HomeMy WebLinkAbout20 - Official Police Tow Truck ContractsCity Council Agenda „t Item No. 20 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Resource Management • Human Resources • Risk Alanagement • Fiscal Sell -ices • M.I.S. • Rcvcnue • Accounting DATE: April 13, 1998 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: Glen Everroad, Revenue Manager RE: Official Police Tow Truck Contracts Recommended Action If desired, approve the issuance of certificates of public convenience and necessity and agreements for official police tow trick service contracts be awarded to Harbor Towing and G & W Towing, Background Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 5.15 regulates official police towing services. This Chapter establishes official police tow truck standards for equipment, insurance, storage facilities, service rates, hours and rules of operation. In 1979, finding that two towing services were sufficient to provide a high level of service to the public, that limitation to two services contributed to the efficient administration of the program and that further fragmentation of the limited income derived from such services would tend to reduce the capabilities of the towing services to properly maintain equipment and attendants and would downgrade the level of services to the public, the City Council added Sectiori 5.15.030 which limited the number of official police tow truck service providers to two. Section 5.15.070 requires an official police tow truck service to first obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity, and specifies the considerations the City Council shall take into account in granting the certificate. Included in the items to be considered by the City Council is the level of service which would be made available to the public (accessibility and adequacy of the storage facilities), the availability of equipment beyond the minimum requirements, on duty versus on call attendant for after hours releases, the willingness to release vehicles without charge at the request of the Police Department, etc. The City Clerk first advertised the notice of the bid opening in the Daily Pilot with a hearing date of March 9, 1998, and then re -advertised the hearing when it was rescheduled for April 13, 1998. Discussion Three companies have submitted bids to provide official police tow truck services; Jim's Towing Service, G & W Towing and Harbor Towing. Copies of the bids submitted by each company were transmitted to the Police Department for their investigation and comment. Copies of the bids and the Police Department's report are attached. The Police Department reports that each of the bidders meet the Municipal Code's minimum standards for equipment and storage facilities. The results of staff's comparison of the Council considerations articulated in Section 5.15.070 is provided as follows: 5.15.070 A. lWiether the applicant is qualified on the basis of moral character. experience in the toti+,ing business, and financial re.sponsibiliti ; Moral Character Reference checks of all three companies did not reveal any basis for concern of any of the applicant's moral character. Moreover, each company was reported by the law enforcement agencies and the private companies we contacted to be exemplary businesses in the towing industry. Experience Jim's Towing has been in the towing business for 13 years, and has been licensed to provide towing services in the City for 10 years. Jim's has not had a contract with any city to provide official police tow truck services, but has provided the California Highway Patrol (CHP) with heavy duty towing services. Jim's Towing also provides towing services in Huntington Beach, Santa Ana, Irvine and Costa Mesa. Harbor Towing has been in business for 33 years, and has provided services in the City since they began their business. Harbor has provided official police tow truck services to the City for 26 years. They also provide official police tow truck services in the cities of Irvine, Santa Ana, Tustin and Costa Mesa. Harbor also has contracts with the CHP, Internal Revenue Service, Orange County Marshal, the General Services Administration and the United States Marshal to provide towing services. G & W Towing has been in business for 27 years, and has provided towing services in the City since they began. G & W has been an official police tow truck contractor for the City for 18 years. They also provide official police tow truck services for the City of Costa Mesa. G & W is licensed to provide towing services in Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach and Irvine, and contracts with the CHP, Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach, Orange County Marshals and the Department of Motor Vehicles. 2 Financial Responsibility Staff did not obtain financial records from any of the bidders, nor was there any investigation into or determination of their financial responsibility. 5.15.70 B. The level an quality of service Which would be made available to the public; such as accessibility and adequacy of the storage facilities whether there is an attendant on du02 as opposed to being on call to release vehicles on a twenty four-hour basis, and availability of extra pieces of equipment over the required minimum. Accessibility and Adequacy of the Storage Facilities Each of the bidder's facilities have been inspected by the Police Department, and were found to meet the City's minimum requirements for inside storage (1,000 square feet), and lots located within ten miles of the Police Department (all in the City of Costa Mesa). Jim's Towing currently has 4,800 sq.ft. inside storage facilities located at 935 W. 18`x' Street, and 23,600 sq.ft. in outside storage at 1785 Monrovia Avenue. Conditions of approval of the Use Permit issued by the City of Costa Mesa for the Monrovia Avenue storage facility prevents the use of 16,800 sq.ft. of outside storage between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7 a.m. Monday through Friday, and 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 am Saturdays and Sundays. G & W maintains 7,000 square feet of inside storage and 100,000 square feet of outside storage at 965 W. 18`x' Street. Their facilities are approved for 24 hour operation. Harbor Towing operates 1, 500 sq.ft. of inside storage at 1719 Monrovia Avenue and 48,000 sq.ft. of outside storage at 957 and 964 W. 17`x' Street. Their facilities are approved for 24 hour operation. Harbor's bid also represented their purchase and plans to expand inside storage an additional 5,057 sq.ft. and outside storage an additional 12,261 sq.ft. at their 957 W. 17°i Street. Attendant on Duty Versus on Call All of the bidders provide attendants on call after hours, versus on duty 24 hours a day. Jim's Towing has staff on site available to release vehicles during the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. G & W Towing has staff on site available to release vehicles from 7 a.m. to midnight Monday through Saturday, and 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sundays. Harbor Towing has staff on site available to release vehicles from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. seven days a week. 3 ;ri v:T 4r:Ys� Availability ofExtra Pieces of Equipment Municipal Code Section 5.15. 100 requires at least eight rigs of one ton capacity with rear dual wheels. Each company has the minimum required equipment, and has detailed in their bid their available equipment. Jim's Towing bid lists eleven trucks, ranging in capacity from one ton to 40 ton, capable of towing vehicles, and one "air bag truck" used for heavy recovery purposes. G & W Towing lists sixteen tow trucks, three of which are listed as being under construction. Three are flatbeds, one is an enclosed flatbed and twelve are wheel lift tow trucks. One of their vehicles is a heavy duty tow truck with a 30 capacity. Harbor Towing lists sixteen tow trucks, three of which are flat beds, and two are heavy duty. 5.15.070 C. Reasonableness of fees to be charged for service and lvillingriess to release vehicles ia,ithout charge if impounded or stored in the course of carrying out an official police investigation, upon direction of the Chief of Police Reasonableness of Fees Each of the bidders has proposed to charge the rates set by Resolution of the City Council. Willingness to Release Without Charge Although none of the bidders addressed this issue in their bid, both G & W and Harbor have complied with Police Department requests to release without charge vehicles they have impounded for as long as they have provided official police tow truck services to the City. Moreover, G & W and Harbor have evidenced $18,568 in storage and towing services provided without charge to the City during 1995, 1996, and 1997. Both G & W and Harbor provide tow services to City vehicles after hours at no charge to the City. Jim's bid did not address their company's willingness to release without charge. 5.15.0 70 D. Physical condition of Equipment The Police Department has inspected the equipment of the three bidders and found them to meet applicable Municipal and California Vehicle Code requirements. 5.15.070 E. Whether the facilities, personnel, and equipment which the applicant proposes to use meet applicable Municipal and State requirements of laiv. As previously indicated, the facilities and equipment of all three bidders appear to meet legal requirements. Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 5.13.150 requires an operators permit be obtained by any tow truck company operating in the City. Federal legislation and an injunction against the City's enforcing the provisions of Municipal Code Chapter 5.13 in 1995 have prevented City staff from enforcing the driver's permit requirements of Chapter 5.13. Jim's Towing has no tow truck operators currently permitted by the City. Both Harbor and G & W have continued to submit their drivers for operator's permits required by Section 5.13.150. Additionally, G & W and Harbor have evidenced in their bids that they participate in the DMV "Pull Notice" notice program (a program that alerts employers of incidents of actions against a drivers record), and the random drug and alcohol testing requirements of the Department of Transportation. Conclusion The Police Department's report has recommended awarding the agreement to provide official police tow truck services to Harbor Towing and G & W Towing based on the excellent level of service they have provided the City of Newport Beach, the level of experience they have in providing tow truck services to government agencies and abilities to service the increased requirements associated with Newport Coast annexation. The Police Department report also suggests adding language to the agreement to waive tow and storage fees under certain circumstances. Harbor and G & W have supplied evidence of their providing between $3,500 and $9,500 in towing and storage services to the City at no charge during each of the past three years. Both companies have indicated they will continue to provide tow and storage services to the City at no charge, and support amended language in the agreement. On March 23 the Public Safety Committee reviewed the three bids, and discussed the propriety of limiting to two the number of official police tow truck providers. Staff provided evidence that the number of police related tow services has dropped sixty percent over the past ten years, and that the findings of Section 5.15.030 were as significant today as they were in 1979. Staff also related the information shared from other law enforcement agencies (Santa Ana & CHP) that the efficient administration of the program and customer service suffered with an expansion in the number of official police tow truck providers. The Public Safety Committee unanimously voted to recommend G & W and Harbor Towing be the official police tow truck providers. G & W Towing and Harbor Towing bids exceed that of Jim's To in the areas of police tow truck experience, the accessibility of storage facilities, the hours of on duty attendants, the availability of extra pieces of equipment over the minimum required and compliance with Municipal Code operator permit requirements. Glen-tverroad Revenue Manager attachments 5 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT March 11, 1998 TO: Glen Everroad, Revenue Manager FROM: Captain P. Henisey, Patrol/Traffic Division Commander SUBJECT: OFFICIAL POLICE TOW CONTRACTS Recommendation: It is recommended the City renew its official police tow truck service agreement with both G&W Towing and Harbor Towing. It is also recommended additional language be included in the contract to provide for the waiving of tow and storage fees under certain circumstances at the request of a Police Department supervisor. Analysis: The city's five-year contracts with G&W and Harbor Tow companies expire this April. Bids for the upcoming police tow contracts were accepted until February 17, 1998. In addition to these two companies, a third company, Jim's Towing Service, has also submitted a bid. Both G&W and Harbor have performed admirably over the life of the current contract, and many others before. They more than satisfy the requirements of the contract. Their equipment and service are first-rate. The response times for both agencies have been excellent. Both tow agencies have provided outstanding service to the Police Department and the City throughout the duration of their contracts. Both companies have recently been awarded five-year contract renewals with the City of Costa Mesa. G&W and Harbor Tow have excellent facilities and equipment in excess of that required by the Municipal Code. After hours dispatching for Harbor is conducted through their offices in Santa Ana while G&W uses Seacoast Security from midnight to 7 a.m. G&W Tow maintains a total of 16 tow vehicles and operates out of a 100,000 square foot fenced facility. G&W assigns an attendant on -duty at the facility from 7 a.m. until midnight during the week and 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Harbor Tow maintains a fleet of 16 vehicles and a 51,900 square foot facility. Harbor Tow is in the process of expanding their operations and building a new office and inside storage facility on property they own and operate across the street from their current facility complete with the new video surveillance equipment. Lieutenant Jim Carson recently spoke with representatives of both companies about the possible annexation of the Newport Coast area and any possible impact that could have Police Tow Contract Page 2 on service. G&W Towing stated that they already station trucks east of the bay and that all trucks are equipped with "Fastrak" devices to access the SR -73 toll road. Harbor Towing said they will likely utilize their Irvine facility for most Newport Coast calls, as they currently do for CHP calls on the toll road. They are also "Fastrak" equipped. Neither felt that response times would need to be adjusted. The third bidder for the tow contract is Jim's Tow Service. Their current office is located at 935 W. 18" Street and they have a second facility under construction at 1785 Monrovia in Costa Mesa. Jim's Tow maintains a fleet of 12 tow vehicles and two lots totaling 48,000 square feet with 25,000 square feet of fenced storage area. Officer Mark Miller conducted an inspection of the premises. It appears they have adequate facilities and equipment. The facility on 18'h Street is clean and well presented. The secondary site on Monrovia Street consists of a 16,000 square foot concrete slab that is fenced and lighted. The company has plans to further develop this site and expand their inside covered and outside storage capabilities. Schaefer Ambulance dispatchers provide after-hours dispatch and handling of calls for service. Currently, Jim's Tow does not provide official police tow services for any governmental agency, although they state they are often called upon by the California Highway Patrol to handle heavy recovery type responses. It is recommended that language be included in the upcoming contract to provide for the waiving of tow and storage fees under certain circumstances, when reasonably requested by a police supervisor. Such requests generally shall be limited to the towing of City vehicles and the towing and storage of other vehicles as a result of a mistake or error and the vehicle was towed at the direction of City employees. The request to waive the fees can only be authorized by any police supervisor at the rank of Sergeant and above or by the Traffic Civilian Supervisor. Municipal Code Section 5.15.070(C) already addresses releasing vehicles without charge that are stored in the course of an official police investigation. However, we should note that under a recent agreement by all Orange County Police Chiefs, we will be processing for evidence all recovered stolen vehicles. Therefore, it is recommended additional language be included in the contract to not charge storage fees for the first 24 hours of the impoundment of a stolen vehicle. Not all recovered stolens are impounded as some are released directly to the owners, but this change would provide for the time necessary to collect the necessary evidence without increasing the storage costs for those vehicles that are impounded. The current tow companies have indicated they are receptive to this contract addition. Conclusion: Section 5.15.030 NBMC states, "There shall be two official police tow services selected and designated to provide service at the request of the Police Department throughout the City of Newport Beach." It further states this finding is sufficient to provide a high level of service and provides for the effective administration of this program. It is the Police Department's recommendation that Harbor Tow and G&W Tow be selected to Police Tow Contract Page 3 provide this service. Both companies have provided excellent service for many years, have a track record of performance with governmental agencies, have the capabilities to handle the calls from Newport Coast, conduct extended hour or 24-hour dispatch operations, and have equipment and resources in excess of that required. Respectfully Submitted, Paul Henisey, Captain Patrol and Traffic Division Commander ' r CITY OF NEWPORT 6`ACH APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY 2 lJ � 98 Jim's Towing Service Co. Phone714 :•,•,,.,:,..y t, c, 850-C)869 935 14. 18th Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 James Robert Lewis Res. Phone iA hirrsc 714 631-8402 531 E1 Modena Newport Beach, CA 92663 12i James R. Kostoff Res. Phone Address 223 W. Foothill Blvd. Claremont, CA 909 398-7000 131 Patrick Gabriele Res. Phon�09 Address 627-6131 2800 S. Reservoir Pomona CA Manager's Name Tim Haid ROs,rlence Address 3013 Rosewood Santa Ana, CA Res. Phone714 646-3978 PROPOSED RATES Heavy Duty / Big Rig Rates $160/hr. $25.75 day storage Slandard Tow Day Night Storage Rates Inside Accident 85.25/hr 85.25/hr Car Outside 25.75 f 25.75 uraye:lmnour,d 85.27/hr I 85.25/hr Truck 25.75 u.r o1 Dolly. 29.00 Remove and Replace Driveshaft: i 15.00 25.75 Motorcycle: $8S . 25/hr $11.00/storage RolkOver and Winching: $38.75/hr •rly Rate for Extended Service: $85.25 /hr Labor ipening After Designated Business Hours to Release Vehicles:$29. 00 each DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Year - Make Model Capacity P ty License No. V.I.N. Vehicle Meet Equip. specs.? SEE ATTA ED TRUCK ISTING t I STORAGE FACILITY. TWO LOCATIONS: 1.) Offices and Inside Storage 2. Outside Storage Street Address: l.) 935 W.18th St. Costa Mesa, (q 2, Size of Lot: 1.) 19,800 sf 2.) 28,350 sf I Si Area Under Cover: 1. ) 6,000 sf 2. ) none Y61 V Describe Other Security Measures: Full block wall, fu v o 1785 Monrovia Costa Mesa, CA - ze of Fenced Area: 1. ) 1,700 sf 2.) 23,600 sf Nvtl2 NSTQvcTi u Jv,.�t A jg lly lighted, Camara surveillance. INSURANCE (Attach Copy of Policy) %1.1- .,)f Como.wy Coregis Insurance Company I Poi cy No. 1.361563389 N,,r-„ or Agent.Armstrong, Robi.tai ll.e Insurance Services TINA CLAY Agent's Address 701 Kimberly Avenue #200 Placentia, CA 92870 - 6332 City of Newpori beach Business License. No. 97 013897 f r — Agent's Phone714 577-3-,,4, Expiration Date: 12/31/98 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (Attach Additional Sheets if Necessary) We have been a Contract Station for Automobile Club of Southern California, Allstate Motor Club, Cross Country and varrious other towing service companies. We are also licensed with the city of Hungington Beach, Santa Ana, Irvine, Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. As per our attached truck listing, we have the ability to service and tow Heavy Duty Equipment for California Highway Patrol and other agencies. We have certified scuba divers available for Vessel Assist requirements. We have been in business since 1985. During our time we have compiled with all laws and requirements for our business and drivers. Each driver is constantly monitored for his D`1V driving record and drug screening. Our facility is in a location where we can easily respond to any call. We have drivers available 24 hours a day .. We currently lease our office location and own the property our storage area is on. We are in the process with the city of Costa Mesa having a new _ office and inside storage facility built on the same property with our outside. storage. We have both our inside, outside and office locations on the same block currently. The completion of our new addition will al ow us to have all our operations in one place. We are a solidly financed company that is capable of performing all the requirements of any contract. We have no leases on any of our trucks or property. We have always maintained complete and accurate accounting and storage records. S1 TE DA TA LAND AREA 9.520SF127.070Sf.- ToLal land area for Storage Yard only 23,0(X) sf Tot, -,I Outside Storage for 1785 Monrovia St.. Costa Plesa, CA 92627 JIM's TOWING SERVICE r APIC- 424-361-18 & 19 r Lf CAL CESCPIPTION: A FOP 71pe or LC)T ICO!jf�.-f Nf,roc- C. - Cr cn5-.! c"LICS WWII -5 10I,w. cc-<rl WcI 9116:7 'T 0 Pl A -Y 5, f�)o LA) cl etA po 01 i 51 IMPOUND YARD A (A W BIC Kc 7N, In MONROVIA AVENUE S1 TE PL A N AI Jim's Towing Service 935 W. 18th Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (714) 850-0869 (714) 548-3650 fax TRUCKS AS OF: 02/10/98 Truck License Truck Description Capacity Number Number VIN Number Truck Type 110 4R 909 45 1986 FREIGHTLINER WHEEL LIFT VIN # 1FUPYDYB8GP277 7820 20 TON 150 4W 348 11 1986 VOLVO WHITE SEMI VIN #1WUZDCJG7FN10 3025 3 AXLE 102/02 4W 350 99 1993 FORD F600 FLAT BED VIN # 1 FDNK62C7PVA3 5654 2 TON 142 JIMS 926 1993 FORD F700 W/L SLING VIN #1 FDNK72C9RVA2 0310 2 TON 140 4U 255 81 1993 FORD F450 W/L BOOM VIN #2FDLF47M9PCA7 8996 1 1/2 TON 5 51377175 1996 Chevrolet W/L VIN #1GBKC34F3TJ10 6106 1 1/2 TON 106 3D 101 56 1986 FORD F350 4x4 4x4 SLING VIN #1 FDKF3812GPA3 7523 1 TON 4 5J 85 230 1996 FORD F350 4x4 4x4 W/L SLING VIN #1FDKF38F6TEA9 2347 1 TON 7 5 J21 579 1996 Chevrolet W/L SLING VIN # 1GBKC34F8TJ10 6506 1 TON 9 2 JO 2255 1984 Ford Air Bag Truck HEAVY RECOVERY VIN #1FDWK74N2EVA3 2909 5 TON 50 5M27798 1997 Freightliner W/L ROTATOR HEAVY RECOVERY VIN #2FVXFSED5VA83 1125 40 TON 20 5M16519 1997 International Flatbed FLATBED VIN # 1HTSCAAMOVH48 5490 2 TON Jim's 3 PPJ 316 1996 Chevrolet Suburan SERVICE Certified Scuba Divers VIN #3GNGK26J4TGL0 7550 4 Wheel Drive Available CERT -1- F-Ibi PRI !1iE R A)-mstrong/Robitaille Ins. 701 Kimberly Avenue, Suite CA 92870 INSURED JIM'S TOWING 935 W. 18th St. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 E OF INSURANCE OATE(MM/OOH THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF NOORMAT ON /31/97 :vs . ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE 200 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND EXT ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLIC ES BEDLOOR COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE - ---- - COMPANY "--- --- ACoregis Insurance Company y I COMPANY B COMPANY C i COMPANY (COVERAGES D THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY P CERTIFICAINDICATETE NOTWITHSTANDING) IqY gEISSUEDORNMAY PERTAIN, NTHE ENSURANCECONDITION AFFO DED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO PERIOD "' - HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE�H THIS _._. . _.__.__- -_......._.__.. _. __..._._. --�.. - C o TERMS, LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER IPOLICY EFFECTIVE I OLICY EXPIRATION! GENERAL LIABILITY DATE (MM/DD/YY) I DATE(MM/DD/YY) . LIMITS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ;CLAIMSMADE OCCUR OWNER'S d CONTRACTOR'S PROT A ;AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 11361563389 X ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS 'GENERAL AGGREGATE !$ :PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG'$- ._._. :PERSONAL d ADV( NJ URY ;$ - EACH OCCURRENCE FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fere) $ - !MED EXP (Anyone person) iS--- i11/01/97i11/01/98' COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT I.$ , 000, 000 BODILY INJURY -- — - (Per person) $ H GARAGE LIABILITY 13 615 6 3 3 8 9 X ANY AUTO 11/01/97 ' 11/01 EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLAFORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM "UHIctHS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY THE PROPRIETOR/ PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE: OTHER Garagekeepers Direct Primary ESCRIPTION nP n.;n. _.._ INCL E XCL 1361563389 BODILYINJURY (Per 2MOenl) :S PROPERTY DAMAGE S _AUTOONLY-EA_ACC_IDENT;S1, QQQr 000 OT HER THAN AUTO ONLY: _EACH ACCIDENT ISl, 0 Q Q Q Q Q AGGgEGATE ,S1 000 QQQ EACHOCCURRENCE S AGGREGATE ;S- : STATLLR IMITS ) iEACHACCIDENT— S OI EA t':P - . .._-_.__._OLICYLIMIT IS DISEASE -EACH EMPLOYEE S 11/O1/97;11/O1/98;$150,000 Limit w/ $2,500 Comp & Coll Deductibles en Day Notice f.ornblvtmlNone PaymenitE of Premium. RTIFICATF Hn) ll City of Newport Beach; Dept. Of Bldg & Safety 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA. 92658 CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL -3-0—DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON JOE, COMPAN , ITS AGENTS 0 REPR SI NTATIVES. AUTHOR !S�REPRES NTATIVE ORD 25-S (3/93)1 Of 1 M28286 AFF n nrnnn rn HARBOR OWING '- February 16, 1998 City of Newport Beach c/o LaVonne M. Harkless City Clerk 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: PUBLIC NOTICE INVITING BIDS OFFICIAL POLICE TOW TRUCK SERVICES HARBOR TOWING Dear Ms. Harkless: Harbor Towing is pleased to provide the following proposal for review and consideration by the City of Newport Beach in response to the Public Notice Inviting Bids for Official Police Tow Truck Services For A Five Year Period. The offering firm for this proposal is: Rushco Enterprises, Inc. dba Harbor Towing 964 West 17th Street Costa Mesa CA 92627 (714) 642-4930 During the proposal evaluation period, any questions or clarifications may be directed to: Mr. Jody Campbell Harbor Towing 964 West 17th Street Costa Mesa CA 92627 (714) 642-4930 The attached bid proposal will provide information regarding our ability to serve the City of Newport Beach and the Newport Beach Police Department. However, there is no clearer way to illustrate our qualifications than our proven track. record. Harbor Towing has provided the Newport Beach Police Department with emergency service for the past 33 years without incident. Based upon our proven performance and experience as an existing Newport Beach Police Department contractor, coupled with an unmatched reputation for quality service, we feel that Harbor Towing is best qualified to be awarded the bid proposed herein. 964 W. 17th Street • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • 714/642-4930 City of Newport Beach February 16, 1998 Page 2 We look forward to your favorable response. Sincerely, RUSHCO ENTERPRISES, INC. dba HARBOR TOWING / Jody D. Campbel attachments: Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Bid Proposal Equipment Roster Official Police Tow Truck Rate Schedule Certificate of Insurance /y, i CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY T 1_ 2 12- ;.-98-- 4- -nirmy Na nr Co. Phone Rushco Enterprises, Incorporated dba Harbor To C,1mpany Add,ess — Q9A w—t 17th Street, Costa Mesa rA 99r,?7 L,st (3) Principals Jody D. Cam bell Res. Phone Address — 337 Ramona Place Costa Mesa CA 92627 12, Bradley T. Humphreys Res. Phone Address . . 423 Broadway,Costa Mesa CA _ 2 131 Willi m u. Rush Res. Phone Address PO Box 271, Cedar Glen CA 92321 711-642-4 EResidence er's Name Ronald tC Res. Phone Address 3221 Wc,st- B, Anahpim CA 922n PROPOSED RATES St.;ndard To,, Day Night Storage Rates Inside Outside :.cadent ( SEE ATTA HED RATE HEDUL JEJ Storage/Impound Truck lJ a of Dolly: Remove and Replace Driveshaft: Motorcycle: Remove and Winching: rly Rate for Extended Service: Opening After Designated Business Hours to Release Vehicles: DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Year Make Model Ca aci P ty License No. V.I.N. Vehicle Meet Equip. Specs.? (SEE ATTACHED QUIPMENT OSTER) I QTnDAcr Street Address: ( SEE ATTACHED Size of Lot: Area Under Cover: "Iescr be Other Security Measures: Size of Fenced Area: INSURANCE (Attach Copy of Policy) N.mw of cnr"f'""'''Reliance Insurance Company Policy No.: SG2562033 Name of Agent_ Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., Jerry Niewiadomsi Agent's Address 2030 Main Street, Suite 1100, Irvine, CA 92614 i — Agent's Phone 71 4-756—Ar ` City of Newport Beach Business License No.. 97024073 I Expiration Date: 8131L) STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (Attach Additional Sheets if Necessary) (SEE ATTACHED) BID PROPOSAL HARBOR TOWING OFFICIAL POLICE TOW TRUCK SERVICES QUALIFICATIONS, RELATED EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES OF FIRM Rushco Enterprises, Inc. dba Harbor Towing has provided law enforcement agencies and the general public with emergency towing, recovery and roadside service since 1965. From the company's inception, Harbor Towing has provided uninterrupted service as an Official Police Tow for both the City of Newport Beach ("City") and the City of Costa Mesa. Harbor Towing's wholly owned affiliates (A&P Towing and Santa Ana Towing) hold long standing police contracts with the Cities of Irvine, Santa Ana, and Tustin. Additionally, our companiesnjoy a solid e long-term track record while providing service to multiple tow districts for the California Highway Patrol and the Freeway Service Patrol. Other long-term governmental agency contracts include the Internal Revenue Service, Orange County Marshal, the General Services Administration and the United States Marshal among others. The City of Costa Mesa recently exercised their option to extend Harbor. Towing's contract for an additional five years. This extension was granted based upon the Police Department's finding that Harbor Towing "strictly adhered to the Agreement and continues) to maintain a high standard for the police department." Harbor Towing has extensive roadside assistance experience through its agreements with the National Automobile Club, Emergency Road Service, Cross Country Motor Club and The Signature Group among others. Harbor Towing's main office is located 964 West 17th Street in Costa Mesa. Our companies also have offices in Santa Ana and Irvine. Currently, our companies have 51 full time employees and a fleet of 40 trucks. Our overall company size allows for economies of scale which are of direct benefit to the Newport Beach Police Department ("NBPD"). The NBPD will continue to capitalize on our companies' existing excess capacity of equipment and labor resources. One example is our Freeway Service Patrol contract which requires eight (8) tow trucks to be dedicated to the FSP program during their hours of operation (Monday -Friday 5:30-9:00am and 3:00-7:00pm). As a result, in addition to our regular fleet, we have -these eight FSP trucks available for NBPD service on weekday evenings and all of the weekends. Moreover, the full-time FSP tow operators are also available during these off -hours. This example along with several other factors contribute to our ability to comfortably meet peak service demands by the NBPD such as busy summer weekends, inclement weather periods, sobriety checkpoints, etc. BID PROPOSAL HARBOR TOWING FEBRUARY 16, 1998 Conversely, our company size allows us to absorb a substantial decrease in NBPD service demand while maintaining high quality service levels. For instance, it should be noted that NBPD call volume decreased over 64% from 1990 to 1997. During this time, Harbor Towing continued to maintain our high standards of service while incurring this significant reduction in revenue. We believe this proven performance and commitment should be rewarded and given strong consideration in the bid evaluation process. Harbor Towing's financial position has always been and continues to be solid. Atypical for the industry, the company has an extremely low leverage position and continues to finance working capital needs with cash flow from operations. There are no conditions that would impede our ability to complete our obligations to the City and the NBPD. Financial statements and trade references are available upon request. We are proud of companies, management reputation in the towing industry. We encourage you to contact the following references to further substantiate our quality of service: Costa Mesa Police Department Lieutenant John Fitzpatrick 99 Fair Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92628-1200 (714) 754-5266 Newport Beach Police Department Lieutenant Jim Carson 870 Santa Barbara Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 644-3744 - Freeway Service Patrol Officer Robert Polzin Orange County TMC/FSP 2501 Pullman Street, B208 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714.) 223-5440 California Highway Patrol Officer Angel Johnson 2031 East Santa Clara Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92705-1487 (714) 547-8311 Page 2 Irvine Police Department Sergeant Tim Smith One Civic Center Plaza Irvine, CA 92713 (714) 724-7023 (A & P Towing) Santa Ana Police Department Lieutenant Felix Osuna 60 Civic Center Plaza Santa Ana, CA 92702 (714) 245-8602 (Santa Ana/A & P Towing) Tustin Police Department Lieutenant George 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 (714) 573-3217 (Santa Ana Towing) BID PROPOSAL HARBOR TOWING FEBRUARY 16, 1998 EMPLOYEE POLICIES Harbor Towing provides all full-time employees with a comprehensive benefit package including paid vacation time, company paid health and dental insurance, a 401(k) retirement savings plan, and performance driven bonus programs. We have found the benefit package to promote strong employee morale which has led to low employee turnover especially when compared to industry standards. The retention of good, experienced tow operators for an extended period of time allows for a consistently high level of service to the NBPD. In turn, we also demand a high level of performance from our employees. Employee responsiveness to our company's policies and procedures can be attributed to their solid employment opportunity coupled with our supply of experienced back-up drivers to fill a Position immediately, if necessary. With our overall company size, we are not dependant on any one driver, dispatcher or manager to maintain consistent quality service. Again, this allows for a consistently high level of service to the NBPD. We adhere to an extensive training program for all tow operators which includes new hire training along with ongoing supplemental training on a quarterly basis. Our main training focus in on safety while regularly instructing our tow operators on equipment operation, safe driving practices and emergency scene management. Our drivers, have been issued a current California Tow Truck Driver Certificate. Each holder of this certificate has passed the stringent guidelines set forth by the Freeway Service Patrol program after review of driving records and Department of Justice background checks. Further, each certificate holder must pass a 16 hour training program which includes everything from grooming and attitude to towing safety and techniques. Harbor Towing has a drug testing program for all employees. This program includes pre -hire screening,, random and post -accident testing. In addition, Harbor Towing is enrolled in the DMV Employer Pull Notice Program. We receive immediate notification of any activity on our employee's DMV driver records along with periodic updates when no activity exists. Our successful training and safety programs have contributed to a perfect record of no work related injuries for. over six years. This record is remarkable given the dangerous and strenuous occupation of a tow operator. Page 3 BID PROPOSAL HARBOR TOWING FEBRUARY 16, 1998 STORAGE FACILITIES Our main storage facility is located at 964 West 17th Street in Costa Mesa. We maintain a secondary outside storage lot at 957 West 17th Street (directly across from 964 West 17th Street) and an inside storage building at 1719 Monrovia Street in Costa Mesa. in total, Harbor Towing's current facilities provide storage for over 320 vehicles outside and 6 vehicles inside. These areas breakdown as follows: 964 W. 17th St. (main office) 957 W. 17th St. 1719 Monrovia, CM 30,000 SF outside storage 1,500 SF office/reception 18,900 SF outside storage 1,500 SF inside storage 51,900 SF We have recently purchased the property at 957 West 17th Street after gaining city approvals for a 24 hour impound facility. Currently, Harbor Towing utilizes approximately one half of this property. It is our intention to use the balance of the property for Harbor Towing's main office, inside vehicle storage and additional outside storage. This additional area includes 1,582 SF of office/reception, 5,057 SF of inside vehicle storage and 12,261 SF of outside vehicle storage. The inside storage area will provide the NBPD with a state-of-the-art evidence hold area complete with video surveillance. Currently, we are gathering bids for the site improvements required by our Conditional Use Permit and anticipate moving our offices within six months. Once combined, Harbor Towing's storage facility will include the following areas: 957 W. 17th St. (main office) 1,582 SF office/reception 31,161 SF outside stor;3ge 5,057 SF insie964 W. 17th St. (secondary) 30,000 SF outsides torastorage 1,500 SF office 69,300 SF This new impound facility will enable the storage of approximately 400 vehicles outside with an inside storage capacity for approximately 30 vehicles. We maintain a video taped security system that covers 100% of our vehicle storage area and release area. In addition, we have audio taped monitoring in our release area to insure our employees provide courteous customer service. Both properties have been permitted via City of Costa Mesa Conditional Use Permits for vehicle impound, storage and vehicle Page 4 BID PROPOSAL HARBOR TOWING FEBRUARY 16, 1998 release. These permits allow Harbor Towing to store and release vehicles 24 hours a day from both facilities. EQUIPMENT Harbor Towing maintains a, state-of-the-art equipment fleet totalling 16 trucks (see attached equipment roster). To accommodate any service request, we own a variety of equipment types from one -ton wheelift and flatbed trucks to medium and heavy duty wrecker equipment. In addition, by utilizing our fleets at A&P Towing and Santa Ana Towing, we are able to allocate equipment resources from one area to another when service demand is high for a particular area. With an overall fleet size of 40 trucks, we are able to comfortably meet peak service demands. Our company policy of constant reinvestment into our equipment fleet allows for safe, reliable and updated towing equipment while promoting a professional image within our community. 24-HOUR IN-HOUSE DISPATCH Harbor Towing is one of the few towing services that maintain 24 hour in-house dispatching. Our dispatch center provides the ability to communicate directly with our employee dispatchers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our dispatch center has been in place for over seven years and is staffed with experienced, well trained dispatchers. We firmly believe that in-house dispatch is a cost of doing business in the towing industry as it remains impossible to provide consistent service quality when utilizing an outside answering service. RATES Harbor Towing will continue to provide service at rates in accordance with the City's Official Police Tow Truck Rate Schedule dated 5/10/97 (see attachment). The rates are reasonable and in line with police tow rates across Orange County. NEWPORT COAST ANNEXATION PLAN In anticipation of the pending annexation of the Newport Coast area, Harbor Towing is actively planning several scenarios to insure the quality of service for the NBPD is maintained for this new service area. Depending on volume, our plans include stationing drivers and trucks at Harbor Towing's affiliate A&P Towing in Irvine. This facility is located at 16212 Construction Circle East in Irvine (near intersection of Jamboree Rd. and Barranca Pkwy.) and would provide convenient access to the Newport Page 5 BID PROPOSAL HARBOR TOWING FEBRUARY 16, 1998 Coast area. Should volume warrant, Harbor Towing is prepared to station drivers and equipment in the Newport Coast area on an on- call basis 24 hours a day. By taking a proactive role in anticipating this new service area, we feel this is an important distinction to Harbor Towing's dedication to serve the NBPD and the community. INSURANCE Harbor Towing will continue to provide insurance as required by Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 5.15.130. Presently, our liability insurance carrier is Reliance Insurance Company and our workman's compensation carrier. is CNA Insurance (see attached Certificate of Insurance). Both companies are admitted to do business in the State of California and have A.M. Best "Excellent" Ratings on their financial stability. FRANCHISE FEES, RELEASE FEES AND PARKING CITATIONS Harbor Towing will continue to comply with Section 5.15.095 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code by remitting a franchise fee to the City based on gross receipts from NBPD generated tows. We pay.the franchise fee on a monthly basis rather than the required quarterly basis in order to quickly reconcile any potential errors. We perform a monthly audit and reconciliation of each NBPD generated tow, then forward the franchise fee to the City with a detailed' - report. In addition to the Franchise Fee, Harbor Towing will continue to collect a Release Fee from all stored and impounded vehicles and forward this fee along with a detailed reconciliation report to the City on a monthly basis. Harbor Towing is willing to work with City staff to devise a mechanism whereby we may assist the City in the collection of outstanding parking citations for vehicles impounded at our facility. This system would allow Harbor Towing to collect outstanding citations at the point of vehicle release after which the collections would be forwarded to the City. This process would make it more convenient for vehicle owners to ultimately reclaim their vehicles and would provide significant time savings for City staff. Furthermore, we are confident that a well-planned process will enable the City to achieve a higher collection rate on outstanding parking citations. Page 6 ,(r h BID PROPOSAL HARBOR TOWING FEBRUARY 16, 1998 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Harbor Towing represents to continue our long track record of compliance with all sections of Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapters 5.13 and 5.15 pertaining to the operation of tow trucks and Official Police Tow Services. Further, we represent to continue our full compliance with all sections of the California Vehicle Code relating to the regulation of tow truck services. In light of recent events concerning the deregulation of the towing industry, we are aware that .the City may not be able to require compliance with certain sections of the Newport Beach Municipal Code at this juncture. However, Harbor Towing intends to remain in full compliance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code including, but not limited to the following: * Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. * Operator's Permits for all drivers * Provide evidence of California Highway Patrol truck inspections to the NBPD Harbor Towing represents to continue the following business practices with the City and would agree to be contractually obligated to these practices: 1) Harbor Towing will continue to provide towing and road service for all City owned vehicles free of charge. 2) Harbor Towing will continue to release vehicles free of charge to both the City and the registered owner in cases where vehicles have been towed in error or held as evidence and the release has been requested by a representative of the NBPD. 3) Harbor Towing will continue to provide cleared lien sale vehicles and premises to the Newport Beach Fire Department for training purposes without charge. QUALIFICATIONS OF STAFF Harbor Towing's management staff will continue their commitment to -- the effective administration of the NBPD contract. We employ two on-site managers, Ron Pitcock and Tom Simrac, who are responsible for the company's daily operations. These .individuals are extremely dedicated and have many years of experience in the towing industry. Below are the resumes for the two managing Principals: Page 7 EDUCATION 1978-1982 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY K BID PROPOSAL HARBOR TOWING FEBRUARY 16, 1998 Jody David Campbell 337 Ramona Place Costa Mesa, California 92627 Stanford University, Stanford, California. Bachelor of Arts, Psychology. 1/92 -Present Santa Ana Towing, Inc /Rushco Enterprises` Inc., Costa Mesa, California; Vice President. Santa Ana Towing, Inc. and Rushco Enterprises, Inc. own and operate five towing companies in Orange County. These businesses employ forty five individuals and provide service for nine law enforcement agencies, six government bureaus and an extensive list of private businesses. 1/88-1/92 Kilroy Industries, E1 Segundo, California; Director of Marketing/Project Executive. As Project Executive for one of the nation's largest privately owned commercial real estate development companies, responsibilities included directing the planning,' development, marketing and property management of a master - planned, fifty-two acre, 2.5 million square foot class A office development adjacent to the Long Beach Airport. Additionally, directed staff for the marketing of 4.7 million square feet of office/industrial space. 1/84-12/88 Coldwell Banker Commercial Real Estate Services, Glendale, California; Broker. Represented property owners, developers and tenants in commercial lease and purchase contracts. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES United States Olympic Committee, Athlete's Advisory Council United States Water Polo, Inc.; Executive Board Page 8 ACHIEVEMENTS PERSONAL BID PROPOSAL HARBOR TOWING FEBRUARY 16, 1998 California Tow Truck Association, Orange County Chapter; Board of Directors Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce; Board of Directors Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce; Member Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce; Member Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce; Member Leadership Long Beach; Graduate 1990 Leadership Santa Ana; Graduate 1993 Long Beach Police Executive Council; Member Newport Harbor Baseball Association; Board of Directors Member of the 1980, 1984 and 1988 United States Olympic Water Polo teams. Silver medalist in the 1984 and 1988 Olympic games. — Married, two children ages eight and six. Page 9 Bradley T. Humphreys. 423 Broadway Costa Mesa, California 92627 EDUCATION BID PROPOSAL HARBOR TOWING FEBRUARY 16, 1998 1984-1988 Stanford University, Stanford, California. Bachelor of Arts, Economics. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 1/92 -Present Rushco Enterprises, Inc./Santa Ana Towing, Inc., Vice President. Rushco Enterprises, Inc. and Santa Ana Towing, Inc. own and operate five towing companies throughout Orange County. Companies specialize in law enforcement and government agency towing contracts. Responsible for all financial aspects of companies. 5/89-1/92 Union Bank, Real Estate Finance Group, Loan Officer. Promoted to Loan Officer position after graduating from Union Bank Management Training Program in 1990. Responsible for a fifty million dollar construction loan portfolio. Specialized in construction finance of residential tract developments and industrial properties. Studied feasibility of projects and completed reports to management with recommendations. COMMUNITY Board Member, Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Lions Club Board Member, Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce Member, Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce Sponsor/Participant, Costa Mesa Neighbors for Neighbors Program Committee Member, Costa Mesa Eastside Traffic Management Study Committee PERSONAL Member of Stanford University Football Team 1984-1988, All Pac 10, First Team 1987, 1988 All American, 1988 Played for Denver Broncos 1988 Married, two children Page 10 If, n " (EQUIPMENT ROSTER HARBOR TOWING Date: 16 -Feb -98 I. C MAKE MODEL([ _YEAR 19_92 FOR F450' _TYPE �j GVWR LICENSE VIN -- —1992 FORD --F606- 19_93 F600 W/L 10 21,000 14 4N18283 2 DIF4 G C 6 880 1FDNK62P5NVA30257 1994 FORD _ FORD _ F600 F450 F/B W/L 24,500 4V67455 1 FDNK62CXPVA08321 1994 FORD F450 W/L 15,000 15,000 4V43 448 5C31150 2FDLF4[K6RCA05988 1993 FORD F450 W/L 15,000 4V43947 2FDLF47K3RCA05656 2FDLF47M7PCB37611 1993 1994 FORD FORD F450 F450 W/L 15,000 4V44244 2FDLF47M5PCB42984 1995 FORD F450 W/L W/L 15,000 5D91731 1FDLF47M2REA00248 1995 FORD F450 W/L 15,000 15,000 5B96437 1 FDLF47F3SEA42550 1995 FORD F450 W/L 15,000 5B96436 5C33237 1FDLF47FXSEA46675 1996 FORD F450 W/L 15,000 5G24247 1FDLF4MSEA57024 1FDLF47FXTGA78575 _ 1996 1993 FORD FORD F450 F600 W/L 15,000 5G24771 1FDLF47F7TEA78565 1989 FORD F700 F/B H/D 24,500 4V21445 1 FDNK62CXPVA09050 1991 PETE 379 H/D 27,000 4P21684 1 FDXK84A5KVA19879 50,000 5E95231 1XP5DB9X8MD3038nA SEW P0 >1 o� 10 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ~ REVENUE DIVISION U T P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 c-11 Fo aN�r (714) 644-3141 • FAX (714) 644-3073 May 1, 1997 Mr. Jody Campbell Harbor Towing 964 W. 17`s Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 re: Revision of Official Police Tow Truck Rates Dear Jody: Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 5.15.080 provides that the rates charged by the City's official police tow truck operators shall be set by Resolution and annually adjusted based on the percentage change in the cost of doing business as measured by Consumer Price Index (CPI). May 10`s is the anniversary date of the Resolution (93-32), which established official police tow truck rates. The attached listing of official police tow truck rates reflects a 1.6% increase, the percentage change of the CPI through March of 1997, rounded to the nearest quarter. These rates shall be effective May 10, 1997, through May 9, 1998. On April 14`x, 1997, the Newport Beach City Council adopted ordinance 97-13, amending Sections 5.15.040 and 5.15.110, relating to the imposition of storage fees. I have enclosed a copy of this Ordinance which becomes effective May 15, 1997. If you have any questions regarding the implementation of the revised ordinance or'rates please call me at 644-3144. Sincerely, Glen Everroad Revenue Manager cc: Traffic Division, Police Department 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach , CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OFFICIAL POLICE TOW TRUCK RATE SCHEDULE Effective May 10, 1997 SERVICE RATE STANDARD TOW STORAGE / RVIPOUND / ACCIDENT DAY / NIGHT MOTORCYCLE STORAGE CAR OUTSIDE CAR INSIDE TRUCK OUTSIDE TRUCK INSIDE MOTORCYCLE DOLLIES R & R DRIVE -SHAFT R & R LINKAGE ROLLOVER & WINCHING HOURLY LABOR AFTER HOURS RELEASE HEAVY-DUTY & FLATBED EXTRA HEAVY DUTY TOW POLICE RELEASE FEE ON SITE RELEASE $ 85.25 $ 85.25 $ 21.25 $ 25.75 $ 24.25 $ 30.00 $ 11.00 $ 29.00 $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ 38.75 $ 80.00 $ 29.00 $ 91.00 $160.00 $ 26.75 AS PROVIDED By VEHICLE CODE SECTION 22658 H FOR NON -POLICE TOW RESPONSES -ACORD, CERTI PRODUCER Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. 2030 Main Street, Suite 1100 Irvine CA 92614 Jerry Niewiadomski Ph—No. 714-756-8500 F" No INS L'RED Rushco Enterprises, Inc. DBA: Harbor Towing, Inc. 1022 E. Chestnut Santa Ana CA 92701 fi .:.. ..._.. :TE'OF LYABILITY INS �►ItAN .AAA.... ,ADAVE aRhUDD/YY) . THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFO 10/09/97 ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICAATTE�ON HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, i COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY -756-8701 A Reliance Special Risk COMPANY B Continental Casualty Company COMPANY C COMPANY D CO :::...::.:.:::..:.:: :::::;:;;;;:.;:;.:;;:; :.::..:. ... .......... AAAA ..:.....:..:; r::;:r..< > ..:..:. :. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION DATE OLM/DDrM I DATE (MM/DD(Yl`) I LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILIT' CLAIMS MADE 0 OCCUR OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT A AUTOMOBILE X LLABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS EACH ACCIDENT X X GARAGE LIABILITY A _ANY AUTO A X OTHER THAN AUTO SG2562033 $1500 PD DEDUCTIBLE SG2562033 SG2562033 EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLA FORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY B THE PROPRIETO PARTNERS/E)CECUR! TIVE INCL WC1075282535 OFFICERS ARE: EXCL A I GKLL A ON HOOK SG2562033 SG2562033 GENERAL AGGREGATE S PRODUCTS - COMPJOPAGG S PERSONAL & ADV INJURY S EACH OCCURRENCE $ FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fvc) S MED EXP (Any one person) $ 07/24/97 07/24/98 I COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT S 1 , 000.000 BODILY INJURY S (Per person) BODILY INJURY S (Per uxident) 07/24/97 I 07/24/98 07/24/97 07/24/98 10/01/97 1 10/01/98 07/24/97 1 07/24/98 07/24/97 07/24/98 PROPERTY DAMAGE I S AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT S 1.000,000 OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT S 1,000,000 AGGREGATE S 2.000,000 EACH OCCURRENCE f AGGREGATE S f T0TH. .TWER . EL EACH ACCIDENT S 1,000.000 EL DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT S 1, 000 , 000 EL DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE f 1, 000 , 000 $200,000 $1500 DED. $ 50,000 $1506 --DED. ear 'T'jateCHold r &Name� s Add'tLLional In ured.as r s ects Ge/Auto ewpori �eac�iPyC °'�1� ��n F� emi ng N�c�ion, F.8. Box �rl��, CERTIFICATE'HOLDER CAN CATION CITYOF4 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO TIIE L' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SU ICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILI. 3333 NEWPORT BLVD. OF ANY KIND UPON TI COMP A 'Y, ITS AGENTSREP ENTATIVES. NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 AUTIIORIZEDREPRFS ATIVE Jerry Niewiadomskl ���`1 ACORD 15-5 (1/95) :. : " .-;;.>:<;�•.,....: '. .,, ... ' CO CORPORATION 1988 AM —� w AM - S AIW 965 W. 18th Street, Costa Mesa, California 92627 • (714) 642-1252 February 17, 1998 City Council City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Council Members: Please accept the attached forms as our bid for renewal of our current contract for Police Towing Service with the City of Newport Beach. The rates bid in our proposal are the current city rates, please see attached copy. The goal of our company continues to be providing the highest possible quality of service to the City of Newport Beach, and its citizens. We have pursued this goal in many ways, first by seeking out and hiring the finest people in the industry, and second by providing these people with the best equipment and storage facilities possible, all located within two (2) miles of the Newport Beach City Hall. This commitment allows our company to quickly provide service to all of Newport Beach, including the Newport Coast area by stationing trucks and drivers in that area for immediate response. This is all.. in our opinion, part of our responsibility in pursuit of our goal. Our company meets or exceeds all of the Municipal Code Requirments for police towing.service in Newport Beach, and for the Councils convenience I have included a list for your review. Your consideration of our proposal is greatly appreciated. If.we may be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sin rely, G. Wayne Miller President Sincerely, Adtt Eli abeth •H. Miller vice -President l Air Em ... 965 W. 18th Street, Costa Mesa, California 92627 • (714) 642-1252 G. Wayne Miller President Graduate of Newport Harbor H.S. Newport Beach Resident G & W Towing owner operator since 1970 Past President Newport Little League W. Past V.P. Newport Harbor Baseball Elizabeth H. Miller Vice President Graduate of Newport Harbor H.S. Newport Beach Resident Past President Mariners P.T.A. Ensign P.T.A. Member Newport Harbor H.S. P.T.A. Member G & W Towing Official Police Towing contractor since 1980 Handicapped accessible office facilities Bilingual staff Attendant on site till 12 midnight Monday thru Saturday, & 9 P.M. Sunda Well lighted front entrance with public phone access ys All vehicles stored in one location for greater security, Vehicle storage area licensed by the City of Costa Mesa f cera surveillant or 24 hour use Well lighted storage area with capacity for over 300 vehicles. Storage yard enclosed by a 8 foot fence topped with barbed wire & razor Inside storage for over 30 vehicles needing high security ribk 9 Wheel lift tow trucks, 3 standard flatbed trucks, 1 Enclosed Flatbed truck for moving evidence or vehicles in high security 1 Peterbilt 30 ton heavy duty tow truck with over 1000 feet of cable On site vehicle maintenance of all of our vehicles Million Dollar insurance policy with 2 million umbrella Computer dispatch with Teletrac vehicle locating for quick response State licensed Providingp service for the Costa Mesa Police Dept. C.H.P. Marshals, many automobile dealers, and motor clubs A professional towing company with over 27 years of experience in the Newport Beach area committed to providing the best service possible. IN � r � Welcome to G & W Towing Our office facilities provide easy access for all of our customers, including the physically challenged. This entrance is also open and lighted until 12:00 midnight Monday thru Saturday, and until 9:00 P.M. on Sundays. This allows our customers to claim their vehicles, after hours, without waiting in the dark for an attendant to arrive. Z .I%/ %/ %% •i<.I5-� � Y Big or Small We Tow Them All We have the equipment to tow everything from motorcycles to 18 wheeler trucks, and the experienced people necessary to do the job right, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. V r . A AAI AS AN M I AJP# 9L. V74ff&UALAIFW-,r _V wwwww Quick Response Chris uses many modern systems to track and direct our fleet of emergency vehicles, including computer dispatch, Teletrac vehicle positioning, and 24 hour camera surveillance. 29 r' oi nX 4 G 'fit . ,fir _ js` ��Q.n�ry -� .r� I - �,'� J J - : .. ^ •` - M ��•` , tl :. '�_ � .. a_. •.sem �� ia. __-"_-tom 'VIY/_.Ll .�i.L.: �� _•.�. y, y:.�..�. - Ar lit VNIA CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY _14__ , 9 8 Company Name Co. Phone Night G & W Towing oCC ht_l.dGilCi:,l Inside 642-1252 Company Address Area Under Cover: 11,000 Square Feet 965 West 18th Street Costa Mesa Ca. 92627 r'„-cribe Other Security Measures: List (3) Principals G. Wayne & Elizabeth H. Miller Res. Phone 650-2152 Address 8:00 A.M. Till 9.00 P.M. Sundays. All vehicles are stored at 1401 Galaxy Drive Newport Beach Ca. 92660 Remove and Replace Driveshaft: torcycle: 121 Res. Phone Opening After Designated Business Hours to Release Vehicles: Address delivery, and 'surveillance. Camera Security System, (3) Res. Phone Address Manager's Name Phone RJohnnie Godbyes. 966-1440 Residence Address 2854 Andros ensta Mesa Ca.. 92626 PROPOSED RATES ,1; 1- : f". _ _ T _ Standard Tow Day Night u 1ui-c r-LCiJc Storage Rates oCC ht_l.dGilCi:,l Inside Outside Accident Area Under Cover: 11,000 Square Feet Car r'„-cribe Other Security Measures: Storage/Impound Midnight Monday thru Truck 8:00 A.M. Till 9.00 P.M. Sundays. All vehicles are stored at Use of Dolly: Remove and Replace Driveshaft: torcycle: Roll -Over and Winching: y Rate for Extended Service: Opening After Designated Business Hours to Release Vehicles: v ....v� ��� • �vlr vl Luv11 Irl Llr 1 Year Make Model Capacity License No. V.I.N. Vehicle Meet Equip. Specs.? STORAGE FACILITY Please See Attached Street Address: 965 West 18th Street Size of Lot: 2 1/2 Acres Size of Fenced Area: 100,000 Square feet Area Under Cover: 11,000 Square Feet r'„-cribe Other Security Measures: On site security 7:00 A.M. Till . 12:00 Midnight Monday thru It Saturday, and 8:00 A.M. Till 9.00 P.M. Sundays. All vehicles are stored at 965 West 18th Street, our main office, we do not use any separate storage facilities. Access to our facilities 24 hours a day,'7 days a week for delivery, and 'surveillance. Camera Security System, 8 foot fencing topped CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OFFICIAL POLICE TOW TRUCK RATE SCHEDULE Effective May 10, 1997 SERVICE RATE STANDARD TOW STORAGE / R0POUND / ACCIDENT $ 85.25 DAY / NIGHT MOTORCYCLE $ 85.25 STORAGE CAR OUTSIDE $ 21.25 CAR INSIDE $ 25.75 TRUCK OUTSIDE $ 24.25 TRUCK INSIDE $ 30.00 MOTORCYCLE $ 11.00 DOLLIES $ 29.00 R & R DRIVE -SHAFT $ 15.00 R & R LINKAGE $ 15.00 ROLLOVER & WINCHING $ 38.75 HOURLY LABOR $ 80.00 AFTER HOURS RELEASE $ 29.00 HEAVY-DUTY & FLATBED $ 91.00 EXTRA HEAVY DUTY TOW $160.00 POLICE RELEASE FEE $ 26.75 ON SITE RELEASE AS PROVIDED BY VEHICLE CODE SECTION 22658 H FOR NON -POLICE TOW RESPONSES +n i CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BUSINESS TAX CERTIFICATE THIS TAX PAYMENT EXPIRES 12/31/9A SERVICE ADDRESS: G & W TOWING 965 18TH ST COSTA MESA, CA 92627-0000 BUSINESS CATEGORY: MISCELLANEOUS AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES BUSINESS LICENSE: 97027196 SELLERS PERMIT # It 4A- ,o CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH �= NE\V P0l'T BEACH, CA 92663 RECEIPT NUMBER: 02000146216 RECEIVED BY: PEP. P. `(2 TOC AY , S DATE: 01/30/98 PAYOR: G&W TOWING REGISTER DATE: 01/30/98 TIME: 12:13:51 18204662 POLICE TOWFRAt�1 4TH QUARTER 18205046 IMPOUND RELEASE $3,412.92 X3,757.75 ----------------- TOTAL DUE: $7,170.67 CASH PAID CHECK PAID CHECK NO . 00$7,170.67 TEt iDERED CHANGE ?7406 $7,170.67 $.00 .r �.•y NAME CDL# NBPD PERMIT DOB START DATE THOMAS ANARUMA. 50182388 Y 11-07-50 05-06-91 JOHN ANDERSEN V9149991 Y 06-19-61 01-25-93 PAUL DYBDAHL N6091314 Y 10-21-58 02-12-96 JOHNNIE GODBY M0836336 Y 01-13-47 09-01-74 KENNETH KELLER B3793097 Y 09-28-70 01-28-98 DENNIS MANNING C1522944 Y 10-17-59 06-08-93 BRIAN MCCARTHY C5431718 Y 05-22-69 08-01-96 MIKE MCG3ILL 03247539 Y 09-17-66 11-05-96 DANIEL MENDEZ C3647894 Y 08-09-66 11-12-97 WAYNE MILLER E0267335 Y 12-31-53 01-01-70 DONALD PARRISH 03018671 Y 01-14-65 02-0498 MICHAEL PIERCE N7664794 Y 10-05-60 08-22-95 DONALD QUIRING N3680205 Y 08-30-55 08-14-95 DAVID SCHLICHT N8121479 Y 01-25-62 11-27-96 TRACY TOMASIAN A2625460 Y 08-05-69 06-28-96 CHRIS YAOERLENER C6189010 Y 09-17-69 01-03-94 02-13-98 MAKE # 2 1997 VEHICLE LIST LICENSE VIN PURCHASED CHEV 350OHD WHEEL LIFT IGBKC34FXVJ105733 01-97 # 3 1993 CHEV 350OHD 47,42413 WHEEL LIFT 1GBKC34F4PJ101521 10/92 # 4 1997 CHEV 350OHD WHEEL LIFT 1GBKC34F5VJ107485 03-97 # 5 1994 CHEV 350OHD 4X30191 WHEEL LIFT 1GBKC34F2RJ106638 01/94 # 6 1998 UNDER CONSTRUCTION CHEV 3500 HD WHEEL LIFT 1GBKC34F5WJ100229 08/97 # 7 1994 CHEV 350OHD 4X08451 WHEEL LIFT IGBHC34FIRJ103522 11/93 # 8 1998 UNDER CONSTRUCTION CHEV 350OHD WHEEL LIFT 1GBKC34FXWJ100761 09/97 # 9 1995 CHEV 350OHD 51366882 WHEEL LIFT 1GBKC34F5SJ109443 03/95 # 19 1994 CHEV 35600HD 5R08073 WHEEL LIFT 1GBKC34F2RJ110639 04/94 # 22 1998 GMC C6500 FLATBED 1GDK6H1J2WJ502021 10/97 423 1986 PETERBILT 4V61115 CENTURY 5030 1XP9L29X7GP202845 07/86 # 24 1998 UNDER CONSTRUCTION GMC C6500 FLATBED 1GDK6H1J1WJ508036 11/97 #25 1995 GMC TOPKICK 4242718 FLATBED 1GPK7H1J2SJ511325 01/95 # 29 1995 CHEV 350OHD 51301191 WHEEL LIFT 1GBKC34F2SJ106418 .01/95 # 31 1994 CHEV 350OHD 5R08072 WHEEL LIFT IGBKC34FIRJ103455 11/93 # 33 1988 ENCLOSED FORD F700 3P57893 FLATBED 1FDWK7A4JVA38489 06188 W SU R ED G & W TOWING, INC. 965 W. 18th Street Costa Mesa CA 92627 OATS (M-..MrDO/YY) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED ASA MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OP; ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELO' COMPANIES AFFORDINn rnveoA^. COMPANY A GOLDEN EAGLE INS. COMPANY B COMPANY C COMPANY D ............. I IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POUCIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. LTR 1 COI TYPE OF INSURANCE I POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MM/DD/YY) DATE (MMIDDNY) LIMITS )ESCRPT*N OF OPEAATpNSA=ATiONStVEHICLESMPECIAL ITEMS Towing Oper rations: On Hook Coveage Limit: $100,000. Deductible: $2,500. Comp & Collision Deductible: $1,000. *10 day notice of cancellation for non-payment of premium. FIC..:..;;; .....::..:... SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE * y of Newport Beach WMATIOH DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO M 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, :3U0 Newport Blvd. BUT FALURE TO MAL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABLITY lewport Beach CA 92660of KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS 0R REPRESENTATIVES AUTHORD�DANI/ REPRESENTATIVE GENERAL LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE r_1 OCCUR OWNERS 6 CONTRACTORS PROT GENERAL AGGREGATE S PRODUCTS - COMPOP AGG $ PERSONAL & ADV IN.AIRY $ EACH OCCURRENCE $ FIRE DAMAGE (Any one two) $ A GARAGE LIABILITY TCR 498573 0 6 / 12 / 9 7 0 6 / 12 / 9 8 MED EXP (Any one person) $ S ANY AUTO A AUTOMOBILE UABILM ANY AUTO TCR 498573 06/12/97 06/12/98 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $11000,000 ALL OWNED AUTOS EACH ACCIDENT SCHEDULED AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ HIRED AUTOS AGGREGATE S EXCESS LIABILITY NON-0 BODILY INJURYWNEO.AUiOS (Per accident) $ )ESCRPT*N OF OPEAATpNSA=ATiONStVEHICLESMPECIAL ITEMS Towing Oper rations: On Hook Coveage Limit: $100,000. Deductible: $2,500. Comp & Collision Deductible: $1,000. *10 day notice of cancellation for non-payment of premium. FIC..:..;;; .....::..:... SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE * y of Newport Beach WMATIOH DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO M 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, :3U0 Newport Blvd. BUT FALURE TO MAL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABLITY lewport Beach CA 92660of KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS 0R REPRESENTATIVES AUTHORD�DANI/ REPRESENTATIVE PROPERTY DAMAGE S A GARAGE LIABILITY TCR 498573 0 6 / 12 / 9 7 0 6 / 12 / 9 8 AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT S ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT S AGGREGATE S EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE S OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM S WORKERS COMPENSATION AND WC STATU EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY TRY RA THE PROPRIETOR/ EL EACH ACCIDENT S PARTNER&EXECUTNE INCL EL DISEASE -POLICY LMR S OFFERS ARE: EXCL OTHER EL DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ A GAR.AGEREEPERS TCR 498573 06/12/97 06/12/98 $450,000 LIABILITY Comp/Coll $1,000 Deductible )ESCRPT*N OF OPEAATpNSA=ATiONStVEHICLESMPECIAL ITEMS Towing Oper rations: On Hook Coveage Limit: $100,000. Deductible: $2,500. Comp & Collision Deductible: $1,000. *10 day notice of cancellation for non-payment of premium. FIC..:..;;; .....::..:... SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE * y of Newport Beach WMATIOH DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO M 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, :3U0 Newport Blvd. BUT FALURE TO MAL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABLITY lewport Beach CA 92660of KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS 0R REPRESENTATIVES AUTHORD�DANI/ REPRESENTATIVE SG STATE P.O. BOX 807, SAN FRANCISCO,CA 94 101-0807 COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ISSUE DATE: 04-01-97 POLICY NUMBER: 407-97 UNIT 0000304 CERTIFICATE EXPIRES: 04-01-98 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT POST OFFICE'BOX 1768 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 JOB: ALL OPERATIONS This is to certify that we have issued a valid Workers' Compensation insurance policy in a form approved by the California Insurance Commissioner to the employer named below for the policy period indicated. This policy is not subject to cancellation by the Fund except upon 30 days' advance written notice to the employer. We will also give you 30 days' advance notice should this policy be cancelled prior to its normal expiration. This certificate of insurance is not an insurance policy and does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed herein. Notwithstanding any requirement, term, or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate of insurance may be issued or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terms, exclusions and conditions of such policies. PRESIDENT EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY LIMITTINCLUDING DEFENSE COSTS: $1;000,000.00 PER OCCURRENCE. ENDORSEMENT #2065 ENTITLED CERTIFICATE HOLDERS'.NOXICE EFFECTIVE 04/01/97 IS ATTACHED TO AND FORMS A PART OF THIS POLICY. G & W TOWING INC 965 W. 18TH ST COSTA MESA CA 92627 G & W TOWING INC Drn-- ^,0-10_07 tl /4- May 31, 1990 CITY OF COSTA MESA CALIFORNIA 92628.1200 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT G. Wayne Miller G & W Towing, Inc 955 West 18th Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 P.O. BOX 1200 RE: ZONE EXCEPTION ZE-85-99 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AUTO TOWING USE 955 WEST 18TH STREET Dear Mr. Miller: As the above permit was due for review June 17, 1990, Staff inspected the subject site. The property has been found to satisfy the Conditions of Approval of the subject permit, and to be in compliance with applicable Ordinance requirements. In addition, no complaints have been received regarding the property or use. The subject permit is extended for an additional (2) two year(s), and will expire June 17, 1992. At that time, a further extension must be requested should you wish to continue the.operation. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call Willa Bouwens-Killeen or myself at 754-5245 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m Monday through Thursday. Sincerely, Richard Welmers Planning Intern RW:gr(ZE8599.RW) 77 FAIR DRIVE (� m Building Division (714) 754-5626 Code Enforcement/Business License (714) 754-5234 Planning Division (714) 754-5245 M N N O � U 47 c o 0 ` v >�,P4 4 bo M M � y •cis co �4- a — ,,�' /--I �C w C9 ... M N N O � U 47 c o 0 ` v >�,P4 4 bo M M � y •cis co �4- a — ,,�' /--I �C cc •1R7`dE`.' OF CAUF:=NIS, tiIC- l'"'y :)W TRUCK INSPECTION GUIDE R 23-13 (REV 5-96) OP: 061 'IEA N' 2ER C_`.1P»+v G Lei W TCCU:(.11 MAKE MODEL LICENSE NUMBER Cnev. 3500 N0 r —pc UnZt 92 VIN NUMBER 1GBKC34FXVJ105733 LtUt NU P=PASS F=FAIL // 15, 000tbs -AD Or OUIPti1EV I ❑ CONVENTIONAL ❑ UNDERLIFT Cl TRUCK HITCH 91 WHEEL LIFT ❑ CAR CARRIER 27465 VC 'EQUIREMENTS FOR ALL CLASSES ;........ 24607 VC FENDERS/MUD GUARDS 27600 VC CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE REQUIREMENTS REFLECTORS, FRONT AND SIDE (1968+) F BROOM P F _ CURRENT REGISTRATION 4000 VC PARKING BRAKE 26451 VC HEADLIGHTS 24400 VC V WINDSHIELD 26700•VC BEAM INDICATOR 24408 VC Y WINDSHIELD WIPERS 26706 VC TAILLAMPS 24600 VC MIRRORS 26709 VC LICENSE PLATE LAMP 24601 VC HORN 27000 VC STOP LAMPS 24603 VC LY EXHAUST SYSTEM 27150 VC LAMPS W/CORD 24605 VC FUEL CAP 27155 VC PIVOT PIN CRADLE STRAPS WHEEL TIE DOWN STRAPS 1XI GRID/ OR "L" BARS CLAW CONVENTIONAL TOW SUNG SLING PADS CAR CARRIER CARRIER BED FRAME BED SAFETY LOCK BED HINGES LOADING BRIDLE SLIDE PADS jC1 MINIMUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS - `^Vx^ TOW SLING 3,000 POUNDS (IF EQUIPPED) • •--- _ 4 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING TOW CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY WITH J/T HOOKS ONE 3 -TON SNATCH BLOCK SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM �ONE OLLY WHEEL LIFT RATING - EXTENDED 3,000 POUNDS IR SPACER BLOCKS WHE X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM ' STEERING WHEEL CLAMP 100' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS Destroy previous editions BACKUP LAMPS (1969+) 24606 VC TiRE TREAD 27465 VC REFLECTORS, REAR 24607 VC FENDERS/MUD GUARDS 27600 VC REFLECTORS, FRONT AND SIDE (1968+) 24608 VC BROOM 27700 VC TURN SIGNALS 24951 VC SHOVEL 27700 VC CLEARANCE LAMPS (+80" WIDE) 25100 VC FIRE EXTINGUISHER 4B, C RATING 27700 VC ' AMBER WARNING LIGHTS 25253 VC SAFETY CHAINS 29004 VC WARNING DEVICES (REFLECTORS) 25300 VC SIGNS 27907 VC ' SERVICE BRAKES 26311 VC SERVICE AND OTHER EQUIPMENT ' FLASHLIGHT HYDRAULIC JACK ' WRECKING BAR (LARGE PRY BAR) I METRIC AND STANDARD LUG WRENCHES ' EQUIVALENT OF SIX 30 -MINUTE FLARES RUBBER MALLET/HUB CAP TOOL '- TRASH CANS W/ABSORBENT SHOP RAGS/PAPER TOWELS SHOP TO TRUCK COMMUNICATIONS FUEL IN APPROVED CONTAINERS I LOCKOUT TOOLS MOTORCYCLE STRAPS (CLASS A) SLEDGE HAMMER TOOL KIT BOOSTER BATTERY OR HOT BOX TOWING EQUIPMENT ' RATING PLATES WRECKER CONTROLS CONTROLS LABELED THROTTLE CONTROL D WRECKER BOOM ASSEMBLY CABLE: 6, CONDITION ❑ EYE TYPE WHEEL LIFT. ASSEMBLY CABLE SHEAVES MOUNTING BOLTS JDOLLIES WINCH: R4n,,SrZ TYPE: RECOVERY CHAIN I HYDRAULIC RA S, HOSES, VALVES SNATCH BLOCKS WHEEL LIFT PIVOT PIN CRADLE STRAPS WHEEL TIE DOWN STRAPS 1XI GRID/ OR "L" BARS CLAW CONVENTIONAL TOW SUNG SLING PADS CAR CARRIER CARRIER BED FRAME BED SAFETY LOCK BED HINGES LOADING BRIDLE SLIDE PADS jC1 MINIMUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS - `^Vx^ TOW SLING 3,000 POUNDS (IF EQUIPPED) • •--- _ 4 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING TOW CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY WITH J/T HOOKS ONE 3 -TON SNATCH BLOCK SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM �ONE OLLY WHEEL LIFT RATING - EXTENDED 3,000 POUNDS IR SPACER BLOCKS WHE X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM ' STEERING WHEEL CLAMP 100' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS Destroy previous editions P TOW TRUCK EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS (BY CLA: PAGE 2 CLASS A CAR CARRIER ONE VEHICLE. MUM 10,000 POUND GVW✓R CHASSIS EJ/T P F /8" 6X 19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS OOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16"' ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIO r ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS _ 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM MINIMUM 16,001 POUNDGVWR CHAS L SS A CAR CARRIER TWO VEHICLE J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS ONE PAIR SPAC'cR BLOCKS 50' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS STEERING WHEEL CLAMP 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECS. FOR EACH CARRIED VEHICLE, MINIMUM. 19,501 POUND GVWR CHASSIS AND FOR EACH TOWED VEHICLE CLASS B 14 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING 150' 7/16." 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS TOW CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR ''T[`M SPF ECIICATIONS 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM SAFETY CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS TWO. 8 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS WHEEL LIFT RATING -RETRACTED 10,000 POUNDS AIR. BRAKES OR HYDRAULIC W/AIR HOOKUP AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS WHEEL LIFT RATING - 85" EXTENSION 8,000 POUNDS WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS AXLE COVERS/CAPS SAFETY TIE DOWN CHAINS TOW SLING 7,000 POUND RATING (IF EQUIPPED 1 ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES 4"X4"X48" & 6_X6"X60" W000 CROSSBEAM CLASS B CAR rARRICrD2 nnlr vr. _ ruh tAUH TOWED VEHICLE RATING - RETRACTED 25,000 POUNDS RATING - 100" EXTENSION 12,000 POUND SAFETY STRAPS _ JAPTERS OW ANGLES 16':X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM iPACER BLOCKS ERAU, APPEARANCE APPROVED/DISAPPROVED Cl EXCELLENT ` ❑ SATISFACTORY vEr+;c�E MEETS CHP STANDA oECTEo er (NAME a I.—D. —NUM 0 UNSATISFACTORY Cl YES DATE row OPERATOR'S SIGNATURE 1117`.1 ='.- ^F CAL.FC^:NIA KGHWA'I PATRQ� �W TRUCK INSPECTION GUIDES �2343 (RE`! 5 -?-3) 0PI 061 -A. NI;1.12E.R/ Cc MP.A.,lY LEGEND �� ' J �C l a v`P=PASS F=FAIL MODEL <<. D, 00 LICENSE NUMBER 4242.413 :w NUMBER 1G3:CG34F4PJ101521 'svR EQUIPMENT TYPE 15 , 000 ❑ CONVENTIONAL Cl UNDERLIFT ❑ TRUCK HITCH l WHEEL LIFT ❑ CAR CARRIER EQUIREMENTS FOR ALL CLASSES CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE REQUIREMENTS - PF P F CURRENT REGISTRATION 4000 VC PARKING BRAKE HEADLIGHTS 24400 VC WINDSHIELD 26451 VC BEAM INDICATOR 24408 VC WINDSHIELD WIPERS 26700 VC TAILLAMPS 24600 VC MIRRORS 26706 VC LICENSE PLATE LAMP 24601 VC HORN 26709 VC STOP LAMPS 24603 VC EXHAUST SYSTEM 27000 VC 27150 VC REAR LAMPS W/CORD 24605 VC FUEL CAP 27155 VC BACKUP LAMPS (1969+) 24606 VC TIRE TREAD 27465 VC REFLECTORS, REAR 24607 VC FENDERS/MUD GUARDS 27600 VC REFLECTORS, FRONT AND SIDE (1968+) 24608 VC BROOM TURN SIGNALS 24951 VC SHOVEL 27700 VC CLEARANCE LAMPS (+80" WIDE) 25100 VC FIRE EXTINGUISHER 46, C RATING 27700 VC 27700 VC AMBER WARNING LIGHTS 25253 VC SAFETY CHAINS 29004 VC WARNING DEVICES (REFLECTORS) 25300 VC SIGNS 1 SERVICE BRAKES 26311 VC 27907 VC SERVICE AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FLASHLIGHT HYDRAULIC JACK I~ WRECKING BAR (LARGE PRY BAR) METRIC AND STANDARD LUG WRENCHES EQUIVALENT OF SIX 30 -MINUTE FLARES RUBBER MALLET/HUB CAP TOOL r —RASH CANS W/ABSORBENT LOCKOUT TOOLS HOP RAGS/PAPER TOWELS MOTORCYCLE STRAPS (CLASS A) .SOP TO TRUCK COMMUNICATIONS SLEDGE HAMMER fi FUEL IN APPROVED CONTAINERS TOOL KIT BOOSTER BATTERY OR HOT BOX TOWING EQUIPMENT RATING PLATES WRECKER CONTROLS CONTROLS LABELED THROTTLE CONTROL WRECKER BOOM ASSEMBLY CABLE: ❑ CONDITION ❑ EYE TYPE WHEEL LIFT ASSEMBLYCABLE SHEAVES MOUNTING BOLTS DOLLIES WINCH: TYPE: ' RECOVERY CHAIN HYDRAULIC RAMS, HOSES, VALVES SNATCH BLOCKS WHEEL LIFT. . PIVOT PIN CRADLE/STRAPS WHEEL TIE DOWN STRAPS GRID/FORK "L" BARS CLAW CONVENTIONAL TOW SLING SLING PADS ARRIER CARRIER BED FR E BED SAF CK " BlF,D HINGES NG BRIDL SLI PADS VEHICLE SAFETY STEERING SUSPENSION FRAME "WHEELS )W TRUCK CLASS SPECIFICATIONS:.... _ CLASS A iNIMUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS ii TOW SLING 3,000 POUNDS (IF EQUIPPED) - -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING TOW CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY WITH JIT HOOKS ONE 3 -TON• SNATCH BLOCK ....._.:.......,:. SAFETY CHAINS 5/16' ALLOY OR OEM TOW DOLLY -: .WHEEL LIFT RATING - EXTENDED 3,000 POUNDS --'r ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM -0:. STEERING WHEEL CLAMP 100' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS. cuvlrlVltN I SPECIFICATIONS IBY CLASS PAGE 2 CLASS A CAR CARRIER ONE VEHICLE MUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS EJ/TI — P F /8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS OOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIG ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS _ 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM MINIMUM 6 A CAR CARRIER TWO VEHICLE ,001 POUND GVWR CHA SISSS J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS 50' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR STEERING WHEEL CLAMP OEM SPECS. FOR EACH CARRIED VEHICLE, AND FOR EACH TOWED MINIMUM 19,501 POUND GVWR CHASSIS VEH CLASS B ICLE 14-TO1 IPMENT RATING 150' 7/16" 6X194"X4"X48" CABLE OR OEM TOW CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS & 4 "X4"X60" WOOD SPECIFICATIONS SAFETY CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM CROSSBEAM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS TWO 8 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS /HEEL LIFT RATING -RETRACTED 10,000 POUNDS AIR BRAKES OR HYDRAULIC W/AIR HOOKUP AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS WHEEL LIFT RATING - 85" EXTENSION 8,000 POUNDS WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS AXLE COVERS/CAPS SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS TO SLING 7,000 POUND RATING (IF EQUIPPED) ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES 4"X 8" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM MINIMI Inn 1. — —,..-. _. _ CLASS B CAR CARRIER nnlc %/cLjt—. — "JUL) POUNDS -Y� 'ALL APPEARANCE APPROVED/DISAPPROVED Cl EXCELLENT : O SATISFACTORY O UNSATISFACTORY jTE MEET CHP STANDARDS:CTED 8Y (NAME.D. NUMBER - YES fV0DATE OR'S IGNATURE t 11 � n )F CAL;FC,1NIA .MENT CF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PA -..--ICL V TRUCK INSPECTION GUIDE '3-4B (REV 5-96) OPI 061 NUMBER COMPANY I.S fe,) LEGEND P = PASS MAKE MODEL LICENSE NUMBER VIN NUMBER F=FAIL - ��/E✓ x.50 //v Si��SaD:r. / �•��''���I/;J /D7y�S- — L EQUIPMENT TYPECl. CONVENTIONAL 1�-UNDER6FT •❑' TRUCK HITCH ❑ WHEEL LIFT ❑ .CAR CARRIER :UIREMENTS FOR.ALL CLASSES .:::. <:-::< . c. SNATCH BLOCKS WHEEL LIFT CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE REQUIREMENTS -� CRADLE/STRAPS ..... . CURRENT REGISTRATION - 4000 VC •` � -PARKING BRAKE - HEADLIGHTS _ •- •._._ • 24400 VC• • / WINDSHIELD '_ 26451 VC BEAM -INDICATOR _ 24408 VC• - .: WINDSHIELD WIPERS 26700 VC 26706 VC TAILLAMPS - 24600.VC. MIRRORS . 26709 VC " LICENSE PLATE LAMP - •24601 uC TOW SLING 3,000 POUNDS (IF EQUIPPED) TOW CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY WITH J/T HOOKS - SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM. WHEEL LIFT RATING - EXTENDED 3,000 POUNDS 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM. -1'00'3/8- 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS �/ STOP LAMPS 24603. VIC i. "HORN EXHAUST SYSTEM 27000 VC 27150 VC REAR LAMPS W/CORD _ 24605 VC FUEUCAP . 27155 VC .BACKUP LAMPS (1969+) 24606 VC TIRE TREAD 27465 VC REFLECTORS, REAR 24607' VC FENDERS/MUD GUARDS 27600 VC REFLECTORS, FRONT AND SIDE (1968+). 24608. VC BROOM -' TURN SIGNALS 24951 VC SHOVEL 27700 VC CLEARANCE LAMPS (+80" WIDE) 25100 VC FIRE EXTINGUISHER 48, —f—RATING 27.700 VC 27700 VC AMBER WARNING LIGHTS 25253 VC / SAFETY CHAINS 29004 VC WARNING DEVICES (REFLECTORS) 25300 VC SIGNS SERVICE BRAKES 26311 VC 27907 VC FLASHLIGHT WRECKING BAR (LARGE PRY BAR) EQUIVALENT OF SIX 30 -MINUTE FLA TRASH CANS W/ABSORBENT P RAGS/PAPER TOWELS )P TO TRUCK COMMUNICATIONS JEL IN APPROVED CONTAINERS I BOOSTER BATTERY OR HOT BOX RATING PLATES CONTROLS LABELED WRECKER BOOM ASSEMBLY WHEEL LIFT ASSEMBLY MOUNTING BOLTS WINCH: TYPE: HYDRAULIC RAMS, HOSES, VALVES PIVOT PIN WHEEL TIE DOWN STRAPS "L" BARS TOW SLING CARRIER BED FRAME BED HINGES SLIDE PADS STEERING I FRAME ONS . SERVICE AND OTHER EQUIPMENT HYDRAULIC JACK METRIC AND STANDARD LUG WRENCHES / RUBBER MALLET/HUB CAP TOOL LOCKOUT TOOLS MOTORCYCLE STRAPS (CLASS A) SLEDGE HAMMER TOOL KIT f— AUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS -,N RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING AE 3 -TON SNATCH BLOCK TOW DOLLY ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS STEERING WHEEL CLAMP WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS I UWING. EQUIPMENT WRECKER CONTROLS THROTTLE CONTROL / CABLE: ❑ CONDITION '❑ EYE TYPE CABLE SHEAVES . DOLLIES l RECOVERY CHAIN SNATCH BLOCKS WHEEL LIFT -� CRADLE/STRAPS GRID/FORK CLAW CONVENTIONAL SLING PADS CAR CARRIER BED SAFETY LOCK LOADING BRIDLE VEHICLE SAFETY SUSPENSION WHEELS CLASS A TOW SLING 3,000 POUNDS (IF EQUIPPED) TOW CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY WITH J/T HOOKS - SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM. WHEEL LIFT RATING - EXTENDED 3,000 POUNDS 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM. -1'00'3/8- 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS �/ �� nut.rC tC.2UIPME aF UM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM .SP ECIFICATIONS OK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS tA SPECIFICATIO SN (gyRRIER ONE VEHICLE qM INIMUM 1 6,001 POUND GVWR CHASSSaS A CAR CA J HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS 50' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR•OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4 SAFETY.. CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECS: FOR E� f PAIRCHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS` PAIR SPACER BLOCKS " 4'X48" & 4"X4"X60".WOOD CROSSBEAM 1RIER.TWO VEHICLE ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS STEERING WHEEL CLAMP 4"X'4"X48". & 4"X4"X60"'WOOD CROSSBEAM CH CARRIED VEHICLE, AND'7 FOR EACH11 MINIMUM 19,501 POUND GVWR CHASSIS CLASS B - _. TOWED VEHICLE 14 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING TOW CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 150' 7/16" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM -SPECIFICATIONS' •' ' 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM SAFETY CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS ' TWO 8 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS WHEEL LIFT RATING -RETRACTED 10,000 POUNDS AIR BRAKES OR HYDRAULIC W/AIR HOOKUP - WHEEL UFT RATING - 85" EXTENSION 8,000 POUNDS AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT'DEVICE LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS I AXLE COVERS/CAPS SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS TOWS I ,OUND RATING (IF EQUIPPED) ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES 4"X4"X48" & 6"X6"X60" W000 CROSSBEAM B CAR CARRIER ONE VEHICLE MINIMUM 19,501 POUCLAND GVWR CHASS SSS ' 50' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM EL 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" STEERALLOY OR OEM SPECS. FOR EACH CARRIIED EHNG ECLE, MINIMUM 33,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 12111;,1111'FOR EACH TOWED VEHICLE CLASS C 25 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING TOW CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 200' 5/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS SAFETY CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM 4"X4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS TWO 12 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS UNDER LIFT RATING RE - RETRACTED 25,000 POUNDS AIR BRAKES W/AIR HOOKUP PACKAGE UNDER LIFT RATING - 100" EXTENSION 12,000 POUNDS AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS AXLE COVERS/CAPS ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES TOW SLING 12,000 POUND RATING (IF EQUIPPED) 4"X4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS MINIMUM 50,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS CLASS D 30 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING TOW CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM 250' 3/4" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS SAFETY CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM 4"X4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS " TWO 12 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS HYDRAULIC OR MECHANICAL WINCHES) AIR BRAKES W/AIR HOOKUP PACKAGE UNDER LIFT RATING -RETRACTED 32,000 POUNDS AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS UNDER LIFT RATING - 100" EXTENSION 16,000 POUNDS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE - LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS AXLE COVER/CAPS ALUM INUM TOW ANGLES. TOW SLING WITH 20,000 POUND RATING 4"X4"X60" & 6'X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM - - IENTS SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS j mzl'NCE APPROVED/DISAPPROVED EXCELL rT ❑ SATISFACTORY vEHIaE McETs crlP srANonaos 1 By INA & 1.0. E ❑ UNSATISFACTORY ... ❑ YES LOATE . ❑ 'NO• �� - /{ �/ N / �'/- •�i. ,. TO OPERATOR'S SIGNATURE • -`_ OF CALIFORNIA 'ARSMENi OF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL OW TRUCK INSPECTION GUIDE -iP 2348 (REV 5-96) OPI 061 COMPANY ry J "1 n n r,\l r err LEGENDl� P=PASS F=FAIL -. 1y94 MAKE -HEV. MODEL H.D.350o LI ENSE NUMBER X30191 VIN NUMO 1G�KC34F2RJ105G38 ;VWR 15,000 EQUIPMENT TYPE Cl CONVENTIONAL Cl UNDERLIFT ❑ TRUCK HITCH] WHEEL LIFT ❑ CAR CARRIER 3EQUIREMENTS FOR ALL CLASSES.::. -- CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE REQUIREMENTS CURRENT REGISTRATION 4000 VC PARKING BRAKE 26451 VC HEADLIGHTS 24400 VC Z,/ WINDSHIELD 26700 VC BEAM INDICATOR 24408 VC WINDSHIELD WIPERS 26706 VC TAILLAMPS 24600 VC MIRRORS 26709 VC LICENSE PLATE LAMP 24601 VC HORN 27000 VC STOP LAMPS 24603 VC EXHAUST SYSTEM 27150 VC REAR LAMPS W/CORD 24605 VC FUEL CAP 27155 VC BACKUP LAMPS Q 969+) 24606 VC T IRE TREAD 27465 VC REFLECTORS, REAR 24607 VC FENDERS/MUD GUARDS 27600 VC REFLECTORS, FRONT AND SIDE (1968+) 24608 VC BROOM 27700 VC TURN SIGNALS 24951 VC SHOVEL 27700 VC CLEARANCE LAMPS (+80" WIDE) 25100 VIC FIRE EXTINGUISHER 413, C RATING 27700 VC AMBER WARNING LIGHTS 25253 VIC 161 SAFETY CHAINS 29004 VC WARNING DEVICES (REFLECTORS) 25300 VC SIGNS 27907 VC SERVICE BRAKES 26311 VC SERVICE AND OT HE EQUIPMENT FLASHLIGHT HYDRAULIC JACK i WRECKING BAR (LARGE PRY BAR) METRIC AND STANDARD LUG WRENCHES EQUIVALENT OF SIX 30 -MINUTE FLARES_4,RUBBER MALLET/HUB CAP TOOL "RASH CANS W/ABSORBENT OCKOUT TOOLS HOP RAGS/PAPER TOWELS MOTORCYCLE STRAPS (CLASS A) 7 SHOP TO TRUCK COMMUNICATIONS vSLEDGE HAMMER FUEL IN APPROVED CONTAINERS TOOL KIT BOOSTER BATTERY OR HOT BOX CABLE SHEAVES DOLLIES RECOVERY CHAIP SNATCH BLOCKS CLAW ONAL -I . I rnruvir .. . -OW TRUCK. CLASS SPECIFICATIONS:-.!.'*-....'.'...: IIN(MUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CF - EQUIPPED) TH J/T HOOKS OR OEM ED 3;000 POUNDS )D CROSSBEAM 0 SPECIFICATIONS ■ r: 1-1 EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS BY CLASS PACE CLASS A CAR CARRIER O71H MINIMUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS P F - 50' 3i8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONSJ/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS 4SAF5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATC,s- ONE PBLOCKS4"X4"X48 & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM MINIMUM 16,001 POUND GVWR CHASSIS SS A CAR CARRIER TWO VEHICLE J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS 50' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS STEERING WHEEL CLAMP 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECS. FOR EACH CARRIED VEHICLE, "AND MINIMUM 19,501 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 2 FOR EACH TO D VEHICLE CLASS B 14 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING TOW CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 150' 7/16" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4 " & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM SAFETY CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM E PAIR ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS TWO 8 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS WHEEL LIFT RATING RETRACTED 10,000 POUNDS AIR BRAKES OR HYDRAULIC W/AIR HOOKUP WHEEL LIFT RATING - 85" EXTENSION 8,000 POUNDS AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS AXLE COVERS/CAPS SAFETY TIE DOWN CHAINS TOW SLING 7,000 POUND RATING (IF EQUIPPED) ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES 4"X4"X48" & 6"AD "X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM CLQq¢ R CAQ /`A vvuuu uruSSBEAM PAIR SPACER BLOCKS )ER LIFT RATING -RE 25,000 POUNDS )ER LIFT RATING - 100" EXTENSION 12,000 POUNDS EEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS /FORK ADAPTERS IMINUM TOW ANGLES 4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM ETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS —"w I vn vCIVI ",� JM TO ANGLES VERALLAPPEAR ANCE APPROVED/DISAPPROVED "' •- •- -. -' ELLENT ❑ SATISFACTORY ` VEH,CLE ME S CHP STANOAROS �CTEO IN E 1.0. UMBERI UNSATISFACTORY . ..... YES OATE TOW UPERAT 'S SIG URE ol pF C,,_:.oRraa TME':- CF CALIFORNIA FI ICW.JAY PA TRC'_ W TRUCK INSPECTION GUIDE 7 23,`) 'REV 5.96) OPI 061 LEGEND COMPANY ^C;dIG P = PASS F = FAIL MAKE MODEL LICENSE H.D. 00 NU DER 4x08451 VIN `JUMBERL 4F1 ;\ 3 ftJ10 3522 �9L -HEV. EQUIPMENT TYPE ❑ CONVENTIONAL ElUNDERLIFT El TRUCK HITCH WHEEL LIFT El CAR CARRIER VR 5 000 , QUIREMENTS FOR ALL CLASSES - CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE REQUIREMENTS CURRENT REGISTRATION 4000 VC PARKING BRAKE 26451 VC HEADLIGHTS 24400 VC WINDSHIELD WINDSHIELD WIPERS 26700 VC 26706 VC BEAM INDICATOR 24408 VC 24600 VC MIRRORS 26709 VC TAILLAMPS LICENSE PLATE LAMP 24601 VC HORN 27000 VC 27150 VC STOP LAMPS 24603 VC EXHAUST SYSTEM 27155 VC REAR LAMPS W/CORD 24605 VC 24606 VC FUEL CAP TIRE TREAD 27465 VC � BACKUP LAMPS (1969+) 24607 VC FENDERS/MUD GUARDS 27600 VC REFLECTORS, REAR REFLECTORS, FRONT AND SIDE (1968+) 24608 VC BROOM 27700 VC 27700 VC TURN SIGNALS 24951 VC 25100 VC SHOVEL FIRE EXTINGUISHER 4B, C RATING 27700 VC CLEARANCE LAMPS (+80" WIDE) 25253 VC SAFETY CHAINS 29004 VC AMBER WARNING LIGHTS WARNING DEVICES (REFLECTORS) 25300 VC SIGNS 27907 VC BRAKES 26311 VC SERVICE SERVICE AND OT ER EQUIPMENT HYDRAULIC JACK FLASHLIGHT METRIC AND STANDARD LUG WRENCHES WRECKING BAR (LARGE PRY BAR) EQUIVALENT OF SIX 30 -MINUTE FLARES RUBBER MALLET/HUB CAP TOOL SASH CANS W/ABSORBENT LGCKOUT TOOLS MOTORCYCLE STRAPS (CLASS A) SHOP RAGS/PAPER TOWELS SLEDGE HAMMER SHOP TO TRUCK COMMUNICATIONS FUEL IN APPROVED CONTAINERS TOOL KIT BOOSTER BATTERY OR HOT BOX TOWING EQUIPMENT WRECKER CONTROLS RATING PLATES THROTTLE CONTROL CONTROLS LABELED CABLE: ❑ CONDITION ❑ EYE TYPE WRECKER BOOM ASSEMBLY CABLE SHEAVES WHEEL LIFT ASSEMBLY DOLLIES MOUNTING BOLTS RECOVERY CHAIN WINCH: TYPE: HYDRAULIC RAMS, HOSES, VALVES SNATCH BLOCKS WHEEL LIFT - CRADLE/STRAPS PIVOT PIN — GRID/FORK WHEEL TIE DOWN STRAPS "L" BARS CLAW CONVENTIONAL TOW SLING SLING PADS CAR CARRIER RIE BE FRAME BED SAFETY LOC LOADING BR BE HING SLI DS VEHICLE SAFETY STEERINGSUSPENSION 'WHEELS FRAME Tr.., TRUCK CLASS SPECIFICATIONS — CLASS A - 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS TOW SLING 3,000 POUNDS (IF EQUIPPED) MINIMUM H TOW CHAINS 5%16" ALLOY WITH JIT OOKS 4 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING SAFETY CHAINS 5/16"•ALLOY OR OEM ONE 3 -TON SNATCH BLOCK WHEEL LIFT RATING - EXTENDED 31000 POUNDS TOW DOLLY 4"X4 X48" & 4"X4"X60".WOOD CROSSBEAM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS I 100' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS STEERING WHEEL CLAMP �AfWrr-1 I IFT SAFETY STRAPS 9 - TOW TRUCK EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS (BY CLAPAGE CLASS A CAR CARRIER ONE VEHICLE SS P F ------� .f MINIMUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS P F ; -- 50::3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS J/T-HOO.K LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS 4SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATI ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS _ 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM MINIMUM 16,001 POUND GVWR CHAS CLASS SS A CAR CARRIER TWO VEHICLE J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS 50' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS STEERING WHEEL CLAMP 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECS. FOR EACH CARRIED VEHICLE, MINIMUM 19,501 POUND GVWR CHASSIS AND 2 FFOR EACH TOWED VEHICLE CLASS B 14 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING TOW CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 150' 7/16" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS SAFETY CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM 4"X4"X48 " & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS TWO 8 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS WHEEL LIFT RATING -RETRACTED 10,000 POUNDS AIR BRAKES OR HYDRAULIC 'AIR HOOKUP AlR HOSES AND FITTINGS WHEEL LIFT RATING - 85" EXTENSION 8,000 POUNDS WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS— STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS AXLE COVERS/CAPS SAFETY TIE DOWN CHAINS TO SLING 7,000 POUND RATING (IF EQUIPPED) 4"X4"X48M& 6 X6NX60SWOOD CROSSBEAM CLASS 8 CAR CARRIER ONE VEHICLE MINIMUM 19,501 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 50' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS ::;ec•:;:.. J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS 0" & 4"X4"X60" W06D CROSSBEAM 4 SAFETY. CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECS. FOREACH CARRSTEERIP IcD VEHICLE, AND FOR EACH TOWED VEHICLE CI occ r MINfMUM 33,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 25 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING 200' 5/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIOfVS SAFETY CI-HAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM TWO 12 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS AIR BRAKES W/AIR HOOKUP PACKAGE AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE AXLE COVERS/CAPS TOW SLING 12,000 POUND RATING (IF EQUIPPED' MINIMUM 50,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 30 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING 250' 3/4" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS SAFECHAINS TY 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM TWO 12 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS AIR BRAKES W/AIR HOOKUP PACKAGE AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE AXLE COVER/CAPS TOW SLING WITH 20,000 POUND RATING :NTS it TOW CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4"X4"X 50" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS UNDEACTED 25,000 POUNDS UNDEEXTENSION 12,000POUNDS WHEEPS LIFT/F ALUM 4"X4"8=6 OOD CROSSBEAM SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS SO TOW CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM 4 X4 X60 & 6X6 X60".WO02 CROSSBEAM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS HYDRAULIC OR MECHANICAL WINCHES) UNDER LIFT RATING - RETRACTED 32,000 POUNDS UNDER LIFT RATING - 100" EXTENSION 16,000 POUNDS LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES 4"X4"X60" & 6"X Ill 0" WOOD CROSSBEAM SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS u APPEARANCE APPROVED/DISAPPROVED _ ELLENT SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY VEH'W P STANDARDS .. 'r. iSPECTEO BY (NAME s I.D. NU I E ❑ NO / DATE CAL'FORNIA H:GHWAY PATO! )W TRUCK INSPECTION GUIDE Q 23�= (ncV 5-96) OPI 061 i" °R C0?A-ANY LEGEND ?c :'1 _'C':'II�f� P=PASS F=FAIL MAKE MODEL LICENUMBER VIN NUMBER SERVICE AND OTHEREQUIPMENT i FLASHLIGHT HYDRAULIC JACK WRECKING BAR' (LARGE PRY BAR) METRIC AND STANDARD LUG WRENCHES EQUIVALENT OF SIX 30 -MINUTE FLARES RUBBER MALLET/HUB CAP TOOL RASH CANS W/ABSORBENT LOCKOUT TOOLS JOP RAGS/PAPER TOWELS MOTORCYCLE STRAPS (CLASS A) SHOP TO TRUCK COMMUNICATIONS SLEDGE HAMMER i FUEL IN APPROVED CONTAINERS TOOL KIT BOOSTER BATTERY OR HOT BOX i TOWING EQUIPMENT THROTTLE CONTROL r`ARI C• 0-1-n AlnIT PIVOT PIN •Y f IGCL 1.1v I CRADLE/STRAPS x. D. 3500 5D56882 I 1GBKC34F5SJ109443 CLAW '•R 5,000 EQUIPMENT TYPE O CONVENTIONAL O UNDERLIFT O TRUCK HITCH gl WHEEL LIFT Cl CAR CARRIER j TOW SLING QUIREMENTS FOR ALL CLASSES.,,:.::.;:.;:.>;;::::;:.;:.>:;>::;::;•.::,:...:..,r<:>;: ::.... CAR CARRIER RRIER BEVPRAME CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE REQUIREMENTS B HING SLIbE—P-A6S F P VEHICLE SAFETY STEERING CURRENT REGISTRATION 4000 VC PARKING BRAKE 26451 VC HEADLIGHTS 24400 VC WINDSHIELD 26700 VC BEAM INDICATOR 24408 VC WINDSHIELD WIPERS 26706 VC T AILLAMPS 24600 VC MIRRORS 26709 VC LICENSE PLATE LAMP 24601 VC HORN 27000 VC STOP LAMPS 24603 VC I EXHAUST SYSTEM 27150 VC REAR LAMPS W/CORD 24605 VC FUEL CAP 27155 VC BACKUP LAMPS (1969+) 24606 VC TIRE TREAD 27465 VC REFLECTORS, REAR 24607 VC FENDERS/MUD GUARDS 27600 VC REFLECTORS, FRONT AND SIDE (1968+) 24608 VC BROOM 27700 VC TURN SIGNALS CLEARANCE LAMPS (+80" WIDE) 24951 VC I 25100 VC SHOVEL FIRE EXTINGUISHER 4B, C RATING 27700 -VC 27700 VC AMBER WARNING LIGHTS 25253 VC JJSAFETY CHAINS 29004 VC WARNING DEVICES (REFLECTORS) 25300 VC SIGNS 27907 VC SERVICE BRAKES 26311 VC SERVICE AND OTHEREQUIPMENT i FLASHLIGHT HYDRAULIC JACK WRECKING BAR' (LARGE PRY BAR) METRIC AND STANDARD LUG WRENCHES EQUIVALENT OF SIX 30 -MINUTE FLARES RUBBER MALLET/HUB CAP TOOL RASH CANS W/ABSORBENT LOCKOUT TOOLS JOP RAGS/PAPER TOWELS MOTORCYCLE STRAPS (CLASS A) SHOP TO TRUCK COMMUNICATIONS SLEDGE HAMMER i FUEL IN APPROVED CONTAINERS TOOL KIT BOOSTER BATTERY OR HOT BOX i TOWING EQUIPMENT THROTTLE CONTROL r`ARI C• 0-1-n AlnIT PIVOT PIN •Y f IGCL 1.1v I CRADLE/STRAPS WHEEL TIE DOWN STRAPS GRID/FORK "L" BARS CLAW CONVENTIONAL j TOW SLING SLING PADS CAR CARRIER RRIER BEVPRAME BED S TY L6CK B HING SLIbE—P-A6S ING BRIDLE VEHICLE SAFETY STEERING SbSPENSION FRAME OW TRUCK CLASS SPECIFICATIONS WHEELS .... CLASS A IINIMUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 4 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING TOW SLING 3,000 POUNDS (IF EQUIPPED) TOW CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY WITH JIT HOOKS ONE 3 -TON SNATCH BLOCK-- SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM -•- - - TOW DOLLY WHEEL LIFT RATING - EXTENDED 3,000 POUNDS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS .4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM STEERING WHEEL CLAMP : ' 100' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS TOW TRUCK EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS (BY CLASS) PAGE 2 P F CLASS A CAR CARRIER ONE VEHICLE - MINIMUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 50' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS CLASS A MINIMUM 16,001 POUND GVWR CHASSIS J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS 50' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECS. MINIMUM 19,501 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 14 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING 150' 7/16" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIO SAFETY CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM TWO 8 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS AIR BRAKES OR HYDRAULIC W/AIR HOOKUP AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE AXLE COVERS/CAPS TOW SLING 7,000 POUND RATING (IF EQUIPPED CLASS B MINIMUM 19,501 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 50' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECS MINIMUM 33,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 25 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING 200' 5/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS SAFETY CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM TWO 12 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS AIR BRAKES W/AIR HOOKUP PACKAGE AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE AXLE COVERS/CAPS TOW SLING 12,000 POUND RATING (IF EQUIPPED) MINIMUM 50,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 30 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING 250' 3/4" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS SAFETY CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM TWO 12 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS AIR BRAKES W/AIR HOOKUP PACKAGE AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS • STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE AXLE COVER/CAPS TOW SLING WITH 20,000 POUND RATING -s (• P F 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATiI ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM BAR CARRIER TWO VEHICLE ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS STEERING WHEEL CLAMP 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM FOR EACH CARRIED VEHICLE, AND 2 FOR EACH TOWED VEHICLE CLASS B TOW CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM S ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS WHEEL LIFT RATING - RETRACTED 10,000 POUNDS WHEEL LIFT RATING - 85" EXTENSION 8,000 POUNDS WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS SAFETY TIE DOWN CHAINS ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES 4"X4"X48" & 6"X6 "X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM AR CARRIER ONE VEHICLE ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM - STEERING WHEEL CLAMP FOR EACH CARRIED VEHICLE, AND 2 FOR EACH TOWED VEHICLE .CLASS C TOW CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4"X4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS — LINDER LIFT RATING - RETRACTED 25,000 POUNDS UNDER LIFT RATING - 100" EXTENSION 12,000 POUNDS WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS —= LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES 4"X4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS CLASS D TOW CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM 4"X4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS HYDRAULIC OR MECHANICAL WINCH(ES) UNDER LIFT RATING - RETRACTED 32,000 POUNDS UNDER LIFT RATING - 100" EXTENSION 16,000 POUNDS LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES - 4"X4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS -• VERALL APPEARANCE G- 'APPROVED/DISAPPROVED ' ❑ EXCELL O SATISFACTORY' VEHICLE MEETS CHP STANDARDS �SPECTEO BY (N d SATISFACTORY YES ❑ NO . BER) .. OA7�' TOW OPERATOR'S SIGNATURE OF CA, : cpNIA ,T%IEN- :° CAUFC 1.11A 14IGHWAI PAROL W TRUCK INSPECTION GUIDE 2346 :REV 5.96) OPI 061 D..IPANY LEGEND G =c '•'J i'C:'JI V P=PASS F=FAIL MAKE MODEL LICENSE NUMBER VIN NUMBER �,94 cH�v. IH.D.35oo 14w93693 I 1GBKG34F2RJ110539 VR 15,000 EQUIPMENT TYPE ❑ CONVENTIONAL Cl UNDERLIFT ❑ TRUCK HITCH X WHEEL LIFT ❑ CAR CARRIER QUIREMENTS FOR ALL CLASSES. CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE REQUIREMENTS F CURRENT REGISTRATION 4000 VC PARKING BRAKE 26451 VC HEADLIGHTS 24400 VC WINDSHIELD 26700 VC, BEAM INDICATOR 24408 VC WINDSHIELD WIPERS 26706 VC TAILLAMPS 24600 VC MIRRORS 26709 VC LICENSE PLATE LAMP 24601 VC HORN 27000 VC STOP LAMPS 24603 VC I EXHAUST SYSTEM 27150 VC REAR LAMPS W/CORD 24605 VC FUEL CAP 27155 VC BACKUP LAMPS (1969+) 24606 VC TIRE TREAD 27465 VC REFLECTORS, REAR 24607 VC FENDERS/MUD GUARDS 27600 VC REFLECTORS, FRONT AND SIDE (1968+) 24608 VC BROOM 27700 VC TURN SIGNALS 24951 VC SHOVEL 27700 VC CLEARANCE LAMPS (+80" WIDE) 25100 VC FIRE EXTINGUISHER 4B, C RATING 27700 VC AMBER WARNING LIGHTS 25253 VC SAFETY CHAINS 29004 VC WARNING DEVICES (REFLECTORS) 25300 VC SIGNS 27907 VC SERVICE BRAKES 26311 VC SERVICE AND OTHER QUIPMENT FLASHLIGHT HYDRAULIC JACK WRECKING BAR (LARGE PRY BAR) METRIC AND STANDARD LUG WRENCHES _ FQUIVALENT OF SIX 30—MINUTE FLARES iASH CANS W/ABSORBENT ,HOP RAGS/PAPER, TOWELS SHOP TO TRUCK COMMUNICATIONS RUBBER MALLET/HUB CAP TOOL LOCKOUT TOOLS MOTORCYCLE STRAPS (CLASS A) SLEDGE HAMMER FUEL IN APPROVED CONTAINERS TOOL KIT BOOSTER BATTERY OR HOTBOX TOWING EQUIPMENT RATING PLATES WRECKER CONTROLS CONTROLS LABELED THROTTLE COJV4TROL WRECKER BOOM ASSEMBLY CABLE: CONDITION ❑ EYE TYPE WHEEL LIFT ASSEMBLY CABLE SHEAVES MOUNTING BOLTS DOLLIES WINCH: TYPE: RECOVERY CHAIN HYDRAULIC RAMS, HOSES, VALVES SNATCH BLOCKS WHEEL LIFT PIVOT PIN CRADLE/STRAPS WHEEL TIE DOWN STRAPS GRID/FORK "L" BARS ._ CLAW CONVENTIONAL TOW SLING SLING PADS CAR CARRIER CARRIER BED FR BED SAFETY LOCK HINGES ADING B SLIDE S VEHICLE SAFETY STEERING SUSPENSION FRAME — WHEELS OW TRUCK CLASS SPECIFICATIONS ......_...: CLASS A ,MINIMUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 4 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING ONE 3 -TON SNATCH BLOCK TOW SLING 3,000 POUNDS (IF EQUIPPED).. TOW CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY WITH JIT HOOKS 'SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM ' oo TOW DOLLY WHEEL LIFT RATING — EXTENDED x,000 POUNDS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM i STEERING WHEEL CLAMP 100' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS WHEEL LIFT SAFETV STRAPS P IHUC UIPMENT S A CAR CARRIER 0 MINIMUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 50' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS MINIMUM 16,001 POUND GVWR CHASSISCLASS A CAR CAR J/7 HOOK LOADINGBRIDLE CHAINS 50' 3/8" 6X 19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECS. FOR EA MINIMUM C 19,501 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 14T 11 CL PAG 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5 ONE PAIR SPACER /16" ALLOY OR OEMECIFICT SPA, ` BLOCKS _ 4"X4 "X48" & 4 3" W )OD CROSSBEAM RIER TWO VEHICLA E ONE PAIR SPCER BLOCKS STEERING WHEEL CLAMP 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WpOD CROSSBEAM H CARRIED VEHICLE, AND 2 FOR Fnrw n n - ON RECOVERY EQUIPMENTTOWCHA RATING 150' 7/16" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS SAFETY '''i ;­­­ , S, - /2" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATII 4"X4"X48" & 4" X4"X WOOD CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM TWO 8 -TON SNATCH CROSSBEAM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS C WHEEL BLOCKS AIR BRAKES OR HYDRAULIC W/AIR HOOKUP AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS IF RATING -RETRACTED 10,000 POUN WHEEL LIFT RATING - 85 WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS TENSION 8,000 POI STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE AXLE COVERS/CAPS LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS TOW SLING 7,000 POUND RATING (IF EQUIPPED) ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES 4"X4"X48" & 6"X6"X60" WpOD MINIMUM CROSSBEAM 19,5SS B CAR CARRIER 01 POUND GVWR CHASSISONE VEHICLE 50' 3/8" 6X.19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECS. FOSTEER R EACH CARR ED VEHEEL P MINIMUM 33 000 PO CLE, AND2 FOR CI nce n EACH TOIA/Cr% ",- 25 -TON RECOVERY EQU PMI FIRHASS TING IS 200' 5/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS SAFETY CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM TWO 12 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS AIR BRAKES W/AIR HOOKUP PACKAGE AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE AXLE COVERS/CAPS TOW SLING 12,000 POUND RATING (IF EQUIPPED) MINIMUM 50,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 30 -TON RECOVERY EQ' RATING 250' 3/4" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS SAFETY CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM ---------------- WO 12 TON SNATCH BLOCKS AIR BRAKES W/AIR HOOKUP PACKAGE AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE AXLE COVER/CAPS -------- OW SLING WITH AMENTS 20,000 POUND RATING DS TOWCHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4"X4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WppD OCROSSBEAM NE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS UNDER LIFT RATING -RETRACTED 25,000 POUNDS WHEELUNDER LIFT RATING - 100" EXTENSION 12,000 POUNDS LIFT SAFETY STRAPS LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES 4"X4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS TOW CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM 4"X4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WppD CROSSBEAM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS HYDRAULIC OR MECHANICAL WINCHES) UNDER LIFT RATING -RETRACTED 32 ,000 POUNDS UNDER LIFT RATING - 100" EXTENSION 16,000 POUND LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS ALUMINUM TOW71 ANGLES 4"X4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS .L APPEARANCE EXCELLENT APPROVED/DISAPPROVED 'EO 9Y (NAME && IS O. NUMB ) . SATISFACTORY ❑ UNSATISFACTORY DATE VEHICLE MEETS CHP STANOAROS YES o tk g -�h � l iO ❑ NO W OPERATOR'S S GNAT URE OF CAL'FORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL O!/V TRUCK INSPECTION GUIDE �P 2349 (REV 5-96) OPI 061 4 a3 a�7� COMPANY , ''� ,T n ,IIT LEGEND y�5 MAKE P�`^��3ILT MODEL �Ci1V, LlLtN�iE NUMBER VIN NUMBER P=PASS F=FAIL P^L2 X EQUIPMENT TYPE 1 X `� ��� 2C284� 52,500 ❑ CONVENTIONAL IX UNDERLIFT ❑ TRUCK HITCH ❑ WHEEL LIFT ❑ CAR CARRIER REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL CLASSES CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE REQUIREMENTS ' F i CURRENT REGISTRATION HEADLIGHTS BEAM INDICATOR TAILLAMPS LICENSE PLATE LAMP STOP LAMPS REAR LAMPS W/CORD BACKUP LAMPS (1969+) REFLECTORS, REAR REFLECTORS, FRONT AND SIDE (1968+ TURN SIGNALS CLEARANCE LAMPS (+80" WIDE) AMBER WARNING LIGHTS WARNING DEVICES (REFLECTORS) �{ SERVICE BRAKES FLASHLIGHT WRECKING BAR (LARGE PRY BAR) EQUIVALENT OF SIX 30 -MINUTE FLARES TRASH CANS W/ABSORBENT ,HOP RAGS/PAPER TOWELS 1 SHOP TO TRUCK COMMUNICATIONS FUEL IN APPROVED CONTAINERS BOOSTER BATTERY OR HOT BOX RATING PLATES CONTROLS LABELED WRECKER BOOM ASSEMBLY ' WHEEL LIFT ASSEMBLY MOUNTING BOLTS WINCH: TYPE: HYDRAULIC RAMS, HOSES, VALVES GRID/FORK JLIIVU rNUJ 26451 VC 26700 VC 26706 VC 26709 VC 27000 VC 27150 VC 27155 VC 27465 VC 27600 VC 27700 VC 27700 VC 27700 VC 29004 VC 27907 VC "OW TRUCK CLASS SPECIFICATIONS 4000 VC 11NIMUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS PARKING BRAKE 24400 VC TOW CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY WITH J/T HOOKS WINDSHIELD 24408 VC TOW DOLLY I WINDSHIELD WIPERS 24600 VC / MIRRORS 24601 VC I WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS HORN 24603 VC / EXHAUST SYSTEM 24605 VC FUEL CAP 24606 VC / TiRE TREAD 24607 VC i FENDERS/MUD GUARDS 24608 VC BROOM 24951 VC SHOVEL 25100 VC FIRE EXTINGUISHER 46, C RATING 25253VC f SAFETY CHAINS 25300 VC SIGNS 2631 1 VC SERVICE AND OTHER EQUIPMENT HYDRAULIC JACK METRIC AND STANDARD LUG WRENCHES RUBBER MALLET/HUS CAP TOOL = LOCKOUT TOOLS fieY�t�'STR�-(£'tA�S Al SLEDGE HAMMER ' TOOL KIT TOWING EQUIPMENT WRECKER CONTROLS i THROTTLE CONTROL CABLE: ❑ CONDITION Cl EYE TYPE Ile CABLE SHEAVES L RECOVERY CHAIN SNATCH BLOCKS GRID/FORK JLIIVU rNUJ 26451 VC 26700 VC 26706 VC 26709 VC 27000 VC 27150 VC 27155 VC 27465 VC 27600 VC 27700 VC 27700 VC 27700 VC 29004 VC 27907 VC "OW TRUCK CLASS SPECIFICATIONS CLASS A _. 11NIMUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS TOW SLING 3,000 POUNDS (IF EQUIPPED) *-TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING TOW CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY WITH J/T HOOKS ONE 3 -TON SNATCH BLOCK SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM TOW DOLLY WHEEL LIFT RATING - EXTENDED 3,000 POUNDS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM STEERING WHEEL CLAMP 100' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS I WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS TOW TRUC i EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS !8Y CLASS) PAGE 2 CL ISS A CAR CARRIER ONE VEHICLE MINIMUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 50' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICAT'ONS 4 SAFETY CH:;:NS 5.16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIII J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS 4 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM CLASS A CAR CARRIER TWO VEHICLE MINIMUM 16,001 POUND GVWR CHASSIS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS STEERING WHEEL CLAMP 50' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM - 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECS. FOR EACH CARRIED VEHICLE, AND 2 FOR EACH TOWED VEHICLE . MINIMUM 19,501 POUND GVWR CHASSIS CLASS B TOW CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 14 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM 150' 7/16" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS] -ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS SAFETY CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY LIFT RATING - RETRACTED 10,000 POUNDS TWO 8 -TON SNATCH BLOCKSWHEEL AIR BRAKES OR HYDRAULIC WWHEEL LIFT RATING - 85" EXTENSION 8,000 POUNDS =0EM[WHEEL AIR HOSES• AND FITTINGSLIFT/FORK LIFT SAFETY STRAPS ADAPTERS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENSAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS AXLE COVERS/CAPSALUMINUM TOW ANGLES TOW SLING 7,000 POUND RATING (IF EQUIPPED) 4"X4"X48" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM CLASS B CAR CARRIER ONE VEHICLE MINIMUM 19,501 POUND GVWR CHASSIS__ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS 50' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM a J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS I STEERING WHEEL CLAMP 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECS. FOR EACH CARRIED VEHICLE, AND 2 FOR EACH TOWED VEHICLE CLASS C MINIMUM 33,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 25 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING TOW CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 200' 5/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4"X4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS SAFETY CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM UNDER LIFT RATING - RETRACTED 25,000 POUNDS TWO 12 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS UNDER LIFT RATING - 100" EXTENSION 12,000 POUNDS AIR BRAKES W/AIR HOOKUP PACKAGE WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS LLIFT/FORK ADAPTERS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES AXLE COVERS/CAPS TOW SLING 12,000 POUND RATING (IF EQUIPPED) 4"X4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS MINIMUM 50,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS CLASS D TOW CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM 30 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING 250' 3/4" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4"X4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM SAFETY CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS HYDRAULIC OR MECHANICAL WINCH(ES) TWO 12 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS AIR BRAKES W/AIR HOOKUP PACKAGE UNDER LIFT RATING - RETRACTED 32,000 POUNDS AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS UNDER LIFT RATING - 100" EXTENSION 16,000 POUNDS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES AXLE COVER/CAPS TOW SLING WITH 20,000 POUND RATING 4"X4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM MENTS SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS O EXCELLENT O SATISFACTORY CTEO 8Y (NAM D. NUMBER) 4'7-/ e" % 9�v APPROVED/DISAPPROVED O UNSATISFACTORY DATE VEH;CLE MEETS CHP STANDARDS AYES. O NO OPERATOR'S SIGNATURE - -A-E 11: CALIFORNIA -_''•�-'.1EN7 OF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL TUW TRUCK / INSPECTION GUIDE --? 23le (REV 5-96) OR 061 �J PANY 11 --A-,I#EQUIPMENT C� V MODEL -- G.1/(,vTCPICTrV TYPE 1K4Z42/181r.7 LICENSENU�M7B1EfR�VINNUMOER �EGcNp SS F=FAIL 2S�❑ CONVENTIONAL REQUIREMENTS C �H1J2SJ FOR ALL CL::: •. �UNDERLIFT�� TRUCK HITCH ❑ WHEEL LIFT CAR P F CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE REQUIREMENTS .::. _...:...BIER CURRENT REGISTRATION P F HEADLIGHTS. 4000 VC PARKING BRAKE BEAM INDICATOR 24400 VC WINDSHIELD 26451 VC TAILLAMPS 24408 VC WINDSHIELD WIPERS 26700 VC LICENSE PLATE LAMP 24600 VC MIRRORS 26706 VC. STOP LAMPS 24601 VC HORN 26709 VC EAR LAMPS W/CORD 24603 VC EXHAUST SYSTEM 27000 VC BACKUP LAMPS (1969+) 24605 VC FUEL CAP 27150 VC REFLECTORS, REAR 24606 VC TIRE TREAD 27155 VC - REFLECTORS, FRONT AND SIDE 11968 24607 VC FENDERS/h1UD GU 274Fr, xir- TURN SIGNALS +) CLEARANCE LAMPS AMBER WARNING LIGHTS WARNING DEVICES (REFLECTORS) SERVICE BRAKES FLASHLIGHT S WRECKING BAR (LARGE PRY BAR) EQUIVALENT OF SIX 30 -MINUTE FLARES TRASH CANS W/ABSORBENT SOP RAGS/PAPER TOWELS SHOP TO TRUCK COMMUNICATIONS FUEL IN APPROVED f`0N BOOSTER BATTERY ORIHOT BOX I RATING PLATES I CONTROLS LABELED I WRECKER BOOM ASSEMBLY WHEEL LIFT ASSEMBLY MOUNTING BOLTS I WINCH: TYPE: I HYDRAULIC RAMS, HOSES, VALVES `TUM 10,000 POUNE .N RECOVERY EQUIPI ONE 3 -TON SNATCH BLO TOW DOLLY ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCK STEERING WHEEL CLAMP WHEEL LIFT SGFFTV crn, 25100 25253 25300 26311 BROOM ARDS SHOVEL • FIRE EXTINGUISHER 46, CRATING SAFETY CHAINS SIGNS QUIPMENT HYDRAULIC ------------------ CK METRIC AND STANDARD LUG WRENCHES RUBBER MALLET/HUB CAP TOOL LGCKOUT TOOLS MOTORCYCLE STRAPS (CLASS A) SLEDGE HAMMER TOOL KIT ENT WRECKER CONTROLS THROTTLE CONTROL CABLE: CONDITION CABLE El EYE TYPE SHEAVES D•4LL(E� RECOVERY CHAIN SNATCH BLOCKS 0) TOKS POUNDS BEAM 5AT I -ON S 29004 V 2790 V7 (n 0 i — TOW TRUCK EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS (BY PACE 2 CLASS CLASS A CAR CARRIER ONE VEHICLE — MINI P F r :IUM 10,000 HASSIS4 POPERCHAINS 5/16LLOY 6X19 CABLEM SPEC50'3,'3" SPECIFq-OR OEM 11-IM TIONS J/T NOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS IFICATI(. 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM CLAMIN11�1UM 16,001 POUND GVWR CHASSISSS A CAR CARRIER TWO VEHICLE J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS 50' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS STEERING WHEEL CLAMP 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECS. FOR EACH CARRIED VEHICLE, MINIMUM 19,501 POUND GVWR CHASSIS AND FOR EACH TOWED VEHICLE CLASS B 14 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING 150' 7/16" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS TOW CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM SAFETY CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS TWO 8 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS WHEEL LIFT RATING -RETRACTED 10,000 POUNDS AIR BRAKES OR HYDRAULIC W/AIR HOOKUP AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS WHEEL LIFT RATING - 85" EXTENSION 8,000 POUNDS WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS AXLE COVERS/CAPS SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS TOW SLING 7,000 POUND RATING IIF EQUIPPED) ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES 4"X4"X48" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM • II Irmo AIlk I I, I. __...._ __ CLASS B CAR CARRIER nNF vFulrl c _ � I vn VCM JM TOW ANGLES AM POUNDS ,000 POUNDS-. :RALL APPEARANCE APPROVED/DISAPPROVED Cl EXCELLENT SATISFACTORY vEhllaE nn S CMP STANOAROS PECTEO BY (NAME d 1.0. NUMBERI' ❑ UNSATISFACTQRY YES O //�/� ��/� GATE �•t /1/( • 0,4 - I �/G /Q / \ /. OR'S IGNATUR . . CF ;•.1L ,r: ? NIA 17%IE•J_ .)� CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY "A"ICL W TRUCK INSPECTION GUIDE 234P (R=V 5.96) OPI 061 A �— COMPANY G .)'c `N TC`•11IN'S LEGEND F=FAIL �3 :v1AKEli- , OD S 3500 LIY-U '_f. 4'�E'-Y f'P=PASS VIN NI� Kl.i3�i'S�U�O1�O'f' VR 5,000 EQUIPMENT TYPE ❑ CONVENTIONAL ❑ UNDERLIFT Cl TRUCK HITCH IX WHEEL LIFT ❑ CAR CARRIER -2UIREMENTS FOR ALL CLASSES T- CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE REQUIREMENTS F::... ., ...: ::. .... ...: P F CURRENT REGISTRATION 4000 VC PARKING BRAKE 26451 VC HEADLIGHTS 24400 VC WINDSHIELD 26700 VC BEAM INDICATOR 24408 VC WINDSHIELD WIPERS 26706 VC TAILLAMPS 24600 VC MIRRORS 26709 VC LICENSE PLATE LAMP 24601 VC HORN 27000 VC STOP LAMPS 24603 VC EXHAUST SYSTEM 27150 VC REAR LAMPS W/CORD 24605 VC FUEL CAP 27155 VC BACKUP LAMPS (1969+) 24606 VCTIRE TREAD 27465 VC REFLECTORS, REAR 24607 VC FENDERS/h1UD GUARDS 27600 VC REFLECTORS, FRONT AND SIDE (1968+) 24608 VC BROOM 27700 VC TURN SIGNALS 24951 VC SHOVEL. 27700 VC CLEARANCE LAMPS (+80" WIDE) 25100 VC FIRE EXTINGUISHER 4B, C RATING 27700 VC AMBER WARNING LIGHTS 25253 VC SAFETY CHAINS 29004 VC WARNING DEVICES (REFLECTORS) 25300 VC SIGNS 27907 VC SERVICE BRAKES 26311 VC UUIVALLN I UI- ZAA sU-rvlll'J 71 3Acu i-AKIC %A//ARCORRr-M' -V1INIMUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHAS -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING SLEDGE HAMMER TOOL KIT TOWING EQUIP ENT WRECKER CONTROLS THROTTLE CONTROL CABLE: ❑ CONDITI CABLE SHEAVES DOLLIES RECOVERY CHAIN SNATCH BLOCKS WHEEL LIFT CRADLE/STRAPS ('RID/FORK CLAW CONVENTIONAL I N G P rA IFR SUSPENSION WHEELS TOW SLING 3,000 POUNDS (IF EQUIPPED) Tow rwaimq 511 A" ALI OY WITH J/T HOOKS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS .4"X4 X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSS13.F-AM�- 71 WHEEL CLAMP 100' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS wt iFFI 1 IFT SAFFTY STRAPS i uCK EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS BY CL CLASS A CAR CARRIER ONE VEHICLE MINIMUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SP 50' 3/8" 6X 19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS XT HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS ECIFICATI 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" W00D CROSSBEAM• CAR CARRIER TWO VEHICLE ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS STEERING WHEEL CLAM, 11P 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM CLASS B FOR EACH CARRIED VEHICLE, AND 2 FOR EACH TOWED VEHICI F MINIMUM 16,001 POUND GVWR CHACLA SSIS SS A J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS 50' 3/8" 6719 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECS. MINIMUM 19,501 POUND GVWR CHASSIS PA r_ 14 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING 150' 7/16" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM TOW CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" Wppp SPECIFICATIONS SAFETY CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM CROSSBEAM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS TWO 8 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS AIR BRAKES OR HYDRAULIC W/AIR WHEEL LIFT RATI-RET='ACTED 10,000 POUNDS WH EEL LIFT RATING 85" HOOKUP AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS - EXTENSION 8,000 POUNDS WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS AXLE COVERS/CAPS SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS TOW SLING 7,000 POUND RATING (IF EQUIPPED) ALUMINUM TOW ANGLECLAS 4"X4"X48" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM SS B CAR CARRIER ONE VEHICLE MINIMUM 19,501 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 50' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS 4"X4"X48"& 4"X4" X60"STEERING WOOD CROSSBEAM 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECS. FOR EACH CARRIED VEHECLE, MINIMUM 33,0.00 POUND GVWR CHASSIS ANDP2 FOR EACH TOWED VEHICLE CLASS C CLE 25 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING 20.0' TOW CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 5/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS SAFETY CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR 4"X4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS OEM TWO 12 TON SNATCH BLOCKS _ AIR BRAKES W/AIR HOOKUP PACKAGE UNDER LIFT RATING - RETRACTED 25,000 POUNDS UNDER LIFT RATING - 100" AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS EXTENSION 12,000 POUNDS WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS AXLE COVERS/CAPS ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES TOW SLING 12,000 POUND RATING OF EQUIPPED) 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS MINIMUM 50,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS CLASS D 30 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING TOW CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM 21' 3/4" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS SAFETY CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR 4"X4"X60" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS OEM TWO 12 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS HYDRAULIC OR MECHANICAL WINCHES) AIR BRAKES W/AIR HOOKUP PACKAGE AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS UNDER LIFT RATING -RETRACTED 32,000 POUNDS UNDER LIFT RATING STEERING WHEEL SE(URENIENT DEVICE - 100" EXTENSION 16,000 POUNDS LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS AXLE COVER/CAPS ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES TOW SLING WITH 2 4" .4"X60- MIN RAIL APPEARANCE ❑ EXCELLENT ❑ SATISFACTORY 'ECTEO BY (NAME b 1.0. NUMBER) APPROVED/DISAPPROVFn ❑ UNSATISFACTOR ATE G 7/-5. 19 7 YES ' ;___QNp r :"L:FCQNIA Or CAL! FC-,jNjA HIGHWAY "A -Rj L TOW TRUCK INSPECTION GUIDE "It" 23,10 (REV 5-961 OJPI 061 C 'IPA "y 0 t� " 'V I C"I CC&IPA.NY MAKE 9 LICENSE NUMBER LEGEND H E v C VIN NUMBER P PASS :;VWR H. D. 500 B01191 00 EQUIPMENT TYPE F=FAIL 0 C T' V I'-BKka34F2SJj06418 0 0 CONVENTIONAL 0 UNDE:FRLIFT 0 TRUCK MAI WHEEL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL SES ::EL LIFT 0 CAR CARRIER --------------- CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE REQUIREMENTS I C(JRP ANS TP R GHJ—I-1 ­UAG S iF CA BE( 9 "Ll FRAM TRUCK 'UM 10,000 POurL—D7G­VW­RCH, –,q RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATIP ONE 3 -TON SNATCH (;H BLOCK TOW DOLLY DINE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS STEERING WHEEL CLAMP 'HEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS lwvv rUUNUS ROSTB�EAM - - vn V CIVI & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM SPACER BLOCKS IUM TOW ANGLES :RALL APPEARANCE APPROVED/DISAPPROVED ❑ EXCELLENT ❑ SATISFACTORY ❑ UNSATISFACTORY MEET CHP 01ANDARD5 PECTED BY (NAME & I.D. NUMBER) ggg YES ❑ IV0 ^ ` I D / �� — 7�jW. OPERA?--- - IGNA UflE - • ,, TOW TRUCK EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS BY CLASS PAVE_ CLASS A CAR CARRIER ONE VEHICLE MINIMUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS P F I _'- 50' 3/8" 6X 19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIG,,,,' ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS .. . 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"XCLA60" WOOD CROSSBEAM MINIMUM 16,001 POUND GVWR CHASSIS SS A CAR CARRIER TWO VEHICLE J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS 50' 318" FX19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS STEERING WHEEL CLAMP 4 SAFETY G AINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECS. FOR EACH CARRIED VEHICLE,,AND POUND GVWR CHASSIS FORDEACOH TOWED VEHICLE CLASS B �MINIMU(VL"19;501 14-TON R8COVERY EQUIPMENT RATING TOW CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 50' 7/1 C" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS SAFETY CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM ONE PARBSPACER BLOCKS DOD CROSSBEAM TWO 8 -TON SNATCH BLOCKS A WHEEL LIFT RATING -RETRCTED 10,000 POUNDS AIR BRAKES OR HYDRAULIC W/AIR HOOKUP WHEEL LIFT RATING - 85" EXTENSION 8,000 POUNDS AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS AXLE COVERS/CAPS SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS TOW SLING 7,000 POUND RATING (IF EQUIPPED) ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES 4"X4"X48" & 6_X6"X60" Co WOOD CROSSBEAM ............ _ _ _ CLASS B raR rADRIn�,r „-. - - vn V CIVI & 6"X6"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM SPACER BLOCKS IUM TOW ANGLES :RALL APPEARANCE APPROVED/DISAPPROVED ❑ EXCELLENT ❑ SATISFACTORY ❑ UNSATISFACTORY MEET CHP 01ANDARD5 PECTED BY (NAME & I.D. NUMBER) ggg YES ❑ IV0 ^ ` I D / �� — 7�jW. OPERA?--- - IGNA UflE - • ,, tl/ E CF CAL!rCR.`JIA RTMENT CF CALIFORNIA -i!G'-IW.1Y ?A'RO'_ GUIDE IW TRUCK INSPECTION 2,% (RFv 5-96) OPI 061 LEGENO I COMPANY ? ^C TNs P = PASS F = FAIL MACE MODEL IICEN$E NUMBER 4V4g895 VIN `:UMBER 1G3K"'34-F1RJ1o34.55 4 L99WR �;;���. :i,l, o0 000 L 5,..: EQUIPMENT TYPE ❑ CONVENTIONAL ClUNDERLIFT Cl TRUCK HITCH �] WHEEL LIFT ❑ CAR CARRIER EQUIREMENTS FOR ALL CLASSES : : • ... CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE REQUIREMENTS F .:. :....... CURRENT REGISTRATION 4000 VC KE PARKING BRA 26451 VC 26700 VC HEADLIGHTS 24400 VC 24408 VC WINDSHIELD WINDSHIELD WIPERS 26706 VC BEAM INDICATOR 24600 VC MIRRORS 26709 VC TAILLAMPS 24601 VC HORN 27000 VC LICENSE PLATE LAMP 24603 VC EXHAUST SYSTEM 27150 VC STOP LAMPS 24605 VC FUEL CAP 27155 VC REAR LAMPS W/CORD 24606 VC TIRE TREAD 27465 VC ' BACKUP LAMPS (1969+) 24607 VC FENDERS/MUD GUARDS 27600 VC REFLECTORS, REAR REFLECTORS, FRONT AND SIDE (1968+) 24608 VC BROOM 27700 VC 27700 VC TURN SIGNALS 24951 VC 25100 VC SHOVEL FIRE EXTINGUISHER 4B, C RATING 27700 VC CLEARANCE LAMPS (+80" WIDE) 25253 VC SAFETY CHAINS 29004 VC AMBER WARNING LIGHTS 25300 VC SIGNS 27907 VC WARNING DEVICES (REFLECTORS) SERVICE BRAKES - 26311 VC SERVICE AND ( WRECKINGBAR (LARGE PRY BAR) 71- QUIVALENT OF SIX 30 -MINUTE FLARES TRASH CANS W/ABSORBENT SHOP RAGS/PAPER TOWELS *SHOP TO TRUCK COMMUNICATIONS FUEL IN APPROVED CONTAINERS BOOSTER BATTERY OR HOT BOX ` RATING PLATES CONTROLS LABELED WRECKER BOOM AS WHEEL LIFT ASSEMBLY MOUNTING BOLTS WINCH: TYPE: HYDRAULIC RAMS, HOSES, VALVES PIVOT PIN WHEEL TIE DOWN STRAPS "L" BARS ARRI ED H ER EQUIPMENT i y HYDRAULIC JACK METRIC AND STANDARD LUG WRENCHES RUBBER MALLET/HUB CAP TOOL LOCKOUT TOOLS MOTORCYCLE STRAPS (CLASS A) SLEDGE HAMMER TOOL KIT I EQUIPMENT M--- JEE ONTROLS ONTROL CONDITION ❑ EYE TYPE VES HAIN OCKS JEEL LIFT CRADLE/STRAPS GRID/FORK CLAW VFNTIONAL CAR ICLE STEERING _ FRAME T 'TRUCK CLASS SPECIFICATIONS.. .. .•• :••� -• •- • MINIMUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 4 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING ONE 3 -TON SNATCH BLOCK TOW DOLLY ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS STEERING WHEEL CLAMP , d�.f-1DS SAFET BRIDLE - 77 f SUSPENSION • WHEELS SA ING 3,000 POUNDS (IF EQUIPPED) HAINS 5/16" ALLOY WITH J/T HOOKS SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM WHEEL LIFT RATING - EXTENDED 3,000 POUNDS 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM 100' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS" ""- P T C MINIMUM 10,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS 50' 3/8" 6X 19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICA JIT HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60" WOOD CROSSBEAM CAR CARRIER TWO VEHICLE ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS STEERING WHEEL CLAMP 4"X4"X48" & 4"X4"X60 M" WppD CROSSBEAM FOR EACH CARRIED VEHICLE, AND 2 Fna ��..�, _ JT SPECIFICATIO^dS BY CARRIER ONE VEHICLE MINIMU160POUND GVWR CHA SIS CLASS A J/T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS 50' 3/8" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECS. MINIMUM 19,501 POUND 14 GVWR CHASSIS -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING 150' 7/16" 6X19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS SAFETY TOW CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4"X4"X48" WOOD CHAINS 1/2" ALLOY OR OEM ONE PAIR SPACER CROSSBEAM BLOCKS TWO 8 -TON SNATCH WHEEL BLOCKS AIR BRAKES OR HYDRAULIC W/AIR HOOKUP AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS LIFT RATING -RETRACTED 10,000 POUNDS WHEEL LIFT RATING - 85" TENSION 8,000 WHEEL STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE POUNDS LIFT SAFETY STRAPS LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS AXLE COVERS/CAPS TOW SLING 7,000 POUND RATING (IF EQUIPPED) SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES 4"X4"X48" & 6"X6"X60" WOOD MINICROSSBEAM MUM 19,501 POUND GVWR CHASSIS SS 8 CAR CARRIER ONE VEHICLE 50' 3/8" 6X 19 CABLE OR OEM SPECIF JICATIONS /T HOOK LOADING BRIDLE CHAINS ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS 4""X4"X48" X4"X60" 4 SAFETY CHAINS 5/77 16" ALLOY OR OEM SPECS. WOOD CROSSBEAM STEERING WHEEL CLAMP FOR EACH CARRIED V H� CLASS C MINIMUM 33,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS CLE, AND 2 FOR EACH TOWED VEHICLE 20•' -/ RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING 200' 5/8" 6X19 CABLE COEM SPECIFICATIONS TOW CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM SPECIFICATIONS 4"X4"X60" & 6" X6"X60" SAFETY CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM TWO 12 -TON SNATCH WOOD CROSSBEAM �— ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS UNDER BLOCKS . AIR BRAKES W/AIR HOOKUP PACKAGE LIFT RATING -RETRACTED 25,000 POUNDS UNDER LIFT RATING AIR HOSES AND FITTINGS STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT - 100" EXTENSION 12,006POUNDS - WHEEL LIFT SAFETY STRAPS LIFT/FORK DEVICE AXLE COVERS/CAPS ADAPTERS ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES 4. TOW SLING 12,000 POUND RATING (IF EQUIPPED) 4"X4"X60" & NOV, WppD CROSSBEAM S MINIMUM 50,000 POUND GVWR CHASSIS AFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS CLASS D 30 -TON RECOVERY EQUIPMENT RATING 250' 3/4" 6X19 CABLE OR.OEM SPECIFICATIONS SAFETY TO CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM 4"X4 "X60" & 6"X6"X60" CHAINS 5/8" ALLOY OR OEM TWO 12 -TON SNATCH WOOD ONE PAIR SPACER BLOCKS CROSSBEAM HYDRAULIC BLOCKS _ AIR BRAKES W/AIR HOOKUP PACKAGE AIR HOSES AND. FITTINGS OR MECHANICAL WINCHES) UNDER LIFT RATING - RETRACTED 32,000 POUNDS UNDER STEERING WHEEL SECUREMENT DEVICE AXLE COVER/CAPS LIFT RATING "100' EXTENSION 16,000 POUNDS LIFT/FORK ADAPTERS TOW SLING WITH 20,000 POUND RATING 7 MEN1�1TS ALUMINUM TOW ANGLES 4"X4"X60"111 & 6"X6"X60" W000 CROSSBEAM SAFETY TIE -DOWN CHAINS %vyCLZ Co � crt.S 1ALL aPPEaRaNCE APPROVED/DISAPPROVED ❑ EXCEL T ❑SATISFACTORY:" 2CTED BY E & 1.0. RU ❑ UNSATISFACTORY VEHICLE MEETS CHP TANOAROS DATE YES .�Gfd6G. -7/4 v.� /�I/�f 7 rOPER T W ; ❑ NO I 4. y. yy Ir ;��; err V• V rV _.r�\\•�. •Y i. Y r -. y: :2 1, •r M"iet,r �^ " .t . " r \;: n ..\. 'rl��r;r � � ':S:r rr, r 11 ��``` •err ? \i;✓a?" -- �' �': - ON ca vi, ci _. _L� ': .irr ✓'s`"'' 1::�,� .�.� ,. < �,, • Ny .4 Cvr ,�s'j? r" i •• Cis CC G) ! ?.�_,�w�y��;�r ,�yy ll 1 `=• •• �v` 1�•1 1"� �d L � 11 K �. 4 •' ::�-� -- - .� l-_' til � S:r� .:, ., CCS v co w CQ cz cl cz �►'iej� l±_'. 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BUYER desires to purchase information from SELLER'S record under the terms and conditions and atthe rates set forth in the "Employer Pull Notice Program, Information For Enrollment," attached hereto and hereby incorporated and made a part of this contract. SELLER will furnish information in accordance with the terms specified below: 1. SELLER will furnish said information as soon as possible after receipt of request, and will furnish a subsequent report each time a record is updated under the following conditions while the BUYER'S notification request remains valid and uncanceled: abstracts of conviction, failure to appear notices, failure to pay notices, accidents, suspensions, revocations or any other actions taken against the driving privilege or certificate. 2. BUYER will not use any information or portions of information acquired underthe provisions of this contractfor any purpose other than administering company policies in regard to the driving record requirements of employees. BUYER will not sell, assign or otherwise transfer any of the information or portions of information acquired under the provisions of this contract. For breach of this condition, or if the buyer fails to pay money owed the seller within 45 days of billing, the SELLER may elect to cancel this contract immediately upon notice to the BUYER. 3. All sensitive data, documentation, or other information, which is designated confidential by SELLER and is inadvertently made available to BUYER will be protected by BUYER from unauthorized use and disclosure. 4. BUYER agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless SELLER and its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims, actions, damages and losses which may be brought or alleged against SELLER, its officers, agents or employees by reason of the negligent, intentional, improper or unauthorized use or dissemination by BUYER, or its officers, agents or employees of accurate information furnished to BUYER by SELLER under this Agreement. 5. No alteration orvariation of the terms of this Agreement shall bevalid unless made in writing and signed bythe parties hereto, and no oral understanding oragreement not incorporated herein shall be binding on anyof the parties hereto. 6. This Agreement is not assignable by BUYER either in whole or in part without the written consent of SELLER. 7. BUYER and its agents or employees shall act in an independent capacity and not as officers, employees .or agents of SELLER. 8. This Agreement is subject to any restrictions, limitations or conditions enactedby the Legislature which may affect the provisions or terms of this Agreement in any manner. 9. Except for the election of SELLER to cease furnishing information or to cancel this contract upo tice as above provided, this contract shall continue until canceled by either party upon at least thirty (30) ys ritten notice to the other. nA. G & W Towing, Inc. COMPANY NAME /PLEASEPR/NTJ 955 West 18th Street MAKING ADDRESS Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627 CITY STATE ZIP M 11n5 IIJfl./A/Pol SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE G. Wayne Miller, Pres. PRINT NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE JII Tr of CI I IfORNIA AmowArrAr mw Or PARrxf/r Or NOrOR Y(w is G AND W TOWING INC AND COAST (`) 965 WEST 18TH STREET COSTA MESA, CA, 92627 Assigned Expiration Date: November 30, 1995 CA# 065578 APPLICATION PACKAGE MOTOR CARRIER OF PROPERTY (MCP) PERMIT CONTENTS: Identification Page Application for MCP Permit Fee Schedules You may call DMV's Motor Carrier Permit Branch at (916) 657-8153 if you have any questions concerning the completion of your Application. TO EXPEDITE PROCESSING OF YOUR MCP PERMIT APPLICATION, PLEASE RETURN THIS ENTIRE PACKAGE IN THE ENCLOSED, SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPE MTRCR 10/97 'A In GU ATT':EN OF CAL:FQINIA HIGHWAY :AT3UL f P. .3. :ox 3u2d9 S Sacramento, CA 74293-0001 (91 6) 3 24 -7 51 7 January 20, 1990 G F, W TOitIVG INC 955 WEST 18Th ST COSTA MESA, CA 92627 ASSIGNMENT OF CHP CARRIER NUIaER CA 65573 Your company has been assigned Carrier Number CA 63576 in the Cali£oraia Highway _'ztrol's `lanaq^_mont Information System of Terminal 'evaluation records (MISTER), which is an automated file pertaining to motor carriers upecatinq in the State of California. MISTER gives the CHP immediate access to emergency information about :oar comwany, allows the C9? to better utilize its inspection personnel, and enhances the CHP's capability to monitor the overall safety operations of companies; thcough Lha collection of information aboat your company regarding citations, traffic accidents, hazarious material spill incidents, and terminal evaluation ratings. Your assigned CHP Carriec Numbct, CA 65579, •oust be displayed on both sides of each •renicle, or on both sides of the motor vehicle in a combination., as described in Vehicle Cole Section 54500 {e .g., busa_:, three -axle trucks, truck tractors, combinations of a truck and trailer that exceed 40 feet, trucks transportinq hazardous materials). The CHP Carrier 'lumber does not need to be displayed if a Public Utilities. Commission (PUC), Interstate Commerce Commission (LCC), or U. S. Department of Transportation (USDOTj number is displayed. (Reference: California Vehicle Coale.section 34507.51. The number must be visible for 50 feet during normal daylight hours (approximately two inches high) and in - a contrasting color to the background. Example of proper display: CA 65578 If you have any questions regarding the Unc em, your assigned Carrier lumber, or the requirement to display the numbar, please contact tha California Highway Patrol, Commercial Records and Regulations Section, at (916) 324-7517. Thank you for your cooperation. go Jan. 3. 2008 10:43AMNEWPORT BEACH PL REFhief :ale (N).48.87,4:. .3;40.37 �8 t0e►sdtis • ;: sex �.Sa�x.�.: •.• :: ocb. K, £117• , ted dpipg • .::.: a apt avas . p"pty- e Countx•, .. ,• Mrd . 5fl tintiL ;- � .