HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2001-050_HARBOR & BAY ELEMENT PA2007 -050 LIS �dEW�Rr CITY OF NEORT BEACH Hearin t March 13,2001 O Qm PLANNING DEPARTMENT Agenda Item No.: 11 Vn> ooNEWPORTBOIILEVARD Staff Person: Patrick J.Alford ew S NEWPORT BEACH,CA926g8 (949) 644-3235 GC/FORK`!` (449)644-3200;FAX(449)644-3250 BY NE Ci i f COUNCIL .i REPORT TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Harbor&Bay Element—Public Outreach APPROVED SUMMARY: Staff proposal for a public outreach process for the Harbor and Bay Element General Plan Amendment. ACTION: Approve staff s proposal for public outreach. Background On February 27, 2001, the City Council conducted a study session on the proposed Harbor& Bay Element of the General Plan. The City Council directed staff to present a report on public outreach options. Analysis Staff has prepared the following timeline for the Harbor& Bay Element General Plan Amendment process: Initial study/prepare Negative Declaration Week of March 12,2001 ND public review period March 16 to April 15,2001 Public workshop Week of April 9 Planning Commission hearing May 3,2001 Second PC hearing(if needed) May 17,2001 City Council June 12,2001 Second CC hearing(if needed) June 26,2001 Staff proposes sending notices to every bayfront property owner, harbor permit holder,' and mooring permit holder in the City. In addition, notices will be sent to every bayfront community association. Staff also proposes publishing an one-eighth-page display ad in the Daily Pilot. Notification will be conducted for the public workshop and the Planning Commission and City Council public hearings. The public workshop will be held in the City Council chambers. The workshop will begin with a staff summary of the work of the Ad Hoc Harbor Committee and the purpose and contents of the proposed Harbor & Bay Element. Members of the Ad Hoc Harbor Committee will be asked to make brief presentations on their work and the need for the Harbor & Bay Element. This will be Includes both commercial and residential harbor permit holders and yacht clubs. followed by a question and answer session. The workshop will conclude with an invitation for members of the public to review the document and submit their comments to the Planning Commission. The Ad Hoc Harbor Committee will meet on March 7, 2001 to discuss methods of introducing the Harbor & Bay Element to the public. Staff will present an oral report on the outcome at the City Council meeting. Submitted by: Prepared by: PATRICIA L.TEMPLE PATRICK J.ALFORD Planning Director Senior Planner HarborElemcni (PbA2000-041) Mareh 13,2001 Page 2 � •p C1'TY OF NEW' KT BEACH 'Hearin ate: February 27,2001 9 PLANNING DE�rmENT Agenda Item No.: SS3 moo NEWPORT BOULEVARD Staff Person: Patrick J.Alford .N NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92658 (949)644-3235 GV aOP��r (949)644732�,FAX(949)644-3250' STUDY SESSION COMICILfNIDA (40 11 3al REPORT TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Proposed Harbor and Bay Element SUMMARY: Discussion on the addition of a proposed Harbor and Bay Element to the General Plan. ACTION: Provide direction to staff to either proceed with public hearings on the proposed Element or incorporate into the General Plan Update process. Background On January 11, 1999, the City Council established the Ad Hoc Harbor Committee to make* recommendations on matters pertaining to the Harbor. The Ad Hoc Harbor Committee consists of thirteen(13)members representing the following interests: 1. Charter vessel operators 2. Marina owners and operators 3. Waterfront homeowners 4. Recreational boaters 5. Commercial fishing 6. Yacht clubs 7. Mooring owners 8. Waterfront businesses 9. Harbor Quality Committee 10. Marine construction 11. Shipyard interests 12. Waterfront instructional and non-profitable organizations 13. Sport fishing On June 8, 2000, the Planning Commission recommended initiation of General Plan Amendment GPA 2000-1 (C)to adopt a Harbor and Bay Element and the City Council initiated the amendment on June 27,2000. On November 15, 2000, the Ad Hoc Harbor Committee approved the draft of the proposed Harbor l and Bay Element. J tl • • Anabib The proposed Harbor and Bay Element would be an optional element of the General Plan. Under State law, a City may include in its general plan any element that relates to its physical development. This element would focus on the issues and policies relating to the uses of the Harbor and Bay and the surrounding shoreline. The proposed Element sets forth five major goals: ■ Preserving the diverse uses of the Bay,Harbor,and shoreline. • Maintaining and enhancing public access to the Harbor water and waterfront areas. ■ Enhancing the water quality and protecting the marine environment in Newport Harbor and Upper Newport Bay. ■ Preserving and enhancing the visual character and historical resources of the Harbor and the Bay. • Providing for the ongoing administration and maintenance of the Harbor and Bay. Each goal carries with it one or more objectives, which would serve as the means of measuring the achievement of the goals. In turn, each objective has one or more policies,which would be used to achieve those objectives. Finally, each policy has one or more implementing strategies, which recommend actions and programs to implement these policies. The proposed Element calls for water-dependant and water-related uses and recreational activities to be the primary use of the Harbor. However, the proposed Element also calls for preserving and enhancing waterfront commercial areas and waterfront residential communities. The proposed Element also calls for maintaining and enhancing all forms of access to the water and waterfront areas. In addition to pedestrian access, the proposed Element addresses access in the form of parking, launching ramps, boat hoists, docks, moorings, and similar facilities. One of the more visionary policies encourages the development of a major waterfront pedestrian space to serve as public focal point of the harbor and serve as the activity center for major special events. While the proposed Element focuses on harbor-related activities, issues of water quality and protection of the environment in both the Lower and Upper Newport Bay are also addressed. The policies and implementation strategies emphasize participation and cooperation with other cities, public agencies and resources agencies that have jurisdiction over the Bay and its watershed. The proposed Element limits visual quality issues to the design of bulkheads. The proposed Element calls for consideration of harbor aesthetics in the design of bulkheads. The proposed Element also calls for bulkheads to be allowed and designed to protect the character of the existing beach profiles found around the Harbor and island perimeters, where possible. The proposed IluborL`lemenl (PDA2000-041) rcbruary 27,2001 Page 2 Element also encourages the preservation and reuse of areas and buildings that are representative of the history of Newport Harbor,when,feasible. The proposed Element emphasizes the need for coordination among the City,County,and State and Federal agencies for the ongoing administration and maintenance of the Harbor and Bay. The proposed Element also recognizes the need to provide access for harbor maintenance equipment and facilities and to maintain and enhance navigation channels, public and private vessel berthing areas and beaches. Finally, the proposed Element recognizes the need to secure appropriate funding for the administration and maintenance of the Harbor and Bay. Submitted by: Prepared by: PATRICIA L.TEMPLE PATRICK J.ALFORD Planning Director Senior Planner 8&!2ig Attachment: Proposed Harbor and Bay Element(Ad Hoc Harbor Committee Draft). Harbor Elemenr (PDA 2000.041) Fcbmary 27,2001 Page 3 • • } City of Newport Beach General Plan Harbor and Bay Element INTRODUCTION There have been visions for Newport Bay ever since the steamer Vaquero entered the bay in 1870. Over the decades, public and private initiatives enhanced and improved the natural resources of the Bay to create what is today a world class small craft harbor. The natural and manmade resources of the Bay were once home to an economy that saw commercial fishing,fish canning, and industrial shipbuilding coexist with the recreational boaters, restaurants and waterfront homes. While the days of fish canning and shipbuilding are gone, the recreational boating and visitor serving industry has flourished alongside waterfront residences. Newport Bay has been blessed with a variety of uses and industries that have given the harbor a special charm and character while providing the services necessary to sustain one of the world's great small boat harbors. The principal goal of the Harbor and Bay Element is to establish policies and programs that will preserve this diversity and charm without unduly restricting the rights of the waterfront property owner. RELATIONSHIP TO STATE LAW The Harbor and Bay Element is an optional element of the Genera] Plan of the City of Newport Beach. The State Zoning and Planning Act states: "the general plan may include any other elements or address any other subjects which, in the judgment of the legislative body,relate to the physical development of the county or city." (Section 65303 of the Government Code). RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER GENERAL PLAN ELEMENTS The Harbor and Bay Element is one of the elements that comprise the City's General Plan. The Harbor and Bay Element focuses on the uses of the water and waterfront property in Newport Harbor and supplements provisions of the Land Use and the Recreation and Open Space Elements. RELATIONSHIP TO THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM The 1976 California Coastal Act was enacted to protect the natural and scenic qualities of the California coast and to promote public access. The Coastal Act requires that each jurisdiction with land in the Coastal Zone prepare a local coastal program (LCP). The LCP establishes land use policies and implementing ordinances that conserve and enhance the coastal resources within a community. The City has adopted, and the Coastal Commission has approved,the Land Use Plan component of the LCP but has not yet adopted all of the implementing ordinances necessary to approval of a certified LCP. The Harbor and Bay Element is intended to provide general policy guidance with respect to a specific portion of the City within the Coastal Zone but is not intended to supplant or ] 11/15/00 modify the Land Use Plan of the City's LCP. Certain policies in the Land Use Plan of the LCP are referenced in this element. RELATIONSHIP TO CITY ORDINANCES AND POLICIES The Harbor Element is intended to control the content of Harbor Regulations and Harbor Permit Policies related to development of, and the activities conducted on, that portion of the Harbor bayward of the bulkhead or the line of mean high tide. The Harbor Element will be considered in land use decisions related to properties adjacent to Newport Bay. i ex e Bay U Lower Newport Ba Newport Bay ;: 2 11115100 GOAL EM-1: DIVERSITY OF USES Preserve the diverse uses of the Harbor and the waterfront that contribute to the charm 1 and character of Newport Bay, that provide needed support for recreational boaters, visitors, and residents with regulations limited to those necessary to protect the interests of all users. The following are some of the uses that contribute to the diversity and charm of Newport Bay and should be preserved and enhanced where possible: 1. Water-dependent and water-related recreational activities such as boating, sailing, wind surfing, fishing, kayaking, rowing, and swimming. 2. Water-dependent and water-related commercial activities such as passenger/sightseeing boats, passenger-fishing boats, boat rentals and sales, entertainment boats, boat/ship repair and maintenance, and harbor maintenance facilities. 3. Water-enhanced commercial uses such as restaurants and retail stores. 4. Waterfront public recreation and education areas and facilities such as beaches, piers, view parks and nautical museums and related public areas providing access to, and views of,Newport Harbor. 5. Waterfront residential communities. Objective HB-1.1: Ensure that water dependent and water related uses and recreational activities remain a primary use of the Harbor. Policies HB-1.1.1: Designate water-dependent uses/activities as the highest priority,water-related useslactivities as the second priority, and water-enhanced usestactivities as the third priority. HB-1.1.2: When reviewing proposals for land uses changes, the City shall consider the impact on water-dependent and water- related land uses and activities and the importance of providing adequate sites for facilities and services essential to the operation of the Harbor. This shall include not only the proposed change on the subject property, but also the potential to limit existing land uses, activities, facilities, and services on adjacent properties. However, in no case, shall the protection of such land uses, activities, facilities, 3 11/15/00 and services deny an owner viable economic use of the property. HB-1.1.3: In considering the essential nature of land uses that support the Harbor, the City shall consider whether or not the use can be relocated elsewhere and/or technological advances that may render the use obsolete within the foreseeable future. .Implementation Strategies 1. Maintain and update when appropriate the Recreational and Marine Commercial land use designation and zoning district .as a means of encouraging the continuation of water-dependent, water- related, and visitor-serving uses while respecting the property rights of waterfront owners/lessees. 2. Consider amendments to the Recreational Marine Commercial land use designation and zoning district to provide incentives for water dependent and water related uses such as floor area and parking waivers, density transfers, density bonuses, transfer of development rights and fee waivers. 3. Explore development of a program to upgrade public parking and public access for all waterfront uses. 4. Utilize long term tideland leases as a mechanism for encouraging the retention of water dependent and water related uses with variable rent schedules depending on the nature and intensity of the waterside facilities and uses. 5. Continue to offer City sponsored water dependent recreational and educational programs and continue to sponsor and/or support the various organized water recreational uses by the private organizations that conduct events such as the Sea Scout Base, collegiate rowing clubs and yacht clubs. 6. Continue to provide, and enhance when feasible, support facilities for continued unstructured marine activities such as swimming, kayaking and day-sailing, to ensure that participants can enjoy the Harbor without joining organizations or participating in organized events. 7, Continue to coordinate harbor event planning through appropriate agencies, such as the Harbor Resources Division of the City 4 11/15/00 Managers office,the Community Services Department, the Harbor Commission and the Harbor Patrol. 8. Provide a limited number of designated public recreational fishing docks with limited hours, separate from public recreational docks provided for exclusive use by boating and water transportation activities. 9. Continue to sponsor and/or support all youth oriented water sports programs and facilities and encourage participation in such events and activities. Objective HB-1.2: Preserve existing commercial uses in the Harbor to the extent necessary to maintain and enhance the charm and character of the Harbor and to provide support services for visitors, recreational boaters and other water dependent activities. Policies HB-1.2.1: Support continued operation of passenger/sightseeing boats, passenger fishing boats ("day boats"), and long-term boat rentals and sales. HB-1.2.2: Support continued short-term rental of small boats while encouraging vendors to teach customers how to safely operate the watercraft and encouraging the Harbor Patrol to enforce laws designed to protect the public. HB-1.2.3: Support continued operation of entertainment boats subject to reasonable regulations designed to ensure the operations don't have an adverse impact, such as impaired water quality, reduced visual quality, excessive noise, unsafe traffic conditions, or parking shortages, on the environment or on other uses available for other users. 1413-1.2.4 Ensure that land use regulations applicable to waterfront property continue to allow a wide variety of water dependent,water related and water enhanced uses. HB-1.2.5 Encourage retention of facilities necessary to support vessels berthed or moored in the Harbor, such as boat haul out facilities, with due regard for changes in the boating industry and the rights of property owners/lessees. 5 11/15/00 Implementation Strategies 1. Develop strategies to preserve uses that provide essential support for the vessels berthed or moored in the Harbor. The strategies must be feasible, cost effective, and respect the property rights of waterfront owners and lessees. The strategies may include parking waivers, development transfers, density bonuses and voluntary purchase of conservation easements. 2. Continue to offer educational and recreational programs that provide public awareness of, and access to, water dependent recreational activities. 3. Continue to work with the various community and business associations such as the Balboa Village Merchants & Owners Association, Mariners Mile Business Owners Association and the Newport Pier Association as well as the vessel owners/operators to provide for the parking needs of the patrons of sportfishing boats, passenger and sightseeing vessels, and boat rentals. 4. Enforce existing ordinances and, if necessary, establish } new standards for the operation of entertainment, sportfishing and work boats to ensure that the operations do not adversely impact water quality or generate excessive pollution,noise, traffic congestion or parking shortages. 5. Consider the use of long-term tideland leases, rather than the current system of issuing annual harbor permits, as the mechanism for authorizing the maintenance or construction of piers, floats and structures on tidelands. Consider use of leases as an additional mechanism for identifying and enforcing Harbor Ordinances and Harbor Policies. 6. Encourage programs that educate boaters and property owners on safe boating and berthing practices integrated with a permit/lease -enforcement component that will protect the public health and safety as well as the rights of other users and owners/lessees. 7. Establish special operating conditions for special events such as the Christmas Boat Parade and other activities that are seasonal,recurring and unique to the Harbor, but which l may require special controls on access, parking, noise and J 6 11/15/00 other factors to minimize impacts on residential areas and other users. Objective HB-1.3: Provide a variety of vessel berthing and storage opportunities. Policies HB-1.3.1: Continue to provide shore moorings and offshore moorings as an important source of low-cost public access to the water and Harbor. HB-1.3.2: Preserve, and expand when feasible, marinas and dry boat storage facilities. HB-1.3.3: Provide anchorages in designated areas, which minimize interference with navigation and where shore access and support facilities are available. HB-1.3.4: Adopt and enforce the ordinances that require moored and docked vessels to be seaworthy and navigable and thereby preserve the positive image of the Harbor and promote public use of the water. HB-1.3.5: Maintain existing guest docks and encourage addition of guest dock capacity at City facilities, yacht clubs and at privately owned-marinas, restaurants and other appropriate locations. HB-1.3.6 Allow "live-aboards" subject to restrictions on the number of "live-aboards" as well as restrictions to protect the environment,the public and waterfront owners/lessees such as regulations prohibiting excessive noise and illegal waste disposal. HB-1.3.7 Continue to authorize, pursuant to permit, license or lease, existing piers and docks bayward of waterfront residential properties subject to appropriate conditions that ensure compatibility with residential uses. Implementation Strategies 1. Consider a policy of authorizing waterside improvements such as piers, docks and floats through long-term tideland leases that allow 7 11/15/00 waterfront owners/lessees to obtain financing for improvements to and enhancements of commercial piers and floats. 2. Provide, and regularly update, standards for construction and maintenance of marinas that represent industry standards. 3. Facilitate necessary periodic dredging for safe navigability and access to marinas, for vessel berthing and beach nourishment by working to obtain Harbor-wide maintenance dredging permits from all agencies with jurisdiction over the Harbor. 4. Enforce the derelict boat ordinance by regular inspections and strengthen or refine it periodically to accomplish its-objectives. Objective HB-1.4: Preserve and encourage enhancement of existing commercial areas, while encouraging and supporting redevelopment of outdated or antiquated commercial development, all to'the extent necessary to maintain the charm and character of the Harbor. i Policies ! HB-1.4.1: Preserve and/or enhance existing water-enhanced, water related and water-dependent commercial uses and marine oriented commercial areas through land use regulations and programs that preserve the charm and character of the Harbor while respecting the rights of other users. HB-1.4.2: Encourage redevelopment of outmoded or antiquated Harbor commercial uses, as part of an overall program to revitalize the older commercial and marine oriented areas, especially in those areas with adequate infrastructure and parcels suitable for redevelopment as an integrated project. Implementation Strategies 1. Identify and define the unique water-enhanced and water- dependent characteristics and potential of Harbor commercial uses and commercial-use districts in terms of special uses, architecture and design guidelines. 2. Provide development incentives such as density bonuses, parking waivers, transfer of development rights and fee waivers as well as public facility support, such as shared parking, to existing and 8 11/15/00 redeveloped usestprojects which best typify the nautical character and charm of the Harbor and serve the users of the Harbor. 3. Existing and new commercial uses and commercial complexes should be encouraged to provide, as a part of any proposal for new development, when feasible and compatible with nearby uses, waterfront pedestrian areas and guest or water taxi docking between the bulkhead and pierhend lines. Objective HB-1.5: Maintain and enhance existing marine support uses and encourage and provide incentives for retention and expansion of these uses. Policies HB-1.5.1: Preserve, and enhance or expand when feasible, existing marine support uses serving the needs of existing waterfront uses, recreational boaters, the boating community, and visiting vessels. HB-1.5.2: Encourage the development and operation of new marine support uses. HB-1.5.3: Support private sector uses, such as vessel assistance, that provide emergency, environmental enhancement and other services that not are provided by the public sector and that are essential to the operation of a working harbor. HB-1.5.4: Encourage development of waterfront facilities that accommodate displaced water-dependent uses. Implementation Strategies 1. Identify and define the unique water-dependent characteristics of marine support uses and establish specific land use and design standards and incentives for retention and enhancement of these uses while respecting property rights. Land use incentives may include a density bonus, waiver of parking requirements and reduced rent for waterside facilities. 2. Encourage new development or redevelopment to integrate existing marine support uses into proposed development whenever feasible by granting density bonuses, floor area waivers, fee waivers,parking waivers and other incentives. 9 11115100 1 • l 3. Where waterfront pedestrian accessways may exist or be J developed in portions of the Harbor adjacent to marine sales and service uses, the City should work with these uses to provide public access detours around cross-bulkhead equipment operations which present security or public safety concerns. 4. When necessary to preserve water dependent marine support uses that are essential to the ability of the Harbor to serve the needs of recreational boaters or other users, such as boat haul-out facilities, consider providing financial support to a waterfront owner or long term lessee if, and only if: (a) financial support is expressly requested in writing by the owner orlessee; (b) in consideration of the financial support the City acquires a conservation easement or similar property interest that would preserve the use; (c) in the event that a conservation easement or other restriction is acquired from a lessee, the term of the easement or restriction shall not exceed the term of the lessee's interest in the property. GOAL HB-2: PUBLIC ACCESS Maintain and enhance public access to the Harbor water and waterfront areas. Objective H13-2.1: Improve and extend public pedestrian,vehicular, and boat access. Policies HB-2.1.1: Encourage the expansion and improvement of existing public waterfront access and water-uses access which provide important links to waterfront uses such as beaches, small vessel launching facilities, public docks, and other similar public water area uses. HB-2.1.2: Encourage development of a single major waterfront public pedestrian space and related water 10 11115100 access and docking that serves as the identity and activity "center" of Newport Harbor for major special events of community/regional interest. HB-2.1.3: Encourage the expanded development of waterfront public pedestrian access systems and facilities such as waterfront boardwalks and links between commercial waterfronts and public sidewalks on adjacent streets with due regard to protection of Property and property rights. HB-2.1.4: Encourage and provide incentives for the private construction of elements of public waterfront pedestrian connections and areas along the Harbor perimeter, where practicable, as part of waterfront access and use areas such as outdoor dining,etc. HB-2.1.5: Encourage an increase in the capacity_ and availability of day use and overnight dockage in commercial areas with restroom facilities provided within the Harbor by public and private entities subject to appropriate restrictions to protect water quality. HB-2.1.6: Encourage new and improved facilities and services for visiting vessels, including public mooring and docking facilities, dinghy docks, guest docks, club guest docks, pump-out stations and other features, through City, County, and private means. Implementation Strategies 1. Prepare and adopt Harbor access guidelines describing potential public and private (and joint public/private) elements of a Harbor-wide waterfront access system, and links to parking and public transportation systems. 2. Provide a comprehensive system of directional and informational signage for the Harbor perimeter vehicular and pedestrian access systems and related parking, land and water, transportation facilities serving the Harbor and its uses. 3. Continue to provide, and encourage expansion of low-cost public access to the Harbor for boaters via moorings, trailer launch ramps and boat hoists, commercial landing facilities, and organized recreational boating launch facilities. 11 11/15/00 4. 'Provide adequate landside and waterfront access to anchorages, offshore and onshore moorings through dinghy launch, dinghy storage, and public parking facilities throughout the Harbor. Objective HB-2.2: Maintain and enhance existing harbor public water transportation; encourage and provide inceritives for expansion of these uses and land support facilities. Policies HB-2.2.1: Maintain and enhance existing water transportation uses and their support facilities that provide important public transportation services linking the Harbor with other resort and tourism destinations and providing cross- Harbor service. Preference should be given to the existing water-dependent uses of this type that are located in the Harbor, and that cannot operate without adequate and appropriate land parking areas, vehicular and pedestrian access and docking and navigability access. HB-2.2.2: Encourage the expanded development and improved operation of existing and new public and private water transportation systems and facilities (vessels, docks, waiting areas, pedestrian access, parking, etc) that provide a diversity of coastal and in-harbor water transportation choices, (ferries, water taxis, etc.) HB-2.2.3: Encourage development of additional public and private docks to serve only water transportation uses and activities. Implementation Strategies 1. Identify and define the unique water-dependent characteristics and potentials of Harbor water transportation uses, and establish guidelines and incentives for retention and enhancement of these uses and their necessary land and water equipment and facilities. 2. Provide development incentives (water access, fee waivers, parking waivers, density bonuses etc.) and public agency 12 11/15/00 support (parking, pedestrian walks, signage, etc.) to existing and new water transportation uses that serve the local community,visitors,and groups with special needs. 3. Establish land use and development controls and restrictions limiting potential changes that would adversely affect established Harbor water transportation uses. 4. Adopt land use and development incentives that will encourage existing and new owners and operators of water transportation uses to retain otherwise economically viable and essential water-transportation uses in any redevelopment of existing waterfront areas essential to the function of these uses. 5. In conjunction with existing and new waterfront access, encourage the provision of links to public and private parking and supplemental land and water transportation systems, such as seasonal shuttles,water taxis,etc. GOAL HB-3: WATER QUALITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT Enhance the water quality and protect the marine environment in Newport Harbor and Upper Newport Bay. Objective HB-3.1: Protect, preserve and enhance the natural wildlife and plant-life in and around Upper and Lower Newport Bay. HB-3.2 Enhance the water quality in Upper Newport Bay and Newport Harbor. Policies HB-3.1.1: Protect and enhance the marine environment in the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve and Newport Harbor HB-3.1.2: Ensure that the water quality in Upper Newport Bay and Newport Harbor meets Federal, State and local standards for human body contact and will allow the marine environment to survive and flourish. 13 tnsioo :. 0 HB-3.1.3 Participate in and support cooperative programs l with other cities, public agencies and resources agencies within, or with jurisdiction over, the San Diego Creek watershed to adopt and implement programs, regulations and funding to sustain/maintain/enhance the marine environment and water quality in Upper Newport Bay and Newport Harbor. HB-3.1.4 Provide opportunities and facilities for visual interaction and educational opportunities for appreciation and protection of the wildlife and plant-life of the Upper Bay and Newport Harbor and the importance of water quality to the protection of the marine environment. Implementation Strate ig_es 1. Actively promote and pursue all legislative avenues needed for protecting and funding of the resources of the Upper Newport Bay and Newport Harbor. 2. Actively enforce Federal, State and local water quality requirements including those that regulate discharges from both point and non-point sources. 3. Actively participate in regional programs designed to insure management of the watershed of Newport Bay consistent with Best Management Practices (BMP's) by all stakeholders in the San Diego Creek watershed. 4. Participate in the Newport Bay Watershed planning activities to promote upstream management of pollutants to the Bay and sedimentation. 5. In cooperation with other agencies, implement the Total Maximum Daily Loads established for various pollutants by order of the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. 6. Develop facilities to educate the public on the importance of water quality to the preservation of the natural resources in Upper Newport Bay and Newport Harbor. The facilities should include water quality testing labs and the curriculum should be designed to educate adults and children of all ages on the importance of water quality to the vitality of the ecosystems in Newport Harbor and Upper Newport Bay. 14 11/15/00 GOAL HB4: VISUAL CHARACTER Preserve and enhance the visual character and historical resources of the Harbor and the Bay. Objective HB-4.1: _ Maintain and enhance-the diverse waterfront image of Newport Harbor by preserving its variety of beacb/bulkhead profiles which have characterized its residential and commercial waterfronts. Policies HB-4.1.1: Balance private property rights, natural harbor hydraulic and coastal processes (such as erosion and accretion) and harbor aesthetics with other policies when considering designs for new or renovated bulkhead permits. HB-4.1.2: Where not in conflict with natural harbor hydraulic and other coastal processes, and safe navigation and berthing of vessels within established areas for same, bulkheads shall be allowed and designed to protect the character of the existing beach profiles found around the Harbor and island perimeters. Objective HB-4.2: Maintain unique historical resources of Newport Harbor. Policy HB-4.2.1: Encourage the retention and enhancement of unique buildings, building complexes, uses, and activity centers that have served as recognized "landmarks" and"icons" in the physical development/appearance and cultural history of the Harbor. Implementation Strategy, 1. Identify areas and buildings representative of the history of Newport Harbor, and encourage their preservation and reuse, when feasible. 15 11/15/00 �,•. 2. Consider adoption of ordinances that provide incentives to the retention of historic structures, such as parking waivers, floor area waivers and designations that can result in tax credits. 3. Consider adoption of a voluntary program pursuant to which the City would acquire property rights such as architecture or fagade easements when requested by the property owner and funds are available. GOAL HB-5: ADMINISTRATION Provide for the ongoing administration and maintenance of the Harbor and Bay. Objective HB-5.1: Promote ongoing coordination between the City, County, and State and Federal agencies having regulatory authority in the Harbor and Bay. Policies HB-5.1.1: Prepare and distribute information to those who use, work in, or own property around the Harbor that promotes the goals and objectives of this Element. HB-5.1.2: Coordinate and update all Harbor planning, design, engineering, and environmental criteria, standards, requirements and processes on a regular basis. Implementation Strategies 1. Consider the formation of a Harbor Commission to serve as an advisory and/or decision-making body for Harbor Permits, Harbor related improvements, and other issues as deemed appropriate by the City Council. 2. Prepare a reference document that provides a summary of information (including a single point of contact) that will help waterfront owners, marine contractors and others involved in harbor construction and harbor activities understand and comply with all Harbor and Bay regulatory and permitting processes. 16 11/15/00 3. Prepare a document that provides vessel owners and visitors with information (accessible by radio, telephone and/or other electronic media) on temporary mooring and guest dock availability/reservations,vessel services such as the location of pump-out stations, contacts in the event of an emergency (such as fuel or sewage spills) and harbor attractions. 4. Encourage the Harbor Patrol,as part of its administration of moorings, and in coordination with the Harbor Resources Division, to provide visitor information as specified in Implementation Strategy No. 3. • 5. Establish and enforce standards and guidelines for various harbor activities and uses (and related shore-based activities, such as docking, boarding, and parking) that generate noise, traffic congestion or parking shortages to minimize the impact of those uses and activities on other waterfront owners/lessees. Objective HB-5.2: Provide the capability within the Harbor to locate water-dependent harbor maintenance equipment and facilities with harbor access. Policies HB-5.2.1: Provide harbor access for harbor maintenance equipment and facilities, including dredging, dock demolition, repair and construction, mooring services, debris and spill management equipment, and general harbor construction, maintenance and repair. HB-5.2.2: Work with other controlling agencies within the Harbor, and/or the Bay, to define an area that can support harbor maintenance facilities and equipment. HB-5.2.3: Utilize, or establish, and enforce consistently, government and marine industry standards and guidelines for the operation and environmental controls of such uses and activities. Establish procedures and public/private cooperation and 17 11115100 communication for the emergency use of these facilities and equipment in advance of flood, storm, pollution, dredging, vessel sinking, and other events, and to implement these procedures from these uses as "emergency bases of operations" supplementing public agency safety and rescue bases and equipment. Objective- HB-5.3: Maintain and enhance navigation channels, public and private vessel berthing areas and beaches. Policies HB-5.3.1: Maintain public Bay beaches through beach nourishment programs to the fullest extent possible for the enjoyment and safety of the general public and harbor residents, and for the protection of existing structures. HB-5.3.2: Pursue means of sand retention(in addition to beach 1 nourishment) when possible and cost effective, with minimum disruption to beach continuity and visual aesthetics. HB-5.3.3: Maintain adequate dredged depths for safe boat navigation and berthing throughout all areas of the Harbor, with particular attention to safety and rescue, residential and commercial dockage and channel access areas of high use intensity and safety. Implementation Strategies 1. Establish a comprehensive program for the monitoring and nourishing beaches, including the identification of cost- effective sources of sand of sufficient quality to produce a stable beach profile. 2. Analyze the need for groins on a case by case basis, with consideration to cost-effectiveness, environmental and visual impacts, and alternative methods of sand retention. l 18 11/15/00 3. Prioritize and establish financial responsibility and appropriate scheduling and oversight responsibilities for dredging projects. 4. Establish an efficient inter-agency system for the adequate and timely funding and permitting of dredging projects, Objective HB-5.4: Balance harbor revenues, expenses, transfer between funds or government entities and subsidies as related to each activity. Policies HB-5.4.1: Receive a fair return from all tideland users to recapture all related City investment, services and management costs. HB-5.4.2: Provide alternative and supplemental Harbor funding, including seeking and obtaining federal and state grants and loans for boater safety, education, maintenance, and capital improvements of the Harbor from funds contributed by the City, County, and citizens of Newport Beach, as well as all harbor users. HB-5.4.3 Encourage longer-term tidelands leases to waterfront owners to assist in redevelopment, maintenance, and financing of waterfront developments. Implementation Strategy 1. Provide periodic accounting of City costs and revenues associated with operation of tidelands areas and facilities by use category. 2. Actively seek and obtain supplemental funding sources for needed Harbor maintenance and capital improvements from existing and new federal,state and local sources. 3. Implement a tideland leasing program pursuant to which waterfront property owners/lessees enter into long term tideland leases with rental rates that reflect the nature and intensity of permitted uses and activities and security for funding enhanced or expanded facilities. 19 11/15/00 GLOSSARY Anchorage Area. A water area outside of navigation channels designated for the temporary anchorage of vessels,using their own anchoring tackle. Berth. A generic term defining any location, such as a floating dock, slip, mooring and the related water area (berthing area) adjacent to or around it, intended for the storage of a vessel in water. Bulkhead. Vertical walls built into and along the Harbor shoreline preventing the erosion of land into the water and to protect the land from wave, tide and current action by the water, similar to a "retaining wall" on land. Bulkheads may be directly bordered by water, or may have sloped stones (riprap) or sand beach between the bulkhead and the water and land areas. Bulkhead Line. Harbor land/water perimeter lines established in Newport Harbor by the federal government, which define the permitted limit of filling or solid structures which may be constructed in the Harbor. Channel. A water area in Newport Harbor designated for vessel navigation, with necessary width and depth requirements, and which may be marked or otherwise designated on federal navigation charts, as well as in other sources. 7 Charter Vessel. A vessel used principally for charter purposes, a "charter" being a rental agreement, generally for a period of one day or more. Dock. A structure generally linked to the shoreline,to which a vessel may be secured. A dock may be fixed to the shore, on pilings, or floating in the water. Dry Storage. Dry storage of vessels includes all on-land storage of vessels including vessels normally stored in open or enclosed rack structures, on trailers, on cradles, on boat stands, or by other means. Entertainment/Excursion Vessels. Commercial vessels engaged in the carrying of passengers for hire for hire for the purposes of fishing, whale watching, diving, educational activities,harbor and coastal tours, dining/drinking, business or social special events and entertainment. Groin. A structure that extends from a beach or bulkhead perpendicularly to the shoreline into tidal waters, intended to trap and,retain and/or reduce the erosion of sand and retard the general erosion of the shoreline and undermining of shore protection structures (bulkheads,riprap slopes, etc.) 20 11/15/00 My Mr Harbor Construction (Design Criteria and Standard Drawings). City of Newport Beach publication governing all bulkheads, groins, pier, docks and other structures bayward of , the Bulkhead Line. Harbor Maintenance Uses. Equipment. and Facilities. All uses, and their related equipment, vessels, docking and land storage facilities and access which provide: dredging and beach replenishment; demolition, repair and new construction of docks, piers,bulkheads and other in-and-over-water structures;mooring maintenance and repair, waterborne debris and pollution control, collection and removal. This category also includes environmental, survey or scientific vessels and related equipment based, or on assignment, in Newport Harbor. All vessels under this definition may also be referred to as"work boats." Harbor Lines. All established Bulkhead, Pierhead, and Project Lines as defined within Newport Harbor by the federal, state,county and city governments. Harbor Permit Policies. City of Newport Beach City Council Policy Manual Section H-1, governing permits for structures bayward of the bulkhead line, and related parking, sanitary,utility and related support requirements Harbor Regulations. Title 17 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code governing structures, uses and activities within the Harbor Launching Facility. A generic term referring to any location, structures (ramps, docks) and equipment (cranes, lifts,hoists, etc.) where vessels may be placed into, and retrieved from the Harbor waters. Live-aboard. Any person who uses a vessel as a domicile as that term is defined in Section 200 of the Elections Code of the State of California, including permanently or on a temporary basis for a period exceeding 3 days. Marina. A berthing facility (other than moorings or anchorage) in which five or more vessels are wet-stored(in water) and/or dry-stored(on land/racks or on floating docks). Marine Sales and Service Uses & Vessels. Uses and vessels, as well as related equipment, which provide repair, maintenance, new construction, parts and supplies, fueling, waste removal, cleaning, and related services to vessels berthed in, or visiting, Newport Harbor. Typical service uses include, but are not limited to, all uses and vessels described under Section 20.05.050 of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. Moorin . A device consisting of a floating ball, can or other object that is secured permanently to the Harbor bottom by an anchor system for purposes of securing a vessel. Mooring Area. An area designated for a group of moorings. 21 11/15/00 Newport Bay. The terms "Newport Bay" and "Newport Harbor" are often used interchangeably. However,Newport Bay is an estuary consisting of the Lower Newport Bay (south of Pacific Coast Highway) and the Upper Newport Bay (north of Pacific Coast Highway). Newport Harbor generally refers to all the water area within Lower Newport Bay and within the Upper Newport Bay, exclusive of the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve. Pier. A fixed structure extending from the shore into a body of water. Pier. Private. A .pier used for private recreational purposes by the owner(s) or occupant(s) of the abutting upland property without payment of a separate rental or lease fee, except for permit fees to City. Pier, Public. A pier used for public recreational purposes provided by a public agency. Pierhead Line. Harbor water area perimeter lines established in Newport Harbor by the federal government which define the permitted limit of fixed pier, floating dock and other in-water structures which may be constructed in the Harbor. Project Lines. Harbor water area channel lines of the improvements constructed by the federal government in 1935-1936, and as shown on navigation charts of Newport Harbor. Also referred to as the "Federal Channel'. (see Newport Beach City Design Criteria and Standard Drawings for Harbor Construction) Shore Mooring. A mooring for small boats which is located in the nearshore perimeter of the Harbor and its islands, perpendicular to the shoreline. One end of the mooring line is attached to a point on or adjacent to the perimeter bulkhead, and the other end is attached to a mooring buoy located in the water, inside the pierhead line. Turning Basin. An area, often designated on nautical charts, connected to a channel that is large enough to allow vessels to maneuver or tum around. Vessel. Watercraft, such as boats, ships, small craft, barges, etc. whether motorized, sail- powered or hand-powered, which are used or capable of being used as a means of transportation, recreation, safety/rescue, service or commerce on water. This includes all vessels of any size (other than models) homeported, launched/retrieved, or visiting in Newport Harbor, arriving by water or land, and registered or unregistered under state or federal requirements. Water Dependent Use. Those uses that are tied to and require water, including fishing and other vessel rental and charter, water transportation, water public safety and enforcement, marinas, boatyards, yacht/sailing/boating/fishing clubs, watersports instructional and educational facilities, public and guest docking facilities and landside support uses, dredging, marine construction and harbor service and maintenance uses and l related equipment. _ 1 22 11/15/00 � r w Water-Enhanced Use. Those waterfront or waterfront-adjacent land uses and activities, including restaurants and residential uses that derive economic, aesthetic and other amenity benefits from proximity to and views of water and water-based activities, but which do not need direct access and proximity to the water in order to accomplish their basic functional and economic operation. Water Related Use. Those uses that relate to but do not require water, including nautical museums, bait and tackle shops, boat charter, rental, sales, storage, construction and/or repair,marine-related retail sales,and marine-related industry. Water Transportation Use. This group of uses includes in-harbor and coastat/offshore ferry services,in-harbor water taxi services,docking,parking,offices and other water and land support facilities. 1 23 11/15/00 4 CITY OF NEVI BEACH Hearing�k PLANNIN e: February 27,2001 p G DEP ENT Agenda Item'Fro.: SS3 35o NEWPORT BOULEVARD Staff Person: Patrick J.Alford e.� NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92W (949)644-3235 • �4jF0f9L (949)694-3;Z—;FAX(949)644-3250 THE CITY CUNCIL STUDY SESSION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REPORT TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ED!^ 7 "C'"I SUBJECT: Proposed Harbor and Bay Element l 3_O t SUMMARY: Discussion on the addition of a proposed Harbor and Bay Element to e General Plan. � ° L IMP,er�a— ACTION: Provide direction to staff to either proceed with public hearings on the proposed Element or incorporate into the General Plan Update process. Background On January 11, 1999, the City Council established the Ad Hoc Harbor Committee to make recommendations on matters pertaining to the Harbor. The Ad Hoc Harbor Committee consists of thirteen(13)members representing the following interests: • 1. Charter vessel operators 2. Marina owners and operators 3. Waterfront homeowners 4. Recreational boaters 5. Commercial fishing 6. Yacht clubs 7. Mooring owners 8. Waterfront businesses 9. Harbor Quality Committee 10. Marine construction 11. Shipyard interests 12. Waterfront instructional and non-profitable organizations 13. Sport fishing On June 8, 2000, the Planning Commission recommended initiation of General Plan Amendment GPA 2000-1 (C)to adopt a Harbor and Bay Element and the City Council initiated the amendment on June 27,2000. On November 15,2000, the Ad Hoc Harbor Committee approved the draft of the proposed Harbor and Bay Element. • Analysis The proposed Harbor and Bay Element would be an optional element of the General Plan. Under • State law, a City may include in its general plan any element that relates to its physical development. This element would focus on the issues and policies relating to the uses of the Harbor and Bay and the surrounding shoreline. The proposed Element sets forth five major goals: ■ Preserving the diverse uses of the Bay,Harbor,and shoreline. ■ Maintaining and enhancing public access to the Harbor water and waterfront areas. ■ Enhancing the water quality and protecting the marine environment in Newport Harbor and Upper Newport Bay. ■ Preserving and enhancing the visual character and historical resources of the Harbor and the Bay. ■ Providing for the ongoing administration and maintenance of the Harbor and Bay. Each goal carries with it one or more objectives, which would serve as the means of measuring the achievement of the goals. In turn, each objective has one or more policies,which would be used to achieve those objectives. Finally, each policy has one or more implementing strategies, which • recommend actions and programs to implement these policies. The proposed Element calls for water-dependant and water-related uses and recreational activities to be the primary use of the Harbor. However, the proposed Element also calls for preserving and enhancing waterfront commercial areas and waterfront residential communities. The proposed Element also calls for maintaining and enhancing all forms of access to the water and waterfront areas. In addition to pedestrian access, the proposed Element addresses access in the form of parking, launching ramps, boat hoists, docks, moorings, and similar facilities. One of the more visionary policies encourages the development of a major waterfront pedestrian space to serve as public focal point of the harbor and serve as the activity center for major special events. While the proposed Element focuses on harbor-related activities, issues of water quality and protection of the environment in both the Lower and Upper Newport Bay are also addressed. The policies and implementation strategies emphasize participation and cooperation with other cities, public agencies and resources agencies that have jurisdiction over the Bay and its watershed. The proposed Element limits visual quality issues to the design of bulkheads. The proposed Element calls for consideration of harbor aesthetics in the design of bulkheads. The proposed Element also calls for bulkheads to be allowed and designed to protect the character of the existing beach profiles found around the Harbor and island perimeters, where possible. The proposed • HorborElemenl (PDA2000A41) Pebruuy 27,2001 Pop 2 Q Element also encourages the preservation and reuse of areas and buildings that are representative of the history of Newport Harbor,when feasible. • The proposed Element emphasizes the need for coordination among the City,County,and State and Federal agencies for the ongoing administration and maintenance of the Harbor and Bay. The proposed Element also recognizes the need to provide access for harbor maintenance equipment and facilities and to maintain and enhance navigation channels, public and private vessel berthing areas and beaches. Finally, the proposed Element recognizes the need to secure appropriate funding for the administration and maintenance of the Harbor and Bay. Submitted by: Prepared by: PATRICIA L. TEMPLE PATRICK J.ALFORD Planning Director Senior Planner Attachment: Proposed Harbor and Bay Element(Ad Hoc Harbor Committee Draft). • • Harbor Element (PDA2000.041) Febmary 27,2001 Page 3 City of Newport Beach General Plan . Harbor and Bay Element INTRODUCTION There have been visions for Newport Bay ever since the steamer Vaquero entered the bay in 1870. Over the decades, public and private initiatives enhanced and improved the natural resources of the Bay to create what is today a world class small craft harbor. The natural and manmade resources of the Bay were once home to an economy that saw commercial fishing,fish canning, and industrial shipbuilding coexist with the recreational boaters, restaurants and waterfront homes. While the days of fish canning and shipbuilding are gone,the recreational boating and visitor serving industry has flourished alongside waterfront residences. Newport Bay has .been blessed with a variety of uses and industries that have given the harbor a special charm and character while providing the services necessary to sustain one of the world's great small boat harbors. The principal goal of the Harbor and Bay Element is to establish policies and programs that will preserve this diversity and charm without unduly restricting the rights of the waterfront property owner. RELATIONSHIP TO STATE LAW The Harbor and Bay Element is an optional element of the General Plan of the City of • Newport Beach. The State Zoning and Planning Act states: "the general plan may include any other elements or address any other subjects which, in the judgment of the legislative body,relate to the physical development of the county or city." (Section 65303 of the Government Code). RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER GENERAL PLAN ELEMENTS The Harbor and Bay Element is one of the elements that comprise the Ci 's General Plan. The Harbor and Bay Element focuses on the uses of the water and waterfront property in Newport Harbor and supplements provisions of the Land Use and the Recreation and Open Space Elements. RELATIONSHIP TO THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM The 1976 California Coastal Act was enacted to protect the natural and scenic qualities of the California coast and to promote public access. The Coastal Act requires that each jurisdiction with land in the Coastal Zone prepare a local coastal program (LCP). The LCP establishes land use policies and implementing ordinances that conserve and enhance the coastal resources within a community. The City has adopted, and the Coastal Commission has approved, the Land Use Plan component of the LCP but has not yet adopted all of the implementing ordinances necessary to approval of a certified LCP. The Harbor and Bay Element is intended to provide general policy guidance with respect to a specific portion of the City within the Coastal Zone but is not intended to supplant or . 1 11/15/00 i modify the Land Use Plan of the City s LCP. Certain policies in the Land Use Plan of • the LCP are referenced in this element.. RELATIONSHIP TO CITY ORDINANCES AND POLICIES The Harbor Element is intended to control the content of Harbor Regulations and Harbor Permit Policies related to development of, and the activities conducted on, that portion of the Harbor bayward of the bulkhead or the line of mean high tide. The Harbor Element will be considered in land use decisions related to properties adjacent to Newport Bay. Kk� t V p e e Bay Lower NewportBa" t Newport Bay r,_= 2 11115100 GOAL I111-1: DIVERSITY OF USES Preserve the diverse uses of the Harbor and the waterfront that contribute to the charm • and character of Newport Bay, that provide needed support for recreational boaters, visitors, and residents with regulations limited to those necessary to protect the interests of all users. The following are some of the uses that contribute to the diversity and charm of Newport Bay and should be preserved and enhanced where possible: 1. Water-dependent and water-related recreational activities such as boating, sailing, wind surfing, fishing, kayaking, rowing, and swimming. 2. Water-dependent and water-related commercial activities such as passenger/sightseeing boats, passenger-fishing boats, boat rentals and sales, entertainment boats, boat/ship repair and maintenance, and harbor maintenance facilities. 3. Water-enhanced commercial uses such as restaurants and retail stores. 4. Waterfront public recreation and education areas and facilities such as beaches, piers, view parks and nautical museums and related public areas providing access to, and views of,Newport Harbor. 5. Waterfront residential communities. Objective HB-1.1: Ensure that water dependent and water related uses and recreational activities remain a primary use of the Harbor. Policies HB-1.1.1: Designate water-dependent uses/activities as the highest priority, water-related uses/activities as the second priority, and water-enhanced uses/activities as the third priority. HB-1.1.2: When reviewing proposals for land uses changes, the City shall consider the impact on water-dependent and water- related land uses and activities and the importance of providing adequate sites for facilities and services essential to the operation of the Harbor. This shall include not only the proposed change on the subject property, but also the potential to limit existing land uses, activities, facilities, and services on adjacent properties. However, in no case, shall the protection of such land uses, activities, facilities, 3 11/15/00 • and services deny an owner viable economic use of the • property. HB-1.1.3: In considering the essential nature of land uses that support the Harbor, the City shall consider whether or not the use can be relocated elsewhere and/or technological advances that may render the use obsolete within the foreseeable future. Implementation Strategies 1. Maintain and update when appropriate the Recreational and Marine Commercial land use designation and zoning district as a means of encouraging the continuation of water-dependent, water- related, and visitor-serving uses while respecting the property rights of waterfront owners/lessees. 2. Consider amendments to the Recreational Marine Commercial land use designation and zoning district to provide incentives for water dependent and water related uses such as floor area and parking waivers,' density transfers, density bonuses, transfer of development rights and fee waivers. • 3. Explore development of a program to upgrade public parking and public access for all waterfront uses. 4. Utilize long term tideland leases as a mechanism for encouraging the retention of water dependent and water related uses with variable rent schedules depending on the nature and intensity of the waterside facilities and uses. 5. Continue to offer City sponsored water dependent recreational and educational programs and continue to sponsor and/or support the various organized water recreational uses by the private organizations that conduct events such as the Sea Scout Base, collegiate rowing clubs and yacht clubs. 6. Continue to provide, and enhance when feasible, support facilities for continued unstructured marine activities such as swimming, kayaking and day-sailing, to ensure that participants can enjoy the Harbor without joining organizations or participating in organized events. 7. Continue to coordinate harbor event planning through appropriate agencies, such as the Harbor Resources Division of the City • 4 11/15/00 r Managers office,the Community Services Department,the Harbor Commission and the Harbor Patrol. • 8. Provide a limited number of designated public recreational fishing docks with limited hours, separate from public recreational docks provided for exclusive use by boating and water transportation activities. 9. Continue to sponsor and/or support all youth oriented water sports programs and facilities and encourage participation in such events and activities. Objective HB-1.2: Preserve existing commercial uses in the Harbor to the extent necessary to maintain and enhance the charm and character of the Harbor and to provide support services for visitors, recreational boaters and other water dependent activities. Policies HB-1.2.1: Support continued operation of passenger/sightseeing boats, passenger fishing boats ("day boats"), and long-tern boat rentals and sales. • HB-1.2.2: Support continued short-term rental of small boats while encouraging vendors to teach customers how to safely operate the watercraft and encouraging the Harbor Patrol to enforce laws designed to protect the public. HB-1.2.3: Support continued operation of entertainment boats subject to reasonable regulations designed to ensure the operations don't have an adverse impact, such as impaired water quality, reduced visual quality, excessive noise, unsafe traffic conditions, or parking shortages, on the environment or on other uses available for other users. HB-1.2.4 Ensure that land use regulations applicable to waterfront property continue to allow a wide variety of water dependent,water related and water enhanced uses. HB-1.2.5 Encourage retention of facilities necessary to support vessels berthed or moored in the Harbor, such as boat haul out facilities, with due regard for changes in the boating industry and the rights of property owners/lessees. 5 ]tnsioo Implementation Strategies • 1. Develop strategies to preserve uses that provide essential support for the vessels berthed or moored in the Harbor. The strategies must be feasible, cost effective, and respect the property rights of waterfront owners and lessees. The strategies .may include parking waivers, development transfers, density bonuses and voluntary purchase of conservation easements. 2. Continue to offer educational and recreational programs that provide public awareness of, and access to, water dependent recreational activities. 3. Continue to work with the various community and business associations such as the Balboa Village Merchants & Owners Association, Mariners Mile Business Owners Association and the Newport Pier Association as well as the vessel owners/operators to provide for the parking needs of the patrons of sportfishing boats, passenger and sightseeing vessels, and boat rentals. 4. Enforce existing ordinances and, if necessary, establish • new standards for the operation of entertainment, sportfishing and work boats to ensure that the operations do not adversely impact water quality or generate excessive pollution,noise,traffic congestion or parking shortages. 5. Consider the use of long-term tideland leases, rather than the current system of issuing annual harbor permits, as the mechanism for authorizing the maintenance or construction of piers, floats and structures on tidelands. Consider use of leases as an additional mechanism for identifying and enforcing Harbor Ordinances and Harbor Policies. 6. Encourage programs that educate boaters and property owners on safe boating and berthing practices integrated with a permit/lease enforcement component that will protect the public health and safety as well as the rights of other users and owners/lessees. 7. Establish special operating conditions for special events such as the Christmas Boat Parade ana other activities that are seasonal,recurring and unique to the Harbor,but which may require special controls on access, parking, noise and • 6 11/15/00 0 other factors to minimize impacts on residential areas and other users. • Objective HB-1.3: Provide a variety of vessel berthing and storage opportunities. Policies HB-1.3.1: Continue to provide shore moorings and offshore moorings as an important source of low-cost public access to the water and Harbor. HB-1.3.2: Preserve, and expand when feasible, marinas and dry boat storage facilities. HB-1.3.3: Provide anchorages in designated areas, which minimize interference with navigation and where shore access and support facilities are available. HB-1.3.4: Adopt and enforce the ordinances that require moored and docked vessels to be seaworthy and navigable and thereby preserve the positive image of the Harbor and promote public use of the water. • HB-1.3.5: Maintain existing guest docks and encourage addition of guest dock capacity at City facilities, yacht clubs and at privately owned-marinas, restaurants and other appropriate locations. HB-1.3.6 Allow "live-aboards" subject to restrictions on the number of "live-aboards" as well as restrictions to protect the environment,the public and waterfront owners/lessees such as regulations prohibiting excessive noise and illegal waste disposal. H13-1.3.7 Continue to authorize, pursuant to permit, license or lease, existing piers and docks bayward of waterfront residential properties subject to appropriate conditions that ensure compatibility with residential uses. Implementation Strategies 1. Consider a policy of authorizing waterside improvements such as piers, docks and floats through long-term tideland leases that allow 7 I` waterfront owners/lessees to obtain financing for improvements to • and enhancements of commercial piers and floats. 2. Provide, and regularly update, standards for construction and maintenance of marinas that represent industry standards. 3. Facilitate necessary periodic dredging for safe navigability and access to marinas, for vessel berthing and beach nourishment by working to obtain Harbor-wide maintenance dredging permits from all agencies with jurisdiction over the Harbor. 4. Enforce the derelict boat ordinance by regular inspections and strengthen or refine it periodically to accomplish its objectives. Objective HB-1.4: Preserve and encourage enhancement of existing commercial areas, while encouraging and supporting redevelopment of outdated or antiquated commercial development, all to the extent necessary to maintain the charm and character of the Harbor. Policies • HB-1.4.1: Preserve and/or enhance existing water-enhanced, water related and water-dependent commercial uses and marine oriented commercial areas through land use regulations and programs that preserve the charm and character of the Harbor while respecting the rights of other users. HB-1.4.2: Encourage redevelopment of outmoded or antiquated Harbor-commercial uses as part of an overall program to revitalize the older commercial and marine oriented areas, especially in those areas with adequate infrastructure and parcels suitable for redevelopment as an integrated project. Implementation Strategies 1. Identify and define the unique water-enhanced and water- dependent characteristics and potential of Harbor commercial uses and commercial-use districts in terms of special uses, architecture and design guidelines. 2. Provide development incentives such as density bonuses, parking waivers, transfer of development rights and fee waivers as well as • public facility support, such as shared parking, to existing and 8 11/15/00 redeveloped uses/projects which best typify the nautical character and charm of the Harbor and serve the users of the Harbor. • 3. Existing and new commercial uses and commercial complexes should be encouraged to provide, as a part of any proposal for new development, when feasible and compatible with nearby uses, waterfront pedestrian areas and guest or water taxi docking between the bulkhead and pierhead lines. Objective HB-1.5: Maintain and enhance existing marine support uses and encourage and provide incentives for retention and expansion of these uses. Policies HB-1.5.1: Preserve, and enhance or expand when feasible, existing marine support uses serving the needs of existing waterfront uses, recreational boaters, the boating community,and visiting vessels. HB-1.5.2: Encourage the development and operation of new marine support uses. • HB-1.5.3: Support private sector uses, such as vessel assistance, that provide emergency, environmental enhancement and other services that not are provided by the public sector and that are essential to the operation of a working harbor. HB-1.5A: Encourage development of waterfront facilities that accommodate displaced water-dependent uses. Implementation Strategies 1. Identify and define the unique water-dependent characteristics of marine support uses and establish specific land use and design standards and incentives for retention and enhancement of these uses while respecting property rights. Land use incentives may include a density bonus, waiver of parking requirements and reduced rent for waterside facilities. 2. Encourage new development or redevelopment to integrate existing marine support uses into proposed development whenever feasible by granting density bonuses, floor area waivers, fee waivers,parking waivers and other incentives. 9 11/15/00 • • 3. Where waterfront pedestrian accessways may exist or be developed in portions of the Harbor adjacent to marine sales and service uses, the City should work with these uses to provide public access detours around cross-bulkhead equipment operations which present security or public safety concerns. 4. When necessary to preserve water dependent marine support use's that are essential to the ability of the Harbor to serve the needs of recreational boaters or other users, such as boat haul-out facilities, consider providing financial support to a waterfront owner or long term lessee if, and only if. (a) financial support is expressly requested in writing by the owner orlessee; (b) in consideration of the financial support the City acquires a conservation easement or similar property interest that would preserve the use; (c) in the event that a conservation easement or other restriction is acquired from a lessee, the term of the easement or restriction shall not exceed the term of the lessee's interest in the • property. GOAL HB-2: PUBLIC ACCESS Maintain and enhance public access to the Harbor water and waterfront areas. Objective HB-2.1: Improve and extend public pedestrian,vehicular, and boat access. Policies HB-2.1.1: Encourage the expansion and improvement of existing public waterfront access and water-uses access which provide important links to waterfront uses such as beaches, small vessel launching facilities, public docks, and other similar public water area uses. HB-2.1.2: Encourage development of a single major • waterfront public pedestrian space and related water 10 11/15/00 access and docking that serves as the identity and activity "center" of Newport Harbor for major • special events of community/regional interest. HB-2.1.3: Encourage the expanded development of waterfront public pedestrian access systems and facilities such as waterfront boardwalks and links between commercial waterfronts and public sidewalks on adjacent streets with due regard to protection of property and property rights. HB-2.1.4: Encourage and provide incentives for the private construction of elements of public waterfront pedestrian connections and areas along the Harbor perimeter, where practicable, as part of waterfront access and use areas such as outdoor dining, etc. HB-2.1.5: Encourage an increase in the capacity and availability of day use and overnight dockage in commercial areas with restroom facilities provided within the Harbor by public and private entities subject to appropriate restrictions to protect water quality. HB-2.1.6: Encourage new and improved facilities and services • for visiting vessels, including public mooring and docking facilities, dinghy docks, guest docks, club guest docks, pump-out stations and other features, through City, County,and private means. Implementation Strategies 1. Prepare and adopt Harbor access guidelines describing potential public and private (and joint public/private) elements of a Harbor-wide waterfront access system, and links to parking and public transportation systems. 2. Provide a comprehensive system of directional and informational signage for the Harbor perimeter vehicular and pedestrian access systems and related parking, land and water, transportation facilities serving the Harbor and its uses. 3. Continue to provide, and encourage expansion of low-cost public access to the Harbor for boaters via moorings, trailer launch ramps and boat hoists, commercial landing facilities, and organized recreational boating launch facilities. • 11 11/15/00 • 4. Provide adequate landside and waterfront access to anchorages, offshore and onshore moorings through dinghy launch, dinghy storage, and public parking facilities throughout the Harbor. Objective HB-2.2: Maintain and enhance existing harbor public water transportation; encourage and provide incentives for expansion of these uses and land support facilities. Policies 1-113-2.2.1: Maintain and enhance existing water transportation uses and their support facilities that provide important public transportation services linking the Harbor with other resort and tourism destinations and providing cross- Harbor service. Preference should be given to the existing water-dependent uses of this type that are located in the Harbor, and that cannot operate without adequate and appropriate land parking areas, vehicular and pedestrian access and docking and navigability • access. HB-2.2.2: Encourage the expanded development and improved operation of existing and new public and private water transportation systems and facilities (vessels, docks, waiting areas, pedestrian access, parking, etc) that provide a diversity of coastal and in-harbor water transportation choices, (ferries,water taxis, etc.) HB-2.23: Encourage development of additional public and private docks to serve only water transportation uses and activities. Implementation Strategies 1. Identify and define the unique water-dependent characteristics and potentials of Harbor water transportation uses, and establish guidelines and incentives for retention and enhancement of these uses and their necessary land and water equipment and facilities. 2. Provide development incentives (water access, fee waivers, • parking waivers, density bonuses etc.) and public agency 12 11/15/00 support (parking, pedestrian walks, signage, etc.) to existing and new water transportation uses that serve the local • community,visitors, and groups with special needs. 3. Establish land use and development controls and restrictions limiting potential changes that would adversely affect established Harbor water transportation uses. 4. Adopt land use and development incentives that will encourage existing and new owners and operators of water transportation uses to retain otherwise economically viable and essential water-transportation uses in any redevelopment of existing waterfront areas essential to the function of these uses. 5. In conjunction with existing and new waterfront access, encourage the provision of links to public and private parking and supplemental land and water transportation systems, such as seasonal shuttles,water taxis,etc. GOAL 1111-3: WATER QUALITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT Enhance the water quality and protect the marine environment in Newport Harbor and Upper Newport Bay. • Objective HB-3.1: Protect, preserve and enhance the natural wildlife and plant-life in and around Upper and Lower Newport Bay. HB-3.2 Enhance the water quality in Upper Newport Bay and Newport Harbor. Policies HB-3.1.1: Protect and enhance the marine environment in the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve and Newport Harbor HB-3.1.2: Ensure that the water quality in Upper Newport Bay and Newport Harbor meets Federal, State and local standards for human body contact and will allow the marine environment to survive and flourish. • 13 11/15/00 I HB-3.1.3 Participate in and support cooperative programs • with other cities, public agencies and resources agencies within, or with jurisdiction over, the San Diego Creek watershed to adopt and implement programs, regulations and funding to sustain/maintain/enhance the marine environment and water quality in Upper Newport Bay and Newport Harbor. HB-3.1.4 Provide opportunities and facilities for visual interaction and educational opportunities for appreciation and protection of the wildlife and plant-life of the Upper Bay and Newport Harbor and the importance of water quality to the protection of the marine environment. implementation Strategies 1. Actively promote and pursue all legislative avenues needed for protecting and funding of the resources of the Upper Newport Bay and Newport Harbor. 2. Actively enforce Federal, State and local water quality • requirements including those that regulate discharges from both point and non-point sources. 3. Actively participate in regional programs designed to insure management of the watershed of Newport Bay consistent with Best Management Practices (BMP's) by all stakeholders in the San Diego Creek watershed. 4. Participate in the Newport Bay Watershed planning activities to promote upstream management of pollutants to the Bay and sedimentation. 5. In cooperation with other agencies, implement the Total Maximum Daily Loads established for various pollutants by order of the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. 6. Develop facilities to educate the public on the importance of water quality to the preservation of the natural resources in Upper Newport Bay and Newport Harbor. The facilities should include water quality testing labs and the curriculum should be designed to educate adults and children of all ages on the importance of water quality to the vitality of the ecosystems in • Newport Harbor and Upper Newport Bay. 14 11/15/00 4 GOAL HB-4: VISUAL CHARACTER . Preserve and enhance the visual character and historical resources of the Harbor and the Bay. Objective HB-4.1: Maintain and enhance the diverse waterfront image of Newport Harbor by preserving its variety of beach/bulkhead profiles which have characterized its residential and commercial waterfronts. Policies HB-4.1.1: Balance private property rights, natural harbor hydraulic and coastal processes (such as erosion and accretion) and harbor aesthetics with other policies when considering designs for new or renovated bulkhead permits. HB-4.1.2: Where not in conflict with natural harbor hydraulic and other coastal processes, and safe navigation and berthing of vessels within established areas for • same, bulkheads shall be allowed and designed to protect the character of the existing beach profiles found around the Harbor and island perimeters. Objective HB-4.2: Maintain unique historical resources of Newport Harbor. Policy HB-4.2.1: Encourage the retention and enhancement of unique buildings, building complexes, uses, and activity centers that have served as recognized "landmarks" and"icons"in the physical development(appearance and cultural history of the Harbor. Implementation Strategy 1. Identify areas and buildings representative of the history of Newport Harbor, and encourage their preservation and reuse, when feasible. 15 11/15/00 • 2. Consider adoption of ordinances that provide incentives to the retention of historic structures, such as parking waivers, floor area waivers and designations that can result in tax credits. 3. Consider adoption of a voluntary program pursuant to which the City would acquire property rights such as architecture or fagade easements when requested by the property owner and funds are available. GOAL 1113-5: ADMINISTRATION Provide for the ongoing administration and maintenance of the Harbor and Bay. Objective HB-5.1: Promote ongoing coordination between the City, County, and State and Federal agencies having regulatory authority in the Harbor and Bay. Policies • HB-5.1.1: Prepare and distribute information to those who use, work in, or own property around the Harbor that promotes the goals and objectives of this Element. HB-5.1.2: Coordinate and update all Harbor planning, design, engineering, and environmental criteria, standards, requirements and processes on a regular basis. Implementation Strategies 1. Consider the formation of a Harbor Commission to serve as an advisory and/or decision-making body for Harbor Permits, Harbor related improvements, and other issues as deemed appropriate by the City Council. 2. Prepare a reference document that provides a summary of information (including a single point of contact) that will help waterfront owners, marine contractors and others involved in harbor construction and harbor activities understand and comply with all Harbor and Bay regulatory • and permitting processes. 16 11/15/00 3. Prepare a document that provides vessel owners and • visitors with information (accessible by radio, telephone and/or other electronic media) on temporary mooring And guest dock availability/reservations, vessel services such as the location of pump-out stations, contacts in the event of an emergency (such as fuel or sewage spills) and harbor attractions. 4. Encourage the Harbor Patrol,as part of its administration of moorings, and in coordination with the Harbor Resources Division, to provide visitor information as specified in Implementation Strategy No.3. 5. Establish and enforce standards and guidelines for various harbor activities and uses (and related shore-based activities, such as docking, boarding, and parking) that generate noise, traffic congestion or parking shortages to minimize the impact of those uses and activities on other waterfront owners/lessees. Objective HB-5.2: Provide the capability within the Harbor to locate water-dependent ! harbor maintenance equipment and facilities with harbor access. Policies I.1B-5.2.1: Provide harbor access for harbor maintenance equipment and facilities, including dredging, dock demolition, repair and construction, mooring services, debris and spill management equipment, and general harbor construction, maintenance and repair. HB-5.2.2: Work with other controlling agencies within the Harbor, and/or the Bay, to define an area that can support harbor maintenance facilities and equipment. HB-5.2.3: Utilize, or establish, and enforce consistently, government and marine industry standards and guidelines for the operation and environmental controls of such uses and activities. Establish procedures and public/private cooperation and . 17 11/15/00 communication for the emergency use of these • facilities and equipment in advance of flood, storm, pollution, dredging, vessel sinking, and other events, and to implement these procedures from these uses as "emergency bases of operations" supplementing public agency safety and rescue bases and equipment. Objective HB-5.3: Maintain and enhance navigation channels, public and private vessel berthing areas and beaches. Policies HB-5.3.1: Maintain public Bay beaches through beach nourishment programs to the fullest extent possible for the enjoyment and safety of the general public and harbor residents, and for the protection of existing structures. HB-5.3.2: Pursue means of sand retention(in addition to beach • nourishment)when possible and cost effective, with minimum disruption to beach continuity and visual aesthetics. HB-5.3.3: Maintain adequate dredged depths for safe boat navigation and berthing throughout all areas of the Harbor, with particular attention to safety and rescue, residential and commercial dockage and channel access areas of high use intensity and safety. Implementation Strategies 1. Establish a comprehensive program for the monitoring and nourishing beaches, including the identification of cost- effective sources of sand of sufficient quality to produce a stable beach profile. 2. Analyze the need for groins on a case by case basis, with consideration to cost-effectiveness, environmental and visual impacts, and alternative methods of sand retention. • 18 11/15/00 , r 0 0 3. Prioritize and establish financial responsibility and appropriate scheduling and oversight responsibilities for dredging projects. . 4. Establish an efficient inter-agency system for the adequate and timely funding and permitting of dredging projects. Objective HB-5.4: Balance harbor revenues, expenses, transfer between funds or government entities and subsidies as related to each activity. Policies HB-5.4.1: Receive a fair return from all tideland users to recapture all related City investment, services and management costs. HB-5.4.2: Provide alternative and supplemental Harbor funding, including seeking and obtaining federal and state grants and loans for boater safety, education, maintenance, and capital improvements of the Harbor from funds contributed by the City, County, and citizens of Newport Beach, as well as • all harbor users. HB-5.4.3 Encourage longer-term tidelands leases to waterfront owners to assist in redevelopment, maintenance, and financing of waterfront developments. Implementation Strategy 1. Provide periodic accounting of City costs and revenues associated with operation of tidelands areas and facilities by use category. 2. Actively seek and obtain supplemental funding sources for needed Harbor maintenance and capital improvements from existing and new federal, state and local sources. 3. Implement a tideland leasing program pursuant to which waterfront property owners/lessees enter into long term tideland leases with rental rates that reflect the nature and intensity of permitted uses and activities and security for funding enhanced or expanded facilities. • 19 11/15/00 GLOSSARY • Anchorage Area. A water area outside of navigation channels designated for the temporary anchorage of vessels,using their own anchoring tackle. Berth. A generic term defining any location, such as a floating dock, slip, mooring and the related water area (berthing area) adjacent to or around it, intended for the storage of a vessel in water. Bulkhead. Vertical walls built into and along the Harbor shoreline preventing the erosion of land into the water and to protect the land from wave, tide and current action by the water, similar to a "retaining wall" on land. Bulkheads may be directly bordered by water, or may have sloped stones (riprap) or sand beach between the bulkhead and the water and land areas. Bulkhead Line. Harbor land/water perimeter lines established in Newport Harbor by the federal government, which define the permitted limit of filling or solid structures which may be constructed in the Harbor. Channel. A water area in Newport Harbor designated for vessel navigation, with necessary width and depth requirements, and which may be marked or otherwise . designated on federal navigation charts, as well as in other sources. • Charter Vessel. A vessel used principally for charter purposes, a "charter" being a rental agreement, generally for a period of one day or more. Dock. A structure generally linked to the shoreline, to which a vessel may be secured. A dock may be fixed to the shore, on pilings, or floating in the water. Dry Storage. Dry storage of vessels includes all on-land storage of vessels including vessels normally stored in open or enclosed rack structures, on trailers, on cradles, on boat stands, or by other means. Entertainment/Excursion Vessels. Commercial vessels engaged in the carrying of passengers for hire for hire for the purposes of fishing, whale watching, diving, educational activities,harbor and coastal tours, dining/drinking, business or social special events and entertainment. Groin. A structure that extends from a beach or bulkhead perpendicularly to the shoreline into tidal waters, intended to trap and retain and/or reduce the erosion of sand and retard the general erosion of the shoreline and undermining of shore protection structures (bulkheads,riprap slopes, etc.) • 20 11/15/00 Harbor Construction (Desipn Criteria and Standard Drawings). City of Newport Beach publication governing all bulkheads, groins, pier, docks and other structures bayward of • the Bulkhead Line. Harbor Maintenance Uses. Equipment, and Facilities. All uses, and their related equipment, vessels, docking and land storage facilities and access which provide: dredging and beach replenishment; demolition, repair and new construction of docks, piers,bulkheads and other in-and-over-water structures; mooring maintenance and repair; waterborne debris and pollution control, collection and removal. This category also includes environmental, survey or scientific vessels and related equipment based, or on assignment, in Newport Harbor. All vessels under this definition may also be referred to as"work boats." Harbor Lines. All established Bulkhead, Pierhead, and Project Lines as defined within Newport Harbor by the federal,state, county and city governments. Harbor Permit Policies. City of Newport Beach City Council Policy Manual Section H-1, governing permits for structures bayward of the bulkhead line, and related parking, sanitary, utility and related support requirements Harbor Regulations. Title 17 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code governing structures, uses and activities within the Harbor Launching Facility. A generic term referring to any location, structures (ramps, docks) • and equipment(cranes, lifts, hoists, etc.) where vessels may be placed into, and retrieved from the Harbor waters. Live-aboard. Any person who uses a vessel as a domicile as that term is defined in Section 200 of the Elections Code of the State of California,including permanently or on a temporary basis for a period exceeding 3 days. Marina. A berthing facility (other than moorings or anchorage) in which five or more vessels are wet-stored(in water) and/or dry-stored (on land/racks or on floating docks). Marine Sales and Service Uses & Vessels. Uses and vessels, as well as related equipment, which provide repair, maintenance, new construction, parts and supplies, fueling, waste removal, cleaning, and related services to vessels berthed in, or visiting, Newport Harbor. Typical service uses include, but are not limited to, all uses and vessels described under Section 20.05.050 of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. Moorine. A device consisting of a floating ball, can or other object that is secured permanently to the Harbor bottom by an anchor system for purposes of securing a vessel. Mooring Area. An area designated for a group of moorings. • 21 11/15/00 Newport Bay. The terms "Newport Bay" and "Newport Harbor" are often used • interchangeably. However, Newport Bay is an estuary consisting of the Lower Newport Bay (south of Pacific Coast Highway) and the Upper Newport Bay (north of Pacific Coast Highway). Newport Harbor generally refers to all the water area within Lower Newport Bay and within the Upper Newport Bay, exclusive of the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve. Pier. A fixed structure extending from the shore into a body of water. Pier, Private. A pier used for private recreational purposes by the owner(s) or occupant(s) of the abutting upland property without payment of a separate rental or lease fee,except for permit fees to City. Pier,Public.A pier used for public recreational purposes provided by a public agency. Pierhead Line. Harbor water area perimeter lines established in Newport Harbor by the federal government which define the permitted limit of fixed pier, floating dock and other in-water structures which may be constructed in the Harbor. Proiect Lines. Harbor water area channel lines of the improvements constructed by the federal government in 1935-1936, and as shown on navigation charts of Newport Harbor. Also referred to as the "Federal Channel'. (see Newport Beach City Design Criteria and Standard Drawings for Harbor Construction) • Shore Mooring. A mooring for small boats which is located in the nearshore perimeter of the Harbor and its islands, perpendicular to the shoreline. One end of the mooring line is attached to a point on or adjacent to the perimeter bulkhead, and the other end is attached to a mooring buoy located in the water, inside the pierhead line. Turning Basin. An area, often designated on nautical charts, connected to a channel that is large enough to allow vessels to maneuver or turn around. Vessel. Watercraft, such as boats, ships, small craft, barges, etc. whether motorized, sail- powered or hand-powered, which are used or capable of being used as a means of transportation, recreation, safety/rescue, service or commerce on water. This includes all vessels of any size (other than models) homeported, launched/retrieved, or visiting in Newport Harbor, arriving by water or land, and registered or unregistered under state or federal requirements. Water Dependent Use. Those uses that are tied to and require water, including fishing and other vessel rental and charter, water transportation, water public safety and enforcement, marinas, boatyards, yacht/sailing/boating/fishing clubs, watersports instructional and educational facilities, public and guest docking facilities and landside support uses, dredging, marine construction and harbor service and maintenance uses and related equipment. • 22 11/15/00 Water-Enhanced Use. Those waterfront or waterfront-adjacent land uses and activities, including restaurants and residential uses that derive economic, aesthetic and other . amenity benefits from proximity to and views of water and water-based activities, but which do not need direct access and proximity to the water in order to accomplish their basic functional and economic operation. Water Related Use. Those uses that relate to but do not require water, including nautical museums, bait and tackle shops, boat charter, rental, sales, storage, construction and/or repair,marine-related retail sales, and marine-related industry. Water Transportation Use. This group of uses includes in-harbor and coastal/offshore ferry services,in-harbor water taxi services,docking,parking,offices and other water and land support facilities. 23 11/15/00 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING General Plan Amendment No. GPA 2000-002 (C) (PA2001-050) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the proposed Harbor and Bay Element of the General Plan. The Harbor and Bay Element of the General Plan contains coals, Polices, Programs to address uses of the water and waterfront Property in Newport Bay and Harbor and supplements provisions of the Land Use and the Recreation and Open Space Elements of the General Plan and the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan. Copies of the proposed Harbor and Bay Element are available at the Planning Department. The proposed Harbor and Bay Element may also be viewed at the City of Newport Beach web site at www.city.newport-beach.ca.us under the `Information &News." NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that a Negative Declaration has been prepared by the City of Newport Beach in connection with the application noted above. The Negative Declaration states that, the subject development will not result in a significant effect on the environment. It is the present intention of the City to accept the Negative Declaration and supporting documents. This is not to be construed as either approval or denial by the City of the subject application. The City encourages members of the general public to review and comment on this documentation. Copies of the Negative Declaration and supporting documents are available for public review and inspection at the Planning Department, City of Newport Beach, 3300 Newport Boulevard,Newport Beach, California,92658-8915, (949) 644-3235. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that said public hearing will be held on the 12th day of June, 2001, at the hour of 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the public hearing. For information call(949)644-3200. V J)6h)I ?;74 a�� erlph�U - 5�23�0► 4d&, .4r" LaVonne M.Harkless, City Clerk City of Newport Beach 5'�DIa I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING General Plan Amendment No. GPA 2000-002(C) (PA2001-050) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the proposed Harbor and Bay Element of the General Plan. The Harbor and Bay Element of the General Plan contains coals, polices, programs to address uses of the water and waterfront property in Newport Bay and Harbor and supplements provisions of the Land Use and the Recreation and Open Space Elements of the General Plan and the Local Coastal Prosram Land Use Plan. Copies of the proposed Harbor and Bay Element are available at the Planning Department. The proposed Harbor and Bay Element may also be viewed at the City of Newport Beach web site at www.citv.newport-beach.ca.us under the "Information &News." NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that a Negative Declaration has been prepared by the City of Newport Beach in connection with the application noted above. The Negative Declaration states that, the subject development will not result in a significant effect on the environment. It is the present intention of the City to accept the Negative Declaration and supporting documents. This is not to be construed as either approval or denial by the City of the subject application. The City encourages members of the general public to review and comment on this documentation. Copies of the Negative Declaration and supporting documents are available for public review and inspection at the Planning Department, City of Newport Beach, 3300 Newport Boulevard,Newport Beach, California, 92658-8915, (949)644-3235. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that said public hearing will be held on the 12th day of June, 2001, at the hour of 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard,Newport Beach, California, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to,the public hearing. For information call(949) 644-3200. LaVonne M.Harkless, City Clerk City of Newport Beach 00915 Josel • slaqel ssaippV @AU3AV 406 38TH ST LLC 518 HARBOR ISLAND DRIVE TRUST; A&MARY URQUHART 406 38TH ST 518 HARBOR ISLAND DR ,CA NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 A J&VICTORIA UNIACK A LANSDALE LIVING TRUST ABDULLA AL BATTAL 1463 MELWOOD DR 543 VIA LIDO SOLID 2258 CHANNEL RD GLENDALE,CA 91207 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 ADAM J&SAMANTHA MILLS ADELAIDE MCLANE ADELINE L HALTER PO BOX 5469 75 LINDA ISLE 225 THE GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 ADRIENNE A DIETERICH AGNES M BURROWS AHE MARY JANE VONDER 1840 LAS FLORES DR 500 EVENING STAR LN 4605 LANKERSHIM BLVD#707 GLENDALE,CA 91207 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 N HOLLYWOOD,CA 91602 AIDAN RANEY ALAN&SHARON SILCOCK ALAN L HARDING 125 N LAS PALMAS AVE 1208 E CULVER AVE 4024 CHANNEL PL LOS ANGELES,CA 90004 ORANGE,CA 92866 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ALAN M&TERESA L SMITH ALBERTANTOYAN ALBERT LARSON 312 EVENING STAR LN 868 N MAIN ST 117 E BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 ORANGE,CA 92868 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 ALBERT&ROBIN OBLIG ALBERT B MORRIS ALBERT C SKINNER 305 MORNING STAR LN 6210 WEHNER WAY 550 S BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 SAN JOSE,CA 95135 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 ALBERTA SMITHBURG ALEX DOMASZEWICZ ALEX L FISHMAN 740 VIA LIDO NORD 32 BALBOA CV 439 HARBOR ISLAND DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 ALEXANDER S RADOS ALEXANDER S&SANDRA S RADOS ALFRED&BEVERLEE RICHTER 704 VIA LIDO NORD 900 VIA LIDO NORD 215 OAK KNOLL DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 GLENDORA,CA 91741 ALFREDO DOMASUN ALICE F MINNEY ALICE J ENGLISH 611 36TH ST 2601 W COAST HWY 1401 E BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 , I ®o9LSjo;a;eldwa;asn 4-1?o = mWa4s Rod 4;oows @09I5 easel • s agIII ssaippy ©AM3AH Dp ALLAN BEEK ALLAN FAINBARG ALLAN FAINBARG 410 S BAYFRONT 129 W WILSON ST#100 300 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA-92662 COSTA MESA,CA 92627 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ALLAN J CARLTON JR. ALLEN KLINGENSMITH ALLEN&TONI ANTOYAN 912 VIA LIDO NORD 453 VIA LIDO SOLD 868 N MAIN ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ORANGE,CA 92868 ALLEN M&CHERYL L ZIETZ ALVIN F&KAREN O JOHNSON ALVIN L DUBROW 42 BALBOA CV 205 N BAY FRONT 104 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 ANDERS&BEVERLY FOLKEDAL ANDREW ROSE ANDREW W IV GLASSELL 319 MORNING STAR LN 1200 E BALBOA BLVD 1257 E 1ST ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 LONG BEACH,CA 90802 ANITA M ERICKSON ANN CHRISTINE WALLACE ANNE M MCNEILL 225 VIA LIDO SOLID 2527 W COAST HWY 61 POPPY HILLS RD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LAGUNA NIGUEL,CA 92677 ANTHONY DELFINO ANTHONY D VASI ANTHONY J RINI 1224 W BAY AVE 430 EL MODENA AVE 117 E EDGEWATER AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 ANTRANIK OZBAG ARCHIE&LOU F PALMER ARDELL INVESTMENT CO 1831 W LINCOLN AVE 519 HARBOR ISLAND DR 2077 W COAST HWY ANAHEIM,CA 92801 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ARGYLE CAMPBELL ARNOLD WINNER ARNOLD D FEUERSTEIN 601 VIA LIDO SOLID 809 N SAYFRONT 2293 W BALL RD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 ANAHEIM,CA 92804 ARTHUR C GREEN ARTHUR E SVENDSEN ARTHUR EDWARD MILLER JR. 800 HARBOR ISLAND DR 68 LINDA ISLE 10760 ROSE AVE#108 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 LOS ANGELES,CA 90034 ARTHUR H SHIPKEY AUDREY LAMB AUDREY NYE 1428 W BAY AVE 3908 RIVER AVE 1328 W BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 i 400915io;a;eldwa;asp I w.04084SP884410OWS 00915 Jasel • slegel ssajpPd @AU3AVv2 AVALLONE PROPERTIES LLC B&PO OF ELKS LODGE#1767 OF BAKMAN RANCH 1367 AVENIDA DE CORTEZ 3456 VIA OPORTO PO BOX 7965 PACIFIC PALISADES,CA 90272 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 FRESNO,CA 93747 BALBOA HILLSIDE BALBOA HILLSIDE BALBOA 609 319 E BAY FRONT 317 E BAYFRONT 1325 VALLEY VIEW RD#310 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 GLENDALE,CA 91202 BALBOA PAVILION COMPANY BALBOA YACHT CLUB BANK FIRST INTERSTATE OF CALIF 400 MAIN ST 1801 BAYSIDE DR PO BOX 63700 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 SAN FRANCISCO,CA 94163 BANK SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BARBARA NICOLA BARBARA RAMSEY PO BOX 54029 315 THE GRAND CANAL 530 VIA LIDO NORD LOS ANGELES,CA 90054 NEWPORT BEACH,CA NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 BARBARA&THOMAS&KATHRYN ELI BARBARA J NEMEC BARBARA LYNN FORD WHITE 407 N BAYFRONT 1971 PORT TRINITY CIR 1104 S BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 13ARBARA W ROHRER BARRY A&CAROLYN J BOLLMAN BARRY P&ANN H ONEIL 303 THE GRAND CANAL 627 BAYSIDE DR 221 E BAYFRONT BALBOA ISLAND,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 BART M&SALLY R HACKLEY JR. BARTA MAE DEININGER BAY ISLAND CLUB 106 S BAYFRONT 20282 SPRUCE AVE 150 PAULARINO AVE#142 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 COSTA MESA,CA 92626 BEHMAN BAKHTAR BEN BENNETT BEN&PATRICIA DOLSON PO BOX 15181 153 HARBOR ISLAND RD 807 VIA LIDO SOLID SANTA ANA,CA 92735 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 BEN C&MICHELLE AANDERSON BEN S BUKEWIHGE BEND MARION CORBIN 3601 FINLEY AVE 1014 POLARIS DR 403 N BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 BENJAMIN LILLEGRAVEN BENJAMIN A CHAVEZ BERNARD CEAZAN 307 N BAYFRONT 3910 RIVER AVE 9255 DOHENY RD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LOS ANGELES,CA 90069 � I it 1 1 ®o9is jo;aaeldwa;asq I I W.s;aags pool yioows ®09TS Jasel Sf1?1 ssaippv GA113AW Qp BERNARD LOWE BERNICE EDWARDS BERNICE JENNINGS 129 N BAY FRONT 512 38TH ST 305 N BAY FRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 BERNICE E EDWARDS BERTRAND S PRINCE BETTE VOLK 300 NEWPORT CENTER DR 3710 CHANNEL PL 1115 VIRGINIA RD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 SAN MARINO,CA 91108 BETTY BISHOP BETTY LARSON BETTY H FELLINGE 22 BALBOA CV 36 BALBOA CV PO BOX 444 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 BETTY K SCHOCK BETTY K SCHOCK BETTY LOUISE&KEVIN CROSS= 212 VIA LIDO NORD 2900 LAFAYETTE RD PO BOX 29B NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 BETTY LUCILLE DAVIES BEULAH C LERNER BEVERLY B CHILDS 523 VIA LIDO SOLD 323 VIA LIDO SOLID 611 N BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92653 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 BEVERLY JUNE BORCHERS BIRNEY FAMILY LIVING 1989 BONNIE S KREMER PO BOX 876 121 E EDGEWATER AVE PO BOX 1828 THREE RIVERS,CA 93271 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 SUN VALLEY,ID 83353 BRADFORD J PILZ BRADFORD W STONE BRADLEY&KIRSTEN HARPER 324 MORNING STAR LN 210 GRAND CANAL 218 EVENING STAR LN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 BRAM GOLDSMITH BRAM&ELAINE GOLDSMITH BRENT B&EILEEN M BURNJAM 522 DOHENY RD 925 VIA LIDO SOLD 325 GRAND CANAL BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90210 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 BRIAN&KATHERINE KERR BRIAN G HARTMAN BRIAN J SINGER 34 BALBOA CV 111 E EDGEWATER AVE 340 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 BRIAN WESLEY&CRYSTAL LYNN RAY BRIZIO BRUCE P FA BROOKE&BO BENTLEY 2233 BAYSIDE DR ; i 15922 PACIFIC-COAST HWY 27 BALBOA CV CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 i I I HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 Ili � I� I ®09;y joj a;eldwa;ash W,,s48845 paa j y;oows I 009L5 Jasel • slagel ssajppv @AU3AWS BRUCE CHANDLER BRUCE&CECILIA NOTT BRYN JHAN VAN HIEL 1600 S BAYFRONT 701 LIDO PARK DR 216 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 RUNTY JUSTIN BURNAND ALPHONSE A 3R D BURNETTA S CASSEL 217 GRAND CANAL 2676 BAYSHORE DR PO BOX 736 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 BURR J DALTON BURRELL CLAWSON CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNO 2452 BAYSHORE OR PO BOX 5350 1201 E CALIFORNIA BLVD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 PASADENA,CA 91125 CALVIN G ROHRS CANNERY CANNERY VILLAGE INV PARTNERSHI 260 W BEACH AVE 3010 LAFAYETTE RD 2293 W BALL RD INGLEWOOD,CA 90302 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ANAHEIM,CA 92804 CARE BRISTOL CARL KNUTSON CARL A RAYMOND 31 BALBOA CV 619 36TH ST 40 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 CARL E MCINTEE CARL TRSUTEE HILLGREN CARL W KRAUSHAAR 503 36TH ST 923 N MAIN ST 3507 FINLEY AVE#A NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ORANGE,CA 92867 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CARL WILSON GREGORY CARMEL G BRANDLI CAROL MOSS SPIVAK 200 W COMMONWEALTH AVE 419 EVENING STAR LN 175 HOMEWOOD RD FULLERTON,CA 92832 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 LOS ANGELES,CA 90049 CAROLINE FRYE CAROLWOOD CO CAROLYN G MARTIN 704 S BAY FRONT 13849 WEDDINGTON ST 615 S PASADENA AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 SHERMAN OAKS,CA 91401 PASADENA,CA 91105 CAROLYN SUCCESSOR KING CHAD&CRISTINA STEELBERG CHANNEL 115 PASEO MARGUERITA 22 BEACON BAY 2286 CHANNEL RD VISTA,CA 92084 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 CHAPMAN INVESTMENT CO CHARLENESHANHOLTZER CHARLESBONIOLS PO BOX 1509 9 LINDA ISLE f 18 LINDA ISLE PLACENTIA,CA 92871 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 I NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 I . ilk ®09Ls joj aaeldwa;asp I wasgaa4s PON 410ows I 00915 Jasel • slagel ssaappy mA213Atl O%/ CHARLES RINDERLE JR. CHARLES&LILLIAN R LUMPKIN CHARLES&SHELLY FABIAN 82 LINDA ISLE 1519 E BAY AVE 262 MORNING GLORY ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 BREA,CA 92821 CHARLES&VERITY CHRISTINE CHARLES A&MARILYN C BREWER JR. CHARLES A&MICHELENE V'RAFFONI HOBBS 536 VIA LIDO NORD 1011 N BAY FRONT 35 BALBOA CV NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CHARLES B LEHMAN CHARLES DOUGLAS SPENCER CHARLES E ELERDING JR. 910 S BAYFRONT 301 W BASTANCHURY RD#23 38 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 FULLERTON,CA 92835 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 CHARLES EDWIN GILB CHARLES F RYFFEL CHARLES H OZANIAN 940 SINGINGWOOD DR 2294 CHANNEL RD 10332 ARTESIA BLVD ARCADIA,CA 91006 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 BELLFLOWER,CA 90706 CHARLES II GROUX CHARLES JR DUTTON CHARLES L&JANICE M KRISS 715 BAYSIDE DR 8201 AUTO DR 50 BALBOA CV NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 RIVERSIDE,CA 92504 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CHARLES P COTTON CHARLES P RIPLEY CHARLES THEODORE SERVAIS JR. PO BOX 720 3601 CAMINO RIDGE DR 420 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 CAMINO,CA 95709 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CHARLES W&SHARON R PARSONS CHARLES WILLIAM CLARK CHARLES X ZHANG 10092 OLD RANCH CIR 1611 MILAN AVE 1018 POLARIS DR VILLA PARK,CA 92861 SOUTH PASADENA,CA 91030 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 CHRIS LEWIS EDMAN CHRISTEN GARRETT CHRISTOPHER TUPPAN - 3810 CHANNEL PL 225 E SAYFRONT 2127 N VALLEY DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 MANHATTAN BEACH,CA 90266 CHRISTOPHER R&DEBRA J BOELKES CLAIR L&SUZANNE PECK III CLARA MAE CLEM 124 GRAND CANAL 122 S WESTGATE AVE 642 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 LOS ANGELES,CA 90049 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CLARENCE E DICKENSON JR. CLARENCE L CONZELMAN CLEMENT L HIRSCH PO BOX 1102 1010 E CHESTNUT AVE 200 EVENING STAR LN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659 ; , SANTA ANA,CA 92701 I NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 „i i . II I 4009i5 aoj apidwa;ash I w.048945 Paad 430ows I I 009L5 jasel • s�gel ssalppv oAUBAW Q%/ CLEO M&ELSIE ROBERTA STATER CLIFFORD D DOWNS CLIFFORD P MICKOOL 87 LINDA ISLE 46 LINDA ISLE 11001 OSO AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 CHATSWORTH,CA 91311 CLIFTON S JONES JR. CLINTON OWENS CLYDE V&MARGARET L VONDERAHE 10945 SOUTH ST#301 1933 BAYSIDE DR 226 S RIMPAU BLVD CERRITOS,CA 90703 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 LOS ANGELES,CA 90004 CODY A EVANS COLLEEN C WELTER COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF THE JE 904 VIA LIDO NORD 81 LINDA ISLE 250 BAKER ST E#A NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 COSTA MESA,CA 92626 CORONA DOVE PTNRS COUNTY OF ORANGE COUNTY OF ORANGE 205 CARNATION AVE PO BOX 4048 PO BOX 4106 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 SANTA ANA,CA 92702 SANTA ANA,CA 92702 COUNTY OF ORANGE%NEWPORT COURTNEY J SMITH CRAIG&DIANA MCCALLISTER DUNE 3506 MARCUS AVE 1611 BAYSIDE DR 998 W MISSION BAY DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 SAN DIEGO,CA 92109 CRAIG&GISELE BARTO CRAIG D&MARGARET R JENNINGS CURCI-TURNER CO 2440 BAYSHORE DR 13385 W BAY AVE 717 LIDO PARK DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CURTIS TALLEY CURTIS A HERBERTS CURTIS A HERBERTS JR. 361 MORNING STAR WAY 2290 CHANNEL RD 2290 CHANNEL RD CASTLE ROCK,CO 80104 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 CYRUS TABAZ D M STONE DALE LONG 21 LINDA ISLE 132 S BAYFRONT 706 S BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 DALE H&SHEARSON S JONES DALE M KELLOGG DAN&CHERLYN CONVERSE 1107 N BAY FRONT 28 BALBOA CV 609 EVENING STAR LN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 DAN&SARAH HOGAN DAN L MCGURK DAN R ONEIL 6 HARBOR IS 114 VIA'LIDO NORD 314 MORNING STAR LN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 I NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 III Ili iIl I I -- ®o9iSaojaaeldwa;asq I wJs4884SP991410OWS 009t5 jasel • sael ssaippv mAN3AVa DANA SANDBERG&BRENT C DANIEL STRINGER DANIEL&ANN SELMI COURCELLE 700 S BAYFRONT 106 GRAND CANAL 444 CABRILLO TER NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 DANIEL&MARJORIE LUXENBERG DANIEL&PAMELA SIGBAND DANIEL A TEITSCHELD 404 VIA LIDO NORD 1110 S BAYFRONT 3808 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 DANIEL G GILLILAND DANIEL H&MARJORIE W LUXENBERG DANIEL L&BARBARA REED ABBOTT 1134 E BALBOA BLVD 117 VIA LIDO SOLID 504 EVENING STAR LN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 DANIEL M BRIGHAM JR. DANIEL S FLETCHER DANIEL W DONAHUE 2007 BAYSIDE DR 505 EVENING STAR LN 3501 JAMBOREE RD#300 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 DARRYL C PREEDGE DAVID BEAUCHAMP DAVID BREISACHER 9901 PARAMOUNT BLVD#105 1641 LANGLEY AVE 3916 CHANNEL PL DOWNEY,CA 90240 IRVINE,CA 92614 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 DAVID HESS DAVID&ALICE SUE ALKOSSER DAVID&COLEEN BRENNAN 214 THE GRAND CANAL 525 HARBOR ISLAND DR 420 HARBOR ISLAND OR NEWPORT BEACH,CA NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 DAVID&ELLEN CAMPBELL DAVID&THERESE HALL DAVID A RUFFELL 23273 OXNARD ST 2616 COVE ST 307 E BAYFRONT WOODLAND HILLS,CA 91367 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 DAVID A&TONI C KLEIN DAVID C&JUDITH M WINCKLER DAVID D&STEPHANIE SANTA 516 VIA LIDO NORD 219 BROADWAY ST#193 3111 BEAUDRY TER NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LAGUNA BEACH,CA 92651 GLENDALE,CA 91208 DAVID DU TRAN DAVID G MOORE DAVID H CAVANAUGH 10932 WESTMINSTER AVE 88 LINDA ISLE 116 VIA LIDO NORD GARDEN GROVE,CA 92843 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 DAVID L BALL DAVID L SALCIDO DAVID M&NICOLE L DENHOLM 2600 BAYSHORE DR 29 BALBOA CV 103 BAYSIDE PL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 i NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 I ` I ilk � I� I I ®o9IS jo;a;eldwa;ash I W.shays paaj yaoows p0915 jasel 96el ssaippv mA213AVO DAVID R FOURNIER DAVID W EGGLESTON DAVID W&SUZANNE R CHONETTE 6 BALBOA CV 560 HARBOR ISLAND OR 539 VIA LIDO SOLID NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 DEAN RAY&GERDA ANN KOONTZ DEBORAH DUNWELL DAY DEBRA ELIZABETH BARTON PO BOX 9529 1309 1 N BAYFRONT 3912 CHANNEL PL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92658 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 DEL&BONNIE CHASE DELORES BURTON DENNIS OUDEN 712 VIA LIDO NORD 215 E BAYFRONT 94-107 MELE ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 WAIPAHU,HI 96797 DENNIS SEIN DENNIS VITARELLI DENNIS A VARGA 3810 RIVER AVE#3810 140 S BAY FRONT 661 BAYSIDE DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 DENNIS D&CHERYL A ASSAEL DENNIS M&JOANNE SCHWARY DENNY CRISWEL 14 LINDA ISLE 755 VIA LIDO SOLD 62 BALBOA CV NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 DEPT OF VETS AFFAIRS OF STATE DEWITT K&VICTORIA L DIAN TORRANCE 1214 E BALBOA BLVD MCCLUGGAGE 302 GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 1177 PARKVIEW AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 PASADENA,CA 91103 DIANE CHRISTIE DIANE E&M JANISE AUGUR DIANE J CHIAPUZIO 404 S BAYFRONT 1316 E BALBOA BLVD 3606 MARCUS AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 DIETZ PARK&ANNE DIRK&BRENDA EASTMAN DOLA M MILLER 537 NEWPORT CENTER DR 910 E BALBOA BLVD 308 THE RIALTO NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 DOLLY MCKINNEY DOLORES F STEWART DONALD CHRISTY JR. 4016 CHANNEL PL 2278 CHANNEL RD 72 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 DONALD FLAMM DONALD GOLDMAN DONALD KOLL 224 THE GRAND CANAL 701 BAYSIDE DR 1008 S BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 I �li II ' I , I ®ogts joj aaeldwa;ash I w.048045 Paad 4;oowg , I Smooth Feed Sheets*M Use template for 5160® • 0 DONALD MACFARLAND DONALD&SUSAN C REDFERN DONALD B PEDERSEN 355 S GRAND AVE#26TH 23082 MARAVILLA LN 2547 W COAST HWY LOS ANGELES,CA 90071 COTO DE CAZA,CA 92679 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 DONALD B JR AYRES DONALD C POOLE DONALD D MCCALLA 355 BRISTOL ST 120 OPAL AVE 105 LINDA ISLE COSTA MESA,CA 92626 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 DONALD E SODARO DONALD G&ANN H DAVIS DONALD J WHITAKER 4 CORPORATE PLAZA DR# 119 E BAY FRONT 748 HARBOR ISLAND DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 DONALD JOSEPH GASPARD DONALD L ABRAMS DONALD L&CAROL DORN PLATZ 4114 SEA VIEW LN 324 THE GRAND CANAL 1506 S BAYFRONT LOS ANGELES,CA 90065 BALBOA ISLAND,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 DONALD M SMITH DONALD M&JUDITH K CHAPMAN DONALD P JONES 211 GRAND CANAL 754 HARBOR ISLAND DR PO BOX 4018 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 DONALD SPENCER DEVRIES DONALD W STARLING DONG SOO HAN 308 MORNING STAR-LN 204 EVENING STAR LN 6 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 DONNA PENNINGTON DONNA L DAVIS DONNA M DIBARI 321 E BAY FRONT 121 HARBOR ISLAND RD 710 S BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 DOREEN D MARSHALL DORIS HOPE DOROTHY SHORE 367 VIA LIDO SOLID 3608 MARCUS AVE 13 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 DOROTHY ANNE MESERVE DOROTHY BRITTINGHAM KOLL DOROTHY MURDY MILLER 700 W BAY AVE 901 VIA LIDO SOLID 334 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 DOROTHY W VAIL DOUGLAS SIEGFRIED DOUGLAS&SUSAN KNEUBUHL 306 S BAY FRONT 11931 CABRILLO AVE 811 NIBAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 CORONADO,CA 92118 I NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 �AVERY® Address label's 1 Laser 51604) 1 Smooth Feed SheetsTm Use template for 5160® 0 • DOUGLAS A CIANFROCCA DOVER SHORES COMMUNITY ASSN DRU&SUZANNE PICKUP 3206 MARCUS AVE PO BOX 4708 830 ESCARPADO DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 IRVINE,CA 92616 LA HABRA HEIGHTS,CA 90631; DSC PROPERTIES ING DUNCAN MC LAREN STEWART DWANE MARSHALL CLARK 18300 VON KARMAN AVE#820 419 E EDGEWATER AVE PO BOX 1402 IRVINE,CA 92612 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659 E&GLORIA SPINNEY E C TWICHELL E JAMES&THODA M STANLEY 636 HARBOR ISLAND DR 751 VIA LIDO SOLD 351 VIA LIDO SOLID NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 !I NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 E MORRIS SMITH E P&COLLEEN SMOOT E WILLIAM HASKELL 501 VIA LIDO SOLID 315 E BAYFRONT 529 VIA LIDO SOLD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 E WILLIAM SPARR EARL DEXTER EARL DEXTER 17 LINDA ISLE PO BOX 15875 PO BOX 15875 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659 EARL H SCHAFER EARL L&KATHRYN L MORRIS EARLE V IKE 1430 LINCOLN BLVD 428 VIA LIDO NORD 660 HARBOR ISLAND DR VENICE,CA 90291 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 ED GREGORY HOOKSTRATTEN ED W SUCCESSOR HENNINGS EDITH SMOOT 9536 WILSHIRE BLVD#500 831 VIA LIDO SOLD 304 GRAND CANAL BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90212 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 EDITH M LEWIS EDWARD GONZALEZ EDWARD HUNT 3405 FINLEY AVE 402 38TH ST 114 GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 EDWARD SIMPKINS EDWARD A ABRAHAM EDWARD B FEDISHON 548 HARBOR ISLAND DR 2500 BAYSHORE DR 617 LIDO PARK DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 EDWARD B ROBINSON EDWARD F HEBERGER EDWARD J&ELISE A LOBEL 205 VIA LIDO SOLD j I 404 38TH ST I 2296 CHANNEL RD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 I NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 I 1 ; NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 j,i II l � IIS 0� AVERY® Address Label's i Laser 51600 Smooth Feed SheetsTM • Use template for 51600 EDWARD JERRY&TIMOTHY PAUL EDWARD LORRAINE RIMPAU JR. EDWARD R STONE HERBST 628 VIA LIDO NORD 233 E BAY FRONT PO BOX 93417 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 LAS VEGAS,NV 89193 EDWIN&JUDITH WALLACE EDWIN F STEEN EDWIN TERRANCE MORAN 515 HARBOR ISLAND DR 2021 BAYSIDE DR 214 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ELAINE RILEY MARTIN ELDRIDGE N RICE ELEANORE C HALLEY 405 N SAYFRONT 507 36TH ST 371 VIA LIDO SOUD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ELI B DUBROW ELIZABETH C VINCENT ELIZABETH P&LESTER G HALE 2772 BAYSHORE DR 24 HARBOR IS 417 E EDGEWATER AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 ELLSON F SMITH ELSA SCHAEFER DUNLAP EMMETT CONRECODE 1316 S BAY FRONT 11 HARBOR IS 34101 MARCUS AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 EPHY PESHEK ERIC C&SHIRLEY PEPYS ERIC L NELSON 205 GRAND CANAL 526 S BAYFRONT 14 TRAFALGAR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 ERIK WATTS ERIK&NATALIE LUNDE ERIK M&ANN E HANSEN 7912 ABALONE COVE DR 23 BALBOA CV 21 BALBOA CV LAS VEGAS,NV 89128 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ERNEST&LISELOTTE OHLIG ERNEST T HINSHAW JR. ERVIN E YODER JR. 401 MORNING STAR LN 729 VIA LIDO SOLD 742 HARBOR ISLAND DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 ESTHER KLOTZ ESTHER D TEEPLE EUGENE&BEVERLY PITTROFF 4624 OLIVEWOOD AVE 331 VIA LIDO SOLID 2949 SHAKESPEARE DR RIVERSIDE,CA 92501 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 SAN MARIO,CA 91108 EUGENE A LEYTON EUGENE J&KAREN M LIPPNIK EUGENE Y&TERRY L LU 1150 POLARIS'DR 222 THE GRAND CANAL 1708 S BAY FRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 I NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 III IIi �AVERYe Address Labels I Laser 51600 I 1 Smooth Feed Sheets TM Use template for$1600 EVA ACOSTA EVELYN I STARR EVELYN L TARZIAN 2248 S OAK KNOLL AVE 3308 MARCUS AVE 204 VIA LIDO NORD SAN MARINO,CA 91108 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 EVELYN M STATER EVELYN RUTH ZILLGITT EVERTALSENZ 51 LINDA ISLE 885 ROANOKE RD 23276 S POINTE DR#105 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 SAN MARINO,CA 91108 LAGUNA HILLS,CA 92653 F BRIAN FARGO F MONTE PURCELLI FADCO ENTERPRISES 426 HARBOR ISLAND DR 2051 HOLMBY AVE PO BOX 2742 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 LOS ANGELES,CA 90025 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659 FAMILY TRUST COPPERSMITH FAMILY TRUST MARSHALL FAMILY TRUST WILLIAMS JR 69 LINDA ISLE PO BOX 540 18301 VON KARMAN AVE#1170 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 IRVINE,CA 92612 FARGO FSB WELLS FAURETTE ANDERSON FEYYAZ&JAMIE MARIE BASKENT 5000 BIRCH ST#10200 53 LINDA ISLE 1412 W BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 FINI V VAN NATTA RRSTAMERICAN FLANDERS FAMILY LIMITED PARTNE 1310-1 S BAY FRONT 2161 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS RD PO BOX 674 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 LA CANADA,CA 91012 FLORENCE B HUGHES FLOYD H SCHENK FLYNN JOHN TRSTEE H L PROPERTY 3505 FINLEY AVE 112 VIA LIDO NORD PO BOX 3090 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92658 FOREST E OLSON FORREST N SHUMWAY FORTUNEGATE INTERNATIONAL LIMI 24 LINDA ISLE 9171 TOWNE CENTRE OR#410 49 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 SAN DIEGO,CA 92122 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 FRANCES E DAHLGREN FRANCES J PEDLEY FRANCES WELLES BROWN ZEFF 48 BALBOA CV 836 HARBOR ISLAND DR 126 GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 FRANCIS&RITA E GIOVINETTI FRANCIS J BOERO FRANCIS W SULLIVAN 55 BALBOA CV i 8 PIEDMONT CTR NE#720 333 MORNING STAR LN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ATLANTA,GA 30305 i NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 IIli Il vAVERY® Address Label's I Laser 51600 Smooth Feed Sheets*"' Use template for 51600 FRANK FINN FRANK TURLEY FRANK,ZINZER 337 VIA LIDO SOLID 1146 POLARIS DR 3459 CAHUENGA BLVD W NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 LOS ANGELES,CA 90068 FRANK&JUDITH COLVER FRANK ANTHONY GIOVINETTI FRANK D HICKINGBOTHAM 320 MORNING STAR LN 55 BALBOA CV 33 COUNTRYWOOD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LITTLE ROCK,AR 72211 FRANK HOOD TRANE FRANK L ARENSBERG FRANK L MALLORY 2018 E BAY AVE 260 NEWPORT CENTER DR#4 633 BAYSIDE DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 FRANK P&DIANE D HURST FRANK R DARMIENTO FRANK R RANDALL PO BOX 2488 401 N STAR LN 3355 VIA LIDO#235 RANCHO SANTA FE,CA 92067 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 FRED L WOODWORTH FRED M HYDE FRITZ HOELSCHER 1444 W BAY AVE 3911 MARCUS AVE 2752 BAYSHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 FRITZ C JR WESTERHOUT G JEROME SOKEL GARDNER&LINDA CREDLE 662 VIA LIDO NORD 734 POPPY AVE 312 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 GARDNER&LINDA KATHLEEN GART&RONDA SUTTON GARY FULLER CREOLE 111 BAYSIDE PL 3802 RIVER AVE 226 VIA LIDO NORD CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 GARY&SONJA G GRAY GARY J&CATHERINE A DAICHENDT GARY JAY QUICK 732 VIA LIDO NORD 28550 MATADERO CREEK LN PO BOX 1299 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LOS ALTOS,CA 94022 SUNSET BEACH,CA 90742 GARY K FRYKMAN GARY K&ANNETTE W FRYKMAN GARY L SHEPHERD 30523 LOS ALTOS DR 30523 LOS ALTOS DR 514 38TH ST REDLANDS,CA 92373 REDLANDS,CA 92373 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 GARY P&CAROLYN I BRUBAKER GARY S&SERA BRILL GAY ANTHONY HOLMES 25 BALBOA CV 128 VIA LIDO NORD 201 E EDGEWATER AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 I NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 I I , A� AVERY® Address Label's Laser 51600) i i Smooth Feed Sheets TM Use template for 51600 GEE LAN TO-RAASIG GENE HAMRICK GENE LANG CONGDON 405 CLUBHOUSE AVE 66 LINDA ISLE 812 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 GENE W ROSS GEORGE BRENNAN GEORGE CHUMO 617 VIA LIDO SOLID 501 EVENING STAR LN 14425 JOANBRIDGE ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 BALDWIN PARK,CA 91706 GEORGE FORTEVILLE GEORGE SCHREYER GEORGE THAGARD 3 BALBOA CV 21 PELICAN HILL CIR 60 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT COAST,CA 92657 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 GEORGE&SUSANNA KOTCNIK GEORGE A&REBECCA NUANEZ GEORGE E RYAN 57 BALBOA CV BOUKATHER 401 EVENING STAR LN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 13132 MAGNOLIA ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 GARDEN GROVE,CA 92844 GEORGE H JONES GEORGE H&GRACE HAMILTON GEORGE LARGYROS 904 S BAYFRONT COFFIN III 31 HARBOR IS NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 1108 W BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 GEORGE N CARMACK GEORGE P CHENG GEORGE P KINKLE III 1564 N COLUMBUS AVE 641 VIA LIDO SOLID 1156 OXFORD RD GLENDALE,CA 91202 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 SAN MARINO,CA 91108 GEORGE R CURTIS GEORGE R&ELEANOR A VERBECK GEORGE S BRIGGEMAN JR. 44 BALBOA CV 161 W RONWOOD ST 85 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 GLENDORA,CA 91740 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 GERALD PHARRIS GERALD H&JANE W KINGSLEY GERALD K DELEO 306 VIA LIDO NORD 1335 SANTIAGO DR 628 LANCER LN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 CORONA,CA 92879 GERALD L&KATHLEEN ANN GERALD R RYAN GERALD T&JAIMIE L LAPOINTE THOMPSON 3902 RIVER AVE PO BOX 114 2701 SHELL ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CA 91739 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 GERALD W MCCLELLAN JR. GERALDINE RANKIN GERARD P TARDIE 1034 W BAY AVE 6037 WASHINGTON AVE PO BOX 717 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 i WHIT-FIER,CA 90601 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 n0 AVERY@ Address LabeCs Laser 5160@ Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 51600 • GERRIE GERTRUDE ARNOLD GHAFOUR MOHSENIPOUR 19 BEACON BAY 3912 RIVER AVE 304 SAINT ANDREWS RD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 GINGERLEE C FIELD GINO DISANO GLEIS JOSEPHINE D TROY PO BOX 690 912 E BALBOA BLVD 61 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 GLEN CEILEY GLENN 0&BILLIE F HULETT GLYN&GWENDOLEN B DAVIES 304 EVENING STAR LN 311 MORNING STAR LN 706 HARBOR ISLAND DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 GOLDEN HILLS PROPERTIES LLC GOLDENBERG PAUL GOODGAME FAMILY LIMITED PARTNE 9701 WILSHIRE BLVD#1210 30 LINDA ISLE 24924 JIM BRIDGER RD BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90212 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 HIDDEN HILLS,CA 91302 GORDON BARIENBROCK GORDON DAVIDSON GORDON&SANDRA GRAHAM 2801 W COAST HWY#260 308 GRAND CANAL 429 VIA LIDO SOLID NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 GREGORY&ANN HOLDEN GROUT ELIZABETH Q;SEC PACIFIC GUILFORD C BABCOCK 209 N BAY FRONT PO BOX 54029 1500 PARK PL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 LOS ANGELES,CA 90054 SAN MARINO,CA 91108 GUSTAVE S CHABRE GWEN MERZ GWEN Y HASS 1130 E BALBOA BLVD 18 BALBOA CV 1599 SUPERIOR AVE#B9 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 COSTA MESA,CA 92627 H FREDERICK WESTPHAL H GILBERT JONES H NEILL LEHR 621 BAYSIDE DR 818 HARBOR ISLAND DR 4121 CLEAR VALLEY DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 ENCINO,CA 91436 H SEYMOUR BEEK H VICOR SUCHER JR. HAIG V OUZOUNIAN 528 S BAYFRONT 4007 MARCUS AVE 2821 DUMFRIES RD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LOS ANGELES,CA 90064 HAL S WILLIAMS HAL WILL SMITH JR. HANFORD HOTELS LLC 12 LINDA ISLE 2145 LINDA FLORA DR i 4 CORPORATE PLAZA DR# NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 LOS ANGELES,CA 90077 I NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 I i 1 �0 AVERY© Address Labels I Laser 5160® Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 51600 • HANSEL DAVID BENVENUTI JR. HAROLD&DEANNA MCINTIRE HAROLD G HOLLEMAN 106 LINDA ISLE 225 GRAND CANAL 1800 S BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 HAROLD GEORGE POLLEY HAROLD LEON BARLOW JR. HAROLD S NOVEY 4204 RIVER AVE 24512 FARROW DR 301 E EDGEWATER AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 VALENCIA,CA 91355 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 HAROLD S VOEGELIN HAROLD T SEGERSTROM JR. HAROLD W CAWARD 32 HARBOR IS 818 W BAY AVE 527 VIA LIDO SOLD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 HAROLD W MUCKENTHALER HARRY GILMORE HARRY C JOHNSON PO BOX 5744 PO BOX 58041 2668 BAYSHORE OR FULLERTON,CA 92838 VERNON,CA 90058 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 HARRY C&ROSALYNN CROWELL HARRY CHARLES GUNETTI JR. HARRY F BROWN 17780 FITCH#200 PO BOX 1089 408 VIA LIDO NORD IRVINE,CA 92614 MOUNTAIN VIEW,CA 94042 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 HARRY G LONG HARRY G THOMASEN HARRY M KELSO DESERT HORIZONS C C PO BOX 2405 260 W BEACH AVE INDIAN WELLS,CA 92210 FRIDAY HARBOR,WA 98250 INGLEWOOD,CA 90302 HARVEY L LEVICH HDS PARTNERSHIP HELEN TOAL 289 HOMEWOOD RD 17777 MAIN ST#H 433 VIA LIDO SOUD LOS ANGELES,CA 90049 IRVINE,CA 92614 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 HELEN A CHAPMAN HELEN A TITUS HELEN B NORTON 305 GRAND CANAL 633 VIA LIDO SOLID 300 E COAST HWY#17 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 HELEN L LIVADARY HENRIETTA M BARNES HENRY SEGERSTROM 604 S BAYFRONT 1104 E BALBOA BLVD 1617 E BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 HENRY&LAURA ARJAD HENRY A MOHRSCHLADT HENRY ROSS ESCALETTE 205 E EDGEWATER AVE 1008 E BALBOA BLVD 515 VIA LIDO SOLD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 i NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 n4 AVERY® Address Label's i Laser 5160@ Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 51600 HENRY W EXEC BUCKINGHAM HERBERT C FOSS JR. HERBERT G OELKE PO BOX 7935 3901 MARCUS AVE 720 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92658 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 HERBERT H JORDAN HILLGREN MARKJ HOLLIE KEETON 117 N BAYFRONT 923 N MAIN ST 300 RIALTO ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 ORANGE,CA 92867 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 HORACE M&EVELYN WHITE HOWARD WOOLF HOWARD B LAWSON 63 LINDA ISLE 135 N BAYFRONT 1220 W BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 HOWARD D CHASTAIN HOWARD P HOUSE HTS SCP LLC PO BOX 1565 1645 SAMAR PL 818 W BAY AVE CORONA,CA 92878 COSTA MESA,CA 92526 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 HUGH CRIPE HUGH S SMITH HUGH S&BARBARA WINFIELD SMITH 533 VIA LIDO SOLD 1621 TELLER AVE 1362 LONGWORTH DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 LOS ANGELES,CA 90049 HUNTER WILSON I J GABRIEL INA O&GARY F THOMSON 112 GRAND CANAL 3449 VALENCIA AVE 2723 SHELL ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 SAN BERNARDINO,CA 92404 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 IRA N MENDELSOHN IRENE BENTLEY IRENE LI 22 LINDA ISLE 819 VIA LIDO SOLD 525 VIA LIDO SOLD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 IRISH OCEAN RESEARCH GRP LTD IRVIN CHAPMAN IRVINE CO 1645 BAYSIDE DR 2962 AIRWAY AVE 4 CORPORATE PLAZA DR# CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 COSTA MESA,CA 92626 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 IRVINE CO%GRACE RESTAURANT CO IRVINE CO OF W VA IRVINE COMPANY 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR 151 E COAST HWY 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR#2 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 i IRVINE COMPANY IRVINE COMPANY IRVINE COMPANY PO BOX 60009 I 73 LINDA ISLE 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR CITY OF INDUSTRY,CA 91716 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 FA AVERY@ Address Labels i Laser 51600 Smooth Feed Sheets TM Use template for 51600 • ISAAC&SUZANNE CARACO ISLAND VISTA LTD PARTNERSHIP J CHRISTINE BASSETT 1007 N BAYFRONT PO BOX 8441 421 WALNUT ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92658 COSTA MESA,CA 92627 J E RUTrER J EDWIN RATH J H SCUDDER 941 VIA LIDO SOUD 207 E EDGEWATER AVE 211 N BAY FRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 J H SIROONIAN INC J MICHAEL&PHYLLIS L HINNIGAN JACK LANGSON 2750 N PARKWAY DR 84 LINDA ISLE 2616 BAYSHORE DR FRESNO,CA 93722 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JACK PASCHALL JR. JACK&RITA SINDER JACK A MARTINEZ 209 E BAY FRONT 15925 HIGH KNOLL RD 2319 BAYSIDE DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 ENCINO,CA 91436 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 JACK A&JOAN OREM NORTHRUP JACK B&ISABELLE MARIE LINDQUIST JACK D ORRILL 411 N BAY FRONT 95 LINDA ISLE 4525 AGNES AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NORTH HOLLYWOOD,CA 91607 JACK E MATHER JACK G RAUB JACLYN ROSENBERG 3306 MARCUS AVE 6420 MITCHELL BAY RD 518 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 SAN JUAN ISLAND,WA 98250 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JACLYN ROSENBERG JACOB VAN EDEN JACQUES C&MITZI SOPKIN 520 VIA LIDO NORD 508 EVENING STAR LN 718 HARBOR ISLAND DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 JACQULYN V CAKIN JAIME&CAROL LUDMIR JAMES JORDAN 613 36TH ST 21 LINDA ISLE 4010 CHANNEL PL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JAMES WADE JAMES&ARDIS NAGLER JAMES&CAROL H WESTLING 3404 MARCUS AVE 19845 OLD SANTA CRUZ HWY 40 BALBOA CV NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LOS GATOS,CA 95033 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JAMES&DIANE FLAHERTY JAMES&LINDA FAYE FONDREN JAMES&MARILYN A PADOVA 2307 BAYSIDE DR PO BOX 1250 1209 N BAYFRONT CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 , CARSON CITY,NV 89702 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 l n0 AVERYO Address LabeCs Laser 51600 Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 5160® JAMES&NEENA MILLER JAMES A NEWKIRK JAMES A SHAB 3903 MARCUS AVE 245 CRESCENT BAY DR 600 HARBOR ISLAND DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LAGUNA BEACH,CA 92651 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 JAMES ANTHONY PADDEN JAMES B&MARTHA BEAUCHAMP JAMES BOYS LLC 5122 REYNIER AVE 2719 SHELL ST 3801 SEASHORE DR LOS ANGELES,CA 90056 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JAMES C BELLINO JAMES C&CAROL A STEIN JAMES D EPLETT 38 13ALBOA CV 1401 BAYSIDE DR 1440 KEY VW NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 JAMES DENSON ZIEGLER JAMES E BAHAN JAMES E COLLINGS PO BOX 4456 1120 W BAY AVE 410 38TH ST IRVINE,CA 92616 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JAMES E MUNROE JAMES E RICH JAMES E RIDDLE 1810 S BAYFRONT 802 S BAYFRONT 615 36TH ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JAMES E SPAIN JR. JAMES E&MARY K DRENNAN JAMES EUGENE DOBROTT 900 W BAY AVE 37 SARAH LN 329 VIA LIDO SOLID NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 MORAGA,CA 94586 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JAMES FARRIS JENKINS JR. JAMES G&RACHEL H STULL JAMES L&LYNNE PIERSON DOTI 1236 W BAY AVE 319 GRAND CANAL 1016 E BALBOA BLVD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 JAMES M GORMAN JAMES M KRUEGER JAMES R GLIDEWELL 646 VIA LIDO NORD 209 EVENING STAR LN PO BOX 8127 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92658 JAMES ROBERT&PATRICIA HURLEY JAMES RONALD SECHRIST JAMES S BUSBY JR. 2112 E BALBOA BLVD 2205 LAGUNA CANYON RD 1702 S BAY FRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 LAGUNA BEACH,CA 92651 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 JAMES V HARTWELL JAN HOLMDOHL JAN SCHWARTING 207 GRAND CANAL 14 BALBOA CV I 15912 PIUMA AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 i I NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 I NORWALK,CA 90650 iI ' I i I /�� AVERYO Address Labels Laser 51600 Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 51600 0 JANE COLBY PARKS JANET CURCI WALSH JANET JOHNSTON WILLIAMSON 1101 S EL MOLINO AVE PO BOX 1649 311 N BAYFRONT PASADENA,CA 91106 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 JANET K SHAW JASON ELSEN JASON LIU 208 VIA LIDO NORD 3915 MARCUS AVE#A 56 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 JASON&RENA PILALAS JAY HARRIS BAKER JAY M GREER 1404 W BAY AVE 4089 CHEVY CHASE DR PO BOX 479 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE,CA 91011 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 JAY M&DENISE GOLDNER JAYNE LENK JEAN RICHARDSON 731 VIA LIDO SOLD 607 36TH ST 1500 S BAY FRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 JEAN RITTER JEAN H WATT JEAN J KLUG 540 S BAYFRONT 4 HARBOR IS 806 HARBOR ISLAND DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 JEANNE CAROL KRAUSE JEFF&MARIE GREEN JEFF D THOMASON 10775 QUEENSLAND ST 315 VIA LIDO SOUD 3607 FINLEY AVE LOS ANGELES,CA 90034 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JEFFREY&E MEGER JEFFREY&LYNN FRIEDMAN JEFFREY&MARTHA UNICKEL PO BOX 81498 3704 CHANNEL PL 26 LINDA ISLE BAKERSFIELD,CA 93380 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 JEFFREY B LEWIS I JEFFREY M SCHULEIN JENNING&PENELOPE REVELEY 2464 BAYSHORE DR 15 LINDA ISLE 508 38TH ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JERRY B SILVER JERRY E HERBST JESS E&WANDA M MENDOZA 103 E EDGEWATER AVE 5195 LAS VEGAS BLVD S 107 VIA LIDO SOLID NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 LAS VEGAS, NV 89119 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JFAJ PROPERTIES JILL JONES JILL KATHLEEN LINDSAY 67 BALBOA CV PO BOX 7146 4 BALBOA CV NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 I ( ALHAMBRA,CA 91802 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 I //� AVERY@ Address-LabeCs i Laser 5160 Smooth Feed Sheets TM Use template for 51600 • • JO ANN BUCCOLA JOAN CARSON JOAN&CURT&GREGG ARAKAWA 5159 E CRESCENT DR 532 VIA LIDO NORD 1420 W BAY AVE ANAHEIM,CA 92807 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 JOAN F WREN JOAN H GREGORIUS JOAN P WILLIAMS 1118 E BALBOA BLVD 1405 N BAY FRONT 812 HARBOR ISLAND DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 JOAN PROULX TORRIBIO JOANNA WALL MUIR JOEL SLUTZKY 516 S BAYFRONT 716 VIA LIDO NORD 424 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JOEY BISHOP JOHN CURCI JOHN CURCI 18321 VENTURA BLVD#580 717 LIDO PARK DR PO BOX 1549 TARZANA,CA 91356 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659 JOHN HEDLUND JOHN KING JOHN LAURITZEN 1350 W BAY AVE 2679 VICTORIA DR 2254 CHANNEL RD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 LAGUNA BEACH,CA 92651 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 JOHN NEIDLINGER JOHN NEWCOMB JOHN ORTEGA 113 VIA LIDO SOUD 1821 W BAY AVE 2102 E BALBOA BLVD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 JOHN RAFFERTY JOHN&CANDACE SCHWARTZ JOHN&JANET WELLS 416 38TH ST 89 LINDA ISLE 1140 W BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 JOHN&MARCIA CASHION JOHN&NANCY KELSO JOHN&SUZANNE BERWALD 1927 BAYSIDE DR 536 HARBOR ISLAND DR 313 GRAND CANAL CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 JOHN A&MARY J MCMAHON JOHN B&JUDITH J COYNE JOHN C&LAURA THOMSON 26 HARBOR IS i 315 EVENING STAR LN 531 VIA LIDO SOLID NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JOHN CARLISLE BROWN JOHN CHARLES REID&DONNA CATH JOHN CRAIG COMBS 2082 MICHELSON DR#212 I PURSELL 2231 BAYSIDE DR IRVINE,CA 92612 I PO BOX 477 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 SURFSIDE,CA 90743 �� AVERY® Address Labelis I Laser 51600 Smooth Feed Sheets TM Use template for 51600 JOHN D ODONNELL JOHN D&MARY BELLE CLARK JOHN E TAHL 3 CIVIC PLZ#160 1631 THOMPSON AVE 645 BAYSIDE DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 GLENDALE,CA 91201 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 JOHN ETHAN WAYNE JOHN•F EVANS JOHN F SULLIVAN PO BOX 1727 4018 CHANNEL PL 1201 BAYSIDE DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 JOHN GAIL GLENN JOHN GREGORY&SUZANNE PITTS JOHN H COOGAN 727 BAYSIDE DR 408 38TH ST 3814 CHANNEL PL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JOHN H HERLIHY JOHN J JAKOSKY JR. JOHN J&ROSALIE M BURGHARDT 2806 LAFAYETI'E RD PO BOX 7836 507 VIA LIDO SOLD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92658 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JOHN JAMESON ELMORE JOHN L HILL JOHN L WESTREM 28 HARBOR IS 507 HARBOR ISLAND DR 1006 E BALBOA BLVD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 JOHN LYNN&EVELYN REESE HART JOHN M MCDONALD JOHN M VELARDO 49 BALBOA CV 107 BAYSIDE PL 3800 CHANNEL PL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JOHN M&ADRIENNE H GARRISON JOHN MARREN FOSTER JOHN MARTIN ZINSMEYER 10 HARBOR IS 4022 CHANNEL PL 608 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JOHN MICHAEL DOYLE JOHN MINTON BILLINGS JOHN O HOWELL 425 VIA LIDO SOLID 665 VIA LIDO SOLD 204 S BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 JOHN P HOOTEN JOHN P KENSEY JOHN P MORALLY 601 LIDO PARK OR#7F PO BOX 41 B PO BOX 2409 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 SAN MARCOS,CA 92079 I JOHN R MCINTOSH I JOHN ROLAND DAVIES JR. JOHN W DAHLBERG 2495 OCEAN BLVD ; 523 VIA LIDO SOLD 127 HARBOR ISLAND RD CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 i NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 VII Ili it I I �0 AVERY® Address Labels I Laser 5160® I Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 51600 • • JOHN W HANCOCK III JOHNB CHARLES ALLEN JOHNSON JUNE%MARVIN ENGINEERI 6265 E 2ND ST#102 1432 W BAY AVE 260 W BEACH AVE LONG BEACH,CA 90803 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 INGLEWOOD,CA 90302 JOI DELL HURD JON&MARY BLAKE MARPLE JON L&DIANA R KING 304 S BAY FRONT 1320 E BALBOA BLVD 512 S BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 JOSE LIBERMAN JOSE M GONZALEZ JOSEPH CEFALIA 12547 HUSTON ST 124 VIA LIDO NORD 1649 BAYSIDE DR NORTH HOLLYWOOD,CA 91607 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 JOSEPH FORBATH JOSEPH VALLEJO JOSEPH&VICTORIA S CUBEIRO 4008 RIVER AVE 2501 OCEAN BLVD 531 HARBOR ISLAND OR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 JOSEPH K LIPSCOMB JOSEPH M FERGUSON JOSEPH R SPADARO 421 HARBOR ISLAND DR 40285 VIA FRANCISCO 601 36TH ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 MURRIETA,CA 92562 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JOSEPH R STACK I JOSEPH TR#1 BURGHARDT JOSEPHINE H MCLAIN 3310 MARCUS AVE 12 HALSTED CIR 4 CORPORATE PLAZA DR# NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ALHAMBRA,CA 91801 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 JOSEPHINE P&ERIC P WILLIAMS JOSIE STEVENS JOSIE STEVENS 500 ANGELITA DR 61 BALBOA CV 61 BALBOA CV CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JOY BRANDT JUANITA HARTMAN JUDITH THRESHIE 311 GRAND CANAL 2091/E EDGEWATER AVE 2702 BAYSHORE OR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JUDITH A JACOBS JUDITH G TUCKER JULE C MARSHALL 219 VIA LIDO SOLID 534 S BAY FRONT 120 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 JULIUS VIANA JUNE LEE MILLER JUNE R SHIELDS 101 LINDA ISLE I 507 LAKESIDE DR 3909 MARCUS AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 I FULLERTON,CA 92835 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 II ' I � I �� AVERY@ Address LabeCs i Laser 51600 Smooth Feed Sheets TM Use.template for 51600 i • KAREN HALL KAREN A PELLE KAREN C RACCIATTI 55 LINDA ISLE 1142 POLARIS DR 3808 CHANNEL PL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 KATHERINE R SWIGART KATHLEEN M SANGSTER KATHLEEN N REARDON 808 W BAY AVE 403 VIA LIDO SOLD 8 BALBOA CV NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 KATHRYN E DAHL KATHRYN LILLARD WHEELER KATHRYN MAE ADDIS 308 S BAY FRONT 401 AVOCADO AVE 3812 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 KATHRYN MARGARET PENNEY KATHRYN•MARIE MORGRIDGE KATHY MILLER 310 FERNANDO ST#402 505 36TH ST 3328 VIA LIDO#3 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 KATSUMI IMOTO KEITH M SWANER KEITH ORVILLE BURNHAM 552 JADE TREE DR 9253 GERALD AVE 47 LINDA ISLE MONTEREY PARK,CA 91754 SEPULVEDA,CA 91343 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 KEITH W&DORIS UNCAPHER KENNETH HONIG KENNETH LEWIS 8216 TUSCANY AVE 123 E BAYFRONT 309 N BAYFRONT PLAYA DEL REY,CA 90293 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 KENNETH&JUDI SACZALSKI KENNETH&LYNDA FISCHBECK KENNETH&ROSEMARIE HEROLD 1440 W BAY AVE 53 BALBOA CV 1200 S BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 KENNETH&TRACY HURD KENNETH&VIRGINIA R BRUNER KENNETH A RUBY 220 VIA LIDO NORD 3503 FINLEY AVE 424 S CLIFFWOOD AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LOS ANGELES,CA 90049 KENNETH A SCHORK KENNETH C&CHERYL JO KETNER KENNETH G ROBINSON 16251 AURORA CREST DR 239 VIA LIDO SOLID 233 VIA LIDO SOLID WHITTIER,CA 90605 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 KENNETH L MARBLE KENNETH L MIDDLETON KENNETH W&SUSAN E,DIFONZO PO BOX 3588 304 THE RIALTO 404 MORNING STAR LN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 I I I RNA, AVERY9 Address Label's Laser 51600 Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 51600 0 KENT J&LAURI LEE MADDY KEVIN O&JEANNE N LEWAND SR. KI YONG NAM 2033 HOLIDAY RD 12132 SINGING WOOD OR 78 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 SANTA ANA,CA 92705 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 KIM J CHARNEY KING&SARA LEE BURSTEIN KIRK&TAMARA NELSON 214 EVENING STAR LN 651 BAYSIDE DR 4200 RIVER AVE#A NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 KOSTI&MARIAN SHIRVANIAN KOSUKE&MIWAKO INOUE KRISTINE THAGARD 19 LINDA ISLE 2103 BAYSIDE DR 2101 E COAST HWY NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 L EUGENE PICKETT LANCE&ELIZABETH KLUGER LARRY L CHAZAN 1302 S BAYFRONT 744 VIA LIDO NORD 47360 VIA RAVENNA NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LA QUINTA,CA 92253 LAUGHLIN E WATERS LAURA A&PAUL W HOWARD LAURA-LEE WOODS 112 N JUNE ST 311 E BAY FRONT 1600 HUNTINGTON DR LOS ANGELES,CA 90004 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 SOUTH PASADENA,CA 91030 LAUREL ZAESKE LAURIE ANN BURG MINERBI LAVON BRUECKNER 4009 MARCUS AVE 2301 BAYSIDE DR 440 HARBOR ISLAND OR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 LAWRENCE MCCONVILLE JR. LAWRENCE VIANDS LAWRENCE A WEINREB 703 N BAYFRONT 319 VIA LIDO SOLID 19400 BUSINESS CENTER DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NORTHRIDGE,CA 91324 LAWRENCE J LEIFER LAWRENCE M&DOLORES V HIGBY LAWRENCE MICHAEL&MARGARET 3706 CHANNEL PL 218 VIA LIDO NORD SU WERNER NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 336 BUENA VIS NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 LEAH I SCHWANER LEE&JOAN H SAMMIS LEIGH M RABBITT 511 36TH ST 94 LINDA ISLE 634 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LELAND J CRUMBLEY LEO E&JANIS A EISEL LEONARD SWATT 2282 CHANNEL RD 5 LINDA ISLE - 3940 ARCHDALE RD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 i NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 I ENCINO,CA 91436 i ,I ,I //� AVERYO Address Labelis i Laser 51600 Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 51600 LEONARD&SUSAN M BIDART LEONARD E ULLRICH LEONARD E ULLRICH 307 S OLEANDER AVE 917 VIA LIDO SOLD 13259 166TH ST BAKERSFIELD,CA 93304 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CERRITOS,CA 90703 LEONARD W MILLER LEONE LOUISE DUTWILER LEROY C SUTHERLAND 501 W EDGEWATER AVE 200 GRAND CANAL 1401 N BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 LES 0 STARNES LESLIE RAY LESLIE J HARRISON 22 HARBOR POINTE DR 415 E EDGEWATER AVE 2270 CHANNEL RD CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 LESTER P ELMORE LEVNN&ZAROUHI GUGASIAN LILLIAN SPINING 800 8 BAY FRONT 17 RIDGELINE DR 823 VIA LIDO SOUD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LINDA ISLE COMMUNITY ASSN LINDA J RICHLEY LINDA PFLEGER EDWARDS 1234 NORMANDY PL 451 VIA LIDO SOLID 5 HARBOR IS SANTA ANA,CA 92705 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 LINDA RUSSELL WEEKS LODWRICK M&CAROLE D COOK LOLA PACIFIC YACHTS LLC 5924 PEBBLE CREEK DR 13849 WEDDINGTON ST 20 LINDA ISLE ROCKLIN,CA 95765 SHERMAN OAKS,CA 91401 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 LORA W VANCE LOREN&NANCY HANSEN LORNA M BARRY 1311 N BAY FRONT 500 38TH ST 413 VIA LIDO SOLD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LORNA M BARRY LOTTIE JENNINGS LOUIS SABATASSO 605 VIA LIDO SOLID 624 HARBOR ISLAND DR 1 BEACON BAY NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 LOUIS SANDS LOUIS&ANNETTE HERSON LOUIS G HAHN PO BOX 95 76 LINDA ISLE 14 MALLARD GLENDALE,AZ 85311 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 IRVINE,CA 92604 LOUIS T&MOURA P ROSSO LOUIS W WALKER LOUISE D ALLEN 343 VIA LIDO-SOUD 627 VIA LIDO SOLID 201 E BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 i n0 AVERY® Address LabeCs I Laser 5160® Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 51600 0 LUCILLE P MATHEWSON LUCILLE R BERCAW LUIS A HERNANDEZ 29 HARBOR IS 1582 BROWNING 3060 GAINSBOROUGH DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 IRVINE,CA 92606 PASADENA,CA 91107 LUIS 0 MARMOL LURA MAE HANSEN LYNDA BEZDEK 305 EVENING STAR LN 6604 BEDFORD AVE 419 W RUSTIC RD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 LOS ANGELES,CA 90056 SANTA MONICA,CA 90402 LYNN NEWTON LYNN VALE PENOYAR LYNNE LANGJAHR PO BOX 432 1304 S BAY FRONT 1211 N BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 M M HORNING M A RICHLEY JR. 113 GRAND CANAL 4425 JAMBOREE RD 809 VIA LIDO SOLID NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 M DOLORES MILHOUS M WESTLAND MACARA F SONJA 43 LINDA ISLE 13070 OLD BOLSA CHICA RD 505 MORNING STAR LN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 WESTMINSTER,CA 92683 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 MANOUCHEHR MOSHAYEDI MANTA MARA W BREECH 2121 BAYSIDE DR 350 BUENA VIS 15200 W SUNSET BLVD#203 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 PACIFIC PALISADES,CA 90272 MARCO BACICH MARCUS SPIEGEL MARGALINE L LINDAHL 1100 E BALBOA BLVD 26 BALBOA CV 202 GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 MARGARET BERTULEIT MARGARET CRULL MARGARET NORMAN 39 BALBOA CV 2565 FAIRFIELD PL 11661 SAN VICENTE BLVD#41 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 SAN MARINO,CA 91108 LOS ANGELES,CA 90049 MARGARET&LOREN W BURCH MARGARET D WEIMAR MARGARET E FORTNER 3434 SAN PASCUAL ST 3905 MARCUS AVE 1006 S BAYFRONT PASADENA,CA 91107 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 MARGARET MORGAN STEWART MARGOT SCHMIDT MARIAM A JESCH 260 LA MIRADA RD 105 E EDGEWATER AVE 316 VIA LIDO NORD PASADENA,CA 91105 i I NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 I NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 I �0 AVERY® Address Labelis Laser 51600 Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 51600 MARIANNE HUESMAN MARIE E LENK MARILYN K DOUGLASS 308 EVENING STAR LN 605 36TH ST 976 BAYSIDE CV#607 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 MARILYN R STROMQUIST MARJORIE AUSTIN MARJORIE RAWLINS PO BOX 2066 401 BAYSIDE DR 804 S BAYFRONT THOUSAND OAKS,CA 91358 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 MARJORIE REDAY MARJORIE A DOBSON MARK&BARBARA MINYARD 359 VIA LIDO SOLD 4019 CHANNEL PL 305 N STAR LN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 MARK E KRUGMAN MARK J&HOLLY E KERSLAKE MARLETA REYNOLDS 1036 POLARIS DR 419 N STAR LN 1713 E BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 MARSHALL&KATHERINE STUART MARSHALL L MORGAN MARTHA MACNAB 315 N STAR LN 12 HARBOR IS 219 E BAY FRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 MARTHA J ANWILER MARTHA LEE SCHAUMER MARTHA MACNAB WARLAUMONT 227 GRAND CANAL 104 VIA LIDO'NORD 219 E BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 MARTIN FURMANSKI MARTIN&GAIL OHEA MARTIN&RAYLENE SCHOLTENS 333 GRAND CANAL 4001 MARCUS AVE 639 BAYSIDE DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 MARTIN&VIRGINIA FURMANSKI MARTIN H LITKE MARTIN J LOCKNEY 333 E BAY FRONT 427 HARBOR ISLAND DR 801 VIA LIDO SOLD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 MARVIN BAIN MARVIN ENGINEERING CO INC MARY EASLEY 309 N STAR LN 260 W BEACH AVE 203 CRESCENT BAY DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 INGLEWOOD,CA 90302 LAGUNA BEACH,CA 92651 MARY HILL MARY ANN DIVIZIA MARY ANN FAUSERT , 2414 NEWPORT BLVD 620 NEWPORT CENTER DR 439 VIA LIDO SOLD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 i i 1 I AVERY@ Address Label's I Laser 51600 I Smooth Feed Sheets TM Use template for 51600 • MARY E LAHAYE MARY E WATERS MARY FRANCES ESPENSCHIED 808 VIA LIDO NORD 649 WILCOX AVE PO BOX 592 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LOS ANGELES,CA 90004 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 MARY GAY WASSALL MCGEE MARY H KILPATRICK MARY SHORES BOLAS PO BOX 4336 8152 4TH ST 122-12 THE GRAND CANA NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 DOWNEY,CA 90241 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 MAS INVESTMENTS LP MATTHEW A SARACINO MATTHEW G YEAGER 3602 MARCUS AVE PO BOX 940 PO BOX 127 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 RIVERSIDE,CA 92502 MAX&VALERIE HAMPTON MEILY HARRY S 3RD MELINDA RHODES 721 BAYSIDE DR 1436 W BAY AVE 621 LIDO PARK DR#A2 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 MELINDA W PENTZ MELVIN&MARJORIE L SMITH MEMORIAL HOSPITAL HOAG 301 EVENING STAR LN 501 S PERALTA HILLS DR 301 N NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 ANAHEIM,CA 92807 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 MERLE E FAULCONER METHOD-ART CORP MICHAEL MAHONEY 733 ORANGE GROVE AVE 507 W EDGEWATER AVE 3300 MARCUS AVE SAN FERNANDO,CA 91340 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 MICHAEL MILLIKAN MICHAEL SCOTT MICHAEL&CRISTIN SHUTE 2222 CHANNEL RD 52 LINDA ISLE 8 HARBOR IS NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 i MICHAEL&JEANNE GORALESKI MICHAEL&PATRICIA L HURRAY MICHAEL&PAULA MEYERS 45 BALBOA CV 113 E BAYFRONT 322 THE GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA MICHAEL AABRAHAM MICHAEL A&JULIE A MATTHEWS MICHAEL D BUETTE LL 908 W BAY AVE 642 HARBOR ISLAND OR 307 THE GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 MICHAEL E HURRAY MICHAEL E HURRAY MICHAEL H SAPERSTEIN 1704 S BAYFRONT 1704 S BAYFRONT 3717 CHANNEL PL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 I NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 I I I �p AVERY@ Address Labels I Laser 5160® 009t5 Jasel �qel ssaippv ��AU3AV Q� MICHAEL J WOODS MICHAEL K&KELLINA HAYDE MICHAEL N&VICTORIA F BRANT- 1108 E BALBOA BLVD 145 N BAY FRONT ZAWADZKI NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 535 VIA LIDO SOLD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 MICHAEL R CUSHING MICHAEL S BLOWER MICHELE RANEY 2527 DOOLITTLE AVE 1513 E BAY AVE 223 GRAND CANAL ARCADIA,CA 91006 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 MIKE HARTUNIAN MILAN PANIC MILDRED E SANFORD 99 LINDA ISLE 2104 E BALBOA BLVD PO BOX 63700 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 SAN FRANCISCO,CA 94163 MILE MARINA MARINERS MILTON J&DORIS H CHASIN MINER PROPERTIES 2607 W COAST HWY 11 LINDA ISLE 365 VIA LIDO SOLID NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 MING-SHIU HSU MIRIAM BIRNKRANT MORGAN•BRIGANDI I LLC 50 LINDA ISLE 206 VIA LIDO NORD 2025 W BALBOA BLVD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 MORRIS STARK MORRIS A FARINELLA MORRIS GORDON&DOLORES 86 LINDA ISLE 19 BALBOA CV SANDER BAGNE JR. NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 801 S ACACIA AVE FULLERTON,CA 92831 MYRA BERMAN N EDALATPOUR N C&BETTY J ILER 426 VIA LIDO NORD 501 MORNING STAR LN 1641 BAYSIDE,DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 N CHARLES&LYN J BELASCO NADA HANNAFORD NADYNE FOSTER 310 VIA LIDO NORD 456 SERRA DR 903 N BAY FRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NAN NAN&NIANSHA XU NAN S CHAPMAN NANCY LEWIS 208 THE GRAND CANAL 658 VIA LIDO NORD 2646 SAYSHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NANCY SOPP NANCY F BEAR NANCY K HUTCHINSON 1303 N BAY FRONT 709 N SAYFRONT 118 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 Ii i I i ' { - I mo9i5 Joj aieldwai ash I I Wls;aays poaj y;oows I � 00915 easel • slagal ssaippv q)AU3AV QV NANCY W ESSEN NEA R SUCCESSOR WICKETT NEIL&KERRY ONEIL BARTH PO BOX 157 309 E BAY FRONT 1813 E BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEIL J POWERS NELLIE A REEVES NEWPORT HARBOR SHIPYARD INC 3408 MARCUS AVE 1210 S BAY FRONT 223 21 ST ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB NIGEL PARKER NINA J HENRY 720 W BAY AVE 916 BLUE BIRD CANYON DR 2658 BAYSHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 LAGUNA BEACH,CA 92651 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NOEL G WATSON NOEL G&PHYLLIS H WATSON NOEVIR CO LTD 1141 RODEO RD 2242 CHANNEL RD 1095 MAIN ST ARCADIA,CA 91006 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 IRVINE,CA 92614 NORMA LLOYD NORMAN E MOYER NORMAN L JEZEWAK 921 W BAY AVE 2157 MIRAMAR DR 2010 MAIN ST#310 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 IRVINE,CA 92614 NORMAN L&VICTORIA YU NORMAN M DAHL NORMAN W SONNTAG 27 HARBOR POINTE DR 1100 POLARIS DR 1653 BAYSIDE DR CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NOSTRATOLA DABIR-VAZIRI NUEL C BENSON 0 MALLEY M&ANN W MILLER 66 BALBOA CV 4206 RIVER AVE 355 S GRAND AVE#35TH NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LOS ANGELES,CA 90071 O WILLIAM SAUTER OLEN COMMERCIAL REALTY OLGA C TAFE 711 1/N BAY FRONT ENCUMBR 115 E BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 3366 VIA LIDO NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 OLLIE HILL P MICHAEL CARNEY PAMELAA ODLE 320 VIA LIDO NORD 1030 W BAY AVE 736 HARBOR ISLAND DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 PAMELA L WHITESIDES PATRICIA GAINES' PATRICIA YODER 3322 VIA LIDO 712 HARBOR ISLAND DR 510 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 i NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 I I ®o9tSaojaleldwalasf I WlslaaySP08A410OWS I I (D0915 Jasel • 5 0el ssajppv ©AM3Atf PATRICIA ANN BENSON PATRICIA JEAN MANZO PATRICIA MARY CUNNINGHAM 501 36TH ST 2223 BAYSIDE DR 125 E BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 PATRICIA R DEBUYS PATRICK&JUDITH RYAN PATRICK F COLLINS 111 GRAND CANAL 300 MORNING STAR LN 312 BUENA VIS NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 PAUL PENBERTHY PAUL SALATA PAUL&JACQUELINE KAMIN 2011 E CARSON ST 98 LINDA ISLE 400 MORNING STAR LN CARSON,CA 90810 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 PAUL&JUNE PERNWORTH PAULA DERIDDER PAUL A&MARILYN RTESLOW 4 COLLINS IS 4108 RIVER AVE 615 BAYSIDE DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 PAUL C LIU PAUL D SUMNER PAUL E LOWRY 11 BALBOA CV 2140 E OCEANFRONT 3508 MARCUS AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 PAUL F SCHULTHEIS PAUL K ROUSE PAUL L FARAND 1 LINDA ISLE 623 36TH ST 463 VIA LIDO SOLD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 PAUL N DONNELLY PAUL ROBERT ASH PAUL S SHAPIRO 8 BALBOA CV 4000 CHANNEL PL 3804 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 PAULINE GODFREY PAULINE B SALMONSON PENCE FAMILY PARTNERS LTD 314 GRAND CANAL 1406 S BAYFRONT PO BOX 8286 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92658 PENINSULA POINT FAMILY PARTNER PERRY&EDITH B GRANT PETE&EVELYN COMPTON 2106 E BALBOA BLVD 1208 S BAYFRONT 56 BALBOA CV NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 PETE&EVELYN PARRELLA PETER MAU PETER PUTNAM 1921 BAYSIDE DR 7267 GREYLOCK AVE 629 VIA LIDO SOLID CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 i RIVERSIDE,CA 92504 i NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 I � 0091S Joj aaeldwaa ash i Wls;8a4S Pa8A 440OLUS ,b09Ls Jasel • s�agel ssaippv kDAU3AV D� PETER&CARA CHRISTENSEN PETER C BRADFORD PETER C PALLETTE 301 N STAR LN 2136 E BALBOA BLVD 909 W BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 PETER GEORGE&MAREN LEE MOTT PETER L DUNKEL PHARRIS GROUP 1510 S BAY FRONT 607 BAYSIDE DR 180 N RIVERVIEW DR#200 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 ANAHEIM,CA 92808 PHILIP S DOANE PHILIP S KEELER PHILLIP DEAN ROWE 1306 E BALBOA BLVD 2242 LIANE LN 316 BUENA VIS NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 SANTA ANA,CA 92705 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 PHILLIP N LYONS PHOEBE&KIM ANDERSON PIERO SERRA 36 HARBOR IS 433 WALNUT ST 610 NEWPORT CENTER DR#1 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 COSTA MESA,CA 92627 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 PILLSBURY GLOBE TRUST TAYLOR PLATINUM TRAINING CENTER LLC POINT DEVELOPMENT 7 BEACON BAY 3 COLLINS IS 980 SINGINGWOOD DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 ARCADIA,CA 91006 PORTER D VAUGHAN PRISCILLA AHERNA PZL LIMITED PO BOX 706 1310 E BALBOA BLVD 815 VIA LIDO SOLID SAN PEDRO,CA 90733 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 QUEEN SPRAGUE QUEEN C JOHNSON QUENTIN R SMITH 909 E GREEN ST 4256 LANKERSHIM BLVD 2404 CLIFF DR PASADENA,CA 91106 NORTH HOLLYWOOD,CA 91602 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 R A PROP R BRUCE ANDREWS R BRUCE HEZLEP 313 VIA LIDO SOLD 1421 BAYSIDE DR 2832 BAYSHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 RALEIGH BOUKATHER RALPH A FURRA RALPH A FURRA 654 VIA LIDO NORD 1418 W BAY AVE 2318 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 RALPH E BERNARD RALPH J OVEREND RAMONA TAYLOR GRANT 1801 E BAY AVE 123 GRAND CANAL t 411 E EDGEWATER AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 I 00915 aoj aaeldwal ash i W1s;aays PaaA q;oows ®09i5 Jasel • slaael ssaippv oAU3AV RAMONA W MERLE RANDY W CRAIB RAY TAYLOR 121 E BAYFRONT 3510 MARCUS AVE 308 38TH ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 RAY E TRIGGS RAY RALPH DONALD RAY W LIPPER 603 36TH ST 601 PERSHING DR 10 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 OCEANO,CA 93445 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 RAYMOND&DOROTHY KAHN RAYMOND G&WILLIA J YATES RAYMOND J RUTTER 512 VIA LIDO NORD 919 BAYSIDE DR#H3 760 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 RAYMOND M&DOROTHY ANNE RAYMOND 0 VINCENTI REGINALD A HOWELL BENFORD 119 VIA LIDO SOLID 2039 BAYSIDE DR PO BOX 1108 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 TUSTIN,CA 92781 REMARCON INC RENEE CANDIOTI WEST RICH&CHRISTINA SNYDER 2722 BAYSHORE OR 657 BAYSIDE DR 13502 VIRGINIA AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 BALDWIN PARK,CA 91706 RICHARD COOLEY RICHARD LEWIS RICHARD MILLER 3806 RIVER AVE 2889 WAY LN 5995 BROCKTON AVE#A NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 RIVERSIDE,CA 92506 RICHARD VANDERPOOL RICHARD&CAROL HAMBLETON JR. RICHARD&GARRY CORGIAT 211 N STAR LN 2982 REEF ST 944 PALM AVE#5 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 VENTURA,CA 93001 LOS ANGELES,CA 90069 RICHARD&JUDITH VOLTMER RICHARD&KRISTEN SIMONS RICHARD&MARIA THERESA FABIAN 22862 VIA GENOA 10 BALBOA CV 640 VIA LIDO NORD DANA POINT,CA 92629 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 RICHARD&MARY BREWER RICHARD&MARY GENE SEVIGNY RICHARD&NANCY GABRIEL 222 VIA LIDO NORD 2525 OCEAN BLVD#D-5 PO BOX 605 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 MIRA LOMA,CA 91752 RICHARD&SHIRLEY CARROLL RICHARD A HOUGHTON RICHARD A SEWELL 820 VIA LIDO NORD 46 BALBOA CV 1112 W BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 I ; NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 l ' I. pogls aoj a;eldwaa ash I W,,s1804S PaaA 440OWS I 0O915 aasEl • Slagq ssaJppy @AU3AV Q� RICHARD C ELLIOTT RICHARD C FULLER RICHARD C RIVETT 23 HARBOR ISLAND RD 443 HARBOR ISLAND DR 301 E-BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 RICHARD C&EVE P HOLMGREN RICHARD D BLATTERMAN RICHARD E BARRETT 707 BAYSIDE DR 115 BAYSIDE PL 930 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 RICHARD EDWIN GILES RICHARD F DWYER RICHARD H BERG 8029 EL MANOR AVE 321 N LAS CASAS AVE 2672 BAYSHORE DR LOS ANGELES,CA 90045 PACIFIC PALISADES,CA 90272 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 RICHARD I COLLINGS RICHARD I GODBER RICHARD L BARE 3603 FINLEY AVE 604 VIA LIDO NORD 700 HARBOR ISLAND DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 RICHARD L GLASIER RICHARD L IAVELLI RICHARD L OCONNOR 3409 FINLEY AVE 3609 MARCUS AVE 215 E COMMONWEALTH AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 FULLERTON,CA 92832 RICHARD M&DONNA L HIBBARD RICHARD N FRANK RICHARD R BUTTON 1884 N OMALLEY WAY 234 E COLORADO BLVD#500 47138 EL MENARA CIR UPLAND,CA91784 PASADENA,CA91101 PALM DESERT,CA92260 RICHARD V PLAT RICHARD W POWELL RICKEY&DIANA WARNER 2027 BAYSIDE DR 4836 QUEEN VICTORIA RD 321 GRAND CANAL CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 WOODLAND HILLS,CA 91364 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 I RITA A CORNYN ROB&JANINE THOMAS ROBERT BAKER 307 E EDGEWATER AVE 4014 CHANNEL PL 1110 E GREEN ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 PASADENA,CA 91106 ROBERT COHEN ROBERT DOEZIE ROBERTHAGGSTROM 2686 BAYSHORE DR 606 S BAYFRONT 27348 ESCONDIDO BEACH RD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 MALIBU,CA 90265 ROBERT HOFFMAN ROBERT KELLCH ROBERT MCCAFFREY 502 VIA LIDO NORD 407 EVENING STAR UN 1410 S BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 II � I - I I ®o9is iol a;eldwa;dsn I I W.s;aays POA y;oows I I 0091S Jasel • 6gel ssaippv mAU3AV Qp ROBERTMCNULTY ROBERT RUPER ROBERTSTEWART 18 HARBOR IS 928 E BALBOA BLVD 3210 MARCUS AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ROBERT THOMAS ROBERT&CARLA VLICK ROBERT&ROSAMOND HALL 1130 W BAY AVE 500 HARBOR ISLAND DR 209 VIA LIDO SOLD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ROBERT&SANDRA J SEAT ROBERT A ELLIOTT ROBERTA MCCRACKEN 1122 HYDE PARK DR 39 LINDA ISLE 13600 BAYLISS RD SANTA ANA,CA 92705 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 LOS ANGELES,CA 90049 ROBERT B LEWIS ROBERT BEATON SMITH ROBERT D HOLMAN 626 VIA LIDO NORD 1604 S BAYFRONT 177 RIVERSIDE AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ROBERT D VOIT ROBERT E DODDS ROBERT E GETZ 2140 E BALBOA BLVD 213 VIA LIDO SOLD 8844 S SEPULVEDA BLVD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LOS ANGELES,CA 90045 ROBERT E JONES ROBERT E MEYER ROBERT E&CATHY GRICE JR. 20801 SCENIC VISTA DR 512 HARBOR ISLAND DR 1106 POLARIS DR SAN JOSE,CA 95120 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 ROBERT E&LILLIAN MODZELESKI ROBERT G FELTON ROBERT G SASINE 215 VIA LIDO SOLD 41 BALBOA CV 517 36TH ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ROBERT GORDON ILER ROBERT H CROMWELL ROBERT H GRANT 5371 MELQUA RD 517 VIA LIDO SOLID 33 HARBOR IS ROSEBURG,OR 97470 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 ROBERT H NICHOLSON JR. ROBERT H TELLER ROBERT J BROOKES PO BOX 6010 504 S BAYFRONT 149 HUDSON PL EL MONTE,CA 91734 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 LOS ANGELES,CA 90004 ROBERTJFRANCESCON ROBERT JNEELY I ROBERT JPARKS 2226 CHANNEL RD 1099 BAYSIDE DR I 1504 S BAY FRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 i NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 � i I' I 0091S aol aaeldwa;ash Wls;9a4S P9131 yaoowS 009I5 Jasel 49 s ul ssalppv oAU3AV% ROBERT JAMES SHACKLETON ROBERT JOHN EICHENBERG ROBERT K LANCEFIELD 102 LINDA ISLE 1 COLLINS IS 189 WALTER HAYS DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 PALO ALTO,CA 94303 ROBERT LCARR ROBERT LMAPLE ROBERT LSHAW 621 36TH ST 105 BAYSIDE PL PO BOX 921141 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 SYLMAR,CA 91392 ROBERT L WELLS ROBERT LEE&MARCIA LYNN COOK ROBERT M BARTON 506 VIA LIDO NORD 538 S BAY FRONT 2762 BAYSHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ROBERT M BENNETT ROBERT M KLEPPE ROBERT M ROHAN 103 VIA LIDO SOLID 19610 JEFFREY CIR 219 GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CERRITOS,CA 90703 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 ROBERT N PASSOVOY ROBERT R LONGPRE ROBERT R&MARY KAY TAYLOR 223 EVENING STAR LN 2716 BAYSHORE DR 19600 CEDARHURST ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 DEEPHAVEN,MN 55391 ROBERT R&PHYLLIS MORRISON ROBERTS LEVIN ROBERT S SCHRIMMER PO BOX 11174 130 S BAYFRONT 407 E EDGEWATER AVE BAKERSFIELD,CA 93389 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 ROBERT S&ESTHER D HURTT ROBERT SCOTT&CAROLANN ALLEN ROBERT THADEUS WIEBORT 103 SHORECLIFF RD 415 EVENING STAR LN 897 W 16TH ST CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ROBERT W ALLEN ROBERT W JOSTEN ROBERT W SANDBERG 3801 MARCUS AVE 115 N BAYFRONT 18832 WINNWOOD LN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 SANTA ANA,CA 92705 ROBERTA FEUERSTEIN 'ROBERTA M AMICK ROBIN H LEASON 301 VIA LIDO SOLID 813 VIA LIDO SOLD 205 EVENING STAR LN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 ROCCO&MARY G TARANTELLO RODERICK&CAROLYN LASHELLE ROGER CONANT 3900 RIVER AVE 341 E BAY FRONT 500 MORNING STAR LN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 I I � @0915 Joj a;eldwaa ash I W,,s;aays Pool 410ows I 009ts nasal sI-agal ssaippv uA213AV J ROGER CURTIS ROGER DEYOUNG ROGER&CHERYL ROSENBERG 3686 CADILLAC AVE 530 HARBOR ISLAND DR 3806 CHANNEL PL COSTA MESA,CA 92626 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ROGER&PEGGY DUERR ROGER C PORTER ROGER D DARNELL 1909 YACHT TRUANT 537 VIA LIDO SOLD 1613 E BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 ROGER EBERT TURNER ROGER F WILSON ROGER N MACGREGOR PO BOX 2906 407 CLUBHOUSE AVE 645 VIA LIDO SOLD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ROLAND&TERESA L BRUSCO JR. ROLAND F VALLELY ROLAND S&LILA SULLIVAN HINZ 2409 CORMAN RD 508 S BAYFRONT 928 VIA LIDO NORD LONGVIEW,WA 98632 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ROLLAND H SOLL RON E PRESTA RONALD ARAKELIAN JR. 20 BALBOA CV PO BOX 7099 83 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92658 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 RONALD LAKEY RONALD&BARBARA ARKELIAN RONALD&CHERYL ERWIN 655 BREA CANYON RD PO BOX 60009 5 BALBOA CV WALNUT,CA 91789 CITY OF INDUSTRY,CA 91716 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 RONALD&JANIS CHAISSON RONALD&TRANA LABOWE RONALD B ARRACHE 1024 W BAY AVE 1631 BEVERLY BLVD PO BOX 2143 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 LOS ANGELES,CA 90026 LANCASTER,CA 93539 RONALD B GREY RONALD C&VINCENCIA M LAZOF RONALD E&RANDY F HOROWITZ 4028 CHANNEL PL 736 VIA LIDO NORD 23201 MILL CREEK DR#3RD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LAGUNA HILLS,CA 92653 RONALD G&CAROL E PETERSON RONALD GARY SADLER ROSALYN L BINNING 606 HARBOR ISLAND DR 125 GRAND CANAL 653 VIA LIDO SOLID NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ROSELLA HERBERT ROSEMARY S LUXTON ROSS BLAND] 618 VIA LIDO NORD 3700 CHANNEL PL 400 38TH ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 I NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ' I 'I p091s ao;a;aldwal ash I wi.S1894S Paad 410OWS J09t5 aasel • w'21 ssaJPpy uAM3AV a ROY C VAN ORDEN ROY H BARKER RUDOLPH C&DOROTHY R BALDONI 4012 CHANNEL PL 602 1/S BAYFRONT 3857 BIRCH ST#405 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 RUDOLPH FRANCIS BARON JR. RUDY A MARIMAN RUSSELL BEHRENS 323 E BAYFRONT 341 BAYSIDE DR#3 412 EVENING STAR LN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 RUSSELL E FLUTER RUSSELL S KERR RUTH HASKELL 2025 W BALBOA BLVD 324 BUENA VIS 1330 W BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 RUTH J GIRTON 'RYAN S STEELBERG S R WILLFORD 612 HARBOR ISLAND DR PO BOX 6140 62 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92658 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 S Y KIMBALL SALLIE REYNOLDS SAMUEL&SUSAN FRANCIOSA 1102 S BAYFRONT 1124 W BAY AVE 612 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 SAMUEL J&SANDA S PARKER SANDERS KIEVMAN SANDRA KITCHIN PO BOX 5315 3200 E VILLA KNOLLS DR 423 VIA LIDO SOLID CAREFREE,AZ 85377 PASADENA,CA 91107 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 SANDRA ALLES BODES SANDRA HARPER SHEPHERD SANDRA LYNN KINTON 1316 WESTHAVEN RD 1206 E BALBOA BLVD 214 MONTAIR DR SAN MARINO,CA 91108 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 DANVILLE,CA 94526 SANFORD H LEWIS SARAH SKILLERN LAWRENCE SARAJANE BARTHOLOMAE 1633 BAYSIDE DR 20340 CHAPTER DR 1657 BAYSIDE DR CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 WOODLAND HILLS,CA 91364 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 SCGC SCHRILLO AERO TOOL ENG CO SCHUBERT BYERS 700 LIDO PARK DR 16750 SCHOENBORN ST 3300 W COAST HWY NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 SEPULVEDA,CA 91343 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 SCOTT BURNHAM SCOTT SCHOCK SEASCAPE PROPERTY LLC 2482 BAYSHORE DR 2904 LAFAYETTE RD 1124 E BALBOA BLVD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 I . i I ®o9is ao;aaeldwaa ash I wis;aays Paaj y;oows , I 009I9 Jasel . So el ssaippv aAU3AV SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY 45 LINDA ISLE 222 EVENING STAR LN 19800 MACARTHUR BLVD#5TH NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 IRVINE,CA 92612 SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY 2015 BAYSIDE DR 2742 BAYSHORE DR 92 LINDA ISLE CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 SELINE SHARON BALFOUR SHELDON P RILEY 312 GRAND CANAL 805 N BAY FRONT 343 RIDGECREST DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 SANTA BARBARA,CA 93108 SHELLY CAMPBELL SHIRLEY A ALBERTINI SHIRLEY LANEY&WALTER E 3304 MARCUS AVE 430 VIA LIDO NORD CHARBONEAU NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 4106 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 SIBLING ASSOCIATES I SIMON R NORD SOMERS PROP 2699 WHITE RD#150 1414 DOVER DR 1711 E BAY AVE IRVINE,CA 92614 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 SORBORG ENTERPRISES SOUTH COAST SHIPYARD&DESIGN SRS REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT LL 916 E BALBOA BLVD 2300 NEWPORT BLVD 2226 N SAN MIGUEL OR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ORANGE,CA 92867 STANLEY LOVE STANLEY SWIATEK STANLEY WESTON 63 BALBOA CV 4008 CHANNEL PL 1152 NORTHWESTERN DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 CLAREMONT,CA 91711 STANLEY F BROCKHOFF STANLEY G SMITH STANLEY J ZOR 657 VIA LIDO SOLID 5289 STONE AVE 4011 MARCUS AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 RIVERSIDE,CA 92509 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 STANLEY PAUL&ANNE ANGERMEIR STANLEY R&CHRISTINE V CARLSON STATE OF CALIFORNIA 528 VIA LIDO NORD 6082 POINT LOMA DR PO BOX 772 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92647 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 STEPHEN TITUS STEPHEN H ELMORE STEPHEN J SKAHEN 1012 W BAY AVE PO BOX 119 37 BALBOA CV NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 BRAWLEY,CA 92227 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 I it � ; ll p09is aol a;eldwaa ash I wlsaaOs paaj y;oows ,)0915 jasel el ssaippv oAMaAd 91 STEPHEN N BARNARD STEPHEN S RADOS STEVAN MICHAEL&MARLA KELL 1100 W BAY AVE 661 VIA LIDO SOLID BROWN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 3412 MARCUS AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 STEVE CHARTON STEVEN GLYER STEVEN HEMSTREET 28 LINDA ISLE 702 S BAYFRONT 500 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 STEVEN&SUSAN HUNT STEVEN A BERLINGER STEVEN F&KATHLEEN L 3315 FINLEY AVE 4 LINDA ISLE GROSSLIGHT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 339 E BAY FRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 STEVEN L&KAREN SCHLEVELBEIN STROLLER&LINDA WHITE STUART A COGAN 760 HARBOR ISLAND DR 1120 E BALBOA BLVD 1803 E BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 STUART S&CAROLINE UNDERWOOD SUSAN ONEAL SUSAN ANN SANDERS FRYE 225 VIA GENOA 233 19TH ST 1404 S BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 SUSAN L PHILLIPS SUSAN M WHIPPLE SYDNEY&NANCY HEAD 1100 S BAY FRONT 12531 EL ROY DR 331 GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 SANTA ANA,CA 92705 NEWPORT BEACH;CA 92662 TAD DANZ TED&EVE CHRISTENSEN TED K COOK 648 HARBOR ISLAND DR 15 HARBOR IS 4425 JAMBOREE RD#125 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 TERESA E NELSON TERRENCE M&ANDREA L DONAHUE TERRENCE P GREESON 654 HARBOR ISLAND DR 707 N BAY FRONT 3812 CHANNEL PL NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 TERRY A SHEWARD TEVIS HILL THEODORE LEVENTHAL 2636 BAYSHORE DR 445 VIA LIDO SOLD#A 207 N BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 THEODORE SCHONLAW THEODORE S SCHNACK THERESA CAGNEY MORRISON 2932 LAKERIDGE DR 211 E EDGEWATER AVE PO BOX 15878 LOS ANGELES,CA 90068 i NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92659 I I p0915 aoj aaeldwa;ash I I Wls;aa4s PaBA 410OLUS I 009Gs Jasel • �qel ssaappv GAI13AV �� THOMAS MILLER THOMAS&CAROL RIMMER THOMAS&JANICE A CAVANAUGH 2 COLLINS IS 278 MORNING CANYON RD 920 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 THOMAS A&MAUREEN TERICH THOMAS ANTHONY GARDELLA THOMAS D JENKINS 201 MIDDLEFIELD RD PO BOX 1392 54 GULF STREAM CT BELLINGHAM,WA 98225 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92647 LAS VEGAS,NV 89113 THOMAS E BUCKINGHAM THOMAS E RIACH THOMAS E RUBBERT 633 LIDO PARK DR#10 940 VIA LIDO NORD 1340 W BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 THOMAS G TUPMAN THOMAS H ORLANDO THOMAS H PONTON 609 36TH ST 259 INDIAN BEND RD 16130 PETERSON DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 UMPQUA,OR 97486 WHITTIER,CA 90605 THOMAS H&NANCY N CHILDS THOMAS IAN WHITE THOMAS J ABSHIER 1127 EBALBOA BLVD 400 EVENING STAR LN 112 S BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 THOMAS J TYSON THOMAS J&NATALIE PUTMAN THOMAS L RUGGIERI 1300 E BALBOA BLVD 415 N STAR LN 210 EVENING STAR LN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 THOMAS M&JERRINE E MITCHELL THOMAS M&KAREN D LINDEN THOMAS MATHEW CARDEN 735 VIA LIDO SOLD 630 HARBOR ISLAND DR 3906 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 THOMAS PATRICK MAHONEY TIFFANY WARD&DENNIS BRESS TIM LYONS 5 COLLINS IS 918 E BALBOA BLVD 4401 W PACIFIC COAST HWY NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 TIMOTHY LINDENFELSER TIMOTHY PSOMAS TIMOTHYA DEVINE 309 E EDGEWATER AVE 601 N BAYFRONT 1424 DOLPHIN TER NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 TIMOTHY P HOGAN TIMOTHY W CARR TOD W RIDGEWAY 2124 E BALBOA BLVD 219 N STAR LN 1400 W BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 i I I 009L5 jo;aleldwa;ash W.Ls;aayS Paa,J 410O W S I i @09TS easel • s�gel ssaippv aAU33AV 0� TODD E&DEBORAH JOHNSON TOM&NANCY JUDA • TONY&KIM GLANGREGORIO 121 N BAY FRONT 410 S LUCERNE BLVD 3610 MARCUS AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 LOS ANGELES,CA 90020 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 TONY&LENNIS JONES TRILBY FORD VALLEJO JOSEPH THOMAS&LISA M 327 GRAND CANAL 213 GRAND CANAL 2501 OCEAN BLVD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 VALLELY INVESTMENTS LP VAN&VAN E POMEROY VAN R&NANCY C KELSEY 508 S BAY FRONT 3413 FINLEY AVE 3030 S BUNDY DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 LOS ANGELES,CA 90066 VERATRAUB VIA OPORTO VENTURE VICENTE&PATRICIA ANIDO PO BOX 1345 111 ELM ST#4TH 1621 BAYSIDE DR BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90213 SAN DIEGO,CA 92101 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 VICKIE JO PRENDERGAST VICTOR BROWNE SHERREITT VICTORIAADAMS 4000 RIVER AVE 400 S BAY FRONT#5 1128 E BALBOA BLVD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 VICTORIA T&JAMES P WARMINGTON VIMOL INV VINCENT&KATHERINE FENNELLY 328 BUENA VIS 924 VIA LIDO NORD 544 S BA`(FRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 VINCENT J CECERE VIOLET L ALEXANDER VIRGINIA ANDERSON 1721 VIA ARRIBA 318 VIA LIDO NORD 4837 W LAKERIDGE TER PALOS VERDES ESTATES,CA 90274 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 RENO, NV 89509 VIRGINIA PORTER VIRGINIA D TACKABERY VIRGINIA LEE TUTTLE 205 E BAYFRONT 200 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 VIRGINIA M ENRIGHT VIRGINIA SHOW SNOW VIVIAN BERGER 630 VIA LIDO NORD 518 S BAYFRONT 601 BAYSIDE DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 VIVIAN TR-OF RESIDUAL MCLEAN VIVIAN Y WEBB W HOOK DAVID 404 EVENING STAR LN 1020 W BAY AVE 1617 BAYSIDE DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 I NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 I I 00915 ao;aaeldwaa ash I I w04894s Paad 410ows I I 00915 easel • wul ssaippv ©AUSAV �p W LAYTON STANTON W M SHATTUCK W R HERVEY JR. PO BOX 4024 1945 BAYSIDE DR 1806 E BALBOA BLVD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 W TED TYLER WALKER SMITH WALKER M MAHURIN 1440 KEY VW 735 OHMS WAY 40171 CHANNEL PL CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 COSTA MESA,CA 92627 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 WALTER C TALLEUR JR. WALTER E&ELIZABETH B HANSON WALTER G&MARY L LAKE 3311 FINLEY AVE 48 LINDA ISLE 6421 MOUNT SHASTA DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 BAKERSFIELD,CA 93309 WALTER HERMAN SCHNIEPP WALTER J BRANSFORD WALTER R WAGNER 515 36TH ST 17682 MITCHELL N 4015 MARCUS AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 IRVINE,CA 92614 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 WANDA GWOZDZIOWSKI WANDA SHELTON WARMINGTON JAMES P TR-724 VIA 309 EVENING STAR LN 301 N BAY FRONT 724 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 WARREN LORTIE WARREN PERSON WARREN&ANNA PARKER 1915 BAYSIDE DR 433 HARBOR ISLAND DR 3960 ALOMAR DR CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 SHERMAN OAKS,CA 91423 WAYNE GRAHAM HOLBROOK WAYNE J SEMAIN WESLEY SIMON KOHTZ JR. 509 36TH ST 1265 CLUB HOUSE DR 3696 S BRISTOL ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 PASADENA,CA 91105 SANTA ANA,CA 92704 WILBUR L CHAPMAN WILFRED N COOPER WILLIAM CLOSE 1226 W BAY AVE 546 S BAY FRONT 3931 ALTA'VISTA DR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 FLINTRIDGE,CA 91011 WILLIAM LYON WILLIAM RABBITT WILLIAM REMPEL PO BOX 8858 1282 TROPICANA LN 1810 S BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92658 SANTA ANA,CA 92705 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 WILLIAM SHATTUCK WILLIAM STARRETT WILLIAM WARE 31 LINDA ISLE 225 N STAR LN 1907 E BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 I NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 I I ®o9i5 jo;a;eldwaa asq i Wls;aays MIA yaoows 00915 Jasel • So el ssaippv @AU3AV% WILLIAM&CAROLYN HOLDER WILLIAM&FREDA WINTER WILLIAM&KATHLEEN A 409 N STAR LN 3411 FINLEY AVE MEIERHOEFER NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 47 BALBOA CV NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 WILLIAM&LINDA J RAUTH III WILLIAM&MARION SMITH WILLIAM&NANCY SMITH 1625 BAYSIDE DR 939 VIA LIDO SOLID 405 MORNING STAR LN CORONA DEL MAR,CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 WILLIAM&PAULA MEDLEY WILLIAM&SARAH S HURT WILLIAM&SHEILA OFMAN 1911 E BAY AVE 333 S HOPE ST#5200 510 38TH ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 LOS ANGELES,CA 90071 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 WILLIAM A CAINE JR. WILLIAM A HUSCROFT WILLIAM A YASOIAN 748 VIA LIDO NORD 519 36TH ST 1518 VIA DEL REY NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 SOUTH PASADENA,CA 91030 WILLIAM A&CAROLYN KLEIN WILLIAM C HARDESTY WILLIAM C PETERSON 101 VIA LIDO SOLD 503 PARK AVE 1020 E BALBOA BLVD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 BALBOA ISLAND,CA NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 WILLIAM D FERRIS WILLIAM D HILLIS WILLIAM E BLUROCK 2600 FAIRFIELD PL 54 BALBOA.CV 2300 NEWPORT BLVD SAN MARINO,CA 91108 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 WILLIAM E GOODE JR. WILLIAM EVERETT WILKINSON WILLIAM F&JUNE E HOUSE 211 1/E BAYFRONT 109 E EDGEWATER AVE 1212 E BALBOABLVD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 WILLIAM G JACKSON WILLIAM GEORGE WUNSCH WILLIAM H MCADAM 1804 S BAY FRONT 51 BALBOA CV 733 VIA LIDO SOLD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 WILLIAM H PARKER WILLIAM H ROBERTS WILLIAM H VAN NATTA 7 LINDA ISLE 207 N STAR LN 1312 S BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 WILLIAM J BARRY WILLIAM J SYMES WILLIAM J&MARGO OCONNOR 68 BALBOA CV 2732 BAYSHORE DR 90 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 I ' 4D09yg jo;a;eldwa;asp I I W 03804g P80J 410O WS ®09L5 easel sfel ssaJppV QkU3Atl Dj/ WILLIAM K HOOD WILLIAM L KENNEDY WILLIAM M BARRY 444 VIA LIDO NORD 65 BALBOA CV 25 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 WILLIAM N SHATTUCK WILLIAM R MANCLARK WILLIAM R&JOYCE A PIERCEY 4770 VON KARMAN AVE 313 E BAYFRONT 13600 BEACH BLVD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 WESTMINSTER,CA 92683 WILLIAM S ABSHEAR WILLIAM TIMKEN STURGIS WILLIAM W TAYLOR 3803 MARCUS AVE 1515 FOOTHILL RD 16871 NOYES AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 GARDNERVILLE,NV 89410 IRVINE,CA 92606 WINSLOW MAXWELL WINSTON R&CARLITA J FULLER JR. WISEMAN 2476 BAYSHORE DR 314 BUENA VIS 1602 S BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92662 WMC DEV LLC WMC DEVELOPMENT LLC WMC DEVELOPMENT LLC 430 32ND ST 300 N LAKE AVE#1010 430 32ND ST NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 PASADENA,CA 91101 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 WOODS WOODSON K XANA FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHI YVONNE MARIE MITHRUSH 1038 W BAY AVE T0120 RIVERSIDE DR 4004 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92661 TOLUCA LAKE,CA 91602 NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 ZELDA BILLINGY 805 VIA LIDO SOLD NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 I I ®o9SSiojaaeldwa;asp i i w,s;aa4Spaady;oows ` J t„ J L, v� L J 1, `J J � J NOW CP10111371 CALIF RECREATION CO J 1137 BAYSIDE DR CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92663 BAYSIDE LLC ; BAHIA CORINTHIAN YACHT CLUB J 1711 WESTCLIFF DR #B 1601 BAYSIDE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 J CALIF RECREATION CO CHANNEL REEF COHN ASSOC J 12/15/00 CLOSED ACCOUNT AND 2525 OCEAN BLVD COMBINED FEE W/CP10111371 PER WES CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 NEWPORT BAY TOWERS BALBOA PAVILION CO J 310 FERNANDO ST 400 MAIN ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 BALBOA, CA 92661 J LANDING ASSOCIATES VALLEY INVESTMENTS LP J 17042 GILLETTE AVE 508 S. BAY FRONT IRVINE, CA 92714 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 1.. J FUN ZONE BOAT COMPANY FUN ZONE BOAT COMPANY J 600 E EDGEWATER AVE C/O JOE TUNSTALL BALBOA, CA 92661 600 E BAY AVE-BOX R �, BALBOA, CA 92661 BOAT SERVICE INC NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB 814 BAY AVE E 720 BAY AVE W BALBOA, CA 92661 • BALBOA, CA 926. t, J L SOUTH COAST SHIPYARD, INC SULLIVAN ROBERT, LINCOLN TRUST C/O PETE STEWART � ROBERT SULLIVAN 223 E1ST STREET 229 20TH STREET NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 f SEA SPRAY, PAPPAS P SOUTH COAST SHIPYARD/DESIGN } 226 21ST ST 2300 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 1. J WOODY'S WHARF-NEWPORT JAMES, STEVE 2318 NEWPORT BLVD HOOTERS RESTAURANT NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 2406 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 L FLUTER, RUSSELL E ' BALBOA BOAT YARD 2025 W BALBOA BLVD 2414 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 ; NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 L VISTA DEL LIDO LIDO PARK PARTNERSHIP 701 611 LIDO PARK DR 2025 W BALBOA BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 L CHAMBERS PROPERTY SERVICE INC LIDO PARK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 17220 NEWHOPE ST 0212 ' C/O CANNERY RENTALS FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708 ' 2919 NEWPORT BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 p L LIDO SAILING CLUB ; WHITESIDES PAMELA L. J 3300 VIA LIDO 3419 VIA LIDO M210 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 GARVEY, M BAHIA CONDO . AFSHIN ETEBAR y 18 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, SUITE 104 C/O ETCO DEVELOPMENT INC IRVINE, CA 92618 540 WESTMINISTER MALL WESTMINISTER, CA 92683 MARVIN ENCINEERNG CO INC ELKS LODGE, NO 1767 .J 260 BEACH AVE W 3456 VIA OPORTO INGLEWOOD, CA 90302 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 4 NROT INCORPORATED PLAZA DEL SOL J C/O SYNERGY ASSET MGMT INC PO BOX 23333 11024 BALBOA BLVD, PMB M425 SAN DIEGO, CA 92193 GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344 J L NEWPORT TOWERS HOA CREAN, ANDY Ji C/O JD PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 3131 COAST HWY W 3520 CADILLAC AVE, SUITE B NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 �J DWYER, R F/OLINCY, 0 ARDELL MARINA/YACHT BROKERS 10960 WILSHIRE BLVD 111 2101 COAST HWY LOS ANCELES, CA 9005 NEWPORT BEACH,* 92663 VMA MARINERS MILE, LLC VMA MARINERS MILE, LLC J MURREL MANAGEMENT COMPANY MURREL MANAGEMENT COMPANY 2439 COAST HWY W SUITE 200 2439 COAST HWY W SUITE 200 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 J SOUTH SHORE YACHT CLUB PEDERSEN, DON B PO BOX 1174 2547 COAST HWY W NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 L MINNEY FAMILY TRUST MARINA PROPERTIES d 1845 MONROVIA AVE 066 2633 WEST COAST HIGHWAY COSTA MESA, CA 92627 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PORT CALYPSO NEWPORT BAY MANAGEMENT, LLC 2633 WEST COAST HIGHWAY 2717 COAST HWY W NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 MARINA PROPERTIES BARIEN, BROCK CORDON 2633 WEST COAST HIGHWAY 2801 COAST HWY W 0260 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 J BARIENBROCK, CORDON/EARIS STANDARD PACIFIC CORP 2801 COAST HWY W 0260 15326 ALTON PKWY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 IRVINE, CA 92618 J CALIF RECREATION CO CALIF RECREATION CO J 1137 BAYSIDE DR 12/15/00 CLOSED ACCT AND COMBINED J CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 FEE W/CP20010011 PER WES ` J CANNERY VILLAGE LLC SEA ENTERPRISES CARLSBERG MANAGEMENT CO 11 RIDGELINE DR PO BOX 92006 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 LOS ANCELES, CA 90009 L CANNERY VILLAGE PARTNERS CANNERY VILLAGE MARINA .t 2025 BALBOA BLVD W 2025 W. BALBOA BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 L � SULLIVAN, THOMAS HERLIHY SULLIVAN MANAGEMENT GROUP . 2806 LAFAYETTE AVE PO BOX 4967 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 L EL MONTE, CA 91734-0967 .e DONOVAN, SUMNER 126 PROPERTIES LLC 2808 LAFAYETTE AVE 126 E 16TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 ` MOREHART, JOHN CORGIAT, AMOS r 2814 LAFAYETTE AVE 85SS 11TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 920 DOWNEY, CA 902E t $CHOCK, WILBUR D SCHOCK, WILBUR D J 2900 LAFAYETTE AVE 2900 LAFAYETTE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 4, ARNOLD CONSTRUCTION CO CANNERY LLC i 2293 W BALL RD C/O JOHN V CROWL ANAHEIM, CA 92804 1901 BAYADERE CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 LIDO PENIN YACHT ANCHROE BARTON, ALLAN/BEEK, SEYMOUR J PO BOX 1549 406 BAY FRONT S NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 w TELLER, ROBERT VALLELY, ROLAND y 504 BAY FRONT S OF 508 BAY FRONT S BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 t.. J 44 � J L � V �r 1 I YJ. I �� Y i •Y •fi 1 SMITH, ARTHUR ICONTRERAS, CARLOS • 18722 PASEO CORTEZ ; 1909 CELESTE IRVINE, CA 92715 : FULLERTON, CA 92883 1� I I •. I 1 BECK, RANDY iEGLY, PAUL 2602 W. OCEANFRONT i339 DARTMOOR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 LACUNA BEACH, CA 92651 I I I - PRIAMORE, DAN : COGAN, STUART 1802 RIVERFORD ROAD ; P.O. BOX 4259 TUSTIN, CA 92680 : NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 I I I 1 ROSEN, ROBERT : SODARO, DAVID 2020 REDCLIFF ST. : 12172 SKYLINE DRIVE LOB ANGELES, CA 90039 : SANTA ANA, CA 92705 I RUNSTROM, DAVID ; MAYER, EMIL •, 6311 SIERRA ELENA P . 0. BOX 643 IRVINE, CA 92715 : BALBOA, CA 92661 , CLAWSON, BURRELL BULLARA, LEO 1411 N. BAYFRONT � 704 E. KIRKWALL ROAD L+' BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 : GLENDORA, CA 91740 •, � NEFF, HOWARD . DE WOLFE, RICHARD • P.O. BOX 512 21201 SAILORS BAY LANE CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 „ ICI `l SEALS, DANIEL TROMBATORE, TERRY •:+,' , 8 SAWCRASS ' 262 CAJON STREET NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 LACUNA BEACH, CA 92651 _ Ek . - • WEBB,TBRIAN REYNOLDS, JAMES • 5 EASTSHORE : 2031 YACHT DEFENDER LACUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 ; NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 • PRUETT, CHARENE TORRE, JAY • 930 ALMA STREET ' 241 KNOX PLACE GLENDALE, CA 91202 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 JI EMPTY MOORING • HERTZBERG, ROBE* CARRIE 11122 HUNTING H DR SANTA ANA, CA 92705 EMPTY MOORING CARLSON, CHRISTINE 1609 E. BAY AVENUE BALBOA, CA 92661 0 CLAY, CHARLES EVANS, WILLIAM • 708 ORCHID 1890 RHODE$ DRIVE CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 7 0 CAVERLY, THOMAS HOYT, PETER • 553 TEMPLE HILLS DRIVE 2409 TUSTIN AVENUE LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 0 TRUST, LIPSCOMB FAMILY JACOBS, PETER • P .O. BOX 1079 290 WALNUT NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 • CLARK, DON HOLT, CHARLES • 425 W. HERMOSA DR. 1550 E. OCEAN FRONT FULLERTON, CA 92635 BALBOA, CA 92661 0 FOTSCH, JOHN LOCKEN, PETER • 1706 PLAZA DEL NORTE P .O. BOX 8226 BALBOA, CA 92661 PADUCAH, KY 42002 LUMPKIN, KEITH LIPSCOMB, MRS. J. • 1519 E. BAY AVENUE 421 HARBOR ISLAND DRIVE BALBOA, CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 40 TEETOR, STEPHEN TYLER, ALAN • P .O. BOX 4164 P .O. BOX 310 BALBOA, CA 92661 BANGOR, CA 95914 EMPTY MOORING MULVANIA, RICHARD • 2124E DOVE CIRCLE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 • • MCGRAW, MICHAEL & VIRGINIA COATSWORTH, STEPHEN • 17878 PLAZA AHORA 164 FLOWER STREET SAN DIEGO, CA 92128 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 • • LEVY, BARRY JOHNSTONE, PETER • 11141 WICKFORD DRIVE P .O. BOX 413 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 0 KAPP, D. WILLIAMS, EVAN HERRY 5 27372 ALLARIZ STREET • 1607 MONROVIA A �MI8SION VIEJO, CA 92691 . COSTA MESA, CA 92627 i, ;.� LINHOFF, RALPH BLUELL, CRAIG "R 1760 E. OCEAN BLVD. 2282 WATERMAN WAY BALBOA, CA 92661 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 • BLUELL, CRAIG BRAWLEY, JOHN JR 2282 WATERMAN WAY 1504 E. OCEAN BLVD. 'COSTA MESA, CA 92627 : NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 • LUMPKIN, LILLIAN DORRIS, ROBERT Mj P.O. BOX 618 ' 2140 GRANDA AVENUE BALBOA, CA 92661 � BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92661 • JACOBS, JESSE MAGERS, PATRICK A19 16172 FAIRWAY LANE 83 HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 IRVINE, CA 92620 • TUCKER, BEAU AANENSEN, LLOYD P.O. BOX 1357 ! P .O. BOX 4108 AVALON, CA 90704 ; BALBOA, CA 92661 • TAYLOR, FRED JR DOSSETT, ANDREW Elj 3819 E. 2ND STREET 1305 E. BALBOA BLVD . LONG BEACH, CA 90803 BALBOA, CA 92661 OUZOUNIAN, HAIG BATTLER, ROBERT 2821 DUMFRIES RD. � 544 HAZEL DRIVE L08 ANGELES, CA 90064 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 • CARLSON, PETER COUZENS, ROBERT rl 33241 OCEAN RIDGE 2000 KEWAMEE DRIVE DANA POINT, CA 92629 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 • EASLEY, DAVID W NEEDHAM, LOIS PO BOX 495 125 LA RONDA ' ' ^g" BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 TUSTIN, CA 92680 • " STACK, JAMES HUNTSMAN, KATHLEEN � 4436 PUTTING GREEN DR 1650 SUPERIOR AVENUE CORONA, CA 92883 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 • A ` • CHILDS, THOMAS PETERS, THOMAS 1127 E. BALBOA BLVD. 4681 LISANN STREET BALBOA, CA 92661 SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 MEIER, RICHARD ELDER, DONALD • P. 0. BOX 7375 • 1107 E. BALBOA�VD. DANA POINT, CA 92624 BALBOA, CA 92661 ` HANAWALT, VIRGINIA KELLEY, DAVID • 1734 MIRAMAR DRIVE 9266 BIG RIDGE ROAD ' BALBOA, CA 92661 RIVERSIDE, CA 92509 ;s SECHRIST, JAMES MCGRAW, JERRY • 2112 E. BALBOA BLVD. P .O. BOX 1203 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 JACOBY, WILLIAM SHARP, CYNTHIA • 1905 LANAI PO BOX 2166 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SITES, MARK DUBS, DAVID • P.O. BOX 498 2165 E. OCEAN BLVD BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA, CA 92661 HINRICHS, JOHN SPEARS, JOHN 6 ARLENE • 328 GRANADA 26611 CARRETAS DR. LONG BEACH, CA 90814 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 CYGA, ANDREW JOHNS, DARLEENE • 614 GOLDENROD 968 CALLE ARAGON • A CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 LAGUNA WOODS, CA 92653 DREW$, KARL BOZARTH, DAVID • 1033 TILLER WAY 18661 VALE AVENUE CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 DAICHENDT, GARY PETRUZZIELLO, JOHN • 28550 MATADERO CREEK LANE 35605 FAIRVIEW RD LOS ALTOS, CA 94022 HINKLEY, CA 92347 MARTIN, DAVID WARNS, JOHN • 28052 CLIMA 309 ROSSMORE MISSION VIEJO, CA 92692 OXNARD, CA 93035 HINES, JEFF JOHNSON, MICHAEL • 2525 W. COAST HIGHWAY P .O. BOX 384 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 BRYN MAUR, CA 92318 GARRISON, DERALD JR BLAIR, BRIAN • 311 ISLAND AVENUE PO BOX 6924 " BALBOA, CA 92661 BIG BEAR LAKE, CA 92315 0 y, ,: MOON, DAVID MORALES, MARTI T 103 15TH STREET • 913 OAK STREET � . NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 „ LIGHTFOOT, AUGUSTUS BLATTERMAN, RICHARD OR SARA m P. 0. BOX 1341 11S BAYSIDE PLACE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 BASHAW, ROBERT HERSHMAN, ROBERT 1671 OLD RANCH ROAD 38215 STORY CREEK DRIVE CAMARILLO, CA 93012 PALM DESERT, CA 92260-1242 BROWNELL, JAMES HILL, GARY 15984 MARINER DRIVE P.O. BOX 660 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 BALBOA, CA 92661 ' GASPARD, PHILIP SPEARS, STEVEN PO BOX 5163 7400 CENTER AVE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 ROHRENBACH, JIM BASE, BOY SCOUT SEA • 260 CAGNEY LN 0260 1931 W. PACIFIC COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 MARINO, ANTHONY DOEZIE, ROBERT w 4; 8343 E. 5TH STREET 606 SOUTH BAYFRONT , DOWNEY, CA 90271 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92661 " •• BRITTEN, ROY WILKERSON, WILLIAM w 498 ABBIE WAY 39 BEACON BAY COSTA MESA, CA 92627 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 "t! "'•'; , PALMER, JEFFREY TILAKAMONUUL, SUMETH w -•+k.,.., 2256 AVALON 4001 W. PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY COSTA MESA, CA 92626 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92657 � w BRELIN, JOHN BURGESS, JANICE w " , P.O. BOX 1774 16922 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 HALL, WILLIAM GOTFRIED, LEONARD w C/O BALBOA CARPET MILLS 12223 OXFORD DRIVE 629 TERMINAL WAY 020 LA MIRADA, CA 90638 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 w CALVERT, KENNETH LEVI, ROBERT w 8271 LE CONTE 1616 S. EASY WAY HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 ANAHEIM, CA 92804 HULETT, GLENN • TRUST, LAPLANTE�MILY • P .O. BOX 3648 119 TURQUOISE A NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 MOYER, MICHAEL HILL, GARY • 2157 MIRAMAR DRIVE P.O. BOX 660 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92661-1518 BALBOA, CA 92661 ,a BERLAND, MARK FULLERTON, BRITT • 24222 SALERO LANE 16508 HARBOUR LANE MISSION VIEJO, CA 92661 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649-2106 JEFFERS, THOMAS EWING, ROBERT • 2528 HONOLULU AVE. P.O. BOX 876 MONTROSE, CA 91020 TEMPLE CITY, CA 91780 ANDREW, SZAZ FINCH, WILLIAM • 124 LAURENT 1741 TUSTIN AVENUE R174 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 ELLINGTON, JOHN JR MAYO, CHARLES • 3978 HATFIELD CT, 13081 HEWES MOORPARK, CA 93021 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 SCHNITZ, SUSAN FAGAN$, JAMES • 21192 BANFF LANE 19160 SMITH RD HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 AURORA, CO 80011 40 LANCASTER, ROBERT STACEY, SHERMAN • 209 E. EDGEWATER 112 RUBY AVENUE BALBOA, CA 92661 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB BALBOA YACHT CLUB • 720 BAY AVE W 1801 BAYSIDE OR BALBOA, CA 92661 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 DELANEY, MEGAN COCHRAN, RANDAL & KAREN • 2554 CARNEGIE AVENUE 1118 DEVON LANE COSTA MESA, CA 92626 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NUGENT, ROBERT TRUST, STOUGHTON FAMILY • 9851 CORELLA AVE. 3708 OCEAN BLVD. WHITTIER, CA 90603 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 ROSENBERRY, CHARLES FRANKE, NATHAN • 3075 MOCKINGBIRD LANE 18172 RAINIER HEMET, CA 92544 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 K, _ , • CHRISTENSEN, JOHN AAKHUS, DONOVA ^� 224 AMETHYST 4509 SURRAY DR I BALBOA ISLAND, CA 9269 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 • BUNKER, STANLEY BALBOA YACHT CLUB PJ 2012 VISTA CAUDAL 1801 BAYSIDE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 • SMITH, MICHAEL DEWITT, R . 1807 BAYADERE TERRACE PO BOX H CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 SOUTHGATE, CA 90280 • MOWERY, RONALD DESMOND, MICHAEL A' 13752 LOCUST STREET 19501 DORADO WESTMINSTER, CA 92683 TRABUCO CANYON, CA 92679 • SHEPHERD, NORMAN JUERGENS, DR. GERALD • 1946 PORT TOWNSENDCIRCLE 750 SANTA BARBARA DR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CLAREMONT, CA 91711 • MANDEL II, MAURICE BRADLEY, HUGH P.O. BOX 411 1 AMHERST ROAD <> BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 PORT WASHINGTON, NY 11050 �••' • DAWN, LYLE "KIRCHER, JR. ", CHARLES 2044 CLUB DRIVE 29 BRIDGEPORT LOS ANGELES, CA 90064 : NEWPORT COAST, CA 92657 • VON HERZEN, DR. N. STAATS, ROBERT 11 MOJO COURT 486 FLOWER STREET �, c;•-;' ' NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 x. • TRUST, COOK SIEGRIST, RONALD • ;'t:: 13849 WEDDINGTON 4461 WEST COAST HIGHWAY SHERMAN OAKS, CA 91401 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 • JOSENHANS, WALLACE/ONETA KOENIG, RANDALL 211 MARIGOLD 3149 BONN DR y `a MCALLEN, TX 78501 LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 • CUNNING, MARY BROTZMANN, SCOTT • 330 WONDERVIEW DRIVE 43 ACACIA LANE GLENDALE, CA 91202 IRVINE, CA 92715 • $LOAN, L. DOUGLAS VISEL, PATRICIA • y ; 3415 NEILSEN ROAD 204 APOLENA SANTA ROSA, CA 95404 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 �: ` YOUNG, CHARLES 6 HELE� FOURCHER, FREDRO • 340 W. MAIN 507 LARKSPUR TUSTIN, CA 92680 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 CHASE, WAYNE MORRISON, ROBERT • 213 SAPPHIRE AVE 908 SOUTH BAYFRONT BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 SITES, MARK HOUGHTON, W. BOWIE • P.O. BOX 498 4419 W. PACIFIC COAST HWY. BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663' MAXWELL, WILLIAM GILPIN, BRADLEY • P.O. BOX 151 407 LENWOOD DR. BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 GOCKE, GREGORY GROOTHUIS, JOHN • 340 S. LUCERNE BLVD. 119 SAPPHIRE LOS ANGELES, CA 90020 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 REYNOLDS, NED CRIST LONG, ROBERT • 1575 VIA CAPRI M5 2516 CLIFF DR. LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 THOMAS O'KEEFE ESTATE HICKEY, VERNON • 35531 CAMINO CAPISTRANO 430 TUSTIN SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 TRUST, HEIDI HALL SOTO, DONNA • 114 COLLINS AVE P . 0. BOX 713 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92693 RUNNER, DANIEL JR DARLING, RONALD @ ELIZABETH • ` 214 SAPPHIRE AVE. 2361 AZURE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 DOEZIE, ROBERT DOEZIE, ROBERT • 606 S. BAY FRONT 606 SOUTH BAYFRONT BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 • • t REMY, RICHARD ROSS, TIMOTHY • 2237 VIA FERNANDEZ 2931 CIMMARON LANE PALO$ VERDES ESTATES, CA 90274 FULLERTON, CA 92635 BALBOA YACHT CLUB EISENBEISS, EDWARD • 1801 BAYSIDE DRIVE 1237 CAMINO DEL LAGO ;_F'v4°.. CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 �`' CRAM, ANDY LYNCH, MOLLY • 1981 N. CRAIG AVE. • , 606 CARNATION • ALTADENA, CA 92069 ' CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 • WILLIAMSON, B. COOK, PATRICIA 1906 SEADRIFT DRIVE 4376 SUNNY LANE CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 YORBA LINDA, CA 92686 ZILLCITT, PRESTON WILLIAMS, CHARLES • 1200 SANDCASTLE 24622 SANTA CLARA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 DANA POINT, CA 92629 } 40 MACK, RALPH MCCARTHY, JUSTIN 6 JANE • 3909 CONCORDIA LANE 5819 OLD RANCH ROAD FALLBROOK, CA 92026 RIVERSIDE, CA 92504 BALBOA YACHT CLUB BUXTON FAMILY TRUST • ;'ti 1801 BAYSIDE DRIVE 31632 VINEDO CANYONCORONA DEL DEL MAR, CA 92625 TRABUCO CANYON, CA 92679 0 • C.,;', ri MASON, BARRY GEISSLER, TED • ; 1955 ALISO AVENUE 18 NORTH ENCINO COSTA MESA, CA 92627 SOUTH LAGUNA, CA 92677 • 7 HAU8WALD, LOWELL NOLAN, CHRISTOPHER MD • 9711 LANDFALL DRIVE 23511 VIA ALONDRA HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 TRABUCO CANYON, CA 92679 „• SEALS, WILLIAM LONG, JOHN • 215 19TH STREET PO BOX 7576 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 926SS LINDERMAN, J. SUMRALL, C. • 109 DIAMOND 1 YORKTOWN BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 IRVINE, CA 92720 BARR, GEORGE DIORIO, EDWARD • 532 EMERALD BAY ONE SOUTHHAMPTON LACUNA BEACH, CA 92651 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 GLASGOW, PHILLIP FRADKIN, JOHN • 1842 PORT MARGATE PLACE 2402 N. OAKMONT AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 SANTA ANA, CA 92706 f�y FERNANDEZ, HENRY ANDERSON, SCOTT • P.O. BOX 4111 237 PALMER NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 WATTS, JAMES FULTZ, ROBERT • 3166 INCLINADO , 930 DARRELL STR.I SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 • BURG, ALAN TUNNELL, ARTHUR • P.O BOX 15122 1951 SUNDANCE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 KEMPSELL, SUSAN STEWART, ALLEN • 8 ST ANNES P. 0. BOX 4080 DOVE CANYON, CA 92679 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 POTENZA, DONALD MONIGAL, JOSEPH/BEVERLY • :. � '`` 1030 HONEY WOOD DRIVE 25 POINT LOMA CORONA, CA 91720 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 BROWN, STAN GRONSKY, ART • P.O. BOX 4062 114 25TH STREET BALBOA, CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 • • HAMLIN, DOUG JOSEPH, JACK • P.O. BOX 4312 205 LINCOLN NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 • DORN, RICHARD PRATHER, GARY • •,.g,,.4•oc E28 17TH STREET P. D. BOX 3393 Elr �y• tA •• HUNTINCTON BEACH, CA 92648 DANA PDINT, CA 92629 v, ..,;• • 7 GUZMAN, PATRICK WITT, BASIL • PO BOX 723 111 ABALONE BALBOA STATION, CA 92661 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 9E662 �%,'' • • LEAL, MANUEL GOEN, KENNETH • 1684 WHITTIER AVE. 0 4 P .O . BOX 502 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 BALBOA, CA 92661 • • • WEISSER, G. WESTREM, ROBERT • 5198 SILVER MOUNTAIN WAY 10621 WILKINS AVE. ' ALTA LOMA, CA 91701 LOS ANGELES, CA 90024 x , • A NGUYEN, XUAN BECK, STAN • 411 N. PHILADELPHIA SS59 RIVERVIEW DRIVE ANAHEIM, CA 92805 RIVERSIDE, CA 92509 • WESLEY, DANIEL SONGRATH, RONALD • 1010 BERKELY AVE 14581 ACACIA DRIVE CLAREMONT, CA 91711 TUSTIN, CA 92680 MORGANDALE, FRANK HAENRAETS, HARR ! 23351 VIA AREVALO 23656 LEXINGTO URT MISSION VIEJO, CA 926* LAGUNA NIGUEL, 92677 GUNDERSON, JOHN TRUST, S d S • 2317 OLD RANCH ROAD 132 S. BAYFRONT ESCONDIDO, CA 92027 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 SWAN, WILLIAM DEGLMANN, DENNIS • 323 CORONADO STREET P . 0. BOX 3172 BALBOA, CA 92661 GRASS VALLEY, CA 95945 • • SELBY, WES PIER, THOMAS • 21296 SEASPRITE CIRCLE 216 GARNET HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 ;;. . .,'•' • BLISS, CHRISTOPHER OTIS, GLEN • 24101 GOURAMI DAY P.O BOX 765 LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92666-0965 • 9 HYLKEMA, GEORGE RADKE, GARY • 303-8 E. BAY AVENUE 303 B EAST BAY AVENUE BALBOA, CA 92661 BALBOA, CA 92661 A DICKINSON, JOHN BEATTY, DONALD • 6290 SAN RENALDO CIRCLE 307 LINDO AVE BUENA PARK, CA 90620 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661-1131 SHIPLEY, TIMOTHY EMPTY MOORING • 156 CABRILLO STREET COSTA MESA, CA 92627 DORN, RICHARD SULLIVAN, EDWIN/JOSEPHINE • 228 17TH STREET 2217 SUNSET DRIVE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 VISALIA, CA 93291 • DOW, JAMES YEO, RICHARD • 1729 TERRAPIN WAY P.O. BOX 4032 ? NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 BALBOA, CA 92661 LUJAN, KATHLYN LOPEZ, PATRICK • 118 GARNET AVENUE 313 ALVARADO PLACE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA, CA 92661 Pr; REED, THEODORE WOOD, ANDREW • s : ' 17051 ST. ANDREWS LANE 2755 TEMPLE HILLS DR. HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 ,t:• • %f R' A SCHAFER, JAMES CHRISTIE, TODD • 292 BUCKNELL ROAD • 404 AGNUS DRIVE. COSTA MESA, CA 92626 VENTURA, CA 92662 } ' Is • w. TODD, CHRISTINE HELLER, FRED • PO BOX 579 816 13TH STREET NORCO, CA 92860 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 • • , A BRUCKEN, JAMES WILLIAMS, MRS. HARRY • ;,; , 1501 ETON PLACE 317 APOLENA AVE r ;.l NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 'r • FA , A SIMON, ROBERT LARAWAY, CHARLES • 2401 BAMBOO ST 1105 N. BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 A • CAUDINO, WILLIAM ROOT, PHILLIP • P.O. BOX 668 305 POINSETTIA AVENUE LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92652 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625- s, CRAWFORD, WILLIAM BERG, RON • P.O. BOX 8707 970 N. TUSTIN NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 ANAHEIM, CA 92807 A • r KOYIADES, RICHARD COLEN, STEVEN • 15 MARSALA 2845 DAY ROAD IRVINE, CA 92606 GILROY, CA 95020 A • CLOSE, DAVID SMITH, KENNETH • 430 32ND STREET 2020 TUSTIN AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 • A BULLER, KEITH NORDSTROM, LAWRENCE • a ' ,' 22061 TERESA P .O. BOX 8389 ` MISSION VIEJO, CA 92692 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 A HURRAY, PATRICIA DUNLAP III, WILLARD • �n 1704 S. BAYFRONT 400 SNUG HARBOR BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 • e 9 ` * BRADY, JAMES SLOPER, DON • 765 W 17TH ST NB 312 SAPPHIRE COSTA MESA, CA 92627 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 `" A • III A LAMONTAGNE, DAVID SWAIN, JOHN • 1527 MONROVIA AVE. 3RD FLOOR 308 APOLENA AVE. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 WINVICK, KEITH 6 BEY CONWELL, GARY 350 AVOCADO •F1 1507 SERENADEORRACE COSTA MESA, CA 9266 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 MCCRAW, JOHN SMITH, MR . RALPH 8151 KINGFISHER DRIVE 8443 DONNA WAY HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 RIVERSIDE, CA 92509 WEMPE, FREDERICK H JR BACON, JAMES PO BOX 4393 1446 NORTON AVENUE •, IRVINE, CA 9E616 GLENDALE, CA 91202 PAULSEN, GEORGE FORESMAN, ROBERT 11 COPPERCREST 26902 PASEO CARDERO ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 DAYTON, RICHARD WHITE, WADE 2900 SILVER LANE 17540 WALNUT STREET NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708 FENTON, EVERETT PINGREE, LORELEI @ HYRUM 3091 CRESTA WAY. 25281 ABILENE CT i LACUNA BEACH, CA 92651 LACUNA HILLS, CA 92653 JOSEPH, JACK YOUNG, RANDALL 205 LINCOLN 350 W. MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 TUSTIN, CA 92680 i •' SNYDER, STEPHEN NORTHRUP, JOAN 9332 LEILANI DRIVE 411 N. BAYFRONT HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 PSOMAS, TIMOTHY ` WILLIAMSON, JANET � •" ' 601 N. BAYFRONT 311 N. BAYFRONT ` ' ,Pr' : BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 9266E • ROSENDALE, WARREN HART, JOHN 1915 VIA BURTON 475 W. SUNSET ANAHEIM, CA 92806 REDLANDS, CA 92373 • PEASE, ARTHUR NIDAY, JACK & AUDREY 348 DAHLIA PLACE 310 1/2 RUBY CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 LARKIN, STEPHEN HOLDEN, GREGO , f P . 0. BOX 8145 209 N. SAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 WALKER, CAROLE • SARGENT, RICHA* • 210 PEARL AVE. 1272 4TH $TREE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 LOS OSOS, CA 93402 A HALL, EDWARD BUTCHER, WILLIAM • �tW ` , ' 224 GARNET 6015 CAMINO DE LA COSTA ;°�,3 ,• BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 LA JOLLA, CA 92037 A WOODS, JERRY PRIMMER, ROBERT • 37 BEACON BAY 316 MARIGOLD AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 • fq ; - A WOODS, JERRY WOODS, JERRY • 37 BEACON BAY 37 BEACON BAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 A • Lz. HROMADKA, AUGUST ALLEN, JOHN • 4'rYl� 1171 GRAND AVENUE _ P.O. BOX 151 FILLMORE, CA 93015 ALHAMBRA, CA 91802 • Yw. ALLEN, JOHN LARSON, MRS. KSENIA • P.O. BOX 151 117 EAST BAYFRONT , ALHAMBRA, CA 91802 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 46 MAYS, RICHARD JOHNSON, RONALD • 206 CRYSTAL AVENUE 3742 HOVERFORD BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 IRVINE, CA 92714 t, BANAS, PATRICK LLOYD, FRANK • r, H; 205 ABALONE AVENUE 119 JADE AVE. BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 i i l * CULPEPPER, PATRICIA PARKS, KATHLEEN • 201 NATA 119 CRYSTAL 40 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 LEYTON, COREY MACNAB, MARTHA • 233 EVENING CANYON ROAD 219 E. BAYFRONT CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BARRY, O'NEIL BOZARTH, GLENN • 3a , 221 E. BAYFRONT 317 CYPRESS ST BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 I+ AA BLACK, EDWARD BOGGS, JULIUS • �' 15 WOODLYN LANE 223 ABALONE BRADBURY, CA 91010 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • BOZARTH, FLORA CALL, NANCY w 18661 VALE AVENUE , 1522 POINSETO STREET SANTA ANA, CA 92705 CORONA, CA 91720 • w • JOHNSON, KENNETH LARSON, MRS. ALBERT • 1914 ALTURA 117 EAST BAYFRONT CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • MADISON, MRS. JAMES HOLMBERG, JOEL • 222 ABALONE AVENUE 213 CRYSTAL BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • s , • CILPIN, CHARLES HOWARD, MRS. LAURA • P.O. BOX 5839 311 EAST BAY FRONT BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • EAST, LEON DUNLAP, JAMES JR • ;, 1514 BALBOA AVENUE P.O. BOX 5815 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • COMIER III, LEONARD ASSELL, HOWARD w 2220 FOOTHILL BLVD. 2817 NEVIS CIRCLE SANTA ANA, CA 96705 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 • HARGRAVES, THOMAS ESPOSITO, RICHARD • ,;;,' 2233 ARALIA STREET P.O. BOX 261 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-4133 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • CILPIN, BRADLEY MUSEY, MITCHELL w 407 LENWOOD DR. 214 ABALONE COSTA MESA, CA 92627 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • BLUELL, CRAIG SCHICKETANZ, JAY w 2282 WATERMAN WAY 123 PEARL AVENUE COSTA MESA, CA 92627 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • w ' • POYAS, ANITA COELHO, NORMAN P .O. BOX 1265 2925 RISING STAR AVALON, CA 90704 DIAMOND BAR, CA 91765 i 1• • STEWART, PETE WILSON, ROBERT w 223 21ST STREET 327 ISLAND AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 BALBOA, CA 92661 • Iti t; ,r�;� • CARDNER, ROBERT CARDNER, ROBERT P.O BOX 11963 15711 E. ALTA VISTA WAY COSTA MESA, CA 92627 SAN JOSE, CA 95127 1 ' ; ^ BANDY, WAYNE AUSTIN, JAMESgo DIANE • 201 2STH STREET 27049 RIO BOS DR . NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SANTA CLARITA, CA 91354 nh`, 1 • MOSES II, WILLIAM O'HORA, MRS. MARIE • ;,!'e 11813 WINDMILL WAY 941 W. BAY AVENUE SANTA ANA, CA 92705 BALBOA, CA 92661 • PETERSON, ROBERT GOOD, PHILLIP • r; . ' P .O. BOX 252 20851 CRESTVIEW LANE WILDOMAR, CA 92395 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 vz: PAULSEN, GEORGE MASCARI , LEONARD • M ;?y., • z 11 COPPERCREST P.O. BOX 10546 ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 FABER, BARRY LITTERST, LORETTA • a "". 16 PINEHURST LANE 9711 SALIBURY LANE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 CYPRESS, CA 90630 ,A • 1� CHAMBERLAIN, JULIE TIBAU, PEDRO • ,,, •,: . 2647 WESTMINISTER PLACE P .O. BOX 664 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 A BELL, CHUCK FORD, CARTER • ^. :': 113 EAST BAY AVENUE P .O. BOX 2621jy NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 FORD, CARTER MALONY, JAMES MD • pp . P.O. BOX 2621 139 N. SALTAIR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 LOS ANGELES, CA 90049 1e TYSON, THOMAS ALICE BURNHAM, SCOTT • 18681 PORTOFINO DRIVE 2482 BAYSHORE DR. IRVINE, CA 92715 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92263 k% • , AS HILLYARD, STEVEN HENDRICKSON, WARREN • 1419 EMERALD BAY 2631 CIRCLE DRIVE LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 fa ROBINSON, TOM MD EASTMAN, HARLAN • �:�•�;«` 147 COLUMBIA DR . 910 E BALBOA BLVD RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 1� RILEY, ROGER LAPWORTH, C. WILLIAM • 200 VIA BARCELONA 32341 DEL OBISPO NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SAN JUAN CAPISTRAN, CA 92675 MCALLISTER, MICHAE� MCGRAW, JOHNS • 2SOS VISTA DRIVE 8151 KINGFIS DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 SOUTH, CHARLES MARCUM, BARBARA • 177 RIVERSIDE AVE MF 233 GRANDVIEW DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 REDLANDS, CA 92373 .' • • CLARK, E. MCCARTHY, JUDY • 2561 CIRCLE DRIVE 206 0 B CECIL PLACE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 ALBRECHT, DON OR MARTHA HOLCOMBE, MARILYN • 2129E YARMOUTH LANE 1049 CLIFTON HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 REDLANDS, CA 92373 CURRAN, HUGH LABORATORY, KERCKHOFF MARINE • 3377 PASEO HALCON 1201 E. CALIFORNIA ST. SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 PASADENA, CA 91109 ! ' EMPTY MOORING SNYDER, G . LAMONT • 17929 MAGNOLIA FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708 DOUGLAS, STUART WALL III, EDWARD • 17082 EVERGREEN CIRCLE •D 8 ENCORE COURT HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 TRUST, B. MALONE DESANTIS, CHRIS • 4533 MACARTHUR BLVD 0334 2405 N. EASTWOOD ; NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 ,r SILKEBAKKEN, NICKOLAS HARDIN, NEIL • P. 0. BOX 16026 8446 E DEERSHORE CT ;,I•'x;;•'- NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 ORANGE, CA 92869 i• , * SCOBY, JOHN LAMBERT, DAVID • t • + 3419 VIA LIDO APT M130 2569 ORANGE AVE. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 .Sin LAPWOOD, BRIAN TAYLOR, WILLIAM • ;;�i ` 31232 VIA SOLANA 117 1 /2 AMETHYST .t SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 TYSON, THOMAS 6 ALICE DETWEILER, RONALD 1 18681 PORTOFINO DRIVE 505 15TH STREET IRVINE, CA 92715 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 71 0 LANGENBACH, JACK BARRICK, DONA • 2365 ORANGE AVE 55138 PIPES COON COSTA MESA, CA 92627 YUCCA VALLEY, CA 92284 MCLAUCHLIN, MICHAEL AVERY, WILLIAM • 'y ' 1870 E. 16TH STREET 9L206 P .O. BOX 868 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 A PFLUG, RICHARD PRESTWOOD III , ROBERT • .' P.O. BOX 3261 6581 RADCLIFF CIRCLE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 A MAISNIK, HUGO WILLMS, PHILLIP • "' 1986 VERDE VISTA 1727 SUPERIOR AVENUE MONTEREY PARK, CA 91754 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 � • is r�<,,; �.fir,• SHELLMAKER, ROB INC DULIEN, FREDERICK • *z. :�; 875 15TH ST W fB 1733 MONROVIA AVE MR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 RICHARD, RAYMOND STAPLETON, CHARLES 24701 RAYMOND WAY 4224 P .O. BOX 5935 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 ts , WILSON, HOWARD SLAKEMORE, JAMES • "' A 1715 GALATEA' TERRACE 3024 N. MAPLE r. ^a CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 FULLERTON, CA 92635 • WOODYATT, DEAN SHORTALL, GARY • 13800 CANOE BROOK DRIVE 15B 23250 PIEDRAS RD SEAL BEACH, CA 90740 PERRIS, CA 92570 {' Y r i A' LOGAN, CHARLES SCOTT, CHRISTOPHER • 597 PARK DRIVE 4852 HOWARD AVENUE COSTA MESA, CA 92627 LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720 jrya; A FULTZ, ROBERT BRELIN, JOHN • 930 DARRELL STREET P .O. BOX 1774 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 * BRELIN, JOHN WINTER, BILL • P .O. BOX 1774 1905 FULLERTON AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 STUPAKIS, JOHN WITHERSPOON, DWIGHT • P . 0. BOX 130 13927 LA JOLLA PLAZA WAYNE, NJ 7474 GARDEN GROVE, CA 92844 • BAHAN, PAUL KURTKAN, FERIA • 2337 ORANGE COVE 0 122 17TH STRE LA CRESCENTA, CA 91214 HUNTINGTON, CA 92648 • MIKESELL, ANDREW REASONER, GARY • 26652 CALLE SALIDA 259 62ND STREET CAPISTRANO BEACH, CA 92624 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 • BRELIN, JOHN LEMMON, RICHARD JR • ; P .O. BOX 1774 858 SANDCASTLE DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 • MATSON, DONNA BRELIN, JOHN • 4418 AVOCADO ST. P.D. BOX 1774 LOS ANGELES, CA 90027 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 • EVANS, GERALD PARSONS, FRANK • 305 BROADWAY 1135 ACACIA COSTA MESA, CA 92627 ORANGE, CA 92668 �• • FARANDA, PAUL WOODWORTH, FRED • rs 463 VIA LIDO SOLID 1444 W. BAY AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 • FARNSWORTH, DAVID GARFIELD, MITCHEL • ; +, " 110 STH STREET 12 ESCAPADE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 • GRAHAM, MRS. DOUGLAS WOODWORTH, JAMES • 13671 ERIN STREET 1444 W. BAY AVENUE GARDEN GROVE, CA 92644 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 v • COULD, STANLEY BERLAND, MICHAEL • ' 666 19TH STREET #1511 P.O. BOX 807 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 • COX, MEL CREDELL, DONALD • ' 17443 SANTA SUZANNE 310 FERNANDO ST, SUITE 207 FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 • BRELIN, JOHN LONG, THOMAS ! P .O. BOX 1774 10EDRELA CLOSE {" NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 KAMERUNGA, OLD, AUSTRALIA 4870 • GIDEON, MARSHALL 3 SONIA CROSSEN, CLARA ! i ,ra 18911 LISTER LANE 2148 HALLADAY ST " ' HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 SANTA ANA, CA 92707 WY 1„ SHARP, MICHAEL SUCHER, HARRY • 18332 MR. CHERIE COLE 9652 JOYZELLaIVE FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708 GARDEN GROVE, CA 92641 PECK, ANTHONY HAMILTON, RANDALL • J 2SS8 EL CAMINO REAL D-381 P . 0. BOX 6263 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92615 OSWALD, STEPHEN WOODWORTH, FRED • 42897 JOSHUA TREE CT 1444 W. BAY AVENUE MURRIETA, CA 92562 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 HOLCERSEN, FLEMMING SOWERS, DR. I . PAGE • 44780 HIGHWAY 79 P . 0. BOX 2974 PO BOX 625 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 A AOUANGA, CA 92302 • ,r WHITE, ROBERT SAUNDERS, CHRIST • 2S1S ALDER LANE 26 TRESTLES ' COSTA MESA, CA 92627 LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 4D WASHLAKE, WILLIAM KIRSCH, ALFRED • 41771 EL CAMINO DRIVE 165 MAGNOLIA HEMET, CA 9ES44 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 w' MCLAUGHLIN, MICHAEL HOOD, SIDNEY • 1870 E. 16TH STREET 11L206 9682 HIGHTI-DE DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 TRUST, GLENN/LAVERNE STUART REVOCAB WILLETTE, DANIEL • 21682 OCEANVISTA DRIVE 1779 WHITTIER AVENUE LACUNA BEACH, CA 92677 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 `"' ' '•. ' A • R i r A HARDING, ALAN MEACHAM, JOEL • . t 4024 CHANNEL PLACE 1310 E. LIBRA DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 TEMPE, AZ 85283 • BERMAN, MYRA MARTIN, KATHY • 426 VIA LIDO NORD PO BOX 34 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SILVERADO CANYON, CA 92676 ;c, l _ • KIRK, LOUIS BERCOVITZ, TIMOTHY • 2314 CORNELL DRIVE 200 W SANTA ANA BLVD •630 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 SANTA ANA, CA 92701 • PICKUP, C. VICTOR MABERRY, WENDELL • �" 2932 CLIFF DRIVE 442 BROADWAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 I A • • WOODWORTH, JAMES SABA, GERALD • 1444 W. BAY AVENUE• 108 11TH STRA NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 BALBOA, CA 92661 • I • MCGUIRE, TERRENCE THOMPSON, PAUL 3419 VIA LIDO #385 625 ST. JAMES ROAD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 •. WARRUM, NOBLE SMITH, DON III 2010 REPUBLIC 760 TUSTIN AVENUE COSTA MESA, CA 92627 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 ; • • • TURANSKY, STEVEN LIPSCOMB, DR. JOSEPH 111 40TH ST MB 421 HARBOR ISLAND DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 % • FIPPS, RICHARD BRAATHEN, ARLID • F. >';: 6652 BELGRAVE AVE. 472 COSTA MESA ST. GARDEN GROVE, CA 92645 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 • It ; • RIECK, TED JENSEN, MARK 1228 S. WRIGHT STREET 2820 E. CORONADO ST. SANTA ANA, CA 92705 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 • WINNER, STEPHEN MATHIS, BILL • 3419 VIA LIDO #126 14051 STRATTON NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 ti. . . • NOREK, JACK SHIPKEY, STEVEN 1626 PLACENTIA AVENUE 1428 WEST BAY AVE. COSTA MESA, CA 92627 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 • � .�xr'1ti i' • BRUCKEN, JAMES MORGAN, JOSEPH 1501 ETON PLACE 4020 KINGSBURY PLACE ;• NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 RIVERSIDE, CA 92503 • RINK, JOSEPH ORCUTT, JAY • , 380 E. 22ND STREET 26872 LA SIERRA DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92675 • MCCREDIE, RICHARD MCILVEEN, DONALD h f ' 101 SHIPYARD WAY 9D 8721 BEL AIR CIR ' NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 WESTMINISTER, CA 92683 • I+ �,i; • JOHNSTON, KATHERINE PENNISI , JOSEPH • $535 BELLA VISTA 8150 INSPIRATION DRIVE ALTA LOMA, CA 91707 ALTA LOMA, CA 91701 • I HART, JOHN TOWNDROW, CLIVFG 49 BALBOA COVE • 1104 DELAWARE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 HUNTINCTON REACH, CA 92648 ' LORENZINI, ROBERT CRABILL, GEORGE 409 29TH STREET P .O . BOX 28 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 FULLERTON, CA 92836 CLASIER, RICHARD DICK FAMILY TRUST ♦ ;' '`_' 3409 FINLEY AVE. 20832 CATAMARAN NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 PEDINOFF, NEIL VUKASOVICH, CHRIS ♦ 8 " 25192 CHAMPLAIN RD. 17280 COLD SPRING CIRCLE LACUNA HILLS, CA 92653 RIVERSIDE, CA 92503 • • MIZULO, JOHN WARREN, JACQUELINE • 57 STANFORD COURT 1602 PEGASUS STREET :''• IRVINE, CA 92715 SANTA ANA, CA 92707 PONE, BOB LEWIS, MARK ♦ K„ 5314 HENDERSON PLACE 9771 CENTER DRIVE ,i 5 SANTA ANA, CA 92704 VILLA PARK, CA 92861 DOMASZEWICZ, ALEX CHESSELL, JOHN 32 BALBOA COVES P.O. BOX 1103 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 RIVERSIDE, CA 92502 BECKER, CARR ALEXANDER, RICHARD • 1902 S. STANDARD 1658 ORD WAY SANTA ANA, CA 92707 ANAHEIM, CA 92802 • a , NIEDERECKER, JOANNE PEMBERTON, KEVIN 28 CAMPANILLA P . 0. BOX 3615 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673 DANA POINT, CA 92629-9998 ♦ w PHOENIX, MARK PUTNAM, PETER 1344 W. BALBOA BLVD. 629 VIA LIDO SOLID NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 EVANS, DAVID FARLEY, DONALD • PMB 323 P .O. BOX 3397 11278 LOS ALAMITOS BLVD CRESTLINE, CA 92325 LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720 w COOPER, ROBERT HALLBACK, TAMRAH • 724 IRVING DRIVE 225 ROSALYNN BURBANK, CA 91504 GLENDORA, CA 91740 • FALASCO, DALE LEWIS, HAROL 243 OCEAN VIEW AVE • 9592 CENTER E NEWPORT BEACH, CA 9 663 VILLA PARK, CA 92667 • • • TURNBULL, JOHNATHAN WOOD, BYRON « 4329 E. REGENCY AVENUE P.O. BOX 2542 ORANGE, CA 92687 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 z ' • JOHNSON, NORMAN POST, DAVID 258 WALNUT STREET • 21851 NEWLAND ST. N 191 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 • MARSHALL, MICHAEL DRETTLER, BRENDA •, , , ; 2821 N. RICHMOND P. 0. BOX 765 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 BALBOA, CA 92661 • BOYER, GREGORY MARTIN, JOHN • ^ ` 802 REMBRANDT DRIVE P .O. BOX 2204 LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 • • MIDDLETON, JOSEPH CROW, KATHRYN 9813 LA ARENA CIRCLE 817 W. 17TH STREET #12 FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708 COSTA MESA, CA 92667 • EMPTY MOORING KIM, JIN 15 HODGENVILLE IRVINE, CA 92620 • VAS, WILLIAM BURROWS, JOHN 2301 CLAY STREET • ' 9121 ATLANTA AVE 8210 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 • NUTT, MICHAEL LYNAUGH, DENNIS d ANNE 25202 VIA CATALINA 1718 NEW HAMPSHIRE DRIVE LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92656 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 • KORDA, FRANCINE TIMMONS, GLENN 4955 ALATAR DRIVE 107 VIA SAN REMO WOODLAND, CA 91364 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 • MEDINA, ROZANNE BOZZA, CHARLES • 10202 NOEL ST 3315 FLORIDA CIRCLE CYPRESS, CA 92630 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 • WRATCHFORD, PATRICK COLE, HELAINE 906 QUINCE STREET NE 2313 N. CAMERON • OLYMPIA, WA 98506 COVINA, CA 91723 ar RORICK, GORDON JACOBSON, JACK • 2826 LA SALLE 3829 SHAMROCK • COSTA MESA, CA 92626 RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 WALKER, FRANK MILLIKIN, GEORGE • t ,. ` 25 SOUTHERN HILLS DRIVE 13351 FAIRMONT WAY ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 HOSSAM, SALIB MAHONEY, JAMES • 35 HUMMINGBIRD LANE 1707 PLAZA DEL SUR LACUNA BEACH, CA 92656 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 SHELLMAKER, INC BRELIN, JOHN • + ' , 875 B WEST iSTH ST P.O. BOX 1774 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SHARP, STEVEN ROSSEN, DAN 29922 IMPERIAL DRIVE 216 36TH STREET SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 BOSE, BRUCE SHELLMAKER INC 268 ESTHER STREET 875 15TH ST W i8 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Y LANCHAM, ROBERT SHIPSTED, DON • �_ + ',, 2 SAN SIMEON 11501 DRUM RD LACUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 LOS ANGELES, CA 90049 MILLER, LORENZO VANDERVEER, KENNETH • 875 B. W. 15TH ST. 15 EDGEWATER ROAD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 COLLINS, PATRICK MCLAIN, KENNETH • 0 • 16400 MT. KELLER 3101 S. FAIRVIEW R73 FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708 SANTA ANA, CA 2704 HONAKER, RIO LEWIS, JOHN • P. 0. BOX 1282 2075 HARBOR BLVD. ,r NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 ;i i BERTOLINI , EDWARD AYERS, NADINE • 250 S. ROSE #114 P.O. BOX 4320 PLACENTIA, CA 92670 BALBOA, CA 92661 w CLARK, HELEN PARENT, ARTHUR 6 PATRICIA • R 25929 LUCILLE 9303 VIA SEVILLE j LOMITA, CA 90717 BUENA PARK, CA 90620 s • SHAFER, JAMES SPENCHER, DAVI w 110 10TH STREET ; 1250 1/2 S. ENSAL CYN . RD. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 MALIBU, CA 90265 • NOREK, JACK OSIER, EUGENE A 1626 PLACENTIA AVENUE 12592 ADAMS STREET � .; . COSTA MESA, CA 92627 GARDEN GROVE, CA 92845-2602 STOKES, GEORGE d SUZANNE GREYSHOCK, ANTHONY « 1505 W. BALBOA 624 TERMINAL WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 • GREEN, RICHARD MANN, J. CRAIG w + ' ••' : 9791 MAMMOTH DR. 399 WEST BAY 9202 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 • BALBOA BOAT YARD INC FORD, AUSTIN w 2414 NEWPORT BLVD. 236 PREAKNESS DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PLACENTIA, CA 92870 • DAVIDSON, MARK ROBERTSON, JASON w, 't •• 2869 EL RIO CIRCLE 100 VIA ANTIBES COSTA MESA, CA 92626 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 • STACEY, SHERMAN AINSWORTH, WILLIAM w { 112 RUBY AVENUE P.O. BOX 391277 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 ANZA, CA 92539 • GOODING, ROGER GODFIRNON, DENNIS • :i` 9431 BANNING AVE. 3546 STERLING DR HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 PALMDALE, CA 93550 • CROOK, RICHARD OSIER, EUGENE w 2609 WAY LANE 12592 ADAMS STREET CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 GARDEN GROVE, CA 92845-2602 • BARFIELD, GEORGE OR NANCY MUNSEY, GEORGE w 2001 KINGS RD. 30291 HILL STREET NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 • w • BARNES, JOHN FITZMORRIS, MICHAEL w 7915 KIRKWOOD CT. 12852 OLD FOOTHILL RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 • KEAYS, BARRY BURGARD, JAMES w 179 E 17TH ST, APT #171 7521 DANUBE DRIVE COSTA MESA, CA 92627 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 • LLOYD, RICK PALERMO, JOHNNY i 204 7TH STREET isP. 0. BOX 1822� NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 ANAHEIM HILLS, CA 92817 • LOGAN, CHARLES SHELLMAKER INC • 597 PARK DRIVE $75 iSTH ST W MH „ COSTA MESA, CA 92627 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 JOHNSON, WILLIAM EICHELBERG, PETER • 1320 N. LOUISE ST. 2330 VANGUARD UNIT K-201 SANTA ANA, CA 92706 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 • NAAS, CHARLES EMPTY MOORING • ? 1815 SHERINGTON PL. NV112 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 • JOSEPH, JACK ALLYN, DALE OR SHELLEY • 205 LINCOLN 141 13TH STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 SEAL BEACH, CA 90704 NEUSSE, SHERMAN HOLLY, DONALD • y` 923 ARBOR 1471E BUCKINGHAM PL. d: COSTA MESA, CA 92627 TUSTIN, CA 92780 CARDEN, THOMAS GROSSE, DAVID • 3906 RIVER AVE. P .O . BOX 2786 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 • STRAUB, CHARLES GREEN, HUGH • P.O. BOX 2364 440 SYCAMORE PLACE MONTCLAIR, CA 91763 SIERRA MADRE, CA 91024 t • TINGLER, DAVID BREWER, CHARLES • 214 VIA QUITO 3630 MIRA LOMA NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 ANAHEIM, CA 9ES06 b * BARNES, MICHAEL WILD, W. R. • P.O. BOX 4001 P.O. BOX 2552 BALBOA, CA 92661 SEAL BEACH, CA 90740' LEWANDOWSKI, ART SHAFER, JAMES • P.O. BOX 3318 24 ROCKY KNOLL ' r SEAL BEACH, CA 90740 IRVINE, CA 92612 A FLEMING# DAVID REYNOLDS, RANDALL • yi •x 1244 ORANGE ST 1787 WHITTIER AVENUE RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 e • I Old A SMITH, KENNETH MARXEN, EDWAR • 33512 PERIWINKLE DR19 118 VIA PALER DANA POINT, CA 92629 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 KENYON, ROBERT 6 LORANE ALLIONE, MILTON w 5361 HEIL AVE. 126 VIA XANTHE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 i LUDGATE, PAUL OUESADA, EDWARD w 2136 NEWPORT BOULEVARD 3721 BIRCH STREET C ;• ' COSTA MESA, CA 92627 SANTA ANA, CA 92707 � w • . nS.r S BERG, PETER HUTCHINSON, HUTCH w 101 VIA DIJON 221 VIA KORON NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 � w YOUNG, DORY MCNETT, DENNIS w 942 3RD STREET HERMOSA BEACH, CA 90254 � w FRIED, MARTY SWANCUTT, STEVEN w 23833 CROSSON DRIVE 1653 FLOWERDALE ST WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91367 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063-4452 CRECH, LEONARD O'CALLAGHAN, BLAIR P.O. BOX 2774 2120 NORTH ROSS STREET CAPISTANO BEACH, CA 92624 SANTA ANA, CA 92706 LIDO ISLE COHN ASSOC BARRICK, DONALD w 701 VIA LIDO SOUD 55138 PIPES CANYON NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 YUCCA VALLEY, CA 92284 MOORE, STEPHEN ZORAYAN, ANTRANIK w 1660 WHITTIER AVENUE #33 314 VIA LIDO NORD COSTA MESA, CA 92627 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Y . ELLIOTT TRUST, ROBERT @ EVELYN ALEXANDER, H. 330 VIA LIDO NORD 318 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 ANDREW$, ROBERT 6 MAUREEN MACFARLAND, DONALD w 2681 CRESTVIEW DR 1480 OLD MILL ROAD it NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SAN MARINO, CA 91106 GOLDEN, JILL WILSON, KRISTIN w t. `• : ';' 412 SAYWOOD DRIVE 406 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 1 LEWIS, DONALD HOOD, MRS. WIL M 0, C/O KENT MCNAUGHTON • 444 VIA LIDO N 2600 E PACIFIC COAST HWY M150 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 f NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 r' SALOMON, JAMES CHILCOTT, WILLARD 545 VIA LIDO NORD 4025 E. RANSOM ST. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LONG BEACH, CA 90804 ' 4 S HINZ, ROLAND CREOLE, GARY • 1';,,, ' 25233 ANZA DRIVE 24132 LONG VALLEY ROAD VALENCIA, CA 91355 HIDDEN HILLS, CA 9130E KITCHIN, THOMAS KLINGENSMITH, ALLEN 423 VIA LIDO SOUD 453 VIA LIDO SOUD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SOWERS, DR. I . PAGE MELTZER, PHILIP P. 0. BOX 2974 122 VIA ORVIETO NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 ` GRUNDY, G. WILLIAM ALLEN, GARY • ' 811 VIA LIDO SOLID 6505 DORAL DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 KOLL, EDWIN HOLDEN, GREGG • 1674 N. DOHENY DRIVE 209 N. BAYFRONT LDS ANGELES, CA 90069 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 f-. ` ARRANACA, VINCENT AINSLEE, TOM 1 P.O. BOX 5674 157 S WETHEREY OR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90211 BARNES, DAVID PRICE, MRS. HELEN • "C/O BOB BARNES, 6146 FERNWOOD 1605 S. EL MOLINO AVE. HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 PASADENA, CA 91106 <• HALL, EDWARD SCUDDER, 7OHN • +• 224 GARNET 211 NORTH BAYFRONT BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 I I , HARDESTY, WILLIAM BUTCHER, PAULINE • 501 PARK AVENUE 2941 LINDEN AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BERKELEY, CA 94705 A BOWERS, DON TAYLOR-SCUDDER, SHELLEY • 315 RUBY AVE 60526 DEVIL'S LADDER M119 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 MOUNTAIN CENTER, CA 92567 A • _ - YATES, RAYMOND SIMS, DR. JOH� • 201 NORTH BAY FRONT 8136 VALDINA D1t BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 DOWNEY, CA 90240 GUNETTI, HARRY JR SCHMID, BEN • P.O. BOX 189 203 PEARL AVENUE MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94042 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • JOHNSON, ALVIN SMITH, WALTER • 2561 ALISTER AVENUE 206 PEARL TUSTIN, CA 92680 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NIDAY, JACK KOHTZ, WESLEY JR • 310 1/2 RUBY 27410 HWY 189-PO BOX 34 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BLUE JAY, CA 92317 HOLDEN, GREGG LEVENTHAL, THEODORE • 209 N. BAYFRONT 207 NORTH BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 WOFFORD; SUSAN ZAUN, W . • 2176 ADAIR STREET 13091 WICKSHIRE LANE ;•' „', SAN MARINO, CA 91108 TUSTIN, CA 92782 BROWN, JUDITH OUIGGLE, GARY & BONNIE • " 6520 SHERBOURNE DRIVE 217 PEARL LOS ANGELES, CA 90056 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 GERBI , JEANNE GREEN, JACK • ; 27 VIA BACCHUS 10 WHITEWATER DRIVE ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 t SMITH WARD, ELIZABETH MARY PIER, DOROTHY • ,' 17771 CRESTMOOR LANE 1403 BAYVIEW HEIGHT DR. HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 LOS OSOS, CA 93402-4409 CLARKE, GREG REEDER, WILBER • 206 GARNET AVENUE 1961 MIDWICK DRIVE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 ALTADENA, CA 91001 ;' •. JENNINGS, FRED BORLAND, MR . 6 MRS. JOE • P.O. BOX 295 P .O. BOX 5642 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 DEROSA, JACK LILLEGRAVEN, BENJAMIN • 1304 PADRES TRAIL 307 NORTH SAYFRONT LA CANADA, CA 91011 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • HARVEY, MRS. DEE CLOUGH, LAVERNE • 11650 ARROYO 227 PEARL • F ;r.`; Ji SANTA ANA, CA 92705-3057 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 PRICE, ROWLAND WHITTINGTON, STEVE • 225 PEARL AVENUE 211 AGATE AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 LEWIS, D. FRANKLIN, LYNN • 700 E OCEAN BLVD 81006 218 PEARL AVENE LONG BEACH, CA 90802 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 ti '• ' .,; KEMP, HARRY RUDD, TRACEY • 215 PEARL 312 E 23RD ST BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEW YORK, NY 10010 _- JOHNSTON, CLYDE GRIFFIN II, CHARLES • 311 NORTH BAYFRONT 732 BISON ' .•;;:'`;, BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 r * HUBBELL, VIRGINIA EMERICK, CATHERINE • L>- < 136 TOPAZ AVENUE 610 S ORANGE GROVE M5 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 PASADENA, CA 91105 A EMERICK, CATHERINE GATES, DON SR • 610 S ORANGE GROVE 05 206 EMERALD PASADENA, CA 91105 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 HERRMANN, WILLIAM LANDIS, ROBERT • 2408 NARBONNE 638 WILCOX AVE COSTA MESA, CA 92627 LOS ANGELES, CA 90004 ; r A NORTHRUP, JACK PEASE, ARTHUR • 411 N. BAYFRONT 348 DAHLIA PLACE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 ROBINSON, DR. HURLEY LASHER, DARLENE • 124 CARNET AVENUE P .O . BOX 852 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 PACIFIC PALISADES, CA 90272 1� VANIS, RICHARD 6 MARY FORESMAN, DR. ROBERT • 600 BUSCH PL 26902 PASEO CARDERO PASADENA, CA 91105 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 OWENS, JOHN D'ANDREA, LOUISE • 208 1/2 PEARL 214 GARNET AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662-1023 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 7 A 4] PSOMAS, TIMOTHY . FISCHER, HERB • y ' ' ' 601 N. BAYFRONT 635 NORTH ROAD BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92404 BARDEN, MRS. RUTH ROBERTS, ERIC OR ANN • 318 RUBY 222 OPAL AVE. ;. BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92663 JONES, RICHARD UNGERLAND, RICHARD • 609 NORTH BAYFRONT 1909 YACHT MARIA BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 >] REEDER, WILBER CHILD$, ROBERT • .{5 , 1961 MIDWICK DRIVE 611 NORTH BAYFRONT ALTADENA, CA 91001 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 " DONAHUE, TERRY FOSTER—BEAR, NANCY • a�' ` 707 N. BAYFRONT 709 NORTH BAYFRONT BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 7 SAUTER, ELSA MCCONVILLE, MRS. LAWRENCE • ;`'•,; 711 1/2 N. SAYFRONT 703 N . BAYFRONT NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 a .r ✓ SAUTER, BILL FLETCHER, NANNETTE • 711 1/2 NORTH BAYFRONT 453 S ORANGE GROVE BLVD •2 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 PASADENA, CA 91105 . , NEEL, B. CONVERSE, BOYD • 221 DIAMOND AVENUE 317 DIAMOND AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 ROHR$, MARVIN ASHTON, DAVID • 113 GRAND CANAL 197P PORT CHELSEA BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 MEYER, PAUL ESTATE, R.C.J. CARMACK • 487 MYRTLE STREET P.O. BOX 4308 LACUNA BEACH, CA 92651 GLENDALE, CA 91222-0308 i� HOCAN, JAMES 6 DEBORAH COOK, BOB d MARCY • P .O. BOX 434 538 S. SAYFRONT BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 F,• WEST, MRS. HARRY ETIENNE, MRS. WILLIAM • P . 0. BOX 1021 2737 FLEUR DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92649 SAN MARINO, CA 91108 ELOPER, DON RICHARDSON, DR. ES • � ,, 312 SAPPHIRE • 3024 N. TYLER BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 EL MONTE, CA 91731 s A CUNNINGHAM, ROBERT H CLAXTON, SCOTT • 320 SAPPHIRE AVE 502 GRANITE HILLS ST BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 ' 1, A COE, W. FENTON TEMPLE, F. • 321 1/2 SAPPHIRE 310 CORAL BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 SPRAGUE, QUEEN HOUSE, MRS. HARRY • 4256 LANKERSHEIM BLVD. 2850 GARRETSON AVENUE NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91602 CORONA, CA 91719 A COOPER, JOHN JACOBSEN, LEO • 23121 OSTRONIC DRIVE 328 CORAL—C/0 CRAIG M JOHNSON WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91367 2814 KENNEDY OR A SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84108 • BORLAND, PATRICIA BOVEE, CAROLINE P.O. BOX 8772 701 POINSETTIA AVE. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 A REESE KING, FLORENCE BROBECK, DR . DAVID • 112E HYDE PARK 308 CORAL SANTA ANA, CA 92705 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 A UHLIK, ROBERT RIPLEY, BETSY • 322 1/2 CORAL 3601 CAMINO RIDGE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 9266E CAMINO, CA 95704 A 1 f • , I SWAIN, F. NORD, DR S JR • 322 APOLENA 1414 DOVER DRIVE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 i ROHRER, ANDREA HUFNAGEL, WILLIAM Q 313 APOLENA 218 CORAL BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 j /j ODGEN FAMILY TRUST CUMMINGS, JOHN 3645 MONSERATE HILL RD 2723 W COAST HWY FALLBROOK, CA 92028 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 1� NELSON, EVELYN WILLIAMS, ELIZABETH 325 APOLENA 557 BAUGHMAN AVE. BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 CLAREMONT, CA 91711 SWAIN, JOHN SPRINGER, JAC • aY�r. t 308 APOLENA AVE. • 306 APOLENA A*lUE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 9266E NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 CHENEY, ROBERT CARLSON, KAREN • 1156 WEST DUARTE ROAD 1103 N BAYFRONT ARCADIA, CA 91006 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 11 • r., LAWTON SMITH, JOSEPHINE EVANS, MIRIAM • 2880 BIA DE LA GUERRA 116 ROSE DRIVE PALOS VERDES ESTATES, CA 90274 NIPOMO, CA 93444-9668 40 LARAWAY, CHARLES SHAW, WILLIAM • 1105 N. BAYFRONT 314 APOLENA AVENUE ^e BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 9266E LEVENTHAL, THEODORE LEIGHTON, BARBARA • F' h 207 NORTH BAYFRONT 820 MIRANDA GREEN "tr BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 PALO ALTO, CA 94306 �. 3; r ESTEY, MICHAEL TRUST, HIGBIE FAMILY • 2980 TEAKWOOD DR P.O. BOX 328 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 p RASMUSSEN, DOUCLA8 DUNLAP, MARIAN • 1205 N. BAYFRONT 211 SAPPHIRE AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 M1 COOPER, JOAN TRUST, ROLAPP FAMILY • � ,'. 118 JADE 9808 HILLCREEN PLACE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BEVERLY HILLB, CA 9021E GREGORIUS, DR. KARL JOHNSON, HENRY • !-+ ' 325 MARINE 327 ONYX BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 r A FOLSTROM, KEN MCNEIL, JOSEPH • `s . 4149 CHATWIN 8 RIMROCK LAKEWOOD, CA 90713 IRVINE, CA 92715 10 BAKMAN, R . WOFFORD, SUSAN • P.O. BOX 7965 2176 ADAIR STREET FRESNO, CA 93747 SAN MARINO, CA 91108 A • �• MARAKAS, JOHN SANBORN, BLAKE . ',¢• • 17030 RANCHO STREET 16264 WHITTIER BLVD. ENCINO, CA 91316 WHITTIER, CA 90603 "!� CHRISTENSEN, JOHN • EMPTY MOORING • • ' 224 AMETHYST BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 EMPTY MOORING BAIN, MANJIT 124 ONYX AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • KRAMER, MRS. MARY MOUNCE, MRS. C. a♦ 1403 N. BAYFRONT M7 SUMMERWALK COURT BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LEINAU, PETER NEWTON, MRS. LYNN • P.O. BOX 146 P.O. BOX 432 FISH CAMP, CA 93623 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 t' BECK, WILLIAM WALKER, CASSIE 2602 W. OCEANFRONT 11650 DIAMOND POINTE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46236 ACKERMAN, ANDY ROSEN, ROBERT • 2007 ASHBOURNE DRIVE 2020 REDCLIFF ST. S. PASADENA, CA 91030 LOS ANGELES, CA 90039 $HOUSE, GERRIT CLAWSON, BURRELL 6 JOAN • 16211 BIRDIE LANE 1411 N. BAYFRONT , HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 ECLY, PAUL FOTSCH, JOHN • 339 DARTMOOR 1706 PLAZA DEL NORTE LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 BALBOA, CA 92661 LUMPKIN, KEITH LOCKEN, PETER • 1519 E. BAY AVENUE P.O. BOX 8226 j BALBOA, CA 92661 PADUCAH, KY 42002 A CARPENTER, DR. CHARLES LARNER, MRS. ROBERT • 4008 VIA PADOVA 1412 E. OCEANFRONT CLAREMONT, CA 91711 BALBOA, CA 92661 MAHONEY, JAMES COATSWORTH, STEPHEN @► 1707 PLAZA DEL SUR 164 FLOWER STREET NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 ;ate A CAULDIN, R. JACKSON POTTHARST, DR . KARL �9 17861 SHOREHAM LANE 4958 EDGERTON AVENUE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 ENCINO, CA 91436 • KELLEY, DAVID ELDER, DONAL 9266 BIG RIDGE 1107 E. BALBIWBLVD. RIVERSIDE, CA 92500 BALBOA, CA 92661 • DAICHENDT, GARY BLAIR, BRIAN 28550 MATADERO CREEK LANE PO BOX 6924 LOS ALTOS, CA 94022 BIG BEAR LAKE, CA 92315 PURCELL, DAVID BROWN, JOAN • 615 POWELL PL. 2767 ALBATROSS NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 WALKER, W. DOW, SUSAN • 312 LINDO STREET 1729 TERRAPIN WAY BALBOA, CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 • CORDELL, DEAN BRUDER, FRANK • 319 ISLAND AVENUE 1221 W. BALBOA BLVD. BALBOA, CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 • VACANT MOORING MOLLNER, J. DEAN • 922 W. BALBOA BLVD. BALBOA, CA 92661 • VANNI , LAWRENCE FRESQUEZ, ERNEST • 1828 ALTA OAKS DRIVE P.O. BOX 4296 ARCADIA, CA 91006 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 .c • BUTLER, ROBERT THURMOND, DR. ROBERT • 911 WEST BAY 901 W. BAY BALBOA, CA 92661 BALBOA, CA 92661 r c • BUTLER, REX TONA, CONRAD • ;* 30050 ANTHONY ROAD 920 W. BALBOA BLVD. VALLEY CENTER, CA 92082 BALBOA, CA 92661 • • SMITH, W. DARGIN WINKLER—STEWART, PENNY • 815 W. BAY 935 WEST BAY BALBOA, CA 92661 BALBOA, CA 92661 ' • GARDNER, ROBERT WOODWORTH, JAMES 's '15711 E. ALTA VISTA WAY 1444 W. BAY AVENUE � SAN JOSE, CA 95127 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 � • a ,a. WASHBORN, DR. R. WILISON, TED • i` 1539 MONROVIA AVE. SUITE 09 1117 WEST BAY AVE p NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 IFA1.1^2„`4 1 • GLADESTONE, GREG SABA, JERRY 1100 W. BALBOA • 108 11TH STREEO , NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 BALBOA, CA 92661 • LUCAS, MARK FADER, BARRY • ; 1123 W. BAY AVENUE 16 PINEHURST LANE BALBOA, CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 ISREB, AMAR PHILLIPS, HARRIET • P. 0. BOX 903 481 VEREDA DEL CIERVO BALBOA, CA 92661 GOLETA, CA 93117 • FORD, CARTER MCKENZIE, STUART • ( ' ;' P . 0. BOX 2621 1205 WEST BAY AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LOWRY, PHILIP PETERSEN, DAVID • 716 OCEANFRONT 2365 ORANGE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 COSTA MESA,CA 92627 • COLLINS, JENNIFER LANGENBACH, JACK • 32 DRAKE 2365 ORANGE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 • TATCHELL, JOSEPH LUNDY, TERRY • 1409 W. BAY AVENUE 1901 BAYSIDE DRIVE BALBOA, CA 92661 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 LUJAN, KATHLYN FOGARTY, NATALIE • 118 GARNET AVENUE 12 SUMMERWIND CT. BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 • STROMQUIST, MICHAEL MITCHELL, RAYMOND 6 ELAINE 310 $. BAYFRONT C/O HANNAH FLYNN BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 202 1/2 FERNLEAF • CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 GUNDERSON, JOHN $LOAN, PATRICIA B317 OLD RANCH ROAD 3415 NIELSEN ROAD ESCONDIDO, CA 92027 SANTA ROSA, CA 95404 • • • STROMQUIST, MICHAEL TARR, ERIC A 310 S. BAYFRONT 108 PEARL AVE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA- ISLAND, CA 92662 • SCHICKETANZ, JACK MYERS, MRS. JOHN 2635 TIMBERLAKE DRIVE 120 PEARL LA CRESCENTA, CA 91214 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 FERGUSON, RICHARD BRLETIC, THOM ♦ ; 204 PEARL 1880 BRENT W BALBOA ISLAND, CA 902 NEVADA, CA 89 4 MILLER, ROSS GOLNICK, LARRY 110 PEARL 2865 GRACELAND WAY BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 GLENDALE, CA 91206 * MYERS, MRS. JOHN SOULE, DR . E. 120 PEARL 261 SPENCER STREET BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 GLENDALE, CA 91202 • CARLSON, DAVID 8 JOAN MCCOMB, HOWARD 4304 PARK CORONA 110 OPAL CALABASAS, CA 9130E BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • KING, DIANA TRUST, LAPLANTE FAMILY 13900 PANAY WAY SR 220 119 TURQUOISE AVE MARINA DEL REY, CA 90292 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 TORRIBIO, JOAN MAXWELL, MRS. MARJORIE 516 S. SAYFRONT P .O. BOX 151 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • s • GRIMM, ROD AND BARBARA WILLIS, WILLIAM P. 0. BOX 81498 107 GARNET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • • KLYVER, MORIUS 6 MARY JANE BEEK, SEYMOUR P.O. BOX 165 410 S. BAYFRONT BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • s • LEHMAN, CHARLES O'CONNOR, GARY 910 S. BAYFRONT P.O. BOX 24B BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • • A w r HOCK, DIANE PEARSON, JOHN 132 TOPAZ 300 RUBY AVE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • ROVSEK, BLYTH E CARL BEAUCHAMP, L. PO BOX 1600 P.O. BOX 5498 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92693 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92674 • 1 • COOK, ROBERT FRAKER, LINDA 538 8, BAYFRONT 208 TOPAZ AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 0 r- _ CROSSLIOHT, STEVE REMY, MRS. RICHA 46 MISSION BAY DR 2237 VIA FERNAND CORONA DEL MAR, CA 9262 PALOS VERDES EST A ES, CA 90274 PARK, OLIVER THOMPSON, DR. ROBERT 111 EMERALD AVENUE 14253 EASTRIDGE DR. BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 WHITTIER, CA 90602 A • >i CONNELLY JR. , JOHN ROMO, DR. RALPH 6 ALTA 415 AVOCADO AVE 13 LEEWARD ROAD CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 BELVEDERE, CA 94920 40 A CASTRO, JOHN FLETCHER, WESLEY 4065 KRAFT AVE. 453 S. ORANGE GROVE BLVD. #2 STUDIO CITY, CA 91604 PASADENA, CA 91005 A MORETON, EDWARD MORETONN, EDWARD 1810 COUNTRYSIDE OR 1810 COUNTRYSIDE DRIVE SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84106 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84106 .',` .F. BIRNIE, BARBARA MARTINEAU, JOHN 10441 JULIUS AVENUE 2001 WILSHIRE BLVD. SUITE 325 DOWNEY, CA 90241 SANTA MONICA, CA 90403 r ' TRUST, HEIDI HALL BAUM, PHYILLIS i 114 COLLINS AVE 106 COLLINS AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 A HARMSEN, HARLAN BRADFORD, JOE i P.O. BOX SB87 122 COLLINS AVE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92661 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 1!� MILLER, RALPH MILLER, RALPH 17691 ANGLIN LANE 17691 ANGLIN LANE TUSTIN, CA 92780 TUSTIN, CA 92780 A A BARKER, DR. ROY CHOLAKIAN, RICHARD i 602 S. BAYFRONT 530 GEORGIAN ROAD BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 FLINTRIDGE, CA 91011 A DOEZIE, ROBERT GETZELMAN, SALLY 1 606 SOUTH BAYFRONT 123 RUBY BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92661 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 A HANSEN, CHARLES ALGEO, JOHN 1 6604 BEDFORD AVENUE 307 CORAL LOS ANGELES, CA 90056 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 ;` HELMUTH, MICHAEL HALAPOFF III,*CHAEL 2610E GLEN CANYON DOE 2343 W. 246 STREET LACUNA HILLS, CA 92653 LOMITA, CA 90717 RUNNER, DANIEL JR HOAGLAND, LAURIE • 214 SAPPHIRE AVE. 107 1/2 RUBY BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 STRINGER, DR. DANIEL CALLISTER, JANET 700 SOUTH BAYFRONT 702 S. BAYFRONT BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 MARTIN, TERESA THOMAS O'KEEFE ESTATE • 125 SAPPHIRE AVENUE 35531 CAMINO CAPISTRANO BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 M TRUST, PAXTON FAMILY LONG, DALE 750 W. ORANGE GROVE AVE 706 SOUTH BAYFRONT ARCADIA, CA 91006 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 DISANO, LARRY @ ROSEMARY PRIMROSE, DEBRA 704 SOUTH BAYFRONT 6 WINTERMIST BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 IRVINE, CA 92714 VAIUSO, FRANK HALL, ROBERT P .O. BOX 5028 17671 IRVINE BLVD. N103 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 TUSTIN, CA 92680 LARSEN, GAYLORD GOUVION, WAYNE 3033 SEAHORSE AVENUE 106 DIAMOND VENTURA, CA 93001 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 KORTRIGHT, JAMES RICH, MARGARET 201 8 LEWIS B114 802 S. BAYFRONT ORANGE, CA 92668 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 HAYES, BILL LONGO, ANTHONY 0 4929 WILSHIRE BLVD, SUITE 280 17 SHORELINE LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92657 JANSSEN, TERRY HENLE, CHRISTY 122 RUBY AVE. 225 AGATE AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 CUNNING, MARY THOMPSON, EILEEN 330 WONDERVIEW DRIVE 116 SAPPHIRE LANE GLENDALE, CA 91202 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 � ` 4% CUR CI—WALSH, JANET YOCAM, 70E i♦ ,V��, , 608 S. BAYFRONT • 217 1/2 RUBY • BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92660 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 n� SMITH, J. EGLOFF, RICHARD • 3696 SHELDON DRIVE 5703 WILLIS AVENUE VENTURA, CA 93003 VAN NUYS, CA 91411 FOWLER REVOCABLE TRUST, JOHN AND NE GOCKE, GREGORY • 68 VIA BRIDA 340 S. LUCERNE BLVD. RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, CA 92688 LOS ANGELES, CA 90020 A OLSEN, LEE MARTIN, NICOLE • 3680 CHEVY CHASE C/O F. VAN NATTA-1312 S. BAYFR LA CANADA, CA 91011 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 00 JONES, GEORGE COLE, ANTOINETTE 904 SOUTH BAYFRONT 115 CORAL BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 A • A WALKER, WAYNE WHEELER, ROGER • 1148 MERLIN COURT 2258 INDIAN HILL "• _ ' ' ALAMO, CA 94507 CLAREMONT, CA 91711 A SPINNEY, E. MYERS, CAROL • C/O GEORGIA BRADBURNE 625 GALER PLACE 235 VIA ITHACA GLENDALE, CA 91206 A NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 • A MCLAUCHLIN, SUZANNE SITES, MARK • 1839 HARTMAN LANE P .O. BOX 498 PETALUMA, CA 94954 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 A CROOKSTON, BILL CHASE, WAYNE • P. 0. BOX 113 213 SAPPHIRE AVE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • FOURCHER, FREDRIC KOLL, DONALD 507 LARKSPUR 1008 S. BAYFRONT CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • w • PAUL, PHILIP SIESEL, G EDMUND JR • 1010 S. BAYFRONT 114 APOLENA BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • • SCOTT, DONALD PIERPOINT, ARTHUR •, 107 APOLENA 124 APOLENA BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • CUNNING, MARY DAWN, LYLE 330 WONDERVIEW DRI 2844 CLUB DR GLENDALE, CA 91202� LOS ANGELES, 90064 • WHITE, DR . H. TAYLOR, WILLIAM �. 1104 SOUTH BAYFRONT 117 1/2 AMETHYST BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 VON HERZEN, DR. N. VISEL, JON JACOB 11 MOJO COURT 204 APOLENA NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • r � • FARASON, HARRY SINBAND, ERIKA �r 122 AMETHYST 121 AMETHYST BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • SAVAGE, MARK LANG, JACK r 202 1/2 AGATE 113 ONYX AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • LAX, DOUGLAS MACKENZIE, JAMES r 2224 PACIFIC DRIVE 109 ONYX CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • r • CAREY, JOSEPH ROBERTS, JAMES r 1206 S. BAYFRONT 1975 PORT LOCKSLEIGH BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 • YEAMANS, JOHN STACEY, SHERMAN r 5050 LAGUNA M112-373 112 RUBY AVENUE ELK GROVE, CA 95758 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • PROUD, GAY LEMEN, ANNE r 120 OPAL P.O. BOX 5853 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • HEUSER, BARKLEY KANE, MARK • 3015 SPRINGRIDGE DRIVE 20231 SPRUCE AVENUE COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80906 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 • TRUST, L & B PICKETT ZILLGITT, E . r 1302 S. BAYFRONT 885 ROANOKE RD. BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 SAN MARINO, CA 91108 • r • BURTON, ERIC SALMONSON, RICHARD 207 APOLENA 1406 S. BAYFRONT BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 • r PARKS, ROBERT PARKS, ROBERT 1504 S. BAYFRONT • 1504 S. BAYFR� BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662-1342 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662-1342 Kr•e FARMER, ROBERT $CALLON, PATRICIA/DANIEL-C/O HUGH 251 S. ORANGE GROVE #1 34177 COAST HIGHWAY SUITE 104 PASADENA, CA 91105 DANA POINT, CA 92629 A SPEICH, MRS. R. DEWITT, D. C/O DON MCKAY P .O. BOX 1521 ,,, .,• , 82451 HIGHWAY 111 SAN GATE, CA 90280 A INDIO, CA 92201 A MOTT, C. WOODS, GEORGE C/O MICHAEL MOTT 1665 PLACENTIA 18929 SW INDIAN SPRINGS CIRCLE ! COSTA MESA, CA 92627 A LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97035 .w• A CHASE, SUZANNE CHANDLER, BRUCE 714 CUMMINGS 1600 S. BAYFRONT KENILWORTH, IL 60043 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 E66 A A t' w FOSS, HOWARD DONOVAN, WILLIAM 208 ABALONE 72 HILLCREST LANE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 A SANDBERG, A. HOLMES, BYRON 6 JEANNE A P.O. BOX 58291 126 ABALONE LOS ANGELES, CA 90058 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 BOWIE, STEPHEN MICKLE, DON !� 1225 EMERALD BAY 316 DIAMOND LACUNA BEACH, CA 92651 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 A LAWRENCE, MARY HURRAY, MICHAEL !� 111 TAMALPAIS ROAD 1704 S. BAYFRONT BERKELEY, CA 94708 BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 A BARRON, PAUL EARL, 0. K. 923 LUCILE AVENUE 856 MORNINGSIDE DRIVE ! LOS ANGELES, CA 90026 FULLERTON, CA 92635 A SPERBER, DARRELL MUNDY, MRS. MERRILL A P.O. BOX 307 2311 SANTA ANA AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 A HILDRETH, J M FISHERY, BASS 120 GRAND CANAL DO NOT BILL PER CITY MANAGER BALBOA ISLAND, CA 92662 LETTER IN MOORING FILE 7 WHALEY, CRAIG STEIGERWALD, J. • 1031 ST. VINCENT CE 856 PORTER Y SANTA ANA, CA 92 FALLBROOK, 92028 ♦ ANDERSON, BEN EMPTY MOORING 3601 FINLEY AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 BRUCE, DOUGLAS CURRAN, HUGH 20281 ORCHID STREET 3377 PASEO HALCON NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 • BADLEY, ROBERT GROVE, CHARLES 25986 MONTE CARLO WAY 63 HUNTINGTON STREET MISSION VIEJO, CA 92692 IRVINE, CA 92620 4 • • MARTIN, MARGARET SHATFORD, WALTER 400 W. BROOKDALE PLACE 5920 TEMPLE CITY BLVD. FULLERTON, CA 92632 TEMPLE CITY, CA 91780 ROMAN, BURT EMPTY MOORING 523 AVENIDA CAMPO NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 • SINKBEIL, DOUGLAS HALL, TRACIE • P.O. BOX 10404 1001 N. FRENCH ST. APT. M9 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 SANTA ANA, CA 92701 • EMPTY MOORING EMPTY MOORING • NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 • BRELIN, JOHN KUHLMAN, KENNETH • P.O. BOX 1774 177 RIVERSIDE AVE 11F, PMB 154 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 • LAMB, KIRK SIEGRIST, RONALD C/O BRUCE LAMB 4461 WEST COAST HIGHWAY 297 S ORANGE GROVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 • PASADENA, CA 91105 • • ESCHER, WERNER SPRADLING, PAUL i 205 40TH STREET 10085 LESTERFORD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 DOWNEY, CA 90240 • ♦ • EMPTY MOORING VAUGHAN, PORTER P .O. BOX 706 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 SAN PEDRO, CA 90733 CARPENTER, MELVIL b MARJORIE : VIENB, OE C/O CHRISTINE ASHIW iP.O. BOX 23 ul 1235 E ELMWOOD ; NEWPORTD BESACH; CA 92663 BURBANK, CA 90501 • ., � JESSEN, ROBERT ; JOHNSON, KERMIT 303 43RD STREET ! 211 43RD STREET i NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 ; NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 I I ',HOLDEN, HOWARD BARROW, DAVID 8021 EBBTIDE CIRCLE : 335 WISCONSIN AVE. HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 LONG BEACH, CA 90814 i I 1 04 G !WORRELL, TROY ; MCKOWN, DENNIS �381E MARCUS : 4181 MANZANITA STREET NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 : IRVINE, CA 92705 IMCKOWN, DENNIS : HARi r• 4181 MANZANITA STREET 1218 34, CSTREETPHER ® � .'•' 1218 34TH STREET i � ' •' IRVINE, CA 92705 : NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 "+•' MORRIS III , ROBERT : LAWSON, JANICE E08 1/2 39TH ST. 11101 DEVON LANE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 ; NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1 ♦ Y . 8CHNIEPP, GARY ' NIMMER, MELVILLE 6 GLORIA 408 39TH STREET : C/O BECCA MARCUS !NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 1109 SHERIFFS PLACE WILLIAMSBURG, VA 23185 I I EMPTY MOORING , TUCHMAN, TERRY 11742 LERNER LANE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 iSANTA ANA, CA 92705 I I� ' NEVIN, GEORGE ; KRIS$, CHARLES ' P.O. BOX 3311 150 BALBOA COVES :NEUPORT BEACH, CA 92663 : NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 i NISTERLY, THOMAS i 3E .HOLMWOOD DRIVE EHRORT BEACH, CA 92663 I , I I 1 I I 1 I 1 � ` I I I Ce ( la11r0t — �LS • AuthoAaed to Publish Advertisements of all kinds Inc ing public notices by Decree of the Superior Court of Orange County, California. Number A-6214, September 29, 1961,and A-24831 June 11, 1963. s, V E^E I V E D PROOF OF PUBLICATION (1 6 G 'Ot . JUJ -1 A8 :34 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ORKFFICE OF NTHE YPOET BEACH ) SS. County of Orange ) — -^—;the`present'Intentlon ot� NOTICE OF the City to accept the I am a Citizen of the.United States and a PUBLIC HEARING . Negative Declaration General Plan and suppporting docu- ments,resident of the County aforesaid; I am over Amendment No. This is not to be construed as either ep- the age of eighteen years, and not a ate/ to G(P 2000.002(C) City or dental ct the b 'party J TICE I1-050)- City of the subject City or interested in the Blow entitled matter. I NOTICE IS HEREBY encourages The City GIVEN that the City' the genera members of Council of the City of the general public to re- am a principal clerk of the NEWPORT Newportlic Beach gwiol hold the ihis adocum entlon BEACH-COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT, a gay El Harbor and Copies of the Negative re Element of the, Declaration and Negative newspaper of general circulation, printed and General Plan. ing documents are avall- The Harbor and Bay able for public review published in the City,of Costa Mesa County Elemenlof the Geneml; and Inspection at the Plan contains goals, Planning Department, of- Orange, State of California, and that policies, programs 330 of Newport Beach, daddress uses of the 3300 Newport Souls- waterach and waterfront vard, ewporl Beach, attache Notice is a true and complete copy property In Newport California 92658.8915, Bay and Harbor and (949)644.3235. as was printed and published on the s u p p l e m e n t S, NOTICE IS HEREBY prov stone h the Land GIVEN that said publlc following dates: Use and the Recrea- hearing will be held e, • Elements and Open Space the 12th,day r June, Elements of the Gen- 2001,at�iha hour of 7:00 I era[Plan and the Local p.m. In the Council `Coastal Program Land Chambers of the New- Use Plan, port Beach City Hall, Copies of the -32300 Newport Bouie- ,proposed Harbor and vard, Newport Beach,{ .Bay Element are avail. California, at which time l able at the Planning De- and place any and alll Ppartment. The proposed persons Interested may I Harbor and Bay Element appeaf and ba heard may also be viewed at thereon. If you challenge the City of Newport this projectin court, you Beach web site at may be limited to raising May 26, 2001 www.city.newport-beach only those Issues you or ca.us under the 'In- someone else raised at formation & News." the publlc heerin de• NOTICE IS HEREBY scribed in this notice on FURTHER GIVEN that a In written cor-i Negative Declaration respondence delivered) has been prepared by to the City at,or prior toJ the City of Newpottl•!he public hearing. For Beach In connectlon�, 9niormatlon call (949) with the application 644-3200. noted above. The LaVonne M. Harkless,' Negative Declaration City Clerk - states that, the sub)dct City of Newport Beach development wAl not re- Published Newport I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the eats In a algniticanl eltect Beach-Costa Mesa foregoing is true and correct. on the environment. It Is oly Pilot MaySas 3 Executed on May 26 , ZQQl at Costa Mesa, California. Signature