HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD2001-026x1857\pvpg\posy10411\absw1243\absh273\nowrap \f3 \fs22 \i \ul \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 FINDINGS:\par \f3 \fs22 \ulnone \par \pard\cols1\f3 \fs42 \b \i0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs42 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH\par \pard \ql \li720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 \b0 P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 \f3 \fs22 PLANNING \f3 \fs22 \b DEPARTMENT (949) \f3 \fs22 \b0 644-3200\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \b \ul \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 MODIFICATION PERMIT\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ulnone \par \f3 \fs22 \b0 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 March 26, 2001\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Luis Marmol\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 P.O. Box 2696\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Newport Beach, CA 92659\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw1512 \colsr1598\colno2\colw3964 \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Application No:\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 PA2001-044\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 for Modification Permit No. MD2001-026\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs22 \tx3168 \f3 \fs22 Applicant:\tab \f3 \fs22 Luis Mamaol\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Address of Property Involved: 305 Evening Star Lane\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw1742 \colsr1368\colno2\colw2620 \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Legal Description:\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Lot No. 142, Tract No.4224\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs22 \i \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Approved as Requested:\par \pard \par g Code limits the location to the rear one-half of the lot. The property \f3 \fs22 is located in the R-1-B District.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Dear Mr. Marmol:\par \pard \par pplication request as modified based on the following findings and subject to the following \f3 \fs22 conditions.\par \pard \par improvements in the neighborhood and that the modification as approved is \f3 \fs22 consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, and made \f3 \fs22 the following findings:\par \pard \par mily Detached" residential use. The existing residential \f3 \fs22 structure is consistent with this designation. The structure is acoessory to the primary \f3 \fs22 residential use;\par \pard \par \f3 \fs28 \b \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs28 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach\par \pard \page\par \paperh15840\paperw12240\margt432\margl720\margr864\margb432\sbknone \plain\cols1\f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 March 26, 200i \f3 \fs22 Page - 2\par \pard \par California Environmental Quality Aot'tmder Class 11 \f3 \fs22 (Accessory Structures) ' .\par \pard \par Mtmicipal Code and is a logical use of the \f3 \fs22 property that would be precluded by strict application of the zoning requirements for this \f3 \fs22 District for the following reason(s):\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 The roof of the proposed porte-cochere will be attached to and be structurally a part of \f3 \fs22 the main residence.\par \pard ane. The proposed dwelling will have \f3 \fs22 a standard two-ear garage and a single ear porte-cochere that is similar in design to the \f3 \fs22 residences with two independent access garges.\par \pard \par ghborhood or increase any detrimental effect of the \f3 \fs22 existing use for the following reason(s):\par \pard \par \fs22 parked vehicles from view from the street and neighboring residences.\par \pard par \pard \par ard \par structure.\par \pard \ql \li360\fi-360 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 {\'95}\tab \f3 \fs22 The porte-cochere shall meet or exceed the recruited 6-foot side yard setback.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 The proposed porte-cochere will not obstruct views from adjoining residential properties \f3 \fs22 because:\par \pard \par losed garage, which is permitted by the Newport \f3 \fs22 Beach Zoning Code.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \i \ul \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 CONDITIONS:\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ulnone \par as noted in the following conditions.\par \pard \page\par y\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1785\pvpg\posy11246\absw691\absh288\nowrap \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 JSG:gr\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1776\pvpg\posy11808\absw1257\absh292 \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Attachments:\par \par \pard\phpg\posx4363\pvpg\posy11822\absw1281\absh302 \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Vicinity Map\par \par \pard\cols1\f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 March 26, 2001 \f3 \fs22 Page - 3\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 itself or in combination with other approvals in the vicinity or Citywide constitute a \f3 \fs22 precedent for future approvals or decisions.\par \pard \par Department through an encroachment permit or agreement if required.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \tx720 \f3 \fs22 4.\tab \f3 \fs22 A building permit shall be obtained prior to commencement of the construction.\par \pard \par n encroachment permit/agreement if required.\par \pard \par ~5 ofth\f3 \fs22 \dn e \f3 \fs22 \plain \f3 \fs22 Newport Beach Municipal Code.\par \pard \par ce of the building permits or \f3 \fs22 issuance of revised plans.\par \pard \par \f1 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs22 MODIFICATIONS \f3 \fs22 COMMITTEE\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Gareia, AICP, Senior Planner\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Appeared in Opposition: ~ /.\_~ q~,4- \f1 \fs22 , \f3 \fs22 ~%~o\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \tx2592 \f3 \fs22 Appeared in Support:\tab \f3 \fs22 None\par \pard \page\par 40 \tx9360 \f2 \fs22 0\tab \f2 \fs22 100 200 Feet\par \pard \f3 \fs48 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs48 VICINITY MAP\par \pard \par \f2 \fs54 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs54 VICIN ITY MAP\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs22 \b0 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 PA2001-044 for\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs38 \b Modification Permit No. \f3 \fs48 MD2001-026\par \pard \page\par \par \pard\phpg\posx835\pvpg\posy5995\absw691\absh273 \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Phone:\par \par \pard\cols1\sect\cols3 \colno1\colw3820 \colsr144\colno2\colw1512 \colsr561\colno3\colw2462 \f1 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs20 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 PLANNING DEPARTMENT\par \pard \f1 \fs20 \b \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs20 ' \f3 \fs20 AppHcafion:\par \pard \f3 \fs20 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Modification Pert'nit No.:\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Accepted by!\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f2 \fs16 \tx1296 \tx8784 \tx9936 \tx10512 \tab \f2 \fs16 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD\tab \f2 \fs16 ~/0~\tab \tab \f2 \fs16 <\line \tab \f3 \fs16 (~9) ~4-3200; F~ (949) ~4~250\tab \tab \f2 \fs16 I ~\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 P~T I: Cover \f3 \fs20 \b Page\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \b0 \i \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Pr\_\_o'el~\_~ Commo. ~\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw4982 \colsr302\colno2\colw3403 \f3 \fs20 \i0 \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 APPLICANT (Pri\{,tt):\par \pard \par \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs20 Mailing Address: \f1 \fs20 \ul ~0. \f3 \fs20 O, ~"~h"~ ~ ~q ~,\par \pard \f3 \fs20 \ulnone \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 CONTACT PERSON (if different):\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Mailing Address:\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \tx2736 \f3 \fs20 Phone: ( )\tab \f3 \fs20 Fax ( )\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 ~-operty Owner (if different from above):\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Mailing Address:\par \pard \par \tx2736 \f3 \fs20 Phone: ( )\tab \f3 \fs20 Fax ( )\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 NOTE: An agent may sign for the owner if written authorization from the record owner is filed with the application.\par \pard \page\par se:\par \par \pard\phpg\posx811\pvpg\posy4262\absw1315\absh273\nowrap \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Front setback\par \par \pard\phpg\posx6585\pvpg\posy3916\absw820\absh288 \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Existing\par \par \pard\phpg\posx820\pvpg\posy5088\absw1243\absh288\nowrap \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Rear setback\par \par \pard\phpg\posx820\pvpg\posy5673\absw1166\absh259\nowrap \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Garage area\par \par \pard\phpg\posx825\pvpg\posy5952\absw1123\absh273\nowrap \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Open space\par \par \pard\phpg\posx4497\pvpg\posy13219\absw537\absh249 \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 (Date)\par \par \pard\phpg\posx921\pvpg\posy15177\absw1286\absh302 \f3 \fs22 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 C.C. Hearing\par \par \pard\phpg\posx6681\pvpg\posy14275\absw1137\absh302 \f3 \fs22 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 P.C. Action\par \par \pard\phpg\posx6686\pvpg\posy15120\absw1166\absh292 \f3 \fs22 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 C.C. Action\par \par \pard\cols1\f3 \fs22 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Work to be done:\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \tx3600 \f3 \fs22 Existing Nonconformities:\tab \f3 \fs22 ~t)\f3 \fs22 \dn D \f3 \fs22 \plain \f3 \fs22 m, ~ ......\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Proposed Nonconformities:\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw2836 \colsr3643\colno2\colw921 \f3 \fs22 \sl480 \qj \fi1440 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Proposed Use: \f3 \fs22 Code Requirement\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Zone:\par \pard \par \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Proposed\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Right side setback\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Left side setback\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Main buildlnF area\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 parking spaces\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Building height\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Previous Modifications, Use Permits, Variances, etc.:\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Legal Description of Property Involved (if too.long, attach\_ separate sheet)\par \pard \par s, Use Permits, Variances, etc.\par \pard \par \sect\cols3 \colno1\colw2496 \colsr2664\colno2\colw1526 \colsr1368\colno3\colw2726 \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 General Plan Designation:\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Zoning District:\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Coastal Zone: YES or NO\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs22 \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Posting Date: " Mailing Date: ~/~/6 [\par \pard ar \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \tx5760 \f3 \fs22 Planning Director Action\line \f3 \fs22 Date\tab \f3 \fs22 Appeal\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \tx5760 \f3 \fs22 P.C. Hearing\line \f3 \fs22 Date\tab \f3 \fs22 Appeal\par \pard \page\par 06=53p\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1814\pvpg\posy8601\absw964\absh264\nowrap \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Sincerely,\par \par \pard\cols1\f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 March 19, 2001\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Mr.J Garcia\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Chairman Modification Committee\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 City of Newport Beach\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Dear Mr. Garcia,\par \pard \par a!, 305 Evening Star Lane, Newport Beach.\par \pard \par d he done so, he would have found that his \f3 \fs20 request to build a carport is against the regulations of the CC&Rs.\par \pard \par like to see the beauty of our neighborhood maintained.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 We thank you for your consideration.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Voltmer\par \pard \page\par par \par \pard\phpg\posx1080\pvpg\posy11131\absw979\absh288\nowrap \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Sincerely,\par \par \pard\cols1\f2 \fs40 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs40 {\'95} \f3 \fs40 ORES\par \pard \tx3024 \tx5040 \tab \f2 \fs22 COMMUN~TY\tab \f2 \fs22 ASSOCIATION\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 March 19, 2001\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Mr. Louis Marmol\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 P. O. Box 2696\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Newport Beach, CA 92659\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Dover Shores Commtmiry Association - 305 Evening Star Laue\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Dear Mr. Marmol:\par \pard \par i was recently brought to my attemion.\par \pard \par y at your home.\par \pard \par Please h~ advised that no work on the exterior \f3 \fs22 of your home may commence withour approval from the Association.\par \pard \par view.\par \pard \par tion in conjunction with submitting your architectural forms for review. Thank you. \f3 \fs22 If you have any questions or coneeras, please eamaet the undersign~ at (949) 450-1515, extension \f3 \fs22 260. Thank you.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \sl480 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 VILLAGEWAY MANAGEMENT, INC. \f3 \fs22 On behalf of the Board of Directors\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Larry Root, Architectural Commi'aee\par \pard \par \f3 \fs16 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 \\Willaggw,~t01 \\projtzts'~l~va Shoa:s 011L~dfitect ural & CCR),Areh Cortt'~pB05 Evening\par \pard \par 0-1515\par \pard \page\par \paperh15840\paperw12240\margt432\margl720\margr864\margb432\sbknone \plain\cols1\f3 \fs22 \ul \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 PUBLIC NOTICE\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ulnone \par \f3 \fs22 \b \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 PA2001-044 for\par \pard \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Modification Permit No. MD2001-026\par \pard \par s22 \b0 lot. The \f3 \fs22 property is located in the R-1-B District.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Property located at: \f3 \fs22 \b 305 Evening Star Lane\par \pard \par f the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 11 (Accessory Structures).\par \pard \par raised at the public heating described in this notice, or in \f3 \fs22 written correspondence delivered to the City, at, or prior to, the public heating.\par \pard \par 200.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant.\par \pard \page\par C Radius Maps\par \par \pard\phpg\posx5544\pvpg\posy7603\absw523\absh288 \f3 \fs24 \b \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs24 Date\par 4 and is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs24 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs24 3~arren L. Knudson\par \pard \par \f3 \fs18 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 180 E.Main, Suite 180 - Tustin, CA 92780\par \pard \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Pgr: 949 653 3722 Fax: 714 832 9160 Phone: 714 838 3737\par \pard \page\par \paperh15840\paperw12240\margt432\margl720\margr864\margb432\sbknone \plain\phpg\posx11294\pvpg\posy5457\absw302\absh235 \f3 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 12\par \par \pard\phpg\posx11280\pvpg\posy6969\absw302\absh230 \f2 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs18 15\par \par \pard\phpg\posx11275\pvpg\posy8467\absw302\absh230 \f2 \fs18 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs18 18\par \par \pard\phpg\posx11251\pvpg\posy9979\absw273\absh220 \f2 \fs18 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs18 21\par \par \pard\phpg\posx11236\pvpg\posy11476\absw316\absh230 \f2 \fs18 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs18 24\par \par \pard\phpg\posx11222\pvpg\posy13003\absw316\absh220 \f2 \fs18 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs18 27\par \par \pard\phpg\posx11222\pvpg\posy14500\absw307\absh220 \f2 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs18 3O\par \par \pard\phpg\posx10612\pvpg\posy15408\absw691\absh331 \f3 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 5160\f3 \fs18 \up {\'ae}\par 127\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Marianne Huesman\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 308 Evening Star Ln\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Newport Beach, \f3 \fs18 \i CA \f3 \fs18 \i0 92660\par \pard \par \f3 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 117711 30\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Security & TRUST # 1907- I\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 222 Evening Star Ln\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Newport Beach, CA 92660\par \pard \par \f3 \fs18 \i \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 11771143\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 \i0 Melinda Pentz\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 \i 301 \f3 \fs18 \i0 Evening Star Ln\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Newport Beach, CA 92660\par \pard \par \f3 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 11771146\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 John & Judith Coyne\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Evening Star Jbc\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 \i 3 ~5 Evening \f3 \fs18 \i0 Star Ln\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Newport Beach, CA 92660\par \pard \f3 \fs18 \tqr\tx3168 \f3 \fs18 117711 28\tab \f3 \fs18 \b 2\line \f3 \fs18 \b0 Glen Ceiley & Barbara Ceiley\line \f3 \fs18 304 Evening Star Ln\line \f3 \fs18 Newport Beach, \f3 \fs18 \i CA \f3 \fs18 \i0 92660\par \pard \par \f3 \fs18 \b \tx720 \tqr\tx3888 \f3 \fs18 4\tab \f3 \fs18 117711 31\tab \f3 \fs18 5\line \tab \f3 \fs18 \b0 Bradley & Kirsten Harper\line \tab \f3 \fs18 218 Evening Star Ln\line \tab \f3 \fs18 Newport Beach, CA 92660\par \pard \par \f3 \fs18 \tx720 \tqr\tx3888 \f3 \fs18 7\tab \f3 \fs18 11771144\tab \f3 \fs18 8\line \tab \f3 \fs18 Luis Marmol\line \tab \f3 \fs18 305 Evening Star Ln\line \tab \f3 \fs18 Newport Beach, CA 92660\par \pard \par d \f3 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 117711 29\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Richard & Judith Voltmer\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 22862 Via Genoa\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Dana Point, CA 92629\par \pard \par \f3 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 11771142\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Robert Passovoy\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 \i 223 \f3 \fs18 \i0 Evening Star Ln\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Newport Beach, CA 92660\par \pard \par \f3 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 117 711 \f3 \fs18 \b 45\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 \b0 Wanda Gwozdziowski\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 309 Evening Star Ln\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Newport Beach, CA 92660\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f2 \fs18 \tqr\tx288 \tqr\tx4032 \tab \f2 \fs18 13\tab \f2 \fs18 14\par \pard \par \f2 \fs18 \tqr\tx288 \tqr\tx4032 \tab \f2 \fs18 16\tab \f2 \fs18 17\par \pard \par \f2 \fs18 \b \tqr\tx288 \tx3888 \tab \f2 \fs18 19\tab \f2 \fs18 2O\par \pard \par \f2 \fs18 \tqr\tx288 \tqr\tx4032 \tab \f2 \fs18 22\tab \f2 \fs18 23\par \pard \par \f2 \fs18 \tqr\tx288 \tqr\tx4032 \tab \f2 \fs18 25\tab \f2 \fs18 26\par \pard \par \f2 \fs18 \tqr\tx288 \tqr\tx4032 \tab \f2 \fs18 28\tab \f2 \fs18 29\par \pard \par \f2 \fs52 \absw446 {\fs52 ~} \par\pard \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs18 \b0 AVERY~'\par \pard \page\par .@\par \par \pard\phpg\posx7228\pvpg\posy16132\absw734\absh451\nowrap \f2 \fs52 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs52 .@\par \par \pard\cols1\f2 \fs48 \b \tx864 \tx3024 \tab \f2 \fs48 ~\tab \f2 \fs48 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