HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/23/2010 - Study SessionCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Minutes City Council Study Session November 23, 2010 — 4:00 p.m. I. ROLL CALL Present: Council Member Selich, Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tem Henn, Mayor Curry, Council Member Webb, Council Member Gardner, Council Member Daigle II. CURRENT BUSINESS 1. CLARIFICATION OF ITEMS ON THE CONSENT CALENDAR. Regarding Item 6 (Local Signal Synchronization Plan for Measure M2 Funding Eligibility), Mayor Pro Tem Henn asked staff to verify that the plan will not result in any additional obligations on behalf of the City. In response to Council Member Gardner's question regarding Item 4 (Adoption of the 2010 California Building Codes), City Manager Kiff clarified that the wood roof issue is a separate issue. In response to her question regarding Item 11 (Termination of Corona del Mar Concession Agreement), City Manager Kiff stated that the City is not paying Fuji Grill to terminate the lease. He discussed the items that the City allowed the owner to remove from the location. 2. DOCK RECONFIGURATION AT 2901 WEST COAST HIGHWAY. Shannon Levin utilized a PowerPoint presentation that included the history of the dock, maps, the proposed marina, current issues, project process, marina benefits, pier head line, and project line. In response to Council questions, Harbor Resources Supervisor Levin stated that the new dock reconfiguration eliminates 12 feet of the current overhang. Harbor Resources Manager Miller stated that the Federal Government only prohibits projection into the project line during dredging projects, reported that the commercial lease will be included as a special condition, stated that there is adequate parking to accommodate the project, noted that the property owner will be the lessee and dock applicant, and explained how the Federal project line, bulk head, and project lines are calculated. Mayor Pro Tem, Henn requested more information, suggested that staff provide survey information that includes the number of large private and commercial boats, asked for the number of boats in the Harbor that are currently piercing the project line, and expressed concern for setting a precedent that could be applicable in other areas of the Harbor. He also stated that the lease should be based on the highest and best use. Council Member Webb expressed concern that large: boats will overrun the water. Mayor Curry believed that large charter vessels should be accommodated, stated that the applicant has worked with staff in a fair and effective way to improve the Harbor, and believed that Mariner's Mile is an adequate location for such a project. Volume 59 - Page 634 City of Newport Beach City Council Study Session November 23, 2010 City Manager Kiff stated that the two issues are the boats protruding past the project line and boat sizes. Robert Lansbury, applicant, stated they are working hard to comply with the requests from staff. John Corrough stated that there are currently over 360 vessels that protrude over the project line, noted that there are no size limit for vessels, and provided boat statistical information for the Harbor. Mayor Pro Tem Henn suggested that the statistical information provided by Mr. Corrough be verged by City staff. Karen Rhyne, Harbor Commission, stated that there are boats that are currently in violation of the current rule and suggested that the City Attorney research laws that pertain to this issue. In response to Council Member Daigle's question, Harbor Resources Manager Miller stated that the Harbor Area Management Plan (RAMP) addresses harbor lines. He also provided a framework to change the project lines. Ralph Rodheim suggested that the project be divided into two phases to address the overhang issue and project line. He believed that large boats are a safety issue. City Manager Kiff invited residents to provide suggestions to staff and the Harbor Commission about the overhang issue and re- visitation of the project line. In response to Mayor Curry's question, Harbor Resources Manager Miller stated that staff will take the Harbor Commission's suggestions into consideration. Council Member Selich suggested that the Harbor lines be changed to accommodate the boats. Council Member Gardner believed that the Harbor Commission should evaluate the issues and bring the item back to Council with a recommendation. Council Member Webb believed that the City should not allow violation of the project line, expressed concern about dredging projects, and noted that moving the project lines will result in financial ramifications. Mayor Pro Tem Henn stated that he would like a better understanding from the Harbor Commission about the policy issues, believed that the Office of the City Attorney (OCA) should provide legal input, and noted his reluctance to approve the project without more information. Council Member Rosansky believed that the issue is the boats and not the project line, and suggested that the City revisit the overhang rule in general. In response to Council Member Selich's question, Harbor Resources Manager Miller stated that warning letters were sent to current boat owners whose sizes are exceeding the allowance limits. Mayor Pro Tem Henn, Council Member Selich, and Council Member Rosansky agreed that no penalization should be given to the applicant until the City reaches a resolution. Webb expressed concern about the number of boats in the Harbor during recreational events. Volume 59 - Page 635 City of Newport Beach City Council Study Session November 23, 2010 Mayor Curry believed that the boats should be accommodated and agreed that the Harbor Commission should assist with a solution. 3. LIDO VILLAGE CONCEPTUAL PLANNING. Tim Collins, Consultant, utilized a PowerPoint presentation that included the project's goals and objectives, maps, photos, key points, constraints, community feedback, visioning, building alternatives, project timeline, and the next steps. Todd Larner, WHA, utilized a PowerPoint presentation that included information on understanding the site, recognizing opportunities, photos, and area history. Richard Gallas discussed the land use, housing, business opportunities, parking, ground lease, and reconfiguration of the Marina. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Henn's question, Mr. Gallas stated that all four alternatives for the site do not result in any of the stakeholders being disadvantaged. Mr. Collins provided a summary observation, stating that the study has determined that the existing configuration of the area shows a parking deficit and noted that the parking deficit is resolved in the plan. Council Member Gardner expressed concern about adding a wellness center and expressed disapointment that there was a lack of outdoor activities added to the City Hall site. Council Member Selich believed that the two alternatives might not be the best use for the site and that the ideas lack imagination. He expressed concern about the proposal for Via Lido, parking on Newport Boulevard, and the need for a wellness center. Mayor Pro Tem Henn asked the difference in parking demand between tour boat requirements versus no tour boats. He also asked, if the tour boat use that is incorporated in the plan was eliminated, how much open space and room for creativity will be provided. In response to Council Member Daigle's question, Mr. Gallas stated that the highest potential value for the land relates to housing and a hotel in a mixed use setting. Council Member Rosansky believed that the City needs to preserve the property for civic uses and stated that the canal idea was innovative. Council Member Selich agreed that the canal idea will be a great public space in the City. Craig Batley believed that the timeline provided for the project is too short, stated that the project needs more imagination, and expressed support for a police substation at the City Hall site. Steven Flanders expressed concern about parking in the area and believed that the fire station should not be moved. Willie asked Council to allow -him to present a plan for the area that will generate revenue for the City. George Schroeder expressed support for adding a canal and believed that a police substation would minimize crime in the area. Bob Rush believed that a wellness center does not reflect the best use of the area and stated Volume 59 - Page 636 City of Newport Beach City Council Study Session November 23, 2010 that senior housing is not needed in the area Dave Olsen, Via Lido Drug Store, believed that the ideas need to be more concrete and stated that the proposed plan does not consider current businesses. Jim Miller thanked Council for their concerns for the project and stated that the canal is a good idea that will beautify the area. Denys Oberman believed that the area needs an anchor facility that is concerned with the beauty, access, and maintenance of the coastal area. Mary Pryor believed that the area needs something exciting and expressed support for a hotel in the area. Mayor Pro Tem Henn announced that the issue will be heard at both meetings in January and stated that staff will consider all comments made. He believed that the City Hall site and Via Lido properties should be linked together, noted that the City does not have the luxury of unlimited time, and stated that a plan is needed soon so that the opportunity is not lost. 4. BALBOA YACHT BASIN RATES. City Manager Kiff announced that the item will be continued indefinitely. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None Regarding Closed Session, City Attorney Hunt reported that Council received a letter challenging the item relative to mooring issues. He notified Council that the Newport Mooring Association is considering litigation should the Council accept and support a fee increase. IV. ADJOURNMENT - 6:04 p.m. The agenda for the Study Session was posted on November 17, 2010, at 3:15 p.m. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. ak� City Clerk r:. ae-Kordlfig Secretary Volume 59 - Page 637