HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 - Annual Measure M2 Eligibility SubmittalQ �EwPpRT CITY OF O � z NEWPORT BEACH <,FORN'P City Council Staff Report June 9, 2020 Agenda Item No. 3 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: David A. Webb, Public Works Director - 949-644-3311, dawebb@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Angela Crespi, Finance and Administrative Manager acrespi@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3335 TITLE: Resolution No. 2020-53: Annual Measure M2 Eligibility Submittal ABSTRACT: In order to maintain eligibility to receive Measure M2 Fair Share and Competitive funding from the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), annual submittal of eligibility documentation is required. The submittal documentation this year requires approval of an updated Measure M2 Seven -Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and adoption of a resolution which adopts a Local Signal Synchronization Plan (LSSP) consistent with the Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Master Plan (RTSSMP). RECOMMENDATION: a) Determine this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because this action will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly; b) Adopt the Measure M2 Seven -Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP); c) Adopt Resolution No. 2020-53, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Concerning the Update of the Local Signal Synchronization Plan for the Measure M (M2) Program, and thereby adopting the updated Local Signal Synchronization Plan; and d) Direct staff to submit all necessary material to OCTA to satisfy the FY 2020-21 Measure M2 annual eligibility requirements. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Submittal of the eligibility documentation ensures that the City will continue to receive its Fair Share portion of the one-half cent Countywide transportation sales tax, commonly known as M2, as well as allow the City to participate in receiving additional funds through the Measure M Competitive grant funding programs. 3-1 Resolution No. 2020-53: Annual Measure M2 Eligibility Submittal June 9, 2020 Page 2 This amounts to several million dollars in roadway related funding each year and is a key part of our roadway maintenance program. DISCUSSION: On November 7, 2006, Orange County voters approved Ordinance No. 3, the Renewed Measure M (M2) multi -billion -dollar program extension of the original Measure M. M2 authorized the imposition of a one-half cent retail transaction and use tax for a period of 30 years starting in 2011. Current M2 legislation provides local agencies with 18% of the sales tax revenue collected under a program called "Fair Share." The distribution to each local agency is based on a formula using population, miles of existing arterial highways located within each jurisdiction, and taxable sales. An updated forecast of Local Fair Share Funds was released by OCTA in April of 2020. The updated projection at that time showed the City of Newport Beach's apportionment at approximately $1.7 million in FY 2020-21 for local street projects under the Fair Share Program. This projection represents a possible 10 percent reduction due to the economic impacts of COVID-19. To maintain eligibility for Measure M2 funds, the City must satisfy the following requirements by June 30, 2020: 1. Adopt a Measure M2 Seven -Year CIP that includes all projects to be funded partially or fully by Measure M2 dollars (Attachment A); 2. Adopt a Resolution concerning the update of the Local Signal Synchronization Plan; and 3. Submit all other required documentation required by OCTA Fiscal Year 2020-21 Measure M2 Eligibility Guidelines. The budgets shown on the Measure M2 Seven -Year CIP for Fiscal Years 2021-2022 to 2026-2027 are estimated based on anticipated spending and historic needs. Actual budgets for these years have not been established at this time. The Local Signal Synchronization Plan (LSSP) is a three-year plan identifying the City's traffic signal synchronization, street routes and traffic signals to be improved. An updated LSSP is required to be submitted to OCTA every three years. A standard item included in the City's annual eligibility documentation is a Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Certification. This required certification is meant to ensure that the local jurisdiction maintains a minimum level of local street and road expenditures and that theM2 funds are used to supplement, rather than replace, local funds. The City has complied with this and all other eligibility requirements since inception of the Measure M2 program. The FY 2020-21 MOE benchmark for the City of Newport Beach was established at $12,547,102. 3-2 Resolution No. 2020-53: Annual Measure M2 Eligibility Submittal June 9, 2020 Page 3 This benchmark was established earlier this year prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic event. Given the economic impacts of the pandemic, OCTA has established an alternative method for local agencies to meet the MOE requirement. In anticipation of the reduction in general fund revenues for FY 2019-20, the alternative option is to maintain an MOE level based on a fixed percentage of the FY 2018-19 general fund revenues. This fixed percentage is set at 5.46% for the City of Newport Beach. While staff is still preparing the calculations for this year's certification based on the proposed budget, we do not anticipate a need to elect for the alternative option. Upon City Council's approval of the recommended actions, a complete submittal of the City's eligibility packet will be transmitted to OCTA by the June 30, 2020, submission deadline. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. �[0��[�I1rev The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Measure M2 Seven -Year Capital Improvement Program Attachment B — Resolution No. 2020-53 Attachment C — Local Signal Synchronization Plan 3-3 ATTACHMENT A Measure M Seven Year Capital Improvement Program For Fiscal Years 2020-2021 through 2026-2027 City of Newport Beach lAUsers\PBW\Shared\COUNCIL\FY 19-20\21 - Jun 9\Annual Measure M2 Eligibility Submittal\Measure M 7 -yr CIP FY 20-21 SM Draft 5/28/2020 3-4 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Estimated Project Name 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 26/27 Cost Fund Source % Various Pavement 1,779,790 1,703,259 1,670,897 1,721,024 1,770,934 1,820,520 1,869,674 12,336,098.00 M Fair Share 25% Rehabilitation Projects 447,265 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 12,447,265.00 Gas Tax 25% 0 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 9,000,000.00 SB1 - RMRA 18% 100,000 100,000.00 Contributions (CalRecycle) 0.2% 2,142,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 11,142,000.00 General Fund 23% 1,832,240 1,832,240.00 PCH Relinquishment 4% 700,000 700,000.00 Neighborhood Enhancement 1% 250,000 250,000.00 Wastewater Enterprise 1% 1,200,000 1,200,000.00 Wastewater Capital 2.4% Subtotal 8,451,295 6,703,259 6,670,897 6,721,024 6,770,934 6,820,520 6,869,674 49,007,603.00 Total 100% E 845,130 670,326 667,090 672,102 677,093 682,052 686,967 C/I 7,606,166 6,032,933 6,003,807 6,048,922 6,093,841 6,138,468 6,182,707 Balboa Peninsula 106,889 106,889 106,889 320,668 M Comp 84% Shuttle/Trolley Project 20,729 20,729 20,729 62,187 Balboa Village Pkg Mgmt District 16% Subtotal 127,618 127,618 127,618 382,855 Total 100% The Balboa Peninsula 67,409 67,409 67,409 202,228 M Comp 64% Shuttle Expansion Program 38,560 38,560 38,560 115,679 Balboa Village Pkg Mgmt District 36% Subtotal 105,969 105,969 105,969 317,907 Total 100% Superior Ave and West Coast 780,000 780,000 M Comp. 14% Hwy Intersection Improvements 2,103,607 2,103,607 FFP - Parks & Community Cntrs 39% 2,349,600 2,349,600 OCTA Bicycle Cooridor Imprvmt 43% 200,000 200,000 Transportation & Circulation Fund 4% Subtotal 5,433,207 5,433,207 Total 100% Balboa Peninsula 155,400 155,400 M Fair Share 54% Crosswalks Improvements 133,159 133,159 General Fund 46% Subtotal 288,559 288,559 Total 100% Culver Dr. / Bonita Canyon Dr. 165,790 165,790 Transportation & Circulation Fund 100% Traffic Signal Synchronization Subtotal 165,790 165,790 Total 100% MacArthur Blvd Regional 158,000 158,000 General Fund 100% Traffic Signal Synchronization Subtotal 158,000 158,000 Total 100% TOTAL PROJECTED BUDGET 14,730,438 6,936,846 6,904,484 6,721,024 6,770,934 6,820,520 6,869,674 55,753,921 lAUsers\PBW\Shared\COUNCIL\FY 19-20\21 - Jun 9\Annual Measure M2 Eligibility Submittal\Measure M 7 -yr CIP FY 20-21 SM Draft 5/28/2020 3-4 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AS IDENTIFIED IN THE PROPOSED 2020-2021 CIP Description Measure M TotalFair Share (12201) Measure M Comp. (7230051, 1230052, 12300531 SBI - RM RA (12601) Gas Tax (7270 7) General Fund (01201927) Facilities Contributions Financing (13501, 13801) Plan (56201) OCTA Bicycle Transportation Corridor &Circulation Improvement (14001) (1230053) Balboa Village Parking Mgmt District (53501) Neighborhood Enhancement (53601) PCH Relinquishment (13701) Wastewater Enterprise (71101) Water Capital NMP (70201932) Various Pavement Rehabilitation Projects Alleys Reconstruction 21 R07 $1,350,000 $250,000 $1,100,000 Bonita Canyon Drive Pavement Rehabilitation 19R22 $5,799 $5,799 Cameo Highlands Street Rehabilitation 20R21 $44,067 $44,067 Concrete Replacement Program 21 R06 $750,0001 $750,000 East Coast Highway Pavement Rehabilitation 21R12 $4,100,000 $2,200,000 $67,760 $1,832,240 Jamboree Road Pavement Rehabilitation 21R15 $300,000 $300,000 Ocean Blvd Concrete Pavement Reconstruction 18825 $200,000 $200,000 Old Newport Blvd/West Coast Hwy Modifications 15819 $129,639 $129,639 Pavement Management Plan Update 21 R01 $42,000 $42,000 Slurry Seal Pro ram 21 R04 $1,100,000 $1,000,000 $100,000 Street Pavement Re air Pro ram 21 R03 $700,000 $200,000 $100,000 $400,000 Via Lido Outer Rin Roadway Rehabilitation 21 R11 $150,000 $150,000 Subtotal $8,871,505 $2,200,000 $0 $0 $447,265 $2,142,0001 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $700,000 $1,832,240 $250,000 $1,200,000 Projects funded by Measure M Com . Balboa Peninsula Shuttle/Trolley 17T13 $382,855 $320,668 $62,187 Balboa Peninsula Shuttle/TrolleyExpansion 19T13 $317,907 $202,228 $115,679 Superior Ave and West Coast Hwy Intersection Im rovements 15T09) $5,433,207 $780,0001 1 $2,103,6071 $2,349,600 $200,000 Subtotal $6,133,969 $0 $1,302,896 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,103,6071 $2,349,600 $200,000 $177,866 $0 $0 $0 $0 Miscellaneous Pro'ee Balboa Peninsula Crosswalks Improvements 19T11 $288,5591 $155,4001 i i $133,159 Culver Dr. / Bonita Canyon Dr. Traffic Signal Synchronization $165,7901 1 1 1 1 1 1 $165,790 MacArthur Blvd Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization $158,0001 1 1 1 1 $158,000 Subtotal $612,349 $155,400 $0 $0 $0 $291,159 $0 $0 $0 $165,790 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Grand Total $15,617,823 $2,355,400 $1,302,896 $0 $447,265 $2,433,159 $100,000 $2,103,607 $2,349,600 $365,790 $177,866 $700,000 $1,832,240 $250,000 $1,200,000 3-5 5/28/2020 https://ocfundtracker.octa.net/CIP/report_ project _listing Orange County Transportation Authority 2020 Capital Improvement Program TIP ID CP -10080 IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Newport Beach, City of Local Project Number: 12-NBCH-ECP-3636 Project Title Additional Project IDs: 12-NBCH-ECP-3636 Pelican Point Litter Removal (Storm Drain Interceptors Tier 1) Tier 1) Type of Work: Environmental Cleanup Project Description Project Description Type of Work Description: Environmental Install storm drain interceptors and trash skimmers to clean water before it enters the ocean. This is Cleanup - Continuous Deflection Separator (CDS) under the Storm Water Pollution Mitigation Program. Water Pollution Mitigation Program. Limits FISCAL FUND TYPE ENG ROW CON/IMP O&M TOTAL TOTAL Pelican Point HOA - by Hampden Rd. YEAR Backbay Drive near the Hyatt Regency hotel. YEAR ESCALATED Project Notes 2013 Environmental Cleanup $0 $0 $82,500 $0 $82,500 $82,500 $90,000 $90,000 Program (ECP) - Tier 1 Program (ECP) - Tier 1 Project completed FY1415 -Construction Phase 2014 In Kind Services $0 $3,628 $0 $0 $3,628 $3,628 Completed - O&M Phaseeunderway Operations $3,628 completed - O&M Phase underway Operations & 2015 In Kind Services $0 $3,628 $0 $0 and Maintenance 2015 In Kind Services $0 $3,628 $0 $0 $3,628 $3,628 $3,628 2016 In Kind Services $0 $3,628 $0 $0 $3,628 $3,628 $3,628 2017 In Kind Services $0 $3,628 $0 $0 $3,628 $3,628 $3,628 2018 In Kind Services $0 $3,628 $0 $0 $3,628 $3,628 $3,628 2019 In Kind Services $0 $3,628 $0 $0 $3,628 $3,628 $4,215 2020 In Kind Services $0 $0 $0 $4,840 $4,840 $4,840 $4,215 2021 In Kind Services $0 $0 $0 $4,840 $4,840 $4,840 $4,215 2022 In Kind Services $0 $0 $0 $4,840 $4,840 $4,840 $4,215 2023 In Kind Services $0 $0 $0 $4,840 $4,840 $4,840 $4,215 2024 In Kind Services $0 $0 $0 $4,840 $4,840 $4,840 Totals: $0 $21,768 $82,500 $24,200 $128,468 $128,468 ( Last Revised: 20-00 - In Progress Total Programmed: $128,4681 TIP ID CP -10083 IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Newport Beach, City of Local Project Number: 12-NBCH-ECP-3639 Project Title Additional Project IDs: 12-NBCH-ECP-3639 Newport Dunes Litter Removal (Storm Drain Interceptors Tier 1) Type of Work: Environmental Cleanup Project Description Type of Work Description: Environmental Install storm interceptors and trash skimmers to clean water before it enters the ocean. This is under Cleanup - Continuous Deflection Separator (CDS) the Storm Water Pollution Mitigation Program. Limits FISCAL FUND TYPE ENG ROW CON/IMP O&M TOTAL TOTAL Backbay Drive near the Hyatt Regency hotel. YEAR ESCALATED (Newport Dunes to Newport Bay) 2013 Environmental Cleanup $0 $0 $90,000 $0 $90,000 $90,000 Project Notes Program (ECP) - Tier 1 Project completed FY14-15 - Construction Phase 2014 In Kind Services $0 $3,628 $0 $0 $3,628 $3,628 completed - O&M Phase underway Operations & 2015 In Kind Services $0 $3,628 $0 $0 $3,628 $3,628 Maintenance 2016 In Kind Services $0 $3,628 $0 $0 $3,628 $3,628 2017 In Kind Services $0 $3,628 $0 $0 $3,628 $3,628 2018 In Kind Services $0 $3,628 $0 $0 $3,628 $3,628 2019 In Kind Services $0 $3,628 $0 $0 $3,628 $3,628 2020 In Kind Services $0 $0 $0 $4,215 $4,215 $4,215 2021 In Kind Services $0 $0 $0 $4,215 $4,215 $4,215 2022 In Kind Services $0 $0 $0 $4,215 $4,215 $4,215 2023 In Kind Services $0 $0 $0 $4,215 $4,215 $4,215 2024 In Kind Services $0 $0 $0 $4,215 $4,215 $4,215 Last Revised: 20-00 - In Progress Totals: $0 $21,768 $90,000 $21,075 $132,843 $132,843 Total Programmed: $132,843 3-6 https://ocfundtracker.octa.net/CIP/report-project-listing 1/5 5/28/2020 https://ocfundtracker.octa.net/CIP/report_ project_ listing Local Project Number: 18-NBCH-ECP-3923 Project Title Additional Project IDs: 18-NBCH-ECP-3923 Newport Bay Marina Trash Skimmer Litter Removal (Storm Drain Interceptors Tier 1) Project Title Type of Work: Environmental Cleanup Project Description Balboa Peninsula Trolley Expansion Additional Project IDs: Type of Work Description: Environmental Install trash skimmers to clean water before it enters the ocean. This is under the Storm Water Cleanup - Runoff Diversion Pollution mitigation Program Type of Work: Transit Project Description Limits FISCAL FUND TYPE ENG ROW CON/IMP O&M TOTAL TOTAL Newport Bay Marina YEAR Shuttle program for the Balboa Peninsula area. ESCALATED Project Notes 2019 Other $0 $0 $31,431 $0 $31,431 $31,431 Project completed FY14-15 - Construction Phase 2019 Environmental Cleanup Program $0 $0 $125,726 $0 $125,726 $125,726 Completed - O&M phase underway Operations & (ECP) - Tier 1 ESCALATED Project Notes 2021 PROJECT V - Community Maintenance 2020 Other $0 $0 $0 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 Circulators 2021 Other $0 $0 $0 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 Other: Balboa Village Parking Management 2022 Other $0 $0 $0 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $20,729 $20,729 $20,729 2023 Other $0 $0 $0 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 Totals: $0 $0 $157,157 $8,800 $165,957 $165,957 Last Revised: 20-00 - In Progress Total Programmed: $165,9571 T1r •- rD i,-- „ Project Title Local Project Number: 16-NBCH-CBT-3832 Project Title Additional Project IDs: Balboa Peninsula Trolley Expansion Additional Project IDs: Balboa Peninsula Trolley Type of Work: Transit Project Description Type of Work Description: Transit - New Service Shuttle program for the Balboa Peninsula area. Provide trolley service for an additional 5 weekends in August through Limits FISCAL FUND TYPE ENG ROW CON/IMP O&M TOTAL TOTAL Balboa Peninsula YEAR O&M TOTAL TOTAL ESCALATED Project Notes 2021 PROJECT V - Community $0 $0 $0 $106,889 $106,889 $106,889 Circulators Project Notes 2021 Other $0 Other: Balboa Village Parking Management 2021 Other $0 $0 $0 $20,729 $20,729 $20,729 District PROJECT V - Community $0 $0 $0 $67,409 $67,409 2022 Other $0 $0 $0 $20,729 $20,729 $20,729 2022 PROJECT V - Community $0 $0 $0 $106,889 $106,889 $106,889 2022 Circulators $0 $0 $0 $67,409 $67,409 2023 PROJECT V - Community $0 $0 $0 $106,889 $106,889 $106,889 Circulators 2022 2023 Other $0 $0 $0 $20,729 $20,729 $20,729 Totals: $0 $0 $0 $382,854 $382,854 $382,854 Last Revised: 20-00 - In Progress Total Programmed: $382,8541 Local Project Number: 18-NBCH-CBT-3913 Project Title Additional Project IDs: Balboa Peninsula Trolley Expansion Type of Work: Transit Project Description Type of Work Description: Transit - New Service Provide trolley service for an additional 5 weekends in August through to Labor Day Limits FISCAL FUND TYPE ENG ROW CON/IMP O&M TOTAL TOTAL Balboa Peninsula YEAR ESCALATED Project Notes 2021 Other $0 $0 $0 $38,560 $38,560 $38,560 Other: Balboa Village Parking Management 2021 PROJECT V - Community $0 $0 $0 $67,409 $67,409 $67,409 District Circulators 2022 PROJECT V - Community $0 $0 $0 $67,409 $67,409 $67,409 Circulators 2022 Other $0 $0 $0 $38,560 $38,560 $38,560 2023 PROJECT V - Community $0 $0 $0 $67,409 $67,409 $67,409 Circulators 2023 Other $0 $0 $0 $38,560 $38,560 $38,560 Last Revised: 20-00 - In Progress Totals: $0 $0 $0 $317,907 $317,907 $317,907 Total Programmed: $317,9071 3-7 https://ocfundtracker.octa.net/CIP/report_project_listing 2/5 5/28/2020 https://ocfundtracker.octa.net/CIP/report_ project_ listing Local Project Number: Project Title Additional Project IDs: Superior Avenue and West Coast Highway Intersection Improvements Type of Work: Bridge Project Description Type of Work Description: Bridge - Construction Construction of a 240 feet long bicycle and pedestrian bridge over heavily trafficked, 8 lane Superior of new bridge crossing Avenue. Includes new landings on the south-east and north-east corners of the intersections, as well as site improvements. Limits FISCAL TOTAL FUND TYPE ENG ROW CON/IMP O8M TOTAL YEAR ESCALATED Bridge will span Superior Ave at the intersection of Pacific Coast Hwy and Balboa Blvd 2021 General Fund $420,000 $0 $1,883,607 $0 $2,303,607 $2,360,115 Project Notes 2021 Bicycle Corridor $0 $0 $2,349,600 $0 $2,349,600 $2,420,088 General Fund (4.0%): Transportation and Improvement Program Circulation General Fund (39%): FFP: Parks/ 2021 Intersection Capacity $780,000 $0 $0 $0 $780,000 $780,000 Community Centers OCTA Bicycle Cooridor Enhancements (ICE) Imprvmt: (43%) Measure M Competitive: (14%) Totals: $1,200,000 $0 $4,233,207 $0 $5,433,207 $5,560,203 Total Programmed: $5,433,207 3-8 https://ocfundtracker.octa.net/CIP/report_project_listing 3/5 5/28/2020 https://ocfundtracker.octa.net/CIP/report_ project _listing Local Project Number: N/A Project Title Local Project Number: Project Title Additional Project IDs: Balboa Peninsula Crosswalks Improvements Type of Work: Pedestrian Project Description Additional Project IDs: Various Pavement Rehabilitation Projects markings, and street improvements on Balboa Peninsula at 26th and 28th streets. Limits FISCAL TOTAL FUND TYPE ENG ROW CON/IMP O&M TOTAL Balboa Peninsula at 26th and 28th streets YEAR ESCALATED Type of Work: Road Maintenance Project Description 2021 Measure M2 Local $133,159 $0 $0 $0 $133,159 $133,159 Fairshare Type of Work Description: Road Maintenance - Various pavement rehabilitation projects as determined by the Pavement Management Program and Rehabilitation of roadway field reviews Limits FISCAL FUND TYPE ENG ROW CON/IMP O&M TOTAL TOTAL Citywide YEAR ESCALATED Project Notes 2021 General Fund $622,424 $0 $5,601,816 $0 $6,224,240 $6,392,294 M Fair Share (25%) Gas Tax (25%) General Fund 2021 Gas Tax $44,727 $0 $402,539 $0 $447,265 $459,341 (0.2%): CalRecycle Grant Fund General Fund 2021 Measure M2 Local $177,979 $0 $1,601,811 $0 $1,779,790 $1,827,844 (0.4%): PCH Relinquishment General Fund Fairshare (1.0%): Neighborhood Enhancement General 2022 Gas Tax $200,000 $0 $1,800,000 $0 $2,000,000 $2,109,620 Fund (2.4%): Wastewater Capital General Fund (1.0%): Wastewater Enterprise LSR: S61 Fund 2022 General Fund $150,000 $0 $1,350,000 $0 $1,500,000 $1,582,215 (18%) 2022 Measure M2 Local $170,326 $0 $1,532,933 $0 $1,703,259 $1,796,615 Fairshare 2022 Local Streets and $150,000 $0 $1,350,000 $0 $1,500,000 $1,582,215 Roads apportionments 2023 Local Streets and $150,000 $0 $1,350,000 $0 $1,500,000 $1,625,181 Roads apportionments 2023 Measure M2 Local $167,090 $0 $1,503,807 $0 $1,670,897 $1,810,341 Fairshare 2023 Gas Tax $200,000 $0 $1,800,000 $0 $2,000,000 $2,166,909 2023 General Fund $150,000 $0 $1,350,000 $0 $1,500,000 $1,625,181 2024 Measure M2 Local $172,102 $0 $1,548,922 $0 $1,721,024 $1,915,427 Fairshare 2024 Gas Tax $200,000 $0 $1,800,000 $0 $2,000,000 $2,225,916 2024 General Fund $150,000 $0 $1,350,000 $0 $1,500,000 $1,669,437 2024 Local Streets and $150,000 $0 $1,350,000 $0 $1,500,000 $1,669,437 Roads apportionments 2025 General Fund $150,000 $0 $1,350,000 $0 $1,500,000 $1,715,020 2025 Measure M2 Local $177,093 $0 $1,593,841 $0 $1,770,934 $2,024,792 Fairshare 2025 Local Streets and $150,000 $0 $1,350,000 $0 $1,500,000 $1,715,020 Roads apportionments 2025 Gas Tax $200,000 $0 $1,800,000 $0 $2,000,000 $2,286,693 2026 Local Streets and $150,000 $0 $1,350,000 $0 $1,500,000 $1,761,971 Roads apportionments 2026 Measure M2 Local $182,052 $0 $1,638,468 $0 $1,820,520 $2,138,468 Fairshare 2026 General Fund $150,000 $0 $1,350,000 $0 $1,500,000 $1,761,971 2026 Gas Tax $200,000 $0 $1,800,000 $0 $2,000,000 $2,349,294 2027 Measure M2 Local $186,967 $0 $1,682,707 $0 $1,869,674 $2,256,484 Fairshare 2027 General Fund $150,000 $0 $1,350,000 $0 $1,500,000 $1,810,330 2027 Gas Tax $200,000 $0 $1,800,000 $0 $2,000,000 $2,413,773 2027 Local Streets and $150,000 $0 $1,350,000 $0 $1,500,000 $1,810,330 Roads apportionments Totals: $4,900,760 $0 $44,106,843 $0 $49,007,603 $54,502,119 (Last Revised: 20-00 - In Progress Total Programmed: $49,007,6031 TIP ID CD -11Q 0 IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Newport Beach, City of Local Project Number: Project Title Additional Project IDs: Balboa Peninsula Crosswalks Improvements Type of Work: Pedestrian Project Description Type of Work Description: Pedestrian - Other This project designs and implements various crosswalk enhancements, striping and pavement markings, and street improvements on Balboa Peninsula at 26th and 28th streets. Limits FISCAL TOTAL FUND TYPE ENG ROW CON/IMP O&M TOTAL Balboa Peninsula at 26th and 28th streets YEAR ESCALATED Project Notes 2021 General Fund $155,400 $0 $0 $0 $155,400 $155,400 2021 Measure M2 Local $133,159 $0 $0 $0 $133,159 $133,159 Fairshare Last Revised: 20-00 - In Progress https://ocfundtracker.octa.net/CIP/report-project-listing Totals: $288,559 $0 $0 $0 $288,559 $288,559 Total 3-9 4/5 5/28/2020 https://ocfundtracker.octa.net/CIP/report_ project_ listing Local Project Number: Project Title Additional Project IDs: Culver Dr. / Bonita Canyon Dr. Traffic Signal Synchronization Type of Work: Traffic Signals Project Description Type of Work Description: Traffic Signals - This project enhances traffic signal coordination at 22 signals along the Culver Drive - Bonita Canyon Coordinate signals within project limits Drive corridor. Limits FISCAL YEAR FUND TYPE ENG ROW CON/IMP O&M TOTAL TOTAL ESCALATED Culver Drive - Bonita Canyon Drive Corridor 2021 General Fund $0 $0 $0 $165,790 $165,790 $165,790 Project Notes Totals: $0 $0 $0 $165,790 $165,790 $165,790 Last Revised: 20-00 - In Progress Total Programmed: $165,790 IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Ne, Local Project Number: Project Title Additional Project IDs: MacArthur Blvd Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Type of Work: Traffic Signals Project Description Type of Work Description: Traffic Signals - This project enhances traffic signal coordination at 22 signals along the MacArthur Boulevard corridor. Coordinate signals within project limits Limits FISCAL YEAR FUND TYPE ENG ROW CON/IMP O&M TOTAL TOTAL ESCALATED MacArthur Boulevard from Coast Highway to Birch 2021 General Fund $0 $0 $0 $158,000 $158,000 $158,000 Street Project Notes Totals: $0 $0 $0 $158,000 $158,000 $158,000 Last Revised: 20-00 - In Progress Total Programmed: $158,0001 3-10 https://ocfundtracker.octa.net/CIP/report_project_listing 5/5 ATTACHMENT B RESOLUTION NO. 2020- 53 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, CONCERNING THE UPDATE OF THE LOCAL SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION PLAN FOR THE MEASURE M (M2) PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Orange County Transportation Authority ("OCTA") has developed the Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Master Plan to identify traffic signal synchronization street routes and traffic signals within and across jurisdictional boundaries, and defines the means of implementing the Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program; and WHEREAS, the Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program requires that local agencies adopt a Local Signal Synchronization Plan consistent with the Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Master Plan as a key component of local agencies' efforts to synchronizing traffic signals across local agencies' boundaries; and WHEREAS, the Local Signal Synchronization Plan must be updated by June 30, 2020 to continue to be eligible to receive Net Revenues as part of OCTA's Measure M2; and WHEREAS, "Net Revenues" is defined by OCTA in its Measure M2 Ordinance as "[a]II of the gross revenues generated from the transactions and use tax plus any interest or other earnings thereon (collectively, "Revenues"), after the deduction for: (i) amounts payable to the State Board of Equalization for the performance of functions incidental to the administration and operation of the Ordinance, (ii) costs for the administration of the Ordinance as provided herein, (iii) two percent (2%) of the Revenues annually allocated for Environmental Cleanup, and (iv) satisfaction of debt service requirements of all bonds issued pursuant to the Ordinance that are not satisfied out of separate allocations, shall be defined as 'Net Revenues' and shall be allocated solely for the transportation purposes described in the Ordinance." NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach resolves as follows: Section 1: The City Council does hereby inform OCTA that: 3-11 Resolution No. 2020 - Page 2 of 3 a) The City adopts and maintains a Local Signal Synchronization Plan, which includes goals that are consistent with those outlined as part of the Regional Signal Synchronization Master Plan, including signal synchronization across jurisdictions, b) The Local Signal Synchronization Plan identifies traffic signal synchronization street routes, including all elements of the Regional Signal Synchronization Network located within the City; c) The Local Signal Synchronization Plan includes the traffic signal inventory for all traffic signal synchronization street routes; d) The Local Signal Synchronization Plan includes a three-year plan showing capital, operations, and maintenance of signal synchronization along the traffic signal synchronization street routes and traffic signals; e) The Local Signal Synchronization Plan includes an update on the status and performance of traffic signal synchronization activities; and f) The Local Signal Synchronization Plan includes a discussion on the review and revision, as may be necessary, on the timing of traffic signals on the traffic signal synchronization street routes. Section 2: The recitals provided in this resolution are true and correct and are incorporated into the operative part of this resolution. Section 3: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this resolution. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this resolution, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4: The City Council finds the adoption of this resolution is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. 3-12 Resolution No. 2020 - Page 3 of 3 Section 5: This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council, and the City Clerk shall certify the vote adopting the resolution. ADOPTED this 9th day of June, 2020. ATTEST: Leilani i. Brown City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Aar n C. Harp City Attorney Will O'Neill Mayor 3-13 ATTACHMENT C LOCAL SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION PLAN CONSISTENCY REVIEW CHECKLIST The Local Agency Name: City of Newport Beach Plan Date: O5/2T/2.040 Local agencies must submit a copy of the Local Signal Synchronization Plan, a completed consistency review checklist, and any supporting documentation. Complete the table below. Complete the table below: Local Agency Statement Page #s in LSSP Provided or NIA 1. Signal synchronization goals of the agency are consistent with those outlined as part of the Regional Traffic Signal 4 Provided Synchronization Master Plan. 2. Traffic signal synchronization street routes are identified, including all corridors along the regional signal synchronization network 6 Provided located within the local agency. 3. Traffic signal inventory for all traffic signal synchronization street routes. 8-11 Provided 4. Three-year plan separately showing costs, available funding, and phasing for capital, operations, and maintenance of signal synchronization along the traffic signal synchronization street 13-15 Provided routes and traffic signals for constrained, unconstrained and build -out scenarios. 5. Signal synchronization review, revision, and assessment of synchronization activities along the traffic signal synchronization 17-18 Provided street routes and traffic signals. I certify that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge. Signature David Webb, Public Works Director, City of Newport Beach Printed Name, Title, & Local Agency 5 Z?-zaZd Date 3-14 LOCAL SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION PLAN 3-15 SECTION ONE TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION GOALS 3-16 Continued growth in Orange County and the City of Newport Beach, creates increasing demands on regional and local roadways. With this demand comes increased travel time delays, which adversely affects the community. Roadways also have modern needs to suit the community, such as, future development, landscaping and consideration of other roadway users. As the past practice of continually widening roadways is no longer sustainable, other efficiency -inducing alternatives, such as traffic signal synchronization are required. It is important to note that traffic has been significantly lighter starting in mid-March 2020 due to the statewide stay-at-home order in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic. Therefore, travel times do not accurately represent normal traffic conditions. Goals will need to be adjusted according as shelter -in-place orders are gradually lifted and traffic levels move to relatively normal levels. To achieve the City of Newport Beach goal of reducing impacts from the movement of people and goods, while balancing the needs of the community and promoting other modes of travel, the City looks to increasing the efficiency of the roadway system through key improvements and traffic signal synchronization. Noting traffic signal synchronization as a primary tool to achieve the City's goal, the Newport Beach City Council identified it as a City Council Priority. Through the City's Traffic Signal Modernization Project, the City of Newport Beach has created a fiber optic communication network, constructed a working Traffic Management Center (TMC) at the Civic Center, updated 122 of the City -operated traffic signals, installed 39 Closed Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV) and trained staff to operate the advanced traffic signal system. The City completed the multi-year, eight -phase Traffic Signal Modernization Project in FY16-17. All 123 city -operated traffic signal are integrated into the City's TMC along with a total of 66 CCTV cameras. The City actively operates and maintains the traffic signals by use of City Traffic Engineering Staff, contract maintenance services, and consultant services for project design and traffic signal timing. Traffic signal rehabilitation is accomplished through the City's annual Capital Improvement Program. Through the Traffic Signal Modernization Project, traffic signal timing, including corridor coordination, was reviewed and updated. Examination of traffic signal timing along arterial corridors is planned on a three-year cycle. During the review, the traffic signal timing will be checked for compliance with the latest adopted standards and updated if necessary. Regional corridors and shared intersections will include coordination with other agency stakeholders to ensure positive traffic flow across jurisdictional boundaries. Traffic signal timing will be monitored through bi-annual travel time studies and fine-tuned as necessary. Funding for the past Traffic Signal Modernization Project has been a combination of local and Measure M1/M2 grant funding. The annual Traffic Signal Rehabilitation Projects and ongoing maintenance and operation of the traffic signal system are funded through local sources. 3-17 SECTION TWO TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION STREET ROUTES 3-18 0 LEGEND COORDINATED ROUTE COORDINATED ROUTE (NON -CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY) NON -COORDINATED ROUTE UNIVERSITY DR - CITY BOUNDARY BISON AVE SAN O SECTION THREE TRAFFIC SIGNAL INVENTORY 3-20 Traffic Synchronization Inventory City of Newport Beach Corridor Cross Street Intersection AM Cycle LengthEquipment MID PM WKND Maintenance Responsibility Cabinet Type Software Detection Bike Detection CCN Power Backup Comm Other ITS ATMS Status Avocado Avenue Corona Del Mar Plaza Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Fiber Centracs Online Civic Center Drive Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Video Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online San Miguel Road 140 140 1 150 150 1 Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Balboa Boulevard Main Street Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu N/A Copper Centracs Online Palm Street Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu N/A Fiber Centracs Online 15th Street Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online 21st Street 90 110 110 120 Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online 22nd Street -23rd Street 90 1 110 110 1 120 Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online 32nd Street Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online River Avenue Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Bayside Drive Marine Avenue Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Bayview Place Bristol Street South 80 70 80 60 1 Newport Beach Other Cobalt ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Bayview Circle Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) Cobalt ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Wireless Centracs Online Birch Street -Mesa Drive Acacia Street Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Fiber Centracs Online Birch Street Orchard Drive Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Wireless Centracs Online Bristol Street South 80 70 80 1 60 Newport Beach Other Cobalt ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Bristol Street North 80 70 80 60 Newport Beach Other Cobalt ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Quail Street 65 60 65 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Copper Centracs Online Dove Street 65 60 65 Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Copper Centracs Online Von Karman Avenue Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Copper Centracs Online Bison Avenue Country Club Drive Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Fiber Centracs Online Camelback Street Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Bayswater Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Copper Centracs Online 73 Freeway SB Ramps Free Free Free Free Caltrans 170/170E Bonita Canyon Drive Mesa View Drive Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Copper Centracs Online Prairie Road Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Copper Centracs Online Chambord Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Copper Centracs Online 73 Freeway SB Ramps Free Free Free Free Caltrans 170/170E Campus Drive Bristol Street North 80 70 80 60 Newport Beach Other ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Quail Street 65 60 65 Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Fiber Centracs Online Dove Street 65 60 65 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Airport Entrance 65 60 65 Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Fiber Centracs Online Martin Avenue 120 100 120 100 Irvine 2070 Von Karman Avenue 100 100 100 100 Irvine 2070 Teller Avenue 75 60 75 60 Irvine 2070 Coast Highway Orange Street 120 100 1 120 100 1 Caltrans 2070 Prospect Street 120 100 120 100 Caltrans 2070 Superior Avenue 120 100 120 100 Caltrans 2070 Hoag Drive 120 100 120 100 Caltrans 2070 Newport Blvd SB Ramp 120 100 120 100 Caltrans 1 2070 Riverside Avenue 120 100 120 100 Caltrans 2070 Tustin Avenue 1201 100 120 100 Caltrans 2070 3-21 Traffic Synchronization Inventory City of Newport Beach Corridor Cross Street Intersection AM Cycle LengthEquipment MID PM WKND Maintenance Responsibility Cabinet Type Software Detection Bike Detection CCN Power Backup Comm Other ITS ATMS Status Balboa Bay Club 120 100 120 100 Caltrans 2070 Dover Drive 120 100 120 100 Caltrans 2070 Bayside Drive 120 100 120 100 Caltrans 2070 Promontory Drive 120 100 120 100 Caltrans 2070 Jamboree Road 150 140 160 140 Newport Beach Other ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Irvine Terrace 150 140 160 140 Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Newport Center Drive 75 140 160 140 Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Avocado Avenue 150 140 160 140 Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online MacArthur Blvd 150 140 160 140 Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Goldenrod Avenue 150 140 160 140 Newport Beach Other ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Iris Avenue 150 140 160 140 Newport Beach Other ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Marguerite Avenue 150 140 160 140 Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Poppy Avenue 150 140 1 160 140 1 Newport Beach Other ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Morning Canyon Road 150 140 160 140 Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Cameo Shores/Highland 150 140 160 140 Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Pelican Pointe Drive 150 140 160 140 Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Newport Coast Drive 150 140 160 140 Newport Beach Other ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Los Trancos 120 80 120 100 Caltrans 2070 Crystal Heights Drive 120 80 120 100 Caltrans 2070 Reef Point Drive 120 80 120 100 Caltrans 2070 Dover Drive Cliff Drive 110 120 130 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online 16th Street/Castaways Lane 110 120 130 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Westcliff Drive 110 120 130 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Ford Road Southern Hills Drive Free Free Free Free Newport Beach M ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Copper Centracs Online Irvine Avenue Westcliff Drive 105 110 115 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) Cobalt ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Mariners School 105 110 115 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Dover Drive 105 110 115 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Highland Drive 105 110 115 Free Newport Beach Other ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Santiago Drive 105 110 115 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Santa Isabel Avenue Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Fiber Centracs Online University Drive 105 110 115 Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu N/A Fiber Centracs Online Mesa Drive 105 110 115 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Orchard Drive 105 110 115 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Bristol Street South 80 70 80 60 Newport Beach Other ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Jamboree Road Back Bay Drive 70 60 80 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Island Lagoon Drive 70 60 80 Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Santa Barbara Drive 130 120 130 Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online San Joaquin Hills Road 130 120 130 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Ford Road 130 120 130 Free Newport Beach Other ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Bison Avenue 130 120 130 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) Cobalt ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online University Drive 130 120 130 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) Cobalt ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Bayview Way 160 140 160 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online 3-22 Traffic Synchronization Inventory City of Newport Beach Corridor Cross Street Intersection AM Cycle LengthEquipment MID PM WKND Maintenance Responsibility Cabinet Type Software Detection Bike Detection CCN Power Backup Comm Other ITS ATMS Status Bristol Street South 160 140 160 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Video Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Bristol Street North 80 70 80 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Video Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online MacArthur Blvd 160 140 160 Free Newport Beach Other ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Centerpointe 160 140 160 Free Irvine 2070 Fairchild Road 160 140 160 Free Irvine 2070 Birch Street 160 140 160 140 Irvine 2070 Campus Drive 160 140 160 140 Irvine 2070 MacArthur Boulevard San Miguel Road 140 140 150 150 Newport Beach Other ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online San Joaquin Hills Road 160 160 180 160 Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Bonita Canyon Drive 160 140 180 Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Vilaggio 80 140 180 Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Bison Avenue 160 140 180 Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online 73 Freeway Ramps Free Free Free Free Caltrans 2070 Von Karman Avenue 120 120 120 Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Birch Street 120 120 120 Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Campus Drive 120 120 120 120 Irvine 2070 Newport Boulevard 28th Street 90 55 55 60 Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online 30th Street 90 110 110 120 Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online 32nd Street 90 110 110 120 Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Finley Avenue 90 110 110 120 Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Via Lido 90 110 110 120 Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Hospital Road 144 150 160 150 Caltrans 2070 Newport Center Drive Corporate Plaza Drive Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Copper Centracs Online Civic Center Drive Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu N/A Copper Centracs Online Newport Center Dr East-West Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Copper Centracs Online Newport Center Drive E San Miguel Drive Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu N/A Fiber Centracs Online Santa Rosa Drive Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) Cobalt ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Copper Centracs Online Newport Center Drive W Santa Cruz Drive Free Free Free Free Newport Beach Other ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Copper Centracs Online Santa Barbara Drive Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Copper Centracs Online Newport Coast Drive Pelican Hill Road South Free Free Free Free Newport Beach Other ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Provence Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Pelican Hill Road North Free Free Free I Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Vista Ridge Road Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Ridge Park Road Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online San Joaquin Hills Road Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Gas Recovery 90 80 80 Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Sage Hill 90 80 80 Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Pelican Hill Road South Resort at Pelican Hill Free Free Free Free Newport Beach Other ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Villa Clubhouse Free Free Free Free Newport Beach Other ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Placentia Avenue Hospital Road Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) 1 ASC/3 I ASC/3 Loops Yes I Cohu BBS Copper I I Centracs I Online 15th Street Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Copper Centracs Online Ridge Park Road I Fire Station Free Free Free Free Newport Beach M ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Fiber Centracs Online 10 3-23 Traffic Synchronization Inventory City of Newport Beach Corridor Cross Street Intersection AM Cycle LengthEquipment MID PM WKND Maintenance Responsibility Cabinet Type Software Detection Bike Detection CCN Power Backup Comm Other ITS ATMS Status San Joaquin Hills Road Santa Cruz Drive Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Fiber Centracs Online Santa Rosa Drive Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Fiber Centracs Online San Miguel Road Free Free Free Free Newport Beach 332 2070 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Crown Drive Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Marguerite Avenue Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Spyglass Hill Road Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Fiber Centracs Online Beaulieu Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Fiber Centracs Online Ridge Park Road Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online San Miguel Drive Pacific View Drive Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Yacht Coquette Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Video Yes N/A N/A Fiber Centracs Online Spyglass Hill Road Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Port Ramsey Place Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Fiber Centracs Online Santa Barbara Drive San Clemente Drive Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TSI) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Fiber Centracs Online Santa Cruz Drive San Clemente Drive Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A N/A Fiber Centracs Online Superior Avenue Ticonderoga Street Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Hospital Road Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS1) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online Placentia Avenue Free Free Free Free Newport Beach Other ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Fiber Centracs Online Hoag Health Care Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) ASC/3 ASC/3 Loops Yes N/A BBS Fiber Centracs Online University Drive La Vida Free Free Free Free Newport Beach P (TS2 Type 2) Cobalt ASC/3 Loops Yes Cohu BBS Copper Centracs Online 73 Freeway SB Ramps Free Free Free Free Caltrans 1 2070 MacArthur Blvd SB Ramps Free Free Free Free Caltrans 2070 11 3-24 SECTION FOUR TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION SYSTEM AND THREE YEAR PLAN 3-25 3 -YEAR OUTLOOK TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION Funding Needs for Synchronized Operation (Constrained) Reporting Jurisdiction Expenditures: City of Newport Beach Type of Traffic Signal Synchronization Expenditures in Year of Expenditure Dollars MAINTENANCE PROJECT FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 TOTAL Ongoing Equipment and Communication Maintenance $460,000 $460,000 $460,000 $1,380,000 $165,790 MacArthur Boulevard Coast Hwy RTSSP $158,000 $158,000 Subtotal Construction $2,092,416 $750,000 $750,000 $3,592,416 Subtotal Maintenance $460,000 $460,000 $460,000 $1,380,000 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 TOTAL Annual Traffic Signal Rehabilitation Project $1,768,626 $750,000 $750,000 $3,268,626 Culver Drive / Bonita Canyon Drive RTSSP $165,790 $165,790 MacArthur Boulevard Coast Hwy RTSSP $158,000 $158,000 Subtotal Construction $2,092,416 $750,000 $750,000 $3,592,416 OPERATIONS PROJECT FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 TOTAL Subtotal Operations $2,552,416 $1,210,000 $1,210,000 $4,972,416 3-26 3 -YEAR OUTLOOK TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION Funding Needs for Synchronized Operation (Unconstrained) Reporting Jurisdiction Expenditures: City of Newport Beach Type of Traffic Signal Synchronization Expenditures in Year of Expenditure Dollars MAINTENANCE PROJECT FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 TOTAL Ongoing Equipment and Communication Maintenance $460,000 $460,000 $460,000 $1,380,000 $158,000 $158,000 Subtotal Construction $2,092,416 $750,000 $750,000 $3,592,416 Subtotal Maintenance $460,000 $460,000 $460,000 $1,380,000 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 TOTAL Annual Traffic Signal Rehabilitation Project $1,768,626 $750,000 $750,000 $3,268,626 Culver Drive / Bonita Canyon Drive RTSSP $165,790 $165,790 MacArthur Boulevard Coast Hwy RTSSP $158,000 $158,000 Subtotal Construction $2,092,416 $750,000 $750,000 $3,592,416 OPERATIONS PROJECT FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 TOTAL Subtotal Operations $2,552,416 $1,210,000 $1,210,000 $4,972,416 3-27 LSSP IMPLEMENTATION - CANDIDATE SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION PROJECTS WITH ESTIMATED COSTS Reporting Jurisdiction Expenditures: City of Newport Beach This includes potential signal synchronization -related upgrades and their respective estimated costs. These corridors are either currently uncoordinated or would benefit from incorporated improvements and provide existing corridors with improved compatibility, increased functionality and reliability. CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT SUMMARY ESTIMATED COST Balboa Boulevard — River Avenue to 32nd Street Closure of missing communication link: installation of new hardware, and fiber optic cable upgrades, integrate into TMC $50,000 MacArthur Boulevard RTSSP Upgrade timing, installation of new hardware, fiber optic cable upgrades and CCTV cameras, integrate into TMC $158,000 Total Estimated Cost $208,000 3-28 SECTION FIVE TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION ASSESSMENT REVIEW AND REVISE, AS MAY BE NECESSARY, THE TIMING OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS Significant timing plan updates and projects completed FY 2017/2018 through 2019/2020 3-29 Completed in FY16-17, the eight -phase, multi-year Traffic Signal Modernization Program has been the City of Newport Beach project to update traffic signal equipment, communication infrastructure and traffic signal timing to achieve the goal of synchronizing city -operated traffic signals. The project included equipment, communication, and signal timing updates at a total of 120 signalized intersections and installation of 43 CCTV cameras. As these program projects were completed with local funds, or through the original Measure M grant program, the City measured project success qualitatively. Considering many of the City's arterials were coordinated prior to the modernization project, the improvements to travel times have not been significant for daily commuters. Instead, the system has allowed for additional coordination patterns, fine-tuning and monitoring of the coastal areas during the peak season. Through use of the system, traffic engineering staff is better able to handle seasonal peaks and incidents. Additionally, there have been noticeable improvements in system reliability, incident/malfunction response time, and incident/special event support. The modern system has also allowed staff to further fine-tune the system through easier access and control. Through the City's TMC, traffic engineering staff actively monitors, manages and optimizes signal timing via Centracs, an advanced traffic management system (ATMS). Signal maintenance provides continual operational functionality of field equipment. The traffic signal timing will be fine-tuned as necessary as bi-annual travel time studies and Corridor Synchronization Performance Index (CSPI) rankings provide corridor performance baselines and evaluation methodologies. In-depth review of coordination and arterial corridor traffic signal timing along with arterial corridors are planned on a three-year cycle. During the review, the traffic signal timing will be checked for compliance with the latest adopted standards and updated if necessary. The annual traffic signal rehabilitation projects provide ongoing maintenance and operation of the traffic signal system. Regional corridors and shared intersections will include coordination with other agency stakeholders to ensure positive traffic flow across jurisdictional boundaries. 3-30 TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION ASSESSMENT, REVIEW AND REVISION LOCAL AGENCY CORRIDORTIMING TIMING .. SPEED TRAVEL STOPS UPDATE RESULTS (IF AVAILABLE) (Past 3 Years) BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER Newport Boulevard (NB) 25.1 25.9 1.22 0.75 2.47 4.60 70.3 93.2 AM Newport Boulevard (SB) 26.1 25.7 1.13 0.81 3.40 4.60 80.1 92.3 Newport Boulevard (NB) 23.4 24.4 1.13 0.86 2.73 4.60 70.6 89.8 MD Newport Boulevard (SB) 25.2 25.3 0.94 0.83 4.60 4.20 90.2 88.2 2018 Newport Boulevard (NB) 25.0 25.9 0.83 0.75 4.20 4.60 87.7 93.1 PM Newport Boulevard (SB) 23.6 23.2 1.10 1.15 4.00 3.40 81.4 75.4 Newport Boulevard (NB) 27.7 25.7 1.30 1.20 2.50 3.50 74.2 78.4 WKND Newport Boulevard (SB) 28.4 30.0 1.10 1.00 3.60 3.70 84.6 87.1 Bristol Street (NB) 32.6 31.4 1.08 1.27 5.00 5.00 97.3 97.0 AM Bristol Street (SB) 30.6 35.6 1.21 0.83 4.20 5.00 92.0 106.0 Bristol Street (NB) 33.3 36.0 1.08 0.83 5.00 5.00 102.0 107.0 MD Bristol Street (SB) 28.6 34.0 1.08 1.18 5.00 3.00 96.0 86.0 2018 Bristol Street (NB) 19.0 20.0 1.80 1.80 5.00 5.00 80.0 78.0 PM Bristol Street (SB) 26.0 27.0 1.40 1.20 3.40 4.20 77.0 87.0 Bristol Street (NB) 25.4 35.7 1.32 0.95 5.00 5.00 90.0 106.0 WKND Bristol Street (SB) 31.7 35.1 1.44 1.08 2.33 4.20 75.0 98.0 18 3-31