HomeMy WebLinkAboutUP2001-014osx7766\pvpg\posy2232\absw1228\absh480 \f3 \fs16 \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 Staff Person: \f3 \fs16 Appeal Period:\par \par \pard\phpg\posx10617\pvpg\posy1324\absw1286\absh273\nowrap \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 (PA2001-067)\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1857\pvpg\posy3777\absw1252\absh264 \f3 \fs22 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Application:\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1857\pvpg\posy6816\absw897\absh288\nowrap \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 R\_~uest:\par \par \pard\phpg\posx4996\pvpg\posy4608\absw1128\absh288 \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 SylviaBice\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1886\pvpg\posy12916\absw1252\absh288\nowrap \f3 \fs22 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 FINDINGS:\par \par \pard\cols1\sect\cols2 \colno1\colw3964 \colsr1555\colno2\colw2568 \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 CITY OF NEkv,~ORT BEACH\par \pard \par \f1 \fs16 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs16 3300 \f3 \fs16 NEWI~ORT \f1 \fs16 BOULEVAI~D\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 (949) 644-3200; FAX (949) 644-3250\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Use Permit No. UP2001-014 \f3 \fs22 \b0 0'AZ001-067)\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ul \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Use Permit No. UP2001-014\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ulnone \par \f3 \fs22 \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Javier S. Garcia, 644-3206 \f3 \fs22 14 days after approval date\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw2044 \colsr1094\colno2\colw6168 \f3 \fs22 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Applicant:\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Address of Property \f3 \fs22 Involved:\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Legal Description:\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 1813 E. Balboa Boulevard\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Lot No. 19 and northerly 17.5 feet of Lot No. 20, Block L, \f3 \fs22 Tract No. 518\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par mily dwelling. The building is non-conforming due to the side yard \f3 \fs22 setback of 3 feet 6 inches where the Zoning Code requires a minimum of 4 feet.\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw1704 \colsr1142\colno2\colw2280 \f3 \fs22 \ul \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Director's Action:\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ulnone \f3 \fs22 \b \ul \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Approved May 9, 2001\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ulnone \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par ar \pard \par property or impro')ements in the \f3 \fs22 neighborhood and that the use permit as approved would be consistent with the legislative intent \f3 \fs22 of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, and made the following findings:\par \pard \par Residential" use. The existing residential structure \f3 \fs22 is consistent with this designation.\par \pard \page\par ge- 2\par uirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 1 \f3 \fs22 (Existing Facilities) and Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures).\par \pard \par safety, peace, morals, comfort, and general welfare of \f3 \fs22 the City for the following reasons:\par \pard \par above approved modifications required \f3 \fs22 because of the nonconforming status of the easterly building setback.\par \pard \par the aesthetics of the neighborhood.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 The remodel and addition provides a minimum of two enclosed parking spaces for \f3 \fs22 the single-family dwelling.\par \pard \par se the area of nonconformity is part of the structural \f3 \fs22 integrity of the existing dwelling.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 The cost of correcting the nonconforming condition would exceed the cost of making the \f3 \fs22 addition.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \tx720 \f3 \fs22 7.\tab \f3 \fs22 The addition and remodel meet all other development standards for the R-1 Zone.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \i \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 CONDITIONS:\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \i0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plan \f3 \fs22 and elevations.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 The structure must maintain 2 on-site spaces accessible for the parking of vehicles at all \f3 \fs22 times.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 This approval shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the end of the appeal \f3 \fs22 period.\par \pard \par he combined total of existing and new cannot exceed \f3 \fs22 3,038 square feet.\par \pard \page\par ge- 3\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1776\pvpg\posy4176\absw446\absh259\nowrap \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 By\par lanning Commission within 14 days of the date of the decision. Any appeal filed shall be \f3 \fs22 accompanied by a filing fee of $714.00.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 PATRICIA L. TEMPLE, Planning Director\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Javi~ S. Garcia, )~ICP \f3 \fs22 Senior Planner\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw3835 \colsr2424\colno2\colw2620 \f3 \fs14 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs14 F:\\UserskPIn\\Shared~PA's~PA2001-067\\UP2001-014appr,doc\par \pard \tx1584 \f3 \fs22 Attachments:\tab \f3 \fs22 Appendix\line \tab \f3 \fs22 Vicinity Map\line \tab \f3 \fs22 Site Plan and Floor Plan\line \tab \f3 \fs22 Existing Parking Plan\par \pard \f3 \fs14 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs14 CC!\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 \b0 Sylvia Bice\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 1813 E. Balboa Boulevard\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Newport Beach CA 92661\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs22 \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 property owner\par \pard \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 James & Sylvia Bite\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Code Enforcement Officer\par \pard \page\par ge- 4\par \par \pard\phpg\posx5822\pvpg\posy1704\absw1257\absh273\nowrap \f3 \fs22 \b \ul \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 APPENDIX\par \f3 \fs22 \ulnone \par \pard\phpg\posx1800\pvpg\posy2510\absw864\absh288\nowrap \f3 \fs26 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs26 Analv~i~\par uired by the Municipal Code.\par \pard \page\par tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs20 0\tab \f2 \fs20 100 200 Feet\par \pard \column \f2 \fs58 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f2 \fs58 ~ICINIT\f2 \fs58 \up v \f2 \fs58 \plain \f2 \fs58 \b MAP\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\page\par cation:\par \par \pard\phpg\posx9163\pvpg\posy3201\absw638\absh292 \f3 \fs22 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 FEES:\par \par \pard\phpg\posx4737\pvpg\posy5404\absw1022\absh388\nowrap \f3 \fs32 \i \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs32 '7 /\par \par \pard\phpg\posx6523\pvpg\posy5894\absw1310\absh307 \f3 \fs22 \i0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Phone: ( )\par \par \pard\phpg\posx9475\pvpg\posy5880\absw1008\absh302 \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Fax ( )\par \par \pard\phpg\posx12475\pvpg\posy15710\absw216\absh187\nowrap \f3 \fs14 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs14 I\par \par \pard\cols1\sect\cols2 \colno1\colw5131 \colsr144\colno2\colw4392 \f3 \fs22 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 ChCi~ OF NEWPO#BEACH\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs14 COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEWELOPMENT \f3 \fs14 PLANNING \f1 \fs14 DEPARTMENT\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs14 3300 NEWFORT BOULEVARD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs14 NEWF~RT BEACH, CA 92658\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs14 (949) 644-3200; FAX (949) 644-3250\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \b \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 PART I: Cover Page\par \pard \par \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \ul \f3 \fs22 \i Proiect Common Name \f3 \fs22 \i0 (if applicable):\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ulnone \par \f3 \fs22 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 APPLICANT (Print):\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 ~Us~ Permit No. '\par \pard \tqr\tx288 \tx432 \tx2736 \tab \f3 \fs22 121\tab \f3 \fs22 Planning Director's\tab \f3 \fs22 :\par \pard \par \tx432 \tab \f3 \fs22 Use Permit No.\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 121 G.P.A./Amendment No. \f3 \fs22 l~ Variance No.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 CONTACT PERSON (if different):\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw1660 \colsr3643\colno2\colw1670 \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Mailing Address:\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Mailing Address:\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Phone: (~{\'80}) 6 75-- 77V5 Fax (qYg)\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Property Owner (if different from above):\par \pard \par \sl480 \tx3024 \tx3312 \f3 \fs22 Mailing Address: \f3 \fs22 \i /01 7\tab \tab \f3 \fs22 ~ . \f2 \fs22 ~dA\line \f3 \fs22 \i0 Phone: (@@) 67~ 77~\tab \f3 \fs22 F~ (~{\'a2}a)\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \b \tx3312 \f3 \fs22 PROJECT ADDRESS:\tab \f3 \fs22 /~/~ ~-. "~/~LC~O/q ~LVZ~\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Project Description (If applying for a variance, also complete attached form for required findings.):\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 PROPERTY OVCNER'S AFFIDAVIT\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 (I) (We) '---~ ~/{\'a2}.;/W depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s) of the\par \pard ue/a~d correct to the best of (my) (our)\par \pard \tx3600 \tqc\tx7200 \f3 \fs22 knowledge and belief.\tab \tab \f3 \fs22 ( / /~ .), /{\'a2}{\'a2}~(~,\line \tab \f3 \fs22 Signature(s)\tab \f3 \fs22 \_'~(~7 \_~:t~\f3 \fs22 \up "~'~v" \f1 \fs22 \plain \f1 \fs22 ~'" \f3 \fs22 ---\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 NOTE: An agent may sign for the owner if written authorization from the record owner is filed with the application.\par \pard \page\par LINE\par \pard \par rvice Permits, etc.\par \pard \par \sect\cols3 \colno1\colw2510 \colsr2683\colno2\colw1540 \colsr1368\colno3\colw2736 \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 General Plan Designation:\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Zoning District:\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Coastal Zone: YES or NO\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Date Filed: S -{\'80}~"0\\ Fee Pd: \f2 \fs22 ~~\_,\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 Date Deemed Complete:\par \pard \tx4608 \f3 \fs22 Posting Date:\tab \f3 \fs22 Ma'ling Date: \f3 \fs22 \up ~ \f3 \fs22 \plain \f3 \fs22 \i ~/I ~,\par \pard \f3 \fs22 \i0 Plying Dir~ctorAction ~~ ~ ~/~ ~\par \pard \tx5904 \f3 \fs22 Date ~/~/~1\tab \f3 \fs22 Appeal\par \pard \par \sl480 \tx5904 \f3 \fs22 P.C. H{\'a2}~ng\tab \f3 \fs22 P.C. Action\line \f3 \fs22 Date\tab \f3 \fs22 Appeal\line \f3 \fs22 C.C. He.rig\tab \f3 \fs22 C.C. Action\par \pard \par \f3 \fs16 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs16 F\\USERSXPLNXSHARED\\ 1 FORMS\\USE-AF'P.DOC\par \pard \page\par ng District:\par \par \pard\phpg\posx4656\pvpg\posy5241\absw1156\absh460 \f3 \fs18 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Existing \f3 \fs18 Development\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1814\pvpg\posy6710\absw1156\absh273\nowrap \f3 \fs18 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Lot Depth (f0\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1814\pvpg\posy7171\absw1200\absh249\nowrap \f3 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Setback Yards\par \par \pard\phpg\posx2534\pvpg\posy7593\absw777\absh676\nowrap \f3 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Front (if)\par \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Side (it)\par \par \pard\phpg\posx2539\pvpg\posy8443\absw422\absh662\nowrap \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 Side\par \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 Rear\par \par \pard\phpg\posx9360\pvpg\posy5217\absw1156\absh465 \f3 \fs18 \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Zoning Code \f3 \fs18 Requirement\par \par \pard\cols1\f3 \fs18 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 PART II: \f3 \fs18 \b0 Project Data \f3 \fs18 \b S\f3 \fs18 \dn i\par \pard \f3 \fs18 \plain \f3 \fs18 \b \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw2092 \colsr2611\colno2\colw2059 \f3 \fs18 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Project Common Name:\par \pard \f3 \fs18 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Application Number(s):\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs18 \b0 \tx4752 \f3 \fs18 Project Address/Location:\tab \f3 \fs18 Assessors Parcel Number(s):\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Legal Description (Attach on separate sheet, if necessary):\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw1660 \colsr3052\colno2\colw1756 \f3 \fs18 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Existing Land Use:\par \pard \f3 \fs18 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Proposed Land Use:\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs18 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Land Use Designation:\par \pard \par \f3 \fs18 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Proposed Development\par \pard \par \f3 \fs24 \tx2880 \tx5328 \f3 \fs24 Lot Width (i~)\tab \f3 \fs24 ~-~. ~" '\tab \f3 \fs24 ~'2. if/\par \pard \par \f3 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Gross Floor Area (sO\par \pard \par \line \f3 \fs18 Hours of Operation\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Number of seats\par \pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 Dwelling Units\par \pard \page\par 4\par \par \pard\cols1\f3 \fs22 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 PART III: Plans\par \pard \par to scale and 8 sets reduced. All \f3 \fs22 \b plans shall be collated, stapled and folded to a size of 8{\'bd}" by 14", maximum.\par \pard \par pard \par \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 \b \ulnone A. Plot Pla.\_~n\par \pard \par on contiguous properties:\par \pard \par \ql \li1080\fi-360 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 {\'95}\tab \f3 \fs22 Vicinity Map.\par \pard \par \ql \li1080\fi-360 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 {\'95}\tab \f3 \fs22 North arrow.\par \pard \par \ql \li1080\fi-360 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 {\'95}\tab \f3 \fs22 Scale of the plan.\par \pard \par \ql \li1080\fi-360 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 {\'95}\tab \f3 \fs22 Existing and proposed property lines\par \pard \par \ql \li1080\fi-360 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 {\'95}\tab \f3 \fs22 Required and proposed yard setback lines.\par \pard \par s, dedications and easements.\par \pard \par \tx720 \tx1152 \tab \f3 \fs22 {\'95}\tab \f3 \fs22 Locations of existing and proposed structures, additions, utilities, driveways, walks, and\line \tab \tab \f3 \fs22 open spaces.\par \pard \par \ql \li1080\fi-360 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 {\'95}\tab \f3 \fs22 Any structures to be relocated, removed or demolished.\par \pard \par \ql \li1080\fi-360 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 {\'95}\tab \f3 \fs22 Locations, heights, and materials of existing and proposed wails and fences.\par \pard \par \ql \li1080\fi-360 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 {\'95}\tab \f3 \fs22 Locations, dimensions and descriptions of parking areas.\par \pard \par and any significant natural features.\par \pard form showing compliance with applicable property \f3 \fs22 development regulations (i.e., density, floor area limits, height, parking, etc.)\par \pard \page\par \paperh15897\paperw13248\margt288\margl432\margr1584\margb432\sbknone \plain\phpg\posx8985\pvpg\posy5476\absw1372\absh561 \f3 \fs58 \b \absw360 {\fs58 I} \par\pard \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 \b0 Sylvia Bice, \f3 \fs20 949-675-7743\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1900\pvpg\posy6297\absw494\absh249 \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 FOR:\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1905\pvpg\posy9590\absw1180\absh259 \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 LOCATION:\par \par \pard\phpg\posx6926\pvpg\posy10828\absw1382\absh273 \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 April 25, 2001\par \par \pard\cols1\f3 \fs20 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH \f3 \fs20 PLANNING DEPARTMENT \f3 \fs20 \b PRO~ECT REVIEW REQUEST\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \b0 \qj \fi1440 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Date: April \f3 \fs20 \ul 11. 2001 \f3 \fs20 \ulnone Staff Planner: \f3 \fs20 \ul Jay Garcia, 644-3206\par \pard \f3 \fs20 \ulnone \par f3 \fs20 BUILDING/GRADING DEPARTMENT \f3 \fs20 COMMUNITY SERVICES \f3 \fs20 \sl480 \f3 \fs20 XPLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) \f3 \fs20 \_PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT.\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 POLICE DEPARTMENT/VICE & INTELLIGENCE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 MARINE SAFETY\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 REVENUE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Commercial Development Only)\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw1814 \colsr1070\colno2\colw3873 \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 APPLICATION OF:\par \pard \column \f3 \fs20 \tx2592 \f3 \fs20 Sylvia Bice\tab \f3 \fs20 ] CONTACT:\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \b \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Use Permit No. UP2001-014 and\par \pard \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Modification Permit No. MD2001-038 (PA2001-067)\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw1473 \colsr220\colno2\colw8020 \f3 \fs20 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 DESCRIPTION:\par \pard \column single family dwelling. The building is non\-\f3 \fs20 conforming due to the side yard setback of 3 feet 6 inches where the Zoning Code reqfftres a \f3 \fs20 nfnaimum of 4 feet.\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 1813 E. Balboa Boulevard\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw3801 \colsr1286\colno2\colw1905 \f3 \fs28 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs28 [REPORT REQUESTED BY:\par \pard \f3 \fs28 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs28 April 19, 2001\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REVIEW:\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw4209 \colsr144\colno2\colw5923 \f3 \fs80 \b \absw360 {\fs80 ff~} \par\pard \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 \b0 \i eck all that apply:\par \pard expected to alter the project design.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 [~ I contacted the applicant on\par \pard \f3 \fs20 \ql \li720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 [~ Recommended conditions of approval are attached.\par \pard ly \f3 \fs20 impact or alter the design of the project.\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 \b to: \f3 \fs20 \b0 [] schedule an appointment for Code review, [] discuss the\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 following (attach separate sheet if necessary):.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS (~ see attached):\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \b \tqc\tx5184 \tqr\tx7056 \f3 \fs20 Simaature:\tab \f3 \fs20 Ext.\tab \f3 \fs20 Date:\par \pard \page\par Bice\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1814\pvpg\posy6283\absw489\absh259 \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 FOR:\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1819\pvpg\posy9580\absw1171\absh249 \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 LOCATION:\par \par \pard\cols1\f3 \fs20 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH \f3 \fs20 PLANNING DEPARTMENT \f3 \fs20 \b PROJECT REVIEW \f3 \fs20 \b0 REQUEST\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \qj \fi1440 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Date: April 11. 2001 \f3 \fs20 Staff Planner: \f3 \fs20 \ul Jay Garcia, 644-3206\par \pard \f3 \fs20 \ulnone \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw3993 \colsr1142\colno2\colw4046 \f3 \fs54 \b \absw710 {\fs54 ~i~} \par\pard \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 \b0 : PUBLIC WORK\f3 \fs20 \dn S \f3 \fs20 \plain \f3 \fs20 D~PARTMENT/\par \pard \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 X PLANS ATTACHToD (PLEASE RETURN)\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \tx4320 \f3 \fs20 FIRE DEPARTMENT\tab \f3 \fs20 \_PLANS \f1 \fs20 ON \f3 \fs20 FILE IN PLANNING DEPT.\par \pard \f3 \fs20 BUILDING/GRADING DEPARTMENT\line \f3 \fs20 COMMUNITY SERVICES\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 POLICE DEPARTMENT/VICE & INTELLIGENCE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 MAILINE SAFETY\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 REVENUE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Commeroial Development Only)\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw1814 \colsr3835\colno2\colw2798 \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 APPLICATION OF:\par \pard \f3 \fs20 \tx1584 \f3 \fs20 CONTACT:\tab \f3 \fs20 Sylvia Biee,\line \tab \f3 \fs20 949-675-7743\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \b \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Use Permit No. UP2001-014 and\par \pard \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Modification Permit No. MD2001-038 (PA2001-067)\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw1468 \colsr230\colno2\colw8006 \f3 \fs20 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 DESCRIPTION:\par \pard \column ingle family dwelling. The building is non\-\f3 \fs20 conforming due to the side yard setback of 3 feet 6 inches where the Zoning Code reqff~res a \f3 \fs20 mifftmum of 4 feet.\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 1813 E. Balboa Boulevard\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw3801 \colsr1286\colno2\colw1900 \f3 \fs30 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs30 ]REPORT REQUESTED BY:\par \pard \f3 \fs30 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs30 April 19, 2001\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw3700 \colsr1310\colno2\colw1516 \f3 \fs20 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REVIEW:\par \pard \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 April25,2001\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw4152 \colsr144\colno2\colw5918 \f3 \fs58 \b \absw504 {\fs58 ~N} \par\pard \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 \up \b0 \i k \f3 \fs20 \plain \f3 \fs20 \i all that applw\par \pard the project design.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 contacted the applicant on\par \pard \f3 \fs20 \ql \li720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 [~ Recommended conditions of approval are attached.\par \pard ill \f3 \fs20 \ulnone substantially \f3 \fs20 impact or alter the design of the project.\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 to: I~ schedule an appointment for Code review, ~1 discuss the\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 following (attach separate sheet if necessary):.\par \pard \par \f1 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs20 ADDITIONAL \f3 \fs20 COMMENTS (~ see attached):\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Date: 4, \f3 \fs36 17.,31\par \pard \page\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1718\pvpg\posy9580\absw1171\absh249 \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 LOCATION:\par \par \pard\phpg\posx6729\pvpg\posy10828\absw1382\absh288 \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 April25,2001\par \par \pard\cols1\f3 \fs20 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH \f3 \fs20 PLANNING DEPARTMENT \f3 \fs20 \b PROJECT REVIEW \f3 \fs20 \b0 REQUEST\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \qj \fi1440 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Date: \f3 \fs20 \ul April 11, 2001 \f3 \fs20 \b \ulnone StaffPlanner: \f3 \fs20 \b0 \ul Jay Garcia, 644-3206\par \pard \f3 \fs20 \ulnone \par \f3 \fs20 \tqc\tx288 \tqc\tx2448 \tx5184 \tab \f3 \fs20 X\tab \f3 \fs20 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/\tab \f3 \fs20 X\_\_PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN)\line \tab \f1 \fs20 --\tab \f3 \fs20 INEE\par \pard \tqr\tx3312 \tx6336 \tab \f3 \fs68 \b ~E\tab \f3 \fs20 \b0 FILE IN PLANNING DEPT.\par \pard \tx6048 \tab \f3 \fs20 ON\par \pard \tx3312 \tab \f3 \fs20 PARTMENT\par \pard \tqr\tx3312 \tab \f3 \fs20 COMMUNITY SERVICES\par \pard \ql \li720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 POLICE DEPARTMENT/VICE & INTELLIGENCE \f3 \fs20 MARINE SAFETY \f3 \fs20 REVENUE\par \pard \ql \li720\fi-720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 --\tab \f3 \fs20 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Commercial Development Only)\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw1814 \colsr936\colno2\colw7060 \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 APPLICATION OF:\par \pard \column \f3 \fs58 \b \tx2880 \tx4320 \tx4464 \tx7056 \f3 \fs58 I\f3 \fs20 \b0 Sylvia Bite\tab \f3 \fs20 CONTACT:\tab \f3 \fs20 [ Sylvia Biee,\line \tab \tab \tab \f3 \fs20 949-675-7743\tab \f3 \fs20 ]\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \b \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Use Permit No. UP2001-014 and\par \pard \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Modification Permit No. MD2001-038 (PA2001-067)\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw1473 \colsr220\colno2\colw8011 \f3 \fs20 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 DESCRIPTION:\par \pard \column ngle family dwelling. The building is non-\f3 \fs20 confornfmg due to the side yard setback of 3 feet 6 inches where the Zoning Code requires a \f3 \fs20 minimum of 4 feet.\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 1813 E. Balboa Boulevard\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw3720 \colsr1281\colno2\colw1905 \f3 \fs30 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs30 REPORT REQUESTED BY:\par \pard \f3 \fs30 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs30 April 19, 2001\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REVIEW:\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw4147 \colsr144\colno2\colw5918 \f3 \fs20 \i \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Check qJl that appl'{\'80}:\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 \i0 ~ comments on the project as presented.\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 [~1 Application of Standard Code requirements\par \pard \ql \fi360 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 are not expected to alter the project design.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 contacted the applicant on\par \pard \f3 \fs20 \ql \li720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 [~ Recommended conditions of approval are attached.\par \pard ll \f3 \fs20 \ulnone substantially \f3 \fs20 impact or alter the design of the project.\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 to: IS1 schedule an appointment for Code review, I~1 discuss the\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 following (attach separate sheet if necessary):\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS (~ see attached):\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \tx1584 \f3 \fs20 Ext.\tab \f3 \fs20 Date:\par \pard \page\par \par \pard\phpg\posx1704\pvpg\posy9624\absw1171\absh259 \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 LOCATION:\par \par \pard\phpg\posx6715\pvpg\posy10848\absw1387\absh288 \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 April 25, 2001\par \par \pard\phpg\posx6724\pvpg\posy14976\absw417\absh288 \f3 \fs20 \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Ext.\par \par \pard\phpg\posx8222\pvpg\posy14980\absw532\absh264 \f3 \fs20 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Date:\par ard \par ard \f3 \fs20 \ulnone \par \f3 \fs20 \tx864 \tx5184 \tab \f3 \fs20 PUBLIC WORKS \f3 \fs20 \i DEPARTMENT/\tab \f3 \fs20 \i0 2(PLANS ATrACHED (PLEASE RETUPdq)\line \tab \f3 \fs20 TRAFFIC ENGINEER\par \pard \absw4694 {\fs68 ~} \par\pard \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 \_PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT.\par \pard \par \tx864 \tab \f3 \fs20 POLICE DEPARTMENT/VICE & INTELLIGENCE\par \pard \tx864 \tab \f3 \fs20 MARINE SAFETY\par \pard \tx864 \tab \f3 \fs20 REVENUE\par \pard \tx864 \tab \f3 \fs20 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Commercial Development Only)\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw1819 \colsr1065\colno2\colw5577 \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 APPLICAqTON OF:\par \pard \column \f3 \fs20 \tx2736 \tx4320 \f3 \fs20 Sylvia Bite\tab \f3 \fs20 [ CONTACT:\tab \f3 \fs20 Sylvia Bice,\par \pard \qr \ri2880 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs34 \b I\par \pard \tx4320 \tab \f3 \fs20 \b0 949-675-7743\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \b \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Use Permit No. UP2001-014 and\par \pard \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Modification Permit No, MD2001-038 (PA2001-067)\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw1473 \colsr220\colno2\colw8020 \f3 \fs20 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 DESCRIPTION:\par \pard \column single family dwelling. The building is non\-\f3 \fs20 conforming due to the side yard setback of 3 feet 6 inches where the Zoning Code reqtf~res a \f3 \fs20 minimum of 4 feet.\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 1813 E. Balboa Boulevard\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw3806 \colsr1281\colno2\colw1915 \f3 \fs30 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs30 ]REPORT REQUESTED BY:\par \pard \f3 \fs30 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs30 April 19, 2001\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REVIEW:\par \pard \par \sect\cols2 \colno1\colw4152 \colsr144\colno2\colw5923 \f3 \fs20 \i \ul \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 Check all that avolv."\par \pard \absw604 {\fs68 ~} \par\pard ject design.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 contacted the applicant on\par \pard \f3 \fs20 \ql \li720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 [~ Recommended conditions of approval are attached.\par \pard ll \f3 \fs20 \ulnone substantially \f3 \fs20 impact or alter the design of the project.\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 \b to: \f3 \fs20 \b0 I~ schedule an appomlment for Code review, ~ discuss the\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \f3 \fs20 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 following (attach separate sheet if necessary):\par \pard \par \f3 \fs20 \qj \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs20 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS (1~ See attached): \f3 \fs20 Signature: ~*\par \pard \page\par \paperh15897\paperw13132\margt288\margl432\margr1584\margb432\sbknone \plain\cols1\f3 \fs22 \ul \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 PUBLIC NOTICE\par \pard \par \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 \b \ulnone Use Permit No. UP2001-014\par \pard \qc \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 \b0 (PA2001-067)\par \pard \par ard setback of 3 feet 6 inches where the Zoning Code requires a \f3 \fs22 minimum of 4 feet.\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 For the property located at: \f3 \fs22 \b 1813 E. Balboa Boulevard\par \pard \par horized agent ag~ieved of that decision may file a notice of appeal to the Planning Commission \f3 \fs22 with a filing fee of $714.00 to defray the cost of the appeal procedure.\par \pard \par nning Department, City of Newport Beach, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, \f3 \fs22 California, 92658-8915. For further infom~ation contact the Newport Beach Planning Department, (949) \f3 \fs22 644-3200.\par \pard \par e California Environmental Quality Act under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) and Class 3 \f3 \fs22 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures).\par \pard \par \f3 \fs22 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs22 NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant.\par \pard \page\par r \par \pard\phpg\posx10987\pvpg\posy4310\absw691\absh249 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92663\par \par \pard\phpg\posx3230\pvpg\posy8712\absw705\absh249 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\cols1\sect\cols3 \colno1\colw3225 \colsr681\colno2\colw3288 \colsr504\colno3\colw3312 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-191-16\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 SANDRA L GIORDANO\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1641 E BALBOA BLVD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-03\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 KRAUS\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 78 CHANDON\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT COAST CA\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-01\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NICHOLAS SCALZO\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1701 E BALBOA BLVD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-06\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 C M ROBERTS\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 19845 E GOLDEN BOUGH DR\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 COVINA CA 91724\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \tqr\tx3312 \f1 \fs18 048-221-02\line \f1 \fs18 VALESKA SHAFFER\line \f1 \fs18 1705 E BALBOA BLVD\line \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\tab \f1 \fs18 92661\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \tqr\tx3312 \f1 \fs18 048-221-10\line \f1 \fs18 TERESE A MILLER\line \f1 \fs18 1817 E BALBOA BLVD\line \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\tab \f1 \fs18 92661\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols3 \colno1\colw3230 \colsr681\colno2\colw3259 \colsr547\colno3\colw2438 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-11\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 LOUISE A MCCLURE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1821 E BALBOA BLVD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-12\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 THOMAS HOGAN\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1903 E BALBOA BLVD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-13\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 HARLEY B GOODING\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 260 CAGNEY LN 308\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols3 \colno1\colw3244 \colsr681\colno2\colw2980 \colsr835\colno3\colw3283 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-14\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 RONALD L BAERS\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1911 E BALBOA BLVD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-18\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 ROBERT A STILES\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 8505 LARKDALE RD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 SAN GABRIEL CA 91775\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-19\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 STEVEN J NATAUPSKY\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1724 PLAZA DEL NORTH\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols3 \colno1\colw3115 \colsr806\colno2\colw2841 \colsr964\colno3\colw3283 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-20\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 GEORGINA WEISSPETERSON\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 PO BOX 681084\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 PARK CITY UT 84068\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-21\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 DONALD H PAULSON\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 480 COTTON ST\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 MENLO PARK CA 94025\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-22\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 SALLY A BENDEL\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1710 PLAZA DEL NORTE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols3 \colno1\colw2275 \colsr1656\colno2\colw3259 \colsr552\colno3\colw2289 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-24\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 JAMES C BICE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1711 MIPJkMAR DR\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-26+2~\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 MARY A JAVELERA\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1752 PLAZA DEL NORTE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-28\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 RAY R DONALD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 601 PERSHING \f1 \fs18 \b DR\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 \b0 OCEANO CA 93445\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols3 \colno1\colw3240 \colsr681\colno2\colw3268 \colsr547\colno3\colw3283 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-29\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 WILLIAM V SCHMIDT\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1805 E BALBOA BLVD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-30\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 VAL W DETLING\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1744 PLAZA DEL NORTE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-31\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 LOUIS J TOMASELLI\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1740 PLAZA DEL NORTE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols3 \colno1\colw2251 \colsr1675\colno2\colw3273 \colsr537\colno3\colw3288 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-32\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 ROBERT I RUBIN\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 i PARK PLZ 300 \f1 \fs18 IRVINE CA 92614\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-33\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 ANDREW \f1 \fs18 \b J & \f1 \fs18 \b0 JANE EVANS\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1730 PLAZA DEL NORTE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-34\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 DAVID S & A/qN ARCHIE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1704 PLAZA DEL NORTH\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols3 \colno1\colw3244 \colsr676\colno2\colw3273 \colsr547\colno3\colw2433 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-221-35\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 GAY & JOHN FOTSCH\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1706 PLAZA DEL NORTE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \tqr\tx3312 \f1 \fs18 048-222-01\line \f1 \fs18 MICHAEL J MCDONALD\line \f1 \fs18 1703 PLAZA DEL SUR\line \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\tab \f1 \fs18 92661\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-222-02\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 BYRON M CAVANEY\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1169 CREST LN\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 MC LEAN VA 22101\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par b \f1 \fs18 PO BOX 990-TRUST DEPT\par \pard \tx3888 \tx7776 \tqr\tx10368 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\tab \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\tab \f1 \fs18 LAS VEGAS NV\tab \f1 \fs18 89125\par \pard \page\par r \par \pard\phpg\posx7113\pvpg\posy1516\absw705\absh249 \f1 \fs18 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx10944\pvpg\posy1512\absw691\absh249 \f1 \fs18 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx10958\pvpg\posy2942\absw705\absh259 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx10972\pvpg\posy4406\absw705\absh249 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx10987\pvpg\posy5851\absw691\absh259 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx10704\pvpg\posy7315\absw696\absh235 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 90077\par \par \pard\phpg\posx11001\pvpg\posy10238\absw691\absh249 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx3211\pvpg\posy11678\absw720\absh264 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx7171\pvpg\posy11664\absw705\absh288 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx3225\pvpg\posy14616\absw710\absh259 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx11016\pvpg\posy14606\absw691\absh249 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\cols1\sect\cols3 \colno1\colw3283 \colsr633\colno2\colw3484 \colsr307\colno3\colw3345 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-233-17\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 WALDEMAR WALCHAK\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1645 SAMAR PL\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 COSTA MESA CA 92626\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-233-20\par \pard \tqc\tx576 \tx1296 \tab \f1 \fs18 EDWARD J\tab \f1 \fs18 GLOBOKAR\par \pard \tqc\tx576 \tab \f1 \fs18 500 J ST\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-233 -24\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 SAMMY L RAGLAND\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 4113 W BART DR\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 CHANDLER AZ 85226\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-240-20\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 ROBERT F BEAUCHAMP\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1641 LANGLEY AVE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 IRVINE CA 92614\par \pard \par \f3 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 o48-24o-41,4Z~4S \f1 \fs18 HENRY W BUCKINGHAM\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 PO BOX 7935\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92658\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \tqr\tx3168 \f1 \fs18 048-240-46\line \f1 \fs18 CLAYTON E & MARY\tab \f1 \fs18 JANDRO\line \f1 \fs18 506 K ST\line \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\tab \f1 \fs18 92661\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-240-49\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 MARY BONCUTTTER\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 500 K ST\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-233-15\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 RALPH E BERNARD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1801 E BAY AVE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \par \f1 \fs24 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs24 o48-233-18{\'f7}Z\f1 \fs24 \dn I\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 \plain \f1 \fs18 W R HERVEY\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1806 E BALBOA BLVD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-233-26\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 TWELVE PAWS LIMITED\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 6137 N SCOTTDALE 108\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 SCOTTSDALE AZ 85250\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-240-24\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 POINT DEVELOPMENT\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 980 SINGINGWOOD DR\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 ARCADIA CA 91006\par \pard \par \f1 \fs34 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs34 w, ucKi\} /\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-240-47\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 W S & CASSIE WALKER\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 11650 DIAMOND POINTE CT\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46236\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-252-02 \f1 \fs18 CATHERINE JOHNSON \f1 \fs18 340 L ST\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-233-16\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 STUART A COGAN\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1803 E BAY AVE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-233-19\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEIL M BARTH\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1813 E BAY AVE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-233-22\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 TWELVE PAWS LTD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 505 K ST\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-233-27\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 BRIAN K MALLIET\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 503 K ST\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-240-25\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 ROBERT C BOGERT\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 254 BEL AIR RD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 LOS ANGELES CA\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-240-44\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 WILLIAM T MEDLEY\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1911 E BAY AVE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-240-48\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 KELLY W PAULS\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 502 K ST\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-252-03\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 CHARLES P DE LAWTER\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 338 L ST\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols3 \colno1\colw2822 \colsr1123\colno2\colw3259 \colsr537\colno3\colw3283 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-252-05\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 ANN MCNAMEE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 2809 HACKETT AVE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 LONG BEACH CA 90815\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-252-16\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 STANFORD C KING\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 2005 E BALBOA BLVD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-252-17\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 ALLEN & JEAN KLOSOWSKI\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 2001 E BALBOA BLVD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols3 \colno1\colw2260 \colsr1656\colno2\colw2577 \colsr1228\colno3\colw2452 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-252-18\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 LESTER E KEP\}-LART\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 326 L ST\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-252-20\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 RICHARD K MATROS\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1214 SWARTHMORE DR\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 GLENDALE CA 91206\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-252-21\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 JAMES W WHITEHEAD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 332 L ST\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\page\par r \par \pard\phpg\posx3067\pvpg\posy10300\absw710\absh249 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx3100\pvpg\posy14692\absw710\absh249 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx6969\pvpg\posy4440\absw710\absh259 \f1 \fs18 \b \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx7003\pvpg\posy7348\absw710\absh249 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx7027\pvpg\posy10286\absw705\absh259 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx7041\pvpg\posy11750\absw705\absh273 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx7056\pvpg\posy14673\absw710\absh259 \f1 \fs18 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx10814\pvpg\posy4425\absw705\absh249 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx10876\pvpg\posy11726\absw696\absh273 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92659\par \par \pard\phpg\posx10886\pvpg\posy13195\absw691\absh259 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard\phpg\posx10900\pvpg\posy14649\absw681\absh259 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 92661\par \par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-222-09\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 GARY A CAMPBELL\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1735 PLAZA DEL SUR\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-222-19\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 WARD T HANAWALT\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 2580 3RD ST\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 LA VERNE CA 91750\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 O48-222-22\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 JOHN E & JUDY RHODES\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 PO BOX 561\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-222-25\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 DON;tLD S BLESSING\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1710 MIP3H~A.R DR\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-222-33\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 STEWART R WRIGHT\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 iii SIERRA VISTA DR \f1 \fs18 REDLANDS CA 92373\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-222-07\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 DARRALD G LESSARD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1725 PLAZA DEL SUR\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-222-10\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 FRANK J HARTLESS\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1737 PLAZA DEL SUR\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-222-20\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 GEORGE W GURR\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1730 MIR.Z@4ARDR\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-222-23\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 BARBARA A KRANYAK\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 7037 SUNNYSLOPEAVE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 VAN NUYS CA 91405\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-222-26\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 JOHND BROWN\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1706 MIRAMAR DR\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-222-34\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 DONALD T KEYS\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1753 PLAZA DEL SUR\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-222-08\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 MILTON & JUNE HOMER\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 409 INDIGO SPRINGS ST\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 HENDERSON NV 89014\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-222-11\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 ROBERT E PETTIT\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1741 PLAZA DEL SUR \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-222-21\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 ALICE P BRAME\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1726 MIRAMAR DR\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-222-24\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 LORE R GROVE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 326 REGATTA WAY\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 SEAL BEACH CA 90740\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \tqr\tx3456 \f1 \fs18 048-222-32\line \f1 \fs18 LOIS M MARR\line \f1 \fs18 1747 PLAZA DEL SUR\line \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\tab \f1 \fs18 92661\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-232-11\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 LYNDON D &ANNE COLE \f1 \fs18 507J ST\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols3 \colno1\colw2280 \colsr1656\colno2\colw2433 \colsr1382\colno3\colw3139 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-232-12\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 PETER A WRIGHT\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 505 J ST\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-232-13\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 LETA G FARNSWORTH\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1713 E BAY AVE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-232-14\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 MERLE \f1 \fs18 \b D ROTHM\_~.N\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 \b0 701 OCF2%N AVE 201\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 SANTA MONICA CA 90402\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols3 \colno1\colw3009 \colsr921\colno2\colw3273 \colsr408\colno3\colw2592 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-232-17 ~Z~\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 RODGER T COSGROVE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 712 N LA CADENA DR\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 COLTON CA 92324\par \pard \par \ql \fi720 \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs32 \b w MERS / \f1 \fs32 1709 E) Y AVE/\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \b0 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-232-182 2~\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 SALLYW SOMERS\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1709 E BAY AVE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH.CA\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-232;24\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 ROY~J SOMERS\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 471 N NEWPORT BLVD 301\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 .048-232-20\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 THOMPSON\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 POBOX 2912\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \par \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-232-25\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 LETA G FARNSWORTH\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 1713 E BAY AVE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\par \sect\cols3 \colno1\colw2251 \colsr1656\colno2\colw2304 \colsr1512\colno3\colw2318 \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-232-26\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 THOMAS M THORLEY\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 500 I ST\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048-232-27\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 JAMES F WRIGHT\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 502 I ST\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \f1 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 048z232-28\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 BRUCE W BENNETT\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 506 I ST\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f1 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0\page\par or \f1 \fs18 5~606\par \par \pard\cols1\sect\cols2 \colno1\colw2750 \colsr1123\colno2\colw3316 \f3 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 JAMES & SYLVIA BICE\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 1813 E. BALBOA BOULEVARD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661\par \pard \f3 \fs18 \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 BALBOA PENINSULA POINT ASSOC\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 ATTN TOM AHERN\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 1310 E BALBOA BLVD\par \pard \ql \tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880 \tx3600 \tx4320 \tx5040 \tx5760 \tx6480 \tx7200 \tx7920 \tx8640 \tx9360 \f3 \fs18 BALBOA CA \f3 \fs18 \i 92661\par \pard \sect\pard\par\sectd\sbknone\linex0}