services to the general public as well as a shuttle service serving John Wayne Airport facility passengers. Traffic Study procedures are contained in Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Environmental Significance The proposed project is an existing parking lot and is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of CEQA (Class 1 - Existing Facilities). TO: Planning C'onission - 2. Conformance with the General Plan and Zoning ' The subject site is a portion of parcel 1 of Resubdivision 786 in Koll Center Newport located in Statistical Area 14. The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the site,for"Administrative,Professional and Financial Commercial"use. A pay parking facility is considered a support service that would conform to the'General Plan Guidelines. The Zoning is P-C (Planned Community) for the subject property. Neither the Koll Center Planned Community Text, nor the'City's Zoning Code has -any provision to regulate pay parking services or similar facilities for the transport of passengers. The project is outside the Coastal Zone boundary and approval of a Coastal Development Permit is not required. Subject Prone!U and Surrounding Land Uses Currently, the site is developed with multi-story office buildings, surface parking, and a parking structure. To the north and west of the project are office and financial buildings and John Wayne Airport facility; to the east, adjacent to the parking structure, are some retail and commercial services;, and to the south there are two major hotel facilities, the Sheraton Hotel and the Hotel Meridien, and office buildings. Traffic Analysis The proposed,use of pay parking and the transport of passengers to and from John Wayne Airport would generate a higher traffic volume than the general office operation. Therefore, a traffic study, was required to determine the compatibility of the proposed project under the guidelines of the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. A Traffic Study has been prepared for the proposed project in conformance with the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance and City Council Policy S-1 to examine the consistency and conformity of the project with the City's Circulation Element. The City Traffic Engineer identified two (2) intersections which could be affected by the project at full occupancy as follows: 1. Campus Drive at MacArthur Boulevard 2. Campus Drive at Jamboree Road The first step in evaluating intersections is to conduct a 1% traffic volume analysis,,taking into consideration existing traffic, regional growth, and committed projects' traffic. For any intersection where, on any approach leg, project traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of the projected peak 2-1/2 hour volume in either the morning or afternoon, Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis would be required. The 1% volume test conducted at the two study intersections indicated that the traffic increase at each intersection leg from the proposed project was less than 1% of the projected 21/2 hour peak volume at the two study, area intersections. This indicates that the project is expected to generate less than one percent of future traffic at,each approach and no significant traffic impact is expected at either the intersection of Campus Drive/Jamboree Road or Campus Drive/MacArthur Boulevard'. Therefore,no Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) calculation or any further analysis is required. TO: Planning Co�dhission - 3. Site Access and Parking There are two primary accesses to the site, one from Campus Drive and the other from Birch Street. Currently, the site consists of two 16-story high rise office buildings, 1 -4 story low rise office building and two 2-story office buildings. The subject site is also developed with a 5-story parking structure containing 1,810 parking spaces and 602 surface parking spaces. Total office development allocation of the site is 734,641 sq. ft. A total of 2,412 parking spaces are provided on the subject site. At full occupancy of all subject office buildings, the site is required to have 2,210 parking spaces. Presently the site provides for a total of 2,412 parking spaces and therefore, a surplus of 202 parking spaces ( 2412 - 2210 = 202) are available for the proposed pay parking use and the proposed project meets the City's parking requirements. Specific Findings The conversion of the existing 200 excess parking spaces to a pay parking facility providing service to the general public and a shuttle service to John Wayne Airport does not create any problem from a planning standpoint. Based on the review of the traffic report prepared for the proposed project, the proposed project would have nominal impact upon the circulation network. Specific findings and conditions must be made to approve a project pursuant to the Traffic Phasing Ordinance, and are set forth in Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Should the Commission desire to approve the Traffic Study, findings for approval are included in the attached Exhibit "A". No suggested findings for denial are provided. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By- Y-6 414�1 Aziz M. Aslami Associate Planner Attachments: 1. Exhibit A 2, Vicinity Map 3. Traffic Study ...\eziz\traffic\mo86srfc EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITION OF APPROVAL FOR TRAFFIC STUDY No. 86 FINDINGS: A. CEQA COMPLIANCE That the proposed project is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of CEQA (Class 1 - Existing Facilities) B. TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE STUDY NO. 86 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the morning and afternoon peak hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Council Policy S-1. 2. That the traffic study indicates that the traffic projected one year after project completion,during any a.m.or p.m.2.5 hour peak traffic period on each leg of each critical intersection,will be increased less than 1% by traffic generated from the project during any a.m. or p.m. 2.5 hour period. 3. That no significant traffic impact is expected.at either the intersection of Campus Drive at Jamboree Road or Campus Drive at MacArthur Boulevard. CONDITION: That the Planning Commission may add conditions, of approval to Traffic Study No. 86, or recommend to the City Council the revocation of'traffic study No. 86,upon a determination that the operation and conduct of the pay parking facility and shuttle service, operated by Ace-Parking Inc. or any of its successors, granted by the approval of this traffic study, is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, or general welfare of the community. 7 VICINITY MAP Traffic Study No. 86 N 4 QO �P PROPOSED Site ,lifl , 0 � A� M OOL L i e r srvm nr t `TO ao Planning Department Date April 7, 1993 5 LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, ENGINEERS TRANSPORTATION PLANNING-TRAFFIC ENGINEERING - PARKING 1580 CORPORATE DRIVE. SUITE 122, COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA 92626 TELEPHONE: (714) 641.1587 - FAX. (714) 641.0139 PHILIP M UNSCOTT,P E JACK M GREENSPAN•RE WILLIAM A LAW,P.E March 24, 1993 PAUL W WILKINSON,RE LEON 0.WARD,P.E. DONALD W BARKER,P.E Mr. John Douglas Environmental Coordinator CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Subject: ANALYSIS OF IMPACT - MACARTHUR COURT E-Z AIRPARK Dear Mr. Douglas, Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers (LLG) has prepared the following letter pertaining to the proposed MacArthur Court E-Z Airpark Marking lot. As proposed, the lot is to be located within the MacArthur Court Office Complex on the north-east corner of MacArthur Boulevard/Birch Street. The Airpark would utilize 200 of the total 2,412 parking spaces within the MacArthur Court Office Complex as along-term parking facilityfor persons flying out of/into John Wayne Airport. The Airpark will provide anon-call shuttle service between the parking lot and the airport. In accordance with the traffic study impact criteria for the City of Newport;Beach,LLG has performed two and one-half hour analysis for the study area intersections of Campus Drive/Jamboree Road and Campus Drive/MacArthur Boulevard. Based on the City's guidelines, the proposed project does not have a significant impact at either of the study area intersections. The procedure used to develop these results is summarized as follows; ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Existing AM and .PM, two and one-half. hour peak traffic volumes for the study -Area intersections of Campus Drive/Jamboree Road and Campus Drive/MacArthur Boulevard were provided by the City of Newport Beach. In addition, regional growth data and two and one-half hour traffic volumes for related projects in the area were also provided by City staff. OTHER OFFICES: PASADENA TELEPHONE: (213) 681.2629 - FAX: (818) 792.0941 SAN DIEGO TELEPHONE: (619) 299.3090 - FAX: (619) 299.7041 AN LG2W8 COMPANY Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers Mr. John Douglas March 24, 1993 Page 2 Project trip generation rates were developed and approved by City staff from counts taken at a similar long-term parking location north of the airport on Main Street. This count data is provided in the Appendix at the end of this letter. The counts showed that the Main Street parking lot generated 33 AM two and one-half hour peak trips (17 inbound, 16 outbound) and 44 PM two and one-half hour peak.trips (24 inbound, 20 outbound). Contact with staff from John Wayne Airport has indicated that the Main Street parking lot has a total capacity of 1,829 parking spaces, and that on the day of the survey, 208 vehicles were parked. Assuming 100% utilization of the proposed E-Z Airpark lot (200 spaces) the•estimated project trips were determined to be 31 AM two. and one half hour peak trips (16 inbound, 15 outbound) and 42 PM two and one-half hour peak trips (23 inbound, 19 outbound). These calculations are shown in the Trip Generation Summary in the Appendix. Project trip.distribution to the local roadway was performed assuming the same ratio of shuttle buses to passenger cars, as observed at the Main Street parking lot (approximately 1:1 ratio). The shuttle buses would depart/arrive the lot to/from John Wayne Airport and therefore follow a standard route directly to/from the airport. The remaining project trips (passenger vehicles) were distributed to the study area intersections .using the trip distribution depicted in the 1984 Environmental Impact Report for the John Wayne Airport Master Plan and Santa Ana Heights Land Use Compatibility Program, prepared by CH2M HILL. Calculation sheets for this procedure can be found in the Appendix at the end of this report. RESULTS The comparison of one percent (1%) of the forecast future traffic volumes to the estimated project traffic volumes at each approach of the two study area intersections indicates that the project is expected to generate less than one percent of future traffic at each approach. . This would indicate that no significant traffic impact is expected at either the intersection of Campus Drive/Jamboree Road or Campus Drive/MacArthur Boulevard. ' In accordance with the City's guidelines, since project traffic is not greater than the 1% impact criteria, capacity analysis has not been performed at either study area intersection. -' I Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers Mr. John Douglas March 24, 1993 Page 3 We have enjoyed working with the City of Newport Beach on this project and hope you will consider us for future projects in your City. If you have any questions please contact either myself or Bill Cowern. Sincerely, LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, ENGINEERS Todd E. Salvagin Transportation Engineer II Attachments BIC279Wpt U •arroiir�� • _i�� � (�f7�iiOliOC170Vatl47pt7taV9.b.Rta•.-� _ y�„�agSjSt!� I4 'x; "=nnn •7•id �Y,.��{i_ • - gl,l � 4;1D (,1 � '��Ctiifii� .a r.s.� • � i��`O°D f+ t�tl •T� ii:tf I �ao:.a�.K, �i ' .n� i� Q i -erg' t� {e�l l�'Q d 1 III ^• c40a adsye e{jt '� A=1p 9�o=e� O �►fG -'II F: :a �oj �=� :'9Cts ao�• �i7 qa '� .p v3��; :'n, ti i tsloball } I( 4ti3j •dl Ci\\'1 • CJ.`yv,��:�:�.+'..�..JYi••f v YYY �• • a �r3 t y,.?"•1_e' >,rp'6�i 4 � • °°°' �a\ to pop ,.'�-��•• ,.;? .� °ol �v� a°91 Gti ;. . 4y oq as �9� • ���..fa fib. 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(Y!•n••� , t� u+ t569� C\'�_ �r;•'���°a.a��s6 dab'aaer�`�i��`�AQO �� , GOa yx t9 . . aOd 55d•xb� � Qp ..vSS�pb , i S!' //7 o , � �{ ,pb r oaeaaaatan 1�,., X,<:�f� Qafreizo o\ C,a t� �•a " ,�„>a�pdddanengfe�:l�i I ,,•r gpn�cao aaa a a:c� �yia)+� �,.• �o�ap� . - �.Z� �anaann tc o�� _araav_tii Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers APPENDIX 12 • ACE TRAFFIC SURVEYS • DRIVEWAY SURVEY Invoice No: 160 City: Irvine, CA Location: Main St. -Long Term Airport Parking Lot Driveway Date of Count: 2/25/93 Time Period: AM&PM Conditions: Clear Time NUMBER OF VEHICLES Period Vehicles In Buses In Vehicles Out Buses Out 7:00 AM-7:IS AM 0 1 1 1 7:15 AM-7:30 AM 1 1 1 1 7:30 AM-7:45 AM 3 1 2 0 7:45AM- 8:00AM 0 1 0 1 8:00AM-8:15AM 2 1 1 1 8:15 AM- 8:30 AM 1 0 0 0 8:30 AM- 8:45 AM 1 1 0 1 8:45 AM-9:00 AM 1 0 1 1 9:OOAM-9:15AM 0 1 1 1 9:15 AM-9:30 AM 0 1 1 1 TOTAL 9 8 8 8 3:30 PM -3:45 PM 6 2 3 1 3:45 PM-4:00 PM 3 2 0 0 4:00 PM-4:15 PM 2 1 0 1 4:15 PM-4:30 PM 0 1 2 1 4:30 PM-4:45 PM 0 0 1 1 4:45PM-5:00PM 2 1 4 2 5:00 PM-S:IS PM 0 1 0 1 5:15 PM-5:30 PM 0 0 0 1 5:30 PM-5:45 PM 0 1 1 1 5:45 PM-6:00 PM 1 1 1 0 0 TOTAL 14 10 11 9 �3 VACRPT.xLS JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT RILEY TERMINAL GARAGES VACANCIES VS CARS IN MAIN ST LOT JANUARY, 1993 ALL CAR COUNTS TAKEN AT 12:00 NOON DAY DATE IVACANCIES IN CARS IN GARAGES MAIN•ST. FRI 1 2,505 225- SAT 2 2,292 185 SUN 31 2,556 134 MON 4 ` 2,738 79. TUE 51 1,843 57 WED 6 1,254 60 THU 7 859 91 FRI 8 1.230 122 SAT 9 1,932 137 SUN 10 2,068 133 MON 11 1,665 95 TUE 12 787 145 WED 151 473 183 THU 141 555 191 FRI 15 1,175 160 SAT 16 2,144 124 SUN 17 1,925 109 MON 18 1,710 . 67 TUE 19 957 70 WED 20 526 114 THU 21 373 150 FRI 22 1,041 172 SAT 23 1,755 182 SUN 24 1,769 168 MON 25 TUE 26 . WED 27 THU 28 DRI 29 SAT 30 SUN 31 iI Page 1 PAXCOMP.XLS JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT PASSENGER COUNT COMPARISON FY 1991-1992 vs 1992-1993 MONTH FISCAL YEAR FISCAL YEAR 1991-1992 1992-1993 JUL 498,825 563,021 AUG 520,410 581,956 SEP 429,068 479,858 OCT 461,730 485,123 NOV 415,694 439,712 DEC 444,346 456,738 JAN 395,475 FEB 390,746 MAR 434,422 APR 442,367 MAY 484,265 JUN 518,930 TOTAL 5,436,278 3,006,408 Passenger Count Comparison 600000 500000 r 400000 3 —i— 1991-1992 U 300000 xx 1992-1993 a 200000 100000 • 0 = W OwQw < 0- D Q t4 O Z u- g Q 2 -� Month � r Page 1 I VACRPT.XLS Parking Fac. Usage 3,000 2,500 2,000 ■ e c� —■— GARAGES io 1,500 MAIN ST. U 1,000 500 0. .- r� �nnm .- coin .- Day Page 2 AVITRPS.XLS • JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT AVI CIRCUIT TOTALS BY CATEGORY CALENDAR YEAR - 1992 CATEGORY NO OF TRIPS % CO U 106,910 560Yo EX M 10,960 6% TCP 9,386 5% PSC 61,282 32% BUSES 973 1% TOTAL 189,511 CIRCUIT TOTALS BY CATEGORY BUSES mvl PSV yoy.(Irl�,n^ Y'+HR'y 114,,y 'i C!ri+ SS.rll �, "'1.Mll 14w COU N IHotE� OTFL �ouRrt-� TCP UF/flu en EXM �1Ma S E7(EM P7- MAiN St. cer SNurrce- GOACP+ 8US Page 1 Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers TRIP GENERATION SUMMARY MACARTHUR COURT E-Z AIRPARK CALCULATION SHEET Sample Site: Main Street Long-Term Airport Parking Lot (1,829 spaces) Survev Thursday, 2/25/93. AM PM 2'/2 Hour Peak Period IN OUT IN OUT Recorded Trip Generation 17 16 24 20 Total Vehicles Parked on Site: 208 Assuming 100% utilization of proposed MacArthur Court E-Z Airpark. Total Proposed Trips Parked on Site: 200 200 *208 0.962 Proposed 2'/2 Hour Peak Period Trip Generation (E-Z Airpark) AM PM IN OUT IN OUT 16 15 23 19 1Q) 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MACARTHUR BOULEVARD/CAMPUS DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 B2 AM Peak 211 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects. Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k'Hour j Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume r^` Northbound 1525 3 � (+44o) + 32. 1 I001)z 19 ; 13 �,� Southbound 2924 (+s%) + 93 3 Say 3 8 i Eastbound 2284 0/ + Iz4 24-02 a4 Z s Westbound 911 02'. +70 9 % 1 10 1 O nR" �—�// Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected U Peak 23-. Hour Traffic Volume Q Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. I � 3/24-1q3 2 At��r�DATE•-3� - i PR(Ll Ff.T MA4300AM INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: MACARTHUR BOULEVARD i CAMPUS DRIVE 4300 EXIST TRAFFIC'VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING 1992 AN ._•---•....................................................... ............................. I IEXISTING I PROPOSED I EXISTING IEXISTINGIREGIONAL[CONHITTEDI PROJECTED IPROJECTIPROJECTI [Movementl Lanes I Lanes I PK HR I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio (Volume I V/C I ( [Capecity[Cepacityl Volume I Ratio I Volume I Volume (W/O Projectl I Ratio I I I I I I I I I Volume I I I • I....._..I--......I.........................................................................I NL 1600 41 I 0.031 1 1 1 1 1 i---------------- - -------------------------------------------------------I p HT 1 6400 1 1 599 1 0.09 • I I I I 1 I------------------•----------------------••--•-------------•----•-------------_---------...1 i HR 1 1600 I I 49 I 0.03 1 I I 1 1 I I---------------------------------------•-----------------•---------------------------------I I SL 1 1600 I 1 290 1 0.18 • I I I I I I------'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 i BY [ 4800 1 1 878 1 0.16 [, 1 1 1 1 1 I - - --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I SR I 1600 [ 1 183 I 0.11 1 1 1 1 1 1 I------------------------------------•-----•-------------------------------------•----------I EL 1 3200 I 1 334 I 0.10 1 1 1 1 1 1 _____-_-__•------ -------- __------^__'_'-- -------- -------•------------• ------- ••---__ ' ' ' ET 745 I I i I ........) 3200 ------------------) 0.25 *------------------------------"•""'•"'---- I Ek 1 1 54 I 1 1 I 1 i ___________________________________________________________________________________________1 I' WL 1 1600 1, 1. 51 1 0.03 • I I I I I I- ------------------•--------------------------------••--------------------------------- -I WT I 32001 1 2861 0.091 1 1 1 1 1 i----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -I I WR I H.S. 1 1 83 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I- ---------------------------, -.....---------_ -.... --------------- - ------- -I [EXISTING 1 0.55 I 1 1_ _ _______________________________ i 1EXIST + REG 'GROWTH + COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. I I I I- ---------------------------------------------'--......---------....._......----------- -I (EXISTING + COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWTH +PROJECT I.C.U. I [ ' _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be Less than or equal to 0.90 1_1, Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. w/systems Improvement will be Less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. with project improvements will be less than I.C.U. without project ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of system improvement: PROJECT FORM II MA4300AM �O 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MACARTHUR BOULEVARD/CAMPUS DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average inter pring gz PM Peak 2k Hour Approved I Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1X of Projected Protect Direction Peak 211 Hour Growth Peak 211 Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume 1 Volume I Northbound 2365 Southbound 3581 3i (+ion) +489 ¢ IVY 4-1 : Eastbound 1699 } 4g Westbound 28 °Y. + 25 ,— 3U 9 31 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected 90000000 Peak 23-2 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected El Peak 21-,. Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 3/24-/53 a� 6 :? M? ?W DATE•`3 PROJECT: MA430OPH INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: MACARTHUR BOULEVARD L CAMPUS DRIVE 4300 EXIST TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING 1992 PM --------------------•-__----•-----•------.--.---•--.•---._-----••----..-...---•---------•---- IEXISTINGIPROPOSEDIEXISTINGIEXISTINGIREGIONALICOMMITTEDI PROJECTED IPROJECTIPROJECTI (Hovementl Lanes I Lanes I PK MR I V/C' I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio lvolumo I V/C I I lCapacitylCspacityl Volume I Ratio I Volume I Volume Iw/o Projectl I Ratio ,I I 1 J I 1 1 1 1 I Volume 1 .1 1 I1----L I ---- ..-.-------------------6 R ._--..-'-----------------------------i-----•-I I.............................•-------....--------------------------------------•-------- I HT 1 6400 1 1 814 1 0.13 1, 1 1 1 1 1 I--------------------------•-•--------------------------------------------..----------------I I HR 1 16001 1 601 0.041 1 1 1 1 1 L----------------------•-•-------------------------------------------....------------------i SL 1 16001 1 1921 0.121 1 1 1 1 1 I----------•------------•---------------------------------------------------------------•---I ST 1 48001 I 8411 0.18. 1 1 I 1 1 1 l-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I SR 1 1600 1 1 710 1 0." - I I I I I I----------------------•.._._--------...-----------------•--------------.------------•------I l EL 1 3200 1 I 254 1 0.08 - I I . I I I I-------- --------------------•----------•-----••--_..-•-------••---------------------------I ET 1 1 407 1 1 I 1 1 1 ) 3200 -----) 0.15 -----------------------------------------------I I EK 1 1 77 1 1 1 1 1 1 1..................................................................................... I I WL 1 16001 1 1011 0.061 1 1 1 1 1 i-------•---------------------•----------.------.-------------------------------------------I l WT 1 3200 1 1 9B3 1 0.31 • I I I 1 1' 1-------------------------------------=-----------------------------------------------------I I WR I X.S. 1 1 1651 1 1 1 1 1 1 -------------I IEXiSTING __________________________i 0.89 1 -- ------••__..._-__..........._... 1 1---------------------------------------------------------------i-----------i I (EXIST + REG GROWTH + COMMITTED W/PROPOSED 1MPROVEMENTS I.C.U. 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (EXISTING + COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWTH + PROJECT I.C.U. ............................................................................................. 1_1 Projected +project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic L.C.U. Will be greater than 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. W/systems improvement Will be less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I:C.U. with project improvements will be less then I.C.U. without project ......................................................................................... Description of system improvement: PROJECT FORM 41 KA430OPM as 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE BOULEVARD/CAMPUS DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 92 AM Peak 2k Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 2)1 Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour ; Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 2421 1'/• +1q + -7 6 4 32.0 q 3% � Sw" Southbound 4207 (+ f ���� (,01'8 Coo ma's Eastbound 729 k 330 ) O 59 I 0 Westbound 1917 + 3 5 2 2 g 4- Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected u Peak 2; Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2k Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 3/24/53 a�J C-7 G11'>�A(t�DATE: 3�l93 PROJECT: JA4305AN INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: JAMBOREE ROAD L CAMPUS DRIVE 4305 EXIST TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING 1992 AN ............................................................................................. I IEXISTiNGIPROPOSEDIEXISTINGIEXISTINGIREGIONALICOMMITTEDI PROJECTED 1PROJECTIPROJECTI IHovementl Lanes I Lanes I PK MR I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio IVolumo I V/C I I ICapacitylCapacityl Volume ',I Ratio I Volume I Volume 1w/o Projectl, I Ratio 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I Volume I ..............r----------------__....._..............------.---._........................I NL 1 1600 1 1 117 1 0.07 * I I I I I I------'---------------------------------------------------------------------I__---.......... I NT I I toot I I i I--------) 6400 ------------------) 0.17 ----------------------------------------------- I MR I I 5T I I I I I I i-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I SL 1 32001 1 3171 0.101 1 1 1 1 1 I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I ST 1 1 1401 1 1 1 1 I I SR I 1 232 I 1 1 I I I I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I EL 1 1 131 1 1 1 1 1 1 I--------) 4800 ------------------) 0.06 *----------------------------------------------I I ET 1 I 148 I 1 1 1 1 1 ___________________________________________________________________________________________I I ER I H.S. 1 1 401 1 1 1 1 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- -------_----_--I WL 1 1600 1 1 385 1 0.24 * I I I I I i-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I WT 1 3200 1 1 470 1 0.15 1 1 1 1 1 1 I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I WR 1 1600 1 1 163 1 0.10 1 I I I I. I i---------------------------------------------------------+---...---------------------------I 1EXISTING 1, 0.71 1____________________________________________ _---___---__. - I 1EXIST + REG GROWTH + COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. I 11 I I--------------------------------------------------------------6.._............................ 1EXISTING + COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWTH + PROJECT I.C.U. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1_1 Project + project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. W/systems improvement will be Less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. with project improvements will be less than I.C.U. without project ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of system improvement: PROJECT FORM ii JA4305AM ail 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE BOULEVARD/CAMPUS DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 92)PM Peak 2k Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2k Hour Peak 211 Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2k Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 3789 1/ (+58) r 1-f48 5545 56 I 2 Southhound 3916 � �"-39 + Sfn l 49)(fl 4I .11 Eastbound 1915 01. k i $$ 2103 02l O Nestbound 1418 0% F 1 Q S )563 t O Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected u Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume ❑ Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 31z4193 a5 M FAR k DATE:ZLlr� PROJECT: w, JA4305PH INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: JAMBOREE ROAD &CAMPUS DRIVE 4305 EXIST TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING 1992 PM .----...•-------------------------------------•--.-----•-----..----------------•------•------ I IEXiSTINGIPROPOSEDIEXISTINGIEXISTINGIREGIOHALICOMNITTEDI PROJECTED, IPROJECTIPROJECTI IMovementl Lanes I Lanes I PK HR I +V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio IVolune I V/C I I ICapacitylCapacityl Volune I Ratio I Votune I Votune lw/o Project) I Ratio I I I I I I I I I votum I I I i--------------------------------------------------------------------------...---------.._.-I I NL 1 1600 1 1 56 1 0.04 • I I I I 1 I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I HT I 1• 1307 1 1 i- -- - 1 - 1' 1 1--------) 6400 ------------------) 0.26 1------------------ ------------I I' NR i' I' 357 1 1 1 1 1 1 I..................................•-------..................................._.............I I SL I 320D 1 1 257 1 0.08 1 1 1 1 1 1 I--------i--------I--------'--•-------------- -------- --------- ----------- ------- ------- Si 1421 i i ' i i 1--------) 4800 ------------------) 0.34 ------------------------------- i SR I 1 1 229 I i 1 1 1 1 1 i------------•---•-------•-------•--------------------------------------•---•---------------I I EL I 1 I' 3451 1 1 1 1 1 1 --------) 4800 ------------------) 0.16 .....................................:........I I ET I 1 1 $14 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I-----------------------------•----------•-------._..---------------------------------------I I ER I N.s. I 1 1191 1 1 1 1 1 1 I•------------------•-------•----•------------------.-- --- --I 1 WL 1 16001 1 1161 0.071 1 1 1 1 1 I-----------------------------------------------------------------------•--•----------------I i Wr 1 3200 1 1 249 1 0.08 R I' I I I I I......................•---...__............................................•-•..._.........I 1 WR 1 16001 1 1961 0.121 1 1 1 1 1 --------------I (EXISTING 1 0.64 1 1 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I (EXIST + REG GROWTH + COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. I I I 1----------•-•-----------•------------------------------•---------------------------i------- COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWTH + PROJECT I.C.U. EXISTING- :-----•-----------------------------------------------•------------ 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. w/systems improve mnt will be Less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. with project taprovements will be loss than I.C.U. without project ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of system inprovement: PROJECT FORMAT it JA4305PM �i ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FOP4 -----^'•' w City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA 92663 (714) 644-3225 A. General Information 1. Applicant/Agents Ace Parking, Inc . Phone:1714) 724-0963 Addreast 4680 MacArthur Court , Suite A, Newport Beach, CA 92660 2. Property Owner: The Irvine Company Phone: Address: 550 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 B. Proiect Descrintion Please attach the following materials for the projects • Vicinity map • Plans drawn to scale • Proposed revisions to zoning map • At least 3 different Bite photos mounted and text using underline and on 8 1/2 X 11 cardboard with a key map e#w#keeut notation, if applicable showing the photo locations and direction of view 1. Project names MacArthur Court E-Z Airpark 2. Project locations Southwest portion of existing parking area of MacArthur Court containing 201 number of spaces 3. Assessor's parcel 1: 445-121-14 4, permit application fs 445-121-17 5a. Proposed use: A pay parking lot for both on-site tenants and general public: 5b. Project size (dwelling unite, gross floor area, etc.) 35 , 000 sq. ft . , 201 spaces So. Site sizes N/'A _ 5d. Building height sNo permanent structure proposed . 6. Existing land use designations: General Plan: General Office Zonings specific Plan: LCPs 7. Previous governmental approvals: 8. Other governmental approvals required: NONE Federal: NE State: Regional: NONE Locals NONE 9. Begin constructions �pne required Estimated occupancys Upon receipt of City (date) (date) approval . C. Potential Environmental Effects On a separate page, please provide the following information. if the question is not applicable, indicate ,Not applicable" or "None". , 1. Earth Please describe the earthwork that will be required for the project. Include grading quantities, and the location of borrow or stockpile sites, and haul routes, if applicable. Describe any geotechnical or soils investigations that have been conducted. Include exhibits showing existing and proposed topography, retaining walls, and erosion control devices. 2. Air - Describe any air emissions or odors that could result from the project, including emissions during construction, and any measures that are proposed to reduce these emissions. 3. Water Describe existing and proposed site drainage, and measures that will be employed to reduce erosion and prevent contaminated runoff from entering the storm drain system, groundwater or surface water. Describe any changes that could occur in groundwater levels or bodies of surface water. is the project located in a flood hazard zone? 4. Biological Resources Describe the existing vegetation on the site, and any trees br 1 Are stru a that are to be removed. Identify any fish or wildlife inhabit the JsAit. s 1993 �`� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH r t 5. Noise ` Describe any sources of noise that impact the site, and any noise-generating equipment that will be utilized on the property, either during construction or after occupancy. What means to reduce noise impacts on surrounding properties or building occupants are proposed? 6. Light and Glare Describe exterior lighting that is proposed for the project and means that will be utilized to reduce light and glare impacts on surrounding properties. 7. Land Use Describe: a) the existing land uses and structures on the project site and on adjacent parcels; b) the project's conformance with existing land use plans and regulations for the property; and c) its compatibility with surrounding land uses. 8. Public Health an& Safety Identify any aspects of the project that could present a risk to public health due to normal operations, or due to an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or spill. Is there any possibility that the site could be contaminated due to previous uses or dumping? If so, what measures are proposed to eliminate the hazard or contamination? � 4 9. Population/Housing/Employment a. If the project is residential, please explain how the project will comply with the affordable housing policies contained in the Housing Element of the General Plan, and the average household size expected, b. If the project is commercial, industrial, or institutional, please identify the tenants and/or uses and the estimated number of employees. 10. Transportation/Circulation/Parking Please describe how the project will comply with parking regulations, and identify any changes or improvements to the circulation system that are proposed as part of the project. 11. Public Services/Utilities Please identify whether adequate capacity currently exists for the following public services and utilities. If expansion is needed, explain how it will be accomplished. Please attach' any written confirmation of capacity you have received from service providers. • Communications Systems • Electrical power • Fire protection • Natural gas • Parks/recreational facilities • Police protection • Schools • Sewer systems or septic tanks • Solid waste and disposal • Storm water drainage systems 12. Aesthetics Describe whether the project could potentially obstruct any scenic vista or view open to the public, or create an aesthetically offensive site open to public view. Could the project block any private views? 13. Cultural and Historic Resources Please identify any known archaeological or paleontological resources that exist on the site. Would the project result in any adverse physical or aesthetic effects to any building, structure, or object having historical, cultural, or religious significance? Certification I certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits are correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am the legal owner of the property that is the subject of this application or have been authorized by the owner to act on his behalf regarding this application. I further acknowledge that any false statements or information presented herein may result in the revocation of any approval or permit granted on the basis of this information.information. Y�1R1sa� - o. iAcl 4�>-A,%N> 7 \l?- Print name ofyownpr or representative - _ Date ......................................................................................v............ Date filed: Fee: Receipt No: By: f:\...\JD\1pRH$\ENS-1 NF0: Rev. 12/91 Q��W PORT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U - Z P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 C1,1FOVL PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 644-3225 February 24, 1993 Todd E. Salvagin Lins'cott, Law & Greenspan Engineers 1580 Corporate Drive Suite 122 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Subject: Traffic Phasing Ordinance Study for MacArthur Court E-Z Airpark, Newport Beach (TPO # 86) Dear Mr. Salvagin: This letter is to confirm our telephone conversation regarding the Traffic Study required for Ace Parking Inc. proposal. I have enclosed, for your information, some of the Orange County Traffic Data that is available in our office. For any other information regarding Orange County Airport facility please contact William Pemberton at (714) 252-5241. For traffic data or technical questions please contact Rich Edmonston, the City's Traffic Engineer at (714) 644-3344. Should you have any other questions regarding this project, or need copies of development plans, please contact me. Very truly yours, PLANNING DIRECTOR JAMES D. HEWICKER, DIRECTOR By r( 1 � . AZiZ M. Aslami Associate Planner F:\WP51\...\Aziz A\Trafc\15661.et2 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Q SEW PO�ir ° CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U T P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 Cq4/FO Fat�`P PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 644-3225 February 18, 1993 Mr. Tony Actisdano 4680 MacArthur Court Suite A Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Traffic Phasing Ordinance Study for MacArthur Court E-Z Airpark, Newport Beach (TPO # 86) Dear Mr. Actisdano: Enclosed please find a copy of a proposal submitted by Linscott, Law, and Greenspan Engineers regarding Traffic Engineering Services required for traffic phasing analysis for the proposed Pay Parking Lot Facility at 4680 MacArthur Court in Newport Beach. The proposal contains an outline of the required work, schedule of time, and estimated fee required for preparation of the task. The requested Traffic Consultant fees have been reviewed by the City and are considered appropriate and warranted. The fees are as follows: Consultant Fees $ 3,600 City Fees (10%) 36 Total Request: $ 3,960 Please submit a check in the amount of$3,960 payable to the City of Newport Beach. Your prompt response in this matter is appreciated. Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By '1\ Aziz M. Aslami Associate Planner F.\W P51\...\Aziz•a\Traffic\T586LmY 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach i 0 • • The following is in response to questions Cl-C13: C. Potential Environmental Effects 1. No Earthwork required -- Parking surface already exists. 2. No emissions from project. Possible reduction of emissions because patrons of the project who request transportation to the John Wayne Terminal will have emitted less emissions from their cars because they will not have entered the John Wayne Airport parking complex and circled around looking for a parking place. 3. No new storm runoff from the project or diversion of existing flows will occur because the impervious parking area has already been constructed. 4. There is no vegetation on the site and none will be disturbed because the impervious parking surface already exists. 5. No noise will result from this project because the parking area has been in existence for many years. 6. No additional lighting is proposed over that number of light standards that currently exist on the site. 7. The site is the MacArthur Court office project bounded by Campus Drive, MacArthur Boulevard and Birch Street. The site consist of 2 - 16 story high rise office buildings, 1 - 4 story low rise office building and 2 - 2 story office buildings, 602 surface parking spaces and a 5 story parking structure containing 1,810 parking stalls. The project is consistent with the applicable land use designations and directly compatible with the overall complex. 8. There is no increased risk to the public's health and safety as a result of this project. There is a possible reduction of risk in that the project will tend to reduce traffic congestion in the general area and at the John Wayne Airport Terminal. 9b. The project will result in the addition of one employee on duty over the course of each 24 hour period. 10. There are currently 2,412 parking spaces in the MacArthur Court development. of this total amount, 11810 spaces are in the parking structure and 602 are surface parking spaces. A separate section of surface parking is proposed to be used for the requested project. Page 2 The total square feet of building space in MacArthur Court development is 674,277 square feet. According to the current parking code, the required number of spaces is 2,211. The distribution of the existing parking after implementation of the project will be: Parking Structure 1,810 Surface Parking Spaces 402 Surface Airport Parking Lot 200 Total Spaces 2,412 It should be noted that the MacArthur Court office project is 93% leased and the number of spaces required to meet daily demand is 1,485. Of this demand, 1,290 permits are issued for the parking structure. Every tenant and employee has been offered the option to park in the structure as an incentive to free up surface parking. Trips Per Day The applicant believes that the current and future parking patrons are currently included in the model for the daily trip ends in an around the airport as well as this project. We look forward to near capacity occupancy of the 200 spaces being set aside for the airport parking. We estimate an average turnover in the lot of 24 cars which equals 48 daily trips. In addition, we plan to shuttle the parking patrons back and forth to the airport upon demand -- not on a scheduled service. The number of daily round trips is estimated at 30 maximum. In total, the applicant believes that the project is well below the 130 trips per day threshold which would require traffic mitigation measures. Information supporting the above assumptions is attached. 1. MacArthur Court Square footage. (See attachment A) 2 Basis upon which Ace believes that the daily turnover in the lot will be the stated number. (See attachment B) 1 S • • Page 3 11. No new utilities will be constructed. 12. No modifications to existing views and/or on site conditions are proposed or will result from the project. 13. None. Site is totally constructed upon, paved or landscaped and no modification to the on site conditions are proposed. 4 ATTACHMENT A The following square footage was provided by Michael Kipper, Building Manager, Prentiss Properties, Ltd. , 4695 MacArthur Court, Suite 480, Newport Beach, Ca 92660. 4770 Sunwest Bank 20, 061 4665 Lowrise 34,174 4685 Lowrise 62, 634 4675 Highrise 278,754 4695 Highrise 278 ,654 Total 674,277 Sq. Ft. ATTACHMENT B October November December In Out Total In Out Total In Out Total 1. 56 + 23 = 79 20 + 38 = 58 20 + 58 = 78 2. 76 + 23 = 99 14 + 61 = 75 29 + 21 = 50 3. 42 + 21 = 63 18 + 16 = 34 34 + 17 = 51 4. 29 + 81 =110 34 + 14 = 48 65 + 24 = 89 5. 23 + 52 = 75 51 + 21 = 72 22 + 21 = 43 6. 26 + 30 = 56 68 + 18 = 86 20 + 52 = 72 7. 32 + 19 = 51 31 + 23 = 54 18 + 37 = 55 8. 50 + 22 = 72 16 + 68 = 83 32 + 24 = 56 9. 113 + 22 =135v— 25 + 46 = 71 16 + 27 = 43 10. 47 + 29 = 76 31 + 29 = 60 32 + 29 = 61 11. 26 + 72 = 98 23 + 28 = 51 58 + 22 = 80 12. 39 + 33 = 72 35 + 30 = 65 20 + 12 = 32 13 . 33 + 84 =1171,E 21 + 45 = 66 24 + 64 = 88 14. 94 + 42 =136 - � 19 + 18 = 37 22 + 38 = 60 15. 33 + 23 = 56 17 + 18 = 35 26 + 27 = 53 16. 18 + 68 = 86 30 + 25 = 55 31 + 23 = 54 17. 25 + 63 = 88 50 + 31 = 81 37 + 32 = 69 18. 29 + 28 = 57 53 + 19 = 72 51 + 31 = 82 19. 38 + 38 = 76 26 + 51 = 77 38 + 14 = 52 20. 51 + 21 = 72 41 + 35 = 76 44 + 41 = 85 21. 84 + 28 =112 105 + 13 =118 ' " 52 + 27 = 79 22. 31 + 27 = 58 95 + 18 =113 '. ' 100 + 20 =120'(" 23 . 16 + 73 = 89 50 + 6 = 56 38 + 15 = 53 24. 75 + 70 = 95 13 + 55 = 68 25 + 53 = 78 25. 20 + 37 = 57 12 + 83 = 95 19 + 90 =109 F 26. 21 + 28 = 49 13 + 76 = 89 19 + 72 = 91 2, 134 11795 1,753 2 ,134 trips 1,795 trips 1.753 trips 26 days = 82 26 days = 69 26 days = 67 October 82 November 69 December 67 217 divided by 3 = 72 approximate trips daily (300 spaces) Note: The above represents actual activity in a similar facility (Ace Park N Glide, San Diego) . It should be noted that th Park N Glide facility is larger in size by 100 spaces or 33 1/3%. ei 3 `'a� o Zi s •. CI , )F NEWPORT At SEW Pp�r p� �e Building Department ; �? 3300 Newport Blvd. P.O. Box 1768 °a4 �Ra Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 (714) 644-3288/3289 PLAN CHECK NO. FEE RECEIPTS_ . Qode 4aW46=3 MJobfAadress0 Receives—firom Builoing-Plah Check-'Valuation S = 010-5002 S =_ Grading Plan-Check:'•Cu.'-ids. 010-5004 $' Overtime Plan Check -11 G: �:.:.:.....::. :s • ....010-5 02/5004 $ ' Special.�Inspectii'oq.; _ .- . =��- ��• •• _ _ Reirinpectfion.6 E_'HAP:,s.'.::'.::;..:.•.;a :.'.:.:; :: ....•...;r..: .:010-500&S _ is 010-4612' S ,Tempor'ary.'.E)'ectric.• ,:,;•' ` ::,',' Temporary ,Gas. ... ..V.i _"i jt, ' .010 442015• .`Gee'asd"Interceptor:.c:.,:,., 'P-larinj:A9 Depart_ment:Fggs '�lY=� iy: :.,�; ,A. :010-5000.5 -SaTe.ofhMaps'&publ :010=.581215,. _ - y� 'Oth'ei : .`-.C� �� '_ :': .��ilfiGl -:'�/ �` �' � 3.,;'07�•�- . - - �., RECEIVED BY= • TA ES. $' � ,IAN 2 6 1993 NOTICE:• Plan Check expires 180 days after•application. RECEIPT N0. <4,9zfc+ npK� t> - = CITY—OF NEWPORT BEA i • 6 , , Authorized to Publish Advertisements of all finds inong public notices by Decree of the Superior court of Orange County,California,NumberA-6214, September 29, 1961.andA-24331 June 11, 1963 STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange I am a Citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a parry to or interested in the below entitled matter. I am a principal clerk of the NEWPORT I PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF BEACH—COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT, a PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given' newspaper of general circulation, printed that the Planning Commis- slon of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public and published in the City of Costa Mesa, oekg° cliicaff AcParinIn for h County of Orange, State of California, and fic Study No.86 on property located at 4680 MacArthur that attached Notice is a true and complete Court.The The application includes a ' request to approve a traffic copy as was printed and published on the Study to allow conversion of an existing 200 excess following dates. Parking spaces is a pay parking facility which would mainly be used for the John Wayne Airport pas- sen ers. Th s project has been re. viewed and It has been determined that It is cat- egorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act Notice is .herebyy .further given that said publlc'hear- Ing will be hold on the April 10 , 1993 22 hourday of of App,mril at Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard,, Newport Beach, California at which Uma and place{ any and all persons Inter-,, ested may appear and bas heard thereon. If you chai- lenge'this project In court, , yyou may be limited to rats. Ing only those Issues you or someone also raised at the public hearing de• scribed iq this notice or in •written correspondence ;delivered to the City at, or prior to,the ppublic hearing. For informallon call (714) �644-3200. Hag Merrill, Secretary, I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the Planning Commission, City Hof Newport Beach. NOTE: The expense of foregoing is true and correct. this notice is paid from a IUling fee collected from the applicant. Published New- gort Beach-Costa Mesa ���_ aily Pilot April 10,1993 Executed on April 10 , Sa216 at Costa a, California Signature PROOF OF PUBLICATION The Irvine Company Texaco Inc. Aetna Life Insurance 550 Newport Center Dr. P.O. Box 7813 242 Tmmbull #AR6G Newport Beach, CA 92660 Universal City, CA 91608 Hartford, CT 06156 Plaza De Cafes Co. Birtcber Pacific Pacific Heritage 3151 Airway Ave. Suite L 27611 La Paz Rd. P.O. Box 2969 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Torrance, CA 90509 Carl Karcher Enerprises JRSM Corp. Edward Allred 1200 N. Harbor Blvd. Mission Viejo Mall, Suite 132 3050 Airport Way Anaheim, CA 92803 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Long Beach,CA 90806 Unzen Enterprise Co. Ltd. Aetna Life Insurance Co. 700 So. Flower St. Suite 1215 4901 Birch St Los Angeles, CA 90017 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Koll Center Newport Andrew Alison 4343 Von Karman Ave. P.O. Box 8040 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92658 Koll Center Newport D B 1 L P Mac Arthur Hotels Ltd. 4490 Von Karman Ave 4500 Mac Arthur Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Bankers Life Company Aetna Life Insurance Co. 711 High Street 4343 Von Karman Ave Des Moines, IA 50307 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Larken Inc. Douglas Development 410 Abram St. Suite 100 P.O. Box 19151 Arlington, TX 76010 Irvine, CA 92713 The Irvine Company Richard Nelson 4570 Campus Dr. Suite 2 13142 Laurinda Way Newport Beach, CA 92660 Santa Ana, CA 92705 The Irvine Company Tokai Bank P.O. Box 1700 19000 Mac Arthur Blvd. Denver, CO 80201 Irvine, CA 92713 California Federal Bank Alfred Quinlan P.O. Box 5300 8 Monterey Cir Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 R\...\aziz\traffic\t1xMHst ♦ ,,.. _ ................. ... ... .... YD•anl...p ...... fed..... 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Np SIIUS N(rp(A��y9ff0 lOf S1N1 .w...... _ ._ « .• ................ - so •1630 Ypx 4RM'(Ayr NI .N 760 y„y[I[BSf R AV[ •I14 II 'NO ............ �NFIP 91tOrl0lAll•GE 8--_•-«•SSARAN[t<A»......._. 90S09v-44S=141-11 011 ----J15,-A --:----_•Lots�o0HIS x IN SM 0 1f 71••_•--__ _ _____________ »._».»..___... t901 R H St x0 (x01 SIN D 3 a)67. "' AI IM LIFE NIxPWM[[ ID „j;;aj"BFA!NYLAO°RFMI 921 0 445 14 1 12 OFI R111NB A .............. No isms „t8 Lpfi v ..........o _....i# 1 in 9eN is H r e dt LOI 1f _ •'•• •_ •••• - •� r v es R v1 1Rv1 _....._. ..-• f911 R N Sr 1.0 i I IA l0 MAtA I9 I.00-1 • Sf0. NO SIIUS i AfINA l FF IHPMM[f f0 :MtOFbRI3br.EAC..tA°IIaI1F926P0 445-141-13 °FF '416iftiJaL 1ss:sl#-- ]71,1f649 x rt��6b lbf it .1911 g1RtN ...._ N M 9){0 LO# I1 •• •' xqp)4ypy }Vy[[ •RI"9 (IA VAI-lMD 1001 eIRtN fi M Ni1R°1169"Pbf"1OvE •.... 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W$1-•...................... ton +vso-1 solo (Mws DR w A'idAbf ry P'1Nc°s .Y1 :1R . ........ .... ...... ., .. ,. �o,N•� .�, .. 1-7 d.•,., �°,e, 6G ea . ... ..•r • . 01 AM�S t (Ff1UGR/NO AYEI DRIVE C . .,. Lor TRACT PAR. /RV/NE I p K 68-ro 4 Ptor/J91 LOTO CI- BLX S01 1 1 �.» P S I"Lz • ? LOT7 MR PM � n LSUd� AR �» A > P9-S 'A t. ; 14 P.K I96•IO /-507 / 2 cp 1 0• NO. 7953 9�R T /�,� �, NA•t' tMJC r� '�.•��„ ••e• B/RCN Y STREET �^ TRAC • -11�� PAR/ %. O« FAR,J 11 �\ LOr J o2 �w P. /73 - J/ /3 aun• 4Aj Inn PAR. 12 P GG 1/60AC nN 19 PAR/ /r./76 AAO(0) J� ' 13 • o (Cjr r a z /RI-�1516 Au. N•I :OW I.POAC.M/ 1• LOT S rRACT Aa rA43 •i 4�•' r 2) �'i)TdGI"6Aii w y f\e 1 nN q, ag NOTE-ASSESSOR'S AWELIRV/NE SUB. M.M. /'BB SHMN N MARCH /973 SNOWN IN I TRACT Na 7953 MM. 3/0-77t7///AC PARCEL MAP 63 P.M.6/'1,6B-N,76-4Q //4•A1/73-J(,/96-40 • I 16 s 53 Lor o LOT A P M AC - - - SEE INDEX u W G / BDOK 945 INDEX c CAMPM A127 - 11 I I TRACT I i TRlJCT • I � r 1 r i eo - rt � O I O •o O �+. O r I ' 1 , OS t4 4c` /f 1 1 Av 32a / + N � 1� .ems IR •m w "•• /r /. ' N i B / / / / •W. 5/69 / / d 17 I+r P ' MARCH/972 `V NOTE ASSESSOR'S BLOCK d ASSESSOR'S MAP 77?.N O 3207 ACM/30-25-30/AC. PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 427 PAGE it 77? NO 5/69 M M 90-//-/3 INC SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE s a BXCH ST9 N' - y� /RV/NE s P. Y. 45-1J 4 PAR / /w /r /is PAR. 1 .. V1 O O O PAR / i A O IM AC L5" K. y 6000 AC a .z - F •f(' K�1/ t cr a SCOTT DRIVE a i uaq .n Ah BLK. 50 (DT Is$ " I TRACT 4" P Y Tl 11 M _ P.Y 40-// O/T/K PAR 1 L857 K O v' NO. 7770 'r4 ZM AG(C) YESTER[Y y�y.�f 172 5 S \� • 1cACE / �� a +. AMNE SUB MM. /-6 10 TRACT AV. 77R7 MA[ 295 O ^ 3O '+; :� 7L PARCEL MAP RM. 4C Q 4944AG AAR. I • r r 41 4 P Y. 41-J , 2 ��. r • r 53 PAR./ 4' 45 NOTE-ASSESSORS BLOCK 8 'pt Jt PARCEL NUMBERS '•, a(�P OCR SHOWN IN :IRCLES 49 G MARCH /B75 i 4 \8 % SUB. as LP ASSESSOR'S MAP SOOK427PAGE 17 (\ 9 COUNTY OF ORANGE 14Yj A,. h fo Ai� U. .......... 44-1; to DupoNr DRivr CT LOF"22 TRACT TRACT LOT I L02?Ar % sQ MMC PACT 2 NO.11715 aisma(c) W4 , P.M ISO — 40 PM I 0 NO.lJJJJ A056AC. Lot 2 111. L07 3 0 MARTIN (DO 2.29JAC LOT 0 A a w - 9 0 Imuc. PAR 2 Ag� 41, - A LOT 4 Isma io J'Att 2nH Lot to• 2.084C(C) 6 C, L345AC. (D LOT a 111A 062AC. (D 011 9 Z 0 NO.�829 TRACT Lot to Lot 5 A 9 123 24 k LOT 7 PAR. Z PAPAR. I U) ZMA PM 54-31 (D k, (D 0 2.XPAC wizAr m pm. P. (D NO.5902 Nl- 4X02AC t XXW AVE.) MVE —.a— YA 12 TRACT NO, 5902 M.M. 219 — 28, 29 rRACr No. 8299 AfAl. 340 - 44 TO 47WC. NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK A ASSESSOR'S "4P 'RACr NO. 11715 M.M. 568 - I To 7 AVC- PARCEL MAWSERS BOOK 445 PACE01 RACr NO. lJJJJ M.M. 674 - 43, 44, 45 j�LqIOWN,Ny mars C&Nry OF ORANGE ARCEL MAPS P.M. 116-9,123-28,150-40,154-31 :4$5. 620 L J JQL AV $ VON KARMAN c. NSA. fI N' fY 1� I I I � 1 fA' I TRACT ."4AC. i 1 OO w ' $ I ze7 AC. " I Lor r Lor d ' Lor D Lor d s 021 O a/zs ac. i -.So P. Y. 71• 42 PAt! Y 14 LOS2AC. PAR. 6 PAR.7 � 7 tl a11 l.0 + Mir Ac /10/7 Ar j PAR.I V LCY7Aa sa' t. J",ss, /d+ JM.dld BAR�E?V ,------ A YEA 03 NOTE-ASSESSCWS K=a MA CN /966 PARCEL MAP Ph( 81-30 FAROEL—NUM M ,/ TR AV. 590E M. 1A 2/9-2429 RKA M IN an= i L' Co osfj eooK 442 INoCx YIP No.3 4 No \� 449; -13 ,�.T TRACT @. ,s rsarAc. PAR.+ /S L O + ^ 0i� \ KO 7OTJ7 O 00- J+oIAC zz O9 cor ''•'ti ..,. M•' to + IB p0•`; ,. PIE mRO! cars " 0, u 3 /RI r , J.6O NO.. 7953 l2 No.79as �`, ` � a 1 M 12 1 15 8762 b fp�,uw r Eu yg, y 'NqC gg7yvA, Esv r P. d ' 4 TRACT No.IASJ 427-2z !RV/NE SV8.. M.M. /-BB M MARCH /973 MACr M9. 79M M M. 3/0-7 ro///NC. TRACT NO. 6762 M.M. 5 0-24 26 26 PARCEL MAPS PM. 47-22,90-14,107-/0 PARCEL MAPS //4-�$ 427-04 rv600' 4� 19 08 0 rn Poa LOT 29 R Pvv LOT u. o tn POR BLK 7 R S 64 10 16 042 I AIRPORT 57 I O e BLK 6 COUNTY s•eT/c a POR LOT/J2 �,. /• I [OT /10 JOJB K I POR [O /!S POP LOT/.J SUB. 60 Swr NWT RA N / 6..L K'/ 7 59 � J9 aG� � �.92iKlC/ +� 33./3AC � a4� pOR•TIO/�� 1 I I p .s 1EJ 66vo -Z® 445-0� A WAY fpf ACACIA !T • B Km gU t NOTE—ASSESSORS BLOCKS ASSESSORS YAP I� 13 12 11 PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK427PAGE 04 MARCH 1966 P, M. 3-R 6;37--38 o POP LOT/!c. 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'®._ :�, i%:z"�'s,.e^.2.✓t: ..-+ram--=, c:._ - - 7Y'!LO-i __ _ - _- ,./tea' C I ' - � - '- •.?i��.\-�M����.\='i?.}�^•%Ri-�x'a''?,`:" - _ '/3nti3AY-PYYm70YIJ. _ _ ,.�:. -�' �' -- `'• . i � •i�' fit:n- s�� �T -i`lY�;y�•'�`.I t.�..-a'i• _ _ - - _ _ _ :SY:.NCAN.L'=a+.�, .+ • aH�.�s A'_v _ _ _ _' •a.fir • 1T _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ -...^c.�- ::Y i .`�.':i; - r - - -•yi-3.� - ',.,;v.�T-.L�'-c'-�21i�: °;`_ -_ _ - _ - �_ .4�Sw3 �.Y• %:SY330YY!' _ - - � - �Ca:'` ',•ia�. - - _ - F _ _Li a+=•f`-Fnu�sr 7•aJ(_1_'.ti.'._!/'- - 1P'_�>s•..���'i`_-v _ -- �%.�tr-,. =h5 - -CMji �,.ti`+. SEW P°�T • • @m CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U - T P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659.1768 C'9C/Fp A��P PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 644-3225 February 18, 1993 Mr. Tony Actisdano 4680 MacArthur Court Suite A Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Traffic Phasing Ordinance Study for MacArthur Court E-Z Airpark, Newport Beach (TPO # 86) Dear Mr. Actisdano: Enclosed please find a copy of a proposal submitted by Linscott, Law, and Greenspan Engineers regarding Traffic Engineering Services required for traffic phasing analysis for the proposed Pay Parking Lot Facility at 4680 MacArthur Court in Newport Beach. The proposal contains an outline of the required work, schedule of time, and estimated fee required for preparation of the task. • The requested Traffic Consultant fees have been reviewed by the City and are considered appropriate and warranted. The fees are as follows: Consultant Fees $ 3,600 City Fees (10%) $ 360 Total Request: $ 3,960 Please submit a check in the amount of$3,960 payable to the City of Newport Beach. Your prompt response in this matter is appreciated. Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAM(E�S D. HEWICKER, Director By Aziz M. Aslami Associate Planner F:\WPSI\...\Aziz•a\Traffic\TS86LM • 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, ENGINEERS TRANSPORTATION PLANNING •TRAFFIC ENGINEERING • PARKING • 1580 CORPORATE DRIVE, SUITE 122, COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA 92626 TELEPHONE (714) 641-1587 • FAX: (714) 641.0139 PHILIP M.UNSCOTT,P.E JACK M GREENSPAN,P.E. WILLIAM A LAW,P.E PAUL W.February 16, 1993 EON 0.WARD, POE P.E DONALD W.BARKER,P.E. Mr. John Douglass, Environmental Coordinator CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Subject: PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES MacArthur Court E-Z Airpark Dear Mr. Douglass: Linscott, Law and Greenspan, Engineers is pleased to submit the following proposal as it pertains to the proposed E-Z Airpark parking lot to be located within the MacArthur Court Office Complex. • As we understand it, Ace Parking, Inc. proposes to utilize 200 of the total 2,412 parking spaces on site to create the E-Z Airpark parking lot. This lot will not provide a continuous shuttle service, but will provide an on-call shuttle service between John Wayne Airport and the parking lot. Per my phone conversation with Mr. Richard Edmonston, preparation of a Traffic Impact Study as defined by the following Scope of Work is required: SCOPE OF WORK TASK I: Existing Traffic Volume Data As defined by the City, the intersections of Campus Drive/Jamboree Road and Campus Drive/MacArthur Boulevard will be studied. AM and PM peak hour traffic volume data for both intersections is on file and will be provided by the City. TASK II: Traffic Generation & Distribution Traffic anticipated to be generated by the E-Z Airpark will be based on analysis of parking information from the nearby airport surface parking lot located on Main Street. City staff has stated that they will provide the necessary data for this lot, OTHER OFFICES PASADENA TELEPHONE (213) 681-2629 • FAX' (818) 792.0941 SAN DIEGO TELEPHONE' (619) 299-3090 • FAX (619) 299.7041 AN LG2W8 COMPANY Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers Mr. John Douglass . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH February 16, 1993 Page 2 In addition, to determine the peak hour generation for the proposed E-Z parking lot, AM (7:00 AM - 9:30 AM) and PM (3:30 PM - 6:00 PM) peak hour traffic volume counts will be conducted at the airport parking lot entrance on Main Street. Distribution of the traffic generated by the parking lot will be based on information contained in the EIR for John Wayne Airport, a copy of which will be provided by the City. The frequency of on-call shuttle service traffic will be estimated, and assigned to the roadway system based on the most convenient travel pattern between the lot and the airport terminal. TASK III: Intersection Analysis Using the City's two and one-half hour analysis procedure, the two study area intersections will be analyzed to determine whether additional analysis using the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) Method will be required. As stated by the City's guidelines, if project generated traffic is greater than 1% of the two and one-half projected traffic during either the AM or PM, ICU analysis will be completed • for the following conditions: A. Existing traffic volumes; B. "A" plus regional growth; C. "B" plus approved projects; and D. "C" plus project traffic. If an intersection capacity impact is recognized, mitigating measures will be suggested to off- set impacts caused by E-Z Airpark traffic. These suggested mitigating measures will be sketched on a 40-scale aerial (provided by the City). TASK IV: Traffic Impact Study A Traffic Impact Study will be prepared which will outline our findings and recommendations. This report will be consistent with the City's Traffic Study Format. FEE ESTIMATE Based on the Scope of Work outlined above, we estimate that the services for Tasks I through IV can be accomplished within a total cost, not to exceed $3,600.00 without your • prior authorization. s ' 40inscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers• Mr. John Douglass CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH February 16, 1993 Page 3 ADDITIONAL WORK We will also be pleased to provide additional support beyond the Scope of Work outlined above as you may require. Such additional tasks include, but are not limited to the following: machine and/or manual counts, evaluation of traffic impact during other hours or weekends, preparation of scaled improvement drawings and attendance at public meetings. Such tasks will be considered extra work and will be billed on a time and materials basis using the attached Fee Schedule or the Fee Schedule in effect at the time of the request. PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY Should this proposal be accepted, the Client (represented by the signature below) agrees to limit Linscott, Law& Greenspan, Engineers liability to the Client and to all Contractors and Subcontractors on the project due to Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers negligent acts, errors or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers to all those named shall not exceed $50,000 or Linscott, Law & Greenspan Engineers total fee for services rendered on this project, whichever is greater. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to providing professional services on this project. You may indicate acceptance by signing,in the space provided below, returning the original to us, and keeping the enclosed copy for your files. Should you have any questions, please contact me. Very truly yours, LI OTP, LAW & GREENSPAN, ENGINEERS Todd E. Salvagin Transportation Engineer II cc: Tony Actisdano Ace Parking Attachment Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers Mr. John Douglass CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH February 16, 1993 Page 4 ACCEPTED FOR TASKS I THROUGH IV AS OUTLINED ABOVE,NOT TO EXCEED $3,600.00 WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATION. (Authorized Agent) (Title) (Firm) (Federal I.D. #) (Address) (Date) C:\1ES\PR0P0SAL\1-2W.PR0 03-16-1994 10:58AM FROM ACE PARKING MGMT INC. TO 6443250 P.02 The Mission:. Convenient parking with outstanding service lvlarch 16, 1994 Mr. Jun Sittwok City of Newport Beach Ace Park(ng Planning Department Menagement, Inc. P.O. Box 1768 Scott A. Jones Newport Beach, California 92658-8915 Chanmon CEO Robert R. Loser Dew�&, Sinasek., President Pursuant to our cowtersation of today regarding the installation of a lighted sign on the corner of I UeArihur Blvd. and Campus Drive Newport Beach. I would like to first thank you for bringing to our attention that our sign vendor has not gone through proper channels in obtaining the necessary Approvals for the installation of this sign Immediately following our conversation I contacted them and advised them of this. I have been informed that they were not aware of requiring any approvals for the changes made to the two existing sigma, and the new sign was an oversight. This of course does not solve your problem, they have informed me that they will be contacting both The Building and The Plan ding Departments today and file all necessary paperwork required, This has been placed on a priority basis, and I am sure you will be heating from them post haste. I apologize for any problems this may have caused, and once again thank you for traking us aware of this. Should you have any other questions please do not hesitate to call. ZY ts, . Actisdano Vice President 4600 MooArthur Court,Sta,A, Newport Beech,CA 926SO-1626 (714)724-0963 FAX(714)724-1165 Corporate Office: 646 Ash Street San Diego,CA 921013211 16191233�6624 FAX(619)2330741 AJA.ki Regional Offices: Pasadena, CA Dallas,TX,and Portland,OR YUMEA NATA%PARK6Veh5S0OA 0 Customer Service: 1-900.925-PARK(7275) �Y TOTAL P.02 � � � S� � l � ,� , ,� � .�--� - ����r ��� � .,, ,� l�f,� 9 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FOIE - City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA 92663 (714) 644-3225 A. General Information 1. Applicant/Agent: Ace Parking, Inc. Phone: (714) 724-0963 Address: 4680 MacArthur Court , Suite A, Newport Beach, CA 92660 2. Property Owner: The Irvine Company Phone: Address: 550 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 B. Project Descrivtion Please attach the following materials for the project: • Vicinity map • Plana drawn to scale • Proposed revisions to zoning map • At least 3 different site photos mounted and text using underline and on 8 1/2 X it cardboard with a key map etrikeeut notation, if applicable showing the photo locations and direction of view 1. Project name: MacArthur Court E-Z Airpark 2. Project locations Southwest portion of existing parking area of MacArthur Court containing 201 number of spaces 3. Assessor's parcel Is 445-121-14 4. Permit application 0: 445-121-17 5a. Proposed use: A pay parking lot for both on-site tenants and general public . 5b. Project size (dwelling unite, gross floor area, etc. ) 35,000 sq . ft . , 201 spaces So. Site size: N/A 5d. Building height:No permanent structure proposed . 6. Existing land use designations: General Plans General Office Zoning: Specific Plans LCPs 7. Previous governmental approvals: S. Other governmental approvals required: Federal: NONE State: NONE Regional: NONE Locals NONE 9. Begin constructions 1Ipne required Estimated occupancy: Upon receipt of City (date) (date) approval . C. Potential Environmental Effects On a separate page, please provide the following information. If the question is not applicable, indicate "Not applicable" or "None". , 1. Earth Please describe the earthwork that will be required for the project. Include grading quantities, and the location of borrow or stockpile sites, and haul routes, if applicable. Describe any geotechnical or soils investigations that have been conducted. Include exhibits showing existing and proposed topography, retaining walla, and erosion control devices. 2. Air Traffic tud No. 86 Public 115n„11 T oriversion Of Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow c nj A�P unction with an existing _a existing 200 excess parking spaces in facility which would mainly be co office development to a pay parking f used for the John Wayne Airport passengers. LOCATION: Parcel 1, Parcel Map 196/40-43 (Resubdivision No. 786) located at 4680 MacArthur Court, on the northeasterly corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Birch Street in Koll Center Newport. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: Ace Parking, Inc., Newport Beach I OWNER: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach d in connection and The public hearing was openeg Commission ommih this s o�n on I Mr. Lyle Overby appeared before the Planning behalf of the applicant and he concurred with the findings and r condition in Exbibit A Commissioner Glover, Mr. question p osed by ,oval from the In response to a q to obtain approval I j Overby replied I tto provide it is s shuttle service to the airport; l however, it is necessary r first obtain approval from the City. i +�) � Rob ert ert R. La ser ser , "r Y� Anthony J. A CtiSdanO ¢ President ti= vice President t + 645 Ash Street i San Diego,CA 92101.3211 •�y- 4680 MacArthur Court,Suite A ace parking.inc. 619)233-6624/FAX(619)233-0741 ace parking,inc. Newport Beach,CA 92660-1821 b y«Y T (714)724-0963/FAX(714)724-1166 g680 MacArthur Court.Suite A • 6 Newport Beach,CA 92660.1 B26 645 Ash Street ,ja (714)724-0963/FAX(714)724-1165 r(:� CA 92101-3211 "�' (619)5233 61624/FAX(619)233A741 # COMMSSIONERS MINUTES ��y�ot��PPoo CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH April 22, 1993 ROLL CALL INDEX 3. That no significant traffic impact is expected at either the intersection of Campus Drive at Jamboree Road or Campus Drive at MacArthur Boulevard. CONDITION: t 1. That the Planning Commission may add conditions of approval to Traffic Study No.86, or recommend to the City Council the revocation of traffic study No. 86, upon a determination that the operation and conduct of the pay parking facility and shuttle service, operated by Ace- Parking Inc. or any of its successors, granted by the approval of this traffic study, is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, or general welfare of the community. s : s riance No. 1184 Amended (Public Hearin item No.2 Reque to amend a previously approved variance that permitted V1184A alteratio d additions to an existing single-family dwelling located in the -3 District which is nonconforming with regards to Approved allowable height ' asmuch as the existing structure extends above the top of curb ele ion along Ocean Boulevard. The previous approval included the owing construction above the top of curb elevation on Ocean Boule d: the expansion of the existing living area of the dwelling; the a ension and reconstruction of an existing deck and handrails inclu 'ng a new roof extension over a portion of the deck; the replacemen f a composition roof with a new tile roof; the reconstruction and a nsion of an existing wall and wind screen that encroaches into the oot side yard setback; and the construction of a new circular stai The proposed amendment includes the following additional erations which extend above the top of curb elevation of Ocean oulevard: a request to enclose an existing covered porch at the f t of the structure; a modification to the Zoning Code to al the construction of three bay windows along the front of the buil ' g, whereas the Zoning Code permits only two bay windows; -4- G'OMMISSIONERS 1 t MINUTES 0�°��s � 1P CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH April 22, 1993 ROLL CALL INDEX In response to a question posed by Commissioner Ridgeway, Mr. Overby explained that the subject location at MacArthur Court was originally master planned for an additional building and the excess parking spaces would have provided parking spaces for the . planned structure. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed at this time. Motion * Motion was made and voted on to approve Traffic Study No. 86 Ayes * * * * * * subject to the findings and condition in Exhibit "A". MOTION Absent * CARRIED. FINDINGS: A. CEQA COMPLIANCE That the proposed project is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of CEQA (Class 1 - Existing Facilities) B. TRAFFIC PHASING ORDINANCE STUDY NO. 86 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the morning and afternoon peak hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Council Policy S-1. I 2. That the traffic study indicates that the traffic projected one year after project completion, during any a.m. or p.m. 2.5 hour peak traffic period on each leg of each critical intersection, will be increased less than 1% by traffic generated from the project during any a.m. or p.m.2.5 hour period. -3- COMMSSIONERS { {- MINUTES - ct�y�o CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH April 22, 1993 ROLL CALL INDEX Request to Withdraw Application: Request to with- Director Hewicker stated that t resentative for the applicant, draw International Special p,Inc.,has requested that Item No. 5,. Applicatio: Use Permit No (Amended), regarding a restaurant located at 900 1 e Drive, be withdrawn. Traffic Stuff No 86 (Public Hearing) item No.l Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow conversion of TS 86 existing 200 excess parking spaces in conjunction with an existing office development to a pay parking facility which would mainly be Approved used for the John Wayne Airport passengers. LOCATION: Parcel 1, Parcel Map 196/40-43 (Resubdivision No. 786) located at 4680 MacArthur Court, on the northeasterly corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Birch Street in Koll Center Newport. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: Ace Parking, Inc., Newport Beach OWNER: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach The public hearing was opened in connection with this item, and Mr. Lyle Overby appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of the applicant and he concurred with the findings and condition in Exhibit "A". In response to a question posed by Commissioner Glover, Mr. Overby replied that it is necessary to obtain approval' from the Airport Authority to provide shuttle service to the airport; however, it is necessary to first obtain approval from the City. -2- N. August 3, 1994 MEMO TO FILE FROM: Genia Garcia,Associate Planner SUBJECT: Parldng for MacArthur Court Parldng required in 1986: 673,846 net square footage Parking formula taken from Koll Planned Community Text 125,000 NSF @ I per 250 sq.ft. = 500 300,000 NSF @ 1 per 300 sq.ft. = 1,000 248,846 NSF @ I per 350 sq.ft. = 711 2,211 parking spaces required Compact parking allowed 25%of total required=553 spaces Site provided: 2,412 spaces (includes 722 compact spaces) -553 compact spaces allowed(25%) 169 spaces that are compact that are are surplus spaces. 2,412 spaces provided -2,211 spaces required 201 spaces surplus remaining On June 30, 1992, 3 spaces were utilized to construct a bus shelter. 201 surplus spaces 3 spaces for shelter 198 remaining surplus spaces I_ On.April 22, 1993, a Traffic Study #86 was approved by the Planning Commission to allow the conversion of 202 excess parking spaces on this site to a pay parking facility(Ace Parking)to be used for the John Wayne Airport passenger. 198 remaining surplus spaces -202 given to Ace Parking 4 spaces deficient On August 3, 1994, PC #1226-94 was approved for the widening of MacArthur and Campus by the County which resulted in a loss of 18 spaces for this site. - 4 spaces deficient - 18 spaces removed for widening - 22 spaces deficient for the total required parking on this site. *NOTE: The property could be restriped, changing some of the compact spaces that were included in the surplus parking per P.C.Text in 1986 to standard spaces. Ge a Garcia Associate Planner • LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, ENGINEERS TRANSPORTATION PLANNING - TRAFFIC ENGINEERING - PARKING 1580 CORPORATE DRIVE, SUITE 122. COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 TELEPHONE: (714) 641-1587 - FAX (714) 641.0139 PHILIP M UNSCOTT,P E JACK M GREENSPAN.RE March 24, 1993 PAUL W. WILKINSON. RE LEON D WARD, P E. DONALD W BARKER.P E. Mr. John Douglas Environmental Coordinator CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Subject: ANALYSIS OF IMPACT - MACARTHUR COURT E-Z AIRPARK Dear Mr. Douglas, Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers (LLG) has prepared the following letter pertaining to the proposed MacArthur Court E-Z Airpark parking lot. As proposed, the lot is to be located within the MacArthur Court Office Complex on the north-east corner of MacArthur Boulevard/Birch Street. The Airpark would utilize 200 of the total 2,412 parking spaces within the MacArthur Court Office Complex as a long-term parking facility for persons'flying out of/into John Wayne Airport. The Airpark will provide an on-call shuttle service between the parking lot and the airport. In accordance with the traffic study impact criteria for the City of Newport Beach, LLG has performed two and. orxe-half hour analysis for the study area intersections of Campus Drive/Jamboree Road and Campus Drive/MacArthur Boulevard. Based on the City's guidelines, the proposed project does not have a significant impact at either of the study area intersections. The procedure used to develop these results is summarized as follows; ANALYSIS PROCEDURE -Existing AM and PM, two and one-half hour peak traffic volumes for the study area intersections of Campus Drive/Jamboree Road and Campus Drive/MacArthur Boulevard were provided by the City of Newport Beach. In addition, regional growth data and two and one-half hour traffic volumes for related projects in the area were also provided by City staff. OTHER OFFICES' PASADENA TELEPHONE. (213) 681.2629 - FAX: (818) 792.0941 SAN DIEGO TELEPHONE' (619) 299.3090 - FAX- (619) 299.7041 AN L02WB COMPANY Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers Mr. John Douglas March 24, 1993 Page 2 Project trip generation rates were developed and approved by City staff from counts-taken at a similar long-term parking location north of the airport on Main Street. This count data is provided in the Appendix at the end of this letter. The counts showed that the Main Street parking lot generated 33 AM two and one-half hour peak trips (17 inbound, 16 outbound) and 44 PM two and one-half hour peak trips•(24 inbound, 20 outbound). Contact with staff from John Wayne Airport has indicated that the Main Street parking lot has a total capacity of 1,829 parking spaces, and that on the day of the survey, 208 vehicles were parked. Assuming 100% utilization of the proposed E-Z Airpark lot (200 spaces) the estimated project trips were determined to be 31 AM two and one half hour peak trips (16 inbound, 15 outbound) and 42 PM two and one-half hour peak trips (23 inbound, 19 outbound). These calculations are shown in the Trip Generation Summary in the Appendix. Project trip distribution to the local roadway was performed assuming the same ratio of shuttle buses to passenger cars, as observed at the Main Street parking lot (approximately 1:1 ratio). The shuttle buses would depart/arrive the lot to/from John Wayne Airport and therefore follow a standard route directly to/from the airport. The remaining project trips . (passenger vehicles) were distributed -to the study area intersections using the trip distribution depicted,in the 1984 Environmental Impact Report for the John Wayne Airport Master Plan and Santa Ana Heights Land Use Compatibility Program, prepared by CH2M HILL. Calculation sheets for this procedure can be found in the Appendix at the end of this.report. RESULTS The comparison of one percent (1%) of the forecast future traffic volumes to the estimated ' project traffic volumes at each approach of the two'study area intersections indicates that the project is expected to generate less than one percent of future traffic at each approach. This would indicate that no significant traffic impact is expected at either the intersection of Campus Drive/Jamboree Road or..Campus Drive/MacArthur Boulevard. In accordance with the City's guidelines, since project traffic is not greater than the 1% impact criteria, capacity analysis has not been performed at either study area intersection. Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers Mr. John Douglas March 24, 1993 Page 3 We have.enjoyed working with the City of Newport Beach on this project and hope you will consider us for future projects in your City. If you have any questions please contact either myself or Bill Cowern. Sincerely, LINSCOTr, LAW & GREENSPAN, ENGINEERS Todd E. Salvagin Transportation Engineer II Attachments BIC1390.'pt _-�!+ 11 tP, tina0000aou�os;enya _1CAMP 26TORYn l u- �tstzii. ayeLU i 4 �✓ri, 1 111 ,� `LpSLOG. TWO Tovft •9. '1Y a• QO� ,�� L.t'),,7'?p 00 .`ti`,_,,,:s n j'•':ivj�..?;.:. ± �� ;� �t '%J i J�hX✓' C. A l .Qnvma'olpB! i `� `;�� �i=+.�y��, o ;fir•`•�;,,_ � �� M r- J 0+gt"4{700 g s?' Oq� v9ta3 . o O aR+ IS1Y0J0 c , 1 �� 9\ G`\\ \�`\e '4 '► •\Q4 ` as '�7 � ar�v o` °w, 4a4 ..AmsAo- • �' 9 r 4p. 44 :1 7 oaay O i� .•• yQ• 1\sj'. "�ti� �W�Aa''yiu�l�a'•.vos^J sw KM , � ! �. a0' �q\`� \\{t �p�r rI!.r� v. Qf7and �ii:" 1 •�T d OQ� 'y�iF,`, �\1t �Od. ' :%-.. Ooad6ora[f0� •.°. , rii� aRR4A0 Gq\lo`.Q,` is\� SI,O��OdO_ C{ ¢ dQ7d' Sl- SIR r �+qo �u�adda- J • 'voriar�R • -�:,R• � f'iiklstiVO00ooi+clwOsivti.Rib'""'. '�1 __ i��'6aS1. 1��fs rQ li]T1 •• n (11 i 11---�-ifi/�7� Vey�+ i''�'6�da�• n l�� 'p llbn .< I fto"•aeK ff ,1' q . o• sn w � 1 � 1 ,. � r oa•�� ;;=� �;, Ora - � �11 ,: S:wi Ski l� i��/ �� ����''.� �e 03 < �• 'vim `"C?.i� � 1) M F a7 �i�'p i d0 Ql 11 © r.•• 3f J j2 v0•.��r )u: f�Y�u � �rr� i QV. �, %7 0 �•S�r,7'-,i.,�1. ill ,.dl..�.�[q�,x �I� °pd C47 C`\ ,d QO •� ='•-V��i�s'����i Uf+i15ri��y • 1 `i i -4- ey a a a' i7aNO ` )° ao � `43�c -.-ti ;O la P�o� :oer �YFn.Rij l 1� or °C'k �,` llti G�� -,J0.�odddaociRdei •��, 1 4yf_�� �npnttaan GO\�� o`FS) tt �!� '0-�49otl�p' `.� ftifAK710 • a?,'�!L`I � tiJ&YtIVO0000aCf470tIVq!4ii'':•T;?.:1 .�a�- airs-, ��•° �.: i '•'0 O n 1;Iaa ,tt a1:11 f}�r:..a- n tf r �It biiy �� or , �.AL:i>a �ddad V ''Fw� - 9�n=� 00lYode_ip«' 1 ji }.� U G� ,g��y{' A opaP /6''/J'� Otl �f ••-��;a. xz_• ti �.•'�h�` GSs // V�"tr� , ✓J/J tltl;O, • a. V•�I � ; 1 ' � Wr IJ pp�� ••.i.�'• as ��� v O � .,, OV .�ra: •sN��l � .i� °� 3\ C'` O r`�,„,v:,,.}' •; ,, ,.,.,. I it :,. .`rye•.. aoi ,�� Gyp 'D'� � '�. •�-,� 1� M ap°. �¢Doo a8 ►° \, Qa 1,i o/eqy� p P�� iOtY wng� t� rJQ�r`�-^vyyrYppOn4�i r 3! a pQ, Yr1i f�+`a A�haa "Qa awJ t!to 3ytab, dam a�N.qi- a C(M�,. i ✓ram' L' a 9a )`'\ I; 1pbf pOpddOatlodc�-j• ! ' 'r ean taAaaq pa, .. ✓ d 6oaje/ is" ,jinn = -. • • Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers APPENDIX ACE TRAFFIC SURVEYS DRIVEWAY SURVEY Invoice No: 160 City: Irvine, CA Location: Main St. -Long Term Airport Parking Lot Driveway Date of Count: 2/25/93 Time Period: AM&PM Conditions: Clear Time NUMBER OF VEHICLES Period Vehicles In Buses In Vehicles Out Buses Out 7:00AM-7:15AM 0 1 1 1 7:15 AM-7:30 AM 1 1 1 1 7:30 AM-7:45 AM 3 1 2 0 7:45 AM-8:00 AM 0 1 0 1 8:00 AM- 8:15 AM 2 1 1 1 8:15 AM -8:30 AM 1 0 0 0 8:30 AM- 8:45 AM 1 1 0 1 8:45 AM-9:00 AM 1 0 1 1 9:00AM-9:15AM 0 1 1 1 9:15 AM-9:30 AM 0 1 1 1 ' TOTAL 9 8 8 8 3:30 PM -3:45 PM 6 2 3 1 3:45 PM-4.00 PM 3 2 0 0 4:00PM-4:15PM 2 1 0 1 4:15 PM-4:30 PM 0 1 2 1 4:30 PM-4:45 PM 0 0 1 I 4:45 PM-5:00 PM 2 1 4 2 5:00PM-5:15PM 0 1 0 1 5:15 PM-5:30 PM 0 0 0 1 5:30 PM-5:45 PM 0 1 1 1 5:45 PM -6:00 PM 1 1 1 1 0 0 TOTAL 14 10 11 9 VACRPT.XLS JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT RILEY TERMINAL GARAGES VACANCIES VS CARS IN MAIN ST LOT JANUARY, 1993 ALL CAR COUNTS TAKEN AT 12:00 NOON DAY DATE VACANCIES IN CARS IN GARAGES MAIN•ST. FRI 1 2,505 225,- SAT 2 2,292 185 SUN 3 2,556 134 MON 4 2,738 79• TUE 5 1,843 57 WED 6 1,254 60 THU 7 859 91 FRI 8 1,230 122 SAT 9 1,932 137 SUN 10 2,068 133 MON 11 1,665 95 TUE 12 787 145 WED 13 473 183 THU 14 555 191 FRI 15 1,175 160 SAT 16 2,144 124 SUN 171 1,925 109 MON 18 1,710 67 TUE 19 957 70 WED 20 526 114 THU 21 373 150 FRI 22 1,041 172 SAT 23 1,755 182 SUN 24 1,769 168 MON 25 TUE 26 WED 27 THU 28 DRI 29 SAT 30 SUN 31 Page 1 PAXCOMP.XLS JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT PASSENGER COUNT COMPARISON FY 1991-1992 vs 1992-1993 MONTH FISCAL YEAR FISCAL YEAR 1991-1992 1992-1993 JUL 498,825 563,021 AUG 520,410 581,956 SEP 429,068 479,858 OCT 461,730 485,123 NOV 415,694 439,712 DEC 444,346 456,738 JAN 395,475 FEB 390,746 MAR 434,422 APR 442,367 MAY 484,265 JUN 518,930 TOTAL 5,436,2781 3,006,408 Passenger Count Comparison 600000 500000 400000 M —:— 1991-1992 0 300000 A 1992-1993 a 200000 100000 0 W z m ¢ M < Z Q N p Z p � LL Z Q 2 9 Month Page 1 • VACRPT.XLS • Parking Fac. Usage 3,000 2,500 2,000 ■ c v - ■- GARAGES 1.,500 v MAIN ST. m U 1,000 500 0 mtonrn .- Mtonam 0inn0) Day Page 2 • AVITRPS.XLS • JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT AVI CIRCUIT TOTALS BY CATEGORY CALENDAR YEAR - 1992 CATEGORY NO OF TRIPS °k COU 106,910 56% EXM 10,960 6% TCP 9,386 50/6 PSC 61,282 32% BUSES 073. 1% TOTAL 189,511 CIRCUIT TOTALS BY CATEGORY C flAkTE,e BUSES PSC a COU '* NOrFL/,kz> -4 CouKra-1 TCP UcN,/cL°3 J EXM C-1M� 5 L EXF,UP7" !NA/N Sl. LOT Sflu7>CF ' /+��Po,er' coacr+ 8u5 Page 1 Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers TRIP GENERATION SUMMARY MACARTHUR COURT E-Z AIRPARK CALCULATION SHEET Sample Site: Main Street Long-Term Airport Parking Lot (1,829 spaces) Survey Thursday, 2/25/93. AM PM 2'/2 Hour Peak Period IN OUT IN OLJT Recorded Trip Generation 17 16 24 20 Total Vehicles Parked on Site: 208 Assuming 100% utilization of proposed MacArthur Court E-Z Airpark. Total Proposed Trips Parked on Site: 200 200 = 0.962 208 Proposed 2'/2 Hour Peak Period Trip Generation (E-Z Airpark) AM PM IN OUT IN OUT 16 15 23 19 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MACARTHUR BOULEVARD/CAMPUS DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 92)AM Peak 231 Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project i Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 24 Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume M^` Northbound 1525 3i �+40 + 3a. 1 189a.. 19 j 13 M,c Southbound 2924 * -493 3805 38 i I C�� S Eastbound 2284 0% + 174 a4 08 a+ Z 9 I Westbound 911 0/ +-4O 9 % I 10 O 1 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Q Project-Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 23-2 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 33/24-/43 6-1 kc park DATE:`'/ Lk PRO,1Fr.T- MA4300AM INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: NACARTHUR BOULEVARD i CAMPUS DRIVE 4300 EXIST TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING 1992 AN ---------•----••------------------------------•-------------------------------------•-------• I IEXISTINGIPROPOSEDIEXISTINGIEXISTINGIREGIONALICOMMITTEDI PROJECTED 1PROJECTIPROJECTI ' IHovementl Lanes I Lanes I PK MR I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio [Volume I V/C I I ICapecitylCapacityl Volume I Ratio I Volume I Volume Iw/o Project) I Ratio I Volume I I I 1---------'--------I-----•---1---------I------•---I---------'---------1----------------------------I ML 1 16001 1 411 0.031 1 1 1 1 1 I---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------I' 1 NT 1 6400 1 1 599 1 0.09 "________I_ I____.______I. I I ------- -------------I NR 1 1600 1 1 49 1 0.03 1 1 1 _....-_-__1 1 i --------------I I SL 1 1600 1 1 290 1 0.18 * 1 i -I. I I ------- --------------I I ST 1 48001 1 8781 0.181 1 1 1 1 I -------------I SR 1 1600 1 1 183 1 0.1T I I L..... I I I -------------I EL 1 3200 1 1 334 1 0.10 1 1 1___-_-.-__.I_ 1 1 ----- --------------I I---ET -----'----•-'--------I----745 I I I I I i 3200 II --------------- ) 0 25 ------------------------------------- ER 1 I 54 I -------------•-------•------------- 1------------.--------------------------•------ WL II 1 1600 1 1 51 1 0.03 « 1 I- I I i I--------------------------------------------- --------- --------------I I WT 1 32001 1 2861 0.091 1 1 I 1 I --------------I WR I N.S. 1 1 83 1 1 1 1 1 --•----------------------- ___-----._I---.----------- 1EXISTING II 1 0.55 1 I--•------------•----------------•------------------------•------------------ 1EXIST + REG GROWTH + COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. [ [ I--------------------------------------------------------------- _.....---__ ---------------1 [EXISTING + COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWTH + PROJECT I.C.U. I 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be Less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. w/systems improvement will be Less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. with project improvements will be less than I.C.U. without project ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of system improvement: PROJECT FORM It KA4300AM 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection MACARTHUR BOULEVARD/CAMPUS DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 92)PM Peak 2k Hour Approved I Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Protect Direction Peak 2y Hour Growth Peak 24 Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 2365 3i �+ ��) + -48q South bound 3581 3t +�o � t4$°i 4177 41 j Eastbound 699 °v 4 g 1 7 43 1 � oZ+ 18 7 Westbound ov. + 2 5 a- 3 0(0 9 31 O I 2 _ Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume D Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 211 Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 3/a.4-M3 �• ME R PA R k DATE• PROJECT: MA430OPM INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: MACARTHUR BOULEVARD & CAMPUS DRIVE 4300 EXIST TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING 1992 PH -----•-------------------------------------------•.--.----.-------•-------•-------...-------- I IEXISTINGIPROPOSEDIEXISTINGIEXISTINGIREGIOHALICOMMITTEDI PROJECTED 1PROJECTIPROJECTI IMovementl Lanes I Lanes I PK HR I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio (Volume I WC I ICapacitylCapacityl Volume I Ratio I Volume I Volume lw/o Projectl I Ratio I I I I I I I I I volume I I I ----- 1 ---- i----•------------------- --•----i--•---------------------------------- I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I NT 1 6400 I 1 814 1 0.13 I I I--___-_----1_ 1 1 -------------------------------------------- --------------I 1 MR 1 16001 1 601 0.041 I I I 1 I 1 --------------------------------------------------------------- _______.___ .---------- _---I I SL 1 16001 1 1921 0.121 1 1 1 1 1 1-------------------------•-----------------------------------------------------------------I I ST 1 4800 1 1 841 1 0.18. 1 1 L..__.. - 1 1 1 -------------- SR 1 1600 1 1 710 1 0.44 t I 1 - -I I I -------- ---------------I EL 1 3200 1 1 254 1 0.08 R-...._--I I • -.------I- I I --- ----------- -------- ------- ---------1 I i 1 --------- --- -------------- ET 1 1 407 ___ER 1 1 77 1 1 1 1 I I 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I 1 WL 1 16001 1 1011 0.061 1 1 1 1 1 -------------I I WT 1 3200 1 1 983 1 0.31 t._...._.I 1._......___I I I -----..._ ---------------I I WR I N.S. 1 1 1651 1 1 1___________1 1 1 ------------------------- ---------------I (EXISTING __________________________i- 0.89 I I I---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1EXIST + REG GROWTH + COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. I __-__----_I I I------------- ----------------•--------------------------------- ---------------I (EXISTING + COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWTH + PROJECT I.C.U. I I --------------------------------------------------------------------•------------------------ 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. w/systems Improvement will be less than or equal to 0.90 I_I Projected + project traffic I.C.U. with project improvements will be less than I.C.U. without project ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of system improvement: PROJECT FORM li KA430OPH 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE BOULEVARD/CAMPUS DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/spring 92)AM Peak 2k Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Protected Project Direction Peak 211 Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 2h Hour Peak 2� Hour Peak 2h Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume 3�r Northbound 2421 1'/• C+24 +-46 4- 3 2 0 9 32� SaN Southbound 4207 60119 i ,s Eastbound 729 0% + 33 O 1 0 59 5 Westbound + 3 5 2 2 4 4- 23 Q 1 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 2z Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 3/24(�3 C-� Ai??A2� DATE: 3 )S193 PROJECT: JA4305AM � I INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: JAMBOREE ROAD & CAMPUS DRIVE 4305 EXIST TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING 1992 AM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IEXISTtNGIPROPOSEDIEXISTINGIEXISTINGIREGIONALICOMMITTEDI PROJECTED 1PROJECTIPROJECTI lMovementl Lanes I Lanes I PK MR I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio lVolume I V/C I I lCapacitylCapacityl Volume I Ratio I Volume I volume lw/o Projectl I Ratio I I I I I I I I votume I I I I---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I HL 1 1600 1 1 117 1 0.07 * I I I I I -------------------------- --- ------------------------------------------ -------------- NT I 1001 1 1 1 1 1 1 I--------) 6400 ..................) 0.17 I MR 1 1 S7 1 1 1 1 1 1 I----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- SL 1 3200 1 1 317 1 0.10 1 1 1 i -----------------I------------ ------------------------------------------ Sr 1401 1 1 1 1 1 1 I--------) 4800 ------------------) 0.34 ►------------------------------- SRI 1 --- 1 -------------------------------------- I I EL 1 I 131 I I I --- ----------- I I I ET 1 1 148 I 1 1 1 1 1 I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I ER I X.S. 1 1 401 1 1 1 1_ 1 1 I---------------------------------------------------------------- WL 1 J600 1 1 385 1 0.24 * I I I I I I---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WT 1 3200 1 1 470 1 0.15 1 1 1 1 1 1 I---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR 1 16001 1 1631 0.101 1 1 1 1 1 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I (EXISTING 1 0.71 1 1 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IEXIST + REG GROWTH + COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. I I I I------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (EXISTING + COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWTH + PROJECT I.C.U. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1_1 Project + project traffic I.C.U. WILL be less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. w/systems improvement wilt be Less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. with project improvements will be less than I.C.U. without project ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of system improvement: PROJECT FORM II JA4305AM 1% Traffic Volume Analysis Intersection JAMBOREE BOULEVARD/CAMPUS DRIVE (Existing Traffic Volumes based on Average Winter/Spring 19 92)PM Peak 2h Hour Approved Approach Existing Regional Projects Projected 1% of Projected Project Direction Peak 2k Hour Growth Peak 2h Hour Peak 211 Hour Peak 2k Hour Peak 24 Hour Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Northbound 3789 1/, (+38) r 1T48 5575 5(o ! 2 Southbound 3916 -1- %(0 1 481 4 j a. Eastbound 1915 D-(' 1 O Westbound 0% 4- 14,5 i563 1 O 1418 Project Traffic is estimated to be less than 1% of Projected Peak 22 Hour Traffic Volume Project Traffic is estimated to be greater than 1% of Projected �] Peak 2h Hour Traffic Volume. Intersection Capacity Utilization (I.C.U.) Analysis is required. 3/a4.1R3 E-� R\R FAR k DATE:mylh3 PROJECT: JA4305PM INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS INTERSECTION: JAMBOREE ROAD & CAMPUS DRIVE 4305 EXIST TRAFFIC VOLUMES BASED ON AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC WINTER/SPRING 1992 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IEXISTINGIPROPOSEOIEXISTINGIEXISTINGIREGIONALICOMMITTEDI PROJECTED IPROJECTIPROJECTI IMovementl Lanes I Lanes I PK HR I V/C I GROWTH I PROJECT I V/C Ratio IVolune I V/C I ICapacitylCapecityl Volune I Ratio I Volume I Volume lw/0 Projectl I Ratio I I I I I I I I I Volume I I I ___ I I NL 1 1600 I 1 56 1 0.04 * _I I I I I -------------------------------------------- _______ ---------- __..._____ ---------------I HT I I' 1307 1 1 1 ----------1- 1 1 I------------------i I ------I I------- MR I I 357[ I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------=----------I [ St. I 3200 1 1 257 I 0.08 1 1 1 --__.__---I- 1 1 I---------------------------------------------------- -----I I ST I 1 1 1421 1 1 1 I 1 1 I"'-----? 4800 ------------------1 0.34 *------------------- __________ _--------------I I SR i 1 1 2291 1 1 I1 1 1 I------------------- ------------------------------------------ __...______ ---------------I I EL I 1 1 3451 1 1 11 1 1 --------3, 4800 ------------------) 0.18 *_____---..__._._--•.._._...___ _--------------I [ ET I 1 1 514 I I 1 1 __._._.___1 1 1 �- -ER--------S------------------- I---------------------------i- I--------------- I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I . [ WL 1 1600I I 1161 0.071 1 1 1 1 I -------------I I WT 1 3200 1 1 249 1 0.08 * I I I I I I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I [ WR 1 1600 1 1 196 1 0.12 1 1 I_-_-_-_--__1 1 I I--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------I 1EXISTING I ---- I ------------------------------ 1 1EXIST + REG GROWTH + COMMITTED W/PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS I.C.U. [ [ I--------------------------------------------------------------- __._.._-_-- ---'----____--- I I [EXISTING + COMMITTED + REGIONAL GROWTH + PROJECT I.C.U. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. wilt be less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. will be greater than 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. w/systems inprovement Will be less than or equal to 0.90 1_1 Projected + project traffic I.C.U. with project improvements will be less than I.C.U. without project ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of system inprovement: PROJECT FORMAT 11 JA4305PH Ar AA.A Aj�ibpi O®®{p��liili00A ' ._Raw g•• M,Mo OwOdd i.• .W �j'o40�4 �o�'o�'� 1��/ d �s.ese�ea[• dA_�00_AAj r 11 r', �00' O'er ; " " s�, 1 ��� • �'" ��%N' �0 �� ie�� �+1R000� '"�'1•? :�w`r� ti �+11 •u PARKING STRUCTURE 1 Off''' ��7 �,=� •� ♦ M i ► III pO� G"�` ' 0 • � ►,11�'��?'��r/,�..�i/�i?i1a\,I�\d a��l. � �. 00� �° 1 • �a` 0 � • • �rr2v�f`u�l%"��\rr2t}i4—`KI�''`I'�v_�`a 1 �.tO� � O \0 ` \� ��bA�U1d�`'"IL�11\�la��_J+J .1 • .fir w` \�, \`� � � rGlrr�di j}.L,,v4\�11yy��`al�Jb • �, toe, G�� \`�e �40� �►�,doe O • v •=�"-'_ �' , w 1 �► `9 °`o\ - \��� `�4 <i� � � ��� ►0,00�06, � i; Sir a fib' L �•� �� ®O�„�O\ • ' �ORIld13t0 !It •► �9°• ` �Q ��9� `°�. \: ' � 01 vOQ` P00 <Qapd.0_zst_rlss 00 � ..� ► 1 WWI It IT G OWe A 1 AOAItO do G+"� b�-a .aa"vr�iN aoeefgo.6- .,: :•� I �ie�loleca • \z� ripp�,a�o000e� ='. OQaa o0op. °�o� \�� ��d .• ep ova 009 Q •e \�%7 � aewao. " ;• o, MAC ARTHUR COURT AREA AND PARKING SUMMARY CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parking Parking Description/ Net Building Land Area Y, of Stalls Stalls Parcel # Building Address Floor Area (1) (Acres) Total Required Provided First L.A. Bank Bldg. 64,658 s.f. 4685 MacArthur Court Pacific National Bank Bldg. 33,522 4665 MacArthur Court Parcel 1 Subtotal 98,180 7.909 ac 42.04% 459 surface (2) Parcel 2 MacArthur Court Tower #1 276,595 (3) 0.771 4.10 -L- 4675 MacArthur Court Parcel 3 MacArthur Court Tower #2 276,595 (3) 0.756 4.02 -0- 4695 MacArthur Court Parcel 4 Parking Structure 881 (4) 8.636 45.91 1,810 garage 4680 MacArthur Court Surface Parking Lot 140 surface (5) P.M. 84-716 (#1-4) Subtotal 652,251 18.072 96.07 2,409 P.M. 68-19-1 Sun West Bank Bldg. 21,421 0.740 3.93 incl. above . 4770 Campus Drive TOTAL 673,672 s.f. 18.812 ac 100.00% 2,210 stalls (1) 2,409 stalls (1) Per City of Newport Beach definitions (using Pooled Parking Concept). (2) Of which 34 stalls initially allocated to Sunwest Bank Bldg's usage. (3) Per BOMA definitions. (4) Garage retail areas only (389 sq. ft. + 492 sq. ft.). (5) Of' which 52 stalls initially allocated to Sunwest Bank Bldg's usage. OHD343 5/21/86 RECEIVED Plennir* �p l THE IRVINE COMPANY s Depa,r<m'^t I AhAY 271986 t CITY OF d NEWPORI'CiEACH, CALIF. J� May 21, 1986 4, N � Ms. Tracy E. Williams Associate Planner City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658 RE: MacArthur Court Parking Requirements Dear Tracy: Enclosed is a revised summary of MacArthur Court's buildings, land area and net building floor areas together with both the required parking and parking that will be provided in the project. The numbers used to generate the Net Building Floor Areas are in all cases identical to those previously submitted to the City with the exception of one building, Parcel 4, our parking structure. I believe we previously submitted plans to you that showed the retail area within the garage as containing 1,055 square feet. The final design of this area has been reduced to 881 square , feet. With this change, the total project square footage totals 673,672 square feet of Net Building Floor Area. To this total project square footage, the Koll Center Newport pooled parking ratio concept has been applied as follows: Required Parking Description Area 1 25 11/300 1 350 Total Total Project 673,672 sq. ft. — 125,000 500 — — 500 548,672 — 300,000 — 1000 — 1000 248,672 — — 710 710 Total Required 2210 stalls Total Provided 2409 Surplus Stalls 199 610 Newport Center Drive,P0.Box I,Newport Beach,California 92658-8904•(714)720-2000 The following is in response to questions C1-C13: C. Potential Environmental Effects 1. No Earthwork required -- Parking surface already exists. 2. No emissions from project. Possible reduction of emissions because patrons of the project who request transportation to the John Wayne Terminal will have emitted less emissions from their cars because they will not have entered the John Wayne Airport parking complex and circled around looking for a parking place. 3 . No new storm runoff from the project or diversion of existing flows will occur because the impervious parking area has already been constructed. 4. There is no vegetation on the site and none will be disturbed because the impervious parking surface already exists. 5. No noise will result from this project because the parking area has been in existence for many years. 6. No additional lighting is proposed over that number of light standards that currently exist on the site. 7. The site is the MacArthur Court office project bounded by Campus Drive, MacArthur Boulevard and Birch Street. The site consist of 2 - 16 story high rise office buildings, 1 4 story low rise office building and 2 - 2 story office .�pC�L buildings, 602 surface parking spaces and a 5 story parking structure containing 1,810 parking stalls. The project is consistent with the applicable land use designations and directly compatible with the overall complex. 8. There is no increased risk to the public's health and safety as a result of this project. There is a possible reduction of risk in that the project will tend to reduce traffic congestion in the general area and at the John Wayne Airport Terminal. '9b. The project will result in the addition of one employee on duty over the course of each 24 hour period. 'zIys 10. There are currently 2,412 parking spaces in the MacArthur Court development. Of this total amount, 1,810 spaces are in the parking structure and 602 are surface parking spaces. A separate section of surface parking is proposed to be used for the requested project. I� - 4(c-?5 MA( Aa.Ttme r-T. 3o3,bg3 SG�,FT. 4L#Oi? 303, 4"; 10 4-, W S' sca. e--i-10 CAMGus D2. 2z , 64v so•I=7 T��-- -734-, (.41 SCQ. r-T, COK byCln�u Page 2 j�7� •, 8W �%8�l �m•FT The total square feet of building space in MacArthur Court development is 674, 277 square feet. According to the current parking code, the required number of spaces is 2,211. The distribution of the existing parking after implementation of the project will be: Parking Structure 1,810 Surface Parking Spaces 402 { �a Surface Airport Parking Lot 200 Total Spaces 2,412 • It should be noted that the MacArthur Court office project is 93% leased and the number of spaces required to meet daily demand is 1,485. Of this demand, 1,290 permits are issued for the parking structure. Every tenant and employee has been offered the option to park in the structure as an incentive to free up surface parking. Trips Per Day The applicant believes that the current and future parking patrons are currently included in the model for the daily trip ends in an around the airport as well as this project. We look forward to near capacity occupancy of the 200 spaces being set aside for the airport parking. We estimate an average turnover in the lot of 24 cars which equals 48 daily trips. In addition, we plan to shuttle the parking patrons back and forth to the airport upon demand -- not on a scheduled }d service. The number of daily round trips is estimated at 30 maximum. uJ In total, the applicant believes that the project is well a6 below the 130 trips per day threshold which would require traffic mitigation measures. Information supporting the above assumptions is attached. 1. MacArthur Court Square footage. (See attachment A) 2 Basis upon which Ace believes that the daily turnover in the lot will be the stated number. (See attachment Y-'j Cr. ?G B) ________-- (?aj e 10 ff��. �'y�rkiny c 22 aCan V74 i 59,' �' — (Oy 4 J FOD 1l290 i Page 3 11. No new utilities will be constructed. 12 . No modifications to existing views and/or on site conditions are proposed or will result from the project. 13. None. Site is totally constructed upon, paved or landscaped and no modification to the on site conditions are proposed. ATTACHMENT A The following square footage was provided by Michael Kipper, Building Manager, Prentiss Properties, Ltd. , 4695 MacArthur Court, Suite 480, Newport Beach, Ca 92660. 4770 Sunwest Bank 20, 061 4665 Lowrise 34, 174 4685 Lowrise 62,634 4675 Highrise 278,754 4695 Highrise 278 ,654 Total 674,277 Sq. Ft. ATTACHMENT B October November December In Out Total In Out Total In Out Total 1. 56 + 23 = 79 20 + 38 = 58 20 + 58 = 78 2. 76 + 23 = 99 14 + 61 = 75 29 + 21 = 50 3 . 42 + 21 = 63 18 + 16 = 34 34 + 17 = 51 4 . 29 + 81 =110 34 + 14 = 48 65 + 24 = 89 5. 23 + 52 = 75 51 + 21 = 72 22 + 21 = 43 6. 26 + 30 = 56 68 + 18 = 86 20 + 52 = 72 7. 32 + 19 = 51 31 + 23 = 54 18 + 37 = 55 8. 50 + 22 = 72 16 + 68 = 83 32 + 24 = 56 9. 113 + 22 =135 25 + 46 = 71 16 + 27 = 43 10. 47 + 29 = 76 31 + 29 = 60 32 + 29 = 61 11. 26 + 72 = 98 23 + 28 = 51 58 + 22 = 80 12. 39 + 33 = 72 35 + 30 = 65 20 + 12 = 32 13. 33 + 84 =117 21 + 45 = 66 24 + 64 = 88 14. 94 + 42 =136 19 + 18 = 37 22 + 38 = 60 15. 33 + 23 = 56 17 + 18 = 35 26 + 27 = 53 16. 18 + 68 = 86 30 + 25 = 55 31 + 23 = 54 17. 25 + 63 = 88 50 + 31 = 81 37 + 32 = 69 18. 29 + 28 = 57 53 + 19 = 72 51 + 31 = 82 19. 38 + 38 = 76 26 + 51 = 77 38 + 14 = 52 20. 51 + 21 = 72 41 + 35 = 76 44 + 41 = 85 21. 84 + 28 =112 105 + 13 =118 52 + 27 = 79 22 . 31 + 27 = 58 95 + 18 =113 100 + 20 =120 23. 16 + 73 = 89 50 + 6 = 56 38 + 15 = 53 24 . 75 + 70 = 95 13 + 55 = 68 25 + 53 = 78 25. 20 + 37 = 57 12 + 83 = 95 19 + 90 =109 26. 21 + 28 = 49 13 + 76 = 89 19 + 72 = 91 2, 134 1,795 1,753 2 , 134 trips 1,795 trips 1,753 trips 26 days = 82 26 days = 69 26 days = 67 October 82 November 69 December 67 217 divided by 3 = 72 approximate trips daily (300 spaces) Note: The above represents actual activity in a similar facility (Ace Park N Glide, San Diego) . It should be noted that the. Park N Glide facility is larger in size by 100 spaces or, 33 1/3$. f t � WILLIAM A. PEMBERTON v o Chief,landside Operations 18601 Airport Way,141 Santa Ana,CA 92707 �{v NAYM (714)252-5241 AIRPOU FAX(714)252-5243 • VACRPT.XLS JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT RILEY TERMINAL GARAGES VACANCIES VS CARS IN MAIN ST LOT JANUARY, 1993 ALL CAR COUNTS TAKEN AT 12:00 NOON DAY DATE VACANCIES IN CARS IN GARAGES MAIN ST. FRI 1 2,505 225 SAT 22,292 185 SUN 3 2,556 134 MON 4 2,738 79 TUE 5 1,843 57 WED 6 1,254 60 THU 7 859 91 FRI 8 1,230 122 SAT 9 1,932 137 SUN 10 2,068 133 MON 11 1,665 95 TUE 12 787 145 WED 13 473 183 THU 14 555 191 FRI 15 1,175 160 SAT 16 2,144 124 SUN 17 1,925 109 MON 18 1,710 67 TUE 19 957 70 WED 20 526 114 THU 21 373 150 FRI 22 1,041 172 SAT 23 1,755 182 SUN 24 1,769 168 MON 25 TUE 26 WED 27 THU 28 DR[ 29 SAT 30 SUN 31 Page 1 • PAXCOMP.XLS JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT PASSENGER COUNT COMPARISON FY 1991-1992 vs 1992-1993 MONTH FISCAL YEAR IFISCALYEAR 1991-1992 1992-1993 JUL 498,825 563,021 AUG 520,410 581,956 SEP 429,068 479,858 OCT 461,730 485,123 NOV 415,694 439,712 DEC 444,346 456,738 JAN 395,475 FEB 390,746 MAR 434,422 APR 442567 MAY 484,265 JUN 518,930 TOTAL 5,436,278 3,006,408 Passenger Count Comparison 600000 500000 400000 —� 1991-1992 � 300000 x 1992-1993 a a 200000 100000 0 > ? W V O W Q W Q a Q D Month Page 1 ` • VACRPT.XLS • Parking Fac. Usage 3,000 2,500 2,000 ■ e o —■— GARAGES U u 11500 MAIN ST. A U 1,000 500 �. 7 '- M Lo N M ^ � Lo r- 0 N N N N N M Day Page 2 ' • AVITRPS.XLS JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT AVI CIRCUIT TOTALS BY CATEGORY CALENDAR YEAR - 1992 CATEGORY NO OF TRIPS % COU 106,910 56% EXM 10,960 6% TCP 9,386 5% PSC 61,282 32% BUSES 973 1% TOTAL 189,511 CIRCUIT TOTALS BY CATEGORY _IIAkTee £ BUSES PSC ,�''I•rt,�,!h� '�s.�?pii��i,�t��ir •w Y�'li�i'i'JI,�'„�'. COU NOTFL//�p7E'L COLt,2TeV TCP UcH/eLe3 EXM LIMD 5 7- MAN 'cZ Le7 SMwrUb ' /�-i2Pokr coACN 8u5 Page 1 *' MAR-25-'93 THU 16:42 ID:3700 S SUSAN #130 SA TEL N0:714 556-01234 #264 P01 .. . Buz - �� � • i TPo -!: LYLE OVERBY AND ASSOCIATES 100i Cannonade Circle Costa Mesa, California 92626 Office (714) 751-9831 Ax =E R s FAX (714) 556.0123 HM Date ~ TO: Company 5_ &—p " FAX Number FROM: 1� 7` SUBJECT- COMMENTS: 'f AA 141, Total Pages Including Cover Sheet -- �... MRR-25-193 THU 16:43 ID:3700 S SUSRN #130 SR TEL ND:714 556-01234 #264 P02 March 25, 1993 John Douglas City of Newport Beach Dear John, I called yesterday, but you were gone, so I thought I would FAX a note over to avoid phone tag. i I respect that you have many assignments to attend to and I wouldn't expect instant responses from the City on the EZ Airpark application at MacArthur Court. On the other hand, it is apparent from the scrutiny that this tiny application is receiving, that it needs to meet some special muster. i I would deeply appreciate being apprised of the process that remains in obtaining a decision on this application. I am totally supportive of a detailed evaluation process, but I believe it is appropriate that the applicant be allowed more information on the evaluation process. i Please give me a call, and just let me understand the process that remains. Thanks very much. Lyle erby • RECEIVED BY d1.ANNING DEPARTMENT �MTY OF NFWPORT BEACH LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, ENGINEERS FEB 1.7 1993 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING •TRAFFIC ENGINEERING • PARKING AM PM 1580 CORPORATE DRIVE, SUITE 122, COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 �I$1911QIlll>Z` 1112131415i6 TELEPHONE: (714) 641-1587 • FAX (714) 641-0139 1 ! PHILIP M. UNSCOTT,P.E. JACK M.GREENSPAN,P.E. WILLIAM A. LAW, P.E February 16, 1993 EON D.WARDN POE,P E. DONALD W.BARKER, P.E. Mr. John Douglass, Environmental Coordinator CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Subject: PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES MacArthur Court E-Z Airpark Dear Mr. Douglass: Linscott, Law and Greenspan, Engineers is pleased to submit the following proposal as it pertains to the proposed E-Z Airpark parking lot to be located within the MacArthur Court Office Complex. As we understand it, Ace Parking, Inc. proposes to utilize 200 of the total 2,412 parking spaces on site to create the E-Z Airpark parking lot. This lot will not provide a continuous shuttle service, but will provide an on-call shuttle service between John Wayne Airport and the parking lot. Per my phone conversation with Mr. Richard Edmonston, preparation of a Traffic Impact Study as defined by the following Scope of Work is required: SCOPE OF WORK TASK I: Existing Traffic Volume Data As defined by the City, the intersections of Campus Drive/Jamboree Road and Campus Drive/MacArthur Boulevard will be studied. AM and PM peak hour traffic volume data for both intersections is on file and will be provided by the City. TASK II: Traffic Generation & Distribution Traffic anticipated to be generated by the E-Z Airpark will be based on analysis of parking information from the nearby airport surface parking lot located on Main Street. City staff has stated that they will provide the necessary data for this lot. OTHER OFFICES: PASADENA TELEPHONE (213) 681.2629 • FAX (818) 792-0941 SAN DIEGO TELEPHONE: (619) 299-3090 • FAX: (619) 299-7041 AN LG2WB COMPANY Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers Mr. John Douglass CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH February 16, 1993 Page 2 In addition, to determine the peak hour generation for the proposed E-Z parking lot, AM (7:00 AM - 9:30 AM) and PM (3:30 PM - 6:00 PM) peak hour traffic volume counts will be conducted at the airport parking lot entrance on Main Street. Distribution of the traffic generated by the parking lot will be based on information contained in the EIR for John Wayne Airport, a copy of which will be provided by the City. The frequency of on-call shuttle service traffic will be estimated, and assigned to the roadway system based on the most convenient travel pattern between the lot and the airport terminal. TASK III: Intersection Analysis Using the City's two and one-half hour analysis procedure, the two study area intersections will be analyzed to determine whether additional analysis using the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) Method will be required. As stated by the City's guidelines, if project generated traffic is greater than 1% of the two and one-half projected traffic during either the AM or PM, ICU analysis will be completed for the following conditions: A. Existing traffic volumes; B. "A" plus regional growth; C. 'B" plus approved projects; and D. "C" plus project traffic. If an intersection capacity impact is recognized, mitigating measures will be suggested to off- set impacts caused by E-Z Airpark traffic. These suggested mitigating measures will be sketched on a 40-scale aerial (provided by the City). TASK IV: Traffie Impact Study A Traffic Impact Study will be prepared which will outline our findings and recommendations. This report will be consistent with the City's Traffic Study Format. FEE ESITMATE Based on the Scope of Work outlined above, we estimate that the services for Tasks I through IV can be accomplished within a total cost, not to exceed $3,600.00 without your prior authorization. • Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers Mr. John Douglass CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH February 16, 1993 Page 3 ADDITIONAL WORK We will also be pleased to provide additional support beyond the Scope of Work outlined above as you may require. Such additional tasks include, but are not limited to the following: machine and/or manual counts, evaluation of traffic impact during other hours or weekends, preparation of scaled improvement drawings and attendance at public meetings. Such tasks will be considered extra work and will be billed on a time and materials basis using the attached Fee Schedule or the Fee Schedule in effect at the time of the request. PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY Should this proposal be accepted, the Client (represented by the signature below) agrees to limit Linscott, Law& Greenspan, Engineers liability to the Client and to all Contractors and Subcontractors on the project due to Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers negligent acts, errors or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers to all those named shall not exceed $50,000 or Linscott, Law & Greenspan Engineers total fee for services rendered on this project, whichever is greater. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to providing professional services on this project. You may indicate acceptance by signing in the space provided below, returning the original to us, and keeping the enclosed copy for your files. Should you have any questions, please contact me. Very truly yours, L OTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, ENGINEERS Todd E. Salvagin Transportation Engineer II cc: Tony Actisdano Ace Parking Attachment Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers Mr. John Douglass CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH February 16, 1993 Page 4 ACCEPTED FOR TASKS I THROUGH IV AS OUTLINED ABOVE,NOT TO EXCEED $3,600.00 WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATION. (Authorized Agent) (Title) (Firm) (Federal I.D. #) (Address) (Date) (.`UFSPROPOSALU-2335.PRO Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineer• FEESCHEDULE January 25, 1993 TITLE PER HOUR Principals Principal Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 127.00 Transportation Engineers Senior Transportation Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 103.00 Transportation Engineer III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 88.00 Transportation Engineer II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 75.00 Transportation Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 57.00 Transportation Planners Senior Transportation Planner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 88.00 Transportation Planner III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 75.00 Transportation Planner II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 57.00 Transportation Planner I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 52.00 Technical Support Engineering Associate II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 62.00 Engineering Associate I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 57.00 CARD Drafter/Senior Technician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 57.00 Modeling Technician II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 57.00 Modeling Technician I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 52.00 Engineering Computer Analyst II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 52.00 Engineering Drafter/Technician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 52.00 Word Processor/Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 45.00 Engineering Computer Analyst I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 39.00 Engineering Aide II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 39.00 Engineering Aide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 28.00 * Principal-In-Charge will be billed at $155 per hour. Public Hearing support may be charged at 125% of the base rate. Subcontractors and other project-related expenses will be billed at cost plus 15%. Consultation in connection with litigation and Court appearances will be quoted separately. The above schedule is for straight time. Overtime will be charged at 1.50 times the standard hourly rates. Interim and/or monthly statements will be presented for completed work. These will be due and payable upon presentation unless prior arrangements are made. A finance charge of 1.5% may be charged each month on the unpaid balance. nN.01M Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers Mr. John Douglass CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH February 16, 1993 Page 4 ACCEPTED FOR TASKS I THROUGH IV AS OUTLINED ABOVE,NOT TO EXCEED $3,600.00 WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATION. (Authorized Agent) (Title) (Firm) (Federal I.D. #) (Address) (Date) C:\1E.9\PR0P0SAUI.2W.PR0 MLINSt0TT ,LRW&GREENSPAN TEL No .7146410139 Feb 16 ,93 15 :02 No .009 P .01 LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, ENGINEERS TRANSPORTATION PLANNING •TRAFHC LNGINF-ERING • PARKING 11,60 CORPORAIL DRIVE, SUITI- IVV. Q4WIA M.SA, CALIFOfiNIA 92620 TFI FPI(ONE. (714) 641.16R7 • FAX 11141 041 0139 PI IILIP M LINSCOT T, I'.F ,TACK M GREENSPAN,PE. WII I IAM A LAW.P.0 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION PANT W WILKINSON.P 1: LOON D WARD, P 6 0ONA1 O W BARKFR.P,E Date: February 16p 1993 1-2385 _. Job No: Project: E-2 Airpark CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH To: Attn: John Douglass Front: Todd Salvagin Comments' Total number of Pages 6 (Including Cover Sheet): (714) 644-3250 Receiving Facsimile Number: Sending Facsimile Number:_(714) 641.0139 xx Hard Copy will be Sent. Hard Copy will not be sent. IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL THE FOLLOWING NUMBER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (714) 641.1587. r ZV PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OTHER OFFICES:PASADENA TELEPHONE: (213) 681.2629 • FAX: (618) 792 0941 FEB 16 1993 SAN OIEGO TELEPHONE: (6191 299-3090 . FAX: (619) 299.7041 AN L02WB COMPANY AM PM 71818PA141121SAA6 , LINS`COTT ,LRW&GREENSPRN TEL No .7146410139 Feb 16 ,93 15 :02 No .009 P .02 i LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, ENGINEERS 1 HANSPORTATION PLANNING • I HAFfflr�ENWa ZERING• PARKING 1500 CORPOHAi I_ DI11VC, SUITE 122, COSTA MF$A, OALIPOHNIA 92626 TFI.I.PHONL: (714) 641.1557 • FAX. 1114) 641.0139 PHILIP M.LINSCOI 1, P.1 JACK M.GREENSPAN.P C WILLIAM A.LAW, P.F. February16 1993 PAUL W WILKINSON,P.L. • LION D WARD,P.E. DONALD W BARKER, P.E. Mr. John Douglass, Environmental Coordinator CITY OF NEWPORT BEACII P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Subject: PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES MacArthur Court F Z Airpark Dear Mr. Douglass: Linscott, Law and Greenspan, Rnl;ineers is pleased to submit the following proposal as it pertains to the proposed E-Z Airpark parking lot to be located within the MacArthur Court Office Complex. As we understand it, Ace Parking, Inc. proposes to utilize 200 of the total 2,412 parking spaces on site to create the E-Z Airpark parking lot. This lot will not provide a continuous shuttle service, but will provide an on-call shuttle service between John Wayne Airport and the parking lot. Per my phone conversation with Mr. Richard Edmonston, preparation of a Traffic Impact Study as defined by the following Scope of Work is required: SCOPE OF WORK TASK 1: Existing Trailic Volume Data Ab defined by the City, the intersections of Campus Drive/Jamboree Road and Campus Drive/MacArthur Boulevard will be studied. AM and PM peak hour traffic volume data for both intersections is on file and will be provided by the City. TASK 11: Traffic Generation & Distribution Traffic anticipated to be generated by the E-Z Airpark will be based on analysis of parking information from the nearby airport surface parking lot located on Main Street. City staff has stated that they will provide the necessary data for this lot. 01 HL•II OrPIOES: PASAOENA TFI FI'HONL (Y I'.1) GN 1.21520 • FAX: (818) 792.0941 SAN NIFGO 1LLLPIIONE. (619) 299.30P10 • I AX: (6191 200.7041 AN I GVWK COMPANY ,LINSZ0TT ,LAW&GREENSPAN TEL No .7146410139 Feb 16 ,93 15 :02 No .009 P . 03 Unscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers Mr. John Douglass - - CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH .February 16, 1993 Page 2 In addition, to determine the peak hour generation for the proposed F.-Z parking lot, AM (7:00 AM - 9.30 AM) and I'M (3:30 PM - 6:00 PM) peak hour traffic volume counts will be conducted at the airport parking lot entrance on Main Street. Distribution of the traffic generated by the parking lot will be based on information contained in the EIK for John Wayne Airport, a copy of which will be provided by the City. The frequency of on-call shuttle service traffic will be estimated,and assigned to the roadway system based on the most convenient travel pattern between the lot and the airport terminal. TASK III: Intersection Analysis .Using, the City's two and one-half hour analysis procedure, the two study area intersections will be analyzed to determine whether additional analysis using the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) Method will be required. As stated by the City's guidelines, if project generated traffic is greater than 1% of the two and one-half projected traffic during either the AM or PM, ICU analysis will be completed for the following conditions: A. Existing traffic volumes; B. "A" plus regional growth; C. 'B" plus approved projects; and D. "C" plus project traffic. If an intersection capacity impact is recognized, mitigating measures will be suggested to off- set impacts caused by E-Z Airpark traffic, These suggested mitigating measures will be sketched on a 40-scale aerial (provided by the City). TASK IV: Traffic Impact Study A Traffic Impact Study will be prepared which will outline our findings and recommendations. This report will be consistent with the City's Traffic Study Format. FEE ESTIMATE Based on the Scope of Work outlined above, we estimate that the services for Tasks I through 1V can be accomplished within a total cost, not to exceed $3,600.00 without your prior authorisation. LINSCOTT ,LRW&6REENSPRN TEL No .7146410139 Feb 16 ,93 15 :02 Nc .009 P .04 J T, • • Unscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers Mr. John Douglass CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH February 16, 1993 'Page 4 ACCEPTED FOR TASKS I THROUGH I V AS OUTI 1NED ABOVE,RIOT TO EXCCED $3,600.00 WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATION. (Authorized Agent) ('title) (Firm) (Federal I.D. #) (Address) (Date) Git7t51rkUP0.SALU•1385.Pilo , LdNSCOTT ,LRW&GREENSPRN TEL No .7146410139 Feb 16 ,93 15 :02 No .009 P .05 Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers FEE SCIIEDULE _ dan&�q 25, 1993 TITLE PER HOUR ' i ttls Principal Engineer * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 127.00 Transportation Engineers Senior Transportation Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 103.00 Transportation Engineer III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 88.00 Transportation Engineer II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 75.00 Transportation Engineer I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 57.00 Transportation Planners Senior Transportation Planner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 88.00 Transportation Planner III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 75.00 Transportation Planner II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 57.00 Transportation Planner I . . . . . . . . . . $ 52.00 Technical Support Engineering Associate 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 62.00 Engineering Associate I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 57.00 CADD Drafter/Senior Technician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 57.00 Modeling Technician Il $ 57.00 Modeling Technician I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 52.00 Engineering Computer Analyst II . . . . . . . . . . . $ 52.00 Engineering Drafter/I'echnician . . $ 52.00 Word Processor/Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 45.00 Engineering Computer Analyst I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 39.00 39.00 Engineering Aide 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Engineering Aide ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � $ 28.00 Principal-In-Charge will be billed at $155 per hour. Public Hearing support may he charged at 125% of Ilse base rate. Subcontractors and other project-related expenses will be billed at cost plus 15%. Consultation in connection with litigation and Court appearances will be quoted separately. 'rho above schedule is for straight lime, Overtime will be charged at 1.50 time the standard hourly tales, Interim and/or monthly statements will he presented for completed work. Those will be due and payable upon presentation unless prior arrangements are made. A finance charge or I.5%n may be charged each month on the unpaid balance, ttax OW3 MEMORANDUM To: John Douglas Date: February 9, 1993 Principal Planner From: Rich Edmonston Traffic Engineer Subject: Proposed Airport Parking John, I have reviewed the Ace Parking proposal that would establish a remote airport parking lot at MacArthur Court . My comments are as follows : 1 ) The daily vehicle turnover submitted by the applicant is low. January 1993 data obtained from staff at John Wayne Airport substantiates a much higher turnover rate. I 've included the information as well as my own estimate of a range of daily trips (See Attachment A) . 2 ) Based upon either of the trip generation scenarios a traffic study is required per the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Due to the location, only the intersection of MacArthur and Campus needs to be analyzed. 3) Issues such as additional signage, total number of shuttles to be used, and security and monitoring the number of cars using the lot haven' t been addressed. 200 "Newport Beach" type cars parked overnight would attract some attention with or without adequate lighting and some security measures may be needed. 4) Would this use require payment of any Fair Share fees? If so, the net increase in trips on Newport Beach streets should be determined by the traffic study. If you have any questions about these comments, please give me a call . Thank you. t J • ATTACBMENT A Scenario 1 assumes: - typical duration of 3 days - all 200 spaces occupied - 3 employees per 24 hour period - 2 passengers per shuttle trip 200 spaces 3 days = 66. 7 new cars per day in lot ---------------------------------------------------------- 66. 7 x 2 trips/day = 133 private vehicle trips 3 empl x 2 trips/day = 6 employee vehicle trips 67 trips/2 pass x 2 trips = 67 shuttle trips 206 daily trips Scenario 2 assumes : - typical duration of 4 . 67 days per car count in January ( see airport data) - all 200 spaces occupied - 3 employees per 24 hour period - 2 passengers per shuttle trip 200 . 4. 67 days = 42 .8 new cars per day in lot ------------------------------------------------------------ 42.8 x 2 trips/day = 86 private vehicle trips 3 empl x 2 trips/day = 6 employee vehicle trips 67 trips/2 pass . x 2 trips = 67 shuttle trips 135 daily trips • VACRPT.XLS 0JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT RILEY TERMINAL GARAGES VACANCIES VS CARS IN MAIN ST LOT JANUARY, 1993 ALL CAR COUNTS TAKEN AT 12:00 NOON DAY DATE VACANCIES IN CARS IN GARAGES MAIN ST. FRI 1 2,505 225 SAT 2 2,292 185 SUN 3 2,556 134 MON 41 2,738 79 TUE 51 1,843 57 WED 61 1,254 60 THU 71 859 91 FRI 8 1,230 122 SAT 9 1,932 137 SUN 10 2,068 133 MON 11 1,665 95 TUE 12 787 145 WED 13 473 183 THU 14 555 191 FRI 151 1,175 160 SAT 161 2,144 124 SUN 17 1,925 109 MON 18 1,710 67 TUE 19 957 70 WED 20 526 114 THU 21 373 150 FRI 22 1,041 172 SAT 23 1,755 182 SUN 24 1,769 168 MON 25 TUE 26 l 3 ( A-V WED 27 THU 28 DR[ 29 131 =28 14,6-7 Av SAT 30 SUN 31 Page 1 • PAXCOMP.XLS JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT PASSENGER COUNT COMPARISON FY 1991-1992 vs 1992-1993 MONTH FISCAL YEAR FISCAL YEAR 1991-1992 1992-1993 JUL 498,825 563,021 AUG 520,410 581,956 SEP 429,068 479,858 OCT 461,730 485,123 NOV 415,694 439,712 DEC 444,346 456,738 JAN 395,475 FEB 390,746 MAR 434,422 APR 442,367 MAY 484,265 JUN 518,930 TOTAL 5,436,278 3,006,408 Passenger Count Comparison 600000 500000 400000 —i— 1991-1992 v 300000 x —�� 1992-1993 a 200000 100000 0 > > w V 0 w Q w Q n- Q D Q V) 0 Z U- Q Month Page 1 P Zdle [4h v? 3 Lop designation Lop limit Lot area Total commercial area Existing FAR Exis --------------- --------- -------- --------------------- ------------ ---- N/A 0 344516 104615 0 N/A 0 32931 303693 9 N/A 0 33545 303693 9 2z.640 M -� 0 • Q SEW PORT D CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U P.O. BOX 1768,NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659-1768 C �P qC/F00.� PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 644-3225 December 17, 1992 Mr. Vince Geraghty John Wayne Airport 3151 Airway Avenue, K-101 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Subject: Ace Parking Proposal Dear Vince, This is in response to your letter of December 9 regarding the Ace Parking proposal to provide off-site airport parking at the MacArthur Court complex. As I indicated in our phone conversation, the City would only consider approval of such a proposal for those parking spaces that exceed the minimum parking requirement for the project assuming full occupancy(i.e.,no"credit"would be granted for vacant space). Such a parking arrangement would be consistent with the City General Plan and Zoning subject to the following requirements: o The applicant would be required to demonstrate that excess parking is available at the site assuming full occupancy. o The proposal would be subject to an Initial Study under CEQA, and mitigation measures may be required. o If it is determined that excess parking exists, approval of a traffic study by the Planning Commission may be required if the City Traffic Engineer determines that more than 130 trips per day would be generated by the proposal. o A City Business License would be required. .1 I hope this provides you with the i ation you need. If you have any further questions, please call me at 644-3225. 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Mr. Vince Geraghty Page 2 Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By: J n K Dougl CP En onmental ordinator cc: Ken Delino F:\._\NCLMISC\AC&PARK]WA 13LANIVItJG OEppRTflHEN}. ITV OF NFIIVPORT BEACH) DEC 1 . 1992 VA AM PM Q 7t8t9t10tllt]2t1t2t3t41516 1OI..N NAyr E December 9, 1992 AIRPORT Janice M.Mlttertneier Mr. John Douglas Airport Director City of Newport Beach Planning Department, Advance Planning 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: General Plan Conformity Ace Parking Management, Inc. 4680 MacArthur Boulevard, Newport Beach Dear Mr. Douglas: John Wayne Airport recently received a proposal from the above parking company to provide off-airport parking to Airport travellers. The parking lot is located at 4680 MacArthur Blvd. in the complex known as MacArthur Court. Ace Parking has 300 spaces available for long or short term Airport parking. As part of the parking service Ace will shuttle passengers to and from the Thomas F. Riley Terminal. The purpose of this letter is to enquire if the proposed use of the property conforms to the General Plan of the City of Newport Beach. The parking lot is uncovered and will be open 24 hours a day. In addition, Ace anticipates a demand which will generate 30-40 trips a day to the terminal and return. Would you please consider this proposal and let me know if it conforms to your General Plan. Should you require additional information please do not hesitate to contact me at 252-5230. 3151 Airway Avenue Thank you in advance for your assistance. K-101 Yours truly, Costa Mesa U / California �� !\)J� 92626 Vince Geraghty ' Tel: 714/252-5171 Real Property Agent Fax 7141252-5178 J2rty 0A92 o �� o °9 �+� e:\doc\ace-prkg\conform