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X2019-0792 - Permits
Cis, of Newport Beach - Building Division��IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �� MB Permit: X219-.0792 as 100 Civic Center Drive,. Newport Beach, CA 92660 X 2 0 1 9 0 7 9 2 Pr jvt N 0532-2019 H Permit Counter Phone (949)644-3288 z / Inspection Requests Phone (949)644-3255 Fft,.\§ D �"a5rslls w'T Combination Type - SFP GRAELEC MECH PLUM. , Ol J ty% Issued tie: 08/23/2019 ctio ea: 2 PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OR LAST VALID INS TION. Construction Hours: Monday- Friday 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Saturday from 8:00 a m„tq(C ..00 p.m. No ork c n Sundays or Holidays Job Address: 108 PEARLAVE NB Description NEW SFR W/ATT GAR 2324 & 395 SF \ �'�. Legal Desc : BALBOA ISLAND RESUB SEC 1 BLK 7 LOT 30 r'/ IN Owner LISSOY SCOTT Contractor AFAR WEST INDUSTRIES hitect, • 0 1 Address: . 108 PEARL AVE Address �,t-� 2922 DAIjALER STREET � )� Address: ®•••° NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 SAN ANA CA4'`a `'> rv�� °® ° m••°°� Phone: 949-224-1970 Ph 9-224-1971.0"""' >' 4.k;� s s+ I ,ane# „q StBjet J;'1, " - • m o • <. s�Pha Applicant. GUIDERO WILLIAM � o 333666,',",\,'�� r> �" -� E eer.�BRI(„L ppICH L ° Qo° .Address: 42530TH ST, STE 23 „t i' 08f31J2Q1j-, r�''f�f Ad s: 4i83 E20T. T T ° Z °O NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 .sem c �,sx,, BT3Q $BSR,v �7F°x&j`` COSTA.y 2f?v7 ° °° ° LU-0 Phone: 949.675-2626 r3„' Exp tek k'�p�,13'1 920 z°�,ione:. 9119-6 6. a Lio:S-0029 • m °° �- k: i�* j des• a ,p*� p ® Y •mOo° Code Edit . - 2016 a?' orke pensa'tidti'I�nsance ',i� `�'" Designer, DI I�tVL W ° W° •s,,. y g t,c°oo Type of Construction V-B-SPR .z �'2*` Ca ,1 r „ �40AK RIVUTAt�Cr AddressO23� I�.LI� Occupancy Group: R31U ^� n+ Policy�NoFy'. FAW� Tt�9 ,, ', EW AlTBEACHC 863 "P4: mourn ° Added /New sgft Bldg. 2324 o �yxpire ` 12/01 01 hone. 141,75-2626,. Added /New sq. ft. Garage:: 395 Az _'., No of Stories: 3 \2 -4 Setbacks-"`" ° Rgar Special Conditions: LIQ U�frAC'[IRiy`� FL ZONE �° No of Units : 1 , �,= s'�r �..ront ; '0 D TO 3"tMMM�,,,����D i- Bldg Height 0# _ `�'. 3 �+° NOISE CEIVED Z Bldg Sprinklers: Y °'` :✓,y# �}, ht: 3,;:`,�^1yo O o Flood Zone: ' AE US"`Zone: ^ten Parkin 3a Spaces: • Fire He d Zone Construction Valuation $500,000.00 °y a st ii `4 Building Permit Fee: $3,463.00 Excise T� x $S.jlt9'"D��+` PrleS•Pding Departm Fire Department Z Plan Check Fee: $2,630.00 s �Addihonal Fee . +QO .11 c;�SOa Ian check F .00 Fire Inspection: $0.00 Overtime Plan Ck $0.00 - -Grading Bo`'iIds Fee ,F'?, $0,00 r{ FairSha : $0.00 Fire Plan Rev $0.00 Investigation Fee $0.00 Grading PC Consult nt `,580.56 �;^1`}. SJH ans : $0.00 Demolition Fee Record Management : $64.00 Crying Permit Fee ,,;5$875.00 ieu Housi F $0.00 Building Dept Adm - $0.00 Energy Compliance:. $268.00 Grading PCFee1, .r�" $127.44 ablic Wo s D rtment - General Service $0.00. CA Seismic Safety: $65.00 WQ Insp.Fee, �',� $108.00 Parl , ed, ion: $0.00 Refund Deposit $0.00 Disabled Access : $0.00 - up,, $247.50 Grading Bond: $0.00 Hazardous Mat $0.00 Electrical %: u �' ,d+1ta Building Green Fee: $20.00 Mechanicals 0/: �` i a at $0.00 . 5.12 USD Fee: $1,668.88 $0.00 Plumbing %: $310.77 $0.00 TOTAL FEE : $11,785.97 Ajn,ptfeck Fee : $4,076.25 Fee Due at Permit Issuance : $7,709.72 PROCESSED BY:PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL: /T ZONING APPROVAL:( PLAN CHECK BY: l -�(_� GRADING APPROVAL: ,C`->Yil/ / APPROVAL TO ISSUE: OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractors' State License Law for the reas s) indicated below by the checkmark(s) I have placed next to the applicable item(s) Section 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that s a , demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the app�}ant for :he permit to file a signed statement that he or she is. licensed pursuant t n ense Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and 'rofessions Code) or that he or she is exempt from licensure and the basis for th iolation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the. applicant to a civil pegalty of iot more than five hundred dollars ($500).. - J I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do (_) all of or (_) portions of the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Section 7044, 3usiness and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who, through employees' or personal effort, builds or improves the property, provided that the mprovements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the Owner -Builder will have the burden of proving that it was not built or m roved for the purpose of sale). I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed Contractors to construct the project (Section 7044, Business and Professrdh%'1%de The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a licensed Contractor pursuant -tor fhe Contractors' Statelicense Law). - am exempt frsm licensure under the Contractors' State License Law for the following reason: �+ 3y my signatpre Now I acknowledge that, except for my personal residence in which I must have resided for at least one year prior to completion of the improve ments covered by this permit, I cannot Iegallt sell a�structureffh 1 have built as an owner -builder if it has not been constructed In its. entirety by licensed contractors. I understand'that a copy cf the.aTNipfbl0 law, Section 7044 of the Business and ;rofessions Conc�! is available upon request when this application is M tied" - -E'i$e following Web site:http LLwww;leglnfd�;ca.gov, alavy.^htlr7ltD Cs��l'=� Signature of Psopealy Owner or Authorized Agent - ` U J / �,_ Date '4ICEf1SED CONTRACTOR'S DECLAR,�,'[JIC3t;� �- ' /D �'"-' hERby affirmpndggpenalty of 'aly�h3i'� am I' ens e r o r 9 (commencing ww#p Sectio 40 f o Dlvl on h Business a ions de and y licens is in full force andeffect Ncgplerlass d is G6 S a Date 3r 19 or Signature NOFtKERS'.COMPEN,S TIO"t�I��??,[��♦.�[R.�TION'- ,I --.p d" ; "tw; I -s sxr i` y;sYlfl IlIr�RMNG: FAIL r tQ §gCURE KERS'COMPENSATION COVE E IS UN iNFUL �tNCj FiifhL ABJECT AN , MPLOV€R ' MINA PENALTIES AND�CIVIL FINES UR -TO ONE HUN BOTH SAND DOLLARS IS 0,000), IN ADDITION TO THE �rjyT, COMPENSATION. DAM SyASM'ROVIDED FORIN SECT�aOFT7,�eOffjSD,'„x,. lfl�'EfAl1dAt'16'd5 rtleliiY affirm der den` pLtrjuzen a foll�ng decla? e, i `F I have an Q (Ml�fh�intain cerci at sent'�a>sel�is for orkers' compensation jrfflub'k actor of Industrial Relations s provided for by S ction 3700 of the Labor Code, for th WpWiance of �h� work for wh h thl p d I ed. G y No.. �'L— 4%ve and %J116i%7tntain wor rs' ' ` ✓ Ion insurance, a ec VJ d�' hC1p f'th4r LazpF�bor C r the performance of the work for which this perm) is issued. My workers' compensatiol nr,�nce carrier and policy num er are:w� )arrierPdyl.�mb r Expi don(,g�� Jame of Agent t gn# 'x-✓ a �I certifythat, in the erfor anc f th or, 3.1. ' p employ y p p�yyY h.t p ,jq r ch this permit is issued, shall not em to an "-i an a Tome su }@ct�=/,? tion laws of California, and ogre hat, if I should be..me su lect to e w i nsation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor de, 1 hal �it co VW b A rpvi signature of Applicant WO Y'� b )ECLARATION REGA DING C TRUCTION LEP{p GA,9 d yi hereby affirm under p nalty of perju tha re a ns�tVQa 1 g alenc for the performance of the work for which this perms ssu ecf Civil e).. _ender's Name r?:,,,P+' `� Lender's Address 3y my signature below, I certify to eac Oft IlAing -Xi, � S. a 1�►�+�,1nJ I am the property owner or authori d to act on the pp%sty owner's behalf. r �� I have read this application and the nformahon I have provided is correct. S� / I agree to comply with all applicable city and county or ' an (a a aws relating to buildin cion. / ' Z oX I authorize representatives of this cit o ,gtlEgfp. a ove ntified prone pection / 31gnature of Property Owner or Authorize ant +*Ft ropertOwner's or Authorized Agent's Name p 2 ACTION DATE BY _Dke TIONACE WITH CODE OF FEDERAL FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ,(�ZIJWI T 61CF TITLE 40 AND AQMD RULE. En ' 1493/ PERMITEXPIRED I SUBMITTED ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION TO PERMIT CANCELLED LJEPA PERMITEXTENDED [ qMD PERMITFINAL ASBESTOS NOTIFICATI N IS NO APPLICABLE. TO CERTIFICATE OF O OSED EMOLITION OCCUPANCYISSUED SIGNATU E: 0)/ 2�f/� �_ /� \\\\\ 6� ƒ7 0(D CL « =e = o o a S� 22 /\\0 @� °°°4)0 a�®= LU :s cm CL q 0E §c =)7 2\ /Ecc0 \2-eE% k � \— z — % Euc-C _ S k \ f / CO f ({ / . 2§ L) /[§/C: .� R U) LL / \/b�}/\o \\ } R 2» ®u) \Cues= �o �� _ ��\n \ .�a� D� &_ =/#£E§ U) = m , 2 uj \ ƒ & ��7\2 © ° 2E =2/ 7Eo5 §)« /\g tf ® o \ k Q )_ =c z= t @ @c f\E=�E * k k /S/ 2227E d^ d k \ LO \ / \ W f �) m \ ' � =z§®\ {\ / $�k} \ � \ /]�2 £ � ( { \^ƒ \ � U o j u / 0)/ 2�f/� �_ /� \\\\\ 6� ƒ7 0(D CL « =e = o o a S� 22 /\\0 @� °°°4)0 a�®= LU :s cm CL q 0E §c =)7 2\ /Ecc0 \2-eE% k � \— z — % Euc-C _ S k \ f / CO f ({ / . 2§ L) /[§/C: .� R U) LL / \/b�}/\o \\ } R 2» ®u) \Cues= �o �� _ ��\n \ .�a� D� &_ =/#£E§ U) = m , 2 uj \ ƒ & ��7\2 © ° 2E =2/ 7Eo5 §)« /\g tf ® o \ k Q )_ =c z= t @ @c f\E=�E * k k /S/ 2227E d^ d k \